I ! i G toRoi B. GooDtANDiB, Editor. CLEARFIELP, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINd, SEPT. 14, 1T0. Democratic District Ticket. A8.-EMIll.Yi JOHN ( HALL, Or Il.K COI-NTT. Democratio County Ticket. HIKItllPt JUSTIN . PIE, or mHard. COMMISSIONER: DAVID BUCK, or CLIAItriEl D. DI8TKICT ATTORNEY! A. W. WALTERS, Or CLIARriKLP. Jt'HY COMMISSIONER: JACon a. rwnr;- or ctcAnntLO. AlilHTOIti D. AARON WISE, Or E50X. CORONER : SAMUEL A. C AI.IMVni.l., or enAnronn. .Iltorney Enteral .Ichrrman, It appe-nrn lo ns (lint Hiram Ulyssc-" linn pot moro than lie twrgaincd for when he selected tho above nr.und gentleman us his Attorney General, in the place of Judo Hour, If we are to take 08 genuine u letter written by Aekernian to his political diemld in Georgia, in reference to tho compli cations of reconstruction in thai Slate. The Attorney General winds up his ar gument in this wise : "Yoo ire wit R-r,uilieana, nnd thrnf-ire I will K wo eball loec (he (Male il on olei-linn held nt-.t foil. W iuuj t,ell,-r J.i.r Ihf State tUn kern it wroiiruiiT. If c i,..e tho smic in o iir lotion, thmnib it mr h, di.Kr.-.nhir. ''i e ii no right to complain. It it one of lifinun r-rivilrgrr. to vuti- pervorii-lr b.n io minded, and II tno mniortiy rnooie ao to .oil", dip re.i oi ii. mint inhmit lor the lime, and tru.t tliat n llrelion ud exrienoe will bring ttom in the rod lo eoun dcr politic." iVow, when wo consider tho fact that this extraoidinary specimen of a country lawyer writes more like a pol itician than a public functionary and a statesman, yet tho sentiments are tolerant und liberal, considering the source from which they come and the influenco which surrounds the writer, wo must not be surprised if our digni fied and wonderful President, when be returns from hLs bob nobing tour throughout the country, should say to his offending and careless Attorney General, "No more bo legul and con stitutional advsicr of niino." Who then will be next in tho cabinet of the second Washington f t'illnfrnnra Aiid Sedan. About cloven years ago, when the Emperor of the French had reached the height of his fortune; when bo had boen victorious in two grout wars having peronally led the French trotys in the buttles of Mnunta and Solforino; When Xlits-.ia and Auouia were humiliatedi nil Europe looked to him as the arbitrator, and In Franco the ory of victory had for a timo si lenced every oppoMlion to tho imperi al regiene. At this important period tho fiiierveil al Villnfranea, between the Emperor of Austria and Napoleon, took place. A little more than eluven j-ears have pasted by, and Napoleon aks fr an interview with King il'ium to sur render himself ns a prisoner of war, perhaps for the purpose of saving hi almost worn-out lifu, which certainly Id as R'jfe among the Prussians as mong the French. France has her oil invaded by an overpowering and resistless enemy ; her splendid armies defeated at every point; her Gener als out flunked, out maneuvered, out fought, nnd beaten ut every step. And why is thin? Why has France lost her laurels f Rccauxo she gave tho sword into the hand of an usurper who hud destroyed her liberties and killod thotisnmU on thousands of her bct sons and hanihed the most illus trious of her ehildtcn. Tour Franco! Alas, Napoleon. 'Tt eoM twr. iMIan n h.vt rn ler llnohnnn to run tno tt'ivarnmont. I'under Urntit It e- -i but tl c. Antilber avidmtee tif the failure ol Orsnt's alimu. Istralina. He is no such royal inrndlbrlfi tin democratic prrdeeessora have lu-en." Jo.rnl. Just about ns near the truth as that paper ever gets. Under Buchanan's administration, w ith thirty millions ol population, it cost to run the gov. eminent one year 1 5,240 44; average cost per capita, tJ. 19. V'ndor Grant, with a population of forty mil liona, It conts 1100,790,355 00 ; with an average cost per capita, (as a trifle or arithmetic will show,) of 14 70. Tho statement of the Journal can only sorve to nmke the editor ridiculous and tliow hi nlt.T ij;norunco of I he cxpnifiuirri pi IMo gnrcnimont ; lor no .1,nini.tr.in, .inco lh, Jay, of j Jacktoii, liaj been eoiuliiclrd for SI Til I . .... per lieaU. JtCKaotl g cWt 11.10 iOr Load, and Tolk'., whioh i. the next 10W0(, COat Jl 73, but UlO Umitnl ' UN hltiifliifi ffiiil mnLn .. , f.. ' lm than (1 70 per Imtd. b Tilt European war nt'( marki-l i. eicecdinly dull. Uukhory hn bec-n ppaiTiil!y uapoiid, or at lcal in carried on on a vory emull n-;tlo. Evidently the I'ruii.in ar (telling into a pn.itinn r,. il,. A. I ....i, ! r arii. Diplomuo, lltpoDlie rwoR-jh tHatonft rtCQH) otTortm-R mrA all artrla'l 1 n i i- n l i l .lutin, pea) omrtnS, ana All aorta Ml-lVlWell tlld t gO to liichmotul. hut Of gOd and bad VpeCUlatlOna on lit Stonewall Jclt0 idld an J.and tli Te- ailuntion antkiir to Ix thaanlv llili.fr ' ult all the World know , w.vuanon, appear (O V lilt oni UllUga , the newa moiitfera hufa tO do. In a , m. ' few dam wm mill MA U'- t .kL Atuun 'noma lollOW IhOllRllL O . IOW aaya W Will H bona the f,rmflr mn nlottirK a H.l.t I.,- ' rtttrWiUbelb)oodrtbrlll thfrat V Uislory Mltprodattug flvlf. About twenty ono yer "go the nntions of tho civilised world awoke one morning to loom that the Repub lic of Franco hod fallen in ft single night, and that n throne was already erected on us ruin. . mo naiivu gaped nnil wondered, nnd went to leep the next night still pu'.zlcd una incredulous about the whole affair. How wns it nil done? How was it possible that a Republic, embracing so many scholars and intellectual readers, could have- gone out like a snuffed candlo in a singlo nightT Bui hero win precisely the dillitully : The Republic of Franco had not in its bo half a singlo great leader. It had plenty of scholurs, orators, poets, phi losophers and dreamers, and rel'orineia without number, tut it had no great leader. It bud a host of such famous men ns I.nmarline nnd Victor fodsid ernnt, but I.aniartinc was a poet and Victor I'onslderant was a dreamer; both grand in idea but excessively nmtill in action; giants in thought but pigmies in political -physical momen tum. But this physical momentum is precisely tho only thing that that tells at all in the hour of revolution. If tho world was startled over tho extraordinary events of 1848, it was nmnxr-fl in 1S70 to Iciirn Hint In a sin gle moon an Emperor had offered bat tlo to a neighboring Kingdom, nnd ere the end of that moon finds himself a dethroned monarch, and this onco proud President of a betrayed Repub lic seeking sufety iu the camp of the enemy. Let us look for a moment at the history of the lust yenrs of the Empire of France, which was nothing more than u stock gambling concern a joint stock company for working np llio nalionnl wealth of France the dividends of which were shared among tho ministers nnd their mora or less numerous dependents. Louis Napo leon was tho George Hudson of the company Robert Slue aire, on the throne tHXin oppressing nnd im overisl,in ll.o people to build up the wenltll of his inipOl iul supporters, the , . - . , ministry. Jtwas tins that hastened ,0 ctcnt difaster. Tho mnscs, ill lamentable ignOtatlCO of the true Con- dition of the Empire, nnd suffering under tho oppressive dniins of tho demundo of their rulers, clamored for a clamor which Napoleon was compelled lo licoJ, QlLliough he knew ho wtt not in a condition, flnunciully ur cllierw ico, lo war wild a grenl nation like Prasnin. Tliis tho Frrm-h pcoplu did not know; for, under the deception uructiccd on them, tlior . . .i. .,!.. ,t A n.t l.n..iMt wwr v.m.Wum.,.j .luiiu.u "u v.