r Till field RKmium." ni iiiirii in mat. ;,1 circulation of any News iT in North Control Pennsylvania. rma of Subscription. dvanca, or within S month,... .M ( r H and before 6 months 9 AO ,-r the exj'iruliun of 8 month,... 3 N Sates of Advertising, advertisements, per square, of 10 lines or rues or less $1 50 -icb subsequent insertion ators' and Kleeutnra' notices notices. ml Kslrajr' a notices m..h..m.....m .at Cards, 1 year nea.pnr line , H itAHLY AUVEBTIHKMKXTS. 60 1 SO J 50 I id I 0(1 1 00 16 ...8 00 ....15 00 50 00 I column I oolumn...... 1 eulumn ..f,J 00 .. 4) 00 . 80 00 Job Work. HUSKS. ,ire $2 AO I 6 ejuirof, pr.qulre,$l 7u ;ir, quire, 2 00 Over 6, per quire, 1 50 HANDBILLS, i r leu, 12 00 i sheet, 25 or le,,,5 110 nr baa, J 00 1 1 shat,lS or laaa,10 00 i f each of shore at proportionate rates. GEO. B. GOODLASDER, Editor and Proprietor. r (Canlts. i. waiLic. ra risiDiso. LLACE & FIELDING, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Clearfield, Pa. ' eral business of a'l hinds Attended to 9mp?neeft and idolics. Office in ridnr m A. Wallaeo. janl2:70 . W. WALTERS, ATTORXEY AT LAW, , Clearfield, Pa. ..Office la the Ctort House. dee.3 lj J h. w. smTth, 7 TTOIiNEY-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pa. 1 it a. wiLUcr. i. iuh w a iritis. ALLACE Si. WALTERS, ' Boal Estate Agent, snd Conveyancers, Clearfield, Penn'a. fHeal Estate bought and sold, titles exam-.-d, ooaseyaneos prepared, taxes paid, and insa oes taken. OUh-e in new buildinr. nearly upoeite Coort House. jsnl.TO ISRAEL TEST, -ATTOUSKY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. tf-0ffl la ths Court Home. Jjll,''7 JjOHN hTfULORDT- ATTORNEY AT LAW, J t'learfteld. Pa. oa Market St., oetr llartuslrk A train's Prog Store, way-Prompt attention (siren to ths seearing Bounty, Claims, Ac, and to all legal business, larch IS. 1897-ly. I ROBERT WALLACE, I ATTORXEY-A i1-LAW, llareton, Clearfield Comity, Peuu'a. k-ea.AH legal business promptly attended to. W ALTER' B A RRETT," i ATTORNEY AT LAW. lo a Second St., Clearleld, Pa. nivl,ftf JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW d Real Ratals Agent. Clearfield, Pa. Office onTalrd street, bet. Cs err j k Walnut. 4-tloeriaetfully offers his services In selling d buying lands la Clearileld and adjoining antles and with aa experience of orer twenty ri as a surveyor, Setters himself that he ean ader satisfaction. frblB.'Mtf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Ia. See oa Uarket street one dooren.tof tho Clear. leld County Batik. mnyl.'M An 11. Orris, C. T. Alexander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, 5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ilelleftinte, Pa. seplS.'Siy DR. W. A. MEAN S, HYSICIAN &' SURG EON, UTilErtsm.RU, PA. 'ED attend professional calls p.-otnptly. aiiglo'70 DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, I AVISO located at Kilertown, Clearfield P., offrn hi nrrifrMinnkl perrirr tn tht if lorUietumiuniiiiiicoiintrv, (Srjit, JD, '76fCJ F. WO O DS, PHYSICIAN it SURGKOX. Hnx.nn rftnoTfil to Anient. ll r.,TiiTi m hU Mfpnaiulifll prrrirri to tht MMip' nf (hat filmr i ib narronDing eountrjr. All mil promptlt (vndtd to. t'1" 3 M P'i- J. H. KLINE, M. D., IIYSICIAN k SUiiGKQX, 1 1 pro(Mionl rrTicplo th pcii'le of that 'sf antl narrounditig eountry. All cn.. tn.tT?.()j tn .rj t. . ii tr. yEFFRONlTn" z, IIYS1CIAN & SURGEON, rj AVISO located al Osceola, Pa., offers his I 1. professioaal services to the people of that aca and surroanding eountrr, fcL-AII calls promptly attended to. f(!e - id residence oa Curtla St., formerly occupied !r Dr. Kline. myia iy OR? J. P. BU RCH FIELD, .t Surffoi of th S."J Rf moot, PffinnvtriDia VoluQtttrt, kavlnn rtamid frut lb Army, jfl?rf hif prafeMiontU rrlci to to vitiieoi f Cl-dil4 e -oniy. cFnM! calls ftranirt.T attniftl tn. 0.c oa Bcooid ttrtft, formrI- oocapird by PR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, rUYSiCIAN AND SUKQIioX, Rffond Ptnrt, Clrarfi-it. Pa. t-TUvinjr p4-rmanpn.1.T locatoil, he now ofTrrn Slit prffpfiional rri(rp tn thr citiirni of Clrnrfif Id Mad ririattr, and thf public grnrrallr.- AM calli pmuptly aitrnictl to. octZV y "fTb7 re ad7m-"b.r TUYSICIAN AND SUIIGCuN, KylrrliKin, Ta. Meepectfully olfere hi. services to ths citisens of the surrounding country. apro ora pd. REUBEN HACK MAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clrartlrld, Penn'a. "t.UVill execute ifi.i in bis line nromottv and ia a workmanlike maaaer. m, rl.nf DENTAL PARTNE h ZBlt7" Dr. A. M. HILLS, pn(ri to Inform bit patron and th public gtooral.y.tral tip bapapciated man bin ia tht praetif IeoUtry, s. p. sii.vw, n. i. s , Hn It a tradoato nf I ho Philadelphia Dontal Cntir, acd thTfnr ha tho hihrM attnta .tioi of profpuslonal tkill. All rrk doat ia tho 4iro I will hold myaolf poronnally ronponil. Mo for htitif dnaa la tho aint rat.pfaatwt aiaa. nor and hichott ordr f tho prt(iMioa. An otblithod pratio of twixoi two yoaroln thlt plaro onablei ato to opoak ;o any ationu with ennfidoano. BntrarrmoaU fro dlftanro fthoald ho on ado hj letwr a fear dee, l.efor. the patient designs t.al.f. ' fas. t, !: I, GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor. VOL I3-WHOLEN0.2I98. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD. Cl.KAHFIKI.I), l'A. ryPhnp on Reed Street, near Pcnn.rlvanla Railroad depot. may IH.70 If. gTTh 7h"a ll, practical pump maker, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PEXVA. ffPumps always on hand and made to order on short notiec. Pipes hored on rtronatilr term.. All work warranted to render aatislnrtion, and delivered, if desired. my J6: 1 ypd GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Surveyor and Conveyancer, I.uthertburB. Pa. All bu.inosa intrusteil to Iiira will be promptly attended to. Persons wishing to employ a rur vevor will do well to give him a mall, as he Batters hiinself that he ean render satisfaction. Kecds of oonveyaaee, articles of agreement, and all legal papers, promptly and neatly executed. toarMjp DANIEL M. DOHERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, KKCOND BTRKET, j,2.", CLEAR V I IS 1. 1. PA. " CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER DEE II II ll EWER, Clearfield, Pa. HAVIXfl rented Wr. Eotre.' Brewery he h"pes hy strict attention to hrsinrfs and the manufacture of a superior arti.le of HE EH to receive the patronage of all the old and many new customers. Aug. 25, tf. SURVEYOR rfUIE undersigned offers his si rvices as a Sur l revor, and may he lound at his residence, in Lawrence t'.wnship. Letters will rtstb hiss di rected tot'lcarfitld, Pa. ro.y 7 tf. JAMES MITCHELL jTkTdottorf's" PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market .Street, ClrarOeW, Ta. CR0M03 MADE A (SPECIALTY.-. "NEllATIVES made in cloudy, as will as in i clear weather. CoBslanlly on hand a good ...ortment of FRAME. BTKllED.SCdl'KS and STEREOriWiPlO VIEWS. Frames, frma any style ot moulding, ma le to order. apr2S.lt THOMAS H. FORCEE, rtALsa rx GENERAL MERCHANDISE, i.K AIIAMTOX. Pa. Alio, extensive minnfactnrcr and desler in Pquart TimtM-r and Kawed LumlK r of sll kinds. T-Ordira tnliriU'd anl all hills promptly bim: ti-",y or.o. iLaanr nr.xnr iLuaT w. iLatar W. ALBERT &, BROS., Manufacturers A extensive Dealers In Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, iic, WOODLAND, PEXXA. ff-Ordcre solicited. Bills filled on short notice and n-asonalitc terms. ill.. Wo,.llnd P. 0.. ClcartWd Co.. T. jc25 ly W U.UEUT A BROS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, M KUCHA NT. I'-rcnchvllle, I learUeld County, Pa. Eccps cnnstantW on hand a full assortment ot Ury lloods, Hardware. Uroceries, and everything n.uallv kept n a retail shire, which will be soil, fur cash, as cheap as el.ewh. re ia the county. FrcnoliVlUo, June zt, iimh-it. C. KRATZER So SONS, -MERCHANTS, Dr.4Lr.ns ia Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Queenmare, Owerlei, Provisloas and Miioglea, . Clcarlicld, Pcnu'a. jt-s-AI their new storeroom, oa Second street. near II. F. Bigler A Co's Hardware store. Ueo' MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA ETEAM MILLS, staxt rACTt nr.a LUJIBf.R, LATH, AND TICKETS II. II. SI1ILLINOFORD, President, Offlce Fore-I Place, No. 125 8. 4th St., Phil's- JOHN LAWHIII, HupiM-intrndrnt. jedo? Ofreiila Mill, Clcarfirlil eoutity. SAMDEL I. SNYDER, Practical Watch Maker, OppcVitc the Coort IIuum. si:com STUEl.T, nsKAiaiLM, TA. 5iAII kin-lfl f Wt. ht, riiirkf no'l Jewelry prftmf.tlr fpniiT.1, ni work Frrntri to riTt JAMES C. BARRETT, Ju-tiivof thr Va and Kirrnffd roiniTaneT, .'.licrbur(;, t Irarlidd Co. Ta. ffd'rriillociiot.r' A rrmittancm prumptlr mad an i all kinds of Ifgjl inilrumcuti rucniinl on nhurt nnttw. ia.T4.iti OI.LaWCI It- HAVia CARfT HOLLO WBDSH & CAREY, -;ookellki:s, Bliiiik Eook Manufacturers, AND STATION KUP, 21S Slarkfl M., PhUadfiphla, rjojL.p8pT Flnnr Porkt and flu;. Foolwnp, IsPlti r, Nuto, Wrapping, Curtain and M'nW nppr. fr).24.7-1ypd NEW CLEAKKIELD, l'KNS'A. J on Market atrect, o i .site the 1 ail. MOSI sm:nt, UllDCIAN To Ml!.--, l UKM H ( Oi l III-.-", TUU.K TOPS, MAXTI-Kt", UAItl'KN FTTI'AIIV. TtniiA rt tta VAiir., IIEAI1 I FooT HTOXKS, of new and Wautiful designs. Ill of l,ich will Vie sold at cltj prices, or ti ft cmt. Iiss than am other estsMishmcni in this conntr. Halisfaclion naranteed ia all eases. Ordirs thank fnllr recrired and liroioptlf tiled in the hi st sroikinan like manner. f. A. 0IDSON. Jiar. E. Warso. Afcnl. mjll lt NEW MARBLE YARD IK I.UTIir.ltMst'RCI rp.il. undpr'iffned takrf till method nf inform 1. ing the eittien of the wetern end of the (SMiiiif that be l.aaopvtK-d a Marlilo lard fur the manufacture of Tomhtni,r, Monnnenle Head and I'oot moara, I employ nnno but the heit workmen, end oe the beet matt rial. All order promptly Hied and ibo wore warranted, Aww ii i-iim 10 ' HAMKI. H0ni,A VI'FR. j ltthsr:-a, Or her . IM". - RFIELB CLE A PEWSYLVAM V RAIL - ROAD. TYRONE CLEARFIELD DKANCU. and after Monday, NOV. 211, IS70, twi, .isscnri-r Trains will run duilv (cxi-itit Hun- dii)s) hclwi-iti Tvrone and Cicurlii-M, as lulluws: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearileld J..0, i. Philip.lmrg.....S.40, " (Loeola - Tyrone .....Uo, " Tyrone M U.o.. Itwola II 1... " l'bi!ipourg...l 1. 40, " Ilea i1i eld I2.40,r.a. CLEARFIELD ACCOMMODATHIX. LEAVE Bni TH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 7.00 a. .' Tyrone 10.00 . a. l'llilipshnrg... S OU " liib-rseotiou..l1.lll Osceola 10.011 " ! Oscwla 2.00 l . Intersection...) 2.50 P. H.' I'hilip-t.nrg ...8.40 M Tvron.. 1.13 " I Clearli.ld, ar...6.n0 " FARE AND DISTANCES. FROM CLEARFIELD.! FROM TYRONE. Ftation. i Ftationi, s r i ? f Leonnr.l 2 1" Intersection 4 1i Woodland 20 Vanscoyoc 7 SO Riglcr. 2Ii Oarttnrr 8 211 Wallaneloa .-...11 Hi lit. Pica. ant.... 1 1 HI Mine Hall IS 4I Snritniil I( ., IMilllp.hurs 17 flit -.ii.v l:i.l-c...i:. 40 Stciners- H Ji.i Powelllon. 