Til K KKIHIHUCAN. cn..nnr.i.r, r. IHDNFSDAT MOIiNINO, MPT. fl, IWI. Terms of Subscription. Jf J In .dianee.or wllhle tlir wioathe...9t aft 7f paid illr ihreaend In-fere ill mnntka f M Tl pain amr ..... ... ... u....... . rff All artHra lo In.ure inerrlinn In Ihfa paper ahonld be hainted lu early on TiieadftT 4rulnj. ft f ri to preei at 1 oVU-rk. hioon.) Kl.l ICIOl'S NOTICE. MnthodUt l'.plciitl Chore li Her. J. 1!. l Conn. l'aator.--Publie Service irpry Rabbatb, It) A- M . and ? P. M. rilihlh Sohool at 9 A. M. Purer Mi-cling ceory Thunder, at t P. M.' CuUiinuoi n hYrvioo, flnt 8abbatu of .very month, at I l A. M. w. "n.iirin' ChurrhCntliollc Itrr.Mr. OHi amoav Man it In) o'clock A. M., on the ej?iuJ ai.l rutin li dun lay of em-h uuuitu. HI. Androv'e Churchl:itiroial-Rer. Ok-iIioe Hall. Publio rii-rvioe Sunday morning ,i in oVIork. aad it 7 P. M. einmlay Suhml at J 1'. 11. Prayer Meeting Weducaday aroning a 7 o'clock. Prr.sbyterlaii Church Her. Mr. r.cTi.cn. 1'uMic Keirico every Sahbulh, morning and even It 1) EMOGRATI O COUNTY MEETING! Tbe annual l)emcratic County Meeting will be t1d In tbc Coort JJotisc , in Clearfield, on Tt'E-iDAY EVBNIXG, SEPTEMBER 27, 1870, whore all while men it invited to attend. The lauai are Important, although wo Lmre no But rr Fltlorts! tlrlet to elect. Torpor, it putty or loil-formce frjuld U trimiuaJ no. Let as Meet t-thw, discuss tbc peesee.t ieeues, and Uke e-.un- Ml and courage for the fti'am Ppvekore will b present to idJmi the people. Ry ordr of the Committee. J. tLAKE WALTERS, Ch'o.. V. t. Kant, brHrT. Deinocratio Co. Comn;Htee Meeting. Tb Democratic Connty CommittaO will meet At the Arbitration Room in the Court lion if, In Clrar flail, on TTESrAr, 27th hut., at 3 o'clock, P. if. A full at ten den oe is required, ai business of gen. era. ia3.ort.m3 will b transacted. Py order of tbc Committee. J. BLAKE WALTERS, Chairman. D. L. Kuisi, Bwiitary. Committee Mem. It will be ob- sorred by notice elsewhere tbat the Chairman of the DmofratieCony Comaittet deiirei all tht ttumWi of laid Committoa to meet bta on Tuca Cy of ooart wek. lt tbero It a full attrnduoe. New Advkutmkmeht. Tho fol- lowlnf atw adrertiMinMiti appear this wetk : Tcaeben wauled by Crrwenirille Scbool Pirn tvri. Caution ooticc by William Porter, Eiq. Caation notio by Jonathan Wmor, Sr. Pianos, 1 y 7 illiatn KntxU A Co. Notices by C. Kratier. Fibe. Wo learn llial Iho barn of tT Mr. Roland C. Fait, of Bu.-gi towmbip, witb ail Hi eoDtxQU, wai bururd on Friday oiglit It it. Mr. Fiuit, Kcion the light, ran to tbt barn and neoeeded in get tin f out two cows, which was all tbat be laved. The Are was no dooM tb work of u inoeniiary. Tlio Connty Commissioner are in a i.on tbil week, and it would be well enough fir those who reside In nod about the borough, who baet any business to attend to before them, to da so tlu wek, and not crowd ererytbing In xa eoart week, wben those at a distance want to W walled apon. Huntingdon PimnYTERT. Thin LoJy Will meet in the !'resjyterian Charon In I this plare, oo the 4th day of OHober noit, for the transaction of iuoU baiioeis as is usually brought befure similar bodies. This Presbyter contains DTtr seventy olergymcn, and an eqaal number of lay dvlrgstes will be present on tbat occasion. The Extra Arbrmf nt Some in qulry Is made witb reference to the extra users msnts, and the "tea day tax." This will all be regulated in duo time by tbc Treasurer and the Comraisionorv. The Constable or Collector will 1 at the election bonte In erery district on elee ticm day, sis J to meet those who with to pay tax es, or exchange the oomplimcots of the season. Towssnip Elfction Crinntiibles bould bear in mind tbat It is their duty to ad. rertise the time and place for holding the borough and towmbip elections, as well as the number of officers to be elected. In districts where there is no Constable, this doty devolves) upon the (Super, visors, and must be done at leavt ten deys before the day of election. This duty should be perform ed not later than the 50th of September Notice. Wo are requested to Mate tbst William P. Rea l, collector of school tsi for Lawrence township, will be at the Treasurer's of tf, In Clearfield, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Heptetnber 27th and 28th, and Saturday, Ocobr 1st, (curt week,) for the purpoee of rtceivirg the ibKd tai for the year ending June, JS71. The taa pt;ers are recnested to be prompt tn making payment. The Rafting Interest Thc crowd. ed and unieO harbor at Lock Haven has excited the Interest of rfiweo along the npper West Ilraneb for several years, and has lead to tbc ap pointment of oumraitteff and holding of meetings lunula j to tho ctUihmeot of a safe barber. We cab the at'.a'ivj ef our readers to the proceeding t a meeting hH at Wayne fiiation, Clinton coun ty, relating to the lumber internets. Fatal Affrat. On Saturday tlio 10th, a quarrel occurred on the turnpike leading from Tyrone tc Oten Ht.pc, jaet acrofs the Clear- I field line, in Blair county, between two young j men, named Nvling and Wood. The former i , etrflck the latter on the forehead witb a stone, and injured him to severely tbat be died on tbc Kth. Heveral ethers have been arrested with Nevling and are In pritcn. Neither of the psrtiee have fsmllirs. ErfRArs.