Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 02, 1870, Image 2

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1 i-l.--.
UEonuK l. Goom.ASPKit, Ktlitor.
WEDNESDAY Jlur.."INll,Xi'Vi:MllElli, 170.
The Census. Tlio complr-to census
returns for the city of I'liilmlclpliia
tliows ilio population to lo O.'iT.ITU to
fC.'),.r)20 in 1SU0. Xow York i set
down nt JG,010 to 8i4,L'ol in lSlil).
Sensim.e. Tlie Valley Hpirit says :
1 John Cessna, has conclude J not to
to a candidate for tho Speakership of
tlio next House of Representatives. A
eapo condition, indeed, fur Governor
Cienry lins just declared in his procla
motion, tlint U. Finnic Myers, was
elected in his place."
Not Kt'UAiil.r.. Tho Venango Spec
tator says that llio Censuo Marshals
forgot to enumerate one wholo town
ship in that county. No wonder the
poople nearly everywhere rcfuso to
necept their work. Philadelphia,
Xow York, Baltimore and other lit
ies are in arms, und refuso to accept
the work of the Marshals.
Ir Still Tut Norim. An election
for Governor, threo Congressmen and
members of the Legislature and county
oflicers, waB lield in West Virginia, on
Thursday last. Tho I)eniocrts have
carried the State by 2,500 majority
elected two of tho tlirco Congressmen,
and a largo majority of tho Legisla
ture, thus securing nnollior United
States Senator. Two years ago Grant
curried tho Stato by 8,833 majority
and threo Iladicals wero elected to
Congress, now they lose all but one
The Ruds aro more alarmed about
tho ''flieli pots" of their political
Egypt, than they were at the earth
quake which passed over tho country
A week ago.
Grrat Land Sale. Tho follow ing
is the official statement of tho Land
Department, Union Pacific. Ilailroad,
from July 1!S, 1SG0, to October 4.1 S70.
Tho Union Pacific- llailroad sold 210,.
814 19 100 acres, for which they re
ceived 81,100,019.32, cr nn average of
$4. CO per acre. Tho company cancel
led tGlH.000 of their land grant bonds,
received in payment for their lands
Tho trustees hold $100,000 in settlers'
notes, secured by mortgage on land
sold, and $30,000 in cash, to be appro
priated to further purchases of land
grant bonds. The Union Pacific Kail
road bnvo 11,750,000 acres of land re
maining unsold.
The earnings of tho Union Pacific
Itailroad Company for September,
were $728,525.08, (seven bundled and
twenty eight thousand five hundred
and tw enty five dollars and eight els.)
riu.TTY Democrats. Two weeks
ago wo exposed tho Know-Xothing
trick played off by tho IJadicals in this
borough with reference to tbo munici
pal ticket. The Journal of last week
very naturally defends that exploded
nnd wbked dogma, and adds, that
two of the names to which reference
is bad, "wcro changed nt tho speciul
request of prominent Democrats, and
not ut tho instance of Iladical leaders."
How about tho third? Pretty Demo
crat indeed, who would picfr Mich
negro lovers as Messrs. Adams, Irwin
and Thompson, to Messrs. Short,
Dougherty nnd Detaliunt. We don't
believo a w ord of it. More than this:
W'o w ill pay to some charitable pur
poso tbo sum of five dollars for every
prominent Ikmnrrat w ho requested the
Iladicals to change, or substitute the
names of tho parlies aforesaid, if the
editor of the Journal will publish their
W'e want to know the names of the
members of our party who aro assist
ing to pcrpetiato national suicide.
A mun who has ever taken an cath
to support tho Constitution dare not
make religion a qualification or test for
ofiico. If ho does, bo commits moral,
if not legal perjury, and denies lo bis
neighbor what ho claims himself.
A PALrAM.c Hit General Lewis
Campbell Dayton, Ohio, on
Wednesday, after the election, and
thus referred lo Scheiuk :
I may refer to an occurrence in the
course of our debate in tlio city ol
Hamilton, on Saturday last. During
my remarks in the hour allotted me. a
funeral procession was passing l.y.
w ith the band plaj ing a solemn dirge.
In respect to tho solemnity nfiho oe-
c-ion, I ni-peiidi d my reinai ks, fur
a le w inijinci,;s. In liie course of bis
reply, Geiieiul Sebeiiek udvertej to
the procession, and in a sneering and
sarcastic manner, informed tbo iiudi
cnte that I would discover on the
evening of tho election that there
would be nn occasion for ar. other funer
." V; 1"",'"."r:0 ',f
moved in mirlit tliriiimli tlio lrwi.l iiv
cnui'ii of tins brautit'ul city, I wim re
ni' j n' the romaik, ilnj I'urcililv
ftiuck with i he vnst ixU'iit nf t lo
ini.i'siiin. lint, Icllnw-cil i. us, you
know ail ran lunr nie witin'ss I Imt
thin is tint iny fninral. Immcimo
liccr Il ih iloiimnHtruiinn oira-
ioikmI l y my rompi-iit,,, ho li:i eo
. i ...... ,i . i . .. .1
u.ius.i, lm. hiwit (i I'tTliI linnii ,
priiit-e 1. 1 ut.
T'l.- I. . c ln:l 1 li- .
1 ou jut 01 1 iiiiaiifipi,i:i iias n
loni; Hrticlo iipon l lie 'MiM.ion or the
J.i an I'lirty" and thinks it in nut
j et eiideil. i'erlmpn not, hut nil tl.ul
remain, for it lo do in to aiug it- own
death utiir as nulmily cU would take
that Imulde-tlicD kit k ihe l.uikt.
.- I . I " iiaiin mai hiuiis linn re "ivi'l (lllil
ly your coiilnliiice, ainl hi I raw, I i . n
... ' , "iirajcti can he can led In tho oll". Iiorii
jour dearept inti res . I inn utmiin. . . .1 1 .
; . ... 1 ,. iiilirferrs lo prevent null nn cli'i lion,
you In niylil lo L'liry lunar, not l!.i 1 ri 1 n 1
' 1 J ' 1 llio aw Iu nui 1m 1 1 ir will (uiiiiiiarily
., lor HWfill f'fiiil-
Tho f. Mowing is the otTu !nl celisili
litmus for Western IVnns) Ivuiiin, I
with one township in Uii-.dlind eoiin- !
ty ) vt to bear from. If wo leave oil
the lirnvy increnso in Allegheny ami
Lur.eine, tho p. reeiilago in tho I al
nine of tho district ill bo about !!3 '
per cent., with tho exception of Ch ar- ;
lield, where it is IK percent. In the j
adjoining county Centre, it is ; j
Jefferson, 211, and in Indiana only 111 j
'percent. Xo county in tho district
lias decreased in tho past ten years
'except Totter. There ti e inhabitants
!aro so seiiously nltlicted with the ne
crophobia, prohibition, aristocracy,
and all tho other isms of the day that
distill b society, that capital and pop
ulation do not seek that Assylum.
Hrndford, Tioga and Susquehanna fare
nearly a similar fate from like causes :
If iinting'lun
I ri'tituia
I, valuing
M rrvr
Wnnl.irifrton ......
ls.ui. iscn. urn.
l.'is,'.".iil itm.kii j
."., ,mu ' :t.i.Td 4.i.
I's.csK jo.i:ii
.Hti.s-lll ."..i.itU M.t-i
SI .77 7 '2:,'J
4-.'.s::l 4s,T.i SI. urn
2.i.0i !6,7:mJ 2s..;r,
1K.TMI 2;.,77l
i -.7 7 :i sii.i.'ii 3,i:a
II. 207 r.7.;2:i
17.7 1 u it.V'lia !is,7li.'
;'J 4s,7..j .!,S27
7:i.:i;.j i'T.imo :u.:isn
J3 oil 24.'-H
.l.i:U 5.S15 s.:ni
5S.742 i'J.iTi CS.tlT"
7,if.7 H.I.'U Ml
Sf.t 4.1 s:i
full sit.uin 4:;.isi
s.'.nn it-i,:: s.i,siu
J4.7'S i's.lno .'ll.S.ii'
27.170 S.1.SS7 .72:i
M.'.IS IS.270 II. mil
13.11211 lllUSd 1 7.41 I
21 2.l JJ.2KS
t(S.II72 H,2I4 IM.J7
Jll.2i7 S7.WJ 47.s
1.2.S5 S.! s.s-jd
III, 172 SO.MS 4V.VS1
14,?0 1.:II0 I7.6HK
13.B.W 15i:u
23.272 .HS.V22 i 1.4 10
f.lUS 11.4711 1I.4IS
U.OSi li.f.llO
24.41 2o,7-S !.:'.
