Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 23, 1870, Image 1

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1 ' !,
i ti;;.
I.!H:t! !i:i.H UFPI fil HW."
jf 1 in till H I' l I VII.
I l.i.c"t circulation of anj Nuvvs
; piper in North Central
: ronnr,ylva!iia.
'? Tenns of Subscription.
r, J in lrn-. or within 3 in.nllil....M OO
i I after 3 and before C ninntlia S &
ji 1 after tlto rxjiimrion of ft wnntlii... 3 M
J Rates of Advcrtisiu.
WMiuit adiortieeruruUi, p-r mpiare of 10 linn or
.,.,.. il timei or leea ti i"
r.,r each lilbicqiient Iniertion
4,;V,.:rali,ra' an 1 Kxeuutora' uolicea.
S id
!;l"ri' notice... . &i
iju i nn and Ktrnj 1
iiululioa notieea I 00
(,,fci,ii,iial C.rda, 1 year 5 DO uolicel, per line 10
1 00
15 00
20 00
i column $.13 00
column 45 00
1 column 80 00
fii'le quire..
Job Work.
i0 ! 6 o,'iirci,pr,o,nire,tl 75
iuirw. pr. quim, 2 00 ( Over A, per quiro, 1 60
J iha, lior lM,t2 00 tb4, or lM, 00
i'juoI, .' j or !. .1 00 1 iliout,2. or lcii.10 00
U'tr 2 of ecb of above wl proporliounle rain.
I UEO. 11. (iiKllli.AMiKIl,
K lilnr n,l I'roprlolor.
Clcarnilil, la.
tJLrjrt bTminpil of all hlTi'ta attrn.lril to
with pryni'IU". ami OJi-lity. Ullioe in refi'lrnpe
of William A. Wallaen. janl2:T0
Clcarflt'ld, Pa.
.8.0Slto in lha Conrt llouia. JecS ly
H. W. GMITH, "
I'lraifleM, I'a.
V1I.I.UM A. Wll.1.14
i. BLAKK WjlLT!tS-
UutU Ktt A grot! tnj ConTcyaiiecrt,
flearfirltl. peimR.
TB.Rfal Uitut bou rlit mni fU, ri.tto-
lnJt coiiTvanc'ei fn-fiarvti. tn4' pMi.l, And tnrti
r Mi aM la Won, Oiije in m-'W buildntc. Bcrlv
pptit I'otirt Uu.ifs. j inl,7U
ClcarUold. Pa.
trOffija la tha Court'IIouta. fjvll.'C"
J gThn HT F U L F OR d7
C'lmrfii'lfl, Pa.
0 Set on Mtrkbl St, o'er llr.rt?w!ck A Irwin'
Dm it Htore.
Prompt KttentiuQ irtn to tTi Rprartnf
f B-.unty, Claim. Ac, nd to til Ivgal builnvM.
March IHftT lr.
.Vallare'.on, Clfarlicld tountv, Prtm'a.
a-All legal buiinm promptly attrli'Kfl to.
OflcaD Scood .St., Claarerld, Pa. nir'
JOHN I 17." cuttle7 !
And Teal I'tato Aent. C lcarnld , Pn,
Oflir na TWlrd itret, bet. Chrr.t A Wnlnnt.
r-IUnpectfully offi ra tvrvirrii In roUin(t
and bujinc UmU in CMarSoI'l and Jjininft
tounttis ; and with aa eiperirnre of irir tweoty
yrg u a ftirviyor, fl altera hituieir tHut hi rto
reodttr catiffaetian. ffb2S.'fi:i if
VV m7"m7 McC ULLO UGH,
( Irarflrlrl. Pa.
02ea OB Market trel one door ea't of the Clear
trnld Count Hank. (marl, HI
J bn II. Orla. C. T. Alrtand r.
A 11 ol' N KYS AV LA II'.
Itollrl.ialr, Pa. .rpUnS-e
D rT w . a . mean s , "
MTiiKriHiaRii, i'A.
Will at-nd profnsionil mllr p.'.iiu,llr. aii'.'lo'TO
D R. A IT H O R N ,
HAVIXil It.-jitH tit Kvl.rtn.tti, rrfiM r
Pa., offcrii Inn pr'p(tfKimiiil rrvtcf t'i Ihr
e.ifi uf the pumiuiTiirff rounl rv. t1, t. L"J,'Cl-jr
Having rcmoTi-l to Anfmvilli-, Pa., oITpdi til
amifnmitiAl per vie to the pfi.'e f tli:if plinr
an th Rurroubing couiitrv. All rnll pr-impflT
Uctnlcd to. I'C. ;i 'tut m..
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
HAVI luratcd t I'cnt.n'.!, Pa., ft(T'r 1m
.rftcMMiml tv ;ccn to tiif jit-.j le of tint
pt -c nii't njrrouii'l.iij wmlry. All -mi! pr tnjif lr
tfpf)'f'l tt. wl. -t il". '
P II Y S 1 U I A X & 8 V p G K O X ,
HAVIN! I. rntfd nt Owl, Pa., cilTrrn
proffir'woitl fftlfn to lilt ppole of that
)tla nd turrouodinK eountrr.
V4b.AU calltt (ruiptlj mtrnlrd to. 0 tT.e.
and r;tlfncu Curho t, (otmcrl itcruj-ud
hj Dr. Klioc, tnj 'J lj
J.atn Surron f the H:'J lloff m-ni. Pontic vlvtr.ia
.'luft':flrii, hAvinf rrUiriifd fruia tlie Armr,
.(Tti tiia prilVu,i. icrticei to u citinn
f (Mrf,(.ld e mBtjr.
T-Pr-f 'ilfnil rail f romptly iltf n ld to.
!Bjo on 8 cob J atratt, furutrl ocupid by
lr. Wuula. (tpr4, rtfi tf
Sec -Hi Slrcpt. (Mfarf.fl.1, P.
,i.U.avinp yaTHtanonf y litrfttrd, h n't nft rt
f i ni. n-witijitl fir rv -t d ihr nl ti m I'l-ntTiHd
mnA tifiaiiy, and tha uUlie g' tifrnllv. All rlln
pruiuplly aitcndr l to. ot lt y
fi B. READ, M, D.,
K)lcrluHit, Pa
TtaipfctfoUr nffor hit (rriei to tbe Ulinf of
tha urronJtft eonntry. ai'TTt rttn p i
House and S:gn Painter and Paper
Hanger,, Piiitia.
Vn. -ill cMiitr )A, 'in bii Im? prmupMT nd
la a wrkmanhk aiutmrr. a ri.07
dental' partnership.
Db. a. JI. II ills,
JTTTf .JpmrtM to inform hi ptirn. and lb
patiiic (i-nrtllr.t at h haaaaaneUied with hi
la tba praoticaof lat'try.
fci. V. .SIIAW, I. 1. S,
l l.llt radaala f Iba FSilaih I bia Dental
Collea-o, and Ibereforo hai Ibe hn;he.t atle.ia.
tif.a. nl pritfl..ional ekilt. AH work dona in
the afltee 1 will hol4 latiMtlf per.nnall.T reiponii
ble fr dn. tn, ,,, ni,(.irt nina
.r and bi(ht enter ef the prolea.ien.
An e.labll.heit nraeti,,, nf yenri tn
tbla plaee enahlee Be te apeak im ny ralienle
Hh en, It lenee.
Kicr menu frora a dlilnnee ,bonl4 be made
hf leuer fa i(.t. h,furi ,1,. ,,,!,, de.ljai
",r'l' . , , laa. 5, ):t 1;.
GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor.
."Sliop nn Hoeil rilrii't, ncrr IVitiinvliaiiia
Knilruad depot. nm ls,'70:tf.
M-.An ci.EAitnni.n, pi:nx-a.
