Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 23, 1870, Image 2

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    V v.
(i'KiiHUK I!. (iool)I.ANIlKR, IMitol
Pisuhkhihnt. The political whore
Mongers w ho Legal the Stale of West
Virginia must certainly feel tad to sec
tJu'ir illeiiimate ollVprini; (orsaUe lier
pnrcnlal roof within eiyht years after
ita birth.
Satjkfu'D Too! The Itiulical news
moiijreM hlulo that Gen. Gram is
highly pleased ut tlie remit of the lalo
elections. We confeM that w c fcldom
i:j;rec w ith ' the gnvi rior.enl," but in
this instance, like Davy Crocliell's
Coon, we arc compelled to cinno down.
Wo are pleated too ' And if the Gen
eral's Mower arc riot lieinjj about
him, it indicates that ho is very easily
pleased, llis old democratic feelings
Inii-L bo work ill'' on bis conseienco.
The Diffcbkkck. Col. John Meii
ninn, the liaditnl nominee for Con
gress, in the Springfield (III ) district,
lis soon as he learned that hisopponent,
(.'ol. J. C. KoLiuson, was elected, sent
him a nolo congratulating him on his
success. That political liurlot, John
Cessna, of Bedford, who xvns defeated
by Flunk Myers, sends his compli
ments to t lie latter, notifying him that
lifl is going to contest bis seat. 'J'ho
niggers having failed to send John to
Congress, he will try Covode's plan,
ii iid see whether his radical brethren
will not givo him a seal in that body.
A Canii Confession. The rialti
more American, the organ of the .Mary
land n.'itlicul, thus discourses die
week iifier ll.o election in that State :
"Tlio prejudice w hich is entertained
Hgainst tlio voting of iho colored poo
plo contributed more to our defeat
ibiin nil other causes combined. The
negro lias proven to be nn clement ol
weukncssnnd not of strength, and it
will take time to eilucato tlio masses
tip to an appreciation of the justice of
liis enfranchisement."
Hone but fools and children believed
otherwise. Tho "nntislavery God"
theologians w ill discover ere long that
tho decree of God are moro potent
than Kutlk-al falsehood.
Kvk.s at Sixteen. lion. W. W.
Wull, ono ol the Slate Senators from
Philadelphia, died in that city oh Fri
day last. II o is llic man w ho cheated
Dimond, Democrat. niit of his seat last
winter, llis death cause a vacancy,
nnd tho Senate will therefore stand 1C
Democrat to 1G liadicals, the same
ns in lSGt, when Gen. While, who i.
now the speaker, w as a prisoner. We
piesiime' tho liadicals will oppose the
election of u speakerwhen the Senate
meets, and request Gen. White to oc
cupy tho ('hair until after an election
is held to fill tho vacancy. Let litem
tako cither horn of tlio dilemn, and
we predict their defeat. Iiadicalisin in
this Slate is as dead us John Dolin's
hogs "Dead as h I, your honor !''
A Goon Snix. Not only have thou
pands of IJepublicaiis forsaken their
paily leaden will. in the past year
and rast (heir ballots for tho Union
and Democracy at tho late election,
tut a number of their leading news
papers havo dono tho f.amo thing.
The New York Vf, one of their most
influential j uirnali has forsaken the
party, and wenl straight for "Sunset"
Cox, fur Congress, against Greeley
anJ the Jiadical Slate ticket. The
Chicago Tribune, ono of their leading
organs in tho North west, is out flnt
footod against Grant nnd Congress.
The Si. Louis, IkmoiTdt, so excessive
ly loyal du ring the war, ami the lead
ing orgnn in tho South west, nsuils
"the government" us bitterly as ary
copperhead journal, and utilities Grant
that il will train nn Inn,.. innn nrmv
of robbers nnd persecutors. Vie
nnghl namo others, but this is suffi
cient lo show the drift of llio political
tide. IVDiocrnry is looming up till
around, and by another year wo will
dispel tho dark cloud of Kudicnlbm,
which has hung over the country like
a funeral pall for ten years past.
A l'lss IM TIIK KITCI1KS. It a p.
peurs that Mrs. ' "Government" has
been raising a fuss among the water
falls in tho Cabinet.
Here's an item i
. ,. , . ... , i nave oceinreii war ngainsi mo
for ho advocates of lemalo suffrage. ((,(, Th(.y ,avo i,,,, n msmfv(lt0
It shows thai woman lias a natural r atli lnr fill I lii titirii liliu-L-u In m.iifi
talent lor tlio political field a
for manipulating things so tin to
bring about desired results, without
being caught lit the act :
" I'he Indies tire mixed np in the
froiihlu about Set rotary Cox. Mis
Cox sent anonymously to Mrs. Grant
a nevrrpapcr article favoring the See.
relaiy. I nl irtiinnl
i-lv. boscver. she'
mruniiiv ii-i'.i nn enveio no ueai ice: i
the faniilv nioiiogiain ol Cox, and of
mime Mm. Grant iininediiilelv knew
whfiiic 11 came. Fiiriher, she recog.
ni.i-d the caligraphy of M nlaino Cox,
front whom u I received letters :
ttieielore, vvlicn Mrs. Grunt
glaiicid :
..... mi-uiiiciu sue mimrallv lell m
cignant, ami put ii i, n (;rulll cn.
v.-lope with iho simp!,, Lnl mltin..
. words, "Iictuniul to Mrs .Cox, with
the Coinpliu.cHts ,.f Mis. (ii,(Iif
Mine Hi, 11 tl,e two ladies, il i,
h have not spoken."
The I'lcsident w ill have lo make n
new ileal in .New ork
in t Im iiiii,i,.r
nf i,.,..,., . T, . . .
to .. . en.,,, In "",,a :
pin Hilt 1 lerrino has been maiked by
-.... wnerever alteniptol-l
. LZm V, .'h 7 ,""Ll'roMr "orl l,f
ffi, Ih d ,al n rp1,0 i
. Mf of HrtiniK.
M' mi i i"l n pli'ii'ant ri'iinlry !
livo in. ll li.i n lri li!' mil, n i liiuin
i iiij; I limnlf, ni il I i Ii mini . Ilnl it
I MP .fWli'M", mid mo iilwiij i
Inliynij; liir ivvuliilii'li. II UK ihiV ii'i nit" (Biihck hiiu imvp uu men lo. i injf null ll nnin n irii iu cimiimh
crniin'iit wcic fi'i lire, hihI iln citizen ( Tlic chihc. innt'il liir tho (iixsrnl I n Siulo ilri:linn I')' v nlnio of
iiniiiM i ion mill iiii l, it would U r ' ili'iircKHi'tl Hluto el' iifliiiis nt c utt nil-j ymir pow er of reiiinvu' mul npniut
Ix'ii ut i f ii I 1 i i o . All cxrluino ui cs ' im iniH ii llicy nro nomeiiMrul. ! nioiit. 'I'ln'y inuintiiin tlml it i rnni;
tin) liillnwitii' uciouiil (il I lie lily ol ! Now, if tlicm iiiilliiiiil Kavmiit Ionic ' lnr a I'lVfiilciit to no tliut power to
Neii i lv n nu.ii ler or liilllluii of poo -
i..'. 1 .i ... i ii
plo live in tho City ol Mexico. IIou
ilottliey all gain a siihsis'encer The
iiiiiuiry is n puzzle. With no mills,
machine simps, factories or public ( ol tho t lino is not, ley any means, nn
works, what is there for thousands ; accountable, llis tho natural result
who people this city to do? The I of vicious and discriiiiiiiutiui legisla
limd of the noor is siinnle and ehenn : lion in favor of capital and ii'-ainst
but whence conies oven iho littlle re 'labor. It is directly trneeiiblo lo ourling your legitimate, attairs, and for
quired to purchase their corn, tortillas.1 iniquitous tariff measures, our nation- j abusing tho power intrusted to you,
um I iienniT annus ? il an v u r ( nrriers 'al bankiiiir system and the exemption ; and. bei n ir freemen, neither awed by
and servants, ; thousand are in the
chain gang, and subsist uu tho city,
Thousands steal their bread and up
1'iirel; thousands livo no one knows
h'lvvjand thousands moro nro pay.
