Till-: HKl'UllUCAN. ci.r..w;nr.i.i. r WIM'NFIAY VnllMNU. Dl Tlil.K it, l. I'. I AIKI.M I- "Slid a'l fir turmoil "f Hi.' " And tn nrm-rliil Millni'a. of Ihr niirlit, llivii-a tlir il.-rtr 1"ii( n;,iur ; wli.-n rr I )"-nv, .urn I l rt thr l'.iis fii -t- no I nlit. AM in a mitt, nli n'.r lliou irl mil )i, r. Loom, in ilic (li'hino-. ..Iiantem lik- vliy fa.-r : I ran III fm.'V, tUrlni'. IVtl lino mm ran f'i'l Hi) m.ct and Wrry ao..tl.i. grncr. Y.xi't in my lirnrt in prlioiiiir .mind Yirld ui ila luni' to l.ovr'a utitirititf hi.nd; OVr hit lull'' aiirlt liM--l,irn i'l.a nl -nin,!, Liu-loudi-d ty a aliniluff ia Low a liiml. Jir yn, nur vuiro, my lovr ran rvir til! : Unci knoaroth hoar I Ion'! I'arlinir. f.in-wi II (iriuit iinil IVnt t ' I n (li'ink nl I lie SliiTimin House, in 'f:ic-nr. timl tlie hurUeepiT, l:o didn't Imow lliem, on noliein wlmt ! i fir i tilings tliey pour cil out, sit eil lliem il'lliey were goinj: to take n Imlli. Tim niiwcrs of .'"inrimmli lmvc helil a convention to donouneo tlie Labor Coiigrt'st, fur refusing to udinit uiL'K'r to that body. NietB must now Lie admitted everywhere, or tlio ttlnlc wlilio pupulallon is llii-cntened with utter cxlenninuliiin liy llic darkey Accidknts. 'I lie Hillefoiite Watch man of last week (uniisiieB lis llio fol luwini; : On tlie 27tli ult., (TueMlny) wliilo Mr. Henry Fimst, of Port .Ma tilda, ivaa t'lijriifjcd in hauling wood off the ridge, his son, who vim upon the loaded w ugon, accidentally fell off, nd one of the hii d wheels iassed over liia netk, killing him instantly. Thin heart rending occurrence will no cure, for the, hrreaved and sti ii ken pn rentu the cympatliy of the w hole com munity, and proves thul in "the midst of life wo lire in death." Jlr. John II. Jacobs, of Snow Shoe, gunsmith, having repaired n gun that was left with him, Hurled to take it borne, to the owner, nnd, thinking he might rco Homething to shoot on the way, took his own gun with him, loading them both. On his way ho saw a squirrel run up a tree, find placing one gun on the. gror.nd, w ith the muzzle leaning against his breast, ...i . i... .1 . i.... .. I,; i.. ;,. - ., , , ' , . , the act, tho other gun was accidental- , ,. , i.t . ly discharged also, the contents enter- ? . . mg Ins left arm, from tlio die. ts til , . , , . , , , , whuh the uiifortuniite man bled to , , ., , , . , death, lie was buried on Saturday. A Sab Casualty. On Monday morning last the keeper of tho elks in Judge Packer's deer park, at l'lukcr ton, w as found in thu park dead and Ms body literally torn to pieced. Tho discovety was made by Mr. Liifayctto Lontz, w ho was driving past. The nppearunce of tho body of the unfor tunate man und of tho surroundings indicated that ho died a most horrible dentli, having boon gorod nnd trodden to bruised mass by ono of the elks. Thd murderous beast was shortly uf terwards found w ith bis burns bloody and portions of tho deud man's cloth ing clinging to them. Tlio keeper was a one armed man, named Adam lleinblinger, a O'crmnn. JIo was un married and had no relatives in this country. There wero threo of theso monsters in tho park, besides several deer and antelopes, at tlio time the accident occurred. A coroner's in quest was held by Thomas Keincrer, Ksq , and tho body decently interred Tho affair threw a gloom of horror over the whole community, ns bo was a genial fellow, und much thought of for bis good nature and pleasant manners, lie bad nono hero to mourn for him, hut tho whole town was sad dened by bis terriblo fate. Mtiuch Chunk Ihmocrnt. Firf.. On lust Suturilny morninf; nliout-3 o'clotk, tlio luro;o frame dwel ling on t'.ic corner of .Main and Mill Struct ft, owned and oi-tupieil liy T. 1'. nymler an a music store and dwelling liouso, was set on fire and go badly burnt as to virtually destroy tlio front building. 'The liuil.linir wan insured for 4.0U0 in tlio Homo of New York nnd Homo of New Haven. Tho contents- of tho music store wero entirely destroyed, ii.iludiiijr slieet music, a tiunilier of siiinll instruments, and two Jiarlor organs ; also, Mr. le nder's ac count books). Two pianos in tlio pri vate parlor were wived. A portion ol tlie furniture wu8 saved. Tlio fiirni turo nnd t-tock were insured. Miss J'oso fiyndcr lost lier wardrobe, wliicli Was partiiilly covered by insurance Tho firo wan discovered l.y some cit'xens w ho happened to be passing along. It commenced in the upper front comer of tlio music store, most probably on the iii'ido, nnd was the woik of an incendiary. Those who discovered it immediately went to arouse tho inmates. Thin tliey .lid with some dilliciilly, i all were must profoundly uslccp. .Mrs. Iiyivler, tlie mother, upon awaking got tho lest of tba family tip, enccpling Mr. Tlieodoro livnder, wlmso room was over tlio back part of the st're and eepiiratc.l from the others by a passage way. I'p.in Mid. I.'yndcr aMeniiting lo get to his room she was mul un.i stopped by a dense. v.. lime of smoke. She call.d Imnlly fur liiin a numlier of times b -fure he re ponded. Then ho was iinalilc to get down through tl,e hall, owing to the moko, and had to escape through n window on to a buck tdio.l, whero be dressed. Tlio firo nsccml.