THE UKlHIHUrAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. TllllY HAY. fhcT say Ah! wH. s-ipp-e thrydo? Hut can you prove lli story liur r" Fatpinon nx-r erne Irotn nwi.'lit Bnl, envy, want uf thought : M by ofunl yourtclf am-onf the "tb7 V be wh.ep what they dare not any? Tlxy uMit why ilie tV r 3-ar- f And bilp to Kink 11 c iuttrr wmit? N good D pt'.MT aTn:e Fnru telling whnt o.T be untrue; And if it not i hiMt ra To speak of all the bst you m ? Tbey say wdl, if il L.uU W V hi need you trll IfJf tale of ww! Will it tbe bitter wrong re-In-, Or make one par;? of .rn w I. a? Will it (be erring -ne ref'mrv, lit oeefor.b to yj nti t more?" Th1 sor uh! pan and lx.k within! bow iby brart in-nm-s t fib! Watch. Ift in H' umj.'af ion's hoar, T t-o. bu!i rink bora?h itf power 1 Pity the frmil, wrp e'er th-ir foil, Hut speak of good or not at ail ! Appleton'i Journal i repnnfiblo for the following : If pote on is reduced lo one tent, thrre will bo two sent where there is one now. Grant allowed ll..Mcn to fpcnj , ball a million ol dollars to curry liio North Carolina election fiirtlicnijri'pr, bat it did not do it. "Fool and his money oon parlrd !" U. D. Woodruff, the senior editor of the Johnstown Jifr.fX-rnt, has hcen noininuled a the n-tiiuviil catidilatc lor jA.rv-etr.ljlv in Oumhria county, rue Gen. James l'ot, rtv-iirned. A Slicbicais -boarding-house keciM-r calls up his r-i'rvanla of a niornini; trith -tiet np, you lazy jadin, hrcak ftist ha! pot to be got, and somebody baa got to git up and ?et it. An Indiana convict hus jut served out twenty tlirve year's nentence. He ie row ceretity ve yc:irs old. He found bin old houc occcjiiid by Li grandson and cr?t grandchiMren. kI object T the weapou with which lh lemocratic memtor of Conre stopped roanr wild whemes ol rob- i bery, which the Idicals tried to rueh through during the Lust hours of the enroll. A wiM necro Lavirg turned up in LocUiaLa, bo psea naked, lives in) the woods and is unknown to every-1 bodr, the l'etroit t'rrt Frrtt thinks I the President will offer him a Cabinet i position. That thine re f-d.ional'e i no proof that they are ruht- We have P lawpriess tkaa ksr. been m.d. lo car V fashiotiable alt'tnieialioiiS that ' aaj kaass in town tiers tka & -vi old dajs b re' homeiLtihtr!:niKlerini tm tks 1st -otpteasaniaess" all la k. dis L- i I ..." . r j .. I:. Mc Harj uu..-a uoiiirMic lite poiKTirg tl.e locrtains oi true bap pines. ar,d warnirg aa:at the bet j jiitere?'. of society. A reliable gentleman from Tcn teeo ir.lrn.s the iluff.i!o CcxriVr, tlat the eomirg ck-ctioit in that Jjtate will di-vei-p at lel Kreiity-five thousand Icmv-ratic majority, and that at l-at seven oiit i f eiht of the C-r.a:ros;otiai dclcgalivu wiii he Dein-oerauc- At pron i it i !!id Kudical Bad l.lckOMsa. In a',1 the rt-ti mates l-y the Ili fcf -iran Eitcntive i Commiuoe at Washington, Kirth Carolina ha beeniul down for ve Republicans and two Ivriiocrats in the X 1.11 J Co-gre. The returns jrvm the recetit eieclion fcU.w the re Ter -f that. It Ihey only estimate s well tor the other taus, the I'em ocrau w:ii l ave an irx.mrLe majority in the text Hol-. Aot-.M'r, to Law Kirk' North Can.'', ca tuuhers were orJercJ out f thai Court Loue at llali;h, on TbaraJay la-t. I y J tido IinvLs w it h ti e remark : "No irnit d sx.:uior are Lowed in h: Court" Kt'lh Kirk rd hn LifoK ri;nt, llerjen. are nn ler rre-t, and will te triet hy the civil law kr tniirircmeB. When the Leg islature n,r K, Governor iluiden wtll I a.iej to actnuut tur Lis act. Ccscit'ts White Workirir-mrn, we would k yon to hx k around you, to ;c p a moment and rtflect- You ee tbe tiircer t-eire; plaecd njon an equal ity witn you Hxial'y arid pi liticaily. ou ce the Cot lie cxTuins like hx.-ut to d.-ril you of your iirritace, and ltrinr'-ir "pinchirij rKverty" to you r once t-arj y At.i who is re-FfHT.f-S ic .r tbr evil already urK'n you? The T.vN-a! rartr ! Can von t wilh it K-rjcr? The New York .Sei. ( RaJical.) ay tf Grant nr j kis admiiu-tration : If lien. I-ce were rrt;jcnt i f the Lntti3J, iZ inT of jet., lirant. with Jt a. Iavi f.,r .oe - retary rf ate, ir.Ta l cf Hamilton Fe-h. the J-i'iiiy cf the Government COUid cot t arente than it now i to the eaue of human free-torn " e d'-ct t whether toth Krgtar.d and FfKiin aot'.i not TrtfiT the .recent Aln:iniMrmliin.r' EtM' Al TATTr -rrerioos to each cretHn, the Ka Ial are aCIitted w.'.h rT of retner.chrTai t and re-f.-rso. En il aiwava en 1 in the di- CharSJ Of ItW liard Working me- i.J.r.i-, wbl Isn !y anj jw.rted their cn the ti,-, they receive. j Tl are crini-ed to the rv.t.iilar' tie-maoi. and there the matter end. ! Tie l,rr arrrv f wr!! m J r.a n.,. , - , ,",!. , .' t." ,,,,..-,.. i i.e!.--. urt are rot tl.M orbed. iittl-croa in cr.d.ft'jrhed re ' Th. T Fr A-T. All f vcrof the I;.r.i;l,. -V-ift nr.-i .Jatis f r lr -r in .mth w tf r arr tr.