-vvvu with llielulso repoi tHot the prosperity of tho Empire. But, arrogant in hi: fulijo prctencci, and hopeful in liin wt'uknt'sft, Nupoleon yielded to llio try, trusting to his former pood for tune, guve the dechirution of war to Primoiu, itnd tho iliumm-m on t)te Ithino revealed the withering truth to France that she wits not rendy, her armies not equipped, her soldiers not properly propnrcrl, her forts not ufll cientty garrisoned, her treasury alniont empty, the money, the sweat and toil of the masses squandered by the prodi gulity of tho ministry, and tho results disgrucoand defent. Tho condition of tho United States to day is not unlike that of Franco. We have the samo recklessness of expenditure, tho same boundless infla tion, the aatno universal display of means, tho same financial roguery, the samo confidence itnd impudence on the part of tho rich, which France professed before her recent tumble. Tho laws that govern finance, the lawa of inflation nnd collspse, are tho sumo in all timo and in all landri. Our millionaire of to day, loaded witli greenbacks, five twenties nnd other baseless bits of pnper, swims proudly on the sea of pride and indolence, in idiotiu blindness to tho inevitable storm that must soon drive him upon the shore. Ifvou quote history, lie i gazes at yon with a vacant staro. If i you tell him in plain words that the ! collapo is ueur (it hand, he answers j you with a neer. If you tell him j that the same thin, iiijiv in n ""i? 1 rn IhTO 1ms 0lt IHVIiy llinilaiHlS Ol j niuj;- ta-UMi- ,Miiiiiruu i.iinc l" i;' lie iuiiIis uulrilit. lt, (L( f.uA . . ' .1 will imt bo alilo to laugh n'vny llio doom dial ill Tall. Of tlio tin)' nnd ll:o hour when it will conic no mini cun lull, hut our own country in 110 exct'piion to a laT that luis . hoon hitherto unviirying. nnd if Amcricn i wine aho will not diniTgnril the worn ings of liUlory, Laxp Sams of tiik UsittN TAnric Uaii.koao 'J ho nlo of ihe Lnud Di-pin unt'tit of tho Cnion Purif'to finil ronJ Company fnr tllC IllOlllli of Atlllft j Umj , l.m - i- ,nMH,ul-U0 ncn-a, ninuunting (o f 7is7.r.90nvpra:;ini $3.4' per acre. r , A The total land en let of the C'onijanv amount lo $1 ,04 J.oOT.TT. Gopi:l Titurn The Now York .Vunithlis: I'Whttt would have horn f thotii'tii nf I.ttifinln. il. utter enr Ktlll ', linn, he hml like the hmpicsn huonie, rrnl lh. nir will, eri,. ..I ' dm.ii -r"- j " " w0 ,",v0 "" to "aJ"0' u.:. . " ! nil jM'iuii r iw h nur wn ..iA..i .... Vl...,!.; ' jilil- r,lh - nrcJ up, nnd in ca-o ,.l an omor-! policy JIT parotl to tllkd liilll Hint iir ' IttllltlV to tiV ptiri ni KlllitV Hml lie . a . i tt , i t '"'ri,, , . . i.r,wii j tu aslHIiyton 111 ISUl, put nn Ul- tfUine ol .Sfutcll mn Htlti plntii lo ar nvo thoro MMy We don't I k , that LinCtilll llHti any thtt IO btia-l liCOVfT Ktlpunit, Who, AS Vt't. III!" niUtle no effurt lu leave Tar. Had it not ; '""'" '"r Linpoln'i im of l.i. own fly, ami hit mall of MuDowoll'. , k , Cjellnf. MnClolLn if r r In hi tninrl ) i. , v-. .i. , r . nn-, wurt. tlvtviisnnfuts. General Election Proclamation. WH FftKAfi, br in ut of Ik G nl Aaaen tl of tli 0.'-nmonw.lih of Paonavlva ri rniilltd "A ut to rtfful.t. Itit (.oera) Kleofiun itLiai lit it Commit! wffJili,,r It U n. tfltd upon tb Sheriff f ilia aovtral viionlU to glr public nnUdO ol iuen leciiuii- io piacsi wbert to bo btl), nd ihe ofiieeri to ! elcoied. Tiikricpori. I. CTRKNir Mown, lllrh Sheriff of ClearBf J poimtjf. do heroh r.? Nn. tie le i bo olootoro or (ho oonittj of Cloarniii, tlml a Kmorol tli-ftiltin w II be ho d on tho (nr oiin Tt Ktnui ot Ockbkr atxr, tbo.njf tho 11th df of tho tnuDlh,) it tho vavrrml olccii m dti. tricla In void Odunty, nt wMrh titno and plaeo tbo fUli&t-d fotrri will tote For one prrton to rri.rvwnt the (ounKt't of Clfir (Mi, t'aiofron, hlk. Kric, Forcut, Jrffrnun. Mt Kcon and arrcn In Congrt-fa. I For one prison t tTirctrnt the itnitnlica of CU-ar- j Hi 1.1, Klk and Kunst in tho Uoum of lWn-, ofiitativr of tl.l C'ommonwrnJlli. Fr one pciroo fur the office of b ho riff of Clear fivlil ooantr. For aiio pfroon for the ufflct of Coutify Cowmii itmer of I'lnirlkrM eoitnt r. For nno orton fr tho uKoo of Patriot Attornry of ClcnrOcId miunly. Fnr one porpno fur tbo offioc of Aaditor of Clear field eoiiuty, Foroueprrftm for tho oRioo of Jury Cominiiilon- er of Cleflrfirld rouiitV. For onr rtcnoii for tho odlco of Coroner of Clear- flfltt rcnnt.r. The rlrcfari of tho conn It of ClcarhVId will take not toe tlml the aud (cnrriwl tlcctiun will be htld at the ft'lluwiuf (iIhcm, via: Itrv-narU townrliip, at the Tnlxn llotrl, in (lien llupr, It' ll towmliip, at the hniiM of Ainih tll i. Illooin towudiijt, at the hou-t of llio lulu Jutuet Blonro, Hr. lliCt InwiiRliip, at thr liniiM of El ward Alhrrt. ltnuilord townilitp, at the hnute of .fMoh Fit-n-o. Jlmly tonnahip, at the Luue of Win. jachwem, In I.ntlirrphur;. Ilimtridv townhij), at Vonnj rrliool hotinn. Cheat township, al the public aehuol houae near Pimon H(irabiif;h'. Cli'orfivld borougb, at Uio Court Huiim. Covinxtnn lowiinhip. at thr hoiiwr of .). Mutirrr. t'ni wriiftillc borough, at tho houae of the lot Iiaac Bloom. IUiiatur townxliip, at C'iitr at-hool )imf. FiTfriiaon townittiip. at tlir tirni of .lulin tirr ory, lu rmetlj octujiicti by Thoi. It obi run, (Uroad w:iy.) 'jir.ird township, at Cntifcirr'n Hill arhool houae. tloabea township, at tin- inililtct ai-liool (iiiiikd. Uraliam townhip.at tint nouaoof Jamb Uublrr. Uulich lowDahiii, at tltc public aehuol houae, in June! illc. Hue ton townftliip, at the bnit'e of Jraie Wilron. Jordan towDrhip, at the public aoliool houae, in Antin ille. Karthiiuf (twntiip, at Rridjron'a nhool huae. Knox lonnrhip, at Tmkpy If til acli'm) hHip. liKWrnict' towiihii, at the Court llouw, in the borough of Cknrlield. Lumber City Ixirouh.at the puMiu anhool buiia. Mrria tonnhip.at the haute formerly octMijuti by Tlioman kylt'r. New Waiibmgiou borough, at the public aeUool hoiiM. Oaecola Ivornu'h, at the public linuac of .Milo Hnjt, in paid buroiiKh. I'nin townrhip, at the bote! forintrly kept bj . W. AndtrFun. Pike b'wnfliip, at the hnutc of Mir late Iiaac Hlioin, in the borough of t'urwenrvill. l:nioo townbii,i the hnuKC of K. Ilitilinker. Moutlnard totithj, at the huurc of 'i'boinua Henderson. AN ACT rcKiilRtiiifr the mode of Toting at all alu-ti'tim in Ihe avteral e.ntitiea of thia t'tim ni'inwraUli, approved Uio 3'ltU day of March, A. It., If-tiC, vu : FscTloif 1. il tnncltd by tin Pennln and IIdupo (.