I UK titnnm) hkii r.i.u w.- r .t n i t.ii i it i ix't t. v.;t circuhtiuri of my Nevrs I'rr i:i North Central Pennsylvania. r Terms of Subscription. tj,! in n lunee, or ailliin .1 nt n:li.....$'J IMI ..VI iia",-r 3 a 11 -I l''fn It innnf h fit tjil .Crr tin' expiration of (1 iioiilh.... 3 OO Kates of Advertising. ,:. a l.'-rti. monH, pir piparw of 10 liur or i , " time or $1 5" J.', r fi 'h Fii'-PJii.'nt iniritinn 6ft "Bin -'ru'orn' ui J I-st-viiioni' notice! 2 Ml ,V; Hi"'' It'-ti'-cs 2 ftO f ,.fl m. I ltr.iy' 1 50 ji. ion notier , t OA p (p.r iiiiil rurtl.H, 1 your ft (10 X:n. i) 'tic-en. per line li ' vkaki.v auvkuti.-h.mkxts. j . ( I J rolumn (if) 5 .,11,'- -J 1 rxlutnn 4'j 1)0 t...jVtn- 00 I column 80 00 i Job V7orL I! I. .ANUS. rt. quire ',fl 8 quire-, pr.quire.M 75 ...iffr.-, pr, quiro, 2 Oil j Over fi, per quire, 1 60 ii.wnmi.i.s. . -l.5.ior ttn.il 00 I i hrot, 25 or leM.tS (10 ,wl.'.'ir le, S 00 J I .hoet.tS or l..'0 o.-- oreaeu ol auuvu at prnpurtionito rato.. liKO. II. ll'ntlil.VNPKIl, X L litor nnd Proprietor. (T arils. . 4. T. IU.I M A. WAI.I.K R. yh ink fin niMo. WALLACE & FIELDING, r ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, ' Clearfield, Pa. fM..i.;.i buiiHfl 'if nil kinds atli-ndrd to a i - p'Tiwn nn-1 tididily Office in ja..l; I mo :7U tt'iili.im A.. Wallace. A. W. W ALT E nS, i ATTOUN F.Y AT LAW, ? Clearfield.. Pa. : .0,1ii.o in tlio Court lluii-e. dci'S ly !. H, W. SMITH, T T O It X EY-AT-LA W , t 'lurlicld. Pa. ly Wl IN A. WA.I..irR. J. Bl.llCIl W.ll.TKH.. WALLACE &, WALTERS, (Itciil Kstaie A'nti and Convtyaiii'tTi, Clearfield, l'etiira ha. K-ute boulit and lil, tide. rxKtn innji. '-riivpvaiiccp (ircpuri'il, Im'B (mid, nl in it - tiik n. ItiFi in ik'W Lu.Minif. nrurlj,' .piitu I'ourt H 'Uil'. jiint.TO "I "Israel test, j. ATTOUN KY AT LAW, f 1'le.irilcld. Pa. pf-nSict In tU Court II juso. jyllC " Tjohn h. fulford, 'i ATIHUXKY AT LAW, l. ailiclil, Pa. 0B!w on Marktt St , or llrlii k A Irnin'l I'rtijr Hlnra. JHTrompt attcntitm giren to the Becuring f ttnunty. Claim, ac, and to all Irgal buMQeu. March 21, l!7 lr. R03ERT WALLACE, ATTOHSKY - AT- LAW, allnre'on, Clearfield Count) , l'rnli'a l9.AII lrgul hu.inriip promptly tlenilt'il to. WALTER BARRETT, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. a oa S.uaJ u, i ltv6.l l P. r -". iToHlTLrCUTTrE -ATTnli'SKY A T " M W f Rral Itftte ffpttt, t'learflfld, P. 'Wfnn Thirl irvt. hi't. Chrrrt A Wlnut. ! Ift Itfpentfiilly off'-rs lil porrirp lo pelting ' l.uyinu linl in Clrfitli tnd lj iinlnp j f ; ami with mn Xiioripnce nf orrr twenty yH urrcyr, Oiiltert hioiiolf that h tn t ru4pr Hatiafftftion. fi-h2.;, tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH 'I ATTdKNKY HI LAW ( lenrfji lil. Pa. Ofiaa on Markrt tr.i't on door cunt of tha Clftr Oi'lJ loutity limn It. oiay4,'l4 Julia II. Orvii. C. T. Alrian.liT. ORVIS &. ALEXANDER, Al ll N KYS A r LA w. Ili lli-lontc. Pa. irpn.'AS.y "DR. W. A. ME A NS, r n y s i c i a x a s u i: g i: o x , I.VTIlKltSII! KH. I'A. Will 't nil prori-'monnl cull, p.-oinptly. mislfl'70 D R. A I THORN, PHYSICIAN & .SUl'.fi KOX, nAVINti I wnli-.l nt K' Tn.. o!l. r. In. prut. piop tni ll.. .liri'iuiolintf l-rt.iwn, liiilr. ('Ii-aif. 1 ri in. Spt.2', !J en I;, thr ,"t''i V . DR. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN A S V II H KOX. Hminit rt in-'Ved to Anotit ill.-, nftVrp hip prolra.ii 1. 1 1, a I n,.n c n to the p. .pie nf that pla'T ni ih Kiirrouninf c-untry. Ail eullp promptly attend I to. (li-c. 3 6m pd. J. H I'll YS K KLINE, M. D., IAN ti BUIiG KON, II AYIN'I loi'nti l at I'rnnfi. I.I, l'a., oUt. Iii. lull nrr. ior. to llir proi.U' of tllitt 1 tit'l .11 r I olio 'hug country. All (All" prompt ly a'iTil I I il. JEFFERSON LITZ, TIIYSICI AN .v SCIKJ KOX, nAINll l.r.trrl at O.poi V Pi., off. r. hii proto.ionul ervlre. lo lh popl. of tbal f iwa a n 1 .urrounilin (t po.nlrr. tt-tjuAM mil prmptly .ttrr.ilril ti. OtTo-o ana re.t 'tnco oa Curno ft., lornierly ori-upiid hy Dr. Khor. rcU i jr " DR. J I . ." BU RC H F I EL D , rt,ir .con oftti. Ken m-nl. Peon.ylT.ni. Volum -TB, li.'l" returned flora th. Army, titer, hi" p'r ifei.i m.l .errlra. to tho cittl.n. f t'l.-rtle;J c uuty. ' "'Pr-if-r.ionil ra'l. promptly .tlcn led lo. folina nn 8eeunt lr.l, torroerly oeruplerl oy Jl.r. U. - (aprt,'-U DR. T.JE F FERSON BOYER , 1IIYSICIAN AND -rK'iKOX, Hieond Street, rirarfielj. Pa. Tj;3jt( . v inj prrmiii'-iit'T lor.ti"!, he now or"' t. proli -.ioi.nl ervi'" lo ine miff, oi , ii.rri-i.i nod ri' initT. und the puiilio pi-iienilly. All e.ll. ,,r.in.tly i-"!i l"l to. o.t::t y F. B. READ, M. D., rilYSKIAN ANH srKii&iK, kylrrtnwn. Pa. R.FpeetfullT ofe.i hi. erTlen to the eltlien. of the .crrous ling rooniry apr '0 nin p i REUBEN HACKMAN, Houso and Sign Painter and Paper Harger, Ir.rltelil, Print's. TJ. Will exer-ote ).-.. in hit line promptly .nd In . aorkmanlilta m.uner. l ri'J DENTAL TARTNE :SniP. Dr. a. m. hills, lrpiret to Inform hi pitrn. ard tlf put.. ii (t.-n r tliy. r nt npanrii'-wi wnn mm in the praptirr of Ot ntiptry, s. r. aiiaw, i). i. s., Wh'.ilt. tradnatc f tha Pniladelp'.na Priital t:Hr". r.4 ihrrcfnra hal the bttth-l aitrpt. it of ftnffinnl pkill. All -rk d aa in (tit onir I will n4 -aif parponally rr.oni .t t..r hin A"ttn in taa m-ti .opUot..r aaun mT ard hie-iciat '.rdor f th protpitn. Ao f-tahliah-d praeoca uf lwtny i yaara in riii tla)H. rn4hle to pk Ut my panrnti wt-h mi Hrn-a. K"rwT mfntP fm diilanr akoaM b ind hy Utter t lv dajt befer tha paitani dPiico wiiiiaf. l-Un. , IH7 I . (ILEA. GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor. VOL 1:3 NO. 218S. Card. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARULK & STOXH YAUD, CITARriKI.II, I'A. vMln,p on Itrpil Strcwt, n'i:r I'ntTi.vlvania KiiilniB't tti'pot. Illlty JV7d:ti. G, H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAK El?, NKAIt CLEARFIELD, PTXN'A. ,f C' Iit in i pi u!wit p nn linml ami inatli' to unl:r on flntrt imiiitc. i'in-i Imn it tm riauiinhlc tiTtix All work wi.rruntcl to rctuk-r uiintactntn, nml deli vt-rcd if dt'Nircd. tnvt!.i:l Vnl GEORGE C. KIRK, Juptice of the l'fiii'c, Hiirvcvor and Coiiviv;it.imt, A.uuicbur, la. All Viilnfi intnmtrd to him will b promjitlT aiti-n led tn. I'orfniiii wi.hin t rmpluy a Mir vfynr will do rll to jrivr liim n full, p lii HnttPrt" Imiiip'-II tluil hi fan rrii'li-r Piilirtliit lioii. Ihu iifol cmncyfii-p, flrltt hs nl anciiieiit, and nil ff.t Jiiiprri', ntihjil)y and lit';illv cxrru'ril. ui:iriii DAN IEL M. DOHERTY. BAKBEE, & HAIR DRESSEK, PKrONn BTRKKT, j3::', ii.i:abhi;i.I), pa. ti CHARLES SCHAFER LACS Kit II K K it i: in: W Kit, Clcarlii'ld, TT AVINO rcnli! Mr. Kntrii" IlrrwiTT h" XX. t'l'i hy .trip! attfiition to li-'riii'y. mill lin iiiutiul.u-turi' o( m ftipi'nor rlirli- ol t'.l-.l.lt lo roi-i-ivc ttit patronngc of all the oM Kml tnnny iilw runtom.ra. Aug. !lj, tf. SURVEYOR. DWII) It K A MS, l.titlu r-horn. Clrarfli-M Co., I'ii., ofliTP hid BPrTHTu hp lV(,yor in the vnet riid of tltt mtitily. All cuIIk mil lc att-n.rd to irniMly, and I be chai'N'p modrratp. 1.1:70 SURVEYOR. TIIIE aiidcrpitriifd ofl'-rp liip pcrvirrp np a Siir l vrvor, and may Vr tund at hii rtidcrip, in LawH'iicf townliip. Lctlrra will reach hitii di nxtcil to Clciirlicld, I'll. mny 7 tf. JAMKS MITCIIKLL. J. K. BOTTORF'S PJIUTOU 1A 1M1 (iALLKJIY, M.irktt Strct, ("lc irfu l L TllDMOS MADK A f-'l'KCI ALTV.'fiX "VKtlATI YK3 made in cloudy, m well at in clear wcHtln r. ('iiih(iiil on lixitd a good a-nrfiiiriit nf hit A M KS, FT K j( K M 'UVV.A and hrKlil-'iSl'oriC VIKW S. I-tamm, flora any nty It ot nmuldiiijr, made tu order. apii'-tl THOMAS H. FORCEE, PR A IE S I. GKXEIIAI. MKIiCIIASUISE, 4. II A II tMKIN. Pa. Al.'O. P!ttpni.iTf nmrinfft'-lnrer nl AmT tn .cqu.r 'I'lmbi-r n) r-uunl l.umli.-rol h II kiml.. (TOriliT. Kilicitt'J au'l all lill prom.tly flllv.l. j" t 1 Jf tiro. At.nr.nT nrinT ai.nr.nT.... w. it.r.iiT W. ALBERT & BROS I M.-.nnf.i-Turpr. A i-.n-nrive lii'alrn in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, do.,; M OOULAXl'. PKNN'A. Jr0rlr mheitt-.l Ilill.mi. il on .hurt nulicf , ami ri-ai'iiMl'tf tt-rtn.. A.Mr W. ji'i.Vly llnn.1 I'. O., CI. arnil.l To., V. W M. UK Iff A IllIOS FRANCIS COUTRIET, MKlf.'M ANT, I'rcnrlivlllc, learlirld ( oniity. Pa. crp. fon.titiitly oil liund a full ...orttiH-iit of llrv lli'l.. Il.inlw.rp. (Iroi-rn.-.. noil rvrrytlnnt u.ii:illy Itrfil in a r.-tml .tore, wlio-li will lie ol., for i-ii.li. a. i-lii-:ip rU. wluTi' in tut county. KriiKUillr, June 27, IW-1JT. C, KRATZER &, SONS, MERCHANTS, dfai.khp. in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery. Queentvare, (Jrorerlii, TroririoDt ttid Shinitlcp, t learlielil. Peniia. ffAt their new pt're room, on Pirond Ptreft, near II. P. hitler k lo'i Hardware -ture. jaiiM MOSHANNON LAND & LUMCER CO., o.( r.oi.A fti:am mills, LUMllKH, LATH, AND PICKETS II. II. FIIILLINfiroilK, rrc.Mral, ()a,rr-Knrr. Plnr-. No. US H. 4th ., Phil'.. J 1 1 N I.AMMfl', Sopirint. rolrnt. jrfl'fiT 0--rolft Mill., inrti.-M county, l'a. SAMUEL I. SNYDER, Practical Watch Maker, OppnjMtr tic C' ml ll"Uof fi;i'ONU itTUEhT, C I.LAl:Hl.I.I)( PA. f.-A'A kid 1( of Wati-liP. Tl-M-kp and Jcwrjry promptly p-pairrd, and woik wnrranti-d t't t'wr PiiliMJution. tnat2.7l JAMES C. EARRETT, Justice of thv I'l-nrc and liicciiPi'd t oiiv vanctr. I nllif rOnir;. ( War iK-ld t o.. Pa. .TC-'Mpi'tioiiv A rriniHairii promptly m..dr, . ti l a!l bui l (d I il ii'truuit uto cei nft d on phoi t n-di r. ni;iy4.7titf CON HAD aMKYKK, In wtilor i Miinnfri' lurcr of the Cclcliratrtl lion l raim' ri;ms. War. riH'tn., No. 722 Ar.-h St., I'liila.l.-lphi., IU. n reived the I'rlie Mi-1.1 "f it.- '.., i.iv .i,. Kli.ioi!oi.. I.'.ii'l It. 'Jhe losl.e.t 1'ri.M annrl'd .hn nod a h.rw. or e Ainl.'.t. d. ll..uU..-h'd 1-2.1. j. mil lot bi ytt a. pvt rAiii-.r HOLLO WEDSII & CAREY, ;ooKsi:i.Li;r.s, Klank r.ooli Maisuriulurcrs, A N t F T A T I 0 N E II f , I1 .Varkft SI., Phllatlilphla. k-STuper Ll.r. Not" P..,,,,.. Ft'.nr P.v V. .nd t'-f . I-ol.-sp. , M mppn x uit.tin and hII f.l .'t.rii lypj NEW Jl.iicniil. M'ORKN, (LI'.Ai:l Ii:i.l), PLNN'A. c ttl.l, and roe Ih. luw SIA1III1.I-. wonss. on MarV. l lire, t, o pn.ite 'he J'L .MoSfMKNTS (llii:i'lN ToMli-:, HI LSI II Cl't'llli:3, TAId.t; fol'.s, JIANHXS, llAlilil.K STATI AHV, Tl lil'.A fl'TTA WAItE, 1IKAK A I'OOT STOXF., of new .nJ l.e.ulifut dr.ipn.. All of wtii h will ne .,1.1 al eily prion, ar S.i per ernl. In. Ilinn any ol h T e.l.l.li-liment In lliir cuoly. S.li.fii.lion gimrantred in .11 r.-e.. Order. Il.m.kluily r..-el..-d .lid prolnplly 6ll.sl in Hie ne.t workin.n like mnnnee. r. a. oinsnv. Jia-f. H. W.T.H, Ant, lajlllrl TV ll J THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARFIKIJ), V.. WEIlNKSDAY MKHMNt). IICTOIIllll 12. 