Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 09, 1870, Image 3
-1 - Hk ... , THK HK1HJ 1)1.1 CAN. " ri,i:AKFlKM, Va. gr,yi;lAY M'HMXt.X"VKMIlKR.ln:. we" Terms of Subscription, ,,l it .,ram-e.nrwlllilii three months.. H CO JIMlH afier three nnd bi folr .ia month. t M J, , j .fior rpirtt.Tl of sis. months.., I CO t ". m ftrtiflM to Insur. Insertion tn this r rfr shoul-l be" hamled in furl? nn Tuesday .e fo to press at 11 iiVl'K'k, (noon.) . m.l.lCilOl'S N0TICLS. : . I MrilimlM r.plropl C'horth Rcr. J. n. !u I'oiti' I'.ntor 1'iiblio rierrioe every Sabbath, ZUi u...-!i,.m i raMialh School t A. M. j pr,.r Meeting every Thurs.lnr. at T P. M. r;,l,n!iiitTii"n Servico, 6rit riubbatb ofj every Iaslh. l lr A- M. ! at Kriirt' 'hurrh rthoIlrUcT. Mr. I n JidJ ami f'"".'1' Sun-lavs r orb mor.Ui. nt. Andrew's C'lirrUl".ilwiiplnr. lUu.. l'ul'lte Hervlcr Suinliiy morning ti 3 irloi-a, and at 7 I. M- Sunday School al 1 p f. j'rayor Meeting Wednesday evening k.l.T eVIork. f probvteriau Chtirclt Rev. Vr. Pabl Service every Sabbath, moruilig nnd even- f Sfivr: for HaI.e lr. Hover has n ' V 4 Sianlcr Air-tight Stuvu which be flcia fur I Mil ? CUH1. 2t. PiKw'wioN Stouk. Tlio a.lvorliao- ntnt f Mi esrs. laott A Dysart will be found ls wjero. Tuff have opened a room fur the purchase .ml sale of feed aud provision. KR-KS for Sale Mr. J. II. Wil son, ofJJIarion, will odor ten borici for iale at the Mansion H'juic, In this place, on Thursday, the lTth, i-venl pain arc elos.dy matched, and others raiuitaMc fr lumbering. Coal and Lime Wo cull the nt- tiatiuo of thusa in need of those essentials to the ajfertiicnuDt of Meaars. Shortlidgc A Co.; llcllo-fsut,- They havo had man; years experience in Us hasioett ul are upright an J honorable Rica fiUal itH. -" Tn.NKS.-MeHra. Clnrk Hrown.ofj Liren:e towabip, and Juicpb Uilliland, of Kart-; tu, tare our thanki fur a lot of exlrmordinarj tae Run So Applev. W never aw larger onci ie;t on one oooaAiun, ulien itojipinj with our Id fneu4 AnUien McUirrcy, In Chert towmhip, fa. LH64. wljere we fronted lUmWi 4) inchei in iaoietr. May ther all hare plenty next year. "KXTENIVB CoyFLAOEATIO. O It tfJoei'Uy tgM aVo'u't one pvUHoli fftef iif iirwed lulm belong ii j to Murfl. Hester k H'leman, near 0eoila, were destroyd by fire. This wa evidently in work of an incendiary, aa the mill hal been rumored to another locality icrcral weeks p rev ions, no being occupied near (be pU-o. We anJrntaDl that an Insurance of $:3,UO0 was on the lumber, that the loss Is not very beery on the firm. NiUrly a Fire The Shuw House, la tb it p!ace roalj a narrow escape from fire on Wednesday nigUt last. AUoot 1 2 o'clock at nigM ooia use parting through the front parlor discor- red Ihat there was fire somewhere and upon e- i l ,c . a.nat.en discovered thit the 'mf was on fire bftwoen the flue ani the wainscoHing. the alarm bcioigirett the element was aooa extinguished, It was a verv narrow eecape Indeed. How the fire originated is still a mystery. A Dab Afair. Ou Thur!y bl aSaut B o'clock, while Judre Folsv and his heard the cries of an infant as they supposed in tbt street, but continuing Its erica one of the fam ily repaired to the front door to ascertain what wsi tb matter, when to her aurprtss aha discov ered a aaale child about 3 months old wrapped p In a shawl en the froat porch. The child was taken id and properly eared for. The Judge with aa ofieor aoaVaas4a CnandJ west Corlk to And the godless aether, and in a short time found a female sU the Leonard Hmtse, who, answering the d esc rip. tlon of one who had eesae iu the Boon train carry ing a chill, but bad pat up at the Mansion Uuuse. Inquiry being made at the latter fcwUl it was found that the woman with the child paid her bill and bad left in company with a man who had called for her a little after dark. This was rather damaging proof against the ft male in question, and when confronted and charged with having left the child where It was found confessed her guilt. The Judge toon had the ehild returned. Ts woman took it and left in the morning train, Tyrone wards. Our reporter look the same train, and went as far as I'hilipshurg, where a s!Vsied, red headed, assnl-twfii;d biped, entered the ear and upbraided the female outrsgeously Car failing to fulfill her contract, declaiiug that sbt should not have a Ud dd cent, Utause she did ot dtJirer the child. The woman remonitrating all the while trying to keep the male gender quiet. D also- learned that the woman was not the mother of ttuMibild, but had agreed to delircr the child to some party in this place for a money con sideration. -The woman ware her a erne as tnm Twin, M w. h.v. MluM. n i.lnw We learn la'er, that the U-fl the child with family in Tyrone, where she entered the residence wf a respectable family apob-g'sing very properly ... t. ' . ... M. mimi . ,..u..n wvy io me rnW ,nM ner Busoan-j c-iwng-a 10 uie rmm an i inai mey lived away sjp town, aud she wished to leave her child Ul ahe would go to the store lea or Mm mm- . " , . tea. It it needless to say she has not eome ba-k. and the family were not so Iceky in ft ting ril of the lKUe rtnng r as the Judge was. Ni.w Mahomc liOUGp.. In ruraa- anee of wetra?tMh of R. W. G. M. Robert A. I.amWrton. Kiq., directed to Orrin T. Noble. Ksq. D. 0. G.M.fnr Die Uih maeonie dis'rirt of PICO'S., No1.-!? LC Ko. 4H'i, loia'rrl at Sen n Mb n.ciuu, i ear it-n eonnty ra., was uu v con- .i. . 1. . .... L e tated en Thursdar teHilter Tth 17, at high W. U. 0. Ki Or.. N. CsllMni. (I. Tl Kn. II. U.Cnr II i' V W lti'n .1. O. M ! Jno. K. CullinArlk. II. P.; 1. hrii-' ensiein, li. T , David MeGsnrbeT, G. S. B.t A gar UkKwt and .ames m. TeUb, 0. p s : L Xck utiougn, and u. it. at (rticrs(o, it, l)'s. The Graad I'Odr i,fned at l. minutrs lefre 15 fclock, by the II. W . G. II., and at 12 o'clock the imeivr eerrmony of enserrating the new fiall an I intsliing the olTieor of the new lodge, rmwnet'd. T br a bole sc: . iee was na of the aiovt InUrndiug 1 have eer wt4,d. The brethren at New Washington bate a very Sjet and enteient liKlire room, li by 61 fwt. r ejtn!)y furni'bei) and apprapriatHy fitted up in rery rep3et-lhe pn.perty of the I. O. of U. F. Jo the sveend story of the building tliere ia a , Urge dining hall for tb ae of the bdjr-e as a banqueting room. Tbeir regatta and fiflnree are U new. ol nn. aaaiur a. atrMIr erf.latioai. idr,. Hunter ; Assistant Ar.or, I. L. rilrw 'ii. olheers of the new Mfr are t j lrt H..h.noieri Hnpervisors. John Both- . ". Aaher D. BennHt, U. M.I James ft. raff. P.. Wj Jeremiah HoorrTi Ja.ler. Thomai Kler; John M. Iloas, J. H .