T11H HKL'UnMCAN. CI.KAHKIKI.n, I'A. WKPNKOtUT MoRNINfl. tKC. II. 1:l. A Party Without Futnro. Tin radieul party lias run its rnco, and to day stands biToro tlio country without a mitwion. Tlirongh politicul depravity it lias curried its pel fchetnci to concl unions. The negro bus boon lilted above tlio bonds of white men. and tho supremo law of tho lund lias been changed to suit tlie Ideas of tlio crack-brained philoso phers of now England. Under radi cal domination tho shipping interests of the country have been wiped out: tho public domnin has bocn sliced up, and a partition made of it, among n set of giganlio corporations, mainly controlled by foreign capital j tho Southern States have boon placed un der tho rod of a parcel of vagrant politicians, and now this system of gi ganlio knavery may well sot down amid tho ruin it has worked, and weep that the spirit ot mischief can go no furlbor. Tbe liadicul party has not the cour age to face the issues that have natu rally grown out of its reckless admin istration of public nffairs. It is for protection in one quarter, and free trade in another ; it is not a unit on civil reform ; it is for and against de manding indemnity fur the damages Inflcted upon oar commerce by the Alabama, and these questions aside, it fias nothing whatever to stand up on. All tho rancor of New England prejudice culminated in those acts which have mudo tho present admin istration infamous, and at tho end of a decade's ruign, the radical party finds itself without a mission, and void of anything, even remotely, approaching a policy. The masses already have discovered this; they realize that the radical organization is laeking in eve ry essential clement that should go to create a liomogcnily of feeling among tho citizens of the different sections, so ncccsimry at this time, to tho per petuity of our republican institutions and the dissatisfaction in the radical camp only presages the early disband ing of the forces. Wily fellows like Schurz and Medil, appreciate tho sit uation. Already they lead indepen dont commands, which, thus early in tho day have won an important vie tory, in the grcnt West, and flushed with success, aro anxious for another contest. The clamor of Grant's mili tary reputation lias been dimmed by Lis politicul career. Tho political party that is to rulo this country tho future, must have mora than gaudy war trappings to show. It must be a practical party, led by prao lical men, for practical and bonifk-ctit purposes. It must liavo a mission, and that mission must bo a noble and far-reaching ono. Radicalism is a wreck, and tha debris must make way for a higher and better edifice Pittsburgh l'opcr. Hit Him Aiuis. Tho New York Sun, a Radical organ, in speaking of the "government," says : The 5TW6 vne reports that tho President is very bitter in bis expressions about. Sena tor Schurz, whoso course, ho says, "has lost tho Stato of jli-tsouii so tf feclually that it cannot be redeemed in two years." Rut 'if this bo so, w hat docs tho President think of the courso of Ulysses S. Grant in New York T Ho hns lost that State so ef fectually that it docs not look as if it ever could bo redeemed. All because ho preferred such a fossil as Ion Hamilton Fish, with a son-in-law full of Spanish gold, to Horace Greeley, the founder and philosopher of the Republican party. Gen. Grant is a pretty politician to talk about other men's losing States and breaking down tho Republican party. Callicot, tho follow who sold out to tho Radicals after being elected as a Democrat to tlio New York Legisla ture, and who took to stealing after being appointed a Revenno Collector, hns been pardoned by Grant. We suppose, tho President thought it hard that ono thieving Radical should bo compelled to cndiiro all the discom forts of life within the wulis of a pris on, whilo such a mullitudo of similar rognes walk ubout in broad cloth, honored and influential nnmhers ol tho Republican parly. So ho let him out. - It is reported that the Atlantic and Great Western Railway is to bo reor ganized and put into the hands of a board of trustees, with (ien. George B. McClclIan nt tho head. Tho trus tees to manago it until a new organi sation can bo affected ; they to ap point a provisional Board of Directors until the new Company is regularly organised, and new securities insucd. Tho affairs of this road hare for years been in a bad way, and tho new sclictno is to put it on a solid basis. Judgo Tsylor, in tho Blair connty Court, has decided that tho running of emigrant trains on tho Pennsylvania railroad is not a violation ol the Sun day law. He looks at it that the running of audi train is "work of necessity and mere-." Tho war in Europe looks like it were simply a bargain between Kin William and Napoleon to swap popu lations, by go ting all tho Germans into Franco and all tho Frenchmen into Germany. Tho New York Snn uskswhy Gen. Grant doesn't put op the Knghj.li mis sion at auction? We pro nine it is because ho thinks it will pay him bet ter to dispose of at private sale. ?Wlmbotdi Column. T 1 II K kIDNKYKI Tht Klilnrve aic two III aumtirr situated ! the upper .rt of tlit luln, eorrouniled by fl, ami consisting of three parte, fill Hie Anterior, the Interior, and the Ulterior. The interior