117(1. thy iv i i.i. hi: Dim;.' Pwwl i the plow of dnv, Ix n ull tli llrld. nro Mill ; E.irtii h"kK j" 1IkhiIi it i liHtonlng !ny, for liinl to pjicuk i I ai nill. In (lie rlmr round of nky On ono idi pinkP tin- .in A xolt'inti fjdciidr it hu ll tlit eye H.ircc il:uc5 to link iljion. Whili- nn the nthrr hfliid. Tiie Inir mo. ii rtm'H etrar, And iirtrtn.mii.un hw 11 why likfl. grmni, And lii.iw liuui Kj.Ui-ro to rphro, 'Mi.td'i' will i.li.ncin llcuven!" C.'iiM'f fii-in t In mttiiii; Pirn; And to llif riui2 iiin.m ii nivcn A vitii-i', "II M will lo dout! ! " Pn!t Vnn, flpry Mura, C'ltui' lurlli ni if hy imino (Jnd called out of hy one Mil iturs, And one hy one tln-y rainv. And in t lit midt I utand, KinitM'ii with Piidtli t) wp The world' gtt ftirtli nt (.mi's command, Jf is will tluir jierfi-ft luw. OIi. that I were a tlirv, I'lienihj;, p ill to run My (jnure of hletoiiiiif day by day. And an "Thy will he ,1hih" Lord, nuke Tliy law my will, l.ikr tlitvc I CHnntt he; li nt help uip i'rt'rly to lidlill Thy purpose, iuvij), free And in tlt hw nf love Mukr U our Willi m onf ; Tii:it, "lie it if in II ;iy. n nhovf," in earth "Thv will he done! " Irom ttio Tvrotii.' ItiTiilit.J MATERIAL INTERESTS. f'learftrltl Hiliiminous font, tie. K''MIII'i lot It. Wo concluded So. 3. witli our no tice of the Moflui niton Coal Hank. Three tiiitrlliK of u mile nlmve tho .Mo. fliaiiniiii Colliery, we reached tho KUUutin Coal company's works, known in tho HKA VKRTOM COAL 11ASK. J his company havo a colliery on tho niiiitt lino of tho Pennsylvania (Vntial ruittl, near (iallilzon, know n us the Laurel II ill colliery. At tlie Heavcrton colliery tho cotnpany cm ploys f5 miners, ut their two hunks, 10,"), uiitl are now shipping from 3JU lo USD e,ros tons p' r day. Thi mine hits been in operation tinco Aiitit lMiS, anil Imt low scvero accidents havo occurred. The miners iivcrauc aliout 100 tons per inoitth ; or one man with another In connec tion wild the Heavcrton colliery are tenements lor tho neenm modal ion ol ..n -I- .1 . II- . I... 5:, tt C(;0T.;t(V, i.ia.nis:known nstho ,, . .... , t. , , ,n ...... h OIKCU: tt lo... loot ttili-'rnnrt -ti.. out uny hluli', Lilt with noli bottom Tito initio has teen excavated tonic third of a milo from opening; con tains hi rooins in fjood wotkiny or der, with two nt it i ti and live cross lientlin.ra Ittitl with ejnod Id Ih. T. rails The roa is in rooms arc of wood Hemlock round props are tirttl, fl.UOO, last year, and it will retptiro nhout 12, mil) this year. Tho company tie 'JUU dumps und Irinks, 'I'M in ull. Tho (oriner lire used in tho transpor tation of coal between litis und l'oinl liiihmoltd, 1'iiiludc lphi:i. At Iint liichmonil. tho coal i put on vessels rnniiin between I'hilatlelpliia ami Itneloii, where a irootl many Atltiutit vessels arc coaled, lho company 18 now loa'litijr anil snipping l.tunj tons of coal for a (icruian line ol'Hlenniers. l'he trucks are used to carry coal lo points on other railroads. Mr. M. H. JleGnith is J-'iiperiiitcndcnl, and the nianugeinrnt of the lieuverton colliery is reckoned second to nono in the country. Keturuiiii; to lho Mo.-diannon col liery, we switched upon tho .Medary biaiicli road, und vis teJ tho works of tho mi'.I.IMl COAL OlMPANV, nn orjraiiir.iition of four parlies, two members rcnlinj' in l.liur codnly I l.eo to(Hls, i( , is Mipcniiicnueni, jr una A. . It lilt tiar.is, inspaicner oi this mine. which is now averaging i 20H tons per day, with a capacity ol twice that amount. Sixty two men . are employed ; six mules, one liol0 and 'Jt coitl carts. Tho colliery wus 1 opened Pee. Mill, lMH, and coal ship ' merit wore first made on tbo 1 1th of Aiign-t, lMi'.l. lbo strata being ( worked is known n tho ( leai leld , vein, and nvetuges 5 feet 10 in' iio in thickness. Twelve feet above is a three lei t vein, with one foot ol stone. : The mine has been opened ill ubottt lioO yards ; ha three tiiaiii nun live cro-s heading, 20 room in good ni.lkinu vd, and kit. Iiut c lii un worked out Hemlock post sum used ; 2S b. T. rail. John F. Hlundy, Phil adelphiu. is agent. lho Inst six month lifter the work w ent into op 'oration, lho company shipped II, Oml tons ol r t,al. The compuu i work- ing on a lea-e (nun A. II Lo,,g & Son.. One ball a mile above he S, i, ling Rank, and also on the Medary branch, is tho r.i Ri KA rot.i.ii.itr. J. A. C. White and L. (i. I.inglo iiro ptietors, and W. ('. Lingle, Supt. This mine wus opened in 1 -1 and has not, tberetore, been but a lew months in operation. 1 ho br-t threo inontli, the company shipped S.1I00 tons. Thirty men lire employed, lournntlis and 11 coal cart. The shipment average l."ul Ion per day, capacity lor 2.'0 too. The vein opened is known a the Woodward vein ; bus G (eel thick vein below vein above. The drill and !! feel uhiuil (i.io'gan of course. yard; w itli two cross heading and, 1 room in working order. Thi :.. l...... "...I..: .l i.'sli lllllll. IS 111 I I'TIII III II I'M. Biol Well managed. Connected with the mine, are i00 acres ol land. Nearly opposite the Kureka Colliery, l.. a A. w oil It I so ! bnve a .VixO sawmill, with two cn gines oquiil to lot) hot so pow er, and with capacity for cutting -I'l.llotl bid of lumber per day of 1 li hour, and i 20,011 luth. The mill cniiUiits 1 ganj of IIS saws; alii inch circular, and I gives employment to .'10 men. Tito coinnsiiv control 1,1)00 acres of laid. A short distil mo nbovo thi mill, PRINCIPLES: CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, ax mimimmi lilt) .MosllliHIKlll I, Hill) Si Llltlllii'P (To. urn opi ning imo til t ho liiriri'sl I'dIUt io.t in Hi'iliiin ill' tlit' St a (o. It ix it iIhiiIiIk drill, 1 1x17 IVa in Hie clour, mid 7j fcut liili, iiinl it is pri dit li tl will linvo a cupticilt' for the ininiii( n 1,000 tons per day. It is a hix loot vrin wild no tnii'linf; of miv liin Tho ilritl Iiuh iwvn mined 151) iMt Hinl )oiili)o track' laid. lY-an lliin oiK'nini; l.L'OO nfi'i'H of fiml rni. 1,., ' mined Thin is a portion of 0,000 iktoh owned hy the company. There itt ti st'CNhd oi-ti intf which will lead into the main himdin. It ih tlie in tention ol the company toompluy 17a miners. Ktiinen will he uwed in lieu of mules in taking out coal. Within hii;!it of thin mino, wo gul a view ol'thc .Jrun new villugo of H0lT,l)AI.K, composed of a goodly iitimher of new hnildin;, all erected tdneo last fall. There iw a finrt store, Khoemnlter