-nv. l'rmr t" teeaorr wi'H'awa! th tn-ket or..l trve r- !,-. r,e vi I. i -? ; hut in the J -a-e t ;: e rr at ext vilid. sirn "' fi" i. "ard the th ry c;i- 1; :trx w tSc r-.mj.U-rtf Wah l.ere'.a in tie S.iale. ti ha b.-en i-r-- 5ltrfr h a it-r f d CVK-rajre i. -ro i.i-rwnil.,.r, br ar IT. r. a l.crvf ;' that bla-k men is t r rB: l rjrt ti e e.-i'.:. Iiattt l ave a boautif-I rt-.'.e uter.i lo .s.,tu CnrMina f,,r T- ker. I nd, r the T. -.M r, , e ftlc r,f - t ,;ut. f,T Ul, lorr e-, a e- 4, U, v.L-zti to .1 l,r.. ; tte &irtet at, 1 rrv.v,.i lt.t Fr jm,n w:tb Iwme-toa ; B-nevo -nd '.ei'-iirtw'v ao.':3t,,i ittt he s-yal .Knt it i, rV,.Br,t u, t th lirtOwriAQ Lirndirc Tee e't-l Ifl.- lii.:Liinll:pr'ri,t' L.V . J . . ' -.v. snvif, bur Bit'le weet " r? r.f ti . beau':!! m , t ' n sr.- I r t'. l.rc: " 1 I'-Silt lard, t.r . Irry ij tvrra r-a e, ,t n"rrr3, , rr f' v tract Usr.t-ht . :..!. . . J - j - . - ,v. v, ".SMspatsrtiWM. asm ('(! oil, r. iwiiT" MPT. INTO. RECONSTRUCTION' Will Fishtlt Out on This Lino! MARKET STREET, CI.KABHr.1.1), PF.XVA. Drers Goods, Fancy Goodr, Notions" and Trimmings, LAPIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Halt and Caps, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, AT rOriLAR PKICES. fcfeVTbe entire ftock on hand will be told at ft redaction to present value, and I will rrpleni.b 'he ' "ry ii'y &f the keit good, io tbi marks!. itfa choice styles of Near the Poitoffiee, CLEARFIELD, PEXS'A. 5:1 i:v ikx kci NEW GOODS!! ' NEW TRICES!!! HARTSOCK & GOODWIN, CL'RWENSVILLE, VA., ; rwitine, .ire front Baltimort, Kaw ! Terk. Boston. PLiladelpbia and Pittsburgh, an InaienM stock of I)RT 600DS. CLOTHINU, GENT'S FlT.SISHISa GOODS, DATS A CAPS, BOOTS t SBOES. CHtXA. 6LAS3 A Ql EEN5WARE, HARDtt ARD, GROCERIES, Ae., tyjuted to tbosa wha visit Carwenssilla for applies, ia aceordases with tka craat saorifica at wkkk tkej wcra knf;hs. Tka Ladiea are sarttcularlj iaritad to eall at llartiwrk aV Gooriwiu'a Cheap Stitre to ei suits tks sj.lreild sV,rk of DRES GOODS, TRIM VIXfi?. SHAWLS, FASCT GOODS, Ae, aaw an exhibition. They Icfj romtltioa ! Parties raciot do tkessseWas jastlee ta kaj itg the aeeessariea af life witkont eailiaf on HARTSOCK 4 GOODWIN, CarwentYil.e, IVdb'. myi ST0E AD EARTHED -WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Fl.her't Patent Alrtisht JUrlf. Km It Canst EfTTKR CROCKS, witk lid CF.EAV CKiiCK?. MII.K CROCK?, APPLE-BI TTER CROCKS PICKLE CRiKKS, FLOWER POT3, PIE r-ISIiES, FTEW POTS, And a great s&any etker tkinrs too nameroas to to b bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Cerarr ol Cherry aad Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. aufS DAVID REAMS' i LUMBER MANUFACTORY, 1 ' XEAR hi TIIERMit i:u, PENN'A. I "I ANITACTI RES all kinds f Lamber for ;.'Ak.,Uicg parpes. Always ea hand LATU F 'R KiMiFINO, PLAfTEUING LATII, PALINGS, Ac, Ac. H.s P s.terir Laik a-e evenlr sawed and .f d:T--frnt FTf'h. ta sail por.-hs-rs; tbe Palio are f-:ir feet lorg and ready pointed. All kieds f Sawed LosaW will be farni.hed to ard drlivend so de-ired. Prices will bo siheral, s-c, to qiali'y. X"Kn k"' GRAI,i ,lV"1 ' "nage '"' U"lbr- i lkh.-g P. 0,J,a. I. 1ST. 3Tch t'aMnrt ! M nU IV.i- I,A n AND I.TMni R rn Pa if-rf-r a!e Tewn I.l. la Hie bar f ,. I l.,r' 1.1 rnewr,. r. . in I .!.o ta nil f.H,.rr, ,,,, , ,1,,' I,,,,,,, f r""fe. ,.,., ,kr o.i.,nn..e ' re, I. ,a th, .h, j- .r,,,,, f , fun,T , ''"-S-IJ. tbe hne ..I Ihe Tvrone A Cl-oilirl l wb-e. 0" 'aen..n ert P. r-c S r ts inters, t. It u s't.n ie IS. l,rarI re s.jr,. r and ln-ire :'e r o. keal.-...k. wak. ar d ther Ii llrfl r rar IWrflmlirfe ir.f e,' i .SiT-ii't ,e Iti, Mil, is l,wjt,a la the I e. WLiie terra are ae.-.v !!,, ar,l.,, ai.d hici e sa, 11. amne t tt 1 1., t. a is hot se er vea-i d. esd e-.ttaias a filial., af eae aaa ir c. a t i : an . .r-rr fort-r iafurmatioa apply at the oCcv la aioe eva pane. J'iHN LAWSIIE. ""' f ipcnatcadaat. FtTLLEETON'S BEST A I RAM & KEFRLSIIVEM 9ALOOII, In IrCf-j'i ?ff Pc M-ig. ff .-wrear'r owipird ly Wr, Mi-iitnffrtf T., trrrivn tt I'lr.bnrit. m pnx,TNTI Th.ed.f.o.-wiU.f'rAN. . j MK, M T. n.UKS, Ti.BArro, a,. -. rtiMi I'l-THlS re-eirrd dailv, and orH a t mrl he taste, fenniNmrrs. X. BI I 1 I A R n a I (H) second storv. f f D. R. U LI SRTtiN. 'NR. PITI A r.(.As LININil f KIN s-i v. . by I ' F. UULkst A CO. a I T . l , r lie. -V 11 AI.M 4.N AC. Only AI.V i ir " "Mr skwld kav. . tf iirrn' wwwwiACTm tlry O'.ooils, O'.iOffviiS, (Ttf. m aatasn a w, cab a. t. ni J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET FTRKKT, CLEARFIKLD. Ta. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries. tc, rp'lE iiifiiirrEWi hiring enUr1 into partner- X fbip for the porpoiaj of cirrylng on tb buaineic of MtTcriamlUIng. now offer a food rar opportunity to the cltiiem of Clear. fleM and iJjuininK ountiei to lay itnro ol at wboleitl or retail prices, that will an t on It h tbe unlnitructed. Thir good will be particu larly letfeted to rnlt thU market. Erery My will, therefore, enll the nttentlon of faer bnsband to this fact, becaupe tbii branch of our will reeflve epeeial attention, and everything needed In a well regulated boaiehold will at all timet be found in oar store. DRY GOODS: Our itoek of DRY GOOD iball not be itir paiicd, either lo qaality or price, and will em brace, in part, Print! of overy style, Giogbami and Lawni of every quality, Muiline of evety grade, De Lai nee adapted to tbe tantee of the old and young; and every article of any kind of good, tbey eell ii to be ai represented, and war ranted to give satisfaction. DRESS GOODS: As to nitr.NM (i(HH)S-i. have a splendid asMrtment of Alpaca, black, white, and in col ors; Arnares, Silks, nod in sbort all tbe newest styles to the market. We desire this feet to become koown to every person in the county. With our new and extenaive stock of IUIKSS GOODS, tbe ladies can nil he suited by Just dropping in and getting a nice dress pattern, lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which is better : give ber a well-filled purse, and ebe will find good and paying investments in embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household fiecessitie. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And in adJitioa to what wc have alrealy enumerated, we keep all kinds of (.IIMI U MI X'S WEAR-iuch as Clotbs, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Dets, Boots and Shoes, le besides, a nice assortment of Made up C'l.OTIII Mi for Men and Boys, manufactured out of the very best material, which we will eell for eatk or exchange for eountry prod ace at prices which will astonish everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: vT are now largely engaged in buying and selling KU ARi: TIMBI R and nsanofae- tured LVMEER, and will giro this branch of bosiness epesial attention, and therefore make it an object to every one who bas Lumber to sell to come and deal with us. GROCERIES & HARDWARE: We shall also keep constantly on band a 'general assortment of .RKlIili; and I! AHDVYAK 10, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prices. Wo alio keep a full atsor: moot of U KfcMMV A HI- TLii department : will be kept full aad complete, and all wbo contemplate housekeeping, will find it to their adratstoge to come and trade with as; because we are eo situated, and. from lung experience iu tbe buiiness, so well acquainted with the wants and necessities of this community, that we foel satisfied if every man woman end child only snakes it a point to buy their goods from as, we can pleas lb am both ae to quality and prico. Therefore, corns along and buy yonr ROOTR at r'UOES, HATS A CAPS, READY MADE CL0TI1ING, and everything jot need torea dor yonraalrel and familisl eomfortable, from JAMES f!. GRAHAM k SONS, oet CLEARFIELD, PA. t7 aUfdiral. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine other Infirmities." St. Paul. I) It. IlOYEI.'sS PIRK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. I safe, pore, plrasant and hralth giving Tonic strictly vrgrtalle, and nianufarturrd from the ( pure airi choice material is not a fj irit drink nr sutstitute fr whifky, but a scientific compound, for tbe protertion of the sTftem and the core of di-sw. made frm chemically pure pint, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the mt drUcoto stoma b. A lorg private experi ence has alteeted its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. ? Fitters at prtecnt offrrrd to the put.lic enntaitts so atarh mr.U.-inal virtue, and yr-t to safe and pliant to Uhe. It's ne is to cure dieravn, aad it will SH-t create an appetite for epiritooua liriatra, but Will cure the efircls of diesipatioa. To inraee the Appetite, VK IT. To promote Ihgr-stion, V.KE IT. To euro rj . pia. VSE IT. To cure Frer and Agne, I'SK IT. T cure nniit.uM.era, t SE IT. To cure Cuntipation YfK IT. To rnre Chronic Iiarrhoa, t SK IT. To cure Heart burn, VSK IT. To cure riatulence, 1K IT. To cure Arid Eru-tatt' n I SK IT. Tnrnm 5rm.ui Ihii;tr, I E IT. Turner II t ptvh'ir rlr ia, VSE IT. To rare PIIt-wnpen of C iTrpUxion, I PE IT. Jo ere I- en l rintrries, t SK IT. For tiTeral Prowtratn of the rbtral p"wer, I .-"K IT, a:.J it will run Von. S .l I evcrraViTe, at ll.etl per Lo. lie, Mann fsrarrd ,i-lu.iTrlT ly A. I. S II A V, n.rAr.Fin.n, pa.. Who fJVre lilral in lurrmt-nt to tht trade. tV. 2r. lr if. R. It. TAYI.OU'8 LIKE AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Ifpit.) tirRiii ii. piAv, T EVPr.ACEthis meihil of Informlnr the 1 puMif, that I rtavt opnoH rj, a ynrd for the of wood or enal-humt LI M k and Anthrapita C'AU ia the brrxngh of Clrarfi-)d. and harr t-rttnpl4 arraigvmnt with eortfrn At-mirr bv ' j which I rn krp a full u ply mn-lantlvon hani. I whirl, will be d'poed nl at reaavsnnt.!,. rtf, hr ihe tun. btib"l or cur loud, to suit pntThaeeri. Th'- at a ditane can o-Mreas sne by letter, and obtain all nef?ry tnf.r nation hv rtn-n n ail B. B. TAYL'ik. Pi , f9S. II, . tf 'rtUiM'fUanfeui. H, F. N AUGLE, (l,0(h AM) WATUI MAKER, orrom. .ns ft-Ts s, ", tnaat POST OPl'ICE