Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 14, 1870, Image 5

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    i i iawa aa HPBt a
t i.i: AKFir.i.n, r.
Mt!Nl;.nAV M'UIMNO. HAT. It. I-TO.
Tcr;n$ of Subscription.
tf piil 'i aJfne.r .illim ll,r.e muiillil ...f ? 00
If ni I "f',r ,,,rw? '''I11' m'll'. ft
II ).iJ .fur III. npiratixn of hi iih.litli..
1 HO
ft-AII art!--!,'! t Iri.iir. inrrtion in 1I111
.,., iliuiil'l l" in .nrlv on TiicIhv
in..niiiif. M w. o m pr.i ai 12 o oii-cn, moon.)
M.tlioilM Ilfpal fhurrli Hr. J. II.
i v i'.ir'i I'ntor. I'uhlio Hrrvicn every Sabbath,
j i' A .M ..! H P M.
MUiiin ."cii'iim ai a.
I'r.wr Mi ftinz rrorj Thuri'liT, it 1 P. M.'
Coniinnni ,n Htrrice, firlt fiatibatb of crery
BPn'.h. n l"( A. M.
St. KraiicN' Church Cotliollr-.Hrv.Mr.
On?''0 v- l,l .t ll o'clorli A. M., on the
jr-otil in I fourth Son lay of rarh month.
St. Andrew'! l'!iurrli--l-'.ilciiial
tlr'.B'.K H ill. Public Service Suti'lay aiorning
in olora. miti t 7 P. M. Funda., School at
j P. .M. l raver AioeUDS m cdntitlAy evening
7 o clock.
Prr ihytt rl Churrli rlrr. Mr. P,iti k.
PuMic ricrrice every rialilinrli, morning ntl oven
Democratic Co. Committee Meeting,
T!o I ai'ionktie Couat jr Committi will meet at
toe Arbitration Uoom in tha Court Uunee, in Clear
foil on TIES DA Y, 27lai (net., at S o'clock, P. II.
A full attendance It rMialreil, u bmlneii of fro.
rriJ itnjortance Kill be tranuMted.
Ilj or.lcr of tV romTiiilte.
J. I1I.AKE WALTERS, fhMrraan.
T). L. Krebs, Secretary.
Our friend.Dr. Kirk olTurs itis domi-
r.blr propi-rtj foralo in liUtlteriburg. Tti Dr.
hit lucated in liLllefontc, irhcre, we are infurmrij,
be inteu tt nnkiiig hit future bom. oc aJver-
TAMPiatT Laws rou 1S70 Wo nro
mitltoriirj to announce that the .'ampiilrt La.
f r IS70, have ln reccivt-cl at tlic ritliynutarT'd
i.e, where Jiu(ic of t)i Peace an i other effl
rtn cntitlrii to t lie to can get a copy.
Naturalization. Court commen
ce! on the 2fith of September. Petfone wishing U
be ua'uraliici in timo to rote at tha ntxt eleetiion
houlJ attend to H at once. Hunt Dp the paper,
nnl f(?t wUiimpci rradjr at oneo. Any of the
Prraocmtio attorncji 'of Clearfield will do Ibe
work in Court without charge.
Festival A Foptivnl will bo held
in connection with the Pitt. Con. I. 0. O. T., at
lVunrille, on WciIdpiJij and TburrJa), Srptcut-
b,f 21it and 22 J. The fundi to le appropriated
toward the erection of a ball in that place. I'ricmla
ii trmpennee and a!l other are rcrpectfullv invi-
tod to attend. PuMic locturei on the evening lT
the 21st by eminent sprnlteri.
Xor is tub Timp. Every Domo-
rat oufbt lo take bio county paper. If be d-
miren Itcmocratie pritu iplj he surely can afford
Vitir cents a week to jiircad them. The cost of a
paper is no excuse fur not taking one. There is
not a week passes but that ten times fonr cents
are .pent foolishly whii'h might have been mnch
hettrr inrcsteilia tlieCLRanriri.n REPi ai.irAff. It
I'uys more reaiing matter than tweaty dollars will
parchase in the shape of books. A man msy read
books all his life, but if Le faiii to read the pa
pers be may be called ignorant. Witbont a news
I aper man is virtually a-jt of the WurbL
IttiCAL IXVKNTI0N. To fulh- CMtllb-
luh tht tnvrntive irrnius of the mtciiamcs of our
luntry, we nd but reft'T to the fact that the best
.c'nrup Maicbinri or Estractoisa w in nw were in
vented In our eounty. We refer to the inventions
nf Mr. Booth, a eitiaen f Bra ly, stid Mr. Fames
worua, f Lawrcnee. Tli former invention was
Advertised sutua time ajru rn the ittjmWitm, and
1 the advertisement of the Utter will be found In
thls 1ue. Mr. Geo. If. IU!) la the agent. It is
iim-IciI fr sny of our c'.liii nf to purehasc or ex
f jierimout with any aihar Stutup EttrnMers, be
j eaase those usury, are the bewt maJe, besidea be
t Ing the pro'tnetiof. of our own merlianics, who
fhnijJJ be patronired by oar people.
j A irwiU'li frnmo cf Bull rn
played brtweenthre?a4Siteliinna!fof'iirw(nsritle,
and the Horroweaas,of Lumber City, en the grounds
of the latter, on Tuesday, rVptember (Jth. The
I pnme waa closely eontcst?J, as the following score
will show:
il' Hrarri Bin. o. n.
J. Tboitiptun, e 3
Arnold, p 9
4 Lumaduc, e
4 r'eriruHOD, p...
4 Ili'pburu, a. a..H.
2 Pottrr, 1 b ,
& rtlo-iTn. 2 h ,
Y. Thnmpson, a. i. t
V'tt.Thftmpson, 1 b 6
Irvin, t b 2
V'm Thowjison, H h 3
4 K'l Ilile, S b
4 .Nnii Hilr, I. L..
lthion.e. f Jl
E TaemnfOQ, r. (..
4 M.iertv, e. f.......
Alien Ilile. r.f.....
Tetal .
..77 ,141 Total
27 31
t Mont Mfsic. Miic is nhvavs
wet-t wbca w, l rtee atl. but that diriMirfi'd
Ihrinigh war atrccta by the ClrarTiplJ Dand on laet
facility a'.n;,t, Wtwti the buura of 11 ati.1 1
'ciK-h. by for mrpa.ra all tircTiou. eff.,rte. The
. iglit, ,ae f arfti.el in b aii'y by tin-4 M ,ir
Jil.t of Alhajjjlira i" the air siili anil qujut. The
4W'K't4i4 traa.p'irtinj ilra.iui wiv frrnily a afled
te our rara, ani.inf a. frum owr ttr.ani 0,-,n
flt.n I. ao t nave anJ ea.-hnnlina that we
fi-lt a f'lilty acn'alion erepp orer ue forpcrruiltinn
"innoceaf alurnber t4i ha r it .or eye." It
taaJ the oniv-eraal o,iiiio. tli.1 it waa tb. Hanl'a
tn-.t etTurt. It ia ao Iohk-t quiarina that we
li.irr fl rif-rl.ia. niatrrel fir a ban.l ; but In lo
agnail a town il cannot be lilf auilainiug. We
lliink it quite i-unujili for Lite nlayeri to looeutlieir
time, and the rilizmi rbuuM, and we hn thry
will, be liberal rnnuj;li to anntrihute tn Ita auie
tUnee llurwne we ahall looie It, Bhall It be
aiulaintl.' CITIZEN.
CcsTnii Toi.vt, ?.-it T,
Mr. Julni F.ia.0,-, a cltifm of C'-ji iig'on tonri
hip, an induatrlom la'prirg nian, whe fo'lowa
I'JII'ej well., difti:iiff out ilonr an'! Irvcling dor
yarj., jnnVinj a w roiJ in., iaat prrarut rn
jKigii iu the ci'iiaiiuutioa a nt-w reaJ for
Ja,ra. Willia en.l I'rrdrriek Srbnar.a, from
thefmew hetel on thi" rivi-r bank lo Karrliiu..