S.BUI 6.IU7 fi.lWI
SS.dss 35 f.7 37.i:ic)
!:l,D78 31 .li 14 Si.102
14.044 l.'i.Sf.s
1S.SI0 1 4M
M.A7I 1V.I90 .:.;
4l,U:;i 4C..S0S 4S.4SI
61,710 i.l.TitS Ss.oWU
10S 12,i40 H.isl
1.0,'.2,:l..4 l,2M,M l,TIS.-'-7
Iuerrnflc lnce l.v(-t)...
Teaching of the i.ale lllrrtiotf.
There is a lesson taught by tbo re
cent elections which tho Kudiculs are
taking closely to heart, as they very
properly should. This lesson is that
the tide of popular hrtitiineet bar, set
against tbo administration, and that
w ith each passing hour its lorco iB in
creasing. Grant's popularity, upon
which some lew of Ids friends have
been so confidentially counting, has
proven a myth. It does not exist
Tho ollicial patronage of the Kxo
culivo having been all dispensed, and
there being no more fat crumbs for
hiiiiL'tv expectant, thousands wno
professed lo rocognizo in President
Grant the very embodiment ol great
ness and goodness, have como to the
conclusion that, liko tho darkey's rab
bit, 'he's no great shakes after nil."
Apart from llio doubtful popularity,
which tbo vust amount of patronage
gave General (Irani at the opening of
his administration, it has been very
palisliictoiily demonstrated by the
popular voico in every Stato where
elections bnvo been held, that he main
tains but u small placo in the hearts
of the niiis'is, and tbo reasons arc
that bis administration has revealed
nothing of n decided character, except
positive incllhicnry. Its leaders in
Congress bavo blundered ut every
step. Much of the legislation enacted
through their direction, and approved
by Giant, has been a series of the
most scandalous blunders ; in one case,
at least, involving the almost complete
abrogation of sevorul of tho most im
portant departments of tho govern
ment ; in another instance prostrating
tbo business interests ol the country,
and, in other still, giving lo the land
"rubbers, and other Congressional
Johbers, millions upon millions of the
public domain. To such gross ineffi
ciency us ibis isduc the wuning pow er
of the administration. Its foreign ap
pointments go begging ; those already
made nro either iiiellicictit, liko that
of Motley's, or scandalous anil dis
graceful aa Sickles'. In n word, there
has been nothing of greatness ill it,
nor is there likely to be, for tho same
weak elements control it, now that
controlled it from tho beginning
Grant's "no policy" docs not suit the
tastes of tho American peoplo. They
are not of the milk and water order,
but full grown men, ablo lo partake
with a relish ami thoroughly digest
strong meat ; and this they demand
In view of these facts ono of two
thing's is certain. Giant will not bo
tho licpublicnn candidate in ls72; or,
if he is, ho w ill fail to secure a corpor
al's guard ol electoral voles ; for that
Pennsylvania, Xew York, Ohio, Indi
ana, Illinois, Connecticut, Delaware
ami Maryland, togeiherwith 'he whole
of tho Southern States, will be ngainsl
him, is us inevitable as that li e sun
will shine in a clear sky nt mid day.
Vtnnfylvanitl Ariju.
At the Point cr the Kr.vni.vrn.
A Massachusetts chniilain, named X.
X. (in) lord, is now in this Stale,
instructing 1 he radicals haw they must
carry the coining election. The other
evening, at n meeting in New York
city, this military man of God. held
forth in these terms: "General Wood
ford. I have no doubt, can be elected
uovernor of Ibis great Stato. Only
enforce the new law which Congress
bus civen ns, if necessary, al the. point
if the (refer, oinl the il.ii is unrt
In New Yoik tin thousand men will
tie placed lit the pnlln, il need be. each
with II badgu of n dipuly United
States marshal on bis breast, anlirtli
a fh'mti r in hi.' plt."
ll lhcadvico id' this rcclcsiuslicul
franre tireur is to c followed, wo ad
i vl" ''' " If'1 " .Mi.i.sni-l.n.oltn
lii'tiiro llui liouiinc; lnyiim. Tlicro
tt iuiM lie a Irrndle i-li-ni in out ol Ins
kind ol 'cuttle if ever Ihe calamity ho
fi l whic h lip nml his hkc tiro fuml ol
inrokifiif. Jlut it will not hclall
'J'lie kiiiIo ol llio Slato of New Voik
nrc a law nhiJini; nt will nn free u'i-
ill, uml 1 1 1 1-y w ill Imvo a fuir mill pi ai e
1 ti 1 clrrtii'ii in riiiio of tlio I'niuil
..... . I.. I I ., .
take iii IiiiikI lliitttilo (.ovner.
Tlio 't'nioii I.cnuo" of l'liilii'Icl-
ptiin hn murleil a n hcnio fi r a Suite
Oiimtitutinnnl fonvention, to devise
imime plan fur Mopping the corjnption
! which rcii?i. ill llmiishuijf Ji is a
' ifonil nioveiiii nt, but tonua from a
lurmdfulij fu-jiicicus source
t ftin. li l-nr ! f'it'ioft(ii. ;
I n cont ii. .mi e i f nil I on d Slain j
nil iwiliniud custom, nnd in d. vout :
in know Icilcmciil ol human dependence
upon Almighty fuvor, I do hereby up ,
p..iiil Thursday, tho t wenly I nM'lh !
day id Norm. her next, ns a day n!
.'eneral Thanksgiving nod praise, be
ing the same day, nnd for the same
ends and ne. M't foilh by His V.x
cellency, the l'residen'. of the United .
Suites, in his proclamation if the
iwciily lirst instant. I
Pennsylvania, uusnrpassi d in bless j
inL's, should not be surpassed by any j
in acknowledging her gratitude, to
God. Lei lis, then, lis citizens ot the
Commonwealth, abstain as far ns pos
sible, liom our usual avocations on
thai day, and assemble at our respec
live plucesof worship, and let us there,
and in the festivities of our assembled
lamibes nt our cherished homes, re
joice, in the goodness of God, and ivn
der thunksto llim for His living kind
ness and His abundant mercy toward
us. Let our thanksgiving and praise
find expression in dedicating the day
to deeds of benevolence and charily,
and in niinislei ing to, and alleviating
tho wants of the poor, the needy and
the suffering; so that all may 'rejoice
and bo exceedingly glad." "To do
good and to distribute, f.irget not ;
for with such saciilices God is well
Let us invoke Divino favor upon
our beloved Stale and nation, ami
pray that all who arc called lo admin
isler their governments may bo actu
ated by tbo -'spirit of wisdom and un
derstunding, the spiiit of counsel nnd
might, tho spirit of knowledge and
the fear of the Lord."
(iiven under my hand and the great
seal of the State, at H.irrishnrg, this
twenty ei'dil day of October, in the
year of our Lord one thousuud eihl
hundred and seventy, ana oi mi mm
mouweallh the ninety -fifth.
Ty the Governor,
"F. J on dan,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
.tilitirm of Hit JtUonnt itcmo.
crttlic t'ominitlrf,
rccfn luniiiiiiiiK
the National Dkmo )
ratio Committer.
ISoToN.Ort. , D70. )
Tho National Democratic Congres
sioiial llesident Committee tender their
coiiL'ratulatioim lo tho Democratic
and Conservative voters of tho three
gieat States of Pensy Ivunia, Indiana
and Ohio, for their recent successes
over tho corruptions of Jiadicalism,
aided, as tho Kadicals bavo been, by a
profligate and desperate administra
tion at Washington.
In Pennsylvania again of five num
bers ofl.'ongroHs has been secured, the
Iiadical majority of last year been
largely reduced in each branch of llio
Legislature, and there is a decided
majority in llio Stalo on tho popular
voto UL'uinsl tbo administration. In
Indiana tho State has been redeemed
from further Iiadical misrule by the
election of tho Democratic and Con
servalivo Stato ticket, carrying with
it 11 gain ol two members of Congress
and u majority in each branch of the
Legislature. Economy nnd reform
are thus made sure to the people of
that State in the immediate future.
In Ohio tho Iiadical majority of two
years aijo has been reduced more than
one hall and tho leader of tho Iiadical
corriiplionists in the present Congress
been defeated.