pern and mendicanls, treading the
street as an army. Many livo on the
sirangors llial comeanu go. lieggais
eyeless and legless, beset you in the
streets and markets piteous sights,
holding out their withered limbs and
leprous calen arms ilcadiii! all day
Ion ir- of every nasscr by. for alms. !
bread or money, lo prolong lhoir.UIKl Irving winter If the picture
wretched live. "in.Mexico tiioro uro j presented now is cheerio and uniii -
no usvliuns fur the poor or homes for ; v'li"g. what do tho coining winter
tho crippled : no institutions for Iho
blind or insane. They are licensed lo
bcir so many hours each day. so vou
uro encompassed, und prayed to, and
entreated. The country sw arm with
Ihesc gentry j they meet you at every
turn; and a stranger hardly sets fool
upon shore befuro ho is beset by
scores of professional beggars. Many
may be seen sad and weeping, hug -
gurd and hungry in tho morning, and
again ut night happy, insulting and
drunk. Exchange.
In Mexico, tho Ihcory of J!adiclaism
. ,, , ;r. ,. .
is practically tested. 'Iho whito and
black races arc blended. Polilicul
and social equality exists. And vvhal
Tho ubove, Btatos a fact know n to
every man and woman in America.
Mexico is iho very garden of political
and social equality. If such aro the
result groiving from Jiadical teach
ing in that country, what is to pre
vent a similar stato of affair in the
I'nited States, in localities where the
white nnd black aro about equally
divided. Stop emigration and a
similar .Male of (bing will exist in
South Carolina, before thirty years, if
lladiculisin is not rebuked.
Irs WoitsT Feature. The
feature about tho military campaign
of Grant against the ballot boxes in
New York is tho fact that tho I'epub
lican f ressol lhe cmi n I ly either openly
uphold and sustain it, or eiso main
tain a hilont'tf in relation to it. A ex
ponents of a largo nnd influential put
lie opinion this is a very evil sin for!
tho iot-n'tiiity of n form
of government. It shows that, in (he
hope of obtaining a temporary politi
cal victory by the interference of mil
ilnry force, they nro willing lo sus
tain a priuciplu that can ho turned
upon them with tremendous effect by
any military usurper, as well as upon
the whole country.
The Darkey Ahead A letter from
Si-rauton. l'a . rotin smts that a ro-
speetahlo and influential German cili -
zen of Luzerne counly, who had been
recenlly naturalized, was relused his
vole by the Jtepiibliean nflicrr on an
count of an npparaiit flaw in the pa-
pers. The applicant, however, wenl
away and blackened his face, turned
his tieriuaii iiamo into English, and
his vote was received by llio liepiibli-1
can ollii crs without a w ord of dissent,
Then, lo their astonishment, he voled
the Deniocrntie ticket. lie U threal-
encd with n prosecution, but be threat-
ens in return n prosecution for do-
piivii.g him of his right lo vole.
IiAincAL Economy. Tho cost of
military interference and enforcements
of the l!adienl idecliiin hitv in ew
York, il is estimated, will cost nearly 3"u,l' of his class, tho Ifadical news
u half million of dollars to tax payers, ! PP,' advised him lo stand up for his
in inlililioti lo Ihe usual exoenses nf!
supporting the in as soldiers. Tho ar
my of deputy marshals selected from
the various prison rings, and consist-in-'
of iramhlt'1-s. nicknoi-Ui'ts. rnlihfi-4.
murderers, etc, cmploved for ten days
pievious to lav llieir plans fur a grand
thiev'.i.goperation on the election day, ' J-'ivcn. Vtilli Ins tists and an iron la
will nluiio amount to hundreds of i d, 1,0 ,naJo a vicious assault upon a
thousands. while comrade. For Ihis breach of
at -aw the peace, and fur lying and other of-
C't .-i.TiVATrCnNVERSATioN. A pood !
talker is rarely found, simply becauso
children nre not trained to know vv hen
to Itilkc and when to be silent. There
aro nianv w ho chatter from mnriiinir !
unlil ninht : such nelsons are to be
.... . . .'. . . . .
avoiiled 'Ibink bcf'nie you eiicnk
and let the law ol' kindness influence
all your words. Never burl tho feel
ings of your companions for llio sake
of being willy. 1 f you disregard tho
feelings of your plaj males, yon may
bo called entertaining, bat you will
r.cver have any true fiicuds.
Thofiuilsof negro sufTrago and
cpialiiy nro rem in South Carolina.
Already the war of mongrels has com
inenced. Tho negroes of that (Slate
tho full blooded, black liegioes, tho
,rr'"'" Wllh "I'" "ceis-
Will they yd war against the whites,
and will wo see the San J)omingo
ulrotilics repeated ?
When Grant beard that Wcsl Vir-i
gii.ia bad uono democratic, he burst i
oul, "I till you Ihe il d negroes are I
not to be depended on '." When told
I t here were not innnv hmn-n... in U1..1
Vii-..!n l. .nli...i ..I .i....'. 1...1:..... 1
!i . il,... 1 l, . 11 1
!. .i,..,,,,, .., i,.,,. ,.i,.,i.i ii.. !
somehow." Intelligent !
A llndical paper ss) a that if color
I iiiib t Suiilli rcallv did niisih mcan
himself, "w ithout having receded un
due provocnlion, be should be punish
ed as ligornmly lis if he were w hite "
ll is is a concession to thc whito lace
which is truly refreshing.
i lie trial ot I'.o colored cm
1.1 :
ov er, ni.d though the testimony against
him wi.uld be Mifiicient (o cimso the
disi-bill-.m fil t..ill'n .t..w.. uliitn Imt-
r '
1 " "' ii' veu U10 i'lesnlelit w ill wliito-
li,t ''aTiind let hin.slay there
. x m
Gon. Joseph II. Lewis, who has
J""1 lH''" '''" '"nKror ly ll..
,0,m"nn' V "'0 T1,ir'' Konuuky
' u ue ever i.iiv" hia atnt.
fffO-rf 7lm.
Our liinlniil cxi liniijrin In ivitj
Kim tiim nl lliu ktM nn? IhimIv nt wm k
, unking (lie ihUciii nf "lianl tlmro,"
' mill Xiliiiniiit or nl Ictnt -i itiif ki to
i tin.' iiieslinii Kci'iniislv in the tare, it in
' not fo i!illliti!t of sol u lion. 'J'lin iron
I I.. :.. i : I
! cral stagnation in business, tho im
' poverislied coiulilton ol Iho vvoiking
.classes and iho crushing stringency
of holders of govern men I bonds from
taxation, all of which w in k injustice
uid oppression to tho producing
classes of tho country. In every sue -
lion ol llio iviv.i anil toronghoiil the
i enure lanii wo iieiiol.l tlio Uisas'.rous
' clVei.ts of ihc-o policies upon the peo-
nie. jueie is no loni'er ncuiuv in
business circle, iuiprovemeiils of all
kinds have absolutely ceased, every
thing is ut a standstill, and want and
hard-hip slaro boldly al our mechan
ics and laborers on iho evo of a cold
1 months promise r Does tho future
i oul ")' ray of hope to those
! w'10 mo now struggling to keen from
I lUv'r thresholds tlio wolf of hunger f
I wo fear not. There is a period of
'deeper gloom and severer trial for the
! woikingmoii of tho country. Tlio
I winter now about lo scl in w ill bo
; pregnunt with innwry and misfortune,
: Money is scarce, llio necessaries of
j ll,le "ro.high and work there is nono.
