She fllcpublicaii.j .V-VffV.,i. Geoikie 15. G()(iin.AM:i, Edilur. CLKAUnKLP, PA WEDNESDAY Mlir.M.Nl). (KTl'MIIl 16. 1S73 TMANK80IV1NU.-Gn.nt has issued a Thanksi'ivintr rroclamation. mid ro . commends Thursday, the 2lll day of; !Novcniher, next, as the day to bo ob icrved. Ho expects to bo homo from the race courses by that Y antld '. W ANTrn ' ! Somebody to go as Minister Plenipotentiary to England. Salary, $17,000 ; outfit, $17,000; and infit, ditto. Apply to Useless S. Grant, Long Branch. N. B. None need apply but those who have n largo personul interest in the Alabama claims. Prcicnta to ac company tho proposals. Ci.osr. Work. Tho lion. Uasselan Brown,of Warren, who was tho Dem ocratic nominee for Congress in this dsitrict two years ago, was nominated for President Judge in the district composed of Erie, Warren and Elk, previous to the late election, and was defeated in that black district by only 27G, by L. D. Welmnre, liadicnl, of Warren. That was close work for a district which garo Grant 4,200 two years ago. ''Things arc working" Goes Back Again. Lust year Gen. Foster, defeated "Glory to God" Co vodo for Congress, by 42 majority, but a Hadlcal Congress turned him out and put tho latter in. Tho Democrats ro-iioiiiiiiatiil l'osler this year, and ho is ro-elecled by a majority of 725. Tho scalawag Covodo, was afraid to run against him becanso the old Cu det Seller would liavo been defeated by 2,000. Yet tho old villain will oo cupy Gen. Foster's seat until the 4th of March next. CoNcitr.fsioNAr. Vote. Tho fd lowing is the oflicial vote for Con gress in this District. It will bo no ticed that the f-'cotiehl mill is pretty near ground out. His majority two years ago was 2,G4! : Cnuntiti. Clt-.rllrld 3I.rrin, D. rriuS :vo :kt JTS 1UU ?U0 1D..7 i 437 tM'i ;ii SS2 l.-.Uil not ... Cnuicrun Kik Kric. Fort't. . Jiffcrum McKfrna V.rrco To.J Scoficlii'f Ditjurilj' Lull ...U'lil Vovs tor Asskmult. Mcssm. Jas. JI. M. McCoy, of Forest, B. A. Weed, of Elk, and Hubert Ilendeison, of Clearfield, tho return Judges of this Assembly Distiii t, met in tho Court House in this borough, on the lStlt, nd after summing up the vote in cacl county, tl.o following was found to be the result: CoilDtifl. Olcrtitld Elk Fortit Totd. llsll'l m.juntj.. Dull. D. 2i0 11 2m8 S(l9 U7J I..;tifT. R 3:1 2o: A Goon Lick. Tho defeat of "Vienna" Scl.cnck, in tl.o 3d Ohio dis trict for CoiigrcF), is ono of tho best licks tho government robbers got. lie stood at tho bead of tl.o robber ring as a ucneral in tho army ho was a miserablo failure, and was put into Congress and kept there by tho buz rards and vultures w ho liavo grown fat oft the government and peoplo. 11 iv-n nd Morton, of Indiana, are tho two best samples of tl.o demagogues now living. Search tho United Stales over, and wo venture their equals are not to bo found in tho lino of low de grading statesmanship. Backs Oct. Grant has been bum ming around for six months, to get some one to go as Minister to Eng land, in the room of the fellow he kicked out. Shortly beforo the elec tion a western blow gun named Mor ton, Irom Indiana, volunteered to go after the election was over in that Slato. But that it was in.pursible for him to leave before, because if ho left the Stale the Copperheads would cur ry it. Well, ho stayed nl homo, and tho "Cops" caiiied tho Stato never theless for the Legislature, Senator and all. Now tho skunk turns round and in forms Grant that he can't go, because if ho goes to England ho w ill haro to resign his seat and tho Legislature will send n ''Cnppeihead" to tho Uni ted States Senate. W hat a fix tho "gov eminent" and its man Frhiny aro in. Morton and Grant are a pair of jacks, and it is right they should play into each other's hand. A Fa I i.i rk. Hon. S. S. Ren nctt, tho loyal member of Congress from the Iluflalo district, son.o time ago sued too editors of llio Iiuifalo Coi.tnitrcial Ailnrtifer for libel, und laid his damages nt tl.o modest sum of oiif hundred thousand dollars. Tho esse was tried last tt cc't, and well 52 v ! I uiea, tiut alleran absence of ubout an A Comtr.cT Mr.Aat'RK The Pall hour, the jury returned a verdict in Mall Gazette un English newspaper favor of tbo defendants. Tho libellous , referring to llio appointment of the matter was alleged to havo been con Hon. O. P. Morton as Minister to tho tamed in an arliclo in the Ce-.nmrrci.W , Court of St. James says : "A thor affecting tho plaintiffs integrity as a oughly incompetent person is selected merchant. What a contrast! I.,, to represent tl.o United States in lead of pocketing a cool hundred England, and is instructed first to lhflllH:ilii- I 1. a ( .J I . ' I .n .... . -rh - Nuwr uui io , , . , " . i """lo'-il'lo member will n.iil that suing editors, it not as profitable as voting uwuy the H'oplo's . in Co,,4!re.,..llJput.Utin(l ,b. r W rocket tho .(Troril il m-l,i.. l r. ....I:... " . ... . I I t outing. I An examination of tho h.le cle. lio,. ' .,, returii, reveai. .n,o swaoe P. To illu-tratcalilllo: In Clarion conn-i (llltniIM,,,lt,i I,,.,,,,,,,,, a. n.nei ted, cany the Slate hy ten tun ty the unal majority for tho lemo- ,i ,.,,. ,,,, , ivo" of a iorily. In thiit ( ilv, the fame general erats ii from l'i0 to 1,000. Hut to ! make a oure thinj; ol Congressman, all personal amlilion and nniiiiiiosituj wi-rc li.iil nsiilo, nnj tln-v went into llio canvas vi'oiwit-ly, ami ttio result df tliU wus that tlicy gave, (mllitli llie DcmoiTiilic candulalo 1 ,.r4 4 ma jority, and llicrc!y eciit a Jmnocrnt to Congress, (nun a dlfli ii t that last year pavo 1,100 llndieal majority On tdo other hand tlic lemf.cracy of tho .State have to regret tl.o loss of . i two districts ... I.astcrn 1 onnsy van.a, winch they had reason to Ijciii:vc properly l.olon'ed to them. c mean, o! course, tho r, or DucUh I)islrict, and tho Twelfth, or Luzerne and Susijuchiuiiia IUtriet. 