She $c publican, cv- Gioboi B. Gocpi.anbkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNKSPAT MORNlKfl, SEPT. II. 18:0- Democratic District Ticket. ASKE.MULY: JOHN fi. II AM-, or 11.x cornTT. Democratio County Ticket. 811 MUFF: 1 I'STl N 1. PIE. or 014.11!). COMMISSIONER : DAVID BUCK, or cLuitrm d. DISTRICT ATTORNEY i A. W. WALT BR 8. or CLIAttriF-lD. Jl'BY COMMISSIONER: JACOn A. FAUST,-- or ctcnnci.D. AUDITOR: D. AARON WISE, or inoi. CORONER : AMU EL A. C A I. DWELL, or iRAnronn. .Utornry General .leherman. It appear to ns tlmt Hiram Ulysc lias got moro titan he bargainer for when be selected tlio above named eontlrman n liis Attornrj- G.'iicrnl, in the place of Judgo Hoar, if we arc'j'int mock company for working np to take as genuine a letter written by Ackerman to his political fiieiids in j Georgia, in referenco to tho compli-j cations of reconstruction in thiilStalo. The Attorney General winds up hie ar gument in this wise : "You are .11 Ropoblieana, sod therefore I will aay I word to ton of the party nap. eta of the mat- we'thaii lo ih r-tatr if n election ia held nnt fill. We may heller Intr the Slate than keep it wrooKfollT. If the Pt.te i. lair .i.riioo. Ihoujh it hit be di-iprnvahlc. ret we .hall bare no nirht 10 comi.laio. It 11 one of . Ire. man I j.riviiRto ot. penende when ao minded, and An appro-Mention DM neeo eiprreaen oi if the mainritv e lioow ao to v,ite, the reet of ui nail auhmit lor the time, and tru.t that n fleetion ftnd experienoo will bring tbcm in the end Ic Boun der politic!." Now, when wo consider the fact that this extraoidinary specimen of a country lawyer writes more like a pol itician than a public functionary and a statesman, yet tho sentiments are tolerant and liberal, considering the source frm which they come nnd the influence which surrounds the writer, we must not be surprised if our digni fied and wonderful President, when ho returns from his hob nobing tour throughout the country, should say to his offending and careless Attorney General, "No more bo legal and cou ih'n'ni 6e n'exi m trtoTi'iofnci of'lhe second Washington f 1illafranra and Sedan. About cloven yeuva ngo, when llio Emperor (it tho French liaJ reached the height of his fortune; when he had been victorious in two great wars having rierconiilly led the French troops in the battles of Magenta and Solforino; When fiusia and Austria were humiliated, all Europo looked to him ah the arbitrator, and in France the ery of victory hud for a time si lenced every opposition to tho inipcri el rrgiene. At this important period the interveil at Villafrunca, between the Emperor of Austria and Xapuleon, took plate. A little more than eleven years have passed by, and Xnpoleon asks fur nn interview with. King William to sur render himself as a prisoner of war. perhaps for tho purposo of saving Lit. almost worn-out life, which cirtuinly ia as sufo anioni; the Prussians as among the French. France hut her oil invaded by an overpowering and resistless enemy ; her splendid armies defeated at every point ; her Gener als out flanked, out-maneuvered, out fought, and beaten lit ry Stop. r And why in 1Mb 7 Why Ims Frnnce lost licr luuifl.? Iiecuuxo slie -'ave tbe pwoid into the linndH of n nsiirjier wliu lind cli'slroyed ln-r liberticn and killod IlioiisnmU on tliousaiuls of her bt sons nnd Inni.bod llio mo't iilus triou nf her fliildicn. Tour Francs.' Alas, Kapolcon. "tt e".ll7r),.llar,a h'nrlnn Iprflii -hininlepin tbe ..vernae.i. Lue.ler Htatil it e ..I. I.ul ti o,. An.t!ier eriddiiee af the failure ol liranl'. a limn i.lralinn. He ia so eoch rr.val lirif) aa lua Ilrinncralie prrdeeeaaora have lrcn." ni,ranl. JnH sboul as near the truth aa tlmt paper ever gets. Under Builninan'a diniiiietriition, with tbii ly niilliima ol a population, it toat to run the gor. erniiieiit one year ?.i5,P15,24!) 44; I average cokt per capita, 11.10. Untior Grant, with a populution of forty mil lions, it costa t WJ9(i,Zbh 00 j with an average met per e:ipit;i, (ai a (rifle of arithmetic will show,) of $170. The statement of the Journal ean only serve to make the editor ridiculous and show bis alter ignorance, of Ihe' cxpeniliturn of tho gorcnimrnt ; fur .1 no ailministnition, finco tho days of .Wkt.oii, has boon lonilucled for $1.01 ! per bond. Jiclixon's ciwt $1.18 prr hoad, anil Folk , n bich lowest, coat $173, but id the next j llio Kocoiiil 1 Yanhi glon cun't make ber g. fur ; le than tl 76 per brad. Tn Enropuan war new. maikt-t in eicecdincly dull. Butchery Im been apparently u.pende, or nt leut ia carried on on a very Small MmIii Evidently the IVuKKiaut art cettinir ' Into a poxilion for the 6nal aaaault on ' ""'''J'- '' l"-all of Mcliowell' Pari. Diplomacy, Kepublic rwoie. I Cl,r'' Kichinond would have i.inn., pcac-o offering, ,nd .11 ,. ! V' 1.,Uol,0.r,l VlM'B r , , , . ; sU'liowell did t ho to liichinond. but or good and bad "pocul.tion.nn the, SioocwullJack). did anJ.nnd there iluation, apixiar lo ( the only tbingi. u!t all the world known, the rew itiotiifcm hare to do In. I . - a. fewdayi we Will ee. Kf Lnna .hp!- . HI' Al.ctit tvvriilv ona .am P)i lli"1 nnlionn of Urn iviiiocl "o"1' nwi,K0 our inirnint to lonrn Unit iKo K.mli of Vinruo Ul f.illt'fi in It hipIc niht, nnd Hint ft wim nitva.i errclril n Its riiim. Tlio nation 4apec and wondered, and went t ateon tlio next niirlit "till vnrM nnd incredulous uliout llio wlioio uiiau. How ns it nil dune r H'v u ... II I.!:., n..,l,c.i,.iliir pOBSIUlO llllll U lV"l"i.i v no many wlwlur. and intelleiUial readciK, oould Imvo jono nut liko n miuffed candlo in asin'lo ni-lit! hero was precisely llio dill'u ulty : 1 he Uepulilic of Krnnro had not in its be half a ainglo great leader. It had plenty of pcliolars, oratorn, pocte, jdd- lnKonherannd dreamerf, and rel'onneis without number, but it had no great leader. It had a host of uch famotm men as Lnnim tine and Victor Codsid erant, but I.amartine was a poet and Victor t'onsiderant was a dreamer; both grand in idea but excessively oinall in action ; giants in thought but pigmies in political physical momen tum. But this physical momentum is precisely the only thing that that tells at nil in the hour of revolution. If tho world as stnrtled over the extraordinary events of 1848, it was nmnr.ed in lt70 to Iciirn that in a aiii glo moon an Emperor had offered bat tlo to a neighboring Kingdom, and ere the end of that moon finds himself a dethroned monarch, and this once proud President of a betrayed Repub lic seeking wifely iu the camp of the enemy. Let us look for a moment lit the history of the last years of the Empire of Trance, which was nothing more than a stock gambling concern a the national wealth of France the dividends of which were shared among the ministers and their more or less numerous dependents. Louis Napo leon