Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 09, 1870, Image 1

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qElRtirLl) RKl'tDllfAX."
piTAni isiikk in imr.
lie largest circulation of any Nows
pjjwr in North Contral
Tonus of Subscription.
j B alianre, or tiilhin 3 months....' ftd) stler J snJ before 6 month, S ffi)
j .Irr the cv.'iration of 6 months... 3 00
I Rates of Advertising.
iMIlfn( adrrrtiseincnts, per scjuareof 10 tines or
t u.. 3 liiurl or I !M ft S
!r'dr oseh .ii'r.eqi.riit insertion
i-Qjtriturj' and Kxeeutors' notice, ..,
j-p. Eton' notice,
ati'n. sud K.lrny, ,.,
a uslutiw nollco
f Cards, I your
luti itoti'w.r" ii"0
I 10
J 50
.. 1 50
.. 3 00
.. I 00
.. li
a oo
to oo
i.,,.rs ti
flares.- U 00
1 column-
I oolumn
I eolunan
.,srss " '
Job Work.
( ,,;. alrt. 501 t quires, pr. quire, l 75
qeirss, pr, quirt, t 00 Ov,r o, pr quire, 1 60
best. I.erlsia, $2 00 I kee, JJ r less,$5 00
J5 or ton. 1 00 I 1 sheet, 35 or less, 10 00
i.M 34 t sack of above at proportionate rata,.
Editor and Proprietor.
rUASM riSLftlKtf.
Clearfield, Pa.
ajiJ--Lgl business of all kinds attended to
Mtti iiromt'lGcM and fidelity. OQieo in residence
l W.i:,m A. Wallace.. janl.:.0
Clearfield. Pa. . .
VTa-Ofts, la tho Coart lloufle. ' dee3-1j
II Clearfield, Pa. It
gwlLLIsa A. WaLLat'S.
4. BLAIB W..I.TenS.
Ual E.tato Agrnt. and Conreyaneera,
Clearfield, remVa.
t.Real K-tate bought and aold, titlet nam-
li..'i,cenreyanceii prepared, taiei paid, and innu
liaieti taken. OtBc in new building, nearly
epp-j.itt Court U-jum. jno 1, 7 (I
ClearOeld, Pa.
t-OBo In U Ccurt Hons,. Jyll,'(,
Clearfield, Pa.
08a Utrkut St. oer A Irwin'.
Ifrng titoro.
fPrpt attention aWen to the
f B-Mirly, Cltini', Ac, and to all legal buiia.M.
Wtreh In, lr7 It.
rYellarelon, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
V-AH legal business promptly attended to.
01r, ,a Second s'-.., Clear-Said, Pa. airJI.eC
And Heal folate Agent, ClearOeld, Pa.
OCcann T aird tret, bel.Cherry A Walnoi.
Sy-Rrstru)ly offora hi, arvlrer In H!ine
aad buiaa; land, in ClaarGeli and aljnintni
aaaatiaa t and with aa irorinoe f otnr twaol,
yaara u a aarvayor, Sattori uimialf that be nan
raJ,r utiafaelloa. (fcdlH.'ol If
C learflrld. Pa.
CBeeea llarbet .treat on dnnreaataf the Clear
Held County Dank, -toayt.'o.
Jebo U. Orrla. C. T. Air lander.
Urllelonte, Pa. eepll.'tt-y
Willattead pf'jfmwtialcallp,-omni:y. aajlOTO
nAVINi) Ineatcd at Kvlrtown, Clfarflrld ro
Pa., bit roiiMini frvir to th
l uf tli Mrruuiidins country. Hrpt. II, '69-J
- r u y. sic i an k auRui-os.
lUring r-moTfd to Annoneillt , pa., eflVra bit
pnifeM.onal arn'teea to tbe prop la uf lliat plot
ad tho aurrouning eouotry. All en Mi prumpily
ktteaded to. (D- c. I 6ta pd.
n AVINd located at PeanOeld, I'a., ollere his
professional service, to the po.ple of that
place and aurroundii.g country. All eall. promptly
attended to. ' ort. I I tf.
n A VIVO located at O-cenla, Pa., offers his
professional services to tb, ptopl, of that
plaoa and anrmaodtng eeuntry.
feluAII call, promptly attend, d to. Ofnor
and rosidenra oa Curtia at-, former'y occupied
Ut. Mine. B)l ly
"drTj." p." bTT r c h f i el d7
I. tie Surgeon uf the K;.d Kc meat Pennsylvania
Vnluo!tri( harinic retorad from tho Army,
Tara bii profaninal errleei to lit eltiiem
of Claarltld enty.
(TProffftinl colli promptly a Men led to.
AlVo an Second axeot, formerly neeopied by
Pr. Wooli. aprVC t(
Soen1 Street, Clearfield. Ta.
aallariiiv ffrwinen(1y lretd, he nut? uteri
pit prxf'tilonal rv iwji to t tie r intend of Clearffltl
and viHnitr and the public g norally. All ealli
promptly attrndrd to. ortlv y
Kylrrtnnrn. Pa
Keef eetftjl'y orrt his perrleei to Ihe eltlren of
tbe tarroondtrtg conntry. apr.'OHnupd.
"ICeuben hackma"n,
House anJ Sign Painier and Paper
(leaiHclil, I'rim'a.
wWill pteeirlejohs In his line promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. a, ri.H7
Dn. A. M. ITII.T.S,
Desires to Inform bis pairone, and tbe
pul.iie gener.lly.sf at be basaeeoetated with him
in tb, praoliet of Ural slry,
S. P. SHAW, D. I). H,
Wkoli a t'sHoat. ef the Philadelphia tental
Calla fe, ard there fore bat the highest attesta
tion, ol professional skill. All work don ia
tho (, I will hod tftysalf personally reepinsl
bla for kin dona In lb, most sail.r.eior, man
a,r and highest order af th, profession.
As established practie, of twenty. twt years la
this pier, enable, sat ta (peek to mj patient,
wl'h rot-fldenoa.
Rugagetneals from a dl.tanee iboald b, mad
he letter a tea dsvi before the patient d.slga,
, V lt ,
GEO. B. GOODLAKDER, Proprietor.
VOL. 13-WIIOLENO.2102.
ci.i:.itru;i.D, ta.
trSbop en Jlocd Htreat, tutr Pennaylvaitia
Uailruad dipoU nay lS,-7U:tf.
flf I'limps always ou hand and tuaJc to ordrr
on aiirt uottr. Pipei bored ou rcasonattle tertn.
All work warranted to render tiffction, and
dahrcred if deiirt-d. uii!i:l vjd
Jtutlea of tho Peace. Surveyor and Conveyancer,
Lutheraburg, r.