8of too, llio Tl.ii tcenth,or llio Columbia nrul U rati ford 1 ist rict. CouKl liuvo boon saved by tho same self -sacrificing energy displayed in tho West. These district's liavo been lost to the Demo cracy by disaffection in ourown ranks and a luck of that unanimity of action and thorough work that has charac terized the party in other localities. This ii much to bu regretted, and we trust that tl.o lesson taught hy the result will bo appreciated. Ml'RDKn !-Although Cameron coun ty gave Scofield 27 majority, the whole Democratic ticket was elected by an average majority of 200. The editor of the Press is lampoon ing bis loil" constituents awfully for having voted tho Copperhead ticket. Hear him in his agony : "Gentlemen Bepublicnns, who gave tho county to the Democrats, how do you like it ? Do you really rej :ice will, tho Democracy? and do you find tho "ubodo in tho Democratic camp" nil pleasant? Will you ro main in it with no regret? Is it a plcasint; sight to witness the good old lifpublicii.i pnrty betrayed, slaught ered, bleeding? Will not tho ghastly wounds haunt you, until you exclaim : Thou cti'iil not I di.i it; never ljuko tltr gnrjr lock .1 oic. ''Betrayed, slaughtered, bleeding," is really good. Had it happened ten years ago, it would havo been far bet ter for the country. Jrrmiso.M County. This county has often done some strange voting. At tho last election, Marvin the Dem ocratic Cttiididuto for Congress, bad 132 majority. I'hipps Radical for As sembly, has 92 majority. Jacox re ceived VJ votes, although ho hud with drawn. Cnpt. Means, Democratic candidate for Associate Judge has Cil majority, and Altmnn Republican candidate for Associate Judgo has 2'0 majority over Gillespie. Hum, tho Democratic candidate for Commis sioner is cleted by 250 majority, and Whito the Republican candidate for District Attorney hns lu5 majority. Simpson, Republican, is elected .Aud itor by 33 majority. The citizens hud an act passed through tho legislature last winter, to allow a voto on tho lujunr question. The vote stood "for Prohibition" 73G; "against rrohibilion,"I,. 030; and 1,3X4 did not voto at till on the question. Radicil Rascalitt. A number of tl.o cxccssihlo "loil" admirers of the "Into lamented," soon after bis de mise, organized themselves into a "Lincoln Monument Association." ilh a capital of $200,000. Theso interes ted parties up to July last, had raised but 822,000, all told. In July last, Congress voted the ccormotis sum of $100,000 in old cannon and war ma terial. Tho result of this infamous act on the part of Congress, allows tho Monument bummers to rob the fortifications of a large portion of tl.o ordinances, which they sell at a set up sale to each other, for a mere song, and then palm them off on disinteres ted parties at f ull vnlue, and crodil tho Monument fund with tl.o first sale, and their pockets with tho second. Such is tho power w hich propels Rad ical philanthropy. An Eartiiui ake. A severe hock of an enrthnunko was fell throughout tho State of New York, and New Eng land, on Thursday, the 20th, between 11 and 12 o'clock. In many locali ties houses wero so visibly shocked to alarm the inmates, who sought refuge in flight. It seems to have been con fined to a triangular ares bounded on the east by the Atlantic const, and on the west by lakes Erie and Ontario, and on the south by a lino drawn along the parallel of latitude from Cleveland to New York. It was of short duration, und, so far as we havo learned, did not result in any loss of life or serious damage to property. LlTT I.v Disuist. Gen. J. D. Cox, Sccrctnry of llio Interior, has resign ed his seat i tho Cabinet of Grant. It issaid that his removal was brought about by Gen. Cameron, ar.d the blood letting" Chandler, from Mich igan. J ho former is thu most noted oulsido tho Peniten tiary, and the latter tho greatest drunkard oulsido an Assylum. Their work is, no doubt, for noble purposes, und together wilh Grant will inaugu rate something startling. uaiiy anu ncxi Uircnu n war. l lus , "pe.eni person ncsuaies, prooa- : My preferring a domcsttiu Bkirmisl, with the demoeruls to a war wilh ' England." The editor of iournul in ouostion certainly know. Morton ,,w.j - ..iJo1 in InJisn. "Itii'il hmu." I While many .-..ll.-.l I'eii:oi int r...i.ilv.l..l lViii.tirHv rriML'.'.l , , ' v Vll polith al c anvass, the people df M in-1 r.u it are LeKiimiiifr to loinprehend that the ininiile the .ni IV (d- the Con- mitutioii hullrracto war iiL'ainst tho validity of those uhoininations. the vote hml-eil over tlie clinsiii mi, Inn,", lilitMoI'lheSlatesiindlrueWepuhlieanjand ullow the party in power to rob, . lihortv nro rone forever. Comment- i plunder mid pillage for another year, i J . . ... ,. i I.,,.. i.. ; niir utmn 1 rcsnlenl (u'lierai iinini a inlerlerenco in jhsmhii. ai.airs, aim tho leiult'iicv f of liadicalism to ride I roih'hHhod over every monument ot I CIVIC ie freedom, tho 8t. Louis 7r;iMWi. I ctin says : ' The national l!epnliiean party ha vil luiiov uei'iun-u uiliiiost inn i iiiiit oi of Uaww n.. i .1 : .1. (dolm.Kii0 utiairit in tlicirowii wnr.anil assumed for tho Federal Government tho right to regulate thoso nfl'airs for them. It declares against all conces sionsof power to the people that would I ii-fimii'il (he iliiiniiiuiiL nartv's U-nure j of )()lver h fcvAtvA ti,,a iVst oiillm, j diNiVnncliiHcmcntu, ntiti prosorintioiitt aro tho limner and healthful oifeneies ol republican government, in peace, i . liberties the people of a State are al lowed to possess, they hold simply at thcsufVcrauce of the Federal author ity. Tho cvont is an alarming asser tion of the supreme oull ority of the central government, and of its right to invade the Stale with its civil agen cies, to control elections, and decide domestic questions. Such un issue, so authoritatively made, cannot bo con fined to our Sluto. It w ill bo made to extend to other Stales, and will, in the end, become a leading national issue, with tho Republican party avow ing tho extraordinary claim, and the Democracy sternly denying it. "Every day the South is justified in her strugglu for Stato Jiights, and, every day, the war Democracy aro bo ing taught the bitter lesson that when Ihey made it possible for the