absorb. Iutrrior eotisiftta of til- ue or reins, which K'rvo a deposit for the urine and convey It to the eaterl-ir. The t itcrlor it a eon.lurtor alto, t.rralnaling in n single tul'e, ami celled the Vrrler. The ureters are connected with the l.l.i) lir, Tha MniMer I composed of various covering, or tissuei, iliviilcil Into p nrtfl. vis : tha lTppcr, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Murnu. The upper oxpela, the lower rctait.s. Many have a desire to urinate without tho ahililyj other urinate with out the ability to retain. Thia frequently oeeuri in oliililreii. To oure tliceo affection, we must tiring into action tho muscles, whU-h are rogngril in their varioua function. If they aro neglected, Uravel or Dropsy niay enue. The reader must also he made aware, that how ever alight tuny be the attack, it la euro to nfloct the bodily health aud mental power, a our flesh and blood are aupportvd from these source. GOUT, Oil RHEUMATISM. Pain oceurrlug in the loini ie indicative of the above dieeaire. the occur to poinoui di'poted to acid it uinac h aud chttlkj ooncretioni. THE GKA.VEL; The gravel cnitiei from Detect or improper treatment of the kidncyi. These organ being weak, the water ii nut expelled from the bladder. but allowi-d to mnain; it become, f. veriih, and editnunt form. It it from tlii di-popit that the tone U formed, and gravel emuer. DROPSY. Irfpj ii a col feet ion of water to tome pnrti of the body, and bean different namft, accord ing to the part affected, vii: when gncraHjr diffuccd over the bodv, it it nailed Anacarca: whrn of the abdomoAicitei; when of the cbcit, ll dru( borax. TREATMENT. Uetmbold'i highly concentrated com pound Ex tract Bncba it decidedly one of the Wit remediet for diicaaei of the bladder, kidneji, gtarel, drop, ieal iwcllingf, rheninatirra. and gouty affection. Tnder thia head we bare arranged Dypurla, or difficolty and pain in pawing water, Pcanty Secre tion, or imall and frequent diarhargcf of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gont and Rheuraatlm of the kid ney, without any change in quantity, but increane in oolor, ar dark water. It wm alwnyt highly recommended by tha late Dr. Pbjiick, in these affection. Thi medicine increase tbe power of digcition, and excite tbe absorbent into hcaltby cxerciw by which the watery or calrareoui deposition, and all unnatural eiilargemeott, aa well a pain and inflamation, arc reduced, and it If taken by men, women and children. Direction for ue and diet accompany. Piin anru tiiA, Ya., Feb. 25, 1687. If. T. Helmbold, Druggist i Vr.hH 8ia I have been uffering, for upward of twenty yearn, with gravel, bladder and kidney affection, daring which time I have ncd variom medical preparation, and been under tbe treat ment of the mott eminent phician, experiencing but little relief. Jlarlng icen yonr preparation! eittnively ad vertised, I consulted with my family pliv-irbn in regard to ing your txtrm-t LUichu. I did tbi beenuve 1 bad ued all kind of adver tised reined if, aud had found them worlblms, and some quite injurious: In fart, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter utiles I anew of the ingredients. It was this tbat prompted me to use your remedy. As yon advertised that it was composed ofbu. hu, cube! , and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician a an rxixllmt combination, and, witb bis advice, after an examination of the arti cle, and consulting again with tbe druggid, I con cluded to try it. I commenred its use about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. Kr-'ia the first bottle I was atntil?hej and gratified at the beneficial effect, and after using It three week, wa able to walk ont. I ft It much like writing yon a full statement of my ense at tbe lime, but thought my improvement might only te temporary, and therefore concluded lo defrr and see if it wnulti effeet a perfect cure, knowing then It would be of greater value to jou, and more satisfactory to me. I am now able lo report that a cure is effected after Ufir.g the rvmedy fur five months. I haye not uwd any now for throe month, and frel as Well In all reppcet as I eter U.J. Your Buchn Uing devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice Ionic and ini igoratorof tbe system, I do not mean to be without It whenever occasion may require it ue in sncb affection. M. M. MVCMIUUCK. Fliould any doubt Mr. XlVCurmiek'i statement, he refer to tho following gentlemen t lion, Wm, Dim.KR,ex (lovernor, Fenttsylt aula, Hon. Thos, B. FLoarivi k, Philad lphia. Hon. J. C. Kvoi., JuJge, Philadelphia, lion. J. (. Ili.am, Judgo, Philadi lphia. D. K. PoRTEn.ex-tlurrrnor, Pennfytvauia. II m. fci ui Lcaia, Jadga, PhiladHphia. Hon. R. C. tiniKix, Jodge, Vnitad Htatee Court. Hon. 0. W. Woonwann, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Poataa, City Solicitor, Philadelphia. Hon Joni Pir.i.rh, ex-Oovernor, Cslifornia. Hon. K Bin, AuditorUeu.,Wasbington, I), f. And many other, if necessary. MTfold by PmtmisUand Dealers every where. Ibware of counterfeit a. Afk for Helm hold's. Tke o other. PRICE: $1.2fi per Itottlo, or 0 Koliles for SO.iiD. lelirered to any addren. DriliO symptoms in all communications. Adiieu H. T. II ELM BOLD, Drug aaj Diemieal Waretiouw, Vl nmajway, New York. V'ONK ARK OES VIXE rNM.