-living often internal ted on this subject, we design publishing ft ay nopila of tbc eel ray law next week, wbieb will prwbably be of some advantage to car readers and tjirnihlp officers if they give it ft lit ties attention. stive business men and Justices miy expedite msailrrs if they will clip the synapsis and post It jip ia their otSjoa. Nearly every BtighKorbood la anutiyrd srita strays, yit Lardly one person In ten know i hew to proe! when a tresjitsscr comes AuekiR4. Tw wflfkuno, wo ro- (erred to tbe feet tbat it so tbc duty ef the eitiscn of every borough and township in this county, to !ect ewe mssfir an I two assiitut asessnrp, at tbe approarblug el or! ion. We again eay select tbe best man yea hare for this petition. Tbe old SHiieeiurs svrre nntll afrer the day of elerttna. Tiie C'imaitioners will send the Duplicates to ibe tiMUtfti elect, aUut tbe laat arei L in 0wbr, In order to com menee snahing tbc aasrsFment oo the r et of Nuvrinbr. More Lir.UT.-!L will bo nut iced by Advertisctaenl that tho oorporators of the Clear eld Qae Company degn hMJing a meeting on Pvitrdv-, the 24th, fjr the purpow ef organising ad ele.'.ting officers. This is n'xmt tbe meat aen iMe vvemrnt that has taken piece in our bar wujjIj for eei era! years. Nothing will ad4 eo raaeb te the comfort and haj'pin'rs of wr pe pie as gas anil pure witer. Oiir eiiin ns bs'.e jest ruiergf-d irum a heavy railroad subfteripiibitab J th election ef two oi 'itly cbtin-hee it is true, but the organise tim of gas and water companies an! the propw grading snl paring of Ote streets, are really toHltary nit'eiiiiy.' These three jrtjKt, when completed, will not cnat ba!f the sum tbat the railroad and ebarrbes cott, ret will swid cqMail? s much te cor mfori. (j0 witD ,D -M abile teenring i 1.1 MitrM!rV M rutin A M-im M'M.ti of l.ttinh i(ri H ther 1ft fit. f makM Ho Un't.ng Ut square timUr rafts an'l a t battwi h't tb mi, n ib V. hrwk vt the ru1!i't'snna riwr, Wtnu the it thi rf llaM Kt and Pmo fivt-ks, in Iho e-mnty nf hr-tfti, m hl I at Watte FutMm. in purtnanrti of blietiu4lot,whantitT'ontb' tt eiltig morgan levd by the el'Uoo of the f"owiug vfb iir. vis : PrMi.tr nt--Jihn Chillian. Vic Pf.nts MJ. lto, W( 8-inr, Jawb WmgKlM, Kimuntl W n hnr. I)ti1 l'.hran,Ja dob Auli, .Snatiel Wtlenn, hnht. Johnmn, U. V C("'Cr. Jvarpb M-Krag, 0irK ir.Klftt1t Juhu Hnnonx, Jiuoh biue. Juhn Hiirr, MIBJ I Uiouo, Joerpli II. Iis, lli utsrniu llion, Uauiel Hickpr, Ehud ( liatham, Mn.ha-1 8tniib. Kaioucl ftiaer, N. II. hburr, al)rttJ Hiracoi, J. Q Doieo, Tbuadore lUmtn, Thus, li.hhurr, Robert Minw. Hicrctivru'i -Thymsi MtNitm-y an t William Cbibum. After the objetiU uf ibe inviting tud boen dw owsed by Ttricui parties, the fulluwing preamble and resolutions were unanimously sjoi.t-! : The pet.ple rcsiJin on the West Ilrancb of the usqiienaoua rirer. Utwc.-u tht muutbs of 1UU KtK' id 1'ine Creeks, in the oounly of Clinton, have ffift hero tu-(!.iy to submit to thr great iKjuare tioibr intereit of Northwttrrn Penrn-vlrania, tbe points bolHren the uoutbs of lh an-rki abuv oaraod. is aflordinf a superior lamling lo anyoth or on the Huvuehanna lor the sate landing and harbor of rat is of limber. 11. to U a diamine on both sidtis of the rieer of alN.ut 12 tutles free from biudranoe or Interruptions yi any malrriul kind; therefore, forW, That t'ue citiiens of Pino Crk and Wayne townnbipff, ruloti and luiDbrruien and own- rs ot land along the river, do ofler tu the hun bor ing interest of ibe est Branch and its tiibuU rita nil the aid and encouragement in their power fur the promotion of that iutcreat. To tbi end we are ruady to uuite in proouriug surh Icgialation regarding the right of oouupaoffy of tlio banks of the nvor and tb prt.lootion of 'ibe landiug and aale harboring of raits, eto., as way be netuasnrv lor that parpuae. tifotcU, That wo will use every means to hare suitable botelt and places of Kocommudation on dho aides oi tno river (or tho enlcrtaininaut l owners of rafu, their oortiigBwsH, porehashrri, pilot, Dciuurers and all othtira who tuny oongre gale bero in this buiineas. Heoliit Tbl a committee of the following periona bo appointed to ounfer witb luuiboruieu with refereow to the aubjeot of this meeting : aud that tho priK:eedingff ol this meetiii be printed iu circulars and bo tut to the luuikrincn of the Weal Branch and its tnbuturien : ConDfttre-R. C. Ouieirlr. tl. W. fioh? Kim Cilsun, M. 11. P burr, John Young, Wm. tSimoox. RotiiTt 6Law. Tboe. ti. Kuurr Tho. lUuim. ftnofMd, That the above Coiomitlre cumnititii cata tbeve proioedirga as aboro atated, and by puMicatioit in the nnwApapers in tbc counties in terested. AoJu.ed. The Knabk "iano. Wo rcfurwith speoial pleasure to the fturcitiemcnt of the flreat 1'isno Manufactory of ileik. Win. Knabe A Co., Baltimore. This factory Is now one of th,' largest lu thr world; it is a magnificent fire awry structure, fronting an entire block 'in Eutaw it., and cover ing, together witb the Loiuber Yards a.Morhed. some two and ono-balf euros of ground, 'i br Hundred at id nrty tneo are constantly vuiplod turning out over fitly instruments per work. The Knuhe Piano baf by its superiority not only well ffigb driven those of Kurtbern manufacture from the ome mriict, but also enjoys a large rale in fiew trk, euiiaa iptiia and tbrougbout the ttitire North olM besides tbtr largely in- ereaped fioutbem trad. Tho most talented muiijitM of the day, both amateur aud professional, tectity their superior ity, and wherever exhibited they have acrer failed to carry off tbe highest awards oror all Competi tion, having received no lera then 65 first premi ums. During the Inst tenon they were used siin ultaneouaty by the most distinguished artiste at the Opera Mouses In ftjltirnure, Philadrlphia, New urk, Brooklvn, Chicngo, Ac. There ia cor ttinly no inttrumcnt made, more durable than the Knabe Piano, none but the beat workmen being employed and only the very best of material oifil, A Concert. We learn tlmt tlio Pbilipsburg and Clearfield Bands design