Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 07, 1870, Image 2

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    lBBeaBB ! 9
cihc Republican.
1 . '-I. i .
O'loROI B. UooDLANDtR, Kditor.
Democratic District Ticket.
or ELK rolKTT.
Democratio County Ticket. .
or 01IIARD.
or CLIARriSlD.
or cLCAnriiL.
or oi.
or iHAnruitD.
"MlepublUan Prrrormanrti."
"Tk laeu fhil fall If between Republican
perform anoea end Dcmooratie proaiieee." fote
mm Juurnat, Aug. 24lb.
Truel Wo will enumerate tome or
your performance! linte your piirtj
came into power:
It diolvi'd tlio union of the States.
It inaugurated a bloody, desolutory
and ruinous civil war. It liaa sacri
ficed on it altar of negroism Imlfa
million of men ; eonl them to prcnm
. ture grave. It has created iiiitTeriiijr,
death and devolution in every ni-igh
borbood in the land. It bus created
a national debt of four thousand mil
lion of dullurn, and hu nothing to
abotr for it except on individual ac
count, like- Butler and (irant. It ba
destroyed billions of dollars' worth nf
privuto property for no purpono what
ever. It bus inereaNcd llio aiuiuul
expenditure of the government from
about eighty millions to tlirco hundred
and eighty millions. It has created
a grinding, endlcKS burden of taxation,
in ordor to Biipport a horde of federal
office-holders, unknown to the laws.
It has expended millions of dollars to
feed, clolbo and try to educate a mis
crahle bordo of lazy negroes. It b.i
successfully instituted and carried out
a system of fraud upon tlio Trcaxury
and swindling in government con
tracts to un extent unheard of in any
Ooiintry. It has substituted for the
constitutional currency of tlio country
rags, sliinplastcrK, pasteboards, Ac
It has imprisoned thousands of citi
zona without warrant, and without
eron permillini; them to know the
nature- of tho crimes for which they
were arrested. It ha stolen from tho
peon I o over two hundred millions of
acres of the public lands and given
them to mammoth corporations, thus
entirely defeating the object of the
homesteail law. It has destroyed the
cntiro freedom and sovereignty of the
Slates anil greatly encroached upon
the constitutional rights of tho citi
ens. It has suspended the writ ot
habeas corpus, and made the military
superior to tho civil power. It has
mado tho decisions of '.ho judicial tri
bunals conform with the views of the
Radical Abolitionists. It has subli
tod Abolition bigotry for religion. It
has made the wbito man subordinate
to tho negro; destroyed tho puiily
of the ballot; trampled upon tho free
election of representatives to Congrcs
and our Legislatures. It has created
a moneyed arintoeracy by a system
of interest beat ing, untaxed bonds, by
which tho obligations of citizens are
mado oppressive on the poor, and of
no binding foico upon tlio rich. In
short, it has crowned all llicro per
formances with ruin and desolation,
mildew and blight, havoc and deal h.
where formerly peace, prosperity,
happiness and contentment reigned.
Such are a few of tho 'Republican
The Democratic pnrty promises to
rostoro what it had created, viz: Tlio
common liberties of tho American
people; embracing the free, untriim
eled right of suffrage ; tin unbroken
and prosperous union ; a liberal, free
and cntiro American Constitution; a
sound currency; rqual taxation; pro
tcc.ion to the poor and compulsion on
the part of the rich to discharge the
duty of citir.ens; place tho proud
white man in his truo position in the
government and give to tho negro the
subordinate position to which (iod
assigned him; praclico economy in
government; encourage industry and
enterprise among the penplo; givo the
Southern Slates their true position in
the Union, and again place the cnun
try on hmad highway of prosperity,
greatness and renown.
Awruxv Sold. Those "loil Tatb-
era who liuvo for several years past
been paying Congressional Cadet Sel
lor. like Covodc, Whittcmoro and
Butler, thousand, of dollars to have
thair sons appointed to the Military
and Naval Academies, ,,ow u.avn t()
thoir sorrow one of two thing.. They
Cither paid their money to the wrong
men, or their sons are wholly unfit
for tho plaoea they seek, because the
examining board have rejected nearly
all the appointor, even two of the
three niggers who were sent up.
Tboso things, we presume, also be
long to ti e catalogue of "Bepiiblican
pefformanrTf "
Tht l:mo rein War.
The mM wri k bus been a wrek of
shiuKhlcr in Fiance. A death Mrin
gle commenced on Tuesday, the Stllli
ult., between the Pruiu-inn forces and
the French under Miirxhnl McMahon
and Baraino. They were both largely
reinforced, and tho latter came out
of tho fortifications at Mt tx and nt
tempted to cut his way out, but, after
two days fk'hting, bo was driven w ith
in the fortifications. McMahon at the
sumo time attacked the Prussians from
Sedan, near tho Belgian border, and
after three days slaughter was driven
on tho neutral territory of Belgium,
and consequently disarmed.