,T(V' Piuiiia alwn.v. nn lian.1 ami made to order
on .li.irl notice. l'lp.'S bored on renii:il,le ti rtui
All work nnrrntlH',1 lo render nul i.'fil.'lion, and
deliieied If.lesireil. raj lypd
Julii) of the PatMf Survryor and Conveyancer.
I.titlirrfrbu.-g', Pa.
All bui-ham intrii.Mcil to him will br promptly
ntt! tided to. IVnuuin witiinjf to cm-lT -ur
vt-vor will do well to give him ft rnll, iin b ftsitti-rf
Ilium II that hr enn n ndrr nulisluftifin. lr il) of
ponvryaH'4. aitu li-a of afcrucuu'iit, and all b ir.ii
psiprri", promptly and nently i xri.Ud. inrir.'tuvp
i5 2i r 1. 1: a ii p i n 1. 1, p a. if
cTTarles so h afe r,
i. a g k n i! k k n ii i: w u it ,
Clrarlii'ld. Pa.
nAVlXd rinled Mr. Kulret' Ilrewiry he
bnpe. by alriel nlli-iilii.n lo bi.ine.. anil
Ine uiaiiul'ielnrc of a iMipeeiur arli -le rf HKKH
tn reet'ive Ibe patronage of all tlie old and n'.enr
new cuituuiera. Au. 2j, tf.
ri'Min undtTFiirnrd otl'-m hid pcrvicrf a a Pur
J veyor, nd ntiij hr liuii(l nt hit" ft'nidcnrr, iti
huwreiiff t.wnlHp. Li-tirm will reneb biui di
rent-Mi to rknrftuM. Pa.
J . K . B OT T O R F 1 S
r ii o t o (j k a r ii c; a l l e ji y ,
Market Ptrt-pt, C'lt-nrflold, Pi.
VKUATIVK.S luftln in cloudy, at wt!l n in
J. cN ur wcRttnT. suit r 'ti Innid pood
ii-mirtwcnt nf KHAVKM, hii; I! KO.t Ul'hS an I
SI KUiiOhCoplC VIKWS. Fiunue. frt'in any
lylr ot troul lii'fj, inadu to ord'-r. aprl'-ll
lir.'M.KK tn
Alio. eteniive monufiielurer and dealer in Pquare
Timber and Quired l.tniilK-r of nil kinds.
Jf-ff-Orkn aulicited and all tilla pren p'l)
Ailed. lj'"-l'
Miniifneturer. A extenrive in
Savred Lumber, Square Timber, 4c,
WtlOlJLANli, P E N N ' A.
SpOrden aolioiled. llilli filled on abort notice
and reai.onnl,lc term..
Addrraa Woodland P. 0., Cl.aifl. ld Co.. Pa.
je2i.y W Al.lUiHT A IllUia.
I'riiicbvllU', I Uai O.ld I'ounty, Pa.
Kiepa oonntmilly on hand a full iMfortnient of
llry IIoikIi., Hardware, llroeerle.. and evertbinit
nsiinllT kept In a retail rtorr, vihirb will bo lold,
tor eaih, a ebenp nf elsewhere in Ibe county.
Krenehvillc, June 37, IH.i? It.
11 E I! C il A N T S ,
raALRna la
D17 GoccIe, ClotLirg, Hardware,
Cuilt-ry, Qui crriiT, nrocirio. r ri v I ! d a ard
tbti glr,
Itarlii-ld. Pciin'a.
jFfht tbf ir new utor room, on Prennd ttriet,
nar II. K. HiRlcr a lUrdwaro etr: ianU
HAarrAirn r.r.a
II. II. r-'lltl.I.lXOlOr.Il, riciduit,
Ofliee F..n-.l l'lnoc. ffo. 125 ?. 4'b t l'hll'a.
J.'IIN l.AW.-lir, iiperintenileiit.
Je'i:7) Milla, lenrtii l.i eonnlT. I'a.
Practical Watch Maker,
Ojip'.citc ti c C urt ll"uni
ti;roM jiTiir:;T, ri.KAiu iKi.i. ta.
Ail Linda of Watoh, Tlorli and Jt wdry
prum;. My n piind, and Muik wnrrnitttd to kii.
HRliiMriton. (iiai2.Ju
Justice of the I'"nce i.nd I. i ctm- d Con veynrnMT,
I.uJhprvburj; Ch-arfkM to.. Pa.
.rr-Collfclioii" A rfini'lanrfi prompt!) mtidr,
ati'l all biiida of h'l iii!ruiin.iit evt-ii'c nn
phorl n.'li p. iiiyt,7"tf
j. noi.i.owiitnii it. ruvm ahi t
Klank Edoli Mmuifacturrrs,
2IS Market St., I'liilartrtt,ftln.
fcLPaner ri.-iir H,i"ba and Hr. l'K.!.".-p.
I.ellir, .Note, Mrn,it', Curlnln put .ill
l':..rra. 1.12 I, To l.i pd
. 4vliii,
nnd are the new MAI:Pt.i; WollKS, '
J OS JLirli t llri'd, ii pr.ile Ibe Jail. !
ito.M m!::.t.j,
MILNCII t OT'll!!:s',
TAl'.I.l; Tol'si. MANTI.Ks).
(JAUllb.N fiTATfAHV,
tki:iia it tta v .m;i;,
of new and beantirul di.'iji.a.
All f erltieh aill be .old al city priec. nr 2-'i per
cent, b ra tl:nn any olbr e.a!,li.liment In tin.
eoiiLly. sli.f;ieli,in guniniili-d in all enri.e.
Order. IbaiikrullT reo, Ucd and promptlr tiled
in the best ikman-like tnnnn.r.
P. A. fiinsON. K. IV 4TVS, Ax'i,t- tii j 1 1 . lj
'IHR un.Ier.iirned take, line niHbod of inform.
I 1 in. Ibe rioiena of Hie we.leen end of tb
j e..m,lv ihal lie ba. opened a JHarl.le ard, t'-r Hie
j mannfaeiure cf
I! Tinntistiiiif a, Monninrul.
Iliad and I'oot Moaea,
rVr.. Ac.
I I empb.y n'.ee bnl ihe W. workmen, and o.e tba
I lie.rninleiml. .Ml ool-r. if i'll,il I V filled and Hi. ;
Woik wairanled. A Idee., ail leu..,-.
I.AMKI. ilooM.AMirn.
LoO-.r.U-f, iie4ibr . is7,
vi:rXR-MiAY siui;MMi. Mivii 2.1. iro.
v juus o.
Tlif barp tif Xoliin ndvonf s'rnng
ll.ifi nv r ceiiii d to pl:iyi
Tii "ij; I lie nl.iu nl iiioiuitif fUiijf .
Hue n.'vt r Jit-d awuy. ,
And prnyrr in mado nnd praier la gHn,
Ity all tinny nmr and larj
Tin- OA-can Kmki-tri up to b av-ti
And mirror rvury aljr.
It wnven are knr!inix on tlie ntrand,
An bend' Ibe liuuian knc',
Tlii'ir wind' luokfi iMiwirijr to Ibe sand,
'j'lif pntHlliood ol the svu !
I'hr pour their flittoring trouturta furlli,
T h it (tit'lit o pcrln lin y lirinp;
Ami till the lifU cm? Lillcnf lartli
Tnkc up I he flung they nintf.
Tb griM-n rarlli wnili' lu-r ineriwe up
From mttnv a tiiom-tikiti iirin.';
From loldtd bill nnd itcwv rtip
Hbr pours ber iwri d atuc
Tlif uiiFtn al.o- tlie morninc; rilU
Iti ii iit- a in ji of pi r. vcr ;
Tin' purlinus ol" Hip billa
Arc (urtctV jiorplt air.