(;c pnK IT i in tMln(rrave4 wrni.cr. .lh fae-aimil. til n.T Chemievl Waivlloa., and Signed . Lf H. T. ITLNROLD. ) mntofl -Milt. II. I.. II I, J. I', Hearer, NOTICE. Win Powell. w. w. ii. in j. li. ni:ri a to. CLKA U FIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT!" rjlHK prnprtHnrarriipivt fully Inform tlircitUoni of I'letrflelil county , that tliey huro entlroly refitted tltii uti.t.liiihmimt with the Intent Imjirftved woo.l working miwbmery, and r now reared to execute nil onlert In their line of bimlueti. They will give Hjicclivl attention to the ninimfao lure of nmtrriiil Tor houe birtltlin;;, rnirh FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, sash, noons, blinds, HIl.tCliVTS A' .nM,I.U'., OF ALL STYLES, We always have on liutid a largo stock of DRY LLMBKH, and will pny cash for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-hiilf inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit customers. sX-Onlera solicited, and Lumber furulahed on short nutioo and on reasonable terms. (J. L. IlIIKD A CO. Clearfield, Nov. T. I SOT. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. iic. i:oyi:k'm PIRB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsafe. pure,pleus.int and health giving Tonic strictly regctable, and manufactured from tbe mofrt pure end choice mnttrials i not a spirit drink nor ultitute for whisky, but a scientific compound, for tbe protection of the system and tbe cure of disco, made from chemically pure xpirits, entirety fixe from fusil oil or other irrita ting propertlc. and will not disagree or offind the must delicate stomach. A long private expert- 1... .itn.i.j 1,. , . ,. n buncnomy over an uramary nemcaics. . " I"--"' , " 1 , contain fo muco uieuicioKi titiuc, uu --. v aniv and pleasant to tk. It ue 1 to cure disease, and it will not create an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will cure the effect of dissipation. To increase tbe Appetite, V.SK IT. To promote Digestion, I HE IT. To euro Dyspepsia, VSE.IT. To cure Fever and Ague, t'BK IT. To cure D.H.Qumcss, I'SE IT. To cure Constipation, I'FE IT. To cure Chrome Liiarrhtca, I HE IT. To cure Hrart burn, 1 ?E IT. To euro Flatulence, I'SK IT. To cure Acid Eruclutivnt, 1UE IT. To cure Xeivous Debility, I HE IT. To cure Hydoehandria, I'SE IT. To cure Sallow nes of Complexion, I'SK IT. To cure rimpks and Illutehe, I SE IT. For General Prostration of tbe 1Him(-I powers, I'SE IT, an J it will cure yea. Fold everywhere, at $1.00 per buttle, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. S II A W, IlrtigSit, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offer liberal inducements to tbe trade. Oct. 27, IS9:;f. Xon Cabinet ! MOSHANNOX LAND AND M'MDER C(M IMN. oAYr for sale Town Iots in tbe bor uuh of Osceola, Clcurtb lJ county. Pa., and ? lot to suit purchnsers outsi le tbe liin f of said borough, Osceola is situated on tbe Mo-hannon Creek, In the richest prrtin of the county of ('learfli-M, on the line of the Tyrone A Clearfield Kailroa l, where the Altbannon and Ueaverton branch roads in erseet. It i alro in the beitrt ol the Morbannon coal hnsin, and lrtrs;e bodies of white pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber sur round it. One of the largest hnniir manur.tclnr ing establishments in the State is loeated in the town, while there are annny other lumber and shingle mills around It. The town is but e en years old, and contains a population of one thou sand inhnbitants. jt-Oi'oi further information ftpply nt the ofQt-e of tbe abort company. ' J01IV 1.AWS11E. aprl 4 tStiperintendeat. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! HI: TAN'S ClldSS Ct'T, M II.I., DRAIi AND CI1ICI I.AB SAW. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATKST PHRFUBATED ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by ovtl'TD II. K. llIiil.EH I CO AY Tl Klllll't FIIKD. SACKETT, alanufivelurer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware. Routing, Spouting and job work done on tti isnxaai i tf.mmi. Fh'-p on Market Pt., nearly opposite the Jni!, 4fi.;0 CLEARFIELD, I'A. r look htovi:i fTEAR'K CALdllinc, Kt Syl KI1ANNA, Pl'I'KlilOIt. GW. I'EN'N, IIKlit I.ATilR. Nolll.K CIHlK, NATIONAL IIANUK, TlilfMI'lI. rAltl.nn COOKS, SI'KAR'S IIEVOl.VINt) I.HlllTrt AND )0t I1I.E HEATERS, Anil all kin J. of Ucntitig Stoic-F fur sulc y aiij-no II. r. llltll.ER CO. EDWAUD l'EUKS & CO., Flour Itlaimfnef urerM. And Iu-.tlrrs in (iltAIN OK ALL KINDS, r n i l l r s it t n u , pa. VFI U. 8CPPLV of FLtM K, WHEAT. C(ltN and CIluP ennstanttv on bund, and lr sale at rates remnrkaMr low. f. bl-tt i rnilFCKLrftRATED PJt'lIA MD.J0N IH'OT, I I ilit Kip S op. French hip French Cutf (Oppoiiitc Jail.j.1 ftf il fo. ,r. (nt. At C. KH ATT. K If.. SV AIM H S I-: . Konact.' Medical Di.coT.ry, llelmhiild'a Uarhu, Itaker's Voi LI.er Oil, J.yo.'l and At.r's m.rii.nc. of PTTJ bind, for fait by HAMSW1CK A IR ly. nil (AfloiK c'.vorfvlf'J, T tf . its a ot....t.w eaaia .., J. 1). GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET ST MULT, CLEARFIELD, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. T HE sukserlWs having enl'reJ Into partner. ship fr lha purpose of earrjlnj on the builness of Merrhanilistna;, n offer (r"o1 wi rar, opportunllj to lbs