Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 19, 1870, Image 2

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    She Republican.
(EllRUC 11. (.Olll'I.ANI'Kn, Kilitor.
cLEAiiriEr.n, r.v.
On. Frank I'. Hlair- Im been nmn
inotoil by tlie. I e nine rut a of St. Louis
furllit) Loj'iitlutiiiv.jintl will ' elected.
I)eao Jloii. J. I.-. Kimklo, n prom
inonl ilurrihtiur lawyer nnj pulili
dun, died lii tlmt city on Friday, lie
formerly rejireocntcd li is district in
O'Neill, ono of llie Uttdictil Con
gressmen in, riiiludcljiliin, who wus
elected two yi'iu'8 ngn by n majority
of 2,6:20, Iiuh been dufvulcd by Crecly,
who lia 427 majority. This in cer
tainly n good lick nl the black Re
publicans. How is Tins! It has been fre
quently remarked by military men,
that the. negro toldier killed more
Union tbun Confederate soldiers du
ring the war. If thin be si, it uc
counts for the fatality produced in
the Radical rank on election day.
Their voting like their kbooting, kills
their special friends. Such "pet lambs"
aro certainly unsafe creatures to fon
dlo and care.
UtncKMKD IIurriijburj, our Slate
Capitol, bus been rescued from negro
and Uadical rule. Verbcke, I)em.,and
Weaver Dein., huvo been elected
Mayor and Treasurer, by 200 major
itr. Notwithstanding tho fact that
the Radical majority in tho city one
year ago was 228, und nearly ncven
hundred negroes were added to the
Moil" forces. Negro voting, like no
jro fighting is a failure, and proves a
dead lo.-s to the employer.
Hadipa r.ts.M Illiktratk.d. It lakes
S2,000 whito taxpayers in this nine
teenth disti ict to elect a Congressman.
Yet SCO negroes elected ono in the
filth, C30 ebcted the member in the
seventh, 01)0 in the ninth, and to on
in proportion. Tho IT.OuO negroc
voters in this State, have moro mem
bers of Congress than 200,000 whito
men. In other words : Two hundred
thousand white Pennsylvania taxpay
ers will have fewer members in the
next Congrces than the seventeen
thousand negroes, twelve thousand
of whom pay no tux nt all. How is
that for high, "white tiasb ?"
Tue Trsr Oath AB.iLisiir.D In
the City of Washington, on Saturday, I
,the Supremo Court of tho District of
Columbin, decided to abolish the rule
requiring the odious lest oath of ap
plicants for mcmbciship of the bar.
The Supremo Court of tho United
States decided tho oath unconstitu
tional some lime ago, but tip to Sat
urday, the Supremo Court of tho Iiu
tricl of Columbia, bad steadily refused
to accept the ruling, insisting that it
had a perfect right to dictate the
terms of admission to practice at tho
bur. Thus we see ono prop uftor an
other knocked from under the odious
fabrick erected by Radicalism.
Flow is this "roti limn 1"' The
election is now ov.t, but we want to
sk everybody, and particularly,
Election ofliccrs, how they like the
fifteenth amendment? I)id not tho
Judges, Inspectors and clcrke all lake
n oath lo support tho Constitution
of this Commonwealth f If 60, why
did they allow negroes to vote ! Docs
not that samo Constitution fay that
nono but frco xchite initio citizens
shall have the right to voto at elec
tions in this Commonwealth S
The negroes voted. Now what we
want to know is, whirl) i worthless,an
election officer's oath, or tho Constitu
tion? Again: What kind of states
manship id it which compels tit iters
to perjure themselves fur any pur
pose? As such is the fact wo want
norno Radical defender lo nnsver
iheso questions upon moral grounds.
Vie now niuke the charge every
election board which nllon-id the lie
grors to vole aro guilty of moral, if
riot legal perjury; and tho politics!
economist who udvocatcs and enacts
such highly offensive laws, should be
polilical'y damned, in a country in
habited by Christians.
Carpet Rao Piiii amiiiioiy Gov.
Alcorn of MisMrsipp, ho, had t10 ,.
brariiin and a clerk arrested for rob
ting tho State Library. They are
charged with Healing seventy five
Volumes of Slato reports from the of
fice of tho Secretary of Slato. The
testimony indicates that Furness fur-tii-dicd
the books to Werles, twenty
five Volumes of which were lo bo sent
to John M. Lnngton, tho negro cler
gyman of the llouind University,
nd the balance to be divided between
Werles nnd Furness. Tho prisoners
"rebeld iu $1,000 bail They are
from Ohio.
Both these thnp, Wl.rc ; Ul0 ftrmy
during the war, and dipped home
l-iunos and silverware, ,ici, t,(J.
fovnl down South. HC.I1F6 ,.ir
philanthropic ideus in furnishing
books for (ien. Howard's Negro I'ni.
vcrsity. These "grand moral idea"
inculcntors should get out a patent
right for their philantropic schemes.
or they will soon find tho "prt lambs"
infringing ujon their invention. How
iiging iijKtn llte.r invention. How
.1 restraint, and, tic, ,.,,-
r, ,
necessary a hell is, in view of such
erty of tb
t r us
We feel o good over what buppen
e. on Tuesday, the lllhinst, and our
1.,-olhrcn bel so bad, that Xve
scarcely know
nt to niv. " 1 he
colored' troops fougl.l bravely," but
it was no g .
Sometimes wo feci like singing :
'l,. Hi. (I T,'t 1...1 liT llir."
"I f. -1 hit.' a ti.,.nnii,;
or something tUo.
Privately : we were very near get
ting "high" over tho result. A gain
jif.'i Democratic Congressmen, a N'li
ator and eight memiiers oi mo i..;;.-
, , r .i e .i..J
lature, when one fourth of the
...i . f
Democrats stayed at home, is eonclu
sive evidence tlmt a subslunliul change
has set in. and tho day for tho Radi
cal funerul is not far off. Pennsylva
nia is Democrat io by 20,000 major
ity. The Slato of Indiana has gone
Democratic by ;",000. The Senato is
a tie and tho Democrat have 8 maj.
in the House, giving them tho U. S.
Senator in place id' tho scalawag Mor
ton, who bad promised Grant to go
lo England, but now backs out and
says he does not want a copperhead
to get his seat until after tho 4th cf
March next, tiood byo Morion.
The New Senators'. The Stnto
Senate is composed of 33 members,
who hold for threo years, one-third
of whom aro elected every year.
Eight of the eleven elected this year
aro Democrats and threo Radicals
from the following districts, viz:
111. Philadelphia, 1. A. Naglo. D.
V. Chester Delaware nnd Mont
gomery, Hurry S. Evans, R.
VI. Hucks, jesso W. Knight, P.
VII. Lehigh and Northampton, E.
Albright, D.
VIII. Dorks, J. D. Davis, D.
IX. Schuylkill, Win. M. Randall, D.
X I V. Lycoming Union and Snyder,
Andrew II Dill, D.
XXI. IJlair, Huntingdon, Centre,
Milllin, Juniata and Perry, R. B. Pe
inker, D., and D. M. Crawford, D.
XXV. Allegheny, Ceo. II. Ander
son. R.
XXIX. Crawford and Erie, Geo. 15.
Delameter, R.