(' Itf prrM'btativca of the (Vuiuonnfullli ( IVnravlvania in Itinera) Aemtly out, and it it heieby euactid by aiuhorttyof the in me. That the qualified rotrri of the leveral count na of thia l i'iuinoDwenllh, at all (( hi ml, tuw iikhip, boiuu)li and perial elretinna. are hereby, hereafter author ited and rt(iiired to vote, by liokuti, prinlid, or written, or parti) printed and purity written, aor e rally clnMithd an follnw : One tiokit ehull em -braen the nanieii of all Jn-I'l of pourfa voted fur, and to be labelled, oulaide, "judiciary ;" one lieket ball embrace the numea of the atale wtuorra lolrd fur, and be lalx lied, "itate j" one ticket bull ein braee the ntimea of a) county nffieert voted for, ineluoinic ofliee of if n at or, incinmr, and memlera assembly, if voled fur, ami nieuilfora of Congresa, ,f V)(U.(, f(lt( )r ab. Il.-d, "cunt.v one ticket sblla embrace the nxmes of all tnwuhip officers voted lor. ami oe taiiein-n, "iownnip t one tick et tli nil embrnco the names of all burongu offienrs voted for. and be UIm IIi'iI, ,lntroj;h j" and each class ahall be depoilled in reparnle ballot buaea. It I'll IJTUY LAW. T also g're offlr'al notice to the electors of Clear fled county that by an act entitled "An Act fur ther en p plenum tai to the act relative to the elec tion nt Ihia Coiinnonw.oltli," nij-mv.d Aril 17, A. 1. Iff.',), it is provided as follows t PrcriO! 1. Ur it eafleferfafc.. Thai It shall be the duty otHwh of the Assessors within tb lie Common -wealth, on lha 1st Monday in June of each year, to tnkc. up tbe transcript he has received from the Co. Commissi (i n era under the eighth section of the act of I .'th April, l:tt, and prinwed to an Immediate revision of lb tame, by sti iking therefrom the name of every person who ia known by him to havo died or removed since the last previous mn aesstnent, or whose removal into the same thnll be or shall have boen mode known to him, and also the n;i:ci of all who shall make e'eim to him to le qualified votera therein. As soon as tint revision is oompleled be shall visit every dwelling house in hia district and make careful Inquiry if any person whne name is on bis liat has died or re moved from the district, and if ao to take the snme therufrom, or whether any qualified voter rrsidea therein whose name is nut on bia list, and if so to add the same thereto ( and in all cases where a name is added to the llsl a tax ahall forthwith he assessed agninsf thr person i and the Assessor phall in alleaaea ascertain, ny Inquiry, upon what ground the person so evened claims to be a voter. -T pon tbe completion of this work, It ahall he Ihe duty of each Assessor as aforesaid to proceed to make out a list in alphabetical order, of th white frwuicn, above twenty-one yeara of ape, claiming lo hr qiiriliftrd voters in the ward, borough, township or district of which he is Ihe Asessr, and opposite ceb of aaid names stale whether aaid freeman Is or is not a housekeeper; and if he is, the mini Iter of his residence, in towns where- the same are num bered, with Ihe street, alley or ennrt in which situ ated ; and if in town where ther are no numliera, the im m of the street, alley or court nn which said hnuse fronts ; also, Uio occupation of the person; and whrre he is nn a hotirrk cjier, the occupation, pl"C of boarding and with whom, and if woiking lor another, the unine of tbe rmidoycr. and write opposite end) of said names the word "voter )" wfiirc nnv person elntiis In rote rr reason n: tiatu- mlirntion, he ahull exhibit hia certifienlr thereof lo the Aswaror, unless he haa hewn for Ave consecu tive yi-ait ncit preceding a voter in said district : and hi all cnkcs wIktc Die person bus been nntu rati lt d, iho name rhnll b marked with tbe lettrr where the pi-ron has merrly declared bis ill tetilions to hei'oitii'a eiiiirn nnd designs to be nnfu ralircd befon tbe mil pleetbin, the wiine shall be ninrknd "I). I.:" where the claim fs to votr by it a .,.n oi lirinff l.rtwi-rn llif Birr, of liti-nlv-nn .nrl Iwi-nlv-lit imn i.lnl I,w, Hi- mnl "in,." Ihe fWli..n .IMri,-) lo rr.i-l, fin ll,o ,.nnil lelertlo.1. the l.-tt.r"It" slu.ll be i.laeed oiitioaitr tho name. It ahall be lU further dnlr of ea.-b AFlr as af nit-fai'l, niiun tbe comiili lmn of the duties herein imposed, to multe out a sepernie lirtl ol all iir i a lines -went s made by him and theiwionnte asseiisetl upon rm li, and fnrns-li the seme innnedi-al'-ly lo the Cini nlj Cinniniiri'merat, wl.c rhn.ll im mediMtely add the ntimes tn ihe tax duplicate of the Hard, bnnniph, township or district in winch till tioi ba MiaiJ. hKr. 2, On the 1it being comjileted and Ihe ns sestmriits mfttle as aftinsaid, the snme shall forth with he returned lo the County C' remi'-i'-iicrs. who s tin II can' dnplifate r,(i of iid lits, with (be ')brriali'Hts mid L'tplHiuitioiiM rt-quiicNl lo he noled as aforesaid, to he made out as soon as pra' ticalile ami ila;ml in the hands of lha Atn""r, who shall, prior k (he first of An gift in each year, pul "ne ce y tlirenf on Ihe door of or on (he house ulii-rn lin Wlinn nf ibe n !( clit e diftrirt la rt. qn n d to I held, and relain the other tn his ps sension, for lh inspection, free of choree, ol nnv wll .ni in L .a.d eieet,H di.t.ict .bo 'n" ,r"r'' 10 ti e snme; and it un i,e the 'lutv of Ihe said Assrsir to add, from time lo time, on the peonal aj.jilieation of any eneelnim ing the riht to rule, the nam Oi t "'h cla.mnnt. and mark opposite Ibe nuiiir "t . ' anu ib.inr IJtaielr ansesf him wiih a Lit, nr)Hn, as in all other eae. bis oeetijiatton, rtsidrnre, whether a hoard er or houai ktepor ( il a hoarder, with whom h i i .11 .. .t, n,. i..,, the name, N . or "It. I.," a the ease mv t i tf 17&ZXT nmoiri,aii..n ; l ifhori.im. tht ho ,... " nmiraiiiri wi"rr inr nrji riKtunv etenih-i be ahall exhibit the renin-! wf In. .l,inri.B.,f Il'"':': 'J".,", "r'ZVZZVj-Jl"':: I more prfinff.the Ae... rhai: nte In nil hia in amen ta, n .- tor n:it,e. aim ria niaae a . ninviuiii n turn i... each te the t'oi.nlv (Vinnii-ioner-, ,n all en,,.. jn whi h a return t.re.inire.1 from him kr the pn.vir. lw'',, haaet ; and th t Mi t umiuif.HniT,tn ZZZ:; hprerme. -p-rplHr. lrhn!lfiir,.hlh,.awe ,u,t,r AeaeM , and lheeopirrvt,n,r,,l hv liuaan " ll.T.,1 ! T "n fU"t '''rr ?n plaeed na llm door n or ua the eWtioa ptae lu each of aaid pree, net. t Prr. 3. After Ihe -ume.t bar len em. ftd on tlie tenth Iit urectdtne the aoetmd Tm-r- t."'"" ,n ,Mt,hr-r nf tvh vear. ibe AMtr .h,l. on ibe M-.., ,mB,e,l,..,l, Mlowing. makearetwrn tn "- "ni'v lumraitnonera of Ihenameiof a!) ' p - rao. ,.,.r. (l, h-m i.nee the return re,..!! i (otm. l- hv htm hylbeafr.eeetioiinf ihlaari, ! n - tmg oi.p,ie nn, naai th fihrerratMina and etplanaiiui. ru.J to notd a..