Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 16, 1870, Image 1

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'UUUI.D I'K.T.'I.K A."
vg(st circulation of any News
jipfr in North Central
I rcnncylvanh,
f Terms of Subscription.
. .,inn-r. or wiili. n 3 month.. ...t'i H
I .jtltT j .rid 1-ef-ire 6 month.
3 .Iter lt t.Tpirli'm of 0 month....
!l SO
a oo
; F.-te3 of A'lvcrtiaing.
il, nt alierti.rmri.t., p-r .'tuaroof 1(1 liucaor
3 time, or le
.ulnnfc-nt Inaortion
,j,;.tr;,i.,r:' and Executory' noti.c.i...
frr! D'jtit'iS
ioni m l F.trsyl
ijutinn S"tic.
,nr.l Card.., 1 year
4 uotiue., prr lino ......
i rninuy advutiskment:
i so
1 DO
3 5(1
1 SO
2 00
i 00
...M oo
...15 00
...:o oo
1 oolnran
1 ooluina..
.An 00
,. a oo
,. 80 oo
Job Work.
...t2 CO 6 q:ilrrl,pr.iiiirc,l
dr... pr, ,uiro, J 00 Oirar 0, pr quire, 1 JO
m',25 or Ion, f 3 00 I 1 .beet, 20 or loi.,$5 00
Met, !5 or te, 3 00 ! J jt,3; orlo,10 00
$f r 2 of vai-'ii of shore at proportionate rate.
f E-Iltnr toil Proprietor.
I tfnrtK
Hill. . tUUll, ! UAMk riCLBine.
I Clearfield, Pi.
"'Ss-Lr;raI buainea. of alt kind. attended to
with premptnea. nnd fidelity. Ooiee in re aidenc
William A. Walla, ja12:70
Clearuald, Pa.
I VS-OSa la th. Court House. decl-ly
riearllcld, Pa. ly
wiLLiia a. villacc. J. Ltaa wXTns.
Kekti Eaiat Agents in J Convojaacert,
Clearfield, Peiiii'a. .
4L.Keftl Kttate boneht and nU, title xm-
ified, oonreynci irppri, t paid, mn4 mu
rtnoi tkin. Offic in ucw bjiiuuifr. nearly
ppjsito Court Howie. jinlt70
Cieartleld, Pa.
ffW-OtB). In tb. Court IIonM. jyll,'C7
Clearfield. Pa.
Ofixoa ll.rkat St , a.r llrrt.wlck A Irwin'.
Urn Blere.
"Prorflpt attention jriean to tbe .renrine
af Boanty, Cl.imr, Ac, and to all legal bu.ine...
Mireh H, l7 It.
tTallarelun, Clearfield County, Pcnu'a.
All leal tu.lne.t protn,itiy alttoded to.
" WA L T E R B I A R R E ff
Ofte. on Second rt., CUarfleld, Pa. noe31,fo
JolCTc U T T L E7
And Real Folate Aftit, Clearfield. Pa.
VStrttnn Tatrd rft, bet. Cherry A W4lnui.
lrKaip4Mtfutly otTiTB bit terv.cei In reUinar
and bular laaJi In CUararld and adjoiniop
antit and witb an cxprrtonre nf orr twenty
yori ai a inrvoyor, flattar hianeif that he ena
rtaier mitfaet'.oa. fub28.'Ci If
Clearfield. Pa.
Ofiea oa Market meet oao door ea.l of tba Clear
lold Co.ntr Han k. (aaay,'ti4 II. Orvia. C. T. Aleiander.
m ilelonte, Pa. .i.lS.'fi y
uiiiEtisiii RU, r.i.
ill attend profc.ional call, pimplle. BuglO'i'D
H AVISO located it Kylertown. CVarflcld eo
Pi., ofleT-t hi pr'.isitial tervioeft t the
pvoplr of the urnanitiny eountry. Sejit. 2.','CI-y
liar lug remnviil to AninTil1f, ?., nfr.-rn hit
irofeiional irrrifMt to the p"iIe nf that jilaer
ad tbe aarronotDg country. All eall promptly
attesdtd to. D c. 4 dm -1.
jTHrraiNE7Mr d7,
"IT A VIN II located al PeanSeld. T... ' ITer. bin
ml pmfc.ion.1 -rrice. lo tlie people of that
piaoe .nd ..irround:.ii2 ciunlrT. AH c.K.prompllv
attended lo. oet. 11 tf
jefte'rson LtTZf
H AVISO loe.ted at O.eeota, Pa., offer, bli
profe.iianal eereiee. tw tha peopl. of that
Ala.4 and .arroundinf eoantrr.
ark. A II oall. )r..n-i.tlr attended to. Offir.
sad ra.iil.nea aa Curtin .U, tormarly aeenpi'.;d
a? Dr. Klin.. mjlU-ly
Lta Sarjreoa oftheKd Ug tnnt, Pennfylrinin
Vnlaatatri, having returned frun the Army,
cfftri hi profeMtnal lerrieei to tba cititeoF
of iMearfleM ennty.
Pr'tf-'cuion-wi ealli pmmptly at ten 14 t.
rf'&e on Seeund treat, (urner. occupied by
Jr. fta4i. pr4.,ft tt
FeeonJ Ptreet, C.earfirM. Ta.
VCa.4fatiar nermnentS b-eHel, be lit e.Terf
abif proteainl ferricen to the eiliien of t'learfield j
M, vietnity, ami ine paiiiia generanr. u rain
promptly attended t... ociJ;i y
f7 BT RE A D , M . D .,
kylrrtutvn. Pa.
Spelfoll offer, bl. .errice. to tbe eltlient of
the swrronndine eountT. aprtl Sni pd.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Mcarfif Id, PciiiTa.
Will ete-nfe JiV In Lit line promptly ind
tm a vorkwianlike n miner. r'M j
dental" partnershif.-
Dit. A. M. 1III.LS,
n..lrl to Inform bl. patron., and tbt
wat:ie KMoer illT.t .t be ka. aavaciated witb hiw
la tm praeti.aaf Pr.U.try,
s: r. siiAvr, d. p. s.,
Uketaa fraduata ot tha Pbllajelphia Per 1.1
Call.,., aed I See. foe. bat tba higheat lle.ta
ttoa. pr.rH.ioaal skill. All Wf.k doaa ia
tha one. 1 will katd Telf II re.poa.l
hs far keint dewo la tba nut mtt.fwetort man.
er and kicHe.1 order af tbe profolow.
