tiii; uni'imucAN. ( .I. All I I I I P, t'A V'i;iN's'AY MltMl. 111 Tlir I1- Tbo K.cliprt Trb.e in France. It if COIiriilrll tllllt tllO lI U-tll ll ntc in lull "isciiiii of Yirsnillf s.iiml llint Kiiij; W i 1 1 i u in nitty nniki' 1 1 n !':;luro unit iliTilltii:inj,'n Itin lirMiii:tl' tcr if lit) like. ViTxiiilk'H is tliu iiiiinI miiirnitlrt'iit inizo in Fnun'O. I'mis is Hiipcrh, lint ViTKHillcn is llio more orfji'ous. Tlio iiiliico iiml grounds were jiroji'Ptort in lii'i4 ly Ltuiis XIV. Ho Cdiivi'ilt'il llio wiiiiil-i mill fn'lilrt in to a Fileinlii i:nk mill gnrili'it, l a tc.l in wliith there is n i:t!ito wliirli limy bo resiarili'd iih line i'f llio in tier of llio world. Il oulfliinoH llio work of Itirl.lin jcxiif. Very many of us have Boon and who Ima ml vi'tul of? llio grows, ai'litiriul rm-U work, fountains, st-.ittiteg and otlior works of art, the casoudos, and terruros, the flower jdatH, und the lahy riutliino walks embodied in llio grounds, so- called, of llio jiulaeeof A'ersailles How many millions of dollars have boon extorted from tbo people, of Fruneo eineo Louis the XlVth's time to magnify and add to tbo splendors and luxuries of this place, il would he idle to attempt to calculate. Tbo "Little Trianon," built by Louis XIV, to flutter and gain favor with bis mis tress, (Madame Du Harry) almost beggared the treasury of tbo country. The principal palace is an object of wonder and admiration, albeit i'.s price was wrung from the mat-sos by oppression in its worst form. Out side, with its contra! front 820 feet in length, with its retiring sides of 200 feet, and its ivings of 1,000 feet, ex hibiting all tlio choicest styles of ar cbitecturo, it is a marvel. Inside it presents series upon series of royal apartments, and suits of rooms, glit tering and superb with gold, color, hangings, pictures, mirrors, marble, and everything else necessary to com prise regal magnificence. ibis was the royal residence of Franco tbo place of the Court of Si. Cloud for over n century. Around it sprang up a fino city, which, since tbo removal of tbo Court to I'ai is. has gradually declined into a habitation for about 80,00(1 persons. In this place the frt Napoleoi rmidu his home, and placed thero Horace Ver mel's celebrated pictures of his battles. The present Napoleon did not wiihold . munificent outlay in adding to (lie at tractions of Versailles so that to day it is the richest, grandest, most beautiful spot in France. Its works of art have been largely added to of lato years. Eunning a Newspaper. One of our exchanges is excited over being asked to do gratuitous puffery, and relieves itself in this vigorous fashion : 'Some men who have paid two dol lars at an early period in life fur an advertisement worth four or five np poar to think they aro stockholders in the establishment for eternity. They demand tbo publication of all marriage and funeral notices, obit u aries and family episodes for the next forty years gratis. Speak of pay and they grow indignant. 'Don't I pat ronizeyonr paper?' 'Yes; hut you received tlio worth of your money for what you paid.' 'Hut, says tbo pat- ron, 'it will not cost you anything to put Ibis in,' which is just as ridiculous as to ask a man lo grind your ax on Ins grindstone, and graciously tell him that il won't cost him o cent. It takes money to run a newspaper, as well as any other business, and no pa per will succeed financially tbut car ries a dead head system. Any men tion of tlio people's affairs that they are anxious to seo in print is worth paping for, and when printed is gen erally as any other investment of the same amount. "Tbo newspaper business is very exacting on all connected with it, and tbo pay i comparatively small ; tbo proprietors risk moro money for small profits, nnd tho editors und proprie tors and printers work harder and cheaper lliun tho samo number of men in any otlior profession requiring tbo given amount of intelligence and training and drudgery. The life has its charms and its pleasant ussocia lions, scarcely known by tho outside world ; but it-lias its earnest work and anxieties and hours of cxbaus j lion, which, likewise aro not known I vo motto who Hunk the business nil fun. The idea that iicwspaperdoui i tho charmed circle where tho favored members live a lile of ease and free from care, und go lo the circus at night on a free ticket and to lbc springi on a free pass in thB summer, is an idea which wo desire to explode practically and tin (in( ii-titlf 11....: - " " "J j mm liess is business, nnd the journal that euccoeds is the one llmt is run on a P sipmro business footing, tbo same as banking and building bridges, keep inga hotel or running a livery huLIo .'" TlIK lilAITV OF riKITV. (Jofll t'"tn 'tt ny Willi B tnoilitr ami JuttKlii,.r, w ht ii t l,o laitor being re rxfa-lf.wl P. . I l-. i.s i.ir a.itiiiiiiinsr, lri,t j,lt0 tears. IIoHiiid in10 moLhor: "Uow bfuutiftil your rqinit.f iil(lo your luuKl,icr: Titefi-imHon lniti und ll.two mh vry (ours bconio her much better llian nny orniinieiit of jroU jictitls tlioso nitty bo biing on llio nee't of nny womitn ; Uicse Utc never n