Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 12, 1870, Image 2

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    She cpuMiran,
G ki in k 15. UooiiI.amikk, Editor.
Elections An o jjo to juvw
tlet-tiona lire licit. fi l.tld in our own
State, Oliio, Imiiiina, Iohii uutl
JVcbrw-ka, tho rcnult of which we
cannot jiredii-t nt tl.i time. Wo
iosue our Miner onu dav curlier tliun
usual, for tlio Jiiii-poto of allowing
ourselvoH at least ono d:.y to attend
tl.o Agricultural fair.
HoMt Again The 'Government
bus finally got back to Washington
Again. Tlie r.ile.d unU r.ii'iii.b.'i.t
agent having taken up all tlio free
jinoepa iewued to tho Giant and Dent
fainilieH, tiny iipiin return to the Cap -
ital through '-a military necessity,"
nuer uoing i-ong liiancn, curuloga,
Kowport und tl.o various race courses.
Wo belicvo liiblmp Simpson has not
Leeti traveling w ith the caravan this
cummer, having been oilier wise en
Ki,'ud I-Mi'KRTixr.XT Qli.stioxb. Our tab
entcd townsman nnd Uniti'd Slates
District Attorney, has got himself in
to hot wafer, by courting a quarrel
Willi tl.c Pittsburgh ('oMimcrciiii, one
of the "loil" organ of Western I'onn.
sylvuiiiu. Tho editor of tbo journal
in question in a lute number asks:
. Who tu II that in ls.'.d nU out tbo Kno of )Vcylvanift auil avc the itc to
ub&DHn? 11. Uucbi-r Swui.pQ aj.j.cmri to ha.r
ft food mcinur. Can tit- lull)'
Iht Hon. II. rtufher Fwni.ii wanli to know
whoro tha ruitur of llic Cinimtiriot "comm fr.m."
Tbe quefftion .4 uot bard lo answer, liut wbr-re
doef tbe ftcutiruiao Inutatlf "ihiuiq troia." ami
vbnt of tbo rt-conU of lus cotiti.y wbwb Laa Un
distinction of bung the p'ace be u-tt?
These aro poinied questions, but ns
they pertain to u "loil" fumily quar-
rel, wo cannot answer them. Wo will
allow the "government" to defend it
vlf against intended strife.
"Mistaken Suils," etc. Two
weeks ago we referred to the fact that
Barlow Chase, had announced him
lf as a volunteer candidate for Sher
iff, and intimated that some old Know
Nothings were behind I lie wholo af
fair, as wo bud know n him fur f.fteon
years, to be an inveterate Abolitionint
and Know Nothing, with not a drop
of Democratic blood in bis veins. But
the editor of tho Journal Iut,t week
had tbe impudence la my i Km.. "I)em-
-- --'j. V. - i,i-4oil l,h lo c-ftino
out, a Democrat wrote bis advertise
ment, and his handbills wcro printed
in the liijmlUcon ofliee." Wo have
r.cver before known tho Deacon to have
uttered so deliberate a falsehood with
reference to tho printing of the hand
lills. And we are compelled to deny
it in the classic language of tbo cele
brated loyalist, Horace Greeley, "Y'ou
lie, you villbin, you lie !" and "no
honorable, 1 igbminded man will dcul"
in fucb nuked untruths.
B'sri or a F count. Tin I'cnioerarT cf ll,i
vount.r, it aut-iii". are "l.-il" to tlKir inrlincti. 'e
art told, that .Mr. tjTOrgi- llii.l.iii, the I'rniJ. lit l
tbeir; on Tu,di.r cveuing of Court wcr a,
waj A aol'iu-r in tUe ml,., a. me, Uuriuf our lale
Without combatting this falsehood
we w ill merely ask why a "rebel" j
cunnot presido with as much digr.ity
at a Democratic meeting, ns bo can
sit in Cubinet Council. In other words: !
If the rebel Colonel Ackennan inukes
a good Attorney General, and tbo
rebel Cupt. Cresswell makes a good
T. M. General, for Grant, what is
there to binder imy rebel from push
ing biiiiself into respectable society f
We need not refer to Gen. Long
street, and other "bloody handed reb
uilt" who hold high positions under
Grant, for justification. How ftranc
that one can see a moto in his neigh,
bor'a eye while ho lias a beam in his
on. Deacon, it won't do. Your
parly must wash Us own face, before
it can with a good grace point at our
purty and say "Uiny face."
DliiASTr.oi'8 Floods - Thelate heavy
rains huvo proved very disastrous to
1 1 1 Cl lllllt til'l.,t..,l ' i l.t-.n. r...,l ..... . r'
.. ..j., , j . ,.ll: j.vriblllS l.J
the country, especially in Virginia,
along tho James and Shenandoah re-v.
m. Tho New York ll.nihl sa s :
Each nittil brings additional details
of the disastrous floods in tho valley
of the James river, and partieulai ly
between Lynchburg und ISichmond.
Wo l.iivu ulieinly sp,.ken of the leni
lie deHlruction of property und lib. ut
Lynchburg, l.'iebiiiond has MiflVred
even mire grievously. War and fire
and the ree-ct shucking full of its Cup'
itol bud mado beautiful Kit bni.ind seem
lo be u doomed cnv:und now if...
I ...,l.l. ...I.. ..: . .
.. ' , "r.'"'j si net .saruing.1. the re.rl of invalid. Xbcro
ab.vo the ,. initty level of tln.t river, was V . linjrwitb souicbing tbc mul
bus .niinibited a large pan of il, to, ,,, .r wi, ,,. -,.r. V,ir,,l ,d s.Vmo
u.,...cr1!,.,g , chouses, stores, d el- thing on the brain, sumo bad tho ossi
bngj and iho gus works , .lcii,,.yi.,g, fiction of ,, h.-url, nn.l not u few
non. than four million dollars worm were suffering (mm ,r.My. Uro
o property, stopping operations in minded him ol a famous dinner of scv
ull Die Iuil'o col ion. coin and flour 1 .... i.i.i
mill. I... . .: .i ,
wvsniuiinii: 1 1 1 u lliilsl Henri .
rci Uun; at-fiie fcutuidny niglii
n.dtcj, iv bin, a i.iKl,t ( hoirtiis
l I(ii.I.ii,.muI. U , hlle lutt ,
Ull't'llt, III l lllVllhl... .. ...
.,,i . - ""V, .is
vkuy ...ujllltu iTti,c,cll-,,iu,Vi
unli.ui.yu ,itiVulllllllll.eil ihiubt;
uum, irtim.jt in ii,u
Wl'l (ill I.I.J llK.BIKd.
1 l.o t,) in
llio M.t fuIiiiii i
'I liut tifiu !
1 t rr mid chiim-.I il.t. u
I I... ii. .. I :. .. i, . J '".
- ny. ........ ... ua- i oioiiiai- lull wroH.'l.l
li..i.lf..l.,l,le dKi.i11(;u j til.or-iot,
ml hi Waslnii-ioi., miK, lmj
uiM.ui tl.o tily i.i.J iiii'iiii,.,
lot. tuN-utlurn i..iliaj HhhI. Jt
ill 1.1-ul.i.l.lj bu lining- dayit tlie
U-rndu tutal ,.r H,0,,,,, i
tU, tiuj U nccmalclv
rVl"tlir)i.rl. '
i ihottor.