LEARHKLP rpilK ,ubrilier rupirllnlljr lnf')rnn kis old 1 i.Mroin and Ids pukllo rnersllT. tkat ho bus on hand, land Is mnsunll; recenlog now additions thereto,) a larjo stock of Clods, WatcliCB and Jewelry. rvs-1 keen Jewelry In all lis f.Tro, and of diBrrent values, sillier by the piece or set. WATCHES A full aortu out of either (lold or filter, made br Ibo best Ancrk'an aud f.r. el,-n mnnulaciurers, tncludini! a fino lot of Rold Slid silver hunting case, lull Jeweled, Patent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, aonsUllnr, of alcht day and tliirlv bour, of sither weight, luring or levers, and both sinks and alarm. KEI'AIIIINO All kinds of Watche, and Clucks Repaired, and warranted. In addition to what I hove enumerated, I keep a full assortment of M'K'TAt'l.liS, colire.t and plain a-lass. Also, (I'll.ll PTNS and i'KS'CILS, tiPOO.NS, FORK', IllllTKH KNIVKS, and in fact every lb I m in lha Jewelrv lino. If I fail to have on hand just what a cu'tomer may need, 1 will order per ursl elprrip, without eilra charge. A libernlnharo of public patronage is solicited. tla 7, I68S jr II. F. NAl'ULK. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS df STATIONERY. Markrt Ht,, C learfield, (at the Poet OHirc.) fliJI K undersigned beps leave to announce to X tbe citisons of Clearlield and vicinity, that he has fitted up a room and has juit returned from the city with a largo amount of roai.og matter, consisting in port of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass liouki of evory de scription i Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain ; Fens and Pencils; ttlank, Legal Pipers, leeds. Mortgsgna ; Jmljrment, Exemp tion and Promissory notes t White and Parch; men! brief. Legal Cap, Heoord Cap. and Bill Cap , Sheet. Muiie fur either Piano, iluie or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery detired that I may not have on hand, wiU be or ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail tn suit euatomere. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Magaiinea, News papers, Ae. P. A. OAl LI. Ci'ar&eld May 7, isr.8-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECOND STREET, Clrarltrld, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW TRICES. THE underttgned respectfully Invito the at tention of the pablie generally to their plendid asaortment of merchandise, which they are bow tvlling AT VERY LOW TKICES. Their stock consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such as Prints, Te I.aines, Alpares. Merinoe, Uingbams, Muslins, (lilcacbed and nnbloaro d,) Iriiling. Tickinga, eottoa and wool Flannel. Pa tinett a, Ciimeres. C-ottonados, Uadies' tShsals, jS'ubiae A llooda, Ualroorsi and Jf (Kip hkirte, Ae., Also a fine n-eirtmrnt of Men'r Prowers and Shirt. Hats A Caps. Hoots A hboeo. all of which WILL r.E SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries aud Spices. IN SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of everything nrnally kept in a retail, all CHEAP FCKCAU or approved eountry pro A. K. WRIGHT i SONS. Clearfield, Nov. 7 . 1967. gOMi;TIIIN; M..V Af.AIKl C. 1). AVATSON Wishes to tnfurm his old friends aad th. public generally that be ha, opened aa a aew Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, la bis old stand, opposite tba Court Hones, t KCOND FT., CLEARFIELD, PA. tli, stock is all new, frssb and of th, very bast quality, end will ka sold cheap for CAfll or approved Country Produce. If yon went pars Drags and Patent Medicines, Oo to WATSON'S. If yun want Cento. tionerles, Canned Fruits, Pickle, and Jellies, Nuts, Ac, ie., Oo to WATSON'. If yoi want tka best Roasted Ci lTre, Ersea s af Coffee, P picas of .11 kinds, cbeap, Oo to WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy A Toilet Soaps, Flavor. ng Eitracts, Ac, Ae., bs ears ta Co Ie WATSON'S. If yon want Fancy Dyo Color,, Clark', best Ma. chin. Thread, Pins, Needles I Notions, Oo lo WATSON'S. Chewerl and Smokers, tf yoa want tb. kesl in tbe enarket. Buy at WATSON'S, where yoa con get Pipe, A Pips Fntaris. If yoa want to get clear of your stamps, Come to WATSON'S. If yoa wsat to spend a few hoars of an .vet ing with your friend., rom. to WA If OS'S old stand, where yoa ewa crack ants and .at joke, mil .'clrck, f. m. April 1), Mr. EW STORE AN I) NEW GOODS. JOS. SHAW A: SOX liar just 0eneil a Ntw Smat, on Main St.,CLAiritt.D, fa., lately occupied by Wra. F. 1KWIV. Their dork eonsiil, of GkCK ta'U nf th best quality, Qi'F.r.NswAivF., Hoots mid Shoes, and evcrjr article rjccpsar for nne'a rnmfort. Cull and examine our atnek before j ur ehing elsswhere. May 9, l?GG f. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, ""J. "' OF 41.1 mE)S; Parrcws, Warfhotise Trucks, Copying PrrMc, Imprrred Alnnry Prawer, Ir, II. F. ItlflLKR k CO., Dealers In Hardware, mrhltp r tr pecond Street, riearnrld. Pa. " my qys mmr nA VI Nl) pnrrhssod the entire stock of eod, at the nld stand of Kirk A S,,nrcr, 1 iniind t. continue tbe hu.inee ai herltre. My motto Is te eell " ron rasn." Thanking nor friends and ru.lomers for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the am ISAAC hlhK. I nwev Cire. .. t J tf. ournlty aiiul ".uliliw .rhop. s. r, em "ton on, a. ft me BOYNTON &. YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE it STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, ( i.r.Aittii i.i), pa. If J J B MX Ty."1' 'c"---i-i-.---.--:.i.:--; .-XI :.- rjiivr-" nA VIN'fl ennfred in the manufucture of ftrst elass M AC1IINERV, we respectfully inform tha public that wear, now prepared to til 1 all orders aa cheaply and as promptly as can be done in any of tbe cities. Ve manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-MOls, Head nioeke, Water Wheels, Shafting rullevi, GitTord's Injector, gleam Gauges, Steam tVhiallei, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cops, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron 1 ipei, rtesm Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Auti Friction Metres, Sosp Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; togethsr with Plows, Sled Sole,, COOK A .iVD PARLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of aU kinds. Order, solicited and tiled at city prices. All letters of inquiry witk referenoa to macbiuery of our manufacture promptly answered, by acMres ing ui at Clearfield, 1'a. declO tf BOYXTOK A VOfXO planing ttilt5. 0. L. Reed, J. F. Weaver, NOTICE. w-wK u. 1a. iii:i:i d co. CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! rplIE prrprictursreipectfu!!y Inform tbccilisrns of Clearfield eountr, that they bar entirely refitted this establishment with tbe latest iuiprovod wood working uiacbincry, and aro now prcparod to citrate al otlcrs in their hue of busiuces. Thty nil give epc-ial attention to the manufac ture of mat priu I fur houw building, snob as FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ults a, OF ALL STILES, We always have on hand a largo stock of DRY LI M lU'K, and will pa) co-h fur all clear Lumber. One-and a half inch panel stuff prrfertrd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or cit-liangol, to suit euituinera. "iVH-Or-lt rs solicited, and Lumber furnivhed on hort notice and on iraonalle trrtna. U. L. RF.ED k CO. ClfBrfield, Nor. 7, 1817. How lo Save 71 oner. TITF. rimes are bard ; you'd like to know How yo sa ay eave your dollars Tbe way to do it I will show. If yon will read what follows. A sn who lived not far frma hero. Who worked bard at kls trade. But bad a honeeholtl U sup port That squandered all he made. I met him once. Bits he, 'My friend, I look thread bear and rengli ; I've tried to get myself a soil, But coa't save np enough." Says T, my friend, how mark have yoa I'll tell yon whereto go To get a suit that's eound and cheep t To RKIZKNSTEIN A Co. He took what little be bad saved. And went to rtrisenetein A Broth ere', And tbero be got a hand tome suit, For balf he paid to other, Kcw be te home, he !onki eo well, And their effect is eoch, That when they take their daily meal, Ihey won't oat balf as mack. And nnw he finds 01 Farorday night With all their wants supplied, That he bas money If ft to spend, And some to lay aside. Ilit good eucre, wlib cheerful smile. lie gladly telis to ell. If you'd save money, go and bay Yonr elotbee at BKIZKNPTKIN'S CLOTIUKO II ALU Where tbe cheapest treat aad best Clothing and good rumishing UikmIs em be had to oml every taste and ia every style aprll, 70 EDWAIU) PKllKS & CO., Flour ?Iniiiifhrt urc rw, And Bralert ia GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, PHI LITSDV R(J, PA. VFt l.l, M'PI'I.V of FI.OI n, WP.KAT, COHN not CllnP constantly on hand, and tor sale at rates remarkably low. frbt-tl JOHN TllOt'TMAN. Tj RN ITU R E DEALER Market St., en.1 of the Alli'pliftiy llon.s, t I I. till III I). P. i KKl'P on tiand sll kind, of Kurmlui. In Mill. or l-y the ,n,cl, arlirle. Th",i in ne d of anv f ruriiiinre, will find il to thrir liicrt-.t ' to cell ard rianune env siorh, wlm H I will sell I terv low for cs.h orcv liaicr lor suiial'le lun.brr. hsiti.'lil. Pa.. A ' !-; tf. JARk M) l.UM.I HI MATCHES TU l.h.HT THE WOULD ! The nndrreifnrd ha. secured the "ole right to mannfat'turr and srll to tin. county the n.KnllATKD WATI R PRllliF MATCH, , alix-h i- ti,t ,u, ..reeling eiery olhcr malrh aow medr. Msv I eosk,,! m sirr for ,11 month. t'i aill icnite a. ns.iil.r a, tbi.r kept in a safe. ' ,nl sir i us I a, hr.p . mt male. tir.tera wthe il. d sr. I cmpfy luted. Mr adilrcs. is Lulhere Lore, i '.txlii c.unly, Pa. Jel .tm '.t JACIiR W. CORP. N'tll M l',- lisTiffr punhs-d the inlrrest of J. A. IHrttrnliergrr, F-r,., in the business I, en Infore earned oa under the Una nam. ef J. A. Mlalt.riherircr A Co., the rare, will be eon,etrd herrerirr un.lcr tbensmeof .Mo.hannon lod and I. amher Compstiv. ir-tere.) II. H SIIII.LlNUI'iiKll. J11N LAWSflK. snySJtf President. Ileneral Sup't. rpilEcri.FIIRATKD RICHARDSON pTiOTlC J. l.icht Kip