( A lata llrrlh, K ; Jainea L. npeela, llrorre lloorer. Philip Knoij S, h.l tVok, T. I Hirei loea, C. Ilartle, 100, Joha arin,, r.o, The tuetkrm are well (,o.alilled to d. Ik. ' i.,H Beam. iw ; Ctr-raeers, W. Rothroek. B. F. "work." and I le.1 ..tcltr l the (Irani Udje. fi. I wilkelnat Auditor, J. L. Ctewnrt t Oerk, Henry rer. hareeommrtroH llr destinies of this nr. liMtre I nrr eomrrtrift kinds and Inithfnl hearts. Tire I K R m,;tna-B.rrrrr. James M. Rose; . .sn.eihiir.kir r.f Mi. nrw lode. i. sulee. With c.mrilmrn. James Oaeare. It. Wm. .Mi balier. It. Ibea-or.liee of twelve or 011 n mere from (h.r- I Wnt. Tb.non. Jl, C. K.triekrr. II. II. Rose. r Tree. Anaonvill. and lllrn Hope, aa III -a is (. t'n.tiil.!e, Wm. M haOer j James tsow Ih. mi1 roniewtrnt knife for the hrHhren i jSovafe j Afistant Aaeaora, J. B. l'Marrr, .resiJiurin there looalili.. Ikia n.w tods;, ha. I . H. Nrff: Juilre. II. 1. lln-i ; In'perlors, John alM a Kn. or,an, as wrll as an orranisl who well j Reddrn, James ti:i(.irr; 8-lio,il l)ireetors, P. B. knew, how to na it Bro. Innta. j;r(f Br J, . t'limminra. 3 rears, Jaine. fiar. .. Iw4taarenin at 7 Umk. there was siahlie , )nrt. J. .M. H'e and Nathan Palmer. 1 rneetmi ketd in Ike M. L. ( kureb, whieh was , ,rar; (n'erseers. I'. B. ir!I and N. I'almeri Aodi lar,ei? atten led, notwithstandinf the nnphwsant- fcf . D. B.c. eefthe weather. Adreeae. were delirerwl ' . ri... A V f'her,e' I'.n.l.t.u .7. ifn ai-propnate snhjets, be itiria T. Noble, W. ! Il-. Jaine H. Met'ord, After the eonflnsion of the wrvieef at the ehun h. the brethren rr-jiaired .to the banqueting room and did ample just ioe to a sumptuous repae prepared for the noroifin. 0 Friday morning, (letober ?th, all parties ' fs-i ditee r -ted f'if their homes, tWIing well safisfie!, that wot onlv the br. threw at rw W asfaintrton. were jolly fellows, bat thai the eitl lens. wboce bouses were thrown ) lor their aemssmo lilton, were a hospitable, geweroas haarted pstple. They have the thanks of the eo t.r bro'hrioed of ttiis eommnnity. On the way htme to Cleaiirld. the b re threw stiripeel at the Ifusoehanna House, wlirre they partmtk ol an el egant dinner, wntvb Pro. liloum and fats eti nia'le Is ly knuw so well b"W r prrnare. Alter dinner the party resumed tbeir journey and nr riel at Chharneld aWni 4 Vlo. k. 1 has rndtd Otijtjif the jnowl pb-aant little episodes in my ma- nic !i.e. and I feel sure that at New W abmg1oa here is a A'sM ro-lfe of no)lr nrn. or wl -.m the frw'et r trse w:i he avv4. - 0 I. Toetnahlp end Itnrntigh Offirera t!.lw alii W fuwnd mmplrte lit of all (he tl 'rniinh and TwnMr nm ets rlh-ltd in fr Jrt-H of the Pra, IM ibf whirb we pnMtthiHf last wnk, Wherefer flgtirea fallow the name (hey lndirU Ihr buhiIkt of totes recKe!, whi -h are mity girrn where thry are a lie, ftrmiri f", Jnrltaitn Kirtkndf! A mt, Mim, Ht.MK-i AtUttt At'r. I,. . Vft,, H. i'afrhin; Hitpervl-rs, tiro. Ihllrn, J. Kin kade : Ju'tf. Thit. Wailil.urn and Jatnri II situs, tie at Nt; Imprrtors, .lixeh Krr, .1. (Vprri H. hm.l llireetnrs. Kid. hh-.H. lUniel Kirtrr; 0-r-i rs. John Kits. Jnmee lUgrrlv I Auditur, L. II. Wrldl Oerk, V. J. Keagr. FfCft,!,,!, Uvnry UrHhj Assenr, Vm. T. Thnrpj Afltant Arpnn, Thnmnt Mrtlhee, Kmmpton Hrll : HiiperlDrs, John linker, II. Mnktin; Jtidgi, Jolin M. Knssj Inpertnrs, I. h. CftirtpMI, tlrorre Kanffinati: Mt-houl Uireetnrt, Adam llrelh. P. Mnihre and II. M-Xf, tie at 101 ; verserrs, Ains Hnndrrlin. T. ('. Lee; Auditor. II. I., limdcrson; Clerk, A. Iln(h. (Sixty-five voU-s were pulh j fl(f an increase of SnnTVi!iftra. Ittunm ronstahle, John Hmllh ; Amenr-or, 0, A. Wki A f sit tart Assessors, John Hmith, A. 8. Uoldcni Huperviaors, Jaenes W, llrnry, jr., Jumoo Henry, sr.; Ju-Iro. John Htiilt: Jnjw(ors, A-lim Wrarr, A. B. Ilolden f firhuol lireetors. Win. Henry, 0. ' 0. Kendall; (uo Orcrstm erected); Auditor, John Clary. fcHT7t rotislalile, J nmes II. Turner; Awssor, II. K. Kliimtnel; Assixtint Asrcssors, J'at. tlalla gher, Tbontas Meese; Kupervisora, H, A. Khim incl, George Merrett ; Judge, larid Iitueling; lnspeoturs, John llcinh. John Itlnir ; Hi'hool Ihree tors, (luorge Merrett, John llciah ; Orersrers, I). Smeal, J. H. Waplc; Auditor, Tlioiuas llolt ; Clerk, Jobu llrown. Itradfard Constahlr, J. Yothers; Assessor, haniel Htewnrt; Assistant Assessors, B. F. W ilsou, Jaeb Frarec; Supervisrs, V. H, Taylor, Rubcrl Ltvergood ; Judgi', Alet. Livingston; Inupcctors, H. II. Williaius, John Wilson; tSchoul Directors. B. K. Cnwder, H. ltellansf Overseers, For ney, Juhu Condor; Auditor, i. P. Wilson ; Clerk, 6. 11. Ucarbart, liraiiy Constable, John Jamison i Assessor, Inniel Hishvl; Assistant Assessors, Jaevb l'entt, Jacob Mebrwine; Supervisors. Jlcnry Zilliox, John Noldvr; Judge, Josrpb Lins; Jnfpeetors, J. W. Corp, J. II. Kirk; S"hoe Directors, J. II. Kirk, J. II. rVyler; Overwrs, tioorge V. Kirk, J. C. Barrett; Auditor, James Irvin; Clerk, J. W. Corp. liurmtitit Constable, W. T. Himes; A-sessor, John 8. Fry; Assistant Assessors, James Weaver, James 6. Hiil-r ; Supervisors, James Hvert, llenry Un-sslv. A. W. Fry, J. II. Myers; Judge, Joh" C. Mitchell : lnv)eelora Jamrs IMiwIit. Win. Holme; Hi-hool Directors, J. L. Ncff, 81, James Weaver, 7. D. Fulton, 7: Overseers, J. L. Alli son, Wm. Hod key j Auditor, Jamei T. Ssott ; (no Ckrk returned.) Crt Constable, Denjamin K linger; Asseeeor, Kll B. CI cm son ; Assistant Assessors, Iawre-nce Killisn, Jonathan Fry; Supervisors, Benjamin Bishop. 