W o now appeal lo the Democratic
and Conservative voters ol t lie Slate
in which lections nro about to bo
held to make further and more deter
mined efforts in behalf of a restoration
of an honest administration. W'e ask
that Ihcy disregard threats from any
central source, and pay no attention
in any rerpect lo tho proposed tiso of
the military pow er of the government
in the local management of elections
in the Stales. Let tho doom of our
organization bo thrown w ide open for
tho admission ot nil who desire econo
my and honesty in the management
of the public treasury, so that the
present burden of taxation may be
thereby mitigated regardless of former
issues or pasl political associations or
name, and bring about entire co oper
ation among all who seek a restora
tion of the Union founded upon peace
and good w ill among their fellow men,
and a return to strict integrity umong
the public oflicers of llio nation.
(Signed) S.J. Kasuai.l, Ch'm.
X. L. JutRKvV, See.
The .Vtgro Vatirl.
A court martial U now -i 1 1 1 n ut
Wot lVinl for tlio trial of several cn
dclK, a;:iiiiF.t whom cliaren have I'd n
preferred hy tho commandant of the
post. Aiming llmse to ho tried is the
iicl;p) cadi I James V. .Smith, 011 the
charo of iissiiiil(ii'; nnd wounding
cuilit John W. Wilson. 'J 'hero ha
heen much raid tilioul the nssuull made
hy this lieio, and tho Itadical.t did
not fail to try their old iiinc of "lirinij
llio norUiern hcnrl" fur poliiieal capi
tal out of it, the fanatical Jloivard 1
in so far us to write the hoy a letter
cm ourninK w hat now upprar to
have heen insuhordiiialioii nnd a cow
ardly nssault, w hich il i.i lo he reurel
led did not meet with merited physi
cal punishment. To place our readers
iu possession of tho facts in tlio case,
wo i;ivu the follow in from Iho New
Yoik Jlcruhl, which il gives lis Icing
"really as follows." We iiinle :
"While tlio cadet 101 ps were in
en in p, a laro tank of ico water wits
kepi fur drinking pin poses. I'adet
WiNou approached tho tank, and,
w hilo stooping down to draw some
wall r from the single spigot, was sud
denly approached hy (colored) '.'uih t
Smith, who was ono of t he nard that
day, and who violently pu-hed him
away. A niil'.le ensiled, during which
holh fell to the ground and rolled over
iu ll.edlisl, hutli piiiiiiiieliii eai li nth
er like coopers. At this junction the
siiiliiicl lushed up and sepal aiid t hem,
not, how ever, in time lo prevent Smith
fioin dealing Wilson nil unexpected
Mow with a coioaiiut dipper, cuttinj,'
opi n tho li'inple and causing the Hood
to flow proliisely. Siuilh was at nine
placed under arrest, and has coiitinu
cd lo he so. Wilson was hi nt lo Ihe
hi'spilal, lulu l; earned hy to men
lie is n small man nnd never was
known lo he involved in any pii vious
diHii ulty, nnd was very popular in his
class (l'lelis). Smith is a luilcli larger
and more pouciful person, and is
picculiar for lii ntitural ohsiinacy,
ami Very unpopular, not fioin
his color, hut 1 11 111 his inconsistent
C'OiducI dining his term lietc."
j KirrrioNs this .Month. In No vein -j
her thero w ill ho elections ill fifteen
Slates, namely : November 7, ( hoinj
I Hie first .Monday of the liionth.) Ar
j kansas and Lmiisiana. N'ovemher f.
j I lii-it. the first Tilesd.iy alter the fu st
j Monday,) Alabama, Kiurida, Illinois,
! Kansas, .Marj laud, .Mass u liusetts,
I Micliiiran, Miniiesoiu, Missouri, Ni
1 va in. New Vol k, New Jersey, Wis.
1 0111 111,
.tiiiilhir .fWomnfimt .Vll.irii l.nvsr iM'
1 1 fmn; "i. n V 1 be I '
Mel has fallen. Hamine bus sur jCily halo a i;i
I,.,,, I, i, I i 1 1 1 one hundred nnd fill y . Tammany ll i
IhoU-lind prisoners. Si
William in a tele!rripie
In ll.K ( lill'I'll. " Pi"! jde
l-ivn I',,,. 1
j nn"ssn;'e lo
on e be thank- 1
cd '." be a I I-. King
nulls, whatever we may
W illiam's re
say or thinli
i.i' il.. old monarch in oil
1. ...... K -it m been III t til Hi. Trol I
deuce In' t hanked ' many will echo, ! I leinoci ats, w bo w ill be heal al ol to
aliliouuh imt a few in till lands will, : morrow night . in 1 Itii street, or Tain
ns thev read or pronounce llio w ords. ' ninny 1 1 all nil of winch region will
drop ii tear of sympathy poor , be lit up with Kleclrin Lights, lioiniin
p , " Candle i, liuckets, Firewoiks of all
The surrender of lia.aino and the kinds, An. Aiming ihe Democrats,
occupation of Mel, by the soldiers of' I'mm abroad now here, are Senator
the Fatherland give to the situation , Thurmiin, oft Hiio, and lion. Mr. Kerr,
an entirely now a-pec!. Mel, was ' m of the ablest of the Indiana Mem
known to be ono ol the strongest li.r hers of Congress, Ex-Governor M )
tresses in Europe. Its superior ad ! iniinr, Hon. Fririilc, and oth
vantages as a military position wore
known to and turned to account by
the Ibimans. As a fortified placo it
whs prized and kept in good order by
Clovis and his successors, by Charle
inangui! and afterwards by tho Ger
man Cii'ars. Since 15 5 2 it ban
been in the hands of the French;
and although commercially il ban
long since lost its glory, il has ever
been regarded as a powerful if not
impregnable border bulwark. Il w as
never expected that Prussia could
lake it by storm. It was not known
that the garrison had been reduced to
a state of desperation. It was sup
posed that there was not as yet any
I.. ..I- ,.f . iui I'l-IIU' l,llT.-.,t li.
IW.aino us a possible deliverer.,
The imperialists hud not niven nn the ,
I, mi,. lli'iL llazaiuo iniL'ht li'av tho !
t- l i, i ,i 'n , I
I II Ol -tii'in iii'n ii. ..s.
' - ..... i . i
N 0110 Wft! looking for till' I
iiii I iiliit im of the uncieiil fortress.
The fall of Melz may, therefore, he
added to the lint of Mr. Sumtier'u mir
prifeH. H in more than a Niirprimi. It
in another nlorioim victory to I'msniu.
It is imotlier territie and rrnshinir
hlow to France. In itself considered
tho full of Met, iii not no important at
tho fall of Sedan, hut in it iiievitahh)
conseipienccH it is destined to he infi
nitely more m. As wo havo fuid al
ready, il jive lo tho situation an en
tirely new aspect.
l'p until tho present il was not un
rousonuhle for Franco to hope. The
army of liazuine, ut least what re
mained of it, wax known to ho com
posed of the la st HohiiciH of France.
If hy any ineniut they could cut their
way through the l'russian lines they
would form a nucleus nrounil whiili
the raw recruits nn I new ly-formeil
hallalioiis could gather. Now, how
ever, the urmy of Ihizaino has shared
the fate of the nrmy of MacMahon.
All the pit hed men of France the
four or five hundred thousand men
who marched from Paris willi the
view of marching to lierlin have
heen ilest roved, demoralized or made
prisoners of war. The hravc men
who nl Magenta and HoU'crino railed
victory to tho French dt.nolards are
either dead or disarmed. Tho forces
on whom Franco now depends aro
raw and undisciplined. Tho leaders
of those forces are men unknown to
fame. In other words, tho two Lost
generals and the two hest armies f
Franco lire practically annihilate. 1.
This, however, is not all. Not only
is Franco deprived of her two hest ar
inies, mimlicriiijj at least four hun
dred thousand men, nnd her two hest
generals, the way is clear for l'rusi:i
lo lirinjf forward lo the walls of Paris
ul least one hundred nnd fifty thous
and additional men, nol to speaic if
guns nnd other munitions (if war.
