,Bel,"WerwTtT' UK HKPUnMCAN. I clXAHriKLP, l'A. k-!)av i"iiMvi, vr. 7, i:n, I Terms of Subscription. '1 in advance, or within throe months 4 after three f"r'' "ts a1""""" J slier the expiratl on 'f ' months .12 00 .. S 50 .. 8 00 in nrttrl""1 l" insure inwninti in tin .liuuM be banded i.,. & wr c- to press at I- o' on Tt.esilnv ehk, (noi u.) i KKl.H'IOUfl NOTICI-.S. Hh(tft r.pUmpal hurrli Rfv. J. II. .,, pastor. Public Hon ice every iahbuth, ?4.1..mi.lT4P.M. ,1,11th Hehool at 9 A. M. vrr Meeting evt"'y Thnrnlnr. at . 1 P. M. miiuiiitiiini Service, flrat tSabhath uf every ( A. M. Kratir 1m Church Cat.ii.lr-Rflv. Mr. ,j,i...n. Masa l "1 o'chrk A. M., on the I flti'l fourth Knndavs uf each month. ? Inilrffw'a niuiTh l-plnr opaW-Rer. i,;r H iM., Public Service Sunday morning o'clock, and it J P. M. Sunday School al f M. Prayer Meeting Yidi.csily evening r. o'clock. ..nxtrrlni Chnrr..-. Rev. Mr. HrTi.rn. c Service every tSabbath, niorninj ind even- JjtiNK Too. .Joseph Hoover, a ven- lr oM cititen of thii county, passed itwny at unic in Pennnllc, on Tuesday, 2Vth ultimo. a a resident of t lie oounty for sixty-nine and haves behind biui a largo circle or .fili to mourn hit loss. itky. The editor of tho Ehons- i Alleykania feasted hie family devil and all, 4 Thanksgiving day on a Turkey presented aim by a clever neighbor fur f l,i0. Lucky wed, especially the devil, and the man who got fl.5". Jhat I'apkr. Wo have before tin a ff f a new Hvinorratie journal started at Pitts -g. Pa., entitled Tiik Paper. It is a large nine wind paper, ably edited and handsomely printed, irnl everything about U is first-class, and dr fcr the support of the Democrats in particular 4 'he public generally." The terms are for the , fltl.Ori per annum, and the Weekly, (2.00. lr reduced rat. Address 'Tan ParcR," A burg. ), Ifire. TTe nro compelled lo chroni- the destruction by fire of the dwelling of Mr. ffchivl Wise, near Rloomington, on Sunday last. 4e fnuily was stated at dinner when some one grrtl a uoiee in the attic, which lead to the dis ih'ery of the fire which had so far alvanecd that v Tof ftll in a few minutes afterward. Every thing in he koase was enniauied. What few it'S) wore nnved frum the building tk fire jp.-l were huvntd. I Ihe family w rewjered entin-ly dentitutc so far pi prorifion and clothing are concerned. A Mistake, Certainly. We loom the 1'hilipsburg Journal that the editor of the n'yTwna fernJ, (Braincrd), was 'interviewiug" Ltthnt town one day hut wei'k, and that it took tkret Vmw to put bim Ut bed, thus indientiog that he vt powerful muscular eonntruction. it was evi gently somebody else. The editor of the Jtmmnt 4f certminty mintaken, because we bsppen to know 'Mr. Ilrftiuerd personally, and when we lost saw L mtwith Meek of the R'ufidiomi., while aoeompa- wiving a HeUromte party of ladies and gentlemen lio wero "doing" our town, be then teemed to ixnness hot little mure muscular vigor than i,31nk or any other member of the party. Hence rc must conclude that the party in question was euuu-body else. I Married. We clip from the Mi- witftpii (Vrin, the follvwiag marriage notice: On the evening of the 17th Nov, 170, at the Tenidenee of the bride's mother, by the Hon. Jona n TArhfll. (white), associate Justice nf the i -Supreme Court, assisted by the lr. M'trion lun I bar, (black). Lieut. CoL J. J. Htu.a, (yellow), of Cnnlun, Malison eounly, Atd-de-Camp to His Eicelleney, li-nemor J. L. Aleorn, (white), Cotn- inander ia Chirr of State Militia, lo Miss Aie k LivrxDKR, tslighUy oulorcd), ol Jtuksnn. No lards." t Thit .IT. if rntl nimlMtrs hi-h life la that fluence. How long will it take these black, yelluw 1 snd white scalawags to make a Mexico out of I Mis-iippi the finest Cotton growing Htalc f in the world. Lit of Letters remBitiin unclaimed in the pnstufl.ee, at ClcarfijJd,ou l't-ceinber 1st: Keams, J M r.aroes, J U J.ihns, Henry 2 Lewip. Mrs Jennie iumsdu". Mm hn'e lUiley, James 5 Hall, it H J Itrandt, William l ltrady, Miehocl I Hntij, Menu ? lturgir, Thomas 1 Hudrr, Michael llonlrr, Joneph J Hordeu. W S-3 'Conrad. 'Jacob Cunrad,'K U '): tmrnd, Elijah Leuder. Fraik Moure, Mm Kute Hill M oe. u Mrkinney, Albert Mi-t ,nU:y, .lo,epb MeCullv,' Mia, -Uairgi. Mei'ulley, J"e NewLnen. William I'relrt, Ji,eb It'iliiiiaon. Juini-, I KoTer,. Jnme, H R ilB-rt,, lliieb Ci KI.na.lo, W imirld H. Smith, Jiiek Smitli, Charlea Skellv, .lame, F Sliirej. W alter II TnTlor, Tliomaa l.iM.,11,, C K Thimipvon, Krarik T) y il.oo, N Port ' nral, Edward I I Caldwell, M A .'J Conwr, ThompsoB Cryder, tieirjj t : 1 u(diiaa. illiaa , Knuick. Harry Kiek. William ' Kinhel, William ; Fultoa, William K'irlcy, Francis liilmore, J C Hopkins, Mrs Sarah llenser, C 11 mi, t!eorge HsrpMter. Jaeob llouner, Frank Hammond, ( has A 2 Writibainan, John Warner a Brother Wellanee, Frank Williatn,. Peter Vi.er, E lker. John K 2 il.on. J H P. A. IIAI'LIX, P.M. A Iatht Man. Sometime dnnnrr the latter pari of tbe summer a numtrer of gentle-1 tnrn presented the Catholic congregation at French- ille with a pair of fine black horses, to assist tbe -eongregation in paying off a debt wbieh was rest ing on the new Chnrch building erected at that pi see. The Priest in charge, Father IlerLigicr, coneeired the Idea of issuing tikts nominally valued at fj. each. On Tharaday last the agents rrpurted at this jilace and aseertnined that 2l(l tickets had been sold, numbering fn.