All hu'lueii in t rut tad to him will be promptly
atleaded to. Peravm wikhing to euiluy a rur
reyor will do well to giro him a eall, u he flatten
hiBiielf that he ean reader aatiration. eedt of
convcraaefi. artielea of agreement, and all kgnl
papvri, promptly and neatly executed. marUyp
jjM CM'AItl'IF.I I, P A.
Clearfield. Pa.
HAVIN'O rented Mr. Entre,' Drewrry he
bopea by atriet attrntiun to brainca, and
ttie ntauuraetura of a auH;rtur article of
to reoriva tbe patronage of atl tLa old and many
new customer,. Aug. 2 If.
riUH undersigned offer, bis service, aa a Sur.
tcyor, and viay be found at his residi nee, in
lwrrliee township. Letters wiU roach hiui di
rected to Clcarilcl 1, I'a.
J . k7 BOTTO R F 'S
Markct.Slreet, ClcarCcId, I'a.
"VTEOATIYES made in e'oudy, a, well aa In
X 1 cleur weather. OnatantU on hand a good
a.s..rtmrnt of FHAMES, 81 'EKEOSl'Ol'EH and
8TEHKt'SCOI'IC VIEWS. Eramta, from any
style ol moulding, made to order. apr2S-tf
otaLca in
Also, eitensiva manufacturer and denier In Fquare
. - , . -.-r.H Lin.l.
iimver aoo oawvu miuiuvi .i ...
r0rdert aoliclted and all bills promptly
Dlled. iJ.vl'ly
CIO. ALItaT Btant iL,t:T w. iiacar
jMannfacturer, A eltenslve Dealers in
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c.,
dr-Orders solicited. B. lis dlled on short notice
and reaaouable terms.
Address Woodland T. O., C learfield Co., Ta.
jrJi ly VY A1.I.1.IIT A 1IIUIS.
Preuclitllle, t IcarlirlJ Count), Pa.
Keeps eonitantly on hand a full assortment of
:.... Ilir.l.,n. (Irnrii-.. and evervthine
nsually kept In a retail rlore, whi. h will lie .oM, I
for cah, as cbenp as e'sewhere in tho county.
Frenebvllle, June 17, I S"7 I jr.
Dry Goods, Clctlirg, Hardware,
Cutlery, Quetniwcre, Oroeerie,, Tro'liion, ard
Clearflcld, Penn'a.
ay-AI tlielr new stor, room, en Second street,
near II. F. Iligler A Co's Uardwara stora. janU
II. II. SHILLIXOFOnn, President,
OEce Forest Place, Kn. I2i 8. 4th St., Phil'a,
JOHN LAWjillK, (iuperintendent.
Jen'67 Osceola Mills, tlearhcld county, Pa.
s amoeITi. SNYDER,
Practical Watch Maker,
Oppaiiite tbe C"rt II ou
-tAll liolt -f Waifhep, ('lori. aad Jpwtlrt
promptly npair!, aud woik aarranted to $tt
Mtifitietion. iuar2.7
Juitiee of the Peaee and Lire rued Conveyancer,
t.utlicntburi;, C'lrarOrld Co.. I'a.
ff-tT'CoHMtirini A rpmiitaneen pronipily made,
and all kinU of ioetru(ueuta eirruful on
nhort aiiliee. aiay.U-tf
ft. lAVt CAnicr
niniik Book Mainifacturors,
21S .Vtirl.d SI., Philadelphia.
aV.rsper Flour Racks and Psg.. Foolscap,
Letter, Note, Wrapping, Curtain and Vtall
Papera. fel.24.T0 lypd
C1M.L and aee tha new MARD1.E WORKS,
J on Market llraet, opposite the Jail.
litt.vtii corciiLS,
llF.AD A Foot riTONF.
of nrw and beautiful designs.
A'l rtf wtii-h will tic Sold at eily priee., or 55 pet
cent, less than any other c.lahiishment ia this
eoiinly. F.iti.rnetion giiarantitd in all
Onlere fhankfolly reecln-d and peeaeptty wllrd
in Ihe best n kmsn-like manner.
ff. A. liICtX.
Jams F.. W to, AgrnL myll I)
rilllR nnderatgncd tske, this method of Inform
L ing Ihe eitijens of the we.iern md of tlie
cunt, that be has opened a alar hie Yard, for the
manufacture uf
Tombainnea, Mnnatnenfa,
Head and posit ftone.
sVe aVe.
I employ none bot the heal workmen, and aae Ih,
heft material. All orders promptly riled and the
woik warranted. Address all It-tiers to
liAMKL liooiil.AM'FE.
ti-r f-?Vt-f rVreser fs, IS'S.
CLEAItl'llCU), PA.
A c.i;m:haiion hack.
We are apt to think ttie preavot tiuoi
Are xadly out of joint,
To nigh, and then toward ar', past
The nrrent finger point !
Of ruodel buxbanda. niodcl wive,,
Kay wo, there wu no laok
Of manners, moral pride and worth,
A generation back !
The girls were modest, neat and fair,
Tbe ooya wore brave aud truo !
Tb-T labored on from aun to eun,
With Juts and pleasures frw t
The ehildren wi'lit to lu d at dark.
And seemed to hate the knack
Of being aeen and nerer board,
A generation bovk !
And thus It is from age to age,
Aud thus 'twill ri-r lc;
The scenes enm-ted long agi,
M ith partial eves we see,
Our nflVpring in the years to eonia
Will tread the beaten trnrk.
And praise the conduct of their sires,
A g-rtern'ion back !
It id with no ordinary feelings of
pride wo refer to our distinguished
fellow-townsman. Before us uro our
exchanges from the counties compo
sing his Judicial I)ielrict, in all of
which wo find the liigliest enconitims
passed upon him, referring in glowing
terms to his caiocr us an impartial
and uble jttsist.
Wo refer to the fact that although
Clearfield, as a county, has since her
organization held a third rale position
among tho counties of tho State, ns
egaids population, improvements,
etc. But il is with pleusuro that we
refer to that other fact, thai t-ho has
contributed a liberal sharo, and her
cllizcns liuvo filled with singular abil
ity find honor, tho highest positions
in tho Government, Executive, Lcgi
lalivo and Judicial.
It is our duty at this time to cull
from tho mass of testimonials before
us to refer to tho gentleman whose
namo heads this article, and who has
spent the lust forly ycurs in our midnt.