-d in the corner ol the building to the roof, across w hich ll spread, leaving tho back part of the upprrstory niilnirnt and both first nnd aeeoiid slory rooms of tho Mill street side of the house, but it w as all sluiced with water. Tho lnu-k linildiriai were hnvc lirt-n riiimiiijr a very t lnce nice not toin lii J ly tlie firo, llinuirli biuiio- in tlio nmller of rmpulMion. (.'olnin wlmt diimii),' (l l.y vntcr. Aor Jt.i Ims 31,:i Inj ton, Bl.Sfifi, and Tolo rn Democrat of tin. 2Uth ' ii, Sl,!3. Tilt Si-l Si f 1 1 M - ll I" Hh I from VaMiij;lon tlmt the "pri-inl n;j"iiti . . - . t or ili li'i -livea lire i-rcaiiiij; i"""' i Iriuihle in the 't ri'iisuiy or Interior llrpni'tnieiilK I i uusiiig faNe ai n'sl and lliu ini.ililX ing ihe hend" of lu n ails. Then w hy do the heads of bu reaus keep (hat disreputable, class of Micul-s in the di'iailini-nls? Spiea w ere lint nr. ded ami w ere never ti"cil in any of the l'edenil departments un til the lladical parly nunc into pow er T There have certainly been thieves enough in dure since then to require an army of deteelii es if they iiro of any use The revenue bureau nlono lias developed, according to odii-ial re port, no less than three hundred and liirly of them, whose aggregate, steal ings nmoiit to between six and ten million of dollars ! What would have been the amount without the cheek which it is supposed the t-py system exerts? Who can tell ? It was no doubt, on the principle of "s t a thief to catch n thief" that Ihe Kadiea heads at Washington set one lot of of fiee holders as spies over the. rest. It was a politic stroke, too. While it made tolerably good paying places for those designated us spies, mid kept tUum out ff nla'08 hero they COUKI ,n J,UD" U,Bl WC UTt nW rrp',arr1 In n" ; irowli they net) ta to be reproientetl, and war I . ordrra aa nliraiilv and a nnimntlv aa ran be dona i h.i.j a .u a.lrUn.l,.n steal, it madu them doubly active, in wntching those who got ollicc bo that tho hitler should r.ot get loo much ahead of them in tho pecuniary nd vuiilagcK. Vi'hen they made common cause of it, however, then there nasa heavy pull, of course, on the Federal funds, re.piiiing un investigating commitlco and the whitewashing op eration. Tin vo is not honor enough, however, among either class lo stick together long nnd closely, so that in this instance it may bo said there is no honor among thieves. This is a great gain to the (loveinment. IiAitiNU Attempt at Aiison. On last Sunday night, nbout 11 o'clock, a daring attempt was made to fire the grocery store of J. M. Km cry k Co. Ill West Clinton Avenue. The uttempt was made in tho cellur. A coal oil barrel was turned on end, on it was put n box filled with shavings and sat urated w ith tho oil. This was set on lire and soon tho flooring caught. Tho clerk in tho store discovered it 'just about tho tunc it bud got through ,J ,, , . . , tho floor. The small hoso for sprink- ,. , . , ., I hug was got out, and, with tho assis- i " .. . , , , I laneo of neighbors, tho fn o was ex- . , , . . n tinguishcd. lienig in a frame row, , v. . . , . tho firo must have spread w idely and been very serious. Loch .nvi Pun. Ono negro recently beat three w hito carpet bagger ns B Radical candidate for Congress in tho First Alabama District, and now conies the news tlmt Dr. Norton, black, beat Dr. Douglas, white, for tho nomina tion Tur tho First Virginia. District. In both .liwti-ifte il.e whito Kudiculrt. have revolted. This is a flat footed political rebellion, and Grant ought ut once lo write a letter similar to that ho forwarded to the Federal officials of .Missouri tlio other day. What wailing nnd gnashing of teetli there will be among the black und tan loy ulisU ero long. Nobody ever dreamed (hat tho Democratic party could make bead way against Radical fanaticism in tho Slato of Vermont. What, therefore, must be everybody's surprise to learn that in tho Vermont election which occurred last Tuesday, the Democracy gained four or fivo members of the general assembly, and actually elected a Stale Senator, by five hundred ma jority, in a district w hich heretofore has usually given 1,40(1 Radical ma jority f Can it ho possible that reason is resuming her throno even in be nighted Vermont! WllKIIK THE MoNKT GoKS. TpOH page lU-lH of the Pamphlet Luws for 170 can bo found a copy of an Act passed last winter, nllow ing Harry W. Gray tho sum of fifteen hundred dollars, for "furniture furnished by sa'd Gray fur the Governor's mansion." As Harry deals in Pianos we presume a Piano was ( lie article of furniture furnished. If so, wo think tho Gov ernor's mansion contains the most ex pensive Piano in these I'nited Slates, paid for by "we the people." This is only a small item, but it is robbery, nevertheless. A Posi.v. - The man Woodford, who has been nominated for Governor by tho negro party of New Yoik, is a nomination fit to bo madu by such n party, fur bo was colonel of n tn-grii regiment in the war. This is bis chief merit. Tho swagger of some of bis foolish friends, that he wants lo meet Governor Hollinan in debate, is an in sult to Ilofliiiiiii, w ho is a gentleman, and would have to descend many pi gs to meet such a f.