A f,-w dai a a whilr at work, and in the act of
turning a log out of the war, a raltlcenake, Iwt
aorn by biin, jumped from bch
id and struck biin t
in the leg of bit panta. Fei-ling the alroke, and
1 difcovaring the snake, be thought It beat to
Mr.! ba t ana reel v retube,l i!aee nf t.ff
.he, sew ti's ,b.e att.Ar.t hr four r.Mle-
,t . j r .L i r t 'thcSltth; H-.ltl's. at Centre S. Honsi', O. I. Hd ;
anaket on the other side of the log, Fe.nng f T , K ,1ertown. the 4.h : tJr.ham. at Fair
1 lie saMy of Ih w"g. Ie baeo- 4 tn b.a hetp. and , View. tb jlh; Hradlord and Hradford independ
!n hil burry fell ever the log iu the midst of Ihe eni. at .la axon's, the tttb I Curwensville and I'tke.
aikes. After he and the d-g eombattt-d a while j t'urwensv.lle. the Tth : ( learficld and Lawrence.
.... . ... i i at Mearfi'dd. the "tb; Hradv. Hlooin and t ni"n.
Vita .fan aueefded n rrgam.i.g bis I , Uirril,,r;T 0l. 2,Mn. pctors. and especially
feet and Irff the field of efmiba' fur more help. , Hefl'o'anos .are njues'ed t lc prea;iit. F.xraioa-
Phir:lv ri'turn'rig with av.itaTioe, the fit snnk
were kiliii. Tlie dug was l.J bitten aad aon
iluA fro the effects. Mr. Kea-le cfeaped Ihe
penetration nf any bites Ihrongh his elothes. For
tunalely he wore ltgg'.ngs, wbi'h pn!etrd Ins
nether parts. . cj.roe twenty rattle and erpper
head enwkee bare- been killed at that plaec since.
PnrNrt. Two turest for drunkon-
ne wera made on t-aturdnv last, one of whteli,
Al Oilman, tteing also etiarged with hsird'-rly
e luduol in 'UitiKiiirtg a show rasa in tlie I bartield
Hwuee. Th'y were brought bebire the Hurras
and a fine itn p sed "p"t. ea- h . a ben t br one guilty
only of drunkentteaf. who" name s dn not know,
hoi be't,g able ta produca the requisite amount
from bis treasury, wns remanded bsek to prison.
t'kiiipthtrg jnurnttl.
That's riplit ! Whenever tnohaeoars is adopt
ed hr, anr eititen may expect order, even in
drunken errwis witlmnt fear of intimidations.
from railroad ofr,"ialt arritii.g hem en Tuesday,
that a man waa Creek and killed by lightning al
reeport, on Monday. The evening of the tame
dy, -wtifl.t tb-ce otbr men Were In a graveyard
at the i -4w9 3 place, selecting a place to bury tha
deanase'., they ware alo ttraek hy Cghtnlrg and
all sawswwrlt killed ! This Is a vaiy umarkable
oskweJail,TfrBl:.gVnrJ'aea tkm.
Avtiiv'n llmiM. I'iihh Thin mm Ii
l.l.ial"l i.f '..M, ,,l,nt,,l ( ,,,,., ,.)
Knrr.., la no Inlnt ixatiii'ariurr,! il II,. r,r
.1.. rl. of M-.-r.. l',l..n Tonnt. In llii.
.la-. Tli "li"tal nrrii c-mnil of Una IVrt ! c..n, I. I. II,.,, II,, ,.t I
"Tin S"not i. riiiiil.ini anil rn,'.,,! n ,
lion an I c-ii j a-l I. on Irani, an I coirr tlml if
cannot fi o,l of line, ant nil .ton,., frnvel.
c, t wholly rti-lntnl, thiif i.rti Nilir. . ,.,
and do lo. o , iluiiiatjc lo llic ri aiiiig, ol ilaiii r to
the ajoiainan. The main Warirf. an- rralilt I
oilr.1, and the oil (Ion. lo ll JTniit, pre- j
rniliiiR wu.'.e. The flieltmj fallow box, . '
and airk iiik-ri. The p-ouplm, ,rc f adjuXit,,:
." an, urvi.uon irmu Imr. Tliil Power i in.ily
taken apart for nioiing. For lianpurtation lonjf
di.Uncei to the Mouthern Statia, Hoillli Ami rira.
and the Weal ludiva, the wlinlc ia accurrlj linsi ,1 !
in a rcry am :i 1 1 compi, tliuj rr-lui-ing the ooal of '
aiiiiment. Tl lie g,are are niailo of
Uard ami atroni Iron, and all nana are ,,. ir,.i
ed with a yli w of real iluralolity. I)y a ihnple
ahirtin( of parn, throe iliPVn nt rutn of motion
can be obtained, from a titj high apord for
Threaliing or Siwing, to a lower aprej tor Gin
ning lolton or Unndins, and a third rate lor
some kindl of Orin ling. Pumping, 1c. Tliil Pow
er U a.poclally adupted for use in warm eliinatm,
aa all the metal working parti are wholly in.lcpi-n-delit
of wood work, which la ao linl.le to dcHtrnc-
tloo. Tlirsmill nmeunt of friction, rcnulllng from
entire cxcluaion of diift, Ac, effectual luhricntion,
keeping the gearing nlwaya In line, and a new
combination of gcura eounterbalauuing io thoir
actum, ( iroa great durability, and the ajtunl aav
ing of ono horae In four over other approved
powers. The above-menliouej advantages, to
getber with the porreol aimpiicity of eonitnlctinn
of thia machino, ren kra It iu ovcrjr rrapecl the
tnoat desirable Horac Tower now in eliatencc."
Cammikll's Caravan ani Ciik i s.
hy ib adrertiiimrnt in this week's rnper, it
will be nutiord that CctupW.I'i New Yoik and
Philadelphia Zoological anJ E'jucjtriftn Instituttt
will give ao eiliibition in this plaec, at the writ
Rd of the new bridge, on FiiJjy, 8optembor 2'ld.
The meuagcric has many rare and beautiful speo
iranis of the animal kingJuui, which aluue are
worth g'ling to aee. The menagerie and eircue
arc uudr one tint, and one ticket therefore admits
to both. Dou't forget the day and date.
Tbo Willimnsport dai.3 Gazette pays
that Utr some time past it has been rumored that
one of the most prominent citizens of that pluee. a
wealthy man and an exemplary chureh member,
has been in the habit of badly beating bis witu.
The rumor flew from mouth to mouth, causing
uiauy of the aneieat maids nnd matrons to have
horrible dreams of horsewhips, clubs, to. At Urt
patience could fUnd it nu lunger, and a Scll-eou-stitutrd
coumnttec waited upun the poor wife to
b arn the truth from her own lips. '-He does beat
me," remarked the In ly, "t . if is at tMcAeaj."
The ennmittee mirt!ed.
Lioiitnino Stroke. A lrolce of
lightning killed fire negroes at Kintrton, N. Y.,
oa the 2tith ult and stunned fifty oilier p"f
side of oireus lent while the perlorniinno Was in
pioretH. The scene among a thousand persons
crowded In a tent, ninny who were knojked over
and burned by the stroke, is dt serthed as terrific.
i'Le pretence of mind of toe ring mau-r prevented
a sla:npede of the fi igtcned pcojilc and tramjuility
Wis at bngth ftJrtl.
Willi.itn CuMwell ndvcrtipn srnno
vel m'-le prrsonnl proe-ty for cale. His sale is
to be t-n V'cdiHs !iv, tSeptcniber 21ct.
A larc quintity of Uritk nro of
fered for sale by J. A. Terj.e, at I.uthcrsburg. Pa.
At tie rr.idinp. of the bri.lf'f falhrr. by Tlev.
II. R. TrTLrn, Mr. flEflHHK frilKM. of Ll
thereliBrj, to M: 0I.1VK A. Al.EX A Sl t II, of
Clearfcll, Pa.
On SeteiaU, f 7 Hi, 187(1, by lie.. W. U. Bi iirn
piati.n. Mr. .IAMK.S M. AliDHKY. of Lawrern-.
towniliiji, io ilirt MARTHA I'UICE, of Tike
In Lawrence township, on Frplembcr 2d, 170,
ETTA MYC. 0(ilr, ad & years, 9 mouth
and 2 day a.
In Chest township, on September 6th, lT".