17 45 Diinlar 20 fo llarrola 211 S.I Osceola Ill A Dunl.ar 21 u Powellton 24 75 Nteinrr's "1 n.j fandr Ridgr....2il 811 Plllllp.burg.ai 10 Summit 27 5 Dine Rail 2 j 80 Mt. Plrasant....:lO U" Wallactlon "0 VI Oardncr It I tl 00 llili r M 05 Vanaoovne .It 1 0(1 Wuodlsnd- S t 00 Intersection 7 1 15 Leonard 1 1 10 Tyrone... II I 20 Clearileld 41 120 FARE FE03I CLEAUFIELD, TO Belli fonte. Pa fl 05Mid.lIclown 5 P0 Litck Haven 1 70 Mnrictta 5 50 William.port 3 I"' Lancaster i i llunlinxdoa I t0 PHILADELPHIA 7 05 lwietown. S 00 Altonna 1 o5 Mnrwsville 4 50 .Inhn'town K0 MARIUSBl HO... 4 75lJ'n TSBIHH i 15 rit ronnrrtionn tnadp at Tyrone with tniin Eaxt and W wt nn thti Mnin linr, and at Williiun pnri for (mint North and l'tit. 'aepn?iri leaving uirariiriti ai z.tu p. m., rpach Wi!liam"port thr aamrxlay, and jana nrrrn t'lnf nitiiatnppurt at n.wu a. m., rtata ticar- flold at Si p. m. annrnrf f'r wdt Motmnf on tno simn i.inr hrtwc? TvroiiT and llarrii(ir(r. rnvi T'mno at 2&p. m. OKOKUK C. WII.KINS, nv lit-tr. MipfritifmiirBt. (Clothing. How to Wave floury. TTTK timet are bard ; yua'd like to know How yon nay far ynur did Ian j Tho way to do tt I will mow, If you will rrad hat fulluwt. A ntnn who lived not far from horo. Who workod bard at bit trad, But bad a hoaichold In tupport That ifi'janderod allho uado. I met hiDnpo. Snyi ho, "My frload. I look thread bear and roujjh ; I'vo trirtl to got myrolf a nuit, But caa'l onto up enough." 8ot T, my friend, hw mtn h tart yoa f I'll toll yn whfTo to go To gat a unit thntV fnnd and cheap t To HKIZtNsIKIN A Co. I,o took what little bo bad aavod. And wont to loiBotcia 4 Unitheri. And thoro bt got a handaonif luit, For half bo paid to other. Now bo la homo, fct !o..ki oo well. And their ffppt ia fn"h, Tl't when thry Uko their d-iMy meal, They don't rat half ai mack. And now he flndi on Saturday nigiit. With all their wante euppliod. That be baa money left to ipend And lomt to lay aiido. tl tf gnnd par rem, with cheerful imlle. lie gladly telle to til, Tf you'd eave money, go and buy Your clothee at v REIZENSTEIN'8 CLOTIIIN'd IT ALU Where tho rheapeet. Stoat and belt Clothing and good Farniebing Qooile raa bo bad to unit every taste and in every otyle aprll, 70 NEW DRUG STORE B. AI.tAI)K!l, M. I)., in Drusrtjlil and Ai'mherarv, CUKWEXSVILLE, PA., Kt rpi foiifitaiilty on hand a large aortiQciit of i) n v a s , Patent Medicine. Paint and Oil. Vamiahr. I've Hiuflu, Ao. 11 it Hook of ti nffd 1 pure and fri-nh, and etiit'iiiirni pan rvly iipnn celling the be ft of everything in bi line. Ill iloek ul r j: n f r m e n r , T'ul.t Aritilt. Ilnif T"nie, C opinvtiet, trtlheat Tfiitrt fA)i. Coiiil'f, I'm-krl Pnoks IVnt. Ink, i'mrtli and Paper, and a f nrrt.l iiiorltni nt of thia claw f g'o-t, arc all ot the bret (jualitj. ri'RK ir.v; s',t- liq irons, For Mcdicnl purpnrrf onlj, Put It, T.iilirirating Oil, tie., to tnit the wanti of the euromumty. Hi extennlre and well prlwted tftfk of I'lue and klfMtirine etiahlea him to fill l'h v'u inn prerriptione on bort notice and oo tho tnot rrawuiaoie term. Pmoker and fheweV will find hie tieVi of Chrinit and Hmokina; Tnljareo, Cigar A Hniiff, to eon ni ft of tho very 1mI hran I la lite market. A li are of public patronage ia anlicited. (Jut. 10 Urn. W. H. AIsKX ANDKR. LUMItliHMIM riUUECTION IN CANTHOOKS1 The I'learfiiU Kicelsior fanthiiok a ill not wear out or break, brink constructed with one'jortty solid hand from eltji to jiotnar It 1 pro noun red by all prartiral )umlriuta who have eiamined it to be the Diot perfect Canthook over invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee, Mannfartnred by Aaop Krxxjinn A Co.. at Cl.EAKr IKI-D, FA. jP-rAII order promptly attended to, nrS'TO WESTERN HOTEL, I 0.iiisite (lie Coort House, CI. riARFIELI", rivNK'A. Aeea.miBodation, f.rsl-elass and charges asoderale. oell JOHN P. Yflt Xli, rrrt.lor. l v tk Id' ' okTAHI.I.' FKl-ja. V) e have prtntrd a larro putntter of tlio new IKK II11.L. and will . ttae tmiM of twent. v ente, mail a pfy t mi idro. m29 t.v'' ' PRINCIPLES: 11 FIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAUFIELD, 1'a. WKUXKSIiAY JIOHXIXd. MT. 21. 170. Strrrh of HON. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, IMIrered In Philadelphia, Dec. I I, 1H7I. A lair Apportloumi'iit llill and lair l-:lcctiona. Tlio democrnls and consei vntires of llio lirnt Scnutorial district, 1'hiludel- iiu, held n ItifKO and entlitisiitslie moelini;. on Monduv eveniiii; tlio lliili, til u liicli uddroeseH were delivered by Col. It. 1'. Deekeri, llio democratic Ciindiduto for Seiiutof, Hon. Win. A. V ulltico, Lewis L. i assidy and others. .Mr. Walhieo's "peeeli was on tlio sub ject of tlio next tpportion merit, ns unrcled uy llio upnoiieliin special election. Wo give a condensed report as folio w h : .Sknatoii Wallace said: FdlovA citizens "(the J-'irtt Scniitnriiil l)intrirt ; In openini', permit mo to say Unit, d'iriii a soinew liat exU'nded term in tho iSliito Senate, it has heen my lor tune n 'n in and nain to bo called upon by iroiitlomen, proiiiinent in your city, with tho inquiry why this mens uro nnd that nieiiKtiro have received notion, nnd w hy we, of the rural districts, bnvo not stayed tho wheels or leii'islation until the press nnd the kmiIu of your city nro heard fiom? A brief glunco at our ptinilton there will answer these- queries. You elect four pen piemen to represent you in llio Senate; the.v come clulhed with ollieial gurh, nnd when they unite in Ihociiilorscinciilolatiy measure purely local, nnd nstc its passu-iu as the dcxiro of their constituents, what right have I to nssiiuio tlint it is not your w ih ; My people elect nio lo taUo enro ol their interests, and in matters ntt'ccling my district alone. I ahould feel deeply njrjrricved if my right to judge of ilieir w ishes nnd wants were ques tioned by A l'hiladclphiti Senator. Thus, ''putting myself in their place," I nequiesro in their right to represent you. They are your agents; tho guar diaiis of your interests, and