giving a joint Conoert, U the Court House, tome evening next week. This will be a rare treat for all who love instrumental musio and duiire Us cultivation io our midst. It is certainly a grcett pleasure to Itaten to the melodious strains which erery fw ereniugs fall upon oar cart, and we for one are willing to help keep op tbc wear and tear of in struments while the performers are willing to lose their time. A bund is a "military necessity," and an Individual most be very poor or stupid who re fusel bis mite to snetaia one. Suicide. Wo Karn thai a ninn named Thomas, residing at Pliilipbvrg, on Fri dsy last deliberately took a pistol and blew bii brains out. Xo cause is aligned for the rorh act. He leaves a wife and seven or eight children in rather slim circumstances. "More Goods." Mensr. Arnold & nartihoru are receiving at their s'and In "Cur wensville, large and well slted stock of fall and winter good, particularly suited for erery - bojy, beeaiue they are obtap and of the very best quality. A full now ntock of ull kinds ofta- ti entry and bUnk books juit received at the Poit office, and sold at city priocs; besides all the pic torial, literary, dsily and weekly newpacrs Mauines, war map, Ac. A fire occurred nt Emporium, Cam eron county, en the l?th, which destroyed sevtn stores, otic saloon and two dwellings. The loss is heavy aud but little Insurance. This was an incendiary job. The BoRotnri Schools. We tin deratand tbat the Directors have made airange- mrnts to open the common school in this place on Monday next. Handsome styles of Ladies' Tritnmtd lists, received from New York to-dsy. at Rwd's. tarried. to Htrriiburg, od Sf ptrmltcr Mh, 1170, hy Rot. C r Sttl i iw, Mr. E. M. MOOItn.fi.nucrlr of Cle.rf.tlJ, to Miu L1LK HAP.CII. Oo Sept.mUr 4tb, 1S70, hy Joiiar Ltaks, Kq. Mr. DAVID liEI.L, of Ilell lownibip, to Mit CLEMENTINC HOOVEIl.of Uwnrnootoitnthip Sid At Clover It ill, in Lawrence township, on Thut-day. 3eptniber Pih, I70, JAMC3 eon of Wn.aojr P. aa l Mtitbi C. TiTr ; agel monlbs, 3 wibs and 1 dsys. In 8edslia, Mercer county, Ohio, on Feptember 5th, 170, Mrs. A 1)11 IB BKAMH, in the Rlth year of her age. Mr. Beams r moved from BrsJy town ship, this county, one year ago. In Oirard townihip, on September U'h, 1R70, JACOB 5TI.SE, aged 9 years, 4 months and 12 duva. ittartttj. Clearfield Markets. LvrrreVi wctkiy by E k iard Moaiur, Wbolrealr and r.eteil Iiffa'er in Iiry tiood., tlrocerlea, lro Ttalona, ae., Mnrket alrcet, Clearfield, I'a. Ci.Eanrtrtr, Pi., Stpt. 20, l?70. Applea creen.OCy Jl. Il.it., dreml Dried. y IS le1 llldui, green Apple butter,Val, 1 0(1 H.ina 0(i(j flutter Ii'f 3j Shoulderl Inlr.u Ilcana Of'iio t bi' Sidea. otift, Durkwheat 1 Si Lard Dockwheat flour 1), S' Meal pork,)l bbl....'.8 0 lleef, dried 2 Data 00 lleef. freih 1''- 11 Oniom 1 00 Hoard., M 12 00 14 On potatoea onfru 7 Corn,ahelled. 1 " Pra-bea, dried, D.. li Corn, ear 0(1(4 On I'laaUsr, f" bhl 3 i Corn weal.T" ek. I Hre 1 Ji Chop, ewtJ Ji fn, S to liar', V lb Cloteraoed- I Ml Sail, y.et V I .'.P Cheear J , Shinjl. a.ll i.ti.S 00 Cherrlee, n6g U Miinrlra.J0 i10( L 1 1 0 Chicken., dnd, ft, 1.'. l imotby aeed T ftfl Etce . I'l' Tallow.. I!t K axaccii i " heal 1 1,0 f U.r... ...... f "ofi on Wool ........ 40 I1T 10 Od'al 00 Wood.Veord .',0 iaanrlal. CLOSING PRICES or Drlltrn 8ro.,Ko 40 Soath Third U PbilaJclphia, fepl. 17, 1870: I', ft. i'a .f 'tl " " T7.. '4 - " " "CS ' '0J, new M " '67, new " 'H " I'., 10 Id'. I. 8. SO Tear 6 pee eenl. Ciirfewry fine C'ltnponnd lntcrr.1 Note ll.li 1U1 .. IIJl 1121 .. 1111 1111 .. 1 1 1 1 lllf I ,. ll'H 11"! j .. 110 110 .. 11"! 1101 .. io;j itir-l .. lio, mi ., oo .. Ill 1141 .. le.H 111 OoU .. Silver Tnicn Paeiae ft. R. It Mori. Bunds. tit MO mo d a .ao i Central Paeifie U. R.. j l el' Tj'.Sr li Or iH7o. sr.rTninr.il. ihio. MAGNIFICENT Ol'KNIN.) OP FALL AM) UIMIilt t;()(M)S! WIL1JAJI KIJED. MARKET BTREKT, Cl r-lRl IKi n, PKXN'A. Hhnll J'onHnuf lo Htrp rrinn, nelolnei, Oiniwni, Cbioli, ribiHlingi, Cnuton Mtnncli, Wuolen Klanncli, Tablo I.inrm, Qullti, flreu Ouudi, l'l.in ond Oul'4 Riiki, Japaopte Rilki. . l'lrsl-( laKs'.lrliclc ot Vood, Wool Plaidi, R.pi, Hlack Alp.oa.-a .pl,UiliJ rlii-lf, J7 and 6Do. I.aiiiaa' Coating., hhawli Woolen and I'aUl.T atorproof. .Inrl Sell (lie .Sam ai Low LJir', Mlmti' and Chliilr.a.' 3bom, IlaU t!i Capa, Fura, FauoT tioodat Trimtainga, Wbitc (jioudi. Hair U.ioda, iuii. tatioa ami real. .Is Thru Can be Bought Tbe C.lrbraUd llarrli Praulru Kid Olorw, tbe belt in llin world, alio, a good Kid OIoto for J3 oentl Heiirrf Nutiotia, Ae. ji any other Slarkti. .Vow Fall Sulci lb n.,lf, DoddcIi, Hibboni, Ual J'lumia, Flowerl, O.trich Tipt, Act a large etoek of Lh-dioa' A U.nt'a L'ndcririfcr. MTk Cr.4 rlml Milliner fram 1'liiUdeliikia haa been tnBRed to make and Inn. Hata and I'.onncta in ttio beat and moil fa.biona.ile atj-lta. liearnoia, t-a., rrpi. m, ihtu. U K O V A I I WOl'LD respectfully inform my con to men aud the public generally, tbst I have Removed my Millinery and Fancy Store To the lata residence of Dr. Nartiwick, OPPOSITE TDK JAU, And bare fitted op ft room well suited to supply my trade in the in out pleading style, and I woulJ hare my customers to positively near in mind tbat I am determined not to be surpaed in STYLE, QUALITY, or Low Prices of my Gooda I And will make II a rp-oially to all poreona want. 'nK goodi io m) line to plra.e ia tbe mnet profit able way tn thria. and will t weeVIr from tbe eitr ALU THE LATEST (STYLE 01 T. KECKIVED THIS DAY! Some of the moat beeutlful and elf gent styles of new Fell Punnets, Hats and French Flowers. Alro, I.tss Collars, Gloves, Hilk Lacer, A a. Pleass call and see them. Mm, T. E. WATSON. Clearfield, BeptcmW 7. 