I '1 1 1 I v -n.Eium REirnur.w I T A II I I II I. II IK IM11, Tbo largest circulation of any News pjier iu North Central renns-yl varan. Terms of Subscription. ' If i t in a Ivan"., or whliln 3 months... If p,i,l nfliT 3 and hr-fnre S ninnths.,.rt . .. (' It pij aftfr llio cspiralinn of A mouth.. 1 UO 9 AO 3 (Ml Rates of Advertising. Transient B'lvrrlisrmi'nts. pi-r ninare of 10 lin.fl or li'M, 3 lime, or loss $1 60 ? l-'or raiill suhjeqiu'llt Insertion i0 A'lrninifftrntnri' anil r'xor-iilnrs' notices.. 1 Aii'litors' nnti':J . ivCsu'lms aud E-trays -!liisiiolution notinea... , ' I'rofi'f.ioniil Card,, 1 your Xifal oticM, per Hue YEARLY AliVKIiTISKMKNT.-!. 1 il 2 SO 1 60 3 Oil 6 III! 16 1 siiaare... t .iinarfts.. t t snua'as.. oo ...15 00 ...20 00 column t'. 00 i flnlumn 45 Oil 1 eolumn 80 00 i Job Work. I PLANKS. VtnjFle quirt. 2 50 j A quirr-s,pr.quire,$l 75 s) quire, pr.qnirr, 3 00 Over 0, prr quire. I 50 f IIANDMLLS. s'hrrt, is r lrss, 2 00 ) ,hcc!t,2.ri or less.j 00 i .host, 25 ar less, i DO i 1 aWt, 2- r lew,) II OC 'f Uver 26 yf each of above at proportionate rates, i GEO. II. noopLANPKU, Kdit'ir and Proprietor. Cards. mask rno.DiNa. WALLACE &. FIELDING, I ATTORN E YS - AT -.LA W, I Clearfield, r. & ffiT-Leifal traslnras of all hinds nt.trndrd to illi promptness and fidelity. Otlieejpn icidence fit William A. Wallace. jaul2:;t A. W. WALTE US, ATTORNEY AT LAW, llcarfltld. Pa. H,OHe lu the Court llnnse. dis-S-ly H. W. SMI I rl, f ATIORXEY-AI-LAW, J.'lO Clearfield, Pa. ly lirlLLim A. VllXArK. I- LAKI WAI.TKIH. I WALLACE &, WALTERS, 4 Ileal Estate Agcnti and Convcyanccra, Clearfield. PenrTa, jRcat Estate, bought and sold, titles exam ined, conToyaiicrs prepared, tnxea paid, and insu- tuncen taken, orti'to in :-.ppsitu Court II me. ul'W I'Uildmn, nrarly junl,, o 1 ISRAEL TEST, f ATTORN KY AT LAW, I Clearfield, Pa. $ D-Offlca In the Cuurt IIou. f jyl l,"r!T I john"h7f u L F OR D," ATTORXKY AT LAW. u C'lr&rfleld, Pa. 0 flic on Market St , oer llarttwick k Irwin's Lrng Btore. Prompt attention (tiren to the teeuring f Hi.anl?, Cinirap, Ac, and to all legal liualoeat. MHrph'2t, I87 It. ; ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY - A T - LA W, Wallarefoti, Clearfield County, Peuu'a. , tL.All legnl hu.ine.s prom)tly attended to. 'WALTER BARRETT, ATT KX KY AT LAW. pflis on Second St., Ciearteld, Pa. noT2l,0A l' JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTUNEY AT LA W And Real l-tate Acrnt, t Irarfteld, Pa. jj (tfliee on Third utreet, bot.Cberrv A Walnut, i IMir-Rcupeetfullj otTen hia ae-rvirea In aellini rid huinjt landa in Clerfl.l and adjoining nunti j and with an etDflrifnee of uvr twentv ynr$ a urreTor. fl-tUert btmaelf lat be ean tinier aatifantiin. feh2H.'A.1 tf VVM . M . McC U LLO U G H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Office on Market .treet on. door eat of the Clear fluid County Bank. niay4,'nl J..hn II. On in. C. T. Alexander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, AITUINI-Y AT LAW. lli-llel'iuite. Pa. f'P' " d rT w." a m eans," T 11 Y S 1 C I A X & S U 1! G K O X, H TIlEltsni RO, PA. V ill attend profe..ional call, p.-omplly. aoElo'70 ' d rT a i th o rn, lMIYSK IAN & SUIWsEOX, T T A VIXll loeated at Kvterlown. ClearfieM eo J 1 1'.., o!!er. hi. prote..ion;il rviee. to the ipt.2'.','ll y up e ol the .urroundiiif eounlry. DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A S UK UK OX. Ilarinn removed to Anannvillf, P,,nfTert hil pn-te;-ioril avrrieca to tlie people of ttiat ilae and the surrouning country. AH ch!1 pnmiptly , amended tn. lrc. i tm pi J. H. KLINE, M. D., 'PHYSICIAN k SUIIGKOX, nAVIXU loeated at Prnnfield. Pa., offra bis pr'.l'-'tJional aer ieea to the pe.,j.o of that pi-e and aurruuitding own try. All crIIs promptly attended to. net. 11 II. " JEFFERSON LITZ, ' P II Y S I C I A N V S 17 R G K 0 X , " T T VIN" )'"'trd OaeeoU, ra nffera his 1 1 profesaional services to the people of that t jHBfp and aurrnunding eoantrr. tV-AU calif promptly attended to. Off' ' -and rnsHenre on Curtin at, formerly occupied , by Dr. Kline. mylV ly 1 DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Lite S-jrreun of the ";;d Hng ment, Pennsylvania $ Volunteers, having returned from the Army, offers his profsaional eervicee to the citiaena Of I'learfleld canty. TlfPr-if ntonl eella promptly attn d to. lf OQj e on Feeund street, formerly neeupied ny .Dr. Woda. aprlftft-tl : Da.T.JEFFERSONBOYER XUYSICIAN AND St'WiEuX, Fecund Street. ClearneM, Pa. llvini permanently loeatrd, he nw nf-rs his proft'SKi'iiiui sen ies to the ett lien of I b-arfield and vieinitv, and the public g'-nerally. All falls pntinptly ailendi d tn. sri y F. D. READ, M. D, rilY.SIClAN AND SUIfiKoN, kytrrtonn. Pa. BaspeetfuIlT nlTera hie aervicee to the eitiien of lha surrnon ling country. apr n am p i. REU3EN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper IrarlirUl, lriina tM Will exet-iitc ..t,s in hi hue promptly und In a w .rkmanhke mmitiir. j rl.7 " DENIAL rARTUE: SHIP. Ha. A. M. 11II.T.S, rT l..lrs, tn inform at. p.trnn.. anil Ih. riiiloir ar'sTiHt.! at h. hsasftnriatsd with him la th, pr.clif , nf PrnC'stry, 8. I . Ml A W, l. I. Whs is a fra-l'iale if lha PntlaH.-lrhla Psntal r.JI.a. ai 4 th.rfnra ha. th. kichs.t attr.ta- ti.,. ..f prnf...innal skill. All"r don, in .k. m-. l .im a..u .....ir ........ ll. .l. I. . f..r K.ln,; i)in In ins ami ..tl.r.Vn.rj aion- n.r an4 fcuSs.t orH.r af lha pri'0..li. Aa ."tablisliil prai-lip. nf iwi.nt. lwi yaars in llii. nl.p. .n.M,. m. la an.ak lu n. i.alirnt. wl'h am tl l.nis,. Fnrr-m.nt. fmsn b niftanc, sh"!i! fc? lEt.l, lis l.lt.r a few il.Tl b, for, Ida rati. nt il.sttns is.., (J.n. 1, lf: ly. I GEO. B. GOODLANDER, rropriotor. VOL-13-WHOLEN0.2189. Cauls. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MAI511LE & STONE YARD, ri.r.AHi'iKi.i), i'A. T'Sliop on Hoed Hlri'ft, nt-nr IVnowvlranla ltailral di pot. may IS.TU.lf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, NEAR fLEAUFIKLD. PKNN'A. Tff Pump" alwayi" on haml and msniv to order nn short ni'tifc. l'titra rmrnl on rraiiiatir trnnf All work wnrrjintoij to rainier tuiticlni'tioti, ami deliver?.! if den i ml. niy2j:lypd GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peiwo, Purveyor and Convoy"nccr, Latderburp;, Pa All buiticpi liitruitfd t hitn will be prnmptlj atti-mli'd to. Pernonn winhins to rinploy a hur- or will do well to jjivr In in a cntl. aa he tlfttter imiiKill I hat he can render sati-liietion. Ieds of convevawee, arllelen nf agreement, and nil lenl piiperx, roiiiil'y and neiitly rxeeuted. niarHityp DANIEL M. DO H ERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, riECO.ND ST UK IT, jv2i cm:abhui.I). pa. itr CHARLES SCHAFER, I.AOKJt UK Kit UllEWEn, t'lcarllcld,' Pa. HAVING rnud Mr. Kntrea' Prowrrj br hour, hr itriot attention to Lupine., atii! litu luaiiut.rture of a .uperior arli.-le of 1ILEU to roeeive the patronage of all the old and many new customer!. Aug. 25, tf. SURVEYOR. rpilE undoriiitned offi r. hi. .ervlre. a. a Par X vevor, and may be found at hi. re.idrnee, In l.awrenoe town. tup. Letlera will reach hiin di neleJ to ( kartield, I'a. may 7-tf. JAMES JIITCIIELL. J. K. BOTTORF'S niOTOGliAril GALLliKY, Market r'trect, CliarOiM, Ta. rCRDMOS MADE A SPtCIA LTY.-tfci "yKHATIVKS made In eh.udy, a. well aa In XN eleitr wralhrr. t'on.lanth on hand a Rood ...orlm.nt or FRAMES. S I K It KOSKil'K.S and STEHEllSI lll'lt; VIEW S. Kinut.a, from any style ol moulding, inaile to ortlcr. apr2S.tl THOMAS H. FORCEE, DKALRa in GENERAL MKUCIIANIUSE, (.HAIIAMTON, Pa. Alio, extensive ntanufaclurcr and dealer in Piuarc i iuiUt and thawed Eumbvruf all kind.. iTOrdirs lolleited and all bills promptly tiled. or.o. ALaEnT lir.nT Ai Btnt... w. ALtanr W. ALBERT & BROS., Manufacturers k extensive lealersin Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4c, WOUDLANfi, PKNN'A. -Ordcrs aolielte l. Ilill' filled on short notiee and rea.onalde terms. Address Woodland P JeJ-ly O., I h arB. ld Co., Pa. K AI.III.ItT k l'.KOS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. KrencliTllle, learlltld Count)', Pa. Keep, eon.tunily on hand a full aswrtment ol llrv lloo.l.. Ilanlware, tlrueeriea, and everyll.inr I a.unllv k.pt in a retail store, whioh will lie aoiu for en.li, a. cheap aa elsewhere in the county, r'renchvillc, June 27, 1"7 lj. C. KRATZER &, SONS, MERCHANTS, DKALBna IB Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Queensware, Groceries, Prorlsiens and Fbingles, ticarlirld, Penri'a. jrAt their newslnre room.on Seeond'street, near II. r. Bixler aCo'a Hardware t..ra. Uu MOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA CTEAM MILLS, HA.Mt-rACILRKB LUM UEI, LATH, AXD riC'KKTS II. II. SIlll.LINIiFOHD, Pre.ident, OOice Fore-t PW. No. 125 C. 4th ,t.. Phil'a. JOHN LAW SHI". Sup-rinten dent. jef,'(i7 Osceola Mills, Clearli'ld county. Pa. SAMUEL I. SNYDER, Practical Watch Maker, Ojipofitc the Court Iluti, 8F.COM FTREKT, CI.K ARFIKLD, PA. jfrl-AIl klnda of Walebfa, CI.K-kf and Jewelry MoniiitlT rciiaircd, aud woik warranted In pne pntis 1uctifn. mar 2 Til JAMES C. EARRETT, Justice of the Peace an. Licensed Conveyancer, 1 utliprfbnrg;, harlWld 'nM Pa fff-rollccti n A remittances promptly made, atid all kinds of l'g.il instrumnits executed on short notice. tt;t 4.7"tf CONRAD MEYER, Im tutor A Manufacturer of the (ikhratrd Iron Frame rianos, Wa.-emi.ma, No. 721 Arch .st., Pbiludi Iphia, Has received the Prire Medal of the World's tlreet Kihil.iti-n. London, Eng. The highrat i'riics wtirded when and w herever eihilnltd. KsUt.h.he I r-J.t.J jel6 lui t. noi l.nwarH n. rAvia arkt TTi-iT T nTTTTmOTT I. P A T)TV UUIjIjUIiUUOU Uo UAIVIjX, KOOKKELLKHS, r.iiink Book Manufacturers, AND STATION F. R8, ilS .Varlnl SI., riiifadilphla. i.P.per Flour Paek. and P(, Fnl.e.n. T.'tlir. Note, '.Vr.imifr, 1 urtain and A ail I p,,,ers. fel.2l.Tii lv d NEW Cl.KAr.FIF.I.D, PKNX A. c 1 U.L and rre the new MARM.fi WnllkS on M.-ket SI reft. p.pite the J.il. MUM MiTS. fillEl IAN' TiiMH3, MIE.VCII f nrciiEt, TAlll.E Tul'S, MANTLES mlll'ES l-TATI AllY, TlilllA ( I TTA AI:E, HEAD A FoiiT STiiNES, of m w and beautiful design.. All of wbi.h will be .old at rf .rire.. or i' per ! --nt less tltjin any ollur r.tal.li.bment in tbi . pnnn'T. S.t faetion guaranteed la all ea... , or irr, thankfiillr rvl.il anil promptly Cll. i , . ... .- . br" ""ramaa-lik, manner. I - 8. A. OlflsON. Jtvrs K. Wat.i., Agnt. nollrly ! - - 1 V S SIM'. Twn ., -nn I h.nil Airti.-lil i I' i'a'tir W...