THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. WEDNKSDAT MORNINU, nrTOIIER J, lTn. .;IMVSI A I.' A IMlK"," BT i. a. roa. I wants to mend my wagon, And has to have some nails) Jus' two, freo wilt b plenty, We're going to haul our rails. Ton sptenilldrst cob fences. We're loHkin' ever wm I I wis' you'd hrl us Hod 'cm, Unn'mt alas dor. M.r horse's name if Iteliey ; Hbe Jumped ood broke her brad. I put her in the stable, And fed her milk and bread. Thf stable's in thr parlor; We didn't makr no muf. I wis' you'd let it slay tbrrr, Ureo'ma al'ai dura. I'a goin' to thr cornfield, To ridr on Charlie's plow; I specl he'd like to hate ine; I wants to go right unw. Oh, woli'l 1 gee up awful. And whoa like Charlie whoaa? 1 wii you wouldn't hotter; Uran'tna lievrr does. I want! some bread ami butter; I'a hungry wontesl kind; But Taddie tntisn't hare none, Cause the wouldn't mind. Put plenty engnr on it; I tell you what, ! knowi It'a roAr to put on sugar; Oreo 'ma al'af dora. Tht AW.Al .We. The Vandalism of the War Where Lies the Responsibility ? From the New York Herald. The benutif ul capilol of tlio civil, ized world is uliout to bo ruined, and the selfish and unpilyinj; ovortinicntH or Europe K ill not ruiso a ti rigor to prevent this vandalism. Purirj and its innumerable art treasures nro not to be subjected to a terrible storm of destructive missiles and fire, and no potent voice, no bund, is raised to avert the ciititstroil)o. Whut a blot this will be upon tlio boasted civiliza tion of Euroye ! What a stain upon tlio history of the great nations of Europe ! Tho monarchs and princes who linvo been the honored guests of I'aris and of the French government and people stand with folded arms coolly looking on this disgraceful spectacle The hundreds of thousunds of ruling, lending and fashionable classes of European nations who rev elled in the refinement and luxury of tho great city aro silent whilo des truction hangs over it. Tho world seems to forget what it owes tol'aris for science, art, literature and pro. press in civilization. As littlo regard is paid to the doom of this proud rnp. itol of tho world and its splendid monuments of art and science as the auvago tribes of America havo fur (he burning of a remote village in the fur ofT prarics of this country The wa.i, on tho purl of Prussia, has become a wur against civilization as well as against republicanism. Well may Bismarck and the liberal-minded Crown Prince of Prussia licsitato about'bomburding Paris, if tho report thntthrydoso be true. Gen. Von Mollkc, who looks at everything in a strictly military point of view, and the stubborn old King William, may be in furor of bombarding the city, as is reported, but it is reasonable to be lieve a man of Bismarck's fur-sceing raind must fear the vordict of history and the enlightened opinion of the world. It is natural, too, that the generous-minded man like the Crown Trinco should shudder whon he con templates tho destruction of the heart and centre of tho civilized world. If such an act of vandalism would close the war, or wcto necessary to that end, there might bo somo excuse- for it though hurdly justifiable even then; bat tho destruction or taking of Par is is no more likely to lead to that re sult than tho taking of Sedan or any other place. Tho government is not there, and ifitwero, tho enpturo of one government doos not provent the formation of another, in tho transi tion condition Fronce is in now. Tho capture of the Emperor and flight of tho imperial regency did not end the war. A provisional government of defence, like the present one, could be formed anywhere, and tho French nation would rally to it to tho last. Although tho object of Prussians may be to drive the French to accept the humiliating terms of peuco they pro pose by relentless devastation, the destruction of Taris would arouse, probably, the wholo nation to more determined resistance. We cannot see what tho Pruxsiuns would gain by bombarding Puns, while we do think llioy would loso much by pro longing and intensifying the war and by the revuUion of public sentiment throughout tho wtiolo world at such an act. Then look at the fearful destruc tion of property and lives in every di rection; at the hundreds of thousands of men slain or mutilated tho flower of both Franco and Gernmny ; at tho numberless houseless and homeless in nocent people who know not whereto lay their heads or find a living; at tho vineyards and the cultivation des troyed over a largo area of tho most productiro region, and at all the oth er heartrending horrors of this war. And for what f For monarchial am- nition. Tho war was commenced for that by Napoleon and urged on by bis creatures and flatterers. Now that he is out of tho way and the ot. jeet attained which Prussia took un arms for, as avowed by th0 Prussian ns vnemsoivcs, n,g William still contin pea lh. war. It i, no onr l0 fa" flH I arv ea e "BKreasivo and nmbilious. The pretence that Ger many is fighting for guarantees of r. turo pence can deceive no sensible, man. Germany has amplo