MARY AK.MIXDA, only daughter of Km Alt at.
and Jake IIii.ti anAso; aged 15 years, 5
months and 12 days.
Jt?-i?Indiina and Clarion pApers please copy.
Clearfield Markets.
Curreetrd weplily by ltlrHAHn Moii,r, Wh'ib'.nle
and Hetail Ilealcr Iu Dry Good, tfrneertea, Pro
liaiona, te., Market atrvet, t'Jearlield, I'a.
Cleaiifiki.ii, Ta., fct. 1,1, 1S70.
Applea.frrrrn.Ptifrf) 7.S llor., dreared II
liried.VI" l Hid.-., green 1
Apple liutUT.f Kl, I 0,1 ""!" 30
Butler IH'(.i) T.b li,iuMera t't'lu. 1
II, an. (MIH(.j, 151' Sidee.. OII(i) Jil
lluckuhr-at 1 25 l.ard 2J
BurkwbeiU flour lb, ( .Men aork.y bid. ...It) 00
Heef, dried 2i 0aia BO
l'.eef, freh Il'.a U Onion 100
Uoardi. M VI COia 14 " l',iUtoei bnrng 75
Corn.aliolled 1 21 .Pea' hm, dried, lb.. 15
Corn, ear tni(.i) Ji Plnater, y bid 4"
Corn aueal, y eaok. I HI live 1 J6
Chop, V ct "9 I'aiT'. f lb J
Clorcraeed 5" Salt, 1 nai-k 5 50
Cheeae Shinglee.lK m.JluS 0"
Cherriee, th. l"o l: Sliinsle.,2ft i n 1 0 r,i 11 00
Chii'kena, dj-ad, lb, 1 ' Timothy aeed. 7'bO
Klira ! Tailow I2
Haeed H 00 Wheat 1 50
Pl.Mir 0 llOl.u nil Wool 40
II, T 10 Ollf.Lli 00 Wood. V eord
f, iwurial.
CUlSIMI I'HIt I'.n or lir.IUvu t Iluo., Ko. 4li
8oulh Third St., riiila.Mj.liia, FcpL 10. 1 -70 :
I'. S. of '1 111!
" ' XZ.. HU 112J
T.4 nu mi
" mi nu
" '6i, new....'. - Ill', llnj
" 'f,7,ntw , 1KH II li
" -f. II dt 11 Hi
" t 10-40'. 10! J 10fl
V. S. 0 Yoar 0 per eent. Cnrreney 1 1 lilt
Dua C impound lotircst Ni.ti p 00
Gild 11.11 111
Filler N'S 111
tuinn 1'aeifio K. H. lit Mori. U. biI... HID f-2D
Ceiil.-1 Tacifc R. H MO C.'l
I'nioo IV-in: 'an 1 firont Pt"l " ''"
Jl follows. i ( bntfield county : Kart
ln.ii-and Covington, at In ion Hrhool hou". v
lwv,nf r r -i Hh.-. e he
tress Mill, the loth; t.oshen. al Hhawsnlle, the 1
I7ib : Oeofttur and Of-eola, at (tseeota. the 1 tft h
V'ondwarl. at Hal PT ValNn, tb
i i'Oth t Ouelich,
at Janesville. the Keeeana. at ttlcn llope.ihe
i22d; Jordan, at Ausontine, the V.M ; hnoi. at
, V l.ll 1.9Jih- I u.nlinr I II Fervii.on
.PBn, al L.City. the 2(th ; Hell. t CamplndFi
.'i....K it. TTth V a. Int. trt on mnA ( '..nil al
N. WasMnirton. the 2th : Hurnde.. Ilnrn-He.
i tion liegms at V o cifwa, a. m.
Oko. w. hrnrn, t o. rnp i.
is I
ben oy gi n thai letir-s rtf a Innnmlrst ion i
on the estale of J LINN MH Lit, riee d, late
ol Pike township, Cb-arlii ld county, i'ei.n'a., hav
log been dulT granted to the nndcrMnrd, all per- I
ns indehteil to aatd estate will plea make pay. j
meut. and these bavtag elaiirs or ilraiamls wtU .
a-,M....nt (hm tirtn.frlf authenticated for settlement
and allowance wnhout debiy.
J. ft'ih.- Ttl.tMiM. Administrator.
Corwensville, Hept. 7, 170 fil.
Brick for Sale I
1IIB nnilereifne'l h.a rr.-ufai'tureil .tiH lim
now on hand f,.r ail. l.MMMMl "
wnih ha kill aVpe.eaf a.oa re.M'naol. icnne,
In larr. rr ill oeanliliiiH 40 "ml urehaera.
M . J. A. lUH'K.
Lollirr.lnrif, Prptrmli-r II. l;o fm.
1 kll ! T.n Te., lia f"t the arhonle of
l.awrene. I.iwn.hip. A.ldrt Ih. cieeiitar.T al
Cnrweii.rille, I'a. tend C'J'J of errlineale or
apilj la I. C. JiI.iwiM, feerelarj..
lllonm'l Kri lfr, S'pt. 7, 1"," SU
- -
iMAt'TIO. Al prmotia arfBirrl'V miii!mi..
1 J ariln.t linnlia.'iil or in anT war Itifinimit
a it h a pair of snrrel Horse, now In p.'ssesin of j
p, a i'ia pbtdv
. belnff to Wie, an are aubWrl to mv order.
I arthanjtoo. An. 8l.3t. T ll. F0IKET.
;fl);it AdwIHrmcnti
ShorilT's Sale.
itiuoi .iindiy
oed , nt of tha 1
I lWil,,, f ,r,,
ou t of r,.ir,iii,,e Pi. at ,,f
' loin fi-l.i eotititr, an I I
m .iirretet, t'.ri. ,i
lie eip.i.d f., f,.,i,ie .ie. .t ,h
l omt lloii.e,
In I ho horooeh i f Cl,itlel I,
Alolol.t, II,.
I O It Ol I 1,1, IlltnT. 11.7,1 .11.
lock. u, ,
to ait :
I h f '
wini- ile.elihed llenl
fm.r,,MUln t.a r ,Uim,m f((Wfl .
n. 1 aiiu1f in llra,,ir, tnll(,inli ri.Hrh-l.l
r'.i:iitr, I'rt., b.uuwg Nt liisrk k .... lU
lintik ..I KnMjM-t.unnii Unrri Hm i..-i. ifUt, fi ,(,..
ftn-n, .in h.t 1,. n pfl,t n Ill0 urcillii
line "rBi.rTt- : rmrtli 22 Virrtv, w-t lin
perohi t pitch fiinn n.rnT 011 tlit- nik ..f rr.i
ri it ; 1m-ii ,..wti i:,i rivrr. tiv HMn crul pwf
i. hi
becinning: rinlaiiiine 1 men- Mn.l
and havinff theteon crectrd a 'until 1. bti-,!
bRrn, and about 7i a-res of eleiired land. No. J
mtuate ia mtnc tfiw iihUiii, couniv. Va. ! ii.,.,,'.,.
at a cueiimtier on the S.i-),,!1ni, Hirer, tlien :e
norm tn es, wnl j. i rlies to s ,,,,-1 ; h, iic,.
south enM fH perrhrs tnnpo-t ; t h-nne iit.rth eal
ytl perehes to the rm-r thence along said river
by its courses and distirnvs, tti the place of begin
ning; eonhiiiiiog aUout Zti aerts, more or Jem, ll
el.-nred. Ku. J sttmtte in Kiirlhuus twi.-li,,)
('IvarUuld county, iV, buunded ewM l,v thf Chi
ton pountT line, n rtb br land .f Hn-'i. Rf..n....i
gill, went by Jhn M.-t.uniiral and south by lat,l
ol Jen-miiih lUitii ; containing B!,ut il acres
and having thereon creel, d a largo two-siorv
iramc noimu, a Inline Unk burn, together with a
good bearing oreharJ. and all oleaied and Un-ler
RUVU iu cuuivntion. Ao. 4 ituato in Kar.
...u,,. ...nils.Mp, T,ienritoi'i oounty, I'n., roiitiiiniug
, ... n ijMuiins; me, aoovo so aorcs, and
being all al oared, fcoised, taken, into executon
aim io uu sou an the property ot Ira a-? (.si in.
