Till: "UKPUIiUCAN. clcakfikli), vx. WEDNESDAY MOHMN", DK II, 1;0. Terms of Subscription. ff paid In advance, or within Hirer months ...2 00 If paid after three and tii fore mx month 2 AH If f.tid efler the expiration of months ... 3 00 -" " " : - " " - -- - - - - . -fffAH articles tu in-nre lticrtioti in tM ,ff should he banted in curly on TurnUv sasrninr. a we po t press at 12 nVlook. (noon., ki.i.h.ioih )Tic i:s. UrtliodUt I'plsroptl huri lirtev. J, . H Psslor. PuMi- Service crrrr alibdiU, ,t In A. M-. and 7, IV M. (abhath School at V A. M. Prayer Meetioc every Thurslrty. at 7J P. M. i'uininunion Service, first tfabhatt of every anlh. at lj A. M. M. Pranci' Cburrli Calli.Iir lUv.Mr. ViitiritLO. Mum ftt DJ o'clock A. SI., no llie ou I end fourth Sunday" of each month. hi. Andrew Church Ktilarupal Rrv. Ov'tRnx II ILL. Public, Service Sunday morning t 10 o'elock, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School hI P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening tt 7 eVIoek. preibterlan Church Rev. Mr. Biti.k... Puhhe Service every .Sabbath, morning an J oven-l-if. The Postoftico i tho jilnco to buy your stationery, books and periudica!, at city print. Mies Frank IIuiT ivos no tiro tint t ho it prepared to receive work in the line of drees making, Ac S.e card elce here. Mioses nytnlor& Lnniek invito tlie aiuotiun f our citizens tu tlicir altrnctivo stuck of Toys an J Fancy article , fur the Holiday season. Km ai'srtiaemoiit. Xtw School llormc. Tho School direclnn of Lawro: or district t'lrertie f-r propo sals for the ereetinn of a B"w P.hool Itonsr, near tbe residence of John 0. I'iton. It will be scon by nn uilvcrtiscmont tseahcre, that Mrs. iU-bceca lialc, of Lawrenco toiroship, will ofW fr aale tbe personal property f Win, Itale, dereasrd, on PstuMnt next. Vie call attention lo ndrcrtUement f the AVss Yurk Olfrter and the i.a 1Uok and Atutanaa Lssui'd ky tba publtihera of the Obttrrtr. Tbe a) use a? is given jpntis t sub triUers. Muax. Vie notifo by Uo Democrat that Lock Haven Is ptUr J with Ccmttery thieves, who rob tho gravi of hi, flowers, an J hmht, tokens pttufd there ty tbe hand uf affection. (iL'if.TV. Uoyl Hritton, (bo r(ro who stabbd and killed Jacob 1'ay, a white man, at Williamnport, on 'h 1 tU of XovemVer, ws tried lat WH'k an J foun I guilty of murd.r in tht first Jfrre. A Nmr Loimik. Wo L'ara by tbe I'unxsutawney i'iaitdcattr, thst au applicit iu.i itas been made to ih Grand I-ljfe of this Stte, for a chart, r to ci'iibliiili an Odd Fellow's LoJe at Trout illc, ! Fn.ly towmbip. A Frf.sii AmtivAi.. Mr. C. Kratxcr has n'ocivvd another t'ipply of new (food) ai his Fore rpposile the Jail. From the a.-iwdi daily Dorkint; there it would seem that the Iwlf arrival is form ins; unuxuiil a!trr.t;ti'u. (.'ail in au 1 sec for yourselves. School for (iiitLS.-Thc winter lerm f Miss Swan's School will open on tbe 1st M jn diy of Janonry next. We nrc phased to barn that this hoot Is in a Oourlliiiig condition, a might lx cx)eclcd, because, as a Uscher Mii twsD bas few rqnals and no Miprrior. Ciil'Rcii DnucATiov. ProviJonoe pcrmittins;, tlie now E'n-.'lical Lutheran Caurch In Coini;tjn townihip, Clearfield county, Pa., will b dedicated to tbe icmec ftf Ood, Fun Uy, Dir. lth. Her. HieV-nber. will prea-h the df licat try Krwoo. t?jr'i;"i will eoinniTife nt t 'J A. M. fc. Cisrr, PiMur I.yci. Among our now aiivorlirtcnn'ttU tbin week will be found "Jersey" Snyder's, Setting forth the fact that bo will soon rp-n up tn tiie new ! b:iek biilJing on H.eun I ((, Jiiat Itlow the Mansion House, a carefully selcc'ed rtuok of Walehi, Jewtlry, At. Mr. gnyJer is a jfood wo. 1. man, a clever f. il jw, :i I b wrves a li jeml si i are of -tlroi,.g.'1. A Oi'TnAOK. Tho publiu rial be tween t'lwn and the britl-, on the roat 1 1 Cur Wensviile, U nearly iiEpail.ic. 1 be Ch ar.Vli I l'urw'Bivillc Tarnpt'e Company and the Super visor of Lawrence townbip should be indicted, and tbe ro 1 returnej hy the proper oTcen as a noisfinee. Tlit t j!I jfi'hercJ on :be ton 1 s'lould certainly fill up the hr.jc ma 1 L.! s which HjW Scesa to bo buttomlr'S. Not Lft In nccnnJnnre with pub lie notice, the Curniy t'ornmisititiert on a'urday Ust opened the prop yl.' for the erection nf a If ridge over tbe r'ner in Ite'I lowoitiip. Nine different proposals were subuiitli d, b(t the lizard we nn jerstand, h.s pi.tponed tbe Ktlintr of the Pride in derinitclr, from the faet tbt tbe bida appr Ij be entirely t'jo bi!, mncb lii(;her than has heretofore he -n a'J for simil ar itiu:turs. CiiANocnr Firm. Wo Irnrn Hint I llMirf. Hitler anJ (t!.o. 1.. lUel, have parehtted the interest of Mr. Pointon, In tlie F'.un liT Kil l Maeliinc vuiLs in ('.. t.ire. Tlie l-uini fc in the future will be cunJ.i.'.id .n Ih: Litinc l' Hiltler, Yonujj 1 Cq. The work done at these works is c. iial to a'y prolucd In P;.ilak!pl la or r.tM-urg. Jlr. 1 i;i T- iih Sherifl "s rend, nee i.t'fl -he 1. in the mat v , , , , I ncr nn I of the "(nin, ire an I di a T'ti'l'-n r'Vf n in I outib is a firs du'i ina.'4.iu:st, niol kn Dt i , . , , .. ' C e plru ion?, dt.nl drawine and fpe-jtie iti'ns. vtiisr in iii ri!'!'1. . I ilincn THii'icATioN. Tlio new f. It. CLureh In Cb srfoj.l, will !e delicat. d to (be errice of Almithty t', 1, cn Sunday, the th dny of January, 1ST I. I!ihop M. II. Ami, aul H' t' J. W. I.anley, J. S. M Murray, P. F... a:.J other eminent dn ines will take part in tbe si r ie s. Itisbop Ames will preach in the morning at I'M 'elock, and conduet the dedicatory ceremjny. AH arc co. Jn.lh iu it-J to a u nd. J. II. MiCunn, I'aj!or, A Lcco-i H Sioiit Kx-Hur. Hirpr, WiS tbe reripienl I fid its ap by etj.ret, ul as boi of Calif'trnia I' l i, wlii.di, w li.