8V, J. C. Kitchen, K6, John Bobison, H5, W. F. Hart.i, bt . Montgomery, Hi, Hot. Uoland, Ml; JwIxp, Anthrmy MfUarvcy; Inspectors, Oil. Toirr, Hurnnel K. Snyder; 8"bod Direct or a, Adam Magy, 86, John Kainey, 1, Wio. Wagoner, HI, Wui. Mctiarrev, r-0 ; Ovarseere, T. F. Dunbnr, J. 0. LingMt; Auditor, U. 6. IWr; Clerk, Calvin iftevens. - Cicitto'oa Conslaltle, Levi Laird; Assessor, John J. 1'ieafd ; A Mrs t ant Assessors, Jonb Rider, John Jailer;, ajwrvisorf, peter Urnisrt A. Hn geney ; Judge, C. Herthol; Inspectors, Lewis Pic ard, A. Roiigrny School Directors, John Picard, Joseph Mulson ; Overset-rs, John Viriot, M. K rai ser; Auditor, Joab ttidt-r; Clerk, Wm. Miller. CewrrM-Mlurgcat, J. make U alters ; Consta ble, John McCltllan; High Constable, Kd. Mack; Aseor, Jaeob A. Faust; Assistant Assessors, W. W. Betts, Frauk Short; t'ounrilmen, Wm. C. Foley, J. P. Burchfield ; Judge, Jamrs Wriglry ; Intprctora, Walter Bsrrelt, Wm. J. Hemphill; School Directors, Irtanc Johnson, 3 years, Thomas Dougherty, 3 years. J. Drlahunt, I year: Over scrrs, James T. Leonard, John Y. Fbugart ; Aud. Wm. D. P.igler. Curtr'Mrill9T.uTXvrt, 6. J. Ustes; Con"talde, t fi, . Taybr; Assessor, Joseph K. Irwin; Assist t Assessors, Jaefth Bilg, Kd. Uwdwin; Super ant Assessors, jacoh niigr, f.'i. Huwiwia; roper visrtrs, D. I'llmer, J. Shaffer ; Jndge. Daniel Hart, D, I timer, J. Shaffer; Jndge. Dantef Mart- ! k ? A Jmi BoWmwi. , prh)Kj Dim-tors, J. F. M. Kendrirk, M, BcnJ. 8. j Broom, 47, Daniel Faust, 47, John Pattnn, 4i; Overseers, F. Bloom. U. B. IIoveri Auditor, L. M. Lsporte; Counciluen, 8. F. McCloskr, Henry heme renMi Constable, B. Hulihan ; Assessor, John T. Straw; Assistant Assessors, Wm. Mc- track en, John A. It oaks; Supervisors, It. A . i o-. . 1....... I Lfireetors, Jbn A. Bowles, Alexander F-rgnson; (no therseers returned); Auditor, (lev. . Tubbs; (no Clerk returned.) Qirmr4 Constable, John Curlry Assessor, Charles Mignot; A'si'tant Assrfsora, W m. T. M'-Corkle, Augustas Mignot; Snpervinors, Juhn McCorkle, Francis HuKar; Judge Daniel Krise; Inspectors, Samud Bradford, II. MrLonnhlin; lrhool Dirortora, Wm. T. MrTorklr, Francis Ua gar; Ovrrsecrs, A. Bausinger, W m. Harrier; Audi tor, P. Mario; Clerk, Charles Mignot. On Constable, A. II. Phi rev; Assessor, W. L. Shaw; Assistant Assessors, A. B. Hliaw, II. H. Morrow; Supervisors, K. K.Sbircy, Hubert onn ard; Judge, Oeo. A. Morrison; Inspectors, James K. Graham, John A. Murray; H-bool Directors, Thompson Hi-ad, John Murray; Overseers, Ellis Irwin, John Mel son; Auditor, Lewis J. Irwin; (no Clerk ntnrncd.) Gnkttm Constable, Miebnd Fink; Assessor, Jncob Wtlbdm. T. Jl. Forcey, tie at 3n; (no Assistant Asstssors returned): Supervisor, L, M. Gill, John Smael; Judge, Jatb Kbinehart; In spectors, John A.Green, J. W, Turner; Svbuol Directors, A. C. Dale, Amos Holder; Overwrs, A. J. Hubler, Samuv-1 Smael; Auditor, John Holt; Clerk, Levi Hul.ler. Gnlirk Constable, R. B. MeCnlty; Assessor, Ed. Miller; Assistant Aaavssors, J. A. Morgan, B. H. Ganoe; Supervisors, M. Stover, Win. R. Dickensitn; Judge, John 6. MaKiemanr In-pec-tors, Oeorpe Morgal, George W, MeCally ; School Directors, C. Ointrr, I. Wolf; Overstw, John Hannah-, John MrCully; Aadilur, G. B. Ncvling ; (no ('lerk returned.) Con stable. II. W. Brown; Asrsaor, W. D. Wiiodwar l; Assistant Assrssors, K. W ash burn, A. V. C. ltosukrans; Supervisors, Hiram Woodward, Ltijuh Burns) Judge, Thomas Hnd : liif..-'tor-, D. Tvler, J. II. Mewilt; Sebmd Diree h.rlr. llra.D : (..crr.. ! m. Brs, L. B. Lurore; Auditor, C. Koebeekerj I Clerk, II. W. Brown M Jrdaw Nonstable, Jsmefl MeN'-al ; Assessor, D. W. Wine; Atsistant Asi sors, R. Patterson, 1 M- v- Hmith Supervisors, R. M. Johnson, C. latrwMe Judre. l-aac Bloom; Inspectors. St Ives- (ff M ym A ( jmmrf j MrGliechsn, R. Johnson: 0rrseers, M. Smith, i J. M'-.Neal; Auditor, Jfba MeAlltsierj Clerk, A V"nV. . i. u n i i i I AsrtliM-Constable, W. II. llrichel ; A'sesor, Thomas Myers ; Assistant A-essors. J. W. Potter, ! C. M. 11 net lei n ; Supervisors. Oliver Moora, Joseph Bupley ; Judge, loreni Hertlein j Difpeetors, ri . A. iintigciis, o. i (ji')oth ; rfnooi iniwiors, F. F. CoutriH, J -hn Gilliland; Overseers, Oliver Moore, tieorge lleiehes; Auditor, Martin Kopp; Clerk, Josejih tlilliland. Km Constable, James A. Wilson; Assor, P. A. Rowlre ; A-s.stant Assrssors, J. T. Mf'ra- der. t J.ira l Biker ; Supervisors, David W ise, . i i it r u i . ' tieorge Bowman: Julrr, If. F. Bowles lnpec- . i d f 1 &iJ . ir.ii, tiiu i i,,L. Inurtmrr r..U.. T.lltff Bowlri K'mmor, Ij.lll-. M"l.Ujl'liB J ftl.0t Awwin, M. V. ! '. Milrf llrd ; Hupm-lron. J. II. Hh.w. Thomas I.antek, R. Swatsworth, Abram l.itr Judge, !ewis C. Illoom; Insneelors. Iteo. II. IUII, Wm. C, Duff; School Directors, Robert Porter. Tbnmis Mf-Ptierson ; Overseers, O. 11. Merrell, Clark Bmwn; Anditor, II. Aoghentanch ; Clerk, Ievt F. Irwin; Treasurer, Witvon P. Tate, Limhrr fVfg-Cns!a1.1e, J. T. HUe; Btirgrfcs, D. L. Fercusoii; t'onnrilmen, J. II. Ilile, 24, Jubn Potter, 24. I., 21. L D. Ilile, 2.1, II. W. Seneee, ; lltgh Constable, e-e Kirk : Am or, Geo. H. Lvile; Assistant Assessors, Anthony Ilile, C. Moore; Htrret Commissioner, Anthony ll.le; Jo lg', A. F. Werts; Inpeetors, Naap Ha nV. h, K Hire; Sebonl hre4ra, T. W. M.Kirr. ti J. P. H ie, J.i, . H. Lytic, 2i. JrWe Cunstable, Rirhard Swarti ; Assrsmr. II. II. Keidiart: i.oneilmtn, J. H immrUiif h, John Lea-he; Assessor. J- M. Cypliers : Asisi-nt Asessnrs. I. B. O'Mid, Wm. Qinfler, Judfe, A. K-pbart : I nsrhetors. P. Dnnn. K. W eston: J, h-l Direete-rs, J. P. Gilrer. G. M. Biisbin ; Oveiwrs. J O B-ten, D H, Kepbart; Auditor, T. H. laetl i H gh Nonstable, M. Hanford. Tean C nstah, J. FbafUr; Ascas", Ppencer W hipple: Assistant AMesw.r, tlner Bill. T A llmiver: Hnpen isora, T-rranee Keen an, H. W'. Horn; Ju'lgo, Benlea Wail: luspeetors, B. F. D'ibl, A. N.weomeri Is-bool Directors, D. lee, 122, P. Daily, fcT, N. Miiorc, 72 ; 0.-crccrs. Jara Johnson, K. M. Da Is : Anditor, James Miller; Clerk, Jss. I!. Clark : Treasurer, W m. F. Johnson. fUv Constable, R. R, Draueker; Asenr, J. II. Caldarll; Assistant Assessors, J. Boss, Bloom, leireoso Priee; Fiinrrvisors, W. L. Bloo.B, ' i Benl. Blom. r.; Judje. Biehsrd Frremnn; In- ! . street ors. D. B -ams, H. Il mver; Hehonl IHrrelors, I ' Moses Bs'Uey, H. 1-eeeh ; Overseers, Uvt Bloom j , P. loi,g : Auditor, M. L. C. K- an, pti", Div Cs!1 'H. yaru H-r3i. Jiy 9'-Ti, "" I' 11 I f 0100 Cnnslable, H. J. tlelnett t AsS-of, D. Wrlty ; Assistant A..r..r, lOnrv W httrhe I, J A. Brnbaket t Hupervivos, Jr-h Smith, S. M Bstley: Judge, Jm ,h SoiV1d t Sebo Dire nfB Phi!',,, (V.m,, i; a j. u.liiei, J. U, .Vnld, . II. M. Bailey. .SK; npertra, Dre.nler, David Welly: Ovrserrs, J. W. Hol'peter, II LitigaMtert Auditor, M. Ilolb.netcr : Clerk, l. Welly, Jr. 1 n'o.'wird-Contabb F. K. Shotf; An nr, H. II. lUiifhman; Ino Asr'l Asseors rttiirned); Snperviioirs, J. Hsinrs, N . , ', tf. r Jiidsre, W m Kline; Sehool Direetors, Thomas H-nders.u, 77, II. II. Bsughman, 4, J B isoln, 4i1..s.e tors, B. Aleian It r, J. M. Cbnsi Ovrrs.