was tho George Hudson of the company Robert Mac aire on the throne taxing, oppressing nnd im ... . , . . i . -i i i. . poverislung llio people lo nunu up mu i w ealth of his imperial eupporU-rs, the . - .. , l,.n.on.l ministry. Itwas this that li.istenoU ,cnt disaster. TIlC masses, ill ., . r.l . ..,. laincntiible ignorance of llio true con dition ol tlio r.nipiio, anu suiiciing under tho oppressive drains of the demands of their rulers, clamored lor war; a clamor which Napoleon was compelled to heed, although be knew ... ii. ho w us not in a cunuiuon, nnancium or otherwise, to war with a great nation like Trnssia. This the French pcoplo did not know; fur, under the deceptions jiratticed on them, they were cnimlnnlly inflated and cheered Kith thefulso reports of the prosperity of the Empire lint, arrogant in his fulfc pretences, and hopeful in his weakness, Napoleon yielded to tho try, trusting to his former good for tune, cave the declaration of war to Khino revealed lha withering truth to Franco that she was not ready, her armies not equipped, her soldiers not properly prepared, her forts not mtfll ciently garrisoned, her treasury almost empty, the money, the sweat and toil of the masses squandered by the prodi gality of the ministry, and tho results disgrace and defeat. Tho condition of tho United Plates in etov i. rint nnlilA tliit rF IVn lien ! We have the SaniO let kiessness Of . ,-. .1 1 11 expenditure, tho name tot.i.dl mfln-1 lion, the inn.o univomnl dtfilnv of! mounn. llio "time fiimm-iul rogMtiry, tho i.'in.c oonfnlciiro nj itnpudcncc or. the mrt of tho ritli. which Franco professed lirfWre licr rrpont (umhle. Tho litwfl that govern finance, Ihc laws of infl.ition nnd colltpsc. nro the flume in nil time nnd in nil luiul. Our milliomttre of to day. loaded with prochb.H'kp.. fivetwontio nnd other bafivlestt bit, of paper, owimn proudly on the fe of pride nnd insolence, in idiotic blihdncHS to tho inevitable ntorm that nttint noon drive him upon the shore. Ifyoti quote hintory, he ( ffiixen nt yon with n vacatit tnro. lf yon tell 1 t 1.1.. 1 dim 111 plain word lhat tlio Collapse is Hear lit hand, ba answer . . Ir . ii i you with a sneer. If you tell hiin tll.1t Ihe l:im. lliinr it.nt is nnir e.nine. 1 ei e , rn nero nni sweii nway inniixaiiiis 01 i V. l...r.... V I ... e .....s, .,,t ...u i iw j,, ,, , he laiilm outright lllll IOC poor lOOl - . k- . I I 1 1 . .1 I l' " "'"K" ay me doom that will full. Of tbe ilny nnd ; " ' h' inT"""1-'" n'"1" a arperate . i -ii j t all iirwar.nint. mar hv hiin ami Hie anlonnl. tho hournhell ll will come IIO man a..-i. n.oi, Pa, h. and Ihe arme imin.-. Il eal, tell, but our own country is no ''';' ".'' 'h11 J mciliatelr a'M the nninee tn tlie tai r)iilicate ttf H,tr';" ' tl.t li ii h boon 1 ,,,r r'm.nt'h. twnliip or dictrict in winch l.ilKaHn .i,f..r-i.. aiJ if A w...,- .-!" rt ihc hi.o wi!! not diniTgunl tho mnrn injs of hiory. I Land Sams or the Union Pacific IIaii.roah Tho Pale of ibe Lnnd I)fpHi Unont cf t ho Union Pacific Util r"J nipnj Ir UlO month Ol August were U,rS,M 100 firros, nmour.linfr ' ' ' ' t, to $7,7(m.OO avcrniti $5.40 jiorncrc. The totnl lutid piiIoh of the Cumjnny aiUDtini lo$l4J.V7.77. Gospi.l Tri rn Tho Now York iS'tin tislis i' Whn I would have l oon thought of Lincoln, if, nltor onr Hull Kim. l.e hail, like the Kiier-nit,, : rent llio nir Willi c-ric ol' ilopirT" " l" wo ,,avo 10 ,,rit : ,n 1,11 ' the rrcwl rrikiMi of our nr Mr. Lin coln hnil ft iron hnuL nt W'tiMliiiwrt.iri ready lirej up, ami in cano ol an einer- jeeiiey in pnrod to lnko linn and hi family to any port of nafi ly that be iiiiiu uisikjnaic. lie niso, on ln. way to Vtikliiiii;lon in 1SUI, put on a di riiise of a Scotch anp and plaid lo ar rivo there falcly. Wo don't think that l.inroln bud any tbiiiir lo bonl ol over Kiigi iiie, who, nsyet, bn. made 'mi elT.irl In Inaeo P.ra 1UH it not been l'r Lincoln'a leiun of bin own Attj,'n '0nld fullow th(ll;llt. No Nov -MUrvibcmcnts. (.rnrrnl I'.lrrlloti Proi laiiinl Ion. w T 111' AS, fcf actol lie Uon.ral Ae.m rift fniitl.i. -An n't to rrf-ilt tlt ..n-rl t.lrrtK O ttiltiin lliif ('omm'-nfltli,' ll in n j.ilntd iiiun lh Mirnfle f th cnunltf in nit ixldir notir of ttich flfciu-n, lh pliifei bcr lo b Leld. and tb ivAirert Ki ti vloetcd. Tiitmrniii. I. C.nrttr Ilowr, Ulrh Phriff lip lo III lwlT of lh rnnnly ff lnrnriil, tlmt t Rnt'tiil tUoiion will h h A on th hrr oNh Ti or Orn nin wtT, (teinf tlih da ol lh tmtnih,) ui tti ftTtrnl flffiin di irirt tn nid ftotinty, nt wtiirh timo and ptce lh lUllll.til TOlft will TOlf For onr prriion lo r,irf"fn l,p "1",'t' of fli-lil. Csinrron. Illk. l-rr, I'un nt, Jfflrnun. Mi koiin and W arrrn in ('unRM FH. lor iitir f rfon .o rejirrfrtit t lie i-ntiiilic nf CNar- flild, I lk and Ktnt in tho llnune of Hrire- rntat i wit tif Iliis ( onimunwrftltli. For one p.Tfuo fur the orticc of Sheriff of CNar fictil eouoir. For nut ipr'n for (lie iiffl of Cuun'y CoBiojia- aifinrr l" 1'Iit.rtifld county. For one ).erton f.r the oflioo of Piflriot Attorney or v Icnrncld vmnty. Fur mic prrmtn fur tlic office of AuJitor of Clcur field county. For one prrmm for the office of Jury CommiMion er of C'li-artirld rounly. For orn porion for the office of Coroner of Ck-ar- flfld county. The tiiH tor of the county of ClcarflM will notior that Ihc md (teneral elcctiou Kill bo held at tin' folloniug ilao!H, vis: llcocaria townliin, et the rni"H Hotfl, In film llojir. l II townsbip, at the Iiouk of Airyh Kll;a. Hlootn towiliis at the bonre of lfi Into Juiuo! Hlonro. lr. lUffct th- limine of Kdwan! Alrtrrt. Draiitord at Uie hoime of .lacon rirroa. Hta ly tnwubip, at the bouse of W w. ricliwi-in, in Lilllirrohuri. HiiriiPide towtifhip, at Yuan? nehool houoo. ( hmt township, at tho publio achool boune near Rimnn Xnnhn;iri. Cli-arfli ld bortiuftb, at (lie Court Uouw. Covinrton townclnp, at th house of J. Munrer. Corwenivillc buroub, at the huic of the luu Isaa Itlootn. Ii't!iitur towrtFliip, at Cmtm it-hool Itotinr. Fcrfruann tuwnntup. at the hottur of John fln-(-ory, lonneriy ocrupunl by Tboi. Hob icon, (Itroad way.) (iirnrtl township, at TonpreM Hill ichool liouac. ()oheo townhlp. at the imMir eflmol houie. tirnliara lownnlup. at tho rtouMnof Jaenb lluhlrr. Oulich townibip, at the publio cehool boue, in Jnfif f ille. liunton township, at the bmie of Jf,?e Vitnun. JordriD toiro-lnp, at the publir aohool houe, in Aii'oni ille. Karthaup tt'wnhip. at Uridn' n hool htiute. Knox townchip. at Turki-y Hill achool hnu.c. Lawn-tiro township, at the Court IIoupc, in the lrarou:h ol I'h urtN Id. I.uiuhcr City borough, at the puhlic fhool homo. W'-rrii the housi- luriuerly occupied by Thomae KyU-r. Xm Wu!.biigiou borough, at the puhlic school boue. Oola liorough, at the nuViic hi.unc of Milo Ili'Vt, in paid borough. F nB tonncl