Jill, KKPUliUCAN. CLEAIM'IKI.P, Pa. wr.rxr- ii.w Mmt m mi, N'ivi miii :n;.i: Tin: I'WtMijt. The furimi's lil.' the lit-' f..r me I love its qmrt h-riifrv : I hue it !ia.l', it hill, end doles, I hue it" rliMTlnl nrii-le tnlc; low In I' nl it fl''V uihI hcr.Is, 1 love thr nni"ir l it l.ir-l : 1 lore llir fwmi N?iluliri'ui oir. J h if On- irof.. wi.le and lair; I love to (ilow, I love tj uw, I LlVO tO g,ttl(IT, h.YO tO BlOW, I l"ie llu new un.nn ffii4 to smell, love to timr thr Intkltiift bill, I love to lr..i.l llie j;ni,..y liiwn, Along tin- brook., among the corn i I lovi t lie n tuile, but can't rel.eirie. Hi leii..iirvs all, in j.mse or verse. Tho Crown Priuce of Prussia. 1'rinco I'Vi-drrirk William Nicholas Clunks, down I'linco of Prussia, win torn 1 lie lNlli of Octolier, 18.11, nnd is the only win of William I. ly Aujrintn, tluitirliter of the late Cliiulcs Frederick. (Iran.! Duke of Saxo Wei- mcr. Tho Pi int o u indebted to his mother for a most careful education, not only in thoso things which, by tradition, form the education of kings, but in till brandies of study. The Queen herself had been a pupil of (iirlhe's, and was, therefore, prepared to nppreciato what wo may term the higher, nobler, and moro refining knowledge, and to bo anxious tlinl her on should receive its benefit. Godot and tho historian Max Dunck cr were his instructors in thrso stud ies, while Von lloon mid Von Mollke grounded him in thoso principles of the military art which ho has since turned to such good account. Tho record ofhia military careor is too well known to need recapitulation here nnd wo will only speak of those kindly traits of character which have made him one of tho most popular princes and generals of the ago. "A country cart," sayB a correspondent, writing after tho' great battle of Worth, "was rumbling down the street with two wounded ofiiccrs. An ofiiceron fool beckoned to tho driver to stop, ami went up to l':o cart, tlic occupants or which tried to salute him, but ho made a gesture, and, lean- ng over, entered into conversation wnn tnem lor ten minutes, evidently nsking after their wounds. On part- mg, lie shook each l.y the hand, and continued his way up the street, ac companied bv two oilier officers, lie baited ut my quarters nnd inquired if; there wero any wounded inside they had all been removed, fomo to their, Just resting place then ho went on, and meeting a cart full of wounded soldiers, talking to them each in turn, end so went on visiting tho hospitals nnd tho wounded soldiers in a most unostentatious manner." This ofilecr was the Crown Prince, tho "Fritz" of tho old King's telegram ; and after reading this account wo would not wonder at the devotion of his men. Another correspondent, il. Henri Chabrillart, of tho Paris Figaro, who fell into tho bands or the Prussians after the battle of Worth, had an in terview with tho Prince, and thns describes his appearance : "Prince Frederick William is a man or tall Mature, thin, with a calm and placid countenance ; but in tho curve of his aquiline noso nnd bis diluting liostiils there arc evidences of energy, while the rapidity of his glanco con vinces you of his decision. A full,faiuo subdued, and tho mill burned to beard softens tho somewhat stern ex pression of his features. He has great simplicity of innnner, nnd affects rath er u kind of bourgeois stylo of speak ing thinking and general behavior. Ho was dressed in a black tunic with red collar and fat ings, without any cmbridery or gold braid ; upon the shoulder a small epntilet to indicate his rank, but no other distinguishing ornament. He wore a small black cap bordered with red, and tho whole uniform was severely simple. Ho speaks French with great purily, . without foreign accent beyond a slight (tcrnnin intonation and occa sional hesitation at certain words." lie spoko, says tho Figaro corres pondent, willi great ndtny-ation of tho way in which tho French fought. "Among the prisoners," said he, "is General Kaoult. I went (bis morning to sco him nl Iteichshofen, w hero he lies wounded, his hip and thigh being brjken j 1 fear (hat ho is now dying. Ho is n bravo officer, and bo has giv cn mo somo addreis in Paris, to which ho wishes letter to bo sent." "Hut, Prince," M. Chabrillart observed, "the other pritwim rs also have families." "I havo thought of that. 1 have hud them supplied w ilh writing materials; the letters will be sent unsealed to our consul at Geneva, who will forward them to France." "Prince, wo thank you in behalf of tho mothers whose gnel you nro about to assuage." "1 do not llko war, gentlemen. If I should ever reign I would never make it." A man who Imd ImrrowcJ n nnck of a nrililtor to jjo lo mill wiili, wns knocked into tlio wntoraml tlrmvnnl, nnd llio Im lost. When tlic news wn Iroulit to lii l.oic.ivcd wifo, bic exclaimed, My irrnciotn, wltat n fuss will be made nlioni tlmt aack." Ioo.or', Wlfo: . Why Jo y11 (lt cnd for my hnshn,,,!, ,l,.,lr) if-ou fl,(,, nnvvoll!" I.i,,sliKy Vlirvarii Child: -Olt.ra aay. it's Krncr,lv ca.it-r to got rid of il,o diacao thnn uiu .Kicior, il yoa onto