their voices nro potent on all questions in w hich you nlono nre concerned Hmv vital then is it that, in matters nfTucting the intereHts of lliis great city, yon should be faithfully nnd honestly represented, and how important to all of Joirts it, thatlhobesl man named bt.ould bo elected. Send to us sin h nion ai your candi date, and wo will hoar fewer com plaints of iho wrongs perpetrated nt Ilaiiisburg upon yuur people and your rights. Tho evil, if Mich (lu re lie, is hi your home, mid hero nt the ballot box you must apply the remedy. Ily the fiat of Providence, tho Senaic is to day equally divided. This con test l ) decide its political complexion is, in every sense, a State one. The division of llio commonwealth into congressional, senatorial nnd reprcsen taltvo districts; the possihlu call lorn convention to revise tho Stale consti tution, nnd the mode of selecting the representatives thereto uro the great questions to bo disponed of in the coining session. In tho udjtistment of mailers of so grave moineiit, no nnrrow partisanship t-houlj prevail, but so fur ns it is consinlent with the character of our institutions', every shado of sentiment hhotild bo ivpie scntrd, and every individual voter made the equal of his fellow. In this way ulono can wo approxitnato the truo standard of represonlativo gor erniucnt. Uy tho election of Col. Deekert to tho Senate, the Ileniocrats will control Hint body. Tho liepiihlicuns alreudy hafo tho House and tho (ioveninr, utnl a fair nppot tiounient of ihc S'.nte, and an impartial distribution of dele gates to the State Convention (if one should bo called) will bo made. The Con (lifting interests of the two parties, in view of tho matulntory provision,; of the constitution, will beliurmonizcd, and the councils of reasonublo and reasoning men in tho legislature will prevail, llivo bolji branches of the legisla'iuro again to tha IiYptibKcan party, mid the fores of party drill, the necessity fur party Ftit-ccss, nnd the de.-ircs of ambitious men within its ranks will outweigh tl o (aimer judg ment of fair minded men. W e seek but n lair bill and an lion rst Apportionment, 'i his is the issue in this cniiviiss. fur a partisan majoilly will again dislrnnchi-e and outrage the people as they were dist'tanchised and outraged by the iniquitous measures of ITiJ and Mi. Seo tho Dgures nnd the facts lo sup port this assertion : In ltil, the tolal Voto for Congress woe 4!i7N- ; 111 Ucpuhlicans elected hod li.MKli voles, or lo.tl.Ti voles ench ; 8 Democrats elected had 2b!,: 074 votes, or 30.SM4 voles i nch ; ic quired lo elect n Democrat more than a llepiililican, ll,-l;'.i votes; whole Ib puiilican tiuijoriiy, 1 1.7;U; lnrhuli they obtained t CongresMnt n. In Ili0, iho lolal voto was fifl",,'-"1 1H Jlepuhlicans elected bad ;io',4li votes, or li,.S votes each ; 0 Icino ernts elected bad "!I,0S(1 votes, or 4, .M.'l votes each; reipiired to electa IVmocrat more than n Hi publican, 111,710 voles ; wholo republican 111.1 i I. votes ; lor which they obtained 1 Cungrrssiui n. In IStiS, tho total voto was tl.M .PI ; S Democrats elected, w ho were turned out, viz ; Moffat, llending nnd Foster, leaving lH Jb'publtciiiis, who hud I'.!!, 042 votes, or li,!ii votes rich; fi Demociats, who bad '!L,L','l7'l voti, or r:l,7l- votes csi-h ; required lo elect Democrat more than a Jlepublican ii,r, 4'.lll votes. Wholo llepulilican majini ly was 7,'!0' for which they obtained by the grrymniitliT nnd iho cominit tee on tho e lections Cungressmer.. In I 70, liuvinj out of view t Is -second district, nnd l ,.)72 independent votes in the Allegheny dis'riit, the whole congressional voto was nl J .'ioii F.lrven Democrats elected hud 2,Ml.n!l4 votes. Twelvo Hcpublicans elected bad L'.'iG.liJ, loaviuir a Dcnnn'ralic J mnioritv ot lf.2, for which the liei.nl- , ... ' . . i ; ",B. u,,c '"rrnmn, vum tO 1,U'" OTthe priplllnr Vol. REP NOT MEN. AW tlnt linil tlitil t lie pi itf lii itl win k i" CT' '(' the conrrrcrixinnnl crry inamlcr of tlnriii"; liitir ti'i'tim, lum licon to rf(iiiro mi iivrriif'p of .'iri.Wt,1) vntos to eli'i-t n Oi-ni'icriil ic t'oiicrn'sstnnn, wliilut n.flill votes pfe minicicnt to clccl a I!onili!ican. Tho diU'civticu in tho iliolo voto polled at tlioio four rnncji-pasinnnl elm-lions litis lioon lint nboul 81,0(10 voles, or loss than tlio niteint'or two rono;ressiiieii, nnd yet sixty fuur I(i'iiililit-!itis Inivo lieen sent to i nii-efi lor thONC tprmn, whilst but thirtA--ono Ileniocrats hnvo (icctiiied tlio Jlaee, nnd ol theso Cessna is nllcr one. i Tlo Senatorial nnd Jlcprcsetitativo apptilionment niado in lHlil, was still inor' uiiiiist in Hs details, and bus proved so in practice. The county of Montgomery hud al ways enjoyed u separate senatorial representation until tho passage- of that bill, when sho was attached to Chester nnd Delaware, in order that their Jirpubltcuii majority should eon Irol her nnd gUo another senator to tlio ltepuiilu ans. Lancaster, ttilli 2.,mM taxahles, was given two senators, w hilst West moreland, Fayette nnd Greene, with 4ll(i tuxubles, wero allowed but one; tho lbtiiicr were lluilicul, (ho latter Democratic. A number of other iiij. stanci-s ot gross injustice nro in tho bill, und the result bus justified tho hopes of its framcrs, namely, the HTictuatiun of their majority in the enuto. I proceed to show from tho actual results in eliding members of the lloit'O during the past fivo years how infamous tho disfranchisement oi our peoplu has bi.cn : J Iiu apportionment tiill ol lw0i ns sinned lo fix 11.700 taxahles as the quota for ono representative in the house, ninl in J vf'i t.eary had Mi,'s:i