170. PEWSVLYAMA RAIL ROAD. TYRONE t CI.EAUKltLI) MtAXCil. ON and after Monday, MAY St'lh, 1H70, two Pjuaouger Train! will run daily (except Kun davl) hetwen Tyrone aiid Clearhetd, aa loliowa: CI.KARFiri.l MAIL. I.KAVR S0LT11. LEAVE NORTH. ClearMd ., r.n I'hihpiburg .t.4tl, ll.i'eola......,..t.lnl, " Tyrnne b.'M. " Trrore w v. Oft,.... Ilwflli in " I'hilipl.ur...l 1.011, Clraifield 12.(1 b.r.n. CI.EAIlHKI.Ii AI'CHMMIIliATlUN LEAVE ROfTII. LEAVE NORTH. rieirll-ld rhilipibuig.. Otceola Inlortet'lion.. Tyrone T 00 . n , 0 40 10 Si , I i' r. I.JO " Tyrone 0.00 r. Interaretion ...1.08 " O.r.ola S 10 " I'hilip.t.aig ...S Si Clearfield. ar... 00 FAliK AND MSTANCK.S FROM CLEARFIELD FROM TV RON R. K 5 f 4 f II F tatton. 6tationf, Leonard.... Woodland.. r.lglet WallaMton Wn. IUII .. ... ! ... ... ...11 ...1 J 10 lnlereretion.... Jilt VanMoyoe 2 V Oardn.r 3S. lit. 1'l.a.anL.. li 20 JO sc Si 40 4i 811 00 05 Til tb 40 Pornmlt .11 rhlllpvl.ur IT Steinar.' 1 Dunlar ?0 (Hrrult. VI I'owrllton 24 Sandy Ridge.. ..2. Huminit 27 SO San.lT Hidge...lS O.'i IN.Wolltnn. H r,n iNrenla Ho 4iH Dunbar- Jl 7.V Kleiner 'a ?S oo IMilllpMiurR iil as Hloe Hall VK 90 Wallacetoo. .....10 Mt. lleeaant....0 Oardner. ill l D$ Itiiler ...31 i ...Si fl 00 VonaeoTie. SI I On Woodland Intrreeetion. H7 I li Leonard 1 1(1 Trnnr.. 41 I SO Clearfield 41 I ( FA UK FIIOM CMCAIU'IKI.D, TO Rellifonte, Pa : Oil Middletown ti 00 l.ork Haven Wiliiaro.pnrt ...... i!QtiDirdon ...... Lewi.ton Miry. ille H.MIH1SB. HH. J 70 1 Marietta. 6 .'.0 t tb 7 i I It i J 00 li S i" j l.anee.ter 1 0. PHILADELPHIA i 00 Ullnnna 4 ifl..L.hn.lnwn 4 t'.ll'ITTMILItll 4 ()i:t,ii(N!4. Cl'.. ennneclmne made at Trnno with ttainl Ea.l and Vt e.t on the Mia Line, and at Wiliidir. port lor point. North and La.t. Paeeeogera leai ing Cleaiheld at 2. SO p. m., reaeh W illiam.port Ibe aaine .lay. and p.a-ng''ra lea.ing W illiaunport at 0.00 a. D., reach Clear held at t 00 p. ai. Paeeeneer. for way etaliona on the Main Line between Tyrone and llarri.l.aig. leave Tironeat 1.41 p. m. UKORIIK C. Mil. KINS. wiylUtf. Kuprriutendrnt. FULLEBTON'S RLSTAl RAM & KEI RESIIMEM HALO ( K , la Leaij'l J-'ew Ei'il liat. (r.i.trcrly ooeupiid hy Mr. Wrlij.l,,,-,) FECOXD PT., CLEAHKIEI.D, TA. (10NPTANTLV on banda fineaefeetinnnf CAN J DIES. NUTS. ClllAHS, TOIIAOCO, Ae. Alra. IK I..-II Ill-IKKS neeitid dally, and arrred np to .oil the ta.te. .f eaMemera. itll l.l.l A II l HAI.IHlV.n aeeondatory. apr 70 lf p. R. Fl LI.KRTdN. ORGANS ci PIANOS. F-s t Y 's and Mason a- m ami. in s, run iali at f. . HAYP", CurwanaTilla, Pa. O A W,i, Croae nil, Mill, Drt and k I littraiar Haw. also, Hoviitun's Lihinmc Crnas-eat haf sat l.e IWtmhold a (reiitmn. Mi ii R kiimEtm Tbe KIHiieya aie two In numb.r altualfd at Ihe tipp'r part of llw loin, aorrnnndrd It fat, and ooiiaiatln, of throe p.rl., r,a: Ihe Anterior, the Intrrier, aid tlie Rrlor. The anlrrior ab.orlia. Interior cocul. of til rnel or ralna, wbii:h e rrra aa a d'-pnait for Ibe urine and c.nrij II lo the eilerUr. The eiterior ia a onnductor alao, lerralnalinit In a aiii(la lube, and calU-1 tbe Ureter. The ur.icra are eonueoted with the blmlib'r. Tba b'adder li compoaod of rarloua ooTerinKa or lia.ofi. divided into parti, eli : the l.'pper, tl.e Lower, the Nervona, and Ihe Mueooa. The upper eapeli, Ilie lowor retalt.a. Many hare a deeiro to urinate wilboul the ability! othera uriaato with out the ability to retain. Thia fretiui nllT ooruri in obtldron. To euro thru affioliuni, wo mual briuj into action Iba nuselci, which ar. on(aged lu Iheir yarloua funelinna. Jf tbojr are neglected, (Irarel or Dropay may enauc. The reader rout alao be made aware, that how ever alight may be Ibe attack, II ii lure to atlcot the bodily health and mental powcra, aa our flch and blood are aupported from theao eourcea. gout, on r.UEUMATisir. Pain occurring In the loins is Indicative of the above diseases, they oecur to persons difpoecd to at; id atomacb aud chalky concretions. THE Gil A V EL. The gitirtl ensues from neglect or improper treatment 01 tho kidneys. These organs being weak, the watei is not expelled from tbe bladder, but allowed tu remain; it becours feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone ii formed, and gravel ensues DROPSY. 1'ropiy is a collection of water in some parts of tbe btdyj and buarc d liferent names, aocor lliig lo tbe parts nffocted, vis: wben generally diffused over Ibe body, It is called Anasarca; when of tbe abdomen, A idles; when of tbc cheat, Hydrothoraz. TItEATMKNT. lliiTialld'i highly con-entrated compound Et- traet Bucbn Is decidedly one of tbe best remedies for disease. of the bladder, kidneys, frttrel, drop- slal swcl)ln, rhenmattrra, and gouty affections, lender Ibis head wc bare arranged f1yfilria, or diffirulty od pain in passing water, Beauty flerre tion, orsuia') and frcqnont discharges of wlter; Strangury, or sVppiJ of water; llitnatiirls. ftr bloody arine; (i out and Itbeumallim of tbe kid neys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or d-irk water. It was alwayo highly rouoiiiitiT-udcJ by tbe late hr. Tloiiik, in thcav affeetiuns. " This medicine Increases tb poiecr of digestion, and etuites tbe abtorbents into hea'thv oiorclse by which tbc watery or calcareous a'pesitions, and all unnatural enlargements, as ft ell M pain and Inflamution, are reduced, aud it is fain by men, woinrn and children. Directions ft, tiie and diet accompany. pRit.APri.fsiu, Pa Fob. 2i, H. T. Htlmbo.d, Ifrugiit: PriB Sia I hare been suffering, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney sfTi etions, during which lime I bare used various mrd.'ral preparations, and been under lbs treat ment of the most eminent ph.t sicians, eiperiencing hut little relief. Having seen your preparations eitensirely ad vertised, I nonsuited with my family phychlin in repe rc! to ning your Eitraot Duchu. 