Tin: ukpuhucan. tear a t x i . , C'LLAliFI F.I.L, I'a. WKMIFHtlAT MliltMMI. M'V B t". I-T0. TIIRI.l: Ol It HU, If the wert I .eeiO' cM to you, hin'tle Arc. to w.na il ! Let lh.tr cniitfmt hi if Irum ew Winter. thl dt'.rrn It. Heart, a. fnm-n a your cm To It-it m Inner (Mlttcr; Too a. II .em fV-rgt'l te mono, "OH, the eiiieilce wonther." 1 T t ' i c nn'M'. a o it'll rn- O" l.utld houo-. in il ! Will il help y-mr ilirlir.C"l On the wiii-l. ti Jin i' Kniv a bul. I.mevi-r :i;;til Wce.l. an I hmniMc. iivithvr And In rimf an I tnc:tl itu'ite rioine i'urb.riirr brjib'r. - If the worl l e ft Tale of Uai r. buttle till minium, .pan a'. Breathe tlie Im-dliat lile cndearl, Clear from clou-l. t.i Ian il. Of your !itim-it lni.l glvaut I'uto ftili tu.t .Liter; . Fb"W llii'iu hue ij.uk sorrve'i ilrra-.il Itloml, witli Impu l lir.'lit rivrr. A Western piper Buys: "Wunicl . tit tiiis ofliee, tin eJilor who can plonse ' every body. Also n foreman who tan o arrango the paper its to allow cv. cry man's atlvciiisemci.t lo head Lite column." A woman went lo a circus in Tee to Haute, InJ., uccoinjianied by elev. cn children, and when n iieigbor ashed whoro lite old man h as, site raid he was at home liskn.Ki-i.ro of tho chil. .Iron A nmr..H .. .... ..il ..I ... .1 ...v.i. aiiviiivi iii-iiii.im CUiiUU III 111 C ' house, and seeing tho old man Irj in , lo aniufco nine young ones, nPUed vhero tho old lady was. He said lie had let her go lo the circus w ith the children. A Cental Joke. And nil Hie more palatable because it is true, and can be vouched for, look place n few Sun day bincc, at oiio of tho Fourth street churches. It teems that a worthy deacon bad been very industrious in telling a new church book,' costing eventy-five cents. At the service in question the minister just before dis missing tho congregation, rose nnd aid, "All yon who have children to bnptir-e will pb'uso present lliem next 'Sabbath." The deacon; who by the way was little deaf, and having nn eye lo selling the bnnks, and supposing bis pastor was referring lo them, im mediately Jumped up and j-houtcd : "And all you who haven't any, can get as many as you want by ca'ains; on mo, at sevenly Crc cents each." Tlttf preacher looked cross eyed at .,tbe brothers, brothers looked at tho clergyman ; lite nudiencc punched the audience in'lhe side, the bubblo grow larger until it burst in a loud gtithiw;' ladies colored up, crimsoned, blushed ! and thanked tho Lord for the low I price of peopling tho earth. There was i.o benediction that morniag worth i-pcaking of. ' ' Tho deucon, ufler bo had futind out Mb mistake, changed his jisw from the front cf tho chunli to the third from 1 tho rear; and thuugh he cannot hear the M'l-tnnn he is timsohd with the 1 thought that tho younj; ladies can't lin ker nt him .V. J. Putrid. General Lee, . Tht nnnounceiiient that General II. E. I.ec has hecn iilnuk down hy parnlysi", and not expected to recover, 'will ho received, even nl thin crises, v illi universal interest, and will every- . . where exc-ite a syiitialhy and regret i which testify to tho dec) imprcsi-ioti tnado on tho world nt larj;c hy his character and achievement. Tew are the rjjeraU who have earned, tincc history le:nn,n greater military rep utation ; sliil fuwer are tho men of .-; .. . .. ... : -......I uniinmc, run lr llltlltarv, ; e-linid i.nM..t...l i:. : i i i . ' " " comparison Willi Lis. 'Jlie Interest enemies of his country hardly dared to whisper u word HgiiitiKt (he charac ter of her most distinguished general, Vhilc neutrals regarded hitn ttilh nn admiration fur It's deeds and a rcsjiecl forhis lofty and nnsellisli nature wh!eh Itlmost grew inlo veneration, and his own countrymen learned lo look nji to hi in Will) as much cnnfulrncn nnil steem as they felt fur Washington, and with an a.Tcclion which tho cold demeanor and nusterer temper of v asliinton could neter insiitx. The deuth of such a man, even al a moment o exciting as the preseitt, w hen nil thoughts are ahuorhed by a nearer and present conflict, would to full as a misfortune by nil who still retain any recollection ol the interest with which they followed tho Virginian cam paigns, and ly thousands who hnve almost forgotten the names of l-'red erickshurg and C haneellorsviile, the Wilderness and Spotty Ivnnia. Truer greatness, loftier nature, a spirit more unselfish, a character purer, more thivalrotis, tho World has randy, if eer, known. Of stnintcss life and tlvep i-oligious feeling, yet free from all taint of cant and fanaticism, and as dear and eonger.iul lo the Cavalier Stuarl as the I'urilan .Slonewnll Jnek son ; unambitious, but ready to sacri fice all al (he call of duly ; devoted to his cause, yet never moved by his feelings beyond the line iircscrilied bv his judgement j never provoked bv jum. resentment to punish wanton cruelly by rept i,ls would have given a character of needles savngi ry to the wnr-bolh XmU, nnd South owo a deep diht ol gnttiiudo to him, and the lime p-,,7 come when both will bo equally proud of him. And well they nitty, for bis character and bis lift) alfored a crunplpte answer to the reproaches commonly casl on money grubbing, meelmnicnl America. A country which