Also, tiro crtuin trnefs of land situate in Heco.
rm township, Clearfield oounty, Pa,, bounded as
follows Jir-rim.iiie on the south-west nomor .if
npru"e street; tUeu-c nir'h to Met it street, 2fi5
feet; thence emt on Pine trept 1 AO feet ; thence
south-euM tn Hlruee street. 2115 feet: thpnee t
on Hpruee utreat 1 jll feet, to the place of begin
ning! and having twosinAll dwelling hotisis, ston
room and friable, thereon. And one other lot of
ground situate in the village of 4. leu Hope, Clear
held county. Fa., hounded and described as fol
lows: llctfiuniiir at a P st at the north .nf.p ,.f
S. C. Patohm lot, on the west side of the (Wen
Hope and Bald Kaglo Turnpike, and running
north .Uti d.greea, west porches to Cooper
avenue, to imihI., on the corner of Walnut street;
tlienee south ijj degrees, west 27 porehes to post
ou line said itroet and I'atchtu's luio; theuon south
nine degrees, went 27 perches along said line to
post; thence aouth .Uj den-reef, eusl lhj perches
to post on curiHT of Hprucw sliutt, ruiminn aoross
said street and between the lots of K. Ilindman
and J. I. Jawalt, and bo nailed on si id street on
the west ; thence north degrees, east, along
said street, 1 1 perches to post at the corner of the
school bouse lot ; thenco Hi degrees, West l(lj feet
to post ; thence north 6aiJ degrees, east (HI IWt to ,
pout ; thence south .IIJ degrees, cast Itli feet to the j
ulrt'ot ; thenee along Kpruee slnet to oomer of lot i
conroyed to W. C. Mets ; thence north 'At$ degrees, I
west llii pendies to post ; thence north ftl degrees,
cat II pen-lies to line of h. C. I'atetnu s lot ; theiii-e
north fj degrees, east 10 perches along said lot to
piece ni in-ginning; cuniaiiitijg lour acres, and
wiu. t'o -ca vnuicti lurrvm. eoixeu, ISKO id
en-eutioa and to be sold as the property of V, C.
Also, a certain trart of hind situate in Wood
ward township, riesrtield eounty, la., bnnnled
eapt by lot of C. J. KhofT, west by Clearfield ereelt
and north by tuwnxliip road, containing one-half
an acre, with a two-story tavern house, two-story
sjil'nin and wawrimtn, with two store rooms and
s able erected thereon. One other lot in the vil
lage ofMail rn, Wcto-lwaid township, bounded
est by lot of Hamuel Slitchell, south by Hobert
Alexauder, west by C.J. Miofl and north by town
ship road, containing one fourth a -re, with two
dwelling hous'S thenon. Al, 3(m teet of bank
ing ground on Clearfield creek, at Madera. Also,
one other trndt of land silunte in Wimdward tow n -hip,
hotmded Mint by W". H. Alexander, smith by
J Hides A, and north by (ieorge lluekin
bery, and W'-st by Win. 11. Alexander, containing
U awres, 1 l-'l perehes ; fltt aexes clearel, and bav
ins; frame house and luj bain rrrvtid thereon.
Also, one otluT trs"t al' land in Woo lward town
ship, bounded north by .Innathnn H"tnton, eaxt
by trttnml llnjterty, south by Chris. MiotT, wesl
by James Alexander, rotitaimnc aotit loo acres;
having one acre cleared and a log house and z
barn erected thereon. Also, one lot of ground
situa'e iu Ihe vilUire of Anuflvjlic, in Woodward
towiifbip, Cw-arlielil county. I'a., containing about
two actus, and having a frame Imuse and frame
barn erected thereon. rVired, trtken in execution
and to l-c sold as the property ol C. J. Mioff.
A1s., a tw-rtain tract of land -iluatr in Kurthaiis
township, Cleai'tietd county, I'a., bmindi-d as fid
lows, to wit: (in the south by land ol Jeremiah
t.nitis, on the 'vtt by Innd of .ddm Meir,nial
and on the north by land of J. h't.omgal. eon
taining i)i aerep, all cleared and no bmbiinirs
thereon. Heitetl, Uiken in execution and to be
sold as the property ot William Hearfiild.
TtflTlJId'ieri will take nMlce that Is per eent.
of the purchase money must be paid a hen the
property is knocked down, or it will be put up
again for sale. CVIlKMI S llOWK.
Ttnmrr'i Orrr i, I hhrrilT.
Clearfield, I'a., .Sept. 7, 1870. j
1 11
1 1 giien that the following accounts hare bcrn
eiaiiiiued and pnv-d by me, and remain filed of
record in this oftice for the inspeetion of heirs,
legatees, ertHhlors, aii'l all others in anyother wht
int-resli 'l, ati'l will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court ol Clearfield QAunty, to be b'dd at (he
Court House, in the borotmh of Clenrtiebl. oom
meneing on the fourth Monday (being the -fl ih da v)
ol September, A. 1). 1S;0.
Partial and distribution account of J. A. L.
Flcgil, administrator of Jacob Kleal, late of
uophen town-hip. deceased.
Final account of Joseph and Fliha Dnvi, a I
ministtators of Joseph J'avis, ir., late of iVn
town-hip, deeesped.
Final iv-MMint of Jmne Porarrille. adminir'tra
tor of 1 sv . ill (Somcmlle, lata of Chest tonnfbip,
Final aoMutit of I, C. MTIoofcey, a lininiitrst r
of I-aae i'rioa. la'e of Kurt bum township, deed.
I'artial aeeount of (I. W. M'Cully, administra
tor of estate of John I.. M'Cully, lute of tiulich
toffnship, dctvased.
Final aei-ount of Mirv Mullen, executrix of
es'ala of Th"tn:iJ M u 1 1 ' n, late ol Ileecaria town
ship, deceased,
I- tnal ieeount of William K. Wriglcy, guardian
of K. B. rhirey and James II. (Shirey, minor i -la 1 -dren
of John Hiircy, late of llradlord township,
The account of A. P. M illiauis and A. W.Young,
ndTiiiniftrators of rstnte of H illiam Will turns, Uie
of Jordnn township, decenard.
Final account of John J. Tieard smd Margaret
Uriel, execuioii of eetate of John Uriel, late of
Covington township, rteceaned.
Finiil account ( John I.. Wilson, administrator
of Hartwiek lluck, late of Hialtord tiwnh'p, dc
oensed. Final ac: milt of Miles Heed an 1 Mary Heed,
executors of the IaM will and t stament of lr. A.
11. Heed, late of Woodward township, decayed.
Final account of Iwhn haukay. aduiiinstrator,
aiid .VNry Irwin, adiniDisirtrix, of lienry Irwin,
Ute of ,ircnce town-bip, ilce"nsed
Aei'ontit of J nines II. 1 uri'T and t-unn W'aple.
a IminiFtrntors of 11 u hard W aple, late of lioggs
tttwnsbip. deceased.
Final ayeoun' of A. C. Tule, executor of Joshua
J. Tate, late of I.fiwren- tiwiMlup, deceased.
Final aeermnt of A. C 1 ate, siirvittng executor
l of W illiam SIom, late of Knox town-bip. dee'il.
llnuiwTBn'a Orn. F, 1 A. W. I.KK.
Clearfield. I'a., Aug. .11, :0 lc. It.g.sler.
r II FK F AH, Hon. C. A. MAY FH,
ilent Judi-e nf the Court of Comrmn I'lens
fthe lrnt v attli Jull.ta I'lslnet, er:psed uf
the counties of Clearfield , Cf-ntre nd Clinton
and lion. HA.MI KI. CbVOK and lion. JACOB
V ILIIKLM. A-soc.te Judges of Clearfield eo.
' ....: . ... , A. ...
hate isru?d their precept, to me directed, for the
holding of ft Court of Common I'leas, at the
Court House, at Clearf. Jd, tn and fr the eonnty
of Clearfield, eeanmeneirg n the fourth Mti
day, the Willi day of rptrtnbrr, Ih?o, and
to continue ONK U KKK.