Between (ici muny and Paris there is
now practically noohstruction. With
,. :. c- I 1 .. :.l. i
CIII1.III IIO"p III . n i.m.. u. B ;
(lerinilll troops III Jlet. tllO Hosts Ot
(iermatiy can now rush almost nnin-
trrruptcil into llif vti y limi t ol r i :iiht
W hy Mt-'l. lliUlJ llHVO Mil IVlHlt'I'cJ l
lllii Miri ic.lllir liinP in tl OUi -Sl inil '
. ... ' ....
which ditli'mit iniiniH w ill adhwit 1 j I -
iVtetitly. Hut, wlinliAor llo
llio tnt t i hrjoro ii nmi inunt hit hc
((pttMl witli till its rult;iblo toiut'-
Tli quoslion now M wliothor Vvia
n'ui ill tifliT trriiiH of lii-uto or liy
un.. ii iiii'uiiiinin "..'-" '.
proceed to the bombardment ot runs,
Il is nntoiioiis thai l'mssin has I it
been unwilling hinco the (all of Seda
to consent to un armistice. I.atily
slio has most distinctly stilted
slin does not insist mi the suircinler
of Paris a preliminary. The unwil
linncss to aijree to mi iirmistico las
been on tho of I'raiice, nol. tin
the side of Prussia. Will the I. ill ol
Melz make Prance mure mbmissi-.i: 1
Will it make Prusia nioro exactinj:?
It is pi si-ible l'.;:it, as ono di.-p.lili
hints, J!ar.:-.!i:l has sii' t eii'lcii I mi
tho the condition that Ptusfin will lie
satisfied with the occupation of .Mjtz
and Strasbourg, und that l.ol.llnj,'
these two fortresses as iiiiilciiul j; iir
antecs, she will consent to an nil's
tice. Put graiitini; this, ihe (pie.
still arises. Will franco consent
an armistice thus shorn of her strei
and dominated by tho foe? '1
however, is also a possibility. h
William, emboldened by victory, if. :
insist iu making ieaco inside the litll
of Paris. As Strashoiiijf has fallen,
as Metis has fallen, so, luo, if 'the
Iruulo is prolonged, Pm is must p. ill
To i!v. t:'.to terms of peut e in llio al
ace of tho 'luilcries lo do si:;lj
handed ill 1S7I it Icipilied (Oat
hined 1'iiropo to do in I14!.') is no i ;
noblo ainhiiion. A nun c p: u li. :!!
eoiirso would redound mine to tin1
i , . . ,,
iioiitir nnd nlory ol llio vi-tur. 1 m-
tll'tICO, llOWl'VtT, iri Hot lTIKTmIU' It
uniiiiiintii nun acti list ii: ni tin; ion-
iii'ii r in llio hour ol lm t i i i.niili.
Tlie win lil niil Hiiiiluii'l if Kin:; V
limn ulI'iTs tlio ptvivisi ni;il .jvi-i iimi-iit
j ti'i nii witlinut reiliani r.ii w. If tlio
Uii isiniK( pivi'i iiment in not wino ill
ilium nii'ii will riyrit tin) il.-Mniriiiiii
I nl tlio fail i'st of iiimli i'ii c'ti. s, bill
, tliry n ill liuvo li) ri iisun tu (-viiiia-!
Ilii.i? willi iiiiivasniiii, rri iii Iiiiicu.
', It is inir (iiiiiiun lliat tlio war in mm
j I'liirlifallv eiiiKil Kur lliu iivm'ii,
; linn I'Vrr, lliu war iirwi in innin in
tvivMiiiir tliau i-vi-r. X. Y. 11, rail.
Jaiiiin .M. I'm1, lm nu t ly ju ivnti'
i Ni'cn tai j- ti) St i l l tary t.'lms,., um n ; 1 1
; si'inrtilly liiililinj; ,o naniii uiMiiiiii
to .sicn larv Mi t'ullui li.ilinl in Wusli
ilifilnll, on Wiiliii sil.iy ii ttcri, in o:.i'
! nl llio lily lii'siiinls. Uu n iipiiiii o 11
j ynl,nls mail uf linn iri. iiiiso, fui,
i li'i ly lici'aiiic u victim In iiiti'i!iiiTa!ici'.
I and dii'il froiii uu iiiu k of mania a
Tlio nuist fasliiniialili) ninrriii "ci
now n ilayn an- tlm siniiili t. Si'Vrral
...... I I.....I.. :. .. i :. i. .i .
i v '. in " hi. ii uirir
wcro ticillicr liriili'sinaiils L't'-Kiiiiiiii'ii,
ciirilH, ni'il mil", or il i il iiv. '1'hc
fashion in ono of tlio innsi uns-iflo of
ii i i ul c i ii I i mi . 4.
Tlio railicaN nro very iniicli put
out willi llicir ('on;;i'cii.iia hsmm
tliroiii;liiiul tlio Stiiln. Thry wear
faci'S luti cimuli lo oats out of It
Jaslicr tliurn.
l-h Dl i"'
New .ok
iid mass nirrtiiig at
lo in 'III , 111 w lli' ll il
cm I, d that L'lM.'liMI oteH Will
be prccnl In bill I ib lianco lit Presi
d nt Grant's thr. at to overpower them
!. tho pulls next lili'daV
Willi III"
minion fol.lii ry. The New York I.J'
iiItj i of lat sa s :
' ... . . . . . . - . - -ii
1 lie i ity h now lull ol iiisiinguis.ueo
What is now heeded, more than
I ever, is such a demonstration ns will
i how to General Grant, that we
mean to vote, despite his w hole army.
and we mean lo vole against him,
and his, and we mean to liegisler, the
two (lavs lel'l us, every vote wo have.
j IXtxc 'Adrfrtiscmfuts,
VMI Ml' A TIMX" Ml l( i:. N.iti,.e
II llvT ivt ri t)i:it I' tti T-tt ii( iinillllrjt(Jli
lli" rftuf'e f WILLIAM HALL. d. mu tl.
Intfol L:iwrpiiri tnirrmliip, rifnrlit'ltl ciMinty, 1'n..
: httvitij i.i-tn ilnly (raiid'-l to tlio uti .Irrt-i ik'I, nil
itiTnijiifi iti'lt I'ti-tl lo it:t ul cHliild will ilt ni tun kt
iiiunrnl, AU'I I tnivniji rlaiiiiit or il' iitnilf
i will print' ut tlii'ta jiropcrlv mi' linilii-iit, I fur ft-tl.-rm
nl. ULULr.'A It. A LK,
- i.rti. l.l, Nr. 2 fit. A l,iri,i.
lixwt loilsi' Mini lU-Whi-na..
I'i i" '-"" '.' n H"- -ite ef 'JOHN
HOI KbMII.HIlV, lu: nf lriruiiii lownli
ln,i nil prmniP ini.-l.t.-.l toiiuiit rM ate ar n-iiNt-'
vl lo in uk i' uiimt-iliiiie pat irici t, ami llio-p Imt m tr
cluiiim ntiuM tlio vHiiitt Mill priM-ul tluui, ilul
utliciitu atnl, for nt'lll' incut.
Nov. 2, LsTO (i d Kxteuiyr.
tiik 11 iiti;i ok tiii: estatk ok
hum in I 1'it Illy, hit of Knrltiam townnlnp,
tii'aiiL Tu I lie lit in ami U-ffnl rcprfFfMfttnfK
nf f;n 'I S'iiuru-1 I'i. liiv, d.TPHm iJ, or uthcrn mlrr
rfiri: Wlirrcnn, Nt an OrptianV Court, Lel'l t
li-tirlit Id, in nidi t'r tli county of 4'lunrlirLI,
St ptciiilxrr 17t), upon prri'nttiii of lb-
rpirlot tlie Apprni"4-in of mnl hrtinti-l I'lrflly'i
r .1.1 ffutt", pritii.f out fnnl reti I rut at a tit M.iry !
Attn W ijjiT( hp, ln(c hi low of ii id ili'n-HH'il, it wn
niJi ri'il pulilii-aiiuii lip timiln in oti ncin-pri j
ytr lir tlirt-f nut'.vf tit f wi-i-kr, ptillil 1 in (,'lftir-
li hi county, notilviiiK all pT'ni intrr iIm tUl i
l lie rut I mint iH out lo uluw out of iuil titaif j
will tin I'uiifirui'-J iiiJ t lie n-port of Aptiriti?t rp ;
Hpprnrnl uhlM injfli--ii tit rsiisf to III vuutimr
Li- hIh.wii lijf Novt-tu'.tT Mill, l7l.
o t. 2(1 to. A. w u:k, rkrk 0 c.