Tlie ti't i tit lViiHM ratio Slut." ''on
icnlii'O at Rot luel.T, wnt Inio,
able nn. I eiitliKMiiMte IhkIv, and itn
.l.liLcriili.nia wito (oiiiliicli d in the
,nKt bin .i.nni...i. n.aiinor nnd itli an '
i.,.,.; ..a..i.itr beopo-iM,, -r-;-;; , 0 ,,!,,,,,,, ,.,..U,n." the cruel, of,
iIiim of linn ImiihU'I J. T.ldn wad a (n((,(.,jlin , , r(,jh,., M-i.lem, 1 1 bo elate, driver-. whip,' ' plantation
innterly ni'.l tolling exposition of the j,.), ,,(, cv.Tyll.ii u: under ti.o ur- j manner"," "tl.o trallle of l.ntinin niu-j
i.rin.ipleH nt -Democracy and ft com- veillanco of olllcein appointed by the cle," "the oppression of labor by capi
mriM..icflhoi.p.imiplo. will, tbe cen.ral authority ul VHhinK...... Ul," etc ; b.,1 j let a Soull.or.. man itn-,
1 ,. ! , , P .J.ironiHOH to mnko ua biniilnir .rt ft lot ol All iiiiiih to work bin land,
present contr;n,.in;; coi.daet of 01 1 j J;',,,' ,,.,, 0r ,m wo bad a o what a bowl about Cheery
li.ivcriiiiienl. un U. i P.U'. ci ...-f,iiu !.,lf,vjimhv u..., t,,, t little. inuii'ruriitcir tbero would I.e. '1 be
'1 believe that Jelb i -oii believed ji j( jswop0, K-i , United States I beautiful connii-loiK y of fil.t ii.f; lour
w baljMcknoii believed, w hat I learned Attorney fur tl.o Western District of ' yeiirs to abolish hlavery, and then im
in my youib, wlinl I Imvo ad'.pted in plMII,vVni.ia, w hose ollieo i nt l'itti-1 porliii servilo labor into Masfa. liu
my iiiaturily, and w hat I. as been con- t,,,), imkucI a circulur letter to j felts, could, only bo found in New
firmed with my conviei ion with every . Liilol Slates Commissioners, Dopu- England. If tho ncRro bad prepon
revolving year since 1 believe if wo ,y j,,,.Hm9 nn(j ntbei-H," detining tl.o derated in Now England, nnd their
aro to lie a great und happy people, it new 0i-L.nt-c8 that bavo been created labor bad been found prolitable, hlav
i by recurring to that bet ideal of j ,v 0f t'0j,r.s8 no enforce the ! cry would exist to-day; but, having
Democracy in the Jiicksoiiian admin-1 rjt,ilt ,,( eidons of tin. I'niled Slates ' killed the tho goose I but laid tbe
iHtralion, un administration that o j to Vnto in the aovcral States of this golden egg that built up their manu
onu kidu klrtiek down secession und !; , and for olbcr purposes " The ti.eturrs, they tind now that white la
nullihcalion, and on tbo oilier (idu u iK , ,,ui in vote ibis act ! bor not beiiiir cbenn enoiu'li 1'or them
et ruck down all those plans und )
I tenia of ceiitnili.ulion tliul were mum
lamed l.y tlio Hiitagoi.isiiu party ui
ilialUuv. Tlmt uiliiiiiiictratiiiii is to
mo lliu ideal of tlio truu free govern
ment, und 1 believe lliut if wo can
muko tlio 1 leinoeriilic jmrty true, in
all its reliitions to tliU "r.m.1 ideal, it
will be. under tlio providenco ot Ciod,
llio iimtruuiunt ol'grouler benelacl ion
to th ii ii any or'uiiizalion
wliicli everexifled under tlio nun. 1
believe Unit wo ciin bring buck tlio
i;v,.i iini(Mii. tu wliut it was ill llic
i ,.,. f jHleinon Hnd in tlio days of
Jaekson, if wo can only lop oil those
miiriJ nninni if we can reduce Us
sphere of action, if we can cut oil'
llioso vast and iinnoees-'ary systems
of expenditures, i( we tun restore the
Government to the simple, frugal ud
ministration that existed in tho days
of those patriotic men w ho laid down
tbc p. -inciplcAof the Democratic party,
that it will become u mUsion of good
not only to us, but lo the whole world."
Vnrarlhly t'iJlniny.
The New York .Sim, high Iludieal
authority, comments upon the corrup
tion in Its own household us follows :
Disclosures follow thick und last,
involving men high in in every
degree of turpitude, nnd yet they
bring no punishment ; nor is there any
shock to tbo moral senso of the coun
try. In Washington tho thing had
becomo so flagrant that Congress rais
ed a joint Committee on Jietrench
nionl. Generally mi eh Tommiltocs
uncover nothing, their proceedings
arc a farce, and l boy travel aliotit tl.o
country at the cost of the people,
w bilewasbing everybody' knaveries
! they pretend to inveslignte
lint a fruud seems to have been per
petrated on a railroad company in
Ohio so glaring t'.iat something had to
bo done about it. Tho case deal ly
involved complicity on tl.o pari of
somo one holding a very important
:ioiiion in the Treasury Department.
It seems to bavo been managed with
uncommon ingenuity. A drawbatk
not due, amounting to several thous
and dollars, was obtained by forging
nu interlineation which tbc officers of
the road refused to insert in a certifi
cate signed by them. The connivance
of some persons in tbo Treasury De
partment was secured by a woman,
who received $700 therefor. A detec
tive was sent to Chicago, where ho
found the woman. Cut i.ui..;..K .-u
bo mado out of her, and accomplices
could not be discovered.
Tbo case could not bo worked up
without this link in tho chain of evi
dence. The bu t was proven, but the
woman would muko no disclosures,
ami tbo Committee was bullied. The
liairman, Senator Patterson, found
the woman in Chicago and sbo made
a clean breast of ii. JIo has returned,
t here
cugn gave him to understand that tbo
half bud not been told
The lUluirnrt VUction.
The ht'.o Ilemocrutic triumph in Del
aware Is full of hope nnd encourage
ment to all parts of tho I'nion. ti a
hotly contested battle, and with all
tho negroes arrayed on tbo side of the'
r!uilicai.s,"the While Man's ticket swept
t'duwnre by a majority of over two
thousand This was a pet feci Sedan
for the liadiciiln. They confiiletilly
expected to revolutionize tlio State.
They hoped to raise the bunner of a
mixed government over that elevated
by tbe sages, sires and soldiers of "TU.
Negroes wcro registered with the
greatest cure. Not a dark fitee was
missed. They were supplied with
money, they were stimulated by prom
ies, hey were fluttered by llic alien
lion of hito men, like Jtnlgo Fisher
and others. On election day, they
were marched to the polls by the score,
supplied willi whisky, and then tbeir
votes put into tho box for tho l'udical
cumlidales. Hut while tl.o neerocs
wcro thus conned by tl.o I'adicals,
white men were repelled and distrusted.
They hud no intention of surrender,
iiei iii.ii nu uncut....) in s.iite.mer-i
t..g Iho cont.ol of tl.o S.nto to a band !
of men w ho huvo not I ho b ast idea of
politics or tl.c duties of their new pos
ition. It was this ttnilive which miido
tho while men of IMiiwuro invincible
in tl.o recent fight. 'They appealed
lo tbe intelligent vol era of tl.o State
on a while man's, and tbo re
spouse bus created an excitement in
the democratic parly, which will be
productive of tho happiest result.
Goon roil Cox Al Ibe muss meet
ing ut the City Hall. New York, a few
days ago. Hun. S. S Cox mado the
folluwin atniiving remarks about tl.c
Into Jiad.cul State Convention ut Sar
atoga :
It was singularly appropriate the
republican convention should meet at
. .v"u.. ,,,, , , v-i, uiuieneeii wttn
n haruino rntlcil will, n i.ciii.ut
i-i 1
i ..u i.irmrrri.iir'-p ivpitiid l.v tlicon v
e".i.iiitini,n p.. n n to tiilow 11 nei;rt to
.... .inie rifci.l. iit. butthev Imvu be
wty cnnim tun to itie.l.llu ttilli tl.o
j.viM. u l.kl, cxel.ides a imttiral-
I'-en iiiiren limn tlie
ctijoynient of
ii.hi n.t,r. 'j tie u liite l.
ioienn is
nshini'ton surpriM-d und a armed hi i v. .. i? i 'l'. (
.". n ' will. In hurone. llio I'uritnn ! I ranco to
tl.c extent o, Miimny w men on.- ...:..:,,.. , , , , ,.,. , . 7" j r,.H. h0 vou
ices our vmivci iimcoi. jio says ,.;,i. .,,; ., ,. . . l-n. in ,. S
mVKt...-i,. ,...,.r., In, li.l,,. "V1" " POIIHS; OI ; -
i. i.i ..... ... : ' i.n.1 luuiiiry IIO Ol'L'ltn 1.18
l l.u ilium unit inu womiiii in . til- ,..A. ., 1, l,k; 1
- " rniiui trtim Coiiirn-fs, then rc-cloct.-il i. ml re
MhIo liiFi.ccti.r. (ircc v was 1 r,,....t . . . . . . iiurc,
i ... v iii . c. ' u" ii', '! "fat, Inn the lined, und n b
llii-ifi. Ni. Mil.M.ti hud Ins Sc. It.n i,.., .. . t .