A a aetaSll.bed practice of twewte.two Tear, ia
tV )iHH-a enable, me ta apeak la mj pallenta
,,,, t
BncH"""" fnm ' "'''"ea (bonld b ai.d.
leuor 4t-T kelara tba p.ti.nt de.iita.
GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor.
VOL. 13-WII0LK NO. 219:3.
clkuifiei.h, TA.
Pf'PLop on Heed Street, ntftr Pctinaylvania.
Itailruad depot, mny l77(,:if.
(37 H7" HA L L," "
' Puripji uIwtiTH fin hand and nimlr to ordfr
on sb'rt noiT. Pi pet bored en reisonatilc trriim.
All norlt wurrnntcl to reader mii-l net inn, and
delivered if d'-iiml. my2i:lypil
Juitioc of the Peace, Purveyor and Conveyancer,
- I. allien. burp. Pa. . - -
All taiinwf ititrtiPtrd to biro will l-r jtromptly
al tended to. Pcmoni wifhinj to t-mpldy ar
vrror will do wrll to giT him a roill, m hf flnitcru
himifirthat he can r -ndt-r tnti-faction. Itpetlnof
i cenvoyaaoc. arliclc of pet iiient, and all Irtral
pnptl ti "iDi'y nna uouuy riccun'.K mar-n-vp
. tEcoss sitttirr, .
jk cLr.Anrir.i.i. pa. if
Clearlicld. Ia.
K AVISO rented Mr. TntnV r.rewerjr be
htpc. by strict attention to buaiue.. and
Itic uanutolure of a ulterior article ef J.KKIt
to receive tbe patromge of all Ibe .Jd and many
new ouitoroeri. . Aug. lio, If.
rillin undci igned offer, bi. rerviei a. a Sur
i eeyor, and niay be loun i at bi. reaideuee, in
Lawrenee township. Letter, will reacb bits di
rected l C'learlrld, I'a.
Market Street, Clr.rfieU, Ta.
"V'EtiATIVKS made in cloudy, a. well a. In
X eleiir weather. t'on"1'.e.t! on hand n good
.....rtment l KKAMK. ffKrtKUSCOPKS and
STLKKKHCOPIO VlKWji. frame., from any
.tyle ol moulding, made to order. opr2-tf
pe.tLRl IB
I.ItAI14MT(lX, Pa.
Also, eltenme m.nufi'turer and dealer in Square
l iiulier aud Sawed LumSerut .11 kind..
fs!- Order, aolicited nd all bill, pr'iinptly
fined! .!!1L
oto. iuut hkkt t-aaT
lanufaeturer.A elten.iie
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c,
yr-OrJer .oluited. Bill. Oiled on .hurt notice
and reasonable teruia.
AdJre.. Woodland P. O., Cleardeld Co., P..
j.;J lr W Ultl.KT A 1I1KIS.
MtKCliAN r.
Crencbllle, Icarllrld County, Pa.
Keep. eonit.n'W on bnd a full aa-ortment of
lrj Ooodi, lir'ieerie". nd eeenlbmn
n.u.ll.T kept in a retail store, whiel. will lie ld,
for Ca.ll. eiie.p eiewner.- ,h .hi ---
rreneuvllie, juue -i, i'
Dry Goods, ClotLicg, Hardware,
Cutlerr, Oroeerie., rrn.l.lea. and
Clcarftrld, Prim's.
e-At Ibclr new. tore poowt.on Beeond etrret,
near II. F. Bigl.r 1 lo'. Il.rdw.r. .tura. IjanU
msi rtiTi'o.1
II. II. FIMl.t.INOFOIlP, rreiident,
OIBoa Fore.l Place, No.
as s. 4th .u Phii'a.
JOHN I,WSIH, Ktipennlendenl. tieriiaill en n i , i n a e-iinjor, .....
Oj'eola .Mill', tlcartl. ld wiuiilv. Pa. : ,jtate.d blue U siik sack, a la mode,
Practical WatCh Maker,
I tb. Court llouw.
,-4)r All kind, of Maiehe., Cloeli. .nd Jewelty i
nr.imi.llr retiaired. and work warranted lo i-ivc
Mti.l.rlion. niar2:7U I
Ju.tict of Ibc Peace hnd Licensed Conveyancer,
l.uthrraburf; ( Irartit Id l o,, Pa.
Tyr-Cnlletiuli A Tffniltanerf pn-mptly made,
and all kindl of inntrutnerit" exern'ed on
hurt nwtiee. nmvl(:tlir
j. noLLnwcinii b. tavn caitct
Clunk Hook Manufacturrrs,
1IH .yinrl.fl SI., rhUndrlthla.
fcPnper Floor BaeL. and tin.. Folenp,
Letter. Note, Wr.l'liinir, nnd Wall
P.per.. fel.K.TII lrpd
yiAititidi: ivoitK.s,
AM. nd c Ibe new MAHlll.K WOPki"
Market Itrcet. tbe Jail.
cnEciAN tom nr.
FRF.M'I! COftlli:?,
of new anj beautiful deeigr.a.
All of wbi'h will I .old at ciijr prieea, or 2i er
cent. lea. tban nnr other eM.t-tiilmnnt In thir
ciun'y. Fati.faetii'n (fuarnilteed in a!l en-ea.
Order, thankfully reeeired and pron-pllt Clli-d
in the beat wvrkuan like manner.
Jtwra E. Vi'it.on, Ajeul.
11 i.tiTiir.RMit'nni
rTMIR mi-lerr'irned take. tbi. method of inf"rm
1 is. 'be eitirena of the c-lern end of tlie
e.Mintr lhal he h.aopcn'-d a M.rhle lar-l, tor Tie
Ip.nufsrtnre of
Touib.tniira, siouumrnts.
Head and Kant Stmios,
r r.
I empl-y se hut lb. bet w.arkmen, end ne th
heat in. trrial. All order, promptly klled and lb
work warranted. Addrea. til I-tier tn
ha.mki, oooiii.Asnra.
l4atlsnkarf. OeleWt . 17.
in1 liiiijj!
Tin: rurt Hi: .m run v.r,
J The heart 1 like a rivrr,
Vhen-in two luirrt nt flow
' One to the Future Itn.liiig,
iu to I he l,iii(T Ago.
On b-.ib tbe banki are roici j
ii b'rtb tlie un m raft,
P'tt the current whit h i nmootbvit
Plown rver to the Past.
I'j.on (tan ebbipff rivrr
Our thmijfl.tei like vacls go
hme to tlm Future imliiig,
hame to the Iotiff Ao.
Itru.kinig at lltt ir miuruing,
IteliM wa ifenrir priv
Itniujrlit from lhfv itirilant ivlandi
Humid by yuiith'fl tunny ikieii.