(.,re4a.d: and g - the o,.tv Te tmi.nonerr ,h.ll thw.tnoa eanaeiut the me io Ih-ad M t. ihe n-trrr. rnn.red h the I Jtcir UTwtlscmfiits. copy thereof to be ma le, eoiilaininr the name of all pertona ao murneu r"it"i ward, buronfrli, townahip or preciuet, and fnmiih the aaims to:ether with tba neceanary election blanka, to tho otticera of the election In ifUd ward, boroutrh, lownahip or preciuet, on or before ii o'eloek. In the ittrninf of the feoond Tueaday of Octnltari and no man ahall I permitted to tolrot tho rleetion on llmt day whuff name r nol on aaid liat, unleaa he ahall make proof of hii right to vole, aa beroinafter required. Pkc 4. On tbt day of elaetlon any paraon whoia naroa la not on the laid lilt, and elatminir lha rtjtht to rote nt aald oloetioR. ahall produce at In nit one outlined rntrr of the dil'rlet In which be elaitna to be a oter for th a p-riod of I at leait ten d.iya nail preoeedinff aaid aleolloa, I which whii'M abnll take aid aubaoriba s writ ten and partly printed, affidavit to tho fart autnd b him. which affidav it a hall dena e elaar ly where the reatoenoa t oi me peraon tinini ng to be a voter ; atd the peraon ao claiming; the rlht lo vote ahall alao take a d enbacribe a written, or partly writteo inn partly priniea, affidavit, Hating. t the beat of hi knowledge and belief, where and when he waa born ( that be la a eitlien of tbe Commonwealth of Penaayl vania and of tbt United fitatee that bo ha rcaidrd in tho Cnnnioowlin one year, or If form'y a eitlien therein and baa removed there from, that he baa resided therein aix snontha neil preceding aaid election j that ha haa not moved nto tbe diatrlet for the purpoae of rolfng therein thai ho baa paid a State or County tai within two yeara, which waa aiMaaH at Iraat ten dara before aaiJ eleetim ; and, if a natural laed piiUao, ahall alao atata when, where and by what court he waa na'uraUied, and ahall al ao produce bin certificate of naiuraHivluQ for eiarainatlitn ; the aaid affidavit ahall alau atate when and where (he tai claimed to he paid by ihe (Iai.l i.a aaeiped, and when, where and to whom paid , and tbe tai receipt therefor ahall be produeoi for elimination, unlea the efflnnt ahall atate (a bia aff.rtUi that it baa beea b-at ur riea royad, or that he never received any but If Ihe per"ti ao claiming the rieht to vote bull take and luWrilo an aCI t ivit, tbU he ia a native born eititen of ihe United HaJee, (or If born ebewherr, ahall alite that fact in hi ollidavit, and abrfll prudaee evidence fiat he has been naturiHsod. ur that he is entitled to oiti tcr ;!.'( by leaaoa of his father's naturaliiation,! and shall fur'her slate In his sffldavit that ha It. at th time of taking lh affidavit, betwean the a,jes of twenty ore and twenty two years ; that he haa rerided In the Slat on year and in th election district ten day next preceding atich election, ha ahall be entitled to vote, although he shall not have paid tatos; the said affidavits of all persons innking sn- h claims, and the af fidavits of the witnrtset to their residence, shxll be preserve by the elrotion b"rd, and ail the close of the election they ahall bi enoloeed witb (he list of volera, tallj list and other papers re quired by law to be fi'ed by tbt return judge with tSe I'rothonntnry. and shall remn'n on til therewith in th IVnlbnnoUry'e otliee, aubjoet reexamination as other election poperaare; if the vlctien ofneera shall find that the applicant : or applicants potest all the legal qualifications I of votera, he or they shall be permitted to rote and the name or names ahall he added to Ihe I lilt of laial les bv the (.'Ucii m nffh-crt. th word , "tax" bsing ai'd- d where the claimant elaimi to vote on tai. and word "age" where ha claims to vole i n age ; th tnme words being added by the clerk in each car respectively, on tbt list of persons voting at tut h election. Fur. 5. It shall he lawful for any qml1fisd cltl in of lha district, notwithstanding tbo name of th proposed voter ia contained on th list of rerident Inmblea, to challengo th vote of tuoh persons ; wnereupon me tame prooi oi me rignt of ullr(ro aa ta no re nlnd by taw ahall be publicly made and cibl on by tbe election board, and tbe Tote admitted or rrjeeted according lo the evidenea f every person claiming to baa naturalised eititen abnll be require, to p red ma hii naturaMtatlon esrtifiaata at th election be lure voting, except where ha baa been for ten years, executively, a voter In the district in which he off era his vote ; and on the vote of eurb person being received, ft shall bo the duty of the election uflieers to write or etatnn on aucb certiorate Ihe word "voted, "with the month and year , and if any election ' fflcer or oflle.-ra tlml) roceiva a second vote on the same day, by virtue ol lb same reilincata, excepting whore eons are entitled to vote hy virtue of tbe naturalisation ol their fiitb re, they and the pcrsn who shall offer rnch around TOto. upon ao t (Tending shall be goiltrof a Inch mitdrmranor, and nn convle lin th:reof, be fined or imprisoned, or twin, at the discretion of the court; but the fineeball not aiceed on hundred dollars in each ease, nor the imprisonment on year the like p n Mi man I sl.all be inflicted on eonvletion on the officers of elietion who ahall neglect or refute to make, or cause to be made Uio Indorsement required as afuteeaid on aaid naturalisation certificate fc'to. ft. If any election officer ahall refuse or neglect to require SLeb proof ef the rilht of suf Irajje at Is described hy ibis law or tha law to which Ibia li a supplement, from any person .. I wk.. i. tho list .t assessed votora. or whose right to vote Is ehal Ifnged by any qualified volar preeont, and shall admit mob peraon to vote without requiring sueb (.roof, every person ao offending shall, upon con viction, be guilty of a high n edemeanor, and shall be sentenct d, for every such oflt nee. to pa a fine not eicoeding one hundred dollars, or to undergo an Imprisonment not not thnn one year, or either ur eoth, at tie discretion of the COUlt. Pc T. Ten d ys preceJlng every election for ' electors o frealdenl and Vice President of the United Platea, It ahall be tba duly of the Asoea sor to attend at the place died by law fur hold injt the eteollun in ca h eleetii n di tr I-1, nnd tben and there hear all a; plieatinna of peranns wboae names have been omitted from the 'st of assessed votera, and who cUiio he right f veta. or whose ripbts have originated alnce thr same was made ut, and shall add the namet of euch persons thereto aa shall show that they ae enti lied to tbe right of suffrage in such district, on tbe peisnnal appl'cation of the claimant only, and