The Senate will stand 10 Demo
crats to 17 Rudtculs. HuTing cheated
the Democrats out of Mr. Dimond last
winter, w ho was elected from Phila
delphia, a year ugo, by the Demo
crats. Tho Radicals will have the
Senate this winter for tho last tiuio in
this generation.
How the Cat Jumped. Tho late
election has played tho deueo with
Radicalism. Its strongholds have,
been captured without firing a g'in.
To illustrate a liltlo no will refer
lo a few counties, Erio gavo Grant a
majority of 3,4ii4, she now gives Seo
field 1,500; Crawford county gave
Grant 1,900, she now elecls a Demo
cratic President Judge by COO and
sends a Democrat to the Legislature.
Mercer gave Grant 000, she now
gives tho Democratic Congressman
50 majority. Warren county gave
Grunt 1,300; she now gives her own
Scofield about 600, and elects a Dem
ocratic Sheriff and Commissioner. In
other sections of the State tho Ui ion
smashers have met a similar fate. The
condemnation is most substantial and
scathing. Doing done calm, cool,
and deliberate. The voters labored
under no excitement.
A Gratifying Rmult The elec
tion of Hon. Andrew II. Dill, to the
Scnalorship from Lycoming, Union
and Snyder, and tho threo members
of Assembly, is particularly gratifying
to us. That section was our tramp
ing ground during our boyhood, and
right well do wo remember old names,
although a third of a century lias
elapsed sineo we migrated.
The Ens, ton Sentinel refering to tho
election of Mr. Dill, says :
"Just as we go to press we have a
dispatch from Klisha Allis, Esq., w ho
is at Williamsport, announcing the
gratifying fact that Mr. Dill, the Dem
ocratic candidate for State Senator in
tho Lycoming, Union and Snyder dis
trict, is triumphantly elected. Old
Cameron' greenbacks could not cor
rupt Iho indomitable Democracy of
that district. Mr. Dill served in the
Uoiie of Representatives lust session,
snd is ono of the rising young men of
this Stule talented and pure."
The State. As there was no State
officers voted for at the lute election,
it will Lo some time before wo will te
able to lay ihe Democratic majority
beforo our reuders, as can only bo ob
tained by summing up the vote in tho
twenty four Congressional Districts.
Dul we have returns enough to show
that tho State has gone largely Dem
ocratic; and tho reason wo havo not
carried the Legislature, aiises from
the fact that tho Radicals havo so
formed the districts that it is impos
sible for the Democrats to carry tlmt
body without a complete revolution.
Another election will turn Radicals
and niggers upside down, and of
course give us the Legislature. Good
bye Cameron.
The Oi.n Wm-WAoom. Nobody
feels so bad over the result of tho late
election, as Came ron and that class
of lararoni. He has seen tho United
Slates Scnalorship glido away from i
him as calmly nsihc selling sun. The
result of Tuesday, the llth, has
, f , r , ' , "
sealed the fate of all such renegades i
as him, Forney, tieary, Scott, Scofield
and that class of cormorants, who lit
erally devoured the Democratic parly
in l!."9 and CO. They have, however,
done a good work for the State anj
people, even in their old nge. They
huvo so cfTcctuidly destroyed the
black Republican paity, that there is
not respectable men enough left in it,
to give ihe remains a decent burial.
Comiiussmas. We have no official
returns from our Congressional district
r.-.i , 3
, k ' . .'
n'Wr M great dia-
jt " w at free, Uuk. were dn-
j k (iii(.-;ercun
i.iii.icrdian our own county ; but it
f.'fN. Itohtl l I.'. I.ff.
This greatest of li it'll Americans.
cspired nl his home in i.exingion,
irgima, ontt.e Uli. im. , , ..
, aim .' :n i is me ..;, .
tins of that Stale, says :
It is with unaffected grief llml I
aniioiinco to you tho painful inlelli
uenio of tin? death of (iencral Robert
i:. l,eo, ul Lexington, on yesterday
morning lie died, us ho had lived,
a nnlilo example of llio sublime prin
ciples and teachings or the Christian
religion, llo goes down to tho tomb
amid the lamentations of an ntl'ectioii-
'.... nn .1 unrciif In! tll'iili UV I OXII IP(I
"" i . " . .. .
pub he am private virtue, in his lile
I ;.
of our ciiiiceiilinn of a man. A strick-
en family, n bereaved State and iilllic
ted people bow w ith reverence and
humility beforo thin visitation of Di
vino Providence. It is filling that
you, llie representatives of tho people,
should tuko such appropriate union
as the me lancholy occasion suggests,
and I believe you would but give ex
pression to ihu universal desire of llie
people, should you solicit tho inter
ment of the remains upon tho grounds
owned by tho State, nt Hollywood
Cemetery, where hereafter they may
ruiso a monumental shall, commemo
rative alike of ihoir sincere and last
ing tiffeclion for tho man and their
profound appreciation of his greatness
and goodness."
Tho Philadelphia Aje thus appro
priately refers to his death : Robert
E. Leo was bred amid llie associations
of the American Revolution. His
lather, General Henry Lee, called
popularly Light Horso Harry Lee,
was one of the most conspicuous ofll-i
cers of the war for independence, lie
was afterwards eminent in civil life.
As a member of Congress, ho pro
nounced before that body tho funeral
oration on the death of Washington,
and in it uttered ihu felicitous phrase
that has since become, proverbial :
' lie w as first in war. first in peace ami
first in tlin hearts of his countrymen."
By marriage, Robert K. Leo after
wards nd led n new association with
tho Father of His Country; Mrs. Lee
is the daughter of George W. P. Cur
tis, the son of Mrs. Washington, and
the adopted son of her second hus
band. There was no period of bis
life, from his youth at West Point,
throughout his career in military ser
vice, that Lee was not filling with the
highest distinction tho position he
occupied. As a cadet, he was gradu
ated with the highest honors. As a
Cuplain of Engineers in tho w ar with
Mexico, bis rank by no means meas
arcs the importanco of his services.
Ho was the trusted, confidential staff
officer of tho General in Chief. Scott
always made the most ample and gen
erous acknowledgement ol big merits
They wero varied and impoitant, for
he was as ready in action as in coun
sel. His personal courage, indeed,
was of that habitual and iiupurtura
blo kind that seemed too much a part
of his nature to bo the subject of spe
cial commendation. It is almost su
perfluous to ny ol him that ho was
brave amid all tho ordii nry perils of
Iho soldier. One instance, of a rather
peculiar character, however, occurs
to us. The battle of Contreras wus
won by a flank movement, w hich, at
tho ( lose of a day of hard und indecis
ivo battle, carried a body of American
troops across a region which ihe Mex
icans bad fondly deemed impassable.
It was tho ground known us "the
Pedregal," u vast field of volc.ii.ic
rocks, chasms and precipices. Across
this, tho American troops (und the
brigade of General Cudwalader, of
this city, was among them) painfully
crawled and scrambled, arriving at
night-fall on the opposite side. Lee
accompanied this movement; but no
sooner was it effected and ihu troops
posted for an attack tit daybreak,
than be, solitary and alone, retraced
bis steps amid all tho perils of the
way, enhanced by darkness and in
llie presenco of the enemy's skirmish
ers, lo inform General Scott upon llie
situation, and concert the decisive at
tack on ihe next morning, which was
to retrieve tho unfavorable result of j
the first day's operations. This was
a feat of remarkable daring, and it
was characteristic of tho man w ho did
it. Well might Scott call him, in bis
report, "tho gsllunt and indefatigable
Captain Leo as
distinguished for felicitous execution
as lor science and daring."