In May 1853, Gov. Higler appointed
Judgo Barrett, President Judge of the
22d Judicial Iittricf, composed of the
counties of Carl on, Monroe, Pike, und
Wayne, to fill a vacancy caused by Ihe
resignation of tho lale Hon. X. II Kl
drcd. After holding his first term of
Courts ho was importuned willi sin
gular unanimity to become a candid
ate for election, hut for personal rea
sot s declined. The Hon. James M.
Porter, (brother of Gov. Porler's) was
elected for a full term of ten years.
Hut in tho winter of 1 55 4 ho was
stricken with paralysis which caused
his resignation soon after. In April,
.1K05, tho Into Thomas S. Bell, who
previously held a scat on tho Supreme
Bench, was appointed to fill the va
coney. IIo became a candiduto fur a
full term, tut had rendered himself
unpopular in the district. Judgo Bar
rett, who was then practicing his
profession in this place, was solicited
by a largo portion of tho members of
tho bar und leading business men of
tho dieliict to become a (ai.didale,
and he finally consented. Judgo Bell
doing his best to securo tho diftrkt
nomination from ihe Democrats (both
being Democrat,) but when the Dem
ocr.ilic Coiifrrcnco nut, Judgo Bar
rett was ununimnuxly nominated
The former then became a volunteer
candidate, tlio I'epuhlirans making no
nomination, but the latter was elected
by over 2,000 majority. In 1 HG", at
tho, rinse of his firnl term often years,
tho Judge cxprcscd a desire of leaving
the, but was importuned to al
low his name to gn tho Demo
cralicConveniioii,and was again unan
imouidy nominated and unanimously
elected, the Republicans not, daring to
put a candiduto in tho field. This
was certainly a very high compliment,
considering the time and circumstan
ces. Just tit tho closo of tho war,
when patriotism was punctured willi
loyalty lo such a degroo that it was
almost treason for a Judgo lo render
a decision where Constittilional rights
wcro involved, and which did not
slink nnd shine, nnd shine and stink
j of loyally. During the preceding four
years tho war feeling and partisan
strife ran high, and Judges like other
officers had lo meel questions boldly
and dispuso of them, yet all parlies
admitted tho fainitf-s und im partiality
of Judgo Hartett in administering the
After the service office years of his
second term ho has resigned. His
privalo and personal interests' lead
him to take this sir p. Hon. Samuel S
Dreher, of Monroe county, lias just
been cletttil Iu fill the Vacancy. Ilia
preoceessnrs in uibi (iisintl were stleli
eminent Jurists us Chief Justice Gib -
son, Justice lltirnsi.e,Jtid"fs Malloiiy
Scolt, Jessnp, Kidder, Eldred, Porter
.-.I ii it ...... . ., . .
...... s.v-,1, u , recoru tic lias matie
with tho bnr and people ns manifested .
through Ihe papers, must bo fluttering '
to him, or indeed, It any one clsvs
similarly wtaaictL The united tesii-1
mnnT m nm sniiea ,n. r r...
v " -
ties, ut the end of fifteen years of
Judicial service, make, up a record of
which ho may we'l feel proud, and
.S ..... .. . , .
mast prove a j.rcciou. record to bim
in the fatu.rt
Wo find llio fullowiti in liiti;
niitiilior of tlio Wnyno County Demo
crat :
Kktirkment oi' Ji'iiun B.vatiKTT.
Tlio ftlto win j roiilii'.ioii were
ndiiptod at llio icecnt Term of Com t
in ihia County :
Satlukay MonMNu, Skit. lOtli, 1870.
At a mooliiif; o llio iihhnImts nf tliu
liar of Wityiiu County, C. 1'. Wullrr
ii8 innilo Cliairmnn, nml Qvarga V.
Ufiitlcy, Socrottiry. Jiesoliitionn ro
ported by the Cominitteo wcro rend.
e.ireiisivo of tlio foulinH of tli liar
in rcloronco to tlio retirement from
tlio Hunch of liit Honor, Judiro liar
relt, w hich wero approved mid adopt-
mi ninlion, v, Jil . Cruno, hcj
was selected to prctieiit the rosolutiona,
ume carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned,
Geo. F. Hentliy, Scc'y.
WnrnrAS, The lion. Geo. 11. Marred, by Lis
voluntary choice is ainiut to sever his odjiinl rela
tions with tbe llciich and Bar ol thif l':M
Uislnct, antl ilrprivc avm: county nl hi. ctuincnt
services in tile adminirtnuion of llio low, therclori, mat wnu sincere regret weconli m
plate bis withdrawnl from a position which brims
so highly honored during tbe past li;ucu years. That we henr conliiil te.Mmonv l.
. the guuinl, gviilletnnnl.v, and inipertiid ol
Jurjgu llurrelt, mill bis eviilelll antl sucec.-'ful i-u-dr:.vor,
nithmit tear, fuvor, or aUecirju, to mete
out eiuj justice to all.
I. i.sol.vrl'. Thill in lis ni;niti(.n nf bis
Honor, the Bench loses one of its ablest Joilges.
the liar one of its wisest Judicial instructors,
and the people one of their most steadfast fritiidi,
I' I'KOi.t Kt, That he carrica with bim in his
ri-tirctncnt from arduous and rcr-pon.ihle dutiis ol
the Ucueh, Iho rethect, kutilly utieet ion, aud test
wirhr, of our pcojrie lor his future weliare.
Iluaoi.vrn, Tbat though our relations with bim
in his official capacity are so soon to ense, we
yet chcri.b the thought tbat we may s'ill be bound
to him by Ibo closer ties of friendship, and it is
our sincere di sire that tlie.c tnorc intimate and
social relations may 10 strengthened, aad not
dimini.hed in the years to ouinc.
Ri:sot.vEn, Thet tlie.c rtfioUticiis bo placed
npou th, rceords of this Court. . ,
F. M. Crane.
C. I'. Walter,
C. R. Minor,
H. E. Iliinmick,
U. U. W aller.
II. M. Rcclcv,
C. V. Eldred,
Wut. II. llimmick,
tiro. P. Ilenlley,
II. II. llcei.!. lee.
Wo clip tho following from among
a string of resolutions adopted at a
public meeting in the Court House. :
IlFsol.vrn, Whereas, tho Hon. tjen. R. Barrett,
for many years President Judge of tins Judicial
district, has resigned his official position, and is
now balding bis last Court iu our uud.t, we, the
Keputilicana of Wayne eonuty, tako this oppor
tunity to espresa our high regard and esteem
for him n, att upright man, and an impartial
and learned Judge, and tender tnu our warmest
wishes for his fulure welfare trurtiog his sucer s
sor in office msy comuiaud the like rcsj.e-.-t aud
confidence of our people.