uliopH. jow,lry eHnhlish.notit.roHt ollicp, itnd ! other evidence of civilization here A short distant-!) nbovo llouudulu, we reached the wootiwAiin roi.LiKitv, Messrs, lleims ti Blnttenlierger, pro- jirietots. I his niinn was opened in April lust. I ho opening is now about loll feet in; the vein is six feet thick with under iintl overlying veins of ex cellent nnalitv. Hi'tnrning to Osceola, after receiving certain courtesies at tho bunds of Messrs. Wells & lleims ; inspected Whilo A Lingles side sad dles, etc., enjoyed a substantial dot tier ut the Osceola House, .Milo Hovl, proprietor, the party returned lo tho main lino ol tho T. k C. li. I!., und passed tho KNTFRPIIISE COI.I.IKIIV. It is proper to add that il was our in tention to call ut these works on our return, but the lateness of the hour as tn. favorable. Ono mile from the I'll torpiiso colliery, wo reached lho Dun bttr llrnnch, up nthicli ono and one fourth miles from tho main line is the JIAII.KTOS col.LmiY, worked by Scofield, AVcnvor li. Co, Tims. Wright, Superintendent. This mine gives employment to lil) miners ; retpiiresll coal curs, and is opened in 1X5 yards. Tho vein is four foet thick; has one main ar.il two cross headings, and 1'J rooms ill working order. Tho mino was opened May tilli 1S70, und hus been in operation but little over four months. The that nioulh'snpcriilion resulted in the ship meiit of 1 ,500 Ions of coal, Tho com pany now uverago 0d tons per day, capacity !10(J tons. No ueeiJenls, as yet, have occurred. Seventeen Ih. T. rails are ued. Wo next reached lho UNION COLLIGItr. Whitehead k Co., proprietors. This enmpanv employs 12 men: avernijcs 50 tons per day ; lias capacity lor i., und liuve 70 ncres of coal territory. A Sacred Place. Asaessor.attenlion 1 When you cull at your neighbor's liouso to assess the value of bis properly, intiiiro Imw much inoney he has invested in horses anil cows and grain and household fur niture hut don't a-k him liotv much he has invested in bonds. It is against the law, you know. liomls are exempt from taxation. They me sacred property. You must not enter lliein upon the duplicate. Sacred that is the word. 'Their oh in rs ditl all the fighting in the late war, an 1 that ma le tho bonds s.tcred. The facrcdncss is much enhanced by the fact that Ibey did all the fighting at h unt;, whilo lho poor soldiers, who hail no money lo loan, did llieir light ing nt the front. Tho owners of those llontls send their children to our public schools They travel over our roads in fine carriages. They bonst of our many public im provements. They delight to wulk upon our lierca stone pnvetnents. They lire haiii.y to see. lho street well paved, sewored and lighted with They rejoice that the poor (i. id'. poor am providently cured lor. 1 hov show, w ith L'tcnt e-nslo, our magnificent school houses tost ranger llul liny pay no taxes on their bonds. Many hundred thousand dollar lire invested iu bonds in Ross County, but they do iit.l contribute one cent tow uid all tin so public improvement und munificent i iilcrprin s. Put enough. Il is almost treason to speak id llicso things. Mr. Assessor, don't go into that bondholder's hoti-e with ymirink bom tin box. and dui.iit ales. I Ins lice utn c.,.l a;o,ci i. in. ill has 111.1.1.- il n sacl ,-d, a holy place. I tare not lo prolane it J feet. (AioWic A.I- : with uuhallou rti. r. j ,, ""V 1-v.l and idle word may seem a ' ,"'! ft" 1" '; ' i ,l "" 1 l')n!," 1 jrl if igbt, they are like tlio ' ''' I"1'1, kU leaioeiy inn. noiiiiii .n ..." .-i..-- i l ear w ith it the in of soino ob noxious weed. ' A lawyer in Torre Hnulo littely wont to un editor's ollice to cane bint. The doctor havo dug three bullets out of his f i n in o nnd say (hero is nil tnher one Unit they csn t (ind w hit li w, probably kill him. - - . Radical tire in ecstncie becauso a report has been circulated that the handsomest woman ut Saratoga is a mulatto servant girl. Tlio sensation was situ ted by an Administration nr. The weakest organ in tho hotly lould be the most favored. Thnt is why mnny people should especially look alter their liend. Thi ceius is already revealing tbo remarkable fuel that very many young mothers have very old sons Why i the csmol the most irascible nniiiuil iu the not Id T Hecattsc ho ul ways has In back up. Why is a large carpet like the late rebellion? Hcemtso il lo ik aucli a lot of tux to put il dow n. NOT MEN. ' laaaaiaaraaamprwawyMwaaaaaaaaCTK Tbo Lcssou of tbo HtJur. . i "ZUlr' . Z i ,P li-nin thu I'htlad !;;. of llioH, ull: Wo lu.po noillKT (.onnana nor: ,)'(;ra(v WI1R inHlBI y kill.-. I ,v a l.nao iM-oiKlinirii nor Ami-ric-iiiiH, will nitH ,lm w, k , , ,iinilflnf .,, ' lhtt Umn vidvod in tho Kjt ovm.tB i.w- ..uiiS m ..m. . ..... " nnirm; nor do wo claim liny original!- . . ! .1 ' 'J ' '". r 1 1 no writer u iinm ntilhortiy on tins ul 'ci. Alexin (iu i locjiieviMe, n l ivncniiinii m roitiuiK- WohHVOnllfi) quoted i,lf, ,,e p,wj(in f Hiort-alop lit tho wo tiffin Uiu boHt;,i(110 fl( diHll(,e,. Tho n(.(.j,,.t iiLlo w iinion, vimled tins i"Hi-y i Hi rt-ctK, nntl from whoiipo tlio lifVlw. itlMiut (hilly hix yeiti-8 apo. lo Ki!frm w, tll(,n (0 iho rcRidonco of it in k!( 118 Klory and (rn-iilncHH, under j t. pnrt-iilH, So. I IS Johnson ulroot. ti tio. lcinotrutie iiiKlitntion. JIo A ,,iP0 0ii(.pr j,,,,. m.llr ,10 scone mndein oliiborale coinpiirmon oi tlium f ,ie M1, u,.,.,,,,!, i f u, oi.inion WiUulli" aiixiltutluiw ol htgownooun (,ut tho clt ooHHfil in.