NO'I ICK IS., Iterrbv given, to (tirnrs
ntd witnewsnt. in and for satd eonnty of tearfletd
to be and apt1
in their inoM r i
o idO"k,
of said d-i.v, to rio tl"
h in their hi hall pert ma to he done,
(11VLN under mj band at Clearfield, this fit
day .of Kepi., in the year nf oar Lord, one
tbossund aight hundred and .-nlv.
Ck HLMl S HOW B. A7.r.,
tisoe'i'a Cnnl frtWipsnv A. 3.
. e( al.
it. V Mi. -fan A Co, Vn. KanmH Sh- IT.
Iiim'l Mairerty's f"n Urm n,C?ens Jeftrie,st al.
Jniiies Irwin S. hotter! Leonard.
I. lirtlUtjIier vs. James Forrest,
J. H. D llsis vs. J. Ilnrgn's e-tate.
. Hovder r, I. Mitebell.
Nuac CaMweH is. I'atnrk Kern.
H. llneerlv's executors vs. Su-atina fleams.
M. HerOein va. Tbomaa White,
James IL-nr? v Jaeoh llilrr.
Hoop, Weavnr A Co. VS. ilo-eph Ttnreift..ld, et al,
Jonaiban 11 vntnn va. A. I pdecrafT, nt al.
Charles Lnrriroev Ca-psr l-pldf.
U. W. Worralt, et si., m. J. V. Knvdr.
B. I,i'nberry vs. W. Alhert trther.
Jthn MrCnM"iigh vs. Alnnder Mct'nlloueh.
H. T!mnip-on vs. I!. Tle.mpsott. n
Thnmm (iiT v. Cnrnrii'f Owens.
Angiirtut Ler-mte t. L. M. C adiiet.
4 )MIM1IMTOM,i Ntvncr.-Ntice
' J V 1' hereby given tht letters nf s Immit'trsttori
en the estate of ,MCOH XIMMKK. decrasrd,
- late of llrady township, Clearfield eonnty, Pa r
i having been duly g run led t the nndersif ned, all
' nersons Indrbtr I lo snid enlate will nlrant make
' Mimnt. and tt.ns fani ina1 claims or demands
ailt prrweal th.ra prop.rl, aulhrnilnalwl l,ot.
i.KiiHtiK LEILIt II,
JctfTTSon Line, Vpt- 7 -Hi, Adsaiiiitrattr)
1 1 mU at this
i il r. hiimi: , mi
The Kidneys aie two in nmnlr situated at the
upper part of the, siirr-Min I-1 ly f.t, an )
comisting ,f thr o parts, via t the Anterior, th
Interior, and the Kxieriur.
Tht, antfiior Hboibs. Inleii-.r e nsinfii of tin-
sues or veins, whi h serve ai a deposit fur the
uiiue and eonvrv it to tha Theixtetiot
is a eon il ui lor ntso, U rminating In a single tube,
and called the L'reter. The ureters are connected
with the bladder.
Ua h'ad ler is eomposed of various eoveringi
or tissiKs, divided Into purls, viz: the I'pper, tl.o
Lower, (be Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper
evpcls, the lower retnir.s. .Many bate a desire to
urinate without the ability; others urinate with
out the ability to rotain. This frequently occurs
in children.
To euro thcuo oflYrfionj, no tliufd britig into
aotion the muscles, whih are encusred in their
anrioui functions. If they are mgleoted, tJravel
or lJiojisy inpy ensue.
The reader muft also be made aware, that bow
ever slight may be the attark, It Is lure to affect
the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh
and blood are supported from these sources.
Pain occurring In the loins is Indicative of the
above diseases, they occur to persons diipoped
to acid stomach and chalky concretions.
The gravel ensues from neglect or improper
treatment of the kidneys. These organs being
weak, the water it not expelled from the bladder,
but allowed to remain; it becomes feverish, and
vdiinent forms. It is from Ibis deposit that the
stone is formed, and gravel ensues.
i) no ps y.
Pr'py is a eolleetion of w.iter in n-me puts of
the body, and bears dill rent names, according to
the parts aftc!ed, vit: when generally dilTused
over the body, it Is cilled Anasiirea: when of the
abdi-men, Ascites ; wh-n of thecbtfl, Ilydrot borax.
T it K A T M K X T.
ITrlmbtdd's bij;ly eoncenlrated comp'iuii,! Fl
tract Itufbu Is decidedly one of the best remedies
for dlsi jiM' nf the L!a bier, k'idne s, gravel, Hiop.
si'-al swellirg", rbcumutiMn, and coiity af-'ctioni.
Undertint bead we have arrai gd I) Fitria, or
difficulty and pain In passing witter, Scant)' Kecre
tioa, or small and fretiuent discharges of water:
Strangury, or a'opping of water; Hematuria, or
bloody urine; Gout and ItheiiLmtlsm of the kid
neys, without any change in o,naiility, but Increase
in eider, or dark water. It wss always highly
recommended by the late lr. ThyMck, In these
This medicine increases the power of ditstion,
and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise
by nhieh the watery or calcareous d positions,'
and all unnatural enlargements, as well as piin
and inflnmalion, are reduced, and It is taken by
men, women and ebillren. iOireetioni for use
and diet acomnpany.
Prut APFi.rnu, Ta., Feb. 25, lPftT.
II. T. lli-linbold, Iimggist:
I'KAR Fin I hare been fufTering, for upward
of twenty years, with gravel, bladder and kidney
affections, during which tine I bar used varioai
medical preparations, and been under the treat
ment of the most eminent pin sleians, experiencing
but tittle relief.
Having seen your preparations expensively ad
rrrtised, I consulted with my family ph in
rcgrrd to ovingyour Extract Huehu.
I did tbis because I bad used all kinds of adver
tised remeilii s, and had found them worthbTss. and
some quite injurious; in fact, f despaired of ever
getting well, and determined to u.e no remedies
hercalter nnlist I knew of iSe Ingredients. It
was thia that prompted no lo use your remedy.
As you advertised that it was composed of but hit,
cube! t, and Juniper berries, It occurred to me and
my phjiriau aa an excellent com M nation, and,
with his advice, after au examination of the arti
cle, and cnnstihing again with the druggist, I eon
rlndi'd to try It. I commenced its use alout eight
inoniht ago, at which time I was ton fined to my
room. From the first bottle I was astonished and
grntifh d at Ihe beneficial efleot, and after using it
three weeks, was ab'e tn walk out. I felt much
like writing you a full slat- nient of my cac At the
time, hitt thought my improvement might only te
temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and
see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing (ben
It would be of greater ralua to Vol, and more
satislaotory to roe.
I am now ablt to report tLat a cure It rflVclcd
aftitr using the remedy fur fitt nonthi.
I have not uaed any now for thi-ee month", ami
feel as well In all re p -ets t I ever did.
Your being devoid of any unpUasitnt
la-te and odor, a nice lonie anrt irvlfr-atnr of ln
aytetn, I do not nvan ta be without it whenever
oeea.'ion may r' quire its use in such affi-etions.
M. M. MeCOltMK K.
Fbntil any d-ubt Mr. MuCorroick'u statement,
he refers to the following gentlemen :
Hon. Wn. Hn;i v.P,ex O iternor, iVnnsyti aula.
Hon. Titos, II. FLontirR, riiiladetpbia,
)m. J C. Kox, JuJ-e, I'hils Ivlphia.
Hon. J. P. .'l.Ara, Judge, riiibub lphia,
Hon. Ib R., lcnnylvahia.
II 0- F.I. l.u l,Kl, Judire, PlnUdelpbia.
Hon. II. C. Gaiittf, Ju.Ige, Vnited fistea Court,
lion. 0. W. Woonwann, Judge, Philadelphia.
Hon. W. A. Ponn a, City PoH. dtor, Philadelphia.
Hon Joti Ition.R, et Onrernor, California.
Hon. K. PAh, Auditor (ten., W'aihiiigtm, I. C.
And many others, ifnefery,
V :
'"Hold by Ilmiriistsand Healers everywhere.
Itewareofcioiint(i ita. A-k for Helro-hd d's. Take
n other. .
n r UnttlorO Hollies lor t).:0.
IWivrrrit Inapj ail.lrra,. lip.rrihr .rmi.ti.mi
in alt ri.mniunicati "Hi. Ai Irani .