ip, at the hotel formerly kept by W. . Aniernn. P ke ai wiithip, at the buff of Hie Into If&JW Ill-in, in the l-orou'li of Curwen'rille. I r.ioo tuwufbip. at thehoimeot I).K. Ilmhaker. V'oudward p, at the liouxe of Xhouias Hrndcrson. AN ACT rrculatinjt the mode of mrinjc at all tlecliom iu the tH-Terml eMintie of thi Coni niotiw-!th, approved tho 3i tb day of Monh, A. I'., lM'l'i, vii ; Huthui 1, if tnacltU hf the Henate and IluuK .f Itf pren-utntivrn of I he Commonwealth ol IVnntvlvania in (iirifial AMemtdy met, and it is h(-reiy enacted ty authority of the Mtre, 'l'ht the qualified rotrre of the ecvrral couiidra of this t t.imnonwf alth. at all pfiural, twnsiip, borough and special elections, are brrehy. hcreattcr aulbor itcd aiid rrqoircd lo role, l.y t ichets, priuU d, or ' written, or pnrtu limited auo iiarny watien, at-v- ernT ,.iai.,iii,d aa f. tl .w. : n- ticket .hull em- hrnrn tlir riiimr" tit all j of p..ur'f rotfH fir. and to bf laittlri, uutnulp, "jiidirianr ; out lit kcl ttilll mu I'mcr tlit namiM tif tbe stair i.flitri vutfd f'r, ainl b llrrl, "Blair otic 1ifki rl.ill rm brnrt the of l cnuntT offirrr vntti for, inrluilinc oflifr f kvrmtiir, mriiidrr, and tnrturirri ot aMi-inl'!y( if vutfd fur.auil pituilrra of CiUr,n'P. if rdU-if fur. and lie Ulu I1 1. "cnuntv ;" me In krt phlli rrnliraof tbf mimM nf all t..wnliij. officer otrd for, anl b labrllrd, "twfihip ;' onf tick et Ittill rtndrnce tb iianirt of all rn-runna offiiwi Tt'trd for, and ! latu'llfd, ''lMirouh ;" and rach clar eliall be dr-pf-'itnl in rrjar:o tiallut buxr. TlKtllSTKY LAW. I aWn f'rr official ooticto thrrlrctnrd orClrar fld county that y an art tntitlM An Art lur ttitr fut t-lfinciital to the act rrlativa io tli rlcc A. 1. Im;D, it i t.roviUid ao loiluas: PrrTto 1. fir it tmatird p., Tlmt It lull Iw, the duty of fiu-h uf the Aticor within tliiic t omtnon wealth, uo ttm lM Mnndar in Junrof each year, Ui tnkn np tlir tranwnpt he Imp irrcived frum thr Co. Cornrnitaiw'inrr iin-lrr tlir rif;litli ortion nf thr art of t lb April, M and pmcrrd to an itnn.tliatc rTi"i of tlits ramr, lT alnkitijt tlirrrtrom tb nunm of rvery prraon ho ia knin hjr him tn hare Hiid or rrmnvrd niDiT the lat prri joun a arviiment. or wHofo rrmnval into t amf ahull ht or ukatl haia hwn made known to htm, and alo thr of all nho rliall makr c'aim to b:m to lx qualified rotrrs tlirrrin. At toon a thii rcviajon it (wirnplftcd he hall rinit crerr dwrllinjt houe in Inn district and nske rareful inqmr.T if any person wnofr name in on inv iit haa itird or re- moved from the diftrict. and if .0 tn take the aame therefrom, or whelbor .ny qualified voter reeidce therein whore rime I. not on hi. Ii. I, and if aoto Mnt lhfrrty; md in , ' I B'MM to thr tax forihwith a iMcd agnint Ihe rrnn : and the Aaaraanr tha inarajrertaiD,W inquiry, upon what grnund the pertnn o atetcd claim to he a voter. "T on I the cumpMinn of thia work. It ihall he the dun of earn A"teftr an aforeiaid lo proceed tn make out hit in alphabetical order, of th white frretnen, ahire twenty-one year of ajc, clajming to be 3iin.1if.f-rl Totert in the ward, horouph, township nr latriet of whirh he it the AeVtor. and opponte eaob of aaid namei itate whether aid freeman it or ia not a housekeeper ; and if he it. the nuuilier nf hia retiilence, in townt where the name are num bered, with the itreet, alley nr court in ahieh titu ated : and if in town where Ihera arr no numlrrm, the nim of lh ttrcet, alley or curt nn which eaid home frontt; atn. tho occupation nf the prton : and w here he It not a hon-t k Tper, the occupation. plaf nf liaardii.g and with whom, and If working , ior anoiner, uie nnme 01 the employer, and write I nj.poaiic eivh nf i,vd nainra the word "voter;" J whn any rn'ron cTaim trt Tod- hv reat-in nf nalu- ralitnrion, be thnll rihitut hit eertifkntc llienoflo the Axxetinr, unleti he haa ben for five cnnftcrti tive yean neit prreednig a voler in ibid dilnet : "rt'i in aii eart wiii-rr me l-erti n haa Im n nntn- ! liF,. fh.n i,. ,rki ,.!, .( Z , : " fmnn bar rerrelv divlarnl biein ! t.'l'oii. I.. h,-i Min.-a ritir,-n a.t.i di-.iii. l.i Im-na'n rai,,ei hef..rr n.e mvi el ; Ih.ii. Ihe ame .l.olt lie war".! "I. I :" .here Hie I. lo ve'e hv ,n (, i,i,g Letwern the aye. of Lenty-nne anl ivrenir leo. a. p I"l l.y law. I lie. .oril iiji" at.. I if flu i.rr.on hn. PK.vr.l tnlo !"' le'U'er. I (h(. e el.vlr.n 'l'trn-l o rr.i.le .inee the r.nprai eie-'Ofli. ine ir-I.r '-ll .ImN l.e l.laee.1 v..l.o,if. toe ,i .nan in urn inruier duly M A- I -..I a. a!..rvra..l. tn...n lh. r..n,i,l, l,n ..I Ihe pre. 3, n tlit liit lidnc cnm Vtcil and the e"mrt)t maOe a ar..rrai'l. the afirne alia 11 l-irth-with he rrtnrned let the tVuntT ('i-rrmiafnnere. whn ahnll eae iliif.lirrtfr oi.i. ,,f wilti tl.e o'iirati'ili t.n.1 txj.lHiiul h.h requtml to he nnipq a ai'ream. m ik. nin'ie oin n ort bp ira'-- ticatile and flawed in the hand of lt;a An-r-nr I who hall, prior In the firM nf AnrnM in caeh year, put one cej y thereof on the d-"r of nr on Ihc liouac w litre Uif eleftiin of the rrpieiic diMitct i rr- qn rd to te hrM, ard retain the other iii hin pop ""l,'n ,.BM;rt r "r hyv'f rrii,. -i in the pa d elertion d.atiict I tl.all deairc ti A ? tAirir ; and it plial! Ie tlir j duty nf the aaid Afsur to all, from time tn time, on the peiennal a plication of any cneetaim I inn the rirht to 1 'tic, tiic nnme 01 ,nh cla.inrnt, j and mark o.ipmite tlip name ('. Y t" anu .11 ti,c I diatftv pa t,,m with a Uv n"irt ?. a in all oiliei j rara, bi nccupatinn, residence, w heth. r a hoard I er or houet hiener 1 il a bonnh r, with whom he ar .p; ani wn-iner naiiuanre.i nr iltupun-'f tn ihe n. m -n i ." th. e. il . ,f '' Jr""n ,!,'",,Bii ' rn.nrr"".''.'.!";' ao'i'Tr h-Vi"' oaaeil lie rtaliialttril. or In. eerlilieate nl inn. tlmt he ir.,i,a ne nal.raii.efl oriore Ihe .oil eti.nme. rlerlo.n. 1 he ahall ea.hi.nt the eeMifn-ate ol hie il"rlnraiioo if , intention; in all raw wlieie any want, horoiih. , to.n-hip or eleeiion diri I i- d'iviil.d Into loo ,' more pre.-in-l., Ilie Aveeeor .IinII nolo In all hie ' ..'