get in tho house. ti l in I A littlo lny, running, Blruik Iim top nnd loll on thu pnrcmfiitt "Never ., . id by. nimu, my ntllo Mw," ulandcr, morrow. you won't reel lh0 t.uin to. "Then " ,.. ,i en j cry t moriX ' I ..w noy, "i won I crv JokIi Billi'iR'i Almanac. Jh Hilling, llio miinnl liimi'tisl find let (tiri'f, nill utlirli lii Itlmniine lor 171 iiliiiiit llio lnt of litis nmiitli. lie piikIh u the fnlltiwinjj: nmn.u. nrmsin fit ri" ov ".I..mi Hit t im; F n i n'a Ann.. for 171." ) Mi lh.ir KUI'f Some in on lire liorn grnto, mm (ralo nltiT tlifj' nro born, sum luivo niteiicss hove upon llicm, and hum a'mt troubled with neitlicr. lint mi dear jiltc-lla llin ol'joct in writing H'is cpiKtol iz not tlii.t, but to inform you that i nliull let nlooso bont tho middle ov Oktober, 1S71, "Joul Ililliitir'a Fa iim 1.1(8 Ai.lmanax, for 1S70." No family who keeps a two linse carriage, should bo without this All- iminn.x. Az nnalmnt Knowcr.phiillof phaith, lot slip tho pure and innocent duv from hi A rk, bo doth i let slip this Allmnnnx, nnd hopo it wont come back. All cood housewife" will find 111 " Ailmanax, How to tram lip '"ishandH in tho way they should K. ll,t'y wont depart from it, nnd also how lew mako a lively slapjack To tho weary wanderer this Allina mix w ill bo a gidu board, showing tho nearest cut to tho next town, and to tho sony, n soda fountain ov gimnas tic delight. This Allmannx gives the biography, ethnology, syntax, and prosidy ov bugs, beasts, and litllo codfishes, and tells us with the fondness ov a step parent, the rite time to trade oph dog. In iJonklushun, it gives me grate pleasure to remark : That kussid aro lobsters and milk for supper, for they havo no bowclls ov mercy, nor mercy (or bowclls. With grato flexibility ov karacter, I am your limber friend, Josu Billings. Allmanacer. Mcnnen in Kittannino. A young man, named Joseph Slillwull, was shot and almost instantly killed in Kittan- ning on Friday evening, the i'lst ult., by AuuuMus Dougherty. Still well witll ethers, was criL'aircd in making bonfires to celebrato tho result of the election, and a foray had been lllaj0 u,,on t,0 boxes belonging to t, merchants of tho town. The mayor tried to stop tho proceedings. but failed. Still A ell came to Dough- city's store fur mora boxes, and when Dougherty remonstrated against his tuUig them, Stillwcll struck him. Dougherty then drew a revolver and fiR.J with fatal effect Still w ell dying in a few minutes. Dougherty is in t)0 custody of the Sheriff of Arm 9(,ung county. Had ho had no pis j t0 ,is pocket, no one would buvc . been hurt. This is one of the results flowing from the carrying of conceal cd weapons Fike. Tho mill properly of Judah Whitcomb, known as tho Litllo Bear saw mill, near tho New York coal mine, nnd about two and a half miles from this place, was burned on Tuos day evening. A firo had been built under tho boilers for tho purposo of putting in somo repairs, in the early purl of ihc da)-, but had been raked out and was thought extinguished. In tho middle of the night a family re siding near wero awakened by tho flames and gave tho alarm, but tho firo hud gained too much headway to the ground by tho fortunate cir cumstance of a favorable wind the lumber, piled near tho mill, escaped though a pile of slabs was consumed so closo to somo of (ho lumber as scorch it. Tho loss is estimated 50,000, insured for M,M0. Philips burg Journal. ClotJtinfl. How to ISavt Jlonry. T1IR time r turd; you'd lik to know How you inly- v your dnlln The jr tn do It I will fhnw. If you will read what followi. A tnii who tired Dot fir from bert, Who worked hard it bii trade, Rut had household tn aupport That fq'iandered all hu made. I tret him once. B.iyi he, 'My friend, I look thread bear and roogh I've tried Ui ft myself a auil, Xlut can't save up enough." Fare T, my friend, bow much bar you f I'll tell you where to e-o To p-t a eoit tliMt'r eound and cheap i To KhlZE.NSTEIN 1 Co. He took what little be bad aeved, And went to Hcitrnrteiu t Urotben', And thrre hi tot a handrotoe auit. For half he paid to otberi. h'ow be I home, be lookf lo well, And their effect i turn. That whrn they uhe their dally meal, Ibey don't eat half ai much. And new he fln.tf on Saturday night, W ith all their want! pnpt-lied, That be baa money left to spend, And somo lo lay aside. Ills pood lucrest, with cheerful imllf, lie e-iauly toils lo all. If you'd save money, go and buy Your clothes at ItEIZKXSTEIS'S CLOTUI.VO IUI.L. j Whrru the cheapest, ".not and best Clothinfr and cood Furnishing tloods can be bad to sun ' " ""' "tl f" c (OOk HTIIVI.II FI'KARS c.M.oRirtr, f r?gt i:iunxa, f i i i:i:ion, (iOV. I'KSN. IlKlin.ATun, NORI.F. nioK, NATloXAI. riAXOK, THU'Ml'll. PAKl.OH COOKS, .spKAB'R r.KVOI.VIXU 1.1U11TS AMI IiOl llI.E IIKATKIIS, Ami all kin.ls if Ileatinf Pture. fur sale l.y anjrrO II. t. IlllH.KR 1 CO. JOHN' TIIOUT.M AX, FURNITURE DEALER Klarket HI., rml of (lie Alt-'Rlieny lloass, n.i muri i), pa. KI'.KP in hnnd nil kind nf 1'uniittire. In euila -I "r hy the sinffle erti'-le. Those, ned of any aitiflet.1 I urniture, will find