Tlit with livumc of pralff ere luuI,
Or luH n lib lound of pain ;
Tbo thunder trpati f Hie cloii-l,
Tbc droj'pin tram of ram.
Villi (hooping bead and Itjaiivlic cruise i!,
1 br tuiliLl ltirct gritvt n,
Or ppi-aki vith toiKum of l''.uU'Coit
J-iiui all iU cui.Ut Kavca.
Tb hint' r-y in lb ttrrj lr nr-'h,
1 tt triiiip jil i-nrlli nnd nir.
Tin- mtric iit'itf ptrtrrv inari-li
Thf eboriM of a pniycr.
So Niitiirr ktnpa tbc n vi'rrtit frame
Willi which lu-r yare ln,';in,
Ami u!l b r an I voiiw r fimino
'flu- prnyi i!i lu art ttf uiati.
: Universal .. Peace Union cf America,
Wc lmvo roccivi'il from tlie nflicrm
if (liu "Univiifiil lV'iico Unititi tl
Anuriin," tlio fullnwin "Appenl fur
I'CUI'I'," Willi U t-pll'ial IV(IH'nl to pllll-
lit-h llio Kiiins. Tlio "iipjicnl" h iiinKt
tititliful iiiiH oppoittine, 11111J wo nrc
rit;lit glinl tlitit tlio Pi'nco tulvot iilcs
have cpt iiftl tlii ir inoutli". A Deal, or
Honiclliing else liml loon placed upon
thorn for a lonir time. Uuo of the
most w'itkrj ntnl ciuisoli'ns tivil wiim
rittil for 4 ji'iitu around the very
lirarlliNtoiius of tliosv i'!f eatnc odiccrs
of lliln l'taro csliililihlinii'iil, J ct thry
never opont'd lliuir mtiutlm, or, iftliey
did, lliey faili'J lo "Find out their
"nppettl." Wc are pleitLiI to learn
that Iheir charity ixtendti lityond the
liortlerH cf their n 11 country, if they
were ft lit lie quiet durintf ' tlio pnliny
d:iy of Duller, J-'heridaii, etc. How
ever, Letter lalo than never.
Sui li quotation, us, "Tliouam!fi of
heaits tiro flgonj;;" "Moved Ly ym
palliy nnd love fur nil j" ' Let the op
prosed I'D five;" Let the people
choose their own povenitncii',."," and
many oilier portions of thin nddix'x
are grand nnd nohle utterance.. I!nt
why wore they not used at homo when
n similar catiMeless war was its j d Ly
Lincoln A: Co; nnd why do they not
today, call upon (irant & Co., lo
the Southern Statea? hy he alarm
ed tiliout tho fate of I'urope, while n
eiimi l:ir demon treada tlie soil vl'Auier
iea ? Why he ulat rued at tlio ilesli uc
tion of your neigh Lur's hoiiiOi-lcad
mile nway, when your own limine
is 011 fire? Chiirily can Lo projiei ly
expended lit home, hut whoio jieoplo
uro Lrim full of the jirlielu, il i light
lo use tome of il ahroad. l!ul to the
aiK'i eei.i :
''Iinliir.'rencf is linpossilih'. The
inagnitiiilo of ll.o inli'ir-lt involved
in the ptosint war in liumpo the
most ctiiti leis of till wars, ai rents our
'riiiiii:in l- of Learla nrc in n:'nny.
What Voire can Im hraiil? What
appeal w ill I 0 heeded
Ye:iknc- mni pride, and want of
moral courage, have hroiiglit Millerini'''
crying uhunl fur repentance and relief.
I'ot ouiKrlven, we li el our own want nf
strength. Can no reach 11 single car,
or Leal n uouuileil livili.ulion nnd
Cln i-l in 11 i ly ?
Three thousand 111 lies cannot cincid
our ohliyaiions. Moved l y s) inpntliy
mill love lor nil, irrespective of ge.o.
graphical limits, or nui'MionH of ag-
Igiessiuii ur defence, of reproach or
jiisiilicaliun, we simply, hut ardently,
appeal to those in po er, to a common
Immunity, to prolesor of religion
ii respcci c of iianie, to wiso slaleH-
matiship, to apply ttiat law which is
unileratooil Ly every conscience "I'o
11 11 1 0 O', hers II s you WO II Id llllVO llicm
do mill) you.
Tho speclutle of popiiliuia ami aplen
did cities in n stale of siege, and the
cries of distressed thousands, fill us
with iitiguish. The labor of years
nnd the magnificent works of art,
undergoing lulliKss deslt aelioti, in
lime iniir (c icplaced ; lull there nrc
human heinef, w hrie groans nrc not
heard, now sinning and exposed, in
itlijict aufloring (or tho common ih
ee.isaries of life, f hut tip ill Tal is anil
olhei lilies, m il they demand i 111 1110
ijinl relief.
ll ftj'prttl lo Viss.i, in tho fln-h
of w hat the win Id ( all. victory, a na
tion professing Christianity, to prae
tire now the oil repented imd cltiin h
lauded injuiii lion "II tliiue enemy
hunger. Led him ; if ho thirst, give
linn ill ink ;" nnd r jecl a cu-linn so
motiKlrottsly inconsistent, to Harve
out the enemy bud cut on his Hipply
of wuitr.
Wo nro nciiher uiiniimlfiil of llm
manner in which you huvo liecn
ns'iiiled, nor without compieheiision
id t ll 0 (lilticullic Surrounding yiuir
liiu m n rt-L; in n..l I.. I in f, r .... ...n
,,,!.... . I . " .! '
i""(l ai" "ol "dung lo suppose llial he
I nnd your w hole country do not desire
avi!Kti!avrarjaracjrriaiKoK .rrjtw in
Innniriym.iti.'mt.rtj iiniwop i-vfuiiylForJeEua' Sr.lo, PleaKO Ho'p us 1 1
i.....f.... i.a ....:.'.. 1 .t - r.11.. ' ,
"n'.'ivi iim-i.iiiii .villi inn liiiii-ii,
I llipy tii'u your lirntheri imti";liio ynnr
jaitiiutitin rrvciwii ncolinle w illi
lorcry rcprrHi'iitntivo Imvinir nny ifit-
hiiiihIiIo unf iioi-ily, ninl tlnia jirnvc
yr iiiicfj itj for fueling ttiita ti-rriliUt
ilcsliiiclioii. ti (eel itssiit'Oit llint III
linn !iy niiiii-ltiniti. 8 w ill tiflrr lnr
nonoranio ,,iiist mciit. and tl.oso Mire ,,fit ()f Ultl .. r,,h( llMi, ,,.;
giiaraiitccH of peaiu-rriedoin, Kipial , ,,, tl.o citctilur na follows:
itigniM, .Itisine, liiviulaDilily ol 1 1 11
man Life and llrotherly Love will he
oollO can expect to esenpo retri
billion for wrong doing, mni for all
who lako up the suoid, there is
heavy penalty ; nnd nil hough you eje
nct ami receive territorial or revenue
cDiieesMoiiH ninl ooinpeiisnliiuui, voa
cannot CHcape the responsihilily .
II',' an.:tl In ',-,,.. I.. ,.
.., y ., '..
wiiti any foiiinianco ol uuinorn y, (o
accept a situation tho natural conso
i II i"i. lota i.C 11 lie if .in .At,., li, I..
, - 1 .1 .1 11 1 1
certainly on tlio oilier. Had you been
. ;,. . .... ., ..,,1.1 1 1
..,...,.1 ...,,'..,... ,i;.v . el '.'