1't,r ll,is Bl:ll affairs, for this
gloomy picture, and for this want
""JwuuUl"1 V? "I'0" thc
I country, wo nro indebted to tho domi-
nIlt ml.lyi ww0 legislation pro
duced ihein. Kxperience i a hard
but faithful tutor, and llio tribulations
111111 l've lallen upon our people in
inu ie r.iis, inu ieill(iv ilg llio
mist from before their eyes, and show
ing up tho hideous deformities of
these Jladi'.'ul monstrosities, high tar
iff and capital exemption, lint uro
bleeding tho laud and impoverishing
the w orking classes. When such leg
inlalion is secured, we may look lor
prosperity throughout tho length and
breadth of tho land. Until then we
may expect to experience "hard
limes." (J'lincy Herald.
Free Hemoion Amono tiik Indi
ans. A new Indian policy ha been
inaugurated. Tho redskins uro being
put into the hands of tho principal ro-
; ligious denomination and missionary
societies. So-, cral ol Iho sects nnd as
sociaiions havo already responded to
Iho invitation lo designate suitable
persons, for whoso conduct they will
be responsible, as Indian agents; und
some of those thus recommended have
been commissioned by llio President
lltrealler no Indian airoiits will hear
; pointed unless they liavo a proper re-
iiioiik reeoinuicnilalion. 1 he ulea is
to jrivo tho religious sentiineul of tlio j
country an opportunity lor cxerriiing
its influenco in the erl'orla to livilir.o
the savages. Politicians had a chance
as Indian amenta, hut they generally
rohhed Iho redskins, taught llicni bad
habits nnd brought on expensive wars,
principally for tho benefit of army
contractors. Army oGinrs awaiting
orders have been assigned as Indian
j "H0"1"' il Rl'-'"1S t'"it. though
! "'" navo done very well,
' ,lie p'eecdent is now iliscourned.
j 'ri,e Ki-ioin!a havo tried llieir system,
i,nJ il l,ll'n ' hom0 lcreo sue
''-N,'li '"'I 'I would take a long time
, v transform .v Indians into
i pfucol'iil (Quakers. Novv all tho sects
invited to use. their influence
'""'"'s,' ,l,u boriiiiies. Here is a
j fil,e iM f"r missionary work, and we
lmP ll,e lnhors of the new ngeiils will
I"'"'1" o desirable results,
Cadet Sinilii, lias caused no little
trouble nl West 1'oint. When bis ly
i ii letter was puhlsbed, pivinir a false
account of his treatment bv tho w hite
"U'" '"" nglil Ins way out ol h
out of
tinuhles, ho re ceived a number ol
ii.-iii;i ninn Muiiiiiienv niniu Jviiiu-
r-fi tu In-.ri nn Ii I m In imi-aiin t I.m a... n.m
l I ... : ... I . . 11 1: . .
" S ' " i-miiiv .
course. J ho ebony scamp plucked
"P courage and undertook to follow
1,10 "Jvice which had been so freely
t ces lie was tneil liy a court mar
1 111 1, anJ Fcnlcneeil to tho very mod
eralo piinishmenl of brii fr coinpclled
lo "walk post under chargo of a cadet
r . ....(.... I. : . I. . i".
Ir"m two o'clock in the at ternoon mi
retreat fur SIX consecutive .Situr
days." Tho easo w as tako.i up by
the Secretary of War and llio sen
lenoo ordered to bo remit led, so tlml
the colored cadet escapes pjiiishmenl
altogether. If a w bito boy had been
gnilly ol the offences llio chances nre
that bo would havo been summarily
dismissed from Iho institution, and
the .Secretary of V ar would not have ;
interli rcil to prevent tho earrvtng
out of tho sentence. Lanratter Jntci
liijrnrer. His I'iiiknus Tin-New York Post,
a paper that labored zealously for llio
election of tho blockhead Grant tothcj
L residency novv says :
uno 01 me mosi poteni arguments I
for tho election of General Grant was,
that bo vvasnola polil.eiaii. .Nobody I
imagined lum to bo a statesman, llo 1
linsnovv m en twenty montns in oilice,
aim 11 we .1011 nam over me leaning ,
"".noHi miis,...-,,.... lie. s o, ,.s ao-
. i r " :
nose .
1 . ii ,i- . . 1 .
"" "! " t
'"'"f? ''Kht or wme ; tho cmss inter-
ft renco with the elections in Missouri;
nni' 'I'0 disgrace so far ns bo could'
disgrace them of Mr. Hoar, Mr. Wells
and General Cox. That is a record
of w hich General Grant w ill not be
proud, in thoso days of retirement
from public life which await biin.
W'c-l Yirginia baving elected the
full I lemocralie ticket at the last elec
tion, General Grant has removed the
Pension agent nl W heeling.
Sniiill !
""" mil 11 suns t no tasio
of ll,c 1
MAnillAliR or t, FN, lit hull (ion.
A. L. KiiskcII, A ii j ii I i ii I ticiicnil nl llip
Stale, win iniirriej on Tliurail.i y ovo
niiiir IiikI, to Mr.'io M l'inlicr,
ilituillitor nf I lie lute J. A. Finlier, ol'
1 1 ii n i.Hldir.
Tlio linilionl n.H ji.riiy in the Korly.
firHConKrcM, 104 , ii, the imy Jc
Trtnur s cnourngin iign(i.
j.Sinip M'orrfu fo fffkltlrut Urnnl
j 'I ho St. I.nuin , mncrat N, lnin
I llrnwii 1 tti I III 111) ). : "Wlint l It
j tlml tin- hmii,i (li"il''rnvo r ttOfiiii
liilnriiiynti, nr. Thi-o iI'tiii It On nil I -
force Imnxelt upon tlio peiiplo lnr n
) second torm. They deKired you, in tlio
; i I. .,, ,, ..... , ,,..
future, lo pay heller attention to your
own dalles ill M asliington tlio flulie
which your inasters, tho peopU , a.i
signed to you, n utl not to spend your
time in meddling with Stale elections.
It hcciiih to llio people thai you do-
servo severo relmke, iilike lor nej;lcel
i your name nor Reduced by your nlllccfj
ihey givoyoj that rebuke very plainly,
Tlio first duly of a l'lvsidcnl is to !
j keep tho pledges made t J tho people
i when a candidate. 1 lus you nuve not
Oone. loii pronnseii 10 give ine
.'country peace, and pledged yoursell
to a n an or i in v.nicu inu reiuovai oi
! political disabililies was a most prom-
ineiit feature. Soon after you became
J'rokidcnl, you meditated compliance
with this pledge by proclaiming am
nesty, und ugiiiu by rocoiniii'iiiding to
Congress removal of disabilities, but
iu each case unscrupulous partisans,
I w ho want still longer to be able to
elect mere tools of their own from
.Southern Stales, turned you from
your purpose. At Ihis day you Mre
their tool. Simon Cameron, us un
savory u man us ever sal in tho Sen
ale, controls you as if you vvero his
hired inun. It ii discreditable that a
President should bo go conlr illed by
any ono ; doubly discreditable that ho
should bo controlled by such a man ;
trebly discreditable that ho should be
controlled by such a man; trebly dis
credilablo that ho should thus bo led
to depurt Iroin tho solemn pledges by
which his election was secured."
The l'nr Situation in f'mnre.
Tho New York llrrahl of tho 10th
says: "The war news ihis morning
is scanty and unsatisfactory. It leave
u still in doubt a lo the actual rccsi
tion nnd condition of Iho French Ar
my of the loire. In Tour yesterday
il was rumored that Generul Palu
dines' army had mot with a disaster,
while nuoilier reporl from thc same
quarter say that llie Generul, having
secured a good position, is novv awiil
ing tin attack of tho combined armies
oi l mice r reilel ICK Ullirlcs and llio .