Aum J. Hintrh, Ihi of towntOiip,
dn-'H!''!. Whrrmii, at nn Orplim ' t'"irt, lirM
nt l lrmlifl I, in nii'l for lh couniy of ('Imrfiflil.
ou III- I 'ill iUt of N pt4-mlHT, A. li. IS", the
n-iorl of llitt Apprn r of thr rrnl rutntf. of nnul
dcrcili'iit wun nppnivcil, nii'l thp Court orlirtrl
(Imt notice he gum l.v puohfation in unr newn
pnprr fr tlirco iu"-H'isi iMUt-a to pitrtii'i iu
mtiri'nt rct liiij out of the county tu appenr at
January Tain, 17!, to m-iM-pt nr rc-luoo the
r t n iu'" nt the vaJaHii'.n fi l.y tin iu, or how
cuue rh) the rino uhoul-i nt t !L
Jly nirr of Curt.
O-t. 2fi f. A. w. u:k, n.rk 0. c.
IX 'llli; MVI ii:it OF TIIK F..-TAIKOF
John !tir(ftiHiKr, lute of lliiriiniit t.iwii'hip,
l(fM'Ai'(!. Wlu rt Hi, nt an Orphan' tVirt, h'-l-l
ul Cliartifl-I, on Ihe "dth tlay ol Sfptcni lei', 17.
then port of tho Appraif'-rf of the. rrl esiai ot
nail i .'fli nl whs apprtn i.l, hiiI tho Court onh-rcil
that no! ice he jriitu hy pii'ilicutit.n in otie ncw
pupcr tor thrre uo,n m vo wn to panic inicr-c-tt
il n'iilntK out of the County to appear on .
vcuiUr Mill. I7H, to ncipl or n-lune the r al
cMule at Iho Tnlualioil fi.-l hy thi m, or iliow
rime why the nmc ghoul'I n t Ik ioM,
i'y uTUt of Court.
Vt. 2f to. A. . l.y. K, Clerk 0. C.
Sheriff's Sale.
" y Y Tirtue of undrt writn.f Yn,.itiuni Eptmt
J I iiMti d cut of (h Court of Ci'intnon I'U aa of
Lit-Hifiidd enunlv, and to ma directed, there wil!
he etpoied to puldie to, at lh Court Houe,
in In horoiigh of t'karfirld. on Wednmdiy, the
liith dj of Noremhir, ljft, at I o'clock, p. in.,
ibe loll .wing deiorihed lieu I Ktat. to wit:
Ih-lVndaiit' rtclit" fcnd iiitrrrpt In leat-e of ten
astn o land, cui'.racirijr the old aawmill ami dam
, u,, f Allr,. I.,.,,,,, ; ,.,,, ,
fln.. fl. arli.l I p..unlv. l'.lin'. ; Ihn iniim lurinj
'"" "iuin-ii lit .ntrnii uo-d Nnrrniiirr 27ili,
,y Af, M Ml )Ut (f(i(.t ,)f Uim tiiJrm
!rilv h,it.iip. ftfi.rfiii.L brgininii Ut whi'f
' l"" ("rrhrn tu p.M, Mnitr of
I.nil..d.l lt,il,..rl l..l..n . (I,.nnn...-ll. I -...I....
' ' , , " V','. . Y '.V
to ti-t ;
M.uih iid
rclii'ii lo in..!: ttti'iirr fn-l S" ticrrhr.
lo f nui ; tliviico si.utlt 112 .-r.-lji. to tli .lur. ol
ht'ioiiitliiir ; riinlHilitiifr S I li-ri'., lunr. or I. .. ;
Imiil isiii(.-vi-i Iiv .1. I', l iilli-r ami .if. to Smilli 4
l':ifi.-l.. lint, r.l riiKnlnl in I ! rfi.-lil in Ih-nl
llo'ili "llll," yazv TIT, 4i. 1 li itiiiroipmrnt.
nrn imti lm .t. tn ...mill, in frmtl ruiitiii)Kni.lT,
i.l.l. ... ..... 'Hi ii.iii r.,.. 1. I . -
I.rfe 1., ..n I .1 the mill, (no lj,Ko ilmllmi
hmi-r., i... t. imnt 1 Urg fr.tur ilm
, '!''''" '' . o-n, n.r. h.m.r. .ml oilier
mill'lnll'liRM al.'iut tt'U cn. rli.nsl InU'l
Sriti.l. Inkin in rxroiitinn ami til lip .i.M a. tlir
pn..rrtr of tl. W'. Catilii'M, of llic firm of Smilli.
l urry A Co.
r- I'id.l. r Kill taltnlirf Uml 15 -r rfnl,
of til f'jrclia. Binni jr iiiu.t ti. uiii llirn lhl
prnptrt; I knocked dmn. or il will hi put ti
again for Ml. CVHDMI H Ho VI K,
riiKiurr's Orrirn, I tirr.ff.
ri.aTli. IJ, I'.., Nor. I. 1ST0.
fiitiiTiLrr cTrrr fr mtle a t ailti..hle trtitd
J id T i mlirr Lm d, eontmni n)( MM a'Tn, titnnle
In ho.e nuini I ti.wnrtnp, within three nnh
ot Liittjhu City, on Iher-nid Itadtnij to Anr-nimHe
litunjc on l,yi!i nid i ni Liulc Chiiitiild Crck.
SiniiiMe f-.r Intuitu, denin d. Any one wtrti
iit It to o'f'T'iiiti i he term or lnu tt tin- larr, will
find thr tinder ij:n i nt (Iftirtfo Kti&w'f, vVS imte
ainl a It it! f h'iuiIi of Luni'-ir try, ou t!it road
it uJing tti Ntw Al i'!.-irt.
l.umbtT C.ty. Ortnher li. IsTO Zmpd.
l liii Ptn.p nn I Tinware t'-lahti-hnirnt, nn
Mi kit fUt-d. ri'-nrlv th- Jil, hm thr
fl n 1 h Tid c!i' :i'cjt ft-i ttmi nt of fook nn I 1'nrinr
Stni-i ever hruiht In t-mii. A in n ollirri he
ha I Ik- Jufl'.v 441. -iirnttd
"1111 :H" C'IIOUHTl 1
whioti i "no of th i.i m w.ii m cur: An:.;T
i:'"iip ins iv. ah iii-r- in wnm oi tin v.
ltilihg ,lf tU kill(, Br(. l(uIIv illT)t,d iu rn
Hid lr tli'iuftshi't.
T-A Invjfo RMortmont of TIN W Alt K, Ac. on
mi I. J'l'.hinx done to or tor,
riparlM.1, Ort.Ur 21, l-ttl.
l)MIM-TII ATOIfS MTI( i:.-X,.li,-f
li"fi lif pi), h Mint li'tloraof a liiiHii-ltntinn
In Un- .,l Mi.. M A HV .1. M l I.V, iln'J,
l!r of' .la, I'l. tii fil l I riiun'y, I'm n'a., hav
il lie n .lulv i iiiili il In ll.c nn I.'ii.'iI. all ht
I 'li iii'li'l'li il In .mil r.tnte .ill '!m-r iii.iI.i' pur-fii-lit,
anil llm.i. Iinvinff rliuiii. or .IiiiiiikI. .ill
.cut thrm inin'il aiilli.iitiratri l,.r .plil.-ini'iii
IiiJ itlluiiatiii' . iilii-iil ili l .v.
1-1" 1 1 -1 1" It'uii li'i. A iliutnisti nlor.
I On-io: Mill., U"l Sit, 1M7H r.l.
I v i . r r si.i
IIK.VV. A I I I.I-. nil;iHp ..r 1- ir v or
uiht .'. IV'T-"ii fun ppo thi m by tailing at
y n m I - n-i- in l.:m n--1 i"wti-!np
Sij.d, TIM'M S Mi l'IIKUSoX.
IN 1 1 1 III ItMtl iu; 1
''piIK miderpitrneil t:;k'l lliip metliml ofinrnnn
J ing llm rii"(ii of the m--i.'rn nd of the
(unty th il he ban oi-i)t-d a Murhie aid. br the
iiiiiiilai-lnre of
(tuiliititira, MoinimrDN,
I Head nnd I mm it t(onra,
I n:i h y none h'lt lhf ht t wurldlu n. Md uif I ha
hi pI itiai. rinl. All onb rii Mnif-lty tillnl and the
oik witrrniitrj. A blrf- nil bltf-r lo
I-aMI I, U'HUtl.AMiKH.
I.ulhei-burj;, 0.-l.,h,.r lil, .-7ll.
0im.iii III. C.iUrl llini.r,
r 1. 1: a it n hi. n, rEXNA.
AcPiiltiO'i'l itimi. fi rt r!a .n-l rliarjr.'. mmli'TTllf.