-t with his (lOHtri try, nod In Bi'total woil.fl, pave the f.oin ,,n tw ofa )Ht nn, n()t wjtl) rt'Hull ol Iiih icllfc-lionntn tho worla. i t,a Ju thinks the hoy wna Htand 'lhcuifcool lhiscounlry-g propen- illf? nPur t)l0 Hl,rik(-r, who, Ioo8cninr tj, no aitiim in uiu proMuriiiiui i ir- t-liniMtaiit-tR Ot tllll first HiMtli'lncnt of (ir,, Amerifa in KtM.araio. distinct t olonte!.. JI,M win. tho c. r.n of oitrl Later in tlio day Deputy Coroner haiipyiiiiilttdmiiul.lo I'Vdetal J.epulilic u Spenm empaneled u jury mid of li to KtuteH, in which Iioh tho Into i,,,,,,,, ,10 y,, -j 1L. KoiiroB of Aini rtean mronjrlh, Itherly jrv, nil of whom were married men, and jrreiitneM-. Itrew up naturully, wU,k, ro(,.,.in(, verdict of accidental it was not made in a day, nor invent- death, deplored the extent to which ed hy the fruincru of I lie CoiiHtittil ion lhp Kmo is ciu ried on, and recom it was the Slates that achieved Amor- n,rt,,,l that, t.lnvii.ir l,an lmll niil.in : :...i i ...i e. il... icon nn it I i'imi flier. Mini iiiulh. good fight of the American revolution. I u ..... .Ill ,1... .;!. ....... .,1' t in It wus not till the sixth year of tho Kevolutionury war that Htey adopted even the inchoate form of government known as tbo "Articles of Cotifedera lion." Till thut litno tho Continental Congress was bill u meeting of mes senger or ainoassattors iroin tut) Sliiles. The federal Constitution wus adopted long afterwards, in time ol prdiitintl peace, and lifter years of deliberation. This may give us some idea of lho terrible struil in which the French uro placed now. They have for centuries labored under lho em so of centralization. This has continued under every change of government. and it hits ii.irulvr.ed tho strength ofa great nation, ll now encounters the (iertnan Slates, in whom the spirit of roderttl institutions tins boon develop ed by their system, incimpleto it is true, but till now lho furthest removed in I'.uropo (except lho Cantons or States ol Switzerland), from lho blight ing, cnervaiiiig cllects of consolida tion. Tho liistuarcks and HoIh'iit.oI lerns aro only now beginning to imi tate the despotism of France, which consolidated everything in one centre, to be grasped hy every military uurp er, or wielileu hy an amiuiioiis Clique gas occurred, ant! now conies tlio sin or monarch. Let Americans take to , gitlur part of tbo story. Almost in- heart this lesson. This history of the liadieal party is lbs history of an at- temiit 10 centralize and c centralize and consolidate. this government win to wrest irom the s'iato the powers they enjoyed iVoin tiici, nri.ri", whit'li il.cy vindi cated in tho American iicvolulion, and stiemnly and expressly retained to themselves in lho Federal Constitu tion of Iis7. Tho Radical have boon trying to convert tho Federal government into tvhut, in their slang, they cull "a na tional irovernuieiit ;" in short, to imi tate as marly as possible the French to it present unhappy plight. J be Radicals uro renewing the ultuwpl of Ccorgo lho III., against which tho American colonies drew tho sword in lho American Revolution Thai was mainly, if not solely caused by tho ut- tempt of tlio Hi ilish government to carry tint the pretension ol tbo net of Parliament of VI (ieorge tbo III to ' lull power and nulhonty to muko law and statutes to bind lho colonies and the iieonle of America, subject of, tho Crown ol (neat I'.ritain, in ull case w hat icver." This is siibstun tiiillv the Radical pretension for their niiiioriiv in f'ongrcs, ami il bus ul- ready prevailed ugaint the light of I he Sl.it es, lite rights ol I lie people, till even the right of each State lo regulate : its Mill'rugo bus been taken away, and ncgrois voto in Pennsylvania, and Chiin re will vote in Culiforuiu, aguiiist lho Mill anil lho interests of those Stale, as solemnly asserted in tbiirl soot..l'..iis!ilnlioii. An Intelligent contemporary ays : "whir. France lucks, isagteut leader." No ! this is an error, an anachronism, but Franco links i spirit of froo Hlato and municipal institutions, the hill, it and prnctieeof self government. We I avc r. l'ered to the testimony of tlo Tccpicvillc. In foimcr urlicle, i A Ml un minted oi .1 ii mi. to lho same licet, from lho cell luatetl .wis stuti stiJin. Necker, nnd hi more Cel ebrated daughter, Madaino de Stuel. Writiu; on this subject seventy livo year irs'", Necker pointed out the do iect ul the French Republic by u coin- l 1 parisiii it It lho American Republic; 11 .... i s-. .1 ...i. : I- i t. an, ,i iHiaino on .-it in-1, s i'...i.,.n o. un ov.iithrow of the French Republic by the lirsl lloiinpiirto (repeated by bis ni'i'hew, the itnilulor ol bis uncio ) usi d tho reinai kablo expri ssiott : "T hat il might succeed, il would, perhaps, lia'e been necessary to sacrilico Parts lo .'raiiceand adopt Federative (onus." Pal'. Franco bus always been little or nothing, and Puris everything. All the strings nnd wire font ontrnled iheie, and cadi successive government has pulled litem; eueh "great leader" or revolutionary aspiruni in seizing thrill seized everything. No, it is not n orcat. I'eniiis ol' the Ji.n Ftsk or Nu- uni on lloniipai'lo order that France ,iin-l. The lirsl lloiinpiirto brought I Ftiitce to an ovet llirow a ignomin- ' in i. a that, of lho presold hour. It is frvo institutions Fianeu needs, and I the education they give lo a people Tl.ev tannot be improvised in a d ty and ihul is France's mi-fortune now. Tla' C'lTiipl, imbecile F.mpiro has teppb d over under its own ml ten uis, ami the work f reconstruction must begin Iroiii the very buo. Iol Pierv Ihinkinir man learn from tho mesent crisi in France il true leson, ; In I learn to abhor the Radical si heino ! r.r e nivei tinirii Ire,., iiowet ltil Federal is - 1 , c R public into a "National (.ovorn-1 - . nieitl." the leeblc roiin'.erleil of! Here i a western democratic con- Krenih Imperialism nr the military undiiitu which none of the Radieal or 'de potism w hich Prussia is Irving to Mors have n yet utideilaken to an ' rMond over the Slate of the German swer: "Whydii the nutiomil bank .. i-...i..