Dllko of Mecklenburg. An official j
statement represent that Iho armv
, .. i , , ' !
ol the hone now numbers nearly iw o ;
hundred alld filly thousand nidi. II '
tin representation should nrovo cor I
reet, which we very much doubt, ami
I'lilailinos proves equal lo the (ask of
handling so lare a forte, (ho army of
I'rinc Frederick Charles and that of
j llio Duke of Mecklenburg havo hard
work beliiro them, lliero is pood
reason to expect that tlio coming bat
tle will prove a desperate slrnpgle.
.oivvitiisinniliiii King illiain s tel
egram (olho (uien aiiiionncing the
repulso of Iho enemy along the whole
line, near l'renx, thero is somo uneer-
,ainl. us lo ,hu for(.0 w lU.h
pulsed. A despatch from Tours savs
that it detachment of (iarde Mobiles bo
longing lo the Army of the Centre bad
an encounter w ith the German forces,
who greatly outnumbered them nnd
wero compelled to fall back. Thlsoc
curred near Drcux. Possibly this
mny havo been tho repulse w hich tlio
King telegraphed to t'ieen Augusta.
We give King William all credit due
him for truthfulness; hut there is oi.e
peculiarity of his despatches) which
attracts us, and il is this : In niinoiiii.
cing u v ictory of any imporl iinee he is
pruliisu in liis thanks to 1'iovidcticc,
while in affairs of less note be omits
the acknowledgement altogether. Wo
do not mean to infer from this Unit
the smallest favor are not thankfully
received by bis Majesty. Hy no
DitirriNit timt Way Gen. Mor
gan, of Ohio, recently said in a speech:
"H found, in a large loinpany of lio
publicans, in the luxurious homo ol a
New York capitalist, every man but
ono in the room in favor of impend.
ism. On hull' of the eight hundred
carriages abroad in New York of a
pleaaiil alteivioon yon may sec dials
of arms, puiuting in a nobility. You,
the peoiite, ulono c.iii save
.. . '
our insli
mi (IHIS.
New York is nol the oily in ibis
country w hero coats of linns may be
seen on llio carriages of tho wealthy
Coals of arms and li.ciicd servants
aro becoming quilo cominon in the
larger cities. Unless they hurry up
tho legislation, they will loso tho op
port unity to obtain an net of Congress
di'clniing their blood noblo. The Ju
mieracv aro raoidiv rriraiiiimr the
power of which they havo been
. . . . J ....
Uepriveil lor a Uecaile. W lien thai
parly becomes dominant again, there
will be no chance for tho shnddv nris
locrncy (o obtain letters patent.
Fa in Elections. The llads nr
great on "fair elections," therefore thc
following dispatch is both refreshing
and instructive, and shows to a denii
oiistratioil how the ballot boxes aro
manipulated in a city in w hich carpel
baggers and negroes exercie stipreine
political control. In lfadicnl slang,
tins woiit'i 110 rrganldl as u ' lairelec
lion :"
N'l.w Oni.tASS, Nov. 0. Il Is stated
thai three hundred persons supposed
lo be counting tho Votes in Ihe city
receivo eight ilollars per uav. 1 1
y,,,., .-. ,i, ..,.,, .. t, !..
,io ,,,., ,(lt ,,(nL ,,
)rm.,,ii,, i(1 BilI,p.. cLfll j,,,,,,,.,
d illl(r(,sl ',,.,. Tll
,,(!,. i..l relurns will be in. we ores,,,,,,.
,llV t'hristmas, but as tho ballot
(l.c j )rim.ilu,y f ,!e.
pii'duan olhcials, no l.'ars aro enter-
1 L ..... 1 ,.l 1 1,,,;,. r...l,i,.ii.,r il,..;
Grant senl troons to N'ovt York to
Overawe I'emoirats and carry the dec-
lion lor tho Kadieals, while the no-
groes ol Jlonaldsonv ille, Jviiiisnwa,
wero pi-noil lot! to raise a 1110b, flic
tho town, and murder tho inhabitant,
lie calls this enforcing tlio laws and
protecting tho people.
Tlio Miniiri II 0110 nf lie proson
lativcn oomprinon l:lll lurmln'r. tf
tlii'c, llio Itudical pnrly in tliut St:ilo
,,,lV0 m tnallv nrrrcilt'il 111 clcbtiiii;
srvrntreu I Sj inni li fur (irant' ro
latiun to Minsduri polilirsl
W K voto of Iho t ilitoim if VhU.
tU'li.iint il hnh lorn Im iiiVd to ervcl
Uto new ptihlio liniltiiiiit on iVnn
S4tinro, it! iho corner ol UiOaJ ntij
Market utroola.
Saiifno cu iters nthl uur kraut
tamiei nro beinir iul refltly for uao.
jntwl wo will havo buth Hipso fctiiuinn
' articles in all tlpir gU.rj nnd oior.
.I'lipolrnn Uttil hi l.nuhlfl,
lleilift ilojputeli nf the Jth IliMrtlll
inform iik tliut on V ! no."t :i j- there
ei twenty -mm (ieliriiiln nixl eih'y
Ki'Vi'ti Kiiperior oniiem Willi llm I'.ui-iierol-
Niipolenn nl WillieliiMliohp.
I'tlliCP Mh nil nnil k few ntherK re
niiiini'il then', mul Iho rent proeeeileil
to lleilin. 'J'ho nteeiitifr of tlio Km
peroriinil Miirolinl ( 'uiirnherl wiiKtery
coiilial. 'J'liey cmliruccil lllid kiMi-il
! em Ii other neveral tinicH."
I xi 'I I. ,
M. Thiers characterized tho First
Napoleon as Aapolmn If dminl ; tho
last Napoleon as Xiipnlmn Ic I'ctit.
This caustic anlithesi finds jusiifie.i
linn in tho iicturo presented by the
dispatch. Napoleon lo I'etit, sinroiiii
ded by twenty ono Generals and
eighty one superior officer, prisoner
of vrur, after surrendering upon his
own territory two armies, iiggrega
ling to two hundred and filly tlioui.
and will armed soldiers, kissing
his Generals, is not the Napoleon of
Austerlilz j nor of Jena; nor of Mos-
j cow or aterloo j nor of Jilha, nor
hi. Helena.
'J hero nro two William Willinnises
i elected to tho Forly socond Congress
ono from Indiana, a Jiadical: llio
I other, from Now York, njDemocral.
llANTl;!) B.MMIslifCi pella wauled
l tlifliloKor 1. L. fcUZKXSTBIN.
Clcarlisld, Nuv. 2:3in.
JM'IIM WANT 111 ). I .iiTllluOr.ln
will uny (In, vr' tnglicffl camii mieR rr
kmJl of r ur skinf. iiui-. 'i'i.'An.
Sl.l:i(ill4 AND
A N I H 1. 1 - .. T lis Milisrilwra
fur sale. Call auit cxnuiins llit-iu.
K. A. 1UV1S A CO.
Curweumllr, Nor. 3:1, lS7l);im.
ITK l-OII HAI.I'l,ot 6u h.T 200 fact,
J Uir aals, alj(,iinx Ids borough. Paxotvnta:
i H-r ecnl. ID ixnni, and 3i per cent. jer witb
intaraiit until (inid.
sot. 1870. Agent.
at-riler haa on hand and oQVra foraalv FIV B
IIORSKS three ood nlzed Hraoltt hoiaap, weigh
ing from etavuu n lhirlio hundred, and the oih
era exeellenl driving horaea. K. ii. MOUHK-.
Lutlteraliuig, I'a., Nov. 2 41.
UEIilTONW MITK'li-Where..
ten Iealamenlarr on lha eatata of Mra.