forlLwiih aseB them with proper tai Aner compleling lha llt, a oopy thereof shall be placed on tba door of the bas where the clerllon it lo be held, at Iraat eight days lefre the election j and at the election (hi same coarse shall be pursued, in all respect, as la re- aired by tbit act and the aett to natch il it a supple ment, at ibe general eleetijot in October. The Aasessor shall alao make the a.ime returns lo the County Commissioners of all ussesrnienif made by virtue of this section ( s,id tba County Cem niissfonert lhll furnUh copies tber.uf to the rleciUn fnoera in each district, in like tu inner in all rerpecta aa tl requind at the general ilee tiona In (I. t .ber. 8ac. 8. Ihe same rules and regnlatlona shall apply at avsry special eleclioo, and at every sep arnte city, borough or ward election, (n a I le apeeis, as at lha general elections in October. Sac. V. Th respective Aanora, Inp-tors and Judges of Ihe elections shall each have the pDWrr to adininitlrr onths to any person altim ing the richt lo he assessed or the rinhi of aof rrwge, or in regard to any ef said officers under (his ait and any wilful fa'e swearing by any person in rrUtion to any mailer n ihmg aon earning which tbey sbs!! n lewfuMy Internga ted by any of an id (, flics rt, tfaill be puoishi d aa pe.jar)- f-rc. 10. Hi Assessors shall receive ihe fma cntnpehsillin f'r th o lime necessarily spent In peifoiming the duties hereby etijoined as is pre. : ! . ' . P'''lrtaane of tboif ulbr "t.'e,, V V 4 by ! . t.0,ID,T 'mtailislneM gi in other etistt ; and It shall not be lawful for any Assessor f asirss a tai arainst an? person whi tavtr within ten days next treed mr tha lei-tion to be htld on the 2d Tueaday of Or lobar. In ary year, or within Im days net h-for any eleetii n for e!rlnrs o I'm-idi nt and Vir I'rrsi dent of tb I'nittd ClaUs; any violation "t thia pMvivinn shall li a misdeiwrinor, an 1 sijfet hip noui m oh ril I lift te HnS, nc C'-hVirli Dot etrreding one I, an. I Mil dollars, or to I mini- onmei.t not xcefidlng three months, or both, at lh liiFcretion f th conrt. IS nr. II. On lh pelitiuQ nf fir or tnnre eili aeoa of lha county, slating under on In that r b- verify believ that frauds will l rracilrf t lh eli ci ion abuui io b held, tn any district. It vhall ho tbe duty of th coart of common plea of iait coun'y, if in session, or If not, a Ju i thereof tn vacation, to appoint two Jn Itpbun, sober and Intelligent eitfims of the eonnty to act ai Ottrsetr at said lection ; said Ovrscre slinll be selected from different parlies, and i whf-r lioth ot said Insperlrs belong io the satn j political party Ixtb of ihe Overseers ahall he u-1 kt n from lb oppotlic political party i aaid Over- j scrrs shall bar the tiyht to b prssi-nt with tha i fli -rfi of ihe elcctidtt. d urine th whd ilm h tanr i held, and Ihe vole arr being eouated, anJ the retarni mid out aad slfn4 by lh c!(tion ofi.cers; lo keep a liat of voters if ihey ia pron-r : to chi'len. an ne rs offerlnjt to mte.and iotermfte him and his wit eses, under each, in repafd to bis right of raf ! Iraga at aaid oieetion. and toexanune bis pip era i pindured ; and llt t.fficen of sai l e.ecJi-pii are j reitiirrd to eflord to said Oiersrers so a-l. rled W"inld evrv eonvatile nf facilnv tor Vr. t I'reMnt and perform their doti-c a! or , or ,f ihf ahall b driven iir from th jK.lIf hy tl.Uoe r Intimation, all tb votai ; polled at uei election dinrit mny be rejeetd l )y any tribunal trying a e..niet under aaid lee i tli t 't-ttfi'tt. That no ffrroB aiyning tb p , utl. a ifaall b appoirud an Kvror. I Fto 11. If an; FrothonoUrr. Clerk, ne th deputy of eithwr. r any other pr-n, ahall iffii ; lh leal of oftVa to any ta'uralnatmn fm n, ; permit th an ie to le nfttcd, rr f:vrn out In l nlank, wherery it mnv b- framluleni) ned or turn Ufa a natu rait rati n rcrtifteate t aVi k- -htll h.. t,... ji. -. 'on in open 8"U't, in the pree of tnm of ''''ce 'keTeof. aeeordin t lha ael rf r or abi II aid In, eonni at, or tn any war prmiuh.enof.nylr.d.lenln.tar.hl.I, knowing that it waa IrMHulenlly Uiaod, or ikai le. "attempt to vot. ibftE.o, Mf ball vote-, or attempt vr.ie, on any eertiflrat f walaralxau.n at iaaaaj u bin, ke pball b 't'F b'" and .ihM w ,T tb peraoas tbair aider. r ah.iu, 1 tibr f tb aniidemeahor, af.rvta.d, ahalL m '' alar, Olen II ,ne. I , - - ivi aU7L Sin Mao . tuonrand doHan, and Imprisonment in the pr - ! per penitentiary for a period aotexooeaing tnree i yeara. I (nc. 11 Any perano who on oath or affirma tion, In or before any aourt In thte Steia, er offi eer, entbnrtted to adinlnb-ter oalba. anait, w pre care a certificate of neturaliiatiuo, for bimtelf or any other peraen, wilfully depoae, declare or af tlrra any natter to be tbe fact, knowing tbe lauto lo be falae. or ahaU in like manner deny amy matter to bo a fact, knowing tbe ai mo to be true, .rail be deemed gnlltTof perjury; and eny cer tificate of naturalisation iaiued Id puriuanoe of any auoh deposition, declaration or affirmation, rbail be null and void and il ahall be lha luly of the court tabuing the aame, on on pronf being made before it that It waa fraudulently ohtaino'li to take immediate meaiurea for recalling the rame for cancellation ; and any peraon who ahall vote, or attempt to vote, on any paper ao ob tained, or who ahall in ary way aid in, connive at, or have any agency whatever In tho lasue, circuit Hon or uie of any fraudulent oaturaliaa lion cart i Scale, ahall be deomed guilty of a mil demeanor, and upon eonvictlon thereof fhall undergo an Impriaonmant In the penitentiary for not more than two yeara, and pay a fine not mon than one thnimnd dollara, for every f arh offi-nee, or either or both, at the diaeretlnn f the eotirt fnc 14- Any Aaenrr, election officer or per aon aa an Orerteer, who shall nested ur refue to pcrfurm a' y du:y enld -rd br thia act. with out reasonable or lrnl eaii"e. shall betil.jct tb a junalty of one hundred dollars ; and if any Aiecaiur ahall aaacas any pernon aa a enter who la nol qualified, ur ahall n fuse to acia any one who ia jualilb'd, he shall be auiltv of a uilxda meanor in i 'IT.ee, and on eonvietion be niiniabed by fine or ltn.rlsoiinif nt, and alao be subject to an a ci ton lor damages ny tbe party aggneven ; and if any peraon ahall fraudulonliy alter, add to, deface or deatroy any liat of voters, made out aa directed by thia act, or tear down or remove the taiue from the plane where It hoe hern fiied, wi h fraudulent or luirehlevoua in lent, or lor any Improper purpnae, the pron so oflonding ahall he guilty of a bigh mitd'meanor, end on convic tion ahull be ptmiabed by a fine not eicoed:njr tve nuoorea doners, or imprisonmeni not at , oeeumg iw jw, u( wum, mi uiiMtHKB i the ennrt. Fir. IA. Ali elrrttora fi-relty ward, borough, township and election i (libera shall hereafter be held on th second Tuesday of