South to bo vanquished, they struck a murde ous blow at the beautiful system of government framed and transmitted I un.phs. White men will not support by tl.o Fathers. And what is the: a policy which degrades their own reason now that so little enthusiasm race and elevates to power reprcscn is exhibited ull over tl.o country, not tatives of a horde of semi barbarous withstanding most important elections in four great Slates aro close at hand ? It is because the cowdurdly, limo serv ing Democratic leaders have debauch ed tho people, and striven, in effect, to reconcile them to the belief that tl.o grossest usurpations are not to bo questioned any more, and that the most important matter in the universe is for a few oil ico seekers to retain lio.spssion of their mil Tlw. neoiile will never rallv on nnv sm h baso issues, and they will be us itrno n.iniotisly led as tho French forces havo been, fo long us men are permit ted to head tho column w ho are doing their utmost to savo their loyal con sciences and fat positions by sharing thee, ime they committed in 101 with what they call"dend issues" in 1 H70. There never was more stupendous fol ly than to suppose that Democracy can win a victory worth having by stealing the night shirt of Abu Lincoln for un orillum.-no. The Radical Pres ident and tho Radical purly mean to destroy tho Slates by centralizing the Government. And foolish Democrats havo the hardihood to believe that this despotic nndertaking can be defeated by endorsing usurpation ami accept ing the enemy's platform ! Was there ever such madness? Was there ever such stupidity ?" Avgutla (la.) Con stitutionalist. Columbia. One hundred and six-ty-seven nigcer votes, formed tl.o re serve of tho Radicul army in Columbia on Tuesday. On this reserve the Rad icals based their hopes for a glorious victory The Democrats were to be routed horso, foot anil dragoon ; not a vestigo wag to remain to show even tho wreck of a part-, and Tow Hill was to blaze, in its glory ! Rut, alas for the emptiness of human calcula tions, what dn-wc sec ? A Democratic victory ! The hist hope of Radicalism is fading away. Thostafl'upon which it leaned has proven to ho a broken reed, and it lies upon tho earth wal lowing in its weakness und Hastiness. Tho people have spoken, and tl.o pep per und sail legions have vanitdicd Irom sight; fled like all'rightcd de mons from tl.o presence, of a superior power. Columbia Borough stands ro deemed from its long thraldom, and no effort of Radicalism shall again, forever, bind our people to tbo wheels of its Juggernaut. Three times three; and again a valley of cheers lor the old and tireless Democracy ol Colum bia. Jlrrail. ISkf.ciu.r's New IUi.l. Ucochcr's Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, was crowded on Sunday last to hear the great preacher on tl.o subject of the till urn punishment of tho wicked. Mr. Ileecher's views aro set forth pretty plainly in the following para irruph from tho New York Sun of Monday Inst. Ho says: "It was clear from the divine reve lations and from tho teaching, ol ex perience that transgression of law was associated with punishment; that sin and peuulty weru inseparable. Gross ly i.iiitc.ini in.ngcs bad been ucd to indicate tl.o sullcring of tl.o wicked in tho I ii turn stato. But hell wus not a material tliune. A hell could exist in the soul of man, scarring und tor menting H and causing n.lcnser lor mcnt to it than actual lire could inflict ... upon the mere hotly. Theso terrible iilens of hell derived from tho middle ages wero the emanations of filthy and depraved minds, wero nn indig nity to llio intelligence of n.un, and a slander upon Uod.'' The Patriot says the colored troops fought nobly in tl.o Sixteenth Cot grcssionul district for tho radical tick Not less than a thousand ol them I a whole regiment voted for John Cessna, and ho is still defeated, for every negro 'torry" who wus inarch ed up lo the polls for Cessna, a while republican citizen walked up und vot ed for Meyers. Thai's tho wuy it was done. CJniastic fiioi'iTs We notico by the report, that (ho earnings of tho Union Pacific ltuilroud for September amounted to tho sum of STi..r)J0.03. Whilo the expenses Wero only fl'sf,. !."( OK, lenving the net earnings 1112,- 302.S5. This is certainly a handsome profit. Missouri has furnished I ho latest lennitlon ol "on-loyalty. ltcons.sts in nn c(rrt to confer on white men cquul political privilege with negroes Hinl'"'"" hus now a Coiled Slates ' S" 0I,gh!" ' ' ' ' Svmikv Th riiiladi lhil,i my: I'ediii I tho noro vole "" ( n-t hy the lute Ih.di. aU ol U no, at ,ie al( ,.e, lion , it ii I the I IciiHu riil hu t is niipment lute Inon deserted the Uildu nl y the tli.iuiinil. 1 hey would not he put on a level if not Mm w iiejrrocn. Hut tho nolul nero a iniumy i-ihihi;" . , yiuw u.u i-- 1 I liey now eo ami iiniiersuinii uio rein jmrposc und meaning ol'iiero Kiifl'rno. They behold herd ol ignorant Mgntvn solid lor tho Ladieal parly, linpar-, lial sulli'ago is a farce. It has no j meaning, as interpreted hy tho man-1 nrers of tho liadi. al organization.- ! Tho nero has a riht to voto lor ihcir ' eandidaios. lie has no rijjht to voto; n-ainrttthem. Thin M the posiiion 0r; tho men now r.iiing me nartv in all parts of tho country, and ; while citizens are doserlinir the black staiidar I .. lit. n.n l...n,r,. I ...... . v i racy. 