Similar resolutions wcro adopted by
ihe Pike county bar, but wo prefer to
give a synopxis of tho affair which
took placo at Kaut hcr's Ho'.el, which
we find in the Pike county llertU,z:
FAnr.wEi.i, hi Tpr.ti to" iios. g tonus it.
Tlio hist term of tho Pilto County
('ourls was the last to be presided over
by Hon. George U. Barrett, who for
filieen years has ndiniiiir-tcml juliie.
and held llio scales right evenly bal
anced, in tho district nf which that
county inpart. It was proper, there
fore, that llio meniberri, of ll.o bar
should demonstrate to him in some
manner their feelings in regard to his
last oflicial association u illi I lie in ; und
they did so in a manner most appro
priate and sati-lactory. Al the nd
jouranicnt of Court on .Saturday even
ing, a series of resolutions was pro
sealed on behalf of the members of
llic bar, and read ly John I). lliJJis,
Esq., expressive of regret lhat tho re
lations so long and cordially existing
betwoen Judgo Durrellund llieniM'lvea
wcro nbotil to bo e-evcrcd, and return
ing lhai.ks to him for his uniform
courtesy towards them in his oflicial
capacity. Mr. Biddis accompanied
the resolutions v. iih a neat and appro
priate speech, and the Judge respond
id to the sentiment of ll.e resolutions,
declaring that he entertained a !rorg
and genuine attachment for hiset.lirc
dinlti.'l in general, but jaitieulatly
lor Millie 1'ihe," and thai ho regret
ted sincerely tho iicoestdly which
forced him to sever tho lies which
hound him to her. Ho proceeded al
some length in his remarks, mid closed
by sn ing that the happiest moments
in his In I uro would be lliono thai call
nl him back to social communion
wi.n me pcqnu ui jiiiioiu i,iu i i..e
r... i . ..r ti :i. i i ...
The Icrniiuation of tho testimonial
lo the Judge, however, was belter cal
culated to inspire enthusiasm in the
purtieipnnls. We refer to the grand
supper given in honor of Judge l!,ir
tvtl in tlio evening, nt Puncher's
French Hotel. There were presetilat
this tho members of the legal proles
sion in Pike, G. (i Wnlhr, Esq , of the
Monroe county bar, I ho u-soeiule
judges ami ofliccrs of llio court, nml
l'-w i'tvilcd guesls. Tlio supper was
"rVcd '"'!"."'. .'"''r1'""!' '. 11,0 "I"1
t'lliriK.u noun mu i ieiii'ii oinv rcncll,
and in w hich Mons. Fatn here is not
excelled by uny of his coiintrj men.
The follow ing is tho bill of fare :
FinsT Cot tier Petite (M-.ter. Pne.
Kt.iovo ( ot itsr. l ilet de lla-uf, with dlush
reons. Tiltnn Cornsf Hiiekeps, Pricnssee.
I'm nvu Corn.r I.ainli Chops, l'nadrj, with
l-'rench Ciecn Pens.
F'irvn foi nr. Itoa.t I'licS'Snl.
Irsrnt Vanilla Ice Cn-ain, Apple Tarta.
Sin h viands ! Ami such evidently
famished lawyers-ar.d others! Course
after coumo melted uwuy, amid the
merriest clatter of tongue, the sharp
est wil, llio maddest humor, Ihe
loudest popping of corks. Lawyer
tousled judge; judgo responded.
Jtttlgn toasted lawyers; lutvvor ro
sponded. (Cheers') Anecdoto fol
lowed anecdote, and ninny a hniioy re
tiiiiiisceiice of beneh ami bar an re-
' counted. " "Old Hill" Davis, mirth.
l"""r am! good fellow ship beuming
' cuiileiiunce, was just hi !ii-
i:,;U',r"!,- "") ',"'" '.""''
iJ'rti' Barrens inleresling review nf
,,e tune ,,,,,, ..p,,,, ,,u j( linl
district, blending lino humor wild
lunching pathos, w as listened lo Willi
K'lcn iiiterrsl. Toasts appro
''.".'r, ''l" ""'"'v " "I" , Kiv,;n ''-V
i .-ii . ..... '
' titnti, r.iureii, ells, llidilis. X vie urn
j Hull, and when the hours of the Sib
i '"' won. announced ns approaching ,
,? ",roc, "'""""'nt was drunk, good-
j byes Spoken, niltl tllO liirlltg nui Oil!
Lw had been "a feist . Vre..on i
and flow r.f assul " rea.on,,
, anu a notv r. sasui,
- ia
Wo find hiiiiilar preccetlings in Cur
bon eoiinly pnpera hut deem llio mo
nioiinl of llio Grand Jury, which we
take, from tlio Jkmterat mifiioioiit fur
tlio oocaHion :
Memorial of the (,'rnnd Jjnj of
Carbon County, to the Hon. (Icorgt: 11
lldrrctt, on the Occasion of hit littire
merit from the licneh: As llio last
Grand Inqucht that vtill bo enlivened
to repreienl llio Comity of Carbon
and llio earnest sentiinentH of her peo
ple, in hop Court of Jnstico during
tho term of her pivsent prowMing
Judge, I ho Honorable Gorgo II. Ihir
relt, and in view of his roignalion ko
soon to tak ctTect, wo cannot refrain
from giving expression to our senli
niciUs f.8 a jury, und ns wo believo
llioso of tho intiNKof the jeoplo of Car
bon County regarding that event.
Seldom in lite history of uny Court of
Justice in the Cnmtnonweivllli of Pern
M'lvuniu, or In tho Government of the
U niled Stale", bus a prcbiding jtxlge so '
Ullilllerrtiptcdly maintained tlio 1VB
pect It 11(1 COnHtleliee or It judicial COII
'. :,,,,.,. ft 1...,,.. .,,,,1 ,.,,,.,, ..mI,
"I'lUl'nO.SO I n.l e.Sl U II pcnplo Willi
ii in jii i nunui n ui t ii it 11 u in i i it j tit
purpose under all circumsltinces and
at all times it" a man, or sn constantly
exhibited in his o.lieia! career all tlio t
excellences of human character so eg
sen'ittl in a judgo and so important to
ihedignily of the law and to ihe safety
of the citizen ns is instanced in the
honored person to whom this tcsii
morial is inscribed. In behalf of tho
people of Carbon Cottrily, lo whom
tho resignation of J udgo Barrel t, ns
an event in the history of this Judicial
lilwtrict, is a matter ul profound regret,
we tender to him our earnest congrat
ulations upon the successful and dig
nified manner in which tlio nlhtirs of
our Courts huvo been administered by
him during tho pasl fifteen years,!
as it does a happy impression upon,
the people of the district nnd an tin
scarred nnd honcrtiblo record lo the '
man lo whom Hie county is so largely
indebted. Going into private life, he ,
will curry with him the respect, and I
homage i if homage is due I ruin maul
to man) of the peoplo of this portion j
of the Judicial district, added to that
already indicated by tho oilier conn !
ties that have with us composed the I
juristliclion ol Ins jtnigcslnp. Jlo w ill
leavo us with the flattering unction
to his own soul, iu unison with Ihe
great heart of llio 2-d Judicial Dis
trict, that ho leaves behind a judicial
record outr hone by rone in the past
and justly a matler of honest pride
to himself and to tho district fiom
which his oflicial connection is now
severed. May his life be prolonged
to the rxtremo of years nnd tho per
lection of enjoyment amid llio genial
surroundings of private life! Tliu:.k
ing him pernoiiully for unbroken kind
ness and courtesy, to this and former
Grand Juries, wo request that this
brief memorial may become part of
llio records of llio county, anJ be
handed down lo mher generations as
tho honest sentiment of lliis.
Signed, W. Lf.i: Sth.e.i,
Below will ho found tho memorial
of tho Grand Jury, und tho proceed
ings of a meeting of tho Uar of Monroe
county, which nro filed among ihe
records of that counlj-:
Sruoi usiit.'RO. Sept. 27, 1S70.
To liis Honor, Jci'tiE lS.tuar.rr.
Permit us us llio Grand Inquest of
the County of, Monroe, speaking for
ihe people of the County of Monroe,
to say, that il is with regret thai wo
loarn of your dotcniiination to retire
from the bench, us our prodding Judge.
Your kind and courteous bearing to
wards tho people, your impartiality
in tlio adiiiinistru' ion of jiisiii-c, and !
your promptness und courage in dis-l
chnt'ging your duties, will long endear
you to our people. Wo can truly say
that no district in the Stato presents
so clear uctilcnder, nora Judgo whose
opinion has been eo uniformly correct.
Ami tht.iTorc il is that we look upon
your retirement, not only as it loss lo
our County und district at largo, hut
to tlie Statu. Put sinco this is your
Settled determination, j on w ill leave
us with the most pleasing recollection
fif VO'Ji' lioliltl miulilies of head and
. heal U Osc.inXAKlN, i urcinau.
Ai d now, Sept. 27, 1S7H, on motion
of Win. Davis, Ivsq , His Honor. Judge
DeYoung orders and directs the lore
goin iiiidiess lo be spread upon the
records of this Court.
John DkYouno,
Associate Judge.
Amonost tiik RaroRiis,tifihtCuiirl
ol Ccinmon l'hns of llio Cotitily of
Monroe, iu the Slate of Pennsylvania,
(mooter alia) il is thus contained ;
Sr.prr.Miira Tkiim, 1870.
Al a meclinir ol llio nietnliers of the
liar antl oflii-ers of tho Court ol the
County of Monroe, held lor llio pur
poso of taking nieiistircs lo express in
sumo formal manner tho rcmct felt,
at the retirement of Hon. Gcoiiro It j
ISaiTclt, from tho position of Prcsi j
dent Judge of the 22d Judicial district.
On motion of Mr. Ilurnrlt, WilliamJ
Davis. Esq., was called lo tho chair, j
and Samuel (S. Dreher .luil-o elect,!
lin. l!ri i ni.K AN on motion of .Mr. I
Walton, appointed Secrelury. J
Ou motion, the chair nppnintrd ;
John It. Storm, Congressman elect.!
I'.n. 1!i:pi Charlton llurnett
nnd George Fisher, Ksq.,n committee i
to tlratv up icsoliiiions expressive nfi
llio kciiko of the meeting, who reported ,
tlie folio", ing ptviinibleaiid resolutions I
which were unanimously ndoj icd :
Will or.s. The Hon. tleorco R. Ilarrrtt. atl.i
ha, lire Hie Is.t fillern vent, served upon the
I n. eh aa I'rerth iit Jo-l'c f this Hi.lltet, or
an. 'b the county ol .Memos bums a purl, an I ,
a Oo I-,;. ,re..i.d urr tl'C scleral loutls, id j
v.lneh as are the nirmlrcie, is a'-ont to rilire
fiom Ihe po.ntnn he hns so long ocenple l. and
l- teruiiioitr hi. ofto-in! evreir as tha I'rcMdmg
oftieerof lb', t i.ui. j v.n, lhat wc the mi mher, of the Rar.
slid r'tlicers ol the Courts ot alonioc county, here-
ly .le.ue to etpre.. the rcgn-l we lor I a) parting i
eith his llno., dmlge llarreft, a the Pre.t.lmi;
ottioor ot this t'irult. and in deiilg so to te.lily to j
tl.e una.-it-rli.g liu lav Willi nhieh at all tunes.
and nmler all circumstances he has i eifonne-'. Ihe
duties and res; .,i,,iair. oi 'bis pinion. ten, Thot it h ever loen a eonrpe nf
fri",' tTlrrl". 'I td'T.I
among.t us a- the iv. siding Ju igr oi ns jdi
"' "'Iriel, that one en Larnrd in Ihe 1, sr.
j" "1'""''" 'n "''.
,Mnn ,f ,rrri., , ni, mu , ,.
(i"S-rsl tS. r.,: e-,. tre-. si,-., efc'l.
orer.firm and dcoi.lvo. has yt alwsvs hern kind
anil courteous In his hearing toward the members
uf tho It ir and luu ofheers ol the Court.
Itttsoi vi. That in .lodge llarretl wo hove had
a faiMifol und an uirie:lt .lii-lin, one wli., hn.
ever held firmly, but eruitshty the seal. of jnstioe.
and 'who line r.ds"'n,'.reeef tho law not asa-ic them,'
and wiionill in his retirement from the lleni-li,
Irrtvc upon the Simula of tiiis County and upon
the teeoi-l. of this Court, a lasting reputation nnd
an honored name,
KKSnLvnn, That in Judge Itarrrlt's retirement
from tli lienvh, we loso not only a faithful, im
partial Jmlc, bet the erniipani'in-liiji ol a fricnil,
one whom we shsll erer remrrrt'SV with fording,
of regard and eslociu, and whose hi for the future
it is our einccrc, carnert, aud united wish, may
be one of happiness, pro.pcrity and peace.
ltKsr,i.vrti, That the proceedings of Ihil meet,
ir.g and tin-so resolutions he plard upon the
Iteoords of tho Court as our tc.tiiuMoiiii In the
virtues and abilities of a taithful pu'rlie otjicer,
an upright Judc, aud on isUtmeJ Irieiid.
lU:soi.vrn. That these proceeding and resolu
tions Ire oflert-d to tlie Court upon its meeting in
Ihe mnrniug, by tha President of this meetiog.
that they also ha eiigrossed hy the Prothuuolary
and presented lo his Honor, Judge Ilarrclt.