",','. . . j u.iiiiviiL iiuni youi
iiciu inu 1 lit 11 i 11 ijfi nilfiru JIVt'S
have been cast in l,u,l,le places, and
JJt'ifl tho tlir.iis.indfl w lioro lirrm
who nrc the real sulli'ivm ! The
mothers, tho wives, mid children,
composing imiiv than half of creation,
wl.u do in, I make llio wars, wIiomi
hands uro tied, and whoso MilkTii.e-s
in inilcsci ihable ways, are unheard mi !
iceiii'il. Jio ho I sat rairo tlmt inaee
fill tinny of wot Itingnien, the -crtnid
tiilliirs o n nation s iirostierlv. ' i nk'O -' -"" ai u, inav niu iikuuo-
of all. ev?n if noor. ho have an Kiual
right to life m il all its opporliii.ii ies.
us unv w ho may be in power. Think,
loo, oi laying waste w hat our Heavenly
I'lilher has permilted to trio.v. Yuu
are devout in i our prayers : "(Jivo n
this day our daily bread," mid ufler 'd orjesua suko plenso help liu. J o
rain and niii.sino 'buve done Iheir inar- p'' l'oini'roy, editor and It iend of
velotis work, you burn and destroy ibe sul'ei nig."
whole harvests of bounty, tn.d linn' Willi nil respect to General O. (.
ask for more. ' I lion urd, wo preler to bu excused.
Should our fields cease to yield, nnd
gaunt famine follow such fii iiocrisy
and wanton profligacy, can wo nay
such is not our due '.
Wo npprnl to you, therefore, to do
your pint to imp this horrid work.
Voile tinm I inn it. ii .nl, ti ut. ....I I',,,,.
(banged t ircumstni.ces will not be
Uiiviiiriii (i ii y mo wsh'Iii; mm ly a
frank nckiiowleilmenl. ignoring vuin
ami false pride, be brave enough to
live for your country, and with innnli -
nccs crowned with Christian humility,
throw yourselvea upon the mercy of
your brother man. No ono doubts
your lalor and lovo ol'eontitrv. J)n
not expend recuperative Urciitjth !
Tliero is a nuirago grander Tl,:,!, A surrender for
iiuniaiiil v is a victory fur conscience
and ( ivifizalion. 'i'bero is no dishonor
u hen wu l.iiiinr Cod ai.d tho w orks
ol bia creation !
HV iiiniit I') czcry niilt-n to tiso
kindly inlliieiitrs of intervention for
llio adjustment of dillietilties. ISring
Iho sono ful condition of so large a
mi l ii i n ol Ine hiiniaii family to jour
own dnors and feel "in bonds as bound
with them." lie open to conviction
and learn Hie uni l'iiiig les-iui of the
hour, that standing i.nnies nrc stand-
ing reproaches, making war imminent
and peaee Impossible, and redeem this
blight of the 1 tit Ii century, of our
boastful ion Hint professed
Chi isl ianity by w.i ''.? and v.i
Cvifllt icunl uUiinnnmt i.l.
"Let tlio oppressi d go free !" Let
the people choo-io their Oivu gnvi iii
nienls. I'm not jealous of I, oner or
nl' Inililniir r.ti to f-n.loniM nn.l t'.ienia
' -
merely because liny nro sanctioned
by anli, pin y or nulnoi ity ; ..r it may
bo, uud it II 1 1 Inn 1I I'll ly should be, that
llio experience of the past and iho tor
lures of the present, w id open lo us
bi.'bei' nnd nobler poMiions. bolli in
private and public ntbiim. If there
eiillllOl III' .1 ei'lllVtil lllllV. Il lll'll (llll ll
r..-e l, ,.v !..,!
v.... .--....j.
IIV ,'..-. f.l tilimaukinl to relievo
present siilleiitig. nnd lo adopt m, ,
principles ns shall tend to preclude a
repel iiion fif tbco liorriblo alri.'cili.a
and this mistaken patriotism It can
be ib n in liv out I nor ove nnd ira-on in
the place of bale nnd iirmies J!y
. ..
discouiitetiineli'g inililary tranniigs
titnl o'gaiiizulioiis, and by each one
refusing lo do the war net. or paying
a farthing for war purpo-es. Woman's
iuflueneo is needed ill the cri-is. Let
tho power und wisdom with which
she lends tho child and inakes the
dome our ideal of peace, permeate
govei limenls nn.l revolution) r.o in mies
Silli ly il is lime to iiuiigiirato a in w
system f"r the settlement of interna
tional dillieiill it s, if not to obviate
them altogether. There can be no
kind, iiiiselli.!i mid reciprocal di 'liber
ation while foi'lili'.'ulioi.a flown uilh
en i, and tbo drawn sword is it
baud. J ho "might makes right doo-1
trine must b., transposed to ri'bt
makes might and being 1 igbt
Moruliy 1,'ight there is lictory w ii h-1
out tl.o shedding of a drop of blend,
or tho humiliation or abandonment, of
a singlo principle.
mi Deliall ol ll.o l niversnl l inee
Union of Amer'un."
A t. nn n H. Lovf, rresidenl.
Liureiiii Unit, Anron ,M. 1'owell.
II. N. (I'reeno lluUa, Kliziibeth li
Cbiiee, and olhers- Vice 1'resiih ills.
'I l, o i n. 1 1 i
, 7"'.' '-'""
iiintM-n; .lonainnn l hijipie, 1'iesid lit
;-; ;-v
Ilhodu Jslaiid llriuii h. and oilier.
" ' ""i
ll'ohHIT P. W At.l.tTT,
llostoti, Treasurer.
Ilnxr.v T. Cmi.ii, M. lb,
lnted-riiilailelphia, Oi I. 2d, L 70.
A I'l ItTINKVr (i istiov John Vim
I'i.reii once won u suit at which Ihe
. .,.,' p,i, was so nuen e,,ra"M, ,
I hi. the declared lha I ,1 ho . ver met ;
Inner . John l,o would pilch into
h""- 1 l'n,-f lt',v' r!u1' olhcr,
aim. ouster coiiiiIit. lb' man ..t
otice adilies-el bin) : ".Ir. an lluren,
i. ,.a ...... ... I I - e
' . , , . . "r """ i
vidual po liitainoiis, that y,,i,r aervices
cannot bo obtained J" - ,-ulim,i say," ,
said John, sw allow ing another nysu r,
nnd then, sloojiing ver, ho ns'fed in
an umli riono lhnlcerv body could
U bat have yoj been doing 1 j
. .
1 W'c liiivc, liofiirc n, n !rf nliir mil
11 lollor 1'rmn (). . Ilinvitnl, lli iiiiiilicr
(ii noriil, l'. S. A., mni rtvi,li nl of
: t Im Y. 51 ('. A. Tlin ciriMilav i It i-ii'l t-1 :
"To tlie C'lii.i'itnLle tidtl (lrie.ti:iii l'uti-
Ai-ldii" us to totiliilnilo fur tlio lien-
T.. lie (lr.-o.e'eo. ('n.l.' ,,.
Tl.e .ri,,il,,.ii,,,,,'ii,ii,,,.ei,'v,,l,.!m:,.p:.
le burdened with it. charilable. e..-,i.,l,l, and
(liiimian orl.. In 111 in, u,e, !.!, e,.B, 1,11111, it
are eiKh, th.iue.nd colored per..,,,. 1,,,,,,. ,,ul, ly
pr.'M.ii.i Huh wdionle, elnii'.l,, r. and .,er
o.iiltnel re.lrniiiil,!: inlbiene,.. end but a imi.ll
prn,'iroon aiienn:iir r-iiiio n v -evi,o..i .
i l.e lua of III.' liu. . I 'leelTre. Ill
liei.plu I'll
i I nf I he eul I I . r I' ' l 'In.
e.oi olill l.e relline,
, i.v i.tii.nii.,11. 1u.1r.1l an. I religion, ei.iime. The
I erentini eiinrnefeiii.tie. of a ii.o pei-pici niiiet.r,
b'.neilv. Ii.i.ihl.v. e,,erKv, and lli.l.i.' r, -are rare
I lo lolluM mc!i eiul.iinir and ('liri'.ii'.lii.iiia ii.ihl-
Homing 11.