II. T. II K L M 11 O I, l,
Irug and Ch miral fl'arrbuse, M4 Broadway,
j fNE AUK tiENI INK t NLrs? DONE it
in stctl rnjfraied Wrapper, with fae-simile
of tny rhemioal Vt arehnue, and eijrned
uiluaif, fTinuntf, ftf.
rhUipsburf, Ccatro County, Ta,
IIIH un4eral;rne re.peitfullT annrunree to
1. ttie fiuhlle thai he hai r,n hand a cere-
lullj-aelooteJ and well aianrted atock of
W A It E !
His stock of Cooking Stoves oonsisti of
Which bare never failed to bring peace and
prosperity into faiuiliei where it is used,
IHnmond State, Farm or, Herald, Charm, Rpears
California Conk Ptove, Hpears' Antl-Hust,
Has burning Cookies: Kt.ves. Victor,
Jtrhanca and I'nion llan et,
Hpears' Cooking Hnngea.
Ao., do.
juTbe Tin and Fheet Iron ware given wltb
the r-'tovtis Is made of tha heav'est and best
material, and warranted to glv perfect satis.
His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves
It larger, better and cheaper than ever before
exhibited to tbe public consisting of
Spears Kevolvlng Light Illuminating Stove,
rz pears' A nil Husl Gas Horning Farlor Stove,
(Spears' Orbicular Gas Hurning Parlor
htova, rpsrs' Gas Hun Ing Parlor
bUve, Uoquet, Peart, Gem, Ida,
isun, Tropic, Kevda
Ao., Ao.
Vulcan, Elm and Victor ITeatcra, P pea ra Re
volving Light Heaters.
He Is also prepared to furnish a complete
assortment of
Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden and
Willow Ware, &c,
Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and
with the sole view to service, from the best ma
terial in tba market.
Of every description constantly on band.
And other work belonging to hit business will
be promptly filled by experienced and akillful
muss, corn-if, old metal, rags
Taken Id exchange for good.
ffr-Ut especially lnvitet tht attention of
Merchants wishing to purchase at wholesale, as
tbey will find 11 lo their advantage tn examine
tit stock before purchasing elaewbere.
Look out for tbe Bit ign oppntita tht resi
dence of Mra. ir. Foster.
All Goods Warrahtbd as P.trxicsxSixn.
;. h. i l.l ; ai..
Pl.ilipiWf, J,m. , inn.
tag f 8
lfF. BIGLKIt & C0,
II A K If IV A ii 1:,
Also, Manufaciurers of
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
CI. EAR Fl r.L I), PA.
llarnris, Ccillarif .to., for aala b.
If. P. ni'lI-KR i. CO.
lag Hay Furka, fur ,nl. by
Kalla, fie., for aal. hf
II F. IHlil.ER CO.
J J.TlLN ESS TlilM MiN(ijs.SU0k
Flndlngl, fur lala by
II. F. niOLEIl A CO.
fjj V N S, P1ST O LS, ' O Ii I) CANES
Fur ! by
ii. r. moi.KR m.
Sit.,, fur cal by
II F. nifll.EK A O)
uon I ji:on i Ji;uN ! ii;on !
For sale by
k CO.
oise anvLs a house shoe
NAILS, fi.r ial. by
II. F nilil.KIl A CO
I Aad baat ManuTacture, fnr ,.! by
II. F. tUO LF.It A CO.
TOXEf, f'.r i. If by
II. F. nic.l.KIl A CO.
J,)DPKU CUTTlCllS-fnr nlo by
.n10 7n II. F; niC.I.KIi 1 CO.
o. ai Houlli 1'IKrrl tlro4, riilla.lelplila.;m.s',
And Dealers in Government Securities.
i Appliwitii.n I'Y mail will nw-riv. ,n,aipl altrn.
ti'in, ami all information cliinrfulljr lnrni.hnl.
Or-lrr. .oiiril.. anrlllf
jIOOK HTtlVl:!
I ..
rPF. Allr C A 1.1)11 inc.
M'syl KM ANN A. FlTKRinR.
hlOV. I'l.NN, ;i:H I.AT'lR.
I, TIIIl'VilMI, PAHl.dR fllOKH,
a I. lull III i. II L' I 1-0 J
! And all kiarla nf lltatlnr !tove fnr sale hy
II. V. HHiliFH A 00
1I'T1( I ! At ( 0?lTIII.I FKl.J.
tf We hare printed Isrpe number nf tbe new
rKK BILL, and will on tba receipt of twenty,
flee eentt, a. ail a copy to sr.w sdres. aiyj'-
Qf f.ooiK Caverifra, (Ttr.
nrti, sk-Tinn ,
..w rs BitiT-st
"Chrnprr than Hip (henpesl!"
aoom at i!!:mi:i) n:ici
ifsr ntrsivtn tr
A rnoM axV llnrt-lioni.
(On door west of First National Dank,)
( TRW II I 1 PA,
HAVIM0 just returned from ths tu-t with a
tf.mplete assortment of floods tuitabls for
spring and 8uminer trade, wt art now ready
to ruriiUb all kinds of Goods
"Cheaper than the Cheapest!"
And after thanking oar customers for their
liboral patroahga during tbe past year, we
would most rei actfully a.k for a continuance
of tbe same.
Our Ftoek onsiftt of a complete assortment
of Dry floods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware,
Willuwware, Oroceilis, Itoolt rf- Bhoea, Hots k
Caps, Clothing, Tobaeeos, Ao. Also, Flour,
Ditcon. Salt, Fish, Grain, etc.
All of which will be sold on the moat reason
able terms, and tht highest maiket price paid
for Grain, Wool and all kinds of Lumber and
Country Produce.
eJ-Plfise girt us a call before purchasing
else here. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price
and qUaltty.-ft-
Corner of Main and Tkomt ion Streets,
J, P. W V. A V t. It
Are offering, at the old stand of 0. L. Heed A Co.,
their stock of fiodi, consisting of
eoots i piiors.
'LODE, FZED, SALT, &c, to.,
At tht most reasonable rates fur CA?II or In
exebargc for
Square Timber, Boards, Shingles,
on cointhy moDVfE.
,;E-AtIrantf male lo Iho.a trgngr in get.
tin; out li'iare t!ml.r uo tli rao.t a.lvatitng'Otir
trrui.. J iminrT ."i, 1 T .
sii 11:1: TM3i:i:it:
Bi-ing specially engaged in the business of
Buying and Selling Square Timber,
Would represent that they are now prepared to
parrhase Timber d-lircn d at either Curwenmlle.
Lock Ilnren or Marietta, (or will take it at any
of these points,) and sell on eonimWiun, making
such advances as arc ncccstfirr.
Those ei jraccd in getting out Timber will find
at our store in Curnenn ilie, a very large stock of
Of all br.rritioiia.
At.n o,
And everything nreeaaarj for oae of Lainbennra.
Of all sites, kept en band in large quantities, and
Sild at small advance by the eoil. Also,
Pulby - Pbrli, Pinall
II' pe, dc.
r-csn i imh ( mrxTs ofrerrd
to those mauurrtuiinjt Square Timber.
Cnrwcn-ville, .Tannary 12, lfT(t.
Small Profits! Quick Sales!
Are constantly rrphnishinj? their stoek of I)mfs,
Jl (licincs, Ac.
Pfltool Honks and Ftalioni-ry inrln.llnp thr Os
good and National Hrrfrs nf Kcailrrs.
Also, Tobaeen and Ctjrsrs of the let brands, at
tbe lowest prices,
nl" fMt.L ANn PEK. . f.9
Slumps. StumpsI I
rlllE utirlTSiffneil bn pnn-hanl the ricbl "f
(.'hatficld p'oinly fr 1 ih ii 'jinsn hth's
This is dreiflnll v tbe m"St emw eim-nf. inoft rlnra-
ble. and brsl machine of (tie day. Wet weaibr
will not affect it, the wnrkiOaT part beins; all ot
iron. The maobine 1 eisily set tip. and will tm k
any pla'c tbst fan bepluwid. We will a. 1 ma
eblni s et a s;s!l pn ft on rrt, and will try to
mitko it to the sd vaulnjro of t'a'inr I buy thriu.