-era, Jss. Lnrket, W. II. Alexander; Auditor, J. D. Alex andrr; (no Cleik returned.) LUt of unclaimed loiters retnaiiiing in the PostolBoe, at t'Warfiebl, on Nor. I, Aennstien, Misl R F Anderson, M C Ahbert, J S, Michael HUir, Frank H I Hill, Mrs Magdilane Bittle. Josi th Uilgor, Miss Mary Calhorn, Harry Carson, Wm S Connolly, 0 N Carger, J 11 Co burn, Mr M Cornell, W m L Kennedy, Patrirk Kelley, James S 3 Kelby, Hugh Ieomtailer, Silas II oonard, N B Lirinton, Mr Tally Lenafeltcr, John W Monroo, James C MeKeulo, Miss Malvio Melluh, L L MeTeer, Mike Mrlutire, John J , Niclis, John Polls, A h 2 Bobbing, James T Rariuk, Mrs Mary Cross, John Hewitt, Mr Karley, Charles Frv, Mish Jennie Snyder, Goorge 11 Sbaou, Jobu II Gever, Miss KliiaWth Gibbs, Allu-rt L Gettcns, Mr Anthony Krolt, Michael 3 Ktriekler, Jaeob Scbiuek, P A Tailor, J II Toaaa, J Hull, Mr G W Hauiiin, BeW 8 Hunter, W W Henry, Christian Hayes, Mr Jaui'.-a Kerr, J atnes Kline. Miss Kate Kennedy, J W Kcsler, h C nytor, Jane M Tripp, Dauiol W asbburn, C K W heeler. Miss Annie Whitimire, Miss Mary W ood, C M P. A. OA LI, IN, P.M. Mrft. Watson, has just returned from the cast with a new and carefully selected stock of Millinery and Fancy Good", Notions, Trim mings, Ac.also, a large Block of Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats, all of which will be sold very cheap. She will also employ two or three of the very best and most fashionable dress makers. Wm. liecd fi, proclamation for the current month,' will be found in Lhisissue. He ha a full and fresh supply'of the latest styles of everything In the line of Ladies wear. Wi LLf A m hpoht Semi n art. The card of this first-class literaryjnstitution will be found ia this issue. It is now in a flonriihiug condition and in excellent bands. On October 2d, 1X70, by Faancmrsi IWuiri- rxa, Ksq Mr. ROBERT C. TAYLOR, of Bloom township, to Mrs, ABAGAIL KIGLER, of Brady township. , " Clearfield Markets. ' Conrrtod wrrkly hy Itli .ARB Mo,r, Wbolraalc anil llctMl DfnJer in Itry Uoo..t linMnM, fro Tiiun.t Je.t Mark.t street, CIvarGeld, V. Cunrinn, Pa., Nor. 1, 1170. Apple. prwn,00(t$ AO Dni-J. yfc II Apple butter,? I Butter. Mi( i fU Oil (9 I SI' Buekulieat. 1 OK Bnekwhe flour Ik, b' lleef, dried 5' Hufrs, dressed...... Hide,, groen....... Hums OOrd) Hh'uldersn...Olfal Sile, l.srd Mess pork.V bbl...33 00 Oats 0 Bef, frrpk...l( IJ' Boards. M i: 00(j,U ttnions 1 00 Pot. toes tll($ Peaekes. dried, !k.. IS Plaster, V bbl.... S 4 Ry. I, v n I !ll,fisaek 50 8liir.irle,.lin.(Wi tl HhlnleJOinlO(o,ll 00 Tireothjr seed 7 SO Tllow......... 15) Wheat-.............. 1 SO Cora, shelled 1 0 Corn, ear M, Corn air.l, V saek, 1 Chop, rwll t I 5 Clorernecd. SO Cheese l Cherries, Ik. I1H4 li Chiekens, drsd, lb, Is; Ejus li Fl.isced Floor. ...... nofd) T iO lla. 10 0(l(a,li 00. Wool 40 Wood, VI eord....- t SO inanrial. C1.0SIX0 I'ltlCCd or Drllarri 1 B ao., 0. 40 South Third gl., Pliladrlpkia, K.r. V. S. 01 of '81 - " 'M ... - " " 'i MS, sew '67, new ' "M I's, 10 0 . U. fl. 30 Year I per eent. Currener... Due Compound loterest NotesH Quid Silver. talon r.eito R. R. 1st Mori. Bonds.. Central Faeille R. R Union Paetlle Land (Jrant Bonds i, 18 113, io;i ion lo K 1(.U 10CJ Mil 00 110 100 Hi .)i 730 0: 113 ion I07J 1071 I tin) Wl I Oil, IOC, mi 110 107 MS li 74S IK Ij yi V A 1 ! I WOt'LD respectfully inform sny customers and the public generally, that 1 have Removed my Millinery and Fancy Store To lb. late residence of Dr. Hirtswlck, rroiiTi Tin jail, And hare 1 1 ted np a room well sailed to sapplr al trail, in the most plrasinr style, and I wonld bars rnr enstomVrs to positirelr hesr In niud that 1 an determined not to be saci.AFsed in STYLE, QUALITT, or Low Prices of my Goods I And will msVe it a fpeelalt.r all peraons want inr. roods in mr line t. ple.w In the most profit. .ki. ... .. tk.'m anrf .,11 n4 veeclr froi. the ctt ALL TI1K LATtT SIVLE3 Oil. HECEIVKD THIS DAY! 9one nr the most heaatirul and ele,ant strlel of nr. K.ll Bornem lla's and Fn-neh Flowtri. Also, Laoa Collars, (1 lores, t ilk l.sers, la, Pleas rill and see thou. F,nn(; MACiur:. I am airrnt for the juslly rnlrbraUd American Button bole Orer seaming Prwitif Mvhine, the f re at est wonder nf the ar. It Is light running, simple, durable, does not easily get out of order, and does more kinds of work than any other ma elniie made. Price of Combination Mar hine, with never, $76. Plain Maehtne, without but Ua hole attachment, with cover, $-00. Una. T. K. WAT.SON. Clcarflcld, pteoiWr 7, l';t). AITIITHI-m.l-R'M I I.AVtRIfJ KX- 1 T TKAt'Tare warranted equal to any made. They are prepared from the fruits, and will be bmiod much better than many of the Extract that are sold. Ak vonr Gnver or In.jii for Wilt berger's Ei tra'ts. RARI.OW'ti I Mil .0 Bl.I K is, without doubt, the best artteie in the market for blaeiag elotbes. It will color more water than b-ar titars the same weight of indigo, and much more than any other aash blue in the market. The emir geneine is that pnt np at ALFKKO W 11.1 It'hKi.KK i DIM G r-lOHK. No. J..J North Seei-nd Street, Philadelphia. The la Wis have boih W iliberirer's and I' a How's name oa them, all nlhers are enunterfelt. Y'nr sale bv most Groeers and Dracgists. W I LTI1 ERG h R'S I.N I'KLI 1.1. K INK will be found on trial to be a superior art tela. Always on hsnd and for Bale at rasonable prices. Pure Gmund Spir, Genuine Me Hemes. Chamois Skins, Fpmges, Tapinea, Pearl. (Sago, and all art teles in the drug bne. at ALFBF.D W ILrhFHtil'R'fi DRI'O FTORR, je litm ' No. Rurth .Tnd Kt., Phil. ":,'T-Ht KTK K -Whereas, tt J j ters Testamentary "n the rotate of JOHN Hm KEMlLRhV, late s-fergns township, dereas-d. hate ben granted to the n.tdersicned, and all persins Indebted to said estste are request ed to make immediate pay met I, and those having claims against tit tame will present tbtm, duly autbentiested, for settl'-m',nt. F M. IIOCKKNRKRRV. WILLIAH MeCKAt KKPf, Nov. 2, 170 Ctpd Kxerutora. A I)MIMTR ATRIV StlTK lNotlre j ia hereby given that letters of adiwtnlstrattoa na ihe estate of WILLIAM Dtl.f., dmaaedl, late of Lawrence township, ('learne'd eounty. Pa., having beia duly gran led to the undersigned, all persons indebted to aaid estate will please