Oetc' er, subject to all th proviiicns of the lawa regulating Ihe election of such ometrt not inoouilstent with this act the persons elected (o such offices it that time the II take their plaoet at the wxplra tion of th terms of th rerso holding th same at tho time of luob elertin t but no ele. tion fur the oflic of Assessor or Assistant Aact fir shall b held, uudor this act, until tbo jear I 70 Fro. 11. At all etertioni hereafter held, under th lawa of this Commonwealth, the polls shall b opened between the hours of ail and aovuo o'clock a- ni , and chsed at seven o'olook p. tn- tSac. 17. Il shall be ihe duty of the Secretary of tb Commonwealth to prepare forma for alt the blanka oitde neetssary by thia act. and tur n.sb copiea of tbe tame to the County Commit tioners of the several counties of th Ctiiuuintt' Wealth; and th County Coin miar loners of earb county ahall aa anon a may h necestary after receipt ot tbe same, at ihe proper expense of the county, procure and furmsh to all the election oflii-era of the election districts f their r spool Ive countiet copies of such blank, in such qunn titles a may be ram J seed ne?sary fur the Uis obarge of duties under tbia act. Src. 10 That clllcon of this Stat tcmpnra- rlly in th service of thia Stat or of the United I i Sltt wovernments, on clerical or other duty and who do not vote where thua employ i, shall nn be Ihoicby detirivrd of th ribl to Vote in their several aketbiD diitricU If otlir-fis duly qualified. ftntlre I further hereby glrni. That all peraons except Jui'icca of lh 1'eaee, who shall held an .bVe or appointment of lriii.t undvr the government of the L oiled States, or of tnir State, r of any inorporated district, whether a floinmisioned cfHcer or blbrrwisr, a Mihordinate I'O'k er or "Kent, who is or shall be employed un der the Legislative, hxicutive or Judicial de partments of tbia State or of ihe United Stales, or any city or incorporated d is trie l, and also that every member of Congress, or of the Mate Legislature, or of the common or select council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated district, are hy law Incapable of holding or exereiaing, nt the same time, the office or ap poirtiiient of Judge, Inspector er CJtrk or any election of this Commonwealth. 1 lie Return Judges of the respective districts aforesaid ar rtqueiled to meet at the Court lloiis, in lh horou;h uf Clearfleld, on th first Friday next alter Ihe said second Tuesday ef October, then and there to do ttoi tbingt required of them by Inw. U1VEN nndir any hand and teal, at Clearfleld, this fourteenth dey of September, in tb L.B. year of our Lord on thousand eiihl hundred and tevrnty, and f ihe Inde pendence of tbe foiled Sfcilce the ninety foorb. CVKKNH A IHlWK. Sheriff. 1S70. 'SEI'TE.IUIER. 1H70. MAGNIFICENT OI'KXINll OK FALL AM) WIMER (iOOI)S! WILLIAM It i: i: l. MAIIKLT FTllliKT, i M'Anin i.n, rnxivA. i f Shall Coittfnuf go Hrrp Print. Delaine, fiinfrlinni, Chinti, 81irflniw, iantnn Manncls, Uooon Flannels, Table I.ibn, Quills, Decs Honda, J'iain and Col'4 filks. Jajimrae Silks. tirt-Cla Article of IVootf, Wool PUids. r.is, ltl.vk Alpacas- spUpdid itirle. S7J and 6". Ladies' Coalings, Miawla-Ww.len and raisley-,-V atcrproof. fiiff Srit the Same aa M.ow Misacs' and Chililr!!' Fur, Fanct tioods Short. Hats anj Tt innnm, ds, Inil. While Goo., ll.ii ihm tatmn and real. .f v Thry (an be ttoufht The Celibraltd II arris Keats! Kid tJlove, the btrt in Ihe world, also, a good Kid (Hove for "A rents Ilopry Nnfions, lo. In any other Market. Iu'w " tylra In Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Uat flames, Flowers, Ostrich Tips, At ; i large stork of Indies' A flent'a lndtrear. jefr-A Bft-rlna Mi'llncr frorn Pliilndphij I,,. hfMnemraeed lo tnake anl trim Data am) i l:ontii-l. in lli tM., and ninn r.i.hiqnable etflre. t-karrirlj, l'a., ."-i-,l. l, l;u. PUBLIC YENDUE. fpilK mi b pert her will offer at I'ahUc Pal, at bia J rem.ifnve in 1'ike luwnahip, on Wednesday, September 2lst, 1870, Tho f""""in)T propt-rtt t Two horaea, two .. " h"" of yavX eallle, lot of hi -jr.. plow, fav- : r ''' ruhi',"rP' w,,e, t-cdi and tn-Min. Il.t, rh',,T9 "HPh"',l. earj.el, and many th'-r thinna B"' "",,n"'- " ""Weenee it (1 oVh.fk. i ri M'i n nt,ni ULIU M.I,. IOH dfirat.le IHU PK A , Witb good hldbla and oihtr niteeaaarv oat- ( i.uildnijr, ailuated in I.tithershtirg. Clearfield Co. j M'inwe large n. eonreniiil con:ainiiig a room ; ' wrtl adapted ffr a t. re r-m r an offiee. For ' lurtber parlieulara, iH trr j . I. hi UK. M. !., Bell-fonte. l'a.. Or J. C. HAHKKrr, I.uthert.urg. '. ,U 3t FKW HI HHKI. of brim I'K Tl -I A ! A k K k it ii l it 'T ' , ' . I 1 : 1)1.T j . )K7n I W re . 1 'UfiffUanfOHS. II K n O V A L ! IWOl'I.D vrapootfully inform my customers and the public gtuerally, that I have Removed my Millinery and Fancy Store To tho lata reaidenna f Pr. Uarlawleh, orruaiTB rni Jaii And hare filled up a room well aultcd to supply my trade in the tno.t pleasing itvle, and I Would hare my euatnuiera to p-iiiiiit ly bear in mind that 1 enn determined not to bo auqiaracd in STYLE, QUALITY, or Low Prioes of my Goods I And will nmliL' it .preiklty lo all prrton, wsnl- itiR in m.T line lu lra in lli mull protil- alik wfty In then), ami will et wee'tly Troui the oily ALL T1IR LATK.SI BTVLEj Ol'T. HECEIVED THIS DAT! Pome of the most beautiful and elegant stytce of new Full Hon net a, IUta and French Flowera. Also, Lace Culler, tllurcs, ilk I. acts, Ac. I'leaao call and see tbeu. Mite. T. K. WATSON. Clearfleld, Repteo.ler 7, 170. Clearfield Gas Company. "rOTI('K is hereby given that the ruW Hirers X i of the atoek oi the t'lcaiheitt (jas ( ompaity will meet at tbe Arbitration Mourn, in the ( ourt House, in Clearfield, on (Saturday, 2itli Kcpteuiber, IKTO. at 4 n. m.. la Oi'rauiaa ttniJ ooroorution ami select manairs. J. T. I.K N A II D JO.VA. linVNTtiX C. KllATZKIl. J. P. WKAVEK. tl. 1,. ltKKIt. R. MITCHKI.Ij. 8. MITCIIKI.L. n. M03SOP. W M. pnltTKH. t). K. HAHKKTT. W. A. WAM.ACF. .1. It. McK.NAI.I.Y. It It'll AHI' SHAW, JOHN L. Ct'TTLK. WILLIAM KADKHACH. Clearfleld, rleptember 7, 170. To Delinquent Ta-Pnyrrs: TfOTICK is heifby glren to thow persons who, X i up to tlm prefttt time, have failed to pay their County, H mnty and Hlato taxes for 1870, that Treasurer Kb gal ia hereby authorised to al low thu usual diacuuut until and including the let day of (Mohcr next. Those, therefore, who desire to avail thetnaelrea of tho advantage of a discount of (he per cent , and avoid the poualty ol a timtlar porcontag imposed by th Act of Assembly, wid of cotitsc oome iorrrard and pay their taxea by that limn. OTHKM.O PMEKD. HAMI'Kh II. HlMKI-XKn, KAMI Kl, II. HI.NDMAS, Cotatnr!. Offiire, St pi. J 3t, C'uinmissionert, IN 111 I : MAT! I It of the eatite of Jab Miller, deceased. At an Orphans' Court held at Cb-arfiulil, for the county of Cleaiflcld, on the I Ith d.tv of June, A. O. ), the petition of J. 