IIIOMAH i-A.Ml'IH.I,,, dr.-.nicJ. lale of Ii.ll
InwDttlnp, Clmrfifltl enuiit.r, IVnnnj Ivani. bviiit
twoo trnifd lo lha niilrriKiir(t, 'and all pertooi
iDflfMeJ to aaid vvialc will plratv mak aroint.
and tbte havinf rlaini or dt iuaodi will tpruaat
I hetn t.roperl; autbrntiralcd f'r Hritlrinfhi.
A HAM UILKT1I, Eiwator.
Oftrnd, Kur. 1:1, 6ipd.
fAl.TtOS, All pnrtoniare herrly cauliimed
agaioal urehan( or meddlinir with lbs fol-
lowing .er.nal ,roperlr: Onaouok atoa, parlor
.""V nrt"'f". T"; ". I
I eii oi enaira, Dcna and bedding, I r orl
,ni . fu o( m,M, jn lb. .,
" of John W. (lahagan. of lowoahip, aa
"" ' "' iu wu sun on
loo uulv, aubjecl to oi; o-Ucr.
B. It. MOOItE.
LuthcraUrif, P , Nur. S.I 31.
Vendue in Pike Township.
rlillK KuWrll-r will nfrr at I'uhlie Bale, at hit
a rramenre ia iaki tuwnmip, oa
TI ESDAV, N0VK.MI.Kll 2Vrit( 1S70,
The rl.wmX artirlra, via: Two horere and bar
iiruB, one twu hurae waitn, iiair twin aledi. lor
fled, ph.w, harrow, windinil, rakm. forka. b ir-o
girt tlilr, mniMtn liatiitncra. nhorela, nimdRa,
cnPM-ut aawi, oue milk cow, ooe apring calf, bay
hy tbc tou, oorn and out hy the buhcl, una cherry
ruplmanl. Iwo taMea, tour atAnda, thre a .i rhairf,
ftt and pufthinn, dtnk, d"ujliirar. VI. look
ing aiasurp, bwk ean, eook atOTe, narlor itove.
two muc plate atottta, iron krttlr, targe euppnr
aruip, nioai enm, ruptmarvj an1 tinware, waah
tot.f. rlmrna, tx-dv, bpte'hi, and o'.brr articlct.
jr-t-Snle to eoromrnne at 10 o'cltM-k, a. m., wbeu
iuaioima win oc amne Known.
r.OHKRT R .(.
Pike towmliip, Nut. 22, s;0-ItL
To Builders and Mechanics !
CoyviaooYKna' Oi rim,
ri.nsrif 1 1. !'., Novrnibrr t. ISM. I
Pi-alid Tri'ii'snla fur rirniatnna7 Itio initcrial
and err-HBnan1 onm.lrlln a new Priann lluilti
liifr. Willi MioriS 'a rL.iJi-m-f atiacbril, ia llis maa.
In r ar.l nl III 'm m. us an I l-a-ri it ion ivn in
ie rii" aimni. aru.l ilraw.rri an.l i-fM-itirilmita,
Hirrrfjr .rinrc. br K Iwaril HaiilnnJ, Km),
Arihilri.-t, nnd now nn tila In lltta ndii-r, Mill Ik
rcui.. fnun l uil'lcrp an I mri-!iaiiir, al lliair
ntticr, until thr l.illi dnr uf Ilis-rmStr ni-vt. The
plan ami pnarircialiiini run lip aisn al Ihii offijr
at anT lime, anil lha An-hitrrt will Ix In altrn.l
ancc nn the il ir prmr In Ihe (i;iiiiinp of Ih? i'ro
pn.'l to piva all n?rnr.trr p iilunal iun a.
Hula will Im rvnivH for Hie aulira contract.
Ttikliifl; lha .lima now irrarsi at a Stnil valu.i.
linn, ami lbs muitr, nf the auretin In Kiiaranlr
Ihr j'srr.irniaiicp of Ihe rnnlraol mnt m-rumpitny
Ilia iii.l. Hurrtisa mnit ho roaiilrntl nf Cfarfit-ld
oounlT. Tin Coruiniifuinera rearrve lha liffhl lo
rrj-i-l an? or nil In. I., anil lo a.i awaril Ihe con
Ira-t aa in tln-ir jii'lncnt inaj bi-it iuba.rve lha
intvtrfla nl tse ounnlv.
l. 111 HI CK,
Nor. i tf-TO Jt. Comnilnilnnrr,.
II) 1. L M II I. II M K H I
The Clrain.ll Ktrlpior Canlhiink will not
wrar out or break, beina Fonalructeil wilh one
nlij hand triiui clip lo iomL
It il rononnrnl lir all practical lumliermrn
who hare examined it lo hw the mint perfect erer inreolcil.
Amos Kennard, Patentee.
Manwfartored l.r Awoa Ksistss A Co., at
,, CI.E.vllULI.Ii, p,l.
"AII or lera prnmjille altenileil lo. ul.l'ro
4 by (turn thm I. Hrrp Iraf miirnlary hatinR
l-wn frantrd to ihe aiiUprriher on the wtale of
i K-Ui K r1 M K I,, dtci nw d, Infe of llradlir.l
towenhip, I'lfMiflrld eonnty, Prnnaylt ania, all
perpuna indrhtvil to paid eatpjle are repjfpttd to
tii llo immediate p-iyinrnt, and tbupe hnvmjt
rlaitua mcfiinM thr rnimc will prtPcnt tbiia dul
authenticated for aMtN-innt.
KI.L1S h.M K A Ii,
(Mohrr 19, 1-70 fit pd. Fawutora.
i: I TtV XOI'H lw-Vher.-ft., I.rt.
IHM KI.MlKliUV. late of F-rittifn tnwn.ln.
lc(H, hnte hern irrttitt d to the undo planed, I
una an p rp-ma m-i--hh' j in pk1i fptf nn- reiir.
rd t make immrdtate pavrnci t, an I thr.r hnvinr
rlanaa afiint thr iimn will prtPrnt thinr duly
atit' euli.-Rii-d, fur PeMlmirnt.
IK . 2, IST0 fitpd Fici-mura.
VIMIMI H A1ltl Wtm'KXtlei
Ii hchy strn that li tter of adimni-tralion
on the epUla of WIliLUM ll,K, difen'ed.
lnte"f LawrrnM1 tnwnphip, t'trnrfti'ld etninty, j.,
having hern duly grantrd to Ihe nn Icrptjrncd, all
iiora iiia indthti d lo aaid eetate will i, !( mrt
pnrment, and Ihnae havinf clnima ur ilput.nndp
Hill prrsput Ihi'in pr-iperlr aiiihrntimtt.l art.
tl-m nt. HKUKft A lAI.K,
CI arfifM, Nut. tt. Adminiatratns.
Ol'll I-'- llnTinc thia dar dipord of my
in t ' t in th me.iMintile huimpp tr Mrpr.
rrnnk. l.irprtffht Co., I reoumrarml throa tn my and ah fur them a UU-mI pharr u ihr
trade. I.KulK.K M. UHlSltlN.
Il'inti lale, Nnermtter I, Ii0.
AM prisma annwin themaitrea lad'htI o
t.c)rfff M. Ilrifh.B will at one naLe Pcttlvment
of the aame and are anat. nmi It
1 I'll A VTh-re eame tit the premiurp of the
anhperittcr In Knot tnwn-hip, alwtitt the l.t
ui frcpiemner. ice, a tinmiie M hr. K, wilh a ht-
tla liil. on llie rail of lha lath auiitiiiaril In ba '
almiit Ibror Tiara ol.l. Tho ownir will liloft-
Cima turoard.'jiroto pmprrlr, ,ar rkrn-a aoil
.krh.a.r. HAVItl WlfR. I
Hnn taon.hif, K".. t, !: I. ,
in in itm im it-ie i in mi
.. . .. . -
How 10 Nine Ioim.