: JollN F. Vol Ml, l'r-.-il.r.
Nm V.
T.I. J "I
liittJIr-s' B'nnr.v I'iitnI
7 IS 4iti ii st it r i i,
M, l IV .,1 His lllf.-k, ll.
Till 4 Mil Si.., S-.ul Ii s. Is.
r, M iniif;i''tnrcr A
Mi nil kni'lf bikI
i lit i' an I (' !iil'lftli
w v.z riilit' ir'' 1, rrni" I-1 1 nml iiiiri'f my
ill. ! IH-4..IBI.IV din.wti I I It h MI'iii: 1 1 M, m. 1
hisr l very htrf nun! i-li tif i il n-ftrt-liicnfi.l
it I rite ililVt ti-iiI kiniNdf ntf In.tu lirl
lit ml- ip Ktin (. nn t ti.ivr Imt th-tn Hit D v
the iiH.-l tl illlnl w-rkiii'-n, I wotil'l r--"'U uU
iiiTil,- in v 1riin- ot Ckiirti- M mnl mljft -en! 0.1111-ln-
Ii. 1 1 nii I 4rxitniin(t my very l.ii;t! hikI li-nu-titul
nsi"rtiiinil of lnncy l urr, lr I.alon umt
I hiltlrrn. I urn i't(riiiiiM t tn tl ul 4 n p ri
: nn v (.MuT n p rf.i'.N' llnii- in t!iiftcty. All
Km s un .iut( il. .Nn iiii-t 'ii '"i iitmi'iiifi tn i-fl. t-I
JOHN i' H i; 1 It A.
(-l"fi :!m 71H Arcli .Strict, l'lii!.nl''l.!im.
OCTOBE R, 10 7 0.
J. & P. COATS'
T II 11 K A I
Put up for tho American irmik't which ii bii
CorJ in alt uuiuht-ro,
From No, 8 to No, 100, Inclusive,
i.-ii,For sale ly nil dialer in Dry (loo Is and
NoOuii. upi lo I ui
tlcariiild, rcuu'a.
The frt-roin and pnintint; of cliurclie ami
other pulilic hu 1 hit lie will receive particular
utn iitun, h will h the piimOuK of carnage and
nicihi'. tiililin dune iu the m-alcat llyha. All
woik warraiit. il. h hop on f'uurth utretl, formerly
oci'iipicd hy L'tiire Miugurt. vet I V 711
(iAITIOX. All pcreon are herehy nolifi'-l
j not to pu-eha- a cert a in PltO.M ISS1 ih V
Nol'lS art ircti hy Nanny M-t'-arlcn in my faror,
tinted ahout the '1 1 or ;id tl.iy of May, 1 H 70, and
rnliinj for -( 0, na llio iniue lia he-ii lout or to
Icd frm me. l."Al.MI 15 LOOM.
Otlohr luf LSTO 3t.d.
IUAMi-;l)l-Tl.i Peh.d Director of Kar-
f thituK t-wn - Ii i ji wi-h tt employ three cum
jo ti tit 1 KACHl'ltS to take rhar ot the nchonli
of Haiti towiinh.p the cimiing winter. Apjdic
tion, Willi Wiii-'!", to madtj to the Prt-indeiit or
8f.Tf 'sty. who run he aJ Ireoird it t?alt Lick P.
0., O'lrflvld couiitv, Pa.
"J. W. POTTLIt, Pmldeni.
Jort u Oil Lll.Ain, Srerelary. octiV-3t
1iTH V.-Stnyi I from the nubfrilxr In
j Itrwl v l4.wnht, a'lout (lie fir-t of M V U-t.
a dirge KLI PL LLr four yean old. witb white
I'litf tar in (lm li.n ht.-ad au i inre ttraiht
h-Ttm. Any ii.forintili .n wilt he lhaiiltfully re
eeieed, and a liheral reward will !re jjiveo t anj
one fi.r bn a'ireln-lisiun nnd d'-lentin. P leant
ad.lrirp IILNKY A I HA N It,
UjI. It nr-l. Trotilville, Ch arlieM Cu., Pa.
1X1(1 I t IK M I I I CR Notice ia here
j hy ittn thiii L'tlerv TuiUmrotAry having
In- n umiifc-l to the uhnrilirr, on the K-Ute ol
KLI. Mil- Til SMKAL, dee d, late of Pradrord
tuunrhi, t'l.-ardild eonnty, pi-ti n iy It an i a, all
Mriiii in lehlcd to n.d K-tatn am retjurpted to
mnkc iiiuiitiliiite i4ni(tit. an i hating
clninit at'iin-t the Fame will reient thrm dui
aulhtTttctiUd for m-tlh irn nt.
K 1.1. 18 HMEAL, Efi-rutor.
Octoher l'J, JtfTO t-t.d.
IXr.l'I'TOirH XOTIC'K. XcHire it here
j by ffirtn that Itltrta tent amenta ry having;
K m -rrnntt.l to thtf ut.ritiei uu IllU 4-lttJ ul
(.LotliiK r-MLAL, de,-. .,i, t.,te of Prallord
townslii.. I'li-arfi. Id county. IVnnylvinm, H
bfrnmii ind. hted tn Paid etlate are requeptrd to
tnttke iinitit'dmle uiuienl, add Ib'tue haititz
clainia ai;iitn-t the atituf will jirteeut thein duly
nut tie ntuattd for aeti lenient.
W 11,1.1AM I8 M K A L,
OcluLer 1J, l':r.flt:(.d. Lsecuton.
run iali r
C. J. tIAVKS, Curw.niTill., Pa.
I BI'IT t' slMaiufiu-liircil frum Hi. hral
rhArcoal tin, ciovrit and tuMrrtd on oul.idr
ai.,1 warranlr 1 l .r .ale liy
aiiel TO II. P. ntT ER 1 TO.
IAIllKs1 FIIOl.-Kl.l. Tnrkr.r Moroooo ami
J Una! naliniirHU, Calf anl tl..,it ll.ra; al.o,
an ...urlniol of rhililn n'. Shoe, at
(Oppoaitr xhr Jail ) C. k H ATK E R1.
New Meal Market.
11 UK underpinned hae nj-nied Meat Market
in the lormrrly ('euned hy Aleiander
t r v id. on Mntki l Ptreet, t Ira: field. Pa , adjoining
M"prnp'i, where thry intend to kerp a u'''y ol
All kind of Mi at,
I'ruK and VcprCablea,
And at "rmcra to unr thi rivra." Hh will
be cHii nicula.'ly on Turpdny, ThurMUy and Sat
nrtLi , and nn at d. lirerrd at any p'dnt. A l hare
(d public patronage u repec!fullv eoicit-'t.
jt-UhAi funlinite to dral in all ktndi of
inij.n.ved Agricultural Iinph tnt-nti.
(.'Itarlield, AtiifiiPt ;, I 70 if.
5-0'n mid INS I'm
MliritAL ti:uh.
At Mcrkrt lla'r..
FactCo E. E. Bends Bought and Sold.
r-TOf'kN Hi.uKlit and ild on t urn
ml' slim nui).
,,T4'Wln"- ri-ivlvpit anil tntrrrrt allowrd on
lailj l.alanci., .ul-j.ct Iu .hci-li at liglil.
SJ l 40 Pi.ulli Tliir.l Slm-t. riiil... l.iia
VM. 15. ALKWM1ER, M. I)
lrtig);Ut anil Aiotlirary,
Krei eonptant'y on hnnd Ure anrtmenl of
D n r a s ,
Tut. nt Vr U . inr. Paint nnd Oil. Varni'hon,
Me Miifl-, Ae. II. H.-a i.r Piutra i iirp an 1
fr eh. nn I en-tniner rnn rely r.yn C""'nK tho
bet ol 'everything in bis l:ne. Hn stork ul
r 1-: it i ' r .v i: u y ,
Tit t Aitii l... Ilnir T .nil'., r..ineii.'v rtriiOtr.. t h..a... I' I.., l', k,. II ,k., V,, Ink,,
IVnril. ami I'lipfr, ami a pi nna! a.iuiliii.-nl of
lliip rln.f uf, at. all ul ilia br.t ifiinlitr.
pvm: wixes .t- i.iQuons,
For Mrdieiil jiiir'CPt only,
11a. Putty, Lubricating OIIp, Act to luii the
Wanti of (he coiiiOHinliy,
lli ettriive and Will neleettd tin It of Trnr
and Mc-.hi-inra fnnhUn him to fill J'ti v .tnii"
).rfiTi.ti'.ni nn pSort notice and un the ino-t
rraona(de term a.