Httaiifrn tlmt tbe Past rem a i net b
tSbat ia the heart fur ayr
FtrDn(rp w are never willing
To my the paM jio.Hl-ltye,
Tbe fulure it a nhuiluw
A eload wttiwe gojitrn tbtta
Make riTV cloud look golden
, Itiat'i ia the dittance seeu.
Jlie p;it o full at )diahure.
A raini-'jw b'lubt h- bow
Conner. tbr prt-p.nt uouicnu -
With thne of Y..t Afitt,
A bridge wr oft are erownin,
Paiitini tbt Irwnd t old.
With iatMP fair aud youihtnl.
And Uair a bribt at golda
Ptranjfe tlmt (Ik gold must rauikb
Out of the lunnv batr.
Plmnjfe that the nlver Fpinaeth
Net in fr tbe ol to wear,
Strange that tbe wrinkle trample "
Out the ouok fre' bloom.
Like nhadow titat in evening,
tver briiht puilurca eome.
A Millicer'g BiU. '
' Frem tb. Iloatna INul, Oct. IT.)
Tho cane of Flynt rcrstis (.'ooliilfro
in wliicli iMra. l'lj-nt, tho colebraled
lre"nmnkfT of Hnston, eccka to recov
er of Albert I'oolidj'c a bill nninKt liiti
wife of S 1 ,li 1 1, for nx niotitli't nervic
ra, iHiigainon trinl in the Superior
Ctiiirt, at r.oRtrin, before Jtidf;n J!eed
Tbe prvviotia triul ri'ulled in tlio tilt
j nre''mct:t of tbe jury, 'i lie jireaettt
trial ns opened on .Montdty. inc.
defendant, made nn fl'tirt to feeuro
tlie foslpont mcnt of tbe eae, but did
not sutxecd, nnd il cttine on just bo
foro noon. Tiiu nppetirnnco of tbr
court room, notwithstanding tho ex
Iraordinary import of tho case, wa
not a ;rual ilvul out of the nrdinnry.
There were, it is true, n fovf ladies
present Bttraeied by tlio mslluof silk
and poplin and loa rose at fifteen dol
lars a yard, but they were not Ktrict-
ly of the order interested in tho
ut-tion of the dressmakinu prices and !
regal point lace of tho kind 19 be oh
tntned at .Mrs. i'lynts. 1 ho in n sen -
.l- p,.n.l.,ni ,n I oil It lr.Ja
docs at tlio session of ih Superior
Court, esecially in tho dock. Ji.t.
snt Mr. Flvnl, iho partner of Mr.
Flvnl' joys and sorrows, who spells
his name with an "i and nliow
t'i j
mI op'
w ife to spell hers wiiti a "y, ana oe-
easionnlly during tho progress ot at g(1ys the patron, 'il w ill t:ot cost you
fairs Mr. Coolidge, w ho maintained ! ,,i,j ibing to put this in,' which is us
throughout tho tnosi impcrtnrable j ,-ltiiciihiut us to ask n man to grind
gravity. Mrs. Coolidge was not pros- L-0ur axo on his gi indslone, and gra
cut, for some reason or other. She , tiuuJy U'll him tliat it won't coal him
will probably, however, mako In r rp I a colll. jj, laUes money to run n
pearance beforo tho raso is concluded, newspaper, r.s well ns an' ether btit-
1 but not until called for. Mrs. Flynt,
though, was on hand from the time .
the Court first eamo in, ith a bevv
of tho girls who were cmployc-l by
her to work upon the very elaborate
and rc. iirrie tlresses in question, nnd
looked confident nnd smiling, but per
Imps a lilllo worn liom going thro'
tho snmiuer campaign. She was at-
. i :.. . .1 1...-. . I.I....I,
V. '"" """J r "
nnd flnuneu. as tniglil nc e xpreicu, i i
her incompnniblo siylr, anJ hehl her
Jjyn with admirablo complacency -
Taken all in nil, Mrs. I Ivnl w iiiild not
,tf considered a votary of fashion,
j( of course, ssy in her j es-
terdav's niincaraiico. lint whatever
attaches Iter, a a talker, .Mrs. r lyni
is sharp, nsrceablo and nonchalant.
In opening tho enso Mr. Howes
presented lo the jury copies of the
hill, of which there are just pightv
items, amounting in all to 81,01 1 li.
of which tho following will give
general Idea :
Hpnirinf frees
Making lace over.kirt and tteha and aia'
trrial -
tl'tlM-for mlTtiinr dree. J.'i; mnk.s'J.I: dr.
Mah.nit l.l.'-k r-lk dee.a nnd trimminff".
tji: H J.rl. thread lace. 43 l )
vard na'rrow lace, f-l X;l Ii arla
tlnrk .aim, St.: Ac
Mabii.r. bla'-k nlk suit, kt: ttimntiiif ,
1..; .Mi: in) rani, block vlk.Sllo.j;
14 Nnl antin. S., 2 : Ae
M'ikinr p-iphn ruit, k-s Iriuimmg ,
rilfl ST : and mai.-ria'
M:-kin( blue eamhric out
Makintf eeer.ii'-ker rnit and triromiiiK,
A--ti: and tnalerinl
Makine: purple .ilk. S.i7: trinnnrK. ; I ;
pl"kin, fit f: to rs-d- t 11-1 le .ilk,
t;2; 1.1 vard. etriped allk. $.-. ".: Ac.
tti-triiiinniiK afiek. SeS; an.! material
lakiltg llernani auit, tommtiijr,
l7o 1.1 yard.,; J
) aid. Ira ru.e .ilk, t ill; Ac
Making wbite pe,ne ruit, t:'U, tiinnwiutf.
til.i; i'l'd VMde iluny m.eition, k it ;
(II 0(1
n i;
1H 2
71 r.s
,tll2 .ir,
ll? ri
1.1 I'd
Flower, fur k-sip rkirt
Total I,SHI II
Mrs. Flyr.t is soon put on tho stand
and sworn. A trunk is brought into
court nnd numerous articles of wear
ing apparel produced therefrom and
laid about convenient fur inspection.
The first matter taken up m as Iho
morning dress, w hich cosl S.i.'i.lT.
This wus a most elaborate and intri
onto affair. First, Mr. Flynt bad lo
buy the mbo lo make it otil of, anil
then cut il up. To do ibis required
nn ndnptation, a skill nnd a peculiar
artistic manipulation of bit h few are
posced. The amount of labor re
quired win extraordinary, nnd the
most assiduous perscnul attention be
ing continually demanded liom Mrs.