ellliena of Clear llelil and Ijolnlng eoonlles lo lay sloro f no Ir at whotesnlt or ratal) prices, thnt .ill astoniih the unlnMrncted. Their Hoods will be partlcu. lurl v selected to suit this market. Ererr li.ly will, thorefora, eall tbe nttentlnn of her hnihand to this fact, because thi branch of our business will receive special allentl.n, and everjlljlnf needed In welt regulated household will at ail times be found In our store. DRY GOODS: Our stock of Dlt Y (:MH h.ill not be iur paased, either In quality or price, and will em bruce, in part, Print of every style, Gingham and Lawns of every .quality, Muslim of oven grade, )e Lninei adnpted to tho tastes of thr old and young ; and every article of any kind ol good they aell is to be ai represented, and war ranted to give taiinfacUon. DRESS GOODS: Ai to IH l .M)H-we have a sptendie aasortinent of Alpacas, black, white, and In col ors; inn aro, Silk, and in short all the newest stylci In the market We dttlro this fact to become known to every person in tbe county With our new and extensive stuck of iOi.E.a GOODS, tbe Indies can all be suited by just dropping in and getting a nleo dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing thnt which Is better : girt hor a well filled purse, and she will And good and paying In ve Intents In ambroid rice, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any otter bo use bold noeesiltica. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In adlttion to what wa have alrca.y cnutnetated, wt keep all kind of CI.NTI.Id- Mi:VH UF.AR-iuch a Clothe, Cashmeres, Satinctts, Hats, Boot and fihoes, Ac, beside, nice assortment of Made up t I.OTIIIM, for Men end Boys, manufactured out of tbe very bent material, which wa will lull for ca-b or exchange Ut ccuntry product at prlcei wUch will astoolt-b everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: T art Bow largely cngngtd In buying and selling MltlARi: TIMItl'.K and iLaiiufio tured Ll'MIIEK, and will jivs this branch ol business special attention, and tberef.r utuke II an object to every one who kas Lumber lo sell to coma and deal WHO us. liUU(;r.l.lL.viV lIAKLin AKL: VTo ihxll also keep conitaatlr on band general asfortmrnt of CHOl'l -III l'J4 and II A KDW A III:, which we will sell at exceed Ingly luw prices. Wo also keep full aisor: ment of il; KUXHW AH I'. Ttl department will bo kept full and complete, and alt who contemplate housekeeping, will And It to their advantage to come and trade with u became wa aro so situated, and, from long experience iu tbe business, so well acquainted with tht wants and necetsliiei of tbi eomtnunity, that wa feel sattkflcd If every man woman and child cn1) makes It a point to buy tbelr goods from ui, we eon please them both as to u,ua!Hy and prire. Therefore, e.me along an.l buy your TOOTS FIIOE.-?, HATS A CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, and everything you nerd to rcn. der yourselves and familiei comfortable, from JAUKS J!. GI5AIIAM k SONS, t-rl CI.EAHF1ELD, P. 57 AcnEATKrrmKsc?vEn7 Dr. WALEEP.'O C." I.:T'."TtKI.V VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds (f Ihc'r.i!j c hi TI1ET ARE VnT A Vt! ! FANCY D R I M K . f i .i alale ( f four l.utti, li vkrj, I'eucf Hrifita Bed lielitatt l.iguura wrr'.nr. u. t ; Irri aridm.'. toed ta f lrte t:.t U.le, felted " 1 iii;w,"" Ajp. L.. ers," I.ttttirerr, c, il ci Ktrl tie t Mltr o ta runkecars and nil . be t a Irtte JtrVrliu , r..:. fr.im t:.e Nkllva luetsand llrrtwef CslKort.a, (i o fm'Ti r.tl AlrobiO.e Mlii:ulr.nir. Iheyain tJitFA r ifLoon ri n,:t nnj a i n c I.1WN4J 1 UlNt ll'I U.trl.ct Unfctor u. ItMf r-; T i f t i : t ;i Uir.eirryU.it U fcil i-olnneo; l. itu r il n t !!; t e t .leU lo t tiiMl:y ci-ndit on, j:i p,rvt.a rati-: j Vta l'i u-ra atctrUin tu1 rcc- I!"-! aril r-'ic-n k b;:v.-i 11. tlt0 .;ii-o k-vii'l- ran tneors! b ene, t r. Titled lite Uni'l l'.' 1 lid rr-n ly l:il"rrul otiirr r.--.LT,a ' .t-1 1 rr; ivutUd be pti'nl ef r"; -Jr. Fr 1: ii::n i.ir7 rnd ( hronic rhrcmn t:m ni;d lint, I jcpepMli:, t,t In A H"llor, Itlllocr, l:i ii. 1 1 1 till i i.d Inlfiuilitrni l'i lHrni ot tbe HUm?, Mvt r, lildtiriD, nnd IHaildrr, l.nn lllneia lavo Uti a mmt n.n.t httth 1. 1 at imi tre rnLt'd ly It In led lltnnd. r. :,'r!i ti j-.- . vMy ruduet I ) (?;Ttj-. t t-r;t vf tii 11 0t . 1 1 rrn n-. IIVM'I.I'M A lilt IMtH.F.STION, llrad aetie, I'aln In tlu' n.oulilrtii, t otHlic. I Um.o if n,o Uiet, VUTii'rw, Frtr 1 rnrtallui f tlie t lcnise, llc-llidl -Inil.rt Vuth, It Ileus AttwWs. raiyitui a rt tin- Ik art, Indtr.L atli ml the I aiic. I'sin in tr.e refUr.s ef tiro l.tiinry, aed almndn d oilier ta:aXul int.t. E.s.sri ttu- ,t1i.,;. f 1 rierw ' a. Th' f lu ifionl Hie hi.. ma!i snd emulate ttie ter i1rt l.rer at(t how-rls, wt.u h n ndi r tliem ef nt(HUal)'d ffrsr lo rleai'lng ttsc t-huM t f nil 'n-purni, (, a:-4 InirsrllnR r-w (,!". mx) . , r lo Iho Nlo ) H.'tn, I (IK r KIN IIM;AC!, t :ruptlim.Trtt.T,Fl I:brMi.M'. Ich. ,1 i.tr. 1 in lis. J u. Hah. Ti .t tP tnti ! t, l.lrr.'"o:n. Fcp. W-t trad, bere fytw, i:ry:!.T eta, Iteti, K urr, I leil..rallor.of the H ,n. Iti:n:era aud t rtlio t kto. ef ht'Tcr iiwiie or r.aluro, tro llt:r-l r c j Lp at detrii(-d or.x vt Mr vrtirm in a ahon tm-e by tlic ':ietf lluao mtlers. One ttXt la nrheaee 1 nlne'j tlic Uul tarnriuUus Ou!r curative eiTrct. Cln-nre tio Vitiated rwfl whrnrTrr you (M '. Its liiipntlt.f t.om:nir thronsh ti.e k!n lnllmplr. I'm tiro er P"T i clr:.L It vhua ya C:id It 'btMH ttd and Slod'ti Is tie ve'ns ; elonRe K a hen It fc fmil, and yi ur f rl:nr a 111 t U y"nwlici, I-t p U.v tlod pure si.1 ti n tr t'ttt uf fie t jTtmt wr !11 foil-w. TIN, TAPtit dct:.cr WOUJ1K, lurt. m tu rut' mi-f s uinn) tliooranda, ro i fl.ttiaPf a 4mr e 1 on 1 r-rvtvil. 