'J Ins fact is demonstrated - an unmislakuhlo manner by thu re cent result in Pennsylvania und Ohio. A GllEAT Rki'Uiii.ican Yictohv. The Lai. caster Intt (ceHciTsays: Dem ocrats aro not disposed to bo riudic live. Even in the midst of an elec tion triumph they rejoico with moder ation, and mingle feelings of pity for their opponents with tho joy ol t no j hour. e aro sure there is not Democrat in Pennsylvania who will envy the Republicans, the great victo ry they claim to havo ichieved in South Carolina. All four of the Rad ical candidates for Congress huvc been elected Hint out of the Jnur art nc irors. That is a filling result of tho polio- of the party, a truo Radical triumph. Let thecannoni be brought out, u nd tho weikin bo made to ring with shouts over this magnificent Re publican victory. Tho time is not far distant when tl.o party will be left to i depend upon negroes for ull its tri Africans. SLASLtniNQ "TUB GoVF.UXMF.ST." Al a regular mcoting of tho Sons ol at tho Cooper Institute, New York, last week, Mrs. Dr. Mary E. Walker, attired in her peculiar stylo ol dress, delivered an entertain ing and effective temperance speech, in which she alluded to President Grant in terms the reverse of pleas ! ant, airing instances in whit h hu had hecomo so befuddled with intoxica ting drinks that ho had to bo taken homo hy his friends. Mrs. Dr. Walk er milled thut his intellectual powers hud hecomo so torpid that they were not equal to Fish's. Look Aftf.r that Ntono. The Philadelphia Le:lyr says, Benjamin S Tamer, the colored Republican eundidalo for Congress in tho Seliua District of Alabama, is making a vig orous canvas un the plulform of "uni- rtr.ii amnesty, unioertut mffniiit, ami uiiirrrtal repudiation of the Xational ilt ld. 1 hut negro thinks bis brethren will gladly vote to repudiate the debt in order that they may ho relieved from tho little taxes they pay, und we have no doubt ho know his poo plo well. Turner needs looking after by tl.o mngnutes ol his pnrty. JstSo. Hon. II. L. Richmond, in a recent address before tho Stato Con vention of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, held in Philadelphia, Said : "licing a Methodist, it follows as a logical sequence, that 1 am a Repub lican . Jlow lollows us a logical se quence ? If tho .Methodist Church is simply looked up:n as a recruiting station for party purposes, then the position is correct. But if "my Church is not of the world," then we fail to sco why being a Methodist should necessarily mako a man a Republican. But perhaps wo arc of tl.o earth, earthy. Tl.o Republican majority in the Senate of Pennsylvania last session, was three at llio next it will on'y be one. In tho IIouso of Representatives, the majority was tirenty now, if the Radicals havo ten or a dozen to spare, they will ho lucky. In the face of the infamous Apportionment hill, which now disgraces Pennsylvania, this re sult is extremely gratifying. If tho Democracy fail to eapturo tho Icgis. lat.iro al tho next election, it will ccrlainly be their own fault. I Tho New Y'.rk Jlerall, speak lig of tho Democratic triumph in Imfianu, says: "Senator Morton, to nilvcnl such a victory to tho Pomocracy came to this city a few weeks simi, and succeeded in securing fifteen thodtutid dollars, tho pouter part of which was raised in the Custom. house, to ba in vested in tho recent canvass " tl'.ney wa lavishly used hy the Radicals in tl.o late contest. Greenbacks and ne groes lire the only hnpo of the party in power. I Tho Pennsylvania delegation)!! the present Congress, stands eighteen Ro publicans to six Democrats, la the next Congress, Pennsylvania will be represented by thirti'en Repuhlicntis. rra lemot ratsaniJi)n(!lnilependent l.o 1 , ' . ,""mn 1 J"'m",w It 'Q t llllll llr 1 i.i'tiu i inun i'ii'liit. en V. . I 1.1! i rt -- I - - - - j ' tl.o 11 til instant. Let us have a fejr more of tl.o sumo sort. j 5tfiv tUrvtiSfincnts. i iuhmsithatoh'h noth'i - Xol J ii hereby Riven that lrlt.-ri.if a-l.nitii.lrnt n on the eilale of Mia MARV J. KDI.LY, de ll, late of Oieeola, Clt-arfl-lil eountr, IVnn'a.. hlv- in. Iieen duly ictaiit.'il In the rn li riixned, all er- l"l''''l ."! e.mie .ill plen-e make it mmt, unci thfe havinr rlmuit nr flrmpin'U (in-u nt thrm iniMTlv mHbcniii-itriJ (omrttltiMnl uu kllimmn'c mili'iul Mt Inv. , I'lHUl' lintiM'.rl, A.luiinistmtor. O-rrnU MilN, ?(,, lf.7 f,t. Yoke of Callle forTale l 1 ti .r (All 1.1 cuitni'lr fnT U et njt or HUT . IVrttont ran iw ihr-m bj ctiimp tt my r,i.rm,t' in Lawrfin-f tfiwn.ii). ort2ft 3i.a. THOMAH W, I'HERSOS. stovks ! (msmiSi FRKD. RACKET!", At hi. Plot, and Tinwre GMiMiilimrat, o Market llreet. marie open. He the J,i, ), (leu Bneal and eheapeii a-iorlnirnl of Cook and I'ailnr Stove, rier l.tontbl lo tn.n. Ammt iheri he hai llie juitly rekbraOd "TIMI'.N" ('(MtKSTIIVR, Which ilonanf the heat a. will al rilKAI'FsT now made. All per.n. in want of any thin of the kind are rr.-pectfnlly invited to call .nd ac. fur th.-tni.lic.. larc. .....rlraent of TINWAIlE, le ,o. hand. Jolibit Hon. to order. rurn. fttrKKTT JUtr Adifillofiiifula. I' lT lll'JI HdltN liltAW N Full NuVl'.M I l.r Term, lo;il. irT tin, f V Iaiii........ll..-aiia.lmnr.,..CiTiii. ton Smtiu.-I r-uiol. rlni... Hi II. Join) SnnmiMii.l trmtii-M .lltllll'li .lainr" lo;rir. .In. .nti liiunirnr.liirr " .Im'oltH t.iiH'R Ilniilv William ll. i.rt III.... in A V llilon... T-lwin I i-ier.. ' Hi nrj hl'iMc.,, " Mirhanl tkrr.Pt'-atur .1 It li"iiniiiir ' .lllIIH'P Mvun (liitn-li K Kinkt'V llnilttu V K Mi will'. " rimrlii lin.wn,., " HiiKrrt Ltdiile Jordttn li K llliH.m 1,-iwnino Anvdii liouliprtv.Miirri MitH. Mcriillv..'.0efH)ltt Nni(nii Lim a ( li i'n (t-'orgi? HnntTKnx, '" It.ilirrt 'ntinr..lliirlip')i ,....m . ' j ,,,,,,,, ' ,..,. itrnn-ti.. itiiiii.Hri Alirulimn l(nlniHl..J'lirt (i,.rr m,.ciiv M.C Wi.inl '"t'iT.. V,..K Ttiuloil, i A K,,.l..n l..s.ur wiiimm Krii Ii. II w T Tlioui.i.ii.. Thuum A Mi-Oi.... IllarnrTrni " V"r' ,)v ;'"" " ; r.........(iir.rIl ,mnu Sm.ui !s i Hut.ion ouhrh J a ooinij(c..lirB-ifuril Ju. jrurkteu..,Hutnn - ,;,l',,;,", - Jr - "t !l,J-,w,'rou J';r,lu" j . U,., -ui.,u...l.iwri-iRT It A il.ii.... IMili'ii I'rltiir .Murrifl i r,n..llr.,ly ; r l i W"' '"''' S M'Kwrn.N.M Huliinjiru fr( . winifni... lulm liiniiiirrlr..Ot--itu IIiiIhtI H lliU' " loH-iili Newmuier..lVnn WttHli.tanlii-r. liurniiilt- M .M inkling, " .lulm Krj. Client I Hubrr. .Seciier 1'ike 11 K SltTlMig...llr.iiu-lillliiJ Wmy. riMlltl, LIST, Fill! NOVKilllElt Tlilt.M X Is"e. rniT WKKK. 1. Mir;iill v. t-tioff. 2. H;ijiTty'i cki-cutori.. Ti. Ji-tlricfl. 3. Ilui-rty! txorutnri.. Vi. Jcflriti. 4. llluom va. bnriivr. b. lllutiiu x.'C.iil.cll. C. Occful. Cual Cu Ti. OiJiH. 