..wnla Hie elrdiiin prrcinoi in . Iiirh . a. h elee. lor n .i.le., and .hall oialie a .opverale ntiim lor eael to Ihe Tonaly C.inmi.ionrr.. in all in who h a return I. rv-nnire.1 fVoni him hv Ihe nmvir. i loll" ol lira ael ; anil ll.e I Oliotl t otntiii, .Itinera, in I tie. I 'rwe.Wif, Thai no prrrn. airninf lb, n, waliiur duplii aie eonire of all .itch nlaina. almll , tillotl ahall be appmr led an Overeeer mate dnplii-ate nf the tiaim of tl.e votrr. in ewrii .irr';in, peporaieiy. aou rnail Ihe .a naa tnlhi. Aeea.or j ami the enpt, a reifuirt il hy tint art te he piare.1 on the d"or ol or on f lertion place, on m-.orr , or ii 01 ourn.i in oa- o yiar, alial, he plaed n. the donee ol or oa the elei-tio.a place I. each of aaid preemela. Srr. a. After Ihe aarume.t liave heon com pleted on tlie Ir-nth diy prer-eilinr. i,r .oeond Tin-r. day In Kelnher of rac, ye.r. the A.aciwor ahall. on Ike Monda, imme.lialelv ddlowinu. make . ri-tnrn lo the I onniv ('nmrncaionera of Ihe naniea nf .11 peraona a.e,ed l,y him aince Ihe reinrn reoui?T-. lo liema le hv him hv the aee nd eeelmn of Ihi. ! no.,,,,,po., whB.. the oWainv,, ami ! eiplanation, requm-J lo lie noled h af-reamid : ...r) tlteConnty "..oner, ahall therei .k- i i.ii .1 a-. .. . aion eaii ai. : ol the aae ' " ,nr wpiT, bt Vhv : eri .1.1 i. .nn 'A in. . "i. v.. I e 1.11 and eorieel IU iv Artmtlscmrnts. ,.,,,, ,:!,,, Hie Blme,af e,,, ll,-m. all .e,.,i. Iioi'i' li. I" ' I'""""' """ ' .. ,l,.r will) Hie nH'eearv elee l.lavk.. Inilie stln-ir. ol Hie elei lmn In ! warl, b.,iirll. I..n.lni or ,.r. "in-l. nn nr li-fure ,i, .L 1., II.. Bi.irtiiliff 'if lite .iwonil lil'-.iUv of Iho ,l,-.M.r. on Ihiil il wli..e nir n ,., I,.t. unli " lie '" l"""1 '"' '" a hrreinaner itqiiiml. Fr.r . On lha ilaf of e'aellon an iar.r.ii l,i,.e name i. on Ida i't H". "J flaimln lha rliihl lo rule "I aalil aloclion. ahall prola-a .. ... mi.liflrd r.iler of tin dl.'rin In whi.'b he el.lma lo In a ilr lh r' "l i'f j al lea-l len neil preeee.lin aH lll,,n. uhlfh xilr.ea .hull laka ai'l luhaerihe . writ ten and ,rintaii. alli'laelt tn Ilia facta Italril bj hiin, affi.Ue il ahall delta e eleur y where' the re.Ueni-e la of ihe per.on eUi.ninn tha per.on 10 elalniin lLa .il,i .! .hall al.o lake and mhacribe . trritien, or oarllr nrillen and partly rlnled, aflidoiil, at.ilnn. to lha heal of hl knowledfta and belief, wlieie and when ba wa born that ha I. a eliiien of ihe Commenweullh of I'enniTl- ranl. and of lha I'niteil htaiea mat na ft.i rerided In lha Commoowe alih one year, or ir form'y . eillien therein and baa remored ihera from, that ha baa re.ided therein alx montha nnt preeediei! .aid eleetlon : lhat ha haa not moeed nlo tha dialrlrt for the fiurnoae of votina' therein thai he haa paid Siale or County lai wllhia two yeara, wtiirh waa aa.e.and .t Iraal ten dara liefore aati eleetiua : and, If a natural lied eiliaon, ahall .lao alala when, where and by what eourt ha waa naturaliaed, and ahall at ao produr l.ia eerliflralo of naturallia'iim for eiaininalion ; lha .aid affidavit ahall alao alate when and where the tax elaimed to he paid by tha .A ant waa a.feaard, and whan, where and to whom pnid, and the tax receipt therefor ahall be prouueed for examination, unle.a tha affiant ahall et.te in hi BlhilaMt tnat H naa been l'iai or de royed. or that tie nerer reeelred any bill if Ihe per.on ao claiming the right lo rote ahall take and .uh.rrile an aQi Uvit. llmW he ta a native horn eiliien of Ihe United r-teJea, (or If born el.ewherr, ahall Hate that fet io hi. tQidetH. and ahall prodere eeidrnfle t-ial he ha. been neluralixed, or that he ia entitled lo eiti len.hip lT rraaon of bia ftlier' naturulixation,) and .hall fur'her atata In hia affidavit that he la. at lha time uftakinf; lha affidavit, between the .jea of twenty ore and twenty two years i lhat he haa reridi-d in Ihe Slate one year and in tha elerti.n di.triet ten dava nnt preceding euch election, be ahall he entitled to vol, alihouf b he ahall not nare paid totea : tn aaia minTii of all persona mnking auc h clnims, and the af Hiiavl'a of the witm-ar-ee to their residence, 'hull be prearrvnd by the election hnard, and at the close of th election they ahall bt ncloaed wilb Ihe tiat of rotera, tall. list and other papera re quired by law to ba fi'ed by tl return judge with th I'rothonotary, and ahall remain on tile therewith In lh prothonotary'a office, luhject to u.mioation ai other election pitperaare; If the lection r.flirrre ahall find that the applicant or applicanta potiaee all th legal qualifications of votf ra, b or they ahall be permitted to rote and tb oatn nr oajis ahall he added to the list of taxMe bt th elect ion "Deer the word tm" being a id- d where the claimant e lai mi to rot on tax, and word "ace" wher he claim to rote on age; tb earn word being added by the derki in earn c5 rrr oetirely, on th iiat of peranni voting at aut b clectiun. Prr. 5. It shall be lnwful lor any n-mlified dti- in of lb dutrict, lint withstanding the name of tha pr-poard voter ia contained tm the lift of reri tent miahlri, to t!hallmjo the vote of fuoh prronn ; wberrnpnn th latnr proof of Ihe richt of tiffrare aa ti no re aired by Iaw that) b puhlirty made and aetocoa by ibaalecUon board. and U rota admitied or rejected aocorJmjf to the eridinrei every perinn elaiminr t be natoraliird cititen tfaall be reqwirw, to prcdnre hn naturalUi.ti"n ctrnficat at th election be fire vutinc. exceiit where be Lu bren for tra yrare, cnrruiivtly, a voter lo tba diitrict in t u b benflVrr hit rot ; and on tho tmo nf aurb prreun bring received, it ihall he the duty of i lha election n Hirer to write or atamp on aurb ' certificate the word 4 voted," with the month and year , and if any election CWr or oQWra ihnll receive a eeennd vote n the mtne day, by virtue ol the him ccnificat.eerttnK where aoni ra entnled ie vote by virtue of th natoraliiaiioo of their fathrri. thev and the per-n wbo ihall flr fnrb arcond vote, npoa o tfff tiding ihall be KoiltT nf a hi(:h nmdrmr a nor, and on convic tion thereof, be fined or imprimtned, or both, at the dircretinti of the court ; but the fine aball pot eiceed on hundred dollar in each cae, nor th iajprtannment on year; lh lika p nihtant fLall b inflicted on con v lotion on the ofheer of eltction wbo aball neglect or refute to make, or rati to ba made the tndonr ment required a aforeaaid on aid rataralitaitnn ocrtinata r rc. 6. If at y alectton officer aball rfui r nciect to require Lrb proof of tbe riff hi of uf fraje It deicrihed by thii law or iho U wbuh Ibi i a npplemrnt, fr"m. .V' aeeeraed vutcra, or whio right to vota U thai lenpcd by any qualified voter prcient, and ihall admit inch pcrtuB to vote without requiring lurfa proof, f rry perma ao offending ahall, upon eon virttot, b guilty of a high m ademeanor, and ahall b tentenct d, for every euch offt nco, to pay a fine nnt eicording on hundred do Part, or to undergo an ImpriioBincni nn mot than on joer, or either or both, at tt iicretioa of the couit. c T. Ten Jayt preceJlng erery election for" elertori nf preiident and Vic PretnlfOt of the I nited f-'tate. tt vbatl b tb duty of th Attoi ; for to attrnd at tb place fiied by law fur hold j ln tha eleeli.m in eirh elealii n rliatr.i t tben and there all of peraon wboa name, bare been omitted from the, lit of, atttiird voter, and whnclaiia be right t- rote. ! or whnt rtghti hare originated aince thr lame wa made nt, and ihall add th name nf eoeh per ton thereto aa phall ihnw that the? a.f entl ! (led to th right nf aaffreg la iueb