votes, and sixty republican members wero elected, having each upon the gencml basis 4,I.Vi votes. Clymcr had ''jO.O'.IO votes, nnd thirty -eight Democrats wero elected, each having upon this bnsij 7,i!l votes; thus re quiring 2,(577 more votes to elect a Democrat than tn elect a Ucpublicun. The licpuhlirnn majority in ihe Stato was 17.I7S; les.1 than thf num ber necessary for threo members, yet their majority was twenty four. In l'hilailelphia, tho operation is still wotso, for in that year, (ieary had there 01,215 votes, which elected lii j ''publican members nf the house, with 4.17 ) votes each ; whilst Clymcr had 4,K17 votes, wjjch elected but 5 Dem ocrats with fl,7ti-J votes each, requir ing more than twice as many Demo crats ns republicans lo cl.'ct a member of the House. In l(i7, Jadgo Slinrswood carriud llio Si;1tc by ;.'i majority, yet the Legislature stood .It republicans to 41) ii mocrats ; giving them 8 major I V, when under a fair bill it would have been ours by as many. In Phil adelphia, the Democrats elected the hIk-i iff and all of Ihe row officers ; and Jude Sharswo'.I had ,riJ,l75 voles, which gavo iho Democrats but 7 mem hers, whilst Judgo Williams had but 4ll,.'i'-7 voles, which gavo ihe l!epuhli c.ins 1 1 inointM'rs, thus requiring 7, 4 !!l Voles lo elect a Democrat, w hilst 4, M S rotes elected n republican. In HiiS Martrunfl badolilJlO votes, and the republicans had (J members, each having 5,o l" votes. Ih.ylo had voes, anl tha Denio tats had but utf loetnU'rs, rat h having f, 40ii votes, a dill'ereiice of It.OlM in favor of rcjiiibliciniisni. Tho w holo major ity wus 0,li77, for which the" iTtituined " members. In l'hilailelphia the Democrats elected their mayor nnd district attorney, and lloyle curried the city by 17o tun joi ity, yet tho Dem ocrats got but T members, ol the house, whilst tho republicans had lit. I'xiyle's voto was (io,.:!S ; 5 members li.lill votes each; Hal tranlt's vole was (iO.'i.il! ; L! members 4,(')iH votes each, a dis' iimiiialioii of nearly ii70 per cent, againsl tho Democrats of l'hilailelphia. In ly Geary had ItJ.j.'i votes and his party bd till members of the house, with 4,HfJ votes each. Packer had ".,!l.)0 Votes and tho Democrats j hi:d 40 members, hh 7,1 IS votes ench. For un aggregate iniijority of 1,',',,'lT lliey o'.itained JO members of tho bouse. 1n Philadelphia (ieary had .'il.- i- votes und 11 liepublk ans wero elected with jl, Hit1 votes. Pack er had l!i,St)2 votes nnd 5 Democrats wire elected, with !l,"(i'J votes each, anol licr.disi-rimination of over 2;!0 per cent.. In l'.'7: taking tho Congressional V it-o us the basis, and giving the Re publicans the independent vote in the Allegheny district, nnd treating the vote in tho second district Hi 11,0 1 1 Democrat and 11,700 Republican, we find a totul Republican Tolo of "Gtl, 21 1, for which they hnvo f." members, with -4 , P 'J ." voles ench, nnd tho Demo crats, with 2li.'':ll votes, havo 4," members with ft.SlI votes each. For u majoiily o(o.410on the whole vote, they have 10 members of the house. In Philadelphia llio republicans hare again 13 members, with about U.700 votes each, nnd. the Democrats have but .r nictnbi is, with about Sl.tiOO votes each. i no nggregato uillercnro 111 the wholo vote polled (luting these five years is l.ul uboiit lil.Pli 1. but by its ski 1 1 1 ei I manipulation the republicans liuvo secured the control of the House timing the hole period, noil ma tinned to elect eighty six members mere than the Democrats. It is not slrango that Mich a result should follow" hen we ciiitrast the districts formed by the iniquitous lull ol si;, F.suminc homo of its promi nent features: (.'uinberlniid, Democratic, with 10, CIIO laxables, bus one member. Tio-n and Putter, republican, with 11. W (nxiiblcs, hnvo two imnihers. -Moutgomcry, Democratic, ith IN, 0"7 taxahles, has two inetubers. Chester, Ibpublican, 1U,M'J taxi, bles, bus three members. Columbia, Montour "! Northum berland, Democratic, w ith 17,4' tax shies, hnvo two numbers. llriidrr.t-d nnd Sullivan, Hepublicnn, with 11,072 taxahles, have two mem hers J.iJ 1870. NEW Way no, I'iko, Monroe nnd Carbon, Democratic, with I T,i:;0 laxables,havc two members. Susquehanna and Wyoming, Ilcpub licnn, with HfiVl taxa'bles, have two members. Westmoreland, Democratic, with 12,0('m tuxubles, was entitled to two mi-tubers, und Indiana, with 6,7 1. taxables, was entitled to ono. Yet they nro joined in ono district, and threo mombeis given lo it, all of whom nio Jii'publienns, because thuir innjori t y in Indiana is greater than ours in Westmoreland. Tho issuo before llio people of tho first Senatorial district involves the correction of these gross wrongs, and the enactment of un apportionment bill, by which nil of thu people shall bo fairly represented. With thoelee tion of Colonel Deckurt. tho Scnule is Democratic, and a fair bill will bo nr rived at by tho uclion of Iho two Hiiumg. Wo want ro ircrryinander; no more unfair nnd disi'taeetnl parti- sanship; no lurther dinlianchisement in our ienpte ; Dili w o u. inahil sucn an upporliiinmenl ns will give lo the party rurrying the State the legiiiinuto results of its nieeess, in u majotity ol tho member of Congiess, und in the control of tho Legislature. This is a representative government, under the legitimate rule of u majority, and for it wo come to you, tho people of the Bret senatorial district. TAIIl LAB STATEMENTS. riif rrtArrirai. wiinniMis nrniKo eimit vears or thk sri'i ei.tr.is 01:11111 sakhkh roll coauitasa. Rrnuhliirans eleet i-d to C'oiiii.