7. Ili-nr v. l.j-Ofl. 5. Irwia VI. t. Himlrr vi. t'u..k lli-IL III. Mori-.n.vt .1 vi. (ii.ih, rt .1. II. llnu.rr vi. t'l.ry, cl .1. i. (iall.j-Hir.. vi. Fiii-LHt. 11. Ill Ham VI. ilargcr'l tltatc. II. SiirJor Ti. Mitchell. Ij. C.lilwell VI. KtTDI. III. lLp'rtv'i r.wutiiri.. i. llr.uil. 17. Jruki'l heinL. vi. riRbt. I. llt liry Ti. llilK. r, et al. IV. Uni vi. Cuttle. 211. Irrorh TI. ll.lo. ViiikUuz Ti. Brother.. 22. bnie vi. !.ung. 2.1. hhoff vi. Mioir. et .1. 2i. Wurrall vi. hiiyder. liituKD i:r.K. 1. Unit?.. ti. Carter. 2. .Mi-l ullv A J'attenuu vi, Cutuniinirs t al. .1. Oti!. vi. I.aiigilun A biveo. 4. Carry vi. W aic.uer, t at. ft. Carry vi. Kitcliro. 6. Hrooki va, Hum. 7. (Jni ii. lain. 5. Mill, r vi. M.-Mmteri. V. bit. vi. MotiarTi-y. K.. .MlirRAI! vi. dun. 11. Outline TI. I.u.rie. 12. Woulri'lpr vi. l.auiil.friT. VS. Wv M-Saul Ti. Mi-rrell. H. Hay A .M. N.ul.. va. Itlaucliaril. I . Tliitn iu. vi. Whv. II. Ili-rtlriu li. W liilr. 17. Iiillf n vi. Httiniiirnil.iiKu. Is. M, .trilling, et al vi. WriKlil.rtaL Itf. Itrainifl ti. I .i xht ni-r. 2". Jlnkil n. Iiunkill.arger. 21. Krli.rd VI. I.ylle. 22. Chauitirri vi. rUibmnon, et al. i2:i. ltuiilur 1 1. Vi ,rra. 21. n .vtiloii ii. t p I. itniff, ct al. 2j. 1- iibrr, Isuiil Ii, rt al.. vi. Panti, et .1. NEW MARBLE YARD i I inii;iiu nc; t FIMIK UMrr!.rnril tukei ttiii method of inlt.rm 1 inr the oilifrai of lb. waiter, end tif the enmity that h. tiai upeued a Alafblu V.rd. for (be mauuUrtur. of Tuinliatonr., IHutlumrnt. Iliad and Foul Mlnnta, Ac. dr. I employ none till tb. heat frurkaen, led use the best material. All onlrri promptly Ulli-d and tht work warranted. Adlre all L'tli-r to IIAMKI. Ooolii.A.MlEIt. Lulli.tiburg, October 21, 1ST!). Bandies' Fancy I'ur.s! JOHN FAREIEA, 718 aiui arar-cr, Mi.l.llr of il.e lllork, Wl Tib A Sib sti., Stmtb side, riiiuuiapiiiA, Importer, Mnnufai-turer A l.ealer ill .11 klttdl .nit ualilv of FANCV KfltS, ; 4 For L.diti' and Cbitdreo'i ..--- weor. HaviiiK rnla-.r.l, rrmo.l. lnl and improved ai old and laiur.hlr known Ki ll KM Poll I I'M, anil nai inn imp. ii te a . cry lara-e and plemlid .jmirt menl of all tha diffcri-nl km. I. of For. from Aral hand in Fur-pe, and hare had lli'-m made up by in. ino-t ikilllut w.irkm.-n, I trout. I rrpi-ellully iut inen.i ol I learned an.l a'tiatiol roun lici to eall .lid examine niy very Inrjre and lieao- tilul aoorltii.-nt of Fan. y l'un, fur l.adin and Children. I am toi.ll at a. low pri'ei ai any oilier reipeetal.t. Ho... in tlm city. All Fur. Warrautcd. flo uLrepreleola-ioni to rffect John fa num. octiO .-.tii 718 Arch Klrrol, I'biladrlpliia A CHEAT MEDICAL WSCOYERT Dr. WALKER'S CiLIFORWIA VINEGAR BITTERS 44 Hundred! flf Thniiftandi e s ill ii VHAT ARE THEY? S fi 2 u X t m M 5 lit ni Hi ati VJ CL 1: M TITTf A KOT A Til.S 5 f Is FANCV DRir. K.b'2 VaVlrof Pod.- l.uui, '.VLickoj, I i, rpltil etii l.t'lii( tttntra iljt u.r,J, ri ir-tl ttuUv ci te. 4 f llcsn-1, l;.i.c,"".t.-i,tt,"'AiiiHt.I. rr." 'l.'fBt. r-r.- r., mi i. .1 t, i r:-i,r a 0 diiiukrmi.ei .rt I'tf ..rr-1, irit- rim-, n hIp f.nni t!.t -! re l,..iftni Kit'.' tf i ar.f,rii:, irrr Irntu nil Alrnh.'l.r M (h n In n lUey nr ii a l.l(lT lll.dclll II Nil I lit end A MFIi f.M IMl I U t S( I I'l.V' p rh rl llrn..vE.r ir4 Ir.Tif,.irl r . I in. -Mlt.i:.rarr),.i o til .ilnonei:!i inett-r - d r-M ri., o . i a lu L aitt y ct MJitui.. Sopr"ii tin U It-en r!ltctl ctnulij toflrrr- Ho t r(" rrn-i tUx nf.wi'H. X l i- it: tit !&&f& i . i rn i . " a o b V (.on" rv i. I d.iiporrd by i).:cri.l to..,.n or r liter ten; t.n iltlM; ,tl k ul,d tcj oi.d tl.t po:at riTRir, Inr lufliif- i.trry rr.l ( brstnlr Ithmmft t.m mid tirnt, tiprilB, rr In4!(9rila. HilltitBK, Hi iiitn ttt ii nd l.tlrrailtifni I-cvriA Ilrfl iht ll Inr d, I.lrr. Kldnryt, knd lilndiirr. Ukp ltiitn I nvo nnn nmt h.ih lilktrciH -n iro fatttd y hltitrd riotid, h rh is , i-cra'jr isnJucfd Vj dmur went ttJt.n- )lSrtlvi Oitnntj. UVM'l I1A Hit lnH.TION, Prwl rhr, I 'I'll .i lh,-M, I iat.h, 1 4-I....IH. rf llitt Citcit, Hl7rnrt, t-.-ur hmrlrttoT rf U,- H. mrh, l.d-vnt. In the H'u:h, i; u,M,t AiterkK, rmlp.ittl. .. cf the llnri, Ii for n n of II, r l.a-jr". I'sin la the reirlort of llw M(tn-)-,, d a I undn d olbcr JtIal ) -tnrlotn, ftrr llif , Cj r't r-f l j pprpf' , 7h ylLTlj. irotn htrmafh tnd f.tlmBll tho of rW lltrrand bt'Wfta, vhirh ti northern of unequalled tfResrrln cleanrUnt U,r 1 . f a!Htrpnrlilr, ard Unrrtlnx ttf l.fc vA Lffnr lo tb hole ) trm. I OIt MUX l)Ii:AMr,r.n.ttlmi.Teltrr.Pa I;hi un.l'.uuhi.f ,hiu, l'ltn j irt. I uuulra,,f', ar taml, LUf - Aoin a, (rul.Mlral.L,rt F'Te, Krvrl rlaa.llr ( ctir. I !ef .lorat tnna rf the Hkln, lli:ir.or aud Ithv atHvuttir M,!n, ,f wfittevcr naave or titers rt lltrralljr ilug i.p at dearrlrd o:l of tlic prairm la a hop t:mt y hc ir of thir Hitter. tn iKilMe In tM-a eat wt:i ennice U. Biiet iDercduktnat, thtlT curative ir-xt. t'liar.t tba Ylt'a'M MM heef t ynn drd tta irmrlt;ra bint an -h tVa-Jn HltmplM. I mp. tU oa r t t,i; rl. ai.iv ti fa a yn find it otstrt.rt d aM ?fi,ifh li tie r'i: rlrRne It wtwii II t rvt. r.dyrtrfh.rtmiM, 1 Keep UN blood rorr a..d I' r a- altrt .f t :e r7t.n1 lllftlrm. TIN, TA I It a;.d ir U oK1h, nrtinjr In !!. arttrnief n naiir ftmvaDda. ar rffrelrallf imnj t lao ln raoTid. I or full direction., ruad eairrnllj IM flrreiar arnrd Mrh kotllr, prlnt-d Ui fjor laj raf nKt.Ui.Oemim, rrracta ftikd Fpauimh. j. w.vLurn, rror-iirfcr. n. n. KrnomAi.r t co D-rtrn and Oen. ArTta, Pan rnnrkw, C1m ad tt and U Coctmeroe Mtrt-t, Kv Tor a tr-'vn jt it, ht-i tFtmt. )Uu AdirrtlscmrnK. OCTOBER, 1870. J. & r. COATS' UK ST SIX-CORD, IS NOW TUE 0XI.V T II IK i: A I Tut lip fu tbi AuK-ric&n m.rkrt wkluli ii Fix Conl in .11 number, From No. 8 to No, 100, Inclusive, FOR HAND AND MACHINE. IV-r vnl y lU'doulcrff io Irj (loo'lr tnJ NllfHUlfa. Oft.l- lm (CAUTION. All pfroni are hereli? notifio.! ' nol lo purcrmw a eerinln l'ltoji lrHK V NUTK jriven by Ntiney Mct'rsrken In mv ftivor, dul.