1 did this because 1 had used all kinds "f adver tised rctuediir, and had found thcta Worthless, and Kimi quite injurious ; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cut I s, and Juniper berries, ft occurred to me and my pbydit ian as an eioeltmt combination, aud, with bis advico, after an examination of the artl ele, and consulting again with I he .drug fist, I oin eluded to try 1U I commenced its use about eight months ago, at which time I wss confined tn my room. From the first bottle 1 was astonished and g-ttiftVd at Ihe benefit! etTfet, and after using It there weeks, was able to walk out, I felt much like writing yon ft Ml sUtemfnt of my case at Ihe time, but thought my linpro.ement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see il It would effort a perfeet cure, knowing then It would be of grrater value to you, and more SAtisfarlnry lo rue. I am now able to report tbat ft euro Is tffectid aftnr using tbe remedy for five months. I hare not nsed any now for three months, and feel ae wi ll ia all rerpeeU as 1 ever did. Tour Buehn being devoid of any unpleasant tate and odor, a niec tonic and Invigoraturof the system, 1 do not mean lo be without it whenever oceanic ftiay r qui re its nee In such eff-vtions. M. !. MeCOHMIt'K. FhouIJ any denbt Mr. SIcCorroirk's stattmer,', be refers to the foiltfwlng gentlemen : lion. Wm. Iltnt.en, ei iiorernor, Pennsyltanis. lion. Tnos. B. Fu)Rrrr, Pbiladeiphia. ' Hon. J. C. Kx, Jii.lgfs Philndelphift. lion. J S. DlM.i t, Judge, Philsdelphia. lion. I. 1U P.inTtii.e Ootcrnor, Pcnnfc)tvania linn. Fi t.il Lew m, Julfie, Philadelphia. .!'.B. R. C. ftntt:n. Judge, Fnited Ptntet Coui!. Hon. tJ. W, Wnofwinn, Judge, Pliiladrlhia. lUn. W. A. Ponrr ft, Ci'y Solicitor, 1'hiUH. Ij hii linn JoDt Pie i tnt rx Uovrnor, California. Hon. E. tJi., Auditor tJen.jVashiiigt.in,.1'. And many other, if nrertaaiy. "HolJ by Pniggiats nd D. aleit evrrj wberr. UewareofccuBit-rleite, Afk for HrhnboU s. Take no other. FRITH: l.L'5 per Hottlo, or C lVuiles for $0.f0. Ielirered to any a-ldnns. liccnl.e )jmitom in all rf-mmuni' ati ns. A I liec H. T. II ELM HOLD, Unit; ' I'aeroiral VI arelioaee, 11' 4 tlioadw.r, Niw York. I "V"ONE ARE (1EX11NE I'NLI;? IiOKT I P ' in ittel-en;raied wrapper, with feo-iinrie t of we Chemical Warchoure, and ffwA i:!' i h t Hrrwii'iiTi 0tfilarf, 17 tttu.it r, (Ttf. THIS IR01TSISS3 TIN & ST0VK Si'OUH! G. S. VLKGAU riiilipcb-uxfj, Contra County, Ta. flHK undersigned respoctfully nnnounets to X the public (bat bo has on band ft care fully selected and well assorted stock of STOVES, HKATKKS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON W A K E I WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills stock of Cooking Stoves consists of 1IJE CELEBKATEt) lUONSIDE. Which hare oarer felled to faring peaco and prosperity Into families where it Is used, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Rpears1 California Cook Htove, H pears' Anti-Dust. , Uae burning Cooking Stoves, Victor, Itahanae end Union Han ei, Spears' Cooking Hnngel, Ac, etc. IfefluThe Tin end Sheet Iron ware given witb tbe Muvai is made of the beav'est aud beat material, and warranted to give perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, bitter and cheaper than over before ci bi hi ted to tho publie -eookisting of para' Revolving Light Illuminating Htova, peers' An ll-Duai U as B urn ing Farlor Htovc, t? pears' Orbicular (Jas Burning Parlor Htovc, Hpoars' Oaa-Itun ing Parlor fitove, Hou. t, Pearl, Uu, Ida, Bun, Tropic, Nevada, Ac, Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, Fpears' Re volving Light Heaters. He Is also nreparct. te furnish ft complete aseoitmest of Tin.CopperShset-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c., Wboleaale or retail, manufacture neatly and with the sole view to service, from tl' beet ma terial in the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, B1WS, PORCELAIN. TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLE, Of every description constantly oo bind. ORDERS YOH SPOUTING,"ROOFIXJ And other wnrk belonging to hie bntlnese will be promptly filled by eipcrieooed and skillful workmen. muss, corPKi?, old metal, ieags AND CASH Taken In cicbangc fur goods. sift-H ft esperla.ly Invites the attentloa of Merchant wiihtng to pure bane at wholeeale. as they will Ind II to their advantare to examine tts stock before purchasing elsewhere. Lookout for the tl.g tign opposite the reel -den re of Mrs. lr. Foster. All UtoM WiaaiXTftD is RvrKiaKitun. K I f f cat. Phlttpvburg, June ft, 1870. augfi AS II. F. BIGLEIl & CO., nail.eea ill II A It I 1 V A Jl E , A l. Manufacture. i of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. Y I'0T 0K SADDLES, UIUDLKS, Flaroeaa, Collara, .tc., for aal. hy II. K. BIOI.KK et CO. pALMEU'S PATENT UNLOAD- Ing liar Forka, for Vila hj II. F. niGI.EIt A Ct). Qlli, 1M INT, PUTT V, "GLASS, IKalli, He., for eala kr II. F. M0I.KH k CO. JJaHNESS Till M MINGS ASllOE Flndlngi, fur lata Vy II. F. niGLEIt A CO. Q U N S, PI S I'ULS, S W U I! U CAN ES For aal. hs II. F. B1GI.FJI A O). gTOVF.3, OP ALL KOKTS AND Siiea, for aal. hy II F. niOLKR A CO. JltON! I HON! UtON! IKON! For tale hf ii. f. niGi.v.n A CO. Jp)IUSB SHOES A HOUSE SHOE NAILS, for aal. hy II. F 1U0I.KR A CO pULLEY CLOCKS, ALL SIZES And keit Mannfaetnro, for alt bj II. F. MGI.ER CO. T11IM15LE SKEINS AND PIPE JL II0XKF, rr :. hj II. f. nintER A CO. p6i)DkircuTT:iiwor"oio l-y .rB:!n;n it. f. nini.ER A co. " " DReYeL & C0m No. 34 !ik'lb Third Hrrrl. IMilla Irlphla, .M'af;s And Dealers in Government Securities. Application hy mall will ree,'- prompt alien t'"0. and all inioiuiatii.n rlirerfuii" lurmahed. Ordera aolieiled. 