1 r full dlrec tk na, road ere, fulfy the tirenlnf nrtnrd each boulr, fitiil -d lr r,.(:r loa raacr I.ailiUi.i.cTBisa, PiXMh abd hpaattvli. J.WALKl.fl, rrnprl:tot. II. II. MctiO?. ALD CO Irtunr,rt and On, Airents. loo rromict, Cal a id ti an,l f4 (.'ommeicf ttrv t, Y.iw Toti. rr :)'. rx A?.t i)!Tt;otsr A.:r i cau.ks. tlct. !rt, s;o tr. It. 15. TAYLOUVj LIME AND COAL YARD, (Xt-ar the n.ilnw.T IVi.il.) 1 1. i:hi ii 1 1, pi.na. I l:IKIU ' I! this Blflli"cl v( lifnrnilr, tbe pul'llc. that 1 h.ve iiene.l tip a yard l,.r the ...le o( ..., or cl l.nrnt I I Ml; and Amhrarile CiAI., In th. .,.t.iiSIi of t'l.aiP.1,1, and ct. pVir.l Brr-ingrnun'" .Ith rntl.rti iltnlrrs by eht' h I rnn kcrp a lull i'p'ly c:n-t.inW nn h.n i, alitrh will I (Ji..'.rd ft at rrasi'lta'-lc ra(c. b Ihr tun, bnpSrl nr cur Im I. to suit ptirrlijiP(.rti. Tlifi'c at a di'aiicr cn a.Hre.p wir h liltrr.and ohluiu all nccrscury inlormat'n by riltirn mail, H. 11. 1AYLOR. HcardiH Ta., r.t.JI, lMy tf Hundreds (f I)icr.i.j ?,; i-Z l'.a.-tf:i"iT l. i '.iltr. i: i tt So f II ur..l.a I..:. 't. vi WHAT ARE THSY ? t ' - p - : i - Z u X i Yn k '-1 I I tfVV E V f Ifix UiM III M: l iUI'.rfllnticoin V .. H F. NAUGLE, l) WATCH MAKKK. CLOCK orrosiri thi POST OFFICE Mil inbeerlber reettully Inforwii bts old patrons and the public generally, tbat be hasua hand, (and is constantly receiving new dditieni thereto,) a Urge etuek ol Clocks, WatclieB and Jewelry. t-trl keep Jewelry la all Its forms and of dillerent value, either by the aieee or set. WATCIIKS A full u'sortnent of either flold or Silver, made by the best Aneriean and fur eifta meuutaeurors, Inrluding a fine lot of gold ud silver bunting case, luti jeweieu, raieni Levers. rl.OrKS Of all deslrna, eonslsling ofeliht- ilav and thirtv hour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. BKPAIR1N0. Alt kinds of Watehei and Clocks Kepaircd, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full asortuent of fPKO TAILKS, colored and plain glims. l,tlO, 1'KNS end PKNC1LS. SI'OtlAM, fup h", ui J i r.ii n.M v r., ana in tact evcryibing in the Jewelry line. If I fail t bnve on bsnd junt what a customer may need, 1 ill order per fiit express, without extra cherge. A libetulfhare of public patronsc i soliritud May 7, loflS-y 11. F. WAL'ULK. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS 8TATI0SERY. Miirlet Ml., C Irarlkld. (at tli PoatOftirr.) T Mlti undersigned begs leave to announce to tbe eltisen of Clearfield and vicinity, tbat ha has fitted up a room and baa just returned from the city wiib a Urge amount of reading matter, onsisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pas Btiuks of every de scrip. ion: Purer and Envelopes, French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils lllauk, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages: Judgment, Kiemp Uoo and l'rumiMry nut a ; White and Parch meat Itrief, Legal t'np. Keoord Uap.andUill Can sheot, Mucie ir either Piano, Fiulo or Violin eoniUntly on band. Any books or stationery denred that I may not nave on hand, will be or ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keen nenudicai literature, suca o Magazines, new. paper, It. r. A. UALLlJi. U.arunld .May T, 1808 -tl GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOND STREET, Cltarltld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES riiriR nnder'tgnfld respeetfully Inrite ibe at 1 f-ntion of the publie generally lo their B; lendid aortment of merrbandise, wbicb tbey Kre now selling AT VERY LOW TRICES. Tbelr stork consist! In part of Dry Goods of tie Best Quality. Sueb as Prints, ! Lainst, Alpaeeas. Merinos, Uirrham, Muslins. (I'leabed and unbleaen ed,) Drillings, Tickings, eotton and woo) Flannl,Fatin tu.Cassimeres, Cottonades, Ladies' ebewle, Nubiaa A lluudi, Balmoral and Jloop bkiru, Ao,, Also, a fine assortment of Men's Drawers and bLuti, Hats A C aps, Boots A bboea. all of wbicb WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware. Groceries and Spices. .XSiiUKTA GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything wnnlly kept In a retail ttoro, all t HKAr rOli CAU or approved eoimtry , ro duee. A. K. WKIGUT k S-'ONS. Clrarfie'd, Not. T , !Ko7. s (IMHTIIIXi KF.fV ACiAIMI C. 1). WATSON Wishes to inform bis old friends acd tbt pablie peDer.illy that be bas oteoed ud ft new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store Id kis old stand, opposite tha Cuurt Iloose) FLCOND 6T, CLEAIIFIKLD, FA. Hi st rk I all new, frcb anil of tha very best quality, and will be sold ch.ap fur CAII or api-roft'd C.autry Trodaca. If job want par. Draffs and Patent Medicines, Uo to WATSON'S. IF run want Confectioneries, Canned Finite, l icklel and Je'.lioa, Not, le , la., (Jo la WATSO.V.J. yon want tha nest Roasted Ciffce, EntnCf Coffee, Spli-es of all kinds, cheap, Uo to