His nioro recent career is too well
known to need recnpitululion.
Bi ixt News. The "Gotcrnmcnt"
at Washington, must have hail a hap
py timo of it the day after tho elec
tion, if whut Forney's VrM of the
loth says is true. The ' Government"
und old Simon must havo been terri
bly exercised over Allegheny. The
"Republican victories" do not prove
to be Uiick Republican such as the
political hatlots nt Washington desir
ed. Read w hat iho "dead duck "says :
" Wasimnoton, Oct. 12. 1ST0,
"The President lias been ail day in j
receipt of dispatches giving accounts
or republican victories. 1 ho results,
lie says, aro even belter than he bad
been led to anlicipnlc. lie to day re
ceived a dispatch from Senator I'tim
eron at llarrisburg, saying: "This
State is right sido up. Tlio Allegheny
district we have carried by a sweep,
ing majority over tho copperheads
and boiler combined. Luzerne de
feats Woodward and gives us a re
publican Congressman. Killinger, re
publican, succeeds Cake, and wo hold
our own every where clso. O'Neill is
said lo be beaten, but if be is, he it sup
planted ly a gooil republican and a
soldier. Tho legislature is decidedly
republican.' "
We nio glad to know ' this Slate is
right sule up ami dial Senator Cam
eron sees it from our stand point.
ror llie purpose of substantiating the
Senator's dispatch we give elsew here
r,',,irn" f"" the several congressional
l','"1,1 l"' W '"i1"0 ,il , ,bo l"i"d
tbat tlie radicals havo lost kix, mem-
l,t rs of Conurr.
Lioiit in Dark Places Sloan,
Democrul, ha been elected to the
Legislature from Indiuna. Crawford
connly also sends a Demwrnt, and so
does Delaware county. There aro no
three darker spots in tho Stato. The
Kgyptian duikness which has prcvai
I, s . i L- I J !
l,!.sl,(.(n(l,-,.elle,l,(,J nil- !
And '-Wo'll bo guy uml Imppy still."
Motiii.r 1'rNTRE. Our demoerntic
lirclliurn in olj Centre, gavo the ni
,;er and tl.eir l.ito allies a complete ' . W,' , '. ( l,,"r' l,nm -"'
i',tLn l'"')''-'! .J"- MfV1k-1 "p"" unmnriihly." Tl.ia is tl.o l,f
r t . , ' w-J-nly year wo l.avc had lately for pwi in.-.
for tlio LepsUlur.. 1 l.o whole Iem- j morality, cf tho MeilioJist render
otratic roitBl ieljt U lw!rd .10.I.1 n hart-prr !
i;lccHoii Itcliiriis of ( lenrflclil
"mrw'l rBin i
tiro. SOS .,
11.. .:
Ilm.ll'ont .
I Hi
ifs I
it ' I
M in
Si 77
I I'llClt
K. 77'
:.! it
S7 he.'
4'J T2
I.tnnlisr City
,,w tYNhtiiiiKtmi
I Hi
M:otritv .
,!;e,(K ii.'isn i:i7,i2.i
The WicKF.itesT Man Dead. John
Allen, noted two yours ngo us tho
"Wickedest Man in Now York," died
on tho 1 til It of last month, at West
Forth, in that State, wheru his lather
resides. John, it may be remembered,
kept a dance bouse und drinking sa-1 plerco their way through the I'ruwdtin
loon in Water street, and turned his lines, wero assailed by fresh divisions
establishment into a place of daily , of Frisians, which had advun'ced to
prayer, under the inflnenco of several llie support of Von Kanimer. During
gentlemen connected with the Ilow-'thn night ilia French mado many
ard .Mission. More than a year ago, brilliant but desperate and hopeless
he moved into a large brick building, j attempts to crush iho 1'riissiun centre,
which ho had erected ut Roosevelt and ; A ilispatch from Rlieims announces
tlulnviu streets, and kept a grocery, that lbs Prussian commander at Laon
on the ground floor. Tho upicr lie has issued a proclamation to Iho in
rented to families At first he attend-; habitants of tho department of the
ed to business, and prospered ; but uf-! Nisiie, declaring that four Frenchmen,
ter the death of bis wife, his old habit ' innocent or guilty, w ill bo shot for
of drinking nvercamo him. Hu lived 1 every Prussian whom tlio inhabitants
in idleness for six months previous toj may kill.
his death, and bis store wus without The battlo of Saturday ended, as
goods. In August, ho went to bis did its predecessor on Friday in the
lather's farm, remained there until his! defeat of tho French, they being driv.
decease. lie leaves over 1100,000 on in confusion into Metis. Tho car
earned chiefly by bis nefarious Water, nago was more dreadful lhan on Fri
slreet pursuit. While residing in day, and the Prussians now have llie
Roosevelt street, ho frequently visited "task of providing for tho dead and
the Howard -Mission in his sober ! wounded of both armies, which will
moments, and professed religion.
Mm hnfi l liKF.n! Forney's rrrs
wn soivle ulHieted tho morninir ufler,
the election. The slaughter of half a
score t.f lovnl scal.iwiHM caused Iho
dead duck'' to quack thusly :
"Western Pennsylvania hag been do
ing badly. It begins to look as if the
Sixteenth, Kighieenth, Twentieth,
Twenty tirt, and Twenty-fourth Con
gressional districts must he given up.
A yet the account are conflicting,
and in certain points hardly reconcil
able; but even if gomo of theso dis
tricts are saved, ihe general current of
loss cannot be gainsay cd. Wo await)
from tho press of that section an cx-
plunation. Kastern Pennsylvania cx
poets llie west to account for the
slaughter of Cessna, Morrell, Stewart,
Giltillnn, and Ionley all in rno action
is a little too much, and calls for in
vestigation." "
I.NFAMots. The following sprciul !
telegram appeared in tho J'lrnihj Tt'.-
t iroiih :
Washington, October 12. The
President received a dispatch from
Senator Morton to-day, i-tating that
tho Stale of Indiana was carried, yes
terday, by the Republican by a small
majority. Tho Stute is so districted
that the Democrat might carry it by
from five to ten thousand majority,
and slill the Lcgisluluro would bo Uj
pubi'can. Hero is an acknowledgment, an
blushingly made, that Indiana lists
liecn so outrageously gerrymander d
by the Radicals, that a Democratic,
majority will not give thut parly rit
trol of iho Legislature. It wus sup
posed that in this country tho pcile
and not politicians, govern. :
Bri.i.T roa SAMno. Tho genuine
black nigger of tho Thirteenth (bn-
gressionul District of New York Uve
met in a convention and pascd tbc
following resolution : I
Too-ri iiiirountmuMK sni .envn or periwig hoi
' 'ii cuntitiut in rote tn irmucrtie -1
ct, '.! III. I r .nT lo ,h.n-K.rd lllcm, .n.l .,11
not gir aot plr or pp..rli..n or hfllfr iii'.ur
hnu-. or . :. of t.u.msM, but comi.lcr f m
as rnt-nif (u our rtc Inrtrtr.
Sensible darkies! Wo wish It 'in
Democrat of thill district would sluw
as much sense, and "resolve thut no
nit no
1 rhis
? Vim
i wtitc,
do not w ant tho nigger voto
would help separate tlio sheep
llio goals, or tlie black Irom the
according to tlio Scripture.
Exi'l.osini. Tho powder wntkn of
Messrs Lull in & Rand, near l'dtts-.
ille, I'cnna , exploded recently, tic
troying several buildings I
,.,!, , J
n i'iiil t ii lo 1
killiiir two'
: ,i,.,.i.
Iho works, and instantly
men who wero working in ihet'iuk
ing house. Tho bodies of ihejiiien
wero iicked up in small pieces. 'The
uiiiotint of powder exploded ivni be
tween til Ml and 701) kegs, the principal
jtoriiou of which wns iu ihv dryli'inr
fhis shock wns lerrilie, and was fdl
at a distance of tti miles I he o
iho company will amotiiit to aliait
A Rkmi.t. Tho Radical majoriy
in Chester county, in lsOH, was i.dfi.
Thisyeitr, over l.'.'nO negroes voted Uf
Radical ticket, nnd iho majority ruif
down to 1.7.M). This shows a' lofs tf lllul l,a blnssonn lis well as npo Iruit
over l,.'.nii. In Delaware, tho sane! "I,0n n maple tree leaf out a ec
average Radical loss is exhibited I ) limc ' i'n. and knows of a
the returns. This shows that tlio' l,lutl raspberry bush which has borno
Radicals oe moro than they gain by I lwo t'r"Ps tlf berries.
coiiiiection w ilh llio negro. , "
, , j A man in Washington asked the
A Milwaukee paper speaks ol n' President bmv I'arrngul's funerul went
young lady lliere who "appears is' ""'" -Nljiv York, lie said it was dec
fresh and buoyant as a budding rse iM wet, but thai ho had a splendid
after passing through iho dew-gil.ed ''inner at Iho Union League rooms
sievo of a fiimrant dawn." .,,j 11,1,1 "'ii1'1. wl,t" ll'c' Wl'ro Jry
she llltlsl ho cunninir ss n siinll..,! ,ltt , OUgh.
liii'lding roc, come Ihrounh a "d' -
gilded sieve" and seo u, dew. So siys
"Brick" Pomeroy. j
A Boston man claims lo havo nude
llie tour of Kuropo for tliin. He is
certainly a relative of the church d'h- i
eon who bragged that he had belon;fd
" ? ,M.r''h f,V "' "a
it Ii.hIi.'I cost dim a cent, l'rooailv
10 peuuieu wooiten liinmcR,. r ruU
liiscxtK-tiHcsi j.rcj irtfj in regular Sew
l .... ..... i ...... i
....(j.M.i, ir, (
1 I
A Mell.mlist preaclier. limned I.ri-.I.'
onsion, Imi lu-in
(oiinly-October lllli, IftTO. ' i "' ' n't'" .
K j' s, ! k ,' t ! E ' ; A
- MM 5 - i ! ; ?
e ' - i tr T t
Z -9 I t ,j e .' i
fil i L'!.l.L !iJL.
sr,. r' ims" sr. sn ss sd
4... pi.'. 4:1 l H I1'-'
:n , js :u , 21 .".1 j is .11
si1; 2 21 ! vi 21 ! s. ii
! VV 2-' V'.l 2M '' 21
M ;72' ."( ! 271 54 27 1! .'it
117 ! 7.1 117 ' 73 H7 73 III
76 SV 77; :.' 77! W 7t
5,1 tl.l 21. M 21 I ll-l 21
III., ! IS.. IHU ISI VJ ' s ll'l
T3i 4'J- 73 j 4v, ?a j 4s, ;:i
Sir S2, Hi 32 j m 32
mi j :in M !
y. ;.c sr. i7 k : 57, :i.s
IU I 4'l' 2U 41: 2" 1 4i 2n
s! si: ii i v si i v
M 22 I'.C 22 Ml 22 ll'l
0 : ; 1 1 4 si "3 4S1 A3 I 4 B3
41 i 57: it- 57! 41 i iJi 41
21 5S 21 f7; 21 .'ol 21
24 i S2 21 I S3! 21 I S3 -21
T 1 2U'Ji 71, 2i:' Ti , 2nV 71
2CI 2S 21' 2: 2( 2i; 21
42 ISO 42 , li'.ll, 42 10 1, 42
si 44, ! 4(! fl 41, 8
42! II.. 42i 115' 42! 114' 42
82 53 I 83 S3 52
73! s;i 731 87! 73 t-s 71
31 ; 3'J 31 i :'). 81 3! 31
2s j Tt, 2I. 7, 2 7b 2s
I37i2is7 1374 2.''VI 1374 2VJI 1.11,8
I ,'l'.'l:i i .lilll :lt.v
72 ; 2i:t
24 i :''
42! IS";
t-l 4I1
42 ' II..
611 j 8'-"
7:1 , S7,
.n 1
27 j 7',
'Ciie t'Vniipr t v Waii Ilerlin. Oct.
10. The fighting ut Met?., which was
renewed to the northwest on Saturday
morning, was a serious battle, it being
prolonged throughout the day. '1 lie
French, who wero cntlcuvnring to
reach an alarming number. Tho los
ses of iho French and Prussians art
very heavy, iho slaughter resembling
tbat of liravelotle.
The Prussians havo burnt tho villago
of Ab U, alleging for this extreme
measuro treachery upon the part of llie
It is stated that Lord Lyons recently
suggested to liismarck the expediency
of un armistice, when liirmurck re
plied that Prussia would bo glad to
make peace at any timo and any w here
but tb it no proposition looking to a
truce would tie entertained u moment.
Bean Hickman tells a New Y-irk
StanJiirJ reporter bow ho came by the
name "Ueau: "1 was a coteinporury
of Henry Clay; hud the honor of ho
ing born down near w here bo was.
They boast that old Hanover county
produced three great Americans Pal
rick Henry, Henry, ( lav, und you
know tho other hev F There's no
need of a great man being no devilish
modest, you know. I inn not w hat I
wus, though ; that is a fact. Used lo
bo a great beau with tho ladies at
While Sulphcr Springs well, let me
see, about ls:10. There was an up
start there, some foreign Count or
other, culled tho 'beau of tho season.'
I sworo it was a shumo lo America lo
havo to import our dandies. Tho af
ternoon I gut there, just before dinner,
out on tho verandah, whero every
body could hour him, hs called out to
his valet, "waistcoat for dinner. Then
I culled out, louder yet, to my boy,
iiriiig mc my one hundred and ninety
second pair of pantaloons and my fif-
ty sixth coat. Ho bolted by the next
evening's train. Rolled is a word
from llie turf, you know. I 'saw him
and went ono hundred better,' as
Ibcy say in bluff. That' tho way I
cumo to be called 'Beau.'"