Fit lit, Ac, Mr Flynt show ed the ju
ry jill ubotil it. In tho next item the
tour nnd one third ynrdt of thread
laea Wcro gone through with,. Ibis
was n, very rare and curious pattern,
and accordingly very costlv. The
price of il depended upon the fineness
..Til.. ..... . .1 . L . : .1 -
tu tou jutiti-rn aim me quantity in ine
mnrkel; it was never cheap. Ileside,
what increased the cost of this dross
particularly was, the fuel il was shot
ted. Lewis Ji. Tucker, an export,
twore lhat Ihe lace was ihe ht Urn
uuiai ilk.
sols, worth ellit or leu dollar a yard.
I Tho Jlerimiii suit item, g.'itill.PX
j I'l-otiiftit out fonsiderablo (liseiission.
Mr. Howes nskeil tho witness If forty
five dollars was the regular prieo . for
mitKins n tire", ml site Haul it was
Mm. Klynt cxnliiinetl lo tho Cotir
i whnt tiads nnd Moleclois were, nnd
exhihiletl sample. After tlio bill had
been pono over Mr. Howes imiuiretl
when the pliuMiT had nsked def.-n-dull
t for the money. Mia. Hynt I
asked for tlie money tlio second day
after tho jubilee. Mr. Howes Did
you send for Mr. Coolidgo then 1 A.
Not then; J think it was ui Into ns
tho 12th or Kith of July tlmt 1 sent
for Mr. Coolidgo. (. "iVhat wits the
result of tlmt interview? A. When
Mr. C'oolidiro came to tlio house I wna
just ready to lenvo with . JJr..: Mint,
and was leelint' in n pretty good nu
mor; Mr. Coolidge was very bland;
he said he had looked over tho hill
and there was no pariicularjtem with
which be found fault, but it was with
the amount of tho bill; I told him he
could not expect a bill to run six
months without running tip ; ho suid
bo was rcsUved to take this thing in
to court, becnu.iQ il wan high limo to
have high priced dressmakers taken
down: "Why, Mr. Cool itlge," said I,
' I think you will hare to legislate bo
fore you can keep tho girls away
from me; now Mr. Coolidge, you willj
liavo !o look this bill over uud see
what there is to find fault with." I
"Mrs. Flynt," Paid he, "I bavo ninde
up my mind lo yay this when judge
and jury decide that I shall pay it ; 1
looked upon yon u a public awindler,
and I he community looked upon you
so. I will break you up if il costs me
S.)0.''JO," bo continued to call tno a
sw indler, ami so on.snd I opened the
uoor and lold mm no Dinn-r I uiv liou'tc
could call me that, and perhaps I
called him "a miserable ttinncr,"
don't know ; perhaps I did.
How is il about fitting different
women, Mrs. Flynt ? A. Somo I can
fit off in tin hour and some it takes
hall a day.
How was il with Mrs. Coolidge?
A. Sho was a very difficult woman to
fit to make her look w ell ; I don't say
I hut I made her look well; I did the
beet I cou'.d.
EuufliDg a Newspaper.
One of our exchanges is excited over
boing asked lo do gratuitous puffery
antl relieves itself in this vigorous
fashion :
".Sumo men who havo paid two
dollars at nn early peril d in lilo for
an advertisement worth four or five.
j,p, nr to think they are stockholder
in the crtnllilinienl lor elernii)-
They demand the publication ol till
nion and funeral notices, ohitiij
i.extTortj" -seven ycais gratis. r-pcaK
of pay und they grow indignant.
Don't I tiatronize vour paper F 'Yes;
but you n-cei veil tho worth of your j
money lor what yon Paid.' 'Uut,'
mon,.v lor w hat von p
ncK, i,d no lianor will succeed finon-
ciully that carries a deadhead system.
Any mention of Iho people a allairs
that they arc anxious lo mo in print
is worth paying for.
"The newspaper bnsinces is very
exacting on all connected with it.nnd
the pny is comparatively small ; the
proprietors risk ntoro money for small
profit, nnd the editors and reporters
and printers work hin der and cheaper
than Ihe same numW-rof men in any
other profession, requiring tho given
ii mount of intelligence and training
and drudgery. T ho life has itscharms
nnd its pleasant ns;ociutinns, scarcely
known by tho outsido world ; but il
has its earnest work and anxieties and
hours of exhaustion, which, likewise,
tire not know n to those who think the
business ull fun. The idea that news
papcrdoui is tho t linntber circle where
the favored members live it lilo of ease
and free from care and go lo the circus
, t nigl.t on a freo ticket and to the
spring on a free pass in tho summer,
is an idea which w desire to explode
practically, theoretically. Jiusiness
is business, mid tho journal tl at suc
ceeds is tho one that is run on a square
business footing, Ilia annio as bunking
or building bridges, keeping a hotel or
running a livery stable."
Tr. Citt of llmrArrrn Says a
divine: "When I was a liltle boy 1
thought of heaven as a great, shining
city, with vast walls and spires and
w ith no one in it except w hile angels,
who were strangers to mo. Hy-nnd by
mv litllo brother died, and I thought
ol me grcai city, wun willisana dome vc tUvm 1(,ir freedom."
and spires, and flock of cold, unknown I n m
angels, and ono little fellow thai : Far away amon.t the Alleghanie,
wa acquainted wilh. Ho wn the is a spring so small that a single
only one I knew in heaven nl. that ox in a sninmer s day could drain it
lime. Then another brother died, and ,ry. It .rut n unohliT.a vo way
thcro wcro two there that 1 knew. ',,, the hills lill it tpn-.nU into the
Then my acquaintances began to die, , i.e.iutil'ul Ohio. Thence in stretches
and tho flock continually grew. lttir invnv t15n, miles, leaving on its
it was not until I sent ono of my little i,.,fis . ,liari a ,i,n,,,.d villages
children lo hid grandparent liod nnd cities and many n cultivated farm
that 1 began to think that. I had got ll( bearing half a thousand steam
a litllo in myself A second went, n ; iat. Then joining the Mississippi,
ihiid, a fouilh, and by that timo I at retches nwnv nnd away some twelve
had so many ncqiiainlnnces in heaven I hundred miles'more, till il falls into the
that I did not sec any moro walls und ' cmblem of elernilr. It i one of the
domes and spires. I began lo think
ot tlio reulen ol Ibe cilt.
And now, there- have been so many
ot my aeiinninlaiices eot tiiero, H
seem to me I know moro in heaven
tban 1 do ou earth."