1-tf c it ok Tnvnl FPKAR r.U.f.'.II IO. Plfyl KHAMNA, Fl PKr.I0R, oov. li:n., . unit i.ator, N'lRLE CIIOK, XATln.V i AI, RAM.F, TMI MI'll, PAIll.tiR (uuKS, FPKAIi K RKVdl.TINfl l lulITS AND Uni lll.K lirATKRK, Aol all kind, of llratnif Stoe for anle hj ao,r; II. r. Mul.KK 1 CO. "I lTI( K' A n4Tll.l'w,' fEI'ja. 11 W. hit! printeri a laree aaialier Ilia new , IKt I ILL. .e,l will on Uia roeeipl of Iweale. fli-.- r-rl.. imi'I a .r- ? H'.iv eeV wSsv Piy tr.ooili, cuerttr-j, (tu. . a. in. ,i ,. . ! mar.n'tae. 'I hraprr than tlic l ltrapcsir (.00 tS AT nF.DUfRrt miCES St ir litriivit) aV Arnold A lIuHshorn, (One door west nf First National Bank,) i imi.N iM.i:, pa. 1TAVIN0 Just retorned from the cast with a A -1 complete asaerlmenl of Goods suitabU for Spring and 8ummer trade, we are now rsady to furnifeb all kinds of Goods "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thanking our customers for their liberal patroaage during the past year, wc wouldmost resi eclfully aik for aontlonanee of tbe lamS. Our Stock o'lnsiits of ft corupots Assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queenswara, Witlowware, (irooeilis, Boots at Shoes, Hall A Caps, Clothing, Tubaoeos, Ao. Also, Flour, tiacon, Salt, Fish, Grain, eto. All of whlth will be sold on tbe most reasoo- ablo terms, and the highest market price paid fr Orafn, Wool and all kinds of Lumber and Country Produce. 4PUaie give tts ft eall before purchasing elsewhere. .Satisfaction guaranteed at to price and quality.-ft- ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner of Wain and Thompson Streets, apr?0 CURWENPVILLE, PA. J. P. ftEAVKR. i-W. W. BETtS. wi:avj:k a iuyfth CLKAKF1KLD, TA., Are o(rinr, at Ihe .Id atand of (I. L. Reed k Co., their atoelt of food;, eooiliting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS I BllOt.S HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QILENSVARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT,' Ac, Ac, At the moat reasonable rates for CAPII or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jifAdvanoe made to those engijrd in get ting oat square timber oa the most adrautagecut terme. Jannsr? A. ITD. KtuAisi: tuijii:i.i E.A.IRYIN&CO., c rnivr.svii.i r ta., Jliiuj rpreially crfnjed in the limiueaa uf Buying and Selling Square Timber, Would rer.re.enl that th'J are now prepared to purcLaee TiuiUrdeliiered at either Ciirwcn.Tille, Lock JInren or Mari.lta, (or will lake it at any of thria pointr,) and erll-on eommiation, makioft aueh a-I.anerf aa are nrcre.'arj. Thore rtjjtaged In get(!r. on! TiuiWr will find at our alore in Curwenaville, a vofj larjre atoek of STAPLE GOODS tf all tieaoriptiona. ALSO, I'lour, nye, Oeil$, Corn, And ererylhlrj Breilaary for ttie of Lnmhermen. RAFT ROPE, Of all siscs, kept on hand In large quantities, and eold at small advance by the oil. Alio, Pulley Blocks, Fin all Rope, Ae. srff- W r I ( I W, I M r T 1 M I T offervd to thtiac inanufnotuiing f uar TiroWr, t A. 1RV1M CO. Curwensville, January I?, 170. Small Profits ! Quick Sales! IIARTSWICK & IRWIN Arc conetantty retilrnlrbing their stock of Prog, 1e-iiciii(f, Ac. B-'bool Rooks and Stationery turlndiug lb6 Os good and National Pcrice of Readers. Alin, Tobacco and Cigars of the best hrnnds, at the lewrst fi.-:rs. nltt CALL AI FV.f. i Slumps I Slumps! I flHK ntidcrs;fTiM has pureha-ct tbe ri'it ef J t lrarfirld eminty fir Knorit Faww hhtb's Mir rxtn(Tin, palmttd .tune 7ih, h70 This is deei.it dly Ihe in nut convenient, moil duni ble, and bnl marhttir of tbe day. Wet wea;lier will not ntlrct It. the working part rning all el Iron. The ma.-hinr is etinily oi t up. and will work any pla-e thai e:m Ih . loc. mil a ' I nv ei.'n at n sir all pe-fii on ost, and will try to pin he i.' to th" edtnntMpe ol fumer to buy them. Wc eHilleit t-dvr fiom tl'o- Hnnitng msrlitneii. II. T. I'AR.NSWiHUII, I ii-arheld. Fa. .1. P. UAhHISn'. Cmwcnsrillc. Pa. Ciro. II. IWn . A rent, ( l.-arfeid. Pa. Jv.'l:ra VH Htl.l'.-A drsiral.le 1 1 I K K A I.OT. with g'Md tub! mid otST rierra-ary out hMiMinc, sitiitted in 1.attoriliirr. i ltr.Vld Ci. ttouan iitrpe and env-nicnt e'ntaitiim ft ropm well adaptrd fur a tt'-re noia or asi uftice. Ftr further partieulnre. idm-i K. 1. K1KK, M. Ii., ndbf. Me, Pa., Or J. C. IIA1.KLTT, 1 oiI-wI u-k. Pa. al "t I'A Mk COiI ALU 1 ALl: FU i's n tr Jli Cccrts, T.rerrrtrfl, f tr. DARCA1NSI DARGAINSI KUATZI.U, Market Street, Clearfield, Tenn'a., (0poilU thd Jail,) T HAVE now on hard . Drat elaaa itoek of JL gooda, aulted to th. wanti of Ika ajullla Mr atoek teinir larrf, and Viw eonltantlj malt in, additioni thereto, I am aide lo tooon modal all who may favor nt calllcg. I oar. DKY GOODS, Merinos, Olnghams, Cloths, Prints, Delaines, Casilniereft, Eilks, Reps, Fatlnets, Caih meres, Tweeds, Coberga, Alpacas. Mohair, Lanells, Muslins, FUnnels, Ronnets, Ribbons Cloaks nalii.oral fHrts. tloop Fklrta, Hhawls, Drers Trimmlbgs, Hi ad Neia, Ceps, Corsets, Qloves, Pcsrfs, Collars, Gretiadios Vails, Table Corers, efe. CLOTHING, Coata, Pan It, Vesta, Orer-Coati, Oenfa'Shawla, f tilrla, Halt, C.pi, Under -Sliiria and llrawara. Root, and 6ho.a, tium Shoaa, CraTata, Sooki, Olorai and ColUri. GHOCER1ES, Tea, CoflVo. Rugar, Uolasees, Fall, Candles, Ri e, Flour, Rao on, Fih, Tobacco. Raisins, Currant, Spices, Crack era. Vinegar, Oils, Varnish, Pepper, Alcohol, Ae. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpeta, Oil clolb, Druftfrrt, Clock a, Loi kinx-Olaaaea, Cburna, Buekata, VTaihhoardi, Tubi, Plat Ironi, Pana, Window Blinda, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lampl, Brdeorda, Umlrellaa, Knlrea, Fork, poona, Crock i, Storea and Elor. Blacking. HARDWARE, Queenswara, Tin were, Glassware, Wooden ware, Copper ware, Books. Stationery, Musical Oosds, Trunks, Skates, Ac A1l of which will be sold on tbe mott rea sonable terms, and t1 c highest market price paid for Orain, Wotl and all kinds of country produce REMEMRER THE PLACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Oppoaiia lha Jail,) clearf:ei.d. penwa. ti.it $10,000 GUARANTEE. .BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead! 1st. For III Unrivaled Wbtfrnesa. Jd. For tts Vnequaled Durability. Xd. For Ita Un.orpasied Covering Property. Lastly, for Its Economy. ;e-It eoets less to paint with Pork Lead than any other White Lead extant. The same weigbtcovera more surface, Ii mora durable and makes whiter work. IIK K 1 I'AU te the Cbeapestan4 Rest $10,000 GUARANTEE. EUCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs I let For ita Uneqaaled Darabllitr. Jd. For Ita I'nriraled Whilenraa. d. For in Unaurpaied Corerlng Property. LaallT, for iti Great Keonooir. Rrinir the Cheape.t, Il.ndaomat and moat Du rable hit Paint Id tht World, liuj only RUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC. Try It and be Convinced. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Usnufarturers. DUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting Cottages, Outhuildincs of aftry deorip'ion, Feneee Ac. Ttiinv five different colore. lu rable. Cheap, Uniform, and iteautifut lhadfa. Parnate earda spot bv mail if desired Deal era' Orders will be promptly executed by tbc men? fact urere. f RFNCn, PTcn ARD3 f Co., II. W: Cor. Tet tb A Market afreets. Philad'a. For sale by A- 1. Shaw and llartswirk if Irain. Dealera it) Drugs, Mcdirines, Paihta, Oils, Ac, Clearfield, Pa aprl.l 7;ly TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL, At tbc Kew Tobacco aud Cigar Store uf It, li. su.tu Two d?ora Fsst of the PosUSce, Clear2clJ, Pa. Constantly on band a fne anortmcnt of Kavy, Cungress, Ca-endish, Cable, F pun roll, MichijrMn and Century Fine-cut Chewing Thu-c, Ae. Alee, ft large end well sc'wted etoek of Import d and Dt-mttle t'tgsra, ffun king T iVaeeoa, Mecrsrhania and Priar Pipe, Pipe flxturee, Tobacco Doles, Cifr Holders, and eTtrythiog generally found in ft well n gu'ated Cigar and Tobacco .Store. Remember tbe place: Two doore fast of the Poitofliee. ClcarCrld, Pa. aug. 24:tf. ST. BLITEDICTS ACALEHY. M. .IJ.Trye, t tk Co. fa. toFnrrTtp ar tib Bcwrnirriac atrvaa. ST. fUtifd'iett li plifii-mtly rilnetvd In sn clratrd position a fh-irt dinsne from tbe depot, and rftminsndl a fine view of the surround ing hmtiiiful country. An extenairn bniMing ba hi-eo erex'led. and the Sifters are now prt-f nrvd to rcofirc a preatiS' ftiiniher of pup tie than heretofore. The holnatie yvt winch CMinna'S of two 8ea. lior of live months each, eomuenoes on tbe first MomUy of Svpumlier, and closes in the latter p.rt ol .lone nnt. Trrwe: Poinrd and Tuition, psyaMe In advance, par h em on .fQ$ flf Lit in, Orrntan, and Freneh. beirg included in the riwra do not form ratra rhaigte. P..r further panb'tilnrs apply to 'tie f-t. Alarye, Ag. II:?". PI K ECTRnM. isaac nau-n, Saddle aud LIan:c3 Manufacturer, LethersWg, Clesrfifid connty, Tft. f"IE so-crilr rrf ectfu'ly tnfonns the oiti- trnuf Hrn-ly aid the nrronrdvng lownahip l lint be ii new prp-d to fiirntrk vrrrthiitg in Lis liiie at bort notice and in a workman like mtnner. He fb.tlre bun "If tht be can please hta enotonurs in ty!. quality and pr,oe- Call and ct amine et-vh Wft re pnrrliasing tlirwbere. Luthrrf'iurg, June I, IKO tf. HWAIMH' V l i:,Kennedv'sMed cal PieenrerT. llelmn-.!d'a Buehu, Pakor'e Cod l.ivrr Oil, Jayne'a and Aver'e medicines of every kir4. ft tit Vr HtRT;:t !( K 1 MW ?v. Tli'ESMTf lY'HOUsfi i t tari i r.i.r). Pa. 'pHE and rftTn4. hevtrg I ere Ibis kecec tM 1 a srif,f yars Is ready u er'anaia it raft, if rs and Irarri'il g' net all r. and tbrr4-r et.tt ttfl j'omrrs ti gite Mm a eall. It laMewlll be mpphrd wih 'he tat Hie mark' iffotjn, and tl finr wtlt eoiitnin ibe ehoiocet of w-neftnd lie acta. I ho btiuer. (urniiure, I ed end bcriripg ae entirely new. rh-jh tlway-adle to the eowtf.rt'tf tvavelotS wl-ile t.w ata'diug stiahel ia larc" ftnd fjm), Juat sutTd fur it-am.t-m Charges moderate. J" W ILLIAM V. URADLKT. THE LEOIURD HOUSeT (.Near Ihe Rei'road Dtpot.) REED STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. j. I), coonrrriow, proprietor. A KEW flret-clfiM ll .U-l in erery respect omfurtable rooo.e nlf the modern IrrpreTc meiita the beet of LiyiORA prompt attend' e nee, and reftPuuiMc charg . U,e petronageol the pul.lic is rerpectfnlly tolieited. Teemstera w.li please tcke notioe that a large barn has Jttm been ert'.tid for the th luring uf bonep, leaded wseoos antl cirriajree beving aeomoiodtous yard adjacent to tbe Freight and PacrcutT d pol. Jefc THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. fpHLS Isrgi and cominoi!!uiti new hotel has X been cpn-d for the a;'ri'imodMtinB of the publi'i. where the proprutor will be glad to meet fa ia olct friendi, and receive a rim re r( potilic pat ronfipe. py strict personal attention to the de tails ot hia bunincss, be hopes lo be aMe to render Mti-fa-iitn m his patrons. The TADLK will always be bountifully supplied with the beet that esn be procund in the market, and the RaR will contain a full stock or LIQUORS, lihfcBj Ae Good stalling attached. CARPER LEIP0LDT, CleaHield, March 3, 1"'V