TIIK HKPUJIMCAN. CLEARFIELD, 1'A. WKPNK.-JPAY MOHSl.NU, liEC. 11, 170. now could 1 1 Hp enrried my salt-hel to srhool, Ami me thn-uirh tho drills -airit-d, luo: Could I think alir hit huKired me " cIom-? If I eouldn't, bow oould I? oould foul At eee, lie tied nndrr me ehin Me hood, wilh in bright rihhnn, bine; why he gied in tnr fare eonld I toll f If I oouldu'l, how OOllli I T could yonf He toM me my eyes were so blei-k, The brighten! of any he knew; I blunhed and looked down could I help It T If I couldn't, how ouu. J 1? coulJ jruul He loft 00 nr eheek warm kin. Thru off with the lightning speed Hew; If I ooul.1, I'd have acoldrd and stamped; If 1 couldn't, how oould 1 1 oould vuu? 'Twaa Ion)? years apo, and since then He hai spoken word loving and truej I only leanrd close to his hreiut. For how oould I heii it ? could yon F From tho N. Y. luy Book. The White Republic of 1860, or the New Nation of 1870. TIi is in llio issuo to be "tried on" tj tho American poople in 1S72, nnd it is the most tremendous issuo, not only of this generation, but of our whole history, not even excepting that of 1770, which was to determine whether we should bo conquered reb els or cmergo a now power among tho nations of Christendom. True, its decision is not nceossurily final we must and will restore the While Republic, of course, for it is not to be supposed thut it will absolutely per. ifh from tho earth ; but we aro to determine, in 1870, whether wo hluill do it peaceably, through tho ballot box, or whether that final restoration is to bo reached through civil war, blood and horror unparalleled in this or any other generation of men. And to understand this tremendous issuo now impending over tho country, a few brief facts aro alone needed to render it so clear, that a man may run and read it, and though a fool must understand it. Tor somo fifty years tho wholo mo ral and mutcriul weight of tho British government has been wielded, as de clared by the lato Lord Aberdeen, to "abolish slavery" in America, that is, to delude and force the American people to "abolibli" tho normal condi tion of the negro in their midst, and thu?, in a vain and monstrous effort to incorporate this foreign clement into their Democratic system, under mine and break down that rystcm forever. Tho Kuropcan system is based on ailiucml distinctions of class kings, lords and commons that is, they aro all white people, till the same race, with tho samo nature and tho same wants, but the few have the education, wealth, power, in short, the government in their hands, and thus, generation after eencration, doom tho graat, ignorant, toiling mil lions of their kind to abject Bulimia eion. The American system, organized by the men of 1770, is based on tho natural distinctions of raco, and there fore in utter and "irrepressible con flict" wilh tho European, and if it can be debauched, undermined, and ru ined by amalgamation with the lower races of the Continent, of course and of necessity tho old European order of class distinctions must needs blot out Democracy from the New World as well as tho Old. Indeed, the chances for liberty, tho hope of tho toiling million! of our kind, would be vastly less in the New World, for the working classes, degraded to a level wilh negroes, Indians, Chinese, &c, the wholo mighty Continent, as now w itnessed in Mexico and South Amer ica, would alternate from brutal des potisni to wild and horrid anarchy lor centuries to come, cr until some purer and nobler nation of tho Old World again conquered the Continent, and social order began again as it was organized by Washington and the glorious men of 1770, and us it re maiud until 1S00, v. hen the lunatic and traitorous tools of England elec ted Abe Lincoln, and began their devil's dance for tho ruin of their country. These traitorous lunatics, first maddening tho Northern masses under the mask of a war for the Union, now throw off that mnsk and admit that they have overthrown it, and claim to have set up a New Na tion on tho ruins of tho Republic of Washington. Instead of the Federal Union of self governing Stales and a homogeneous citizenship, they do clare that they have cMablisod a Jlongrel citizenphip and given Con gross the power to enforce their "amendments," and for fivo years past it has dono so by standing ar mics south of the Tolomac, and taxed thcpeople some five hundred millions to degrade them to a sinful and boas tial level with negroes I So stands the case tho White Re public of 1S(0 and the "New Nation" of 1870 the former based on the nat ural distinc tions of rare fashioned bv the hand of God, and the taller based on a Morgrcl citizenship propped up by standing armies, for Mongn-li.m, or so-calltd freedom of negroes, is wily temporarily po.nblo by brute forco. What an astounding thing for future generations to tonlomplale -.the once great, proud Ameri. an pro pie degraded down to a level with tho I'or'ugncso, Sj.ai iards, and other ttTWo and worn oat populations, that equalize and mongrclizo with ne groes, Indians, Ac. ! How is it possi bla for an hour, this sinful, benslinl and accursed amalgam or attempted amalgam, with interior races! how, in a word, this impious and monstrous