en tin connect oil wiili moml (itniiy. A fu. blown flimer, nprinklrd wit li iuii-pm line, in not ao lieitiiiiliil n tbia l,M,l tlnliiii beneiitli bor pnrfnt'si d,,. rloasui-,-, it, Bhedditic learn of nor row lor Iter niull. A blusb ia .;n winch nature hunzts out lo show tvberu ; nn chtity and bgnor dwoll." i Lit i f,ui;n (T Be iMb riiI Iliril. It I' a intinniin snMiig tbsl man is di-.tini!iiMii'd from I'Milcs by tbo lio hie u t It of pei i h, but in this wo are a-'iiniing altojrilii r too tinnb. We all iiiiImiiiU diiiub, unci itoply a cer tain pity in I bo word ; bill in mine native language nl tboirow n I hey may bo calling us likewise poor dumb .lroaliiros, and comniiseraliiig our in ability to frame their speech. The sounds they utler, which we are con lent to describo as i rowing, cackling, neighing, mi-win;:, chirping, barking, may each be I ho articulated words ol unwritten dialects, in which every species finds expressions for its thot's and desiro. Who ever thought of a flock of ducks quacking together as they waddled along in single file to ward a pond, and was not convinced that they were holding sweet and earnest converse by tl o way? Who can listen lo u quarrel between mar tins und swiiIIoas in early spring, be fore some besieged und airy domicile and believe that all llieir vociferous chatter is meaningless lo ibem ? It is plainly evident that tiny aro call ing each other feathered rascals and villains, and dealing threats and ob jurgations in epithets that no hearer can mistake The deep-voiced frogs lliut crouk through all llio country side under tbo starlight und dews may be gurgling tender seronndes, in their cold blooded fusion to lady loves be neath the waves, although Aristo phanes failed to translate lliem into his rough Greek. When we como up on a solemn company of crows that have settled on the tall tree of a lone ly wood, wo slop to listen to their hoarse notes, in full faith lluit they carry much meaning in such sepul chral tones, and that they have halted thero to discuss their prospects and determine upon somo plan for the next campaign. For aught wo know they may bo repealing tbo substance of thai fine old English ballad w hich tells hew three of their race sat upon a tree, debating w heio they should dine, and that ono described bow, in a lonely glen a noble knight lay fresh ly slain, und then summoned them to a banquet on bis bonny blue con, und bis white breast bono, adding that the golden down on hisyoungcliin would ilo to w nip their young ones in. At any rate, they have, doubtless, their oratoiM iiinl demagogues, who are versed in all tricks of stump speuking, and who sway at will tho less gifted ofihcir kind. Hut until they shall have invented writing for themselves, and an alphabet, and furnish us with a skilled interpreter, wo shall havo to call their eloquence, and their small talk tho veriest jargon, and find pleas ure only in the sweet warbling of merrier birds; sinco music and laugh ter, In which these joyous lit I It souls delight, aro tho only utterances that possesses a universal and unvarying speech Boston Journal. Tho Band of Orion. 'Canal thou loose the band, of Orion ?' Jos. The tl tree bright stars which con stituto Iho girdle or bund of Orion never change their form ; they pre serve tlio samo relative position to each other and to tho rest of tho con stellations from year loyearund from ago to ago. Ubey present precisely the samo appearance to us which they did to Job. No sooner docs tho Con stellation ariso above tho horizon. ii'jevcr long may nnvo licen llie in terval sinco wo last behold it, than these three stars appear in the old la- milliur position. They afford us one of the highest types of immulubilily in the midst of ceaseless changes. When heartsick and w eary of tho con tinual alterations we observe in this world, on whose most enduring ob jecls and affections is written tho mel m.i hoi uoom, -rasping awny, 11 is comforting to look up to that bright beacon in tho heavens, that remains unmoved amid all tho restless surges .. . ..t...t.. .1- ,.r ... . ot time s great ocean. And yet, in tho profound rest of theso stars thoro is a ceaseless motion ; in their appa rent stability and everlasting endur ance there is a constant cbungo. In vast rourses,with inconceivable veloc ity, they uro whirling round invisible centres, and even passing into new collations. They rumour to us mo. tionlessand changeless, becauso of our great distance from them, just as llio loaniing torrent that rushes down llio hillside with tho sliced of an ar row, and in tbo wild and most vagrant courses, filling till the air with its ceaseless shouts, appears from an op- pnsuu inn lror.cn l.y the distance into silence and rest, a motionless, ibmnm. it- less glazier on lbc mountain side. Ukaitih-l Mvtii In Ensiern po ol ry tell of u wondrous tree ujioii which grew golden ii.il. s ami silver bi ll", nnd every time a brcer.o went by und Miook llio friii;ruiit brHnches, u Hbower of thene golden t.jileH fell, nnd the living MIk , -hinted and tinkled foi-lli their airy rnvihlinicnlH. On tho g"pfl tree thero grew blnnxorus and ItellH more tnelodioutt than Iboac which mingled Willi tho iotnogrtinttles on Aaron Vcsttnent-bol feeling lieuv on itiiigni joya; and when tho Holy .