guarantees In tho suceoss of ,nr hrm and the wonderful power alio has developed Bosides, there has appeared no reason to doubt that the French government would accept terms, short of a sweep ing ?imombormem of Hi nation, for It is if the I'lUSHtiins l not too exuding. Hut while the belligerents appear unable to solve the difllculty them selves Ihero is a way to do this thro' tho interposition or meditation of the rest of Europe. The great Powers England, Itussia, Austria and Italy now could stop the war. And were Franco not a republic they would, probubly, have taken energetic meas ures to thut end before this. Still wo minht sunrioso that tho stutcsmen of theso nations would see the futility of resisting the progressive ideas and in telligence of the ago would see the folly of fighting tho republican senti mont which is growing and spreading over tho Continont. At least wo might expect they would, in tho in terests of civilization and fur tho sake, of humanity, muko an effort to atop this dreudl'ul and useless effusion of blood. Of all the greut Powers Eng land is tho most to blame for not act ing. She is more advanced in political liberty and approaches nearer a freo government. The masses of the Eng lish people favor tho French republic, and wish their government to inter pose to slop the war. Had England tecognized tho French republic Prus sia probably would have been arres ted in her devastating career. Had olio called upon the other Powers and protested energetically against a con tinuance of this wur for tho suko of conquest it would hnve been closed. But, alus ! the evil genius of tho Brit ish monarchy and aristocracy has in fluenced Mr. Gladstono and his col leagues. They havo forgotten thut friendrhip and entente cordiale which, happily for both countries and Europe, hud existed for nearly twenty years. France, tlio warm and generous ally of Greut Briluin, is abandoned in the day of her distress. The Emperor Napoleon, tho man whom the British luudcd to tho skies and almost fuwned upon us their great ally, is now as sailed by their press in a scavengcr like stylo. They buck at him like curs, now ho is fallen. The great and friendly French nation is now mis represented and vilified. But has not Erglund made a mistake f lias she not mudo a similur mistake to that of insidiously stabbing tho American re public in tho lime of its distress and strugglo for national life! Wo nev er expect much from tho magnanimity of England, but her own interests ought to havo prompted moro gener ous conduct toward Franco in this crisis. The disturbance of the balance of power in Europe and the undue hu miliation of France cannot end well for England. Nor w ill the persistent hostility of the monarchy and aristoc racy to tho French republic fuil to make the people of Englund more dissatisfied with their government and moro democratic in their aspirations. Franco msy suffer moro fearfully still through the selfish abstention of her former friends, and especially through that of England, but the nation can not be destroyed. It will yet revive, and the dny of rotribution will como to those who havo abandoned her and who ought to have been mediated in her behalf. I.N8ANE. The I'hilipsburg Journal of Saturday says : "Great anxiety was fell on the part of the friends of m. McMullin, a single man employ ed in Way, Foster & Co.'g planing mill of this pluco, on Saturday morn irg upon tho discovery that ho had disappeared. Ho was last soen the evening previous at about eleven o'clock, by G. W. Elbcrty, to whom he addressed a few questioning words, and left in the direction of his hotel, tho ltuilroad House. A search was instituted on Saturday and a telegram was sent to his friends in Milesburg to ascertain if ho had not in a freak of mental hallucination, plodded homo on foot. McMullin is a sufferer from dispepsia which renders liim at all times hypochondriacal and sointimes partiully insane. On Friday ho was heard to remark that ho was dying, and his actions wcro observed to be singular. It was but a natural sup position, thoreforo, that bo had done himself somo violence. On Sunduy the creek was dragged, but to no pur pose, and it was not until Monday that information was received by liobt. Lloyd, proprietor of tho hotel at which ho boarded, that ho would ar rive on tho afternoon train from Clearfield, in IhoctHtody of a gentle mun from I'ennvillo, Clearfield coun ty. It appears that ho turned up at that place, which is alxiut thirty. five miles distant, on Sunday, and wns rescued fiom a voluntary death by drowning through tho efforts of the citizens ho having plunged into a mill-1 dam with suicidal intent. lie was! taken charge of and questioned as to his residence, when ho gave them cor reel information, and wits sent to this placo in charge of a citizen of J'cnn- villo. A brother arrived next day and conducted him to bis homo in Milesburg." iNFi.rr.Ncit over Animals. Tho horse is liko his driver, and the dog liko Ins master. A nervous, timid man ia almost sure to havo a skittish horso, shying at