Ilrsoi.VKn, That a copy of the prooedings and
resolutions of this meeting be furnished to tho
newspapers within th, county for publication.
F.led and entered among the the Itecords of this
Court, rvpteiultcr V, l.'O.
From tlie H';cords. Titos. M. V- Il n vNrr,
Wo might cull from our exchanges
proceedings double the length, and
still moro fluttering, but deem this
much sufficient for tho occasion, und
probably more than llio Judgo will
thank us for.
To Young Men.
It is easier to bo a gnod lnisinc-is
man than a poor one. Half the en
ergy displayed in keeping ahead lhat
is required to catch up w hen behind,
will suvo credit, give more tiino to
business, nnd add to the profit and
reputation of your work. Honor
j uor engagements. If you promise to
incut u man, or do a certain thing at
a certain moment, bo rondy at the
appointed lime. If you go out on
business, attend promptly lo the mat
ter on hand, und then as promptly go
about your onn business Do not
stop lo tell stories in business.
If you have a place of business, be
found there when wauled. Xo man
can gel rich by silting around stores
and saloons. Xercr "fool'' on busi
ness mailers. If you have to labor
for a living, remember that one hour
in tho morning is belter than two ut
night. If you employ others, bo on
hand to see lhat tlicy attend to their
duties, and to direct with regularity,
promptness and liberality. Do not
meddle willi any business you know
nolliing of. Never buy n thing sim
ply becauso tho man who sells will
tako it out in trade. Tr.tdu is money.
Time is money. A good business is
pleasant ami attractive; then stay
there lo wait on custDincrd
Never use quick words, or allow
yourself lo make hasty or ungenllo
nitimly remarks to thoso in your cm
ploy, for to do so lessens their respect
f ir you and ) our influence over them.
Help yourself and others will help
you. Be faithful over interest conli
ded to your keeping, nnd all in good
time your responsihiliies w ill bo in
creased. Do Hot he ill loo great haste
lo get rich. Do not build until you
liHve urrunged and laid a good tontnhi
lion. Do not as you hopo to work
for su-eosi spend time in idleness. -If
your time i; your own, business
will suffer if you do. If" it is given to
another for pay il belongs to him, nnd
you have no more light to steal il
than you have to steal money. Strive
lo avoid harsh words nnd personali
lies. Do not kick every stone iu the
iisth ; more miles can be inudo a day
by going steadily on than by slopping
lo kick. Pay as you go. A man ol
honor respects his word us he does his
bond. Help others when you can, but
never give w hen 3'oti t nnnol afford to.
simply because it is fashionable. Learn
to say no. No noeessily for snapping
it out dog fashion, hut say it linnly
and respectfully. Have but few con '
(idatils, and the fewer the belter Use
your own brains rather llinn those of
others Learn lo think and act for
yourself. Ho vhrilatit. Keep ahead,
rather than behind the limes. Yoiini;
men, rut this out ; ami il there is a lot
ly in tho argument, let us know.
Kkv to Character The differen
ces of character nro never more dis
linelly seen than in times when men
are surrounded by dillicttlties and mis
foi tupcs. There are some who, if dis
appointed by failure in an undertak
ing from which they expected great
tilings, make up their minds not to
exert themselves against what they
call fate ; other desponding and hope
less ; but n third (lass of men will
louse tlieinst Ives in such moments,
and say V) themselves "the more dil
ficnlt it is lo attain my cnthi, the more
honorable it w ill lie." and this is the
maxim every one should impress upon
hiinselfns s law. Soino of thoso who
ure guided by il, prosecute their plans
with obstinacy, und perish ; others
who are more practical men, iT ihey
have failed in ono way they will try
Homk Life Even s a sunbeam is
composed ol millions of miiiuto rays,
llio homo licul iiinsl. cotislitulu Hie
little tenderness, kindly looks, sweell Prof. Prideiinx. Class Drill in I'.lo
laitghler, genllo words, loving conn ! ctilion, by Prof Hart. Lecture by
sels. ll must, not bo like the torch I Prol. Row. Select Reading by M. S.
bluzo of unnatural excitement, w hich ' Guclich. Method of leaching Nota-
!.. I. ... I i. . I I .; 1 V- ........ . . .. " r ...
is easn.v tpieiiciu-u , i-ui iiKe me serene, ,
domiciled light w hich burns us solily
in lho thy east wind as in Ihe stillest
atmosphere. Let each bear tho oth
er's burden, Ihe w bile ; lei cio h culti
vate the mutual ennii lento w hii h is a
gill capable of improvement ; and
soon it wiii bo lottiid lhat kindness
will spring uiitili every ride, displac
ing constitutional unsuiiabilily, want'
ol in u t ti a I knowlc'lgo even as we
have seen s eel violets and primroses,
dispelling the gloom in wimto places.
A gentleman from Norwich, Con
neclicul, being in a neighboring town,
nml not being well, venture .1 to try u
glass of bar room w hiskey. Hi-fore
swallowing he saw u fly in the turn
bier, nml cautiously inset ted his finger
lo remove lho insect. Bui oh ! horror
of horrors! the fiery liquid look off
ts nnger nail, ami it was flouting be
fore Ills eyes on tho tutl.teo. What Mimic by the GlieCluh. Conimit
became of Ihe fly is not stuled, but il ' tec on Resolutions repork-J ihe follow
i very pivUhle thai il -ri-bed. irjf j
TERMS-$2 per annum, in AJvancc., NO. 17.
Tho Teachers' I iisliliito of Clearfield
county met in ,0 Town Hall, on
Monday O. t. I7lli, 1K70, nl I o'clock,
P. M. Meeting culled to order by
tho President. On mot ion, A. V.
Dougherty, was elected Secretary,
prolan. Minutes of previous session
rend Mid adopted. On million. Messrs
ConiMlock, Gctitliart and McGovern,
were appointed an auditing commit
ten. I'rof. W. II. Pride.iux, I'. VV. A.
Shttllz and Geo. W. Snyder wero up
pointed n committee to revise the
constitution. A motion una Intnl..
I that M. S. Guclich receive the proceeds
oi l'ublie i.titertuiniiient given by
him at Curwensville, in IS'j'.i, carried
On motion, tho Initiation l'eo was
changed from 2.ri els to M cts. On
motion, il. S. Guclich was uppointed
chairman of the Glee Club. Prof. W.
II. Prideaux w as nppoi r led Treasurer
by tho chair. Adjourned.