t.s on. r renca K ip French Calf (rfaait Jail tf n. i no. At C. ttATm !. i If WWIfW 'BrWaWiS j,itu !i $.tfiUrliic. it i: n o v a ii . HARTSWICK & IRWIN, I) it u c a i s t s , .WnrArl Strttl, iltarfitltl, M'a. VTE beg leave to Inform onr old and now customers, thst wo have removed onr es tablishment to tha epanioua new building Just erected on Marked tlrocl, nearly adjoining tha Mansion Homo on the west, andoppo.ilo Mesrrs. Graham A Sons' store whore wo reipectfully Invito the public ti come and buy their Drugs, Cbomicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VAUNISUKS. Our itock of Drugs and Modlclne, onnslsts of everything uiod, selootod with tha greatest car., and WARRANTED STEICTIY PUEE! We also keep a full stock of Dye", Perfumeries, Toilet, eioapa. Tooth Brnsbes. Hair HruHhea, Whitewash li rushes, and every other kind Jlrushes. We have a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flaiseed Oil, Paints, and la fact everything tsed in the painting bnsines,, which w. ofler at City prieos to cash TOBACCO AKD SEOAR3, Confectionery, Spices, and the largest 'stock of varieties over oflerod In this place, and warrant ad to bs of the beat tha Market affords. J. G. HARTSWICK, Nor. J, 18H8. JOHN F. IKWIN. Beale's Embrocalion, (late powell's,) For ell disoasee incident to Hrsos, Cattle, and Human Flesh, requiring tbe e of an eitornal application. This Embrocation was extensively Used by the Government during the war. For tale by U arte wick A lrwtr, Clearfield. Joseph R. Irwin, CurweneriHe. Ianiel Oood lander. Lu:horsbnrr tf LAD AXD LIMBER COMPAM OFFER RAP I I X I) U C K m i: XTS -T0- Purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Oe-enla. May II. 1ST".. Curwensville Marble Yard. Dl:lthH 8 of cxtrn.lmg my hii-inrw, and knowing there ran te no hiclirr trit'ule ut rrpift in thi memory of the i-"f nd and hnnr.l frirnd, titan to rrwl nrrr their narrow bme a srulptun d slab of rmiiiring vnarhlf, that u.tnfp tirr..r to Ibo rvaling plare of Itmmi w love j I lug have to any In all alio Wish to ahow tlii'ir aCi.tmn for their diartod frcnita and kii'.irifl, tliat thry can now have an oi poitniiity of ., by rallir.g at niy fhop on Tiiompan trcet, t uracn-riHe, l'a., as 1 am prepared to fiirtuh to or-lrr, MONt'.M KNTS, CRADI.K A BOX TOM US, UKAD STONES, Ac., of anv dr.icn or sise, .t rea,onal Ie rates. N. R 1 ke-p on band the lost I'tirrfca and lwirtlr Marhlti. All work eveeitte.1 in the at". I f-h nteoner. I wtll also diliter work to anv point t. Ck-arftrld ot a-ljoininn "1'ire.t. n M. II. HILlil RN. Curwensville, Oct. 1(1, IA6Mf. Jr.AT MARklTl J. E WEIGLLY A T.llO , Having pnrrhatnHl the shop and f Itrresof W. n. MePheraow, would inform the eitteene cf Clear eld and vteinily that they ar .1 all limes pr parcd to fumiih Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, 4c, ic, At via lowest rasa asrst. A liberal .bar. of fiablle patronage ii re.rectfullr nlicitrd. "Ca.h paid for Caiile, Sheep and Roga ROOM OS MARKET FTREKT, e?carlel Pa. j pi'D C.oofls, fifprfflrs, (Ttr. Itl.AT IIIIUJ.IIAN cw Store In Mulsonliurg! In the ro'itn formeily occo led by P. T. Hrgarty. L. M. COUTRIliT fPAKKS this method ef Informing IheeHltens 1 ot Covington, Karthaue, Ulrard and tbe sur rounding cotmttv, that lie has Just cprne4 a large itoek H HI MM Kit (iOdpS. which he is dfter mini.) to sell TK.N 1'tR CLNT CI1EAPKK than the same qunlity of Goods can he purchased for in any other sturo in the neighborhood. 11. 1 itock consists of Pry Goods of all Kinds, Such ai Patlnrtt, Ceostmeres, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Unlluig, Calicoes, fruumiDjji, Ribbons, Lace, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS I fiLIOtS, HATS 4 CATS, GROCERIES OF ALL .KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Fugar, Hice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Isto seed Uil, rub Uil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware. Castings, Plows and Plow Castings, Kalis, Ppikes, Corn Cultivators, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Vol My Plows are of the Corweneville and Centre county make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varoi-h, fllase, and a general assortment o: si&uosery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always an hand, and will h. eoltl ai th. lowest possihl. tigune. Ltqions, Saoh as BRANDT, WISE, 015 A WIIIr?KT 60i'(l pounds of Wool wanted fur which tb highest pric will he paid. CLOVER SEED, Da hand aad for sale at tha awkst prioe. Also, Agent for Wilson', Strattonvill. TIIBESIIING MACHINES. fcA-CaIl and tee for yourselves. Too will tnd everything asually kept in a retail store. L. M. CULIEIET. Frencbville P. 0., Jan. 7, 1601). Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AKD OF COt'RSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "VrE are now opening up a lot of the best and 1 T most seasonable Goods and Wares aver offered in this market, and at prices that remind one of the gmid old days of ehoap things. Thoso wbo lock faith upon this point, or deeia our allo- gBuons upemuoua, aeea nut Cti.L affT OUt STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they can see, feel, hear and know for them-arlvt-a. To fully under land what aro cheap goods, this must be done. Wo do not deem it necessary to enumerate and itemise our stock. It il enough for ns to state that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed in this market, and at prices that artunih both old and voting, deoli-) JuriKPII PflAW A EON. X E IVFIaOITICFKEU AND PROVISION STORE, THE undersigned hava just received at their new aland in W alleccton, a full supply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &o., COAL OIL, (at reduced rates,) A good article of TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SHOKINO TOBACCO, constantly on hand. All of which will U wold at LOW RATES for CASH or given ia eichange for SHINGLES and LIMBER. Wa rrspectfully ask th. pahli. U giv. ns a trial before purchasing olsewhera. J. R. READ A CO. Wallacton. April J, 1 MID. (TKllAfZEir& SONS ARE R KCF.I V I NO A sr I.EN PI D STOCK OF C'AUl'ETS A A I) OIL CL0TU3. WALL rATEHS GILT rATER, rf-c. LACE CURTAIN'S, WINDOW SHADES- COUXTERPAN ES AND QUILTS. LINEN" TABLE CLOTHS I NATKINS LA DI ES SI LK COATS & 0VERSKIKT8. ELEGANT SHAWLS A LACE POINTS. LADIES' ft- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED 11 ATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIM SI INGS. DFT KID GLOVES-LADIES1 GEN. TLE MEN'S AN I) CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. rNFQUAI.T.FD STOCK LADIES' AND Cll ILDltEN'S SHOES ft- U A ITERS. MliX'SCALFct- FRENCH KIP BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $5. MFV-S AND BOYS' FINE AND DEAVT SHOES. CASSIMERES VERY CHEAT. BEST STON E TEA SE ITS, f . GROCERIES. FLOUR f PROVISIONS AT LOH'KST RATES. I.IBFI5AL DEDUCTION TO THOSE BUYING IN QUANTITY. WODL. MARKFTINn AND COUNTRY riiODU.K WASTtD. Clearfield. June IA. lf.a. Xcw Wine and Liquor Store. I. L. REIZENSTEIN, aoirAH Mtatrn i WINES &. LIQUORS, MARKET FT, CLKAPFIELD, TA. as Pttll stork nf Wle. Hm.Jp m. Vt kt.i. nicmoi. always on nanj. (ipcclal attention paid lo .ernring a pure arlirle for Saeramrnlal and snedical aprl 1 TOtf Miss E. A. lRynderT Aaivt roa Chleh.rlag'a. Rtsi.wa, and Rwersea't Pianos . fntlth's. Mason A ll.mlta . and Paloikai', Organs and Velodeows. and 0 rover A Baker-, (tewing MachinM. st.o ratraaa or Plawe. 0.ll.r. n.rmonv and Tae.1 XI.. .Ifc Ko pnpll k.. loss the. half. ,.,m ,v"!",T"' p,r KaUo.l Bank, llearleld. May , 1SC tf. T".?.,"..JA!,C L'AC for l.AA I 107 and lSSa r. , ''-," s ic. row pi. Pile, me. t ,ay rjat,.!, Clearfield County Bank fit UK Cleatleld Toanty flank as sn lr.,J ted lii.lliuiien ha. ,ias oat et esltuTn ttis surrsnder of Its ehsttsr, oa Msv l , Cill Its sicca i. owneo ey ins stit'.et il,( J wtii .ontinue ins iiaaaieg ansinss. a ik, ( pise., as private t'eriseri, aenr, tt.e ot the "Cleatfleld Coutte Dsn,," V,, . S.A'ls for lbs debts ol the llst k, an sn its not-s on weoi.i.ti a toe counter, li,h i i a i., . - i -1 . . . r a 8icd time. Paper discounted at lit e,,tt as hrreti.f.ira. Our per.onsl res, on.itii:,, pledged for all Dei osils reevlved sri l,v't Iran, ct'd. A contlnusnc. of tfcei, ronsge of tha business Ben of the enuriM, ipecllnlly ("liclted. As President, Cs-ki ,J ouieerj vt rm leie nr.r..i. county i;,ri , rec,uir. th, note, of laid iSank to b, prtl for r.demptlno. JAS. T. I.KONAR9, RICI1ARD KHa WM. PlIHTKH. JA8. ti. ORAIlAki A. K. WRIUIIT. 0. L. RKF.D, WM. A. WALLACE. Th. badness of th. Bank will b svnduetn! John M. Adaai,., K.q., as Cashier. (Jut,tt 1. V. M'Oirk. Edward Perki BANKLNQ ti COLLECTION HO Uv.i McCIRK & PERKS. Successors to Foster, Perks, A Co., PliMIpeburfr;, Centra County, Pt XTTIIEHE all tbe business of a Banking H, f wii' oe tronsaotod proupuy and upvn u. oat favoraole terms marT tf County National Bank, CLKARPIF.LD, PA. rTMIIS Sink is now open and raady for kul X neis, Olbe. oa bee on d street, to the but ing formerly occupied by Laonard, Fiaaey A i aiaicToat aid orncaat. JAB. B. OKAUAM, RICHARD SHAW WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTEH, A. K. WRIUUT, OEU. h. REED. W. M. BHAW, JA8. T. LEONARD. , Ju28, 6BJ Csibisr. Frs.iS.i l Itojjgs Township A wnkrl GREAT EiCITEKENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! TVERTBODT trylog to get therelrtt for tu I J w r7AJB .l-. V ! t .). It yon want good Shoeing done, go to Bum If yon want your glee's ironed right, go to Iiissi If yon want good Mill Irons, go to fctiii. If yoa want your wrgon Ironed in the bsit style and workmanihip, go to Bun Bbbki make the best I? tump Machine ii tb StaU, and does all kindt of LLACKgM ITli LSj as cheap ae can bt done ta the ooaoty for Cost, My Post Ufi.ce address It CleerDeld Bndrs. T1I0MA8 BLthi Boggi Tp., Dee. 10, 1807 -tf. Southern Land & Emigration COMPAKY, WASIIIXGTOX, D. C. ikr.QAKIZED and established for the Parskw V and