-ii S...T.., n l I..I ..f i Ku.ia l'in-. I rrm, m-Jirar. li if O. 11. MVI.1MI. I'les CrH. Oct.Asr J, 1T". Usrfllaiifoui HTAIII IKIII.O I MS I. Highest Premium. Bllrer Medal, awarded over all competition, at Meehaiiica' Exhibition, bo.toi), tlctohur, IJ.I.U. TIIK OlUOI.VAl, AND OKNl'INK SELF-REG U LATIN G, . Wltdl tlllT II10N. AIR TlilllT, aAS-COITSTJKIlTG with iati:mtkd bvsr RcnKitw, Gratk Rar Rkat., Whocoht I iirtx Radiator, AND Al T'tJIATIC ItiatJl.ATOB, For Buruinjj Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 aiica for brickwork, and 2 attea PortMule. MAsi rArrraro oai.r ar J. REYNOLDS &. SON, N. W. corner l.Uh and Filbert Stroeta, rillLADELPHIA, PA. These I teat era are made of Heavy WrnnjrM Iron, well riveted tjfrt her, and are warranted to be alieolulelr ina and Juat 'i ittlit. Tt.fT are the on); lieatere th:it are ununited without any dam pen, and tn whu u all kiuda ul luel cau be luruvd without alteration. Cooking Itangra, fur ITolela, Rentnitranta and Familiea. AIpo, a Flat Toji lleatitig Kano. Fire Plane Healer. Low Down Uratca. Slate Manteli, Hgiilera, Veutilatoia. Pamtibleta giving full deaoriptlon, aent free, to any addreea. jy i;t Jti 1 v 5-2('n mid 1 SSI's noitJHT, SOLD A EXCHANGED ON MOST MBEUAL TEIIMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Kates, COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. E. Bonds Pouglit and Sold. ffl-Mol kS Uought and Hold ou Cum. niKalou only. jfr-TAtTOunta reeived and Intercut allowed on daily balanrra, luhjrct to cheek at aiKbt. S 'J ly 4t Sou lb Third I reel, Philud. Iphia. THE SEWING SINGER MACHINES A 111. A I) Ol' All. 01 II I.HM I Eighty-Sir Thousand, Stven Hundred and Kiijhty One Marhinrt Made and SM the fast Year! I Thli Bomber ferrft tiouiand the aalea of any other Machine, Dd the demand ti till Increasing! THREE THOUSAND FER WEEK Are Bow being made and aeld 1 THE liEASCXS WHY: Bee,au It anibodiei eaaential prlnetplei ant found 1b an? thr Marbinef bteaata of ita tin pllcity af eonatraetion, ear of operation, aniforn.lt of praeiaa aotioa at any ipeed.'and eajacily fur the greatest rangs and, variety of work, fin or coarse. Partita wishing to parrhare alould not fall to i amino Ihia best of all Sewing Ma-cbioea, I bare the agenry for this Machine, and will keep a full supply on band. J. fl FIIOWERS, May 4, IfTO tf. Clearfto'd, Pa. VMIt'AIII i: Ml-TI AI, Life Insurance Company NEW YORK. .10rPI! HOME Prtii.lenL E. HWK.IIT KENDALL Vice President. J. F. R. MAM'EN Secretary. II O. IMFKARP, M. I Medical Examiner. W. M. TWKi:l, Jr Counsel. fptlK AMICAIH -I. was founded by anme or I the best liUKiness men of New York, with the expres oi-.teet of erraiinr an institution that slould command the etmh'lenee of the nul lie, as a liberal, stolid and viir-irotia Life Insnrnnre Coinpnnr. and has achieved a success beyond the expectations of iti m-st s line projeetora. The AMICATtLE offers ll unpmvrd plans and dcsirnhlc new It n I ores of modern Life Insurance, and does not hold out promises or inducements I hut rannot be made g'd. The A M ITA RLE baa deposited me hundred I thousand dollars in I n it ft Mutes t.ii'1s Willi liie Insurance Department of the Slate of New York, as a guarantee lor the discharge ol every obligation. All claims n gainst the AM ICAULK are prompt! v and honorably dioebarped j in the event of death thr nmnmnt it potirff ts ffttH t hJ rthit nny ii duct ton on itreoNNl (imaa ordrjerrti premium: All Policies are non f"rfeitai'e ! All Dividenda are non forfeitable! All Polioiea are tnt onteslnble ! Thirty days grace for payment of premiums ! Privilege to travel by lai.d and eea! JT-i"R'f.k cf Rates, Cirriiliirs, Ac., furnished upon application to the Company's ai.la. WILLI K M TITKEIl, Afnt tor Cleaitield oounty. C. It R?U.TT. (leneral Agent for (Irartield, Centre, JetTtrson. tiarioa aud Elk counties. T. J. Ha F.P., M. I., Xl'tliral Examiner. ClearfiebL Anjr.i-t tr, 170 ?m New Meat Market. 'IME undcrirnd have opened a Meat Markef I in the r"tn 1-irtnerly (Mn,,-d tiy Ab tender It in. on .Mark- t sireel, t 1i-iiIh lit, I'a , adjoining M"sp'a, where th.y ililend to ke pa supply ol All khitla or Meat, I'rull and Vrrtatilra, And a "rittrrs to simt vnr tin-a Slnp will be npen regularly on Tuestlny. Tbursdny and pat urdity, nnd meat dihtin-d at any pmnL A sbure uf public patronage 11 rtspcettolU solicited, M. . It K.W V. K. W. ItlittHN ;r-Ai an- Continne tn den I in all kinds of il iir..n.vl A trr.rult nri.1 Imfli m. nls. I tl.arh.l.l. Silfil.t Ji. sm if. I . Brick for Sale I 11 MIF onilf rsirni il has m.snlartiirrd and ha, M on hand f,.r sal. I.IO.OIMI HUM H, ! wiiii-h hr will ,l-.p.. f n, ,n rr.uiial.l Irons, in lares or small unantoir,, to suit tnrr-l."-ra. J A. TIllil'K. lutlisrs'.iarg, S-ptimliar 14, is; (a. PRINCIPLES CLEAKFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, tisrrUanrous. IKIIM'.l NEW COODS!! NEW PRICES!!! HARTSOCK & GOODWIN, CURWKXSVILLK, PA., Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore, New York, Ik. i ton, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, an imraaaaa atoek f DRY GOODS, CLOTIIINO, CENT'S Fl'HNISHINQ GOODS, II ATS A CAPS, BOOTS SHOES, CHINA, GLASS A QVEENPWARE, IIARDWARD, GROCERIES, le.f Bought at lower pricei than bare been made to any bouie in town alnce the good old daya be fore the late "onplaaaantneaa" all to be dli trlbuted to thnae who visit CurweniTille for auj plici, in accordance with the groat aacriflce at which they were bought. The taditi are particularly Invited to call at Hit! (hock & (.mxlulu'a (heap Store to ei- amine the apteodld itock of DItESH GOODS, TRIMMINGS, 811 AWLS, FANCY O00DS, Ae., new on exhibition. They Defy Competition I Parties cannot do theniaelvea Justice in buy ing the oeoeiaarlea o( life without calling on HARTSOCK Sl GOODWIN, Curwenavllle, Penn'a. my4.3tn DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NEAR LVTHEItSlirilO, PEN.V'A. AM FAfTl llES all kind, of Lumber for building purpo.es. Aiwa)', on Land- LATH FOP. Roonxo, PLAFTEMNU LATH, r.AI.lNCS, le., . His Pla.tcrina: Lath are erenlf saved and of different lengths, to suit purchasers; the Palings are four feet long aud read; pointed. All kinds of Sawed Lumber will be furnished to order, and delivered if so desired. Prjeea will be liberal, aeeor ling