it to thnr Interest to rsll nnd einn-.ne my st k, whi-h I will m il very n fur rb tr eti-hsnpe for suitable IuilImt. t -karheld. Pa., April , H;(l ff. V0iC-ll.,, Prc.,H ike-lal i J. A. llhMrl...r l;. , in ,r i,., 1 !.,Mnr,.r, carr,.., Lit ZVrl .mc ,!l j A j '"'""'"it"' A x, ,he . i r.,n,l,.,'i.d "'"f'-':"' " """"""' M-hanaw, LandanJ M'ii.u.vi)k..Ki., john i.awsiir. a,tf IVeideai. (irr, Hup't ..dro. I. f oi nu BOYNTON &, YOUNG, "OUXDERS ,t MACHINISTS MiinnlVturfri of PORTABLE ct STATIONARY ST1UM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Tine 8 (recti, (M AUI II t I), PA. TT AVINO fncncnl in the manufacture of firnt clafi MACill.NKRYtwciTfippclfull' inform the iuhlio that we art now prepared to fill fell order i aa cheaply and ai promptly can U Hi.np in an; of the cities. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Iliad Illocki, Water Wlioeli, Shafting Pullrji, (ifford'i Injector, Steam (laugca. Steam Whinllc, Oilers, Tallow rupn, Oil t'npi, Uaiiftc CmliB, Air Cocki, (ilobe J'alvci. Check alvn, wnU((lit iron I'ipen, Si cum Pumpi, BniW-r Feed Tuinpii, Anti Fricliun Mitrt-, Punp Stone Packing, Gum 1'iu'k- iiiC and all kindi of MILL WOHKj together ' with Mown, Sled Hulci. COOKAXD rA RLOIt STO YES, and other CAPTINUS of all kinds. TTtOrdcrB lollcltrd aud 61led at rite prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres- ing us at Clearfield, I'a. dcelO (f BOVNTOX I VOl'NO (I. 1.. lieed, N0TICE.(vp well. J. F. Weaver, Dells. u. Jj. eii:i:i a to. CLEAR PI KLD PLANING MILL ALL RIG HTI nHE pritprietonrtupectfullj inform tbecltiiem J- of Clearfield eniuit, that they bare entirely refitted thii rMahliihmcut with the Utr.t improved wood working maeliinerj, and are now prepared to eieeute all orden in their line of buninept. They will give epcrial attention to the manufac ture of material for liu. building, mcb ai FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOOKS, ItLIXD.S, BIMi HtlTS if JiOVLM.rGS, OF ALL STYLES, Wt alwayi hare on hand a large Mock of IKY U MIJKIt.and will pj earh for alt clear Lntahcr. One and half Inch panel atufT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or tirtiangrd, to auit cuntomrri. .Onlrra folieited, and Lumber furnithed on hort notice and on rcaiHinahle tertni. (i. l. iu;i;r k co, CIvarfiM, Not, 7. I8T.7. ytfiliral. 5 m "For thy Stomach's Sako and thine other Infirmities." St. Faul. Ml. IEOYr.It'H rtiiK VEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, plmsant and health giving Tonic- strictly vpgri!.le, and manufactured from the moflt pure and choice material is not a spirit drink nor substitute for whichy, hut a scientific compound, for the protection of the systrm and the cure of dicae, made from chemically pure spirits, entirely frre from fuil oil or other init ting properties, and will not disagree or olTmd the most delicate atomirb. A long private eiperi ence has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitten at prrscnt offered to the public Contains no much inrdiriiial virtue, and yet so suft and phatant to take, lis nc is to euro dirca, and it will not create an appetite for spirituous liquors, hut will cure the effects of diMipition. To increase the Appetite, ,K IT. Tu promote Wgesiion, 1K IT. To cure PveTjcpiia, t I'SK IT. To cure Fever and Ague, X'V. IT. To cure HillioufncM. I'fE IT. To cure ronsttpatitm, VK IT. To cure Chronic Diurhoa. 'T. IT. Toenre Heart hum, VSK IT. To cure I'lalulrnce, VSK IT To cure A- id Erurlati ,ns, l',K it. To cure Nctroiis I'chility, I f!i; IT. To cure )f TIchi,dna, l.L K IT. To cnir 5nllowness uf Complexion, t'SK IT. To eure Pimplrs and UMhca. 1E IT. F-r tienerttl Prostration of tho l'hrical powers, VPE IT and it will cure yen. Bold ererywhpre, at fl.PO per bottla, Mano faclured filusiT1y hy A. I. S II A W, l'nifti,t, ri.i:Ani;i.ii, pa., Who offers liln'ra) imlureturnts to the traie, o.i. r,, isf.n.if. KDWA1SI) T'KIlis'&T'oT,-"" Flour Inmifm'ltircr. And Dealers ta GRAIN OP ALL KIN DS, niiLirsnr no, ta. A HMl"' .!S'n!P 1.1."' ,,V,u ', l ,r ? ' h""'1' nd " " "" r"""l"W '"!: . . J T HK('EI.KI!ltATl:ll KK'IIAP.DSdN Bki.TS, l.iiht Kip. ..ti 00. rren. h s i, Frrnrh Calf 'Oyerte Jjil. rf 00. i no. At .'. KHATZRK. . I- Xjr- ' f . flljl 0OO(l9, CilOCflifJ, (ftf. a.w.aAn a. a. rub J. n.fiUAHAM&SONS, WAKKKT FT11KI.T, CL K A I! F I K L T , Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4tc. THR mhicrlheri harlng antered Into partner ship for the purport of tarrying on the builneii of Mcrrhanrfiiing, now offer a good Mid rare opportunity to the cttUrni of Clear fiold and adjoining eonntlei to tuy atore goodi at wholesale or retail prices, that wilt asttmlth the unindructed. Their goods will ta particn Inrly selected to suit this market. Erery lady will, therefore, eall the attention of her hnshand to this fact, because this branch of our business will reerlra special attention, and everything needed in a well regulated household will at ail times be fonnd In our store. DRY GOODS: Our stock of 1)11 Y C(HI)K shall not be lur pasxed, either In quality or price, and will em brace, in part, Prints of every