I 1...- l..l I I- v..r.i, v i I " 1 " "'Kr" ",, l,ln licinii.atcd.
. , ; i i i . ! , V I' to Jtudieiil lukflnifccfi n Stmt i
Ki.t in liM S.iliui ilmir iru'd, "J I r-.r,.li.,,. ;,.. ii
,., i i. i . ,. , i ,,, , ' ' ntiliiiii, the while (lelea.itmn fn,m
v . 1 am 01 1111 . 111 1 1
j Tbe I'liilifitlg l.tivo ampiidPtl tlie I
II Tint Itnrt H Hfr.IrM !
li iir llurk n- itl'lii niitain wiirkpil
rrvoliitiim in our j;i. priimonl, our '
Slntirlwlimu h. LI iwtl.T our :
ll01,,,., with tniiiiil.Moon fiom lni. I
t, ,1 Stale, ollh ei-,!' tu w itl.
.i . . .. ..i . i. ... I......I l..-. II I
nun r ills HW. I.IH1 WO MTi tlt'l
, j ,esiirned to cnlurce, nro tho igno-'
.mil iii.,ri-,.i.H who have been raised to
l condiliou of liolitical c(..iabiy with
intelligent h Into men
1 ho JHstrict
Attorney covers two closely printed
pages of letter paper in merely staling
tbo olleiiccs created by tins uct, and
tl.o penult ics lor its violation
ony," "misdemeanor,' "crime, "tine,
"imprisonment," state at us out of
thin document, und Ilia moio wo read
it and attempt lo commit lo memory
the thousand and onu things it lordids
us lo do, tbo greater becomes our be
wilderment nnd the mote do we won
tier wl.ul rights are left lo us, or
whether all our rights and privileges
have bo taken away at "one fell
In looking over
Mr. Swoono'i) for-
midablc list of new offences, we are
forcibly reminded of what bufel a wes- taut land. Tho latter aro mado as a li
tem merchant on the occasion of his Iject slaws us ever were tbo blacks. Al
first visit lo Boston. Kitting un or-1 though hundreds of w hile men havo
ango und throwing tho peel into the been llirowh out of employment by
gutter, ho was arrested, by a polico-j tbo substitution of tbo yellow John
mun and taken before tbo mayor. who t nios, still plymouth-rocker look on
fi neu him a dollar, tbc disposition be
had miido of the orango peel being
violation of Bos'.on law. heaving tbo
ofliee be sought to calm his bliglilly
ixflled temper by smoking a segur,
w hen he wus again arrested and fined
a dollur us before. Startingout again
bo ventured to mutter a curso upon
the stringency of Boston laws, when a
policeman nabbed him onco moro and
lie was taken back lo tbo mayor und
fined another dollar. Handing tbc
mayor a two dollar bill, ho was iibonl
lo depart again, when that function
ry politely tendered hi in a dollar
change. "Oh, just keep it," said the
westerner. "I shall want to whistle af
tcr a w bib.:"
If it would not give him ton much
trouble, .Mr. District Attorney Swoope
might do us a service by issuing a
siij.letnenlul manifesto, stating wheth
er white men will bo permitted to
whistle on election day. JJ.irrUburo
''Puritan and Iflnrklrg" Varty.
That parly was bom of confusion
and disintegration. It comes up out
of an unnatural combination of the
worst elements of Puritanism with the
most irrotcMjtio und licentious stylo of
infidelity. Its foster father, therefore,
bud lo be a trinity of hypocrisy, du -
plicity and l.ilrtcliuod. in tlio whole
history oi tins party, wo behold tbo
".nt ut tlio rurilun niid tl.o
united. In it itrnvcr and miir.b.r i. ml
arson have Rono band in blind. liut
it ull bcfjHn in i.ruycr in tbo iiravcrs
of tlio ew I-.tij-lund I'uiilanH about
ticKroc, and '-slavery." und "libirlv.
of which they never had llio iiyher.t
conception. Tl.c "liberty' which the
i'uritun has always mado such a noise
iiuum, meuim oniy ins own riubl to
by drowinir Ibn.tiNts and burn.
...g vuuKcrs, ir .1 nmnlo non con
forn.ity of faith with his own, and be
has ended with the murcder of moro
tbun a million of mun, because they
didn't entertain bis views about ne
groes. Jiut to accomplish this object,
bo united wil b all tho social outcasts
in the country iih infidels, social
ists, ireo lovers, spiritualists, and every
typo of intellectual, social and moral
renegades. What u superstructure it
is, this ''Jludiciilism I'' . grotesque
conglomeration of every rpecics of in
fidelity nnd litentiousiii-ss. resting up
on a foundation of tho most intense
and fiery kind of Puriiiinirm the world
ever saw. Springing up out of tbe
I'll i i lan pulpits and nraver meetim-a
of Now L'lighind, it shook bunds with
such roaring utheisls of I tie West as
Josh (lidding, old John Brown and
Jim Lane, or such seotlit.g "deists" its
Lincoln, Ben Wade, Salmon P. Chase.
Then it naturally attracted to its
bosom ull the odds nnd ends of all tbo
isms which ever afflicted tbo country
wilh unrest and disorder, as sociulism,
spiritualism, (rcc h.veism und every
sort of diabolism which tl.o imagina
tion oi man can conceive. All these
.,.,) . -. . ... . ------
ui'TTUlA lhe '"l
- ..iir,,u, ciiuiu in rei.ier
in ono fold, and gave birth u the
"Jtudical" party. Franklin (Ky ) Sen
tinel. Si'.NTiMKTAL. General Iiojrnn, ono
of tlio Killeonlh A meinlmont
Ifi'uls, a .eceli at Ctiiro, tlio
other day : nt iln close, n atmil niL'.'er
li.l,,l a I....... I- a I.: . . , I rilli liln
vj miimi iii ii.ii). n.n itti.i i.t.rn. - - -- w
weni li w lied up to the staijo, j lien he ii unlit, I lie piiino ns rp wollil
prenenle l the valiant hero a hth,'0 nnd i 'l'lin u t ti (, hito cliould present liim
oreoiiii hdijiiet, hirli eelie had been 'll". il o.ecilly when bin color will
...M,ii.iK in ner jjrr:iy nanus lor a good i
two hot hours. She showed tho l.eii
era! a row of ivories, and sweetly
murnierod, "jesH yoti 'member wlinr
ilat hiini li of (lowers cum from, lion
cy '." Tho (ienenil hel l the bonnet
within n foot of his olfactories, ami
intimated to a ueiitleiniin near hi in that
it would not be dillirult. on nceoiint
of tho liruinn. to remember
"wlnir it cum (ion,, honey !"
A Fii.ArK Dii.ioation In South
Carolina, the four lindicnl riiuil.,tri
f ir Congress are nrjrtcs. A (boi l luno
a:o, mere were three negroes und onu
- i. i . ... i .1 .. , .-.
" limn, unu .nut nnuo ll i ii ll wasj
i.itteinore. V l.itlemore. rxiielled
.. . . ' .
Kepiil.licnn purty approve of this Mato
ofaflairsr ll i.nt, let us ckt t a Ilem
ocrutic member of Congress from this
I isliict.
Icinocrnlic ncuroes in Tennessee
aro Ti-.itl'l I'V lladil-al Ile.rulator.
laken from tlieir ciibins at nilil, and
whipped in tbe mot cruel inuiiner.
1 Ins is
I till li.lnf.rn l , nn is
i -. ...... i i 1 1 it- i I'xniuii'fi
,tr I'tttlnnH I ontlefreiry.
Sumo time m'O wo I tl.8 M
It in
1 in t'r iil'linitinir
(inin (lie
Inipi r m l-miif uir uuinr .-..r
"A onto Yank. a alior-nirik.T l.riii(r
n ll of ( binninen to vy.ik in In. In.-
i.iri, mill m hear not hiliif 01 tbeir
to make enough profit, they will just
imi.ort Chinese nnd let tho "horny-
handed hnd work clsewl.ero or
starve. This is hypocrisy und greed
with u vengeance."