1 1I F llmrt ar karJ t y"'d lib lo hnaw
ll'iw fun mnjr mre your ditllar
Jh ajr in do it I 111 ihAw,
If joa will read hat folluwi.
A man ho lld Kn fur (Vota hfrf
Who wiirkad bard at til Irada,
But had a h'Hitthnld t aiipport
That fiandfred all b mad.
I mot hi ra onra. B-yi h, "My friend,
1 lo"h thread bear and rouKh f
X'f lrld to not wyielf a auit.
Uul can't aara up enough."
Fy T, my Trlfnd, how much bar you t
I'll tall ynv whfr to o
T K"t milt tht' unur.d and cbaapi
Ha too what Hit la ha bad aaved,
And went to Keiienmelo A llrotbari',
And thara bt ftot a handioiat luit,
Kur half hr paid to olheri.
Now ha ti hom, h tooki ao wall,
And their r fleet ia audi,
That whrn they taka their daily tnaal,
They dim t eat half aa much.
And now he findi on Saturday night,
Witb all tbelr wanti lupplied,
That he haa money left to ipend,
And trnmt to hy aside.
Hit fond tureen, wlih eheerful amila,
lie fcladly telli to all.
If you'd lava money, go and buy
Your clothes at
Where the cheapest, A tail and beat Clothing
and good Furnishing (iooda ean be bad to autt
every taeta and in every style aprl I. '70
Mi!ll of the WUtek, M.
7(b k 8ih 8;i., h.iulli HiJr,
Importer, If inufmturr A
r. ;" ' For Ladira'and Children'!
Hnvinit riilarui d, rainodcled and imjrored tny
old and liivtnnUy known Kl It KM F((. IT M, and
linvinr iuifnirted rvry Inrfteaiid fplrndid aort
incnt uf all th different kindu nf Fun frtn fir it
liandM in KnnifVft, and haw had loom ran do np hy
the tuoit k 1 1 1 Til I workuirti, 1 would reepr-rrUullj
invite mr friend of Clenrfictd and adjaniit eoun
iirr to etill and examine my verjr rt and beu
lilul avsnrlmcnt of Funcy Fur, for hadiea and
Children. I am di'tcrininrd Ui aell at ai low prircf
a ariT other rrperthle llouoe in tliii city. All
Fun Warranted. No minrepn-nrntntionn to effect
oel2fl 3m TIB Arch 8treet, rinladtlphia.
O GTrB"ETi 8 7 0.
t ii ii i: x i
Tut up fur the American maiket which la Six
Cord in alt numhrra.
From No. 8 to No. 100, Inclusive,
.9Fur tale hy all dealeri In Dry (Inoda and
Notions. octZA-Ira
r.'O s mul ISSI'h
At Msrkct Itilra.
Pacific R. B. Eouds Pought and Sold.
rvr-HTOH KM iloulit and Hold on C om
mifntlon only.
r-Aceonnli received and I nt crept alluWrd on
daitj talaoRea. aul jict to cbeck at a'ght.
3:9:ly 40 Poulb Third Street, ThilaJtlnliia
WM. B. ALtADER, M. D.,
Iruj;iflt ind Apotlirrary,
Keep! eonxtantlj on hand large aiortmrnt of
rah-nt Medioinra, I'liiit and OiN, Varniihea,
yr Siufft, Ac. Ilia atftek of Irajrn ia pure and
frrfh. and ravtt.ujers run rrly upon (rrttinj thc
bnt of fvervthinj in fail line.
ill PttlCB of
P K It F U M E
11 Y
Toilrt Artiilea. 1Uir Tunica, Cipmtir, Hrnhc.
Toilrt 8mrf, ('uinhP, F.tekrt llm.ks I'm.. Inka,
reneile and rapr, and a r'-neral appurtmrnt of
this elaii1 of g'uidp, arc all ol thv bi-at (jMihir,
puni: ir .v i: s ,( liquor s.
Fur Midii-etl piirpopra only.
J)m, I'ullr, Lnhriratinc Cile. Ac, to an It thr
wantBi'i the euininuniir.
Hi eitentlve an I well aclrrtrtl ptocV nf tturt
and Mdirinra ennhlea him to (III rhvueian
prewriplinna on ahort notice and on the tnoit
reaanna'ir terina.
Pinokcra and Chewera will find b ia ftrk of
rhrwing and Huiokinjt lfiharei, Cifurp A hnufl,
to euntiPt of the eery hrat branda In the market.
A ahare of public patroimjr? ia aolieiled.
(trl, IV .Va. W. It. Al.KX A XIKH.
To ilrlttce itnilderat
riMviainf rna' Orrirr, 1
Clearfield, l'a . Novemhtr I.'., s;n.
8ealixl I'ri'pf-pnlp will he reorn rd hy the County
I'ynnntnnimnTP of t'lmrtic-ld enunty, at their othce,
nriiil Fri.lay, tlie f'h d;v of Itcr-inher nrsl, fur
ihe erection of a t'oVKItl lt HltllM.K an.PP th
Itrrir hi'h'W the mouth of t'ho.t I'rerk. Paid
Mri.k'c t If of I .it' fet't apann, and anuilar in iln
Ou!itrnction lo thr one h-ium the uiouth of Alul'T
ptn'at'n'ck. Pcpara'e pn.pupalp are invitrd fur
the rrti atin and tnftony, PtalinK th prier er
Tnrd for the former and per porch for the la'tcr.
Ah"i. for the Ptjnnre and pawed Initihrr ami alnn
t le-w. ft inf the prire per rohie fimt tor thr former
and per tliinin l for the latter. Aloo. for tho
earprntrv and hlai'kxniiihinir ; or. for Ihe whole
wirk, inrdu tin nia'crtnl. Clan of Hndfrt to le
atn-n at the CoiiimiP.lonrrV OfBr.
HA Ml hi. II. 111MMAN.
It A U III t K,
(I. It. I'-ti Anfi, Clerk. CoiRTti;lncrp.
XIarkrt Pt.t ea.t of Ihe Allf rhrny llonae.
c i i:r.i h i i. pi.
KKKPon h iel all kind
nf Fnrnllore. In atiitp
or hy lha amgle article. Tb'w ia mid of em
article f Furniture.
ill find it lo 1 bt ir tntrnl
to eall and eviroina my ttock. which 1 will tell
Terr low for eaph or exchanee for auttaMe lamhar.
CharMd, I'a..Apri A. IHT If.
1'THAV. I 'nme to the prcmiac of the anh.
4 acriher. in H 'Ca twntiip, nn or a"nt Ihr
htoi of laat AufuM, a H H1TK HARIttiW. i
iiwimmI lo lio itti'ii0 mmitUl olil. 1 be nrr ir
noiir - lfl In p.imi fnrwanl, pniva pniiiirlv. liav
rhaiar" ami lako him aoav, nr br Kill W
of a. lb. law ilirorla. ItK.KV 111 lit- If.
rirwnrlt BnHg.,Nr. t ,r..
halt, m o n io
ManuTaoturrra of
V I A X ) F 0 11 T K S ,
Tlir.o In(rnrnrntii hnr hein Wfure the pnlilic
fur nrarly Ttiirir year, and upon (licir ei'it lhuc
nlune atiaintd an tinporjIiHwd pre-rniiueace,
which pronounrra thfin ufieijtialt d. Tin Ir
T 0 N K
enmhinea ffrtat power, .etrlnni and fine ringing
quality, na m II ua rvnl ptirif v ol Inlonnli'in, and
awevtueaa throughout the rntlre scale. 'J heir
t o i; L II
ia plinnt anil elaliL, anl entirely frue frtm the
stillnraa ftmnd ia an nmtir l'inni.a.