-.i.. rt.n..l...niA is nlwsvs have the privilege ol issuing their foruwi.iled.irrlinglollieweak.nnrtal- nolo a money, sni-i noies costntg ... .... . ... ;- r.etivo to lbo ambitious, but it ends in the people nearly J2tl,O0d,OiU a year, the prop e td a Iree Mate of ti t I .ton !:MV'uJcMUnoiVMc when legal lender note, ould have - as ho did ... lho case of North (.uro spirit, and tho overthrow of liberty, i been issued lor nothing f ' 1 1""- RFPITR'I' "S 1870. NEW Killod While Flaying at Base- Ball. At 1" tw'lva oVIorlc yoHtor- I ,v nn,.rm)ol, ,,, ,,, ; wtomn(.,t JhH.etxHiH WRn 0 'j ahoul , i '" lliirlecn vears. llo had heen piny niy tn trio "ftniMimil catno ' with nevera lrilh(.i - l...iu .w,,t rt i with severnl ....... .i'in, niru nun piiiii in imiMi;uiii. dcctiroil on (ho opon nrairio nenr Mor- ., ,(.lwi.,.n l , , HI), Mtirwo h,H ,o, on (,o l.at, allowed ll to t-ln, I.: ....:t.:.... 1 L7l.. rZ' ' . , 7.. g V J " . . I be em-norul.. liri.ilM i.f thncilv La cm j liy t(l0 p()i( authorities. In ' .J ...... presenting tlio niiuing, tho loremnn, an intelligent workingmun, staled thnt so great wus becoming base bull furore he was alarmed fur lho wifely of tlm rising generation. His boys no longer played any of the harmless games which were so popular in his youthful days, but were not hitppy unless risk ing their limbs ami lives in mora dan gerous methods of passing the time. Chicago Tintis. Singular Freak. Aloud explosion about half past ninn o'clock last evening can -ted con siderable excitement on the street as to tho cause. An inquiry into lho cause developed the following singu lar circiinislancus : It appears that tho workmen at well No. 0, Dulzull lurm, a drilling well, bud lost a tem p.tr screw in the hole in hut is known us the hill rock, ul a depth of about 70 feel from tiio surface, und had let a light dtvn for lho ptiti"-o of dis covering in what position lho tool lay in order to get it out. Tlie light bail got down (he well a short distance when an explosion of stantiuieouly with tho explosion in No (i, an explosion occut red in well No. 2, Ml. Morinli loose, Mct'ray farm which is at least forly rods distant from tha well, kntnkin tlm d.iilvi from his seut and injuring him quite severely, selling firo to tbo Jluirick, und upsetting things generally. Al the same time no less than half a doz en jets of flame shot up ill the air from as many different places on tho side-hill, resembling from a distance the tw inkling of tbo camp lire of nn illllll. .,. . .iillv no. u - i I'oruliineit looKed us tlio lho well on tlio side lull would lie destroyed, but through the exertions i of lho engineers lho lire woro extin guished. Snuo of the citizens resid ing on I ho Kgbert farm were consid- erably fugb tened nt lho prospect of j again being burned out, and onu indi- ' vidua) thought thai tho world was 'coming to an end und began lo pro- puio himclf accordingly. Another flight explosion, acting tlio samo way, occurred nt 12 o'clock, this morning, U was a siiiiritlur phenomenon. i"if. i Li nlrc Jncii J, 2WA . j't. A Ship I'tiixn in a Cai.iioiinia Hisi ur Uy many il ha been held , u theory that the Yuma desert was! onto an oceiin bed. Al intervals pools ol salt water havo stood for aw hile in tho surrounding waste of sand, di appearing only to lieo again, in the same or oilier localities. A short time sitneono of these saline lakes disap. poured, und a party ol Indians report- ...1 it, e .llscnveiv oia"bii. shin" lite bv : th0 receding waves. A party of American at once proceeded to lho jspot, und round, imbeded in Hie sands,' the wreck of u largo vessel. Nearly one third of the forward putt of the , or bat k is plainly visiblo Tho stump or tho bowsprit remains, and ( ' prtioii of leak aro perfect. T ho ,. ., L- . I. .,.!,., I ill nn!.'. mirth of l l,e ' San Ilern.'irdino and Fort uma road,1 I ii.-riv n,;i. u,..i f I.i. I'lilinn. a well known watering place on the desert. 1 he road across lho desert has been (raveled for mote than ono hundred veins. The history of lho ill fated vessel can, of course, never be . ... , r . . .1 . known: nut Hie uiscovery oi us ne cny'ng timber in tho mid-1 of what has long been know n as a desert, will liirnish Siivun with food lor tli sett -sion, and may, perhaps, furnish im porlunt aid in tho elueidation of ques tion of si ielico. Tho llatlititl party havo a delicate way, now and then, of speaking of tho short coming of their Fifteenth Amendment friend. Hut lho most delicate thing wo have seen yet is that of a western Radical journal which says thut "yesterday two con stables captured a short pteco of clothe lino. At ono end of il was colored man. and nt the other end a pig Tlio pig belonged to another inn." If anything could be milder than thut, we would like lo seo il. i Another Radical Collector hna rob bed I he government of ono hundred and fifty thousand dollar Thi time tho offence was ootniniltod in Kansas. These robberies uro of daily ....,,. e..,wn . I vel no iiaiticti itr no- lice is taken of them. Siueo tho be- miming of the Grant administration six millinns have been st L'overiimcnl by Radical i.lett from the ollicers. CAN, TEEMS $2 per annum, ia Advance. SERIES - Y0L.il, NO. 13. FUZE. I have n fli. ' A fli is got no manners. llo ain't no giiilleinan. lie's nn intruder, tlon't send In nn kard nnr nx an intrndiirkwhiin, nor don't knock at tho front door, and imvor, imvcr thinx uv taking off his nut. Fust thing yu know he's in bed with yu iiini up yo;ir nose lho w hat ho wants llinr is a mistry and ho in