Governor Bowio has directed At-
torney Gi-ncral Jones to lake step at
once to nswrtnin tho fads connected
willi tbe arrest of citizens of Mary
land and the forcible taking avray of
tiieir properly whilst engaged iii rv.
,-;,, jn r1.'..,j,r Sund I.V tllO Vir
.. ' 1 ' ailLtcr nounil, ( 1110 IT
g"," Oyster Jvuvy. Iho (jovernor
has ulso written in Governor W ulker
urging the reluasc of Ihe men now
imprisoned ut Drumtnondtown, Ya..
and the return ol their vessels, and
suggests that no more arrests he made
in tho waters claimed by Maryland
until the boundary line question can
be si tiled.
Chief Justico McKcan had decided
that tho Legislature of Utah cannot
elect a prosecuting oflicrr for tho Ter-
ritorial Court over which hs so ubly
. , .
Vr?,"lc, 1 Iii decision ejects ihe
Mormon Alt'irney (ienrrul from oflice.
orney iienrral irom ollice,
nnd place all criminal case in the
Territory in Iho hands of tho United
Stales oilier rs.
Just beforo the Republican State
convention of Now York, tho lamen
ted (ireclcy placed himself "in the
hands of his friends." His friends
solemnly accepted iho sacred trust
and quietly laid tho great agricultur
ist and philosopher upon the shelf.
Tho editor of tho Mendvillo firpuh-
l,c,n 1,0 8l t" a chesluul limb
The (ieorgetown .Til say "the
dentil of the Republican party would
bo a great sorrow lo the nation."
Yes, but, liko Juliet's parting with
Romeo, it would bo "sucli sweet Bor
row." Atno wns recently cut flown nt
t'.lers,.oi I l.iel, wn, 275 year, ol.l
A .-l..,J ..... u. ,l....,i. Lin I...
!,, RX found marking tlie grain
ol itt. y.itli year ofuije.
a . -
linn i?.,, Liiinnl .. l.iii. ,m (),A witli 1
IWri nK will, ll,
IVinliec, ten ih.wsii
in t.-mji.ville ddrinjf,.r .,,1. I... .i.
Sonielliii. nf tlutl iluiraUef seems to
i tho Into (ieorgo D.
i newspiiper men have died
t.-mjiaville dirinjf lha ptt rrnf,
riflV the ItatHrnl rai l).
'Ihe lliidii'itl tiiiij'iiily In this lily,
w ill ni l l oino up to ihe number of
negro lotes lio-t for lb ( uinlidaies ol
tbalpaity. Wilboiil their negro nl
In s, Ihe whole flailical ticket would
1,-ivo bctlt delcatcl. Not n man
would have been clio-ell. This is
rcinlered eel tain by tlio figures.-
White men ure disgusted witli Radi
cal in tu in the nation nnd city. They
feel the ill effects (if Radicul dominit
lion. They know Ihe debt bus been
augmented, mid taxation increased
They petitioned for a repeal of llie in
come tax, and their petitions were
unheeded. They have In bear llie
burden of Radical misrule, and loot
(lie bills made by scalawag politicians.
These lire Iho reasons which scparaled
so many w hile men from iho Radical
parly on election day. They wanted
a change in the men who act us rep
resentatives lor tlio musses. They
fell. Iho necessity for such a change.
lint their eli'orts and votes were neu
tralized by ignorant negroes, who till
ed up the gap mado by their depar
ture. Negroes, who pity no luxes,
but those necessary to vote, w ho luive
no interest in the city or Stale, w bo
own no properly, who have no Ixisi
ness relations tu steady their action ut
the polls, stepped into tho places ol
merchants, manufacturers, inachanics
and workingnien, und elected men lo
ollico, whom while voters repudia
ted. It was, and is virtually a negro
triumph. Whito men wero defeated.
TheiiitorcNlsof white men were tramp
led iu the dust beneath the feet of ig
norant negroes, who to day cannot lell
for whom they voted, or what inter
ests were at stake. They wero used
as the tools of the gang of bad men,
who rule tho city and rob the people.
The actions of the "Ring" hud pro
duced u salutary effect upon intelli
gent men. Facts bad taken a lodg
ment in the public mind, and if whito
men only hud been called upon to
render a verdict, in would bnvo been
far different from Unit recorded by
tlio returns. It is important that
business men should look nl the ex
hibition of negro voting in our city
from a practical point. Tliul point
was reached on Tuesday last, when
their interests fell beneath tho blows
of ignorant negroes, and w ill remain
there until a revolution, moro general
lhan that indicated by iho action of
Tuesday, can bo cllecteJ. In the
future, the Radical party will be run
in tho interest of llie negroes. They
must elect thut ticket, und. as a mut
ter of course, lliey will be foremost in
all movements ol a political character.
To this complexion has tho Radical
party came at lust. It is no longer
un organization of while men, anxious
lo futrther and protract tho intcreMs
of thut class of citizens. It is a com
bination of corrupt w hite politicians
and ignorant negroes. Tho former
will do the scheming and fixing, the
lutter tho voting. And by such a
combination, Philadelphia, will be
ruled, unless astiil more radical change
comes over the mindsof a certain class
of whito men. The Democratic party
will lubor to effect that change iu the
future as lliey have in the pu-t. It
must como. Whito men will not suffer
iho interests of this city to be ruined
by negroes. A:te.
IfYsfrrit llrpublirnHitM.
In Missouri llie Republican party is
divided into two tactions, upon the
question of the removul of disfrnn
cliisctii' iil from whito men. Tlie Rad
ical wing insists that Iho disfranchise
ment of the w hites shall remain, while
the Republican w ing demand, that ns
the negroes havo been enfranchised
the disfranchised whites shall be en
franchised also. But this is not all of
the trouble. The platform to w hich
both of theso faction iigreed contain
ed a resolution on tho turitf, declar
ing for a liirilf for revenue, und against
"any system of luxation which will
lend to iho creation cf monopolies,
and benefit ono industry ul the ex
pense of another." This is regarded
us opposed to a turill w hoso principal
is protection. But this wu adopted
without a dissenting voice as tlio pos
iti'.n of tho Radico Republican party
ol .Missouri on the laritt question, nnd
is in direct antagonism willi princi
ples of tho "loyal" Republican nf Ihe
Must. Commenting tioon this the
Cincinnati Gti;itle say. "If any Kas
tern prohibitionist is inclined to chal
lenge it, he may as well begin to re
sign himself litbe fad (hut such a res
olution could not bo voted down in
any Republican Convention West of
tlie mountains.
Now, w bat will tho loyal High Tar
iff Republicans oi New Kngluiid say
to 110? Here i a tc-l of loyalty
which louche to the quick New Kng
luiid loyalty. We have very great
faith that tlio Republican party of the
West w ill, ere long, rise to ihu mag
nanimity" of making the white man,
iu political rights, equal with tlio ne
gro. If the bold assertion which Ihe
Gizitlc flaunts in Iho lace of Kastern
allies is confirmed by Iho general re
cognition of tlio principal relating lo
tint Turi!! us contained iu the Missouri
platform, w e shull begin In think that
Ibo Wcsl and the South w ill very soon
find themselves in thut very happy
condition of harmony, such as led Mr.
Jefferson, on a certain occasion to de
clare tlmt, "wo aro all Republicans,
all Democrats."