HifT are imfnnlci, iMtnjr none hut the vry hent
acHnrtned mairriiil, tho faige e.ipiiiil emplovi'tl in
our bupincpa pniihlinjr up lo kerp entmtuutly an
imnirtipe Ptoi-k uf tuiiiltrr, Ac, on Imtnl.
i" A II our hijiiiiii1 I'm nop hnv our Ni-w Im
proved 0rrMtriHii7 lrnle and (he Ajjraflt Trrhlu.
f-rf-We wmiM cnll aptmal ottmiion to oui
litn iinpriiveinrnfp In tirnrol I'itmoi and Iritner
.rand, I'a'rnti-cl Ann. 1 t, Isfirt. hi--h hrinj; 1 he
1'iaoo nearer perli f-tion than hap yet hreu ailtuned.
Kvrry Viano fufft Warranted or Hve Years
tt c have mado arranKt-mnt for the pole M'hide-
attle Air-'iii-y for tin- inot Cclt'lirnti d l'arl'r Oranp
and MelodfunP, It ith we oiler Wholeisale and
Kilail, at Lowent ractory Cricp.
Bept. il, IPTC-Cui. lluttimore, M l
lliuhi-at rr,'ln'nim, Silver Meilnl. awanli-'l orer
all eiitupelitinn, al MecbaDic. LihitiUiun, lloatun,
Oclober, 18111.
I)i bt Fcurrn, Gratk Uai Ka-iTtt,
WaoroDT Inojr Radiator,
For Burning
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood.
10 aitea fur brickwork, and 2 eiiei Portable.
MajrrALTi'atn ovmt ar
N. W. eorncr l"th and Filbert Streeta.
Tbeae II patera are made of Henry V roof lit
Iron, well riveted t(rether. ami arc wnrranted to
be alPoluH-ly On and luat 7 i jf lit. They are the
only ilraiera that are managed without any dnm
pera, and tn whirb all ainui of luol can be burned
without alteration. .
Cook ine Kansca. fur If o tela, Keatnnranta and
Famihea. Alao, a Flat Tup Heating Han go. I
Fiie Plaee Ilratera, Low Down Giatva. Slate i
Manle!. Uf-ciFtcra, Ventilatora. i
Pamphlet git ing full description, aent frre. to i
any ailJnu. Jy 13 70-ly
Eighty Six Thousand, Seven JIunJred
and Eighty-One Machines Made
and Sold the Past Year! I
Thia number cxeero by faouaono' tht talee of
any other Wachloa, and tht demand ia ttlll
incrawlbg !
Art no being made and rold 1
Boeauio It tbiboiltci crrrritial prlnrifiloa net
found ;in tnf athrr Mv?Mne; barauia cf tu
Id I'Uciljr of eon.trartlun, eaia of rparalion,
uaifurmlt of reeiaa artion at any iprcJ. anil
capanll fjr Ilia grealcsl TAat al tariclj uf
urk, Aoa ur ci.aria.
r.rliti wi.htnK to parcba.i alouM cut Ml
lo ttaraino Ibi, bottof ail Sowing Macblnca.
I br lie apenrj for lliii ilacbino, mi will
kctf full mi)1' banJ.
j. s. piiownts,
May 4, 1S70 If. llrmiSa'il, i'a.
Eitractcd with the use ef Nimot Oxrtt Oa.
and Lnr i. At rptr I ai a, (the only ba.mlcaa and
efficient Ana'sihutiea now in uv, by
S. J. HATES, Surgeon Dentist,
Mho would brrrhy moat respectfully it tarn hi
lhantti for the litcrtl patronnne of the papt, and
inform the puhtie that be hi removed hit office
tn the enrner of Slate and l.oouxt atrceta, (iiver
Jrnkini' atore.t where he ia prepared to receive
Ina ruptmncra In newly fitted np roi ma, aud do
l bt ir woik in the aiont h k i 1 1 i ut ani Witikm:inlikt
manner. All work d ne in the latft and moat
approved it lea, and jjuaraoter I.
Ir. Havra will 1 enzafrd In hi effct from
the 11 tn the Mil of each'h. The balance of
rat h tnon'h he ail) aprnd in Olen Hope, Uurtii.le
and l.ulhrrtl.urjf, nltemutcly. Partiea repi-linj
at a diPlancc phnuM write to op previoua of their
com in )fiie hoi;r. from 8 tu 12 clock, a.
ro., and from I to i o'clock, p. in.
We no mmt hut the very ttat material, and
tlcfv eompeiition fur leaulyt chrapnnt and dura
hihty, (iivr ui a eall.
Curwanarille. Pa., Mar 1 1ST0.
. ni'ft r r"!'!-!
LW Anl i ittll MOKL!
flHK andcraitned would repeelfully announce
1 to the eititt na ef CleafGild aud vitii.Hy that
be has op rued a large
f Lot' ii, h:ki,
On Rtrd atrett, nrnt door to the Leonard Houne,
Clrarfirld. Priiii.,
Wherr he win keep eonatantt.t on hand, for a hole
tale or retail, (rood in the n'mve ha",
at the low vp t pricra.
Flmir in haTela and ancka. (m Meal, 0lt.
Bnn, and all kinda of Fed fcnaimtly on hand.
1'i.N and are.
Koe. 9 41.
hy J.
V'ANTKI 50n iuhe!a t.f I',
in ai
ehange f"f Flear, Keed, Ae.
NHir.t orHT(IIM ()MH) n
X " leatflcld r'-nmr,
r, Pa.
il'icri Parii
o. IttJ, St pt
hi Wimon A
ember Term, :
PutTit. Ci ahr A Co
The nndcrpirni d Andilnr havine hrvn ai.oionl.
el to innke d'.Pinhiilion of the nvmi-y rtinff from
ihe aale of rt-al elale nn the ahote wrii, gira
noti.T that he will attend to llie dutira o In
eppnintinrnt at b' I'lhce in t'trrli I 1, on Tut r
dii v, the : W:h dny of oetnhcr, wl -l o'cto k. ui.,
ahcu and In re a M psrric ht'en iit wax a' tend
Net. m;o ;(. Au hior.
4 1)111 NITK ATOH'M !k(tTI(T.
oiiM' I
iV iph-reh
rehy given I hit ictirra of n lmintrnti'n
on the eutc of .Mia MARY d. KM. 1.1. riie'ri.
late of towoU, t Uaitiel 1 vountv. I'.tnV. ).t -
ing been duly grauM to the unlcriiicJ. all pcr-a-np
indrhlrd to aaid enlale will plen-e make pay.
ment, and ihnp having elaiun or di insnd will
prcpfnt them proptly authenticatfJ fur trtUrincnt
and allowance witb.mi did nr.
Pll M l UiHiV M, AdminUtrMor.
Oneeola M ill, tK-t JA, t-Ul f-t.
Tl !.! A t'OJWTAitl !. I ri
f I Vir haa printnl a Hr nniiilvr nf lha nr.
IrllK flll.1.. ami will aai tho rofwit o twanlr.
;atorslo,i.ilr..;o, atilrtn. a,M
T (turatiouat.
i i.Ktm n.i.n, i-A.
r p 1 1 K A 1. 1. T K It M nf r..,i , ,,. I
nirne. Miin-la.,, r-jilemlier ath, In;!!,
A 1'iiinarr il .artniilil Kill ha ad.M I. I
S.-Iin.iI in, lull, .,r hi. I. Hie ii-r.ia.iif , "j
l".fiii inrirui mr nre ien f,. I
inun .hi n- .,.,n-. l MH.Iir llm e.arl,il
Ti;il.MS UF TL'lTKiV.