There are lour good habit punc
tuality, accuracy, steadiness and ili
patch. Without the first of these,
timo is wasted ; without tho second,
mistake tho most hurtful to your
credit and interest and thul of others,
may bo committed; without the
nothing can be -done ; and
w ithout the fourth, opportunities of
' I , I
. n.i uutuuiucs ntu loci.
Cincinnati bat a "Christian Grain
Elevator" Thcro is no other city
west of Pittsburgh whose Christian.
j rv moo o iivnii tif-uiing, f
3 IV. PI
umut - iMi i mr tu j jypu jULinm 0mm
", Iho Volley of Ajalon.
A VIIMo Iha lljttle-lleld where Jo.liut
stopped tbe Kua.
Tin l!ev. ( S. Hohinson, in the
8 ! CrSritfan films, gives nn interesting
rt ! iteeotHt of a visit to Joshua's Imtllo-
Held t '
"Oi. thii way lip tlio didklllt hill we
hatl' filler, into qtilto n vigorous dis
cushion concerning on of the historic
teuirriiseetices lor which I'ppcr' Belli
rom is famous. There can be nn doubt
of its authenticity ns the locality in
wiioh was wrought out thut great
vi-tory oi jsrnci over tow iinotities.
TU-, however, has notoriety
.' , . ....ii.. . ,,
iiiuuiiiilll wiilli. in i-neiiiiiy iiti nirii , .
I. . , ... i . .. i ". i .. i .. I I
iiiatniraeio ni ' johuo:i, wnen nu nunc
i UR aim ami "o"n otonj sun. Wo
WCrVV.. frill CIHW Ot .illOOII Alld
vull-y of Ajalor. Wo were laboring
up :bo identical steeps down which
the foe was driven discomfited.
"nd if the record is literal, record
ingfact nnd not figure, then wo were
certain that somewhere in full sight
was tho exact spot upon which tho
nnsr-en brakes wcro applied to the
whtels of ihis solar system, bringing
it t a mighty stop i'or twenty-four
"After a dizzy, hardworking plunge
down into tho verdurod ritlley, over
rotlta smooth, nnd worn, and very
Hli pery, wo fell inlo the lino of an
ancient Jiomun road, wbero tho pall)
had been' originally constructed of
heavy flagging slotted, like cyclopcan
pavement; the wny wus Intolerably
tough, but now and then it wus aetu
ally cut in the living rock, nnd the
steps nude excellent footholds for the
horses. There i no uso in denying,
however, that this forenoon's work
put the tetl to our endurance j the jar
of stepping up or down llieso stone
stairs is, alter a while, a serious inflic
tion. '
"Right before u now lay the rude
village of liibcon, tho modern name of
which is KU ib. leaving our less ad
venturous ladies lo wind their quiet
way around the beautiful vineyards
and orclnrds lyinjf in tho plain, their
whito garment shining in the sun,
againsl the deep green of tho olive
trees scattered in tho meadows, we
rodo directly up to tho precipitous hill
on tho singular summit of w hich the
hnmlct now sttintlet. Il seemed actu
ally inttciessiblo lo an unprtteticed
eye, but turn-body found u tigr-ag
road among tho layers of rock, and
led our way. 1 never believed myself
much of a horseman. It has ever
been my misfortune to keep going
over the bead or tail of nn iiuinuil.
I'ut ullcr reaching the lop of that
cover-like village, I felt so proud in
my mind that I verily believed I might
with proper training having been fit-
'-It afforded no liltle amusement to
us all, when, ufurthoe frnntic en
diavors, we at last confronted each
tinner on tho narrow, dirty ndgo, to
put tho serious inquiry why any one
of us had attempted it what wo went
fori h for lo sec ? For there was ac
tually nothing at tlie spot worth
climbing after. And somebody was
iinfui ttiontc enough to quote the open
ing sentence of that confused orator
in a debating society ; "I raise, Mr
President, to tell yon what I rose for!"
"Even tho associations of this place
could have been more contemplatively
recalled far out of reach of iho snarl
ing of dogs, tho mtilliltidirons fleas
ami tho unntlcrahlc stenches of that
indescribable pack of hovels, (fnly one
thing grew clear a n piece of Scrip
luru exposition from the visit. No
body need ever ask -me whero the
tjibeonitea got tho 'old sack upon
their asses,' w ith which they deceived
Joshua 'the w ine bottles old and rent
and bound up ; and old clouted shoes
upon their feet ; and the old garments
upon them ; and tho old bread dry
and mouldy.' There arc plenty ot
such things right in the midel of thin
forlorn town.
"Il w as hard In believo thisdesolato
spot bud once been 'a great city, as
one of the royal cities.' We had to
push imagination hard lo recall the
lino history enacted nn Ihe stony bill.
This was really the high placo cl Gib
con.' Wo remembered that hero Sol
omon had his dream, and received the
eminent wisdom that penned the Pro
verbs. Hero Ainussa fell under the
treacherous weapon ol Jotih, and here
Asahvl'. fleet find was stayed in sud
den death. Here A sap It sang, and
(Med ledom ministered in famous daya,
when tho labcrnntle, constructed by
Moses from putternsgiven him in Sinai,
stood uptiii ihe eminence. Hero res
ted the alter of burnt offi-ring until
tho Umplu was finished for its final
nhndo on Mount Moriuh. It is sad to
see bow tho village has fallen. 'Hew
ers nf wood and drawers of w ntor' the
inhabitants hrcntno after the battle
LrealeM tribiitnricsnf llieoccan, whit h
I (1,.,ot,i i i:,1 ,,U- shrill roll nnd
j r,.,r t;n the iinnel, w Ilh one loot on
the sen ami the oilier on the land, shall
till up his band and swear that time
shall ho no longer. So with immortal
influence. It is a riil river an
oceun and a houndlcst and fathom
lest as eternity.
lion. Col.i Mills I'ki.ano, ot Ohio,
now Commissioner of Internal JJeven-
no, lias been nppoinled Secretary of
tho Interior, in plain l-f tiviininl Cox,
ivsigncd from disgust w ith the conduct
,,l Iho rre.i.l.o.t
Futienco it exemplified in a man who
loll his Wagon while his horse bulked,
sat on slunin. and read the war lel-
- icgrams till tlio animal was hungry
jeiiouii to go lioinw.
In a Collar at Strasbourg,
A French paper gives the following
. . f . i - f ...
nccotinl of the experience nf one of the
inhabitnnt of Strasbourg tlnrirg tint
I '.'!-'01! 1 V'"1 l,et'n fl'ihltshed in
j "rp ,"r m',ny J'01"'''' nlld
unairs mni never oeen so prosperous
as they were when tho w ar broke out.