to quality. lV.AH kinds of (illAIN taken in cirliange for Lumber. I.uther.burg P. 0., Jan. 19, 1ST0. Sim v-I'ivi. i'iiimt iMtrr. mi;oai.h AWAHDED TIIK ti It KAT HALT I MOKE PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE 4 CO., Mttnufacturors of GRAND, SQUARE A I PRHillT PIANO PO HTES, BALTIMORE, JID. Tbeae Inatrumenta hare been liefore the public fur nearly Thirty years, and upon their net-Hi not alone attained an unpurchased pre-eminence, which pronounces Ihem nnefjuuleu. Jheir I TONE combines great power, nweetma and line singing ahtv.as well as greiit puntvol Ititoimtion, and BW(.,yiut throughout the entire acale. Their T 0 I C II la pliant and elastic, and entiply free from the alliums found in so iimnv Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unefpiehd, using none hut the very best eeasonrd iiiattrinl, thv large oapitnl employed in our husuieNa enabling ua to kep constantly au lintnense sK-k of lumbrr. A c, on haml. .TfPr-AII our Pqnitve Piano have our Vtw Im iirovi d Hverslrung healc and the AgralTe Tnble. yr W would call speeinl aUention tn our I late improvements in t) taint Piano ani hipinre Urand. Pntented Aug. I I, luA'i, wiiii-h hung the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been eHmued. AVrry riano fuf?y Warranted fur Jire Ytart We have male arrangements for the sole Whole aele Ajeucy for the most ( clel-rated Parlor Organ nnd M' h..icins, wlii.h we offi r W holesale and ltitail.at Lowest Ka-tnrv Prices. V 11,1.1 AM K N ARE A CO., Sept. 21, 1H78 -Cm. Unhiuinrc, M l. TEETH 1 TEETH EXTRACTED FOR 25 CENTS. Eilr.i-tr.l stiih Ilis uss nf NtTnnra Oivn Gas, ami l.nral. A i s "THi.al A, ( Ilia nnlr barmli-ss anil rnVirnt Ana-sllirtir. nnw in nsr.) ! S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, OK CVKWLNSVILLP., I'A , Who would herebt most rr'pectfoIlT return bis thanks fur the liberal pntn.nsg of the pnst, nnd to the corner of Mtp and IfOenst streets, (rrcr Jenkins store.) where bo Is prepared to receive his ciistonvr In mwly ftttid up rooms, ami do th'dr Wtii k in the most skilllul an I workmanlike wanner. All work done in the latent and most approved sljtlea, and guaranteed. Ir. Ilavca will ho engaged in his nfl'ice from the lt tn the 2,'ld f each inoii'b. The rmliincr iff each mimih he will spend in tilen Hope, lturnidr and Liithersl.urg, alternately. Parties residing at a distance shiiubl Wiite to us previous ol their coming. Olh'-e hours, hrnm K to 12 0 rlmk, 1, in., ami from 1 to A o dork, p. tn. We use none but the very best material, and d' f competition for beauly, cheapness and dura bility, tine us a call. CurwfiiMiile, I'a., May 2', 170. AVVi mi nr. 1 Irs i i.avohino l . Tln-T ara prear,l frum the fruit, anil will l,r iLuiid inurli l.i lt.r llinn ninny il tlie llitrnrls tl,n ai. S11!. I. A-k (nnr ltri".r nr Piniriri.l fcr ill- urrp' i , i.H'.n.. I' m r i , ..in I, with.m di.tit.t, tlir tr 1 nrii. I. in il. maikii r,ir lilitfinz rl.ithrs. It a ill cnluT mm t aiitrr lli.n f. nr turn, llie .nine wi iglit nf inilijt'i. an,l n.urli isnrs ll.an anriiilii-r wa-h lilu. in llii- nmrlul Tlii nnlv pfriiin. i. that fmt np at Al.lll:ll wn.i r.i iiiii.ii s mil a s ioiik. j.,.t ,,ii, Sn-un'1 Slrrst, l'lilt.ill'ltia. lha lal.rls li.ip Inilh WiUln-rp.-r', anil I'iiiIi a', nam. nn tlirm, all nlhsrs arr pi'iintTf. It. IVr pri If l-T ai.il llrurrr. I pniri'i.i.. w ii.Tlii.litii;it s iNii:i.ii'l 1 . n win is- 1 mini! no iiibi in lie a .np.lliir arorl.. Aia.ii nn nnnn ami mr .air ai n-npiiliunii' pnt- 1'nrrOri.nn.l Sl,ir(...llrnii..,eM..I,ri...(h,,n,. Skill.. Pli'innr., Tapitii'B 1'rarl, S.gii, and all arli'-li, in tin- dinir lin.. al AI.IIO.U W i 1.1 KKIKi KHP Mil d FTor.R. ji'S:lnia No. :'..:l Nmih I.r ml ii., I h.la. IOH H4I ,r..Thr anharrilOT offer, thr hnnsr aiel lot in wliii-h.h. rr.idi. in tho llornnirh ol tli-artirtd. for ,a'r, Ilis ,itn:it-d on M.ulii-1 .Inrt, in an rliKil.lr lis-ntion fur ritln-r a prii.tr ri-.eli tii-c, or tin 1 ,1 a i n.-ra pn-pn.i.i. a rnrie-r h't anil worth. III. allrniton ol thus, wauling to inir.1 in town pnipi-rlT, aii-l ono .ifiiarr Oobi tlir Court lli'ii.-o, l ur i.n.r. in'iiiirr 1,11 On -priini.t'.. Mit. MMlY I'llKMinillAST. or anitnt JOHN U CI lll.K. Altr al Law. 1 I sik-st HI. Dnnilnt-n. Ilal.h,iviir.k.'s I k, HiMiflarS's tl.rman.lln.trttrr's and ()rrnr's j 0ff.natrd tlilt.i-s i al,n pura Lienors, of all Iainjs mr rcmrtnai nnrpo.... fnr ,ai, h UAhTsWUK IK1TIH 1 i NOT MEN. THE REPUBLICAN. CLUAUFIKLl), I'A. WEDNESDAY MOIININII, OfTOMER 19, 1K70. APTUMX lltla, ar i.ottib i.iwoon. 'Ti Autumn time! the ummr flowora Mhvo fnd- d 'iirntfi ita jroldi n fttet : The liirtU have left their Min-ly tMtwera, And win'la chime mournfully anl awect; The niitple botijflu, whoae folded leevee IIhvo whifpen-d through the summer daya Like tirlfrlit-winped Iiinls around the eavea, ' Are flitting in Uu-wu'e (-. eaeej- I lu-ar tlicir ru-lltnjr low und awwt, Aa if an anjfol floated o'er; They neem to me like frienda I meet, And love, then part forever more. TI dreamy lull of limpid atrpnms, The attire hmc that flout at.ove, Eifhrond earth a in Vficnoun dreami, (t'er all our ajiiritf softly move. Hpirlt of dreams! oh. I would Ideaa Thy sott luturiotia charuia lor ayo. And fold thee iu uiy eouTa earvaa. Now and forever till I die! Oh. ehide mr nor ! the low wind rtiymea, Full many a plaintive t rein Ming lay. And 1 oould listen to her hymns. Till I had breathed mv hie awnT. HOME SKETCHES. Harly I rkmUhlpi or Pcreotial Vanity. T H A It V MOtlTOIC. It i. n niul, a liiimili:ilint tlioulit tlint the iminoiiiil inti'llcct, fiven us Ly a Divine jiowor, mid for Iiivine piiT Hiai', bIxiiiIiI ever lu como onHlavcd by tliecluy liy which it in enshrouded; tlint our vain love for that rlny, and the benuteoui) form in hitli it in mould ed, oliould ever M) ciititely nlmorb our fiiciiltica tlnil worhoiild huvo no timo, no thmiiilit for tho iiiiproveinrnt of the godliko fift within iih, that which him, or rihould linve power to brin joy to lha heart ol the norrowiiif, com liirt to the bed of ulllicl on, liappitiCMt to 1 1 10 loiio orplmn or L'IiiIuIckk witlow, and liu'ht nnd t'licorfiilneHS to all by whom wo aro auri-oundud. What mntturs it, in either of theso relulions, if tho fcntiiroH be plain, il beauty dwell not on the brow, or if n fie. nnd sorrow have di milled the bri;litfiuaN of tho rye f Wo cannot remember ono whoever bestowed pure, hcni'llclt huppinexa upon us who has not an angelic tountenaneo ; the heart will n it'll k through the "human face divine." And what but the amil mnUcH it divine? Wo know thai bright featured mtift decay j nnd there is bIko nn itiHli net within u which tclla, in luntttiarjo stronger thnn all the writ ings handed down through pages, that thin mind trill oxist and expand, long after its frail earthly casket Khali have crumbled away, nnd mingled with ita siMor dust. How wrong, then, to flinp; such a priceless treasure away upon (he sands of Ibis life's sea! A few mo menta will (lit noiselessly by; then tho dark vrnvi'i of death will sweep recklessly over it, and swallow tip for ever a mind which, il properly valued and cultivated, might have shed heains of Heaven's own light upon its less lavored fellows. 1 had a friend in my girlhood's day's w io was very beaiililul ; but it w as md, her ben uly that won my lovo. Tlero wns n deep well of alleclion in tlmt heart, a longing to love and be lilted, sucli as is not oltcn louml tn till heart of a beautiful girl, whose daily food is vanity ; sho was Haltered, coirled. caressed by all. Father, ni-lllier, brothers, nnd friends, all idol izd their own lovely Kintna, not tor hef sweetness of disposition, or her unVounded love for them, but because sbt was so beautiful. Tbo pure, fresh airof heaven was scarcely sulltrcd to fat her cheek, lest its rough breath niijht stilly her delicate complexion Alt, what folly 1 o not the rose, and tin' lily, nnd rnrnulion breath such aire And who will say it is not rjtule ns lieccssary to the life, health ay, am , beauty, of our ow n lui r human fluwrs f y'lliiiircrsniid lovers flock round her; ami cue, ber eiial in nil save personal atti letions, loved her deeply, ardently, and loved her, loo, for her warm, lov ing heart more than for her beauty. I ul bis noblu love meet its reward? ( '. A nd yet sho gave him all the deep wealth of alleclion of which I lui I hriut of hers was full; lovo which bail Ircn sniMllipring ihero lor years unhi sled gushed foiib at tho sweet tout luf sympathy and happiness, such ss slf had never known filled her ' Hlt( llCllt I lO OVl'l "flowing, .'nd yet this deep, yenrning love, '.lie heart'sonly life, must hp sacrificed U Iho sbrino ol vault y. Their beauti Ul Km m 11 must not bo thrown nwny; iioso lovely features, their prido nnd ti'light, must raise her to a lar higher po-ilion in society thnn he could give icr. (,' en tie, yielding.con fiding. a t lion ght -f disobedience never crossed ber liind ; nnd thus w us he dismissed, but veil knew ul what 0 sacrifice. leep. Il art-rending sobs of anguish burst 'urn ber heart; but they wero only iitani t'V her imii. nnd ny me, nor sole (tiifldant. And henceforth she was dim ns (ho waters ofn lake unitilll.'d i l Iho breer.e, and perfectly passive in tlcir bands. She did not pino and , , , . i i.e. dear reader, ns you nro no doubt ilprcting: but sho went with her (lit lids w In revcr I bey w islied, Ining l.ig in all the amusements of tho sea s 11. liut yon could have seen, had Mil observed closely, that her smiles w.TO lid as of yore, gushing warm B aid free from a joyous lientt but rath , r til t I lieia I li ils, placed tliero to do- "'' "'" 1 1 'ChdS llllO llie IICIICI HUH 1 . 1 .1 1; r . I .. . slo wns happy. A yiur or two uftcrwnrd, n young lOntb inan of supeiior intellect lind j casing ndilrcss Lei nine her suitor; 1, id, nt the urgent solicitation of her lriends, she entered into an engage in.'nl wilh him. Hut, rro the time mpoiiited for tho marriage rolled r.iiud, the dreaded cholcrn king came ,.1 n niissiutt of death to the village in irhich sho resided ; and ono warm siiilit in July, when tho mild moon ' '"'' gazing down in pity on the 1arlll lo think tier beauty Was so fleet Hg, 1110 dark visitor ureaiiieii ngniiy il j-UHsiPfj upon our fragile flower ; 1870. NEW and tho next tiny sho wits laid iu the earth, and (lowers as delicate, and al most as lasting, were planted on her breast. 