Rnailina. In I hnerapli , , tt rllinir.Oljrel U,.
aiif, I'rimury Arilhinelie anil I'tlniarr
llinl'irv, l.i.r.l and plive Wcii(ra.h
wild Map Ilriinj(, llraamiar, il,i,i,
am, rnien Arlimnrtie
Altfi'lira ami lha Heiancea in Inalrninenlal luuaie
11 h
nil p. inline, ?l lea.ima
IVni Wink
Fur full panienlnrv aenil fur Ciirular.
t'learlirld, firpu 7, I ri TU I .V.d.
Rev. P. L Harrison. A. M., Principal,
rpili; uriutt, ru n of tht rent aeuoUn,, I
J.. y-nr of ihia ln-titiil Mn aill eutini-iie a
ii n l a imp i ill uny i,f .uvembrr. l? J
ru pun ran i-nier ( anv time. 1 he v will I
ehaijt.'d wifh tuition Iroui tho I line tkty entrr u
hit- riurj im inr rrmiil.
1 br (iiurne of inatrueiion emhraef i every tUiL
iiitHudrd in a tUnrotifh, iTactical and aeouu.flitb
vu nun ,i' n.ii mr i ihii H'f.
'Jh I'mi-ipal. ha ii.jr tvid ihr ndvantfl- nt
miiL'h e4prricne in hia proffpoiyti, aaiurea pareott I
an 'l ptunniiriiiP that Ina eiitin- iiinlny and energM
will Iro dfTMii-il o tlifniorxl and oienLai traiaiai
of the youth plxct d andi-r Imh rhnrit".
Orthnprnplty, K-alitiir, Writing, and Primary
Arithmetic, per Hration ( 1 1 wtfkp) ti aa
(initninar, jctmpl(y, Arlthtuetio and
Jl istr- $f
Al l'ra, tj i-mik I r , 'J riimoiuetry. Men
auratmn, Kurri-y wjr, rhilotwihy, I'hvai
olcjfv, f hcniialry, book Kerping, ItoUny
and I'hypi.-al tr,raphy f f $
lit tin, On i k and French, with any of the
aWre rlrnncba J
Ml sir j'iaii.:;y iwm) $n n
jff-e"No di-du.'tiiMj aill Im m.Ue furahaenea,
ilrior further parftrulan intjuire of
Ht r. P. L. liAlti.IaON, A. W ,
Feb. 2, leTK.lf. 1'riLcipal.
H. U Ii I D G E.
(Ktore one door eart of Clearfield Mkh,)
Market Mreet, iearfield, r.
Lr EF.FS on hand a full aasortmtnta of Oewtr' .
k Furniabinir tiooda, tiioh aa rblrta, Liata
and Woolen Ladrrabirta, Urawtra ana) eki.
ech tira, rocket tiindKerrnieis, uiorea, Bala,
Omhrvllna. Ae in great variety. Of Fleet
Gooda be keapa the
Best Cloths of all "Shales and Colors,
ueb aa Black Doeakin of tht etry beat anak;
Fancy CaPtiiaera. in great ranety. alao. Freawk
Coaticf, Hearer, Pilot. Chinchilla, and. Fric ti
overcoating. All of which will be told ebtan far
Caab, and made up aeeurding lo tht lattai atj lea
by eiperieneed workmen.
Alio, Aeent for Clearfield eonnty for I. U.
Sin cr A Co'a. eelebrated Sawing Maebinea
Not. I, lRAi tf. H. BK1DGI.
n.her' l'a tent Airtight Htlf .
Knilt t allot
IH'TTKK CHOCKd, witb lld,
Al'I'l.K llt TTFR ' I'.UCKS,
AnJ o great many utbfr Ibinga loo numarowl U
turnliuD, In b bad al
Coiner c t C'hrrrr and Third Straeta,
U.r.AKr ILU, PA. aagl
3Tew Cabinet!
PA NY ofirr for pale Town Ik-la ia tbt br
imijii of Opceola, Ctrarlield count?. I'a., and alpw
k'i to auit orrhapera o-iipide the limita of aai
O'.ronrn. lUtn-oia ia aitnutfii to (be Jloahannoa
('nik, in the rirticat fiortion of the roiuty ef
ClentfiKld. on the line of the Tyrone A Clearfield
It.-.ilrnr. i, where the !irhnmn and Uvarertcn
bran'h road interpret. It ia alpo in tbe heart of
the Mo-!itir,fin rual l:ipin, and larjta bodiea vf
white pine, hcnilrk, ouk, and other tiniher rnr
roui.d it Out i f it;t l;ir at lumliT n anaftxitar
inp aM..I.!tfl.u;c;.ts tn tlie 6tate ia IcrattJ in tht
t er.. wlilc thvre nre tnnny other lumher acd
ihiii.'lo ii i;i atmt.d it.' Tin Kan it but a cs
ycatp old. mid t'onttina a popalalion of ont tb
t-at i iiihii!.i:iii.t4,
fr Fur futihT information at lit olet
ol i'uc jiHv c-irruiiT,
8t1 i SLiicrtnirndent.
Eoynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw.
For aalt lj
eetlt.rfl J. F. HICLIR A C.
TKW Tl miKpj
llai.ufarturar ef
Tinr Coprer and Shoot -Iron Ware
Roofing, Spouting and job work done oa
Shop an Market St., neatly oppotitt ifat Jail,
l.uttirrsbnrfc. Pa
'Mi E mWrihcr olferp hit eervleet te tbe pnhHt
I in the eap;inir of Semener nd Soreeyer.
tlic ninattijr ni aralla, ueett' ann nmf hfai inatre-
mcnlp of wrihpg, triernted without delay, atd
warranttd lo he correct or no charge, el
Claim and Collection Office,
OSCEOLA, flearfield Co., Pa.
f eConreyancing and all legal paper dranr
aiib accuracy and d.ppalrh. Ltiafta on and -pf
ti'-kita to and Iron any point ia Koroma
priM-ured. ael'?! 6n
S. J. 1IAVKS, CnrwenaTilH, Pa.
VM I.I The vuWriWr offert the beea
ami lot in which the rt-mdea in the lioroiigb
oi tlonitii-ld. ft.r aale. Ilia aituatnl en Market
I Phoot, in an liit.le location for either a pinaie
tor lnitiiicip tmrfMiara ia a ootner
lot and worthy tbe attention ot Iboac wanting t
in "i m low n proprrlT, aim one ao'are lnm iae
Court lloaae. For pnc.. niqtiirr on Ihe peewit.
.Mrt MAItY I'M l. V1KKH AfT. or
Bug.' I JH I.. tXTTI.K, AttT at l-a.
TOU? M1 irKotiewiahera-
I J hy givi n
that Letter Teplamenlarv bating
n vrapiM in Ihe on ihe Kplale of
II.lMtl-TM S M K I,, deed, lale of Uradford
lonlip. I'lcarBcId eonnty. Pennsylvania, U
pci-otiP tn'M'iid lu Mil i,tate are reqiiralrd ta
mnke itnoi dinie pivment. and Ihopn bf-'r
elui.o' air'iiiiM the PMna will iirearnt I hem da ty
auinenucaiei lor aeMicmcnT,
KI.1.1S SMKAU Etorwtar.
OctoVer ll. lro 6ip,i.
IOH M I". -While, fine, Paint. Ida
J fr I. Ti-Tceiint. Vamtabea ef all kiada,
C-Jnre In il and I'rr aint. Vamih pmhea.
maia iURTYi'K A lltWIN.
H I.MpcieetT, Uviisb i'
i'l liaibn. l!akr- Cool
I lr Oil, .l.Tna'a aoit ATr'Nt.iliPia.a f aT.r
kinH. r.raala l,r HOtrSWICK AIRUIM.
rpraon ana1 abOnmlnal lurruflar, of arary
P k,ad of ,h, 1.., l,, for ..1.
W 1'n.j Momf HA.HMWKY I iHYW.