task payment, and those having el aims or demands will present them properly authenticated for set. tlenont. , REBECCA DAI.R. Ciea tl't ,,,t. Si. . . Adnttntstpstrit. kIBNBYII The Kidneys ate two ta lumber situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and onntfstlng of thri-a parts, r lit tb Anterior, the Interior, and tbt Kxlerior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists nf tit sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the ufipt and c'Dtcy It to the extoriur .Ttietilarlor is a conductor also, terminating la a single tube, and called the Ureter, The ureters are connected with Ihe bladder. The bladder li composed of various noserings or tissues, divided Into parts, rix: the t'pper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a deeire to arioat without the ability; others arinate with nut tlte ability to retain, Thit frequently oooors in children. To cure these a (Trot ions, wo must bring Into action the muscles, which aro engaged in their various functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. , .The reader -mas! also be made aware, that. bof ever alight may be the attack, it is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as owr flesh and blood are supported from these sources. GOUT, OR RHEUMATISM. Pain oeeurring In the loins is indicative of the above diseases, they occur to porsoas disposed to acid stomach and ehatky eoneretieni. T II E GRAVEL. The gravel en runs from neglect or Improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain; It become feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the tone is formed, and grarel ensues. DROPSY. Dropsy is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and heart different names, according to the parte affected, vis: when generally diffused rer the body, it is called Anesaree; when of 4he aUlomcn, Ascites; wbcaofthecbrst.Hydrothorai. TREATMENT. flelmSold't highly concentrated Ex tract Bochn It decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, grarel, drop sical swellings, rheumatism, and gouty affections. I'ndcr Ihit bead we have arranged Dysorta, or difficulty and pain ia passing water, Scanty Fee ra tion, or small aad frequent discharge of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody arise; Gout and RheumatWen of the kid aeys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was . always highly recommended by the late Dr. Physick, in these affortk. -; .., This medicine Increases the power of diettlbn, and excitct the absorbentt into healthy excreUe by whtrh ihe wit cry or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural enlargements, aa well as pi in and iLflamntion, are reduced, and U It lehen by men, women and children. Directions for asc and diet accompany. , Pnit inrLrnu, Pa Feb. li, 1807. H. T. Ilcluihold, Drngflst: Drxa 8ia I bare been suffering, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney affect Inns, during which time I have used, various medical preparations, and been aader the treat ment of the most eminent physicians, experiencing hul tittle relief. Having aoea your preparations extensively ad vertised, I consulted with my family physician io regerd to Bring year Extract Berlin. I did this bees use I used all kinds of adver tised remedies, and bad found them worthiest, aad some quite Injurious; In fact, I drspal red ef eter getting well, and determined to se no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the Ingredients, Jt was this Oiai prompted ant to ase yur remedy. As yon advertised thai It was composed ofbechn, eubebs, and Juniper berries, U occur red to me and my physician at an excellent eombinallon, and, with hit ad rice, after an examination of the arli ele, and consulting again with the druggist, I eon eluded to try It. I commenced its use almnt eight months ago, at whieh time I was confined to my room. From the f est bottle I was astonished and gratified at tbt beacleUI v fleet, and after using It three weeks, ass able to walk out, I frit much like writing yon a full statement of my ease al the time, but 1 bought my improvement might only he temporary, and therefore eobc.uded to defer and tee if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing thea It acwld be of grrstor value to you, and twore eutisraclory to me. I am now able to n port that a cure Is effected after osinjr, the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and (eel at well la all respects as I ever did. Your Burba being devoid of any unpleasant tastt and odor, a nice tonic and inrtgoraiorof the system, I do aot meaa to be without it whenever occasion may require it ao la awch effect tone. M M. MeCOKMlCK. Fhould any doubt Mr. McCorsnicVt statement, he refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. W a. Bini.Rn.ei Governor, Pennsylvania. Hob. Tana. B. Flo ax "ft, Philadelphia. Boa. J. C. Ksox, JaJ-e, Philadelphia. Hon. J. R. Bi.ra, Jul, Philadelphia. Ho. D. B, PotTra.ex-Gorernor, Pennsylvania, Hon. Ktxts Lrwia, Judge, Philadelphia. ' Hon. H. C. nntxa. Judge, Tailed Pistes Court Hon. ti. W. Woonwinn, Jwdge, PbiMelphia. ffon. W. A. Poarra, City SoieiloT, Philadelphia. Iloa. Joa Bir.Lra, ex flovemor, Californ'.a. Hon K. Bakks, Auditor Gen., W'ashington, D.C. Aad many others, if necessary. jf-trfnld by Dmggieuawd D-ialers every where. Brwareofrountcrfeita, A fr llelinbold'a.- Tske So other. PRICE: $1.23 per Roillo, or 0 flottloi for Sd.ftO. pMirered to any add res. Describe tymptomt ia all eommunicatioaa. Address II. T. HELM BOLD, Dreg aad Cbemleal Wnrahmssr, Hi Brnadwar, New York. VOSK ARB OKSl'ISI rXLKPS DoKK VP i-1 In .teelngrared wrapper, wltk faelmlm id my rhemiral Warehona., and cirned kjtlkVr - H T. HKf.MTratl.P. s iflirduarr, fUttrf, fit. THE IRONSIDES TiN & STOVE STORE! . . "' " G. S. FLEGAL, Hulipe'bur", Contri County, Pi. rpllS.nndersljn.d r.sp.etfnllr nnnonne.l In JL 'lb. poblie thnt he hat on hand n ear., full. -aolaowd and wall assorted stork f SHOVES, HEATEKS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE I . j ... i Tis; corrERANi siieet-irox i .' , WARE! W00I) AND WILLOW WARE ! .J Ji ir . . ' - , , Uls flork of Cookin( Stores eontttU ei I ' 'ill E CELEBRATED IliOSSIDES, Wkirh hal. n.r.r failed to brier porn and '' Tro.perKi inU familita where It is used, Diamond State. Parmer, ll.raM, Charm, Spears' California Cook Ktora. Spears' Anti.Doit, OaS'Batniog Cookinr 8tores, Victor, " ' Helitne. and I nion Ban at, :t i t pears' ( ookias Kanf.i, Ae 4o. '' fcA-Tb Ji, and Bhe.t Iran ware lr.n with th, Hor.s is made of the haar'.tt and bail material, and I warranted to fir, perf.el satis, faction. ,. His Stock of Parlor 4c.Heating Stoves Io lerrer, btar and okaaper than trtr before eihibit.d to the public eonslstinf of Spenra' Rerolrlnj Light Illnmlnatlns; "lore, Fpears'Antl Du.l Gas Bnrnln, Parlor Store, f pears' Orkieular (Jas Barning Parlor bio... fipeara' tias-Bttri fog Parlor bUre. Boquet, Pearl.Uru, Ida, " Son. Tmpio, Nerada, . ' . Ac. Ae, tVaVean! Elm and Tietor Ifealrri. f psars' R.