WATaO.VS. If yoa want Fancy A Toilet Soaps, Flarorlo, Extracts, Act Ae , b sura to Uo to WATSON'S. If you want Fancy tije Colon, Clark's but U (hint Thread, Pin, Needlea t Kotions, Qo to WATSON'S. Cfacwers and Smoker, If yoa want th best I ih market. Hoy at WATSON'S, here yoa can get Pipes A Pipe Fiitun. If yon want to get clear of jour stamps. Come te WATSON'S. If i i want to rpc-nd a few bonrs of an aveninf with year friend., coma lo WAIi-'ON'S old .land, where you cao crack nute and tat Jokae until o'elcrk, p. m. Arrll IS, M70. JOS. SHAW ii SON list just 0icnel t Niw Krom, oo Main St..Ci,t.iiritL, fa luloly occuj iea l.y Wm. F. IKW1V. Tlioir block oonaiita of OkmcR'ta of tbe brat quality, Qlf.f.msware, Itoots nnd Shoes, Bnd ctpry tirlirle ncrcuarf for one's comfort. Call Bnd cxBtninr our Block b(ir ur clmiing elnlir. M 9, 18C.C-lf. FAIRBANKS' FTAXPAUU SCALES or hi. arnia; B.iggnge Barrcws, Warrboase Trnrl, Copiinjt Prrses, Iniprorrtl Money drawer, Ae, row Lt T ' II. F. Dili LEU & CO.,- Iralrrw In Hardware, mrMO Tt tf Kill Street. Clcarflcl.l. Pa. "0 MY 0Y. HOOK " HAVlXd ptrba.d Ibe entire stock of :oOil. at Ibe uld eland of Kirk A hjM-noor, I niuiid to continue tlic Iiuiiiicm ae hrr.lolor.. My wiollo ip to e ll "c Hffar fob r). Thntikirf our friend, and cnt.inier. fur pa.t patronage, I solicit B continuant ol the wni", ISAAC k!KK. Lumber Cltf, ftft.'Z tf. Jirufls ti. Vtlfdtflnrs. it s: M O V A Ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUOGISTS, .TJarkil Slrtrl, VlrnrlUtJ, Va. TK kfj l.aia lo Inform oar old tti it. II mloio.r.. thai w. bar. rrnovrit our talill.hmeot lo lha apatloua B buildinn jusl artM.d o WarkrJ alrcrt, aj.ai Ijr adjoiDli.; Ih. VaolloB Una. o tha st. and o.poll M.rs. (Iraham H"ns' atore i wh.r. w. r..potfull ln.il. lha publio lo coma and buj Ib.lr Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicinos, OILS, PAIST3 AND VARNISHES. Oar stock of Drugs Bnd Mrdlrln.s consists of ..frjlhitij ns.d, sol.clcJ with tb. greatosl care, aod WARRANTED BTMCTLT PURE! W. also keap Tullatookor TT., rerfum.rlc, 'uil.t artirle. loai. Tootb Ufush.a, llair llrnsh., WhiU'wath IJrushea, and .for; other kind Uruibcs. Wa ba a large lot of WHITE LEAP, TURl'KXTIXK, Clamed Oil, Paint, and In fart ev.rrlhln Md tu tbe paiBlinc bosiaesa, vUeb we eaer at Cilj prices to ciub buyers. TOBACCO AN'D SEGA US, Conf.etlc.Berv, Fplce. and tho larget 'stock of Tariclies aver oflcrt In this plac. and erarrani- ad to be of tbe beat tha Market anord. J. II. HARTSWICK Nor. . W. JHHN . IHWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (L A T K jVOWKLL'h,) For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh, requiring the ase ol an a a tern a) application. Tbis Embrocation was extensively osed by the Uorarnment during tbe war. For sale by Uaruwica A Irwir, Clearfield Jostpb H. Irwin, Curwenirillo. Iaoiel (Jood- lander. Lutbersbora if LWD AXD UMBER (OMPAXY CFFER BAItl T0- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TllEin MAMMOTH STORK -IX- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho times! 0-c..a. lliiy II, 1-TO. Curwcnsville Marble Yard. Dr.SIlSOl'S uf extmilin my biivinc'ft. anil kn-'witijr tln-re ran I- na hkTliiT tribute il rrp.vt ti ibe lui'ti ftry of (be dnt'aei'd and bnrii It tends llian to erert over tln-ir narrow homee a srulptuml slab of enJitnns; merlde, thai JHiint ft-rei rr te the rrptinf place of tbte we ve: 1 bff kave to aT to all who Wiih to shw thnr afliriion for thrir departed frirnds and kindrel, that tbrr ran now hate an opportunity of doing so, hy culling at my Ktinp on Thompson trr4, furwrn. ille, I'a., aa 1 am prepared to fumih to orib'r, MO.NU.MI-NTS, C 11 A PI.K k IC)X TOMBS, , 11KAI) STOXICS, kc, of sny drwifn or siir, at ri-nsoiml lr rates. N. II, ! -p n band the best Korrlpn and iKimriir iiainifu All worn exrnitr.t tn tlr wjo1 kilirl maonrr. I will alo drlirer wnrlt to anv point in Cb-einYld or adjoining eonntirs, it dr-ind. WM. H. COl.Hl HN. Cirwensilte, M. ?n, ISAM if, T1IK CLKA I. Kl KM) WOOD -CHOPPERS' AXE! Manarafturrd espeeially for THE Vi.RAR FIELD TllADJC, roa sjilk at anir'7l 1)1 NR. II. F. DlilI.KR A CO. wniTH A ROAN L!SI!t(l JJKINS Jast r.ceived and for Mle hv April , I T. H F. IULR t CO. TJm if.ocilj, o'.iotcilf, f!tr. ;EtrAT HtlH-AIN Xnv Slorr In Mulsonburn! Iu the roooi formerly occupied l.y P. T. llrf arty. L. M. COUTUIET rnAKKfl tbis method of Informing the cltiwns ol t'onngton, Karlhaus, (l-rurd and tha ar rounding oountrr. that be ha ju.l opened B large elnck ol HI .Hi.lt tM"il. wnirn ii" if mined to ..II 1 1)N PKB CKKT CIIKAPKH than the iime quality of tl.io.l can be pun liacd for In any wll.cr elor. in ma ncigiioorooou. wi. eonsists ui Dry Goods of all Kinds, Hucb as Patinrtts, Cant meres, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, L'rillinjf-i, i'alieot-s, lnuiniings, Kilibous, Lace, HEADY-MADK cr.OTfTING. BQOT3 & tliUES, HATS tt CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Ten, Fnirnr, Rice, Molasses, Pib, Salt, Lsineeed Oil, b Oil, t'orbon Uil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Castings, Plows and I'low Tastinirs, ailf, Fpikes, Corn Cultivators, Cider Prussca, aud all kinds of Axes. VtjkvMy P'ow uro ( the CurvenavHIe and Centre county tuake, and are warranted to bo of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfutnery, Paints, Varnib, Glass, and ft general assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwara on hand, and will b Bold at tlie lowcat possible bgurea. I.iqtoiis, Such as I1RAKDT, WISE, OIN A WUIrKY SOCIO pound of Wool wanted for which the bighest price will be paid. CLOVCII sli:i). On l.iid'and for sale at Ibe lowest narkat priee AI.0, Agent for Wil.on's StrBttunvllla T II I? K S II I X G MACHINES. lO-Call and sec for yourerlvea. Ton will Bnd everything usually kipt in a retail store. L. .M. COLTIIIET. Frenchville P. 0., Jan. 7, I Mill. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AXD OF COt'IlSE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I WrE are now oprninr an a lut of tbe best and 1 I must seasonable Woods and Wares ever oflVrrd in tbis market, and at prices that remind one of tbe good old days of cheap t hinge. Tboae who lark faith amm tbis point, or drew our alle gations fUptTDUOUF, DCVd tUt r.irr .tr one jsronc, Corner Front and Market streets. Where tbry fan ere. ffcl, bear and know for them srlres. To fully nndrftand what areeheap goods, tbis must be done. Hi do not drem it necessary to enamerate and itnanii our stock. It la enough for us tw slate tbat We have Everything that is Needed and eontnmed in tbis market, and at prices that astonmb both old and ronnjr. dejJftJ JO.-!-. I'll FHAW A POX. xew floi k,i j:i:i) AND TROVISION STORE, fJHI! undersigned hare jnst reccierd Bt their X aew aland in allaceton, a full aupply of Flour, Feed, Cora Meal, Bacon, dtc, COAL OIL, (at reduced rates,) A good article of TOBACCO, CIQARS AND b'MOKINl) TOBACCO, constantly on band. All of which will be Bold at LOW RATES for CASH or givca in exchange for Blll.NtiLLS and LI' kin: It. We respectfully ask the pulilia to giro as a trial before purchasing elecwhrre. J. R. READ k CO. W.lljceton, April 7, Uf. C. KRATZKR SONS ARE ItKl'KIVISO A SPI.EN 01 D STOCK UF CAKPE1S AM) OIL CLOI US. WALL rATEUS-OILT TATEU, tf a LACE CUnTAlN., WIN" DOW SU ADE.S- COl'NTEaPANES AXD QUILTS. LINES TABLE CLOTHS k NAPKINS LA DIES SILK COATS .f-OVERSKIRTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS k LACE POINTS. LADIES' i- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED II ATA PRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. tlFT Kin CLOVES-LADIES' GEN TLLMEVS AND CU I LDIiEN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FINE IS1.ACK ALPACAS. I'N FQt'A I.l.KD STOf'K LADIFS' AND 1 11 ILDIitN'S SI10K-S tf- U A ITERS. MtN'S CALF tf- FRENCU KIP BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS, fj. MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND HEAVY HOES. CASSJMERES VERY CUEAT. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, Jj. OIKK'F.RIFS, FIOrR , PROVISIONS AT LO II' EST RATES. I.IBFSU, DEDrCTlOV TO THOSE BUYINU IN QUANTITY. Wool, M A l!K FTI Nfl AND COUNTRY PKODUK WANTED. Oarfirld. June l. Ol:. rw Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, OJBJOI rt.iB niAt ia l WINES iSl LIQUORS, II ARRET ST., CLKAt FIKLD, Tk ,Fnl1 Mnrh of Wine, BrKHv, Gin, W bl-ViT n-l Alrolml, mx,m $ on hnl. ftttenlira pal l to pe-unrt pnre -riicle lor Saerenirntavl Hit! mriliml pur.QM-t. irll lOlf Miss E. A. P. Rynder bsbbt roa ChikeHng', Stein.., ,nj Kmereoa' p.nM . cSojitui'e, MerriB A llawilin'a and Petoubet'a ' Organs and Melodeone. nnd Qrovar A Raker's dewing M.rblne.. a Leo TBAruta op Plane. Oult.r, Organ, Harmony and V.cal Ma. ic. No pupil token Tor less than b.lf a term J?"? '"'"''' ""r to First .N.u0, uM,. Cleari. ld, May , if. im r.L V,d,""'"l apportee, .( ,.y u tii a. ,-'""'""'ta. foe -.1. ih. !rug "tor. af JlARTSWICIi IRI Clearfield Counly BanV riMIK Ue.rdeU C.r.ly ll.n. ., , ' 1 led tn.iilaiion ba. , on. eel of r,,,," in. surrender 01 lis er..n.T, oa 11.. ' All It alirk is owned I. Ih. l... .III ...n.l..u. ih. h...b... t k plaee,ef t rlvat. hankere, ae4er tk tr. al tbe "ll.ero.ld County U.nk." B. sponsible for tb. debts ol tb, bai.k, aajJi? II. woie. ou .r..s. ni ine eoaatap r.. received and Intereat paid wken bo... i?!' B tied tine. Paper dieenuated at in w. k aa heretofore. Our p.nue.1 ren,,,."1 pledged for all loosns recri.e, ,ki trans.cud. A eonttnnanc. of ib. iilj! ronaae of the buair.aaa rjea ef th. ..-. . I iiXH tlullv aclleiud. Aa Presid.nl. i officer of tre lata Clenrteld Couat, Bi require tbe Bote, of said Hank t. h, .J for redempllon. J AH. T. I.KONAHD, KICHARD Hai W M. POHTKH, JAr). b. IIKu.,' A. K. WKIUIIT, U. I. hKkl H WM. A. WALLACK. Tbe business of tha Bank will be coed John M Ad.nif., K.q., as Lasbier. d..., J. I). M Uirk. Edward Prti BANKIKQ & COLLECTION HOte McGirk & perks. Buocrseor Ui Foster, Perks, A Co., Fhlllburp, Centre Connty, r. "llfllElIK all the bueincae of. Hanking Wll1 oe transacted promptly and .tnath must favuraole teima County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. ffBIS Bank la bow cpen and reade f.iU. I. nesa. Ofliee on Hocond street, in tke bi tng lorineriy Meapiea ny i.eoBard, tinney BtaBrmaB AMD orrirBa. IAS. B. ORAHAM. HICHARP Kn.w WM. A. WALLACJf, WM. POHTEH, A. K. WKIUUT, GEO. L. REED. W. M. SHAW, JAS. T. LEONARD jul'tVCOJ Cabr. Freren lloggn Tow ii mIi i p A m ali GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEKS'S rj'TIRTBODT trying to get