1 was afar ofT when I heard that my young friend was no more, and at first could scarcely reeoncilu to myself the truth that ono so beautiful enutJ die ; hut with a conviction of its reality camu a feeling of relief, for well I knew that, had sho married, it would never bnvo been a heart union that tho mystic cords of love and sympathy would not huvo bound them in one and I felt il were far better that one liko her should die than lako vows ber heart could never fulfil. And afterwurd, as I knelt-by borl grave, my heart billet ly condemned 1 the folly of those to whoso cure ber young 1 1 1 u Had been intrusted. Jlere lay all thai was left of the loved and admired companion of my early days; none perhaps, save myself, ever thought of herliut ns a gay butterfly, who had lived her short sumnier day, and was no more. I knew sho bad a snut' one, too, which, wilh proper cul ture, might huvo left behind a shining record of good und perfect deeds; lint this wus tho end of ber form and fea tures of lovliness unsurpassed, and of tier warm, loving woman's- heart clay which had been refined and sanctified by tho immortal soul w hich hud in habited it, mixing onco again w ith its kindred clay, unheeded, if not forgot ten, nil ilsbeau'.y a cold, daiiip,,'ktifad od clod." Sisters (yo who are still youn? and beautiful), look around joul Seeyou yon ag d man, lo'.tering beneath the weight of years ? Ask of him if bis lilu seems long, lie w ill go in a mo merit of timo back to the days when, will) ber who is now uo mure, but who travelled her life journey hand in hand with him, ho s'ood, on a beautiful moonlit evening, by tho old on I: in the yard, and wondered if sorrow could dwell in a world liko this. JIu will tell yon of this, and say : "It seems as though it were yesterday." Ask that "matron with tho silver hair" if it seems long since sho was young. She was a beauty in ber day. Sho will tell you of a blue eyed girl, her first born uud deartistouo, bow she died in her arms, and say: 'It seems as though it were yesterday." Oh, what n very shadow is earth born beauty ! Tho rose, blushing to day fit tho consciousness of her own beauty, tomorrow begins to fade; tho lily, fairer than tho most delicate maidenly brow to day, to-morrow is stumped with enrlh's own signet, de cay .' Why, then, waste one precious h is so ' moment in decorating that wl transient? Xo, my sisters I Let , higher nim possess your thoughts ; so, when your little day hero is spent, you may look back upon a life of uso lulness, and forward to its reward. Tho Young Widow- A census taker, going bis rnnnd stoped at nn elegant brick dwelling lione, the exact locality of which is no business (if ours. II o was received by a stiff, well dress ed lady, who could bo recognized as a widow of some yenrs standing. On learning (he mission of her visi tor the lady invited him to lako a sent in the ball. Having arranged himsolfj inlo a working position lie inquired for the number of persons in tho fami ly of the lady. "I'.ighl, sir," replied tho lady, "in cluding myself." "Very well your age madam?" ".My ago, sir," replied tho widow, with piercing, dignitied look. "I con ceive it's none of your business what my ago might bo. You aro inquisi tive, sir." "The law compels me mndiim, to tnko the age of every person in tho ward ; it's my duty lo mako tho in- Jl""'y "We!!, if the law .compels: -oti to ask, I presume it compels mo to an swer. I am belwco thirty and forty." "I nrcsnmn that nieatiM Ihiriv five " "No sir, it means no suck thing I am only thirty-three yenrs , of "('." Very well madam putting down I the figures, "just ns you say isOW : for tho ago of the children, commenc ing ilh tho youngest, if you plcn-o." "Josephine, my youngest, is ten year of age." "Joseph i no pretty name ten." "Minerva was twelve last week." "Minerva captivating twelve" "Cleopatra F.lviru has just turned fifteen." 'Cleopatra Klvirn charming fif teen." "Angelina iscighteen, sir ; just eigh teen." "Angelina favorilo namo eigh teen." "Mycldest and ot.ly tnnrried daugh ter, sir, Anna I Sophia, is a lilllo over twenty five." "Twenty-five, did yon say V "Yes sir. Is there any thing remarka ble in her being of lliat nge ?'' "Well, no I can't say that tliero is; hut is il not rcmni knhlo that you should be lur mother trhrn only tujhl years nf rj.c '' Annul that lime the census inner : nns ,s,,rVed running out of the house whv we cannot say. It was the last time ho pressed a lady to give her age, " I The played nut Hear Hickman, who' earns a precarious living by teaching';,, tbo l". S. shoddy families nt ashiogtnn how to i appear in society without milking! themselves ridiculous, bus been in New 1 ork lor several days. As a proof of Hears pri licioncy, look al Sawyer, M. (' , of W i.-.consin, wjin be fore he (ink lessons, ncd to pick bis teeth, with a case knife nt ti e table, nnd talk about tho "Iwo llmisen of Congress." Now lio is as poli-hed ns a milk pun. X. V. f'aily 1'emnerat. MeClurg. the flu liittl candidate for (iovernor of Missouri, will be badly beaten by Hrown, tl.o Conservative nominee. The gabbling ofecso Raved pome, but tlie quacking of a I'rake cnnnol save MeClurg, and Radical in Hint Suite. Hop, in tho eounlry, run on poles, i niu ai me summer ii-sons nicy nro spread on the floor. CAN, TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance. SEKIKSY0L.il, NO. 11. After tho Funeral. Of nil tho rettirnings homo, (ho re turn from the grave alter the Amoral is tbo most intensely sad. Who that has ever followed one dearly beloved to bis Inst rest will not agree that ilis even so ? Whilo tho lost ono was sick, we went in and mil, anxious, sorrowing, fearful. The solicitude to relievo uud cure fiir him engrossed us the appro, bension of losing him excited and tig oni.ed us, but there was no room nor time for loneliness or a sense of pres cut desolation. While he lay dead beneath tho home isxif, - tliero wits hurry and busilo In preparation lor the h mil rues, l riends ,n"st 1,0 apprised and invited the funeral arrangements definitely made the mourning procured and fitted the hospitalities of tho house must he fit tbo occasion ; all is excitement and tension the loss is not yet (elt. Hut when tho coach drops us at our door, "after tho funeral," there il iB that the work of tho destroyer begins to bo apparent the very house seems lone ; nnd still und sepulchral though it be in the heart of the town ; uud though ils threshold bo thronged with friendly feet, it seems empty and void! Tho aparlmonts, oh, how deserted especially in the room where he fought and surrendered in the awful conflict ! IIere,there,every whero aro memorials of him ! How they mako tbo tears start now, though we have often con templated them calmly ever since he du d. Those are bis clothes how painfully distinct is our recollect inn of bow be linked in every ono of tliein, und when und where ho Iait wore them. These aro his books tbo one be lust read wilh tho leaf turned down whero bis place wus. There is his chair in the tiresido corner, w hero he loved to sit. Tliero bis ever vacant seat at tho family board. Huring the sickness, we hud not so much noticed these we hoped ever tbut he might uso or occupy them ugain ; now we know it cannot be, and this shows us tho dreadful vacuity everywhere. Oh, how dark and dismal corne down tho first night shadows "alter tho funerul !" 'o night was ever so dreary or so long tho lickings of the clock revcrborutcd like bell strokes such deep silence no foosteps now on tho stairs, or overhead in tho sick chamber no nurso and watchers to come and say, "ho is not so well, nnd asks lor you,'' no indeed -ou may slecp on now aud take your rest," if you can I I'oor, bereaved heart ! il will be '""S before the sweet rest you once j anew will revisit your coucli. Slum ber will bring ngitin llie scenes through which you huvo just "wakened and wept," uud you will slurt from it but lo rind all too real. (iod pity tho mourners "after the funeral." Romance Audit Euor.NiK In TS01 I lie undo of iho writer resided ns American Minister at Paris, with a largo family around him. At this lime appeared ill society the Kugeiiie Mario do (iiirinnn, Countess of .Mole tijo. A lovely person and an aristo cratic name secured to her brilliant conquests in that society, and consti- lu'cl her one of the most ('.mums la lies in Paris. It was tiiougM, nnd iiKieen irceiy remnrKeil, lliat her inotn ... . . . ' , . ,r er was more ambitious than herself, and that tho former designed her "i some great alliance, while T-ugetiie herself appeared a model of simple sincerity, u girl who would choose to consult her own heart lirst in any mutt'liiionial atlair. Her sislcr had just married tho duko of Albu and Iterwiek, a lineal descendant of King James 11 ,of Kngliiud, and tho worthy mother, Doiiuik Marin, no doubt, des igned ut least an equal matrimonial ciesliny lor the most beaiililul ol Iter daughters, Kugcuio. ltul the heart is not ulays to bo controlled even in I the most nrisiocrutic lite, or lo yield ns exactions 01 convenien'-e. Ku go nio j 1(,sl. I"'rs ' fillu looking young Yir gitiiun, uniiam c. itives, a son 01 iik American .Minister. 1 hey werostiori- .' iigi'eu i,f iiiiio ii'ii. i.uv nuiu Judy Jiives, a irginia matron, very interlered and broke off tin) mulch. The Counties was "loo fast'' lor ber old Virginia views of social sobriety. Tlin n-oiiitin for U'lioin tin fntiu-o ln.il reserved so much escaped the compiir ... i i I, ,1,1., i .. i .... 1III1CI llllilioiu 1II111C1I lo-lb ill 1 lira) I I I .i . I i. .j . littu ui i men uimiii inu ucainix oi u oiiiet trgiuia housewite lo nse 'end 1 '"I the throne of I'ratico. Also! what other contrasts may yet remain for her I.yncltbura t',-;niinn. Fully one half the taxes now paid by tho business men of this nation aro made necessary by the corruption and extravagance of the Padical par ly. They niainlain war expenses in limo of peace, and must have money to fool Iho lulls. That money must be collected in the shape of luxes. Pul a majority of Heniocrata in Con gress, und in one jear expenses nnd ill li 1 reduced I lnrly per cent. C01.0HAPO. Application will be mndo it the nexl session of Congress for Iho admission of Colorado Terri- j ,iry into tho I'nion as a Suite. She poll Westmoreland wv i;.,,icals k county. 1 hut s the cp up to their majority Senate. What an out ril,.,., a A gentleman in Ibilcic.li, n lew daj a ago. sat down on a hornets' nest to . 1 ; . 10 i..-. ...1... 1.:... 1 rest himself. ll didn't take him long lo rest. One of our most skillful military citizens bus so muck confidence ill himself that ho says be can drill a rock. An experienced old gentleman says tknl all t bat is necessary in Ihc en joynient of lovo or sausages is confi dence. 'Confound nil opposition," as the owner ol a waterlog inHchmo said when a heavy shower eamo on. If you are going whero there is a snarling dog take a pistol, so w ben he snaps ul yon, you ran snap nl liini tliP Co-ii Id T.M'IO. Otic n( Hie nn nlesl Hi ell M ot e of the iiio.l plum i.e nrgiiineiila sjoiinst in gro slavciy in I'm t'tiilcl Mnte us. Unit it as a trade in human fleh, nnd the slaves being so for life, inlcili red it 11 the fiee labor of ths North. In addition to I hi il wna also argued that it retarded tho industry and development of tbo country, bo sides being a sin in tbo sight of (iod. Without arguing any of the side bsnea to which the question gave rise, let US see how lur the Coolie trade bears ro- s hlatiee to il.ai.d how inconsirtM't those men ure who argm d against no. gro slavery us an interlereneo with tree labor, and yet advocnto tho sys. tcin of Chinese slavery which dots tho huuie tiling. Tho negro was a slavo for life. All be obtained, as remuneration for .bis labor, was victuals, clothes, nnd the necessary cure und attention in case of sickness. Ilis victuals wo place eijual to ?:'.Ml per week or SlUO .ret1 year. Ilis clothes was crptul to $10 per week or till per yea, while all' other mutters of expense, including medical attendance, wo pluco at (iyj more. These sums in the aggregate amount to?;j4. The Coolie is brought to this eounlry und hired out by con- tractors at the raleof 8(1.