diitrict. on Ihe appl'cation of the claimant only, and forthwith a-i Ihem with proper tai After cnmtleting th It.t. a cop thereof ihall be placed on th d onr of lh boe where tbe eleriion It to He beld, at leant eight daji Uf -re j the election ; and at the election tbiaame r on rue j ihall bo punned, in all retpta, ai I rciafred by ti.ii art and the act ta ab'ra it ta a nipple ntrnt, at tbe general ele. li .rn in OrUibnr. The Alienor ihall aim make th aame returni to the County Commiitionere of all aetrrnentf made by virtoe of thia ecru on, and tb County Com uiittioneri ihll furnUb coptei tber.of to the rlec'U n t (Doer In each dutriet, ia like m inner in all retpre'i ai ii rr.Qind at the general tlcc tiom in O. t ber. t-.c 8. The tame rulen and regulation! ihall apply at eTiry ape rial election, and al erery aep arnte city, borough or ward election, In a 1 te rpoeia, ai at Ihe general election in Ortf.h,.e. Hac. i. Tbe retpecttre Aeaiioni. !ni.r-tf.r I " d Judgei of the election! aball e fa hare the power to adminUtcr oathi tn any penon oltim I ing th rich to be attetted nr the rinht nf uf (rufe, or in regard I any of raid officer, under On ait I and any willul fa i awcannt hj mtij pe.nn in reUiinn ti an? matter o thmf enn cetnmc winch they phali he Ipw'uIIt interr ca ted hr any of en id tnVere, afa all be punifhid at pe-jury. ttc 10. The Ap-pporp liU revolt 9 ihc cme Ciirpenipti'-n f..r the time nccepaarilr ppenl (n pei(if Uiirp: the duttel herehy eiijoined a ip pre. tidrd hy law for the performance of their t th-r .( I duiita, to l.e paid hy the County Cniotaipai'-rer, ai in finer emi ; a nil tl mail not he laalul fur any Atpeppi r f atepp a tai asainpt any perron whi tcr within ten daye nei frec.dn jf the election to he held on the 2d Tuepday of Ortoher, in ary jcar, or within itu dau next h.fore any elcctii h fur r'ertnrp i f rcntli nt and Vice Prrai. dent of the i niird Mule; any TtnlalinQ t thia trvii:n fhalj he a roi'drni',nnr, aa i paSjrrt Ibr "B t-rp a.. ,.ff.n.tifr ir a fine, on c .ffi ttt eicceditiff one i.anuren anllarp.or in im, ootneit not excrctlnK three munthp, nr both, at the dipcrct'n vf the enort i far. II. On the retitinn nf Bi -a or nnr e.ii ! iern nf the county. aUlinr nnder oNtfa that tb- t at... t . ' Tfr".T Ma-a lhat framlp Ida eUcnoa .huul to ha fcelrl, In anv di.lnel, II .lull he ibe duty of tha eo.rl of eommun i.l.aa if .ai'l couoiy, if in tafaion. or if not, Ju l,,, 111 e pmcnee i inrreoi in vaeanon. In. appoint l.fl Jll lirinna, ei'her anil iolellifrent eilirenv nf Ihe eennly a ael aa Overaeara al laid eleeilnn ; aaid Orereeer, .hnll he aeleeteil from different partiea. and hrra Imth of .aid In.peet'.ra helm.g In Ihe aame I i.lilieal parly huh ol ihe Oeerarera ahall he la arn Ir. m lh. oppmlie pi.liiie.l parly l aaid Over arm ihall Ihe rier.1 to b. prraent with lh. id (Ti ol the elrel;nn. dnrini lha ah.l. n. Ih anrr, ia lield, and the vote, are b-lnf euu.led, tnJ the retarnl ui.til. out and aimed hy llio e'm li.n lo keep. Ii.l of v..l.r. il fhey fee proper: to fhvMnj. anv ner. .a ofTerin to Tote. and interrogate hit. and hi, wit aoraea, undoi earti. in regard to hia rijrllt ol auf llaRe at aaid oleeiioii. and to esamine hia p.per pnolurrd ; and Ilia oBioera of am I e action ara reoiiirid to afford In aaid Oiriaeera ao aleeted and appointed every eonvenlrnee nf farility lor tha dur.arg of their dullea . and II .a a 'e. lion oflicora ahall refo.e lo permit aaid Oreraeere to he prearnt and perform Ihelr dullea a. a. ore .ait, nr if they ahall l.e drive, .way fr..n the rv... j bp. iDiimaiinn, .11 l.a t-oiaa poeo ai a.ea .i a,.tn-t may he,d I., any iribon.l eonie.i under a.,d ,). pp nt led an Overeeer. Po 11. If ar.v rrnthonourr. Clrrk, or th. V1"' .,"":"' "r paraon, ahall .!, ll.e aeal of office lo an? natn.,1,,., io r parmlt lha a, , .f,,x.,d, r ,, wheeeh, it mT b, fmndnlenllv-,ed I, f.rt.1.1 , a l.aturall.l,on to any ,,,,, who .h .11 K.v. nol been duly ,1a .worn In open .ri. in ,he pre.eae. f ,m, , lh. Judfea thereof, aeeordin, to lha ael ,f v ! rea. nr ,h, II aid In. ronmve ,u o, In an. ... I ..ri.,l the any Iraod.lem ..Krai,,,,,, i ano.m, thai u ,..dl,ntly ie.ned.or ,h. i vol. or ..tempi ,. , ther-on. or II , of Mlur.l,,.,,,,, .', imnJ him. he "hallh! Italliyof a I" 'Kb siadrneanori and ...her or any - i -i aiurn r Demir. ru ti r Ilia nora.,,. l ... I 1 enter of the ni .demean ore af..raa.ri -r,.i " I cet'irllca a. . . , '"n, wo t taid ia t turn lot eicd.t, oa !!'...... -.rr...s linprl.snm.M ".""' I.:. ,. i -I,nen e.ll, srarVm.. line., i nr liefm. ant nil In iMa Hii, er i.fll eetDlhrllfd In ailmlnl-ter enttil. .hall, I" fro a rerliflrala of naliiialnalln, fur lilm.elf m lo bt flp. or Hia'l (n like manner dany any mrittrr l b 'n' t. knowinj the n m to he true, ,1 all b deemed fuiltT of perjury t and any rer tin. ale of nmiirnliiln lu-1 n purnnnc of any inch drpntiiion, derlarattmi or affirmation, hull bd null and rol l I anr ii hll be the 'tity of th f'Ort in.uinK tb oume, npn pro tf lK made before It that it wai fraudulently ..Ua''. Id tnka liiunediata tneasiiref for rerallliiK atne for eancellntion ; anJ any peraon who ahall rota, or attempt t rote, on any pnper no ob- talned, or who ahall In ary way aid In, connir at, orharaaj agency whatever In lh ,muc, eireutntion or use of any fraudulent naturaliaa tion cartifirate. ihall bf deemed nuil'T of demeanor, anil upon eon fiction thereof 'ball undergo an ImprUonment in th penitentiary for at more than two yean, and piy a fine not iuor? than one ibnaaand doll.n, for rery nch niTcnee, or aither or both, at th discretion of the court. Hue 14. Any Aissinr, election officer or per on ae an Overseer, who tbalt ne(f1"rt "r frfu to perform a y du:y en..! rd by thii nel, with out reasoniihlo or IcrhI enue. fhnll befutj-ot tc tunnltvof one hundred d.dlnra ; and if any Asiruor shall aiscaa any pcrnon f'ter who in not qiiaiififd, or hall n fuse to aiest any on who ta iualili- d, he hnll bo auittv of a tulsde meanor in, and on eoniction b puniabvd by fine or Itiif-risonnifiit, and alio b luWicct to an action for damage! by th party apurlefed ; and If any person ahall fraudulontiy alter, add to, deface or daitmy any lial of votcri, m'le out dirreted by thin act, or tear down or remor the fame from the plane where it bar been filed, i h Iruudulent or mischievous intent, or tor any improper purpose, the person lo offending ihall ha guilty of a bin misdemeanor, aud on convio tton eha1! be punished by a fine not eicoed nir Ira buodred dollare, nr itnpriponment not i eeedint; two year, or both, at th discretion of the court. Peel.'). All elrrtior-r for city ward, borough, township and election i-ffiim ahall hereafter be held on th record Tuesdej of' er. autyect to all th proviiions of th lawa regulating th election of eucb oflierr