-.i al-.ul tl.r 2 I or ;M Jut of Mav, IM0. and cnllinj lor i'tvQ, ai lite uiu ha len lut ur ato Un from me IcAlAJl liLOU.M. K'lt-r IU, is;n 2(jm1. lirAXTi:i)l The H-bool Din-ctorr of Kr y I timi" ("wnchiii wi-b tu emiiloT ttirve com jiolpiit TEACH Kit?1 lo tak charge ot the acliuolit d and townnhiii t no oomiiiir winter. ApiilH-a tlon, Willi mujrvp, to Le made lu the I'mnli-nt or Secretary, bu can be a titi reaied at bull Lu k P U., Cbarlicid eountr, l'a. J. W. rOTTEU, Prefident. Josn-a Giij.ii.Axi), Seereiary. otilv 3t 1 rTIt A 1 St raved from the tibriliiT In j ltradr iiwnlMp( a' tout the Cril of Miiy last, a large HKD It I LI,, four yearn old, wilb while 'otf, tar in the fi.rebeail and Urje ftraiht Unrtn. Any infuruiation will He thtitikfully re ceived, ard liberal reward will lie given to any one for tin prbcDiion and detention. I'lcsae addrrii J1KNKY AC HA VI'. Cct. 15-3:iJ. Troutville, CUarlield Co., lXMCXTOHS' MUKT,-.Nuticeii bere J i by friven tbat Let ten TetUtimitarr having ln-n uraiitrd to the ruhfRriber. on the Kitatc ol KLIAlltlTIl SVIKAL, deed, lute of Ilroilford townnhip, t'leartlcld county, Pemiftyl.Hnia, fall erfunti indchtrd to Mid Lntatc are re(jurted to make Itumrdiate iayuietit, and tliune bavin a; claims ajruinst the tame will present tbtm duly authenticated for feltlr-nient. JiLLlS SMKAL, Executor. Otober 19, IsrO IXIH I TtliriH NOTICE Nutice it bere. J by s-iven that Irttera testamentary ha ring tt ti tranlet) to the lulnwriber on the estate ol (il.ul'J.K SMKAL, dtcaaed, late of Bradford township, ClearnVId county, I'cnniylTania, all pertMins tndi t.ttd to said estate are reUtnttii to rnnke immerliate payment, and tboee bating eliiims arttntt (He annta will prtieut them dul autbetit.cated fur aettleuient. WILLIAM Is MEAL. LLL1S fc M L A L, October 19, IST0:dt:pJ. Kieculorf. W ESTERN HOTEL. Oppotite tb Court Houte, CLEAR FIELD. P E NN'A. AccommoJatiotit firi-t clo and cbarri moderate. (5 JOHN F. VOI'NO, Proprietor. HENRY RIBLING, HOl'Sfi, fiMN A OHNAMENTAL PAINTER, ClcirGcld. renn'a. The frrfwolnic an ! paintina: cbtirbci an-1 other puMio buildmc iH receive particular attention, as will hi the pain tin 2 of carnages and Icijrhi. ttildin d'me iu the neat i si alylvti. All work warrant d. Sb-p on r'uarth street, formerly occupied by Ktiire Miug.irt. ocllV 70 FOR JSA L E ! TIMlltll LAND IX 1 KUur.-OS T0W.,SIILI,: rilltR inl.aeriher ofTen fur aate a Tatualil, traet I of Timber Latiil, .ontaininjr lot! .erea, litn.te Id tli, ahore nntiied lownibip, wilbin tbree niilei of l.oin.ier I'ilr, oo tbe rua.l lea.linK lo Anionrille lariitf on both liilei of l.itlle Cle.rflrlil Creek. Kuitalil. for UziTf, if dciirfl. Any on. wi.b init to ..certain Ibe termi or look ,t the l.ud, will find Ibe un.leriliitd t lieorpe Slr.w'r, one mile .ml . Ii.lf auulb of l.umU-r Cil v, on tho road leading to New Millport. I1AIINAI1AS ARMr-TIlONU. Lumber City. October I'J, lf;o Juip L Ai'-iiTni.iuirirt, i i.aviihimTiex. If Tit ACT. " are warranted equal to any made. Tlier ar. iirr ared from tb. friiiti, and will lie fuutid tnueli Im ttrrlhnn uanr of tbe Ktrael, tba! are lold. Ak your tlrueer or llnteeiit for Wilt, birder '. Kxtraet.. IJAHI.OW H l.NUI iO lll.l K il, without duulil.tlie li..l artirl, in the market for bluehiK riot he. Il will i-ol..r more water than four titnn the anino wcisbt of imlio, .nd mueh mora than anr other aa.h blue in tbe market. Tbe onlr r'tinine in Hint nut nn at AI.HlKll'S Dltl tl S lOllK, No. S i:i North feeiirid Mreet, rhiladi-lphia. Tb, lahrli have both tv i It berg-era and I'nrlow'a name ontbem.all other, are eouuterft it. tor lale b nimt (irtH-rri and V ILTIiKIKi Kit S IN ULLI III.E INK will be f.nind on trial to he a luperinr artirle. AIwbti on hand and fur lale at r'amnable pri.-oi. I'.ire II round fpim, (ienuiue iledirim a, l liaiiioir Skim. K. in.', i. Tapioca l'earl, tago, and all arucire in ine nru nil., al A I.I IthD W ll.rllKIIUKR'S I.Rftl STORK, iim No. in North rj.-c ild til., l'liila. New Meal Markel. rpilH underiii-ned hav, opened a Meat Market in the roum lurnirrlj oiti..ii., by Alexander I r in. on .Mnrkft itreat. rlearfiiM, t'a , ailjuinni); iner iui.n.1 10 ae.p a luppIT ol All kind, of .Meat, Fruit (nd Vegetable., And at "fi r to h it inn Tiara." hbop will be open regular!., on Tueidnr, Tbun.laT and rial nr.lav. and moat dilirered at any point. A ahare of public patronare tl r.-ipoetf.ill.T I'dieilf d. M.' II. HHOH S. i:. W. Ill; OWN. TW.M o r-.ntinue lo deal in all kind, of improved Agricultural I tuple mnta. 1'lrarHel 1, Auciiil at, li7ll If. TEETH ! (STfrM TEETH! EXTRACTED FOR 25 CENTS. Evlra-te.t with the um- of Nithai Oirn 0.. and Loi t. AvinKi4. ftbe nn) barmleni and eOii'tMit Aniribeiici now in uce.j bjr S. J, HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, OK Cl KM ENSVILLE, FA., WhowmiU lien1y mi-Pi rciiectriiMv nlurn h thru., f ir tbe literal iiarnnnira u the nst, ard inionn ine u'.iip he tins rcmotre.t his ofli ... t..r t-Mnit r i .-Mine run i.ooni titreeta, (.ver Jcukitif More., where he is irrparf-d to rocrive Ins ruti.n,i ru in newly fitted un rot'io, nn) do ilvtr Hoifc in llir no-t skillful an I wm kninnlikc nmnper. w work d ne in I 'ie Utr-t and most aj j-iovej tt; left, an I guarautce j. Ir. II ati w.ll le en-fitffd in h ofric from (lie i-t to thp Z.U of eieli mmrh. Tbe balnnfd caih month be will rj.nd in Ijlen Hope-, Hurn-ide and l.mniTM urjr, altrnil ly. Tiirties rmi titijr i a nisianre simuM wrt'e fi it pre ious of their com in p. t)fl"n- botir-. Iro in f to 1 it o'clock, a. id., ami from 1 to i oVl li, p. m. IVe use pone hut the vrerylciil mnlerlnt, and d'-fr n. munition lor beauty, rhninej and dura bility, ttive as a cn'l. t urwensi illr, l'a., Vay ami nortiiiT, fold l xniANt; i:n ox mo.t LIIIFRAL TLI1MS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Mnrkft llatra. COUPONS CASHED, racifio R. R. Bonds rouglit and Sold. r-Tot'K Monrjlit and Sold on Com. mKftloti only. .fAie. initp reeeived aaj Inlernt aMowrJ on Vatanoea, iul..i.ct lo check at liftbt. AV S 9 ljr 4(1 Bnnth Third Ptre.1. I'nil.d. l,.l,ia IRI'IT C AX -Mni.