A IH:ma(io(iik Snn.vr.n. Amon
the bright evidence of returning nense
it tlio detent of Joshua l)oiii;liis., iho
liepiiltlieitn cittulidalo for 1'iesideiit
Jiiili;o in Crawford county, nod the
election of lion. V. 11. I.owrie, Dem
ocrat an nUe jurist and an honest man.
Tho pe iplo of Crawford havo achieved
immortal honor, and especially those
honest lie publican who cast aside the
trammclR of tuiiiy lo proservo their
judiciary from corruptioii und con
tempt. 1 heirs 1st Hie lies! day work
of llie campaign Vcnungi'ir
'UttlrK" Toiiieroy nays : (iraul has
a brother in I'hitittto who looks mi
much liko tho President thai people
are coniiuiially r;ii in him pivsenls,
t t - .. i... i I....'.
tin., int.. "i.i.i-i i wnj un j i..'iii
c;rl any ollice. I'iiss, Kays ll-.ul thini
is pla eil mil, nml p ipers ptil'lislied lit
that fity fhoiild in justico to llieir
icaderM make a note ol it, that they
may know liow tlicy uro being victim
A vevbimo preacher, who could only
ho found on iNiinltty, heinr oblix.l to
eerelo himself durum ''10 'ecU lo
avoid bin creditor, wn in tl.U wise
criticised by a witish henror: "That
man," aaid he, "in invisiblo nix dayo
intho week, and comprehcnaiblo on
tho aeventh.''
Tlie well known unit in New York
of Jnliii C. Muliony niriiinst Aui;iist
Itt'lmont, for llio recovery ol'il.o I'i ii
ian fundi. Iia. been finitlly dt'eided in
In vor of Itt liimiit, tlironti the drfuult
nf Ihfi f-lintiff,
A SstAK AM) Ylf.l.ux Shortly
after iho di lh of the lute F. M. Stan
ton, Senator Wilson mi inn mil In n
miigar.ini) ni l iclr, itit'l dm hired bint a
vileTiind cowardly sneak, who. while
a member of M r, Pm humtit'" Cabinet,
wa in ihe consmiit habit of holding
sooret a 1 1 1 1 midnight Hirelings
the leading Abolitionist in Congress,
and coinmuiiii ating to them ad ibe
proceeding ' Ibo Cabinet of which
ho was himself a trusted member.
Judge Black, a life long Ii lend ol Slnn
lon's and on whosa ivciimiiieiiihilioit
mainly he was made a member of Mr.
liui hunuii's Cnbinel, replied lo this
sicminiily atrocious ( barge of H il
Sim's, and declared that sii. h lll.l'utli
omuble baseness w as not possible, und
moreover, us Sinnlon was at ibis same
I i mil u while mall, and in the daily
habit of denouncing ibo Abolitionists
a traitors In lln ii country, and eno
mies of republican institution, Wilson
was a villiinoiis slanderer of the dead
lint Wilson is out in the lust Alliinln'
Wuntlily, and puis the mailer beyond
all doubt lit Stiinlon wits as vilu a
sneak in Mr. Huchaiiaii's Cabinet as
he was tyrant nnd villain in that of
Lincoln. .Y. )'. J)ny llwli.
lieu- JiUf rtiscmcnts.
Alfl KIM. All .r.m r tirn-Lv
mt U, nu:alllle s ce;-,tlll I'UO.M LSSOK I
NOTK lirrtt br .Nin-jr .McC'riiPkn. in my tuiiil,
ilsK"l about Hi ti l r M dr f Wr, la;. ."l
ollinj lor $2l'U, st tlit. iits h h'Ti. l"Bl "r ip
len lr..m mr. JaAIAII ULOOM.
OiMte.vr 19, 170 3t J'-T.
1 1 T A VI'KIH 'I II Silioul IOrrct(,r of Kar
1 f thnm town-hip rmh to einploT Ihrre csin
prltnt TtAl'llbH.s lo laks charge "I tlm n-boi-U
"f Mid towtiFltip ( Le cotuibj winter.,
with Kajri-r, to b to tlie I'rt-ii.lrijt or
Secrelary, wiiocan lie sj lrenl Hi bait Livtt I.
O., CJcartii'lU couttt5. l'a.
J. W. rOTTEIt, Pr:.;j-.,t.
Jiiitt'S G!l ulasii, Seeri-tarr. OjllU Zl
"I II'lt A V. Strayed from Ihe,b. r Iu
XJ Ura'ly ("wutinj., aot the lirrt of M.ij tatt.
a large KEll 11 1 LI., four veara oi l, witli shoe
spolv, itar in lit forehead sai lirjfi straight
bortia. Anj itil'irinaliun will it Ibukfullj rv
reiret, aiei a lioeral reward will l X;Tt-' tu any
one fur bta ai-preUcmcn a-id ,K tt n'mi'. ritak
ad.lreil ilt.VKY Al'ltANU,
Oct. 19 -Slp.1. Treumilc, CliarfiiM Co., Pa.
1.l-.CX'T(tltS) klll K i:. Notice i.lo;-.
j I.r ffiren (liat Leiura Teatatnentarv baeutg
h"-n ftrnnted (u Ibe tubaeriber, on lite Kitate ul
M-IZAlihTil S-Ml Ai deed, late or liraob.rd
tt.wnrbip, Ctearbeld eounir, l'v-nnr!ranta, all
periKtut tn.ebt-.J to fid Ktatc are rejucted to
luaka iiinneiita'e ptyiueut, asd thoie havi.'K
eiaimi aaitiat tb aute will pmetil tbeui duly
authenticated for atttlrment.
KLLIa KUEAL, Eic:u'.or.
October 19, 1970 1.
IIXIit'LllHCS lllll Nolioe i bere
j bv (riven thai letter! teitatocntarj having
l.e ii 1n the subieriber en Ihe .-Ma'e ol
l.t.olO.K s.MEAL. diesared, lale of Bradford
tosmliip, ('learlield eounlv, Pensfylvauia, all
pervunl indebted to paid eatate arc rttrit,-d lo
make iit'tnediate payment, snd tho- bavitic
cluimi agnit.ft tbe aauta will lirtlent tbem dul
authentloated for aettlctitstit.
Oeiobrr 13, 1 -70:6::p-l. Ktecutora.
Clearfield, Prun'a.
Tilt frrvo;rjf putn'inn f cburchfl (.
other puMio IuMipj:i will rcrir-panicul4r
ttlcQfiun, n wi ll tlte itintinK f carriiffti im
aluht. Utt'Jirtc U'ifit in t lie ntrft iyid. A I
wurit -rrfintrl. Mi-n uo Fxartti itrtfl, f'Tuterty
ocruil by K"ufr il,UC-.rt. osl'J'1
lIin nuV.Kril-cr off-i fur .Jc rluMt trurt
X. of Tim)r, cuntsiniitjc l"1 Kcni, i;utc
iu (tit ft'torr namol tonnshin, within lhr- ciih-i
of I-urat er Vity, on the rad U to Arw.tmllt
liTtnK on Koth oidei of l.itil OnrStlit Crm-h.