not incouitent with thia act ; th peraona elected to aueh ofliees at lhat time iball Uke their phtooe at tb axplrtt- lion of the t train of th peraona holding tb j nn9 -( (he (jm if fUot) ee(.tU)I, . hut no elec- tion lor the ofhc of Asaesaor or Atitant Aac. or shall b bldf uudor Lhia aot, uutil tho 3 ear If 7. Pkc Id. At all etertioni herenfterhcM.ondrr the lawa of thia Commonwealth, the polle ahall be opened between the hour of eis nd aefun o'clock a. m., and el'aed at aeren o'olock p. m Kkc. 17. It mall be the duty of the tnaeretary of the ComroonweaMh to prepare forma f'r all the blank mndc neospary by thia act. and ur nb ropiei of the aau to th County Commie aioncra f the af viral couniic of the Comuion wealth: nd ihe CountT Coinmiainera of each county eha.ll a aoua as may h neceeaary alter j recfi,t D( the the proper eipenae of th county, procure and furnirb to all tha election oOicera uf lh electin district f tbeir nspoci. tve cnunttea enpiea uf aacb blatika, in aucb qunn- titica aa may ba rendered neeeeeary lor tue ui aharg of duties under tbia act. ee Pre. 19 That cltlron of thia State tempora- I rily in tb fervira of thia Suto or of tb t mted and who do not vota where ihua employe!, ha ll nnt ba theirhj dfiirivrd of the rijlit to Tote in J their nercril akctino diitneu it i auiy qualified. itice It further licrc-br fftrru. That 4j PTMnt en-epi Joi'icri of the r'ear. who j ncll B 4,0j,.e or Br,p0intnient of trut under : tk. ,(P.,nmsni nr ,h I nitf.l Siatn. or of hi $tMt it f 4ny infirpor.trd dutrict, ahethera cotntnif-ionrd t-Kicer or oihrrwitr, a mWdinate Aiter or trrit, ho ii or hall hcroi 1'iTca nn der the l.eici'latite, fcxrtutive or Judioal de partracnti of this iStita or of the United State, or any city or incorporated ditirkt, and alio that every miichrr of t'nrtjtrei", or of the rotate j jf)titUturc, or of tbe e turn on or icKct couocil nl any city, or ct mmifin-nrr oiany it.corporaioa diitrict. aro hy law incapable of h' l itnjt or eicrriaing. nt the ramc time, tha fltca or ap pnirtmcnt of Julga, I nf pre to or Cli rk of any I irriion of ihie Cotumotiweahh. Ilie Return Julgri of the rcrpcrtiv difricti aforeaid ara rniueMrd to meet at Ihe Court r;" ,u v, ym,uv'""? Friday next after tho 'aid roennd Tuetdaf of Or.,.h,r. lie. ad Ihera t. da tto.a i.i Homo, in tlia horou ;h of Clearfield, on lha fint reqiUed of them by law. U1VEN nndtr ny ind and seal, at Clearfield, thii fourteen th day of 8rptetnher, in th L.B. year of our Lord on thjvand cijht hondred and aevrntr, end f the ludr- neodene of tb I'liiied Stutei the ninety fi or b m M 1S70. SErTEMCER. ISTO. MAGNIFICENT OrKMNtl OF FILL IM) WIATFR (iOODS 1 " 1,1 ' LU W""1' . j IV IT LI AH AIAIIKI:T PTRIIKT, f Shalt ontiiiur to Keep Printt, Delainet, (.inphani, Phintf. Fhectingt, Canton Flannel, Woolen Flnnnelt, Th!e I.ih nt, Quttl. I)rei Honda, .Main and Cot d F Wkn, Jtipinrac Silk. .1 i'irtt-Ciam .IrtUtr of f.oorft, nl Plaid. rp, lMn-k ATpae-aP upliinlid aitirle, rrj an I 5. l.a lici t't.atuiff, Hi.iwln IVooVn and Painley-x-Vatcproof. fiifl Srti the Same nn Bow M,?ce'anf CMMretm' .Minra, lUlj mi l Cap. Fiim, Fancy liw-.N, Tiimmir,;. While (......1. Il.11 io.i ,Ul. tatmn and real. f Thry (nn be Itottfht Tl.e C..i l,r.l,d ll.rri, Seaml.w K iim, lfl, heal in llio nrl,l. aim, a (i.n, Kl.l lilnve fur i.v renta Iliierr N 'ttiina, lo. In any other .nrkrl. 1"" Plllea in Data, Dilinrla, Rililmna, Ual rinrnea, Flowera, datrirh Tipa, ate: . large ilo k nf I.ajira' a Oeut'a I'li'li ..' A tlr.l-el.iat Milliner fr.'m PhiLoli-lpliia li-ta heen enirapc l to Inaac and trim Ilala ami l;onm-1a in Iho ieat and moat r.t.h.onalile tt) Ira. tliarlicld, I'a., Sepl. U, l.s;tl. PUBLIC VENDUE. ' IHIK will nITer at P.l.lie .1 hia 1 re.lem in l',ke to.,h,n. on UK anbporiher will nffer at Pohlic Kale, a reaidencc in Tike twnehip, on Wednesday. September 21st, 1870, The fdlnoiiir: pmportT: Two hnraca. twn ew, ftre head ftf .vonr.jr, catlle. lot of b.'f. plow, bar Mwa, ctillhatnrf. etnve. tieda and t-,(. r.c. I.i.lri, chsira, cnr.b..ard, carpet, and tnan.r 1h r thin not meniinnrd. ta'e to er-mmence at Iff o'clock II.I.I M A I.!M Kl.l. IOM diraKie IHU KK k" with r.h.U Mnble aod other H-veoeaerr oat f Mild:iir, fiiiialed in I qi lir raUir. t'learfield t'o. Hnqao ture atd cmirenieiit i'on:ainiii i rwq well adopted fnP a etnro riwm ar an office. l-'.r lurthor articular, ad trtg K. I. hi lib, M. Tl.. nrll.fnhl, Vm . Or J. C. IiAllKK F, I.lhcrtiur. Pa. ti .It PI SIIKI.S of lirime I' ti 11 I A V ... 'i. . ' Mini V II K, t r i rale at John tl, ill... Rpirr, tfirn trier. Aojn 31, irc. A. LEE. j VUMfU;infoiii. ii i. n o v a la i I Wnl'I.H T. eeiiillv Inf'.rm n y eulmei a and the (ml, lie guiei.Uy, H'at 1 baia Romovcd my Millinery and Fancy Store To the lala rraldrno of Hr. Ilarl.wlek, orroairr rna Jan., And have, fluid up a room well anilrJ to .uppl.T my trade in Ihe i"l pl' 0'"' '.!'. "i"1 1 ."ulJ hiivenivruBlonirre lo p...iliiily hear in mind lhat I am ilelerniiiieil not I" he aur.araid in STYLE, QUALITY, or Low Prices of my Goods I And will make it a ipoeially lo all peraona want- in H'Kid. in my line lo pU-n.e in the moat profit .lilr wny to thim, and will rt wee'ilv from the city ALL TI1K LATKST KlVLEd OUT. liKCKIVED THIS DAY! foine of the nio.l heniltifill and ele(nnt .lylea of new Fall lloniiil., Ilala and French Flowera. Alao, Lace (.'ullara, illovoa, 8ilk Laeea, Ac. rieaae call and aeo Ihem. Mil. T. K. WATSON. ricarlleM, Seplemher 7, 170. Clearfield Gas Company. "VTOTITE ia hcrel-y given that the rubscriheir X of the atock of the Clemi field (Jaa Company will meet at the Arhitnitton Ituom, in the Court 11'iune. in Clearfield, on ftiiluninv, 21th Ht ptcniber, li;7it, at 4 p. in., to orfanite .nd corjioraljon ftnd select manticrr. J. T. I.K.iNAItP. JtlXA. IIIIVMIIX. C. KItAT.KH. 1. F. WKAVKII. Ii. I.. IIKKIl. It. Mil I'll F.I.L. S. MITl'IIFLL. n. MOtaOP. iril. I'OKTDII. (I. 11. HAIIHKTT. W. A. WAI, LACK. .1. II. MeKNALLY. II ll'll AKI KI1AW. JKHN L. C'l'TTLK. WILLIAM HAliKllAtll riearSi l.l, rlepleinher 7. 1K70. To Ihlinqueiil Tax-Payers: "T0T1CE i heiel.y Rlrcn to Ihoae peraona who. np lo tha prrrfftit time, hare Tailed to pay their County, Itmuity and rotate Initee for 1870, that Treaeurcr FUroI ia herehy .athoriied to al low t lie a.ual diacount until and including the lat dnv of Oetolier neat. Thoae, thenfore, who de.ire to avail themlvea of Ihe .dvantaite of . .lm.ouiit ol hie ner cent . and vmd the iienalty of . Bimilar norcontaire iuipoaed by lha Act of Af.'