. .
,.u0, ,
Il La. beeomc iinperativi lv iiee' e.iirv Hint tlie
I In.tioile eli.ntli l.nie a buil'.liuz lor ill ouu cx
r,ivo ur
.i Thetircnlar
iiliiiiics in llii-KHlntiii, ;
llio uims 11 tu (il'jt ( 1h of Uv
oiitrrjn lie, w': ilc hirthrr l.jilit. fin he
ill .1 r n I 11
j had l l"-n,fl" 11,0 folll,tt '"' ll Uor-
holm the neee,.nrT fund, m.iy li' mi.-t for
lln. irriiit n.irk, end tlist tbeeo brt-l Uren. wbo
lime ... m.iny yean., nniv be I'l.euiirii'-e.l
I y nil IIi;iki wil" ioie uur LU-e.,' i Lord.
(I. O. II "- I,
Ilr,,i-li"r 0. Berul. 1'. S. A.. P.'e.l lent V. M. C. A.
IVa-l.ilifo.l, Ii. ('., Seplelliber il. ll'U.
1 1 is suggesleil, ill behalf of our
, Lold nnd tho Island Institute
day, being the d'Ull ol Octolier. 1 1 U .
j I'U set apart us n day for the collection
I"' l""Js 1110 "''Jecl.
"1C "i(io ''' circular is writ-
' 'j1 tmlJ. I,li,iu li:"'J " I''uding
ol this at iielo.
t "'u tiblo ll is rifor.lLil lliiit
oik'O upon n tniio tliero was a leust
given, and many pel i.onu were invit-j
I'd ; but hen eaiuo Iho boat' to kit '.
duwu to the repast, not nil of llioeoj
who received invitations were there
to partake. Ono sent n nolo, saj ing
1 1'1"1 w '"'"X ""'I t'""l,J 1111
tend ; another wns nboul starling on
a journey, and was learlul that ho:
could nut have linio lo pai lube lionn-
1 tifully ol lk liixui ies beloro him, und
make hi coiintcliona by earh ur stngv,
case may have been. Another
individual, of tho Haniel M d'ai land
: btamp. sent exceedingly great regrels,
j nnd uiinnunci d that bo bad married a
wilo and could l.ot think of such a
1 thing- So they then inado excuses
. , a iij u 'in Hr v.
' and went awny.
Wu li:no bear.J of brother Howard
before! Having bend of him before,
we beg to be excused ! We have no
pai lituinr ol ji etioii lo helping u black 1 lively lo roam in seiiteh of a plena
man, but no do earnestly protest I n.r piaco than "our house." I'un
uguinst beieg tiiiiped by a pod augur y .'r.
wilh a handle like Unit wbu h heaiiai m -
ibis urlii le ; c-pcially so when il is! AiiMlXTlnit or liAci-.s. Xoivhcro,
directly in eiidi'iice tba', each dollar j perhaps, say 1'iof.!, is the
of I Iio money thus obtained will be pliymcul and moral dcleti,. ration of
j disti ihuled I
about lho following
fnn.M'.'iit nnd tlrdiulf iilui
II.,,',''"!,! i,d inlii-'.riuda
0. 0. Himard
One p?nny.
NinelT-n'.ne el.
Tot d
ne dollar.
more ble.'sed
.i .... i.. :. .. . I I.....
.,. .-..i.i- i
nves wilh it cerlninly that bis (hum-
, , . '., , ,
lion, is to be w hen be gives to
. , i . ,.
i : I .. I... , I ('. .1... ......
, I'll! H II nil II w no rn ill iiiiiii lou net.-,
iilo: w ho lie lo their .iiiiiiorteis ; h
iiieall iho cause of Ci isliauity ; who
live by pilfering, stratagem, begging,
deceit ; iiilerfereino with rights, hy
pocrisy, double dealing, an I in t:i mi. k
i ..enerallv. we had rather cmnlat u the
example of those w ho sent their ex-j
i.,,.. m.n ll... lim.i ..Cieec-iid oi.,l
I, L.I .1 l ! I
KIIlill1l!Htiliniii,ilCI,ll li.'il'iiliiil.
i HUti to help the otna who might
p0 ( (, ',,,, j ,10 Instiliile,
wc vnuld suggest that they lead, no
'.(.inpaiiied by son nnd prater, the tie
, emnd ol lieiieral Howard's conduct in i
, i.,,;i.i:.,.. u, ei .r n 1 c.e 1 1...
, "H. r-.-nn- ' i " ....'.. ." . ,
, .. . I .mi i... ll' i I
mglon, where ho stole three dollars!
out of every five placed in his band
for building purpose. And wo would
n lviso I lie lit to bo content with ro
(eiving the prayer, the blessing nnd
t'111 good wishes of thousands nnd
I lis of thousands of abolitionists in
New Knglaiiil mid elsewhere, who so tho dear poor, innocent colored
i idividuals of the Soulh, but who lire
ml w
g to give anything lor llicir;.
M)ppnrt ln w ould r. b r Iho (li ar,
lark lambs nl Howard's flock to the
..lies who did even steal from the
Ninth the spoons' which might have
l.een left llieie for tho din keys lo
it :
their hoiniiiy wilh! They lino been
j niveli their freedom, mid Unit is more
than the w bite poop!.., especially thu
,r c,i,ivn of tho North, bnve!
1, t, country n litllo soino
ibitig lo make this d'oiiiilion to the
blacks, and il slrikiR ns that, in n
much us Iho black people leave by law
been placed upon 1111 equal fooling
w ith the w bites as they lire theeq'tal
of the w hiles in nil respects tlml wo
alloiv them to emulate tbo example
of Iheir more unfortunate while broth-
i , . , ,
vren nn.l worn out men -ov. n saltation, ;
,,a ti,,..- ,,. enal. id to f not liter
; by , r ,
i' i'iii.11 Miinoieis mill Mi'.iiinu inn
1 1 ilel ors, ns I he ono
u-ks us for
the sake of Jesus- and in the name nf
the land to contribute to ono of bis
eiilerpi ises ducats, dollars and dime,
which will be invested, not for iho
hem lit of tho blacks, but for clii i(h
meiit of a few very leeuti whites,
And so, piiitis
Oiite that yd
' . n . i i
.no. .'iT ..'.. ,,.,..,
me, and eduenled ,
seo,, ,sw iMihi, ic sci.,1 our regrets, (
but k,sp our moi.ey 1,11 their en:.,,-
nit opporluiidy lo giv it n. chanty
to Iho blacks tl.on.selves or to some ol
t.odapoor. who may be deserving
moro of broad, clothing, and kind
. .1 .1 i ll,
"""" oxpeiisi.e ouiioiiijrs,
wind, will last nfler they halo been
educated tbcti pas imo Iho band of
speculator, who enn sell the same for '
a prolit, putting (he proceed into
their own pockets. 'oilier. b'. J'( "I-
(r"f. I
Midirinn nfnV.nnrfnliif.eo
i ,
, Il is tiiiliinil enonti fur !i lt'
to muili li riii-rly hi iinylliiti"; 11 nil
rvrrylliin tlmt iruiiiiscK rcliff. In
lat l ntir iiimtrtim vcihIi'ih cmilil ntit
to tiny Im tlrivin lln ir I'nnr-in-
1 IiiiiiiIk. ill, I llii-y nut uiiih'inliinil 11
l',,,'"! "M"""!l" if -. A now pi
II 'W 11 l' IL 11 iiiiisl ne II en
: 1 et Imps n ier so many failures, it wil
'. ... , J ' ,.. ,
. . I: . I I -. 1 ..." I I
, iiitiiu uiu niiuiuini! iiaoio i'a. imiiii
I . , ...... ., -. , ,
; W ell, 1 1 11 llillKCa lit 111 OP her J why Wit -
i,-(ojve ? A ml so tin- dollars run in
' ! ' .-'
I'll II llirollgll tllO list of llll 111 IlllgS ' I '
, ioso IlliUltlll sol ves I IICI r oou ICS are
'j (iiilo worn out. Now. I helievo cheer.