has given birth to men like him, and those who followed him, msy look the chivalry of Europe in the face w ithout shsino; for the fath erlands of Sidney and of nyurd never produced a nohlor soldier, gentleman, nd Cbl isti.n titan General. R ,1en I H tS TtninM.it' Ae-itii nt. fill Joaipli M"ttii'ii, tiM'f l ly r"'t iil'ir nl I li o f iifrison II mi to, In llniiliiii;tln, nirt i W illi a It iTihli' ncii'lrtit pt (Iml plm-fl Inn Mmnliiy ivi'iiiiiit lust. He whs nn I tho lnimirr ol' n l'iei((lil car, nl tlio coal wliiirf, liiiiii which he Cell to the Intel., when the train pri'V-d over hi lipht nrm, ('tilling a lut maiiylin it In sricli ari extent that 'imputation wah necessary. His recovery id conbiih ictl doubtful. The Ciiiciiiiiali l'.inilffr denies that a many a twenty thnmtiml volt were cast by iii'.;ioori in Oltio nl t lie lute eleetiun. A tho lindieul tnajuii ty over the IViiiot'nits wn lrtiiitt, thin elimvs thai aniom; tlio white voters of Ohio there, in a litunocratia mitjorily of about six thousand. The Radicals owed their eiieotss entirely to their new newo allies. Tho Dctnncralic majority on tho CongretiMOiKil vote in Indiana is5,t!4S and J et tho Radicals elect tux of the eleven luiiirresriinen. Jf the itate. wan properly districted, tlio litidieals could not elect more than two mem bers of Congress. General Lew. Wallace, a military humbug ami political onipirie, was ter ribly routed nt tho recent election in Indiana, by that true and rrulluni sol dier, General Muhlon I. .Mason, who ' democratic opponent for Con- I 1 ' gross. The darkies of Dayton, Ohio, have serenaded Scheiick. Il is well. The nhilo man who would be caught do ing sut h a thing deserves kicking. .Sulienck lias como as near l oing a nig ger as it is possihlo for a w liifc man to do. A railroad train run into a homo and hugiry near Ilunlitidon tho other night. Tho horso was kilh'd, and tho lugiry wan iii ktd up in jiici-cs next morniiiw. 'J'ho ocetiarit8 of tho Lu gy, two in nuniler, rscuped unhuit. I!ev. Dr. J.anahan, tho afttistant uetit in tho Xcw York AIclhodit liook CoiK-orn has been suspended ly tho Hook Committee of the Methodist Kjiiscopal Ciitirch till tho tliargen aiiitiMt him can Lo investigated. PE.WSYLYAMl HAIL - KOAD. TY HONS A CI.EAItFIKI.O PHAXCII. V ant after M undny, MAY H'Hh, two I aswngcr Irani will run daily (t-xretit Sun- duyi) betweta Tyrone and Clvarhild, t:I,EAKHKLI M III,. 1 toUowr: LEAVE SOt Til. LEAVE XOItTII. rii-arOdd I.IK, p. Tyrone V.DH.a.u. Pliili.burg 3.411, " i IKi-i.olii 10 .1.-.. ' O-ceula 4.( 0. " I Pbilip!mrg...ll.liu, " Tyrone ..4.111,. Cliiiirld 12.1'i.r.w. l.KKPIKI.nAI I-OMMiitl TllN. LEAVE SOt Tit. I LEAVE MiIlTll. f'!airfil. 7.00 A. Tyrone (1.00 !. . 1'l.ihpsliurg... II 4') " ; Iiiti-rmclion ...l.o.H " III til -It It I l 1. u ... lnri-oiian... l.in r. . PiiirpSnrg!...i :ii --- - """'"" l'Alip; AM) HISTAMKS ':l"'i tLEAKKIEI.K.j FHOJI TYRhNB. Station. Ftationa. T.conar.l 2 Woo.lluiid II lliirlrr. 8 Wjl.cton 11 IIItic flail 13 riillii!ui-r..l7 Htelnere' 1H llunt ar ?0 rola 41 Powrlltoa 24 S:l!liH Ri lgi.....'.'fl Sineinit ?7 I'M Ititcrit-rtlnn 4 li 21, Vnnrovno , 7 10 2 fliirdncr S ill .15; Jit. r:caant....tl St A" Siminiit 14 " St Hit Sandy llid(;e...H 40 t: Puweilion. 17 4;, r o (Nrcula Si 5,-, . Ilutiliar 21 fl 7 "' Htcini.r'f vs r,j Hi Plilllp.liurg it to 8S lllne Hull SS HI Vo IVnil.irtton ;:o 9!, Amount V7 Mi. pii.,aM....::ii (.iitrilrn r $i i o ny-r pi .SI I (1(1 Woodland 1j l .S7 I li Leonard SO 1 10 II I 'iO ( learlleld 41 I w Vwinrfitite,, Intrrai't-lion, r.i:K i'i;tM cij;Ai;i'ii;Li),.To I!i-Uef..iitc, Pa i: S.'. M:.I ll.-town , no l.m-k liaven ;0 Marietta. 5 Ml U illiui'l")rl 3 (ill; Lmcanti-r I u ".iiinj.ii.n . en rilll.Alll.l.l-illA 7 Si riuniingiinn . I hi , Pll 1 1. AII!:(. i-cwKlown J I'd' Altm.na I r.i i Marvrville.. 4 &(l,duhnlown I so HAI1III.-.III H... 4 JjI I ll Sill Illl. tit's m:ciio. ri..,e connection! mn.le at Tyrone with traiiii Eat and Wi-ntun the Unin l,inc,aodat M illiamf. port fir puinti Nurlb nnd J!a.t. Parn-e.geri 1.,'iing Cliarlield at 1. 511 p. m reach Williain.p.irt ihe eaine day.and paaaengera leniing William-purt t n ot) a. mM nooh Cltar t'clil at fi Oil p. in. PiiaufcliZvTi fur way utaliune on llie Mnin Line between 'lyruue anil llm rieltiif5. Irare T mne at 3.41 p. m. UKuliUK C. H ll.KINS, vH-lf. tuperiulenj!. (nothing. How lo Miivt ?Iony. Till! tlmei an hard; y. u d like to know How yoi may rave your dollar, j Tbe way lo do it I will ,how, Ifyou will read what fnllowa. , A tnan who lived not far from here, Who worked hard at hi, trade, Dot bad a honeehutd to support That !ojandered all be made. I met him once. Bive he, "My friend, 1 look threed bear and rough ; I've tried to get inyneif a .ait. But can't aava up enough." fire, T, my friend, how much lave yea t I'll tell von where to go T" get a ai'lt Ibal'e round and cheap I To KbUI NSIKIN k Co. He took what Utile ha had .are I, And went to Itetren.teia A Brother,', And there h, got a hand.ome suit, I'or half bi paid to other,. Now he l home, he look, ao well, And Iheir effect I, ench, That when tliey take Iheir dally neat, They don't eat half a, much. And new he Ande an fatnrday night, With all Iheir