-mlilT, will of ooitv.c come forward and pay their tolea by that lilon. OTIIKM.O PMKED. FAMI KI. II. hHAFFXKH, S.Mll.L II. H I N It MAN, Cotumr'a. Office, Si pt. 7 ill. Comiuiaeionera. j 7 1 Till'. M AI I I It of the eatalc of Jaeob j X Miller, decraaid. At ao Orphan. Court held aTCUarhuhlafor the eouutv f tVa.ficld. on the 1 1 th dnv f June, A. 17, the petition nf J. Make altera, Kq., wa prreeiitrd. wtung tortb that he wm a parly in intorrnt in tbe Ktl Estate of taij Janl) Millt r, dxcean d, and praying for a np'-eilir pt-rformanrc of coiitracL I'pon due eon li ttrntinn the Court ordered "a citation tn itie in the hcin and legal reprnarn'a'lvr of Jacob Millir, decrarrd. and all partiea in mtretl lo i appear In eourt on the flnt day of Septt itil-r j Term. 1H70, und ihow caum. if anv, why tpectfle perforin cc of contract to the p-itiolicr ahall not be dr-reed ariMirdiiig to the intention and meaning j nrm'.trt io t!ie C(mnir. be giron for lour onn incmu, aim mm ii":i'T -a.-..,i . ..... ... wulive werki to ail pnrtir in tntrreM io appear at win time." Kv the Court. C. A. .M VYUU, P. J. Altdt : A. W. Uk, Clerk 0. C. aug.U 41 Valuable Properly for Sale, VFAHM In t'ninn township. Oarflcld coon ty, I'a., containing 2i0 acrra, more nr If a i at a-'ro cleared and tlie remainder well timbers! ; g.K.d frame dwelling boutc, with wrll of gmwl wa ter on the hnrch : fram harn. Mtil fit. Aim, two town lota in the villaire of Lot hern Imrg. wilb ,d frame dwelling bonne, well f bct ' 1 , .', . .-.u . ,,e. ""T' T"'1 IT ,b'"a.' . 1' ! . full let of hlarkimith Ionia. a,;i it Mint aki. iirr.tiiT. I TIIKrrilTOFCOMM eLKAS I of rleerfieM eounly. Notice it hereby given t! it ihe uiuleitiiriie.l. itit-tia nf tt I onniotl ! W'.Vfi ol tci.i.AT.aiiia, Lv petition filed the l:tih dnv of June, INTO, haie made afipllcajion to laid Court for a charier of iticnrporialion undrr the ume, al vle and title f the " W aliiii(r;ton Ituilding and Loan A-eoiatuin, and if nn niflieieut maeou ii ihi.wn to the contrary the laid charter of incur piration will be granted at .September term of aaid Court. W. C. !,m;i.a. 8 a m Ih Umiituiso, Javri Wahh. Titoa. It. Ili.Axnr. lin Mi. r. JUVin rATTKR.!. J. R. ?I Anfwa. A. K. H. H H H4HM. I. J. MiHYl.MM'tiH. Wii.i.iav Mavh. JaMKK ( AnTKR. Jaki Moxiiik. Ihova M-Kkiva. Sept. 7 .IL A. C. TAI K, Pmthtinntary. I)F."VI.VM4 8TATE AURlCl'l.Tr. UAL PIM ILTV, The exhiditinn of thi eiety for 1h7 ,) he hel l at Rt BAMTOV. on T"uciilar, S plemher ?7lb, Wednesday, Seiitcmhcr I Sf'lh, Thtirtdny, Hcptfrnbcr 2vtih, l'ridny, Sep 1 trui her ;.nrh The gt-nnndi are epaeio.ii, the ' huililingt and afeoratun'latinni ample, and thr ' premium litt liberal. There it no charge f-r cn trin esrpi llortea cntmcd fur tpeod, Kntry i Kookt irt-rii TuetdnT. PcvtcniWr f 'h. Fnronta- logiiei or iiifortnatifin, ad ln-t at Pi-ranlon. JoHN r. MOHKIS, rrtti lenU I. W 8r.ll K R, Hen. Hecrctary. Fi amr, r. M CoNktr, Cur. Pec'r. 7 3t ."feW Tl TilKiPl FiiED. SACKKTT, Manufaeturcr of Tin, Coprer and Sheet -Iron Ware. Rooting, Spouting and jyb wotk done on l:KAaoAt.K hop on Mnleet Ft., nearly oppoeite the Jail, 4 tiro ri.KAnnni.n. pa. DR. W. A. MEANS. PIIY.ICIAX k SV JIGKOX, Rti, pa. Will attrnil profeepional rtolla p.-oinptly. anglit'TP ORGANS & PIANOS. ES-fVS AND MAON .C HAMLIN'S, ro im r R. 1. IIAYKS,;!,, p.. i Tin: rui KT in- t oii(i ri.i.A I ol ( learhrld Pax Im al'l II k of Clearfield ) No. M.reh Term, ism. ll.-orpo Sinn.roel. I Fiirrirn Alla -limont. Noliee i hi n l V film tn thnae iti!ere.te Dial Ihe final aeeonnl ol the Trnateea in Hie almve aiated r... ha. Keen dulv flli-d In my offlee. anj'1 St A. C. TATK, Prolhoni.larT. (Al 1 IOV All prraon.are herehy eaulioned arain-t pnn-lm.c r ( ,,,, mii,,,, with Ihe followinir l.craonal tm.nerlv. now in the of Hainuel Irwin, of llloom low,,,p, 11a: Two no... two h .ra. one Held of eon. ami one field of lon-h wheat ; a the wa, pur.-l.a.eii l.v me .1 SlieiifT a fale. and it left In hit p.......,,,n .u'.ieel .0 R.y or l.r. JAI tHI llll.tiKR. I'nra.'uai itl., Auru.l .Tl, lsru .1l. l' Al.ll.1 Ikl H Mini" I OH H;T. 11 The ahop lately oeenpied l.y VI Ve Kn.jrlil. ilieeaaeil. aitnale on the alley between Heed and Pine, near It. R., ill lie rented on reaannn'.lc trma. Apotv to i nroi:t;n r passmork. riea o.i 1, A.ipi.n 17, iro Sm. 1 1 I TIO.TI,e pi.M.t ia herel.v rnTionTd I ' are.n.t harl-ormu nr t.u-.,,., n.r d.ncl.ler. I II.1..M1I Til ANV.who , ,n hn,e .Hh.m I any eanae. or,. i inir her without wiy ooitaenl, . a. t will pay no di l.l. ol hor eoniraetine . Y-. Mll.l.l.l.tX. Lawrence lownOiip. Anjntt ."1. ls;n si. C lUMIH lllll m-.M'.-Th. fine new , lo..n on Hee.l alreel. near the llailroad llepot .-vow a nc-aaeu almn, l.ui i.noeuicd. tilollilK r. PASSMORB lleailleld, Anjriat 17, le In. J " I'i.tan'a I'rott ent. Milt, lim and I 1 I irrul.r tiawai l,o. Ilointon'a Iiflitnln v roaa-eui naw tor aale l.y "t3 0 II. F. I lill. Kit A TO. l l-.-t nil. lead. Zinc. P.ini. !..". 1 1 teed Oil, Varniahe. ..f .11 L..u I tulura in Utl and lry 1 aint, V.rni.h llrnah-a. I ""' llaRTSWK K A IRWIN. Iiu'iTr,.. AVirjn.rur''77r, TIN CA.N S and ULAM J A Its, .. A.irnat 1 0. .1 T , Ira. 0, the Jail. IRIIT V IVoni the he.1 ehareoal tin, cn.rod and eoldcred on o.ltide oon w.rr.nien -.or aaie nv i ns.v: 11. r. BI01EP. i CO. 1 tHtrUiiMfCin. i; nt ahi en i f !. .. -i. -i P..u,m Pllver M.d,t, a.atd.'l et ,11 ,-omi .l.l.'.n, al Merhanie. Ki I, .hiti-n, lloalun, Helen, t, lfct ". TUB fllllUlNAL AM HFM'IKB SKLF -II EOU LATINO, WRfit llllT irt'is, A!It TIUIIT, 0A3-.C0HS173n2TS .HEATE17, witn r.tTi arm Prat Finrr', flniT. Pah ItraTa, Wnornnv Ino riiiii.iToa, IKO Ai'TuauTic ltr.ortito, For riurniiif Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 aitea for brickwork, and 1 aiaea ToMabla. KASI.ricTt'.rD ot if J. REYNOLDS L SON, N. W. corner 13tb nJ Filbert Etrte, rillLAlJELPIUA, PA. Then Ileeter nr mad of Heavy W muffht Iron, wdl riveted logciher, and are warrauUd to Ih- ahfolutely tlaa and Iut Tight. Tbey are tbe on!v Healer that are mannged without any dam per's, and In which ail kind of fuel n be bornad without alteration. Cooking rtanp-.. for Ilolela, HeManranla and Faiulliea. AIo, . Fl.l Top llcatiof K.uge, Kite Plaoe licatera, Low Down Or.tea, Slate Manilla, llegi.lera, Ventilator,. Pamflilela giving full description, aenl free, to any addre... JyH7ll-ly 5-20'm und D0UUI1T, fiOLD EXCIIANOED ON MOST I.IDEKAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market n:ea. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific R. R. Bonds Pouglit and Sold. rsrr-STOCKS nought nd Sold on Com- mUalon only. . CHICAGO, nauillle and Vliircunce First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds For aale at OO and accrued interaat. Account, rcoetved ana inirrr v- I Jilv balances, iu' jct to cluck at tihi. S 8 It South ThirJ Slreet, I'bilaJi!itiil THE SINGER tttc j g J7 fj J Q M ACH I N ES AIICAU OF ALL OTIII.IIS! K'ghty Six Thousand, Seven Hundred and ICitjhty One Machine) Made and Sld the rast Year'.! Tbit a amber rtvedt hg ti, !