-uni i.tcainc.s upon tho cvutigulized bo there arc a rhtiking down of mel low ftuitH, and the flow of healthy odora all round, and gush of wee lent miiHic, whose gcnllo tones und joyous echoing are wafted through tho re- cosscs of tho 8, in I. Man moil have occiipnlion, or be iniMTiiblo. Toil in tho inito of bIcoi) and appetite of health and enjoy. "in. llio neccHaily which over comes our nnliiral loth is a blearing. - How can thero In h . tl.;.. .. ri uimon corner," an often benrd. when fhs earlh it kuowo to be i .foiinih it ftiut 'iU.tihtnr Hi op. , r. H'H -nt n , 'i i nu DOYNTON &, YOUNG, rol'NDIiUS k MACHINISTS Mitrufji-liiTi r iff rOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and m Ktrn ti, C MvUtl ll l I, pa. TTAVTNU engaged In Hie manufacture or Ural-li- clnae MACIlIXKIIY.wereepmMftillylnforin the publie Hint we are now prepared lo fill ll orders m cheaply and promptly! can be done in any of tho cities. we manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Wonka, Water Whccla, Shafting Pulleys, (iiff.ird'l Injootor, gleam (laup-a, fite.m Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cup,, Oil C'upi, Ueuge Cock, Air Cooke, (Hobo Vshcs, Check Yitlrcs, wrought iron Pipes, Steam 1'unipi, Boiler Feed Pumps, Auti friction Metros, Soup Stone Packing. Hum Pack ing, nd all kiml. or MILL WORK; together with Plows, Bind Solos, COOK AX D PARLOR STO VES, nd other CASTINOS or all kinda. fr-Ordert solicited and filled at eity prioca. All lelteri of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly antwered, by addrea ing ua at Clearfield, Pa. do-tO-tf DOYNTON k YOt'Xt) Vlauiiirj $UHs. 0. I,. Itee.l, NOTICE. j. r. g. I,. ki:i:i & to. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rpilE proprlttorarepectfully inform lharitiiena J-of Clearfield eounty, that they have entirely refilled tliia MtaWiahment with the Intel Improved wood working machinery, and are cow prepared to execute all ordera in their line of liueimta. They will give epecial attention lo the manufae lure of materia. fur houie building, auch aj FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.u ut.Ts ts .voi Lm.ras, OF ALL STYLES, We alwaya hare on hand a large atook or PRY l.t MUKH, and will payeanh for all elear Luiuher. One-and-a-half Inch panel atufT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to auit cuatomcra. S-Ordera folicited, and Lumber rurnirhed on ahort notice and on reaponAble lerma. . U. L. RKI'O 1 CO. Clearfield, Nor. T. IKH7. Clothing. How lo Save 32 oner. THE Haiti ar herd1; ymTd lik to know lli'W yon tany mt your dolUrtj Th wijr in do it I will rhnw, If 711a will tr4 tut folio wi. A mtn who lived not far from here. Who worked hard it hi trifle, But hid a bonflehotd In fttipport That tquaodered all h mad. I met him once. Bnyt he, "My friend, 1 iotik thread bear and rough j I'ra tried to net mvtelf a tiit. Hut can't tart up enough." Says I, oiy friend, hnw much hart job t I'll tell you where to (to To jtM a eiiit that' nund and cheap j To KKIZKNHTK1N A Co. He took what little he had earedt And went to Reitrnnteia A Brother.', And there he jrnt a handiome suit. For half he paid to others. Now be U home, be looks 10 well. And their effect lp eurh, That when tliry take their dailj meal. Tbejr don't cat half ai much. And now he llndf na (Saturday night, With all tbelr want, puppiied, That be bae money led to apend. And to me to lay aside. Ifia pond oereM, with cheerful smile. He (Tla-lly tells to all. If you'd rave money, go and buy Vour eloihes at HHIZKNaTEIN'ft CLOTHtXQ HALL. Whore the oheanest, flr.rit and brut rinihin and god FuMiisltiiiK OihhIh can be had to unit every taste and in aery style aprl I, "70 potn HTOVIiH fil'KAR'fl CAI.OIill lf, KlSylKIIANNA, Pfl'KP.IOR, "V. I'KNN, HKtU LAToR, N01II.K COOK, NATIONAL It A NO K, ThlliMI'll, PAKLOII COOKS, SPEAK S I!EV0I,VIN() I.ltillTS AM) IKH Ill.K HEATntS, And all kinds of lli alina Stores for Bale l.y "l?3'7 II. P. nillLKR A CO. JOHN TliOUTMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., east of the Alleflirny llouae, I i:inni 1 1. pa. IKKEPnn hand all kindsof Furniture, In suits or l.y the sinirlc artirle. Those In neeit ol n Hi. leof Furniiurc, will fin. I It to their Interest to call and examine my stock, wlitrh I will sell very low for m.li r rxrhanire for auitalilc lutclicr. I liarlield, p., A I;il if. Ki)VAi;irn:RKsTco7" 1 loin ?Iaiiiira-(iirrN,! And Iolrri in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, ril I LIPSII t: r ua PA. A rri.i, Ft-ppi.v ..r n.orn, wheat, COIt.N and Hop conatnntlv oi haml .nj Iit khIc at rntpfl n'tnurUl.lr lew f.bl H O l M lUunr .tjrr,i,M thr InfrrrM of 11 J. A. hlnflonlrrrv'-r. K-n.. In tl, k...in... hfri-t.-rnr prriH oo nmlrr fhr Ann nnmpuf J. A. Hllttilor.T A i'n.. Ihr mm will k. ... hrmfirr iimlcr the mmr .f M'hniinun Und iiJ i.nmwr i oiimnr, (Sturf.) 