Pinokeea and rhrwera will find hi tnnk of
riirnmj and r-mf.him Tohaeeo, t'lfnr A (-miff,
to oi'iiiiet of iho Tny beit brnnda in the aiaraet.
A rhire of public iatroiice U t diitrd.
CM, IP Sm, W. H. Al.FXAM'PH.
L i .1
txn.rn r nti rutin, mi imm
AUAHI'I.I' 1 II K it I; I A r
M mtif.i'-hiii'f of j
cit and, t-giAitK i rmonr
TImkc litftruinciit hive t.ccn hiforc the puhlic ;
for I y Tlnriy year. .lint lipmi lh-ir cV4li uev j
nhn nt'liiiiicd an m.par 'Iihi d i'e e:iiiiiehcc, j
whirl) pninouifc! thni imh n imlcd. Tin ir
T 0 N K !
roiiiVI'i'-c pri nt power, we-lin nr one cinciti !
l ma 1 it v, nn w-!l rcil purity of I ulonnt n,n, a. id f
wh.!iii b iiirotigitiMii nin enrue ionic, i uiir
T o re ii
in pllrttil nid riant ir, nnd entirely frca fram the
ntit! found in ' irimv I'iwtm.n.
tlicv nrf inn ijuiih il. nnu none hut the rcry l ft
ioiif.tii-d ui;iti iiiil, the lip rnpitul nii. I td in
our IttivitirM enith1in(t u tu kerp emnvtuntly an
iiiinntte rtock of luuih' r, Ac , on hnitd.
T"AII our riptiite I'mii"" lime our N'' Iid
prod Ov4T(rum nr nnd the Ac ruffe Trchlo.
.?r-' would r.itl npcrinl ntn-nlion to our
Inlti improrcwnfi iu (Jnind I'tnno nnd Hqniirc
CJratidii, I'alcntid An;'. I 1, I IM, which hrii.(C the
I'liinom nr- r purlt-ction than hai yet !een ailainrd.
.'irry J'iuno fu!fy Warrant -J or fu-e lVr
We have made arrangement f-.r I h wile W hole
ale Agency for the tntt Celfbratnl Parlor Oryiini!
and M' li.iiei.ns, whu h we oiler W holeiule and
Hi tail, at Luwul Fat-lot v I'rin-a.
Sept. 21, 1370. Cm. liuliiiuore, Md.
IMrh.-nt Prmitim. Filter M-'dn!. awarded oeer
all coinpf lition, at Mechuica' Exhibit ion, Uoatwn,
ttcluhcr, I KM.
S E L F - It E G U L A T I N G ,
wnoroiiT ikon, Ain tight,
Dt-iT Fcrick, Opiate Pin Kkiti,
Wrocoiit In ok IUhmtor,
ahd Actum atic IUmclatoii,
For Burning
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood.
10 sitet for brickwork, and 2 aiaea Portal It.
wiitrrACTrfirD om.T r
N. W. corner 13th and Filbert Streett,
Thean Ileaten are made of Heary WronSt
Iron, well riretid topcllier. and arc warranted to
be atf -lulrlr tlai and I'uit Tifibt. They arc the
only llen'rn that are ninrnipt-d without any dam
per, and in whn-h all kind of fuel c-tu b burned
without alteration. in j Tlangci, for Tlotelp, Kettaiiranti and
Kamihei. Alio, a Flat Tup Heating Hange,
Fire Pl.ire Htaterp, Low Iown Gratet, Slate
Manteli, ti-pitvr, Ventilivton.
Puinphleti giving full deacriptioo, lent fre. to
any addn-ai. jylS 70 ly
AllKAD Ol' AIL OTHI-ltstl
I'.i'jlity Six Thousand, Seven Hundred
and Ki'jhty One Maehincs Made
and SAd the Past Year!!
Tbii Bomber exeeeti fcy tXtvnmdt tk ralei of
any other Maehina, and tba deaiand li itill
Art bow being madt and toldt
BrnauFi It etubodiri eprential prtnelfdei ot
found in any thT Machine; baeaui uf Hp
lia f.Hrity of eooftruetion, ear of operation,
onifnrmity of precira action at any tpeed, and
ea aeity for the greateit r0(S and variety of
woik, Hot or ccarsa.
rartie li.hin) to porrhajt afcould not fa il
Ut examine tbii betof all tSewiug Varbinea.
I bare lb agency for Ihfi Machlta, and will
keep a full tupily un band.
May 4, 1 TO tf. CbnrAe'd, I'a.
Life Insurance Company
JOSI'PH IIOXIK rrtiident.
E. ItWItHIT KENPA1.L Vice Preiident.
J. F. II. IIAI'ITS Secretary.
il U. I'lKKAItlt. M, P Medical Etaminer.
W. M. TWGKU, Jr Tounfel.
rnilK AMI C A HI.K waa founded by ame of
X t lie brpl l U'lti.'M men ol nr . otk, wub the
exprepp ohjt'ct of rn-iiiinpi an inp(itu:in (but
lnMild C'iRiliiaiid thr ronlident'C nf the puhlic. a
ft lihernl. aound and Tifnrnm Life fiiruranre
CompwiT.and bna aobiee.i a pucvp beyond the
e i j-e. of i'i moit fanguin pn.jrctora.
Tbe AMU ATl-H off. rt a!l i,.'pftI plant and
dpirahle new fatiirt o,' im lrn Life Jr.'n'nce.
and due nnt hold out promird cr inducenicnta
tint cannot be made good.
Tlie AMU'AHI.K haa depnp-ted ne hundie.l
thousand ibdlara in I'titiid Mairp b..n t with tbe
Inpiirnnce liepartment of the Stnte of New York, aa
a (fi a run tee r the dichaigc of every obligation.
Alt elt'inirnciinPt ibe AM1CAPI.E are promptly
and honorably dim harced ; in tbe event of dt alb
the flM'.MMf n p.Wiry .ttrf M fHif tti'komt (tny
dtnetiu i a mcvunt oZtntm orJtjumi jtrtmiumt.
AH Pfli"iep are n(n forfeitable!
All iMvidrndi are rmn forfeitable)
All Pnliciei are incontcatable !
Thirty day prace for payment of premiuin !
Privilrge to trarrl by laid and at a!
jt-frRnoli of, fircut.ira. Ac. furnibed
upuu application to the roiitfanv'a amenta.
wn.i.iAM TrrKrn,
Afnl for 1 learfieid county,
T. P A K 11 FI T,
Mineral Aeent f.-r Cbarneld, Outre. Jefferaon,
Cl vrin and Llk eounhrp.
T. J. ItnYEn. M. n..
Medical Liiiiiincr,
ClMifleM. AngHPt 17, lVO nm
Eirncl(d wiih tlie e of Nirnnrn Oiri Ok.
and I,. . . Ai p-tiikm. (ibe unly h.inuloii and
tlit-it t.t Anii'slliitir now in ue.) l y
S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist,
Wh wntilJ brrl,y nrt re-perttVly return bil
tb;itilt f.-T the Id) patrntiNge ol ihe prnM. aixl
iiil-.rm the iIki! hi h;. rrinoTed hn ofhVe
to Ihe comer 'f Slate and I.oi:t trrr, (.er
J'iik:np' ptore.) whi-re he ip pnpand to nceire
hiP eutumera in newly fitted ii roin. and do
Ibeir work in thr nr.-1 'kiMfttl an I wotknituilike
tiianrer. All work done in the letct and 'ft
ftp.roed Pt)rs, an I gmraiil e I.
hr. IUu will bi. cnj-n d in hip cfTn-e fmm
the 1 l to ihe 2 ; I of eneh tiM.ii b. Thr l.ln ..i
ea- b mon'h h" will -pmd in tllrn II. .pe, lttirn-i,e
'and LiHln-rpbwrir, ftilrrnattly. Parties n-ili.lC
j at a diPtnnce pIi miM write to up pre riom nf thnr
eomin.;. 0(Tn h.mrp. Prom H lo 12 oVIo lt, a.
m., ami ir- ni 1 to 5 o t-Io. ft. p. ni.
Wr n-e b it the tery Ut fpatrriil. aod
d ft faotnpMiiinn f.-r chnnneit an J dura.
bihly. tine wp a ra'l.
Curweni. ille, pt.( M-.y t UT",
CLLAIU Il.l.h, ( A.