-w..4 lVhole numl'ir or vote, r.olled fur tlinn Ari-rajrn vote fur! 2j),8llS 302.4BS ::2'J,(I2 2;.,I72 I II j,2j( 16.S03 lS.atd 21,347 J J J. ., t-aeii of lhrtn....l Ih-moeraf, elceted1 to Conifreiw I Wbule numher ofi B U' O II rot-, polled fur I 1 iiiria 2,.t,074 :ii,os(i:,.j:,i;2j(t,r.4 Average vole fur I I j eai-li of Ihem 1 3C,:8I' 4,S72I i?,T1 S 2.1,311.1 More T11I.-S neecs-; sary fi.r a li-ui 1 Cont;re, smote Ihan lur a Hi-fi .' Rrp. majoritr on hole rote No. uf Cunre,, j men olitmued tberrhr ! H,jV si.tio m,w- l.'Jifi 11.7.11, 11,312, 7,3o6.K-t.t62 17! 12 A(fjrreirto ililf. of otee during tbee ieara..tM,.lL'0 lit j.ulilican Ct-tipren-men obtained tuturby CI Averape niimlicr f votea rtfired fur a Hipublit'aa (.'ouifrrnMuau., 1 7,fitt Averajje iiumtwr of rotea rniuind for a I'etmarm'ie rtnprre!inan nS.S.t.'i (In 1jmW, .M-Hat, lUndinand Foster, llrmii. eratu, were elitod, but were turned out, leaving Ihe ! Irpntion at in the preeeilinj; r,itiyn-M.) (The fH'coml diptriet, tor S7(t, ia omitud flora the table.) rn."rtcL nKixiia or t-r 4Pi'uiiTioiii.NT Of 1IIK Hot KK M IllNfl TI1K l'AT riVK VTAIt!. $tntrf!r hfiR. ; isf,T. ir,. ! is..'., ) i;o. U p. r..( Iti'p. uem ;tj;,;'ut Lor-4 'i;.if uo ?w,m 2M,2u IlllUrW... A v e r a a 62. C2, fill. vote for (li.ni f 4.fl."C. 5.121- 5.4.' 4.? .Vi5 l-m. vote. 2lu,0.i6 2774tl :21,7Ji JiJj.atW IMn. ujctii Is re I A v e r a r ef . utc i o rj I hem 1 M ire Tul. r1 neii-s.ari ' fur a lhui than a lo-i.nieiii li I. ..1 . It-1 . lllj'ITitV. : ;imtu-r of meniiier. o b lainudj Ihen-liv... I 4 O1 as; 4"! 45 S,s2ti; ft, ir.o 7,1 lk 5.507 2,677;. r0 3,121 I 1,012 s,no i?,t:s tit. 6:2, ,T7 21 10 Aeri',te dilierence of rote doting Ihi-sa me years 33,!., Iti I'uhlii-sn un ui'iers of thr Ituuse ulitaim-d Iberehr... fo Arera- nuiuher of votes for a ItejiuhlirAa uioitH-r ,00 1 Ai eraire nninler of voti-s for a III taiMlatio moiuber tt9i arsi Lra la t-i-iti.aiir.i.i'itii. ,hrr . lis .ar lo. lsY-7. ICS. lMt.i. i7il. It' nul.lh-.n vole j4.2(l."i i,jS7 fia,;i3 .'.1,202 47,47 It i i util ican I j i l mrmliers of I iiouw I ia li r.' i.i. i A v eraae -eotr I I t-.r llinn 4. KO 4. .''(is 4.4 .: s.r.a i2.o;;i r.ti, sos is,mi2 i;,,o.i0 t iiiuri-itio lute 4S.S17 II ea oe r a t 1 e t.Mtti!M'rs I !i A v e ra to vote, I fur tin in. ,7f:i; ,:,! ts.icr o.-tco o.oifi i Mors lotr. nee. ssarr fur a 1 e UI u e r a 1 1 L M ui'-r Ihan a li. i.-i'.n-sn 1 4.19:1 2.M1 i ,4eS, t.422 4.4oti 2,: til W hlu llr.uMi I i o.-in nmiurilv... 5,.:SS N lli-.ll'l'l ol tin 111 l-err otitaioedl theri-l'T I ' Ar rr' -rale diri-ri-ni-e of tote during Itici-e livrrnir, 1 P,fi.",2 K ntil-iiean niemlK-rs ot Ihe House olilu'oi-if iiHivt.v rr. A vi-rsf-" liuuil-cr of votes fur a llej-a'.-ll-an mimlier 4,177 Avernre nnmltr of votos fur a lienmt-ralic linii.hcr 9.31MI I tn this tai'le the Seeond distrii-t is e.tiinatrd f .r l:0. al ,jtio Unuutratie, and 11,700 Ilr.ub lisau roles.) IIaii.road Sionaw. The varieties, of iho "tools" of the locomotive, nnd Iho jy ration of tho arnii of tho conductor-., by dnv, or lui.terna by nihl, nro about u intelligent to moat poo. plo ns (lift chia t hoctnw. Thu lo! lowiiiff n ill j;ivo llio ronder a correct idea ol their sinilicntioti 1 Ono vibistle "down bniltes." Two whistles. "olT brnkiM" Three whis-tlew "hnek up." Com in noun biatlea "tlan -rer." A ntppid amveasioti of shoi I w hit-lies in the call lenlut tn, nt svbicli tho hrukes will nlnaya bo put dow n. A hwecpinji part in or of hniuls on level ol eyetl la llio Mtttil lo "go ahead." A don-nwnrd motion of the bnnd, with extended iirma, "lo ntoji." A beckoning nmlion of iho bnnd, "bin-It." A lantern lowered mid r:iied ver tically, i a fsijjnul lor 'vtni titi ;" awilli-r nt rijrhl litfjlca or crowiiy Iho tiiick, "mop;" swung in n citvie, "biick Iho trniii." A red llitrj waved upon tho track must bo refrnrded aa a ai-rnul of'ilnncr. So wilh oilier tignal given with en- rriry Moisted at a station, is a signal for a train "lo slop." St 11 cli up by tho roud side, il is signal of danger on the train ahead, Curried unlurled on an engine, is a warning that another oeirinc or train is on its way. j lfil. I 1SC0. j lifts, j 187(1. 19j IV sj lj CAN TEEMS $2 per annum, in Advance SERIES - VOL. 1J, NO. 23. eePBaw4-4Bji wmMnmmmwmiLwwmm Tllli IU I H OF DI'.ATII. IT WW. 0. It KXfi:pr. On lift ' tioriiori, at its al, There fluwn a .h-mril risr, WhuHfl pUx'itjo w. the arliiir tool. And 111 j kv tlx piiiiuiis quiver. The clinlly lantli:ijt on ttn flmre, A(iittt iij.fHtJioliiii-r mortalut Vim dhrink ilixnitived I'm to rrofr-innj o'er, T n-atjlt J f aven'i goluYo lurtalu, Alcinj Hp liank the ivy prowa Tln re (Jr'Hp tlio aiuurnful ailluiffl. Anil there Iho ifl-Miniy erirfa thrum Ita ahsute athwart the billow, Ita ntraoiqibero ia hlrak ami dank. Ami Plajnant umkra tht- hivatbtng, While luilrlul niporK fntm iiu hank. Are ever upward wreathing. !( breath ImiiudiIb Ihe ha tula aol feot, An timwii thr iil(friin nfarer, The hritrt anl pulre aufpnl their biat, Aa gruwa Uu taUc drca'or. That vulh-y tmi, ia lune am deep, And in it twilight fflimtner, Dark h allow-? o or the ere-baMa creep, And uiiike the vuum dnnuiur. The irltKim with which ita rfrpthi ahuaud, Thu df-w-drop thi'kl falling, Th- dreary aiUta auJ Uulrlul auunda, lit prci: in Ma make n'pallnig. The Ii ill lipn, t tit hhsiidtinf hunda The bniw t mnrldc turning- The nuiiilire h'firiH1 that wuiting aUiuJa The cutsd!.' laiotly burn in y I T'ttf hrfiul, the pall, the entTtn drtaJ, KeUlii'i.a, frit-nd, nil wi-ejtin, Tlie r;i. h-n, cdil nil I narrow bed. Fur luti and drcuiuleaa aleepiug! Theao riaion Rrim, with dread in real The dexirent ly that rivrr, Inipire with fear that pilgrim's brea-t. And 01 nke ita tibren quiver. Uut woul'l