effort at soeinl suiride, so hideous, re volting and damnable, that coming' generations if tho country is saved will doubt if their progenitors could tcr reach a degradation so horrible, so fathomless! Well, tho catiso is briefly and simply tho " Democratic rutty," that stands in tho way and hides tho enormous madness utid treason of tho parly in power from tho masses. Tho leaders, or follow, ors rather tho mere mercenary, office-seeking crowd, want places, want to bo members of Congress, Senators, to sit cheek by jowl with mule men and niggers, to he governors of States, ninyors, , rind think tho rond to this is to say nothing, to talk clap trnppcry about the "principles of tho Dcmocrotie Farly," nnd thus to gnlher all, as they fancy, in their net ! Tho fools, oh ! tho fools ! tho igno rant, stolid, iniscrahlo fools I for, after all, their ignoranro of the "situation' is tho greatest calamity of all. They fancy that it makes but littlo differ enco whether negroes are "laves" or "frco" and with tho samo ignoranco as the Abolitionists, tho sumo mental hubits, '.hey nro without ronecience, and are equally ready to own a slave to-day or ask for a negro voto to-morrow. Here is tho evil, the danger, tho fatal fact of tho hour, and this "Democratic party" must be forced to stand by tho Whito Republic of 18(50, or it must bo demolished at oneo, and a true, brave, earnest, manly Democ racy, that grapples wilh tho Mongrel monstor, brought into tho field for 1872. Every man that assents to negro "freedom" assents, of course, to Mongrolism and to transforming his own posterity into niggers, lie may say ho does not with his daughter to mate wilh a buck nigger, but if ho assents to political Jlongrelistn, and, however stupidly, ignoruntly or blind ly, iiids in forcing his own posterity to mingle thoir blood wilh tho negro. Let every mnn understand this fright ful truth, and if his posterity is saved from the hideous doom of Mexico and South America, it is becauso, despite his ignoranco, cowardice and want of patriotism, amalgamation is impossi ble, and after fifty years of social an archy, tho peoplo will return to tho Whito Republic of 1800, not merely becauso it is best, but becauso Mon golism is death and utter destruction. In conclusion, then, let us all rally now to the "Union ns it was" in ISliO, and innko that the test, and the only test, of Democracy, und in 1 872 wo can sweep Mongrclism from tho land forever, and save ourselves and our children from tho fearful necessity of years of bloody anarchy and horrors nnspea!ahlo to come back at last to tho Republic of 1800. e Animals Love Man. It is perfect ly natural that man should have un friendly feoling toward wild beasts, and that tho instinct of self preserva tion should lend them to destroy them. Hut it is chocking that useful and do mestic animals should trcmblo and fly at his approach, or that they should suffer and perish through his cruelty. Wo believe with tho Bishop of Chal ons, that "it is a crimo and a sign of a wicked heart, to take pleasure in tormenting animals nnd making them suffer. It is indeed unchristian." Almost all domestic animals aro naturally nfTeclionata; they love man, become attached to him, and show their feelings in ways that are often intelligent and instructive. If instead of training animals by cruelty and abuse, man would treat them kindly arid affccliomitcly, ho would bo like tho monarchs of tho golden age, the king of naturo adored by his subjects. A Richmond correspondent -of the WorLl says, tho Radical party in that city numbers two hundred whito men, and five thousand fivo hundred negroes. What a sweet party this combination must make. "Little" Delaware did much better than was first reported. Fonder Democrat for Governor, has nearly doublo 2,"O0 majority; or nearly that given for Saulsbury, for Gov ernor, in 1800. Tho first question asked of each prominent vit-ilor to Washington now is: "Have you declined the mission to England ?" 2Vew CnbiiH't ! MnSHAWfiX I.AM) AND LUMBER COM PA. NY !tT r f"r nlr Town Lot in the hor tmti of HwoU, 'Irnru M count r. Pa., and aIo lot to uil purrl.HtMTf iuti..c be limil of nid brHigh. "weoU is fit iinte I on the lilinnnn Creik, in the rirhent portion f the ronrity of flrarOeld. "I Hit line of the Tyrone A CkarfW-lil P.ailroit'1, where the .MVhantion and ltenvMt"D hran'-h road tnlrrwet. It in aUo in the heirt of the Miihannnn ronl bn in, nnd rz IkhIip of hit pine. hetnl'H'k, oak, acd other timber rur rund it, (hie of the lor?! lumber maniifni(ir ina establishment in the Stnte i Incited in the town, while there are many olber tumter and phiuale nnlhi ai-Hind it. The town 1 hut te tb rear old. and contain a population of nne tb-a-nd inhabitant. It.4t-'nr further Information apply at the (.(Bee of the aWte company. JOHS LAW?HE. tpM 4 Superintendent. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! M.-TAX'S CISOSfSCfT, MILL, I)RAO AND nnrt'LAH hawh. Boynton'8 Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATFST TLRFonATrnA r.I.ECTRIC f AW3, T.r sle 1 n:,:s ii. r. liKn.rR ct ev ris mitipi l'l! ED. SACK KIT, llannfactnrcr of Tin, Coprc-r and Sheet -Iron Ware. Rooting. Scooting n.nd job work don ot riA.oAni i; TraH. f li . oa MrVrt Pt., acatlj onitt tbc Jail, I'l.nARFIKI.n, TA. fi'kah h cALi'itirir, m Mil i.iiax.na, pi TKr.inn. Oll-. I'KXX, HEdl LATdlt, r."Ii.Fr.(1K, KAIKiNAI. RAXI1E, ' TrifWl'll. rAItl.OR('r.oKS( I sriiAiiS iiLvci.vixn i.niitru I AXD I..t BI.K 1IKATF.RS, And ill kind, of llritinf !r,.,.f,,t ,r ,j .'" U. F. tKI.FK I CO. I. r. atiTlToa " DOYNTON &, YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Miuiufat'lurcr of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fmirtb and Pin Streets, 1 1 i:iu--ir.Li), pa. TTAVINtl engftffoil in the manufacture of first A A. ciIhm MAOHINKKY, werenpcctfuliy inform the, public that we art now prepared to fill all order a olienpty and at promptly an can bo done in any of the cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Work, Water Wbeels, Fhaftiug Pulleys, GitTurd'i Iujeolor, Strain (Jhuci, Htcuiu Whittle, Oiler, Tallow Cup, Oil Cup, (iango Cork, Air Corlii, U Iota Valrei, Chwk Valves, wrought iron Pi pel, Hteora Puoipt, Boiler Feed Pump, Anti Frit; t ion Metre, Poop Stone Parking, (iuia Pack ing, and all kindi of MILL WORK; together wilh Plow, PluJ gold, COOKAXD PA 11 LOR STO 'ES, - and other CASTINGS of all kindi. jfff'Orden Boli cited and flllid at citj prien. AH letter of inquiry wilb n fertniM) to um hiner; of our mauufaeture promptly aniworcd, by addrei ing ui at Clearfield, Pa. declO if BOVSTON k YOUNG O. L. Meed, ,N0TICE.Spa Powell J, . Weaver, Vltl. a. 1a. ni:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! riMIE proprietor rcpectfully Inform theeitiicoi J- of Clearfield enmity, that they bare entirrly refitted thif establishment with the latcit improved wood-working machinery, and are now prepared to exernte all orden In their line of luine. They will give especial attention to the manufac ture of material fur home hutldiiig, mcb aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOItS, BLINDS, ii it. t cults .yiori.tn.ms, OF ALL STYLES, W hurc on liati.1 a lrj stork of IUY Ll'.MBIK.andwitl pnca.'h for all clear LuroW-Onc-antl a-half im-h am-l stuff prvri-m-l. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exi-liarifft'l, to suit customrrt. ii,0rilrrt loltritril, and I.aiuhcr furiiUhcJ oo sh(irt notice and on rcaponaMc terms. a. l. lti:i:i) k CO. Clcarflcld, Nov. 7, lid?. Wtfliral "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Taul. . BOYKErN rtns WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vaafc. .urc, ii-nnnt and health giving Tonic trn'tl; .ci-tal.la, and tosnufarturfd fritn tli Diosl jmrc and choioc mAtrri.i-i. not a F.irll drink nor srittilutc for wliikj-. Init a scientific coiril.ould, for th intecti(.n of tlic sv tcm ar:d tlic cure of di'afr, made from clninicnllr pnre iiri!s, cntin ly free from fuil oil or otli'-r irrita ting properties, and will not d.-ngrcc or off. nd the mMl delii'slc stomat Ii. A long .ri. ate rxperi encc b.n atti stcd its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. Nn Bit I ir at prcurnt oft-red In the uhiir contain pa much tne-lii'inal rirtue, and yet no nifc an-I pita-ant to t.kc. Im uc t to cure diPtnc, and it will not rrente an appetite f-r ppiiitucUr1 liquor, hut will cure the effi-ctc of diMpalton. To hicrraae the Appetite, E IT. To promote I'igipfion, tK IT. To rure Dji ppt.i, l .-K IT. To core Fever and gue. I SF. IT. To onre Ililliunefi, tE IT. To cure ConMipntinn. VSK IT. To core Chronic Itiarrlma, t F. IT. To cure Heart horn, I SB IT. To cure Flatulence, E IT. To cure Aeid Eruetlinp, F.-K IT. To cure Netvoui Pebility, SK IT. To cure II; lochondria, F.-'E IT. To cure Pnllowneni f fmplcuonf I'Y. IT. To enre Fimplm and Fl t-he, t'.E IT. For General Fn.trati-.n of (ha Ph)Val powers FpK IT, and il will cure yon. Fold ei en where, at II.OO per hoitle, Manu factured exelufiiity (y A. I. S II A W, lrnp:itt ri.r.KuriFi.P, fa., Wbo ofTert liltcral injueemcnls to the trade. O. t. 27. Hf.ll.lf. ;i)vaud ri:r.Kf5 & to., Flour laiiiif.K'turrrH. And dealers in GRA1X OP ALL KINDS, riiiLirsntRo, fa. VFVt.l, FI FIMT of Ft.OI Ft. WHKAT, CCitX and Cllnl' cntnt'j on hand, and tor alc at rates remark. Mr jfiM tl rpilFCFI IMIATFIi niniAF.DSi'N II.MiT.0, J. I.irlit K'p (j at. Frcii-h K in a ofi. I reneli "air h en. (fVjo.i,, Jal J Jif At C. kkATZIK t. P'.oods, 0'irotfiifs, (ftr. us nniii . w- " J. aC.UAIIAM&SONS, MARKET FTKKKT, CLKAUFIKLD, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Til R sutitcriWi having entered Intopsrtner hip for the purpose of carrying an the business, of Merchandising, now offer a good ind rare opportunity to the eitliens of Clear Acid and adjoining counties to buy (tore goods at wholeaelf or retail prices, that will astonish the nninstracted. Their goods will be particu larly selected to suit this market. Erery lady will, therefore, call the nttentlon of her hnshand to this fact, benause this branch of our business will rooeire special attentlen, and everything needed in a well regulated household will at all times be found in our store. I) U Y GOODS: Our atock of Ml Y (;IMI)S hall not he iur pained, either in quality or price, and will em brace, in part, Printi of every ityle. Gingham and Lawm of every quality, Muilini of every irrade. Ie Lainea adapted to the tastes of the old and young ; and every article of any kind or good i they aell in to be as represented, and war ranted to give aatiafaction, DRESS GOODS: ' Ai to I)Ri:sS ;HlMwe bare a plcndid at.iortu.ent of Alpacaf, black, white, and in col on; .rut urea, Silks, and in abort all the newest it j lee in the market We desiro this fact to become koown to every person in the county. Wiib our new and extemlva stock cf DHESS GOODS, the Indies can all be suited by Juit dropping In and getting a nice dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doicg that which is better t give her a well-filled purse, and she wilt find good and paying investincnta in embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household necessities. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what we bare alrea ly enumerated, we keep all kinds of C; i:M 1. 1 MEVa HIIAH-iurh as Cloths, Caimerea, Satinetd, Hats, Boots and Fhoes, Ae., besides, a nice assortment of Mado-up M.OTIIIN(; for Men and Boys, manufactured out of the rery best material, which we will sell for ca?h or r change fur country produca at prices which will a tun 1 h verybod. SQUARE TIMBER: tt'e are now largely engagi-d in hujing and filing MU'AKi; UMIil H and uanufae tured I.FMHER, and will give this branch of business special attention, and therefore make It an object to every one who has Lumber to sell to eoaie nnd deal with . CROCERIES k HARDWARE: We shall also keep eonitaatly on hand a general assortment of (lt)( ;R:i and IM Him A It IS, which we will sell at esceed ingly low prices. We also keep a full a.iort mentof UM:iKMV ARK. TLli dtpariracnt will be kept full aad complete, and all wbo eontemplata housekeeping, will flod It t their advantage to come and trade wlib became we are so situated, and, from lung experience lu the business, so welt acquainted with lb wants and necctnltics of this community, that we feel satisfied If every men woman end child awly makes It a point to buy their goods from ut, we can please them both as to quality and price), Therefore, eme ilong and buy your BOOTS FIIOEH, HATS A CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, and everything yon need to ren der yourselves and families cotufortnble, from JAME.3 B. GRAHAM & SONS, iet CLFAUFIELD, IM. 17 AGREATMfKCflLKSWVi-gv Dr. WALKEH S C.- LUCKNIA VINEGAR BITTERS f Hundreds ef Thot.far.t's T Jt. l" li.ar ttim(tVT t' th T jn''cr f, r t- 6 5 tul Cult-liVj l-Utr . I 3 VVKAT ARE THEYT TnrT AHE KOT A vn j FANCY D n I N K . 1 1 i ieiri rcttr knim, hi.hrj. I rt f K,tlrlia mud liviamn I km: arm il h U r J,f;!f(d ntdtw t ennl t i t'.et.c llif t -ir, C!.;U.t " 1 ..nic.""' A r- t r tn," IN (Ton ." if., t' rl lr.t i!c p- ,r a 1 irnakrni.iM r.-'l rlt.t"' rf irrr M-lu ,nr, ma e MnrKil vj tIr.1 I'i r' f ( .'IK :i la, tr a fraa rll Al'-nt.t'l.c f-i lien In tit. Tlirj art r .K('T i:i.oo:i rt KM ll.lt ar,J A U u (.hl( 1 UiN('ll'li..r..r I :r abator a-.J Inilj rat -r if i.t :j l m. r .tr.nr.a off att i-i..-pc :a pifvur a: 1 r-.("iv, t .c 1 1 l loi luiiu.y citi.,tl n. p n"'n ca.t t: a r,e- l;i:tcts aivcrilti tl to (:rc I. .'i atxl r: (.'n !. - c u w 'I. t H O .:M.'j f. i lr'nrfc.'rac,ft.Tl'lid t'r l..n i cro i - t d.it.fi, i-I I) i..:.irr.tl iitnrr other l.:ra:p, a . l..c i .,U.' at,il poiti i f r. t .r, I'nr Kfl;.V'Tr t,ti:rr r.nd f hrcn t. brkn-a t'.m r.ud )j p: pln, i r ludivcNiion, III Hat. , lit m I llr ui ui.f) Inltruiliu-wl t'rvrra Ilri;4 n .l I lit 1,Iih.(J, l.lur, Kidiu-), and Itlodar r, t: c IHttria lar twra n.( iwir. fali M-rrri in rftrmt tylilntra Tltwml, t, i..rl, I n rrra'lv ffxturi J l)j dvtttii i u.vi t DIM'ITMA OU 1MH.ITI(, tltwl acUc, I'i:i In Ihj .r.u:drr, (ro t.,1tvl .. f T-it, liri r. , t.tr 'rwai'ci tribe H trech, Tadtifl litlic X!-t;h, t llouii Alt.-cU, rtI;.,UU a f the lira t, U.S. i: it til, z of tin 1 at.fa. l ain tn tlw rculnni of tlie I. tiln y, a .d a tunrtr- d oOtcr a.uJul a)milon s.rf tlic iirii r:'i I ri- t 'a. Ih lLi.jtmio tl.c 8t t: arh anJ b.ii:isata tlic U r I)1.1t. vera; il tx v I, r.nd. rt'icomf imaallw fflrary Id lrar.itg Itir 1 Iw4 . f ait .mpur.Ci-a, ai.4 tnifarllnc new l.tc ai d via r to tlie v.lilc rtrm. Kill fK IHMlAt.K, Inn t:fn.T.'ti r.f.U 1 bri.m. P.i'ii l:cf , I ot. I in t.iUr. tl' cr tunrlca. i;inr; M ni, t-calel-1lrad. 1 ore I yfn. rryolp t'a,ltr!, t.-rr-. I iw 1. ratio r. t-f Cir ?Un, II mi era and Ila t:: i Ti' 1. 1 n. cf whalevct i cm- vt nature, am IH tuV.y i'-j i.r ai-tlei.Trlc.1 m:l cf llc yuw ia a fchon Iir.ie 1 y tin 'iiccf lhri .i r. C)r tat'i? t anrli Mute t.l i r mince lln- in t :t udulua , ilir r'iratlTa tftcrl. Clrtnre Vitiated P!--d viHrncrrr Ti r-d ll liriirlt.;3 tiunt.T.a tltrra-tt U.r -li li.rtniric. Irap ti -ti ( r !' r. j ; i : ;..... M l. n ; o f !d u -HtriMt J aiil iltut, U l.o i!-.Mt'..i:. ' It nhi-n il Ui( ml, and T"nr I. f 1 ut a 11' t - 'I yr,,; ut-. t: Urud purr and II;r .. nn;, rt'ic i m ,:i r.ll"W. TIN, TArKa-.dr.tl.cr iottVS IcrVim tn fie erW'-mof tianj t:mTvan1a, arr CiY-lnA'tr elatilnnOTr. lor full UrxtMM, tmai can fi J If the rtrrnlor amaMl ea h Kittle, prlnlod In four !. guairri I i if stall , Uermaa, French aitd rib. i. WALK Hit, rroprktor. B. R. alt imSAl X A CO, Pn:rtta and (im Arctt. Fan Tram-tH-, c itmI i and 14 Commerce Btrrt t, Kcw Tort. irroi.D pt all n;:ro(iu:it and ir.AU.it. Oct. J. 1S?0:1t. 11. It. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Dcpnt,) ( ! I.AIlt If M, PIAX'A. IKMPRACB this method of Informing the P'i lie, that 1 hate opened np a yard t..r the fntc of woimI or con) burnt LIMKand Anthracite C'tAL, In the Imrotih of Clcarfii-ld, and hare cnipli-lcd arrang) tan-nte wilh cait ra dealer tir h 1 -n keep a (all "upplt entaiif Iron hand, whirh nil! be dipooed of at reaanat)e ratea, hy ihe tun, hn'h- or car load, to sail pner-baMra. Thoae at a distance ewn addtea tne fct letter, and ot.Uin ail nt-cearary iulurinati'a hr rttnra mat I, H. 11. TAVI.OH. ncarfu-ld ra ,rth.Ji, h ii. K?h eT.w iwinn' wwinwaw mm usiiiuwii H. F. NAUGLE, AM) WATCH MAKER, orrn.iTi Tin POST OFFICKC rpilK suWriWr rf.'rllu!lr Informi kls old hasna hand, (anil Is cin.lsnilT rrcol-inj aaw adulliani inernio,; a larg. svuca ui Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. jt-9l keep Jewelry In all Its forms and of difierent values, either by the piece or set. WATCHES A full axeorttiant of either Hold or Hirer, made by the best Anrricao and for eign manufacturers, Including a fine lot of gold and eilrer hunting ease, full -Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLGrKflOf all designs, consisting ofelht day and thirty-hour, of either weight, epring or levers, and both strike and alarm. RKPAIRINd. All kinds or Watches nnd Clocks IUpaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full BMortwent ol hPRGTArLKH, colored and plain glass. Alao.UOt.b HKNH and t'KNCILS hl'UONH, FORK1, UUTTKIt KNIVKH, and In fact everything in Ihe Jewelry line. If I fail t have on band juit what a cuntomrr may need, 1 will order pnr ftrat ex pre hp, without extra charge. A liberal rhare of public potronafrt la nolieitfid. May 7, ibbi y U. X. NAt'ULK. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS A- STA TIOXER Y. Market Ht , Clearflclil, fat the Ptmt Oflire.) f IIIK nndereigned hep leave to an no tinea to X, the eitiiens of Clearfield and vicinity, that ha has fitted up a room and has just returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, ronristing in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Dlank, Account and Pass Books of every de scription ; l'upcr and Envelopes, French pressed andjlain; Pens and 1'cncite; Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Eieinp tfun and Promissory notes ; White and Parch; ment Urief, Legal Cap. K coord Cap. and Dill Cap, Sheet, Music l-r either Piano, J lute or Violin eonHtantly on hand. Any books or stationery dolrcd that I may not hare oo hand, witj he or oidfred by firt eifirecf, aud fold at wholesale or retail to ruit cuctotrers. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Magesines, News paper, Ao. P. A. UAl'LIX. CUarQeld May 7, 1o8-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOND STREET, Charnrhl, Va. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICE3. rpnE nndcrrljrnrd r.r"f(fullt Inrllr the at- I lrntl,n of the .olllr irerrrally to thrlr ,1'ienmii anrtnient or merchandise, which tbet ,rs now lollirf AT VERY LOW TUICtS, Their stock eonsiits In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, SiKhai Prints, P, l.inrs, Alpaccas, M.rlnot, UinithatBi, Muslins, (hl.arbed and anblearb. ed,) lril II n ;-, Tii-Bina;., eottoa and wool Flaonrl.,P.tintu,Catinterest C"ttonad.s, Ladies' hhaals, Nuhias k floods, Balmoral and Hoop rkirts, ic., Alio, a (tie as.ortnrnt of Men', Drawer, and Shirts, Hals A Caps, Boots A boors. all of wbick WILL EE SOLD LOW FOTl CASH Hardware, Quoensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. !X SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of rrrylhln n'n-illjr kept In a retail (lore, all CHEAP rCHCASIl or epirored counlrj pro. duce. A. K. WRIGHT i TONS. ClearHoM, Xor.7 , IS07. s iiii:Tiun jew ac;aii C. D. WATSON Wuhee to itifurm his old friends aid the puMie fener.llj that be bat otetieJ un a new Drug, Confectionery 4 Tobacco Store, In bis old stnnd, opposite the Court House, FLCOXD ST, CLEARFIKLD, PA. His stork Is all new, frerk and of the ver; hest quality, and will he sold eb.ap for CM II ar approTvd Country Troduee. irj-.u went p-re Prog, and Tatint Mediclnre, do to WATSON'S. If J want C nf.rll. ntrirs, Canned Fruits, l'icklei aod Jv'.lies, Kuts, Ae , Ae., Oo to WATSON'., yen want tbe lest Roasted C Ore, Etseneaar Coffee, Kpi.-es of ail kinds, cheap, (Jo la WAT.-UN'.-). If yoa want Fancy A T-.llel Soaps, Flsrorlng Katracte, Ae., Ae., hs enre to flo to WATSON S. If you want J'.r.rj Dje Colors, Clark's best Ma thine Thread, Pins, Nerdlcs A Kolions, Oo to WATSON'S. Cbewers and Smoktis, if Jou want Ike lest In the market, Ilujr at WATS IN'S, wl ere you can (rt Pipes A Pipe Puturra. If you warit to get clear of your .lamps, Cubs to WATSON'S. If ju went to spmd a few hours of an ercning witei your friends, come la WATfONil o'd stand, where yi n can crack nots and eat Jukes until I o'clork, p . April IS, Mrs. 2 E W t TO I! E A N I) N E W (j OO I i.S. JO'S. S1IAW & SON Hate jul opr-ripJ a New Srokt, oo Main St.,Ci.tiriiLD, Fa., Ulnly orculra l.j Wm. F. IltWIV. Thoir ttoi-k corsisla ol GhXt('ts nf tlie bet qunlit, QuF.F.NswAr.c, Hoots nnd Shoes, nd rtr-rjr ritticlo npopMarf Tor cnfj'i corr.fott. Call anil enaruinr- our atm-k before pur- rliaMtig flMwhere. May 9, 1 SCfi-lT. FAIRBANKS' fj STANDARD &.; SCALES, or all Kinra; BgTBg lUrtxwa, Wanbnuw Trurks, Cjing rrrf, Imprnvr-d Mntiry Pntarr, ee. row MLS T II. F. niGLKTt & CO., Ilralrrw In Hardware, m-h.