(rlnre,l from the l.o.l rharroal tin. frorrd and lol.lerrd oa onl.i.le and waerantnl lir ,ale h. ii. F. M1" rrt a ro. wKKT PtltATOLf, FeptemWr Jlrlra at C. KR-mi.TV!. I'ppoMle the Jail. OTOVKS Ironsides A tanner r;.ks, Hunres. tO J trior iMorea. T,a KrMltt A n,lllrrii DEj&YEK&Blia lOorv.i. Id- 4ai Al C. KR iTTCR'A. UisrrUnnrotii, SIX T -I'll V :MR't PMIr. M I.I) A in A AMI. hi. 1 II K UHKAT 11 A I. T I M O II U PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., AtannfAclurtra of GRAM", KQl'ARE I t I'll Kill T PIANO FORTES, HALTIMOKB, MU. These lustrutncnti hare been before lite ,ublie for nearly Thirty years, and nuii tbeir cirellence alone attained an oupurchnnfd pre.rDiiuence, which tiroouunccs them iinerjuai.d. Tbur TU.Vt combines (treat power, sweetness and Sue liiiffinr unalitv, as well as treat liuri'y of intonation, aud sweetness throughout the entire scaii. Tbcir T O I' (' II Is pliant and elastic, and cut inly from tbe stiltiietl found in so mnnv I'ianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalid, uaitif none but tbererT best seasoned material, tbe larfre eapitul employed in our business rmtbliiift us to keep constantly an Immense stock of lumber, io., on band. ;f-f-AII our funto 1'ianos have ur New Irn proved (Herslruriir htle and tbe Ajrratle Treble. jrvrWe would eall special attention to our Into iuipmretnents in Grand Pianos and Square (.rands, Patented Aujr. 14, l-nl. which bring the l'iano nearer I'erleclion than has yet been attained. Every Piano ully Varrant:d tr Jiu Years We have made arrangements for the sole Whole sale Aifi-ncy fur tbe tuo.t Celebrated I'arlor Organs and iUWodeoni, which we ollur W holesale and Itetail, at Lowest Kaetorv I'nces. WILLIAM k.VABK A CO., Iv'pt. 21, ISrO Clq. liuitmiore, Md E MTAISMBII IHAI. II iatbvat Fllrer Meilat. awarded or.r all oouifietilioQ, at klecbaniea Llbibitioo, Hoelon, October, IBM. THE OIIIUIN'AL AND UEXl'INE SELF -REGULATING, wkouoiit mos, aih tight, GAS-C0NSTO127G EEATES, WITV fATJTEO DisT Fcaecjr, QnaTE Ha Hckti, Wrocuht I it on IIaiimtor, ASO AtTOMATIC lUOCLATOH, For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 sues fur brickwork, and 2 silts Portable, lust racTtrarD cxlt ar J. REYNOLDS &, SON, K W. eorner 13th and Filbert Streets, rillLADEtPIUA, PA. w These llecvlvrs are made tf IFvavy WnnTfrbt Imn, well riveted tosrether, and are warranted U be absolutely Mas and Iiust Tiphl. Tbey are tbe only U inters tbat are managed without any dam pers, and in which all kinds of fuel can be burned without alteration. Cooking Rsnpts, for Hotels, ftcftaurants and Families. Also, a Flat Top Heating Itauge. Fiie Place Heater-, Low Down Grates, Elate Mantels, ttegitttcrs, Ventilators. Putnt-hlelf giving full description, sent free, to any atinss. jj U iV ly THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES A IIP. AD Ol' AIL OTHKKS! L'iijhty Six Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eight y-Ont Marlines Made ond Sold the Past Year I! Till nambrr .xeeerf. hp rio.i.tfi la, rates of an, oth.r Machine, and tb. demand I, till incr.aitng ! THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK An tow being Dado and t.ld 1 THE EEASCXS VII Y: Because It embodirs essential principles not found in any attart Mact.ioe; keeauss of Its iiipliclty of eonstraction, aas of operation, uniformity of preeise aetiot. at any speed, and capacity for tha greatest range aiii taristy rf woik, fine or ccar.e. Parties aUMog to purchase itould Dot fail to examice this best of all Sewing Machines. I hT the agency for this Machine, and wil keep a full supply en hand.. J. 6. SHOWERS, May 4, WMf. Clearfield, Pa. YMlCAIU.i; MlTf AI. Life Insurance Company er NEW YORK. noxin E. IiWItlllT KTMIALI.. J. F. n. IIAMiKN II 0. 1'IFFAIUI, M. D.... V. M. T EI'D, Jr PntMrnl. Vir. rreiidcnt Beerelary ....Mediea) Examiner. Counicl. rpR (MICAIll l;.., Coun ted I.Ttom, of Ibe belt I'liitneil men of New York, aitb tlie olijeet of cnalin. an loilitiitmn tbat rti-nilit enaniiati't tlie e jntiilenre of lliet.ut.lie, ai a liherl, ...und and viporou Lile ltisnnn'e t-'etnpniiv, and his a hi el a suct-css beyond the rpc'tatins of i s mot saiiRuine projectors. The AMI( HLK olTrrt all i nip roved plans an-1 detirablc new (i-atures of modern Life Insnrxtice. and d rs not b!d nut promises or inducements t Imt cannot be made good. The A M If A RLI. has deposited enr hundred ilfMisand d. ilars in I'mnd Mates bonds with the I nsnrani'C Department of the .Mule of New York, as a guarantee lr the diachaige of every obligation. All claims a trnin.t the A M I TA T1LK are nromnilv and honnrahl.v dm hartc i ; in the event of denth tVifnrfu a on arcoNNl nfloant or A ft, rid itmiumt. A 11 Poli irs are non forfeiuble ! All In tJends are nou f. rreitab: 1 All Policies are inrtni(tahi ! Thirty days grace for payment of premiums! PrivileSa lo travel l.y Ur.d and aeaf n.ok of Pates, C.rcuUrs. A., fiirnished wpwn rpplication to the Company's aprcnts. WILLIAM TFCK TR, Agent fi r t barJi- M County. v. nAniir.TT. General Agent for Clemfirld, Centre, Jefferson, iartot) art r.ik countir. T. j, i!ow:rt, xi. d., Mni.fai fcxatiiiner. rtearnr'l. Aurnst 1 7, l7n .tm n.WIl) K HAMS' LUiYIBER MANUFACTORY, .NEAR H'THERsiirRtl, I I XS A. alt kin d of Lumber for LuiMina rnriioaea. l..J LATH FOR nnnrixo. n.AfTEItlSt! I.ATII, TAMXti.', r , ie. Ilia PlaHrrina; I.a'h ae .Tent, ,ne, ami .1 liff.-renl lrngtfii, to loit .utrhieraj Hi. IVtnri air four feel t..n. aul r-aJ L...ioUi. Ail Klnaa or .art I.,,mhn .ill w fnniiitird In orHer, and itelirered if 10 deilrej. Tiiee, mil j oe noerai, aoooriling lo qtialitr. . kin.l. .f nilAIN take. In ,ehanr for l.omher. I. illier.Wj P. 0., Jan. 1(1, !;. V- ,,nn,"'F".,, tirak,-. Iloollaad , H.raa,lloatvter'a and lire oe'. OiTreoatei lllti,,, , , rr, tlq..r,, .f all hiade for -.etHetnal aneno,.: f,...: v.. pniHio.. lor t.l. hi (fiUtralicnal. n. s. swanT bLIIUUL FOR GIRl CLKAIll IKIJi, V-a. riMIK F A I-l. TKI'.M of foart.a wf,i;,. J. ineii'w Monday, btptiniWr iifc, ; ' A PriiTiatr ill liarltnnn . 1 1 I.. .1. . ' " " " " 'iiiiii'rTKM)( petent Instructor hs?e been fi'em.j .llort will be spared lo render tbt it.u' attractira and instructi.e. ' TFRMH OF TL'ITinv. Kcadiny. Or(hojrrainy, Writing. 