Bale of Farming and Mineral Lacei, and improved Real Estate in the Southern biatsi. ' TUOMAS B. FLORENCE, Presidaat JO. EEVERaNS, Vice Presiesat J. HENRY AiKIN, Trrasirei, President Fonrth National Bank of PbildeiLhta, JOHN MORHIR, Secretary. THOS. C. MACD0WELL. Attorney and Coaneelltr. Otlco: Wasbingtoa Building, Corner St'coik St aud Pennsylvania Avenue, Washingtoa, h. & atrtRDicrs : 6ov. John T. Hoflman, A 1 1. anv, N. T. Li Uov. Wa. Bigier, Clearfield, Pa. Got. T. F. Randolph, Trenton, N. J. Ei-Oor. Vo. F. Packer, Williamsport, Pa. Fcpt. 1, '6Mf. Clioap Furniture. jonx gulich DESIRES to inform his old friends and eas. tore era, that having enlarged bis shop and increased bis facilities for manaiactnring, bets now prepared ta make to order sack F urn iters et may be desired, in good tty le and at ebeap rate for CASH. He generally bas on band, et ke Furniture rooms, a varied aesortmsnt of ready, made furs i tare, among which aro CrBEAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-Capes; Centre, Fofa,, Breakfast and Dining Eitensioa Tables; Ct. man. Froneh post,Cottage,Jenny.Lind aad ether Bediteads tVfos of all kino's YYerk stanas, ! Hut racks, Wah-stands t Rocking and Am- 1 Chairs; spring-seat, eane bottom, par or, mon and other Chairs ; Looking-Ulasses of every description cn hand j and near glasses for ell frames, which will be put In oa very reanrafels terms on ehorteet notice. He also keeps oa head ar furnishes to order, Corn busk, Hair and Cat. ton Kp Aiattreesea. Coffins or Evert Kind Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse whenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. The subecriber also an ana fee tores, ard bus constantly an baud, Clemeai's Patent Washing Machine, tbe best now in am! Those aslng this machine never need be witk. ont clean clofbes 1 He also bas Flyer's Pet Mi Chara, a superior article. A family vsleg tkil Churn aerer need b wiiboat batter 1 All the above and many athar artielee are for nirhed to custom ere cheap for Casn or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry. Maple, Poplar, Lin wood and otier Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken la iBcbange for fumiti-e sSRemembr the shop Is aa Market street, Clear old, Pa., aad snarly opposite the "Old Jet Store." JOHN Ol'LlCH. November 2A, ISA y The Lightning Tamer. Till nndervlpned ar. tbe aola Agents la till ex.Mv for th. "North American Galvanised l.KIIITMNU RODS." Tte-e are Ihs o!j ! rods aow ia aea, and ar. sadorsed by all tks scientific ate. tn the ..antra. W. hereby notify tha eitisen, of th. eoottte that we will pat these ap a heller rod. and M less money, thaa I, charged by tb. foreign agents who annnally travers. tha eonnty asd carry off our lilt), rash, never to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods erected si their bnildings need bat address as by letter, ar eall In person. W, will pat then np anywhere In theeounty, and warrant them. Tha Rodsael Piltores eaa bs se.a at any Una bv e.liir, at oarsior. II. F. BULhR A CO. Clearfield, March JO, 1S7 tf DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-Cultrr nnd Stone-Mason, f IT ILL eieents all work in hi, lin. at md 11 arals price, and In FlRT-( LASs styia Arcliitectural Onuurjcntg la ALL ETVLES, Fton, Presiing .f .very decryption, and all kinds of mason w.rk ea traet.d for la ornatof tbeewnty. Anyperset. wishing to kav. re"r-eethl masoa wetk aad stone-ealting dona, will find it t. Uterssl to eall npon aaa I woald ale. Inform the pah. lie that I eaa deliver any o,. entity or class cf (lost, desired, as I am the owner af a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUA RET. Orders for work eaa bs addressed w DAVIU VOVNR. winrrs.JI ClraiCrld Ta. Clearfield Nursery.. ENCOURAGE HOME INPl'sTKT. "pnR ander.igned, havieg established N 1 sery oa the 'Pike, ahoot half way hetweel Ciesrheld and fnrwenevllle. Is prepared te fet. nlsh all k-mlsof FRl'IT Th KhS, ( .taads-d tti d.arf.) Ktergreens, rihrnhbery, eirapa Vines, Moo.cberriee, I. a. ton tllacVbcerv, Sirswberry, and R.jherry Vines. Al.o. Flherlsa Crsh Trees, Koines, and early letrlct llhabarb, da. Crdsrl promptly attended te. Address, 1. P. W RIGHT. sepJO g.-y Cnrwensvills. Pi Lime for Sale I THE undersigned, residing near tho dpt kss made cowtpiete arrangrwir nrs wiih I Idirnrrs ta-t of the mountain, wherrry he Ie eva. bled to krrp oonntantlycn hand a larg? euannt ef pure lime: which he ofirs to formers and bnildere at a lf'" sbov. eii.t. Those tn need of the article woelfi its well to gne me a call, or aildrra. me by le't.r, I, for. Beg,,tiattng tbctr lime. t'.KO. C. PASf MORE Clrartrld, Pa., June . lf. Idlvcry Stable. TIIR wndereigned begs tear, w Inform tbe pah lie that he is now fully prepared teneew.e dale all in the way of furnishing Horses, Bag,' Ssddlea ard Harness, on th. shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence en Lttcasl sere. between Ihtrd and Fo.rth. W. OIAFIART "!rteM, April H, int. 3