- 1-1.. f I. k He la also nrepar.d to furnish i compl.U nsnortm.nt .f i . ' Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Wore, to., Wenlerale or retail, mnnufanlared neatlj and with the nolo rl.w to carries, front the heel ma larial in the market i . PLOWS A TL0W P0I5TS, COPPEtl, BRASS, P0RCKLAIX, TIS LtKED, SPUN t COHMOil IRON KETTLES, Of crerj drtorlptl.n conitanllj on h6d. OUPERS FOB SrOCTINO, K00FIXU And .tnerwork b.lnnglng to his k.slncra win bo promptly lllen hj enperienced ana tkilllal workmen. irass. corrsB. olu metal, ra5s 1 ' a v n r ac li it;. ' OK. . . Tsk.n In axehang, fur g.cda. -ric csperUllr inrltee the c Iter tlon of Marcbantc wishing to partners at wholesale, as thwt will ind it to Ihslr adranlare to at. mine tin stock kefore purchasing elsewhere. ,i.,. i .ook .nt for the Big Sign oppailta the rsl. ooo vi mwm vw rosier. t '' All Ooont ITiiiKiti At RlrJESimin. tl . . ... v . C. S. KLCCAL. , Phlllpsbarg, Jane , MTO. aot f S ii. f. FigTeiT&" co nc.Laas in II A II If W A it i: , 1 Also, Manufacturtrsof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 'y CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Darnees, Collars, etc., for sale t H. F. BIOLER A CO. p.VLMERS TATEXT UNLOAD log Day Forks, for .ale fcj 1 It. F. BI0I.F.R A CO. (JIL, PAIN T7 r U TT Y , " G LASS, ' . KalU, tie, for nil h, II. F. UIOLER A CO. JJaRNIvSS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Findings, for sal, j If. F. BIOLER t CO. Q U N S, I' J S TOLS, S W ORD CA N ES Porsal.hj II. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND - - Sites, for salt kr II F. BIOLER CO. JR0N I IKON' 1 IRON ! IRON ! For talc hy II F. BIOLER A CO. 0RSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE ! BAILS, for sal. h, II. F BlfiLER A CO. JUjLLKYiLOl'ks, ALL SIZES And lest Maaafnetnrn, for rale kr II. F. BIOI.ER A CO. "YIIIMULE SKEINS AND TITE BOXES, f.r H. F. Bir.I.F.R A CO. M 4 'H RODDER CUTTERS fop mlo by n3fV70 II. F. BIGLER A CO. DREXEL & CO., Nn. rtouti, Third ntrrrt. Phlln Irlphln. ILM-AEIIX, And Dealers in Government Securities, a 1 1 .K k- H.H -Ul mmIh often., and ell Information rheerfnllT foenlahed. Order. Mlieiled. aprl I lf Farm for Sale 1 PPUE Psrm of John Kparhman, late of (iirar.1 X township, deceased, consisting of about 17) aero of good fanning land, (most of whieh ll eleared.) nd having thereon erected a good house and bam, with all Ihe al conveniences of a pleaaant homa. for terms arid further pnrtlew' lara, aprdy I T. H. Ml HrUY, Attorney for the kslrs aad persons interested June IM, IftTMf. Yoke of Cattle for Sale I fpnn nndersign-d otlero for sale a roke of JL IIKAVY CATfLK euitaMe lor gl n; or o(hw ase. I'.rtoas eon nee them kr rolling at m, SMutenoe in Lawrenee loonship. o-t; ipd. TimMAK MePiieno. frj f.fcfls, firarrin, (?lr. a. a. aasoi.n w. aoat atnTtaoa. "Chrnprr than the fhrapcstr' GOODS AT REDUCED rMCES jffsr knrnirnn r Arnold A Il.irf Iiorii, (One door west nf First National Bank,) Ct'llW RNSVIM.B, PA. HAVINO Just returned from the enat with a complete nssertment of Ooods soltablc for Spring nnd Summer trade, we are now read, o faral.k all hinds of Ooods "Cheaper than the Cheapest I " A. A . ft . 1 k a . L I . . ... ... tk.l . liberal patronage during th. pnst year, wa would miost .resi ecttaiiv mk ror continuance of the snmc. Oar Stock o.ncisU ef complete noeortmeat of Drj Qoods, Notions, Hardware, Qaeensware, Willcwware, Oroecilro, Boole d Shoes, Hate A Caps, Clothing, Tohnecor, Ao. Also, Flonr, Bscon. Snlt, Fuh, Uraia, do. All of whit h will he cold on the most reason able terms, and the highest saniket priee paid for Oraln, Wool and nil kinds of Lumber nnd Countrj Prodnec. jrV-PWeie girs us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaraoucd as to price and quellt7."V3l ARX0LD 4 HARTSHORN, Corner of Main nnd Thompson 6trecU, npr-0 CCRWEN8VILLK, PA. i. r. .raven- ,.w, w. nnrrfl. WEAVER & IJKTT1S CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, nt the eld stand of 0. L. Reed A Cc, their stock of foods, consisting of DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QTEEXSITARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., Ac., At the meet reasonable rates for CAM! or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shinglee, OR COCNTRT TRODtCB. rt?sAdvancct snads to those engaged Id get ting out square timber on tbt most advantageous terms. January ft, 170. MlC.lIli: TiyillEIS! E.A.I11VIX&C0., ClR'tCNSVILLU. rA., B.lng rpeeiallj eojafed In tb. hnslncsc of Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would represent that Ihrr are now prepared to purehaaa Timlwr delivered at either Carwensrille, Lock Haven or Marietta, (or will take it at ear of there points,) nnd aril on commission, making suck advances as sr. nrocssnrr. There nigitged in getting oat Timber will nnd nt our store in Curnrnsville, a rerjr large sloes? of STAPLE GOODS Of all Descriptions. ALIO, I lour, "", Oat, Corn, And everything nccrosarr for us, of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all si ies, kept on hand la large epaantiliea, and told at small advance by the e-nil. Also, Pulley Dlockt, mal Rope, ie. -PI.ClAL lMU't F-MTSra offerwd to those manufactaring Fquart Timber. Em A. 1RVIM dh C(X Curweasville, January 13, 1ST. Small Profits! Quick Sales! HAUTSWICK & IRWIN Are constantly replenishing their tloek of Drags, Medieinea, de. ftehnol Books aad rtutWnery Including the Ot- good and National Series of headers. Also, Tobacco aad Cigar of the heat brands, at the lowest price. al CAM. AND FF.R. 9 Slumps I Slumps 1 1 MIIK undersigned ha pnrehased th right of 1 I lea rnr Id county for Morn risnvooTNi hTi ur KxTNAmia, patented June Tth, IfTO. This is deeidedly the most convenient, most dura ble, and best machine af the dev. Wet weal her will not affect it. the working part being all of ,mn. 1 lie macMtte ts easily art np. aad will work any pleee that can be plowed. Vi e will sell ma chines al a small profit on enrt, and will try to rrakr It tc the advantage nf farmer to buy them. W enliett orders from those wanting machines, II. T. KARNSWilRTII. ( Icefield, I'a, J. n. G ARK (SON. Ca lie, Pa. Oin. II. lUl i., Agent, Clearfleld, Fa. Jrll ra Brick for Sale I fpilK nndemigned has manaraeiured aed hvc 1 now on hand for col. I.VMMtU HHII kk. nhioh be will dirnoosof upon reasononl. farms, in large or small ...ntlli.s, to snlt pnreh.vro. J. A. TKRPK. Lntbenhurg. September 14, 0ns. 1)I.Ak OVTABI.l:' HALM FOR 1 ) cole at Ms oAna, Jlrjt Coorts, fiietrrlfl, ?tf. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I V. KllATZFalK, Market Street, Clearfield, Fcnn'a., (Opposite the Jail,) T HAVK now on band n Brit class stock of A goods, suited l. the wants of the puVHc M, stock being Urge, nnd hj constantly making additions tbcrcte, I cm nhl. to nccommodhte nil who mac faror sac by calling. I bar. DRY GOODS, Merinos, Gingbsms, Cloths, Prlnta. Delaines, C.ssimer.s, Silks, Rrpc, Satinets, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Cobcrgs, Alpacas, Mohair, Lenell-s, Muslins, Flannels, Bonnets, Ribbons, Cloaks, Balmoral rklrts, Hoop Sklttl, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, fired Note, Cops, Corsets, Glnres, Fearfs, Collara, erenadiaa Vails, Table Cnrcrs, t. CLOTHING, ConU, Pants, Vests, Orer Coats, Oent'i'f bawls, Shirts, HnU, Caps, Vadcr-Sbirts and Drawers, Boots nnd Shoes, (sum Shoes, Crarets, Socks, U lores end Collars. GROCERIES, Tea, Coffe, Sugar, alolaaaat, Palt, Candlet, Hi-, flour, It aeon, Fish, Tobaoea, Rail ias, Carraata, 8pices, Cracker, Vinegar, nil. Vrnwatak Patina Ala.knl 4rV UOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpets, Oil cloth. Drugget, Clocks, Louklne fllasroa, Chams, Baekets, Washboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Pane, Window Blinds, Wall Paper, Con! Oil Lamps, Bedeords, I'mt relics, Kuireo, Forks, Spoons, Crocks, Stores nnd Store Blacking. HARDWARE, Qaesnswarc, Tinware, Olaatwara, WoedeDware, Copporware, Books, Stationery, MusienlOcsds, Trunks, Skatas.ic j-AII of which will he sold on the moat rea sonable terms, cad t . highest market priee peid for Grain, Wot I aad all kinds of country produce. REMEMBER THE PLACEi C. KBATZER'S, (Opposite Ihe Jail,) CLEARFIELD. PENS' A. Is JO $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead I 1st Tor Its rjnrirnlrd Wbltraesa. Jd. For Its Vaeoaiil.d Darahiliti. Sd. For Its tnanrpassod Corering Property. Lastly, for Its Economy. Mr-It cons leas to paint with Bark Lead than any ather White Lend eitant. The same wetgbt corors more surface, h mora .arable, and makes whiter work. Isl'CK LEAD Is the Cheapest and Bast, $10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZING Excels all other Zincs I 1st For Its Cn equaled Durability. 3d. For It l orivaled Whiteness. Sd. For lit Uatarpesped Covering Proper ty. Lastly, for !u tireat Eeonom. Being the Chat past, Handsomest and most Du rable Whit Paint io th World, buy only BUCK LKA1) AND BUCK ZIXC. Try It and he Convinced. Satisfactioa Oua ran teed by tbt Maufactarert. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS. Prepared expressly for Painting Cottage. Outbuildings of every description. Fences tie. Thirty fiv different colors. la rabl. Chap. Uniform, and Ueaatiful fhsdes, ttampi cards sent by mall if desired, deal er t' Orders will b promptly executed by tbt wianuUeturer. FRENCH, RICHARDS Ca.. N.W Cor. TetthA Market streets. Phiiad'a. For sal by A. I.Fhawand Hartswick sf Irwin, Dealer Jo Drag, JHedicioes, Ptiatt, Oils, dr., Clearlcid, Pa aprU:Ttr:ty TOBACCO AND CIGARS! WnOLRSALK AND RETAIL, At tbt New Tobacco and Cigar Store of dR. If. IP, Two doors F.eet of th Post office, Clearleld, Pa. Constantly oa hand a fine assort meat of ISavy, Congrees, Cavendish, Cable, Bpnnrotl, Mirhigsn and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, de. Alaa, a large and well seleeted stork of Imported and Domestie Cigar, Pmoking Tobacoot, Jdeerskrhanm and Driar Pipes, ripe fixtures. Tobacco Boica, Cigar Holder, and everything generally foand In a well regwlated Cigar and Tobaeeo Ftore. V Remember th place: Two doors Katt of tb Poatotfico, Clearfield, Pa. aug. UM. DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NEAR Ll'TIIERsnCRO, 1'lvNX A. 31 AM FACT! RKS all kinds of Lumber for bnilding purpose. Always oa hand LATH FOR R0OFIX0, PI.APTERING LATn, PAUNtiS, Ac, 4c. Ills Plastering Lath are evenlv tawed and of different lengths, to suit purchasers t the Palings are four fact long and ready pointed. AH kind of Pawed Lumber will he furnished to order, and delivered If to desired. Prices nil he liberal, according to oialitj. .A kinds of GRAIll taken la oichaogv for L m her. Luthershorg P. 0., Jaw. It, 17. HENRY RIDLING, HOT RE, SIGN A ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Clearfield, Pcnn'a. The frrsrelng and painting ef ahnrrhos nnd other public will roreira varlicnlar allaalioa, aa wrll as the painting of carriages and slrigha. Uilding done in Ike neatest styles. All work warranted. Shop .. Fourth slroni, formerly M kr sLnsert. 0-!lv"7 Jlilttj. THE SMITH HOUSE, (t)ppnilte thi I'attijrer leot. 11 CUPII li), PA. rpilS andrrsigned, havinf leased thtt Ses Na a series of year, is ready to enierieia ttr gers and trarvWra generally, and therefortt tolh-lu ii.Jf nrneri tn give hlra i call. Ill laHe will wa sopphed with lbs Usl ti market afterda, aad t-kt Itfar will covtUlo theshoieeit ol wine and liquate. The house. rurjifur, bede and betdif)g arvetiiir) new, abioh Always adds tothomrorlof trarelerej while the slahhiig attached it Urge and roomt just suited for teamster. Charges moderate, 70 WILLIAM ti. URADLhT. THE LEONARD HOUSL (Near the Railroad Depot,) REED STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ti. D. COODFKI.I.OvV, rroprlcHer. AKEW Brstlass Hotel in nr.ry rcrpoat comfortable rooms .11 the modem li,,rae.' Hunts the best of l.lyt nil."' stlwd. snce, and reasonable charges. The patronage ef the public is respectfully solicited. Teametarc will please te notice