-u H,i-ik J stonihe I ev.Tjr Jmi It. cxerpt those who Ll 1 seen California Pears before. The boi wi f irwartbtl ty his brother, t tlar. J .hn Higb-r, who r-ideil in the iiM.ln fc.vTe f-r many yenr. r? me of the pears w rt- 7 itu-bes in b r.'h, ni at j ured IMneln in circumf-nn.e wr'-Std 5; B..4o.n,e,. A yunjj orclun of Mr. W avtr's. s!an liiis; l.y ss'.ien the lm was .nenel. r.maike.1 o,,t ,p juld certainly be sift m i J to soale the treir on whieh theparri fiw, a bo li hea l. ranir they w.,ul hurl Shaw's tiiiKAT II'i,iiay Bazaar. To at a PiTanji, old ani yo-m, we ofler our aso.l annual Ilnhdsy prectinj?, "a merry Chri'-' nas and a happy New Tear." J Having juwt re-'t ired a full and complete stork ( of boliiay good j, u- ful, ornamental and tmuf,n, j which I do B t p- r o-e to ft nway, l.ut will tcfi I so cheap that all miT pnrel.ae with the smalh posible amount of e-h, (n.i,e ari l are tin ' tnammnth eotlertioa of rare and U antlfnl thinjr. ' They Will please the n. 't fn (t r lions : they snake your homes cWrrful an) pb-aant; your wire tnorr amiahlc ; jnur dauhieis bn-k nmre beaotifnl (if pojfir.le1; yuur wins more obnlirnt, s;rtif.d a.id frnxii yonr bshies prat'k more taaiicaJ; your n-c dire! ions of the dyrrjr jear plea-ant and serene; drive d'll! care from the hearth, and eub-iirnte runhine, p. ac, hiippiorss an 1 eont-ntment in yur home. Cunts all, ctitne at onee, and bring tho ebil Irtu an l be t moved1 be Btnuihed ! be hajpr ! Itrmember the plaee: A. I. Hniw'p, Mark eret, Clearflei I, IV (iiiulifi kcri'S all tlio inaiir.zinco ,e.l 1-ff--T and l-f ',-ijl B-.sp-ir.i, for sale l it,. IVIvo.ee. 1'lFTV Mt Mll.K I. M iV-Ol) Tuc m.iMMi.ff. O. A It m , , -f n,,,rf. t I K'ic. b 1- O. It. f ,,,11,, hm, n t. a... -I ,.,! 'ji.vcn by M ke ( 'iirtin v, ctArn I (.,m fij. ).., tc S- 'u-i ! r lftM:,n, on Y tin at.nt, fur a tw to VhIui'- ! ,-t ,i I i. t , n ,h. ,,,.(. ,.f ,'.fl dmI. v Th- r i -.' w.i for fl.it '', m l.y . s .h, M M i Mikr t'otirtiiry. tho n-c t i pome in on.- r.,r nh.rt.l of thi'cult.i. T:i"T Irlt ttt tvl a. i-.: iht mif arrivj at Jrr.y !,nrr (12 mili in 1 h .m tin I H minutff, ttir mil- K miuttti-i hrltinl : arrivi I at Villirinpi,rt f'.'S uiU) in 2 hmira kii. J.l hiWi tlie O'lltd (0 uiiiiut.'fl Im hiit at (Up ritv H.-tit. the turning (mint. Tlie m.iro l-lt tlm ixmit .it arrrthiat .It-n.-v Shore at I.M.ti I at !,?k llivt n tit )::'., nmktng the Ml mi I ft in Ui1.' wry qm. k timr vf it h"iira nml l.'i miimtcp, or litj in i! per hour, owr roiih, muil-ly roaN. Tli.- L.arc irnTinr.l lur --c(i in Ktinninjj, anJ tin' owtu r tif tlie colt fiiiUinic litmM'ii ihimiM-i. oomluJ.il not tn alh-mpt ttt nuke up ami orer ;lriie hi tulf-, ami tmiici in nt'ar I.uuU-n. He irrivf l t!iat night with llicm i:i jjno'l cun lition. T!te ownir of liif mure n portt il !ht iu (jno-l enn ditinn th:it ev'iiin. It is tu he buiu-il ih.it thin mil hnii.li rncc4 of thia kinl. It i a cru-1 Irat of rntnrnnrr, an J is a tiiilatiini of a Kt:ite law nif.unst trin ity to nniuiaU. l-'otttinlcly, in thia iuslnnoe, no Injury nmilted; but it miaowing in onr rnr to tlie fph-ndi'l ti'ittuui of t Tin unrt, an J tin eoiniiirrntio!i nf this U.-iver nf tlie culti in t!c other. I iitier (lifter tut eircutnatuncf it is phiin to see th-it tho l ni Ui or pi rum miit injury ut' the horset mipit he th faittt, nnl Bnin't this tliv Inw ofleri protcctluu tu iho atiiuiils Luck Iluren It nocrnt. Ei RNKO to Ikatii. A fii'o in Mark- villr, Perry county, nlxoit throe o'clock on Battir ibiy niorninjr, burned not only a dwelling, hut timrnf in Inmiite Joltu P. i:..yer, his wu'e and two chihlrrn, the latter ned twtivc and i'ourleen years rct totively. One of the ocruiants cuenped hy jumping out one ol tlie upper window, but he aaasuMU-rtly Rtuuned that he wai inwnciUlc fur co'tie time. lU-ouvchug bis coii!oiiuned he entl -nvored to render OJ'siinnee tu the aurVcriiijr, ininntes hut it wns law lute, Hit- Uevuuring eie nient furbiddiiiK nil help, iiu then run l some of the uuplitrorf. who came promptly, hut all they on Id du ws4 to luk on tho horriblu light as it presented itself in tbe futtr bodies enrtloed in the flames. Tbe fire is supposed to bare oriffinateJ frmn the eipkision of a coal oil lamp, which had oeen leitilioiiy burnir un the table when the family retired. Markville, where tbe terrilde calamity occurred, is abuut tight uiiki northwest ol Ni-wpjrt. Accidental J)katji A youn man named Miller, from LeatliiTWood, (. Urion o mnty, euii-l ij.'d by W, II. Ntwcoiu, in taking on! timher in lildred lownthip, in the liberty neighborhood, on VVeduesday bl wa struck by a falling troe and iuhtanlly killed. A frenlk-tmin that was at work wiib b in felled a forked ire tha contrary to his aiitiripatiuu. ttriiek a mthburittg tr.e, breaking oir tho forks al::!h ftll stnkii Mr. Mdler, brenkinjr bia lurk-and one aria, llir body wns taken to bit home at Leather woo J. iirouit lilt Tlio burn of Snmuul A. Moyorn, of MilTord township, Hemeraet county, WtiS sl'I on fire by two of his children, who were ttinuHins; th?ni-lves with matebe on Moudny week, and cntiuly destroyi'd with nil its contents, invoh inj$ a lo- of about ifl.OiM, on wUicit there was aa inru r.tn?v of only i", j'J. 0j llit Cl'li of Xjv;bi'm. J 70. If Die Hit. f-. Cswrt, !.-. C. C. SI'imtti E, of Cl.arCU C j., to HiuS. A. O.-W.U.T, fCn'.r Cj., 0.i Ik-ccui'ht UIi, 1'70. al (Up American Hotel, Luliierl'Ur, ,j I n r; n r It 1 1' k Iltil.l.orrTrrR. .tt., Mr. HENRY f A I: I. lo Mini M.'.ltY ANN" W E.N sEf.: bot!i oi" J.' TVr'in e-'lluty, Ta. Jlifil. In I.jwr n?e township, on the llih of Iee , 70, JOHN MO(HJC( a:;ed aSout 07 years. Jear Ca w:,r Hie, on the 2IjI of November, 170, 5I!INA "!lAN"ci;i IK.O'jM, a,;;J TO years and 2 -J iy. JicT'ird paper pl"? piMi h. Clearfield Markets. Corrected wekly by Tin n en Mtmp, WboJernle and Itetnil Dealer iu Iry (Jo-iB, (Jroeerie, !ro viion, & :.t Market street, I'lenrfkd I, Pa. CLrAnyirLP, Pa., V.t. 28, 1370. Apples. preen, f0( Uii.-d. f IS Applebutur,F,r'il, 1 Putter M'f a Means d IH) J Burkwhrat 1 Hti-V whe .l flour lb, Hcrf, dried Href, fre.h ldi't) - IbKir.N. M 12 0',W Com.sh. iied I Corn, enr f f'C-i) Crrn me:tl,jiJ wk, 1 Chop. er,t: JiJ( t t'birrrserd 8 f 'Ifepn Cherries, tb. Ioo Chi ken, dji 1, lo; r.et l'!:ili-l.l 3 ! leur II iiur-o 7 ll .r V) 0o.,l :-, II.is, drem'J Hi trecn. II:iltn .'tiatlM.Tll I'lK.u .-i U- . 01! (,( t.i.r.1 Um ioik,'a.jl...35 (II) O.ili (Vi Onionfl I OH I'.. tutor haft, f, i I'.nrhr", ilrir l, fti.. l.t l"mliT, V .li! 3 411 live I ;il lt:.. V Ik S S illrtjo-k 2 Ml .Stiln?Ii.lMll..!fct.S Sliin'lrj.ifi inll)(3 1 1 (li) 1'inuthjr set 1 7 SO T..M..W 12! Wlirot 1 il) Wool til Wi oj. y cor l a C'l.OSI Nil I'lSlfKH or llt!l w:x 1 Ilr.n.. No. l' ?tnlh Tliir.I St., Plii'aJ.l! hlit, Dec. S, l-. 5. IV of 'f.1 H!J II2J c? i :i i.'.rt ' " '61 If. I0f. " 'Ci irnj H'7 " 'Cj, new I K '.! " " OT.n.w I i lifJ " II SJ Mi i 10 40 icq 1MI f. 8. 30 Yrr C r cent. Curnn.r Ill j 111 llol.l Il l llli Silver H'i 107 I'uion Taiir,. It. It. lit Mort. lion li... S10 810 Cenlral 1Vi It. B I'OJ S1J ri..,n Pi.l5 I.3H.1 Unnt Hoii.lJ 705 7li PR0I0 SALS for PP.IS01T1 To Builders and Mechanics I fo.a: Ci r 'iriFi.ii. en.' o.-r:ri ' , Xnvinber ?, l-T". J fi-r furni'hin the intrt:il P.ubd Proii.h "4 t'r-i'rx a" I n.,ni ii'et inz a nen Piion Luild ;'i' ri ir preji.Ti i-y r Un I l.ai:.in l, I -(j , Ardiitec, and now on file iu (l.n dliec, will tie r"eived ftm l uil b ra sad tnn Ssnti', at their 1i-'r until the l.'.lh d-iy ol Pembcr iifst. I i.r plttrit and s; e.-it.-titi-'iit ran lie t en it t'l.n -T1 at nny time, nnd t h An hit. -el w II he in ntlen-1-anc- on the day prior to the opt nir f of the Pro pofiils to s?ive all nefv ir eil.uia!t'n. 1 1 ' I ll lie reerin-d for t!i m'ire e-ulrapt, takins; the slono now prepared at a fl t I valua tion, and the nam' the ittrt lijr to s; irinly 'he perfurmar.ee of ihr r-Mitraet mn.t ee "ottipsi-y the in 1. Kn.-e-irt. HMi-t be r indents of C'eir'ieNJ eounty. Tl.i Cti'ii! d.'iiner!i rrsrr e the ri;;ht to r-j"el ary r nil t id, and te award the contra-! sa in th-ir jinlumrnt nny best su'-serve the int rvita of (he cuotv. i' A M I III, II. StMFFNFR, rAVIIil, H. II IN OMAN, 1A il) III CK. O. C(inmi'sioner.4. j STOVES ! STOVES! STOVES! . . ri:i:i). sACMrr, At !-'!'if an 1 Tuiwirr K-(ii'.li.iiment, on Mirhet freer, nearly o,,r,ite tb Jail, hns the fii"!t anl i hepi e.-t a-' irtnirfit of i n k au1 Patlor i Slvf rver hro-iih! In Ihbd. Ainnii n'hrra be ( Uot tbijusi: eeirat.d TPII" '(M)KT(iVr, Which ii one ..f the l .-t ni w-H a rilFAPIIPT Stove now mid-. Ail p'inn in a.mt t.f any thii(of the kind are re-p'-etfuMy Iim ited to call and sec lor tli'.-xi.n-Uei. rA Ni.e a .Hm-nt if TIN WA ft IT, Ae , on h.ind. Jo htiK doue to or l-T. FltlilV SACKF.TT. rirarfield, OetoVer :., IS;. J. A. LATTENBEPiGEE, Claim and Collection OfTice, 0SCFOLA, Clearfield C.v, Pa. r-fy-Conveyaneinff an I all l a;! paio r drawn W'te ae-urni y and "Ji-p itt h. lnft on and pas sx li'sets lo and I row ery pcitit in Furpe j pr.n ure I. oeii 7 fl Oi-.i Ho: km nir. hoi to w wi At the Po-loP.ef. XrV I -lret, CbirfieM, ' I'a.. i tlie fhea-eM pl.iee in learlield eotinty to I l-uy llololar l.olr, Jiooks. St.itowery, Ae. The Ur. e-t a-v.tiin. nt .. (,..,). n r.f th a kind ever ItrouK.it to ( !var'.o IJ : all new aa-I worth aeeinf and purflin.ii. . in n.( Uil l i mil and ace thi aiirlmeul b' l"re pnrr h:iin; el- w'nere; money Fared by it. .Nn tronlde tu fto.w pf md. lw' ft. Domlnc". llut.Kells. Drake's J l lloofland's (leriwan.liostetter's and ilreeoe Oiegonated Flitters also pure I. invars, of all k;aJs !yt cedieir.sl rsnww.. fr.e ..I. a. liKT.Wr. t rnvriK it'll C'floils, Ac. INTO. 0YKt iiti;u. iw.' A GRAND OPENING! ; T II IS WKKKI wi fiii i a si iti:i:t). MARKET STREET, (ir.YRiir.i.i), pi:ni.m. Mplendld Dreu PUltlu, from tf , to 'J tM) Itlick AIiacn, from SSc. to .1 'it, eialu I'nplliiM, tram !i)e. to .1 H. IIuu.loQmt colors in Hatecm. Iikutilliicu, l''mpms I'loth, and Reps, ever on dijila-. lUcgniit rolom In Mateciu, li()c. to .4 (HI, Ilar'alm Iu lllirk sill.,, fl ?5 to l u. Abtrarlun Coatliiff. 3 6(1 to ti l per yard. fronted and Plain Heaver. Seal.kln, Ooskln and Curllcula. Velveteen, at ISc. and upwards. Splendid all wool Khanl. Roman Nirlped Shawl. PaUley and Itroclie Shawla, .4(1 to I'ura. from 3 00 to 73 (Ml. IiarRains are olVered in FUR?. I bur them direct from the inamifiirturcr?, and will warrant tutm Mli.faet.irj io everr rc.pe.t. Also, new tlyles in Millinery (;uodt, together wiib Ladle.' Mhoea, Oent'a Hats, Capa, Ae. Milltnerr andCuat-niaking done in the best style. .T-eT-Thefit Golds are bonnht al ItKillT PRICES, and will be sold tbe frue. CALL AND SEE F0K V0L1:.ELVES I .yir-Duttir, Ek-s. and a!l markiUMe nrojuee tukrn in esebanjre for goods. Xoreniber 9, 1 870. MRS. J. F, WATSON'S FANCY STORK A.-r F A S II I O X A D L K MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Y Fl :,-L LINK 0F JEKI.RY, LEAITI fi.l and new, at iVns. WATSON'A IL.NCinvoilKEU A LACE COLLARS, at JL Mm. WATSON"?. glLK VKLVE LTS ANI) TltlMMlNUrt, at Mm. WATSON'S. 1)EAl'TUTL t FI LL LINK OF WOuLE.N thuds, at ?.(:. WATfiON'S. CI ERMANTOWX VAKS, IN DR1UUT AND elegant elors, at Mns. WATSON ?. JJ0SIEHY, BI.0VE.-s, SILK LACE RID buns, Ae., at Una. WATSON S. A KEW AMI FASHIONABLE LINK OF Hair Goods, at JIYn. WATSON S. 'IllUl.ET eoAl'S, rKRFl MKRV, Ac., at Mrs. WATSON'S. AIilES', 11 ISFES' A rllll.IiRKN S FI RS, Al Mas. WAT JON'S. KAITIFI L ALL WllOL FilAWLS, at Has. WAT?iiNP. AI'lLS' LATEST STYLE CLOTH COATS, it Mas. WATSON'.?. n'MKSi: (Joo.lt. and nanyolher sin Is of Fifh 1 iori.l.le Oo't In. with an entire n. w an I brau til.il a.soilm'nt of ItonnMs, Hats, i'ren-h Flow ?r, A., will te soi l at Ij jot c -lit. L-ss tliau any plee in t'.ic c iulitr, at M:s. WATSON '3. shw I M .n ti uiM I am agent for tlie jollr e.-lelirs'i l Ann riein Rult n hole Ih er seaming (. win(r Maelnne, the f'-slft won ler of tlie a..1. It is liht rnnninf, s.m.1e. iluraMe. din not ea-i!y a.t out of onl-T, .in. I i.rs n;'.-r? kin !. of work tlmo any oilier nia .-Line Irn-le. Priee of Co jili-nul i.,fi atn.-bine, Willi eover, f7o. l'l.iin Machine, with i;t lintton hole altut-t mint, i:h covi', i9. Mm. T. K. WATSON. Cl ai'iel.l, Nov. 1. I-;I ttna 1.71 LIME AND CO A LI nAVIotJ ivrfiwl o'ir fn itit'ies f.r burninc l.iine till ing the jsM sr iin, wc are ptr- ared t f i.rf. i ia yooA Ilurnt I. Imp, Coal Burnt I.Imc, iViXMl and loal Ifiirnt l.lm?. M ititil ie lun I from tlie ei b brated "IlFI.I.i;i ONTH LIUKSTONE," whleh prnnees the wnirpsr nd rrr.r-T l.iine, f'r all meidmnie.il pnrpo' s. (hut enn Vie round In llie folate of Penn I snia, and which we HI at n low prices, delivered nn esr, ai the inferior Linus are solJ at their pla'rs ol uianule-'ture. A's-, dealrr In and thipp"r of Wilkesbrro and Shamokln ANTHRACITE COAL, of all i'ti , pretiart J tpTefly f'r fji;ii!y vi O.J.i sli.i:cl. MIOKTLIIMIK A CO., Nor. 9, 170-!?. li. lbfonte, Pa. i1uinni.Hf.i:n,t rnvoinfi r.x- 1 f 11! At 1 ere w iu rnnti-d etnial to any ion l T!i v Si prrjured frum tlie fni,j. an. I will be 'oiir.d tnurh Ix llrr thnn mniiy id (he Kttra fs III t re sold. A'k volt l reeror hrmiLri-t for Will ...iirr'p. Extra.-ft. ItAMb'jW IMfl iu It!, I K in, w iih'uil doii'tt, the het arti-lr in the marhet for I lr in a; cloth'. It will col-i,- more water thin futir times the "ante weight of in liif", and tnueh more tl.nn nyuih',r wnh blue in llie iiinrlaet. The oo!r petinine i tlmt p'tl np at AFFltKl W I I.TItKltUFII K DH I U f-l UHK, No. North Swond Street, Philnd'lphin. The la Wis have both H ilrttrr-er's and I srlow'aname (n th'-m, all others ere e uiit r,'. it. For Hle br mt UriMTrf r-n.l Dm r ri't. W H.T!l ltii;ii 'rf I N Ii:M IU.K I N !v aid h" (iiund on trml to he a snpeti'r artiete. A 1 w a v f 'in hsnd and tor s i!-.- nt ren H.iis'de pn. r. I'orc tiround Sjii e. tirtiiuti" M '.ii iiir, Ch-tinm SUIii, Ppotiffis, l.im-a. P.-arl, .ll,"', and ad artit-ht In lh drnj hne, at A I.I IlKIi W 11.1 1.ILf.KirS M!F(J FTnHK. jeS.IUm fin. 2;;;t .North S.cnd tft., I'lula. Dickinson Seminary. rpilK Winter T- rri nf V illism-port Ihr-klnsnn L H' minnrr, a school for twith ee-es, will begin I Jantmry , I.t7 I. wnh hiiil.hnpa tlo.rotishly im- proved, tew ptiiloiophiral eopsratn-, new pisnoa. nn J a lull e.irj.a nf ethcn-nl d-aehers. 1 be school is worthy ol 'piihli- pitronif. W. l.KK f-lMHTSWOGTi. n. n., Nov. !. lSrO im. President. j V" ATI;l .t.(MM) shrrp pell anted I ! ine at.sre ut 1 f .ViirHHt r.,, J- ?iflmbcttil's Column. IK Kill I '. V M I Thr K'ldneys sic two in number situated at the uptr part of the loin, surround, d by fat, and email-tins; of threa parts, vii: the Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior eonsifls of tis sues or veins, which serve ai a deposit for the urine and convey it to the riterlor. Tbeeiteilor is a oonduetor also, terminating In a single tube, and called the Crvtcr, 1 he ureters are connected with the bladder. The b'addcr Is composed of various" covering j or tissues, divided Into parts, vli: the I'pper.tLe Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower rctalr.s. Many have a desire to uriuate without tbe ability; others urinate with out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To eure these affections, we must bring into action tbe muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be tbe attaek, It il sure to affect the bodily health aud mental powers, as our flush and blood are supported from these lourec. GOUT, OU JillEUMATISM. Pain occurring in the loins is indicative of the abovt diseasee. they occur to persons diiposed tn acid stomach and chalky eoocrctioDS. THE GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or Improper treatment of the kidueys. These organs being weak, tbe water is not expelled from tho bladder, tut allowod to remain; it becomes ferrrUh, and sediment forms. It is from this dpoiit that the stone ii formed, and gravel ensues. DKOPS Y. Prepay is a collection of water In some parti of the body, and bean different aamrs, according to the parts affected, vis: when generally diffuicd orer the body, it is called Anasarca; when of (he abdomen, Ascites; when of the chtst. Ilydrotborai. TREATMENT. Uclmbold's highly concentrated compound Hs tract Hurrta Is decidedly one of the bed remedies for diseases of the b!a Idcr, kidneys, gravel, drp sieal swelling, rheumatism, and grnty affections. Cnder ttiis head wo have arranjri 1 Pyauria, or difficulty and pain in parsing water, Scanty Secre tion, or small and frequent dischargee f water; Strangory, or sapping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; iout and Kheumstli-ra of tbe kid neys, without any change in quantity, but inert a ne in color, or dark water. It was always highly recommended by the late Dr. Phynick, In these affections. This medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise hy which the watery or calcareous di positions. and all unnatnrnl enl.irgeTne.it s, as well asniin and iniljmation, arc nduced, ani it it taken by men, women and children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Pnn ancu-uiA, Pi.f 'b. 2i, 1S0T. II. T. Htlmbold, Druggist: TtRtn Fir 1 bare bocn suffering, for upward of (wt nty Venn, with gravel, bladler and ki-lney affeeiion, during which time I have used various medical preparati'His, and been nndcr the treat ment of the nioft eminent phjiciatis,c.xperiencing but little re I if. Having seen yonr p.rparalions rxtensivvly ad vertiifd, 1 consullrd with my family phytL-lan in regsrd to B'-ing y-'iir Kx tract Bucbu, 1 did this h.-esnxe I had used all kinds of adver tised rrmcdb s, and bad found them worthies, and tome quite injnrions; in fact, I de.paircd of ever tttii'g wilt, nnd d'.-fr rwin'.d to ut? ao rftncJicf herc.iftcr o.less I knew of the lnr,d;cntf. It wis this th.it prompted wie to use y nr remedy. As you advertised that it wns compost d ofbuehu. cnVhs, antl juniper berries, it oc-urred to mc and my physician as an rxeellcnt combination, and,, with his a I ice, after an examination of the arti-' cle, and consulting aain with the drugM, I eon-: eluded to try it. 1 commenced ita use about eight menths al which time I wan confined ! my room. From (he fust bottle 1 was at'niahe J and gmtified at the beneficial effect, and sfTer Ufdlig It three weeks, wns able tu walk nut. I felt ruu h lit.e writing yr a a full ftntement of my ease at tlie time, but though! my improvement mi, Tht nnly b. tfinpnro'y, a:.d thcreftire eonclu led lo defer and e ii it would rffeel a perfect cure, knowing then it would be nf greater value to you, and more s..tis.'a''lorv to me, I am now aUe to report that cure is effected after uing the remedy for (he months. I I have not ued any now fr three month, and b e) as well in ail rriT: as I ever did. Your Btiebu Liitig devoid of any unpleartut la-Ie and lor, a nice tti'.e ard imifiratoruf (he ajFlem, I do not mean to be without It whenever occaiion nias require Its uc In such afft -tions. W. M. MM'OHMICK. FhoulJ any doa' t Mr. MeCtirtniek'i s'atrmcnl, he r fcri (o the foiowing genilmieu ; lion. Wai. Bi:t.r.n,ex (lovern-ir, P(nnyliania. lion. Tn . h. Floukvi PSiladi tphia. Hon- J. C. Knox, Julje, Philadelphia. II in. J. I.l.ArK, Ju dge, Philn blpl.ia. Hon. I). 11. P nir n.ex-d'ivernar, Pennsylvania. lFn. Fi.i.is Ic .wk, Judire, Philn leljihia. Hon. II. C. timrn, Ju lgc, 1 nited Pintes Court. Hon- t). W. Woonwann, Jn.lje, Pinlsd'l bia. Ii n. V. A. Pilars:, CP Solicitor, PlxUdets bia. Hon .Toiii Itiiii.rn, ei loernir, Cslifornia. II -ii. E. lUNka, Au lilortlrn., Washington, P C. And many others, if necessary, - TSol I by I rufr.; iate au J Healer every where. Pea are ofcounterff.il, Ak for Helmbold's. Take no other. T U I C K : cl.2.' jior lirnlle, or 0 Hottloa for $'5."3. Helivered In any addrrsa. Describe symptoms in all communications. Ad I reus H. T. II ELM HO LI), Drug aal Cbemiral Warrhoose, J'JI ttraajwaj, Xew York. "oxk ark hi:mtne t xi,i:i iicsr. t t i- In stielnrared wrapper, with fac-Mmile of wiy t biaaieej W ar-l.on-e. and a jni-d tf'hitr n. r HMMtefiir Jhratvarf, Jluuarf, tt. TnE IH0ITSIDL3 TIN & ST0V STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipSwUig, Co&tre County, la. T1HK underslirned rsipeetfullj anaoaneei to tb, pablle that b. has on band ear,. lully-sel.ot.d ana wall aasurt.d atoek vf STOVES, HEATERS, ItAXCKS, hollow - wai:e: TIN, COPPER ANL) S1IEET-IKON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ui, (tack of Cooking Shir,, consist, of 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which ha,. nr filled to brln r.ae, and prosperitf into faniliea wbare it i, ua,d, DiamonA Stat,. Farnar, Harald. Cbarn, 6p,ar,' California Cook Move, Hpeara' Antl. Dust, Uaa-Burning Cooking Btovea, Vlotor, Kelianc, and I nion Kan ,,, Fpsara' Cooking Kangea, A,., 4-a. k..Th, Tia and Eba.t Iroa war, glren with tb, mot., is mad, of tk, b.ae'.st and boat material, and warraatsd to giro psrf.cl satis- faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves I larger, b-.ttcr and cheaper than orer bofor. tibibited to ths public con.lellng of 9para' Rarolring Light lllusotnatlog Stor,, bpeara Antl uusi uas uarning rarior ntoro, fp.ara' Orbieular tias Burning l'arlor htora, Ppears' tlaa Burl ing Parlor btoro, Uoqnet. Pearl. U.ia, ld, gun, Tropio, K.vada, Ac, Ao. Vulraa, Kim and Victor Heater,, Fpeart' R, rolvlng Light Heater,. 11, ie also prepared to furnish a complete asaortmont of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &e., Wholesale or retail, snenufaetured neatl, and with tbo eole riew to aorvleo, from the best aaa torial la the market. TLOWS 4 TI.0W POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPt'N i COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of ererr dt-acriptloa coniUntlj oa band. OUDERS FOR SrOUTINO, KOOl-lXU And other work belonging to his ho, Ines, will b, prompt!, tiled b, ,ip,riene,d aad sbtlllnl workuieo. nnAss, corrEit. old metal, rags AND CASH Taken lo eiehange for goods. r4l!e espeia!l, Inrite, tbo attactfofl of Merehants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as the, will And It to their advantage to oiaoolne bis stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Look oat for tbe Rig Fi,n nppo.ite th, resl desee of Mrs. !r. Foster. All Ooene Wai.aiiiTKD as RaraEiaRTaD. c:. s. 1 1 t t; '.l . Phillpiburg, June .', O70, angS '9 II. F. BIGLER & CO, DBAI.FRR ( II A 11 II IV A It E, Alan, Manufactnreriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CI. rARFIII.ll, PA. LOT OF SADDLKS, liRIDLK.S, Daroess, Collarr, ele., fur aal, h, II. F. niOLEIl t CO. p.VLMEIfS PATKNT UNLOAD ing tier Forks, for aula bj II. F. DKiLER CO. qi L7TmfTr0iT7-o:rAs, Nails, tte., f.r sale b H. V. I1IGLF.R i. CO. J J a K N I .S3 T I! I il M 1 N O' S i"silO E Findings, f r sale b, II. F. HIQLEII A CO. (Ji'UN S, PI bTO LS, S V Ol iD V AN ES For sale b, II. F. nioi.F.n ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sites, for ile hj a. f. nia;.F.n a co. JRONI IRON! IKON! IRON! For sals bj H F. niOLER A CO. loRSEVHoY&'iibYjioE KAIL, for tale be II. K niOLER A It) pi' LL IvY BLOCK iA LlTfS 1 7. ES And best Manafarlure, for sale b, II. F. PIfj l.F.R A CO. 