vites himself to breakfast anil sets down in your butter, 'thotit hrcshin his Jin nt k. Ho helps liiin.u ir to sugar, and meat, and melnssis, and bred, and presurves, nnd vinneger ennything, and ,l..i.'t wuit ioe .. invitu.l.un. llo has got a good appetite, and jist as sunt! eat ono thing as anolben 'Taint no uso to cltullengo him fur tukiit liberties; he keens tin a hostile eorrispondenco with yu, wither or not und shoots bisself ut you like a hullit. and ho never misses, never. He'll kiss your wife 20 times u day, and zizz nnd zoo, and ridicule yon if you say a word, and he'd riilhcr you would ship ut bint than not, coz he's a dodger ol lho dogrinist kino. F.very lime you slap, you don't ship him, hut slaps yourself, und he zixzes and pints lite hind leg uv skorn at you, till he aggrevales you lo dislrackshun. lie glories in a lightin every pop on tho ixul spot Khiir you druv him from, wit h proves the inlensbun to tcezc you. Hon't tell mo be ain't gol no mind ; ho knows what hu'a after He's got senso und too much of it, lho he inner went to skool a day in his life ixcept in a supo dish. He's n menu, niilligiiuut,owdaslius, premediliilcd cuss. His mother never puddled him with a slipper in her face. His moriils wur. neglected, and ho lacks a good deul of humility mitely. Ho uinl bashful a bit, and 1 doubt cf ho blush es oft ing. In luck, ho wuz never fotch up a lull. He wuz born full grown, he don't git old in her things gits old, but ho nuv er gils oid and he is itnperdcnl and mischievous to the day of Ins delh. llo drop, in colli weather, and you can mush him on tho window pane, and yu've jest put your linger on it. Ho cuius again next year, and a beep more with him. 'Taint no use. Ono fli to a family might do for I amusement but lho good of so many lltzii 1 lie dogged il I Kin see ; kin yu ! I has thori much about flizo, and I has nnlist bote often they stops in thitr deviltry to comb their beds and skratch thnr noso with thar four legs, and gougo thar arm pits under llmr I wing,, into ttio tops uv uiar wings n Ul. iliu. t.luU legs. And my candid opinion nr, that flizc is lowsy, they ceches ull lho lime, is misrabul, and Ihul makes mo had tem pered, und want to muko ulher people misrabul to. Fl that aint tbo flossify of flizc, givo il up. A llho a fli don't send in his kard, ho ulwu leaves one, and I don'l bko ll. A aim priiiy ci its rotiitu. in i kan t make a cross mark, only a dot, 'and lie' always a dottiu whar thar is no i'. Thur no end to hi periods. but ho never comes to a lull slop. Such handwriting is disgraceful, i He's tin arliss, but his Itesoco and his w all paperin I don't udinier Thur is too much sameness in bis pattern II is spec is the only specs llnit don't help lho eye. You kanl aeo ihru urn, and you don't want to. I bale a fli Conbliist a fli. 1'urn a fli. .Sioo Fly ! Huston Knti kI'kizk. A gentleman in iiostoti nan in lutennoii umonni, as ho was passing along the street, by woman who appeared lo hi) in great distress. Ho slopped and inquired w hat troubled her so much. She re. plied, in a piteous lone. ' My husband dead, nnd I havo no money to luiry him." The ircntlcmati hesitated, but she repealed her sloiy. ' If you do not believe me, come und see." He followed her into the house, and there. sure cnoiiuh, her husband was lying in the cotlin, ready lor burial. The g.'nlh in pilying her dislress, remov. ed his gloves, and giving her money enough to bury her husband, Initio her lrooil 11111110111: and departed. He had gone util a lew sieps wiien no utisseu , bis cloves, and. on returning, he co ' tend without ceremony, unj found mo sitpposeti ueau man siiioii- uj in bis ciillin, ('.Minting the money he had given lho woinnn a lew minules before. He took hi L'love. and remarked to lbo man that he need not trouble htm- self to count the money, a it wa right, and ucpurieu, a Banner nnu a w iser man. 11k Si'KAK. The author of lho "Impending Crisi," ll. R Helper, a wool lived liadieal, and a resident of North Carolina, i out in a "card" in which bo declares: "I have no a-so-cialiou w ith those Ri lieal whoso ve nal, corrupt and mercenary transac tions havt curried the Stale down to infamy and disgrace." Governor Hoi den, Senntor Abbott and President Grunt aro lho men who havo dts- a graced North Carolina, and il is at i this inn that lho arrow ol -Mr. Help er aro launched. A visitor ul M uinl Vernon l , "si week, had a fight with lho keeper be cause he wouldn't show linn lho tree that Washington cut down with his lilllc hull diet. If he had seen it, then vcrv likulv this absurd old fool would liuveg-t lo rearing aroutiu ixiane nobody couldit t Itnd mo no iu.it , Geoigo Wouldn't tell. Soiuo men are i sovety uiireusiinaino. Rniiir Arliel ,,f impeachment itguiiisl Governor Iloiib n uro prepar ed, an I will he presented to tbo North Carolina House of Represenlalive on the ii"emhiii.g of tbo Legislature elect. General Grunt should also be impeached lor using the military force A STORY or HORROR. Mr Jos. 7 ut iter, J "flip i:.it.;jth (N. (' ) ..'