that a large nam has Just brsn erected for tb sheltering of horns, loaded wane. and oarri.res having asaimmodiowi yard adjacent to the Freight and Paascngcl 6 pot- yej THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARKET 6t., CLEARFIELD, Pi. THIS larg and commodious new hotel has been opened for th accommodation of tb public, where the proprietor will be glad to meat his old friends, nd rocclit a share of public pat ronage. Hy strict personal attention to th de tails or his business, he hopes to be able to render satisfaction to his patrons. The TAI1LE will always be bountifully supplied with the best that an be procured ia the market, and the BAR will contain a full stock of LIQUOR!, REEK, A Uood stabling attached. CAFPEIt LEIPOIDT, Clearfield, March S, IKOV-ly Proprietor. THE EAGUE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CCRWENSVILLE, PA. HAVING les.ed for n term of years lb. ahor. well known nnd popular betel, (kept formerly by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Foots.) the present proprietor has re nurd it with tbs object of rendrr'ng his guests comfort able while C'jouroing with him. A na, larg. Stable and Yard is attached, for the care and protection nf horses, carriages and wagons. A liberal .bare of public patron. re is solicited, auyi Jotf A. J. DRALlKER, I'rop-r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Second nnd Market Streets, t l EAHI'IKLI), PA. rpilH old and commodious Hotel has. during; L the past year, been interred to double iu former capacity for the entertainment of straw gers and gaeata. The whole holloing has been refurnished, nnd the proprietor will spare n. pains to render bis guests comfortable wbil. staying with him. jMr-rb. Mansion Dons.'' Omnibus runs U and from the Depot on the nrrlrnl and departure of each train. JOHN D0181IERTV, aprCrt-tf Pmprletwr. THE AMERICAN'iIHOUSE, CurwcnsvllLc, t'lcarHcl4 manly, Pn. TUS .ndersign.d has leased this eld aad long arublished hot.l. (formerly kept ly Major Isaac Uioom.) silaats laaeontral portion of tb. town. nnd has entirely re-lilod nndre furnished It, ncd re modeled the sts.liog. so as to make it an object, bereafter, for Ihe traveling public ta patroaiae this large aa conmodioos hon-a. Jan. 19, 70-tf. T. JEFF. BLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA!.HOUSE, t'nmeuavillc, I IcarOcld county, m. THIS old and well established Ilolel, henntl fully situated on the bnnks ol the fiae.a.. kanna, in the boroagh ol Curweniville, kn been leaaed fore term of years by the undersigned It has bean entirely rclttcd, and is new open to the public generally and the travelling commu nity ia particular. No pains will he spart-d ta render guests comfortable while tarrying nt thii house. Ample Stabling room for the neeamnw dation of teams. Charges moderate. Sept. , lolt-tf. ELI BLOOM. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, .ntherabur,;, Clearlield C o.. Pn. fpilIS well known nnd long ertab'.ished Hotel, X formerly kept hy R. W, .Monro, and Intterly hy Wm, behwom, nr., baa k.a leaacd lee ems cl years hy ihe uedrralrncl, to which the at tra il. a a' the traveller public is now called, and . liberal share of rnblic patronage is solicited. no-t'70 janes milks. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, mais sr. rniLirsBcno. ta. TUB undersigned bcepc constantly on heal the boat of Liqonrs. His table is always .applied with the bst lha usaiket afford.. Tk. traveling public will do well ta give him n call. novl.OJ. RObEHT LLOYD. giiAw iitirsi'. Comer of lla.kot and Front Streets, Clrarflcld, Pa. This niagninecnt Ift.-tel is entirely new. coni plele in all its appointments, and convenient ta lb. C'oart House. A free Omoibue rnns to and Iroia the Depot nn the n-riv.l and d pa-tore .f each train. UEKHGE N. COl.Bl IIS, April IS. 10T0. t'rotiriMor. lKRtll ASTHIIOTUI- Corner of Third aud SmithneldStr-te, Plttakur;, Pn. 4 ;:0 D. JlinXSTON A SON, Propnetora. loot$ and ihors. DANIEL COSSELI.V, Doot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HASjast re reived a gnc lot of Freeh CALF r-KIN'S, and is now prepared to manafac tui. everything in his line al the loweat llgurco. He will warraat his wnrk to be as representee. Me respsctfully collrits a call, at kia skop oa Market street, second di ur wast of the pei-USee, where be nil! do all in his power to render sat is. fartion. Some tnc Baiter tops en hand. ny,7 y DANIEL C0KK KLL'. rEACE TROCLAIMED. TEE WAR OVER IN CLEARFIILD. KNOX TOWNSUiP QUIET. Pi'tarty oil the Contraband! going batk to their old ma.'tfrt ; but 'nary vnt going to old Mimtrhutrtts, vArr they were lovtd io long and so veil. IV eonscqnenee of the ahave facts. F. SHORT, ef the eld "Short hhoe Shop," would an nounce la his aamcrcua natrons, and th. people of Clearfield county at large, that hal now. Irst rate lotaf good material, juit reewtved fn.m the Bast, and is prepared an saort notice to ma.e and mend Roots and Shoes, nt bis new shop in Ursham's row, lis is satisfied that beeaapleuse all.tu'ilrat It might become intensely total stay, al home patriots.) He la prepsred to sail low far Cash or Country Produce. Don't foiret tba Shop neit doer to Shonrra A Graham s store, on Market street, Clearleld, Pa., and kept by n fellow eomtu.aly called JylAT y "SnORTT.1 SEW BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A 3n ?rs.,' CLEARFIELD, Fa. rp!IP proprlstar has .elated Into th, ROOT a) J SHOE baelncrs at the above stand, aad tsdetermlnsd not to be eatdnna .ttberia quel, ity or price for his worh, Spewial atte.tiin will be psld to maaufarturlng Kewod work. II. k.s on kand n l.rro lot of Rrench Kin and Calf Rhine, of the scry best quality. The rlil. sens of Ctearh.ld and vicinity nr. respeetfalij taviicd to give hlmn uial. No ehugefor calls. not,' if McPHERSON'S RESTAIR .T& KEIRESnMEXT tlOOl, In Lcavy'a Kew Ruilding. (formerly occupied be Mr. Meliaurber.) SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. C10NST A NTl.Y an hand n tn. aelcetionnf CAX ) DIRS. Xt'TS, ClilARS, TOBACCO, Ac. Alao, FHKSII OYSTERS rare I red daily, nnd verved up to aoit the tastes of customers. Ill I.I.I A HO g K LI MIX on second siory. ;o tf w. r. M.rniRsov. ISI IT C AM-ManuT.etiired from the bod charcoal tin, gmrrd and enidorad op pntald.. and warranted tor sale br' g'7 h. r nrs'FH e. ' " -rrtl,'.ltw.-