want, enpplied. That ha baa money ten lo apend, And soma to lay atida. III. good eaeneo, wiih cheerful smile, lie gladly tell, lo all. If you'd rave money, go and buy lour elolhe, at IiEIZKNSTEIS'9 CLOTHING UAI.L. Where Ibe cheap,!, firert and beet Clothlne and good I'urni.hing (lumla eaa be had to rail every la.le and in every i vie enrl 1,'Js QOOk M TO V It'll U LAIl'S C.M.oltlHL', histii i; li ann a, fi 1'Kr.trui. UOV. I-ENN, I'.LOt I.ATnR, Kolll.K cixiK, NATIONAL HAXtlK, Tlill Xl'll, PAHI.olt t'ooKS, ..ri.AHf Kr.VOI.VINO LKIIITS AND 1KH III.E IIEATI'.RB, And ell kind, of Heating Pd.ree fur eale ly II. F. ItlOI.I'.R A CO. JOHN TliOUT.M AN, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., ea.t of the Allegheny II. nee, (l.l '.AKI'lr.l.Ir, P. T KI'KP oa head all kiod.ef Furoiure.ln ewit. I i or i,y i.ir aingic article. II.. 4. . I .1 ... ' ...i.L. ,.r l- , ... ; . . ' i to call aod . ...nine' I, 1 II. ''ITZ) I "'jlowforao.h..re.chan,.H,..,l.ir.r . ,frilil:ltil mid W.UhiHf f hO)t. I. r. mini em. ft. toi no DOYNTON L YOUNG, ri)UM)i:i:s & machinists JriantifftcluTVM of TORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conirr nf Fmnllt ftftinl I'inc yiri-etl, ( l.l: Mil ICI.D, PA. n AVISO eiipijred in tin manufaelure of first cliue MAl'll INKK V, we rHulfully infurui Ihe pnblio that we are now prepared to Oil all rdrvft ae cheaply and a pnintprtya can he done in any of the cllien. We manuftiolure and deal in Jiiutay ana uircuinr Kaw-iliue, Iliad Uliicki, tVotcr Wheels, Shnflinw Pulley.", Uiuord'e Iiijcilor, .Stciim Oaugte, rtuam Wbiatlen, Oilnra T.IL.b I' Illl I'..... n .-l.. t: Coi-k., .Id. V.lv..: Cheek Valve., wroogh.'irun i, : . .. it: .r """ I-. rrii-lloo iiilie-, Imiji Sloue Packinl. Uum Paek. ing, and all liml. of MILL WOKK IosHk r witb Plowr, Sled Bolca, COOKAXD PAIiLOll ,STO MS, onij other CASTIXOS of all lumta, i X a-Ordere aulicitid and filled al city priocr. All letter, ef inquiry witb reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly aujwered, by aildrci. ing ui at Clearfield, IV decto-tf BOVSTOX A YOfXa y;r-:wer,lN0TICE.wS CLEAR T I K L I) PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! ",IIE proprietorircrpoctrullj Infurm tlieeitiicn -I of Clcarflcld inly,lh.t ,l,cy h.v. entirely refitted tl.ii ertabllubmcnt with the lut.-.l improved wood working macliiniry, and are now prepared to eiecuUi oil order! in Ihcir line of lurincM. They will give erperial atlenlion to the manufac ture of material for hnuie Lu:lditig, auch aj FLOORING, WEATHER-DOARjING, SASH, DOOltS, BLINDS, rimckets K .voi -t.ni.raa, OF ALL 8 T Y L E 8, We alnny, have nn Land a large tnck of IH'.Y LI'iMlirn.and will parenrb fr all rkur Lum'oer. One-and a half Inch panel ,ti:ff prefened. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or en-hanged, to auit cuatiiuicra. .Ordi ra tuliclicd, and Lumber furuirhed on ebort notice and on rca.oi.a'-le tenne. li. T.. I!LE A CO. Cloarfii..l. Nor. T. HS7. P. T. I. 'For thy Stomach's Sako and thino other Infirmities." St. Fqu!. DB. 1HHKUN pins WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A eafe, pure, plranant and hr Itb gi ing Toiiic . Ilrirtlv Teaclable. aaa nianuiacturtu irum Ibe roost pure and choice material, la not a rpiril drink nor eub.tltute for wlii-ty, bul a acicntidc compound, fur Ihe protection or the ev.lcm and the cure of dieraac, made from clieuiiciilly pure ptrit, entirely free from fu.il oil or other Irrlt ling proptrliee, and will not disagree or oltend the mint delicate .'oma li. A lorg private cpcri ciice ha. attf-.leil it. Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Blltire at prcernl nlton-d to the public contain, eo mm-b mcilicinal t irtne, and jr-l eo afe and pli aanl lo take. It, u-c il to cure diei-aee. and It will ant create an appi-Otr fur .pirituuu. liq-ior,, b it will cure Ibe elfii-t, of dii.lpalinn. To ini-reaae the Appetite, te'BIT. To promote Dignlion, I SE IT. To eurejiy.p"pia, I .ep; it. To cure l ever and Ague, I'SK IT. To cure llilliouiuir.!, : I'PK IT. To cure rouitipatinn, l .S IT. To cure t'hroaie Diarrliuta, tK IT. To cure Heart-burn, I'r'B IT. To cure Flatulence, t'cK IT. Te cure Aid Enietati si, t PI: IT. To cure Netvou, Debility, 1 SK IT. To cure Il.idiieholidria, I .K IT. Tw cure Sallownrel of C'impli-xinn, I SK IT. j Tii fure Pimplne and I'.luti-liee, I fi K IT. Fur (leneral Pmtralinn of Ilia rtiy.ical powcra, I K IT, and it will cure yoa. Fold ever where, at $1.00 per bollle, Maan. fuctiired exclu.il f ly by A. I. S II A w, Ilmi.l, n.iuRnui.n, pa., Mho fffere liberal inducement, la the trade. (k-.i. 17, 1 -r.ii.tr. EIJWAUI) PKUKS & c6 I'lour 3Iauiir:u-f iirci-st. And IimiVrt in (.IJAIX OF ALL KIX DS, PHILIPFBt'RO, PA. i FI LL SI PPM of I l.Oi n. WIIE1T. ! JV CORN and I HHP n.natenliy an hand, and , in.rkal.Ii low. ib. l lor aale at rate, reinarkald rev il err. wm, itl-i, ....... .. 