0!.J-Pt Lej. tns, I'riinary Aritbinatie and 1'rirntrt History, Local and descriptive Oeo?ri,"'L'j j r iiuuii, atbiti and Written Arithmetic Algebra and the Sciences " r,i.Ollt,..t. if. In,le..naal.l . ..... . ... iiauajuiaai allllir l. j mL I'll fainting, tt IVSBUlia, ,,,..,,. ,,,, i r , ,, "."". particulars send for ( ircular. Clearlield, crft. 7, lypd. n rARnrr n ArAnrv Rev. P, L. Harrison. A. M., Princ rtVIK FlUrT PKSSIOV of tbe aettfcl X Tp'ir of Ibis Institution Will coaiinfr-,1 M'iM'Al, tbe 5'h day of September. I;u. 1 Pupils ean enter at any time. Ihrr ir J char, d with tuition frotw the tine tiny nin 1 ine eiose oi me Session. The course of initruction embraces even i includt d in a thorough, practical and ai'cua-J ed education for Loth sexes. 1 be Principal, having bad tbe advaiii.H J much exj-erieuoe in bis profession, asm rrt it:,.l aim fruavruians mat bis entire aijility andJ win oe ncroicu to tlie moral ana mental tr j oi ine youin in , un'ler his rtiare'. (rtbofraphy, Kra-im, Writing, and u An tit luetic, per hessiun (11 J ursininar, ueogntpny. Aritniuttio ami ilislory i Aigvnra, ueouitiry, J rtrunonatry, alt-a suratlon, burveinjt, I'bilomphy, Physi ology, t'brmistry, Luok Keeping, Hot anr and 1'bysu'nl (norapby (jJ Latm, Oreek and Freoi-b. with any ol the 1 lMve Uiancb; s Ml Mt -I niw 30 tetsrinij Wrro dt duct. on w ill be liia-le lor auit-dbs. fiVkw further particulars imp ire of Hcv. p. L. UAUKlaUX. A. M Feb. 2, Prntnpa; Usfrllaurcus. II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOE (Store one door east of Clearfield ILust,) ilarketMreet.Ctear6etd,a. EF.PS un band a full assortment of G.J L Furnishing Uoods, such ai hbirts, Lt- and W ou I to I aderebirt. 1'rawere and fr I Neck ties. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves, fi,, ttnbrellas, e.f id great variety. Of kM Uoods be keeps tbe Best Cloths of ail "Shades and Colors Such as Rlark Doeskia of the eery bt k,J raacy I asiuiere, In great variety , also, rrt Coaling. Beaver. Pilot, Chinchilla, at, 4 Fm overeoatipg. All of which be sold chest' Cash, and made up according to the latest it by eiperienced workmen. Alo, Atrent for C'leartlelti county for I. .1 "infer a t'o'i. celebrated bewmg Machines Nov. I, IMflj-tf, i UUUJiit stoeah eartue.wae; OF EVERY liESCKIl'TlOXI CKOCKS! POTS! CROCKM riabcr'i Patent Alilll.t Self Stallijl rruit a. a ii, i Bl'TTKH tKUtkS, ari'h liiii, CHEAM PKOCKS. MH.K tROCa! Al l'l.K- PI TTER CHOCKS, l'ICKLK C'UoCkf, FLOWER I'OTS, 1'IE rJSL'E1 gTEw T1T3, AnJ a great nary otiur chli.a too auueriu'. menlt.n, to be haj at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAKE rOTTERT Corner o! Chnry r d Tljird CLKAHFILLP, PA. a-.j Xcw I'aMnet ! " TOPII ANNoN LAND AND LVMPER CCH .f A. PAN i tQt-r fi r sale Town Ltts in tt.s t ouu of Osi-oln, Clcartleld ccur.ty, Pn., izi J ri$ to suit pnrchascn outsule the hx is rf u boro'.sffh. t'sccla is fituaiid to ti.e M.'iwu frck. in t;ie riehc3t portion cf the cii.:ti Cleartiold, on the line if tht Tyrctei C ,i-;i. Ilailrond, wlnre tL IMtj'ban'-ou and Its-f-:i: branch reads inttmrt. It is alto in the fcc.rt the M shannon tusin, and lare bf'j.nt white (.inc. Ltuil.'ck. t ali, and otb?r tiitl tr ic I round iL One ol the larcost lumber n in.ttr I it g e:!a'i;btmiils m tbe tate it located id UiI town, while there are ni y other luuit-er ati I .bii:fr nulls arcuntl it. The town is tut tt i. rears old, And c iiUins a pvpuiation cf cjs li.i I satid in'iai'iton'. Kor further Informal icn rpty t tls- I oi tue aocva compiitiv. JOHN l.AWIiE. apr!4 fn.r -nulenderL SAWS! SAWS ! SAWS! PISTAS'S CROSS CCT, MILL, PRA0 ANS CIltCULAIl SAW3. Boynton's Ligbtiiing CroE6-cut Ssw . AI.S0, TATEST TERFORATED 4 ELECTRIC For ,a! It II. F. BTGLKR A CJ. VKt' TII SHOP I FUED. SACKETT, Mar.ufaclurer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware. P.ooting, Pj.autit.g and job work doaeoi fti ai?4T.i. Trntrs. Fbcp oa Market St., nearly opposite the Jail, 4 fi-Tft n,FKFu:Ln. r.. DAVID REAMS, SCAIVKNEU .V SUnVKYOB, Lulheraburg, r. rIIK fubscriler offrre his eerriers to (hr joV'iS in tbe enpscity oi ISerivencr and lJrvnr. A ti culls f.-r utirvejtng promp'ly attended to. s'4 Iben.naiiig of dratS?, deeds ind othrr h irl i!.'.r' ir.cnt of writing, eiecitti-d witbect dt Isr. axd wnrranlvd to be orrret or no cbnig. a-l .T J. A. BLATTE.NBEEGEF, Claim and Collection Office, O.-t'EOLA, ClearCelJ Co , T. .4fConre. aneioc an.l all .'(fll paoerl i' with eei,r.!v .nil di.lial.-h. I'lafl. on aii't rM ajre hrketa to and trvai any ir I ur. imeiire.l. e'TO 11)11 fkl.I'.-Tlie ,ul.eeril.erorTeiHlieb;ina I .ml lot iu l,irh the n .i.l.a in Il.e e.-nf a i I'liarli-Kl. ..r m!e. It ii ntnati.I en MaA.t ittret. in nn eliil.le l.-eati.-n lor eill.. r a I r.'- I.I. u.o, er tiT tii:ilie. I t.t on., a ir I f' 1.-.I an-1 ....rtbv t'le ntunil. n ot lln.e whiilii f w linen in loan ir..j.erty, ai-il one ao'iae li'-n lb C ourt UoQlr. I nr prn-e. ..n 1 1 e -r. Tl::" Mo-. M It V I'lII M'l. H.t.te f. or B 1 Jl'IIN I.. ( I Tl 1.1-:. Alii .1 U- VIIMIMHTH ATOltT. vntcti-t!'" II hi-nel.j- yi. .-n ilial let(eii. .-f a.lii.iii.'ra' .11 III" eMnle ol lililll.ItT M'lMI'M.N. r i lole of I'hiat to.nihip, I leaitii II eiie!.. 1'. l.avinf ben dolv ranleil lo 111? ur t r'ic' e '- " Imlel-U ii In Ml I t.tato . :ll .!rae mil. pa.ntetit. .ml IhnM. liaiiij( rlaiml or rexar-il Kill lirin properlr a.itt-.-i'ira,e. ( rHe JaSMIS M IM't'FN. Clir-t tp., Oet. J f,. A Inuni'lnl yTA.oi-i tkt h taiiurruii nrT. l 1 he ih.. p lately .-o.-npii it d, illiain W Koiptit, .Ireonaeil, ,ito.'. on ll-e ,11. v lt'a lle.-.l ar. l Pino itrrli, near K. II. l'.pot. b, rinled on reainniM. ti-rr-.. App'T t 14 K. villi K C 1-AfJMCFS. CleaUrM, AntiiM 17. 17H Urn. 1 Mil If I la MI J H l.arfe bt f UN CANS and lil.Af - J.M1S. at r a. 11 I TFf.'.. Aumi in, ?m. ' 0 p..iii. ih J'"- 1'IIH I I .. -Whit, l.e.,1. f ,7 Palrt. I J' aeed li-l. Tnrprntme. arm. he. of .II kimia, C.-t..ra la Oil and Pit I ami. llrn-1 - mai IIHT'H rt K ITtW'tV- llR ti'lhi, Hon. .N.ila. R nd Raitia. al Yitea Jan i K VJl ATltr'T1