W'e solicit or-lrrs fr m tboe wnntinf ninchines.
II. T. FAUNS WnU II. Ibartirld. Pa.
J. B. (.AHHISON, I'urwpnsville, I'a.
(Jro. II. IUm . A-rnt, Clenrfiebl, Pa, jyl:fini
VtIIM-l lt VTtill'4 Xn icr. Notice i
Ishereliy giventhat Icitersofmlminirtratioti ,
on the estate nf lEIKll HOOVKII, deeea-e.',
Uie of Piks t'wnsbip, Cleai field eounty. Pa,
baring been duly granted to Ihe Un'lcrtof ncd,
II persona Indebted to said estale a ill pleaa
sake lani'tliate pajinent, end those having
v'aiins or drtnnads a ill prrsmt them properly
authenticated for settlement without deter.
J. ROSS U1.00M, Administrator,
Cnrweesei!le, Fept Y UTn t tit e.
Till C.pikIk, C.iprnlfi, Ctr.
v. iiit a rr.rt,
Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a,,
( Hi. Jail,)
III A V R on bard a flrrt claaa tuck of
K .f,d. lo 111. wanla tf Ihe fullio
My alork b. ir larir.. and by rnnatantly making
add II ions th.rfto, I fin alii lo acrooiaiodate
all vbo may favor dd by ralliag. I bara
Merinos, flin jrhamt, Cloths, Prints,
litlaines, Cassimerrs, Filks, Kps,
Satinets, Cash meres. Twei ds. Coheres, A'pteas,
M bair, Laiicll s, Mtmlins, flannels, Bonnets.
Itihbons, Clt'oks, Bain oral Ftiirts. IIoop Hklrts,
Shawls, lrers Trimmings, Iliad Nets, Caps,
Corsets, Gloves, Hrarfs, Collars,
(Jrenadins Veils, Table Covers, do.
Coats, Pants, Vests, Over-Coats,
Uent'a'rhawlf, frbirts. Hals, Caps, t'oder-Rhirts
and drawers, Boots and Fboes, Dud Hboes,
Cravat. Socks. (J loves and ColLrs.
Tea, Coff'-o. Fujrar, Mulaaa.a, B.ll,
Catidld, Ki a, Floor, Bacoa, Fi.h, Tobacco,
Rai.iaa, Curraota, Flnaa, Crarkera, Vinegar,
Oila, Varai.b, P.fip.r, Aloobol, Ae.
Carprls, Oil clolfa, Drue; get. Clocks,
Looking tilaseos, Cluirns, Boekats,
Washboards, Tubs, Flat Irons, Pans. Window
B inds, Wall Paper, Coal Oil Lamps, Dedcords,
I'oitrellas, Knives, Porks, Spoons,
Crocks, Stoves and Stove Blacking.
Quccnrwara, Tinware, G Ian ware,
WooJenware, Copperware, Books, Plaiiunery,
Jluiieal Gueds, Trunks, Skates, Ae.
fy-All of which will be sold on tbe most rea
sonabls terms, and t' a highest market price paid
fur Grain, Wotl and all kinds of country produce
(0ppo.ll. th. Jail,)
CI.ltAllFIKI.D. PENS'A. ? t 70
BUCK LEAD Excels all otlier Lead I
1st For Its I'nrlralfd Wbitenesa.
2d. For its Vneqoaled Durability.
3d. Fur Its I'nfurpassfd Covering Property.
Lastly, fur Its Economy.
X-It costs less to paint with Bork Lead
than any other W bite Lead eitant. Tb same
weijrbt covers Bora surface, 1 mora durable, and
makes whiter work.
HI C K I I AI is tba Cheapest and Best
$lfl,0(K) GUAI5ANTKE.
BOCK ZINC Excels all other Zincs 1
1st Por Its 1'neqnaled Durability.
2d. For Iu rnriralcd Whiteness.
id. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Property.
Lsitly, for its Ureal Eeonosy.
Beine tbe Cheinest, Handsomest and aaost Du
rable bite Paint ia tbe World. Buy only
Try It and ba Confined.
Saliifirtl'in Uuiraolrtd b; tha Maaufartirera.
BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, rinroaal for Painting
Cottagra, (lu'Luilomea of rr.ry de.rriptlon,
Frnr.a An. Tbirt. In dlllrr.nt rolora. iJa
rahla, Cheac. Vaiform, and il. aatiful rhad.a.
ham, la oardi a.nt b, mall if criirad ltaL
era1 llrdera will b. promptly axccut.d hj Iba
FRHXril, RICHAR1I3 t Co..
N. W Cor. T.l Ih Mark.t ttrrrla. Philad'a.
For aal. hy A. I. Fhaa- and llarunirk Irvin,
Dralrra in lirufa, tlodicinaa, I'amli, Oila, lf
Cl.arh.lil, Pa . apr U:;il:l,
At tbe New Tobaeeo and Ciar Store of
TwoJoor East of tbe Postoffioe, Clearfirll, Ta.
Constantly on band a fine assortment of Navy,
Cunirrcas, Cavendish, Cable, Fptttiroll,
Wit hiean and Century Fine-cut
ilt-winjE 'i'uliacvo, Ac.
Also, a laTjpe an4 wrll selected stock of Imported
and Domestic Cigars, Pmokinp Tobaccus,
aleerschaura and Drier Pip,
Pipe fixtures, Tobacco
Doxra, Cigar Iloldera, and everything (tcnsraJly
found In a Wi II remilatcd Cigar and
Tobaceo Htore,
Rencroler Ihe plnee : Twf doors Kast of
the Portofhce, Clearfield, Pa. aug. 24:if.
Si. Maiy, Vlk i.
roypiTTtn at tnr. airiicTixi: sisirna.
ST. Pencdicts is pleasantly situated In an
elevated position a hort di'incr from the
itpptit, and commands a fine view nf the surround
ine beautiful country. An extrnatre huiblinff has
hern ercelrd. Bint tbe Siters afe now prcpareil to
reoeive a sweater number of porols than hen'tof(e.
Tbe si bolatie yer which ronsis's of two les
ni ol live m -ml lis each, eomtnences on the firt
Mmidnv of NrptriiitxT, and chiscs in the lattet
part o June nest.
1nttt Perfl and Tnitin. payable In
advance, per f-sion tt0 M
Latin, German, and French, beins; luoluded
in the aourse du not form extra chaw.
For further parti-iers apple It'e
HI. Marys. AnS 84 2m. MHFCTWEPS.
Saldlo ard Harness Manufacturer,
Luihersbmg, Clearfield county. Pa.
fflIH suhpnriher rrspeclliillv in rutins tlte eiti-
tt-nsol llrs lvaii'l ihe iurroundiiif toanrhipf
that be is wow prepared to furnish everything in
bis line at short notice and in a Workman like
mnnniv. lie nniirn miiii"' u utm ,,f run inrnpr
bis customers In style, quality and price. Call )
und eiamine stx-k before purehaaiag olasw hana.
Lalherslinrg. Jane I, lUl tf.
SW A 1 M' P A Hi AC K A . K ennedy's Med eal
Discovery, llnlmnold'a Burba, Laker's Cod
Liver Oil, Jama's and Avar's mediain of evacy
kin. first's hv lURfWlCK IIMWTV.
liMfiiMntt ?ai'ois.
I HANK K FMlltf,
IMarkrt "trrel, ( IrsrHrld, Ta.
IW'iT'l.n vp'Hr.i'ly lr.f'.rn tna eltlieni nf
f'li'rfiM fr-HilT (r at hat'inr irebad tbt
I s i i r I aii'l iniailn f-f B n. 1. ht'.uphlon, I
j an, p.-w r-. r-ard In mast up, la 'be must fah-
1 instil mar.osr. an1 out nf Ihe best material,
i a 1 1 k ifi't if It t h i i. that rutviars saay desire.
i ears always on hai.d
Cloths, Dootvkiiis and Gmimfaeii
From which eutntners can malt thslr selsclioni.
0ns d.r suit of the Poitwltca.
Clearfield, April :". tf.
ir. Biauan.
(Store one lor east of Clearfield I! !.,)
IHaibrt Mieet, lenrlieid. Pa.