Institute met in tho Court llouss.
Devotional exercises by lice. J. II.
MiX'ord. Select Bunding by M. S.
Guclich. Lccluro by I". '. A. Sliull.
subject, "Tho .Mat. rial Wot Id."
E-sy by Miss Bell Welch Milject,
"The importance of u collect primary
cuiieuiion. kecitiro ny it. Jl. J'ri
deattx subject, "How (.hall our
schools bo mudo nioro popular und
usulul?" Mimic by the Glee Club.
Select Rjading by il. S. Guclich.
Tl'KSDAV, OCT. Dill.
The Institute was t ailed to order
by tha chair. Heading an J udojition
of minutes of previous sustiion. The
committee appointed by the clmir to
revise und rewrilu the constitution re
portedreport accepted and commit,
leo discharged. On motion, tho con
slilulion und by laws wero adopted
as a whole. Instruction by F. V. A.
Sliulu subject, "History." Election
of olliccrs; tho billowing persons
were elected, l'rof. W. II. Prideaux
and F. W. A. Sliultz, Vice-Presidents;
Miss Wallers, Secretary ; Miss Doyle
Assistant Secretary ; 'i'hos. McGovern
Treasurer; M. & Guclich, Auditor
Discussion Subject, "How can our
schools be iii ide) more popular und uso
ful ?" opened by M.S. Guclich nnd dis
cussed by teachers generally. Music
by tho Glee Club. Adjourned.
lnstituto met nt 1 o'clock, P. M.
M. S. Guclich in the chair. Roll call
ed. Reading minutes of previous
session. Lccluro on Phy. Geo., by
Prof. W. II. Pri.leaux. Eay by Mi.
Comslock subject, '-Regular utlen
daneo nt school." Itislni'tion on
writing by Prof. Montgomery, of Lan
caster, Pa. Instruction Analysis of
Grammar l y Pr Geist, of Luucas.
ter, Pa. Music ly tlio l.'h-e Club.
Prul. Prideaux appointed Assistant
Secretary. Adjout tied.
I VLMXll m:ssion.
Music by Miss Snail's pupils. J,i
lure by Pro!. Montgomery subject,
"Diilus of tho hour." Recitation,
"Will the New Year colne tonight,
Mamma " by Miss Ella Shaw. J.o
tt;re by Prot. Row -aubjetl, ' Claims
of Xatural .Science." Adjourned.
limtilulo met according to Ad
joitriimcnl. Instruction by Prof.
Montgomery, btibjecl, "Geo. Analysis
of Grammar," by Prof. Geisi. "in
struction on United States History,
by F. W. A. Sliuliz. Essay by Mi'ss
Barrett. Mathematical Analysis ly
Prof. Row. Penmanship try Prof.
Montgomery. Mist Welch, Miss
Shiplon and Mr. O. C. Sliulu were
appointed a committee on resolutions.
Music by ihe- Gleo Club Adjourned.
Institute met; President in the
chair. Roll called, minules of ptevioits
session read und udoptcd. Lecture
by Prof. Montgomery. Music by the
tike ("lull. Aualj sis of (iiuiiiinai- by
Prof. Geisl. Select Heading by Prof.
Rail. Ai-iliitnclical AuaUsis by
Prof. Row. Es.,-ty I y T. 11." McGov
ern subject, "'l lie importance of n
I lass H.g.ater. MjMt- by the Glee
Club. Adjourned.
lvi.mnu sissiox.
Prayer by Rev J. H. McCord.
Recitation of "Hiawatha," by Miss
Clara Al juts Music. Select Read
ing by Prof. Hurl. Address hy Judge
McEnully. Select Reading by 1'tol.
Hart. Recitation ol "1 hu Jiuvcii" by
Miss Jennie Livingston, ol Cuwciis
ville, Pa. AtljoiirnuJ.
T 11 1 us: n a V, ocr. K'th.
Institute called lo order by the
President M.isic hy lho Glee" Club
Anal) sis uf Grammar, hy Prof. Goi't
InstriH lion on Peiiuiansliip by T. II
Mctiovern. Phys.'G'eo , by Prof Pri
deaux. Mental' Arithmetic by I'rol.
Row. Select Reading by M. S. G le
lich. Music by the Glee Club Class
Drill on Elocution, by Vr(. Hart.
!usio by the Glee Club. F,say by
W. 11. Waring MisccllaneotiM ilus";.
tiess I lass Drill in l'li s. Gen., by
tii-n aiiu - uincrau'm, try i t ol. t'rl-
deaux. Music by the Glee Clab.
Adjourned. '
IVEMNtl p:;tMoN.
llcvolional services by Rev. J. II.
McCord. Liclute by Pud. Prideaux.
Select R ading bv M. S. Guclich und
Prof. Hart. Lccluro by J. 11. .Mi
Cord. Select lieuiling by M. S. Guc
lich and Prof. Hai l. Adjourned.
1 lilllAV, OCT. 21s(.
Instruction on Penmanship, by T.
il. McGovern. important c of teach
ing by the Outline System, by Prof.
Piideaux. Music by Ihe Gleo Club.
Lecture on i )--al Teaching, bv Prol.
1,'ow. Instruction on the Globe, bv
Mr. Hooter. Class Dnil (t, p,. j,
Gen, by Prof Piideaux. Class Di-ill
on EliK uuoii, by l'rof. Hurt. Music
by the Gleo Club. Adjourned.
aiMTiaie arrjracjaa
i'r.'-7i.'7, That r beiloro II Is
the d ily t I lho Si I. in t DirMoit o
t h at Ii' di I 'o , in disliiita win ro lho
a. Iiiinla are in at ssii n, lo tillnor e n h
tent In r the liino In blleiiduute al lliu
toiiniy lii'tituto.
.'. ao'i-.., Tbat in tho griding of
teat hers' salaries hy director, record
slionl I bo hud to the grade of the ca r.
litii ate, llr.' tai l und experiencu hi
well as tho character of tho
U t her.
iii'gulcr'l, Tin t the cdiicutioiiiil in.
terests of Clearfield coutil y, deiiiiind
an i xteiiliou ol liiu scho"! lime lo al
i least six Inonl lis and we deem il llio
I imperative duty of diroi lots to .xliM'd ;
! il lo lhat leiiirth, ju all d:slricln h'ji'j
it is prael cjl'lu.
Jirsoleril, That Wt consionr il lho
I duly ol eve-ty tuieher in Clearfield
I county, lo pn-ciiie iiiid Winker
islium s workd on teacliiog, tin I to
isuhserihe fiir the I'cnna. S'Mol Jir
I nut. or some other educational series.