U.iert,f.tJ J of being erowded ont int. tb. oold. II yon want good hhoelng dona, go t Bit.! If yoa want your Sle ironed right, go to Bst.J If yon want good Mill Irons, go lo biiki If you want your wagon ironed in tha beat style Bad workmanship, go to Biuf Bbsbb aoakea tba beat taaip Mneklne ii Suu, and doe all kiada of BLACKF HITHU,; aa che.p ae can b. don In tb eowaty for Cn liy fust USo. addraea I Cl.nrl.ld nniiri THOMAS Bkki Bogg Tp- Dae. la, 1867 tf. Southern Land & Emigrate COMPANY, YASIIIXGTOX, D. C. ORGANIZED and eata'.lished for the P.rrk, and bale of Kanninr and Mineral LiHit and improved Real Ktat in tb. Southern btauJ TU0MA8 B. FLORENCE, Preiidar.l JO. PKVKKNli. Vice PmiMil j iii.'VHV a.i:iv T Preaidenl Fark Naiinnal Rank of rhilrfrloha, JOHN ktllKIUS. Frrtary. IUOU. C. MACDOW LLL. Attorney and Counsel!, Office: WnsbiagtoB Building. Corner Sttra 8t.( and Pennsylvania Ar.nuc, Wasbington, I C Br.raREScEs : Oot. John T. lloirman, Albany, X. I. K G.t. Wm. Iliglcr, Cleartcld, Pa. ior. T. F. Rand.ilph, Trenlon, Ji. J. ti lls'. Wm. F. Packer, Williannpftrt, H Sept. I, '6-tf. Cheap Iuriiltiire. joiix cuLicn rtVSlKES to Inform bis old frirnds anin J lomera, that having aalarged bis sboiist incr.asea bis facilttiM lor maaalacturiaa. hi bow preparad to aaaka taardcrreb Furaitann aiay ht deaired, ia good Btyl aad atebeap nhi for CABI1. II generally kaa aa kaad, al Faraitura rooasa, a waned aaeonaa.Bl of mil aii furBttara, asBon, wntca sr. BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS, Wardrobe and Book-Caaea; CeBtra, Sofa, Plr', Breakfast and Dining Eilensloa Tables: Cw moa. FreBch-poet,Cotug..J.aBy-LlBd aad eta BediUada: Sifaa of all kiada, Wark-slssB Hat-racks, Wa.h st.adai Roaking and Art Cbaira spring-.aat, ran. bottoai, parlor, car aioa and oth.r Cbatr ; Looking-ttlaaeae f enri deM-riptlon oa hand ; aad Bow glaeeee for k frame., whtcb will be pat in ea vory reamak, t.rma on aborteat notice. He alto keep ea kaal or furnishes to order, vora-auek, iiair aai tit toa-lop Mailreaeea. CorriNg or Evirt Kind Made to order, and funerals atteaded witb i llearea whenever desired. Also, llnuse Palatial duaa to order. Tba subaeriber alao aiaaetM tore, at,d ha eonsianllj aa kaad, Cleaseat' Paunt It'aehing Machiaa, Iba bast airw is an Tboae aaiog tbi aoachiaa aerer weed be wi oot clean clotbeal He alaa baa Flyer' Pstei: Chum, a ewperior articla. A family nsiaf Iih Churn never aeed b wltnout baltar 1 All lb. above and maay vtber article are IV aisbed to eaatosaer cheap for Caaa or eirhaar1 tor approved country produce. Cherry. Mar' Poplar, Liawood aad otaar Lanber suiubie : t Cabinet work, lakea la zebange for fariiil'i Mr-Remember tha shop I oa Market sir. ClrarSeld, Fa, and aoarly opposite tbe"0H I" Stnr.." JOUN UVLKB November J, 1S1 j The Lightning Tamer. fpilE andertlgnrd ara tke tele Agents ie 1 eantv for Ik. "North Amerteaa Ualvaa in LIGllTNlNd HODS." TU.ee ara tke eal !' rode aw in ase, aad ara eodureed by all it' acirniide men ia lb. e.entrv. a hereby awtify lha citisea af tk f--l tbat wa will pal them wp a beller rod. aa' ' lesa money, than la charged by tke fer- (' ageata wko annually traverea tba eooetj an carry of aar little cash, aever te return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABO'.l Those wishing Lightning Rod ereeti ! tbelr haildirig aeed but address we by leii't. eall ia peraoa. Wa will pit them np ttj'-'i in the county, and warrant them. The Rod .'t Fiitnrea eaa be seen at any lluie bv esili't i our store. il y. BlULtR A t ' Cle.r6.ld, March S, 1S70 tf DAVID YOUNG, Slonp-fuKcr and Slonc-Mascn, XT ILL eiecnte all work In bis line at C"! II .rata price aad ia FIRrT-CLAc' Architectural Ornament. Ia ALL STYLES, dteaa Drewia -f d.srririion, aad all kiada af avasoa werl c traded for la or out of ih. aoaaty. Aay p 1 wishing to have rarpeeiabla maeoa werf tcA atone cutting dona, will find it le their i :r-t: t call npoa ma I would alra Inform I I -1-lie tbei I can d. liver any qaaatlty or rl " atoao desired, as 1 am tba awaar of a FIRST-CLASS STONE yUA':.'JV Orders for work eaa ba addressed lo DAVID THIS". ar:3,r Clrarield Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME IX1HV! i:Y. THE aadereigaed, kaving asubllsbed N J eery oa tke 'Pik.. about kail way I -:'' Clearteld aad Curw.nevtlle. ie prepared io tik nil kind afFRl'IT TH Kh'8, (taad ''" awarl.i twergrarne, ribrabriery. U ape tloeieberriea, I.e. loa Hlack berry, 8lre aad Raeberry Vin... Alia, Mibeviaa Cral liatnee, and early sevrl.t Rhubarb, Aa. promptly att.adW to. Addra.., i. l. WRIilBT aepW .p Curwaaavl. Lime for Salel TDK undersigned, residing aeae the J' mede complete arrangements wlf' llurnrrt east of the mouataia, whereby b i bled to keep coaetantly oa band a Urge ou.i. PURE LIME! whicb be offer to farmer, and huildrre at a arun.coet. 1 have in need of the article well to gn. me a call, or a4drea me by l for. nrgoli.Ung their lime. UKf. C. rA.-''' Clearfield, Ta., June , I Mill. I-Ivcry Nlnble IHK unth-nlgaeJ beg. leave ta k.rrea Ihr I . lie that he is aew tally prepared to a'1 "r date all in tbe war of furnt.liing Moree. I; it ' fc.tHlce and Harness, on th. .hortretai: '' .' on rrasotmhle term.. Reeirienc on Leu: ,r; r between Third aud Fourth. UK1. W. GMARUAt. IrarncM, April II, ISVAt.