anything, unsteady, and a runaway if he got a chance Muny a cow is spoiled by lack of pa tience and quietness in tho milker, and the amount of milk depends more upon tlio milker than the pasturage. If a man is afraid of a horse, tho ani mal knows it beforo he gels into the stable. We havo seen the most inof fensive cow in the herd so wrought "iuii oj- me nervousness 01 a green horn son of Erin, as dexterously to plant her foot in his breast and send nm reeling heels over bond. A noiy. bo.sterou, fellow about fattening sta hies will cause serious loss in gain of flesh to the animals, so Important is quiet when they are digesting their J ircnty of pcrmmn-iit ponco. ' rrci'iircil to ccppt atitri licet oundrii and Harhlnr ho. A. r. lotKToir.., ..ukn. t. tot no BOYNTON A. YOUNQ, FOUNDKRS k MACHINISTS Mttiuffttlurtrs of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth inl Pin fttrecti. cm:ahkii:li), pa. HAVING angaged in tlie manufacture of Urst elass MACHINERY, we respectfully inform tba publie that we are now prepared to All kll orders aa cheaply and aa promptly aa oan be done in an of tba eitiea. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Milk, Head Block, Water Wheels, Shafting Pullej-i, Gilford's Injector, Bteem Gauges, Steam Wblltlei, Oilera, Tallow Cups, Oil Copa, Uaoge Cocki, Air Cocks, (iloke Valvei, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, Fleam Puuips, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti- Friction Metrea, 8oap Htono Packing. (Jura Puk ing, and all kind, of MILL WORK ; together with I'lowi, gled Solea, COOK AND rARLOR STOVES, and other CASTIKUS or all kin da. sT-Orderl eolicitcd and filled at city priori. All letter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anawered, byaddm ing ol at Clearfield, Pa. BOYNTON A YOINO Stoning gmij. jS?;., NOTICE.! l. Powell. W. Bella. a. I. m:t:i a to. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! fpilE pmprietorereperlfully Inform theeltlaena A of Clearfield eounty, that they hare entirely refitted thia eatabliihment with the latrat improved wood-working machinery, and are now prrparrd to execute all orders is their line or buiineia. Thry will give eiperial attention to the manufac ture of material for bouae building, aurh aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.K kkts it jiorLUivrcH, Or ALL STYLES, We alwarl hare on hand a large Block of I)BY Ll XI II Kit, and will payeanh for all clear Lumber. One-and-a-half inch panel iluff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, 'I Or exchanged, to fuit cuitomers. VfjuOrdere aolicited, and Lumber furaiihed en abort notice and on reaeonalde terma. 0. L. KEED 1 CO. Clearfield. Nor. 7. IW. Clothing. Hon' lo Nave Jfoney. THR timet art bard; you'd like to knew Ilow you may Bare your dollari j The way lo do it I will ahow, If you will read what follows. A man who Head sot far from hart, W ho worked hard at bit trade. But had a booaehold to tupport That squandered all ba made. I met bin eart. Baye be. "My frliad, I look thread bear and rough I've tried to get myaelf a auit, But can't tare up tnough." 6ayi T, my rrlend, bow much hart yoa t I'll tall you where to go To get s anit that 'p round and cheap t To REIZKNSIKIN A Co. Be took what little ha had lared, And went to Helieoalein A Brotbora', And thera bt got a handioma auit, For half ha paid to other i. Now ha It home, he looka to wtll, And their efieot la auoh, That when they take their dally meal, They don't eat half aa much. And wow ha flndt oa Saturday night, With ell tbalr wanta aupplied, That ha hae money left to ipend, And eome to lay aaida. Illi good tureeaa, with cheerful Italia, III gladly telli to all. If you'd aara money, go and buy Your elothea at BEIZRNSTEIN'S CLOTIUNO BALL. Where tba ehianeeL I Deal aad beat Ootkiaa ana gooa rormaning u .owe tan ba bad to aa arery taite and ia urery eta la aprll.It QOUK KTItt M r.AR R CAUtltlFir, fl'FQt KIIANNA, Dl'PKItlOR, flOV. l'KNN. It Kill l-ATtllt. Kftni.F rtltlK. KATIOXAL RASUK, THH MIMI, rARLOR COOKS, PPKAR'S RKVOLVIXO LKIIITS AND DO! I1I.K IIEATKltft, And all kinds wf lTeatinK Rtovee for sale be ar; . F. HIOLKR k Co. JOHN TIIOUTMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Market Pteant of the Allegheny lloutio, CLKARPII'M), PA. IKKKPnn hand all kind of Farnihire, In oalta or by the eiiifle article. Thfiee in nwd of any article of Furniture, will And it to iheir internet to call and e amine my stork, whifh I will eell very hm for muh or eirhanre for ftiitaMe lumber. Clearfield, Pa., A " l7fl tf. KDWAKD PEKKS & CO., Flour ?IniiurartiirerM, And Pmtere In CHAIN OF ALL KINDS, PHILItfSBt RO, TA. 4 Ffl.t. Pt PPt.T of FlOfR, WflKAT, iV t'ORN and t'lltiPrxnilantlr unhand, and nd nir sale at ratea rrraarKattl. low. Mil. II Vril'-.rin. i. 1 J. A. Itlaltentiertrr, ri.q., in the intrreit of a., in tlie berrtnfnre urtH nw onHrr lb. firm name nlj I Nlatlenhrreer a To the same will he hrrmOn under the name of Mmemaoa Land and I. nrniier I 'impsnr. 