ViVsoiW, Tiuit we rcudopt lho res
olution of tho last County Institute,
that tho teachers who have wilfully
I absented tlit'iiiselees from the liir-U-
jtnte, t! -s.ree t' e undi id-d et'iisuta of
' all tor iiiiuiilcsiiig so li Llio profession-
nl interest.
J Jimoked, Thai tho thanks of thu
Institute ure tendered to Miss Swan's.
pupils for contributing so kindly to
I our evening amusements und tuler
j luiiiinents.
j ltinnlvcd. That tho thanks of tho
Institute nro due lo Profs Hart, liovr
I and Montgomery, und others lor
I their instruction during ihe session of
lho Institute.
lu-tulctJ, That Prof. Geist, of Lan
caster counlv, emit i ibuled largely to
the success of lho Institute, nnd Ins
Analysis of Gratiitiiur was received
w ith much acceptance. Ho is u pro.
fout.d scholar, und an clliei mt and
thoiough teacher. We, therefore,
cheetliiily rccoinmetid bim lo oilier
Institutes throughout ihe Stale.
I The follow ing persons were eleeled
I : coinniilleo on Professional Cei liri
'e.ites: Prof. PriduuiiX, F. W. A.
I-Sbultz, C. C. SliuUz, Miss Hell Welch,
Miss Harriet Snail. Mimic by ihtt
Glee Club Ailjouri.e l, tine die.
Public Eiitcrtainmcnl. Reading
and Recitation given by Prof. Hurl,
of Lancaster, nssisled by M. S. Guo
lich, Fsq., of C'lcarneld.
X.ttnes ol teachers iillei ding Insli
lulu in Is7U : M. Ogden, T. U McGov
ern, W. A. Set let-; V. W ilson, M. S.
Ltllher, Conistock. A. E. Gearhm t, E
W. A Sliultz, A. V. Dongiieiiy, Geo.
W. Snydei, Prof. W. H. Prid-atix,
J. Hurtshorn, A. W. Tate, W. T.
Schrvvcr, A. V . Waring, J. L. Sev
ler, 11. M Seyler. C C. Snullz, J. A.
I ersock, D. Wilherow, S. Iliixk
banks, J. L. Pe.trci-, J. E Wrigley,
j J. J. Irwin, F. C. Wrigh-v, M S. Guo
I lich.
J Fi:iAi.r.s. Misses Marry Walters,
D. C. Loy, C. A. lleisey, Hurries
j Hloum, M. E. Brishiii, Mary Cross
Clara Barrett, Delhi Read, Hell Welch,
Maggie Cross, K J. .Mi Govern, Mary
liotisal, Ella Morgan, Mary Comstock,
lillu S. Shiplon, Ella Doyle, lininiu
Porter, lluniiah Way, Ada Rubins,
M. A. Murtcr, A. Mu'rler.
A IIeaitifci. Sentiment. In An
gustin Dalay's great play "Under lho
lus light," Laura Co'JiliunJ utters
these bcatitil'ul sentinienls :
"Let lho woman you I. no; upon bo
wise or vain, beautiful or hotni ly, rich
or poor, she has but Olio lliuig slie can
give or refuse her hcait. llerbealilv,
her w it, licraccoiupll.shnietils,she may
sell to ytiti but her love is I lie treas
ure without money and without pi ice.
, alio only asks in relurti Unit when
you look upon her, Jour eyes shall
"peak u mule devotion; dial when
'yoa nddivt s her, your voice shall I o
jguitlo, luting an ) hind. Thai y u
sliull not despise Inr because she can
not understand nil ut once, your vig-
I orous thoughts and ambitious plans,
tor when misfortune and evil have
defeated your greatest purposes her
! love remains to console, you. You
.look upon ihe trees for strength and
grandeur; do not despise the Hon era)
j because their fi-agruueo is nil thry
have to give. Remember, love is nil
thai a woman tan give but it is tho
only earthly thing whieh God permits
us lo carry be end 1 lie giuvc."
Living for One's Henry
Wind Ut-echer Says of those men w ho
have no euro or thought lor others,
but uro conicnth-d willi looking i Iter
Ihi'ir ou n case and eijo metit, that
they ought lo be pill in tl col!in, for
llo-ii life s woik is ended.
When G"d wanted sponges nnd
oysters Ho litaihi them, noil put ima
on Hie rock and ihe oilier in the mud.
When He lu.ido man, Hu did lo-t make
j hint lo 1 j a sponge if an oyster; lie
made bim w ith led and hands, und
head and hc.irt, and said to him: "Go
lo w ork !"
I Hut 1 tell you if a m m has con.o to
I thai point w here ho is content, bit
: otighi to be put in a cotlin, for a con
. tooled live m in is a sliante ! Ifu matt
bus Come to lhat stale in w hich ho
I sav. "I ilont wnli I to k now tin v Inoi e. "
he is in a slate in which he ought to
be changed into mummy 1 Uf all bid
cons things mummies tire the most
hideous, and of mummies those uio
running aoout '.he street-" and talking.
The Oi.1i Man. ll-nv lo ihe head
tlo reverent u li I hu oid inun, once
like you. The vicissitudes ol hie have
silvered his hair, and i hanged ll.e
round, merry face, to the worn visage
bclore you. Once that manly form
stalked promptly through tho gay
s.-ci.e ef pleasure, the b-nu ideui of
grnce. Now the bund of limn thai
withers the flowers of yesterday, bus
bent that figure und destroyed that
nobie carriage. Once, ut your age,
he possessed tho tlioussiiil thought
that pass through your t-iaiti, now
w ishing to uivoinplish deeds equal ti)
a nook in tame, liat he has lived tho
dream very neai'y il l ugh; his eyo
never kindles at the old deeds of due
ing, and the blind laktsu urinerg'r.ej.
oi thu Had. Row low ;!,c head, boy,
as you would in your c.d iipu Lo lov
Anxiety and Lvr.nn. Yoa rannol
et-ttje Inun unxiety und labor ; it ia
Ihe destiny nf humanity. Vou may
avoid indeed, to a cava I i Xlent (soino
at h ast may ). Inking p u t i;i ibo si rug.
gle of life, iu the r-h.ii p and t nger coin,
petition of un open ptole.sion, or the)
ii ol less intense pursuit of some worthy
objett i-t study. But, by what seetiM
lo mo a just and wholesome I'cM.lit
lion, thin-o who shirk fiom facing
trotibiu find Unit trouble, conies lu
thcin. 'J lie indoiiiil may contiiro
lhat he shall have less than his share
oI'iIib worid's work to tin; hut Nulure,
proportioning the ioslint t lolhs ii lc
contrives Unit liulo shall only tha
more wosrv him.