-.d TO tf Second Strert. Ctrarfiel-l. Pa. "OX MY 0Y HOOK." AYlVil ymrrhaMxl Ibf entire ttwk of gwup at th ftl-i tiand of Kirk A lnrcr, I II t u w ml to pontine thf lninrM a licrrti.fora. My "to in to t.U "rnrF roi riw. Thinking onr frifnilri aod rit 'mn fr faaf tminmagr, I oitrit a wriicnan,' 'l thr rivr. If A AC K1KK. turner Cifr, frl 1 If, , is t: ?3 o v A Ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, .TlnrArl Street, itearflcttt, Pa beg leave to Inform oar old and new W eas towers, that we have removed oar es tablishment to the apaoiona new building just erected on Marked street, nearly adjoining the Ma mi on lloupe on the went, and opposite Messrs. Graham A Hons' store where we recpeetfulty Invite the put-lie to eome and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Orr stoek of Drugs and Medicines eonalsts of everything nsed, aelected with the greatest earo, and WA71B.AHTED STRICTLY PUEE! We alo keep a full stock of Dyet, Perfumeries, Toilet articles, tfoaps, Tooth Drushes, Hair Ilrushes, Whitewash Braahea, and every other kind Brushes. We have a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TUni'EXTIXE, Flaiae.d Oil, Paints, and In Tart ararrlbinn iscd in tha painlinK boslnass, licb we aOer at Citj prices to cash buy.n. TOBACCO AND SEtiAUS, Confnrticnerr, Rpines, and the larf.st 'stock of rariptiM ever of). red in this plare. aod warrant. d to be of Ihl best tbe Market affords. J. H. HARTSWICK, Not. tli.Wi. JOHN F. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (late powell'b.) For all Jiaeaofi IneiJoDt to lloraoi, Cattle, sod Human Fltih, requiring tbe uae of an eiternal ajiplicatioD. Thil Embrocation waa eiteniirelj nied by the dtuverbiaent during tbe war. For late by Hartfwirx A Irwip, Clearfield. Joprpb H. Irwin, Curwentville. laniel Uood I and nr. Lathtribara tf LAD AXD LIMBER COMPANY OFFER RARB INDU 13 n K X T H -TO Purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT Til KIR MAMMOTH STORE IX OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times I 0-.d, M..y 11. HTO. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKMROl'8 of etrn.ling hit honinrM. and hnowitig tiire ran no higher tntrnte l rpfrt l ihe nirmitrT of tho tvoaved ami NariM frirml, Ihan to erwt oipt their hirrt'W hme a prulilurel flah it( ensuring nmrl.le. thai t.rtintt ("rfir to Ihe rrplinf j.tnre if th-e we i"'f ; i hrf it-are ti rv lo pM a ho with to fh- Ihfir efVi-hnn ftir ihi ir H'irti1 trtm U anl liindrtNl, that tbry oan now Imve an orportttititr ol doing n, by pulling at niv Shitp nn Thompson MreH. t urwrni illr. I'a., a I an prrparrd o iurnin 10 orKr, MOXl'.MKXTS, CRADLE k BOX TOM US, 11 EA 11 .STONES, Ac, of anr drign or lite, at reon''l t-tr. N. It Mp nn han't Ihe In ut wKorrljrw and IKmrtlr Marble. All w-.rk eiitei in ihe mot nktllfnl mnnnrr. 1 will aUo di liter Wurk lo arr point in I Irarfa Id nr a lv'iiiir.i roiintirn, i d-irei. W M. H. 0LIH KX. ( arwrntkille. Ort. 50, 1f.-lf. THE CLKAKFIKM) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured specially for rut: c.EARFini.n tj:me. row asia bt anil'70 II. F. r.Hll.KR A m. IIK, IIITI A ROAN I.ISIXa SKINS Jwst rereiTed and for hj Afril !. !.!, U. F. iTtOLER A CO. sasmaii m Jlry f)00ila, ftrof tries, (Ttc. t.ltSMT IZAEItJtlSi ev Store In Mulsonburg! In the room formerl ocrnpiod ly I. T. IKgartjr. L. M. COUTRIET rpAKPa Ihi metUl of informing the rttiten X of t'ovtngtnn, Karlhaiiv, tjirnrd and the tur rounding eonntrr, that he hns jot opened a large to.k of PI'MMKK CMOHS, ah1.li ho U deter mined to mil TKN lKR f'KKT CIIKAPKH than Ihe fume quality of (loud ran he purrhnceil for in any tttlirr atora in the neighborhood. Jlii itock euniivti of Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Sui-b as Patinrlls. Carrlmrrrs, Mu.lina, Di-laince, LiaeD, llrillin, Calirdts, Triniuiiiigs, ltibloDS, l.ace, UEADY-MADE CI.OTIIIXO, BOOTS i eiJOE.S, HATS A CAPS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Pner. Bi.-e, Molasses, Fish, gait, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, QueenBware, Tinware. Castinns, Plows and Plow fastings, Sails, fpiket, Corn Cultivators, CMf-r Presses, aud all kinds of Aies. V-euh'r Plows are of Ihe Cwrwensrille and Centre eonnty make, and are warranted to bo of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint, Varnih, GIim, and a general ajuortmcnt of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwars on band, and will be sold at tbe lowest possible figuree. Liqions, 6utb as BKAXDT, WIRE, GIX A WIIISKT ."(lot) ponnde of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. C I.OVi:H HLT.D, On handnd for sale at tbe lowest market price. Also, Agent'for Wilson's Blrattonville T II 1! E S II I X G MACHINES. i tL.r.11 and see Tor ynnrerlree. To will Ind ercr.iiiing usually kept in a retail st.ire. L. M. CUITRIET. Frcnebil!e P. 0., Jan. 1, law. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices 1 AlK are now opening np a lot of ihe bent and mutt erajuiiiaiile 0Mdf and Ware ever offered in thii market, and at prirei that remind one of the ff'd old dayi of rhcup thing. Thne who lark tm ib upn this point, or dotm our alla gntioni fapcrflmiui, need but V.ilMs AT Ol'tl STORE, Corner Front and Market itreett, Where they ean pee, frel, bear and know for them trlrea. To fully anderctami what areenrnp goodi, llt'l in out be done. We do not deem tt necessary to enumerate and itceuiic our itock. It if enough for ui to ! ale that We Lave Everything that is Needed and consumed In this market, and at priori that afdmish both old and munr, dej20 JOiiKrU SHAW A FOX. XEW FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISION STORE, THE atider'ljrned hare Just rrerired at their new stand in Wallacttun, a full supply of Flour, Feed, Cora Meal, Bacon, &c., COAL Oil,, (al rrdueed rater,) A good artUle of TnitACCO, CMARS AND SMOKINU TOBACCO, eonstnnttT on hand. All of whieh will be sold at LOW RATES for CASH or given in elchanjo fur SMIXULL'S and Ll'MDEIU We Vspeetfnlljf ask the pql.lic to give, n, a trial before purchasing elsewhere, J. R. READ A CO. Wallaeetnn, April 7, C. KRATZER & SONS ARE RF.CKI V I XG A Sr I. EX Dl n STOC K OF (. A Kl'KTS A.1) HI L CLOTHS. WALL rATEIIS-GILT TATER, .f. LACE IT UT A 1X3, WINDOW SUADES- COCXTESrAXES AXD QUILTS. LIXEX TAPLE CLOTHS & NAT-KINS LAPIESSlLKCOATSrf 0VEUSKIUT3 F.I.E1AXT SHAWLS A LACE ToIXTS. LAMES' ,t- CUM tiREN'S TRIMMED II ATS. DRESS GOODS AXD TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVES-LADIES' GEN TLEMES S ANDCIIILDHEX'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FIXE BLACK ALPACAS. tTXKQI'AI.I.KD STOCK LADIES' AND I'll I LI R EX'S .SUOF-S i(- U A ITERS. MEN'S CALF .f- FRENCH KIP BX)T3 HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $5. MEN'S AXD BOYS' Fl S E A X D II EAVY SHOES. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAP. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, $5. GROCERIES, FLOm ef- PROVISIONS AT LO II EST RATES. LinKSAL DEDrCTION TO THOSE IIL'YIXO IX yl'AXTITY. Wool,. MARKFTINQ AND COL'XTRY rUoDtVK WASTED. nr.rfirl.i. June 1(1. lr. rv Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. R.EIZENSTEI N, antKRai i nrAi.aa in WINES & LIQUORS. MARKET tXH CLEAT FIELD, PA. V.L Full stork of Wine, Brandt, flin, Whitby and Alcohol, alwars on band, (.trial atlrntioa paid to serarint a para arltrle ftr raiTntital and medical purjiOM. aprl 1 -7 9 ti Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aocnv roa CbirkerinrV Ptelnwav'e anJ Fmereons Pianoa; 8m i ib a, Maen A Hamlin't and Peine bet 'a Organs and Xfelodeons. and drover 4 Bakar't Sewing alachlnae. also rnaraia op Piana, flaltar, Orpan, Ilarmony and Voeat Ma sio. No pupil takea fr lees than half a leroa. 4Rnota aett dor to Fimt National Bank. Cieerftrld, May a, 1C tf. Traaara aad) ahdnsninal tapportera ef every hind of tba Utest InprwremenU, fr ale a tbe Pnig Ftera ff HAbT?WJt K A IRWX. m atri Clearfield Counly Eank? t VWf. ClrarMJ Cout.tr risak .. i. ' 1 led Inplilulina has ffoneoat of .. Hie surrender ef lis eb.rler, ..a Mstii? All Its stoik Is owned kt the suh..... ' will continue the Hanking bu.mra. ai u"' t'lare.as r.ivate Hankers, unit. r ih. . ol Ihe "Clearl.ld Count. H.nk w " sonsil.le for the debts ol the bank, at, J WIJ Its kStes on demand at the eounlsr. hnw reeeired end interest paid wbea savate itU a Rsed lime. Taper discounted at sit r as b.rrtofora. Our pereon.l res,,,,,,,, tlj,l.rf r,i. .11 Dm nut. j.... 'S r - n - - 1 u l.i trans. cted. A continuance of the liberal roneire of Ihe business men of tbe .pectlullv eollcited. As Preeident, Ca.b'er uBjc.rs of tie lata Clratttild Cnutilj BaLk"' require the Bote, ol laid Bank to be ftntiy for redemptfon, JAS. T. LKONARD, r.rcnARD nw WM. I'flRTKIl, JA8. B. (IRAHah' A. h. WK1UM r, u. I,. HKt'D. WM. A. WALLACE. Tba business of tbo Bank will be eondectei L, John M- Adams., ftsq., ae Cashier. (jonl. if J. I). M (Ink. Kdward IVtki. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSI OF McGirk & perks. ftuaceifort to Foiter, Herkf, A Cu., VhllfpabwrtX, Centre Comity. Pi. Vf rjifciiL 1l the boetineti ors .Unking IUB 11 wil o lranMtl promjitlj and npo mom rnroraoir icrmt. narT-tf County National Bank. CLUAnriEi.n, ta. TmS Bank la wow open and ready for ken. wess. Ofliee on Second street, in the beili, ing formerly ocenpied bj Leonard, Finaee A Cs, ninarTuaa AMD opeiraaa. TAfl, B. GRAHAM, R IOIIA R D fin AV7 WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTKH, A. K. WRIUIIT, GEO. L. REED. W. M. fill AW, JA8.T. LEONARD. Ju28,'6AJ Cashier. Presidtst 18ogK Township Am nkt GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! rVERTBODT trying to f cHbere fint, for feu j of bet nf erowded out into tbt cold. If yon want good Kbotinf dooo, go t Butt. 1 yon wftDt jour S.di ironed right, go to Butt If you want good Mill Irons, go to IitEu, If yon want jour wagon ironed in thab.rt atria and workmanship, go to Beku. Ukbrs makei tha beat tmp Marhltia in tht Stau, and dos all kinds of BLACKSMITH iNfi as fibevp as an b dona In tha eovnty for CatL 11! Fust Offica addrs Is Clsrfleld Bridt. THOMAJJ BKthi Bo up i Tp., Dao. IS, 18fl7-tf. Southern Land & Emigration C OMPA N V, AVASIIINGTOX, D. C. OBQ AKIZED and cstkblifbed for tba Pn-bm and ale of Farming and Mineral Landi, anl improved Heal hit ate iu tbe Southern St alt. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Preaidcat JO. (SKVEHXi, Vira Trefidrat J. II EN R V A.-KIN, Tn-arum, President Fonrtb National Bank 4 Pbildelpbia, JOHN MOHKIH, Heeretarj. TWOS. C. MACUOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lr. Offic: ValiiDgto Building. Corner tHee;k and Pennf U ania Aenae, Wa.bmgtan, I). C. Got. Juhn T. Hoffman. AILanr, . T. Kx-Uor. Wm. Ittjtler, riearSi-ld, Pa, T. F. Kandolph, Trenton, X. J. Fi Out. Wm. F. Taiker. Williami-iort, Ta, Fj.t. I, V-tf. Cheap lurnitiirca ir.il v nn im VAA1 J A11V. A K DESIRES to Inform bis old friends and ni. totneri, tbat having anlarged his shop aa4 inoraaaad bis facilities for manufacturing, be it now prepared to makt to order neb Fnraitors ai may ba desired, in good atyla and attbeap ratrs for CASH. Ha generally baa oa band, at h:i Fumiiura rooms, a varied assortment of ready, made furtituro, among wbich are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. H"- 1.V. J T - a. o B- TA.-I.. niruruvriinu owk-viri, vroirv, ooia. rarieri Breakfast and iJioing Ei lent ion Tables; Com mon. Frenrb-pot,Cottage.Jenny-Lind and other Bedfteadi ; P'ftt of all kinds. Work itsndl, Hat-racks, Wab-stands ( Rocking and Arm Cbairs i sptlnr-ftat, eaot bottom, parlor, com mon and other l hairs; Looking-Ulassae af every deseri) tion on band ; and lev glasses for eli frrme. wbtrb will bo pat In on very reasonabie terms on shortest notice. He elo keeps on bani or furni'hei to order. Corn-husk. Hair and Cot. ton top & at tresses. CorriNg or Evert Kind Mada lo order, and funerals attended with a Heart wbencvar desired. Also, Hovm Painting dost to order. Tba subscriber also maaafae. tores, and hat constantly oa band, Ctemeat's Patent Washing Machine, tba beat now ianstl Tboet asing ibis marhiat aever reed bt with, oat clean clothes! Ha also hat Flyer's Patent Churn, a superior article. A family asing Uii Churn never need ba without batter I All tha abort and many other articles art far nUbed to customers cheap for Casa or eichangrd for approved country produce. Cherry, Mfie, Pnplar, Lin wood and otaer Lnmber suitable for Cabinet work, takea ia tscharga for for n it a' s 44 Remember tba shop la oa Marker street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opporite tbe0ld Jew Store, JUUN UL'LKH. November 26, ISfiJ j The Lightning Tamer. TMS wnderelgaed are the aele Agents ia Ik e"unte for the "North Aeoerican Gslraniird LIGHTNING RODS." Tieeeare theenlreefe reds now iw wee. and are endorsed hj all tb, aelrntifie new tn the eenntr.T. We hereby nollfr tbe eitisens af lb, eonelf that we will r-al Iheaa ap a better rod, aad fr lese anoftee, than ia charged by the foreira agents who annnallj traeere. the eouatj atd e.rrjt vl our little rath, neeer to return. ENTOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tboea wUbing Lightning Rods erected -tbeir baildirgs need bat eddreei as by letter, er cali la person. We will pat tbeai up apTohera in thectsunty, and warrant then. Tbe Rod and r inures can ba seen at any lime bv callirg at oar store. II f. 1-lULbR A CO. Cleaifield. March 30, 170 tf DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-f utter and Stone-Mason, T ILL eiecnte all work In his line at mod- erate ancei and In t lKM-CUAS style. architectural Ornaments la ALL STYLES, Ftona Dressing of avery desrriptioa, and all hinds of mason work eon trarted for la or out of the envnty. Any persot s wifbing to have reeetabla mason work and stone cutting done, will fnd it to their latere'! to call upon ma I woald alf Inform the pub lie thut I ean deliver any qnantlty or elast cf stont dcflrrd, at I am tbt owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Orders for work eaa be addressed to DAVID VorNO. Baits, t Clrarteld Ta. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rpilK wndrrsigned, baring established a Nat ' 1 eere oa Ihe Tike, abonl bait waj betwerl j Cte.rfteld and CarwenlHe. is nrejared to fur. lib all ainds or rut IT TKKKS, Istandare sr. dwarf.) Reergraens, hhr.bhrrT. Orere Vines, Uon.eherriee, Lawtoa Blae.berre, Htrewberry, and Haeberry V inee. AI.e, Siberian Crab Tree., Uuinre. aad e.rly seirlel Kbnbarb, da. Order, promftljt attended to. Addreee, J. P. WRI0MT. eenJi Carwewsrille, Ta Lime (or Sale I 1 It K nnderetgnfsl, rcsilin near the d pot bat made complete am.ngcwtents with Lima Iturnrrs cant of the mountain, whrrrb be it ena bled to keep eoaetaattron hand a large quantity ef r u r e 1. 1 m k : which he offrn to farm ere and builders at a tri" above eoxt. Tboar in aed f the article wiuld da wrll to give c a call, or arldreae me by letter, bo fore nrgutiattng their lime. tiKO. C. PASSM0RI. Ctrarfirld, Pa.. June 1S . rTHR undersigned beg Irate to Inform the pub M. Ite that he it now fully prepared to nromine date all in tbe way of furniihing Harees, Itufies, fi-w4f!r and Harness, on the fhortet notice and oa rearnreMe tenT.-". Residence oa Locvit Street, belweea Third and Fourth. t.KO. W. 0EABT1AKT. nosrteli April U, 1T,