SuitaMn- f'ir l-'iCfinj, if (Jriirr-I. Any om t.h
in( tn Kfcvrtatn the tcrm or louk nl ihr UhH, mil
RbJ the umlf rtito d at i-orpe MrawV, one Hi it
a ii'l a half ruth f L'JiuUr Cit. on tbe ruad
leading t New .Mi ljrf.
Lumb r City, Octcbtr IU, ls7 linp-1
Uf.PdHT of the rwvlilino of tbe COUNTY
KMIONAL lUXKof ClearDel.l, l ihe
0. 0aa of bulincia on tbe 8'b daj of Uotuber, lSTO :
1. 01 aril direoonttw fllM'H 14
OverilratU ,;:.S 7S
I'. S. bond! to at'i-ura eireulalioQ T&.tll'O III!
liia from redeeming r-aerva aircntl 9.a(.t 93
llue fruT3 mber Vsti.inat rU"k , 6. "In tj
Pue from other llankland Ual:berl. t.S.i2 .14
Furniture and lilturvf 1 I.
Current exp-naei &.)( ly
Chcclf and uttier earb iteuit, tucludinf
etanipf (SS 01
Dilli 01 utber National Uana. 4I( e
Fraeti.inal eurrenev, including ..Kkela, I,lt3 (0
Sjteeie e-'in t to
Legal-tender buUa 17.0UO Oil
Cnpilat atoek paid .n
..!:. I'ji :
....f)ICM" 00
3 m o eo
ll J ill
.... J,.1i.i) 17
surpiui lund
I' je
1'roSt and
Naii.mal Hank nott outmanding
In.tiri tua drpueil
lue t Uaoaaaad Uauker
.. t.l$3 Vil
X, W. M 8haw. Cahii-r Afth Coiinte XatinM
Bn-ak of Clearfield, di aotrmnlr wear tlist tlie
alnre lalr.nent ia true to the Ket of tne knnw).
l n I O'ief. f. M. Sil Vi, Caakirr.
Siibsril.e. an I iworn to tiefore me tti Hill day
of O.lulirr, IfTO.
(. . Mil (11.11 1, 1. r.
J A M r 8 T. I.KONfltp,
Illt'llA'.tD til A IV.
Correet Attest:
Ottolir l, 1879.
Kt- PtIHT .r tin eonliil .ri i.f the FIKST
. A 1 1 1 1 N A I, U t N K of cteatlel.t. In tha
e-uoij. i f llnrne.l. In lha State of Prnnevl.
eama. a( th el of buiindsa, od the tin laof
Oetwber, lo7u :
ttr,a iritrra.
t"n an1 Dirrounla ftOS.Ul (l(l
leer drafti . ,4,i jj
I1. S. to a-eure eirt-tlation lt).i,ti(0 (10
Dua fro'n rt-Jeeniinr an.l Heaerra
Airent. i ( j
Pua In, in other Nail ma ll..a .s..; VI
Hoe Horn other llanaa A llanhera a SVf M
Furniture anil Itlturri t,3S!l fo
Current Klprnira (il
Talea pa'il 745 g
Cheeda and 1 ther narb iteota I,JS7 I"1
llilll of other Nati'.nal tUnke IHI l
Kraeij.inal eurrenre, inelu.l. oielia:a ZV'J 11
Spei le Coin H
Legal rcnilflr notca. fl,ti'0 (in
Total, Ilil.JM 4
0.ilal rtoelt fal.l In I Inn MS. 01
uruf lund , 1 7 (1(1
I'lirount I. KM It
Kieha r;e I 10 47
Interoat ?.l 2t ." a
I'n.r.l an.l ! I.;t) 0;
National H.n Cireula-
ti..n o!itiaalin. I. 491 (II
Oivilen-lt unpanl Inn (In dei-oeitf 4 0? t?
Dua to National llanae .. J. u j(
Liua tn other liana. anil
Uanaera m p
ToUl llabiliiiva )I,J I (1
StUtnf r..'r-..'. CVn,-.f C"'y. .;?.
1. jona. l.., 111.11, -re 1 .. iha I Ir l Nallonl
llat.k of I'learl'.i.l, o1., aoh-m il, w-ar ihil tie
attoea atat-tn tit ta tfi I., llie be-i nt" mr kn-w.
la I if anil belief. JON I. Il' N fn., l
Sub-erlbe.l an t ,..rn lo betora uie, Ihia lha
llih iif ol Oil. ber, l:ii
Cnttnrrr IrTt.ttl
A. K. It' titi., 1
lttrtlann M a..r. Pireetori.
A. C. Ktvxrv. I
Opji,,ite lha Ci.url ll.'tire.
Cl.EARriF.LI, rtXS'A,
Aeeonimo.lation firtl-etan anj eharge mo.lerale.
oell JOHN F. YOrMll, 1'r.p.i.tor.
I;"! T C -Knnfetnre.l from tbe he7
eharimal 1111, trroee.1 anil aol.lere.1 1.1 oalaiile
an. I aarranteilaia- talc I'T
'K i il. f. rr-rn co.
S KKT I'lir ATllKS, a(
C. K R .TZ Ktt'S,
KrplemUer Il:lm (ippoai.a Ihe Jail.
8Tn KS In.n.i.lea A Krrnrr Cook'. Kne.,
I'atlor Oiorea. Unlet, Tea Kelilei A II .ilera,
CM: Mil II I.H, I'A
11 '!'
tttfit'- M"ii'l(i' , S. i.' ntl-t ( jtfj,, i
A Ptltnur J ii irFtn tit iM )t r I I- I
fi'h'Mtl ihi U'l . I r wlo h fli
it. hilt it''iti inr li e i"rn i im t
.a ill I ,1 .1.. li ..
tit iti'iu iir li e
ttr(!tir ami iiWrHf ih'.
TMlMn OK TllTlcN.
Hrting. ti(i,(frhy, Writinic.Hi j-rf u
nt, CritHKiv Antluiiriie nnl i'limaiy
ll.o'jrmi-liv j.
llictttry, I, -wtil -ut I irtri'tie 4 r .tf T Ja i,j
irh sp llrMWiti. ltnmiiirt ul
n MVrilifn Ariitimflic f
AI'-tTn tlit- vii nct-i u
In'ru"ii'in in mtr iinnial m nit- n
'Ml pttlltlid, ?l ltfvJll .... tJh
Hni wurk N
Kur Full rficuUr fh-l lor t irtjuisr.
Clearlivl I, r-t. 7, I I v U.