'J I I ":' " ii.inuii I is, I A L''i".K.r: i M. j iZli ,., I "' i 17 -v- i hi .j iw.'g.rrtw iiT ,i i i .3 0ootti, C.icrrrlt, (fir. ia inn..... iiKiftn.. .. Uinta J.ROH.MIAM&SONS, M llKi:T fTllKKT, CLKA II F I Kl-1, I'a. Dealers in nil kinds of LUMBER, Dry 'Goods, Groceries, dtc. THE uiWriWi hr(fi(t ntril Inlo partner iliip for tht purpoif) of oarrylnff on lb Ituslnrn of MiTrhnJiirR, now nfor a gw ni ram opportunity lo th ritlirni of Clpr flil i4 ndjulnlnft onntlei to lay it ore (oo'li at wholesa.t or retni. prirci, that will tonlth tb unlnitractatl. T)Hr toi.U will lie pMrllou Inrtj everted lo fult tltii nurket. Every Ulj will, therefore, exll (lie iiltenllon of Iiit IinWnd to (hit fuct. boriiiiFe thin lirinch of our tuslnea will rereiv epeeial altentUn, or 4 errrjtbinjr needed In a well regulated bouiohold will at all tloiei be found Id our itore. DRY GOODS: Our ilock of Dll V C(H)I)M ihftll not b. (ur. pawed, iihr in qunlity or price, nnd will em. brnrf, in pnrt, f'rintl nt every llyle, GlnKhaor noil Lftvni of every quality, Mmlii. of every irraile, lie Latnel adnpted lo the Uilel tit the old and young; and every article of any kiod of good, ihoy ell l to be ai rrprctented, and war. ranted to give Batljifustlnn, DRESS GOODS: Al to nitr.SH ;UOIl -we h aplendli) aejorliuent of AHiacae, black, white, and tn eol ort; .rinurcr, Silki. and In abort all the neweet , ljli in Ibe uiarkot. We dciite tlili fuel o I 1""" ' "', ""''' 1 ltn our new and extenelea ahirk of ni!P With our new and cxtentlve Hock of DltESS noons. ..in... . ; r: . " ' nW ,n tni "" ai" d,c" P-''". i ,', "" V,i '' ty doltg that which l I better: give her a well-filled puna, and ihe will Cnd good and paying inveituiai.ta in enbroid erica, edglnga, ribbnoi, glovei, boik-ry, or any other houiehVid occefeaitiui. GENTLEMEN'S WE A II : And in addition to what we bare alrealy enumerated, wa keep all kin Ji of d:TI.IC. MLSi'SI W ICAK auch ei Clolbi. Caulmeret, Satinetla, Ilati, Doota and Sbeea, Ac. beiidee, a ale. .ortmnl of M.d. np I.OTIIISiG ror Men and Boy,, manufactured out of Ihe vary beal material, which wa will sell lor eauk ar exchange for eoontrw prodaea at price, wlicb will aatonLh everybody. SQUARE TIMRER: W are new largely engaged ia kuylng and atlliiig MttUlli: TIMIII.K and manufae. lured LI MBER, and will giro Ihia branch ol bualnesa iperlol attention, and therefore make il an objeot lo every ana who baa Lumber la tell to eoroe and deal with ar. GROCERIES k HARDWARE : V t tkali alo keep aonptantlj on Land a fPSinatrial Mnrlinaal r.T : 11 I 1 a" I I I I AIMV KW Vlcb , .'. ' . mgly low price!. tVa alio keep a rull at,or. Kent of UI I.ENStV AHI TUi department will be kept full aad complete, and all whu contemplate booieker plug, will tnd II to their adrantage to come and trade with aej bcrauie we are ao aituated, and, from long cipcrleaca iu the builne.j, to well acquainted aitb Iba wanta and neceesitiea of tbU aommuoity, Ibat we feel aliased II every man woia.a and child only makei It a pilot to buy tbelr g mdi from a,, we can pleart theia totb ai to ipoliry and price. Therefore, romft along and toy your E00T3 KIIOK. 1IAT3 k CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTIII.Ncl.and everytliiog yoo seed to rea der yourielve, and fauiili.! comfortable, from jAMr.s n. cn.vnAM & sons, oct CLEAIiriLLP, PA. S7 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKES'8 CALIFOHNTA VINEGAR BITTERS j' Handredi of Tliotusandi g o ful Curliv fcflecu. Hi WHAT ARE THEY? TRET ARI HOT 1 Vll W FANCY DRINK. E ...... , Ilfcs., ..... g-,..,.l Mitt XCli:o Mjku: C t :rr. d. rflt ti prdnv.ct tmti ! tic;. IV l.i!t, trill .1Ml'nUF."" AM?ta i::, iUirtr'.i.," tr... V it ftt.r1 I', r 1 f r i t tl.TuLcrn" I J rt.4 Li:' i.:r c Lite lit uu tic, uimo trt m i:c I . .i-r.l l 11m! -m f 1 .Itr.-rnii. fy: e fmrn vU A !! t-tif I l.'pfiiliuun. 'ii.rvtuf' tl.c ... lil.onii !'1 Uii il it nnd a l.lt U i'4 i i him ii . iir run i.cnr-i.i.r tna ' Ial; r-t jr a f l cl u r:.: i ff nil pur,ou I r'.ivtur :.'.: r-:. ii:. : t::e i.:ir.i tj n ti !(),) rnt.iti'-t. 'pr.lli fan t.:.e U.cw lli.tcii t,coiui.i to ".rcc tlon fti.il rrn rn n't c . i. I 11.0 kill. a .'w'trn I'Jfl'rftllcfrnc.ir i!rrl t: lni i. t Cntr')trJ i :.ipral tr i.Hr rici.' r,a- tit t-l . n iu iauJ I c juMit:.! f-y.ri f r: rt r. I'r J.tn.iinr niri r t "A t Lios.tr r!.rn ft l(s.m nnd (.uui, (Mrprpsatn. i r IriI.p.iIm, Itil.tfu., K n ritn.l m.tt iMrraihn ui 1 rkoi-n IHtmmh.I lUrl;i,.,d, r. Klilur,-. ord Uluf'Ut r. t r-T l.luriN 1 in U-m n.o.t srrrttr. f"V ttuh I lxtsAifi (.rt cvrirl ly Vhlrti Itlnorf. H.n-li In :t M?rarjr inVuttly dtra-mai -4 fflllf If'ifff Mh f (Jt-C'-.UWa bM'U'MA OH IM t(.lTIO, T Bd cJie, I !r I t i!:- t orUfi, ) . i u..i,l n.:,i!.w. , f i:e tuc;t, V'u z:ziz.zt Voj l.rcrUHiM if Ui Itiiriwh, 1'Od liv 1 . t!c f'.'.i.:!!, l-ad-m .U-Ai. I k.lnil n ot lb? II' an, Ir f -mii wt: ;i i.t t:v l.av.sn. I ti.ii t.ll. ITir'.orwi r f .r I.Mri'Tii, :id 1 rtiiSMl oLMt pk.Bful jm-tii:t. rn- v.v r.ttr., r i' Uvir;.T:U' lli('. ."ir.iM:intrU!.ii;.i'e t'.it " lldl.v( mud K i. "tii,lii.'h r mi rt:-pmcf o'.rMjualii;d tClrcry In rKHiifm,? Ur t l'..tH f rll Hnrnrilh n, nr.d Irr.-mt-- nr ;f and Tl:-.'r It tlte v.role rytt, m. l uu I'LiJi I:.A,I.rnptionlclt.rII 1. Ik ..::!, ! UIhp.! (i.u.I .ii hf. I i.!tnl,,l sin, I I unrlrt. Lit oitua, I mltf-llncd, uto 1 yen. Try!; rtaa.ltrli, I cot'H, l.l-r.tl.trntU.int vt the r kin, Uunwr nd DM. ' f i ikr : lain, di Imirvrr otmc it Luiarr, ere lltrrali;- ti-io v.t!txnl.'d rut f llicnyttim In hH llmcl ;.