On the approach of the enemy I sent
away my wife and family, but could
not leavo my warehouses anil stores,
least w htin iho town was taken they
should bo given up lo pillage The
first eight days all went well; the
ifl,uiirter I inhnbited seemetl to be I
i , . . jL ., ,
H"' l "n ,,ho fn,l,lh
exploded in front of my lion
a shell
my liouso anil
house and
n-oko all the wintlowson Iho ct'Otiud
iMr. i I bought it prudent from thai
.1 . . ll- 1 I
ll,ii.Tei ...m. V 3 1 1 ii
in my cellar
selilom wont out ol it. 1 spent my !
days uuu evenings in rending, iiiue
lliiiikinir what was about to befall me.
On Saturday, tho 10th, about mid day,
while I was Ukinir a meal, heard a
tremcndotis noise over head. 1 ran to
the stairs to ascertain the amount of
da m a go doubtless caused by a shell i on the niantlcjuece, and unknown to
falling into n.y house 1 drew me, it stretched out its little hands
terrified. The entrance tn the ccllerinnd seined the three pieces, which 1
was stopped up by portions of the I did not observe until I got home. 1
wall. The houso had fallen in, and I
n as buried alive. U nut passed through
my mind in the first hour of my cap
tivity I cannot adequately describe.
I had fits of dumb linger, lo which
general exhaustion succeeded. Py de
grees 1 came lo myself, lor 1 must
confess I completely lost my head; I
collected my ideas and thought 1 re
membered having during tlio day
hronght down a petroleum lamp. I
felt mv way to tho piece of furnituro
on which 1 believed I had plarcd it,
and by good fortune ihero il was. 1
lighted instantly. 1 1 wuf then that 1
realized my true situation ; all around
me there wcro ruins ; Iho staircase no
longer existed ; 1 could no longer de.
ccive myself ; the houso hud fallen in pertinacious adherence to her original
and this was to be my tomb. . To clear i slory. As the firmness wus siistaim d
tho rubbish on that sijii was my only j by that look of innocence which Ihe
hope, and began il wiih the liny of i most adroit criminal can never conn
despair. Every brick I took away forfeit, tho court wcro at sonic los to
made others full ; iho walls crumbled discover what decision just ice demand-
continuully, nnd 1 was from one mo
ment to another threatened uith des
truction by the ruins. Then my lamp
went out for want of oil, ami for a
timo I gave up all hope; bul tho in
Blind of self preservation prevailed,
and I set to w ork ng:iin in a sen of
rage. I hud been working, ns it
seemed to me, more than two days,
when the ceiling suddenly fell in ; a
brick struck me on tho head, and 1
fainted. How long I remained inse'n
siblol cannot tell. When 1 renpenvd
my eyes I perceived an opening above
my head, mid the sluts were shining.
it was nii-M. I suffered
nam iiotrlit'te lot leal n
horn b y.niid
inmiii-.H" u
fresh fall of masonry. I w ailed for a
day in mortal anxiety. As soon us I
could reahxo my position hope return
ed. 1 made a iu-tip of rubhisli :il!
round mc, and, clinging lo a beam of
iho ceiling, I raised myself out of ibis
cellar winch bad so nearly been my!
grave. Once nut of it, I again gave
way. t lien 1 camo lo myself once
more, I crouched down among tho
ruins of my abode and wepi for more
than Uo bours. I had spent four
days in thai cellar. I wont into it
without one gray hair, nnd now it is
quite white. I faro nged more than
twenty years in four days. As for my
shops all arc burnt. 1 liad worked f ir
ten years to set up my family in toler
bio comfort. My wife and I looked
for an old age exempt from caro; now
ull iiuisl begin over again, and 1 see
no prospect of anything but misery
for our future days." .
.American Wonders. ,
The greatest cataract in tho world
is tbe falls of Niagara, w hero iho wa
ter from the giral upper lakes forms
a river of three fourths of a mile in
width, and then, being suddenly con
tracted, plunges over the rock in two
columns, to tho depth of 17o feet.
The greatest cave in the world is
tho Mammoth cave of Kentucky,
whero any can mako a v ova go on the
water of a subterranean river, and
catch fish without eyes.
The greatest river in the known
world id tho Mississippi, 4,000 miles
The largest valley in iho world is
tho valley of tho Mississippi. It con
tains five hundred thousand squaro
miles, and is one of the most fertile
regiont of the globe.
The crentesl city park in tho wnr!J
is in Philadelphia. It contains over
two thousand acres.
The greatest grain port in tho
world is Chicago.
Tho largest Inko In Ihe world is
I.nko Superior, which is truly nn in
land sea, being i'M miles long, and
I, ooo leel deep
j no longest railroad in the world is nro muny ,lievCi (ov, ,i,0 red lauo
the I'licilii- Uailrt.nd, which is over .1,- The ale jug is a great waste. In all
010 miles in length. , olK.r things keep within Ihe compuss
'Ibc greatest natural bridge lnthe,n elotbes suitable, lasting
,' ,',, V ,:..' . ' , isinii, anil not hi wny iineries. in no i ami Hcspiso danger, nnd l-ceotne So
tedar t trgtnta. It ( wirm is 0vf ,;,, u,i . ,,0ver mind ! ,lm thai be can coolly perform the
err. a chasm M feet in wtd.n and , , o..k. Never strelvl. your leg. lar I work which is given bint to do ! I
2..II feet in d. plh, and at Iho bottom ,.,erlhan the blankets will reach.oryou tir,U I see our Saviour tin. consid
of which Ihe creek flow. . ill , tun, bo cold. A fool may make i erate for other, mi. I unmindful of
.,n-l l.,nl ,a.i, oo" o.
1I1H Will IU IS tun iron .iltillllltliu til
Missouri. 1 1 is 8'iO feet high and two
mile in
The best speciiner of
arcinieetnro in tlie woilil i tho fitr-
arm oiiego tor orpi.ttns. niii.ideipi.ia.
Ibe lar,.esl no tu.i o. 1 1... ..oil, I
j is the Cmlon aqueduct, in New York. I
Its length i -Joj milcsund it cosl 112,- Madame de Mnei said : "If I were
"mMI.OPO. j mistress of lilt y languages, I would
v Tho largest deposits of anthracite think in the deep lieniniii, converse
coal in the world are in Pennsylvania, j in the gay French, write in the copi
Ihe mines of w hicli supply the market out Kngiisb, sing in Ihe majestic
with millions of Ion annually and ap. , Spanish, deliver in the noble lireek,
pear lo bo inexhaustible. Amerirun aud make love in the soft Italian.'