-llovv as Woodford. Ilmiu Mi.NT or I'oi.i ax. Schuyler Colfax bus w ritten a b iter in which he positively snys bo will retiro from public life at the t loo of his Vice Piesidcnl term. As Don Piall once said, Colfax fir ihe last twenty years has been running nioro machinery, with less boiler, than any man in America. It follows that be must be fatigued and needs rest. His exit will increase the average value of tho pub lic men ol the lladical party.-. Wendell Phillips is out in (avor of Sumner and Pevels fur President and Vice President in 172. Theodore Tillon, editor of the In l pmd, nt, pro (crs lliitler and Hcvcis. An exchange thinks a (r.)Mrr lit kel rould not be iiiinle, unless tlirie wero tiro negroes instead of o.io. ColunilniH, l)ytn, olid T.ili'.lo. O.. .fininth". and Vl.uliiitf -hop. . r. .. at... ' '"' DOYNTON & YOUNG, roUNDKIIS & MACHINISTS . TOUT ABLE 4; STATIONARY STEAM i:x(;ixks Corlirr uf F'larlU aud Pine Streta, ( I r turn i n. ivt. i lv i ... : ti.:;rrJ' I i. . mm m n"THni.i " I TT A VINO anKi.(rrd In Ilia manura.-tura of firat- clast M A CHIN Kit Y, wp rosier tUiWy inform in any of the citira. W o uianulacture and Ural in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, IL-ad lllo,k, Walrr Mh.-rla. fhaflina; Pollrya, difToril'a Int.-r.or. Strain tifi.iir.-a.Slri.nl Wi.in.li-a. Oilara, Tallow Cop., Oil C,,pa, la.iKr Co.-ka, Air Corka. Illohr Valvra. l li.-. k Valv.a. wi-o,.,l iron 1 'ip.-a, Hlf-nm I'n.npe, Poil.-r Fvrd Piunpa, Anti Fri.-lion M.-trra, Soup Flour rat-king. Hum l'ai-k-inj. and all kn.-lti of .MILL MlJJIK; ti.g.lli.-r with I'lowa, Hind Sol. a, COOA' A XD rA It I. on STO IVi.S', and ol her CASTINGS of all kinda. yr-Ordrrl aolicitrd and filled at cily prirri. All Irllrra of inquiry with reformer to luttrhinery of our mnnuraolurr promplly answered, by addn-i-ilif ua at Clt-Krlirld, l'a. derlO-ir I10VXTON A YofXd J. F. W eater, NOTICE! w. w. Ifctta. CLEAUFIELP 1T 4 VTVP AITT T 1 1jiYI 1 1 VJ iUl 1j 1j ALL RIGHT! flHK proprirtora rrrprelfully inform tbrritiirna A of Clearfield rolllily. that tbry bare entirely reHllc.1 lliiar.n.l.li.liiiiei.lwilhlh.-lalealimprovrd wood working maeliinrry, and are now preparrd to n.-eute all onlera in their line of l.uaineaa. They will gire rpr.-iul attention to Ilia nianufiio ture of material for houar building, em-li aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ii it.icnr.Ts it .wot i.ni. t;s, OF ALL 8TTLEH, Vv a'waya bare on hand a large atnek of TiHY LC. Mil Lll, and will pny raab for all clear Lumln-r. Onc-and a-hiilf inch panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eii'liaiijjcd, lo u il cuMmnert, QOnlrrii ulicltril. m n 1 Lurntitr furnMinl on sliiirt notice and on rcanominle trrnm. (J. L. ItKKI) k CO. Oiirfl.-M, N..T. 7. 117. Clothing. 5 J on lo Nave 3Ioiiy. 'PUR tinif are hard; you'd lik to know . How ton mf mt jour d'-llsn ; Tbe my to do it I will phnw. If t mi will rend hal follows. A tnRfi who lircd not fur from here. Who worked hard it tiir (rulo, Hut hud bon-tphold In Support Tbit squaiidrrcd alt h oiU. I met hi in onre. fiij ho, "Mjr friend, I lu'k thrpid hoar and rotth ( I'va Irifd to ft wynt a iuitt Hut caa't tart up r&oith." Ebtb I, my frirrd. how tnurh hart yon f I'll 111 yon where to to To net a poit ihnt'f fiand and cheap t To KKIXKNiTKlN A Co. He took what little he had aaved, And went to heiirnvteio A llmthera, And there he jrt a handootne auit, for half ht paid to othera. Now he ! home, he lonki 10 well. And their ell sot te Purh, That when they take their dally meal, They don'l eat half aa much. And now he flndi on Patardey night, With ell their winte pupf.lied. That he bai money left to fpeod, And iume to lay a tide. HI fond atirre'i, whh cheerful imlle, He r'adly tell to ell. If yoi'd mt wnney, go and hay Vour elnthet at ItEIZKN.STEIN'S CLOTHINd n A 1.1. Where the ehenpert. (Irent and het Clothirn and fond FuriiUhinK Uoodi cn be bad t ui t evrry tante and In every Kyle aprt I, 7(1 C liiiik Ton;i HPFirfi rAi.oitivir, m sgi i.iiaxna, Hi ri:i:ion. 110V. I'K.NS, liKlll I.ATi'll. M'lll.K (dOK. NATIONAL IIANilH, TIlll'MI'll, rAIU.OIl COOKS, SPE Alt'S IlEVOLVIXO l.llillTS AM) iiorm.K nr.ATriis, Anil all kill-la of Ilcnling SHivra for aalr l.y ns.r: ii. f. liliii.ni A cet JOHN TKOl'TMAN, FURNITURE DEALER M.nke! Sl.,en-t nf the Allehrny Huuce, I i: wu ii i h. im. IK V.hV on linnd nil k i oil ! r'ufn i t ure. in nuite or (it the mi'lr artirie. 7h ie in n'-il of any mil. Ifnl I iiimuirr. will fiiid il to ihrir intinut In mil Rnd rxmiiinr litT pln. V, hi'-h I w ill Pi ll trrv lot fnr rn-li or kvliaii(T f"r PUiUl.le lun.l'iT. t'liarlirld. 1'.. A - ' -ri) tl. KDWAKI) i'KUKS & CO , Flour IniiiirarliirrN. And Iii-ali-m in (;n.ix of all kinds, V H I MP8II V i 0, PA. VFI'1,1. M PI'I Y of FI.ni Tl, WI1KAT, Ctt;N ami t Hop r-.nintly on hotvl. end lor 1e nt rnt'-F renin rkul.ly lew. ) f. lit tl 'OTHT--He-Tit (in.