KETPS on band a full assortments of Geata
Furnishing (fodHs, sueb as hhiris, l.tnafl
and W oolen I nderhirts, hrawers and Sohs,
Nerk tirs, puekot Handkerchiefs, Q loser, llata
rmbrellas. Ac., in (real variety. Of Pioea
(foods be keeps the
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors'
Surh as lilac k Doeskin of the very best male;
Kaney Caisiniere, in rrel varietf . also. Preaeh
Coal in jr. Ilrav-r. Pilot. Chitivbt lla, and Kriett
ovtrconttnu. All nf whirli will be aold cheap tht
Cai.b, and made op aerrding tu tbe laiast sllas
by axperifneed wurkroen
Al", A sent fur Clearfluld eounty for I. H.
ioirer A t'o's. e-lebraled Hewinjc Maehlnes.
Nu. i( ii Burnoif
( durational.
rPIIK FALL TKK.M of fourteen wet-kswlll .
J. mence Monday, r't p'tmber 5th, K7't.
A Primary d'partiornt will Ire added ta tha
Srbol ih is tail : fur which the Services of a sum
pHent instructor hare been enpf-d. And no
eliurt will be apared to render this department
attractive aad ii.structite.
Reading. Orthojtraphy. Writing, Object Lei"
suns, Primary Arithmetic and Primary
(ieojtraphy $7 00
llistorv, Local and descriptive (ieoprapby
with Mep Diawitifc, Oiaumar, kleuUl
and Written Ariihmetic 9
Allebra and the Keienees Ij
Insirueiiin in instru mental niusie 10 00
til painting, 24, lessyns IS 00 ,
Waa work Off
For full particulars send for Circular.
Cieartidd, tvpt. 7, lH70-lypd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison A, M.f Principal
riHE FIRST SESPI0N of the next schcIaaUo
X y-ar ol tbis Institution will ecu. manes o
A.U.NDA V, ths 5th day of hepteuber, IdTU.
Pupils can enter at any time. Thev wil W
charged with tuitioa from tba time tht; enter lo
me close oi tbe cession.
1 he course of instruction en brie si sverv tbiac
Included In a thorou:h, practical aad aoasa
plisbed education fr butb sexes.
Tba Principal, having bad ths CarSntafa af
much experience in his profession, feasors pa
rents and euard ans that bis entire ability an 4
energies will be devoted to the moral and asea
tal training "f tbe youth placed under bis charge;
Ortbofrvapby, BeadioK Writing, and Primary
An th me tic, per hesMon ( 1 1 weeks) - f Of
Qranmar, Ueograpby, Aritb metis, and
lli-t-ry $1
Als-ebra, Oenmetry, Trtjrnnometry, Men.
snratlon, Furveyiac, Philephy, Pbysl-
olof y, t'hriristrj. It-ok Keeping, Botany
and Physieal tie. Rraphy - . . fd C5
Latin, (.reck at d Fn-arb, with any of tba
above Itrartctes - - d, i f 1 S A
MI'Fir Hiano f SO lessons) - - - $10 (it
ffsar-N'o deduetien will bemade for abac bet.
4f"(ti.r further particulars inquire of
Rev. p. L. IIAKKISDN, A. M.,
Feh. t, l70-lf. Principal.
FTMIK 33th srboid year will begin Sfft ember T.
X We ak the attention of parents and guardi
ans to a consideration of the merit of ibrs insti
tution. 1st, I-oratlon. Healthful, attract ire and iff
every way favorable for pkyaical development.
2d, No Trmpiatlona, Removed from tfal
saloons and loatmg places incident tf town.
3d, Faduralloilal Ad autaireaj Karoos
tea'bers and surroundings faveraOie for study;
4th, lone t'-elabiMted. Tt has been
lueocssful operation oi tears, and has bad t
dents from nearly every .tat.
ftth. Moral Itifluenrcs Tba precepts
Ditde are daily taught. (
Jth, C heap lUtrav-Tertns, $200.
JtJf-ftcnd for a Circular. Application should
be made soon.
D. P. STrtNK. A. M.(
j. j. Patterson, a. m.,
July 13, 1870 2m. Principals.
Military and Collegiate Institutes-
Rct-d's Ferry, N 11 , on Nashua k Coneord R.K.
Rev. 8. X. IIOWKLL, Prlneipirl.
AdrantsiTfs : Retired ftuelia, y at tt a
oeas; No r-alitnK, or p.ao4 of idle resort; Fall
corps of teachers: Thorough instrortion, Ac.
Pupils rvceived at anv time. Head for Circular;
July 20, 1ST0 ?tn.
IAM.-POKT. PA., F.a Bats Fttrs.
Her. W. Las potto4p, 1. President, wltb
a lull and eipeneooed 9rps of teachers. Charges
in oil crate. Situation ai-ligTiti'll. The exteQs va
buildings are bet Tig tboroiigbly fepsre. Tha
next term begins Aiipiisl S., lf;o. For farther
inlormation Biiditf the President, or send for a
catalogue. Jy:2m
Fxtrsctcd with the cse of NitReva OiTs ftaa.
and Lo i, Aicsrniaia, (tbe only harnloss ansl
ttlicient Anastbetic now in use,) by
S, J. KA.YES. Surgeon Dcntiatt
Who wonM herrhy m st reiMct fully retOra bit l"i tb- ' lia) ptr-rsge of tbe past, and
iiifuitn I lie ) nblie tbut b h.s removed InsoQisa
lo the coinrr id itAle aed l.o- unl streets, (over
Jct.kins store.) wlicre he is prepared to rreiv
bis rostonicrv in newly fitted up rooms, and dn
their work in the limit skilliul an I workn.aulitia
maimer. Al! dre In the latest anf snosl
approved stales, era1 guaranteed.
Ir Han s will be -ngagd in I. is offi.-a fram
the lt to tbe 2.1 I of rurti imm h. 1 he ha'anee of
esx-h mriih he spend in tJiin llop, Rumsida
and I-titberfl-o y, n li i nalclr. 1'artiea rt'Sidiog
at a distaiiiT (tin. 1. 1.1 i itr to os previous of tlnir
coming, (ittico biinrs. Vrnm t to IS o'clock, a.
iu., aitd friin 1 to 6 oYlork, p. m.
M e ue rnre I nf tbe v ty I ct n aterial, aad
defy e.ini'etitr br teaa:y, eln apneas and dura
hiliry. tine us a ra'l.
Curwrnst i Me, Ps., JUay 3,", 70.
1 HA'7 S a it warranted equal tn anv made.
Th-v are nrevared from the fruits, and will ba
found iiiorh U tter thn mary ol the E ttraol tbl
aie sold. A-k uiuf tin-eer or liruccist fr Vi 11.
Irger Kxlracts. H All LOW 'H IN Dl JO BLPl
is, without d'u t, ihe bet artiela in the matkel
for blueing elothes. It a ill c"br nnre water than
fonr times the same weight of indigo, and mock
nre Ibnn any oilier wah n'ne in tbe tuarkrt.
The nn'r feriine 'bat pot w at ALFHFD
W iLTRKRtiFK s IRI (i SIORK. o. :iJI Nnrtb
hind Stnet, rhiladrlpbia. 1 ha labels have
loth H'Hitercer's and Parlow'snanie on them, all
others are eountert. it. 'r sa'e bv most tlrors
aeH Pinrgist. W 1 Ll lip Ht. K US lM'Kl.lTH.g
INK will 1 found on trial to be a superior artiela.
Always en hand and l-r sale at reaanrabss prieea.
Pure ti round Spin's, (Jrauine Mi dicines, t liameiS
Sains. Spongfs, Tapiora Pearl, Fa;o, and all
artielrs In (be Hmg line, at
jet):10m , ht. North S e ad Su, Pbila.
Farm for Sale 1
PpMt Farm of loha paollman. late of GirarH
J township, deceased, consisting of about KJ
acres of good farming land, mnt f which It
cleared.) and ksfirg thereon erected a good house
aitd barn, wiih all 'he usual conveniences af a,
fileasanl bome. F'or terms and fnrlher partiea
rs. apply to T. H. M I KR AT,
AMitttrt for ba kjeiraabd pwressas usraetsL
.Tiw M-a fY