ly Prcprietcr. THE EAGLE HOTEL, WAIN T.t CVRWENSVILLE, PA. nAVlNfl leased for ft term of years the above wed k nwn and popular hoti-l, (kept formerly hy lr. Miton, and lately by Mr Foots,) th present proprietor has re fitted It wiib the olj-et of reiidtr ng bis gu-is comfort abl while tnrning with bite. A fine, large fuMe and Yard Is atterbed, lor the care and protection of horses, carriagei and wap-nk, A liberal hare of public pftfritnftfc is eolii-ited. y4 Vl'tf A. J. DRAl'i KKK, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner ot becondatid Market Streets, CLEAKFiCM, PA. r"piin old aad commodious lUiel baa. dorlDg4 X the pert yenr. been inlarred to double iu farmer capacity f-r the entertainment of stran gere ini gueits. Tbe whole builJing has been rtfurniihid, and the proprietor will spare no paina to render bis gut ate comfortable while) stayiog witb him. 4r-fhe "Mansion Douse" Omnibus runs to and from ihe Depot oa the arrival and departure) of each tr-in. JOH.N DOLUHEKTT; , pre. 71 tf Proprietor. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, t urwenavllle, Clearfield county. Pa,. fpilE unH.r.lRned hai leaied thia old and long' 1 a.t.bli.h.d hol.l, (fi.rniefle k-pt by Major U.ae bioora.) aituat, in a rntrl ftorti-n of lb. town, and haa enlirelr re-fined and ra furnirhrl it, aod re-n'ideled the rtaolleir., eo a to make It an ohject, h.r. after, for lb. trareling publle to paironiic twii large and oomtndi"ui bou... J.o. 19, 711-tf. T. JKFF. BLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE,- t urwciihUlle. fJcarlitld couuty. Pa. rpllIS old and well eitsbliihed Hotel, bftHf. X fully sitiieted oa the baaka of ibe Hu-uc. banns, in the buroigh ol Curwen 'title, fast bees leaded fr a term of yrars by tbe ntiderilf,neof( It has been entirely refitted, and Is now ores (o tbe public generally and tbe travelling caami nity in penirutar. No pains will be spared ta render fueitt comfortable wbilc tarrying at thia boue. Ample Stabling rooji for tbe accommc dation of teams. Charges modrraie. Jan. I, 'v if WM. iM. JEFFRIES. 1. W. WALL AC! JAWK Mil f ft, THE AMERICAN HOUSE,- I uthen-liurfr, ( learllrld To.. !. THIS well knonn and len, e.labliihajd Hotel, f. rmorly kept ly K. W. Muora, and latterly by Woa, rrliwetn, lr haa been leaaed for a tens' ol yeara by lha uodir.iantl, to which the allea iin o' the IraTi-lini pot. lie le now eal'ed, and . liberal enaft f public patronage ia loneiieu. mgS U V1ALLACS A MLES. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIS 8T. PHlLirBL'RU. I'A. r"pilR undereljrnrd keepa conatantiy on hand I the br.t of Llqnora, Hi. table il alwayi upphed with tba brat tba market afforda. lha trarrlina public will do well to give hiiu a ealL ol,'. ROUKJtT LL0V1. Corner of JIaiket aud Front Etraeti, Clearfield, r. Thia nairniQernl Hotel la entirely naw, oon. plrle in all iia appoinliui ol., aod evuveiiieot t. the Court llouae. A Iree Ouinihu. rone lo and from liie Iltpot on Ilie arrival anj drparture of oach Iroiu. UKCllUiE N. CDl.ia RX, April IJ. 1T0. Proprietor. Jl:ltlHAST HtlTI I.. " Corner of Third niid Smillfirld trcetl, ritt.burp, r: 4 6 m P. JOnNSTO.V A f-OX, Proprielori. .oots nnd iliors. DANIEL CONNELLY, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEAKFIKLD, PA. HiSj.t reeeireJ a Una Id of frrnci CAT.F ek'INS. and it new prepared to ioaonlao tui. evervlhine in hi. line tk. I .. t. . Ha will warrant hia work lo b. aa represent... nv re.peeuouy aoiiciaa a call, at nta .nop o. Mfttket atreet.eeroad di or weal of Ibe poftiilbe., here he will do all In hia n....r ,., ...J.. ...I. faetion. liflDia Una (letter top. on hand. wijv,7 T DAML'L CO.XNKLLT. PEACE rEClLAlMED. IHS WAR OTEKJK CLEARFIELD. KNOX TOWNSUtt QUIET. Xtarly all Ihe Contrabands going had ta their old mn.Urn ; but 'Hiiry on going to old Mi'siulni.tts, uhcrt they wen lutfJ so iVny and to tccU. IK eoeteqnenea ofib abon. f.cti F. flfllRT, Of Ihe Old "fihn.l lh.. Kk u aitnnee In hi. BnlMnenn. . . . ... . I i , ". "He in. peopi. at t Ii arfield eoonty at lar,e, that he bae bow a nrri r.ie 101 u, ,ooo material, juit rerrleed from Ibe Rial, and la prepared on anorl notlra to rank. and nrnd llnol. .nil Rhn.. t -. new .nop iw tlrahaia a row. He la tali. tied that bn hl..u all.tCilrrt It dsIrIii be eon. Intenaely lo.ai aiae. at home nalrlni. I 11 a. .........J , ii i . "i'.'""'",'iiwior ta or Country Praduee. lion't forget th. Miop net! tloor totihowera k Urahaiw'a alore, on Market etreet, ClearCeld, Pa aad kept by fello. enmtnonly called EW KOOT Aj) SlToE EDWAKD MACK, Con. MARKET A 8t Sra , CLEARFIELD, Pa, rlHK proptUtor has enterr J Into the ROOT 4) ,1 SIIOK hu l r at the above eland, and ia Jetrrt.itrd not to be PHtdoije eiibor in ejucU Hy e ptMo f. r hr rr rV, PpevIa! airratioft w ll br a.d to ranuf4(-iuring Sewed Woik. )c hs en hand a lirfc'e lot nf KrMirb Fip and Calf Pkli s, of fl etery Veit qneliiy. The eiil. eeea of Citmrfte'd and vicinity are rer) octluh inlteft iti Fir hiKia trie', ho chsrpe for calls, flnvft.' S tf m egot amT siioiTsiTot, i ll ww ivnm u.i.r. ffIlfi ul k.-ii.. k.urH. ...... j i a - "a iph'ii innrn new ' X Bti and t5boe abp in Cerwentvlfle. oft I ihia etreel. opK.aitc Juseih H Irwin's lung tore, rctpecitulty annrnnees tn Ihe public thai be is prepeitfl t maon'actufe ell ntylesof Roots j and Slice i. n d etr thing in bis line, en shore ' h'-lic. He eiao kre.is on bend a g"'d afinrt nent of ricHf re ado work, wMeh be will sell I cheap for cash or enuairv rrf'uee. eoll7-lt t S; J IN 7. F08S. kj ti.oos ntaVrtlhe line new Fa O l,,n ,l 'treat, mar th Reilrned lpoi il lerpol. buitcblft 4ra a iici nra ifoo, rut nnc'eupiea. ttr a itore rui-m. rtw io