-lnM-. th- itit-nitt of 1 J. A. ItlMltrnt'rrfi, I , in ill Itnalnepp (ier'tofon rarnrd n on-t.-r the firm immr ( J. A. H'-itlenl crit r A ... Idt mrt" will en ln''e. herralVrtin'ler the nnmrof MmmiiOu l.amj and I. iim'irr r"in.ttT, (Htotr.) II. II. MlllaUMiFOHh, JOHN I.AWIIF. m..2i'lf tVPi.lrnl. (ii nrml Knrt, rniIKrKI.Kl.HATI I lt('IH1flSi.N ft' miTS, l.itl.l K.p.. ..f.s on. Fn'.n-h I. ip Vrrnrh Calf f r.,.,,itc Jail ,.V.If ii eo. S nn Al C. KHATZKH f. Ciocito, C'lVPtnlr?, ftr. i. a a . " J. 11 C.RAllAM&SOXS, M II KIT STIlKKT, CI.KA UK I KM', I'A. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. rpMR niWilWrp hatliii; ititrril 111" parlnpr 1 thip fr Ilia pi'Tin'of "".Till! Hi" huiinfn of M-rrtianJIplrB, now i.ftVr a fra-l .nd rara ..r .rlunUy In lh rlliiftn of Clfar. 1 flpH an.l a.ljoliiliiK cnunllft I" Jujr mora f.iolt ' at wli'.laaa It or retail prion, lhal will aitnnl.h t Ilia uiilnatrurlail. Tliflr in,t will ! parllru- Inrlj aelrrtrd lo ault tltia Barkft. Krj la.l ill. ibaraf.ira. rail tha sltantlon of bar bnll.and i tolhlafart, barnuaa Ibla branch of our hualnaa. .III rarcl. anaaial a.l.n.Un. and ar,thlna ; naadfd In a .a.: ragnlatad boaaohold will at all timet be found Id our ilorr. DRY GOODS: Our ttocV of I'ltY (iOdim P),.ll not b ur pnnr'fd, either in qtii'itT or price, ami will em hniM. in part, Trtnti of every ityle, Oingliamf nd Lawne of every quality, Wuilim of every jrraile, le Lainea aditpted lo the tastes of Ihe old end young; and every article of i.iy kioJ of I) HESS GOODS: Aa to liltl'.HM CDODK-wa bara tplrndid aa.orlmrnt of Alparar, hlnrk. whlta, and in eol- ora; .rinurra. Filka, and In abort all the naweat ; ,,1" in m'1"1' W de,i, u' ,'"""' ''" 10 ' l'"" ' ,h """'J'- Wiib our new and eitniv stock of IHKS (lO(H)S, the ldira ran all be auited y jul droppinj; In aod getting a nlre drraa attpm, lare aett, kid gluvei. or 1j duir.g that which ii belter : give her a well filled purie, and h will find good and paying inventtuents in etuhruid riea, edging!, ribbona, gluvee. buaiery, or any otber household aeerasitiei. f.KXTLEMKX'S WKAR: And In ad lition to what we have atrea ly enumerated, we kfpp all knU nf ; 1-T. I'- ltli:VM i:AM rucb ti Clolht, Caflimre, Hatinetta, llati, Boot and Hhoep, bctldoa, a nice aiiriiutnt ol Made-up CI.O'l'lll i fnr Men and Uiya, manufactured out of the very brut mnterial. which we will all for cah or eichange fur country produce al price which will aftuoUh everjbud. SQUARE TIM HER: We are now largely engagt J in buying and riling MU .U(i; I I l It I K and manufae. turrd Lt'MliKH, and will give Ihii branch of buiirieif pniiitl attootiun, and therefure mik H an ijbjcl to every one who hai Lumber to tell to eume and deal with ua. GROCERIES k HARDWARE Wa all all alao keep eonataally on band a grnrral aaeortrarnt af (; lint I ' ll I l .ss and IIAItim Alii:, whirh wa will aall at eirrrd ingly loaf prirea. W'a alao keep a full eteor: mrnt of H l:l.NSV AHI- TI la deparlmrnl ! kept full aad eooaplrta, and all who i contemplate houaokerplng, will Und il to Ihrir adrantage to come and trad with at berauee we are eo eltiiatrd, and, fron nng experience lu ihe bueineni, ao well ruait.U'd with the want and nvcfMiiiea of tbla ouminutiity. Ibat we feel atit6ed ll erery man woman and child cnty oiakei it point to buy their good from u, we can plrae thru both at to quality and iric. Therefore, fmuo along and buy tout ROOTS rf FIlOK.-i, II Aid A CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTUINfJ, and ererythiog yoa need to ren der yourelre and fatnitie comfortable, from JAM K.S H. (J UAH AM k SONS, nrl CI.F.A'tFIELD, P4. J7 . Ifiliral F. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sale and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. mi. hoy it., rniB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 eafr, pure, planunt and bcultli giving Tonic- i V etrirtly TfrUl-lfi, and ininutacturi-d frorj Ihe mo'l (Hire nnj choice matrrialp ir not a r drink nor vultitute for nliiiky, but a eciinlitf oomMiund, for the jirotrclii.n of the tvfirni ai-i the cure of dienpo, made from cheniirally puf Pinta, rntir ly free fr m fuflil oil or olhrr irri! 1 T '1 tmg proprrtn-P, and Will not dinnm- or offend tnupt iji lirati! ett)ma'h. A lonj ritate eiei encr baa ath-pt?d id Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No l.iltrr at prrprnt nfTrjrd to the pul ilr muUiup fo much m'iirin il virtne, and yet eo I .fr and p1 n-mit to take. It ue in to cure d-e, mid it will nt create an appetite for rpiritirtiip Ii juore, hut will cure Ihe efW of difpipalion. To inrrraw the Apprlite, To promote I-iji piion, To cure I M'-pia, To cure F-cr ami Agun, To f ure Ililli'inpir. To rurr Ciintiiatin, To cure ('.ironic Itinrrliira, To cure Henri hum, To cure Fl.tl iiti tire, To cure Acil Krin'tnti' n, To cure N. rvoun It1.ilitr, To cure Ilypiirhon.li ia. ie n. VfiR IT. VSR IT. VFK IT. rsE it. vsk it. rsK it. i sk it. vrz it. vpk it. 1K IT. To cure PnllownrM of C.'in Irxinn, l'?U IT. To cum TiinplfP ami Id .t, hi p, K IT. F'ir (li-rrrnl Pro-trHtion nf tlio rhypji-al poworp, VSK IT, an I It will pure J u. F-.IJ rTcnwhcre, at $M por hottle, .Mana fnrtnml ex'-hi'H'lj' I t A. I. S II A W, Ilrntririat, ci.i:Ai:rii:i.i, pa., Vthrj iifrra lil-crnl ln1ti-.-nic.ita to Ihe tra-lc. Oct. 57. l.'.Il:tf. II. B. TAYJaOU'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Nrarlhe Rnilrnnd Depnt.) C I I. Mil II I It, PIA A, 1FMMRACK (hi- tn-thf.il of Infrrminf the ptiltlir, ihnl 1 have onem t an a vard U,r H. ..la..f wo,.,lorc,l l, 1.1. M Kami Anll.r.cle n.rn win W (lt.piiPrd n Ml rvwnn He rate. Ir the tun. huah") or rr In.) In .t Th--e at n ditiiie pn e-l-lrepp rne hv (ti r, and "I'Uin all nr-er-PPary tuform al i'-n hy Ttnn tPiil, nc,rf,c;,Ir.,rr...J,,,fn-1AYU'11- !U'.irUiitf(nii. H. F. N AUGLE, HOCK AM) HATCH MlHIJt, post nFrifi: ScLa. rr i.k a n fi ki.d fpilK uhrtllifr ratp'rllully Infutitii Wa old paitnna ami Ilia pul'li.' frtiatall.T. Dial ha I,.. n basil, (ami I" e.,nal.illjf rrraivlna; n i.rni.til Ibarrltt.) a larja ilurk of Clotks, Watches ami Jewelry. t liatp Jralr In all IK forma ani of Jitl. r.-iil valu.-i, cillitr by Ike .lt-r "r aal. WATCIIFS A full a'lorlupiil ofailliar (lold or Hln r, Miada b Ibo In "I Ani-ri -at and for aim ma. ular,un r, tnrlu.lina; Una lot of gold and ailror bouling ru, lull Jawolad, falanl Levari. CI.OfKS Of all dailina. conalatlnu of eiiilit day and Ihirl. bour, of aithcr waiKOI, Piig or levpra, and bulb atrike and alarm. KKI'AIKI.VU. All kin.U of Wali-boi and Clorkl Ili palltd, aud aurrauteJ. In addition lo arbat I hava annmeratad, I kep f.,11 a...,rlio. nl of M'K'" T ACI.KS. rolor.-l and .., . ooi.tl PKNS and I'KN CIt.S SPOONS, F01lK, lltri TKIt KMVKS. and in ft .r,ihin? in -b. Jo-alr, lit... If I fill I lo I, I f ,..,,. -oiiout omra cba rfo. A lll.rriil.bare of public patronagr la anlirltcd. May , ISHH-y H- If W A HULK. READING FOR ALL! ! fiOOKS if- STATWM-n Y. Market St.. I'lesrHrld. (at Hie Poat Oflire.) tplIK uridrraijcnad I'rifB Irava to annonnra to 1 Ihr rilia'-na of Claarnrld and vlrlnily, lhat ha baa fiord ap a room and haa Juat raturnrd from the eily with a larga amount of reading aaliar, . onatatinf in pari of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Ulank, Armani and I'aaa Hooka of eaery da rriplion I'aper and Knurl opre, Krcnrh prraard and plain: I'ena and I'rnciU; Ulank, Leitel Pii.era. Ir.-da. MorU'iiirra : Judgment, Eiruip lion and Pronnaaory nolee i una ini I'arrn; mrnl llriaf. Loral tap. Hrrord l ap. and Hill Cap. Short. Muaie tor either Piano, Mule or Violin ronaUntly on band. Any buoke or auiionery dratrrd liial I may not hare on hand, will be or. orderrd by flrat axpraaa, aod aold at wholnaale or retail t-. auit cuatouiera. I will alao keep pariodiral literature, auob aa Maa;aainee. Newa p.pera, Ao. 1'. A. UAUL1M. CUarfirld May T. ISI'.S tl GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND fJTREKT, I Uartlt ltl, Pa. NIW GOODS AT LOW TEICES. fllHR onderdrned rertertfolly Inrlle Ihe at 1 t'nllon nf tho pulille generally to thlr splendid aortroent of erchandne, which they are now aelllng AT VKUY LOW riUCfc8, Their it"-k eonilits In part of Dry Goods of tlio Best Quality, Such aa Printe. Pe LrIopi, Alparrae, Merlnoi, Ginphami.M(iiilini,(llearhed and nnblearb d,) Irilling, Tirklnga, entton and wool l'lai.nel,8a.tmrtt,C"-.rnereal Cottonadee, Ladiee' Hhawll, hubiae A Hmdp, Hal moral nd Hoop bkirte, Ao,, Alao, floe BMortment of Men' Prswere and bhirti, liati A Capi, Boote A bboea, til ol which WILL BE POLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queeusware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. INSIIOUTA GEXEIUL ASSOUTMENT Of ererythlng oimnlly kepi to ft retail atore, all i-nr. at fUHCAMl or approved eouutry pro duce. A. K. WUIGHT a SONS. ClearfieM, Nov. 7 , IH67. ONI-.TIIITaO M:V AC AIM C. I). WATSON Wiahaa In lnr.irn hia old frlaoa acd tha pnltlif (aoarall tbat ba haa ofanaol ua Haw Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, la bia old aland, oppoaita Iba Court lloajaa, FKCOND ST, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ilia alnrk la all Daw, fraah and of tha varj baat qnalllr. aii.l Mill ho aold rbaap for CAII or airoT.-d Countrj. Produpa. Ifyoa want pora Irupa and Patent Mcdicinea, Oo to WATSON d. If yon want Ccnfactinnariaa, Canoad Fruita, l'it-klaa and JalUaa. Nuta, Ao., Ac, 0.) la WATSOS'rt. If jon want tha baat Roaaltd C. ffaa, l.'aaanra af I'otlVa, Fpi. a of all alnda, chaap, Oo to WAT.sON'8. If yon want fancy Tnllat Soapa, Flarorina; Eitrac-la, do., it , ba aura to Oo lo WATSON'8. If you want Fanry Pja Culora, Clark-! brat obina Thraad, Pioa, Nardlaa d Notioui, Go to WATSON'S. f hewcra and Smotara, If yon want tha btat in tha market. Buy al WATSON'S, where yoa can got Pipea t Pipe Filturea. If yon want to (ret clear of joar rtampi, Coma to WATSON'S. If Joa wanl to apod a fea huura of an ereninj wilb your friemla, rvma to WA?0.VS old aland, ahera yuu can crack nuta and eat Jokaa until t o'clock, p m. Aj.ril 1.1, I STO I-W VTUKK AND N KV (iOODS JOS. SHAW & JS(J. llnve jual ojicnnd a iir Srokc, on Main Sl Ci.mKnr.LD, f., lately oceuied l.y W'm. F. I II WIS'. Their tm k rnnaiala of Ghoi t:ts of the lxfl qi.alily, JlKF.NSWARE, IaOOt8 1111(1 SIlOOH, inJ orrry anic'.a nooea.arr for one'i comfort. n.I examine our Mock before pur- cl.nj.iiid eliaarliere. May 9, iM'.C.-lf. TT- FAIRBANKS' At FTAM1AIU) Ofe: SCALES, HiK-ni;!. Ilarrcwa, Uan-houac Trucka, Cnpjina; Prraaca, Iirprii.cl Money llrawcr, da. I roa aALK ar II. F. HK1LER & CO., Dralrra In llardnarr, mcli.lll TP If Second Slrct. t:icarCM, Pa. "V Ml )W HOOK. ..I ( ip i. nil "i nitAr ron rpn. Thanking or frietxle unA rntomeni for paat patronage, J ohoit a eonlinnanrc nt the fa in e, . , ISAAC KIKK. I.nmWr fifr, Fept. I J if. ti i: n o v a I.. IIARTSWICK & IRWIN, DIU' (KlISTH, .Varktl Mini, tlrnrtttltl, Pa. rE W I'ate lo Inform our nil and new ruatomrra. Ibal wa barr rrmovrd our aa lahliahmr.il I't the aparioua nrw h.il'.linar Jual rrrrlrd on Ma.ked alrn I, nrarla adjolninc the .Manaion llouan on lha wrrl. and nppoaila Mraara. Ilrahatn A Hona' Horn ; whrra we re.jjrctlully Inrila the publio to roiue and buy thrir Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINT AND VAKKISIILS. Our atncl of Hrua; and Medlrlnra oonalata nf eTerylhing uaed, aeleftod wilb lha grealoal oare, and WA1R ANTED STRICTLY PURE! W'a alao krrp a full alack of liyra, I'erfumrrlri, Toilrt artirlra foapa, Toolh Hruthri, Hair llruahra, W hilrwaafc Ilruahra, and arery olber kind llruahca. W e bare a lnre lot of WI1ITH LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaiaerd Oil, Palnn, and in fart everything lard it. the painting buainaaa, wbirb we afler al City ptirea lo caab buyrra. TUB A CCO AND SEGA US, PonfoetlinerT, Splraa, and Ihe largaat atark of Tarietira arar oRured in thia ,lare. and warrant ad to be of tba beat the Market alforda J. 0. IIAKTSWIPK, N... id, 18'8. JOHN F. IKWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (late Powell's,) For all diaeaaee Ineidrnt to Horaoa, Cattle, and Human Flrah, rrquiring tba uaa ol ID eitrrna! applicaliuo. Thia Kinbroratlon waa eatenaively need by thr laovernroent during the war. For aale by llartewiok A Irwlr. Clearfield. Joaaph K. Irwin. Curweoavilla. Daniel Uood lan.lrr. Latbaraburar uT JIOSIIAXXOJf LAM) AM) LOBER (O'aPAW OFI'KR BAI1K I : S IT E 31 E XTS -TO Purchasers ofChoiceCoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the timcsl Orcein, May II. lSTO. Curwensvilla Marble Yard. "lAKSMtol'S of rilcmling my hinfP, and gW kh.iwmj th-r rn bi no h gliir Irilnitt nt repitvct to the mrnmrv of the di-crnsril ami luirii-d trii tid, than to rnvt over tln ir tinrr,.w h'Mnes a ernljitnred "lnlt ol rn-tnring murhir, t ti n.T nniiiiP lon-rrr to tlie rt-Kting p'wee nf thnpe wr lore; I l-;r cve to nr to n 1 1 wlio w,ph to phw thnr alWtion for their dpnrtd frii-n.tp nnd kindred, Ihnt they Pan now have, un opportunity ol doing o, hy cHlhtig nt my Hln.p on Thoinpexn trrt'l. CurwnPMlle, aa 1 am rejared to furnih to order, MONUMENTS, CKADLE A POX TOMliS, 1IKAII STONES, Ac, .if in? dciim or aitc, al rca.nt.al.lr ra'ca. N. II.- I on linn, I ihe Im-.i l-urrij;ii anal Ifcmirallr Mmlilei, All woik ciccii.nl m ihr meal aaillli.l nia.in.T. 1 will al.i. .I.liv.-r work lo a.i.r Jmmih in I l.-atn. ltt or a l.i'iininir c.,nnli.a. i d"irc.l. M.'ll. lol.llt HN. OirwcieviHc. Oct. 511, I nr. a (f. THE (T.EAKI-1EI.I) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manu'Vtured eppeoiallj for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa aai.K ar "VT II. F. Hli1l.FR A TO. 1)INK, WIIITB HOAN UMNtl SKIKS Jaat reaatvea' anal for aale or Arm 20. lt,. H. F. IUULEH CO. Jim C'.oorK CicrnlrJ, f(. CJKI'MT IMIUMIXN ( store In MulsonlmrR! In lha mom formula nr. -uplnl l.y P- T. U'ful) L. M. COUTltl KT fPAKllS eti i je mnthod of Inf rutin theeilinn 1 of Tut irftfn, h Hrlliaof, r'iiti'lii cooM ry , tliHt h ha , tt.rard and .be ur- ' J'1"' T:m A, ei.ik ol M'MMI H )Jini, nhl'd he l d-i-r- niitH.l In ..II TI.N ITlt I I.NT ( li;:M'i:it than ll.eMme,.ialily..lH'io uy uih-r Plort- in luo ntM.o.in.o.1. ji.i a(oea outn.rta uf Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Fiii-b aa Putinettp, Cappirnerce, 5f iinlini, Delainee, Linen, lriHiiijr-:f ('ulico-, TrnnuiiiJi, hibboni, Lat'O, 0 kkady-madk e i.rir n ino. boots MIDKS, IUTS 4 t'AFS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. CuOc, Tea, Futtiir, Kice, M.Imo, Kih. Salt, Lin eel Oil, Fipb Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Cactinjrp. IMowp and Plow Caatinpi, Naili, Fpikei, Corn Cultivatore, Ci lt r I'Tt-ftwi, and all ItiaJp of Ami. E1. Wt Plowe are of the Curwenpville and Centre county unite, and are warranted to be uf food quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumer-, Painla, Varlii.h, fllaaa, and a general aaaurllni-nt of titatiunery, GOOD F LOU It, Of different brand, alwayt on hand, and will be aold at the low rtt poiiible figures. Ltqtons, Such ai II RANDY, WISE, GI3C I WIII.