lulness is iho licst pill now lienllliy
rm-os, new HccneH nnd 11 good riniring
: I ,1. ,., , -. , l,, ,:..- Wl.ii I
i , . ,. , . ,
not seetiiicoidiinctnallvdrawstrcnrrth
Irom h: mo great chested, sunny,1
beery man, or woman oven, whose j
enl ranee into a room wns liko open-j
ing a window for tho sweet, whole- j
Home, clover Igden wind ? j
'A houseful ol in villi, Is ! If it needs
1 1 mi t it, tuv uir unriui nirivui
under his roof some half do,.,,,, people
must be, let the doctor thereof install
with diesis, w ith lungs, with common
senso which last is llio treneral lie
I (o m pa 1 1 i ii . e 1 1 1 of tho former mid
"throw physic to the dogs." So that
his ptitiei.lM nro cured, why should he
I quarrel with tho simplicity of the
, menus
l)fcoure.UK.y ho do not recngni
the influeiice of llio mind over the
body, will nooh liooh hiicIi a course
j .'r IP) ,,e longer I live, the more 1
I value health nnd cheerfulness. Kor
! pity sake, let mothers, before they
speak Iho filial tilllrinalivc tondauh
I tor's lover see tlmt ho lias belli
1 pri,.,.',., pit,.
. remeniber n human wet blanket
, 1 used to slaro at with round eyes of
it.r, when n child. A gr. tin
sepulchral marked his entrance; a
, jrio:tn liisi sitting down. A groan
,)-t''l the inquiry
.Vvll, isn't it a dreudful dull time
i (u. church T"
"So," nnsrtorcd Urother Hopeful ;
oiIump were I wo nccessions to our
( bureh last Sumhiv."
Well," w iih another irioaii "ten
OIK. u.y j .tli backslide '."
Now what call Imd this mini to be
f :, t l,or of twelve children ? that was
: jt ,jH number. One would think
('ilb such heai-seliko vlewsof life, ho
j wouldn't take that liberal view s of
, die census. Oh, give nio tbo man
tt, ,.0mes into bis house with a free,
joyous s ing ol bis arms, snatches up
j 1 ,;,l,v mid sets it on bis bead and
. ( bis w ilens he I, mils up the rest
j.i.ohi. lo.ii'.iu ' i i'.iii ii'iiniMO
j m nny crowd who bus llit-t sort of n
Im.haiiil. (iod bless him! wherever
, i. :B. v r ,l:,i..iier ol his will
, puie races no clearly show n ns in
I lu'iizil. 1 lie h'. In, I lielwoon tlio In
dian mid tbo nern, called cufur.o, has
iioito of lite delii aey of the mulatto;
his complexion is dark, his hair lung,
wavy mid furling, nnd his thaii.c;er,
instead ol being coiiliiling. mil inilo-
I lent, is di'deribed by Aifassiz ns exhib
nini; u iiuppy eoiiiniiiiiiioii neiwien
tho lo y ( ispiasition fif Iho negro uud
, 1 ,
tlie ei.ero;i'iic, eniliiniig powers ol the
i , . ,
Indian. J he hybrid between the white
, , . ,. . i, i i
und is described us being pallid, elkiii
inai e, f. eble, lar.v nnd lalberohsiii.alo,
tbo Indian iiifliicucoliavingnppareiitly
obliterati d tlio higher characteristics
of the white, without imparling its
own energies lo tl.o olViipring. Moiiec
ahli. exccp'.ions lo this pii turo luiiy
found in llio hull Im els of the
semi civilized (onimiiiiilies ol our
southern Indian.' It i very remark
ti i lu that tho Jndis.ii, crossing with
eiilicril negro or a white, makes o
deeper impress on his progeny than
tho nth
r ........ a mni in iii...iii-.l n.'.i
"nn nn. in, I, in in ur oom-i
. , , . i. ...... i ... i i
rvtsl lliat
ro Indian'
. . 1 . .
vnniiivii-i isiivd in n i esiinii-ii mni inosi -
of tho olber races thrown oir. "Let
" ..... I',.,.l.,....e 1
"w ho doubts. Iho evil of the mixture''
nf races, nnd is inclined, Iiuni a mis
taken philanthropy, tu break down nil
ban iers hi iwccu them, visit Iinizil."
A Wiim.tiiiti, Kissi pox tiik Silt ki:t
iiv . l) Tu. ...I.i .,1.1,1 ..1
, , , ,. . ' J. -, .
us three young billies ol this lJonuigh
(were pa-siiig up 1'iotit dtreet, near
, t he clothing Mm 0 of .Mr. 1'iai k Ll-
iioii, tiny were met py inive negroes
One of tho negroes throw both bis
arms around the neck of one ol the
girls und kissed lu-r. Sho alriiggled
jnd got loose, and the negro mil. Hy
this time the alarm misgiven and tbo
persons in ll.o immediate neighbor
hood began lo run nfler him. 'J ho ex
citement spread ; tho crow d swelled
in size ns the pursuit, continued until
the lh.linond wns thronged with pen
le. Tin licrm Inn iloivii lo l'i-osl le's
, hold, ll, rough the front baibling. back I
, into the dining room, and bis !
1 . . '..i.i. ,
escape oy leaping inroiign n w inuoiv
, - . . .. ... s , ..
, .. .,-,';. , , , r.i j
; ;il(t r TZ IJZ?
been dealt with very sunimai ilv.
Soon tiller Ihe occiirreneo, ft negro
annronl bed ft knot nf n.,,ii',u in f,'nl
ol the Montgomery Hons.., ami asked I
Ihe cause ol llio excitement, lie wa
iiiformeil ,,f w hat hod Inken i
"Well, - said he, "dal darkey ,.,:
111111 neon iniginv niiro up id kiss n
WhrhV-lallru .y-wnt.
m m
TlT l' R Tat To iiinl.o . woman
s,...!,!, give her n l,ub,.,l who comes
, (,.k -m,,n', ,,,,,
T(, lm,k ,!,.,.,.,, ivp
)im , iM scold bio, ev"ery
,;,. i,0 ,,,,,. i 7'n. ...,,
... 'una iinine. i I 71,7' 7,l7'- ;
Jvnu,lt .
.. - . v .
(ien. ). W. Curtis Leo, now pro-
fessor in tho Virginia military insti
I uto, will probably" .nececil hi father
in llio presidency "of Win-hi in-ton col
TERMS- 2 per annum, in Auvaticc.
NEWSE1UES-V01, 11, NO. 10.
ly-ngjawivea,, tj'.8.;vi".rT e-amaj i. ma
I roiu I'oui-niy'a letiio..ral. j I. till 111'. I In liiin.
Wbv Abralani Li;ico!u waa EUed.ji",;vJ i"1;'"' j'1
i.all..r alii. U
To at tne! I he al lent inn of! he North ; give a clmiicc fur a rivpile lo the!
S.iul Ii, .liilill 1 ill, h lVall was sent in
, j lo ( 'aninla lo operate on the lioi.tier,!
as we will show in (lelail next week.
.,. , , ,., a , , p .,
JIis iiulnru niiieb like that ol l.iiolh
, , ,, . . . , . , ,, , .
hol-bloodeil. 'ct cntilloiis. Jl.iOl Ii I rieil
, t 1 - r .1 ... 1 ...
ill ll ISSIIado II I 111 I I'OIII t llO St C ). Ill) t
' vain, hut piomUcI to stand by him if
j ,..,, ,i,ll0 w,(, ,, (:( ,
,, ... 111 , 1.
lea!l should 1)0 II. jeopar, J .
p or yen is previous lo 1 ho nnv-t 01
! 1 1,.,, ,m, ,'s ,,.;., .i ,.,. J,,),,,
Wilks liooih anil bin
had existed
t t
I intimacy. They h"1' drank
j . j
Iioiil liu: T...IIII- i.i j 1 ri.-j.i in iih; i-min
mired t'oi mime gnl spent
j T:. ... 1. .7,. ....'i. . ai...'.
I convivial
lilu'lils together, unit so ran
MlilTI run lili 111 V- nn" tn'.ii iiim 1 nun
like Iamoii nnd I'yihias, they were
more than brothers.
When last nofiur John Wiikes Ilooth
in Chicago, ui a liine during the war,
when he, Arleinus Ward, or Chan
Urowne, and tin) writer hereof, were
in tho refreshment room under .Me
Yieker'n Theatre, :ih cerlain men in
nicago reinemb,.', ho ... hoi, as ;
lnr years, ulinnfi. end ol I l.enll. Ibis;
(riendship began Ion-beforeit never
When the plan to tibdiict Lincoln
nnd hold him in some isolated retreat
in tho South till for bis release all
I o,,,,.,,,.., ,:,, ,. ; vr,i.,. ii
I . , . . 1 - ,l ,,il
. u f i
including poor .Mrs. Sun-all, were
When Heall went ns tho special
agent of Iho Soulh on a li:i;-.;u d'.us
mission tho friend hip of JSootl. went
..-Ob liim
.. , . . . tt ... ...
Al lasi r.eaii wits arresicu. ite was
tried it lid sentenced to 'I'h'ti,
with him looking into (ho Ktcrnnl
Mirror, our chapter begins ila ending.
John Wi.kes llooth rentilvcd lo make
a grand attempt to save the lileol bis
friend Iieall, and I eenoveyed inf H'aiii
lion of his purpoiie to him, with Ihe
wbisjier of hope u pari thereof.
At this time llonlh loved with
strange and tender devotion a daugh
ter of John T. Hale. I'nited Slates
Senator from New Hampshire. Iij
worshipped her us, in his mind, the
best und purest woman he had ever
seen. She admired him but ni t will)
that eternal reaching ulldness of love
his was for her.
For the purpose of our recital we
must diaw aside a curlniii to reveal a
glimpse of u family picture.
Jlooili loved her lor worth, vir
tue, purity nnd gnodiiess. lint he
was n piiiid a guy man of Iho world,
and she feared to trust her hear! and
iKiilinies into bis keeping, though wo
have reason to believe she greatly ml
mired bint. And her fattier, looking
to the happiness of his daughter as he
thought, was not willing the alliance!
liooth desired should be formed. Ililt
for the gilti il genius ho bud a liking
und udiniralinii.
Ono night in Washington, after
It -all v as doomed, John Wilkes liooth
and John I'. Halo culled on ;. W.
.McLean, of Cincinnati, who was then
in Washington. They wanted .McLfnn
to go with them to find Col. John W.
r'oriicy, nnd with him in company,
call upon Lincoln.
M..i ,v-,u ,,... in- ;.,,;,., i ;ii. 1
. ; , ' " j. ""
Lincoln, mm had mine innucnce with
him limn unv other Western l'l'inn-
oral, am) be waa cheek by jowl with Lpthe M, ami giving ,1 a their ;!,,.
orney. .McLean was to vouch for ; j( Ul.a ., ril.ntWK , ,;r0 nll. Mrr-.
I. ootli wilh Hale and 1 orncy In join jt , ,.s j, v;.,,,,,, nltt ,,iserva
in a-ki.igl.xe.itneeleinci.ey for Iieall ,,0 ;,,, K, l!!lK,.a ,.vt. lirtfl. .,
li was pas, ini.inigni w nen in. car-
rinoe colitriiobi.e 1 1 nl.. Jhiol b Me. '
Lean hll Iho Imtel where the hitter
was sloppii g, uud was driven to Fur
ney'b resideni e. I'orni y w ns in bed
11 tut 1' the influence of liquor.
After some little talk n'nd explana
tion, lie arose, bathed bis head in ice
water, made a haly toilet and tool; a
sent in tho carriage.
Tho party wore then driven lo the
White House, reaching tln-re about
'J o'clock in the morning. They were
"omiiieii uisi ine giiaros, aim loiiiui
i ' 'c'l'''' "' l''"01''" '" 100111,1101
I Vet retired
, -
1 1'"" cat. mi explanation of the
oljeet of the VIMt.
rresidenl Lincoln sat by the side of
Senator Hale, nnd listened to the par
lictlinr. Hoot h then and tliero lold
that once he was in u scheme to ab
duct the rresidenl, not to injure him
but lo aid in tho release of cerlain
friends who could not bo exchanged
He lold that nil (hat was of the past,
so far as bo w as concerned.
And I hen he nsknl for the reprieve
of Ileal!, promising on bis honor as 11
man to ever tiller be as good n friend
to Mr. Lincoln 11 n man could bo lo
one who had rendered such a favor
lo warn the President, if it came to
bis know ledge Hint his life was in ilsli-
or and to li,.. himself personally 10 !
sponsible for tho good hebnuor of
Heall ever nfler. i
Il wnsa question of b fo or death. -
wnll wu d nod. No power save ;
tho i'.xocntivecould save him. Hoot h ,
pieaui'i who nil 11. c i.npri ssionm -l.- .
'I'lonee oi ins nature, an. I thousands
"I";1' thousands know what that wns.
.Senator hi lis .'e.l tin' li:il',l,ni .0'
, , , )
lie, a l.nor lo lilinseit ami Ins,
-son, t..e
Iho rvasons ue can give at llm pioper,
l i mo. 1
llonlh told tho I'residei t of their:
c-tablis'ii d fi icmlsliip ol hi love
,,,r "", ,,r,,v". H'lveiitiirou spint-ol
lo love for I ho young man who was
I"H K lor In pmple m Ibe Nmlli ju-l
what a patriot in llio .vntii w nui.i , , , j,r,,, '., 1 ii,ien'gi.iitn nii'bt
have done tor the cause nnd ibe people : ,vo t:.nj;Iil, that n king i,. after nil,
dear lo him. l,u t an expensive snpei niimerary, tins
Pre-iilent Lincoln was greatly ; young Prince, w , js ,,t If .benzol
movsl, even to lears, and gave to jom, ami against whom, even it Im
iloolli hi word ol honor a mini, ; were, the ex Pmpeior of the French
Unit Heall should be pardoned. j is in nn im, to pioiest, inav .
o-1 ... i i . i i . i i
j inn lucre wns j..- .inn oi. .., its
in I Im I room, llooi h Kisseii the hand
llooi Ii bisei the hand
.... .
.ol llio rresuiein, nnd IhanUe.l turn
w it ll tenrlul ey. and clinked Voice, !
even id i er hi" friend,- had I aken t heir
hats tn leave tho presence of the ( hicf i
Magistrate of the cation, who had
1 promisid. and w hose promise was by
Hoolli relie l tjwin.
lil'l .1 -H 1 t I. U', .Ml , ' I"'' ' ,l ill
v ifc I 1. l. . t I " I'll I lent it'll I ,,l
' i i'i I i n "I I 'I I J mi , i,
i , in I I ! i- ii ",i. Mi ll in ,1 See.
1 1 Iml "I ,' l k I '. I" ' lii-l 1,11
. ii i, m 1 , 1 1 it i.. I: - I -ii, i it
. I I. "I '!" il,1 I i .in . .1', v in
i '., ;. .i. i. .mi it-, ,, .''ii, ii, l i In.
i , i iiii .ii ,. IV.. I I" I. i I i ' I Hi"
..i.'i.i i i, i, I - I..- V (ill i"i' -r.'l, I.I'I.mI.
j I . I IK 1 1 1 II flllil I'.i'.lil IIIH'l III' U I'
ll' n il. I n III' 1,11,1 proilli-rd il.
i Seward Said l,c iim-l Iml Im pnr
d ninl, nr tin re would In- Mi'imgc 10-
j And "ii the I'rc iil. it t eukenod,
iuMr.vii t'tr In I'll t ' i ! fti'-.i inn i ti
, l ie.
. ii , ,. . i
I...I 1I..1I I, in
no, I liu' In el hot
1 ic 1 111 iii'ii t'i 1 no
lii- li.'i .inic m hile,
iiis eyes seemed reioly lo t.tirt hoin
I In ir Micliel s, and lie swore by tbo
Kteriial ( oil that tie would kill tlio
man w ho had lied to l iiu, nod llial
bis own right banil, liu 11 rni-ed to
lli avi n, slmiihl iivi'iijji' 1 1 1 0 death of
bis coinrade. .1 if 11.
l!i, olh called to bis eoiinel l ilt a
liuv IVii mis. some of wlmm were in
. . 1.:. ...... .. 1
'. i.i.ii.i.;ii,ii, ' "l ..ii.fiii 1 1 1; im'L.
1 He iiiiiilied the I'lieident lnr bis own
'avenging, and I" olhers was given in
'charge! In Ui I Seward at Ibe sao.u
! hour for iutei Icreuce
As we In lieve. under tho Idifcl ing
I'ower of 111. oilier world. ItiVolh's liimd
I,. 1 il,.. .1 1, ..I 1 '..-..II I!..
was the inarlvr to pi ivale fei'lni:;". tor
' ' 1 '-Jl bun, lu -"'''-'i mil lor
Int'umcd by revenge goinr' liko a
bolt ol wralh to tho I'lesiilent ho
bred llio shot w l.ii h sent uchu idler
echo doM ii the long lane l eael ing to
! the fui uro.
I lie kept bis word he avenged tho
Jdeiilli id his friend, mid a woinlroiiH
; li :.i 1 1..... .. ill, I.,,..
j kw
St. .d lied. There was not
,, ..;,.ltllll,v. i , !. bran . of lb.,.,.
who were deputed tn aid Ibsilh in bis
avenging thai filled I he soul of the ouu
who sell led so terribly in I r ill. llio
And sodied Abraham Lincoln, not
by tlie bund of one who struck in l.e
hall of a iitiliou. but by the baud 'f a
liery, inipeitiotis stiic('-w'-.illviog tctio
liient ot chivalry. Had ho kept bis
word, ho would iml then nnd ll.eru
' , (ulu.r H ,)al ,iis l ,lf.
i . 1
liLlslllvo. What is tliero nioro
in vstorioiis than a blu-h, linit a sin
gle word, or look or thought, should
send tbo inimitable carnation over I ho
cheek liko soft lints of a niniiiii'i' sun
set. Strange is il also that the fiico
only and that Iho human bice is
capable of blushing j thai the baud or
foot does not turn red from on desty
or shame, any more Ibau does the
sock or glovu that covers tlieiu. Jt is
the. face that bears tbo nugels' im
press; it is the face that is Heaven.
I ho bliiili of modesty that tinled wo.
man's face when she first uwoko in
Kdeli's sunny hind, und still lingers
with her pure daughters. They caught
it from iho rose, lor all ibe nccs find,
were , hile; but when I've plucked
one of the buds, rei ing ln r ow n lair
fiiec, more t'.ir than (low ers, blushed,
and east its reflex on her eleet
(beck. The face is iho tabl.t of tho
soul, whereon it writes iis aetinns.
There limy be I race I all llio intellec
tual phenomena, wit!i a confidence
amounting lo a moral certainly. If
innocence und purity b"'k outward
Irom w itliin. none the Ics do vice, in
, temperance, and didniuchery make
! iheir indelible impressions upon it.
Idiocy, rage, cowardice, pa.sioii, all
lenvo their traces deeper won iiuni
the virtues of inidu-ty, truth, c halit y
und hope. Kvon brainy itself will
I grow more beautiful from the puio
thoughts that 1111-0 wiibin it.
Sions AM) WnM'tiis. Nature's
machinery docs not work with llial
u 1 1 1 im-1 ii
egulaiili' its hereto!. .ro As
1 1 i'i uoiiic rs uro much exercised by tho
! Ullli.lei t'.ll .'I'.ilieiil'M lu-es nil t . . s.ll'f:!!'..
(;-H,Veni , :,s liko Ibis of s
darken it. Auroras 11 re un-ually
abiiiuliiut, are no longer cid'n ed lo
the liiililiern bin 17.011. .Meteor of
great brilliancy urn fiequenily noon
flying lliio' the air nnd illuminating
liie heavens. Slot ins of great violence
at sea and destructive floor! on lha
land a iv o! common oi currcnce, and
recently, Mother Kurih lias been
sunken front centre lo cireiniifrrcnro.
Solid ol the 11, ore iipi'rt'li"ii think
that these digressions of nature uro
, the forerunner of n terrible lalastro
j phe, bat those who have given llm
; phenomena sy-temal ic iilicnluin tell
us to possess our souls 111 patience, ns
a nioie iigree.ibli-stale ol nll.iirs will
soon ho inaugurated
Il linoN S( ut.T SoCIM IKS .V ( all
signed by about a h indied clergymen
of ibis State principally Melho lisis,
Presbyterians, I!,i it i;s and I'ongro.
g.ition.ilists has been issued for a
convention to assemble 11 1 Syracuse
on tho loth of Nnvemb r, in lios.
lilily to all seer, t associations. This
is but 11 revival of the o'd aiiti Masonic
agitaiion, nnd we taliier think that
Ihe clergy men who propose In lake
part in il would be ninth belter men
pied in ntlending to (heir s'.iiitiii.l
tulip. If llli'n I'lii.osn I.,
member n tho M isoi.ic or oilier so-
, lrH w-e ,eerecy is n ly
antiquated and hani'ih ss f,u innl.t y,
,ut whose obj.'.t is purely chariial.'lo
s, .0vole'i,l. they ill do so will..
,)1t , ,,, ,.;., , t.illt.r ,,,l,ip
si ii r. 1 11 ill or legal adviser, ll
is a
I(1 ,-), tu. ,si,,ess of ihe ,. :,sUllt,
,, 1ht .,,, ,k) t.,,,.r ntieli lo hia
t . ' . , i
last .) i :o 1 . ; ; if f.
Tlir.Si AM. il Tiikom:. The Span-i-!i
throne, o long l iieant, si ems like
ly soon lo tin. an o. cnp.-ml unobjec
tionable to Ko gland. I'l u-sia ami Italy.
A'l llii-i1 Pollers, ttrciit ding lo tne
late-it teb'gr.-ipliie rep-its, Lave no
qniesiT 1 in the e.'in.lMaey ..f the Ijuko
nl Aosta, .no cf 'ii tor I'm iinn l, .ir
Ihe Spanish crown. Ina-miich us
Spain I.. -is laileii to innfl l.v ll n le....n
I,,,.,,,, ,. ilH lMV (.r iiilididalo
r. ...i t i . i... s) :. i
1 " ' ' ,,,- in,i n . -1 ... i . isii e u
.,!,. ,(. ,.,.. v (,, ,si:,l,lis, ,, le-
,,,1,1,,. ,,,,,1 govern 1 hein-elves
r ... , .-
A vi nog in m w ho gn-atly ml mi red
ibe Icmmi cnlnrid suit wrnlylbo
bidi.'s Inst siimui ee,s ay h lenwisli-
led liimsvlf a leiiiini cqnotier.
!.) nt. w