style, Uinghams and Lawni of every quality, Muslins of every grade, Da Lilnci adapted lo the tastna of the old and young; and every article of any kind of goods they sell is to be as represented, and war ranted to give satisfaction. DRESS GOODS: Ai to DKIX C;OOlwe have a splendid assortment of Alpncar, black, white, and In col ors; Armures, Silks, and in short all the newest styles In the market We deslra this fact to beoome koown to every persua in the county, j With our new and eitcosiva stock of LHtKtSS ; GOODS, the ladioa ean all be suited by Just dropping In and getting a nice dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which is belter: give her a well-filled purse, and she will find good and paying investments in embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, -gloves, hosiery, or any other household necessities. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And la addition to what w. bsi. alrealy enumerated, w. keep all kinds of GI'.NTI.K. MUX'S WCAH-such as Cloths, Casslmeras, Satinelts, Data, Boot, and Shoes, Jo., besides, Die. assortment of Made. up Cl.OTIIIM; for Men and Uoys, snanufaetured out of the very belt material, which w. will aell for rab or eicbange fur country produc. ftt price, which will astonish .T.rybody. SQUARE TIMBER: We are now largely engaged in buying and selling ikfU'AIti: TIMIU.R aod manufae lured Ll'MUER, and will give this branch of business sperial attention, and therefore make It an objdet to every one who has Lumber to sell to come and deal with ns. G U0CER I ES k 1 1 AR I) WA R E : We shall alio keep eonMantly on hand a general acsnrtmcnt of (HOC I'.ltl I'M nnd II AltDW AKI., which wt will aell at exceed ingly lw prices. Wt also keep a full anor: ment of iM:i;,V ,Hi:. TLli department will be kept full and complete, and all who eontrmplatt housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to eomt and trade with ns ; because wt art so situated, and, from long riperienet tu the batinens, to well acquainted with tht wants and necesriles of this community, (hat we feel satisfied If ovary man woman and child only makes It a point to buy their goods from ut we can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, coma along and tuy your BOOTS 8110KS, II ATS A CAPS, RKADY MADB CLOTIIINO, and everything yoa nted to ren der yourselves and familial comfortable, from JAMES JX GRAHAM k SONS, oel CI.EAKFIELD, H. 11 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKEB'S CiLIFORKIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hnndrediof Thouwndi f f A t Z flew UstimnnT to tbftr Wobdar fit? Bo tut CuraUve Ltfrrts. I M sli WHAT ARE THEY? v til' - f 1 NK. Mi TIIET ARt KOT A mi FANCY DRI Kadeor lr Hmm, WbLhi-y, Trwf Hplrtia nasi Itctneo I, Iqwwre doctored, sptced and sweet ened to please lite lute, railed " toolce," AppctU ers." Itrsiortrs," r., ttial lead the tippler on to drunkenness and mis. bu are a true MiHlirine, tnade from tbe Native 1 loots and Iterhs vt laliromla, trn fram all Alrahi'llc Htlmalrnio. literate the Oil EAT fll.OOIft PI Itll ll.u mm4 A LIFE (.lVIMi I'lIINCIPI.Eaperttrt Innovator aat lnvlgorslor cf Vjc iSyvtiin. carrying off all potaonoti natter and restortnt: U-e Hood to a breithr conditio. No proa ru u; these Bitten according to flirt:' Uon and rem tin Ic; r trnvrll. IUw ailtbe f.vrnforsa IncnraMe case. pn.vMrf1 the but.1 ara d t di?etrored hy mineral alwa i other meat s, a J tt vital organs wasted b;rndtH point of rr?air. For lnfltir?mi.tftrF nnJ ( brenle TthrasMa 1 1 am n ltd .oui, lumrr.la, r lndlroatl HtlUua, Itraiiiirtii nnd Intrrwilltrni f-vrri iHarnaenol Ihc Mleod, l.lvrr, Klslneya,aii4 Itladdrr, ttre lltllcra Lave been most eacccsa fal. Knrk IlifM-WMra are retired by Vlilntrd Illwwd. wl.:rli Uri-nrrallv produced j drrangmetit ofito- IHvrpitvp Uinna. IMII-IA iHt INnH.FTIO. Ilrd ache, I'alt) Id ibe (hnoldera, I'nai-iis, Hjrhti.e or we Cbcst, I.riinr.s. F"r Kmeialwrs ff the fUtnaeh, llad Uatr In Uin Month, It lions Attaeka, aliUU.si of thn Heart, IrdnoitraUon of Ue Lungs, Pain In the regions of the Ktttnrrs.and almndrcd otnar painful aj uptoKB, an tla t-ffi rlnpt .if Pjf pepsl. Tb'y Invigorate Uie 8l.marh and stimulate the lor pld llTer and bt-wela, wblrh render them of nneqnatlrA tlBrerTin cleansing Uietlwdof all Impurities and Unpartlns n-w lifi- and vinr to Ihe whole sptem. 111 It K 1 N I I M t: A r.H, Froptloaa, Tetter , Ml Ilbcum, I'.ioU hee. i pou, Ilnt ics. In to Irs, Tloiia, ( ar bonclcs, lurc Worn a, feald llrad. Uro Ffea. Kryslp elaa. Itch, nlr', luacoloratlonsof the fkln, lltimons and 1; asc s r t:ir i.km, ef nhsterer name or natoro, are lltrrallr dag up ardrarrted out of thearstem in a abort tsn.p I j lite Je of thear letters. One biTUe tn auch caees will rravmce l:ie muctUKreduluns w tbrtr curative e(Tvt. Clccone ILe V.i.ated Hi.ii whenever Jr flrrl U lrrparit.es burrtlr ir lh-"n.b the akin Inltmplw. Imp. tt -na f.r Rc n s ; cirai.ee II tn n tun f.nd ohatrurtrd and slnpi-hb Ii tli vrlis; rlr(iic It len It to foul, ajdyi'nrticliacstllt.ll y.-n wben . K eep Um btwod' pare and the Iraltli f tt.e nafm will f.'llow. TIN, TArKandoLt.erUOIt.lI4, lnrVinffm the system of so many ttiouanria, arc efl-clna!lr deatniy. edandtrtnnTtd. l or full dlrecUona, road eaifciif the rlrrnlar aronnd each hoUte, print -4 In ftjur Ian. guoffca-LLgliab.Ucniiao, French aitd 6111 J.WALKKIl, lToprletor. It. B. XclKIN ALO A CO Pnunrista and (Jen. A re Ms, Ft a rrvmlam, a-id band U CoBtwrce Ptrwt, hew Tork. -):D BT ALL PKlOOlPTa AND ltAUiaa, Oct. 1(1. 170;ly. II. 15. TAYLflirs LIME AND COAL YARD, t.wirihe tlsilmad Prpol.) (I I.U1I II II), Pt.y-A. IEMllMArE ll,l. m,ihd f Inhrmlnt Ihe puMm, that I havenprncl np a tar. l,.r llie ' '''""''" """I'1""1 arranteasnle .ilh eaMcrn dealrra k, " 5 1 k"f ' '"" PI''.' "--'.' - hand. I wl,irh will he ilipoeed ol al rrasonahle ralrs. I op lun, ou.iiri be emr Inert, to euit f or- habere. Those at a dut.nr ean editress me hr Irti.r. and olttuin all oecrssarj inforraaii'.a he return n.'ail H. D. TAYLOR.' "cirtell Ta., Feb J4, lo f I S jj iff Vi -Xir jilt :Uk.rfU;lu(0in. H, F. N AUGLE, (KHK AMI MATCH MAKM. prrostrn rn N pV, 11,11 timat pn.ST OFFlCKfSwltCLEAHFIKL!) MMIR subscriber respectfully Informs Ms old I patrons and the public generally, that he ha "A hand, (and Is eonftantly receiving best additions thereto,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jowolry. keep Jewelry In all Its forms and ol diri.rent values, either by the piece or set, WATCHIISA full a-sorln ent of either Ootd or Silrcr, made by the hrst Air erica t and fr eijen manufacturers, including a fine lot of gold and silver bunting case, lull jeweled, I'atent Levers. ('LOCKS Of all designs, consisting of eiplit dy and thirtv hour, of either weight, 'pring or levers, and both strike and alarm. nKFAIIUNO. All kinds of Watebet and Clocks Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I have enumerated, I keep a full assortment of bl'K'J TACLISiS, colored and plain glass. Also, (J OLD I'KNS xnd I'KN'CI 1,S 8POONS, POKK", IIUl'TKlt KNIVKS, Bnd in fact everything in ihe Jewelry Hne. If I fail If have on hand jut what a cuftomer may need, 1 will order per first expretr, without eitra charge. A liberal fh a re of public patrotiagi is soliritud Ma 7, letoi y li. b HA HOLE, READING FOR ALL! ! BOOKS d- STATIONERY. Market St.. leartlclil, (at the IoetOflire.) '111 K undersigned bea leave to announce to X the citisens uf Clearfiold and vicinity, that he has fitted up a room and has just returned from the city with a large amouut of reading natter, ronsisting In part of ."bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de script ion ; Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages ; Judgment, Kxemp tion and Promissory notes; W bite and Parch; meat Brief, Legal Cap. Uenurd Cap, and Hill Cap, Hhoet, Music for either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on hand. Any books or stationery desirrd that I may not hare on hand, will be or ordered by first sipreas, aod sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Magaiines, News papers, aa. V. A. UALLIX, (JUarbeld Mat 7, !! U GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOXl) STREET, t lrarfltld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICES. TT1R vnderwlgned respectfully Invite (be at tention of tht puhllo generally to their cplendid assortment of atrchandise, which they tr low selling AT VEUY LOW miCES. Thtlr stock eoasiata In part of Dry Goods of tie Best Quality, Such as Prints, Ho Lainss, Alpaerae, Merinos, Uinghanis.Miislins.rtilearbed and unbleach ed,) IHlltng Tickings, cotton and wool Flanneli.lSntim tts.Cassiineres, Cottonades, Ladies' Shawls, Nubias A Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop fikirta, Ae., Alio, a fine assortment of Men's Prawera and bblrts, Hats A Caps, Boots A Ekosa. all of which WILL P.E SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. s'NSUOKTA GENnitAL ASSORTMENT Of evervthlnr nsnallv kent In a retail store, all ICHKAP FOKCAHU or apfroved aountry pro ' duo. A. K. WRIGHT a TOXS. Clearfie'd, Nov. 7 , 1 8A7. S' OMITIIIN(i KEW AC A IK I C. 1). WATSON Wishes to inform bis old friends aol th. publi. goo.rallj that h. has openrd uo a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In bis old slnnd, opposite the Coart Hons., SLCOXD ST., CLEAHF1KLD, TA. Ills stock is all new, freth and of th. verj best quality, and will be lolj cheap for CAi II or approved Conntr. Produo.. ir.sa want pur. Drnrs and Palent Mr Jidofi, Oo to WATSON'S. If yon want CcnfertiunTief, CanneJ Frnils, rirklet and Jellirl, Kuts, le , It , Qi to WATsOX'i. If yoa want the best Roaeled C. fTre, Kssenre ef Cote., Fpl. ee of all kinds, (heap, Uu to WATSOS'3. If want Fanrjr k Toilet Soaps, Flaroring Eltraets, e , Ae , be sure to Oo to WATSON'f". If joa want Fanet Pje Colors, Clark', best Va chine Thread, Tins, Needles A Notions, Oo lo WATSON'S. Cbewere and Smokers, If ton aant Ibe best In the market. Due at WATS'JN'g, where 700 eaa jet Pipee A Pipe Fiatorr a. If joa aant to ft clear of loar stamps, Come lo WATSON'S. If 500 want to spend a fe hours of an eronlng .lib jour friends, rem. to WArr'0.'r3 old stand, where ou ean crark nuts and eat jukes antil o'clock, p m. April 13, lSTO. KW 8TOUE AND SEW UOOVH. JUS. SHAW & SON Hare jut 0itoi1 a N Front, on Main St., CLttariit.n, Va., l;teil occupied by Wm. F. IKWIW j Their alork conoUtt o( LD Lil "tl" CCDCDLOJ, I Gkocia'ia of (lis tfat qunliljr, Jit.ENs nK, l.oots nml Slutcs, ! nj frr nrtiile nerrMarr for cne'a comTort. ("all and examine? our Hock lefnre fur rU'inj! rleatrhfirei, Mnj 9, lHOd tf. FAIRBANKS' FTAXDAJII) (feft SCALES, T'-' or in Kiorn ; ll.