... I, llllll I'liO III IP II'. ' Nnrih Carolina nut- tuns t. Hold mge, rei t it i d an ovation Irom bis f. . low i ll iren. i. f Unlet ;ll upon Lis pn. lease by virtue ol li e lil of lltihrni ''.ttj im is.iied by I' H Judge ltrooks. Iu reply to their congratulation and sympathy, he detailed this nr- count of ids suffering, at the hands of tbo infernal Kirk ami hi riegro lioops. In lime of profound pence and Iran 'piility, n wicked, unsparing execu tive declares two counties of the State) lo lis in insurrection. Jlc invited troops nnd officers of I roups from lho Stale ol Tennessee, men without no. citpation nr character al Inuno, to his aid ; on the eve of tho election they seized a hundred men or more nnd bore I hem off to prion. Among them, deacon ciders, members of clinrclict of every denomination except the Ro man ( 'nlliolie. Among the prisoner were ex-member of Congress and an ex-Judge and tin ex Speaker of the House of Commons. To extort cnrifcssinns, fleortyo Rog ers. Win. I'utton. Litciaii ll. Murray. und other were bunged like dogs by the neck ; Cray and Wheeden were manacled like convicted felons and thrown into felons' cells. The eX Shot-ill' ol.Suswrll Co., instead of the old common luw process of warrant in I he hands of mi ollieer of tho law, wus found nt the plow In tin, Held knocked down with a fence rail, hi hands bound behind him. nnd his leg tied under tho horse's belly und thut carried oil ten miles to prison. Your humble servant who now ad dresses y,nti was arrested in th struct nt Hillsborn by ten white tnett -and two negroes who cocked antl pre seined llieir guns before they camo within a hundred and fifty yard of him. Ho was taken to Company Shops, and about H o'clock on Satur day be reached Yuiicey villn amid tho shouts arid cheers nf Hie African pop ulation who assemhld to exult over their white captive! Ho was at first committed to a room in which were confined twecty Alaniancu prisoner. In an hour he wus transferred to tha room in which Chicken Stevens wa ' murdered. Monday night I was or dered out ol my prison window where I wus sitting. J look a chair at the window and was ordered from the window. Al 10 o'clock ull tho windows were put down close, and the door shut Hiring the night a bncKet of water was thrown upon me while in bed. I ran alter lho rascal who threw the water, to the door.tho sentinel said ho wus asleep and did not know who did it. When one of the guard remonslra- ' ted against such ubuso of a prisoner, tho sleepy sentinel said, "Hush, it wus one of tho officers who threw the Wilier. " The next night I was again re freshed with a shower bath in bed in tbo satno way. Before, that I had been aUine ; on Thursday night a spe cial guard of seven was placed in my room I was forbidden to speak to one unless to the guard, and to speak to them only for water and food nor was I ullowed to go to the window of my prison, ( apt. Franklin was ia com in mil of this guard. Qnj e reached (nuhein after dark. wet muddy. No prisoner hud a dry 1. 1. ,!-.. r .-1,1... All agreed that the move ill thut'liinr. n-iin iiiio,, ,!,.,( n punishment instead ofa comfort l)n ruesdiiy evening a squad of soldiers, under Capt Franklin and Lieut. Dan iter, called for Wiley, Cray, Wheeden, and Turner, nnd we were marched oft li,ja; yy e were locked up in iron 'cage. Wheeden wus manacled like a felon. A negro prisoner wu put out of the cage und Wiley and Turner put in. The cage wu foul and loath some. Runner wu jailer. I wrote a note to my fri?nd Sidney Senit for a pitcher, wusIiImiwI, soap and towels, two chair and a table. These articles woro sent lo the jail door but never got in Two bine buck ets constituted lite fit mi I lire of tho prison. They were in the enndition I lie negro prisoner had le' l them. I asked ihut they be taken out. nnd I ullowed to buy new one. This was refused. No caudle or lights wore allowed I asked lor a pipe and to bacco for Mr. Wiley und that was re fused. We resolved not to drink from the bucket until naturo compelled us lo do so. Thursday, early, I was taken from my old cell and pill in a fresh nns with Alexander Taridey, a negro who wus chained to tho floor This felon was condemned lo bo bung tho next day (Friday), lie bud made no prep arations lor di'inh, and said his ninny friends told him not to b ar, the Gov ernor said he should not be hung. llo inlormeil me thcro woro creeping thing nnd vermin in plenty iu his coll it w ell us I he ono I Icll- I soon had ocular demonstration and other proof of the truth of w hut tho felon had said At 10 o'clock Banner offered mo water in a soldier's canteen. 1 de clined und sai, I I could iioid out nntti night, by which time I would be in Salisbury before Judge Rrook. Il is now leu days since 1 had a drink of waler. 1 desired to see how long I could have held out beliiro drinking from the foul blue bucket. On Thursday we started for Salisbury, Judge Pearson having 'exhausted' lho judicial power of lho Slate and the w l it of luihr.ts forput having played out Judge Drunks do term in. d lo play A band and ordered Kirk to bring In prionor before him. It wa after tin order and while Kirk waon bis way that ho tortured hi prisoner with manacle and the dungeon, giving them such water a he knew they w ould not drink. When we arrived at Salisbury, after an im prisonment on the part of some fire weeks, Judge ltrooks broke the chain with which Pearson had bound the people hand and foot. Never before wu a peoplo and a State so inhuman Iv oittriig-il ; never before ws thorn such a combination of crime, ambi. . ... 1 ..-.....! ... lion, uespottsfll, an, l r. icucuncsn .i t , ' . , ernsii oni me noerites e.i vnr uhui feiiding people. The Constitution and the people have w on the victory. Truth al last 1 prevails, und justice, un.b r ltrooks and tlie Slurs und Sn ipes, has shown her tardy hoi or at last, at lust ! Of such aro lite dning of loyal sral awngs, in n republiu where a written Constitution all iv free speech and live pre. W bat heathen or pagan .will.. u i-.ir peip.-uaieu uosi vuv- rages ! The Lynchburg I'i'iioio's say lht "When General Lee heard of tbo de feat of McMiihou army and lho sur render ot lho F.iuperor, ho quietly ro marked that be did not see how any commander will, a million of men at bis back riil,l surrender."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers