T CLEARFIELD, Ta .WEDNESDAY MOHMM1. FHI'T 81, W. Freedom or Despotism. Wliich will b advanced by tho tor nwnation of th struck' of jriuntu in France f That is tho qelion whiili lit's noaroflt to tho hoarts and hnos of freemen in tho Old and New Worlds. They are not interested in tho fate of men, dynamics or empire, only as human freedom is atrenrth ened by their full. They care nothing for Napoloon, for tho Orlenna branch of tho Bourbon lino, for William or Bismarck, disconnected with liberty,' An lift II I V To them it nint-; temnot whether the bonm IuHum f France ro at tho Rhino or m-arer ran bo long ma cicW1t ruli- the lund, whether it be large or small. Tho extension or contraction of terri torial lirniU means nothing when hu mun righu aro in quest ion. Nor will men who boliore that all governments should rest upon the fruely expressed will of musses, seo in tho heightened grandeur of Prussia under its resnt nyslem of rule, anylhing to create an enthusiasm in their minds. Suppose Germany is united under o military dexpolism, what will ho the advan tage lo the people f How will they begaincri? Will thcirvoitcs he heard when laws uro to be passed or decrees promulgated f Will a strong govern ment bring any blessing to their hearths, homes or workshops T Will they bo raised nearer to those who bold the purse and sword, to tho men who declare in what channel the laws and ordinances shall runT If not, then bow can the masses profit by victorios gained by despots? They fight the bullies. They aro called in to the field to prop the fortunes of kings, 'f boy aro slaughtered by lens of thousands in order that one man mny put bis foot upon the necks of millions, and ihoir brethren oiled up on to shout when Napoleon falls and William rises, when Franco is turned back in bor career and Prussia pushed on with accelerated speed. But we repent, the Republicans of Europe nnd this country will not look at the question in this light. They will watch carefully the courso of events, as they point towards freedom or despotism. If Prussia is willing that Franco shall select her own form of government, tho laws to govern Iter people, the men to execute them, there will be something lor tho mas ses to upprove. But it' tho Bourbons are forced upon an unwilling country, if Franco and Frenchmen are cursed again by a restoration of this family to power, then tho victory at Sedan will certuinly bring no joy lo the hearts of freemen, no mutler where located. Already the despotic organs of Europe aro declaring iliut r.u-ia Kussia and Knglund are considering a treaty of peace. It rests upon the res (oration of the Orleanists to the ihrono of France, tho establishment of a Ger man Kmpire under King William, and the abrogation of all pledges made by Napoleon to the Kings of Austria and Italy. Austria is to be turned into a mere province of Prussia, and Ituly treated as circumstances may dcinnnd. If Prussia demands French territory at a compensation for the expenses of the war, ancient Lorraine and Alsace are to be turned over lo William. These are the provinces most suited for her purpose. United with Budun, they would torm a convenient gov ernment for the Uriind Dukcof Baden, who is the son in law of the King of Prussia. Lorraino is now represented in Franco by the following Depart ments : Menso, Moselle, Vosgcs and Mcurlhe. The first contains a popu lation of 305,540 ; the second, 4 10,407; the third, 415,485, and the fourth, 428,613 a total or 1.5S10.12S. In Alsace there aro two Departments limit lihin and Has lihin. In Ilaut Rhin there are 515, 8U2 inhabitants, in Bns-Rhin, 673,574 people total, 1,008,370, or a grand total in all tho departments of 2,i(iJ,fttl. Baden has 1,3;0,'J91, which united with that of Lorraine and A!ace, would give tho Duko of Baden 4,0,"S.7D2 subjects, all of whom would bo vassnls of the Em peror of Germany. If that generul arrangemont iscarried out Enropo will be bound hand and foot and turned over to unrelieved deotism. There will not be a hope left for Republican ism in Europe Tho wheels of pro gress in that direction will te reversed, and men loso w hat rights they have rather than acquire others. For somo years tho leading governments of Europe have b-en bending in the direction of liberalism. Kussis, Italy, Franco and Austrian have made con cessions to the people. They have aided the masses in getting nearer to tho fountain of power. They tiuve I'ghtrncd the chains by which men are bound to the thrones of power. But the indicated current of events flows now in un opposite direction Ccntrulizatio'i is the leading ides. A few great powers aro to rule Europe, and this war is to be the lever to more the machinery of such a consumma tion. Against sm h a consummation, freemen arc unitvd as a band of broth ) era. They may have lnbored to per fect the downlnll ,, Nnpoleon. But they will nnl aurce tu build a temple of unmixrd despotism, on tlie ruins of tho old system. Franc should ran op the flag of freedom. That is ,,.r only hope. If she mean to continue the war, from that quarter, can the greatest strength be gathered. The elevation of the tri-color in France, would fan into a flume, the latent embers of revolution, in all parls of Eurosj, and raise up an army, as if hy tnagic. That is the aspect of the strug gle, and none other, which proloundly intrt Frsnc Aft "I Tli J rent t'liiiip-Wll yi.tNTOIMIX! First ViKit of tho Mammoth to the GREAT LUMBER EEQION I WILL KX1IIIIIT IN CLEAL FIELD, Friday, Sept 23, On Ihe opposite side of Ihe new Bridge. (Tbc Bridge will be FREE lo nil foul paas.ngert who design visiting I he Kxhtbiliuo.) WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT Luthersburg, Thursday, Sept. 22d. pMlipsburg, Saturday, Sept. 24th Tyrone City, Monday, Sept. 2Ctn. c ZOOLOGICAL Ann EQUESTRIAN INSTITUTE. EVERTTHIM MW . BB1LUANT Reonranlred, Re-enoriVted end for The TrerclinK pe.wo of lhTU. New sntl Mnrnlflrent Aiit biaJ liens, new ii imw, New win Cell, Warrtrol, niMtihif-tuiMl lv Jobs WaDeiiuikrr, lie ttnul treat, Philadelphia. A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE MENAGERIE, AUB TBI BEST CIRCUS TROUPE Arr txforr tht InpU. Rrtrj attention hw bcn rwld to the Euoloe;ica Da partmeiit of lb if Culuuni Orgatuuiation. NEW SPECIMENS ANIMAL' KINGDOM Hara r- MrnrM at area! UImit and fxpeuso. The luDf Line of (,f contain I lie folh-itii( I.IHT OP AMU Al Jit The AFRICAN1 Kl.tTIIANT, Mim. AFRICAN 7 BK .H, iMni .itcl Colt; IIITK HA' T h I A N AKV.U r ( rwtd C.ntfl of Ik OrirntU; K(it AL HKMiAL THlllR; UAMMOJH (,;1ZI.Y HKAH, In run., " -r cnplurwl: MKTAllP.ni .ImiMnt Unri-, AKtil CAN ami ASIATIC I H N f. pp..-ilfJ n mtrn. ol troth art-CK-a; Til K Tit IK lllKX. capfuii-d In Aty.itit durinf th ln'-tiri'ii tf il,t r'.nitiih npiin! I nt fMvotThxmtmvii Wl 1 1 k. UKI..ZLY b'.JilL IrOkB AaAVafcA. Is. the) Dena will brCitand African and A-Utir tsiona, African and Aiwrrtrjm P-n-ttina. HtmiIIiad Jatdtwra, I'uumu. Alrsum aod Am. He LeMpardav, Btrtped Hvrtuui, I'RrnM, l.nixlv. him. k, Brown, and ( itKiimoB limn. Confrere, fi-tltf. llr nn, JU'lm. finl, PTirl, KnHimne. HiMitm. Iri(larifM,W(ilTf,i'rRtM-t,-lrtrli'. Lynx ia'ttala, O.OTC-. IVIltiiwt. Kftcltw, Vuliarf. W..trl(, Fii, All kiab of ( aniiteriNia. Atutl ih! Rh-Ii Mun.M) Pomrn and Uoanoatic Hird: and an tnuatialt flt wlM-trd aaaortirmil of Apoa, iMi-tXe-ba, klouk'j it othar Mi our Aaiiuala. THE RENOWNED LION KINS, Will antar ltt Vm of Ll'twa, Ti;r aid Loop-tnK nt ffta fcih.l.il.otv ali. .win tl. PU VW R U U S U KR 1 II K ItKl TK ( KKATIOTI Iba AnininU wiil le tad In Ui Afternoon, la tlia ffmu- of tha A mi t or. Alt. ntlr. ltl- ami -!( inlirruiftd kMen cuoatDl1 j lo Iiuul of tbc Animal Dana. THE CIRCUS Will ho frttind irll-nt in all tU )artiiM'iita, an l MMpriaaa ttaa Mlowlog IX)NO ARRAt Of TALENT t Miinrii; iutov, mttm: Ml HY miowv, f J'ltmtm Child hqwttnxnm a (M Horid. M'i.i.i: jsi.iiiik, Mr. JiMI.S Ii: MOH1.ST, tifteU AswjtrMiii umt-irr and ,-. Itl ItlMHVS A COMiMV, Vgmtattt Sjttrntnitnarp, and tbauc AcrvUiU. SAM NTK KXF.Y, Jr iknr.s iv 4 it i, join oki.iv, Tkt Amertun Hrtxmin. CII4S. ni RRon, Traprtt mnd OgmnaiUc Axxaiwiat, kit. THE riti:i IlltOTIII K.l, 0MNi(, 4H arc lo, lwn.BU.OIT, HI CK LF.T. BRIT.ZE, BK IURS MH, BlniT, Ul IV Hf ,, Mr, THE GRAND STREET PARADE btrli will tmh- plara daily aloal 10 A U. will l A PAGEANT OF ORICUTAL CRANDCUn, n-1H J rhf Tnnnir)t n,HM. MWr4 hw 1h l-ng l,4na nif M iitc I'vi, dif KKplim.t rlc.. rtr. 1tt--l.rwWwwl'-vu.nat;MltY .JMi-dwith Plntitaid FHea M yTv Ktim. it" lttr-ra Hr.i.-1-ri.lv '. SmM-d, and thf tnttr R. tti.tH- In full Holiday Arraj. Trof. PHIL, FIXJinNSUiriX'S Aw-Tin r .TTi-'t linn NnJ 'rrn O'f-sira 11 fnr all 11. f.tpsiUr tin. f U.- iMit.dtiiitiK tlHMrt lKaiU aixl lha Kxliiliti-a. TV Eihil.itirma will 1 fir tuxW a Mammoth Three-Centre Pole WATER-PROOF CANVASS. Dry la Wrt Wath-r. Cnol in irtta Wibar, aM ComroruUla la all eatrHra. Ramamhfr Ona Ttrfcrt iidJmtta ynm t buih lrra mn4 nanaffftia. 2 i EXHIBITIONS Each Day mmofl i mi.iiT. TWa t 1 la f A ft and T tn th IN ilrtc Orrrw fwrT'.rmaii'- vw-in ntw hnir laiw. ai. (tf thnu mh w h tn ?tw lha Mrnarta ard sH ti n-r-i,, ami-l tl-- t tt fo, aod rrtlra bafor Um I. IQSwlnan rifrflaa trln, IEATI FOR EVERTB0DT. Tto bursa Erilliiotl HluniMttJ at Sipht KO'T FOIKJCTTHE DAT AM) PATF, THE LARGEST SHOW Oh EARTH. .ff.ni.ss !., . , t hildrtn, ttnrfrr 10, 50 Ctnli. M fVnla. OnclirkM awaits Ukoib Mt.,cfrle .14 i urn r bat . .t HkA Jiill oort4, frortrif9, ?tr. I.I l a. . ssiaAa . 1. J. RGHA1IAM &S0NS, MAKKET STRHKT, CLKARFIKLD, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. rpiIR Mhirlb.ri bln sstsrsit Inln psrlntr 1 .hip for ths rurii(i of Mrrrlns on thf SnilnsM of Mrrrhnmlldnir, now nffcr mi ni nn opportunity to lh elltsnns of Clr. Odd ni siljolnlnf tonnttei to Vor llnre footl t wholeislf or retail prlroi, thst will tatoniih the unlnltructcd. Their fooda will be partlen Inrlj leircled to rait ttili market. Ererr ladr will, therefore, call the attention of her hnibnnd to this fact, became Ihli branch of our bnilneM will reeelrs epeeial aOnlln. sod errrjlhlnj needed in well regulated bouiehold will at all tlmel be found in ouritore. DRY GOODS: Ourttork of DRY GOODS ahnll not be tur pained, either In quality or price, eorj will em braoe. In part, Printt of very etyle, QiDghen and Lawna of tvory quality, Mutlini of arery (trade, De Lalnei adapted to the Unei of Ihf old and youn; and rry article of any kind of goodi they ecll U to be at rtpmeoted, aod war ranted to give ealiafaotioD. DRESS GOODS: Ai to IR C.(K)lHwe hare a eplendid aiaortment of Alparai. black, white, and in eul on; itrmarfa, Silks, and tn abort all lha newvat tylea In the market. Wa deilre lb is fact to become known to every person In the county. With our new and attentive atook of I)HEri3 aOOD8, the ladies can all he suited by just dropping In and getting a nioa dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which Is better i give her a well filled purse, and she will And good and paying investments la uibroid erles, tdglBgi, ribbons, glovea, hosiery, or any other household Bocrssltiaa. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what wa have alrealy enumerated, wa keep all kinds of C.KXTI.K M ICV MKAH-such as Cloths, Casalmeres, Satioetts, Hats, Boots and Shoea. Ae beaidea, a nice asaorinent of Made op CI.(TIIIN(; for Mea and Boys, manufactured ant of the very beet material, which wa will sell for cah or exchange for country product at prices which will astonish very body. SQUARE TIMBER: We ara now largely tngsgrd in buyiog and filing Mill A KK TIMBER and nanufaa tared LUMBER, and will giro this branch of business spatial attention, and therefor make It an object to every one who baa Lumber to sell to eomt and deal with ni. GROCERIES k IICDW RE: W shall also keep eonstaatiy on hand general assortment of .HOCi:.lI ll and II ARUtV ARC, which wa will aell at exceed ingly low prices. W also heap a full assort ment of tlV KK KH W ARB. Tt ii it pari me nt will be hept full aad complete, and all who eoti template housekeeping, will find It tv their advantage to eome and trade with as becauaa wa are so situated, and, from long experience tu the business, so well acquainted with the wants and necessities of this community, that wt feel satls6cd It every man woman and child coly makes it a point to buy their goods from tit, wa can pleas them both as to quality and price. Therefor, come along and buy your BOOTS SHOES, HATS A CAPS, RKADV MADE CL0TU1NU, and vrytbiog yoa aecd to ren der yoursalvei and familial eouforubU, from JAMES B. GRAHAM & SONS, oct CLEAHFIBLD, P4. 7 "lltfairat. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. Itlt. ItOYKIt'N ring WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsafe, pure, pleasant and health giving Tttnlo strictly vegetable, and manofarturcd from the moat pure and choice materials it not a spirit drift Bnr.iulistitute hiiky, but a scirnliflc onuV)nnnd, for the protection of the system and the cur of discaae, made from chemically purr spirits, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the most delicate ttomach. A long private eiporl ence hat attested Iti Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at preaent offered to the public contains ao murh medicinal virtue, and yet so safe and pleaaant to take. It's ne it to cure diaeaaa, and it will not create an appetite for spirit uout liquors, but will cure the effects f diaaipat ioo. To increase the Appetite. VFE IT. To promote Digestion, I'SE IT. To rure Drvpepiia, 'SK IT. To care Fever and Agw, V8K IT. To cur Billiooirneas, VISE IT. To cure Constipation, I'FK IT. To cure Chronic Hiarrhva, I'FE IT. To rar Heart barn, I'SE IT. To car Flatulence, USE IT. To car Arid Eructation. I "SK IT. To cure Nervoun Debility, t SE IT. To cure Ilypochort'lria, I'E IT. To cure Palluwneas of Complexion, VPS IT. To cure rimpl and Blotches, 1E IT. For General Prostration of the Pbyaical powers, I'SE IT, and It will cure yna. Fold eTcrvthera, at 11.00 per bottle, Mann fartnred exclusively by A. I. SUA W, Druniit, CLEAItFIKLD, PA., Who offer, literal indnremente to the trade. Oct. J7. ISSH.-lf. R, II. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad lrpott) Ul.tRFII.II), PI KK-A. IEMRRArR Ihl, m el hod of Inferml.j the pvhlw. that I here opened up a f ard for the enle of wood or ooal-bwrnt 1.1 M K and Anthrmeife CO A l In the horonih of t'lrartlpld. and hare eompletrd arTeorrairiil. with eutera dealer, kr which l en keep a lelleapplronniM.ntlTon hand. whifli wtlt he di'pOM-w ol at rrmetinehle ralee, hj the tan. ba.hei or ear load, to anit purrhaeere. Thne at a di.lance ran nddreep Kp by letter, and obtain all ereeear? iafonaatton br relorn nail. R- B. TAYLOR. Cl-r.'ld fa., II. lte ( h7 f"n A UGLE, (I,0(K AM) WATCH MAkllt, TOST orFICKitiiiiit LEABFIKI.D fpilK fiih.ertber repectlulljr Inform, hi, old 1 ralrona and Ibe blio lenerellr. that be ba.oa bend, (and It o.t.untljf reeelriog aew ddlllem thereto.) s large lWot of Clocks, Watcbos and Jowolry. -I tri-p Jewelrf In til III form, and of diBcrent ralui't, either bj the piece or teL wiTKllUd 1 ft.ll .nr.n anl nf either OnlH or Silver, made hy tht brat Aoerleaa and for eign inatiulaeiurere, inciuamK no u K"a and tilrer banliuf can, lull Jeweled, faient Lerera. CLOCKS Of ill deeljni. eonlitln of eluht da; and Ihlrtr hour, of either weight, tprtnf or lereri, and both rrike and alarm. REPAIRINO. A II klnde of Watcbei and Clock, Hrpaited, and warranted. In addition to what I hare enumerated, I keep a full aeeortipenlof M'KUTAOl.KS, colored and plain (laie. lao,UO!.I) PKNSand I'KNCILS. SPOONS, FOKK, BUTTKK KSIVKS, and In fael ererjlbinr in the Jewelry lint. If I fail to 1 L. J l...t eihol a Mil liniMF (flat tl tl ll 1 U f I B UH DIUII jvm ' J - -I will order per first expresa, without extra charge. Ma, 7, IBds -J r NAUULK. READING FOR ALL! I 1300KS d- STATIONERY. Market Mt.. C'leartli ld, (at the Pott Oflire.) rplIK nndertinned bene leare lo announce lo I the eiliiene uf Clear&eld and ricinlly. that he bae fitted up a room and baa juat returned from the eity with largo sinuunl of reading . l . ..t mailer, .uu.iei.iDg in putt v. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aerount and Peel Book, of trery de tcriptioo ) Paper and Eneolope,, French preteed and plain; Pen, and l'encile i Blank, Leal Pperi , Ueode, Mortaaftt ; Judfcwent, Eiemp tiun and I'rouii.aory notea : White and Parch: meet Brief, Legal Cep.Krrord Cap. and Bill Cap. Sheet. Wmle lor either Piano, Pluto or Violin eonetantly on band. Any book, or tlatlonery desired that I may not hart on hand, will be or ordered by firet eiprtit, and eold at wholeeale or retail to enit euetomerl. I will aleo keep periodical literature, eueh se Majrotinea, New,, paper., do. P. A. UAUL1N. Clearfield May 7, IMS tf GR E AT " EXCITEM EN T ON SECOND STREET, VUartltld, I'o, NEW GOODS AT LOW PBICES. fTTT R anderelrned reepeetfully Inrlte the at- 1 tentloa of tbt puhlle (enrrelly ta their .plendid aaenrtment of mtrehandlat, wbicb they ftrt bow tellinf AT VERY LOW TKICES. Their alonk oonalita la pari of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aj Prlnta, Pt Lalne,, Alptrew,, Merino,, (iinehana.Moalint.fhteacbed and uableteb ad.) Drilling-, Tirkinga, eottoa aad wool Flannel.. FetiDf tlCaeeinaerea, Cottonadea, Ladiea' Bhewla, , Nubiaa A Hood., Balmoral and Hoop Bkirta, Ae., Aleo, a flnt a.nrtment of Mea'r Drtwert and bbirta. Hate kept, Boou hnoee. all ol which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOU CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. '.N SHORT A GENEUAL ASSOUTMEN'T Of eeerrthlnf neoally kepi la a retail ttora, all CHEAP FOB C A II or apprised country pro duea. A. K. WRIOIIT k SONS. Clearfield, Nor. 7 , 1M7. gtl.MKTIIIXa SEW ac;ai?ii C. D. WATSON WUh.i to inform hit old friend, trd the p.Mit fenerelly that bt kaa opened ua a aew Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, la hi, old itaed, oppotlta the Court Hoatr, PKCOND 8T, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Ilii ttock 1' ill aew, freak and of the rtry but quality, and will ha .old eheap for CAell or approved Coantry Prodaea. If yoa winl part Drora and Pattnt MediciD,,, Oo to WATSON . If yoa want Ccnfeetloaeriea, Canned Fruitl, rickle, aad Jelliea, Nuta, At., Ac, Oo ta WATSON'S. If you want tbt beet Roaeted Coffee, Et.enctof Coffee, Spiral of all kinda, eheap, Oo ta WATSON'S. If 70a want Faary A Toiltt Sotpe, Flaroriig Eltrarti, Ae., Ae., b, lurt to Oo to WATSON'S. I If yoa w.nt Finry Dyt Color,, Clark', beat Ml ebint Thread, Pine, N.edlci A Notion,, 1 Oo ta WATSON'S. Cbewert aad Smoker,, If yoa want tba belt in tbt market. Buy at WATSON'S, whin yoa can gat Plpee A Pipe Fiiturch If yoa want to get elear of yoar etampa. Com, to WATSON'S. If yoa want to spend a few boon af aa artcii, with yoar friend., eome to WA TFON'S eld eland, wbert yoa eaa erark Ball and tat jokil antil I o'clock, B April II, Hr KV BTOKE AND NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW & SON litre juel opened a Niar Stobb, on Main St..CLtari,i.o, Ta., lalelr occupied by Wo, F. IKWIN. Their alock conaitla of Gkrx-tH'U of the beat quality, Qlkensware, Roots and Shoes, and erery article neremarr for one'a onmfotl. (.'all and larrjine our atock before pur cliaaing eUtwhere. May 0. IftGG-tf. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 1 rrra w " 0 or all kinub; BltCf Barrows, Warehouse Trurka, dprltig Prwuri, Imp ro red Money I) rawer, Ae. FOR S At K T II. F. UIGLEU k CO., Itealrra In llardnare, mcb.!" :.lf Second Street. ClearfieU p. M0 MY OWX IKMIK." HAVINrt pnrrhaeed ibe entire atoeh of good, at the old etand of Rlrk A Spencer, 1 intend to entitinae the bu.ineea at beretntora, Mr motto i lo aril "tnaie roa ta." Thanking oar frtende and en.tomera for paat patronage, I tolirlt a oontiaaanr of the earn. IfAAC KIKK, tssS-t Ci.r. S-r J tL oundt-u and Vtathinf rhop. ,? -. t. mi BOYNTON 4. YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE dc STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street,, ( i r.AitPiri.K, pa. nAVIXO engaeed In the manufacture of flnt elael MACHINERY, we rripectfully inform tht public that we aro now prepared to' fill all order ai cheaply and ai promptly 11 can be done in any of the citiee. Wo manufacture and deal in r Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Block., Water Wheal,, Shafting Pullcyi, Oifford'a Injector, Steam tiaujrea, Steam Whistlca, Oilera, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupi, (iauge Cooke, Air Cock., tllobe Valve., Check Vatvea, wrought iron Pipe., Steam Fuuipa, Boiler Feed Pump., Anil Friction Uetree, 8oap Stone Packing, Uum Pack ing, and all kind, of MILL WORK; together with Plowa, Sled Solrl, COOK AND PA ItLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of all kinda. jRtOrdorl aolicitcd and filled at eity priori. All letterl of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anawered, hy addrei ing u. at Clearfield, Pa. dec 10 If BOYNTON A YOUNG O. L. Reed, vcr, NOTICE. wmwp5;' Powell. I. F. Wca etla. ci. ii. iti:i:i a co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIG HT! fMIE proprietors respect folly Inform tbeeitiaens A of Clearfield oounty, that they bava aotirely refitted this cslaMiihtuent with tbt lateatimprovad wood-working machinery, and are now prepared ta eiecuta all orders in their Una of basilicas. They will gire erpneiaJ attention to the wan u fac ta, ra of BBBterial for house building, sucb aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, nn.iCKETs b .yiovi.in.vus, OF ALL STYLES, We alw.ya bare on hand a large itock of I)RY Ll'MUKR, and will payca.b for all elear Lumber. One-and-a-half inch panel etuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or eichanged, to auit customer,. $-0n!er, loticite.1, and Lumlier fumivhed on abort notioe and on n-aeonable termi. 0. L. RKED A CO. Clearfield. Nor. 7. I S7. (nothing. Hon' to Save lonoy. THK tines art bard, you'd Ilka to know How yow may ae yoar dollar j Tba way to da U t will show. If yoa will tead what follows. A man who iWed not far from hare, H bo worked bard at hit trade. But bad n household to aupport That squandered all ha made. I mat him once. Says ha, "My friend, 1 lo'k thread bear and rough j I'va tried to get myself a suit. But ean't aara up enough." a Sayt T. my friend, bow tnurh bar yon t I'll tall yon wbere to go To get a suit that's sound and eheap t To KEIZKN6TE1N A Co. lie took what little ha had tared, And went to Kelteoatelo A D rot her', Aod tbera h got a handsome tuit, For half he paid to others. Kow he t home, be took 10 well. And their effect Is sorb, That when they Uk their daily meal, They don't ant naif as aaaob. And now be finds on Patnrday night. With all tbair wants supplied, That be has money left to spend, And soma to lay and. Ills good success, with cheerful trnil. II gladly tell to all. If you'd aa money, go and buy lour elolhes at KEIZKNSTEIN'S CLOTHING II ALL. "Tbera th vbeapeat, tneat and best Clothing and good Furnishing Goods eaa ba had to suit every toils and in every style aprl I, TO KDWAKD H'UKS & CO., Flour Iitiiiifiirturertt, And Tee1rrs In GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rillLirSDURQ, PA. VFt'l.L et'PPl.Y of FI.01R, WHEAT, CORN and CltttP eonetantly on band, and lor eale at ralee rctnnrkablr low, feba-U JOHN TROUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market Pt., raM of the Alliglictiy U"U-e, c 1 r.iu 11:1 1, pa. IK KKP on hand all kinds of Furniture, In suits r by the singlr art t rift. Thoit in nrH of any artirle of t urn t turf, will And it to Ihflr Interest 10 rail and e&amino n y stock, whtrh I will sell rerv low Inr rnah or eifhance fur puitnhle luoitieri t'lf arfl'-M, Pa., A' "Jt tl. IARIi M I.OM.I.K. MATCHES TO LIGHT THE WORLD! The umleniignrd ban at-rurrd th sole right to msnufariure and sell in this oounty th EI.KIlllATKD WATER TUooF MATCH, wliich i fast auperc-iling etery other match low ma -I. Mar b- soaked in watr for sis. months nt will tgnitf as nailily as thoar kept in a safe, nl are jusl as cheap aanv malr. Dnlcr eolic itcd nnd pnmptly tilled. Uy adtlres is Lutbers rturg. Clearfield ot unty, Pa. jel 3mpd JACOB W. COBP. N'4lTK'l'allaiig purcliaird tbe in tercel of J. A. tlitt-tibcraTT, Kfq., In the bn a in can tiarctnfore eatrifd on under the fir name of J. A. HlallenWrgcr A Co., the aame will ho eonductcd t,reaftrriin1er the name of Moshanaon Land and l anittcr Company, CHore.) 11. H. PlllLLINOFOKh, JOHN LAW8HE, myS.stf Prrsidrnt. UonereJ Pup't, rpilE CEI.KnilATED KICHARPCON BOOTS, X Light Kin.... I) dt. French kip . d 0. Of). AI C. IT ATTaR'l. French Celt .... (frr-ei JatI w'T Hurji A tfuMrliui. It v. n O T A Id . HARTSW1CK 4 IRWIN, DRUGGISTS, .TfnrAfl Mrtv., ClenrlltM, Pa. TR heg lean to Inform our old and new ri.tomera. that wa hare remored our e. takll.hment to tho .paclonl new bul'ding Ju.t erected on Marked .trert, nearly adjoining the Man.lon Home on the weet, ar.doppo.Ue Me. in. (IrahamA 8ont' .torn when wi reepeitfully Inrlte tbt public ti lomt and buy their Drugs, ChemicalB, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNI8IIKS. Our .took of Drug, and Medlelnea eoD.l.U of mrytbing uied, lelected with tbt greiteit can, and WAJIB ANTED STEICTLY PURE! Wa alio keep a fullstock of Pye, Perfumeriei, Toilet article.. SnaH. Tooth Bru.hea, Hair Hrushea. Whllewa.h Bruahei, and erery other kind Bni.be.. Wt ban a largt lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaiaeed Oil, Palnte. and In fact trerything teed in the painting buiinaaa, which wi tiler at City pricaa to eaib buyera. TOBACCO AND BEGARS, Confectlcnery, Spleei, and tho large.! .lock of rarietiei orer offered in tht. place, ana warrant, ad lo be of the belt tht Market afford. J. 0. HARTSWICK, Nor. M, !. JOHN F. IRWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (LATK POWELL'l,) For all diaea.el Incident ta Horaoa, Cattle, and Human Fleeh, requiring tba u.e ol aa ei tonal applieatioa. Thii Embroeatioa wae titen.inly seed by the Uorernment during the war. For .ale by II art. nick A lrwlr, Clearfield. Jneepb H. Irwin, Curwenirillt. Uanlal Uood laoder. Latherabura uf yiosiiAXXox UD AM) LIMBER tOMPAM OFFER RAMS -TO Purchasers of Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH ST011E IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Osceola. May II, lHTfl. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKSinoCS of extending my bnsinens, and knowing there can be no higher tribute ol rctpcrt to the memory of the deceased and buried frii'itda, than to erect orer their narrow home a sculptured ulab of enduring marble, that points forever to Ihe resting plane of thoae we lore; I beg leave to say tn nil who wish to show their aflrciion for their departed friends and kinlred, that they can now hara an oppniiimitr of doing so, by railing at my Shop on Thnmpeon street, CurwcnaTille, Pa., as I am prepared lo lurmtn to order, MOXUMKXTS, CRADLE & BOX TOMBS, HEAD STOXKS, Ac, of any design or sice, at reasonable rates. N. B. I keep on band the heat Korelcii and Ifcianrntlr Marble All work eieeuted in the most skillful manner. I wilt also t Hirer work to any point in Clearfield or adjoining conn lies, if desired. WM. It. I' U LIU ft A Curwensrltle, Oct -, lnAV-tf. 31 F. AT MARK I .T I J. E. WR1GLEY k BRO., flawing pnrrhaeed the .hop and natures of W. R. Mcrhereoa, would inform tbc cilisens af Clear field and vicinity that they arc at all timet pro. pared to furnish Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, 4c, &c, AT tbb ixiwast cisb Bart a. A liberal share of public patronage ia respectfully eolieited. -Ce.h paid for Cattle, Sheep and Hogi. BOOM ON MARKET STREET, Creirlrld Ft. ) r jirj (f.ooni, Xtorri lew, tftt. UltlMT HAltUAIXN Xrv More In Mulsonburg! la the room formerly oeenpled by f . T. H'gerty. L. M. COUTRIET rpAKF.S thii method of iBfornilng tbt eltiirnl X "f lovlngtnn, Karthan., Otrard and Ibe iur r'.ulilng coiiotrT.tbat he hat Juit opened a large loch ol Bl MMKK (JtlOIiS, which he le deter mined to tell TEN PKR tKNT Cllr Al'I-.n than the lame quality of Uood. can be purchaied for io ny ottier .tore in tne nririiioruocu. 1111 .toca eou.i.ti of Dry Goods of all kinds, Such a. Patlnetti, Caulmerel, Muilinl, Delalnti, Liuen, Drilling., Calieoel, Trimmingi, Rtbbonl, Lace, READY-MADE CLOTHIXO. BOOTS 1 KHOES, U ATS A CATS, GROCEEEES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Bngar, Klee, MUims, Fish, Salt, Linseed Oil, Fisb Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, QueenBware. Tinware. Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Bptkes, Corn Cultivators, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Aies. fL-My Plow ara of th Corwensvlll and Centre county make, and ara warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and general assort into I of (Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand., alwaya on hand, and will be luld at tba loweat poeaiblo figure!. Liqions, Each aa BRANDY, MIKE, CIN A WHISKY 6001 pound, of Wool wanted fur which the higheat price will be paid. CLOVER SEED, Ob hand and for aale at th loweat aaarkat prlca. Alio, Agent for Wileon'i Strattoorlllt TUitESHIXG MACHINES. kCll and eee for youraelrea. Yoa will lad treryiaing uaually kept in a retail .tore. L. H. COLTRIET. Frenohrille P. 0., Jan. 7, 16,. Down I Down I ! THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TITB CHEAPEST! h Proclamation against High Prices I AVTE -r nov ojening np a lot of the best and T ! most seasonable. Uoods and Warea ever offered in this market, and at prices that remind one of the g'Knl old days of cheap things. Those who lack faith upon this point, or deem our alia gationi superfluous, need but VsiLt, 4T OVMl STORE, Corner Front and Market itreets, Wbere they can see, feel, hear and know for them scire. To fully understand what are cheap goods, this must b don. W do wot deem it neoeesary to enumerate and itemise our stock. It is enough for us to i tat that We have Everything that U Needed and cmoeumed In this market, and at prices that aftooinh both old and young. deaUO JOSEPH SIUW A FOX. SEW FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISION STORE, 'UK underlined haea juat rreelred at their aew .lend ia aliaootoa, a full aupply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c, COAL OIL, (at reduced ratta.) A good artirle of TOBACCO, CIGARS AXD fSU'klNU TOBACCO, oooetaotly nn hand. All of which will he eold at LOW RATES for CASH or girea ia aichange for FIIIXOLES and LIMBER. Wa repeetfult a.k tb fMi te rira ai a trial before pBrehaaing alaewbera. J. R. READ A CO. Wallaeeton, April T, IK69. C. KRATZEll & SONS ARERKCF.IVIXO A SPLENDID STOCK OK CARPETS A.DOIl. CLOT US. WALL rATERS-GILT TATER, LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADED COl'STERPANES AND QUILTS. LINES TABLE CLOTHS A N'ATKINS LADIES SILK COATS rf-OVERSKIRTS. ELEGANT SHAWLS A LACE TOINT3 LAMES' i CUILDREN'S TRIMMED LI A TS. DRESS GOODS AM) TRIMMINGS. BFST KID G I,i V F.S L A D I K.S GEN TLEMEN'8 AND CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALPACAS. UNEQUAI.I.FD STOCK LAD! RS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ol-GAITERS. MEN'8 CALF rf- FRENCH Kir BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS. J5. MEN'S AND BOYS' FINE AND II EAVY SHOES. CASS1MERES VERY CHEAP. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, t. GROCERIES. FLOUR rf- rRoVIIONs AT LO II' ES T RATES. LIBESU. DErtUCTIOS TO TII0?F. buying in quantity. wool, markftivo and country pkodu k wanted. Clear. Id. June 1(1. !. Xew M ine and Liquor Store. I. L. REI2ENSTEIN, "imiiitl prtt.ia te WINES &. LIQUORS, MARKET fT, CLEARFIELD, PA. . k.Full stork of Wine, Brandy. Gin, Whl.ky and Alcohol, alware oa band. Pneriat attenttcn paid to securing a para article for Saeramental ana medical purposes. eprll-TCtf Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Chlcksring'e. Steinwat 'a and Emerson 'e Plsnoa tfmllh'e, Maeoa A lleealin'l and Pelnubet', Organ! and MslMeoBS. and Groear a Baker't Sewing Meekinea. list raaraaa or Plaao. Guitar, Orraa. Harmony and V.l 11. lie. No pupil taken for Im iha half a tern mr-Room. neat door to PrM Natioaal Beak Clearfield, May , IRA tf. rfllK DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC for IM JL 1M7 aad lf for aale at the Pom new Prtre mt. Moilei w. any rl-ireee J.H tfi Panl,. Clearflold County tUnk. rMI t'leattald roaal. haea u aa i.,, 1 ted lnttul.. ha. ,"e oat .1 n to .urr.nder of III ehe.er, ea Va, lu All III Meek ll awned by tb. .eb.cr.h,,, ' will ..Btiaaa the Reekiig ba.ia.a. at ta.'- plec.ae rrt.ate Haekera antler tl.,lJ ol Ihe "I'i.ara.ld Cornet. Rank." . penrlblifer the debti ot the baok. lelemJ It, Bot.ioB demand ai tbt toaeter. ' recetred end iatereit paid wbea an.) I, j a (led line. Paper attenuated " t !. I a. brretifora. Our penoael feipi.a.ihlit, pledged for ail Iteie.itl rerelied ert k,.,J "I Iran. n ...n, w v. .u. in,ftj roniga of Ibe bu.lm.i mea uf the ei.ut.t) i,h rnecllull? ftillcited, A. Prreidenl, (a-ti offieerj of tba late Clearfield Cnontr It,.. .' require toe aoie. ui r.i. p.m to e, Bt.,,,1lt for redemption. .t. T. LFONAR0, RICrMFf MU WM P0RTKR. IAS. g. 0MHAli A. K. WKI0HT, O. L. RkKD, WM. A. WALLACE. Tb, ba.lnes, of tht Bank will bt eondurt.il John M. Adam... Eiq aj Caahlcr. (Juau,; J. P. M'Oirk. Edward P.rki BAN XDTG & COLLECTION HOUSI1 McGirk & perks. Successors to Foster, Parks. A Co., PMIIpabnrc. Centra ( oumy, p. "w-TTIlUDL' . II .1.. t : . .. f f wii wa inwsavBiwu prwanpuy ana upott most lavoraoie leiuia a.at'7 if County National Bank; CLEARFIELD, PA. 'I'lttn Biol i, bow open aad rttdy I.t ban X Bt.l. Office OB Reeood llreet. ia tbt bniH iag foriaorly occupied by Lonoard, Fioney A Ct niRBrroaa aib orrtraa, JA. B. GRAHAM, Rtt'IlARD PRAY WM. A. eVAM.ACC, WM. P0RTB1, A. K. WRIGHT, GEO. L. REED. W. M. FIIAW, JA8.T. LEONARD Jul, RJ Caahitr. Pre. I. KoggfaToM iihhip A wnlit GREAT EXCITEWEXT AT THOMAS BEEKS'S! rj'VERTDODY trying to get there Int. for f.at J of being erowded out Into tht eold. It yno want good r-boeioa- done, go ta Bltai. If yuB want yuur Siaa ironed right, go to Bicaa, i you w.Dl gooa aitii irona, go to Haiti, If yoa wool yowr wigoa iroaod la thi bet ttyla and workojan.bip. go to Bllai. Baaa, aiakoa tba but frtnatp Miehiae ia thi State, aoddoae all kind, of BLACKSMITH INa ai eb.p ai can b done in tbt county fur Ceaa. Uf Poit Office addre.1 I. Cleerlleld Bridge. THOMAS BEfckd. Boggi Tp., Dee. 1. IfifiT-tf. Southern Land & Emlgratlog COM PA XV, " WASLTIXGTOy, D. C. ORGANIZED and tetablialied for the Purekae) and ale of Faruiog and Mineral Lane., and luprored Real E.tate In the Southern Statu. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Preitd.it. JO. ftKVKRNtt, Vice Pre.id.at J. HKNRY APR IN, Tree.um, Preiideut Fourth National Bank of Phildolphia. Jull.N AIUKKI8. CecreUry. THUS. C. MACltGWELL, Office : WaihingtoB Building, Corner Berectk St., and i'esniylvania Aeeoue, Waihiagtoa, 1. C Got. John T. iiofimaa. Albany, N. T. El tior. Wm. Bigler, Cleerlleld, Pa. or. T. F. Randolph, Trenton, N, J. F.l-Oor. Wra. F. Packer, Williauiiport, Fa, Sept. I, 'Ot-if. Cheap Furniture. jonN cuLicn DtSlRES to inform hi. old friend, ind rui. tnuierl, that baring inlar.ed hil tbop lad laoraaeed hil feelllttei lor aj.aatacturing. be i, bow prepared toakttoorderacb Faraitareal may be deiired, ia good aty la aad t eboap rates for CA6H. II, generally hai .a hand, at k I Furniture rooms, a raried aieortmeBt of ready, made furaitura, among which ara BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobe.and Beok-C.ee.; Ceatra, Sofa, Parlar, Breakfast and Dining Eiteasioa Tableai Coat moa, FreBch-po.t,Cottige,JeBay-LiRd aad other Beditatdi; Bcfaa of all kinds, Work-itinds, llat-raeka, Waeh-iuadu Roakiag aad Ara Cbairt 1 tpringtat, eant hottom, parlor, torn- moa and other Cbair., Looking-Gleeae, of tviry deerriptioo OB bind ; tBd new glaiae, for eli frame., wbicb will ba put in oa very reaaoaebl, toreal oa ihorlest Botict. He aleo keepa oa kind or foroi.hes to order, Cora-husk, lialr aad Ct ton top ktatuo.ies. Cornsts or Evert Kind Made to order, and funeral, atteaded wltk a ttearae whenerer desired. Also, House Paialing done lo order. Tbt loberriber also maaatae. torea, ard baa constantly oa kaad, Clement', 'tent Washing Machine, the baet bow ia i.r Those asing thii machine Barer need be with out eleaa clothes) Hi alia baa Flyar'a Patent Cbnra, a superior artielt. A family asing tkia Chum atrar aeed bt without butter I All the abort aad maey other article, an fur al.hed ! customers cheap lor Cssa or tchan,rd for approead country produca. rberry. Maple, Poplar, Lin wood aad otter Lambor tuitablt for Cabiatt woik. takts ta (change for furaita-r Ba-Remember the shop Ii oa M.rtet ctreet, Clearfield, Pa, aod aoarly oppo.ite tbt "Old Jew Stora." iuUH OILICH. NoTtmber ID, I8K1 y The Lightning Tamer. fpilK mdcrilrned ara the solt Agent, in Ihli X e-oMT for the "North Americaa Ualeamud LllltlTMNl RtlDS." Tji.c arc the onli safe rods bow 1b tie. and ara tudoried by all Ike erlrntite mea la tbc centre. Wa hereby a.tife the citiaena ef tba coaeiy that wc will pal them ap a better rod. aad ler Icei moaey, thaa is tharged by tbt foreiri ageata who aaaaally trarorse tha eeaaty aad carry of our little rash, aaeer lo rctara. EXCOUKAGE 110ME LABOR. Those wishing Lighttint Rod, erected ea their heildiag, aeed but addreee a. by letter, er call ia erevB. We will put them up anyobere in therouaty, and warrant them. Ibe Rod. sad F ii tares eaa be toca tt toy time be e.llic, at oaratorc. H F. BlULk'k A CJ. Clearfield, Merck la, )e;c ti DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-f utler and Slonc-Mason, ItT ILL cieeatc all work la kli line at d II crate priori aad ia 1 IK&T-I'LAds style. Architectural Ornaments ta ALL STYLES, Fiona Dreeeiag of erery deeeriptioB, aad all kinda of mieoa work eet Iracted for ia er obi of tkc county. Any persct s wishing to here respectable maeoa work ard atone rutting done, will end ll to their ietstert to rail epos mc I woald aire Inform the pub lic that I can di liter any aaantliy or clew ef stone desired, at I am tha ewaer of a FIRST-CLASS STOXE QUAERt Orderi for work eaa hi addreeeed te DAVID VITRO. marrS.TO Cl.crteld Pa. Clearfield Nursery. EN COURAGE HOME KM)I STIiT. 'I'HR anderslen.d. haelaa e.i.hll.hed a Nvi 1 eery oa Ihe 'Pike, about hall was bete.. Cleartield and Curwen.rllle. I. prepared l fur at.h all kinds el r Kl IT ThKES. isiaodard .r.d deart.) Krrrgreea.. bhruhhery. Urape Vires, (looceherrtre, l.awtoa RlacVbcrrr, (iiree.ris. and Rasberry Vloee Al.o, Sih.-rl.e Creb Trees, tjuineo. and early ec-irlel bi he barb, da Orderr promptly atteaded to, Addreii, J. D. WRIGHT. "T" -F Curweneeille. Pa Lime for Sale I THE undersigned, residing near the depot be. made complete arrangetnente with Line Rnrwers reel of Ihe mountain, whereby be is eaa bled lo keep constantly on hand a large quanliis ef PURE LIME! which he offers te farmers and builders el a trifie above cost. Tbnee in aeed of Ihe article would da well to give tne a rail, or addreee me by relief, be fore negotiating I heir lime. OKO. C. PASSMORI. Clearfield, Pa.. June t, I8f,. 11 very IHtnble. THE undereigned ber. leare ta Inform Ihe pub lic that be le aew full, prepared te ceowiese dete oil ia the war of fWni.hing Horace, Bngg'es, Saddles .nil Na-uM ... . i . . . oa reasonable terme. Recideacc oa Locus! street, inirasna fourth. SP w. GIA8BAT "teBrtsH, April n, mr