-m fne np to POO, Tickets with nu miners crnspontling to those sold, together with a similar nuuilter of blanks were placed in separate holes with "Two Horses" endorsed on one of the blanks, and a party blind folded drew a ticket from each boi, banding them to other parties lo open, when at last, when over two thirds of the tickets had been drawn out, it was announced ''Two llorses, an J the ticket drawn at the saute time was No. 42.'t, and bad 4ieen purchased by a laltorer on a lg job on Trout Run. The team is worth and it will He noticed that congregation obtained about fl? for the horses, and tbe laborer in question jrut two bnret for wl.ilr 2?9 o'hers were short Just that sum. LiTrU. We are informed that the party who "drew tbe horses Imi erdd the bai k to Ihe rongre dgatioa for lite sum of t !.'(.. II- ia e id ntly both tweky and liberal. flPrtf..-Vc learn from tlie Vtmncrat, that L'K-li Haven has amiu been iiti by the Are fiend. Hn last Weiinc-Uv night about V o'clock an alarm of tire was sounded, KV.,,nr-d by flames issuirg from tbe roul of tbr Muntour Mouse on Jay street, side t. wards Main treet. The firemen were promptly on hand, but the fire epcesd over the roof rapidly, and despite their efforts the entire rimf was burnt so badly as lo le vtrtoally destroyeil. Il mar V ifiid lhat the fire I ten fled downwards fn the third lory ihe build ing was three stories high, A (loot) uf watrr was thrown and pretty wiueli rv erv thing inside was naked. 8me of the fiirniturr was remored and aaveil, but doubtless much dmanfi-d. I he o igia M Ihe nre Is su).p.-t to hare been in tbe atlic at the Mint where it was seen to isme trnm the roof. Mr. ihk"iit nwaiT at ine e niiii; mn given al Hreat i j !nnJ Hull at tbr time f tbe Ire. and did wot got Ihvre until it bd some bat advunnsl. Al present it cannot be d"termmrd buw tb Brr onginateiL Mr. B. had an insuramve of ,nfni n fMr,. tnre?J,(iotl in the Home nf N liaren, and $l.ft00 in another enmpany wh-ise tisme we eould wt learf. The hotel is ewned by Mr. Proei.tr Myer. lie had J ,iii0 inarance an tl in the Lycoming. Kfvoyai. or a Hawk Tim YiMtt eay: l is reported lhat fhr JrT Shore National Hank will rb -rtlr wind np tts husmcr- in this l lace tart be retimTrd In W t'iawpnet. the charter fiaurif trrao parrba4d y fi, K fanderrnn A Co. aW A iPcinu n '.t iI.m we V, a rlnt I ( Vt t Msrll. tf llnll Kin. nrr MuhRMT dot) , tin- f nun . iii ii ('if il Ii a m r ii I . up d'fiir to 1h , hul Pn-liDg a '-m ol tnoi' tx , win It hnl lic it l n wilfiiti rt-a h. tnetK'i'd plfinnf with Hum, and t ttir n hi i-ti'ttnuit snil lillintr. Mr. H .Oierih-1, ri-i lug in tbr pftine Iiuikc. Iihi vii'b nt n-nin- 1nm tii ptnits. ran nxertft Mi. .Mirln'l, ai1 it to llir r.Mitn lurc(lir ilnit lunl iwnn ri-.l, J (,- little lillnW Iml l.- V.d the H.i-.r whin he nHt-red. A IliT P-'liie ilirti."l!l t he uv ' e i A ttl npentl t tin I'Mtr. and fniind I lie thtld'l eliillies cm idnp'-d in (Iftinrii. wliih he mm '"ee.i l in eitiii.'in-liiii(. but n-it witlmitl being ltirn"l aeierely bitiiM II. 1'lie child died shout mi Intg i', ill grrnt nptny. Suul'tujf (iuar-i. Fatal Accidknt. A man nnmcJ W 1 1 pun. euesgi'd in Iuni1eriiig fur Mr. Hhosn in KealiiiK liiwiiiitiip. wk ehomg rin a tree tin the 2th ultiiuo, when the In limit Ire struck a Brtiliiig and threw tt nniila wnh much iolenoe. riiiiijt it to Mtrikc Wilunn (lm Imd nteiped aside out of dunifer, he lhi)ii;tilt a dimming blow on the riht nule of tlie ikitll, uuliinff it iu and killing him invtntitlv. He was bnmht to Ln k llnven ttmt niht on Ihe train and buried the fol lowing iMturdtty at J'utuiMiiiig. He leaves n wifr and three children (oue uf tiiein a step eliiKl) in l'-l itulo eircunilni)ef. Hit find (iiiKlmnd was killed tm a railroad. Wdum wan about ifj years old, of a tine, atlikiie build, and is spken of hifrhly by his neighbors, lie ri' d on Krttleerwk, about mile above Wertport, where his father now resides. Cfintun I'fuincrtU. On Thursday, Doc. 1 5i li, I will open the tine! line of l.ueo giMtdi nuitalde for the H'di diiys, ever opened In Clearfield. AlfO a full line of Faney articles suiuble for the o-eaiion. f . Ilrrn. li. II. Shaw has just retimed from the eat with the largest stuck of Tobaeco. Cignra, Pipes and Canes ever brought to town, which he will sell at wholesale or retail, at city prices, f If you want a good Vara Cigar for 5 eeuts, gO to U. II. iMUW'N. If you want Tobacco, very cheap, gj to It. 11. Sua'. If you want a thee Cane, go to It. II. hNAw's. iMnuird. On Nuvi'tiikcr 171k, 1S7II, l th .M. K. Parma- ((. near Nrw WaahinRtoD, by Kr. W. T. M'il aoi, Mr. JOHN (1. OUKLL to Mi.i UAKY ('. IlliKTH ; both uf Hill luwn-lnp. On Xuvfuilicr50th, l70, by IUt.O.M'.Niwcll, Mr. JOHN ROSS lo Mill MA It I A J. McCRAl'K KS, of Ulfo Hn.e. On IMnW lt, INTO, br Her. II. W. Ncvill, Mr.JOSEl'H PATTKItSIIMoMiMEI.UAIlKTIl ANN' 11KA: bolb near AnminTil. In rnn townidiip, on Tuesday. November S9tb, 17(1, JOSEPH I14MJY KB, aged 7 i years, meet hi and SO days. On November I.'ith, 1S70,JOIIN HUNTER, St., a ruling elder in Fruit Hill Presbyterian Church, died in peace, aged Hi years. In Clearfield, cm !ecctnler 6th, lHTO, KATiC THORN, aged 1& years and 8 months. lUavtrts. ClearfieldMarkcts. Corrreted weekly by ntr.ARl. IHowor, Wholesale and Retail Ilealer in ltry (lood,, (iroeariea, I'ro Tilioni. 4e Market ilreel, t'learfit-l.l, Pa. CLKnniLl, r.. Sin. 5, HVI. Apple, (treen.ee 6" lloj., dre"ed 12 Uried. T lb Il'l Hide,, green 7 Anplcbatior.Vx.1! 1 0'1, H f Bulter t'f'i lioulder, ot(.o l? Itranr 0 (iC(j) ISC' 'Hi-lea.. nufj i Burkwbeal I ' l.ard 55 llaekwheal flour tb, 5j Me,, pork,)? bbl...33 00 Beef, dried iy.'Ult 6" Iteef, fre.h Ill fill 1J Union, I 00 Board,, M IJ 00(.I4 0 Potatoe, Mi 0 Corn,,helled '.. 10" Peaeliea. dried, lb., l.i rorn, ear Hf Sn I'laiter, V bbl J 40 r.irnine.l.'p.iirk, I 1" Rye 1 10 Chop. V " 1 i0 n"S'- V 1,1 1 rloreneed 8 00 Sill. ? " 5 ",0 Cheew Jj, liiinlia.lKin.H'Sii " Cherrie., lb. U'fil) I:.' liinnlri,: inlo(ftl I Cbiekena, dnd, lb, ! Timothy ared 1 W 2 Tallow lil Klaiteed J Wheat 1 Ml P 0 OIU.B ? 50 Wool . 40 II, T 10 on fa, 15 Oil Wood, W oord 40 I inanrial. CI.OSI.Nll PKICES or DrlUvr.j I lino.. No. 40 F..oth Third St, Philadelphia, Dee. 3, IsrO : U.S. of ! 1151 1151 -Si 1071 1 071 10B 10i Hi. llldj It 7 'oi.ncw I -fiLnew K-l 1M -es Il'l lo-'i 6'i, 10 4(li. l'""'l l"i I l R. 20 Vear ner ent. Currener 11 l'l HI Oold IH'I 'HI S.l.er IU 1" I'nion PariBe It. K. 1,1 Mort. P.ond,- 10 PID Central IVifie It. R " 1 l liioa Paride I.ind lirant Bond, Tt'J 715 T LUXIt I. R M K K I PKRFECTIOX IX CANT HOOKS! Th. OrarEilt Kaorlaior Cantbouk Will nol wear out or break, being eon.trueted with one .olid band from cllf to roint. It l pnmonneed by all praetieal Inml.ermen who hare ei. mined it to be th. muft perfect Canthook ever in.enud. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufaelured by Aaoa Kekhibo A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. p&k order! promp'ly attendid lo. 23'70 raorosALSjor rnisoiTi To Builders and Mechanics 1 Countumoxins' i rt( r. o.l CiRtnriKi.n. 1., November 2J, UTO. 8aled Proposals f-r furnislnnr the .nt-ril and ererlinf and completing a new Prison Hull ! ins , with Sheriff's resnlem-e ntfnrhfd. In the man n-r and of tho form, sise and description given in tH elevations detetil drawmtr. and sj"-' ideations, theref.tr prepared by K Iward Haviland, K-q . An-biteet, and now on fi'e in llm "flice, will tw reoeivrd fnnn bnt'ders atid ntechanie-, at their tTic. until the i:.ih dy of lteeinl-er next, Tbe plans and spec ifieations can be s"rn at this office at ant tioie, and tbe Architect will he In attend ance on the d-y prir to the opening of tbe Pro- po-s's to five all nRccar explanaiinas. Bids wit) be received f..r Ibe tntire cot.tra't. taking the stone bow prepared at a filed valua tion, and tbe names of the sureties to guaranty tb tteTfortnunce of the contract HtnM ac nii sny the I'l l. Pn-etie- nnt be residents of Clearfield county. Tbr Commissioners reserve the richl to rejeot any or sit u. K and to so award tbe en trwrt as in their jwrigat. wisy beet sul.scne lb interests of ihe cuuntv. tAvrFr h. pnArFNi:R, SMI Kl, . IliM'MA.S l'A IU HI CK. i Nor. 3S, t -T t. CommiMinnrrs. STOVES! STOVES! FRED. SACKKTT, At his Store and Tin wire Etab!ibmt nt, on Market street, nearlr opposite the Jail, bas the finest and chrtvprst a-sortmeut of Cook at..l I'arlor Stores ever bncht to town Among others be ; bat tbe justly earlet ratrd TIMM " C'HKTOVK. 1 Which is one of the as well a CHKA PKST 1 Stoves mew made. All pers ns in wnt f any. 'thing of the kmJ are re-peetfnlly inv ited to call I and see fr Ibemselvoa. I T ir A large asoriment of TIN WAKE, Ae., on ' batni. Jobliing done to order. 1 I Jtl.D. FACKETT. Clmrni'd, October 2, IS" (WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite the Conrl House, j CI.K A RFIF.IeP, PENN'A. Aecomaio.Utlns first-lass and eh antes wioderwle, j eetS JOHN f . YOI Nf), ri-opilrinr. frit P'pflt, ti(, INTO. MIUMIIKR. INTO. A GHAN1) OPKXINO! THIS YVEKK! wiiii;iA3i iti: e: i. market ?tri:i:t, 1 1 . E I R l'l I I . D , lF.X VA. Xplondid Irea PUIrla, from Hoc to (N) lllark Alpicia, from 3.1c'. lo tl 23. Plain l. pllni, Irom 'ior. to l lli. Ilandiinnii.ft nlnn tn;Ha1eenaf l.panirliiira. I'lmprra. Cloth, .nd Heps ever on tli.plnr. lUcff.ut colon In Knteem. ft(K. to t't K(. llargaln. Ill lllark Mlka. l 83 lo I M. Astr.rli.n Coaling, 3 AO to I3 per .yard. I'rosted and Plain Heaven. SeaUkln, DiiRitlh and Curllcula. VeUetren, at 13c. and upward., Bplendid all wool Phawla. Koinau Klrlprd rhawl. Pailry and liroctie Sliawl til) to IO. Fnra, rrom .l (Ml to $15 (Ml. Barsina are offered in Ft'RC. I buy lliem direct from tlie maliufaelurer., and will warrant them latiifaetury iu ery re.piet. Alo, new itylel in Millinery Gooda, loKrther with l adle.' tihnea. (ieut'a llata, l apa, Ac. Milllnerv androat-maktns done In tbe beat Ityle. These (lojds are bought at PUR'E, and will be sold the same. ItliiHT CALL AND f-EE 1'OU YOUIISELVES ! 'iff- Butter, Kg s, and all marketable produce takcu in exchange for gKls.' November 9, 1R70. MRS. J. E. FANCY WATSON'S STORE FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. A ri'LL LINE OF JEWKLRV. IIEAI'TI ful and new, at ,. WATSOS S. ' JJREXCH WORKED LACK COLLARS, at Mm. WAT.0N. K VELVETS AND TRIMMINGS, at XI na. WAT.-ONS. j)EAlTlH L FI LL LINE OF WOOLEN Good,, at . Mr.i. WATSON'S. EMMANTOW N YARN, IN BHItiUT AND rlejnnt e-dori, at G Maa. WATSON S. ' II OSIFBV, ( LOVES, SILK LACE', RIB. bans e., at Ma,. WATSON'S. NEW AND FASHIONABLE LINE OF Hair Good, at Mra. WAT.-ON S. lILL'T SOAPS, PEIIFI MKIIV, Ae., at Maa. WATSON". A T ADIES', MISSES CIHI.ULKVS Fl US, At Ma.. WATSON- iru TIFll ALL W'IMIL FIIAW LS, at J!n. WATSON' S. A DIES' LATEST STYLE CLOTH COATS, At Mm. WATSON S. fill! KSK tJnods, and many other kinds of Fh f ionable (.m.li, with an entire new and beau tilul a-sortmewt of Ibmnets, lUls, Fremh Flow ers, Jtr will be sold at 1j percent, less than any place in the county, at V WATSON'S. t am agent for the justly eelehrntrd American Button hole t'ver seaming S-wng Machine, tbe greatest wonder of Ihe are. It is libl running. simple, durable, does, not easilr get out nf ord'-r, ( and dors more kinds of work thun any other ina- , rhiwc made. rne of Coinbiiiaii'm la hinc, with I fiViT. f7. I'lsin Moernne, uiinnni i-unoo nuie aitacnniciii, sci cover, i'v. Mns. T. E. WATSON Clrarf.eld, Nor. Id. 70 tiny 1.71 LIME AND COALI HAVINt) ineraed our facilities for bernins l.ime dnring tbe pat seasin, we are pre pared to furnish tYood Iturnt Mmr, foal Itumt l.lme, Morwl and Coal llurnt Mf, Maaulac'und from the cde braird I'EI.I.IJdNTK I.IMi:STONF." wbirh peodueew thewntTrT and n tit -it l.ime, f'ir alt mchanie'il piirpuaca, that can t'C funnd in tbe State of Fennsv lv arna, and which we sell at as l"W prices, delivered on ears, as Ihe inferior 1. nnrs arc sold ml their places ol manufacture. Also, dealers In and shippers of Wilkesbarre and Shamokin ANTHRACITE COAL, of all siies, prepared cxprendy for family use. O.den solicited. FH0nTL!InK k CO., Nov. 9. I7 ly. lMi. fi.nie. Fa. "itn.TiiF.c;i-:nn n vnti ; I.X- T 1 KACl S are warranted eiiinl to any n-ad". Th-y art prepared from tbe funis, and will ' found much Iwtler (bin uiiii y of the Kvlraets that arc mid. A-k mr tin-eer r Iirncjist fur W ilt 'erg.r i (Mrae'ts. IlARI.OW S IMll ii lll.l K witli.,:il d'u' t, the 1-r-t arli- le in the maiket , fur Llneii. 'in. It ill c!.ir n,':re watt r thaa f..ur tiuns the a,..-"e wrlibt of in i'tf i, au I tmirb Tl'IVI K ' more iban an x other w-h blue ia tbe nirk't. ''IU,L,1Thr onlr gin nine i- that pu. '! it At.HtU W 1 1.1 in: in, I. li s IUII il Sl'Ufr, ft,, Nnb ! Se"nl Street, rhi'sdclihia. Tho Ia'els l.h H ihleerei'ii and I'.ul'n'f nojue oa ttirin, all o'bers re coumerf. it. F"r sa'e br in"t U'ocers ard I'nirz.ri?. U.Tlir.lti.LU "S JM'I.Ll lt,K I N K will le fond on trial to bv a superior artcln. A Iwnv s on band sod fir sale at romauualtle pnees. Pure On und Sjiires, tienuinc Metltcines, ( liaiiiois Skins, rpoiigea, 1 ajn-n-a. Pearl, so, ad all articles in the drug line, al Al.f kkli WJf.l liklti.KR'S Mini ToUF., Jerv:nm Nn. North St nd St., Phils. Dickinson Seminary. fpilK Winter Terra of M iiliamaprirt li--litnaon I r-i-minarv, a hid for helb Mie. will ln-cia j January a, lh7l, with bnildinr tb'trnnzlily ion ) rrireil. new fh il.,i'hir-l a,ratu., new nianns , and a foil corp. ef eflirient tea.-ber. 'Ibe lebonl (I. worth, of pnblie rialrnnare. '. 1.KK MMiITSWOnli. i. n.. Nor. , l;o 1're.idenU j rATEIA,(MKalicrf rwlla wanted . V at the t..re of L L. Kl.Ut V--I UN. I CK-arll'M, ..t. V.Am. Tlctmbotd'i f otumn. 'Y i; k I li s i: t a i The Ltd in a ate two In number ritual) d at the upper art tt the loin, turroundt-1 by fal, an t ('"ttsi'tlwg -nf three parts, is: tbe Anterior, Ihe Interior, and the Katuior. The anterior ahoHit, Interior eonlpts of tis uea or reins, whirh serve as a deposit for ibe urine and convey it to the eiti-rinr. Tbe eterbr Is a eoriilur-lnr also, ti rminatlrg In a singV lubt, and ealled Ihe I irtrr. The lltftiTSare ennnetded with Ihe Lladdrr. The blaJdcr Is competed of rarious corsrings or tissues, divided into parts, vis : the Cpper, the Lower, the Nervous, and tlie Mueous. The upper extels, Ihe lower rttsii.s. Many have a d sire to urinate without the ability; others urinate with out the ability to retain. This frequently occurs in childreu. To enre these auYcttons, wo must bring Into action the muselri, whh-h are cngngrd in their various functions. If tbey are neglected. Qravtl or Dropsy may ensue. , The reotler duM also be made awaro, that how eer slight may he the attack, It is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flth and blood are supported from these sources. GOUT, OK 1UIEUMATISM. . Pain neeurring In the loins Is indieatlre of tho alwre diseawt. they occur to persons deposed to acid stomach aud chalky eoncretioui. THE GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treatment uf the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water ie not expelled from tho bladder, but aHowrd to remain; ij beeomee fi-verish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that tb stone is formed, and gravel ensues. DnorsY. Iropiy is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to tbe parts affected, vis: when generally diffused over Ihe body, it is called Anasarca: when of the aldi'ineo, Ascitei ; when of tbe chest, Hydrothurax- TREATMENT. Ifelmbold's highly cnneealrmtej compound Ki traet Bucha is decidedly one of the best remedies fur diseapes of Ihe bladder, kidneys, gravel, dnp. sicol ewrlling", rheumatism, and gouty affeetions. tnder this head we bate arranged Ily sarin, of difficulty and pain in pa-siac water, Scanty Seere lion, or small nod frequent discharges of water; Ptrangury, r sN-ppiag of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; tlut and nheumatism of the kid neys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was always highly reeonmeti led V) the late Ir. Phyick, in these affections. Tbir medieine inerralel the power of dirfi it on. I and cteilcs the absorUnte into beallby eam itr by which the watery or eahereows depositions, and all unnatural eulargements, as well as pslu and infiainatioo, are reduced, and It Is. taken by men, wuuxn and children. Diroeiione fur use and diet accompany. run Aori rntA, Ts., Feb. 5 1P67. II. T. Jlt-loibold, Druggist: I)ri Km I hare been suffering, fur upward of twenty ysrs, with gra rl, bladder and kidney aleeti'ins, during which time I bate used varioux medical preparations, and been under the treat ment of the moftrrnin-nt physicians,txpcriencing but little relief. Having seen your prepsratii-ns ratt-tis'.vely ad vtrtied, I consulted with my fmnily pbyrician in rcgrrd to uring your Fxtract I'mlm, I did this b.r a use I had asrd all kinds of adver tised rcpielits, and had found then wort 1.1 ss, and some quite liijuriou in fact, 1 deipaircd of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter utilise I kmwof the IngrrJicnts. It was this that prompted wc to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was eouipoeed of bu' hu. cu'iebs, and Juniper benut. It occurred to me nn 1 my pin sit.-ian as an rit!lcnt cun ituliwn. ard, uilb hil advice, a.'lor an rxain-ualiun of tlie arti cle, and onsu! iitg again with thcdrugit, I cou clu'h d io try It. Icommmed it? use o'out eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my r Kim. 1 nun ttie Unl Home l was aionisnri ana tBti,)rf at i'ie Henefi al ( iTic, and after using ,hrre Wrek wa. able to walk t. I Ml toueb like writing yn a full stitement of iy ease at the i nine, mn inonpin lainnn, nn.n ten.porary, and therefore conclodevl to defer aad see if it would effect a perfect rare, knowing thru it would be of greater raluo to you, ar.d mrt satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is effected after using the remedy f r fi v months. , I bsfe not ufted any now for three months, and leel as well in all rrpeets as I ever did. Your Ruehd bting dcTui 1 of uny onpUasant i laxle and odor, a cicc tcie and inv igorulomf the system, I do nit mean to e without il whenever j occ.-iin tttay rvuire its ne in such aiTwlions. ' j M. l. McCOKMUK. IV 1 FIhhiI 1 any doul'l Mr. M.-Corniiek'! ,tatimrat, he refer! lo Ihr following genlltmen ; . Hon. ll'a. IliuLKR.ei t.orcra-ir, renn.ylva-r.a-Hon. Tno,. It. FL.iar.rr, I'hila lrlihia. II. .a. J. C. Koi, JuJire, rhiladrl,hia. II. .0. J. f. Hi AH, Ju.lne. rkila kij.ilia. la. 1. B. P aTra.ea-tlnTernor, Pc nnMlimia. II. ,a. Fi l l, I r i,, Ju.ljre, Pliila Irl, lila. Ili.a. II- C. linitn, Judge, I nited 5lclee Curt. ll.in. tl. W. AVooow.an, Ju.ljre, Philadelphia. II .0. W. A. IVarra, City Solicitor, PbiLUrtj liia. Hon Jav Ilioi.ra, ea-tiorernor, California, II. in. V.. IUK,, Ao-litiirtlen., Waihinrlon, Ii.C. And niviy other,, if nec-,.ary. Merer, where. rt-5oldl.y I)i:'g;.tnnJ D. II. r eri-OUIUctlntl, A k l"t Uilinbol l'l. otbt-r. Take P R I C E t f 1 .25 per BHlU or (i Bottles for SU.50. .. Helirered to any address. Irearr.be Prmptjiris in all eontinuniritiona. Al lress II. T. HELMDOIsD. t'rug and Chemical Warshouse, &9i Prowdway, Kew T.-k. XONR ARE GRVriXK rxi.F-! T.OXR IP 1 tM.-f.narv.l w.,... .ut. .im. of mny tMicmieal Wan house, and signed yl-ir II. T. IIFLalflOLP. Wirflivaif, ffinunif, ftf. TIN & STOVK ST0HK! (i. S. FLWjIAL, riiilipBburj?, Contu County, Ti. rpillt ander.lirnn! raip.ctfall a.noooeel 10 I tb. publia tb.t b. kal oa band a car.-lully-a.lected and will aimrled itoek of STOVES, II BATE l!S, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE ! TIX, COITER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE ! Mil atoek of Cooklog Storea eoniiltl of 7IIE CELEBIIATF.D IRONSIDES, Wbieb b.r. er failed to brin r"" and proaperily Into familial wh.r. it la aied. Diamond Stat., Farraor, Il.r.ld. Charm, Sp.ari' California Uooa Ma", ppeara nn,i-t.H., ' '' Uaa Burninf Cookinn Store., Vie lor, heliaac. and I nlon Kan ,.a, bp.ri'CookinKngM, lo., do. Th. Tin and She. I Iron w.r. airen wllb tb. Stov.i I. road, of Ihe heer'e.t and belt material, and warranted to flee p.rl.ol latu foelloD. His Stock of Parlor r Heating Stoves li larrer. k-tter and cheaper than eer before sbibited to tb. public conaielinf of Speara' ReroWltR Light Illumlnatini! Store, Fpean'Antl l'ual Oai llarnin, F.rlor Store, tpeara' Orbicular Uaa Iturnmf Parlor More. Speara' O.. Bun log Parlor feto... P.qoel, Pearl, (Jem, Ida, Sua, Tropic, Nevada, A-e., Ae. Vulran, Elm and Yirtor Ileatera, Speara' Be rolving Light Ileatera. ' II. Ie alao prepared to furniah a complete aieortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and "Willow Ware, &c., Wkoleul or retail, manufactured acatly aad with the eole view le icrrlce, I rum ill. o.it ma terial ia tbe market. PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, FOnCELAIS.TIS LINF.D, SPIN t C0MO!l IRO.I KETTLES, Of .eery dracriptioa conrtantly .a kind. OTtrERS FUR SfOUTINO, ROOFIXU And other work belonging to bli Aoaln.if will be promptly tiled by eiperieaeed and ibilllal workmea. BRASS. CurrF.R. OLD METAL, RAGS ASU CA.SII Takea lo eaehange fur gooJe. IfT-rie otpeilaMy lnrilei tk. attention of Merchant! wi.hiog to purebaee at wkoleial. li they will And it to tbelr adrantaze lo examine tts stock before purchasing elsewhere. Look out for tbe f ir Fign oppoilte the reil dewee of Mrs. lir. Fosttr. All Goons WiaaisTtn as Ri-nissinin. c;. k. h.i:(;ai.. Tbilipsburg, June 8, UTtl. ougS (18 H. "FrBIGLElT & "CO., II A IS DWARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLCARFIKLD, PA. Y LOT OI' SADDLES, 1UUDLE3, Darneii, Collar,, ate, for ale by H. K. I1I0I.ER A CO. p.VLMEUS PATENT UNLOAD log Ilay Forkl, for lall by II. F. niGI.EU A CO. O"' 1MINT, PUTTY, ii LASS, K.lli, etc., fur ! by II. F. BIGLER A CO. IAliNESS TKIMMINHS i SHOE Finding!, f- r lale by ii. k. nini.ER A co. " l'l STOLS. S O Ul) C A N KS j j 1 For lale by II. F. r.lGLF.lt 4 CO. jTOYES, OE ALL SO UTS AND Fiia,, for lal by ii f. nio!,F.n 4 c. uo n : i iion : i i;on : i eon ! For lale by 11 F. niOLER k CO. 1 IL OKSK SUOKS & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for i.la by II. F nil! LEM A CO. pULLEV BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. Aad beat Manufacture, for aale by II. F. MGl.F.lt k CO. lUMULE SKEINS" AND VIVE T BOXKS, f..r ..I. by II. F. RI0LF.K A CO. ODIiElI CL'TTKIW ror alo bj rnoilTO H. F. BIOI.F.R 4 CO. DREXEL & CO., i So, .11 South Third Htrcrt, Plilla.lclplila, j Mi.t.rnr.ns, I Anr PmWc in nnvornmcnt Securities. A.tietion br mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all iiiloiuialion itii-ctiuily fmni.lied. tM n . Il, 'led. eprl I If Farii. for Sale I IIE r.m of l. hn Knack aa.n let' of I.irr1 a lownsnin. nrwiirii. couaisnnE wi , acies of gi.od farming laml, i most of which s : , .... . w ' rft,lt,i - -,,n,i house and barn, with ft'l Ihe umnl conveniences of 1 iileasnnt home. Fi lonns and further particu lars, apply to T. li. Ml tii;.i. A torrier fnr tba belrs and prtns interete'l. June tu l7n.tr. 