he look bevond the rtu-am, limtiad f round hi rti parinj, lie wunld behold a dutIiua; brata, AtTusa thu wuttr blaaing. lie vouIJ perceive a ji.Tua hart, The rivrr buifun li-ahtnin;, And Ui ita nelher bnpp.T eima Jlif tri'iuldiu ouul iiu itinj. lie would dipevrn an anjct-I band, With ram pa and tnrrli-n jf!"m)C, Al'ti( the fliure vf thai bright laud, Thvir wr..imc beacoua ahuwinjf! Ilia eve would cut-b a elieerinjj v'm Of lleaven'a reapleudnt firimtaiaa, Ita vallix frc-h with pearly dew. Aud ita eternal mouutaina! Ills ear would drink a cad -nee awt, Aa aoft as hmea ol lover, A pong, with wliii-h the angila greet A pilgrim croat 1 og orer I Tliea he would etwt all dreal aaiJe, II if aJttl w mid c-at Ui quiver, And be would baldly tetii Ihe tide Of itmi tark r''"inr river. COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS AND COUNTRY EDITORS. To well edil a eountry newspaper is ono of ihe most dillictilt underlukiiij;8 itnainublc. Il in harder w ork to well edit n firsl-rato local country newspa per than to edil a daily, in a lar-'c city, and rcpiirra mora versatility of talent. I ho country editor w n lie- Citliur institution, lie haa un arduoua lime of it. If bin paper ia w orth a fartbin', bo must innliO it ao by w ork. It will not do for him to nil clown with a pilo of exchanges beside him or in bin bip and, with a puir of tdirara, cut otil thin rtory, that piece of poe try, this bit of war Hewn, that case of mtiriier, this terittilo railway accident, and this piece of personal abtiso con cerning dome M.lilica! opponent to maku up llio variety usually found 111 country newspapcia. Il will iiot do for hiu) lo rely upon tho acixanr alone to furnish coj'j" by the column, hall column, third-coiumn, or Mick ful, as tho case may bo, with no oilier i.l, a than to havo il easy fur the foio 111 11 1 1 lo make up tho paper. The country editor w ho makes n ;;ood paper does it by labor nnd np plication, lie carefully reads tho ex changes, llo keejxi himself posted as lo w hal is irnine on. lie must know uoniethini; of polities, finances, reli gion, commerce, agriculture, mechan ic, lino aria, science, medicire, fash ion", and local gossip. II a must know everything from the formation if (irunt'a Cabinet to the most improved method of cleaning pisr'a feet. llo miisl bo ablo to write under- standingly on the IniilT, specie pay ment, llie art of curing sick horses, the best lubricating material for wag ons, the cost ami profit of raising this or thai breed of hen", dde'-ii, pigs, sheep, cuttle, and hoists. Aud all ibis ho must acquire by study, by experience, by inquiry, lie must know w hnl is cuing on in this part of tho town and that. Ho inu-t know which farmer is making money and w hich is not. When a farmer erect a handsome barn or dwelling houso bo is worthy of mention, tor he has accomplished something, and dot ed an improvement where one be lure did not exist. Thu country edi tor must know of nil lliesu improve ments, and mention llu'tn, that otheis many be encouraged to do likew ise lie inusl bo posted as regards the general health of bis immediate vicin ily; must know who tho Ih'sI j bys- icians arc, and, in case ol death, must recommend an undertaker. Ho must know who brings in now goods and whether they are to bo sold cheap or not. He is expected lo attend all Ihe funerals and to mourn with those who mourn, llo must attend all tho wed dings at least il is expected that be will writo a puff fur tho parties mar - l ied, and give Ihem a good send-off When two tiermans ion; separated, through the paper, no mailer whether meet, they will be very likely lo cm ho was invited lo llio feast, been pre- j brace, anil then turn into an adjacent sented with a piece of rake, or paid Leer cellar, sit down, drink lager, eat for the time consumed in writing or j pretzels nnd chat, but when they part space tab( n in bis paper. ! B:eiii each man settles his own score He must attend chiin h each Siiinlsy nd "pendenlly. So in Italy. Tho or bo w ill not be popular w ith tho re- j lulnnis at-0 proverbially generous, lig ois portion of the community. Hoi,ui every man pays for bis ow n w ine, must, ntro, tt uvel uiotiii.l u lit t lo w ith j in.iearotii a:.d cigars. They never tho "boys," gossip, and "exchange a j irn into each other's pocket books in lew lies'' w ith those w ho know every- j the sacred namo of friendship. They tiling tibot, l their neighbors business, uouM ns soon think of transferring or he will havo the reputation of being j ilo-ir washer-woman's bills, 'stui k up," and Ibcu be w ill loe in- The preposterous fashion nf "treat fluence w ith theso whoso votes will ing" is responsible fur the terriblo count ag:iint him or li's party drunkenness in America. There Ho must present bis reader a would be as little work fur tho llood variety; a little prose nml a little poetry : something Hint is humorous and something sentimental. He uiu-l be 11 ! V, kind, polite, bitter, pleiiauh'., 1 everyiliing by turns und nothing lung, ' or Iho luidcrs ol tho paper w ill sny there is a sameness lo il. il no con tines himself lo one thing lliey w ill ' -ay be is no old fogy, und has no am a bltioti. If ho writes of many things ihe has no coiisisUncy. and has , oilier desire than to inako money und I cater lo a depraved tusto. The country editor must t!o mu'bj beaidea D'lit. Il I rupeileit that ( will nisao spcwlies 111 liiira, (Ihk pre sentation, upi'Mcg nf near achool boitses, it ntirii, it nfiil. If them i 11 tea parly ol old women or aipinjr w ives, tt ia not expected tha'. be will nil, 11 I, bill bn must expect to bo ad dled ft mil end to end, (ill there is not "u much of his private life or charac ter thai you could put in a teaspoon, kit untouched or unscathed. llo must visit all tho machine shop and prominent enterprises. He must w rito pud's for every more, gro cery, khoe eliop, oyster saloon, 4c, in such a manner that proprietor of each will think his a finer puff than his neighbors. If bo stays in iho ofiico all iho time ho w ill know nothing of what is going on fittt side. If he run about toivn und is not in tho ollice, people will say llnil ho is shiftless. If ho spends nil bis lime in rca.liui; bo cannot ho conversant with w hat it go ing on 111 thu neighborhood. If ho dovotca much tl 111 u to local mntters it is not expected ihut ho w ill be posted aa regards imtionul all'aiis or things far reaching outside of his sanctum. Ho must ecu that bis paper goes to press at a certain time, and Unit it is filled. He must sou to the collection of money, nnd paying out of tho atune ; ho must pay tor Ins blank paper, Ins employes, rent, and household exen. ses. If ho dresses well, peoplo will say that ho ia makii g money and re fuse lo pay ihcir subscription; for,as a general thing, peoplo do not like lo see other gclliuii along in the world. , .. II lie does not dress well, the commu nity at once says that he ia a poor, shabby devil, unable lo support hiin self therefore unable to advise ot hers. It ia expected thai he will puff eve ry caudiduto for ollico, publish every, thing good concerning him und keep back everything thul is bud. In thia respect be must make black u bite and white blin k, stopping nut to consider tho wear aud tear upon bis conscience, or lo think thul so soon us llio man w hoso character needs so much bob stei ing shall bo elected, tho editor will be turned upon, forgotten or abused, llo must work for his parly. If bis party in bis luimediule vicinity nominates a thief, it is the duty of '.he editor to sny thai the aforesaid thief is an honest man When cornea election time it ia ex pected that be will write llio call for the primary caucuses ; then instruct the county conmiitteo when to cull ilieir convention, writo tho notice for ihe same, give publicity theretp for nothing, w hen comes the day, be turn to attend a a delegate. If be eoe as a delegato politicians in hi neigh- but hood will bo very apt 10 curse him, und accuo bim of trying to crowd himself forward, baekvjJ by a newspaper w hich is supported by the public '. If ho doee not attend the convention his enemies will say that ho has no influence, therefore his word will have no weight. When the candidate are nomina ted, ho must givo t'le riso and pro gress of each one, ending the notice with a personal compliment. He must then fee to having election re turns scnl to him promptly, paying fur this work from his ow n pocket. llo must print the elect ion ticket and charge '.hem to "The Committee," which committee, as a general thing, never pays. I'crhaps for all this bo can havo the privilege, of doing a few hundred dollars' worth J village.eily, or country printing, realizing about seven cents lists every sixty lies ho ha heen obliged lo tell in favor of the successful candidate. This is editing in the country. roincrny's Ikmocrat. A Foolkh American Custom. Xo American custom causes nioro genuine surprise and amusement among traveling foreigners than that which is known as the entertainment of two or moro with refreshment for which volunteers to pa). It is a pure Americanism, and all over the llepub lic it is as common as ia Kurope it ia unknown. There is probably no min uto of an)- day in the year w hen two or three hundred citizen of Chicago uro not gitzgliug something stronger than water at somebody else's ex pense. The casual meeting of two men who have exchanged a word to gether, is a signal for both to exclaim, "Come let' have something!" and for both to dive down into the nearest subterranean cavity below tho side walk. The ono w ho spoke first, usu ally insists upon "paying tho shot," tho word "shot" being a metaphorical rcferenco lo tho deadly diameter of iho contents usually luken into the stomach. If two old friends meet, tho regular thing to sny first is "I.et'a drink old times," and tho resident must invariably "treat" the stranger. If a mnn be well acquainted, it is con sidered Ibo generous and princely , thing to seize upon all his acquain tances as often as possible, take them to a saloon, and give them a compli cated stand up dunk af tho bar. If there is anything absiirder than this habit, we are unable lo put our linger on it. .Men do nut always treat one another lo car tickets beeauso they meet on the saino seal. Wenev er saw a man take out bis pocket bonk on encountering an acquaintance and sny : " Ah, tieorge 1 delighted to seo you! Do take a few postage stumps! It's my treat!" Iki men hnvo a maniu for paying each other's board bills! And is drinking more "social" tlinn euling and sleeping to irolher? A traveler may go alt over the continent of Europe, Asia and Africa, without seeing a man, except a Yankee, offer to "treat," and tha French nre quite social enough. Hat when they turn into a rnfe to sip theif wino and nrandted coflee, each man , ,,3Vs for bis own. einplars us there is in (ierniany. Franco or Italy, if this pernicious ami insnlitotis habit were abolished. It is, take it all in all, Ihe most ridicu lous, and the most unreasonable and tho most pest ilent custom tbst rwr laid its tyrannical hand on civilized, human beings. Chicago i'eff. John llepino, ef Indiana county, no j as walking nu mo railroad ira at I'erry recently. A locomotive came along and ran over him, cultirg off both bis legs.