1 11. H. KIIII.ijNuKiKh, Jo! MWKTIE, I rnilKCKlsKltHATKIMtlCllAlthSOX H.mijs, X Isitrlit Kin (A00 r rcneh H in, n in. I'd. French Calf. ! na. At c. KKATZKK . (flpliefit. H.H-V Hp p'reitg, o'.vor f t U , Ctr. lift II flMrM .1. Ii.nUAHAM MALKKT Mill:! T, CLI- A ltriKLD, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. fTV.K snWrllirrs hevlnt; entrd Into partner A ship for the purpoie of rarrylnt; an the ha!nPM of Morrhandiplnft, Dow offer a poml nnd rare opportunity to the eitlimi of CI par field and adjolnlns; eounties to tuy store gnoHi at wholes-, U or retail prlrea, that will atniih the unintructed. Their goods will he parttru Inrly selected to suit this market. Erery lady will, therefore, call the Attention of her hnshand to this flint, heoanse this hranrh of our outlines wt receive special attentUn, and everything needrd in a well regulated household will at at) times be found in our store. DRY GOODS: Our stock of IM Y .IM ,hall not be sur passed, either In quality or price, and will em bruce. In part, Prints of eery style. Ginghams and Lawns of every quality, Murlins of every grade, Ie Laines adepted to the tastes of the old and young; and every article of any kind of joods tbey sell Is to ba as represented, and war ranted to give eatiifaction. DRESS GOODS: Aa lo lllll'.HM (;M)lm-.w. har. a aplendid aajorttnent of AlpaeM, black, while, and in ol ora; .rtnurea, Silks, and In ahort all th. newaat Ijlci in Ih. market. W. dialr. thia fact to beeomo kaown to ev.ry peraon In th. eounlv. With our near and i:eoii. atorh of DltKMi (KIODS. llie ladiea ran all b. suited by juat drorgiing In and getting a nice dreaa pattern, lac. aett, kid glovea or bj doing that which la belter i gire h.r a well-filled purae, and ah. will find good and pacing inatineata In ambroid ries, edginga, ribbons, glovea, hoiierj, sr anj other bouaebold noeeaaitiet. GENTLEMEN'S WE A II: And in addition lo what we hare alreal; enumerated, wa keep all kinda or .l:M'l I MIN'H W EAII such aa Clotha, Caislmerea, Satinetla, Hats, Hoota and Fhoea. Ae.. beaidea, a nice aaaortment of Made up ( I.OTIIIM; for Men and Hove, manufactured out or the verv beat material, which wa will aell (or cah or exchange ht countrv produce at prices which will astonish aver-bodv. SQUARE TIMBER: We art nnw largely engaged la Laying and selling MU'AIti: TIMI1I.H anj manufae. lured H'.MIIKR, and will give this branch of busineas apesial attention, and therefore make II an objeel lo erery one who baa Lumber lo sell to eoroe and deal with OS. GROCERIES k HARDWARE: We shall alao keep eonataally on hand a general aiKirtment of t.ltOCKKI I .H and II AItlltVAKI'., which we will sell at eiceed Ingly low prices. Wa also keep a full atsor: ment of H lilCNtV AHIU Ttls departra-nl will ba kept full and complete, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will Ind II lo their advantage to eome and trade with as) because we are so situated, and, rrom long experience in the business, so well acquainted with the wants and neeeaaliioa of this aommunity, that we feel satisfied II every man woman and child only makes it a point to buy their goods fruia us, we can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, eome along and buy your BOOTS FIlOKj, HATS A CAPS, READY MAUK CL0TI11N0, and everything you need to ren der yonraelvea and families comfortable, from JAMKS U. G HA HAM k 80XS, oct CLEARF1KLD. P. V iUffliral. P. T. I. 'For thy Stomach'8 Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Taul. im. novi:s niiB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vaafe. pore, plt aaant and bralth jitln Tonio atrirtly vi-jrtaMe, and manufactured Trim llie moiit pore and choice materials la not a ap fit drink nor aulialitute for whirky, but a scienter compound, Tor the protection of tho system ipd tlie cure of dtsoaae, made from chcuiically prc apirtta, rnlirrly free from fuail oil or other Irr h ting propcrtirs, and will not dinagrcc or offend tv most delicate stomach. A lutig private ei i enre has attested its i Superiority over all Ordinary Remedias. No Hitters at present olfered to the putlic rontaina ao much mclieinal virtue, anil yot ao ififc anil plraanl to tokc. It's uc Is to cure disi e, It will not errata an appetite for spiriticus liuuors, liul sill cure the elect of dinipatiun To iucrrnun the Appclitt. IVK IT T promote IMgritioo, I' HE IT To ourp V rtprpaia. 'V. IT. To cure Fever an Agiifl, I'SK IT. Tn oar) HilliottinMMr, VfiF. IT. To rare CiinHipntinn, (IfiR f. To pure Clironio ftinrrlitr, fjij; jt To purr. Hpftrt Imrn, VSK IT. To curf Flntulrncfl, 'fif jt To cure Acid Grurtatiotm, I HI! IT. To pure Xrrvoua Drnilit, fK JT, To putt nxrtion'1r!ft; jx. To purr Snllownt-M of rmplrxion. I SK IT. To pure rimploi atxl llliitrhoii, t'SK IT. For Ornrrnl rm-trfttion of the riiTfiml powprfi, V.K IT tit) it will car yon. 8M pvrrj whprp. at $1.00 ppr LoHle. Minu fartitrefl rir-hitivi ljr Ij A. I. S II A W, Itruirist, CI.FAtlFIELtl, PA., Who offers lilicral inducements to the Ir.-lo. Oct. 27, 1ll:lf. 11. II. TAYLORS LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Itailrond llepot,) ( l.l.klll II I II, ri.NX'A. IKMIIHACR this method of inlormloi the pul.lie, that I hare Oliened nn a r... ,l. ..leof wood or eo.lhurnt I.IMK.nd Aothrante OAI In th. horntifh nf ( le.rneld, and hare completed arrnnienietils with eastern dealers bv which I cn keep. full. apply con.lanllr on hand which will l,edl'po.id ol at reasotin lile rale. I, the ton. h.. or ear load, lo anil pnreha.'er. Those at a distanc. can aildre.e me hi letter and ontoin all necrasary inforuiatlon hv return mall H. n. TAYLOR Oesrocld lV.rVII,1W-tf' Vll'.ffU.infcin. H. F, N AUGLE, (IOIK AMI U ATI II MKIII, orf-tnta tni r " f ? wet stfiaav POST ')FF1'F CiLCC ISA RFI K !. ! flllR snhacrlher reipectiully Infurme bis d put rn and the pull, ynertlty. that he (.a no hand, (and Is iniliily receitlng new sdditians thereto,) a large stork of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, ff-lrl keep Jfwelry In all lis fortes and of dirU rent valuta, el liter by tae pice or t. U ATCIIKS-A full asfjrtnnt of either fluid or MWrr. made by the bnt Anerioac and fr eifrn manufariurtrri, inrludins: a tins lot of jrld and silver bunting ease, lull jeweled. Patent Levers. CLOCK S Of all drpigns, conilttlnpr ofeijeht day and thtrtv-bour, of either weight, spring or levers, and both strike and alarm. HKI'AIhlNtl. All kinds of Watches and Clocks hpireda and warranted. In additinn to what I have enumerated, I kerp a full afiortippnt of M' HO TAt'LHri, e.tor"d and plain it Ism. Ino, (iOl,) I'KNS and CKVCILS HPODNrt. POliK, Hi: I T KK KNlVhrl, end In faet everything in ih.e Jawrlry lne. If I fail to hava on band junt what a euMMner nay nerd, 1 will order J f r tiist eipresf, witbuut eitra eher'f. A liltei id dhare of puhlic pitronagf is mlirited. May 7, 1KB y II. P NAUtiLK. READING FOR ALL! ! BOOK'S it 8TATI0MM Y. Mnrkrt Ht.. ( learflrlil. (at the Ptt Offire.) II K undrrsigned begs Irava to announce to 1 the ritisena of Clearfield and vicinity, that he bas fitted up a room and bas just returned from the eity with a large amount of reading ma iter, i onsming in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Rook of averr de scriptictn ( Paper and Envt lfpea, French preased and plain i Pens and Peneili ; Blank, Legal Pipers, I'cedi, Mortgages; Judgment, Pxrtup tlon and I'mtn ia-ory notes; W htte and Parch; ment Urief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and bill Cap , hhettL. Musielor either Piano, flute or Viultn eonauntly on band. Any books or stationery derired that I may not have on hand, wil) be or- ordered by first express, and eild at wholesale or retail t suit ruitomere. I will also keep periodica, literature, suco aa magaiinea, ewa papers, Ac P. A. UAL'LIM. CUarueld May 7, IfiftR-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, t lrarliia, M'a. NEW GOODS AT LOW PEICES. fTnR wnderalrned reptiectfolly Invlta Ike at 1 fntloa of the fiul.lle trpnerally to their ai'lendm aaaortment of mercaandiae, wnirb tbey ftre now ceiling AT VERY LOW TRICKS. Tbelr atofk consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Prints, Ie ! sines, Alparras. Mrrlnoa, Uilitlama,Mosllai,(lilearlied aad anblesrh od,) lrlllinca, Tirlilnjrs, aottoa and wool Flanoels,8alin(tta,Caaaimerea, Ottonariee, Ladiee' Hbawls, Kubias A llonds, Balmoral and JIoop bkirta, Ao,, Also, a fine aasnrtnent of Men's Drawers and Shirts, II U A Caps, Hoots 4 c'boee. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW KOR CASH Hardware, Quocnswaro, Glasswaro, Grocories and Spices. INS1I0RTA CKNERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything sinallv kcrt in a retail elore. all CIIKAf FOB CAU or approved country pro. duca. A. K. WRIGHT I SON'S. Clearfield, Nov t , IS7. C. ). WATSON Wishes lo inform his old friends atd the pul.lie generally that he has opened un a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In his old stand, opposite the Conrl House, FLXOND FT., CLKARFIKLD, PA. Hit slock is all new, fresh and of the very best quality, and will ha told cheap for CAMI or approved Country Product. If you want port lima:, and Patent Medicinea, Uo lo WATSON'S. If yos wanl Confectioncrlta, Canned Fruits, 1'lckles and Jellies, Nuts. Ac, Ac, Go lo WATSOK'rl. Ifyos want the best Hoastrd Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Fplces of all kinds, cheap, (Jo lo WATSON'S, re ... . t- ... wmiii r.ney a unlet poops, Maroring r.itracta, Ac , Ae , bs turt to Oo lo WATSON'S. If yon wtnl Fancy Dye Colors, Clarke heat Ma. chine Thread, Pins, Needles A Notions, Uo lo WATSON'S. Cbewert and Emokett, if yoa want tlis best in the market. Buy at WATSON'S, where you ean gel Pipet A Pipt Futurra. If yoa wanl to get clear of yonr stamps, Comt to WATSON'S. If yoa want to spend a few hours of an evening with your Mend., coma to WATSON'S old stand, where jou can crack nuts and eat Jokes until o'clock, p to. April 1.1, 1 170. KW BTOHK AN 1) NEW (JUUILS. JOS. SHAW & SON liar just oprneil a Ktw SToaa, on Main St., Cimriit.D, T., ,Utelr occupied by Wm. F. IKWIN. Their tlock consists of IS1 T 3J-CDXtD23, Gocr:n of llie best qi.aliljr, Q'RF.NSWAIIE, I5oOt3 IUld SIlOCl, nil erery nrlirle necetsarf fur one'a comfort. (til anil sxaniiup our stock before pur ! elisning flstwlicrB. May 0, 18CG-tf. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD in pSCALES, v'4 Or Al l. KIVLSj IVip(rf Harrow, Wtrchoune Trurlt, r.j.vin(- lr,'""i Im)rf.Tp Mohpj Irawrr, Ac. ton Mti r li. r. inn leu & co., I lralrrs In Hardware, m h.KI Tf If Fi-cond Ftrcet, ClearllcM, Pa. M. MY (MX HOOK." I T A VI Nil piirelisieil In- entire stock of goods X 1. me nut .1.0.1 of Mik a h..i,.r, I liquid to continue the business as heretofore. My niotto Is lo sell "rnsrir roa cash. Tkanking our friend, and en.lomera for past palionage, I solicit a ooiitinuanee ot the same. ISAAC K1KK. Limber City, .pt. JJ tf. J1nifj A iUf(Hr.Mf. it 1: n o v a id. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, D I! 1: (; (i ist.s, .Vm kil Html, t lint III hi, M'a. VK hrg leave lo Inform our old and new v f castomera. that we have removed our ot lalill.hmenl to the enaclous r-ew hullilinir Just erected on Marked street, nearly ailjoininf the .Mansion House on the west, and oppo.lte Messrs. tlraham A Hous' atort; wh.re wa retpeotfuily Invite lb. puhlie t- euaia and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Tatont Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VAUNISIIKS. Our stork of Props and Medicines consists of everything used, selected with tht greatest care, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PUKE! Wa aim kepp a fiiHntopk of lyci, rerfumr.p, ToiUt arfirlri. Koapi, Tootb HruvhPi, Hair Hrunhpi, Whitewmh HrunhM, and erery ttr kind llrutbei. W tiava a larjte lot of WHITK LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaisecd Oil, Paints, and In foot everythine; 1 sed in the painting business, which wa ader at City prices to cash buyer.. TOBACCO AND KKOARS, Confeetlmery, Spices, and the largest tlock of varieties ever offered in this place, and warrant, ed to bt of the best the Market affords J. O. IIAllfWICK, Nor. 2, isr.8. JOHN F. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (L A T K I'OWELL'H,) For all diaeaaea incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh, requiring th. os. ot an external application. Thia Embrocation waa extensively ased by the Uoverriment during the war. For sale by Hartewick A Irwlr, Clearfield. Joseph K. Irwin, Curwensville. llaniol Uood laoder. Luthersliurs tf LAM) AD LIMBER t'OMPAW OFFER RAHE I X I IT C E 31 E X T .S -TO- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOKE IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho times! Osceola. May tl. 1 STO. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKS RIM'S of rxlrmlitu mj l-imin.-M, anil knowing; th-ro pun Ip no hitrhcr triltulp -tl rpujipft o I hp mi-miirt if thr uVcpjiftpi. an. litrit. OipihI, tlmn to prtrl owr Ihrir narrow nomr a pcnl.lurril pmh of rn'liirni mnrlilp, ti:tl pninia lorrvrr to thp rratinir lmt of th. f Iovp; I ( f Jf. to nay lo all who wint, u, fti.,w ihtlr ant.tion fur their ilppari iit-npi a in I kirnlrptl, Mini tht'T ran now Imve an niiortiiniir of ((' in a- an, hy Pnlhnjr at mr Hhop on TlMimifi.n Mnt. l iirwpnMtllr, I'a., ai 1 am prri.arrd to fmnixh In orttrr. JIOM'.M KXTS, tliADI.Kcl ROX TOM IIS, UKAD STOXKS, Ar... of nny rlrniirn or 'iit. at rrao.innl.li rutin. IN. H. I kffp mi liaiul llir IipM Ktrt lcil Slid lt mrt(r Marble. All work rxmitr.. in il... mnPl skillful mantipr. I will nlro di Iivir work to an.T point in C'lpaifip.J or a ljnioinc romiiipi. i "r",rrt- M. 11. t'uLIM K.N, ('orwpnfix iltp, Oct. IHdil If. THE CLKAKFIKLI) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufaftiirrd tpipp.all; fur TlIK CLEARFIELD TRADE, rna sai.b sr . anrrro ii. r. Pim.Kn co. I )INK, IIITB A IIOAN UININtl SKINft- Jin received and fur sale by April 10, It 7". U T OTOLEK A CO. Pi ji C.ofliK di or nlcs, lr. Jlti:iT IliItJAIN Xrw Storo In MulsonliurR! In tlie fofwprly ofpuphd I7 1'. T. UKrj. L. M. COUTIMKT fpA K lliii mptti.Ml ui Inf.trminir tlie ritpfn X. "i ' i hk ton, Iv Arlliaux, t.iri-l atitl thr eur ri'uri'lilifr pootilrt. tiinl hp hnr jirt (ijn nr. a Urni Block nf HI' M M l: H IHlOllH. ulilrh hp ! il. h-r tniiu.i lo ll 'j l. 1'Kll CKNT ( IIKAPKU llian the lamp uualitv of tinutl cun lip isurcliitM-ia for anToihiT atore in thf ncilil oiLt-od, llii iluck couiiti of Dry O'oorts of all Kinds, 8uch aa Fatinrtta, ra"nlmrrr, MitnlinP, T)rlninei, liinen, lrilh nara ahcorii, Triiutniiie. il ibboDit Lavo, READY-MADE CIrrfllNO. BOtlTS fclJllKS, HATS A CAl'S, GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Fuear, Rice. Molasses, Fish, Salt, l.in.eea on, run Ull, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Castinrs. Plows and Plow Castlnirs, Nails, Ppikcs, Corn Cullirators, Cider Presses, aud all kinda of Axea. i-L.Mv Plowa are of the Cnrwrnavill. end Centre county make, and are warranted lo be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnish. Glass, and a general suuortnicut of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of diffprput brand, always on hand, and will be old at the loweii po-w.Ue fig urea. I.Kll IHIS, BRANDY, WINE, CIN Such A WHISKY MHO pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. CLVl:it ki:ki, On hand and for sale at the lowest market price. Alao, Agent fur Wilson i Ptrattonville TUflESIIING MACHINES. &Cell and sec for yourselves. Ton will tod everything u.ually kept io a retail store. 1". M. CO tilt JET. Frenchville P. 0., Jan. T, lKuy. Down I Down ! I THE USF"ARRIVAL AND OK COl'KSE THE CIIEAI'E.-T I h Proclamation against High Prices! lrE ar now npeninff up a lot of thp boat and If moat acami nable ImkmIi and Warn erpr otTi iTt. in thi market, ami at priee that remind one of the food old day of cheap thing. Tbow who ark faiih upon tiii poiut, or (Jeem our alle gation superfluous need hut c.ii.1. .ir out sronv, Comer Front and Market streets, Where they can see. fil, bear and know for Ihcm clvra. To fully understetid what are cheap floods, this must be done. W. do not deem it ncccssarv to enumerate anil itetniae our stock. It is enuui-h for us to state that We have Everything that is Needed and ponnimpd In thia mirkpt. and at ajtonifh both old and voonr. JOSKI'H 8 HAW A POX. xi;wiLou,rj:i:i) AND PROVISION STORE, THE nndcrsirncd have just received at their new stand in Wallaceton, a full sunnlv of Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at reduced ratct,) A (rood article of TODACCO, CIGARS AND MIOKIXU TOBACCO, constantly on hand. All of which will be told at LOW RATES for CASH or irivcn in exchange for H1IIX0LES and I. r uni; ii. We respectfully ask tht pul.lie to give na a trial before purchasing elsewhere. J. II. READ 1 CO. Wallaceton, April 7, 1?C. KiunSiTTToNs AliE RKCKIVIXO A Sri.EXDIDSTOCK OK CAKftlji A.D OIL CLOTHS. WALL rArEUS-GlLT TATEn, f o. LACE CUKTA1XS, WINDOW SUADES- COUNTEiirAXES AXD QUILTS. LINES TABLE CLOTUS 4 N ATKINS LADIES SILK COATS cf-OVEItSKlRTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS k LACE TulXTS. LADIES' d- CUILDREN'S TRIMMED II A I d. DRSSG(K)DS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GLOVES -I. A DIES' GEN TL EM EN'S AND CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. UNEQUALLED STOCK LADIES' AND C'll 1 LDltEN 'S SHOES if- U A I TERS. MEN'S CALF if KRENCH KIT BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $5. M EN'S A N D BOYS' FIN E AND HEAVY r ii 1 1 ta, CASSIMERES VERY CUEAP. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, J5. ui.-orF.RiE. FLOUR .f- riJOVIMOXS A I LO li te I RATES. I.ITiFn AI, DEDUCTION TO THOSF BUYING IN QUANTITY. WlOL MARICFTINO AND COUNTRY TRODU.K WANTED. riearrleld, June 111, lH9. .Vow Mine and Liquor Slorc. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, nui.raL ntAi.tn is WINES & LIQUORS, MARKKT PT., CLKAP.FIKLO, PA. O.Full atoek of Wine. P,.o lr n; Irki.L. and Alcohol, alsava on baml. ,.,;.,i psl.l to securing a pure article for Kaeeamental and medical purp. sprll VOir Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Aainr roa Chlckerlng-s. Stein.., 'a and Rmeraon'a Plsnos Uinlth'., Msson A ll.mlin't snd Peloubeft ' Organt and Melodeona. and llrorsr A r.ektr't Hewing Machines. Auu rasraaa op Piano dollar. Organ. Harmony and Vocal sio. No pupil taken for leas than half a lera. ;'ir."T'.."',, Klr" "ation.l ll.uk leatdeld, May i, m;u tf. r-pilN IiLMllCIUTlC 1 I KHi and lM'.S lor IWand IMis I V 1 V 1 n r . ... . I son i Ofii-e.J ! tn . ..c. i, cents, nailed Is any address, fj Clearfield County y fpilK I'lra.lleld Co,,t, p,,,L 1 .erf ln.li!,,... k.. ... 11 I 1 S'o.e ,,,,, Ii.. surr.n.ter of Its el.su,,, ,R v All Its slock Is nen.it .y ,(k " will eonllnae th. Ilar.ku ( h..,,),," place,.. vlv.le Isek,,, '" ol the "Clrsilleld f'ooi.t, p,r, ., ' sp.in.ihlefor the d.ht. ol th. i,,'k lis snfi on d.o.rl a the .,,," received and Irteri at paid eli.r, ,.. a died lime. Pa.er dseouniai as heretofore tiur personal '" pledged for all I'oI.sits r.e, i,.V' ' trues eled. A continuance of renstre of the ho.lnere men of iv ' . Hi. I spsi-tiully solicited. At l're.ij,M r olticerj of tre lata CleiB. ld VJ.,, rr'jir. th. notes of raid I'.atik tu k, tor rederatition. ' IAS T. LK'lNAKD, HICIMki),, U ll I'AIITI U rl I "' '. B. 0. t,, A. K. WhltillT, ). L. Hlk.1. WM. A. WALI.AIP ' The buslnraa of tht Bank will l I v....- . .i - i .... , D11 "im m. Mu.H..., as asnirr. I J. I. U lliik. L'.., BANKING & COLLECTION E or McGirk & perks (Succi'Muri to Foster, Wrkf.i U I riiilliNburfr, Centre uuiny, (.1 Alr Jl r.WY. all the rinnitirxs of l:.;iL.!t If wil1 o tmnU;d pniuii.ily ii,tl ,' n.OHt fiiftiailp ternm County National Eanj CI.CARFiri.il, PA. THIS Bank It now open snd ready M nest. Office on Pecond street, in ik. Ing formerly occupied by Leonard. Jidw rissrroat asn orrtctns JAS. B. flRAIIAM, RICIIAKI) SI! WM. A. w'AM.ACK, WM. PtI:TK' A. K. WKIUUT, GEO. L. It KEl 1 W. M. fillAW, JAS. T. LEliX, ju.-n. on lasnier. o GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEEKS'S a ( r n i iiuim trying lo get their Brrt, f. J i si neing emwded out into the cold. Jl you wanl good hhoeins done, so to If you wsnt your SleCa ironed right, gotl, If you wanl good Mill Irons, go to b, If you want your wagon ironed intbel.tt style and workmanship, so to r.. ltsaiit wiakes the best htoenp Mschir, j, Mats, sso Ooe. sll kinds of ULAChrMITl ss ebean as can be dona in the count. ... , My Poet Oftict addresa It Clearlleld l:n,'l 1IIUMAS l!l.tk: Kogga rp., Uee. 1, I867 tf. Southein land & Emlgratin C O M P 1 S V, WASHINGTON, V. C. irR0AN-T7ED and eetabliahed for II,. P,... V " and hale of Karming and Mineral lj I aus troproveU Heal tslate lu (lie BoutheraM, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Prti.j. JU. ms P. II Mi. Vi. e !,., oni nnt.A, lies.. rretiuent l ourtti national Ujta of Phililrlnia Jllll.N MhKHIS, S..r.u,r TI10S. C. MAt IKiH I.I.L'' Attorney and 1'ounn!, I Oltloe: Washinetoo Building, Corner PTr I &t., and I cuiisyiiaina Avenue, Vt a.hintoti I, Rrrrnrvras t floe. John T. Hoffman, Albany, Jf. V. Kl llov. Win. lliglrr, ( lesrfiel.l, Pa, lov. T. F. Kandolpb. Trenton. N. J. Kx-Uot. Wm. 1. l'acktr, tt illiani-purt, f, I r-' ju. i, o.-ii. Cheap l"u mil iir. JOHN GULIt'H rVSlRES to inform hia old friends and ri I X.J toniera, thst having enlarged bia itim, a, I tocrtascd his facilities for manoiacturint. bf now prepared to anake to order sock Furnitar.il may ba deaired, la good atyla and at ebean m. for CASH. He generally hat on band, at k rurniture rooms, a varied assortment of readi made furaiture, among which art BUREAUS AND SI DE-BOA EDS, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Bofa, rsrls-1 orramast ana liming Mtession Tables; C"t I mon. French. post, Cottage, Jernv-Lird and ctb, Bedittsds; 8. fas of all kinds, W ork iisml. I list. tacks, aab-stanila i Hooking and Aral Chairs ; tptlng-real, eane bottom, parlor, eua mon and other Chairs; Looking. tilassse of ever I description on banu ; snd new glasses for c:: I trnmes, wntca will oo put In on very reasonsbf terms on shortest notice. He also keeps on hast I or turnirnrt to order, lorn busk, llslr and Cat ton-lop aiattrettet. CirFiN or Evf.rt Kisn Mtdt to order, snd funerals attended with s I ttearss wnenever desired. Ales, House Psintiai uon iu urner. in. suoscriuer also BDanutsr- tnres, and bst constantly on hand, Clemrtt't t'alent Hashing Machine, the best now it in ' tho. a astng this machine never need be ana. out elesa elotbesl lis also baa Flyer's Piimi Chum, a superior article. A family asing It i V iiuro never nceu OS Wliootlt Butter I All lbs sbovs and many ather articles are fcr. nished to customers ek sap lor Caaa or exchsnt'4 tor approved country produce, cherry, M .,. :. Poplar, Linwood and otter Lumber suiiahle lor Cabinet work, taken in xrhat.ra for foiniia-a MT" Remember tht thop it on Marker street, Clearteld. I'a., and nearly opposite the "Old Jrl Srs-" JOHN OtLKU. November !, ISM y The Lightning Tamer. riMIK ander-lgned ara the sole Agents it th:s I eonntv for the "North Ainrrieaa lltlvtniied LUiHTNISU RUDS." Tje.e are tke onlt safe Mds now la use. and ara endorsed by all Iks scientific men In the eeuntrv. We hereby notifr tht cit"nenl of the ecoety that we will put them np a better rod. and for lest money, tbaa it charged by tbt foreigt sgents who annnally traverse tht county tod earry o our little rash, never to return. ENCOUIUGK HOME LAHOi;. Those wishing Lightning nods srectrd ea their buildinga need but sddreat aa by letter, er call in person. Wt will put them up snvehere In Iheeounty, and warrant them. The ludietii Fiituree can bt teen at any lime bv calimg tl oorttore. F. BIULKK 4 Ci). Clearfield, March SO, 170 tf DAVID YOUNG, Stone-f ultcr nnd Stono-Mason, VULL eierute all work In his line at mod- srats pricet and in FIKcT-CLAm! stylo. Architectural Ornamciits In ALL STYLUS, Clone Ires.ing of tvrry description, and all kinds of mason work eo.- traciedinr inoroutol ibrrounty. Anyprrsois wishing to have re.pcctabl. mason work an stone cutting done, will And it to tneir itterest to call upon m. I wonld alro Inform the puk lio that I ran deliver any quantity or class tf stone desired, as 1 am the owner of a FIKST-CLASS STONE yUAKliV Otders for work can bt address. i to DAVIU YtH'NlV. ar.3,Tt ClratBcld P.. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOl' IJAtiE HOME lNPlsTKV. 'pllK undersigned, having ealahliikew a Not 1 aery on the Tika. ki k.li ... k.,...e Cle.rl.eld and Curwen. v lile, is preiared to fur nish all kind, of FHI1T ThVi'i , ,.j.,.l.rd darf,( Kvergreens, Shruhherv. Ilrape Vit cs, lloo.el.errles, l.astoa Black be'rrv. lilraserij. and Kaiberry Vinet. Al.o. Siberian Crab Trees, Vluince. and early aevrlet hhubarb, do Orders promptly attended Adilres., j. n. witioiiT. septa a.y Cwrwensvillt. Pa Lime for Sale I rpilK undertirnril, n.oling near the ill pot hss 1 made eonjilete frai gcmeMs ilh l.nne Hiirncr. rnt ot the ni..ni,l.,. .) r,..r ,r i. ena hied lo keep conilantli on band a large ouenlitv ol i v n i: 1. 1 m e ! allictl he olf, T. to farmer. AnA 1..,. .1 LIS. shots cost. Thine in need of the atli.-lr a oul.i do ell to give mea call, or a.,ln. me hv letter, he- fore l igoliating tticir lime. liM C. PA.-N.Mi'liE. I'learP, 1,1, Pa . Jure p. Hi u lai(rv Stable. rpilK an.i-raigned Urge lea.eto Inform the pob I lie II .1 h.- i. now (nlh p-,).an-,t lo acc-ninu. d.ilc nil in the n, f lurnisbing" Horses. Hxfin, Saddles ami Harness, on the shortest notice and on rcaeonal.lr Unit.. itwi.Ui,,, on Locust street. KMWce. lUird.udKou . . . . Ih. oko. w. tiEAnti rtT. H.arC.lJ, April 11, pft:.