'dOTIf l-w Hating purchased Ihe inlerrst of 1 1 J. A. liUltcnberger, K , in Ibe business hcrelufi.ro carried on under Ihe fine name ol J. A. lltatienbrrier A C-u- Ihe same a ill be eondueud here! irrundrr Uic name of Mosbanottn laiided Latnlier Compenr. (S litre.) u. ii. hiiiLLiNwioKii, John lawmiik. . H. SHlLLINUl'oKU, ryUof I'nUwMt rrvwrral rnpl Tip rApudi, ererti re, ftf. a , .. a,.ra-ia. 't lirapiT than the t licniicsir (Jonlia AT UEMVKI) IMiU'ES t it an airaa at Arnold A llnrtfthorii, (On. doer weil of Pint Katloaal Dink,) n hw r.viLi.n, pa. UAVI.Vll jo.l relarnrd from the eaat with a oraplet. aiaortmeat of Gooda lultabte fur Spring and Summer trade, we are bow ready to furalah all kindl of Ooode "Cheaper than tho Cheapest I" And after thanking our cuitomere for their liberal patroaaga during tbe p.it year, we would moil ei ectfully ark for a eontlnoance of tbe iidi, Our Stock eoailrtf of a complete aiiorlmenl of Dry Ooode, Notlool, Hardware, Querniware, Willowware, Oroc.ilei, Boon Bhoei, Hall Cap., Clothing, Tobaeeoe, Ac. Alio, Floor, Bacon, Sail, Fii-h. Grain, .to. All of wblih will be told on tbe molt reason able termi. and Ibe blgbeit maiket prle. paid for Grain, Wool and all kiodl of Lambor and Country Produce. ar-Pleaie gir. ai a call before parchailng l.ewher.. Satiefaetloa gaarantted ae to price aad quality. - ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Comer of Mala and Thompioa Btreeti, aprJO critWENSVILLE, PA. i. r. wravK. . ,.w. W, TTa, WKAVKIt V ItETTN CLEAUEIELD, TA., Are offering, at the old stand of Q. L. Reed k Co. their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE QIEENSWARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, die., &c, At Ibe moet reasonable rale, for CASH or In irhang for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COrXTRT PRODUCE. jT-e A Jveneei made to thoee engaged In get ting out equare timber oa the moat a'lvantngrooa tertna. January .1, lt7it. NftUAKK TI M IS KK ! RA.IliVIN&CO., Being specially cn-nged In the business of Euying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent tliat they are now prepared to purchase Timlrer delivered at either Curwcnmllc, Lock Harm or Marietta, (or will lake It at any of thee p"ints,) and sell on eommiseion, making such ad ranees as arc mecssary. Those engaged in getting out TiruW will find at our store in CurweusvilU, a rrry large stock of STAPL E GOODS Of all Dracriptiona. ALSO, I'lour, Kyc, Oat, Corn, And CTerytliief nrcr,,ary for uae of LumWrmen. RAFT ROPE, Of all aire,, kept on hand in large quantitie,, and eold at imall adionec by the eoil. Alao, Pulley . Block,, Ptnall Rope, Ac. rPI:C'l At. I MII'CKMF.XTS offered to Ihoec manurActuring rjuare Tiuilier. I', a. in in (tt. Carwen.rille, January 12, I ft 70. Small Profils! Quick Sales! IIARTSWICK A IRWIN Are constantly replenishing their stock of Progs, Medicines, Ac. School Rm.ks and Ftationery--ineluding ihe 0 gootl aud National Series uf Header. Also, Tobacco and Cigars of (lie best brands, at the lowest prices. nIO CAM. AND PKK. Slumps! Stumps! I flHK undi-rstgnnl hnl pnrrhaed the rifht I ( li artleld eountT f r it I AiriswnrrTn s Sri up i:Tntrnin, pitcntnl dune Till, js;o. Tlits is ih'cidcdlv tbe must runv enietit. most dura ble, and best machine of the day. Met wraiher It fv.,1 nfl.t . 111. w.arL a.-rl I e.!,. .11 ..I iron. The mnehme iseas.lv sel im. and will work any p1a-e that can Ire plowed. Wr will sell tna chines at a small profit on cost, and wilt try to nt.:kc il to tbr nd ant ige oT faimers to buy thews. We solicit ordc f rrw llinse wanting nmchtnes, II. T. KAHNW.Til, Clearfield. Pa. J. n. GAM.IOV. ( urwrnsri'lc. Pa. (Iko. II. 11 u i- Agent, Ci sn'itl I, P. y l.tm Brick for Sale I flHR ttn.era)gnetl haa niniif,eiure,l and 1ml 1 now on l and for aale I.IO.IMHI llltlt k. wlm-h be will diapu.e of upon reaaonnblc term,, in larg, or auiail uuantlllea, to wall riireliaaeri. J. A. TKHPK. Latberil.nr", Roplmlirr II, 18;. Im, Itl.ANK lONTAHLU'S n I.I FUR 1 ) aale at ibia .Dim. -T i n V(1, C'lPinlrl, fit. DAltGAlNS t DAHCAINSI KIl lT.I.It, Market Street, Clearfiold, Tenn'tt., (OppoilU Ike J. II,) 1IAVK now oa kaad a Iril elan eloek of grodi, lulled l. th. wanle of tbe futile My etoek being'large, and by ecnilently making addition! thereto, I am aW. to accommodate all who may favor me by calling. I hav. DRY GOODS, Meiinoa, Ginghami, Clotbi, Print!. Detainee, Canlmrrei, Silki, Kepi, Satinetl, Caabmerei, Tweedi, Cobergi, Alpacu, llubair,' Lanell.a, Muilina, Flannel,, BonneU, Hlhboai, Cloake, Balmoral Sklrtl, Hoop Sklrti, Sbawli, Dreai Trimming,, Iliad Nell, Capi, Corieti, Gloeei, Scarf,, Collar!, Grenadine Veili, Table Corerr, do. CLOTUING, Coeta, Panti, Vntl, Or.r Coati, Dant'l Sbawli, SblrU, Hate, Capi, I'nder-Eliirt, and .Urawen, BooU and Ehoei, Gum Bhoei, CreTati, Sock,, (Jlorei and ColUri. GKOCEIIIES, Tea, Coffi-e.'