-'KY pound e of Wool wanted for which tbe big belt price will be paid. m.ovi;h si:i;i. On hand and for aale at the lowest market price. Alio, Agent for Wilson! Ft rat t'n villa TUItESUIXG MACHINES. kavall and accfi.r riiraalvcB. Tea will find everything aaually kept in a retail .tore. L. M. t'OLIBIET. Pranchrilla P. 0., Jan. 7, I Hull. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEATEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I "llB are now opening tip a lot f the beat and y tnoft rawninMe (iMdi and Ware ever utTt-n-d in thie markot, and at pricee that remind one uf the goctd fid dnyp of cheup thingp. Thope who lak faith upon thie point, ur deen our alio- gat i una itipcrlluoup, need tut ttLl .IT Ml STORE, Corner Front and Market gTrceti, Where they ean ace. fort, hrar and know for them Pi'lvra. To fully aiidorptand what arechcap giMMp, thia niut la done. do not dtm it m-reeeRry to enuinvmfo and iteniite our atork. It if enough for aa to etata tlit We have Everytliing that is Needed and oonmmed ta thia market, and at pric?i that atoni"b both old and Tonng. d.l'O JUbtl'II SHAW t SOX. XI2W l I,Ol I2,FKi:i AND PROVISION STORE, TMR an lcr.irncl liara Jnat received at lliair new aland ia Wallace!, n, a full atiiily of Eour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL OIL, (at reduced ralei.) A iroo.1 article of T0I1ACC0, CIOARS AKD SUOKINU TOUACTO, oonalanllj oa baud. All of which will l aold al LOW RATES for TASI1 or girco in exchange for FHINOLES and liudlh. Wa reapcctfully aak the nhlie Is giia na a trial before rur.-baaing alaewhera. J. R. READ A CO. Wallacelon, April 7, 1S6. g" kratzer" & SONS ARK KKCKIV1N0 A SPI.EN Di D T0CK UK CAKl'tii A.D OIL CLOTUS. WALL rATERS-GILT TATER, fa LACE CURT A I N 3, W I X DO W SHAD E.- COUSTEarAXES AXD QUILTS. LIXES TABLE CLOTHS A XATKIXS LAMES SILK COATS if-OVERKIRTS. ELE'iAXT SHAWLS k LACE POINTS. LAMES it- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED U A I S. DRESS GOODS AXD TRIMMINGS. RFT KID Gl.f iVE L A DI ES GEX TLEMtN'S ANDtniLDKENU BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FIXE BLACK ALPACAS. cxrijuAM.Fn stopk ladif. and 111 I I 111? t V V Will 11. l! a, ii ft ITPIK MtN'S CALF f- FRENCH KIP BOOTS HEAVY CAI.F HOOTS. $5. M EN' S A S D HOYS' FI X E AXD II EAVY MIOES. CASSIMEHES VEUY CHEAT. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, .. GKOrF.niF.. FI.OfR rf- TKOVllOXS AT 1.0 H'ES 1' KATES. unFim. nEpriTioN to those HUYINd IN yUAX I1TY. Wivil, MAIJKFTIXO AXD COCXTKY nionUvK WAM tn. Cl.rfirM, inn. Ifl. ISi',9. nv Wino and Mquor Store, I. L. R EI2E NSTFl w .u.aaAH nauta ia WINES & LIQUORS, mark kt st., clkatfiklp, i-a. Full atn. k nf Win.. I'r.n.lr ni ll kl.V. and Almhol. alarata on han4. f.ralal allmtiin rat,l tn aaourina a nura artirla r... K.n...-H,.i and mr.lipal iu..na.,a. rl I . TOtf Miss E. A. Pa Rynder, CWVarii'a. Sninw.,',,J Sm,; p,,. Cinllh a. Ma.nn A llamlin'i and P.!or..C, Orrana and Mrlndfona. and lira..' Dakar', Smng Narbinaa. .Lao TBaraaa or Plana, aali.,. 0., n.rn,,nT and V.,I M, ' J:! pnril '"r ' kalf t.rm 'PIIR IlKMfirB A TIC A I W. war . ihmlii. Clearfield County Dank. r l 'll r. leamem -iimj i i w n h a r, tr. I tfi Inviiiuti'-fi ha r'lt.e km if ,, Z put rei.'tfr of If edarifr, i,n U tj It H'wl la owneft K tlie Hit.-riK.,. ill eonlinue the tUhkirtg httntm place, aa pit ale ltat.tif re. Mf ci r t he , 7 of the "Clearfletd fount? ppt.li." d , r, ponthl tor the d flil of the llai h, n. , " It not-a na denmn-l a' the emitter I'm.' rereiert and Intereet paid when mny , a fitd (line. 1'af.er durouijtf.l t m . ) d ftf H r,rr,Tfl(1 ' ' I. ' irant eted. A foM.nu.nc. f Itu, ? ronair hueineee wn of (he erurTt4t( 0 -t(( fhaffield I'.,,mi lit . rp (h Bftef uf -M fe k j for reoemptii n. .IAS. T l.FOSAHD, rtlfllARn Fllii WM FOUTKH. JAM. H. IiRaUaX a tr tu la 1 1 1 1 1 "a ill IILLI. ' A. IVa etnmnit w. n'.r,i', W M. A. W AM.AfE. The buplneae of the Itinh will le etiRffatit John M. Aden., apc.. ai taehiar. joiji. J. f. M'trk. K-laard Iv-ij. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUEI McGirk & perks. Huceeeaorp to Potter, I'erki, i Co., Plilllpsburp, Centre County, TJKltK nil thr btipinrpi of a Ilnnkmff ,,,1 yy wil1 oe tranpoctd promplly and uprj inopt faroratile wrnti OurT ij County National Bank. CLEARFIKI.D, PA. rfFIIS Bank Ii now open and ready for I a. I g. naaa. Ofliea on Second etreeL in the l,s; . I ing formerly eecipied by Leonard, Fmne, 4 I niaRcT.Ra aan nrriraaa IAS. B. OHAHAM, HICHAHD 8IHW WM. A. K'AM.ACK, M. POHTKH, A. K. WHIiillT, OHO. L. KtKI. VT. M. SUAW, J AS. T. LEONARD, ju28, eJ taal.ier. rrea a ISoggMTowiiKliipAntilii id GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERaS'S! TVFRYDODY trying to pet therefirf(, forftt. j j Ul bcjvj, rruworu uui in it ia cuia, 1 1 you want (food hboeinir done, go to ftita If yoa want jour Plee inmed right, u to bnn If yoa went good Mill I rone, go to Bim If yon want yonr wegnn troned in tbe bolt trie and workmanehip, go to Bun Ubbri wakea tbe beat (Mornp Marhin id ti. I State, aodd.e all kiodi of B LACK M 1 rill.