'l"e W altera, Kfq waa prewuted, rating forth uiai nc win a pnny in ituuresi in ine neai r.iiaie f said Jacob Milb r, d'-eeaai-d, and praying for a siii'c;iric perlurmnnce of contract. I oii due oon suli ration the Court ordered "A eilntiun to insue to th heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Miller, dcoittifd, and all pnrliet in in le rest to appear tn court nn the first day of Scpti'inher Term, 1 H 70, und show cause, if any, why cpecitlc pei furui nice of routracl to the p'-tUiuiier shall not hf dcrreed according to the intention and tneaning thereof, and that notice, by publication in one newpitper in lh county, h given for four on aeruliv weeks tu all pnrtics in interest tu appear at same time." lty the Court. C. A. M YEIl, P. J. Attest : A. W. .K, Ck-rk 0. C. aug:il-JI Valuable Properly for Sale. VFAllM In I'nion township, Clearfield coun ty, l'a., containing 2lHt acres, more or less; mix acre cleared and (lie romatmler well timlered : good frnme dwelling house, with Well of good wa ter on the porch; frame barn, 50 IS feet. Also, two town lota in the village of Lutheraburg, with good frame dwelling hiise, well of the best water in the villnge, and frame blacksmith shop, with a full set of blaekBinllh tool, l-'or terms, apply to the suhserilrcr at l.ull.rrsburg I'n. augH-4t MICHAKI. lirtlCIlT. r- Till' ( OMIT OF ( O.miO ITKAS of Cleartield oountv. Notice is hereby given that the iniderigiied, cilitcns ur the dnniium w(lih ol I'ennsyli ania, by petition filed the Lllh dny of June, I M70, have made allcaji(,n to aaid Court for a charter of ificnrjinntlion under Ihe name, style and title of the " asliinglon lluibling and l,oan Assfreinlion," and if no snUicinnt reason ia shown to Ihe nnntrary the snid charier of incor poration will bo granted at September term of amn nun W. C. I.mn.n. J. ft. iWntKK. A. ft. H. It ll'H A KIM, V. J. Mi-Cn.i.nriiH. Wn.i.uH May. Jam CtRTKR. .lAMr:fi Mooiik. Pm,. H-iiKitaov. Jawks Wxnn. Ttt.Ht. II. Hi amit. Jotl Mtl.RM. I'AVin I'ATTRRMl. iHowAa M'-Kffiwjtr. A, C. TATK, I'rothonotary. Hept. 7-.1U 1EKMVI.VA4lA FTATK AtlHIcrLTl' ItAI. (HM IKTV. Tbe exhibition of tins Society lor 170 will he held at RCHANTON, on 1 ueaday, Si'ptmhr 2 lh. Wednoaday, feptemher 2lb, Th'ir.tny, Septeinbor 2lllh, Friday, Hei. lemlier vft'lh. The gmiinda are spacious, Ihe buildings and aocomnia'Utiona aiinde, and the preiniuin list liberal. There is no clinrpv for en triis except Iliiraea enteied for speed. Entry Hooks open Tuesdny, Si'temb(.r f'h. For cata logues or information, address al P.-ranton, J'HIN C. MOHIUS, I'ntilcnt. I). V. Pttii asi, Ree. H.-cretry. Ki.BHiDi.R MtCosaav, Cor. Rec'y. aT 3t TIM NHOPI FRED. SACKETT, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware, Roofing, Sntiiing and job woik dun on niABoAni.R Ti;nwa, titmp on M.irltt Pt., nearly opposite th Jail. 4(1:70 CI.KATtFIKI.D, PA. - DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN k SUKGKOX, Lrnii;iii;v Ru, Will attend profvjislonfilflallap.-onipily. sviglG'70 ORGANS ES'fVS AND MASON ,t IIAMLIN'8, pon i am ar P. 3. HAVKM, Carwenavill. Pa. ITti Til 14 t'OI'HT Ol' t MI()N ,I A! ol Clearfleld county. Pa, 1st Nat l II kof Clearfield ) No. Murch Term, 1M70. Oeoreo W, Shimmel, I Foreign Atta-limcnt. Notice ii hrn by girrn . those itilerel.-d that the final aereunt of the Truster in the aboi aiateii easr- naa ten inly frl"t in mv fiffico. 'ig"I St A. 0. TATK, P rot ho not ary. 1 Al l 1(1 X. All person are hereby cautioned x stio-t pnreniMiig or tn any way mcddlii wnn i tie loii'iw ine lieraonal iironertv. imv in ).., r""r" 1 -niiW irwin. of iiitiom .wnpMn. ti : 1 wo roan, two 1.., one flrlH of wrn ami nne flel-l nf hii-kwh'-nl ; a the Mine wai purihae hv meal fheilff'p Kate, ami ia I. ft fn In-ri.,1., .,,D anhjert ,o it or.l-r. JAi'OH Itll.UKH. t'nraenatih, Ai.fr.ual 31, l;tl-3. y AI.HN.M HkllH HO OH RKXT. II The h,.p lately nreni iod by M ill, no JHC. Knight, diee-iPf,), situate oa the allev Uctween Heed and Pine atrr-ta, near It. R. lejrt. Will le rented on raaaon.i'ite tirma. Arnh in i:oiu;k c pA.ssmorr. rieaill.M, AiiKiial 17, IS70-3m. 1U TI0.TW p.ildi .e UrrlaiTionH nIr,'"ri"lt r trn-tii. mv ducltr, r i, i. mi A, nn baa left ll-U.o w.lh.at n " 'r f't'inff her without mv eubaent. tr no di lit ol hr pontrartinr. W. 7.. MN.I.HJAX. I.awrenee Inwnrnip, Augntt 31, lrsO-Ht. Tha (Ine new Pa ie Hnttrna-t Itrnrtl U Iwa n H'ed treet. near the H ....... . ., .,, wiiodcviueo. Putlah r a rtr nmm. A i-ptv to UKRfJK C. hAMttRR. Ckaitleld, Angnal 17, I. Im. C AMV Hi-Ian'. Troe, r.l. Mill, lira, and 1 ' I I ( irenlar eaw !, ll i.Tnt.n'a l.nlil.li., . CroM-eut raw -fur aale )y aupS' II. F. 1:1(11. KH t CO. 1 W.il. 1.4. ri..V.i," Li.', need nil, Tarr-ennn', Vari.i.h. i. all kmda. L ' Oil lr I aim. Varni.b Ilra.hM. (URT II K a IKH IK 1. ''mi-it rt ai nn. II.V C.I.VS and 0LACS UK, Larg.1,1 ,f "I'pu.ite tbe Jail. 1 1DI IT a a., i. T I?"1 IT N-Mntif.etnred froi. lb, S IJ Pnrw,l Rrovexl and toldei lded....,.id. and warranted - - - ..-. iUisifUaucous. JTAnLIM tlL IHS1. Highest Premium, Fllver Medal, awarded orr all oom petition, at Meebanio' Kxbibilion, Jloaton, Octoln r, Iff-tf. TUB 0HIOINAL AND GENUINB SELF-REGULATING, VRouauT inoif, AiRTxauT QA3-C02T3TnmTCl iSSATSP-, vrirn rxti:rro Dl T PcRRRW, 0hat IUr Ut, WnerooT Ino Kadiatow, A!b Actum ATI c ltiaPLAion, For Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood, 10 site for brickwork, and I si sea Portable. HAStirarTt'itrD olt J. REYNOLDS t SON, N. W. ooro.r Ulb nj Filbert Slrttl, rilll.ADELPIlIA, PA. Tlino Ilculcr, r mda of l!e.y Wronuhl Iron, w-ll rivrlctl liigrllirr, inJ ft warruted to Ire Ixolutsljf Uu nJ tut Tihl. Th! the only llralcr. Hint iro manng- 1 wilhoul any tlnj prra, n.l In which ill kind, of fuel can be burutd without alteration. Cooking Itinjrc,, for Holel,, P.ealanranta an-! Familiea. Alio, a Flat Top Healing Kaugo. Flte Plaoe lliatcra, Iw Down Otal'l, Slate Mantel, ltrgietera, Veutilatera. Pamhlrta gtvlng full description, lent free, to any al.lrcea. JylJ iO-ly 5-20'a nnd ISSI'm UCirulIT, BOLD KXC1IANUED ON MOST MDEHAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At market lU'.ea. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. E. Bonds P ought and Sold. ffff-DTOCKS noiif ht and Bold on t'om niiHkloti only. CHICAGO, DauilUe and Vlnceutiea First Mortgage 7 P. C, Gold Bonds For sale at DO and accrued interest. fifAceonnta received and Interest allowed on diiily la! an cis, itu'-ji'i-'t to chrek at sijjht. r :rr-t v 1 40 Sooth Third Street, Philadelphia THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES ami;ai ov ai l oTUnnsi li'tjhty Six Thousand, Seem HunJrtd anil Eighty-One 3tachinc$ MaJe and Sold the Tdit J'tvir.' Thia nambar rrtcdt Ay laoanii.r'. tba aale, or an; oth.r Machina, a.d tha demand la atill tneraa.ing! THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK Ara now b.lof ma J. and aold I THE ItEASCSS miY: Baaanaa it embodies eaaentia! prlociplea not found I. an, alh.r Machine; became of It, tiupllrlteof eonatroetloQ, ,ae. of operation, oniforoillj of f'eolie aetloa al .tie apead. and oa aolty for the (reatett range .nd fariet; of work, fine or ecerre. Partle, wl.hlnj to pnrehue sbnold not Ml to alanine thia bMtof.ll Sewing Machines. I hare the agenej for Ihl, Siacblne, and will keep a full lupplf on band. ;. B SHOWER. Mat 4, UJ0.tr. Cle.rlleld, Pa. YMtAIII.H ML'TI-Al, Lire Insurance Company NEW YORK. -I0SK1MI II0XIK K. IIWlnllT KKNDA1.U.. J. F. R. IIADIIKN II O. riFFAHD, M. l W. it. TWEIit), Jr ..IV aiiicnt. Vioe I'rraidrnt. Rtc rotary. Hedleal Elamlnrr. Counrel. rimi 1 II' Hii: AMIC ABI.I'. waa founded br aome of exj.reaa eljeut of ureal in an inatjttition that ahoiild finniinaiid the eonfidene of the ttul lie, a a I litem I, fonnd and viorona Life luauranoei Compinr. and haa achieved a more heyond tho eijifciauoni ul lia tuotl aangume prvjeolora. Tha A MK'ARI.K olTer all Improved plan and di-niraMe new fVnhuep of modern L;le Innranee, and flora not hold out prouiiw or Indnrenjenta mm wmnoi na mai jrmjii. The AMICAtll.K ha de.n.ited oiw'nnndred tliouaand dollara in l'nit--d Mate bomJ with the Inioranca Uepartrnent of the State of New York, aa a guaruniae iur Hie diahaite f everv obligation Allelahntnfta'nat the AM ICATtT.Enre protuptlv and honorahl v itit-eharfrrd : in the event of death eonc(t'tn arcQMM nj iuan onitjurtit prtmiwmt. All Pliniearc non-tWellaMr ! All Dividend ar non forfeitable ! All I'olieif are Ineonteatabl ! Thirty daja jrae far payniant of preniuraa! Privilege tn ttavel by land aod ara! 0n ",k of Wate. Cirenlara, Afi., fiin,Ub( i upon pplleallnn to tbe t'oiupiinj'a ngenla. WIM.IAM TITKER, A gnu fur Cleai field county, C. BARRKTT. O.neral Ak-rnt for nearKeld, Coiilr. Jrffonon, Clarion and Klk flountka. . T. J. B0VKR, M. P., Medical Kiaininer. Cleai field. AuguH 17, I8T0 3m TUK CLKAKKIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEI Mannfactuied 0,F;a!); for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, 1TI H. r. BIlM.ER t CO. ttt New Meat Market. rlMO. nnrt.lrn.d h.r, op.nH . Mral Markrt 1 In I he roa tmrtl, wupifj h, Alra.nder Inln. on M.rli.l Mreel. ClnrOeH, fa , a.ljninlni Wo. a. .here Ih.r intend I. kern a r.'r ot .-.ii .innaoi iir.t, fr.lt .n4 Vrc-rt.Mr., i.j ,. . , Fl IT TUP Tl.ra." hn .l " "Pn rrpilarlj nn Tnepdae, Thur.-I., and .t. "" - T " l""" al anr Bolnt. A ehart M. t). I1K..H V R. w. intow.v. -Alv-rnntlnw. lo ral fn all kind, of inpnnrMl Asrirullural Implriarnt.. tloarnrld, Anaruet H, 11.7, if. T . " '' The .h,,,h,r hm ..I Cirsoid, foe aale. I, la e.i..il . ),", treel, in an e hait.le lo..i,. r. ....... . "7 7 at "' nn in winm an MldM la tl a. I rraidrnpe. er lr t.u.i. hn.u - : . . . vri.ai. in, eel In Ion n. ..a """ .' Conrtllo. ,'; -V' 7" " 7. M.p MAKT PKVMiHialT I The CJreat Cnuipbell JIAHTODO.M First Visit of the Mammoth to tLe GREAT LUMBEE REGION I WILL EXHIBIT IN CLEAEFIELD.rrilay, Scjt 23, On tba oripoaita aids of the saw BrldgA. (Tha Brid. .Ill ba FREK t all fool puHnpi, wlio viaili.C tba Exhibition.) WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT Luthersburg, Thursday, Sept, 22i Philipsburg, Saturday, Sept. 24tL Tyrone City, Monday, Sept, 2Cth. 6 ZOOLOGICAL EQUESTRIAN INSTITUTE. rVERTTHISO SI. AXO BBIU.IAST Fe-o"ir"nlrrd. It-mo' n1 RMiiiurtfl' for lh Tntveliriu S - nn ot ll',0 Kew at! Mupnt n-t Am nioJ t uns. e llami-M Nw ainl oetiy ttunl otte, n -iiiifau tii' hy Jclta W iniaytaker, 61 IticMaut SliwL, I'litlte-klldita. A FULL AND CCMPPEHENSIVE MENAGERIE, in ra e: rm CIRCUS T I tT r.n.trV i,. Sff, P-t4 th- L alllL-Ut ot 1. 1. I. MiuftMl U. t "Ol . it I .'II HEW SPECIMENS or IhJL '!. iien rnrrroil ttt rrf la'-or me" uxfMBtw. 'IL roii( Line ut lrti- t . hi, iti (I t (. mfi LIST tiV AMMal at TSe AfrttrtN t' lil ll.O T. etltm. A'tir'N Tr tl! AS, I'.iin M t ,.,t: V. I'JII. I, A ' J. t AN .;.!, .r Sc. iwl ( . ii .1 " I). i. (Kmi,,!.; I Al. riM. AL lltilll; UAMlhiilt til.jy W k Ur H lirkn-i e-.r i.iniiidJi ( ULLUts. m llt.in iMp lwiatMt.; AH: ' A N ai1 At1 Tll L. -'. H iiC H' in. -it .1 I b .-Minim: 1111. Il l I. M l X. t-i.j.'o-.ii :t . iua luring tli liot-i..t, rf tt.- ..n't id.- i ;- ,.rur Tlo-.k1.mBi Hoittter tt III 1 1, L t.l. .' bV tl-Att. .turn HaWk. Fn (lie Pnn wll e r 1 Aftlmn tintl Avlle I iei, Afrtrnn M A-n iti' " n. tlie-ea, BruJjlii"ii Jniar. Ii.mnt Alt" n i.od A-i.'Hc leitioV. M 't Hi niA l' on finiit , I tn. k, lr..iu. wJ i numtit-.M (". y oif-r-. ar-c tt Mr :tiiw. y.'-liu. (.iiolh, I'rtrMiiv. hmii-. Ur.'infdHiie. W ul w. I'rati- irnrlclif l,n .Ic-voia, hi.rt ik I', lirmi.. l-jt-l.-, it.un M .hi i.;it. I . , .til kitoU trt f nfiih.-H'M.. A.(u.ti. ii.i It H i h ,. Ft.rcifti rii lh.-mftt. I mI io nmxni',' chTt-'1 aMotfttivni of Apr, lim o.ru., Mnhk, ; iuW uili-i Uiuot AniuiMla. THE RtNOWNf D LMUt KIMR. tUtl rrttvr th leii 'ft I m, 11kri mxl U-..oh. nl .h t-.l.ii.niii, ,io (,jt i" IVHf.K -r' X r.R nti-; hki if, ck; ti , l) AiiiumUvM Iwl to t.lt. Alteivii.it i.i jWIIM'lM f Ol Iiif A'l.if')l r A H IIIIII-. j' ii-i v ini'Hiitetl a.(rrf i-rni!y ia t ut ! lh- t.:un Umm. tiik ciacua Writ he fmi fil erlt. M ia ll lU lept; Uiiuuti. and MHMIU Uio lotluMnig WSQ AKKAT OF TA'TVT: M.iim: nicoux, Jim m uj f. M. mttm: m.iiiv nicmvv, M'M.f. jasirnivi:. Nr. jiji s i;r; rourHT, t-V'u A-l""'" ' i'e'u- utW lprr. IU IJHOtVS at (IHKMV, (""in aUiruurVuHu f , mmm tmtw An -4tuu. SAM BTIf'MXEV, Jp sxyirs vtiti, JOIIV Sil.I. It iwncH r.MU. ruts. ni-RitoTi'M. fmjt eiitti Gj.MMuete, AHri.eM. I.lf, TIti: III ftl 1 IMtOIICI SH, ir.ittioiT.n jki.tv. nm k.t. r:rrun7. M.X. 11UI1, Ul 1-t UU. el,., ,1c r .4. 4Te-li . . C. v i iii-S.-StAi"- THE CRAXD STREET PARADR nirh will ukepltvcv dally aUtwt IO 4 M. wf ll fa A PAGEANT Of ORIENTAL GrUNtlEU', t1tdH hy the Trlnmnh! rhHL .HI d hr II l-HI lelnt-ol M-irr ISfp-.. t.,r. Kl.t.nt i-te..rtr. I tin l.ir hM 'ei urn fnVr d-rM-d uh ri-.ttif4 ri ol nte-rr Nation. iK lrirm II.,., tw.n Pit f in.-d, aodllie .nhr, R.ihme In foil iiBJ itl-f. Prof. PHIL. niTttEXM'H KIN'S AtiHrn fWnM Hand and rera OrrTimrra n rne. Jt-h all thr p,-r.,r Alr,l W1r,iV.ltfU-ll,r-Hrrrt Dlaplj mail U.r Mahthitlna. Tha EthWHoM win i rive) wn ' e M:.m;noh T!ir:e-Cen!rc Pels tvATER-Fnoo? cai:v:.:;. Pry la Wt w,.-,tt,., tv v. aw. v. wt vH Cwi(orUt.lr in all tte-aih,!, nr.n-n?.. p.ir VJ-1.e mtir.!). n non I li-rna nurt !Rt-ainver. Hi EXHIBITIONS LEacii Day AITUroo. and Ml. if", miTiit tv r . ,','. ,rr. i , r.h ,o "" " " I .... ? . ', T " M"e tb, SEATS FOR EVFRTB0BT. Tl, Curia Bri'.linilT nii.iuM ,1 DOST KOIICI T THR HAT ..!tD PATP, WE LARGEST SHOW Oft EARTH. H. .1 .a I hilA.n, an .. " On. Tlrket arfmli. e. w . . ' ots rt ii r. Hour. fo. "ft tun L. C V 1 1 L E , Aitj- ej La. . i, w . . . : - 1 i "....(ii, au. C'rcoe. (I, h