.Pugar, Molaliei, Ball, Candle,, Kl;e, Flour, bacon, Fi.b, Tobaec, Raliini, Currant., ripio.a, Cmekeri, largar, Oil., Varolih, Pepper, Alcohol, o. UOUSEUOLD GOODS, CarpeU, Oil cloth. Drugget, Cloi-kl, Looking Olaiiei, Choral, Buckitl, Waibboardi, Tubi, Flat Irom, Pani, Window Diindi, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lempi, Bedeordi, I'mtrtllai, Knirel, Forkl, Fpooni, Crock!, Etorei and Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Queemware, Ilewar., Olaiiware, Wooden .are, Copperware, Book!, Ktationery, kluiieal Oo.dl, Trunk!, Bkatei,Ao. ftTAIl of which will boioldon tbe ajoit rea- eoaable Urm,, and t'. a bigbaat aiirk.t price paid for drain, Wocl and all kiadi ofcountry produce. BEMEMBER TUB PLACE! C. KBATZER'S, (Oppoilte tb. Jail,) CLEAP.F'ELD, PESN A. t 8 70 $10,000 GUARANTEE, BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead! lstdFor Its Unriralsd Wbiieocis. Jd. For Its Vnrqualed Purahilitj. Sd. For Hi Vnsurpaised Corcrin Property. Lastly, for Hi Economy. 4Tlt eosti lest to palat with Pork Lead that any other White Lead extant. The ewme weight covers more surface, it more durable and makes whiter work. in ( k I.CAI) li tbe Cbsapcitand Best. $10,000 GUARANTEE. EUCK ZIN 0 Eiceh all other Zincs I lit. For ill L'nequaleil Durability. ii. For It! I'nrivaled Whilcnen. Sd. For It! I'naurpasred Covering Property. La.tly. for !t, Ureal Kcoaoay. Being the Cbeapeil, Ilandiomcit anil wioit De rail. Whita Paint in tbe World. Buy only BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC. Try It and be Convinced. Saliifaetion Oairaotred by the M-nufacturen. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prrpared eipretaly for Painting (ttge, Outbuilding! of eery dccriptlon, Fenrei Ae. Thirl? live different colore. Ia rabl., Cheap. I'ntfnrai, and Beautiful Shade s.mala rardi lent b mail if dciired. Utal- eri' Orden will b. promptly executed by the nanuucturc'l. FRFXCtl, RICltARDS if Co., N. W Cor. Tel th A Market itrccli, Philad a. For lale by A. I. Phew and llartiwirkd Irwin, Ocalen la Uru;, Medicine,, Painti, Oil,, Ac, Llearaild, ra apriiwony TOBACCO AND CIGARS l WIIOLUSALK AND RETAIL, Al the Xcw Tulaeeo and Cigar Store of tl. II. 8II.IH', Two doore F.ait of the roaloOBee, Clearlleld, Pa, Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy Congress, Carendish, Cable. Ppanroll, JlUhigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobaeco, 1c. Also, a large and well sr tinted stock of Imported and domestic Cigars, Hmoking Tobaccos, Meemehauin and Ilrlar Pipca, Pipe fixtures, Twbaeco Hoics. Cigar Holders, and everything generally found In a woll regulated Cigar and Tobacco Ftoro. jT-Rcmember the place: Two doors Fast of the roetotnee, Clearfield, Pa. aug. 2t lf. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, KE.tR LlTIIKBslll ltd, PENN'A. AMTACTI'RKS all kinds of Lumber for building purposes. Always on hsnd lath Fan noorixo, PLASTEUIXd LATH. PALIXUMp.,-' His Plastering Lsh are evcnlT sawed and of different lengths, to suit purihnters; the Palings ; arc four fct t long and n ady poiutet. AH kli Js of Sa-red Lumber w ill be fumished l to or.lcr, nnd delivered if so d sired. Pru-cs will ib div-ered if so d L-orditig to Ojiiilliy. - 1 be liltcrnt, ij-AII kild, of IIRAIN taken in Hrliangc for Lumln-r. Lolhrrrl'iirg T. 0., Jan. 1", IST4. HENRY RIBLING, HoVfSfi, FMN A ORNAMENTAL PA1NTKR, Clrarlirld, remi'tu Tlie frrscn'ng end painting of churches and other public biilUtnrs will receive particular atu-.iti.in. as writ as tbe painting of carriages and slrljjh. tlildmx dons in Ihe n en test lyle, AM work warranted. Shop on Fourth street, formerly ae-fified by rt-julre Hhnf urt, frttlPTf Hottiu. THE SMITH HOUSE, ( Off .ill, the l-t't i "l.) 4 1 i -.mii 1 1, r . H f ee (et.tVntd. bsir t 1sivr"1 il.ii htun nf a Sert'S "t IrafS, Is reO'ty " eleT'tn ftrst Biitl itateii tt e nrat'r , isd th?' f' re s- It lie .,.). yrners l g.s Mm a sail. Ills laUe will be ..i, (died wilh ihr best he wierliet tfT-rdi, and ais I'-t will contain tbeehotefst of wines and l'-iors. Theb .furniture, beds and bedding areewttrely new, which alwatiadd, tolheeom'ort ul lra.lerii while Hie etakli'ng allarbed II larr. and roal, ' .at .lled -aniiei,. t'hatgri wieilerale ' j.ni. 10 WILLIAM B. lilt A HI.KT. Th1Teoard house. (Ne.rth. Hallroail brpol,) HliliU cTHEkT, CLEAKFI El.II, PA. 3. I), Citioni'UI.I.OW, Proprietor. VW r,tdal lii.lel lo every reipeef comfortable room, all the modern iinpre, ui.nte Ibe Uat of Myl OHM prompt all.nd , nee, ami renaonalde eh.ri-,. Tlie p.in.n.re the pullic ia re,peelfully eolicitixl. Teamalrr! will plraae tak. notice that a large barn boa jnl' been creeled for Ibe ibeltering of here.-., biaded wagoiti and earriegee baring a couiuiodieoi yard adj.eent to the Freight aadPa!ernger d (,o(. jt3t teailiecheny "hotel. MARKET 6t., CLEARFIELD, P. THIR larje and eommndioot new hotel has been opened for the accommodation of tba pulilic, where tbe proprietor will be glad to moot bis old friends, and receive a share ol public pat ronage. Il strict personal attention to the de fails ol bis business, he hopes to hj able to render satisfaction to bis patrons. The TAItLK will ntwwys be bountilully supplied with the best that can be procured in tho market, and the BAH will contain a full stock of Uy I Olio, BKKK, 4e Uood stabling attached. CAPPER LETPOTDT, Clearfield, Mandi 3, lbfU-ly Proprrrtor. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN BT., CCRW EXSV1LIE, TA. HAVING leaicd for a Urn of yean thl abore well known and popular hotel, (Vepi lorinerly by !r. Maaon, and lately by Mr. Foul,,) the preienl proprietor baa re-fitted it wilh tbe object of rendering hil gueatl eomlort able while adjourning with bim. A toe, large Suhle and Yard ta attai hed, for the care and protection of boraee, earriagel and wasone. A liberal ahare oTpublic patronage ie lollcite. Bi)4 Jftf A. J. KllAl'CKER, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornerof Second and Market Street!, ti.eAitt ii.i.it, p. IMUi old aad eommodioui Hotel bai. dntln tbipaat year, been (lilarged to double iu former capacity for the entertainment of lina ge ra ani guciti. Tbi whole builJing baa been refurniihed, and the proprietor will epare as palm to render hil gueete eomlortabl. abll. atayiog with him. fj-rhe "Maniioa Home" Omollol ronl to ind from Ihe Depot oa the arrival end dcparlur. of each train. J0UN DOL'UlltKlY, prO Ttl tf proprietor. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, l urweueillle, ClearUeld count j, I'a. ritllK andenigaed bai leaicd ibii old and long X Oftabliihed hotel, (lormeny kept ty major l,ac Bioom.l aitaate la a centra I portion of lb. town, aad bai entirely re Sited end re furaiied it, aid re-modeled tbe itaollng, ie ai io mare n an ehjert, hireafter, for the traveling public Cm patronii. tail Urge an eommodioui houae. J Jan. 19, JU-tl. I..LH, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, t'urtteiinvllle, ( learfirld county. Pa. rpilIS old and well established Hotel, beantl- X. fully situated on the banks ol tbe Burqut k.nni. in the boroseb of CurweuJt ille, bai been leawd for a teroa of yean by the wnderfigwed. It bai beco entirely reDttrd, and ts now Lpea 10 tbe publie generally and tbe travelling commu nity in particular. No pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at thii be-u'e. Ample Stabling rooji for tbe accotnma- dstifm of team. Charges moderate. bjt 28, 1870 tf. ELI HL0OM. TH FXmTrIc ANH 0 U S E, 1 utlirr,burr. 'lcarflclI Co.. Vt. rpHI.twrll knoii and long e.labMibed llo!rl, I formerly kept by K. W. Moore, end laltcily by Wm. Pchwem, ,r hal tce leaaed for a term ol yean by tbe andcraigoei, to a hick Ihe atlrn llon oi Ihe travelinr pul.lic ii now called, ai d a liberal ahar. of public patronage la aolieiled. novli'io JAMtS MILES. THE RAILROAD,' HOUSE, main sr. riiiursiiciio. TA. rTMlK oder,lgncd keep! cor.itant!y oa bard 1 the beat or LiiUori. III! tabll il alwaye Mipplird with tbe be,t th. market afford.. Th. traveling public will do well to give biui a call. aoTl.'oi. KOHLKT LLOYD. gllAW lltll'SIU Cornir of Market and Front Street!, Clearlleld, Pa, Tb!l mrnif rent llotrl ia entirely new. com plete in all it, appointment,, and convenient to the Court llou,e. A free OlnoiliU, run! lo and troru Ihe Iipot on the arriinl nn-1 df parturr of each train. tiEOlitiL N. lOI.IU HK, April 1.1. lSTO. Proprietor. M I Itt lllMM IIOTI I. Comer of Third and PwithSrld iSlrcets. IMtthburff, Pa, 4 d TO T. JOUXfiTOX I FOX, Propriitora. oots nna iliorj. DANIEL CONNELLY, Root and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, TA. HAS Ju,t received a Ine lot of French CALF eklNS. and il aow prepared to mannl.c lure everything in hil line at the loweit bgurel. He will warrant hil work to be a, reprearnteo. He reapoolfully lolleitl a call, at hie ehop oa Market street, eerond di or welt of the poatoffice, where he will do alt In bit power to render intla fiietion. Some lice tlaiter tpi on hand. mjVr-y DAMI.L COSNKLLT. rEAfTl THE WAR 0VR IN CIEARFIIID. KNOX TOYNSllir QUJET. Xauly all the Contraband going back to tuir oil masters; but "nary on$ qoing to old Miisttichust'tts, uhtrt ihey were loved so long aud so u tll. INeonsequenre of tbe sboti facts. P. BnORT, of the old "Short choe fhop," would an ni.unM ta his nnmcroui Datrons, and the reonla of Clearfield county at lurce', that be hoe now ft first rate lot of good maicrial. jttet rec.-Hed from I tbe East, and is prepared otttaort net lee to maka ) and mend Boots and Mines, at his new shop is ! (Jrehaiu's row, He is aatlifled that be ran please all.t U'dese It might be some Intensely loyal stay, at borne patriots.) He is prepared to sell li s for Cash or Country Produce. Don't forprt th Shop neit door to Showers A Graham's rtor on Market street, Clearfield, l'a nnd kept by a fellow cnmuianly called Jyi. n7 y SHORTY." boot aap shoe snap. KDW.VRD MACK. Con. M ARK tT k 3d iSts., CLKARFIRLP, P. fpHR proprlator has entered Into the ROOT a I SIIOK business al the abore eland, and is determined not to be outdone either in qual ity nr price for his work. Ppeel atftoiiit, will be paid to manufacturing Pewcd work. He has on hand a large lot of trenrh tilp and Calf ."kins, of the tery best qualify. The eitl ens of Clearlleld and rtrintty arc respertfwlly invited to give bin a trial, Ko charge for calls. Hot if McFHEESON'S m:sT.URAM&i;i;iREsiiiiET S A 1. 1) O , in Lcavy'i New Tluil.ling. (formerly occupied by Mr. .Moti.iigliry.) F-ECOXn ST., CI.KAl;HELI, PA. 0 "inNsTAMTLTonhnndaffncetectiooofCAN Dll.t, M'TH, I'lliAKS, Tull.tt't'O, Ae. AImi, FHKSII OVSTBKM re.ive.1 daily and lerred up lo anil the Uate. of cuMomere. 1111 I IAHII ll.tt... aecoadalwry. ao2 -0:lf IV. R. M.I'IIERSOlf, ltlt Hl !'..- hite LcaJ, line. Paint, I. .a need tl.l, Pnrpenlin.. Varmie, of all km.ll, lolur ia Oil. aud I'rv I .int. Varniih Hroahea. mail HARTi-H It K A IK IN.