Engineer. m
' ii . Tho Someiscl Ikmocrtit wants to
A Si. Ivonis m in is universally ron -
demned by Id ft ienda liir cin ulatini'
i the report thul bo was iroinir lo Ku -
mpo, and then merely visited I'nri.
K., and Koine, rvuw tork.
m am a
"Mary," said an old latly, "it i a
very solemn ining lo gel married,
"I know it is, molher," replied Mary,
hnl it i a tolemnor thing not to."
TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance
NEW SERIES-V0I, 11, NO. 18.
Testing Hor Iunocence.
The followiriL' toitihiiitf scene re-
i eently nectiricd in a PurUiun court of
A poor pale, wun foamstress was
nrraigneil for theft. She up pen red at
; too imr W illi a hoy eleven or twelve
months old in her arms her child.
j Situ went to get some work one day,
, ami stole three coins of 1W each.
i 'J'ho money wus missed soon after ehe
ilell Iter employer, nnd n servant was
sent to her mom tn claim it. The
servant found her about to q'tit her
room with the thrco gold coins in her
.hand. .Sho said In
tin) sei v.-iiil, "I I
Was gnnia to carry them to vm "
was "nina to cr.rrv
uNeviTthiless she wits curried to thcli,. r " w t.'.i. . r. ii.
Commissioner o Police, and he ordered
t .. i.. . i r .. 1
: r Z .2? 1 r,r"rd humed from him thnt tho half
lawyer, and when asuvu oy tno juoge
What sho hud lo say for herself, she
answered: ' 1 ho day 1 went to my
employer's I carried my child wilh
mo. It was in my arms a it is now.
l was not paying itllenlion lo it-
There were several other gold coins !
at once put on my liootiet, and was
going back to my employer to t el tiro
them when I was arrested. This is the
solemn truth, as 1 hope for heaven's
Tho court could nol believe this
story. . They upbraided iho mother
for her impudence in endeavoring lo
pulin off such a manifest lie for the
truth. They besought her for her
own sake to retract so absurd a talc,
for it could be of no effect, but obliged
the court lo spntom-e her to a much
severer punishment than they were
disposed to inflict upon ono so young
and evidently steeped eo deep in pov.
ctly. J hosu appeal bud no Hied
except tostrcnglben Ibe poor mother's
cd. To relieve their embarrassment
one of ihe judges proposed to renew
tho fccctio described by tho molher.
Tho gold coins were placed on the
clerk's table. Tho mother was n
quested to osstimo tho position in
u liich tho stood at her employer's
house. There was then a silent
breathing in tlie court. Tlio baby
soon discovered tlio blight coin, eyed
it for a moment, smiled nnd then
strelched forth its liny bands and
clutched litem in it fingers with u
miser's eagerness. Tho mother was
Jlow Starvation f lei.s Wilsor,
tho Connecticut murderer, who wrni
'Ji day without food, thus describes
his sensations rvhilc fasting ;
"On ihe fourth and fifth days iho
Ir'nl w as ten ible ; the ravings of bun
gcr were fearful; I could hardly stand
tl ; niter Hint, ntingtr ceased; on the
sixth day my thirst was so intense
that involuntarily 1 brought tbe wash
dish to siy lips und drank several
swallows of tinier; tho dish catuo in
voluntarily to my lips, I coul I not
hcljiil; this 'was tho only timo I
drank during iheSlj flays."
"How did you feel titter taking the
"I fill no real inconventenco- after ; I did not frol hungry, bul felt
very weak."
Vben asked how ho fell otter first
pniluking ol luod alter hi long fast, bead nurse w dl, and tho child, or
ho said i rather children, were in excellent
"I was careful not lo lako much, health. The physician could see no
and I selected Ihe mush and fresh w a- reason w hy it, or Ihev, should npk
ter. It was sweet and good, and 1 ! lit-,-. The mother is doing well.-"
took il because it was tho lightest : There were no physicians piocnt at
lood, and then I only took u quarter tl,e birth, and lha puins lasted on'y
of the ration. Ii fill hot in tny stum-1 fifteen minute
ach, and at once il caused my heart Mr. FinleV is alive to the impor
to beat in u very rapid manner, and , and vliluo ol this addition lo III
ulso very hard. Then tho hlootl scetned : family. He is now char-nitir irato
to circulatti through mv hotly ait a
very rapid rate, and I Ull rather
strange. Hut in n few minutes my
heart began to beat slower und natu
rally then my pulse a Initial ceased,
tho circulation becoming very low in
deed. Then a reaction again took
place, and I had considerable fever;
there w as a burning tensai ion at my
stomach, but no real pain." Wisely. iook most to your
spending. Mo matter what ponies in,
if it goes out. yon will always he poor.
The art i not in making money, but
in keeping il ; litllo expenses, like
mice in a burn when they ate many,
made great waste. Hair by hair
heads get bald. Straw by straw the
thalph goes off tho cottage, ami the
rain comes in tho chamber. A bar
rcl is soon empty, it the tnp leaks but
a drop a miuiito. When you mean tn
Btiii'n ItiMriti with innr mouth ? llnio
; money, bill it takes a wtso man l
. r.-n, lit l(,.ni, ,..r t w c .e lo
nuitii two cnimncys man to Keep one
iroiiiir. II von t'lVn n hock sml
Ivour.l. there it nolbinrr lert lor Ibe
Hviiig batik. 1'ttro
hard and work
rest when you
t0 lo
' know wlnuher John Covodo w ill con-1
test the cleelion of Jack Sherman, of)
1 Iniliana, I'a. Jack had "75 voles, and
' Covotlo 0, for High Constable,
Nine too election, ice
' Colfax has taken the veil, ami ia tie-
voting inmseti to ine eitucntion ol a
j w hitc squirrel at Sntilh Itend. lie wv ill
. nevrr tmile again.
I Tli Siniii""e Trinit Otildrtip.'
a -
I ltri,,,ltiatl I'le.ti i, a.tnre.
I -.rrr.p-'n.h I it., r '-ti rmwplf,
l'i.i.tnr, Ohio, i), i. 17.
Our ('Oinntnttily is n in It rKt itrtJ
ovi-r n lii'ttk ol i sitrto in ihu prodne.
I I't.t id n tlout'b' I'Mby. The Sminess
twins sin t ompli'lely ovi't-alinilott pj
by this it, fiinl v ond. r 'I heiaU liv
ing in IVrn tow nhii, Mortnw county,'
n I it in 1 1 tininc.l Fiuliiy. t'p to ln-t
Wedfesdny nmriiing it Cfptisiled of
Mr. Jorpli Finley. lew th' Myry.snd
two thlliltvn, lilt lo git , u-,.i threa'
and five jriir. On Hint mnrnini; Mm.