-1 aa cheep ai ran be dona in the eonnty fur Cm lay Foil OOioe addreji Ii Clearfield KMrt. THOMAS ijEihi, Bogga Tp., Dee. 19, 16e7-tf. Southern Land & Emigration COMPANY, WASIII.NGTOX, D. C. OTIOAXIZED and etaMiifar(I fur tU rnlui and rl of rannmn and M.ntral Uut ud improri'ii Real Eptatc in thr Southr TIIOMA.S fi. FLORENCE. Ymrit JO. K V K It N S, Vua l'rt,dt J. II EN hi A.-KIX, Ttfinnr, Prciidcot Fourtli Nationnl lUnk of I'lnirlftj bi. JUOti. C. MACIiuU L1.L, AUurDfj and Ciui.ii!'ir. Office: WifhinetcB RuiMinf. Cornfr towl St.. and 1'canUaoia Avenue, WaLiirgtuD, I) C. I rtrrrai jfri : Oor. J..hn T. H'flnnrj. Alhanr, X. V. fca 4ioT. W'm. ttijrlcr, (. karttl'd. I'. !-v. T. V. Kandolph. Trrnrnn, N. J. ti-fiur. Win. Y. l'akfr, W.iiiauiij.urt, Pa. rpt. i, (v-n. Clicap F'uriiittirr. JOIIX GULICIl DVS1RES to Inform hit old frifndi gji ni. Uinara, tbt baviDfr anlared bi hop ib4 lucraaird bit facilities fur maaaiartariDit. ht a now prcyared to uaka toordrr rurb FurLitarty qjit ba diirrd, la Rood ityle aed mt beip run lir CAbli. II a aeotranj baa oa banJ, at t:i Farnitura rootni, a Triod aportniot of reidj- made furntur, amoof wbicn ara BUREAUS AXD SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrtthaf and Hook Cpi; Cratra, Sofa, IVl, brrakfaat and Pininjc Kit-uioa Tatilra; " non. Frnrh poPt.Ct'ttapTf.Jiroy-Lird and otfarr Itedrtaadi , 6- fm of ail ktaHt, Wtrk ntntU IUl rtvckt, Harb-itandi; Rooking and Am Cbairt ; vbrina-aaU rant lKttoiat rar'ur, mon and othr Chair; Lonking-Glaaier of erm dtrfcrtptioa on band j and new g ). for frnnff, whtcb will ba pat in on vary raapontlt tcrmi on faurltit ootifa. Ha alao he pi on bud or furvipbn to order, Cora-huck. Ilalr aod Cot- toD-t'P lUaitrrawa. Coffins or Evebt Kind Mad to order, and funerili attended with t Ileirae wbenerar driirrd. A Ira, Howie Paint.a don to order. Tba aabaeribar alao Ktnufu. tnrei. aid baa aianil aa band, Clevnt'i Patent Waabing Maehina, tba bat Dow in bp! Thuaa ain tbia narbina nerar nd ba with. out clean cltbetl II a also bat Fljer'a Pttrat Chnm, a m peri or artirla. A faai!y nisf thu Cbura nar nead ba arilbnat batter I All tha tbova and nanny other article are far- nibed to captoncra eh tap lor Catn or xrhancrl for approved country produce. Cherry. M ; poptnr, Lin wood and otter Lumber tuiiiHt fer Cabinet work, taken in icbarge for foruita'i j Remember the thitn ia on Marker rtreet, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly oppoiite the "Oid Jt btora." , JUU ttl Lliu. NoraaiHer 3ft, j The Lightning Tamer. 'TMIB anderia;ned ara the tleAf:ertP ia tb it I i"'ttt for the "North American tiakarinH Lltl II TN 1N(J HODS." Tiapeare theonlrnf rode now in we. and ara endurtcd by all tba tcirntiftc men In the reantry. W hereby noiifrtba citirena of the roattT that are will fat them ap a better rod. ana t lean money, than ft charred by tbt forr.ri frnta who annnaJly trareraa (lie county ani carry off oar little caah, ntTtr to re lor a. ENCOURAGE HOME LAliOR. Tboea wibinn Liphtnin Radt arreted their bailditf e need bal addreaa ui by letter, tt call in peretm. Wa will put tbrm up an.i'brn In thecnunty, and warrant there. The K"de' Fiituree can be aaan at any time ht ealhrf tt anr ttr.re. H F. UlGLhK A CO. Clearfield, March SO, 170 It DAVID YOUNG. jStonr-Cutlrr nnd Slonc-Mibon, I f ILL tlrrula all orV ia lia lin al ' araia priaai and in IIH-lHW '"J1 Architectural Ornaments In ALL fTVLFS. Fiona l)ra.inf of aarf daarritiin, and all kinda of naaim aork rot Irart.d f.-r in routfif inr 0".nl. Ant r-irtut aiiahinir to haa rrapaptabla ntaaon .".a aal atnnr raliina: dona, will find it fo m.ir iMrraft to call opoa aoa I would nlro inform it" put tie that I ran drli.or any quanllt; or rlaaa tl 'tona doair.d, aa I am tl.a own.r uf a FIKST-CLASS STONE lifAHUV Ordara for ark can la add. ..! to DAVIlt Vnl NH. atM,r Clraildd la. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOl'KAGK HOMK 1M1 Ti:Y. 'pilK andaraienrd. barinit anaHiabrd N"i 1 arra on tho Tika. BlM.ttl h.ll ... haia.aa C'lrarnold and Onra.ona.lllo, i. nrofarod I" !' niah all kinda of mil T T K I: KS. ( a'ai.ila.H ari daarf.) Krorfrarna, Mirohhotj. tiraro V rra. Ili.o.ohrrr.oa, l.aol.a illark hrrrt. flra.hrrr;, and Ra.horry Vinoa. Al.o. Sihrti'an Orati Traaa, Yoinoa. and oar: aoirlol hhnharb, do Orifrl rroB.ti, all.ndod lo. Addrw., J. l. WRIlillT. ao,0 . j rura.roa.i l. Fa Lime (or Sale I fpilK nndonlrnrd, roaid.nt nrar thr d. f.t rf 1 mada ooo.j.ih, arrant, mrota i'h I"" l .i.o-r. raat ol Ihr moanlam. hrrrl t hr i blod lo k'r.o.n.Unllv on bao.l a la.fr uaoin.' r u ia: l i m k : hi. h ho olfrra t.. f.rmrr. and Knildrt t a " ah., rorl. 1 h.Har In aood ..f lha arl'rlr l arll to ,no mr a pall, or a.ldrraa mr l'.T Irltrr, hr. tiiro nrKoiiaunn thrir limo .Ki. C. rA.-.Mi'Fal Orarn.1,1, Pa., Junr . laiorj Ntalil. rpil R andrr,nod nrra loan to inform Ihr r'" t l.r that b. ia noa follt orr..rrd to .fo.-w". dalo .11 in tho ar of farniahin. Horary Majti". ra...nra and llanioaa. on tha ahortrrt not. rr n T" h" Ur""- rtooidonoaoa Lora.t alrrM, I'riealawnta kl.ilorf . - j. b,,i . utlaiiao.v ' aa, add, L,J, tf Tlrarnrld. April II, ll.