As long as the African sluvo
was prolilul.lo tbo i'uriiuuical pa.riots
of Yankeedom, they not only cngiiged
in it, but contended tor Us justice, but
when there was a decline in ibe pndils
of tbe business, they discoTcrj thul
it was sinful to barter in human flesh.
Next wc beard those sumo importers
of African human rlesh indulging in
tho most hitler denunciation of those ;
who bad purchased tbo article.
Now, then, wo have tho desotndants
of African hlavo trudors, engaged in
tbo importation i r, what is i.tsl os
bud, oncourairing the importation of
! a class of ucaihei.s from a more dig
i complacently, cat their pumpkins
with wonted gusto, and chow their
vines and pino burs with ns much rel
ish us u Kreiichmuii did his frog before
tho late onplcusantness with bis pretz
el outing tioigbor. Just so noon, then,
ns tho tail haulers:, become unprofita
ble, to iho proprietors of that famous
rock, let them tuko tboir cues in their
l bunds and hasten for a moro hospita
ble ciiino. incoming ,-tindard.
The Juoiit to Arrkst. A party
tried at the recent court in Montgom
ery county lor ossuulting an otliecr, the point in his defenco that the
oflieer bud no warrant fur bis arrest,
whereupon tbc court defined tl.o rights
and duties of polico officers as follows:
An officer, ns any privato citizen, has
the right and it is his duty to prevent
a crime iciVA or without a uarrdnt; and
where a breach of peaco is imminent
bo ought lo interfero und arrest the
oH'cndors; and w hen ho sees nn assault
committed bo ought to make an arrest
and follow in pursuit, vitk or without a
warrant. Whenever tho officer has
tl.o ollciider within his view, at the
lime of committing thooffense, be bus
llio rigni lo malto tho arrest vttn or
I without a warrant. JIo bus tho power
I 'lien tboollense is committed in Ins
1 vitfM,'' ',ut -when he acts on the infer-
mauon oi oinci -s no must nuvoa prop
cr autboril y. In ibis case the olliccr
eaw tl.a nll'rny or fight, which '
8tolcd by bis oopruuuli llo liad
( r'K'lt t0 ""'"est offenders, (rood law,
,0UI,J logic and common uense.
The C.U'ne. 8oino inutteiiliveread
ers uro still ut a loss lo know what was
tho occasion of tl.o '.resent French
Prussian war. Tbo Port Jervis Giiiettt
gives tl.o following account cf the
Prussia ''Motiaictir lo
rill snect to ll.ihcinol-
j.unibh soup ill, nion
'ranee ''Xcin,
llorr Louis
li b nix spbit noliiig in
"f,pouV soup; it is pellcr lo mint
your own bishness."
Franco to Prussia "Sucre ! I am
insult vie your say talk. Slillo ton
neres, you sail fight vi mo immedi
ate "
Prussia, to France "Acb, (lott !
Iut ish war. Yaw; veil, gomo right
along. I sphit now in der soup init
needle gutisli."
A Cheat. It should not bo forgot,
ten by tbe people of tl.o I'nited Slates
that tictteral (irant wus elocled Pres.
ident of tbo I'niled States unilft ttthr
pretences. Tho Convention, which
nominated him, declared in tlicii Inl
form that the decision of the question
of sufl'iugo was ono ol tho resirvod
rights of Iho Stale, with which iho
central government bad milling to
do. No sooner did Congress iiin-et j
than the negro maniucs, spit up. h tho
platform of their parly, and introduced !
the ail-culled ritleenth Ameiniment
into Congress, which was afterwards
passed, partly by fraud and partly at
tlio point of the bayonet.
"Tttoi ni.r.soir.." Tho American
Union, which represents l!adiel sen
timent in Middle Georgia, conpluins
about the troublesome nogroc. who
are anxious to go to Congresa from
(ieorgia. Says tho Union : "We hear
it asserted that colored men urenspir.
ing in almost every district in the
.-suite. v into wo oo not otict to a
man because of his color i-e do object
jeoi.uromo ine nictesa ol the tinrtf.
a.lelphia A'ie. aaya : It ia repotted tkat
ieo IVesi.ient ' t'ollux retires fiom
wlitie to ftecept the rrofiiletiey ol
tho "Voui.' Mel: 'a C'lirint ian Sewing
Mm l.ino Asoeiiuion." at u aalary ol
twenty 1 hoiisiiml dollars per ai.ruin.
Schuyler in aell titled lor thu post
lie limy t'.iinpreheiid a few in;; niiiehino.
lie eiiimot iin.lerataiid tho tirt prin
fiplea of a Jieput.licaii f..rm ot govern
nient. liofideti, the inliniate relatinna
between piety and maehiiiue
will make, the pet pnrtitularly .rrcea
blo lo Iho ".Saintly Colliix."
Alabama. 'l'lioro is aran to be an
oleetion in Alabama, nnd the word
now conies thul it wil! bo iietenr-ni-y
tocend lroo;s tbero lo pntervt the
pence. Jlow does it conic lhal tro.'pc
aro r it necesnaty in any ol the .South
em .Stales on the r-vo ol an
election r Halt I Talk about a free
win try w hen it is laecesaary lo iii
tho l.ayonel to keep a set V senla
WHit und villains in otliec. Tho peo
ple otil.t lo have i'.mo senso by this
time if they ever intend to bavo nv.
The New York UerM snys thul
Napoleon III is King Wiliianis while
elephant oruaincntnl, but calinn Lis
brs i off. "
llerr J.ouis ;
II "A If Tntm nrt High.
IlAt.ii.M. t'ottmriio Ann Exirava-
IIAM'r (illVIRMMINT V. X IfSI'll f 111 "
Alilnl'tt'li P rl., '""I I f" '.fm
j. k.,..r ii . m ..;.; 2" IIVI.O..I
i.urni 4 " h.;:'m I
r.,iii'i 4 " it;. ii-'. .n
I i,-r 4 " ?l?.i'.-..;.js !
llHt li.iau4 M ill,4.,s ;i
.m.:c,.7l.i i i
!,,n in I, i... J T
l I 41
Tut :i
II mill I
ss,i' ..II iKm.
mi ,?i..,i;; ii.i
Average cost j. r t.i.i.i for 21 years
under Democratic Administrations.,
$1.77, (including expense of .Mexican
War.) lost under bepnliliciin Ad-1
ministration, ;.,r cViUi,, (exclu-!
ding receipts bir property and Vt nt
Material sold ) Whole cost for 2 1 1
vcars under Democratic Adminislra-1
"lions, ?x!l,.ri!i2,:iiiO.:W !
Amount of Eeveiiuc collected fnnn
llio J.eoplo by tho .rescnt Admiriii
tration, per milium, SI I l,2.'i'..-177 03,
for 21 years, ?!i ,7U,1:J1 ,bi::.12 I
An expenditure (( $1 77. (the aver
age T c.iynV,! under Jackson , Van
Huron, Polk, Pierce, and lbiolmnuii)
with our present population ( .',MI0,.
(XHi) would be S70,ol0,'o- per an
num. (iranl sjicnds 611'i,""i,71h!,
.'ij'. UO per annum, cxeliisivo of prin
cipal und interest on tho public debt!
The total cost, including principal
nnd interest on the Public Debt, dur
ing the ubove Democratic administra
tion, averaged less than 82. pircojitia.
Amount federal taxes extorted by
tniint s adn.inist ration during the last
fiscal year ti ll,, 477.03, (as stated
by tbo Jtadicul Campaign docliniciit j
"tgled, "National l'lnances," page !,)
which is ii n uvorugo of $10.2Skt cap
itii, estimating llio population ul
forty millions.
The Lincoln administration is omit
ted, for tbe reason that tho extraordi
nary expenditures of that adminis
trulioii were occasioned by the wur,
and could not bo fairly c pared with
Grant's or previous administrations,
although the cost of the Florida and
Mexican Wurs were paid by tbe above
numcd Democratic administrations.
A Sociii.oi.oor.K. Tbo New Y'ork
Sun, ut Wednesday, a Republican pa
paper, edited by Charles A. Dana,
who was Assistant Secretary of War
under Sluntou, bus the following:
Mr. Greeley expresses a hope that
tbe French w ill succeed in establish
ing a republican Government, with a
filling republican constitution. Docs
ho also liopo that they will select a
Bribo-tuker, for one of the highest of
fices in their gift, as is done at Wash
ington f
A soldier at the Newport barracks,
convicted of desertion und sentenced
to ono yoar's imprisonment, under
took to escape by swimming across
tho Ohio river. Eighty shots wcro
fired at him by the garris. n, and he
was not bit, but finally gavo him
self. up.
Senntor Wilson has attempted a re
ply to ex -Attorney General Black's
awlul exposure of tbo record of Stan
ton. i ilson took about six months
lo get up this reply, und ho will wish
lie had taken to ull eternity, if Mr.
Black comes nt him again.
Tho darkies of 1'iiyton, Ohio, ,avc
serenaded Sebeiick. Jt is well. Tbo
white man who would bo caught do
inif Biieh a tiling deserves kicking
.Vhcnck bus como us near being
ogger us ii is poshiblo for a whito
man to do.
Tho Deputy Collector at t beI!alti.
moro l uslom House is reported as a
defuniter-to the amount of S'iiitioii
Ho is loyal, of course, but ho docs not
belong 10 ihtl I!eV0lltlO Ilensrln.i.iit
i , ! n ... . - -,
outeti oi mu a. iitullcra reported by
Secretary Boutwcll.
There is a rumor tlmt Cencral Mc
Clellan is to have a military coinniand.
Col. Clarke, of the famous New York
Seventh Jbgimctil will rcsi.-n in bis
The J!adical Governor of Nebraska
is acr-uscd of stealing seventeen llious.
and dollars ol tho school fund. No
wonder ho is "a psru. cf ,l0 nnmo o,
ltx- (li'rrtisfmfnts.
S C 11 1 V E X K It k S I' Ii V E Y 0 It.
I.ulhersburff. I'a.
rpilK rssaeribrr i.ITi re b.i n r.irrilo tli. sublio
i in tne rapai-Hj of fecrivrner ami horrnr
All calls fiTrurreiiuit pros.,,11, allrn.r. to. "anj
Ihrm.kmjol drafli. dere at.d mbsr lral lMii,.
inrnis ot nlit,. exerutrd Willmut ilrlae. and
nrriiiea lo os c.rrn-l or DO rbarrp. ol;..J0
Bojnton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw.
For ate l.j
T. a CO.
Assignee's Sale.
Tlis nl.dersiSned a.ll ..II on ll.e premiie., on
Friday, lhe 21.1 .lav .,f (,tlr. u;o, .. ) -,.,.,
I'. M , A I'OlllAill.K KTJUI tiuv M II.I.
I'leatrd u tlie ln l ul Kiaok nrrall. In I,, coin
t,.ul.... Clraiti..ld ei.un.T. M ill be sold as tbe
pr...ertjr of Jam. j. li; , Bankrupt.
K. A. H:1N, AMitnre.
rurweni.ille 0, t. 12 21.
S.plrmlrf-r Sl.-lin
t. ...i.le tbr Jail.
OToVt:s.--Ir..n.i l,-. A Farmer rai,, Kanfr-..
O I'arli.r SK.rrs, Urates, Ta Kel.les 1 ll,.il. r,,
tH ...ile the Jail ) AlC. KIIA1.CK s.
T I ORSR SlloKS, lluraa .'hoe Nails Nail H
A 1
. and Hac...
I'porite the a.l.)
l. I.arjje lot ol
JC TIN CNf and lil.ASJ J H
r. hit ty.r, s.
Auro"' I", 1K7S Jm. l, to tbe Jail.
tlll Sll.l'. -T.n aerond hand
.d Hu--ij
I'arb.r W....J St, .vis and l.,t if r; .
pe. Tirm. uiodrrale. iT
Owol.rr ), UTO.
1 iwr.t (iAl.i.l:ll,i.n
J J and l ilv, ,,n Fi
iav, K,-.l(-.iil.ri S'b.
1 nr aail.lli-wn. a l.!,u'k l.a.ked on.-, will. braM
h..rn, and nearly nrw. The fin, Ire w.ll be appra-
t.,i .y rrwaroe.i ..y ri-tumin .1 ... roe al l.uu.
Iwrlity. (.I'a St p I JOHN T. IIA.II.IlTt.
Ofipitfiie tho Cport IJoui,
AceuniiDoJatioiKT fir Ft c!m art'l cbnrpec motli rale.
ct4 Ju F. Yol NU, lriirtor.
Claim and Collection Office,
OSt'KOLA, riearlteld Co., Pa.
e-Ci,nreyanainit and all Icjal papers drawn
won aeenrary and d.apatrh. 1' on and paa
saga tinbet, ta aad Imea any In Furopa
prn-ur). fVf Iw
T.W Hot l.l
Are no rcreUlnx, dlreet fri.m Dal 1 1 more, Nee
yrk, Doilon, an4 rttl,burh, in
lamwl, ork r
Doiigbt at lower firicr than bar beon made to
' aov booie In town since the good old dayi be.
j fort- tbe late "onpleatantneM" a'l to be dii
I tributed to thoe uliu titit Curareneville for
,uppliei, in accordance with the great laerifice
at wiiith ibty were bou-bt.
Tbe Ladtcl are particularly Invited to call at
HurlMM-k l.oodwin'a ( heap More to ex
amine the eplendid ilock of UlitSS GOODS,
new on exbtbiiion.
Thry Defy Competition I
Parties cannot do.theuinlrei Juitire Is buy
leg Ike neeeetariea of life wilhosl calling on
CurwenmlU, Pado'. ni)4 Jw
AN'lTACTlT.Ea all kit.d of Lunlcr for
building purpoKI. All. aj a on band
l'ALI.N.JS, Ac, 1c.
II is Plaitering Lath nrs ercnlr aawed and of
diflVrcnt lintba, to cuit purt-bnien. ; the Palinga
are four feet long Slid ready j.ointt-d.
AH kindi of Fawcd LnniWr will be fumithid
lo order, and drlirerrd if fto dcrircd. Prices sill
be lilterbt, acoordit.g lo quality.
3t,All kinds of OB.VIN Inkcn In eihange
fur Luuilr.
I.utbrril.urj P. 0., -an. 1, I 'T0.
Sew Cabinet I
I'ANY uflrr f-r le Town I.oti in tte hr
mu((U of otc.?1l, Clrarfirld cunl.v, I'a., an J
lota to tutl j'urriimwo (bt limiii of mid
borough. U'CC'jIk if KtURtr l on tht MurhaDnon
CroMt, in tit1 ricltnt ortian of tbe t"cdTt (
I'lrtirflt! I, ou Hit line -f i lie T rone A CIcarilrld
Itailfal, whtrn the Mottliinrino ai.'l Elcavvrtno
hratx-L fiaii inicrcrt. It tu alu in (. bail ol
iti Al(iliaiiiion c-al tasiti, anj Uri Lo lifi of
hit j ii:e, h'minfV:, oak, an-l itlirr timlur tur
rjur.d tt Unc of the Urp-Pt luailf-r D-Boufactiir-
injt euMiiitmiiU tijc :tate t luca'J io I Lie
tuwn, hi tiicre art luntiy other luiol'tr i
hmtrif in till an.uni it, l :ie ln i uat te to
reara nUl, anl cunlaim a pupululioa of oo lLou
laud InhkiiilatilK. ,
jCfft-or further in'.rujfttion aj j lj at the odce
ol luo abu cuiuiiai j".
aprl 4 hiipcrinteisdent.
rpilK nubwribsr will ofrr at Tnhlif Sal, at hit
J rcaiiicnr Id I.amrtirc tuwuntnii, on
Thursday, October 20th, 1870,
Tb f.'IV'winjf .roptry: Two horr, two eowr.
three bikre, ui.t lull, one railwar thrp?birr mi
chii e, Wood'i c .whiiicfl rtaj r and ortwer, fni icr
r uMer, ijoii, (( s t n I t!r1. ft:tir t-t
of huriii te. vitle ittcl lie,, hrrjw. cultivitt'
v'Tthci, rra-iin, f.r it, mkr, hny Lr ihv tun au1
(rain l-.T tlie luahel, one n D n'ih k Iluuiharer'a
I mil ii eitrnclor, .; tAttle. cua.r, rxi tlorc,
t)i:rni c"al or wttod.) parlur iter, erner ewp-
tioard, b-n:a.l, wub lumhine, with tub. iMHtk
rai, MtW-a, lare iron krtdr, dinner hrll, aplt
lriiHfrr, rrtif-eut aai, fiflc. ana ollttr arttoli.
iuhtle tt eoniuimce at V o'clock, a. m., wbctj
the terui will bf Da te kntmn.
I awrenie lownliip, vpl. 2$ 3t
fked. sackett,
MaLufetarrr r.f
Tin, Copper and S!icct-Iroa Ware.
Rooting, .c.outia aodjob work done cn
rsxsoiBLff Tr.nMS.
Fbop on Market Bt., nrarlf opposite tbe Jail,
4 8.75 CI.F.ARKirt.ti, PA.
1 lie .S-lio .l l.i.n tiirf ,.f Pei.n
"wnflnr. wih ti ein.-l-.T It. c..i,n'.rnl
TKAT 11 lilts to take I'bare or Ibe ol .aid
l.-wnhip tbreotumf eonlrr. I'rin.iB wi.t.ii,)r to
u'-lain -h.l. ran meet thr d i.ect.irr at IVnnville
on fiturda. , n-i l,er 72, ar t art. -la. L.b-
eral wag'.'e will be R;.rn.
liy or tar ..r Oi. ll
F't. S M JAMK II. 1 LARK, Fee.
Vlll ls.l'ltVll'lH'M M 1TH tNoTi
is herb, giien Ipll'ra ..f a,liuin:.trln,n
.... the emu's of JAtOll ZIMMKIl, di-eea-ed,
ia.e oi i.radT toauinip. llrarlielj cna.itT. P
bavir l.en dulv aranlcj to the imieraiKiird, all
perM.ns ii.,l. l,-rd t mul cu'.ewill p!ene nuke
paymeul, and havi.if cUiins or rloinaods
will present tbem proprrW f,,r act,
llemer.l. OKoKobi l.LII.KIl,
J.S,.rann Liue. Si-pt. 7-..t. A-iinin.slretor.
4 l)MIMTHTlrfH MITM I'-Xolie.
X l hereby eleen Ib.t tetlrrar.fftrtminittrat...n
..o tbe ertat of FlifElt IIOOVKK, deeraii-d.
lata of I'.ke liwmbip, Clra'fleld ennnty, la,
bavicc been duly (ranted to the underlined.
all persona indi-btrd lo said estate will pleaae
trakt iomiUiete i.s.tnent, tnd thoit faa.ine
elaimi or dereanda will prraent them properl
aatt-eatieated lor aettleraent wttboat d.lay.
J. nu9 l.LU.i.M. Administrator,
Oatwetaeille, tept. 7 lk:i lt.J ale awats ...
4 ll.tlM.IIHr a ii.-miu.
il I. herel.y (i.i-p.l.a. Irlti-.a ,,f adinini.Klral.'.u
,.n the e.lata f l(u:I.IIT M, F A KH i:. , die d,
late r t bi-al tnwn.hip, t'lenrfii ld eo.tnly, I'a..
having been duly lo lhe ondrraifned. all
prraons ittdfltled lo raid ritate w til p!c-c make
payutoiit, and lh,.?e l.a.injr elnitii. or .lenmndr
will pmtnl tlienB pn.jerlv anlhantia.ed fr srt
ll.meit. JAMKS M.FtliUKN,
I bait lp 0.-1. 1 Ct. A lininiMratir.
Al'TIOX. All pereon. are b'Tihy d
J apili.-t purrlia.i.ic or n any wny rn.-ldlnr
win. a .., eri oi . Miri.-. ii.ii I ".!.. , now in
Ilia pnMr-'ai.Hj ..r V m. .M.-t'a.litry Th,..op..n, i f
t'i. n towii.l.te. . the m h. l,.n4 lo me
and are Ii ft wilh him on li,.n ..iMi-.-t to my .rdrr
LAW ItlM'li l Luoi.
Co. i.ift.-n t..wn. hip, yi-pt. ?a ."it.
,1aTH A V. Came lro..a'inc ! -n m r orrmi.
1 i
... in l.awpinre t w ii.lup, on or nl,.,ut tlie
l-i of June la-l, a r. . an I lute aj oiti-d I'
ii,pn.,, tn be nl...ul tiirht ii.l. The
owner i. it-hj. al. t to roine forward, pro. e prop,
ertv. par el.arcn and lake It awn., ,,r il will be
M a. ibe l ilir.,-ls. J 1 1 N ' It. I'AHK.s.
l.awr...rr loan-liip, Srpl. ? ....
Air.ll. The S,b.,l .rea'or r,f Cor-
wen.villr da. ire lo erat.l.'t TWO M M.F
TKAt"Hi:lts. to trw.h R.-I.....i. N... I and Xo. 1.
Term. fiM.r monllis, Ap.l..-ai'...a, with wajre., lo
l.a tn.'dr to tha iimlTfij; 1. 8.d.o.,l, to .-o:..niencc Id, ,.i. lay of V... iml,. .,
II. II. TIH'MI'SOX, rleeretarr.
Cnmens. ilia, Kpt.JI, lrtl It.
Tbe alio., lately be t. illmia itn.
Kniitnt, deeeaaad, situate on the alley lit-twaen
Heed and Fine .treats, near H. H. i.epol. w ill
ba rented on reaaottal-ie terms. AppH lo
rloarnVId, Amri.-t U, Is.d Jm.
U l l. U IIKAT for sale tt John tl. .II...
j..w s store, t.len Hope.
Anfoal HI. IT0. A. W. I.ER.
KI HS'H Nt. lorolllKo, llbbtr,rnmVa
lloofland 'a Herman, Hosteller's and Uraan.'.
..x .nanated llllters i alio pure Liqu.ra, of all j
klDdl far wiaeHeinn,! parposes. for sale by
mmvicK a mils ;
'rnt .in ii 1Mb
llirbrtl rnmir-s. fllrsr V,t,t, er! I sr
all c,ni,eliin, at Ms-bau,se' Dlliit'ilio. llo,Li,
OvioVr, lk'.
TI1K OniillNAl. AMI OKSflM!
Wr.ot liHT IIU.X, AM'. TIiiHT,
gas-consukhto .usateh,
un iAiirr.u
IHit um r. 0 n at k IUu Hfiti,
Vitotr. or Imo Kaim itus,
I'vr IhirniLj
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or 'ood.
10 iiiti fW LrlckwutL, an 1 : iii .'uum-Ic.
hUXtrACTLti D osir BT
K. W. eomcr I3(h and Filbert trte'ft,
IUvc UrtTt n mills of Hrnvr Wroopiit
Jrtn, mv riv-M t"fr tlier, inj arc warrtiiilii to
l al.M.lut' ly Un ati i I'tiH '1 i?ht. 'i Ivy bt tbe
only Heater tlitt mrv tiiminsed niltiuut nxy dui
()r, ni in whivii nil kiuJ ut iul vn U bururi
without altcrii"ii.
Co"king lUnpfn. f'r ITote'p, nrtHurar.ti utii
Fiuilii. AUv, m lut Tup iliHliu i.Abke,
Fire IMttrft II(tr. Low Dunn Until, Slat
Mautclj, Krgirtrri, ViuliULuri.
reui('LUt a:vtff f-U 1irrirj!iutl. fvt frr. tt
ny tiarM. jy I.VTu-i y
.-2s und I SSI's
At Morift lU'.tt.
Pacific E. E. BohcIb bought and Sold.
j-KTtlt K nought and Hold ou Cooa
utaaluu only
MAceountl pweiref ani Iutenst allewej ca
djil; balauett, tuljrct lo cbick a! s.jbt.
40 gnulb TbirJ Elreel, rbilJelbii
a hi: a i op all oTitr.nm .
rijhly Sis Thousand, Svcn IlunJreJ
and Lijhty-One Machines Made
and Sold the rut Year!!
Tbit aanibfr trernh ty tt,mmmd$ tk ra'ei of
any otfatr Mtcbloe, and Ibt dels to ! It still
I a craw log !
Art bow being mad aad '.A I
Berauat It embodies essential principles aot
round la an oth'r Ma.-bine; beeansa of its
iarpliel.ff of eoBtruetion, aasa ol pration,
aniforoulj of actioa at any speed, ami
capacil; for tbe greatest ratje aDj tarle-jr of
irotk, fine or ccarso.
Tartlrs lfbicj( to purebae sbouid sot fi
to tiauina Ibis bettor ail Sewing Marbinea.
t kaie the arrnet 'or Ibis ilachlee, aad wil!
keep a fu'l lup !j on band.
J. 3 SIIO'-rr.RS,
May 4, lsri-tf. CleatSeld, Pa.
Life Insurance Company
jo.-trn tinxir
J. V. it. IIAt l.KX
II O. I'lFFAKI), M. I.
W. M. TWEE1 J.-
V.ce rmiJcut.
..Medical Ktatniuer.
riMXT. AMIC AIM.I: was f'BO-"ad Ft tnrot rf
1. Ibe brat I u..ines n.ea ol New Vok, wub tbe
eiprese object of creatine; an iriitation that
sh.M.ld tl.o cot.r.,i nee :-f thepwld.c. as
a liberal. a..iiid ar.i Ti-nro-Ji Li.e lr..-jranpe
Comp.tiT. and ba. achieved a suaoeas heroud tha
axpactati,.r.s of its oio.t raiiguKie pr jaetors.
Tba AMICAlil.K a l ia.prore.1 p'ans and
desirahie new ires of tui.rn Lite lr..uranes,
and d'.es tt'.t bold t-Lt proiaiirl or iadnatmec's
that eanuot be gal.
lhe AMICAELT; 1... depriltr.! cue hunlred
!h..uaa:id d-lian in I mlrd .-:!, a 1 r,dl w.!h the
li.luranre Department , f ll.e.-l.Meof New Y .rk.ns
a g-.-arntie l,.r ll.e d-i.ta ge ol orery
A'lelaimi acainat the AM I TABLE a-e prnmp;!r
and honorably d.e.-hrre;a. ; in the evc.,i vf d.aiL
tie annfaat of .j;.a ia tMird ta fn t w. float n
aeawctiva on accowNt C- h4n eraierred j-etaiams.
All Policies are nca f. rfcitaM !
All llivideoda are non forf. .table I
Ail Tolieies are inoonterabte !
7birty dayi frtrr for payment r premicml !
i'tiulcfre io trartl ly land and rca!
w?Dortk of Kates. Tireolar. da., fnrr.tihed
uj.on application to the C,.u..,any 'a a.n'.s.
WILLIAM HTKl:n. l. r t laarf:rld ei-'Uniy.
.i.nrral Ajenl f t, Centre, JoSrraoo,
( I anon aud F!k r. ut.'.in.
T. J. ROYFR, M. P..
Madxal Gia.ainai.
Clea.flald. Au;u.t l;, KM T.m
New Meat Market.
'Mir. nn-ieriirni d ha. e opened a Mint Market
in in,- n"m i.,iuirr,e i. -.-.n,.. .! hv al... .......
Inin. en Jlarbit .troet. t'l.arti, id. pa ,,,ini.i
.ii ..a.ipi, they inuxj to be
All kll.ilaol Mt al,
. a nil ply ol
rrull and
And at .-ttrt ro srir Tor tii:s.h sl, u
t.e open nn Tue.da.r, Tli-.r-.l v mid al
rrd..y. and .a. at d. In. n J at an- i.nt.' A share
of public patronage Is r.ipoetf.illr i diritad.
M.' II. l'lMWV.
L. W. lll.OWN.
T-S St. Tnntimia lo deal in all binds of
improved A:ii.-ulturl tmp'.en.-nta.
Cl.arfiri I, A-. a", t:o if.
fall' The ..,.anl.,.r lSe W
1 nnd ..t in wb.,1, r( . jn
ol I'len.liel I. I,,r .ale. Ilia n.n.sled :, ,Vrirt
nnei. it. nn cncn. le liv-ati'.n l,.r rulier a -r.,
nee, 1
i .
l.d and worthy .1,- allenimn el il,.,,o ,!,, ,
i-n en in t.-o .....pern . a.,i,re Irolu lhe
t Ol.rl llouae. 1 ..r pri.e. in-iiure n Ihepeetniae..
M.' l A II Y It. IA l. l;n W,r
"'K"T JHN I., till ,K. Alls at Law
Brick for Salel
'PUB un lers,;.ied line mil iifn.-tirc.t and has
1 now on bard f-r lale IMl.lalHI ItKK k.
wnirn lie a ill .l.ipo.e of .,),
in larga or small q.ianlilit
..lit pnr-lia. a.
. .. , J' " 1-1' I K.
Lallierehurc, .Sipt 14. Cm.
W" M'lilt lTl.e SeloK.I l7,re,,r7oTT;ke
Fe.n.. .i..,. w.rh to eni li.r saren e..m.
p. 1 K U IIKIt-J I., charge ..'f the ech.-ols
line winter. The Iiree.,ra may.) ,.eha,s
will.. n to oldain P.-I.... I. al the ofW of J.0 F-q . in t'urwen.eille, on October IJlh
rirh'M.I. ta comatanee on the -. t...i r . h 1. II l FK KLM A N. Pr, .1.
hv"' ''""Wary. mp. JSJt
Ii,"AV,l-" tin !"
1 0:1,, Varnivhra of all,
tfllora it Oil tnd lry 1 a.nt. Vrnt.h I,ni.l,ef.
H. S. JVAK'i
sciiuuu tor cinJ
(IK U.I ll.l.h,
M1K FM1,Ti:i;M nff H.n.,i..
A rriiimry l rttin t iM U R j
S-hu.l iKn lull ; tor l in- iiH.Ml.
. tu nt ifirtii 'r Imh fn. j
-fli.rt ml, hi ;mnl t i rfiiJur ui( rj,,
kllii.tiM rl iii-trt.fio.
Rri.liitf. fJr I In. jTi f. h v. W i i 'u
.ii f, i'.-Mimry Autttujrlig m,J j i;tal;
(iiHiirri.1 It v
ll-lur,. , J.ui'M m.ti JoKf ipt n W. r
t'li M.ip lriivtintCi i-irtiiiiLji, ,'.ilLi
in 1 Writ' -n .ri"Kintlic
Al;f (tfft H I I til lN"Clt-r
Initrurii'fl In lnfrnui'Dtl mu-ue
(Ml ptii;(:t)jf, i.i k-rfuiJt
H'ti Wf.rk
F'T lull 'fir'lfii'ftri bt i fur (.'ircuiar,
tlfurtiilil, S jt. 7, IftTO-lyi.J.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Prip.cVl
nMlE FIHS f 6KSSI0K of the nrxt ni
X .var ol thit Itivtiiulion will cuttiiutt-
4uMA k , tht ilh iaj ol heptcuhrr,
i'ujjili can utr at ut tima. 'J:it.
ehurged wnu tuiiiuo from the tiue U j ,tii
the close ttl the fcei"sion.
lhe oourpe ol inrtructiun embrarei tni.
IncluJed ia a hortUf'ti( prnctival uu4
tlinbd eduoaiion for butli
'Iht rhnripat. ItaTing had tht adrir,t(..
( much tsperieuce in bit prufeiritiR, AMnr
I rvDe-p iuu uiiu mum tun ui. uurr aj;i.:j
I energiei niil te rie voted to the Rural atiti l.,
la i urn flag of the youth placed ucderhiic I
I t.HXt F 1 1 I HON.
OrthOfrapt:, n...iifif. aaa h.t
nriiuHiviic, or Dt-tkiup ( i i . ( i
Ortmmar, Ueograph, Arthuut, tuj
l.irtoTj - ,,
Aifceorr benjetry, i nicoDomftrj,
turat.f p, ruTVtytufi. ri, ihjf, l'tit.
tin??. Oh efi ii try, book Kit(tg, llulatv
ar.a n.ynicai iC7i4(.iijr - - f I J
Latin, urtre. atui rrac, who any af tfc
aoove , ;.
MT'SfC 1'iano IfMour) - . . it(
ptnsu ct UMiiwu viii h ui.'.t lt,r liMll
fifrttt furtlier particular tntjinrt of
htr. 1. L. HAKitliON, A M
fh. 1, IB7t) tf. TriBfi-.
(Etore one door et at CeirUld U .jh,
Market Street, Clearlleltf, Pi. '
T ET.PS on faattd b full aJit rtuan'.i cf QM I
JV r ufOuLiTiK Oordn, (uetj at i.irt( Li;
u4 Wouito InJeratirt1, brawtra ni fi
L'nibretUi, Ac., ia grtat vant:y. of r.
0:-odi bt ktpi Ut
Best Cloths of a!l "Shades and Co-;
curb a tilark Dutkia r.f tbt rrj but at,.
tane-y CaroiDtre, in freit rtrifif , aa, fr:,
Cwaitiofr, fi eater, Tilot. Chinehiila, ud Fn
ovcrcoalir;. All of which will b o.d thtif
Catb, ani ctvdt up ascorJir g t- the .t.:nt iv 4
ky f T' norkraen.
A:o, ArT.t hr Cieare)d cearfy or I ll
d.rikTrr A C-j i. ce.elratcd bewitff X jfr.n.
Not. 1, lSdi-tf. U. I'HUl
ss cz:j;:i
Extracted wi.h the ua of Nirrrcl Ctt ,J
and Lhm, Am -.ha. M te otly ail
cBic.eiil nvw m u.e,, ly
S. J. EAYE3, Eurgcon EentLj
CF Ctn'.VL.VVi-LE, TA.,
tbavi.kt f t t lit I:! er a! j atrc i'.aje oi ibf r sit, t
in!'rta ih utlu thjt hi Lk rttti'.j -.lei
I i.
Jl!H pur , where ht i? t rf l a.rl la rtt
cu.t ia tt'.t J up isiri. tn:
Ciu.ntr. A)I wiri duiit i;i )L lutttt f.&tl m.
Vr. Hatki .) Vm fr -sc"! In i if f i
l tie lit tu .in Sdej vr citca i,-.i'li. Tht i
tftoh Oioutb be will i:. Uicd ijrDi l.inurrsl ir. Uriiu(vir. lariat m i.-j
t ft (J.fc'.r f.b.'u! t vriie !v ut prTKi. n :i, j
culm tig. 0(T.t I'.Lfi. i'rt.Bi 6 to 12 w'clit
10., fti.ti fnU 1 Lt & f 't'lal-ia, p. to.
' t:m nrre Kt lhe trrr ht iriterifc!.
'It'v cia-p'tiiita iw leu:,cittuj ti ut tw
Luiir. L-ivr ua ii m.
Curwrnivii, r.t bt St 8T8.
r" TRriua it's i rvRi.VG 1 1
IT Tit A CIS are Wfi; ruLlt'l cqtaUo ty t;.:'
Tlity rrrf arei i'na icj iij.t. ,ijV,: ..
tuiiiti f uel. if-Uer Liar.T bt (lis Lktrnc P S
avrt ol-J. A-k oar (.r--'',er nr tr..c-i! ff r W
oeneo Fitr't. iJAKl.OW'r IM-I JO Ii,!
ii, wittitt da'-jl't. t.v. te.t uf.L in :h s.t
fwr ( 'i.rirj e'ui.t. It nil! t-., ircn r-t- nn
fuur I :mra ibe jn.p wc fi.-t cf ilJ 5 i. at i c.t
mur ti.-ii arTtihir sb L'ue :u ii.e tii-c
li rrW cn .-e i tf at ; ut r.T t .LFI.l
WiLTI iiiaE.' S Mi Vr, IQIM. No. Ncn
Sc-r.r1 Sir.-ft, rhtUlr'f.hiaV T. W'.f k
r-ith 'iMifrr! mi .wrtnsf tt tla
o:hprn a-e .tJE,tfr'l 1 .-r tn't It mt fit
' .. ltv.ff; m. WIMIir Itl-tlt 3 .NJ,EL.F.i
INK mil lfourdon t-it to l-e i t;rtii-r mt'
Altyp n hnr.i Ltd fr Fftle nt re4Hiil.! y
I'ure lirtui 1 Sjii.Tf, rti uir.e Mtiniiri, ( l.-t
--i-n. FfMtnge, 'Ixru-rft rrl, bg, mii
a in ta dmr lire, nt
AI.HUD II.I I Kit - EKS Miff. fKT.l
i.'ra No. 2.0 Nor'h S. e b-1 S: . i l.n
CiXTv.rtvi: unsT rum: ati i.ali
kj AA1.L.L1 UiL' tllitAf
Wnufuotu:tri of
GR.wn, KiUAac iTninnr
' r I A a O FORTES,
BALTI.MOaltf, V.D.
ThfM Irmmet.ti har lp?t. f- tV val'lt
for BParly 1 :urty ta.-. at. J b; on tte.r titruttf
l.-n aitairrj an nr, t oivliuM mttiH,
wlico )rD0Ut.Pri ttifm tire Uatied. 1 lur
X U N i.
torn inci pr-at ppt-, roff'nfi an 1 fnt iini'm
tial;tv. a wt.ll r.f cn;.t i ot Iiitcnaiif-n. c4
wrhirM tlnugiM t rnitr .,?.
T O V C 11
il tiiant iH etsiiiv. aol rntirrl? fret frt 'm
liter aro un inalvl. un tnr - ibm rtry Vrt
J lT.:i!tiiri!. tt.e Urpe rsmml cn'.T!nvrJ ta
our l i.-,rp'i ii' u t) kmp cMtucitj
iaimriie tu-' luui l-i-r, A ? , on fcn4,
A II i-ur uji .'t .t.' i Utrtnf Vat, la-
(Tvrttiui:it ai.J tl r A rrnTr? Tr 1
tW vouU Caul -i-'vin, atuiiii.'ii '. fir
lite nn;. 'urmrnn in ri:.?i' nn I q -.t
(iranui', I'at. nt i A 1:4. 1 4, 1 C oi : 'j l,ni p l
Piano nrin r i-crff' ;. .1. tbun ha- c lri, ar . -ni.
l.voy J'Uno II jiTiii,';i,;r .' r Yt- 'l.
We ItaTe mn-If ncran;''tp', f r it 'p W'i !
j.e A.T'MHjr fjrthc nun C rMra:.-J rrlir 'c-'
M.-l, h..-U vt .in r L asi
lU'iatl, at L: wrst I -vi-t I i-ioct.
V. U.LIA.M KNAr.U ir-v
f"It tl, I FTP .fa. lV.irto:.'. 111.
cf kvr.uv m'ku-t;on!
crocks: roTa: ckockji
lal.rr'a Patint Viilitt.t Stlf . Urallaf 5
l r.HI I ... I
Tt 1 l;..H k. ,11, 1 .
AM rlioi h', Mii.i, , Bockfi
Ai 1 !.t;. ) fTTEt! 1 i:.h l..1-.
I I. Ki.K t lt',,1 h.-. t
flow i n rois. nr. KfrtK
f T!"W p.lT'.
And a g ei.t many r.ib. thu,,! ten nnn..rrs 1
rtn-i)ii.,n. t. to h.d at
CorLrr nt I Iic tt ...d Tl,
i:d .streitl.
1. 1:11 111 :
aoa. n
4 lV
iV .-1
IMIMil U TOM'- OTI( r m tea
h.-rtt'i a i ri ilisi ctl.Tniif h iiuii,ifirlxt
on (he e-utr of J. 1.1 N I'noV t.U, Hrr d, It'
ol Tike It.wtmhip. I'lrnrlii M crtuntv, rrnn'a., ht
hi f ilulv grmitM ,i the vni rijjiiH, alt per
ioiip in.lrMt ii l" fm.l elae ill )!( tnake -tnrnt,
ami l how lmrint rlaiH or ilenrnmi will
f ttthI them pm)?lT RiillieTttiettleU for arUlemml
and allran'e withoiti d. Uv.
.t. imss Hl.tiuM, A,lmini.lnT.
f urwrniTillr. Hej.. T, l!i;.rtt.
IHI'IT (' Nal Manulaetnn.,1 Iron, tbe b-e
ebarcml tin. (roved aod eoldered oa ea.a.da
aud warraaM ear ! br