(1(1 per month aud found in boarding. This makes t'l per year. Wo place his boarding ul the same rate we do the negro slave, say Si.oU per week or S:.0 per year. Ilis Wages, (hen, would aggregate1 or $;JJ less than thul of the negro, and consequently to I he extent of that dillereine more inlerferonec with the free labor of (ho country. Hut it will be said that (he Coolio labor is free labor Wo say that il is not. They arc just us much slaves during the contract which their masters buvo mude as were the negroes Tbo only did'ereiice i-, one is a slave lor life and the oiher for a term of years. Hut their interference with American labor is more deleterious to il than was no gro slavery, as the calculation we bavoi mudu clearly proves. One of the arguments used by tho slaveholder in support ol sluvery was, Hint tho system brought tho negroes from Allien into a Christian country, and therelore it was giving theso be nighted creatures a knowledge of God und lo that extent improving their condition. Tho argument usod by the advocates of C'xilie labor is precisely tho same, nnd does seem strange thai strenuous abolitionists should be found on tho same side wilh slaveholder und using the sumo argument. Another argument used by tho slaveholder was, that unless sluvery was tolerated the cotton, rice and to bacco fields would beeoino waste land, as frco labor was not calculated to tiiuke either of these articles remuner ative in production. It so happens) tbut precisely tho aatno argument irf used by the capitalists of tho .North who advocate Coolio labor. They say, we are unable to mako our bnst ih" productive unless we obtain vhcan ' labor, and ns American labor is too j deat we must go to China and import Coolies. So that tho only difference1 1 between them and the slaveholders in fact is, that tho ono class went to Af- rica for labor and tho other now go to' t,lnna. Ulher rtrganients equally as strong were used in support of negro slavery which apply w ilh ns much forco Id the introduction of Coolies under thrf contract system, but il is unnecessary to refer to them Suflieo it to say that if such labor is tolerated in the United Slates, we may look for an erf lire und complete chungo in our labor system which will be anything olso thnn beneficial lo American mechanics' uud laboring men of every character. Jlutler Herald. The Pkkks and tuk Pti.i'iT. Heri ry Ward Heecher mude a speech at a banquet recently given to members of iho New York Press. It was in response to a toast: "fiiunt minds und llie giant press combined thev mako tho world " He compared llio I , , ., , . ,. ,', . I less and llio In ptt, us loows: .... , , ' '(iimd or bad, a sermon miines but a momentary impression liut tho Press, when il speaks, if it speaks worthily, speaks in that lai.gungd which remains; nnd if its influence is fugitive, if tho topics of which it treats aro in their nature transient, it is in part its own fault. Tho power is there, whether men know how to" use it or not ; nnd a voice tbut speaks; every single morning, ought to speak si) that what il says shall not bo lost, us the dew is losl every morning. It only wants genius, talent, industry, and a large sense of truth, to make the pros, not a seventh day speaking tribunal, but a daily pulpit a pulpit where one man speaking, speaks in such a way that leu thousand and thrive ten thousand men henrhim.too, under circumstances in which they can ponder what ho says, rending and 'c-ri ad.ng it 001110 papers have nt-' tuincd to that state. '1 heir daily ut terance is most pregnant with bles sings. And ten thousand signs aro I P'""""pt ln 1 '.''' I tho Press of e that direction. 1 think York is steaf!ilv rising Moro nnd more of tho papers' . , ... , .it ' "--p i - - , 1. .1.1 I every 1 1 k uriieu-i. unit iiicu .iiim afford to read twice. Il is paying & great compliment to an article to say that you have read it twice; and in not a few papers I see articles, soma) paragiapbs ot which, at least, if not the whole, ono Wants to 10 rend, that he may tho more fully apprehend tho meaning Hut great as lias been tho advance in editing and the general conduct of newspapers, it seems to nte that tho Press is yet in ils lilfrm cy. and that wo aro destined to see an era in l.ich it shall occupy a place, compared with which, tho place it ' now occupies is ns the sprout of the j seed compared with Iho fullgrowfl I oak." I A young lady who sometimes, in dulges her wit, "without regard tn expense" of feeling on llio part of those at whom the barbed darts aro hurled, recently nsked our village dry goods clerk this question : " by is vonr moustache liko my back bait ?" lie blusbingly gavo it ., w.n ihc ausvt er .sharp and rulber 1 . . . ... .... . satit ical. caused him to blush sllll more : "Because it's i( (Wji .'" After n niiiriiagc ceremony bad been performed in one ol the Churches in Adrian, Michigan, tho bride, when receiving the congratulation of Iter lriends, shed teals, according to tho u-nal custom, at the sight of which the groom followed suit, slid copious, ly. After bis friends had sttci ceded in calin'ng him, lie said ho couldn't help it, as he bit as bud about it at) sho did. "A bumper nt pining." This oc curs sometimes, when a steamboat j gives a finiil j ilt iigatns the pier bo I (ore going on ahead. .nrMOi' -