Rav. P. L Harrison. A. M., Principal,
, yi-ir ul Mil Inrinui itio ilt i mti ttt ,
bU.NUAY, lift lh ut .tt'Uii.brt, I A,tl.
t ujii dim nntjf Ht Muy lluff. Ihe) t
cbafteJ wttt. (uition Iron th tin U t; tbiirii
filiated f duratii-n tor onth fnil
lb Priprltnl. fciTtnf hud tbt ftdrantttgut
uurb iririiee id bin rviiitn, aauri(.
remit and jiwird bdd thai hi rmire biiit) tu
nrrgin will r devoted lb uml nk
tl traibiug tf the jeuih p.Mft-d under bn tiitr
I I.NMs OK 1 1 I I
Orthofjrmf'hj, Headinfr. Writing, and Prittim
tAriihoieiic, per Hvaioti f 1 1 w . - it
Grnuimer, Urojtmj br, ArllbnctK. bad
Ht-fTj $IH
AUel-ri, Geometry. Tritmmftry, Mm-
urn t. on, roTxryiftK. rhtlwt'h.T, Tbni.
olojTT. Cbrwiatrj. Utk Keeping, UuUitT
and l'by-Ml e (trt he . - - ll K
Lno, ilrrrk fd Krtatb. with anj f ike
Koe Iirnnrle - - - . ft
MI'Sli; hma ($ IfPpnfp) . . . $n
jfT-Nn df 'lurtt'in tuil) be aiade far aeatm
j"Ktr further pert. ruler .t-qaire Af
Rrr. V. L. HAHhI&0, A V.,
fek. J..;o If. P'-nripl.
ii. ii it 1 1 (i ii
(S:orc one dotr eait of flt-ariuld IIjo'i,)
Market Mrett. Clearlirld, l'a.
KEF P.' a hand a full itf tmeate of Un ,'
rurntibinf Uo'de. turb at rbirtt. Liiti
u4 Wtiulea t'Dd'-rrbtrt', Itrewer abd iStxli
Nerk tifl, Packet flaindberrb.', O'O-, Um
tmbn-llaa, 4., In great Tenet. Of tun
Uuudf ha keepi the
Best Cloih3ofa!l "Shades and Colors,'
.-a eh an Black t)fkia of lb ttry ttt anki
Kanrj Caeinere, in gre&t ranrif , aUo, rrirl
Coating, fifaver, rilMt. .htnrhilia, ai Irira
evereusiinf. All of whtrh be eotd thtri
Cah, and ma1e up aeerding tu tbe laieit ij.ti
by eipeneaeed work wen.
AUo. Aceol for LlfartirU rcmale ft I. II
iner A CVs. celebrated beaisg Marbinri
how, ), lafIS tf. II tihll'tit
crocks: rots! crocks;
FUhcr'f Patent Al..l,-ht tclf . Stallnf
Krnlt I a ml
rt'TTEK CKOtKa, wi'd lirla,
flower roi.-, 1'iH Disnrs,
And a great tutor other ftiitia too Bntneraai ta
mellllon, Id be bud at
turner ol tberrv nnd Third tiuavtr,
CLEAKntLD, PA. ai-tJ
Xcw Cabinet !
PANY I'ff-r f.-reate Tuwn Lwtt in tbt hot
"uu tt Orvt'nln, t'irertirtd cwet-'T, Pa , end !h
lte to suit iliMile (be hirt'li ul ti
tx-rrMirh. ie eituntr-l t,n tbe IchiiL'ii
Creek, in the riheft portion of the ruumy ef
Lltnrnrlil, 00 the line ol the ijnme t UiirftK
Hfttlnal. where the Mrt heurn.n ani HeaTfrtoa
branfh nade interpre. It 11 Uo in the bmrt ef
ihe Moihannon cna bain, and lare tw-li-io
white pine, brmhtck, oak, and tHr ttrutir tur
rcottd it One n the lar,frt lutiibr n anutactur
iiig eitalilibiuiata ,0 tbe Male ia located id ti
in, wtnie tht-re are mnriT u titer Itiihbcr kc
rhtnle un!! ertuind it. Tbe town U but m ri
year old, and con tit in t a uu!ativn of out dot
land tnhai'itaitt".
sY't further in format iro apply at tie o
01 me aivt cvo patiy,
pi 14 Si;t'rinrndff,t,
cir.cuLAn saws.
Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw.
For ta!a t
'i:.:a h. f. biclfii t c
ji:w tim siKirt
Mai nfactarrr of
Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware.
Rooting. S.eit ina an.l joh woik Jont oa
r.EAoABLR rtKm.
fbop od Market St., Drailr oppofita tba Ja.l,
4(I:T Cl.EtRFirt Tl. TA.
S C li 1 V K X E II & S U fi V E Y 0 It,
I.ullttrabarj;. Tm.
f IlilE f ii'.,-riber offer, b: rerrlerl to Ibe ptiVia
Jl in llio eapaeitv of rcrieetier ami f'lit ' ee.
A.i ellr. f-.r fciiiT. ein pr-mpilv atten-lr-l t". eo4
I tl.e mnking of 'trait!., ,lre.l. l C.I ie-la-j.iauta
of witting-, e&ei'Uteil ailbnill e-'ie. r.I
aarradlt 'l to be corn et or no ruitre,
Assignee's Sale.
The m.dfTM(jinv w, e i on the prvwiM.
FriiT, the "Ut d iy . f flct-.'er, lTH. at 1 o V '"k
P. M. A I'ttHTAtll.K is 1 1. A M W JM 1 1. U
Jcratisl on the Ihm-J i t 1'rank 'Tnttt, in I ''
tow!iFhi, 'irnrtii d fcuuty. Will pjld ll tW
pr-j criv vi Jautra li. llr', a Ptn.k'n)t.
K. A. 1K IS. Afrr
Cirw-nteiPe 0 t 15 it.
Claim and Collection OfTice,
C.SCLOLA, Clcarfi.ll Co., Ta.
.jTConi-etaneipjf anl all 1--it pat..r tr-."
Willi ae.-iira.-t an.l rti.p,t.-l'. Imll. on an I
up' hr-keta lo anj Ir.-m rry in 1 .1' r
procured. o-rileii
VDMlMsTII (TOIf vnil'I'-N""
lie-ci.v ((ti -n tni- I tin ol n 1. 11. ! n
...i Ihe e.lale'm l,tii.HT M.l'l'l I N. J'
Lite ..f Cto-.t,.. t'rari.,1.1 c.ttot, l'
baling l,o.-ii .ImIv jtt.1,1, . t the uo.l. r-it'. I-' 1
perm iii.lvl i ... I t.tale ii) pi' ''
pi an.l tlio-e baMtii: eluiine i-r l?.,l,i,
will prrai'itt them propi rle aa hiti'i -" l '
(tetueut. J,i:.? ,1 I'M'l'l .
( li.-t li , 0,. ft A ion .'i.f.
iir aciin.m Aki.11 fiior ron itr.T.
y 'I be th..p im. iy M-f.i.iril t.( lllli""
Kmctil. d.eenrel. ailnala on lte all-r'fl
liei-.i ami I'nie t n-l. ft. nr K. K. Ivpot. t
t.a rtnuU on riaeonal 'e li-rm. A -l I"
(.l.iilli.K C I A-M0Rr.
Cliai di-l.l, Ai'CiiX 17. ISO. Jin.
.''Kt If C'l IMI J tHM.-l.arfe Mt
TIN CANn anj (il.A.-S J til,
Augm: in, 1:I ?m.
, the Ji''
IttIM tl r-hit l.ea.1. l!ine. Talni.t -eec.l
ll I, Tiirt-rntine, 1 arnihe of all kmilr,
(. lor. in (hi ami lie? I a'ol. '.mih llro.".
m II H T1f M'K A IHVTI".
HOrt.-K flli'i:-', llorM fh'Ml Kaile, Nail -i
an.l Kapt, a(
lil pTe. tba Ja(l.) 0 K RATHEF't