(trt(T Harrows, Warclumse Trorks, Cnprlnf I'rcsrrs, In.prTcd Moncj Irawcr, Ae. I run a tie. er , r. II 10 LK 11 k CO., Oralrra In llanlwarv, mrh5i;T If Pieond Street. ClrarnrU. fa. "() MY i)X IKMIk." HKW(i ptm-hass'1 thf rnlirr slnrk of nctH at the old str..i .f Kuk 4 hprtimr, 1 inn d1 to continue Hit (easiness as hrrriofor. l!y motto is to sll Mi bhaf rot rm.M Th inWinf our frirnd ami ciist-mfrs fur tit,t j atrtasg. 1 sttiirn a eonttnuanc l lh? srtic. It A AC K1HK. iufls & HfiUrinf9. it t: n o v a ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DKU(i(iI8T.S, Slarkit Strut, CUariUUI, IVi. 7"B beg leave to Ihfnrm our old and new tahlishment to the spacious new building just erected on Marked street, nearly adjoining the Mansion lloime on the west, and oppo-ito Meters. (Iraham A Hons' store; where we respectfully Invite the puhlio l' come and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VAHNISUKS. Our stock of Prugs and Medicines consists of everything used, selected with the greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY FTJRE! Wo nlo keep a full stock nf Typ, Perfumeries, Toilet artirles. Woaps, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, W hitewash Brushes, and every other kind Brushes. We have a large lot of WHITE LKAI), TUIU'KNTIXK. Flaxseed Oil, Paints, and In fact everything t aed in th painting business, which we eOor at City prices to cavb buyers. TOBACCO AM) SEGARS, Confecticnery, Fpiecs, and tho largest stock of varieties ever offered in this place, and warrant ed to be of the beat the Market affords. J. (I. IUHTSWIPK, Nov. ms. JOHN F. IKWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL' 8,) For all diseases incident to Ilorsos, Cattle, and liuman Flesh, requiring the use ol aa asternal application. This Embrocation was extensively used by the Government during the war. For aale by Hart snick A Irwit, Cleat .aid. Josvph K. Irwin, CurwensvilU. laniel Uood lander. Lu:hersburr cf LAD AD LIKBER COM PAW OI FER RARB i x J u k yi j: x t h TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TIIKIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the timesl Owen.la. May II, l'TO. Curwensvillo Marblfi Yard i'nnr8 ..f strnhnjf my lminrs, ami ran In no hctirr IrMmtr infl to ihf Birmiv f Ihf ilftfiiafj nl 1'iiritxl f(Hii, tlinn li rrrrt mcr thrir narrow I h"tnrs a srnlilur-'l of rinlnriii ma '!.', Ilxtl pimitS d-fHT to tl r.ttr p'm-r f t tiip wt I Ihjt lsr to put In all wtio wi-h lo h w tl.nr afx'tion for tixir Hiforti-.! Iinml ami hnxlrotl, ili.il ihry rnn tiuw ttm so nj.portninlv ol ii"in( m, ,y rnilmr ut my Khnp oo 1 tinmpsin tri-l, (urwf n iil", l'a. as 1 a to pn panel t- furnish In orflcr. SIONfM KNTS, CISAPI.K k liOX TOM US, 11KAD STONKS, ic, of anT il Fijn or sitr. at ffatmal' rutrs. N. It.- I sHp on h.in.l thr lrst l-'orrlti and lttinr1lr Maihlr. All ik fxtsMii'.! m thr most r k 1 1 1 1 ti 1 itinMifr. ! will aln ihttr work tn anr point in Clrarfii I1 nr a lioinint? rcnnlir, il d '.i. V M. 'll. t til.lt ( K.N. i i itrwrnsrillr, IV t. Jfl, Iftfiil-tl. T1IK C I.K.MJKI KI.I) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE 1 lManufaolurrd rs.prially f..r thf: ri.KAitnu.tt thatif, roa sale bt t II F. niiil.KIl A t (1. 1)1K, WIIITBA I10AM,!NS(1 SKINS 1 Jatt rereteed anrt for sale Aprfl t, IH. U r.VDJLEkt A CO. con9, 0toml(j, tftr. (tiltlMT 1HJAIS ew Store In Mulsonburg! In the room foruirily wetip'nd by P. T. Hearty. L . M. COUTRIET T i v va tt.i . .1... i .. ur, :., - tt.A ii I ..n ' Um ,t ...... l.iPi.ril flinl till' llir- riMinditig eoninrv. that hr has just vu"u 4 a I'trc stork ut r t ,M M I It iii"H' whit-h lie I" n " r- miiird to m m m.n pi.k ci:nt i iii;ri:n than the satne oualilv of 'ioo.ls fun I..- puruba--! for in uny otlo-r iore IU tbu unlilortiowd. Ins slots, consists of I iy Goods of i.U kinds, Such ai Kaliiiclts, Cai'simeres. Muslins. IMaitice. Linen, flrillitic, (.iilicoei, J rim nun s, Lit'lons, Lace, RKA DY-MADR CI.OTHIVO. BOOTS 4 r-lIOhS, JUTS 4 CATS, GEOCEEIES OF ALL HINDS. Coffee, Ti-a, fiiirnr. Ilii-e, lnlas.es, Fish, Irait, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Casting. Pliiws and Plow CaMiri).., X,j,, (Jijikea Corn t'ullivalors, Cider Presses, and ' all kinds of Aies. .Mr Plows are of the Curwrn.eille anrf Centre ooumy niake, and are warranted to be ol good cjuality. Drugs and Medicines, Terfumerr, Paints, Vami-h. Class, and a grncr.: assort tnent of Htationerr, GOOD F LOU II, Of different brands, alwaee on band, and will be old at tlio lowest possible njrurea. i.tqi ons, guch aa EIIANDV, WINE, G IN I WIIIfKV 61110 rua, f Wool wanted for wbien the highest price will be paid. CLOVCIt StXD. On band and fur aale at the lowest mark.l price. Also, Ag-nl for Wilson's rlrattonville T II I! U SUING MACHINES. iJ-Call and rr f..r ynurselvrs. Toa will find Terjleiine; usuiillj kipt in a retail store. L. M. COLTKIET. Frenehville P. O., Jan. 7, lr,. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL A.NU OP COl'HSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! "V"E ar now opfntnir p lot of llie Wst and 1 I tnofct was'iiinblv liuods a ol Warts ever otTi-nd in this m-irki-l, and at priefs ihiit rtmind one of lh? jr-.m! old days of rhmp tbiiiffs. 1 hosr wtio ln'k ftt.th u"n tliis piut, ur dvatn our aJ la gut i'i.i su)Mrduou, n(d I'ut r.ir,r .ir ovst stoue, Cornrr Frunt and Market s'rftr'.s, WUrr they ran ai p. fi-H, h ar and kni for Ihcm-si-tvrs. 'lo full uad-rftnt.d arrclaa). jroodi. (his muM l duiP. S a do tint dvriu it r.cvssarT lo enunu-ralr and item lit? uur stuck. Il is eoou ;b fir us lo slate Ihnvt We Lave Everytling that is Needed and ennnunvd in this snarLtt, and at prices tbat a't"ni-b bo ib old aod intintT. dr..'u Jo.-Kl'll 81IAW FOX. XUW FLOVICFEGI) AVD PROVISION STORE, -TIIR uiidrrjlrned hare Just ieiTe at their X rw stand id H allacrion, a full su-Iy of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Eacon, &c.( COAL OIL, (at reducrJ rales,) A rMj articlo of TOnACrn, ClfiARS AND fMOKI.N(J TOBACCO. c.oitantly on tin id. At! of whioh will U sold at LOW HATES for CASH or given in exchange fnr FH1NULES and Ll'iim.ll. Wt reFporl fully ak the piiUie to giro as a trial brfure urcbasing elsewhere. J. R. READ A CO. WaIla?eton, April 7, f9. f! Tv 1? T'Fl? R- sfl Vs .j ij . vv uwlkJirllrpI,j r,,,,,,,, then.. ,M.t ., I pi.t Ur, l.lnwood and otl.r LumWr suii.l.le fvr Anr. KM. r. i l .Ml A M'l.b.M'I l M (ICft Vt' LAKI'tTri A.' D UI L CLU I IIM. WAI-I. rArF.llSGILT TAPER, rfo. LA0E IT KT A INS, WINDOW SHADES COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TATLE CLOTH? & NAPKINS LADIES SILK C0A TS if OVERSKI UTS. ELE'iANT SHAWLS A LACE TtHNTS LADIES' 1 1 A TS. it- CHILDKINS TRIMMED! D R ESS G OO I)S AND TRIMMINGS. HFST KlO GI.VE LA Dl ES' GEN TL EM tN'S A t II 1 1.D It EN '. BLACK AND FANCV sJI KS. FINE ULACK ALFACAS. I UNFt.HTAI I.KD STUCK I. A DIE' AND V il lU'llLii o .IHT.-I If U.AI 1 tut. f l'X' -o r. . t e. . .u r,.x o v. n L.r tv r ur..-t. ii k r tuttiis IIEAVV CALF PtXiTS. $5. M KN'S A N I) HOYS' Fl N E A X I) II E A V V MIUr.S. CASIIMKRFS VF!!Y fltFAT r.KlvlltAl. nPTCTnv VKT MOM. TEA SETTS. GUorF.RlF. KMH'R .f AT I.OII Esr HATES. PROVI-ION"1 I.IP.FRU. DEDITTION TO TIliF PUYINHIN yUANMI'V. Witil. MARKrTINn AND COUNTRY PliOIH K WANTED. fl.arrull. June 111. Ir.9. nv WIno nnd Mqnor More. I. L. a EIZE NSTEI N, i'in nraira WINES & LIQUORS, MAIiKlT fT, CLEAIHKL0, PA. '"- of wine, llrandr, fiin, W,Uht lid Aln.hnl. .., . ,,, K......I 1.... .... u.n , and enr.lieal ' n ...ire arilfie Inr ei.i.rnt..nlal porpr arl.r:r Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aqst ron .n.rnnis.Meinw. Tmersnn-, risns; S.nill. a U.a... All. : .... . . ms I elnanet a Orimns and -Meii.deone. and llroe.r A Haher'. Maehlnea. , Ai.so rasraaa or Piane. dollar.' 0,r,, nrw,orT and Vne. vi s;.i7'J".;,;.V";,,"fF1'" "' " 1 l.rre Mnl.d t mj addren. J 'Ml tet iiMtol,. n f rn f ut 'it surii-ii'i' r u u elmrii-r-. (pf, - All it M..'k in (iwned l-y tLe (,., win flnniMifit I' m ii k i ii 2 t ii -tit,.,( plare,a pivate (st.kra. n.rr iU rotiiti'e f.ir (tin debt. .,1 it., i ' - i ii lr Its f,ots on detrifiT'd ai the r.t.M( r ' re-eivei end intrust kmI wh.n n. ,' . r. . .rl lima -u, J .... . Ml f f 1 1 r. , i , ai hfN.i.rf list a.r... I I ' TV- as hrt-i" f-.re. .... . . " j . ..,r r,,,. ri.urpiv mi inn nurini ra l fj, f, ''" ' " lT ynt, f.j.,., require the notes of laid Jtabk tul0i, for ro.lerrpiion. ' "; jrt.-. i. Lr.oAt, ttK'IMIMi vn.. WM Klt mi. JAS. h. ti h All a v Is K U'lilijllT 4 I ...n. M1 . H A I.l.At K, The burineseof iha Bank will l. jenn m. Ailiiinr., tn as Carlner. n,,,., J. I). M '11 irk. Edrnl"v Tl A WTMC Jf, PPT T rCTI AV Trnr.. iMcCIP.K &'"PERKS. ucdrsf.rs to Vwjcr, trkn, A to,, IMiIII-biii-x, Cculie futility, TTllL'lll,' .ILL. I...:. r w. ii i. ii i. nii i ur iniHini- oi a li iiji k i nr IK, 1 T wir iraiuacitu prumpUy aud uu iri'rl fuvoru.tlr tcnua tli- County National Bank, CI.EAIltIKI.lt, PA. rlilllS Dnnk II now open and readj fur b t ne.s. umee on rerono sireei, in the bo, . Inc foruiorlr uceupied br L.onard. Kinni-yiu nnrrTita litn nrrieaita XAR. B. GRAHAM, K It'll A K M PH AW WM. A. WAI.I.ACK, M. POHTKt. A. K. WRIUIIT, GEO. L. HELD. W. M. HI! AW, J AS. T. LEONAr.I) ju.e.enj Casliier. rrrs,.k. SFogg louiiNltip AYVtlLt UI'.EAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS liEEKS'SI JVFKYBOliY trying t gtt tbr rt. Uttm j of bcitif rrowdfd cot into tbo cold. Il yon want jrrod that in ft don. go to Item If y no want oar IslfHs ironed rigt-l, gv to rittu If yon wnot pood IMili Irons. g to liisq If you want Tour jnn ironed in lbs but stylo and ovoikmanehip, fro to I-sitt liBKi.i tnakss the but Ktump Msrliirs it th Slate, auddors all kinds of HI ACKrM ITIIlNj as rheip as fan bt dona in tht count; for s4 My I os I UOios aidreM Is Clftarflsid Itr.tlrs. TilOMA) XiLt Us. Uocjts Tp., Dec. 19, l&f.7-tf. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASHINGTON, V. 0. ORGANIZED and established for Ibt Torek. and rale of Enrming and Mmrral ltiii, abd iujTirovfd Ural Estate in the uutliern n.iui IlKlMAS II. rl.nr.ENfE. PresiJ.sl JO. rEVKHNS. Vie Prerl.u. J. IIE.NHV A.-KIN, 1,-rse.nj, I ri-aidaul iruurth Naliontil lnk ol I'brldeiL .a. J"1IN MOKHIS, S.er.taij. I IIOS. C. .MAHiOH EI.U Altornr; and CouLeeiler. Office: Wasliir.glon Pu:itlinp, Corcer Sfc.ei'A St., and I'lnnrj liema Areuue, Wasbiagton, b C nrrrnncrs : lioe. J..hn T. ll'.lluian. Ali.one, 5. J. Ex ti ,v. Wm. I'.i'er. Clenrti. I.I, I'a. ti n. T. F. l.ar.li 'ph. Trenton, N. J. El-tlov. Wiu. E. I'aeker, Vt illi.msj.wft, fa. S .. I, l tr. Cheap I'uriiiturc. JOHN Cri.KH DTStKES to hi form bt old fronds and tsi tumors, that batirit eLtarfcd his sho sd4 liicrrasrd hisfaeilil.es (ur tniouiarturir r. bt is now frv j-arod lo make toordt r turb FurmiQrt si may hs desirrd, in ffood atyle atid t flicaj' rf.i for CASH. Ha iffncrally has oa haa.1. at k Forrtltura rooms, a raried asnorioisot of rsssj. nado foraituro. amonf stbich art PVKEAUS AND .S!iE-BOARPS. Wsr-lr-her ard Hook Cases: Crnlre. Pnfa, Psr'sr, tJnatiiast ara inning rxiTsion i sines i ua nnn, Krrm h-poft,Cotiare,JiTny-Kitd and stisr lierfttead ; S' fas of all kirrF, V ork-stst.l. lUt-rarks. '.Vaf h-sUods ; Hocking ana An j Chairs svri,,K Mt rn9 Mtotn, ftur'ur, rr,- nun aod other Chairs ; Looking Glassar of ersrt description on band f and new glases f r sii fremrs, whtrb will bt put in on very reaoniblt terms on shortest notice. lie also kerps on bit 4 or fortii-ha to ordrr, Com h ask. Hair and 1st. Ion t p Mattresses. CtrriN8 or Kvfrt Kind Made to order, and funtrils attended "itk llearre wbenertr desired. Also, II oust Psiaittij dona to rder. Tba suhsrriber also msmidp. lores, ard has constantly on hand, Clrast&t's Patent Washing Marhina, the test bw in ttl Those using this Bat hint never nrd ht aufc. out clean rlmhei ! He also baa Flyer's Psifrt ('burn, a superior article. A family Brief Ui Chutn ocrer tted ba without butter t All tti at s Vwi era ai aa si enitil ailkaar nrliolaa earas fn. ' niihed lo eastuaiers rheaf tor Caea or el.-t..rfr4 Cabinet wirh. taken in . xrhenge fnr furniiue fierjirniber the ,hop If en Mrlrf s'vet, Cliarlleld, Pa., and B.iariy t'osit. Il'e'-OIH .Uw ..re." JullN til LRU. N oretalier 51, I f The Lightning Tamer. 'pilK nnilertlfned nr. the ,..1. Af.ntr ir. IkTI I enptv for Ihe "North Amerie.a Ual.emlid LIOlllMNll KnIS." T i.e are Ike or.li i.'e rode n-.w in use. and are endorsed bj all " arli nlifie men in the euntre. Wa aer.1.. aolir. th. cit tent of tbat w. will r thesa op a bn-' rod. atdlat Lis anoaee, thaa Is ehare-4. be the fore ia afente ah.i annnalli o. the eountj aid earrr ell oor Utile . neeer to relcrn. KNCOl P.AGE HOME LAIUT.. Ta.ise wLhint liehlr.ina Hods ererted a their r.uildirs;. nr-ed hal ad.ires us b le:ter. at ean in nrrron. W.will put Ihrm if ."' in tbeeonnlv, enu warrant them. The H .-de at.el Mtiuree eao b. seen at any time b e.liirf kl oarsiore. II E. IIIULEK C. Clearurld, Marrk in, 1T0 t' DAVID YOL'NC, StOHP-ClaltlT 1111(1 StOIlC-M.ISdn, 1 ..... ....n I i.ll.l;...ial. ll '' ii- aiiir.l..tT'a. II ...... -. n. . - . Arclitccturai Pmnfficnls la AM. fcTVI ra c. r. ..... ! d,.eH,,i.... . . ,,", V.". work I lia-!ee) f..r tn ri.atil ihe e..uni). Art "i aifhips; to hate re.ren.t.le mason woia ar i ratlin .bne. ill ii tnrir Irtrmr j to eall ,,r,.n ma I wuld .lo l.f.rr. the I oh- lie tht I ean drli.er ant o,u.nlltj er e!ass sr: ,t,ne d-rlred, a. I am th. owner of a nRsT-('I.Af:.S STO NT. QUA THY. Otdtrs fur work ean be ad.tre.erd to DAVIli Vnl'Sfl. aiarM.ta Clrailiel.l I'a. Clearfield Nursery. KNCuniAdK HOMK l.Nl'l MTI.Y. 'PIIK nn.ler-irn-d. baT:n( ertahIM rd a Nl I re t.n thr 'Pike. ah..ut hall WM h'.rea Cieerteld and f'.irwen.r III. . I. .r. srvd t lit nish all km.le of r 111 IT T h b KS, I standard rrd deaif.l Ki.-rfireens, r-hrul.t-erT. ii.-e 'ii. Di'i.'el.ernre. I is.. llleck OerrT, Mreahere. and Ha-brrrr Viare. Alio. Silieii.n Cirh 1 .. Diiinee. ard early ernlel l.hnlsrb, Ae. Cull'. .roi'tlj attended to. Ad.irie., j. ii. w riniiT. erSfl d t ra.wriixiile. Lime for Sale I 'PUT li.,l,r.ic,,l. I ninile e..!i i.l. te v. iiri; t rar llie d'e.t he art nn in. nf. wilh I. ms l!oroi.r fa. I ..t il. . l b.i.. k. i. I Med lo ke. i. n.n.i t. I . t M . 1' l II K I. 1 M i: ! wbieb be off. r. to f.rmere and hn.Mrr. at a tr al.ni. F...I, 1 h ee tn mr.l ol" the article wn't a will in ,,.t n.ea ,..t. a.i.lress me l v Inter. P. fi.re n.g Halm; their llio i;k" r. rAS.'MKK- Ct. rr. 1,1. I'a , June . I '.. Iivor.v Nlnhle. rIlir nn.lrre-ne Uf. Irav. o Inf. m the f-ab 1 lie tt.l he is nnw fitltt .t .n-.l Inremie. dalr all in the wai ,4 f.m.time ll..re. !.-'' Sad. lira an-l liatess, nn the eb..rl.l n"lier anil on r..ni',!r twrn... IU'i t. nee on l..vut street, Wlenen Third and F.mi th t.K'i. T. GCAtBAHT. IrwrfieM, Afrtl 1 f . 1 II K t learf.fll f.nnly lUnV kt