Finley Wiis conllt.rd antl nin e l.iu trf
twins, jnini-d i ieih-r in a nitinner
unknown lo I :- K Wl in tho gmt
ips brnngbt ll.e news of ihe eveni io
Ot;r city Hlill eejivp (leeCI-ipiior.B t.f tlio
child, or lulhcr ctii'dreii, it us
hitivhtd at by J't jf vii tial nn-rr
imd pronounced a t;iX"l lionx, A gen.
blemnii living in tho viiii ity of ilm
Finley liotne e-a!!w on uny of our'
physicians and nsMire'i him that ti ero
whs tin r'xng.'crai lull in t!.i il.-.cri,,.
tiim, as be bad sven the wonder, ( on
vinceil that I hero was aotnelhing In
the ia-e, a pally id' g'-niieieen. eon-'
si-ling of lts. .1. A. Li'.tie nnd T. B,
Willniins. W. (. Sfitmetis, pl'ofeesiil'
of iiMltual his'ory arnl t heitiioiry in
Iho Ohio Ve!evan- tiliiinvil y, iter
S. Iv. Ilfinut in. on lliA lt'.Mi iiiMfntif
vi-iled Hie familv. I h lore leachiinr
v;..i. .. e..... ,t. n . i ...
i ,...u...i i ,., t ,i. ... ,t. .
1 ' " iou uiei .
accompanied Inc. party.
All hoUr'af
, ivo i,,.,,,, ,t J,,,,,, , ,,e ,,u,.(, (j
U,,;,, t ,,u ptie leiidiiiir to the yard,
L w,i(i,. nmice was .lim-ovi-rud km
vi,:,,,,, tt.(,,..i Imj
admitted. Thi-t ilid nol deter lh
T!,Pv imincdiatelv entered the
' p.irlv.
j yard, and on reaching the front doof
I of Ihe dwelling, they were nut hf
I Mr. Finley (the father) and a gentle
maiirn lio appeared to l,c acting as uid
i!c camp, w ho informed tint party
that they could be admitted to see
the show on the piivm- til id twenty
five cent each. Tin- l'rof. promptly
forked and the party stepped in. . In
a few minute the muse made lief ap
pearance with Ihe wonder. A duuhio
child wits exhibited. Two pet e. tly
formed lirinls. one on cither end of
the spinal column.
To give a ch ar idea of il, just tup
pone you sever the bodice of two flit if
jut Ihe lower p.u't of the abdomen and
: ,!, j)Ul tllP i wo upper parts togetli
er, and you have n trunk l this child.
At Ihe instance of Drs. Williams mid
Liltle tho clothing was lakeli from it
ur.d u ciiticul examination was mudu.
so far ns could be, without injury.
From the occiput of one child to the"
occiput of the other ilicro was a C3f!
tinuoUH spine, in a tiirrcl line. I'poif
ono side, and directly in the centre of
j the trunk, were perfectly developed
hips, thigh", legs nnd let I. 1 hey urn
in nice prupop ion to tho body of
either child. On the opKmite eide
there is one large, iniierlcclly formed
leg, presenting tbe uppearanf e of tho
consolidation of twji It '. Tiiero ara
tnes on this limb, two of which bnvd
ihe appearance of great loe, being
ii.tli. Ii larger than tho others. F.acli
has n well foimcd head, good feat urea,
L-ood i-heet, fooil arms nnd luili'l",
iung. heart, liver and tliimncrt. lie
Iween the perli-el ly formed limtik, anrf
properly situated, are Iho antl and
sexual oig in, in common. The It. ttef
,.--.:...,( ti c. ho,e. U l l.t-.-i I .-.
it ii il perhaps (he kidneys, mc in cm.
inoii. All the other organ at -n
There ''us hut ono umbilical cord
and one placi nta. The length of the
body is twenty inches, and li e nnihil-
; cu 'i tvotral 'lo iho nhd-nten, nnd
equi ill-tout mint cacn henu Jt iimeo
es well at boih etnls, u id, when (irl
exhibited lo the put ty, one child waa
asleep and the other wn ctyinif
While the physician wero makinpf
their examination, both cried, but,
low minlues alt ;r, ihti ono that was
cry ing first w ent lo sleep, while lha
other remained awake. Whin cither
head would cry, the perfect leg which
a a nearest to that head remained
quiet. . When cither erred, the loc oft
the imperfect fool ii cul.l move, but
lite limb remained stationary. IWth
mimcy, and he informed ihe writer
that be bad already entered into nr-
licit' of agi cement with a gctitlemnl
for iho Rale of the body, il il should
ilio. 1'iiie fixed is Sl'tl.O'.'l). Negoti
aitotis are in pmirrcs for il exhibi
tion if it lire, lie is convinced that
Hit re i money in il, dead or alive",
bul thinks I hero is tho most in the
bitter condition Ho say thnt
bo is conscious ol Ihe fact thul ho "is
an unlearned man, but ha sent
enough not to be fooled out of il."
Il is eeitainlv one of the most tX'
Ivaorditiiiry Ireaks, if not the most ho,
which has ever occurred, and will
certainly attract great ntlcntion from
Ihe medical profc-sion at least. Dr.
Williams und l.ttile nro weil known
to ihe brother, 1'r Davis, and many
other physician of your city.
I close by raking "Wheio is the
Cardiir tjiant nuw .'"
Oh, llio divine niaj-sly of bcncvo.
leiiccj ! How- brave it makes a man !
Mow it lend him to forget himself.
I himself. May I add lhat thcro
I lesson here Inns not only for imitation
j bul for consolation ! Il he, while fly
ing from his enemies, stiil stop In
i bless tho blind, hoiv much moro will
I he b!e- us who seek hi face now that
he i exuded on high, ai d i clothed
w ith divine pow er end glory p.t tho
I riirii' hand of ihe Fat her ! Tiiero i
nothing to hurry him now, hu is ex
j po-ed to no danger now ; send up j our
I prayer, breathe out your desires, and
he will rep'v, "Arecrdin? to your
faith, so be it unto you."
There art! two reason why tome
I people don't mind their own business.
One 1 thai they Imvn I any business,
and Ihe second Unit lltey bar no'
mil d.
Sonic one w role in a hold visitor's
book hi initials. "A fc." A wairwmla
: uniltriieiiili,"Two-thiiltof the truth."
Tho lomh of Fx-Fresident Harrison ,
in Ohio, is auid lo he (-rambling lo
' pnwr
a-- -lAi-iatM- .-.irv.a,ereKse,aiuvv,a.-a-'-- ..