$ tba rale of any other Machine, and th demand ti itill incraiing ! THREE THOUSAND PEE WEEK Are aow being made and told ! THE TIEASCSS WUY: Ceeauie It tmbodiei etiential principle lot found tn any other Machine; becaui of Hi lopllcityof eonttroction, eae af operation, niforaalty of procir action at any peed, and oaf acity for lh greater range and rarfety of work, fin or ecaria. Tartiei withing to purcbara tfcoatd not to eiamine Ibia beet of all Sewing Machine. I hare tb agency for tlili XI act ice, and wi keep a full eupply on hand. - J. B. SHOWER. May 4, 187" If. llrarCe'd, fa. MICABLK ML'TL'al. Life Insurance Company NEW YORK. J0SKPII HOME K. liWIi.HT KKMJALL... J. F. It. IIAM1F.X II 0. riFFARD, M. Il W. XI. TWEED, Jr rnaident. ..H...Vir Prraident. Secretary. .Medie.l EK.rainrr. Conned. 1 AMIC tnl I. wu f. nnlrd hy anme of I eprcfp o'-ject of cnatiof an itieritulion that hiMild enmioatid the confidence of the puUic, aa a lit'cral. eotind and Tipnrom Life loenranoe CoinpinT. and haa achieved a incccee hcyoni the expertatiune of ill tnoet laofume projector. The AMICARI.R offer all Imprcred plani and tleiral-le hew ft-atuvee of niodi ni L:t'c lniirance, and rl"c nnt hold out prm.utet or indncementf thatt cano nt he aiade fool. The AMICABLE hue deponed cwlnindrrd th'iuaaod didiam in t' nited Matce honite with, the Insurance department of the Mate of fw Vim k. at a piiarunie fur the duelist jre of crcrr obligation. A 11 cUIhp i!a:nat the AM IT ATT.!; arc proirptW and bnnomblT dtacharrd ; In lh erent nf death far nai'twa' tm'tcy e pttrf in fnfl trtMrvt nee (VrWwcjf-ta ea oeccm.t rfiun$ r dttmrf p"mit. AW P.difief are Don-furfritaMr ! All I'ividendu are non-forfeitablt ! All policiep arc incontestable ! Tlnrtj dayi prnro for payment of premium! ? Privilege to tiarvl by lar.d and era! lBok nf Ratee. Ciicntara, funUhrd npt.n rppnraiicn in utt ( omjin v nfc-euie. fflLUAM TIT Kim, Afc'rm f;ir Cleatlitild oountv. r. PARRFTT. O.neral A pent f- r rirarf.eld, Centre, JcflViaon, t'larlcn ami Klk otuntii. T. J. ROYRn, M. P., Medical Kxauiner. Cleaifleld. Aiipuot 17, T0 .tm TUB CLEAKKJELD WOOD -CHOPPERS' AXE! Vannr.elured rrprri.ll.v for THE Cl.EAHFISLO THAtiK rea in a ,r aurtrjn H. r. BH5I.tR A CO. t New Meal Market. 'pilr. nndrraiened have opened Meal Market 1 in the room lormerly occupied hy Aleaander In In. nn Al -L .1 ,ia.Ai ari . a Moaaop a, wher, they inte.d "j vn-arnei i, l a , a tlomiriff orp a eupply nt All kinds vf Mr.t, Triilt and Veprlahlr., And al "rt.ra ro any var r.wa.r Hhop will he open ret.i!a.l.i nn Tuetday. Tburadav and eat nrd.v. and meal del.vered at anv point.' A ah. re of puhhe palronar la rrtprctfnllj ...ln-iied. M." t). JIKllW X. K. W. nilOVTN. -Aiao-r..nlln.e to deal In . kid, of imptoved Agr.cultura' IrnplemrBta. Cloarhel.l, Anrnal 11, Inrn.ff, IIIIT 1 Ht.." The. tuoeeriSerolTerathe ken., , n"i ?i , ",,,:k,h; I" Roronrh ol ( learnold. for aale. ll it ti.uajcd . Jj.-.V ttreel. I. . ,,h, ,,, , ,ihM ITvITi i . "tienilon of thna. w.ntin, to "" F"P.T. ..d ore. nae. from , he ""1 Hoe Tfor frie.. on .hepreroiK . 'REMF.Rl.isT, 1 .'HH!I L. rVTTLE, Attr U La V Tlio t't t'nitiiiliri l AHTIM1 rirr-,t Visit of tLe Mammolli to t! GREAT LUMBER REGION! WILL EX II I HIT IN CLEAHriELD.rriiay, Etjt2I On llac oppoaila aide of Ihe new I!ri.l.. (Tha Briilfe will b FREE t all foot pare, who deign vilili't ma Muioition.) WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT Luthcreburg, TlurEday, Sept. Philipsburg, Saturday, Sept. 24ti Tyrone City, Monday, Sept. 2Cti H A Arn I T v ZUULUlTlbAL EQUESTRIAN INSTITUTE. Rf-c-trnl"d He-m'vt'ed trrH It "-deroraf fd fm tx TriT:1inif i'.(tt. at I' .o htw and M-nrnin'-nii am n..l tana Xf llimiHt .New aiid t.(ll Waitl,.4, fn imfevtufe-d n JcUu Uauautaker, a.M Cbdoul fUvet, PliiWdrllihia, A rliLL ND CCMPPEHENSIVE KEHAGERIE, "-err r -r.1. n Tit SL. UlK'tlt tl tea." . " barn nd n the fw.t,pr: iMatMl 0 atlIjtllU. EW PEC! Mi m-r w - a v r r s Tl m 'lava laan twrrr.-d 1 rrt Ur CT hlie tiafr-wi. iuo MUg Line of - ii in t ' -'- 1115 1. isT r,r amu ai ii Pie AFPTrtN HI! l!.OT. Km ATrT !IMS. h.m endl.-.t: V-Iilif. I. A " I :AN A ' 4 S'- ( i... I r 1-Vi,r,ii 1-; I l'l Al. T l Ml ilia U; U AW H 1 1 It 1.1.17. 1 H hit"i -t -nntiie.U Ll.l.UlS. or Ili.t-U'tr t-l-': A a;u JSt.","tl L.'.i . -t . t in' .ntr ri-liet: 'ill K 1 I I t I ' I A .11. j ; V iuntik tm-ni-i 'ii 4 iIip Ki. .' 'ni 11 .erur Tti-t. .1 n ; Mxihr 111 1. 1--' Ll Li. ruoi Aiaak. tn itSi ima wH c fon- 1 .tt',an nd Acailc I rm. Afirto otm! Athi, Ibra, Hr.lln Javtiara. In.em Alr " nod liteitiOa. f"t" 'I h. m-nna. -- ltn'ti , I in- k. tir.-Haa. Mm! I in nam-ft hrata. (yer'n, j.rlt t'r thai. Xt-LfUe-. t . aif-tN IVifini', h'iiH,iTB 1- ( ami&Hi Vb,ua.Crat.e- Mi-k-C-- l.e -ll.n-. lieutM. IVjul.ii, Miiiiri-a W itti ntn nl kiti'la f t ..riii . Atuafi, an1 K '-t. I ForfHfn and t..metl' rod atiJ an oih-m m; .tn"t iiManrtn?til of Aaro, hami -u"tu, AiiH.k- ; rUje-l UiUiel AUiluala af -St !-MLe0"i: -?' siaKiiiii sAitiz: THE EEwOWKFO LM klMfi. H til rntee T1i Imh at, Tlaa. -t ' ' i !i Maow-ue m- l' i.l. J I K Mis KKt. it. i l:t ii ,N ll-f Aliltt)H l.t ( tdl ) i .rr A " ! "' I. fJrp'lM e Ol tlir A'1'M-itt A it'll. I r. T. ii.wiHMi li-Tn juttly .a I wt l tt- t ltJU Tixr: ciur.u c Writ hm emoflUM ia all iU l"i..Uu nik "Wi (KMMil MMsS Uln ItlU.llig USQ AKKAT Of TAT.rvT: MAO 4 MI. IU:OM, mttit, miiy rucoxvv. Itl i '. 'awiiij i iliaiu iywr(r.e.,a. afi ..r jri.i.r jomxhim:. sir. s i.r: :oi:sr, 'V' ,"'.. fit ,Ui.(lltlH-, fvf. Ill ISH'UVJ .t rOMii.tV. SAM STICUXFY, Jp Mien i,.c. SiHVS 1VIKI). fV aVrrir Vmti . fi ft rtra MT f'f JOJfV -0K1.t, cms. ni iiMons. Tin; riv imonri.Ri, (. mml., ti .0. a IO.. eaajvUOIT.M'rV.l.ll. raT. l"ll!S ' Mil, l!l Mill, UUI'.O. THE GRAND K7KEF.T PAKAIiv hl k .ill take raaee dally atmil 10 4 M vol. I A PAGEAHT OF OrllEITAl C1IMU. toe TMnmph.l rhartnt (M!-d v f l-na l.meof Mwmit iN.eo t. n.Tti.- .ir.M-. Th- l.Ma...nd Tw B.i'r d-r.M..-.l h , tl p.-.n .o. ri. ot crrr Nation, il IH-rr, IUo ' .e- Vaiaea, aod the entire R..ttt,we u. lull II.. r,... rrof. rim. m.rMrxsnin American Ooenet Rnit .n't Aper. OvIoom .0 0. ni-h .11 it,. p..n A.o,.f Hieliu.uii.llu. lie rt'" la.u.1 ...I u,r KahitMllo. n. rtii'4k.o. m i row m , , M-.m'iot'i Tiir:p-Cpr:lrc Tc'? ViATEa-Foor ca;."..'.::. IT In n.t W,.,,.r f-,, , w m re, ;, , ...I lvonlril!,. Ii ,11 tt.-rh.rv, noai'vvfv i- C.. Vi.'Vrl a.lmll. ..a. t. lioTh l'lin. nvavt flrtieiirer. r$ EXHIBITIONS Each Day a-e-l AITS.iiriMl and Mt.MT. !.-. ,..n , ;, ,s , tr., ,e1 1 le IV r ' t-o .wVe.v, lo o, .-o- hor tale, r'" l l .hnM rt,., . ,h , Vln,,, .r.l Ihc .-.rri ,!,!.. ,. ,., fc ,n Wl .j, lkl -a .-aor, .e. h.Tu. SEiTS FOR EVTRTBOItT. Tl. tv.r DrillaiUj riialrjlad il Hifll i'un roitfirT thk "Jut ami n.iTr, rv ..rr r THE LARGEST SHOW 01 MTU- tn.yii.ssi(K . . , ive rw"- t fitldrrn, nndrr IO, . 33 Crnll- On Tlrkrt arlmlta to aetk MrnayrrM fit Clrma. fl n mm ANNUAL TBI rv few JJC-