- f-.ii- "ij.f tlivnt V;u r. I tip IxitMr U rnrli ret" v. l.l r tt oct ll.e i.it l..crcdt.lut.s n tujr curniivp pffr-ci. Cl;.ntf the VJiM-rl t -nl t.l--;rT'T yoi trM us In pur.t ulitrftt:ni(t'.:rirTh .':M.;In Isllmplm, f.rBv It'-Di r t .i i ( It r... i; x in n y(,u f.A ti ibtnvrti fcd tl---r-- ; 1 i- y t - mtm3 II tit-n ti tarml. :i4j-frC::-l.r"ir.:;it :l j'-m r.T. f:c llvi-4 I-urr ..d t:,r 1 1 :ti i.r i-ir t u-m :t .n. v, TIN, TArB.nliUiiir . OIIVH, lurinfflat ryt in rt i'i rim.)' !.ou,itv!i. arc t Tttiolly U-ttfrt y. tjthJiiiorrvl. 1 or full dji-et U m, rid r.tn-f; Uy the ilrriik-r runnd cak ti fcouln, ti ; U t t ar lc a S jae.'t-Aciei.l criuAurrxuelitu-d .s.ujSi. J.WAiKl.n, l..jrii tor. CI1.aMc1i.ld st cn pr-j.-jrHti r;-.fl Crrt. Zi.Tt.iP. Fn rrnr.lro. fit t Jd U atl ti Cotninrrec lHUi-, Ktnr Tsrk. nr..n:.D r.v all nr.t ucisti and it..u:;:i fU M. IRTO.Ir, II. 11. tavlok-.s LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the llailroad llcput,) ( i i.iHi ii in, pi.:evA. IKMIillACE thi. method f lr.rorania.tc the pnl.lic, Ibat I have imeord en a vard lur Ik. .nle l woo-,1 or enal burnt l.luv ....i a,i ... COAL, lo Ik. k... w . ... ,. """e completed arrangreamle with ratlern'dealcTe"bv' which i eaa keep a lull .upply eoa.lanltyon hand. "I'paeem 01 at reaeona tile rale.. I,v he ton. bu.hel or e .... t : Thaw - al a di.l.ne. M, addre.. .. hy'litt.Ted """' "eceaaary information by relnm ea.ll. 4 ;h 111 1 1 iff I HI i I e f TBET ARI HOT A tL i II FANCY DRINK. Ef I MUsrftbitfOiiB. H. F. NAUGLE, (IO(K KM) WATUI MVKt:it, POST OFFtCK rpllR tut re rlber repeeltolly In forme lilt nM patmn and the pnhlte arrnerally. that he tiaona hand, (and it ennelantljr reeetvlog aew iddilleoi thereto,) a large Hock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, I keep Jewetrr In all III IV mi and of tlittrrvnt valuee, either by the piece or et. WATrilK A full aeortn ent of elttier Oold or rilrrr, made by the heel AveHt-an and for eltfi) BiKnularturere. Inrludtiif a fine lot of gold end eilter buutittg ease, lull jeweled, i'ateut Lorcri. CLOCKS- Of all Jrtlgne, eooilrting ofeUht. iinf and thlrtv-hour, of either wcighl, eprlng or levere, aod both efrike and alarm. nEIMIRINd. All klnOa of Witch ei and Clock i Hnpaiied, and warranted. Tn addition to what I hare enumerated, Tkeep a full ateorliPfntof hHK'' TArUKS, colored end j plain Inn. .o,UOU PKNri and I'liNCll.S. hPOO.NS, FOHKS Ui;TTI-:it KNIVES, end in fact arerjrihing in ihe Jewelry lino. If I fit il to he to on bend jut what a eumnmer nay nred, I will order per flirt evpreur, without eitra charge. Wl 7, U03 II. r. KAUULK. READING FOR ALL! I HOOKS & STAT10SEUY. Market l., C learllrld. (at the Pukl OUice.) rpll K uriderrigned hegr leave to announce lo X tbe clliiene of CleartieM and vicinity, that be hai fitted op a room and hai juit returned frsm tbe city witb a Urge amount of reading "n"i vnieung io pari 01 Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. Blank, Aceoont and Pan Douku of a-very de aoripliim j Paper and Knvclnpee, French preaied and plain ; Pone and Penoile : blank, Legal Fipera, l)red, Uortgegi-e ; Judgment. Encnip flow and Promiuory notee White and Parch; menl Urief, Li-gal Cap.Keeord L'o.a,nd 11,11 i:. ' 1 Kl,,t. Muiie lor cither Piano, i lute or Violin o-ir ...4. Any bookl or itatiunery driirrd th I mn iui n mi... I ordered by fir.t eipre.i, and aold at wholeeale j " retail li uit cmtoniere. I will alio keep """dical llierature, eucb a Mng.ilne,, Newe. paper, in. p. A. UAILI. Cl'arUeld May 7, 1803. tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOM) STHEKT, 1 1 tar arid, Pa. . I NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICES. rrillR nndereirned reenectfullvlnvll.it, -I t'ntloa of tha palilie generally to iheir pp.enaia a.enrtmant of raerehaadife, which they ,re bow aelllng AT EUV LOW TBICES. Their itock eoniiiu ia part el Dry Goods of tho Best Quality, Such ai Print,, Ia I.alnea, Alpaeeea. Werinoa. Uirghani.Moiline.ililearbed and anblearh. ad,) Drilling", Ticking!, action and wool Flannel, .Satinc tt,Cae!imeres, Coltnaadae, Ladiea' 8hawla, 'ubiaa A Hiiode. Balmoral and Hoop ekirta, Ac., Aleo, a fine armrtment of Men's Drawers aad M.irll, UaU k Capa, Boot! A Sbeea. all of which SOLD LOW FOIt WILL BE cash Hardware, Quecnsware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. : SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything n.nelly kept la a retail Mora, all CHKAP k'OBCASU or approved eoantry pre A. K. WRIGHT 4 i'ONS. Cleardeld, Nov. 1 , 18r. fgOMl.TIIINU XlilV ac;aimj C. D. WATSON Wl.kee lo Iuforra hi! aid Iriaadi aad the public generally Ibat ha ha, opened ao a new Drug, Confectionery ti Tobacco Store, Is Lia old stand, oppoilta tba Court Huaee, rt'COND 8T, CLEARFILLD, PA. Hi, etock le all new, fn.h aad of the eery be. I quality, and will be sold chop for CASH or approved Country Produce. If yoa want pcra Drug, and Patent Medicine,, Oe te WATSON'S. If yea want Ccnfectlnncriea, Ceased Fruila, I'kklei and Je'.liea, Nut,, Ac , As., On ta WATSON'r!. If yea want tha beat Boailed Cuff.a, F.Mrnea of Coffee, hjiii-et ef all kind,, ebcap, Oo ta WATSON'S. If yoa want I'aacy k Tidlet Sep,, Flavoring I itracu, Ae , Ae , he euro ta Oe ta WATdON'eS. If yoa want Fancy Dye Colore, Clark 'a he,t Si a chine Thread, Tin', Needle, A Notion,, Oa ta WATSON'S. Cbewpn and Smoltn, If job went tht bat in tbt bo ark ft. Buy t WATdiN'3. ktr yoi ria jet Tipti A Pipi Fixturtt. If jo want f gti elttr of tyr ftUwrst, Com to M ATtON fl. If ) wta( to pn4 a few kourt afan Tfnipg wttfc yoor friend, rnm to WATE01S'8 old ttaatt, vbvr .ton can crack aatf ao4 aat juk antll 9 clock, p m. Ajril 13. M70. JkKW BTOKE AM)NEWGUOIS. Jos. Shaw & sox Have juet 0 enej Nsw Stori, on Main St.,C'LHrin.u, ti., laislr oc.fiiple?J hj Wm. F. ItlWIV. Their stork cnnsitls of OsorgS'ts pf llie best qtialita, Quelnswahc, Itoots and lioc.t, snrl pyrry arlicle npcrsssrf far . onf's comfort. Call snd sxamine our stock l'e!riie jvur- r rli"ing rliiwnsrs. May V. ISOti-lf. FAIRBANKS f FTAMIAHII '.cWJiA oUAIabvi, A A . ,-4 ,' - - V or ALL 1. 1 Htm; Ttipfjnpe lUrrcwB, WirrbotKM, TrurVi, fnpying I' wtrnt Iniprnvrd Monrr 'rawer. Ae. II. F. IUGLKU & CO., Ilralcra Iu Hardware, m-h.ltt Ttl lf Feeond Plrecl. Clcartield, Ta. MY oivX HOOK." nAVINO piirrtiitiifd (Wrntirr atork of it-kkU t lb- old m.tid of Kirk A Pprfwr, J nil uil to eonlinus? th buRinrna u hprrlofun. My -nolio ia ta it II " ftrr ton (."' Thank. nt nnr frifmlf and cuMopwra fr leant palrnnngVi I auiirit a ntHiURiirr ol (hr mm-. ISAAC K IhK. jHttiOJ k WnUrtiif n i: n o v a i HARTSWICK & IRWIN, ' DIUJCdlST.S', Market Strrrt, Clrardiht, Va. 11 TB beg leave In Inform onr old and new rlomeri. that we have removed nor ei- tabli!iment lo Ihe eparlooa new hul'iling Juit ererrea en jwemea etrei-t, nearly aojnlolng the Merim Honeeon theweet, and oppoMte Merrr. IJrnharn h tsnn,' alore; where we rcpoetfuily Invite the public ti oome and buy tbtir Drugs, Chemicala, Patent MedicineB, OILS, PAINTS AND VAHNISIIES. Our etock of tlruge and Medirtnee eoniiitiof everything Uled, ftelected with the grcateit oiire, and WAnRASTED STEICTLY PUEE! We aln keep a full etock of Iiy,.i, I'erfuraerlen, Toilet erllclci. ttnapa. Tooth flrnrhee. llnir I Hriinhee. Wbttewmh Ilronbee, and every otter kind Ilrurbee. We have a large lot t,t W1UTJ-J LKA1), TCRI'E.NTIXR, Flaiaeed Oil, PainU, and In re averrlblng 1 red in tbe painting buiinell, wlicb we alter at City prfrci to caib buyer,. '" TOBACCO AND SEGA US, Confcetlcnerv, 8pleae. and the largeet ,loeh of rarieliea ever oflcred In ihli place, and warrant ed to be of the heal the Market agnrde. J. (). IIAKT'WICK, N.iv. J4..II1I-.S. JOHN F. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWJELL'H,) For I1 diref.? inoidont lo IIno, Cattle, and Human Fleh, rcairinf tha vat of aa oitpmal apphcatiuo. Toil Eutrraratiiu. wa axtaiiiivalj by tbe UoTermneDt duriaff tb war. For mlfl by llartiwick A Irwin, CleirflaltJ. JuMnyb K. Irwin, Curwenifille. Iauiel (Jood tanir. la:hrbora tf LAD AXD LIMBER COMPASY OI'FEB IIARI TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IS OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho times! Oeceole. May II. t70. Curwensville Marble Yard. DESlItlM'H .r evtcmling my lm-inr.,. ami kni aing there ran lie :.,'i hirher triliulc ol rc..ccl to the memory of the li.eaiii-d and buried Iriiiiit.. tlian to erect oicr their narrow liiimc. a rctilptiirnl rlah of enittiring marble, thai point, f.-m- r to the n-.ting plai-e uf llin.e we line. I he. ii ni. In am- l, all ah. .1,1, n .Kn. their bs.-ciihw for tliie d"parted Iriesd. and KiiMlret, that they c.n now have an opportunity ol l.unr rw, I.r rnllirp nl any Mtup nn Thornp-nn t;-r-i, furw.-n-t ilii, a I ma rfmrtd to furniph tn nnln, MOM'.M KXTS, CK.MU.K A llOX TOM US, 1IKAI) STOXI-S, Ac, f ant dfVrn r if, al ivoTt.l.)f mir. N. U I kMf nn hmtd lhf If at l''orr1t- anal iKimctlr Marhlts AW wmk r-n-titf in llir n 'tl tikilifnl mantur. I will atn drhrrr ttirk tn unv pdipi ta Clurfit let fr aHuiittinij r.itnti-'s. M di-fiml. M M. 11. t dl.lU UN, ( 'nrwn-jvilla. Ort. ?0, isr.tt if. THK Cl.r.AIiKlKl.O WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manu.V'.arv'd Fnprriallj for THE Cl.KAKFlEt.l) Tit A DC, won att.s tr Slit" ii. r. nniLF.n a cn. T)tNK, 'HITf A ROAM UNIKtl aKIim- jPrj eotls, Ciioffilfs, (f it. iimiAT II HUM I. M en Slorc In Slulsonburff! In the room formerly occupied by P. T. Ilegaity. h. M . COUTKIET 'PAKLS thi, method nf iafiiruiieg llie eiliaen. .1. of t'livingtua, Karlbaue. Iiiraril ami tli. ruun.img ruiint ry. thai be hae Jut opei,t4 a large lock of Hl'.M M Kit niiolis. ,,., ,, ,(,.,. uiinc.l to .ell TtN Pl.ll ( l;.NT CIIKAPtH than the tain, quality ol Omul, can be iiun-h. v. for in any other iioro in tbe neigiiljorbi.od. Il.aitoik Conaint! of Dry toods cf all Rinds, Such ai Fatinetle, CaMitnere,, Mu.lina, Delaine,, Linen, Drilling., Calicoee, Triiuunnga, ILibbotia, La4e, READY-M AT)E CLOTfllNO. BOUTS i fllUES, HATS A CAl'S, GEOCIEIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Itice, Mulua.es, Fi.b, Salt l.imccd Oil, Fi,h Oil, Carbon Oil. ' Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Casting., Plow, and Plow Cnitinni, Vail,, Spike,, Corn Cultivator!, Cider I'raiaea, and all kiad, of Axae. VJ.Aiy Plow! are of Ibe Curwenivilla and Centre eounty make, and are warranted to be of a'uw ieiiiy. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Painta. Veraiuli, Olaaa, and a general aaaortmout of rjtalionery, GOOD FLO UII, Of different brande, alwayi on hand, and will le aold at the loweit ponlbla Sgural. Ltqions, Such as BRAKDV, WIRE, CIN A WIllnKV 500S rjonnd, of Wool ..i.j r... .l. o'BHirai price will be paiiL cxovi:r seed. On band and for lade at the lowest market prie. . Alao, Ageat fee Wijeoa'e Strattonville TIUrESIIING MACHINES. -Cell and eee for younelve,. Ton will tad evwyihmg ainally kept in a retail atore. FrenchvUU P.4), J.,. f, s. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAsFaRRIVAL AND OF COCRSE THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices 1 "117 R are aow opening op a lot of the beet and M snort eeeeonable liooda aad Wares ever ..ITered in thi. market, and at pneea that M-iti.e J one of the rood oid dava of ehean thii.v. Tk, who lack fiuth uj.ua ton point, or deem our alle gation, luptTUoou!, need but C.1LK .IT Ot lt STOtlE, Corner Front and Market atrecla, Where tliey eaa ace, feel, hear and kntiw for there, eelvea. To fully andrretand what are cheap goM,, tbi, mart In done. We do not deem it nereaaary to enamerate and ilcmite our atock. It ia eaongh for na ta itate Ibat We have Everything that is Needed and oori.ur.rd in thi, aiariet. and at priori thit Mtoniek both old and ymrrr. JC'hl'II SIIAW A PON. XE1V FlaOITlTl PFPI1 -MJUI AD ruOVISION-STORE, T" '"JZlTtZZ Flour, Feed, Cora Ileal, Bacon, 4c, COAL Oil, (at reduced rate!,) A gmd article af T0P.ACCO, CIOAT-S AXP FMOKI.VO TOBACCO, eon.tantly oa hand. All of which will be eold at LOW RATES for CASH or girea in cn-ber.gr fut UI.OLE and Lt'kllliilL Wa rcpectfully aik the public ta g iva as a trial before parchaiing rlecwhcre. J. R. READ A CO. Walleortr, April T. ISit. C. KRATZEIt & SONS A HE RKCEIVINfl ASn.EXDIDSTOCK ur LAUt'lils UlLCLoniS. WALL rArF.KS-GI LT rATEK, f. LACE CVIITAI XS, V 1 X DOW SU A DES- COrXTESrAXES AXD QUILTS. LIXEX TACLK CLOTUS A NATK1XS LA PIES SILK COATS rfOVEUSK I IITS. ELEGAXT SHAWLS I LACE TUIXTS I. A WES' X- CUILDHEX'S TRIMMED HAM. PRESS GOOHS AXD TRIMMINGS. riF'T KID GLOVER-LAMES' GEX TL EM EN 'S A XI) CI1 1 LI) It EX S. BLACK AXD FANCY SILKS. FIXE BLACK ALTACAS. UXEQl-ALLKD STOCK LAIiir.1!' AXD t-iiiLDIlc-A s rjlKHit .( UAlTKltS. MEN'S CALFrtT- FRF.XCU KIP BOOTS. HEAVY CALF POCTS. J5. M EX'S AX V HOTS' FIX E AXD n EAVY MiOLS. CASSiMF.UES VERY C IJ EAP. PEST STONE TEA SEITS, 5. GRtiCERIFA FLOfR rf- TROVISIOXS Al LUH WI' KATES. LIBFSAL PF.rHTfTIOV TO THOSE liUYING IX siVANTITY. WOO!.. MARKFTIXO AXD COCXTRT I'KUMVK WASTED. rirerAcld. June IS. ISCO. ct Wine and L!q e. I nlOIT. : I. L , REIZ EN STEIN, waot rial a rr ALrn is WINES & LIQUORS, WARKKT IT., CLFArriFLTi, PA. .Fiill el.yk of TV.ne. Draw ly, ll.e. Tt'hl.ky and Alcohol, alwere oe hand, hpecial attento n pmd te .e-nrinj a pure arlicle lur hac'ami mal and meilical purpoet-,. aprl I TStf Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Chiekerlnj'.. Ulelawe,-, and Ewieeeoa'a rieeaei r'll.Hb .. Mit k lleailia'l and Prloebel'a Orj-an, and klelerleon,. end Ureter A Uaker'a rowing Machines, tut Tsaraes as .leJe pupil taken f..r l, th.n half, !. SSST-tiinni neat door tn First Kaiint..l 11..L I ir.rai-ia, may a, lrs It. till! rE0( ItATIC A1.MAKSO loel.es l'.ul;. Clearfield CounTyld tllllt rieaiSeld Connie Bank 1 te.1 IsHltailca ka, g., ." tlte eurrender f it, cl,.n., ... ' I "OilrV I.. i rila.. All ita link le ewnr l by it,. , r' wllleonilnue Ibe Hat,king bu.ij, place, aa private Hanker., , ,'i" ol lb' "ClearSeld foaet, B.n, - pin.llie lor Ihe debt, n w'n it! nota on d.tu.eet .i it.. . ' 'uJv received and loten-.t p,ld , b,J a Hard time. Paper dieenueied u ..' aa hiri-li-r.ire. Our perianal r... pledg.d fr all D..,ot. reci.J'' Iran. cted. A continuance of tl , V ronegs of Ihe husioeea Dim t.f .k. epecttully solicited. A ! Pre.! ."" 4 oH.ccrj of t.l. r-ln..a.u .. ''"Im- rennlr. lh. oi.tA. r,r i.lrf ii.l 'ln.t' r-i : ' - : "" to ace., for reSerrpllcs. IAH. T. l.m:A!tD, WM I OUT Kit, MrRARn sn.. It. KkuJ . . n inn n i , i(. i j, WM. A. WALLACE. ' i ne nuetneii ol the Hark .HI i Nw ci. niinui... a,i ae ca.nier. t..,, J. IK SI Clirk. EdwuMp, BANKING & COLLECTION HO' McGirk & perks. uoce,Hre lo Koetcr, Perk., A to riilllpabiirfc, I'mtrs Cotinty, pt TITIIKIIK all tbe bu.inea, of a fiankm, li J T nil1 oe transected promptly aj uiu.. iiii iimnic icrnia rniinlir rJoltnnol Dnl. VUUIIIJ llUllVliai Lrlilift, CLKAnFIKLD, PA. 'I'UIH uanft is now oiwa snd eearlr f..i a. oere. otiee on feennd ureet. in ibe u ing lorincriy oecupten ny Leonard. Fitnej 4 runrrrona sen orrtcaM IAS. B. CHAIIAM, K It'll A HI) SHAw WM. A. WALI.ACK, WM. POKTK1 A. K. WHIG HI, (JKo. L. rlKEli. W. M. BIIAW, jo2S,'eS) Caahier. JA8 T. 1I(iVi I ree'err KCn'vevstTTrtM-aea;!, t e t . -1 GREAT EXCITEJirKT AT THOMAS BEEES'SI I , EnlflCiDT trying t. get tb.re-f.t, f fe Ajuf being crowded out into tba aold. Il yoa want good shoring done, go lo Him If you want jour SlocV Ironed right, guteHiiu If yoa waol good SI j II Irene, go ta ugM( If yea want your wagon ironed tn the hot etyle aad arorkmanehip, ga ta Bieat uecca laasea toe neet btoaap Machine ia lb State, anddoea all kind, of ULACKS.M1T1I1M ai cheap aa can be dona la the roaaty for ( art aiy roat unci aoura.i li clearSeld Ilridz, THOMAS Utiki Boggs Tp Dee. 1. UST-tf. Southern Land & Fiulgralloa COMPAKT, WASHINGTOX, D. 0. VROAMZEDand enabllihed for tha Parekaa, r ana raie 01 earning and SJineral Land, and iaiprvved Real t.tale tn tha eeaib.ra btaiai.' T1IO.VAS B. IT.0KE.NCE. Preaieeal JO. FtVl:ll.NS. Vice Preeiuat J. Iii.hV AKI. Treaeeret, Preildest Fourth Xain.n! Hank ef I'bildrlpbie. OIIN MOHHIS. Becretary. THOS. C. MAtbOHliLL, Attorney ana Coaaaeilee. OSice: aahingtoa iuilding, Carver kVveark St., and Pcnnayiiauia Arenac, IVaehiag ton, D. f. Srrrstscr!: Ojr. ioba T. lli.ffwiaa. Albany, Jf. T. hs-UuT. VI' m. Biglee, OrarS.M, Pa. (iuv. T. I'. Haaduiph. Trrn'en. Ji. J. Kt ti.iv. ra. V. 1'aciier, TI'JiuaiMrl. Pa. Sept. i, 'ef-tf. ' Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICII p V51RE9 to inf irm hi! old frieai and U temera, that havirg enlarged hie shoe and . i iuereaaed hia faeH'ihi. loe rn........i i S"Veed U Biake to order eueh Favaitareaa . BI,T b, a.,ir,d. i. Ioo4 .l..j ....... for CASH. lie ffcnerallv baa on b.n.l. a,. I Fnrnitura room,, a varied aaortveat af raaSv. mad! farslture, among which ara BmEAUS AND SIDE-COAfil.S. vTanirobeeand Dook-Caeea; Cer.tre.Pofa, Parlor, Ureakfaat ard L'inirg L'lten.iua T.biei; Ciai. aow. French-poet, Cottage.Jeiiny-Lir A and ether Uediteadi 6ifa of all kioCf, W erk elardr, llat-raeka, Waeb-aunda) P.oekieg and Area Chaiir j epting..eat, eaoe hottnoa, par1 or, ceai eaon and other Cbatre; l,nking-Cla,ee, of every dceeriprion oa hend ; and new glareea for eld elaee, which will he pat in oa very rra.oa.eie ferwi, oa eborteet airtiea. He alee ke-pe oa Scad or furni.bia lo order, Cers-baak, Hair aad Cos ton -top MaHreraea. CcrriNs or Evtnjr Kind Made lo ejJcr, end funeral, alteaded with a lleeree whenever dnired. Alee, llnaae Paiatiag dowe to order. The .uWnKrr alea siaaaae. larea, ai d baa enaatantly oa hand, Clement', Patent Uaebing Alaehina, Iba keel now ia are 1 Tko,e Bring Ibie machine never need be with, oat clean elorhea! lie aleo baa Flyer-, Pateet Chum, a report article. A family miing tkh) Cbura ae.ee weed ha with eat Welter t All the above aad aov other arllelea arw r.r. al.ueo ia ra.toa.ere at eap tor Casa ar excbingeA j tor approved country prodaea. t'berre. Uat'e. p..Ki-. 1 : . . ... i . . ' u-.n.v ao., wurr onnerr euiiaoie Tor Cabiuat work, takea ia . schange for faraits-s yarSereenioer the ihop li oa Martre4 etreel, Clearaeld, Pa, aad snarly wppoeite tbe "Cite Jew Mra. JuliM 4JILICU. "overaher JS, lsf.5 f The Lightning Tamer. TIIK anderira.d ara the sola Afente fa tkl! fe fortheN..rth Ameriraa lielvaaiied titilllMNti B'lDfJ: T-i.ee ara the enl) .l. r..da wow it nee. and ara eadoree4 hj all tba aclmtiSe aiea la lha e-Hiauv. Wa herebv Botif, tha rititene af lha eeeatj that we will pat them, ap a h-ttee rod. aad ter lera atotiev, than ia charred be tha foceita areata who aeeriallj traeerea Ilia eouatv aad carry a eur li'tle eaeh, Barer to retara. KXCOUKAGE HOME LABOR. Tboaa wi.hinf I if bitter Iteda arreted aa their hnildu ra need kat addree. ae hj letter, ar call la per.i.n. We will pot them up aajwhere ia the rwnaty. end warrant them. Tbe r.i.dead Ullare, eaa he aeea al aey time bv eallirt al oaretora. H F. KlULaB CO. Cleaeteld, If arch a, lfO t DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-f utter and Stcnc-Mascn, ll1 ILL eieeale all work In hit lira al 1 1 arate pneea aad ia H KbT.(l.AS8 eiyka. Architectural OrnamenU la ALL FTVUKS, Fiona Ire..iri af eeery deachptica, aad all kinri, of aaaena work ea. trectca f..r In or oat of ibr e-.oi v. Any perrot a wi.hins te bava reepcerabta wiaeoa work aaaV atone rattiat doae, will Sna It te taeir Interact ta call up. a lee I would al-r. lalorm tbe pah. I:e that I can dtliier any quantity nr alaas aft' itoaa doiftd, aa I aa, Iba ewaer of F1RST-CI.AKS STOXK QUAKRV.. Orders for work eaa ha addreaaed ta KAVIU vtu sn, arM.r flrareeld Fa. Clearfield Nursery. KXConiAUE IIOMK LNDI STKY. IHK aadrnicned, b.v or e.t.eli.hed a Kat A eery oa the 'Pike, about kalr C'C.rbeld and r...r pTTtt w ""h all kind, ol rm IT TltKtS. (.ta.dard aa ""I mertreea.. r-hrabberv. l.repe Vine!.. Uo.ekrrrice, l.awloa lilarkhr'rry, ritrewherry, and Haberry Viaee. A I.o. Siberiee ."rah Tree, yoinee. and ear'y aevrlet Fhabark, Ae. Orders, promptly attended I. Aarln-r., i. I'. WMUIIT. eerSS CS-y Cor.ereviil.. Pa. Lime Icr Sale I THK nndcrrirned. rv.id.nr near tbe depot haa a nna c.i. ic itrs, ii,M,i. ei li l..aa 1 mr en.t ,.( ll.c rrnanlain, whi rrl v be I. eoa. bled to keep ce. i.nllj n bm,t a tairwwoanlily a rt'KF. L I M K! which he nlc t. f,rreer. nnd huil.ler. at a trif a I .bove eo.t. 1 b iee in nee.1 of the article woald da. r" ' f crll. or ad Jre. me bv letter, b ! fire n-6uliatine tbrir lime ''. c. rASfMor.t Cearficlil. Fa . June S. IM S. l-ivcr.v Klablc. 1 lie tb.t he i. now f,,MT Pv-.,ee f. aeeniae. e... .11 i nl awajff rnrniehinit Nerve. B.rfco. ei Tlare en the ehoetcal ro.tree aad Se.MI. I.. 1 w.... wJ: "" '"' T X Jart receives eaa roe rale Sy Apvrl J. ISPS. P. P. S"t B pr "I " cl I "T Mir Bt Ipsa. FSaamA fni- 4 llt'l. nr. SIlCRilT. 'SeTrV'VrB lk jaT, .... . .