'pil IM 1!LE SK KINS AN 1)PI PE liOXBS, f.nalebr II. F. nifn.F.ii.t CO. llODDEU CUTTEl;S-rur ealo l' ttciiMTO II. F. P.IGI.F.R A CO. DREXEL & CO., ot 31 outli Third Wtrrct, Plilladrlptila, itt.rnt:ns9 And Dealers in Government Securities. Aiplii-!inn by msil will rewire prompt a'ten lion, and all information cheerfully furnishet. Orders nolirited, sort I If Farm for Sale I 'PilJ. Farm of Jw.fi 8).arl;m;.n. lntr of C.iravl . townhifi, deceased, eoniiint nf abnut l?J aeiea nf good furmuif land, (most nf wbieh is elesroef,! sh4 hatirg tbnreon ereetl a good house and barn, with ali the uanal eontenivnees of a pleasent home. For terms and further purlieu lars, apitlv to T. II. Ml RIMY, Atlornev for the heirs and persons inleretrd. June "2d, !. if. "VtlTH'l lim ing pnrehaf'el the Interest nf A 1 J. A. ltlrttten'terirer, llq., in the huainess heretofre carried on nnder the ftrm name nf J. A. IlUttenhersrer a Co., the saw will lie eondueted hereafler under the name of IMoahananaj Land aud , La miser Cotnpanv. (Slnre.) j II. II. r-IIILI.l.vvFMHH, JOHN MYYM1R. myf resWt. Wel Lw Jill (floods, fuorrifj, Pc. a. r, ansot ii., "('licapfr than the Chrniiest!" nooDS AT REDl'cKD PRICES tvnt aicuvED r Arnold & llnrliHliorii, (On door west of Pint National Bank,) CLRWi:rVIM.i; PA. nAVINO Just returned frem tbo oast with a eompleto assortment of Quods anltahU for Spring and Bummer trsde, wo aro now ready to furnish all kinds of Qoodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And aftr thanking oar customers for their liberal patronage during the past year, we would most esj ectfully ak for a continuance of tho same. Our Stevk eonslsto of a eomp'eto assortment of Dry Goods, Notion, Hardware, Queenswsre, Villowwaro, Uroeoiles, Boots at Shoes, Hals A Cape, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ao. Also, Flour, bacon. Sah, Fish, Grain, eto. All of ah Lb will bo sold on tbo moat reason ablo terms, and tho highest maiket prlea paid for Grain, Wool and all kind of L amber and Country Produce. -Please giro ue a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quality.TMi ARNOLD A HARTSnonX, Corner of Main and Thompson Streets, apr20 CCRWEN6VILLB, PA. j. r. WEAvaa- , V. W. TTS. WEAVEIt A BETTN CLKAP.FI ELD, TA., Are offering, at the old stand of 0. h. Reed A Co., their stock of goods, eonsisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES!, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS t CAPP, IIAKDWABS, QlEENSTAnC, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o.f &c., At the most rtaeonible rates for CAHU or In tichangc for Square Timber, Boards. Shingles, OR COUNTRY PROblTB. y Advances male to those engaged in get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terms. January ft, IS70. EeA.IltVINcCCO., lino pa.. Being speeiallr engaged Id the buf ioes, of Buying and Soiling Square Timber, Would represent that they are now prepsrrd to purchase Timber delivered at either Curwensvills, Lock Haven or MaeVtta, (or will take it at any of three points,) and fell on commission, making such ad ranees a are aoeeiary. Those engaged In getting out Timber will find at our store in Curwensulle, a very large stock of STAPLE GOODS Of all IVeseriptiona. ALSO, flour, .Wrn, , O.ifa, Corn, And ererrlbing nrerfsar, for DM of Lnrobennrn. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, kept on hand in large quantities, and old at small adtanee by the roil, A 10, Pulley . Blocks, Pinall It"pe, ie. fr.PI.U IE. IMH ( I.Ml:TSI offired to (hose mannfa"turing ?iiare Timber. K. A. IHM A C Curwcnsville, Jnnusry I?, 1870. Small Profits ! Quick Sales! IIARTSWICK k IRWIN Arc constantly repbnihing their stock of Hrugs, Mi licines, Ae. School Boots and Ftstionery including the Os good and National Series nf Reader. Also, ToVacM and Cigars of ihe best brand-, at tbo lowest prices, nil CALL AMI FI.K. t9 Stumps i Stumps! I TIIIK nnd-rsigned hf pur-ha-ed the right of t'1. wi tit Id ronnty fnr Dim it r AniiitTH Twr KTnrrtn, patentrd June Tib, 17". This ts d.-eidedly the mot eonvenient, most dura ble, and he-t machine nf the deir, W et weather will not afl.et it. the wmking part Items; all nf in n. 1 he nmehme la easily set un. anl will work any pla-e thit ran W plowed. We will Ml ma chine al a small prof t on eost, and will trv to make it to the edvenlsire nf fat m era to buy theni. We solieil nrdere from thoe wanting mielnties. II. T. KARNSWtiRTIl. tleartield, IV J. H. U A II It ISON, CurwenM ille, I'a. Oro. II. lUi 1 Agent, Clenrfiel I, Pa. Jyl.m Brick roFSale ! rIIR on-li rsitJTiei has manufstnreil and has .1 now i.n hand f .r sale IMI.IMMt III1K H, ahirh he will ilir..iM nf n.nn ressonahle terms, in large or small quantities, to suit rurehaera. 1. A. TKHPK. Luth"rs.nrif. Pef.temher 14, la;, fm. I..KK SXTAIII.K' stAt.I ruR sate M IMS oltw. jPrji C.oatls, torowlri, tftf. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! C. UUATZI.K, Market Street, Clearfield, Tena'a,, (Opposite the Jail,) T HAVE aow oa hand a trat elaa, elork of A gaods, sotted lo tho wents of the putlie. M, atoek heing large, and bj eoDStaotlr Baking additlofis'therelo, 1 am able to aeoonnodale all who n,sy faror aio by ealling. I hare D RT GOODS, Merinos, Glnghami, Clotha, l'rlnts. Delaines, Cassi meres, Silks, Reps, Satinets, Cashmeres, Tweeds, C a bergs, Alpacas, Mohair,'Lenell 'S, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral Pklrts, Hoop Pkirta, Shawls, Press Trimmings, Biad Nets, Caps, Corsets, Gloves, Fearfs, Collars, Grenadine Veils, Table Covers, st s. CLOTHING, Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats, GentY&hawls, fihlrts, Hats, Caps, Vnder-SbirU and Drawers, Bw-ts and Shoes, Gun 6 hoes, Cravats, Socks, Gloves and Coll.rs. GKOCEIUES, Tea, Coffee, .Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Candles, Rieoff Flour, Bacon, Fish, Tobacco, Raisins, Currants, Spices, Trackers, Vinegar, Oils, Varnish, Pepper, Alcohol, Ac. household goods, Carpet,, Oil eluth, Drugget, Clocks, Looking'Olaaaes, Cbaros, Baeketi. Washboards, Tuba, Flat Irons, Pan,, Window B.inds, Wall Paper, Coai Oil Lamps, Bedoords, Unt relies, Koires, Forks, Bpoons, Crock,, r'lorss and Stor, Blacking. HARDWARE, Queenawara, Tinware, Olaeswaro, Woodeooare, Copperware, Booka, Btationerj, ilusical Uosds, Trunks, Skates, A o. CT'All of which will be sold on tbe most rea looabl, terms, end t higbast mark,t prio, paid fur Grain, Wud and all kinds of country produce. BKMEMIIEB TUB PLACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Opposil, the Jail,) cleakf:eld, pekk a. j 70 S10.000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead I lt,ror iu I'nrlralid W blleneia. Id. For it, I'nrqualed PurabilK). Sd. For It, I'n.urpeeeed Covering Property.' Laatly, for ite Economy. jt-lrU rorta le to paint wlih Bu.k Lead than any other Whit. Lead eitnnt. The aame weifibt covers more surface, h more durable, and makes whiter work. m i k I.L IUli lbs Cheapest and Best. $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Excels all otlier Zincs ! 1st. For its Vnequaled Durability. 2d. For Its lTnriraled Whiteness. Id. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Laatly. for Its Great Economy. Being the Cheapest, Handsomest and most Du rable White Paint in tbe World. Buy only DUCK l.KAD AND BUCK 7.1NC. Try ft and be Convinced. Satiffactlon Guaranteed by the M 'nnfartureri. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS) Preps red espresaly for Paiotlrg Cottsges, Outbuildings of every deaerlplion. Fences Ae. Thirt? five different colors. Du rable. Cheep, I'niform, sod Beautiful Shsdea. temple cards eent by uiail if desired Deal ers' Orders will be promptly eiccuttd by the BtaouUcturers. FRENCH, RICH Co., N. W Cor. Tet th A Market streets, Philad't. For sale by A. I. Shew and llartswiek if Irwin, Dealers la Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Ac, Clearfield, Pa aprlJ;M:ly TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of mi. u. wuir, Twedeors Last of the PostoCee, Clearfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a fine assortmrct of Nary. Con press. Cavendish, Cable, punroH, Michignn and C,en?ury Fine-cut Clawing Tobacco, 1?. Alsn, a large and well seleeted stork of Imported and Domestic Cignrs, Smoking T .djaccoa, Meeraehautn and Pi iar Pipes, Pipe fiituret, Tobacco Boies, figar Holders, aid everything generally found In a well regu'ated Cigar and Tobacco Store. .TRemcniWr th? plare: Two doors Fast of tlie PoMoSee, Clearfield, Ta. aug. 2(;tf. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, KE.n U Tiinii-cvr.a, rrss-A. MANt FACTt nKS all kin t. ef l.,tmler for buiidmg pur.osrs. Alwnts on band latii Fon r.ooi i(i, rLAPTnr.ixo lath, PALINU, ie, Ac. His Plastering Lath are even!, sawt.1 and of d'.nVrenl lenflhs, to suit porehasersj the Pa'ings are four feet long and ready pointid. All kir.Js of Fawe.1 Lymber will be furnished to or.ler. and delivered if an di'Mrvd, Price, will be ti'ieril, according to q.iality. i-SuAII kinds of Oil UN taken in exchange fur I.umWr. Lnlher.l.urg P. 0., Jan. IJ, HENRY RIBLING, IirU SE, FUIN A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, C IcarfirU, Per.n'a. The freeeoing and painting of churches and other pubhe buildings will reeeire partteutnr atlenllon, a well aa tjje paintinc of earrinces and sleichs. tltlding done in the a en teal stybe. All work warranted. Shop on Fourlh ssrevu formerly sTpiM by VUstlrt M"ife?. esfrfft Jiotrls, THE SMITH HOUSE. (Oppo.lte the I'staefifer Depot.) 1 I I A HI 1 1 I l, P A. ' IHK untler.lh-m d. having baseil ibis heuse I t 1 a mm its ol yeara, is resdy to enlerlsia al i- . -gi rs and tiareters g nerally, slid then fare sob' a so;, urnri i give bun a ll. His Talde wil: siiitido-d with thr lust Ibc Uisrket sfli.nla, and . lir will eoninio the choicest ut wines and hqu . 1 he hoiiMi. I limit tire, hetla and bcddirg arr entlii y new, which atwnys adds to the mm fori of traveb while the siaMing attsb'd is large and root. , jtiid suited for ti-utnpl'-r. rhsrges moderate. J;"i WILLIAM f. B It ADLKV THE LEONARD HOUSE (.Near the Kail road Depot,) RKED BTHEET, CLEARFIELD, PA. G. D. COODI'iai OW, Fropriator. VXFW Arst-clatis Hotel in every respect comfortahlc nwmis all the mod ra iutprut meuts the lieal of LIQCOKS proii.pt attri i anee, and reasonable charges. The palroneir o tho publie is respectfully solieitrd. Teamat will lase taku notice thai a large barn has j -1 been erctted for the sheltering of hornes, lotiof 1 wagons and carriages bavins; a commixiious yi m adjacent to the Freight aud:l'assenger di pot. j " TlTALLEGHENTjiOTEL MARKET fir., CLKAIlFIELD, Pa. r'TIIIf large and commodious new hotel I -1 J. tn-en opened for tbe aecommodtition of H i public, where tbe proprietor will be glad to m t bis old friendu, and receive a share of public p i ronas;e. By slriet personal attention to the to talis of bis business, he hones tn h aMe to rem let satisfaction to bis patrons. The TABLE will always be bountifully supplied with tbe best thf can be procured in the market, and the BAH will contain a full stock of Lll Oii, BKEU, Ae Good SUb ting attached. CASPER LEIPOLDT, Clearfield, March 3, iboii ly Propriet. r. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., Cl'RWENSVILLE, PA. HAVING leased for a term of years V s ' above well known and popular hotel. Ik' 1 1 formerly by Mr. Mason, and lately by t 1. Foutp.) the present proprietor has re fitted I with tbe ohjeel of reoderng bis guests eotnfui able while sojourning with bim. A fine, Urj - Stable and Yard is attai hed, for the care ai d protect ion of horses, carriages and wagons. A liberal share of publ.e patronage is solicited. my 7titf A. J. DHAUlKKK, Proy'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner ot Second and Market Struct, (IJ-AKI li:i.I, PA. riHIS old aad commodious Hotel has. dorli g X the paat year, been enlarged to double ii former capacity for the entertainment of stran gers and guests. The whole building has be n refurnished, and the proprietor will spare pains to render his guests comfortubie wLiie stsying with him. jt-fbe "Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and from the Depot on the arrival and deonrtuie of each train. JOHNDOUGHEBTY, eprti- 71-tf Proprietor. THE AMERICAN: HOUSE, CarweiiBvttle.C'learfield county. Pa riHK nsderwitrned hst leaaed this old and lor g L attabiisbed hotel, (formerly kept ty M j r laaae Bioom,) situate in a central portion of tie town, and has entirely re-fitted and re forniabt i It, aad re-modetedthe stajling, so as to make it an abject, hereafter, for the traveling pablie te patronise this large ani commodious house. Jan. 70-tf. T. JE1F. BLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curneitavllle, lea r tie Id county. I'a- 1 1III3 old and well established Hotel, teauti fully situated on tbe banks ot the Soiqui haoua, in the borosgb ot Curwrunille, has beiti leawd for a term of years by the nndcrilcnti It has been entirely refitted, and Is now epeo to tbe public generally and the travelling commu nity in particular. N'o pains will be sparvd tu render guests comfortable while terrjfng at this bouse. Ample Biabling room for tbe accommo dation ofteams. Charges moderate. 6pl :i, 1570 tf. ELI' BLOOM. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, 1 uthcvburft-, t leartield Co.. Pa. rpniS well known and long etablltbcd Horcl, X formerly kept by R. W. Moore, sod latter 1 w by Wm, rchwem, nr., has been leased for a term of years by tbe undeflgne J, to wfciih tbe at ten -tlm o: tbe travel in c puhlio is now called, ard a liberal share of public patrensge is solicited. o.V; JAMES MILtS. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST., IlllLirsHURG, PA. riinE undersigned keeps constantly on bstd X the beat of Liquors. His table is always supplied with the best tbe maiket afford a. Iba traveling public will do well to give him a call, novlia. K0 UEKT LL0VD. giiAW iioir. Corner of Market and Front Suetti, Clearfield, Fa, This magnificent lintel Is entirely new. com -pkte in all its appointments, end convenient to the Court House. A free Omnibus runs to and trom the Dipot on the arrival anl d partrrre cf each train. liKMKUK N. COI.bl US, April 13. 1870. Pnprietor. JCnC'lllTII 1IOT1X. Corner of TLirl and Smithficld Streets, Plttaburg, Pa 1:6.70 D. JulINSTMX A SOX. Pmprlitora. Hfoots and jJUors. DANIEL CONNKLLY, BjoI and SIioc Manufacturer. CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS jart received a fine lot of French CALF eKlNS, and is aow prtpartd to manatee tuie errrytbing In bis line at tbe lowest figures, lie nill warm nt bis work to be as representee. He rerpectfully solicits a call, at his shop oa Market street, second d or west 0 the pottuftieo, where be will do all in bis power to render setia faction, borne fine Uaiter tops on hxnd. ni)VV67 f DANIEL CONXKLLY. PEACE PRMLAIMEd! THE WAR 0VEE1N CLEARFIE1D. KNOX TOWNSHIP QUIET. Xeitfly oil the Cvutrulninth (tiimj tact '0 thdr ull umt-lcrs; Out 'tuny out gnimj to old Miifsicliusit.i, ul,irt tfify U(rt li ved long ai.,1 so veil. IN oonsenoene. of th, ebovr facts. F. SHORT, of th, uld 'hott bhe, tbep," weaid an. Bounce to bis oomen.oe patrons, and th. n.onla of Clr.rficld county at larce, that be bar new a orst rate lot or food material, juit recelred from tbe En5t,and Is prepared onan,.r. notfc, to anabe and mind U.iot. anu .h"es, at bis new shop la Urahsia a M . He is sati.Oed that heean pleaae all.fu-.lers It miuhl br aoaie iliteaseiy le.ial ,l,y. at bom, patriots.) He is prepared to sell l w fi,r Ca.b or Country Produce. lon't forert the U-.p neat d.or t.i Sbuoere A Urabeni's store, on Market etre.t, Clea.Stld, Pa., and kept by a fetlnw ennimtinly called JjVOy. "SlinilTT.M EW BOOT A SHOEMIST. EDWAlllT MACK, Con. MARKfT i 5n .cts., CI.KAKFirLD, Pa. fpilK proprl.tar bar entered into tb, P00T i ... .. ........... auvii p. ana, .no J is determined not lo be outdone eiib.r in quel. ut or price tor nia wora, .eelal alteatiea mil be paid to oianufariurin, Si wrd wn.h. lie has on band a large lot of Kreneh Kip end Calf hktes, of the eery best quality. Tbe Mil. ens of ClearneM and f Irinlle are respectfully Invited to giro bin a trial. Ke charge for Mil,. nnO),' . tf McFHEESON'3 RESTAl RAM & ilEl RLSIIHEM HALO tn Iar)', New Pniblin,. (formerly sieenplrd by .Mr. MrliailgllrT.) pfcoxd ?t., cLKAitriEi.rt, ta. CtnxT A NTI.Y on hand a tine selection of CAH J I'IKS. M TS. t III A IIS, TtlllACI'tl, do. Also. FRKSII OYSTKIIS received daily, and sorvetl up to suit tile tastea of customer,. Ill I. I.I AKI) HAl.tlttVon aeeoadatory. aovr t. tr Xt, R. NePllKllOW. I ttlH H i.lW hue Lead. tir7c7Paint7LiB. seed 0., Turpentine. A arnishes of all kinde. Color, ia Oil and lrv I amt. Varnish ltrnshee. Mr, H1.T5 IOK 4 IHWIH.