II K FU. TLHM 'd I ..nrtn
int"-a M'.toUy, r1-f . iiMr jih, -;
A Pi iu ii v d- pi.t tin nt Will Ur
h-U ol lh. fa'l : fir ih
p-h'i.t (ti-'rin-tur hire hern r: j.
. iT'irl Will he spired to renin tin
atirtiL'ti. t and in-tr lefiie.
Tt:r..M or triTiny
'f i ,
P.. end in, nfil.f.pmpt.y. Writ i .til Jrt L.
nf Primary Arithiiieiic at.d Prtii.try
ticomphv .
Ilinlory, Loeitl and dcfivi ipt it iirur:,.
willi M :i Druwinc. Omm war, 3Ul'
ntid Written Arilhuirlie .
AU'ehri and the S. ien.' j,
fim'ru' ten in tnnlrifnental muile jj
f 1 1 prtiiilififr, '4 lepaurt j.
Wni wirk j
F'.r full p'irllriil:im rnd fur Ciroular.
ClcnrlicLI, ."rpt. 7, l7u lypd.
Rev, P, L. Harrison, A. M,, Principi
rpHK FI HPT HRSfOX uf the next hal
j yt nr oi un inuiiinon win com j
.UU.mai, me o'ii uny ill i-eineiuiM r.
Pupil enn enfrr at anr time. Thr? ;i
rhnrfi d mih tuition from (be time tLrj tLitt 1
the eloe of the .vfi(in. 1
1 he e4.ore uf inlruttion f mbracrp evrrr t J
incluled in a thoroiijrh, practicul and aciJiiJ,ai
cn rnuennon iir i oi u erac.
'I he Principal, bai iiig bad the adranin .
much e:iHTieune in In nrofexston, arfun in I
and junriJiiMii that hi entire ability ami ftitrf.l
will he dcrntcd lo l lie inomt nml mental trni
of the youth plvrd tinder hi ehnrt"1.
I l-.HMH OF 11 I HON.
riiiTaf.riy, u inline, ruiug, ana rrm-l
Arithruetit. rer iSf-Mlon 1 1 1 wtm ) ji
GrumtDkr, iittofrntpiiy, AntbtueUe anil
Hietory tt.l
Algebra, tieoinelry, J rtrottvmetry. Men.
turn lion, hurvty inc. I'd iluaophy, Phyn
ulojf.v. t hituipiiy. Hook K ping. Uutanr
and Phyneal liioraiiby ......
Laliii, lirfk and riD b. wittj any of Ihe
al'ove Hrniicbi f IJi
MrHKPiniioiti le(ti)i)
No drduct.ou will bu made fur abpetiM.'
cTFor further particular inquire of
Kev. P. i,. ilAKKlaUN, A. M.,
fcU. 2, lb,v.l. rnucial
II. B 15 1 I) G E.
(Stor. on. duor .aft of ClrarfielJ ILu..,)
Market Mint, Clearfield, Pa.
TEKPS on Han 4 a full aalurtoi.Btl of On,
JV Fornnhinf (loudi, loch aa t-bin., Lit. I
and Wool.n Under. utrl., Ulaworl aod aVii
Nrrk tin, Porkot II andkercliirf., Olo.d, g, I
I'mtrrllai, in gnat .anal.. 01 fw,
I) mid. h. k..i lb.
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'
?orh m IHark Doeikin of tbt ?ery btt bi(
Kanry Caniiere, in f-reat variety, aire, Fretul
CoatinfC. Beaver, Pilot. Cblncbilla, ale' PrievJ
3Trcoatin(f. All ot which will be aoid cfatapf, 1
Caafa, and mad op according u tbo lateit itji
bv einerienced workmen.
AUo, A cent fur Clearfield eoonty for I. K I
Sinicer 4 Co i. celebrated bewint: Macbmei.
Nor. 1, ISAi tf. U. B HI 1)UI.
I Ulicr'a Patent Airtight Keif Stalli I
frrtiu i mil
IH'TTLK CHUCKS, with lidi,
And a great tnnnjr other thinpt too ftutitrau It I
m in tun, to be una at
Corner ol Cherrr and Tbirtt Street!,
CLKAKKltb I, PA. aail
JiTew Cabinet !
jJl PAN Y oflr for aale Town Lota in tbe bw
ouu of Opcroln, Clearheld couniy, I'a., and tin
lot (u puit purchuetft uutPide tbe limits of ud
boroucb. 0ceda ii eituuted ob tbr Mt-hniit.i
Crcik, in the rii-hcrt pirfion of the ccbtr.y if
H-nrrieij, on tne line oi ihe lyrure A t tarLt.J
Hailroftd, where tbe Mocbannoo and Efartrtit '
branch ruadi interncet. It it aUo in tbr heart if
lb Mophannnn coal bapin, and large buditi if
wuite pine, beinloi-k, o:.k, and other tiiutfr iir
round it. One of the larircPt lumber itanufjcltr-
ing etalilinliTurnti in tbe estate il located in tt
town, while there are, many other lurnber at4 !
bingle mi Hi around it. Ihe town ia but at
ycarp old. and contain! a population of one tli
and irhahitantP,
J-eT-Kor further Information apply at tie iflw
of the vhot company.
p'1 turrinterident.
I'Tstavs cross cn, tu, iRno
Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw.
r.r aa!. hj; (i u. f. bu;lr t to.
Xt:W TIN blloP!
Manufacturer of
Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware
Rioting, Spouting and job woik doe ea
Pbrtp on Market Ft., nearly ppolit tbt Jail,
i.utnt.-'lurji-. Vi.
rllK fubaeriber ofierr h i te.ricri t tbe pabll
X in 'be ciipftt-ity of Scrivener n SurT
Ail eallp l-T mivivin prompt It attended to,
the ti.iikittt of dntftp, derdp and nthi r lil ififl'i
menia of writinf, axecutrd without dilitT. ai4
warranted to be correct or no cb.trgtv
Claim and Collection Office,
05CKOLA, Clearfield Co., Pa.
ConreyanetrR an I ?l b- papert drft
with ni'curacy and dirpatrh. 1'iaflfi on ar t pt-
wnn fti'curacy an.i nira!rn. i'ian on n -ia(re
tttketa to nnd It via any point in Ftirp
prwurcd. ciiTO "
IOH til I'-Th- lubarrilrofrcrttlht b.u
and lot m wlnt-h ibe rePidf P in tbe P""-'
oi l Irarfi.-ld, Tor Pale. It ip aitnati-d cn Marlrt
trtft. in an eliph'e location for eiilur a pn'
rnidflice, or lr bmuieri pnrpoms il a cr-t If
lot and worlhv Ihe all.-mtoit ot tl; ie wnntn f
invent in town property, and one fupmre If""1 tkl
Court lloutc. Vor iiice, icimrefn the pnir-ic
JtUIN L. CI 1 1 LK. Any at Law.
ia bvret'T Riven t it b tleii of anlminlrftiir,-
on ibv e-tate' uf li' HI . Il T M F A 1 l K N. dr-4.
Inte of CheM tontnp, Clearf.ild pumtv, Y
baint been duly grauti'd t the edrripn(d. td
perntiti indebifi lo antd etare ttl pbae m
pMvtttrnt, and Ihopc tm uijs r'iint r t :ii.i
wiil pn p nt iheiii pnipcilr atiibi nti.-atH lf
tic it., nr. JAMI.S MlAn!EN,
t h t tp., 0 t. $ fit. Adminirtralftf.
Mr (;t-M tiKI.H MHiPl(R KI'T.
1 1 lie Pbop hi- ty ic upied by M illiain Mt
Kntjthl. deeeaid. utonle on the alb-y bet'"
Herd ard Pine Ptre-tP, nrrir II. R- I'-rct. ''
be nntid nn napiit!.t''e t.rmp. Apptv t"
ClinrAeM, Auirual 17. S.n.
OK 1-Wbite Lead. Kmc. Paint. La
pped t I, Tu'cniine, arnihfp "f all kin U,
Colon in Oil and lire I mt. Yernih Itnh-.
S Kl V K.Kennedy iMed e
, l?iar..Tery,'i Hncha. Itaker'i Ced
I tver ttil. J -Tne'i and ATer'p mdtelnei nf eery
km.1, W Ip be IMHfetwM'K I K If.
'jrn-wwa null ahituwilnal ioiH.rierp tf
km nt H e laieit In..,.- .w.Mi. for t
tbe l'ru4 MwrrW UARrWiVK A 1!-.