'More.) II. II. flllLLI.NUFOKI), JOHN I.AVrsnR, av2atf I'rnident. tJenrral Hup't. rpilKrKI.KIIUATKII HICIIARDSON RtMlTS, JL Lihl Kin Jj an. Frenrh Kip . oi. French Calf a ao irtppeett. ek.awar M P. K ATWtlt f. tiry C.ooits, fixotttitt, (fit. na.B ! w.eai ...... a. Sanaa J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MAKKKT STKKKT. CLKA IE F I K L I, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods. Groceries, ic, TtlK iuberl0ri hiving nterfttt Into partner, hip for lh parpop of panning on tb haiineu of Mprthaodlitng, now offer K1 nd rart opportunity to tb eitlieni of Clear, flelj and adjoining eonnttei to bay itoro footis atwholeiali or retail price, that will aitonlih tho rniini true ted. Their good, will be particu larly leteeted to folt thli market. Every lady will, therefore, eall the uttention of ber bniband to Uile Tact, beeauee thli bran eh of oar bailnen will reoelvo ipeolal attentUo, and erery thing needed in a well regulated heuiehold will at all Hoes be found In ountore. DRY GOODS: Our itoek of PHY CftODH ahtll not he iir paased, either In quality or price, and will em brace, In port, Prlnti of overy tyle. Gingham and Lawna of every quality, Muslim of every grade. Do Leinee adapted to the Uptee of the i old and young j and every article of any kind of goodi they eell U to be aa represented, and war ranted to give tall traction. DRESS GOODS: At to ImH C:tOIS-wo bare a iplendld aiaortment of Alpaoat, black, while, and in col ore; Armurea, Bilka, and in short all the nawaat atylei In the market. We dcaira thli faot to become knows to erery perron in the county. With our Dew and aiteniire stock of D1IES3 GOODS, the ladlct can all ba aoited by Just dropping In and getting a niet drete pattern, laea sett, kid glome ar by doiag that which la batten gira ber a well filled puna, and aha will And good and paying inrettmeotl in tmbroid trlet, tdgingi, ribbona, glorta, boiliry, or any other household noerssltles. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And Is addition lo what wa hare aires ly enumerated, w. keep all kiada or CEIKTLE. MEN'S WEAH-tueb as Clothe, Caaaltaerea, Satinetta, Hats, Boots and Sboea, o beiidet, Blot ajeorlmenl of Made-up t'f.OTIII !(; for Hen and Boya, manufactured oat of tba rary beat material, which wa wiU tell for etrh w exchange for country produce at pricei which will aatonlih ererybody. SQUARE TIMBER: We are sow largely engaged in buying and selling Mill A Hi; TIMI1KH and manurae turad Ll'.MIIER, aad will giro this branch ol buiiness Bpelial attention, and therefore make it an object to arery one who baa Lumbar to sell to come and deal with oi. GROCERIES k HARDWARE: Wa shall also keep comUully on hand a general aiaortment of CtHOC'KHI V.H and IIAHDtV AKIw which wa will ssll at aieeed ingly low prleea. Wa alia keep a full aaaort meat of (IV EEMIV ARB. This department will ba kept full aad complete, and all wbo contemplate housekeeping, will find U to their advantage lo come and trade with uij because wa are ao ailuated, and, front long experience In the bualneia, so well acquainted with the wanta and necessities of this community, that wa feel satisfied If every man woman and child caly makss It s point to buy their goods from as, we can pleaee them both sa ta quality and price. Thsrerore, eome .long and buy your BOOTS a SII0E3, HATS A CAPS, READY MAUI ClOTHINO, and everything yon need lares, der yourselrcs and families comfortable, from JAMES D. GRAHAM 4 SONS, oct CLEARFIELD, Pi. 17 'lUfdiral. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. II IK. isovi:its ri'iiH WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A safe, pure, pleasant and health Hiring Tonir- strict! renrtahle, and msnuraetured fnm the most pure and rhniee materials Is a spirit drink nor sulisliluta for whiskr, hut a scirntifl eonipound, for the proteetion of the erstem au the eure of disease, made front chemirallr pur spirits, entirrlr free front fusil oil or other Irrltsj ting properties, and will not dirre or offend tie most delicate stomach. A long prirata einer enee has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies N'o nittera at present offrrrd to the puhle eontalns so much medicinal virtue, ard yet so si aad pleasant to take. It's use Is lo eure disee.l, and It will not errata an appetite fur spirifuoeS liquors, hut will cure the efforts of dissipation. To increase Ihs Appetite, V.SB IT. To promote Digestion, I'.sK IT. To eure Ilriprpiia, fSE IT. To eure Ferer and Ague, If It IT. To eure Ililllousneis, VSK IT. To rare Constipation, t'c'K IT. To eure Chronic IHarrhtra, I r'K IT. To cure Heart bum, I'SE IT. To core Flalulrnre, t'MK IT. To eure Acid Eructations, I'SK IT. To eure Nrrroui Dchiiitjr, I 8K IT. To eure llrporhondria, I'SK IT. To cure Faliowness of rnmplriinn, I'."R IT. To eure Pimples and flliiichoa, ',K IT. For (leneral Prostration of the rhralcvl powers, I'SE IT, and it will eure row. Bold everywhere, at 11.00 per bottle, Mac. factored eiclusirrty hj A. I. SHAW, IruRgist, CI.KAKFIKI.D, PA., Who offers llheral fnduoements ta the trade, Oct T, laa. lf. IL B. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Drpot,) I.KARMI.I.I, PI Mf,'K. JEMIlRArF this method of Informlnc the r-uhlir, that I hare onenrd nil a Yaril r.. I.. sle of wood ar eoal-hurnt I.I M K and Anthracite CtlAI,, In the horou.h of ClrarnelH, and here Those at a dutanee ean adilren me by tetter, and obtain all aeeeeeerj Information hv return mail, newraeld r.,rMi. ( ' nompirim arranirerarnis wita eastern dealers hr whifh I ran keen a full atsplw ronitantlvon hand, whlrh will he difinrd of at rramnal.le rates, bv the tun, hu.hel or ear load, to soit niit.t..u. ni5rCU,inr01lfl. H. F, N AUQLE, flOCK AM) WATCH MAKER, orroiiTBtsa (r;--) "" POST OrriCESliitlifiCLKARriELD rpilE subscriber rerpeetlutly Informs kit old 1 patrons and the public generally, that ba bama hand, (and Is eomuntly receiving sew additieos thereto,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. rr-trl ksep Jewelry In all Its forms and of dilicrent values, sllher by Ike piece or set. WATCHES A full a-iortnent of either flold or Fflvrr, made by tho brat Averloan and fur cien menufaeturere. Including a fine lot of gold and ailver bunting ease, lull jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Or all designs, consisting of eight day and thlrte-hour, of either weight, spring or levsrs, and both strike and alarm. REPAIRINO- All kinds of Watches and Cloeka Hepalred, and warranted. In addition to what I hare enumerated, T keep a full assortment of bPBOTACI.Kri, colored and plain glais. I.n, 001.11 PENS and HK SOILS. SPOONS, PORKt, IlUTTKIt KNIVES, and In fact everything in the Jewelry line. If I fail to bar. on hand juit what a cuitomer may nerd, I will order per flrit express, without extra charge. A liberal ibara of public patronage ta lolirited. Ha T, I808 y H. t. NAUULK. READING FOR ALLI! BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Hit., Clearfield, (at the Pout Office.) f IMI K ynderiigned hege lare to announce to X the oitiani of Clearfield and Tieiolty. that he bat fitted np a room and hae juet returned from the city with a large amount of reading matter, roniiiting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aerount and Peaa Bookt of every de scription f Paper and Envcl'ipee, French preeeed and plain : Pent and Pencil j Blank. Legal fSperi, Deedi, Mortgigne ; Judgtnant, Biemp tion and Praaiuory note f White and Parch; ment Brief, Legal Cap, Keeord Cap, and Bill Cap . Sheet. Maiie fur either Piano, Pluto or Violin eonetantly on band. Any booke or itatlonery dpi i red that I may not have on band, will be or- ordered by flrit eaproM, and itild at wholesale or retail t anit auitnmere. I will alto keep periodical literature, eoen as nagaitnee, jewa papere, ic. P. A. (JAULIM. Ci.arfleld May 7, Wi tt GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, CltarfUld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. THE undersigned respectfully Inrlta the .t trntloa of tba publie generally to their splendid assortment af merehendiee, which tbey (ra now selling AT VERY LOVP TRICES. Their stock eoaaista la part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, .Such as Prints, Pa I.alnrt, Alpaeras, Merinos, Uingbams, Muslins, (hleacbed and unbleach ed,) Drillings, Tickings, wotton and wool Flaonels.Satinrtls.Cassimeret, Cottonades, Ladies' Shawls, Nubias t Hoods, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ao., Also, a fine assortment of Men', Drawers aad blurts, Hals k lapa, Iloott k bboes. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. !N SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything usually kept In retail ttora, all CHEAP FOR CAH ar approved eoanlry pre- uuea. A. K. WRIGUT et EONS, Claernald, Nor.f , 187. gOMliTIIIVO HEW AtiAIMI C. D. WATSON Wishes to mform his old friends atd tht pablie gentrally that ht haa opened un a new Drug, Confectionery ii Tobacco Store, Id his old stand, oppoaite tba Court Houee, SECOND ST, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Ills stock Is all new, fresh and of the rary heat quality, and will bt told aheap for CAM! or approved Country Produet. If yoa want par. Dragt and Patent Mediclnea, Oo ta WATSON'S. If yoa want Ccnfectlonerltt, Canned Frulta, Pickles and Jellies, Nuts, Ac, Ae., Oo le WATSON'S. If yoa want tba best Roasted Coffee, Eissooeef Coffee, Kpl. es of all binda, ebsap, Oo t. WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy A Toilet Soaps, Flavoring Eilraeta, Ae., Ae., bt ears te Oa t. WATSON'S. If you want Fancy Dye Colore, Clark's best Ma .bin. Thread, Pins, Needles k Nonets, Oo to WATSON'S. Cbtwtrt and Smokers, If yon want tht best la tht market. Buy at WATSON'S, where yoa (a a get Pipes A Pipe Fiitar.s. If yoa want lo get elear of yoar stamps. Coma la WATSON'S. If yoa waat te spend a few boara of aa svsaing with your friend., coma to WA ICON'S old stand, ubers yoa eaa erack nuts and .at Jokes until I o'clock, p. a. April 11, 15T. hKW BTOKi: AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SI I AW & SON Hare just opened a Niw firoat, on iiain Sl.,Ci.iritLD, P.., i Utelf occupied l.jt Wm. F. 1RW1V, Their alook consist! ol GkoriCM of tits brat quality, F.F.NswAitE, Hoots and Shoes, and every article) nereaaarr for one t comfort. Call and examine our .lock before pur- el. as ing elsswhere. May 9, 1 RfiO-tf. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, of si t. aitinsi Df.(te Hsrrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copylnf Presses, Improred Uonrj Drawer, kt. II. F. 1IIOLER k CO., Ilralrra In Hard vt air, mrh.1t:7(l If 8reond Street, Clearflrld, Pa. "0 .MY HOOK." HAVIN'tl purrhased the entire stock of at the old stand of Kirk k Cprncer, I tnlrnd to eontinue the business ae heretofore. Mr molt, is to sell "t roa rasa." Tlisnkins; our and rustomers for past patronage, I solicit a eontinuane of the same. lsAAC KIKK. tsaiVar (Iter, rleeil. I tf. PniQtf & lllrdldnri. ii VA L. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, Jfiarkrt Street, Vteartleid, Pa 7B leara fa Inform oar old end new 1 f entomere, that we nave removeq our o- tahliihment to tho apacioui new building juat rrctrd on Marked itrect, nearly adjoining the Manilon Hoiih on the weit, and opposite Meeera. Graham A Hone' itoro i where we respectfully Invite tbo pub he o eome and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHE3. Onr itock of Droge and Medirlnei eonileta of everything nied. aeloeted with tho greatctt care, and WA1E ANTED STfilCTIT PURE! We alio keep a full etork of Dye, Perfumer.!, Toilet art Idee, fcoapn. Tooth Bruphep. Hair Hrufhei, Whitewash Brwtbea. and overy other kind Braihei. We havo a large lot of WIIITK LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flameed Oil, Palnte. and In fact everything i eed in the painting bnelneee. which we oiler at City price to caab bay era. TOBACCO AND SEOAUS, Confectionery, Ppicee, and the largeat 'flock of variettca ever offered In thli ilae. and warrant ed to be of tba beet the Market Horde J. O. HARTRWrCK, Nov. IS, 1R8. JOHN P. 1HWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWILL'8.) For all diaeaaM Incident to IToraaa, Cattla, aott 11 u man Flesh, raqoiring tba ajaa oi aa a i torn al applinatiott. Thia Embrocation waa aitaoiWalj naatl hy tba UnvernBeDt dun or lot war. For aala by IfarUwick Irwlr, Claarfiald Joifffib K. Irwin, Cnrwaaivilla. llaoitl Otwd laodar. La'.baraburv tf LAXD AXD LIMBER COMPAXY OFFER RAItl I X I U C E 31 K XTN TO Purchasers of ChoiceCoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOHE -IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times I Osreole. May II, 1 S70. Curwensville Marble Yard. DFSIItOl H of extontlinff my hnrfnrn. and know in there ean be no bifher trilnite i renpeet U the ntrmorr of the ilrrvaird and huriitl fririnln, than lo erert oer tlwir narrow home a fciilplured lh of endurina; marMe, that iMiilit ftirever lo the nttn)t ptaee of th-me we l Tr; i nrf leave lo tv in all who ih tn $hm Ihrir afltiion for Ihrir departed Irtend and kindred, that Ihcr ean now have an 'ppniiunttT ol doing so, bv calling at my hhop on I hompson street, t urwrnsi illr, Pa., as I am prrparrd lo furni.h to order, MONU.M KNTS, CRADLE A ROX TOM US, HEAD STONES, Ac, f n.T driirn r ft, h( rrnwnii'tl rntr. N. ll. 1 hrpp nn liitnrl Ihr btPl l-'nrrlll mtti !r.aHt- Marble. All wrk eis-utr4 id tht nuM skillful tnatinr. I will alro deliver work lo nr poiot m C'lrarflfld nr ljintnc ptmnliro, if dpfiM. WM. II. rutin K.N. Carwrniivlllf, Oct. ?(, IM tl. tiik cLEAi;r:-:-L5 rJ WOOD -CHOPPERS' AXE! Mannfactured .specially for TIIK CLEARFIKLD TRAfiE, roa sai.b ar aiig.vrn II. T. lllill.KR k CO. 1 (N K, WHITI k ROAN LISINU !KINH- X Just recelred and for sale by Afrrl t", r. r. H". t. PTHIBR A CO. I'rle. Jlry f.oodi, Proffrlf, Ctf. 11 1! A T II A II ii A 1 X H Xew More In Mulsonburg! In the rooaa furnetly aeeupied by P. T. llrgarty. L. M. COUTRIET rilAKKS thie aarthod of Inrormlng the cltlaeni i ofCuingtun, Karl hau, ii irard and the ear rounding iMnimrv. that h baijntl nprned a large itiK-h of HI MMKH (i'lODS. tii-h be U drier niined to eell TKN PKK CENT CIIKA PKR than the same quality of tioods ean he purchased for in any otber ature in tba neighborhood, ilia stock eonsiits of Dry Goods or all Kinds, Bach ai atintt, Catmtrti, Mutllnf, Pelaioea, tiuea, Llrtll.iir, Caliaoa, Trimminff, Kibbona. Lao, READY-MADE CLOT HI NO, BOOTS SHOES, HATS k CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL KDTDS. Coffoa. Tea, Bupar. Rica, MolaMfi. Kith, Salt, Mnaced Oil, Fub Oil. Carboo Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Cajtinfi, Plowi and Flow Caatinn, Kailf. fiplkei. Corn CBltiralor. Cidrr Preaiei, and all kiada of Ami. )ri Plowa ara of tba Carwonavlllc and Centra oounty saaka, and ara warranted to ba of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint. Varoiih, tllaaf, and a general aaaortmtDt or eimtioDerr, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on band, and will be aold at tba loweat possible .fares. Liqtons, Suck as BRANDY, WINE, OIS A WniKY 400. pounds of Wool wanted for wkiek the uigbcat prtee will be paid. CLOVER SEED, 0a band and for sale at the lowest market price. Also, Af ent for Wilson's Stratloaville TIIBESIIING MACHINES. fcejut'all and aee for youraelves. Toa will lad everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. tOLTRIET. Franehville P. 0., Jan. 7, WM. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COrRSB THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I art now opening op a let of the beat and tf moft aeatoiiabl iind and Ware aver oflVred in tbi market, and at prim that rwraind one of the T(hk1 old day of cheap thing. Tho who lark faith upon thii point, or deem oar alle gation auperSuuu. need but LV -IT Of 1 HTOtlEy Corner Front and Market itreets, Where thy ran are, feel, hear and know for then aelre. To fully andernand what arecbeap gooti. tlii must ba dune. Wa du not deem it necetaary to enumerate and iteaiie our atock. It is anongh for u to state that We have Everything that is Needed and eon omed in this m&rkrt, and at prices that aittini'b both old and votingr. deo20 JOMKPII EHAW A EON. XEW FIdOVll,FCD AKD PROVISION STORE, TIIK anderilirned have Juat received at their new aland in Wallaeeton, a full supply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at reduced ratea.) A good article of TOBACCO, CI0AR8 AXD KMOKINQ TOBACCO, eoastantlv on hand. All of which will be sold at LOW RATES fur CASH or given in eiebenge for SHINGLES and Ll'MDER. Wa reipecUullv ask lb. publie to air. at a trial before parchasing elsewhere. J. R. READ A CO. Wallaeeton, April 7, 1$69. C. KRATZER & SONS AltE RKCKIVIXO A SI LENT) ID STOCK Ur CAltrtla AAD OIL CLUTUS. WALL rArEKS-OILT TATER, rf-c LACE ITRTA1N3, WIKDOW SIIADES- COUNTER TAXES AND QUILTS. LINEN' TABLE CLOTHS A N ATKINS. LADIES SILK COATS . OVERSKIRTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS A LACE POINTS. LADIES' d- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVES-LADIES' GEN. TL EM EN'S AND CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. UNEQUALLED STOf'K LADIES' AND t-'IllLDKEN'S SHOES ( OAITERS. MEN'S CALF tf-FRENCH KIT BOOTS HEAVY CALF POOTS. 5. M E N -S AND BOYS' FIN E AND HEA V Y SlIOKS. CASS1MERES VERY CUEAT. BEST STONE TEA SETTS. J5. CROPKRIES. FLOUR ( PROVISIONS AT LO H'KST HATES. LIBFSAL DEnitCTItlN TO THOSE BUYING IN L)UAN 1'ITY. WtVlL MARKFTINfJ AND COUNTRY PKODUvE WANTED. Clrarllrld. June 1. ISO.. cw M ine nnd Liquor Store. I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, WBol.tAlt BIAI-aa its WINES cSc LIQUORS, market bt., cleapfield, pa. --sr-!l at..s if Wine, I!rar.-!.T. f!ln, Wht.Vy n,nii. aiwa.ra on nano. r-,eil olUotiun pai.i io securing a pure article Tit Sacramental and mrdical puipusrs. -MisE. A. P. Rynder, " nut roa Chlchorlng's. Rtslnwav's and Fmereon's Pienosi Hmlth'a, Meson A Hamlin's and Palouhel't Organs nnd Melodrona, and Qrover A Baksr't Sawing Maehln.a. ALSO TBACBBB OP Plaan.O.ltar, Orgaa. Harmony end Vocal Ma sic. No pupil taken for less thsn half a term meT Room, neat door to Flral National Beak Cleatteld. May a, I.M.a ,f. ",' T". K DEMOCRATIC Al.lltMir ... .... m and isrvs fr ., ,h. ,, om Clearfield County Bank, rtiitt rir.ii rnt.t.i . X trd lnHtair.a hai on at f lk Urtstt.dvT llf 111 ah air lair , la . .. All It afork it awaed ht the ...... ' will eoatinu th Panking tttinr oi in .;i"ri?in voaniT nana. BpoaIMfor tb debtvel ib liank, aa4,7 " lit. ant an tmmtiA al thai .... . " 7 ----- - ------ u, aa b ri.fiir. Oar ttrraonal re ttirtged fur all Dotoiit rct-ltf d it.ri l IruM eltrf. A foBtinaanra if ih 1.1 -el rnnaaarii of lb riuilb! man ftf tk vpei-UDllj tllri'fd. Ai Prmldant, Car-kit? omcrrj or irt iai viraronia caat tikti rr(nir id nuwi i Aoaiiai 10 a ariHu for redr-aartlttn. JAfl. T. LKONAKD. RICHARD HIMW WM. PORTKK. JA. P. ORAHaw A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. R EKD, WM. A. WALl.ACK. Tba baffnei of tba Bank wtll ba ajono n. nntm,, ivtq., ai lajaier. Uo&ll'H J. D. M Oirk. Edward P.rki BANKING & COLLECTION H0I!$t McGirk & perks. BufweMori to Foster, Perkii, A Co., Phlllpaburg, Centre County, Pa. .K'tvu tail vmiUVfl VI IjIDI ' Uff f T ' oa traniaoted prompt 1? aad upoatt, moil fevoraole trina fnarT rj County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. Til IS Bank it bow open and readj for let nass. Office on 8rood street, in the osia. ing former), occupied bj Leonard, Finney A c niaerroni an. o.rirnaa. JAf. B. ORAUAM, RICHARD 6HAW WM. A. WALLACE, WM. POKTKH, A. K. WRIUUT, OKO. L. K lit Ii. W. at. FHAW, JA3.T. LEONARD. Ju2S,6r)J Cashier. PresitnL IloggHTowiDalilp Awakt GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'Sr Ij'VERTnODT trvlng to get there Irst, far fm J of being crowded out into Ike eold. If von want good fboring done, go to Bsiai If yarn want roar Sles ironed right, go to Rbiil If joa want good Hill Irons, go ta Utaai. If von want voar wagoa Ironed ia the hist atvle and workmanship, go to Batst Bibb, makes the beet Stump Machine ie ta. Stale, and dim all kinda of BLACK KJd ITHIK8 ae ebeep aa eaa a. don. ta th. eoaoty for Cask. Uj host uaoa address Is clenrurKI Bridrs. TB0MA9 BEEha. Bores Tp., Dee. 19, lR67-tf. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY. WASHINGTON, D. C ORGANIZED and eetablisbed for the Persksai and Sate of Farming and Mineral Laoas, and improved Real Estate in the Southern Stales. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. PrssidesL JO. FEVKRXS, Vira fresittal J. HENRY Af-kIN, Trrssarer, President Fourth National Bank of Phildelpliia. JOHN MtlKKIS, Seeretery. TI108. C. MACL-OWELL, Attorney end Coonseller. Office: Wasbiagtoa railJiDg. Corner Ssvrn'k Sl and Pennsylvania Avenue, Wasbiagtea, H- (I Gov. John T. ll'.Dman, Albany, If. T, E Oov. Wm. Big!er, Clearfield, Pa. tlov. T. F. Randolph, Trenton, X. J. Ei-tlnv. Wm. S. Packer, William sport, Pa. Sept. 1, '-tf. Cheap I'-uniKurc. JOHN GULICII DtSlREs to inform his old friends tad tea. toners, that having enlarged his she. aad tnor.ased kit facilities lor manutactnring, ht is bow prepared to make to order such Furniture ts may ha desired, in good atyla and at ebeao rates for CASH, lie generally haa oa baa J, at kit Furniture rooms, a varied aiaortment of ready, made furiitura, among which art BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Rook-Cases; Contra, Bofa, Parlee, Breakfast and Dining Kitenaioa Tables; Coat mon.Frentk.ost,Cottage,JenDy-Llnd and otksr Bedsteads j tjr.faa of ail kinds. Work-steeds, Hat-racks, Wash-stands t Rocking and Arm Chairs; spring-seat, rao.-hottotn, parlor, com mon and other Chairs ; Looking-Olasaes nf .vary description oa hand ; and new glasses for els frames, which will ht pat in oa very rMseaabls t.rms on shortest notice. U. also keeps oa haad nr furnishes to order, Cora ke.k, ilalr and Cel. ton-top Mattresses. Coffins or Every Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Paiatir.g dona lo order. The tnbseriber slso maaufae. tores, and haa constantly on hand, Clement's Patent Washing Maehina, th. hast aow la ass I Those asing this maehin. never need ha with, ont clean clothes 1 Ha also haa Flyer's Patrol Churn, a superior article. A family asing tkis Churn aerer aeed b. without batter ! All th. above and many other articles are fur. eisbed to customers cheap for Casa r .xehaogsd for approved country produce. Cherry, Mapls, Poplar, Linwood aad otter Lumber auitablo fsr Cabinet weik, taken la .change for furnita'S JtavRememner the shop I. oa Market street, ClearHeld, Pe., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." JOHN UIL1CH. Kovambtr S6, 1 9.1 y The Lightning Tamer. fpiIE andrnlgned ara the sols Agents in this 1 eoontr for the North American Oalvanisrd LltlllTNINU RUDS." TJe.e are theoahssfl rods now in asa. and ara sadoned by all tkt erirntihe mea is the country. Wa hereby nntifr the eitisens nf tht asset; that wa will put them up a better rod, and lor less mousy, tbnn la charged by the foreiga agenla wbo annnally Iravenw the county aad rry n our nine casa, never le return. ENTOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tboae wishing Lightning Rods erected ta their baildtngs need but address as by letter, er eall ia ferine. Wa will pat thrm up aavwhsrs in tbeeounty, and warrant them. Tha Kodiaed Fiituret caa be ...a at any time by e.llirt at our store. 1 F. B1ULEU A CO. Cleara.ld, March S, 18T0 tl DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-Cuttcr and Stonc-Mason, T1LL eiecute all work In his line at mod. 11 arate prices and in FIRST-CLASS style. Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLE.0. Fton. Dressing of .vsry description, and nil kinda nf mason wark con tracted for In oroutof the cnwnly. Any pcrsore wishing lo bar. respertshl. m.voa work and atone culling done, will lind il to IBeir Interrll to call upon ma I would alro Inform thr pub lie that I .an deliver any quantity ar elass cf stoa. desired, as I am Ui. owner uf a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Orders for work eaa be eddresard to DA ID Yot'Ntl. Clraitrld 1. narrj.H Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAtiK HOME INDUS! STRY. 'PIIR undrrrignrd, having established a Nai k aery oa the 'Pike, about half way between, tiearlteld and Curwenivllle. Is i.rrnared to for- nlih all klndi of PR I' IT Th EK.S, (st.o.t.rd ae darf,) Evergreens, Miruhherv. Grape Vires, tlooseherrlea. I.awtoa Hlaebbe'rry, 8trawberrv, and Rasberry Vinea. Alio, Fiberlaa Crab Trees Quince, and early soviet Rhubarb, Aa. Orders promptly attended to. Addreas, i. i. WRIOIIT. sepja y Curwensvtlia. Pa Lime lor Sale I THE undersigned, n siding near the depot has made com). Irt. arrangements nitb Lime liumere cast of the mountain, whereby he Is rce. bird to keep (lonstanttv on hand a larce quantity el r U R V. L I M E ! which hr offer, to termers and builder, at a t'i". above eo.t. Those in nerd ..f tbe article would de w.-!l lo glr mc a eall. or a ldreas me bv letter, be fore negotiating their lime. liKO. C. PAS5M0RE. ClearfleM, Pa., June , Ipn., IjI very Klable. Til R undrrslrned beg. leave to Inform the pub lic hr is now ttillrpiYparrd to areomuie. dole all In the war of furai.biiie ba.Mlea and Harness, on tha shortest notice and on reasnniiMe terms. ResiOenc on Locu.t Street, between Third and fourth. . H W OEARIURT. !Vat, Aprtl n7. rtrr sVlrese. )r) lt