The latest news are to the effect
that tho armies under the command
of these two officers lmvo been sur
rendered to tho King of .Prussia. At
least fifty tlwuiand brave men were
killed and mangled last week on the
soil of Franco in attempting to settle
a family quarrel between two I'oyal
families. It is enough to arouso the
whole christian world and demand
that this carnival of blood should
cease, and also demand the exile of
every crowned head in Europe.
Napoleon in his letter to tho King
of Prussia said : "As I cannot die at
tho head of my army, I luy my sword
at the feet of your majesty." Like
his uncle, ho is on bis way to St. lie
lona. He will never transform a Re
public into an Empire again. The
number of troops surre:.dercd is near
IIithced Up. Tho two parties in
tlio 21st Senatorial district composed
of the counties of Centre, Blair, Hunt
ingdon, Juniata, Mifflin and Terry,
last week mado their nominations.
The Democrats have placed in the
fWd Dr. D. M. Crawford, of Juniata,
and R. Bruco Petriken, Esq , of Hunt
ingdon, and Radicals, Wm. P. Wilson
of Beltcfonto, D. Walker Woods of
Lewistown. The Democratio ticket
is a strong one, w hilo tho Radicals
have placed tho weakest men they
had in tho field. They are pledged
to support the old corruplionist Si
mon Cameron, for U. S. Senator.
This of itself should defeat Wilson
and Woods.orany other men who are
corrupt munch to favor Cameron.
Pomeroy's Democrat has not been
received at this office for two months.
We hope it has not "gone under," for
it was worthy of support. What's
tho matter, Brick f"
Mets, so often spoken of in the cable
dispulcbcs, and at which tho French
troops were at first concent rated, is a
French fortified city, capital of the
Department of the Moselle, and is sit
uated at tho confluence of (ho rivers
.Moselle and Seille, at tho head of a
branch of the main railway lino from
Paris to Strasbourg, and is 170 miles
cast of Paris. It i one of the strongest
and most important places in France,
with a citadel on the right bank of
tho Moselle, an armcry usually con
taing 80,000 stand ol'nrnis, an arsenal,
one of the largest in Franco, with a
cannon foundry, and a large military
hospital. It was a place of great mil
itary importance under tho Romans,
and in the Kith century, whilo in the
possession of the Emperor of Ger
many, it was strongly furlificd as a
harrier against France. It passed
into the hands of the French in 10!i2.
Population between fifty and sixty
Tiro Vlcluret.
There lives now, in Coffee county,
Tennessee, on old man in bis gfllh
year Gen. Win. Moore. Ho was
with (Jen. Jackson in the r-ar of 112
was with him in his Indian wars.
On ono occasion, w hen Gen. Jac kson
Called for one hundred young men to
wade the river and join Gen. Coffee,
Capt. Moore stepped out and walked
down tho lines and brought back his
men who waded tho river, though
there was ico in it. At the balllo of
Tuladega be was wounded in the ankle
by a poisoned arrowr. From llii
wound he lias never recovered. The
town of Hunlsvillo, Ala , would have
been de-troyed by 1 lie Indians lint for
the energy and boldness of Moore
Ho was then living in Fnvetleville.
Tennossi'p. Tho morning after he
beard the Indians vere marching on
lliintsville ho had raised one hundred
and fifty men, and was on the march
to meet tin" hostile foo. Ho met seven
hundred Indians at Ditto's hindinc
and held them in check until Gen.
Jackson came up In tho Into war he
was a decided Union man until the
fiijlit commenced, and then thehonest.
failhlul, brave old soldier went with
his own county. Ho was tho bearer
of tho vote ol the secession of Tonnes
co to Richmond. This lost bun bis
There lives, now in Xew Orleans,
another soldier, not so old as tlio one
who is noticed above, whose early
history is less known. Now, however
ho is well known throughout the
Union. In the lulo struggle between
the North mid South, Gen. Longslreet
was one of Gen. Lee's generals, in all
hi hat lies around liichmoiid. Thous
and ami tens of thousands of Federal
soldier lost their lives in their battles
with (Jen. Longslreet's Confederate
command. General Longstreet's with
hi army marched through Kant Ten
nessee. Ilu it wn ln besieged Knox
ville. Who of the people of our sco
lion of the Stato will ever cense to ro
uieinber Longstreel's march through
ine country, jio was fighting for
slavery fiyhtiiig for secession. For
tins, at tlio close of tho war Gen.
Longstreet was rewarded bv (Jen
(iruiil with tho best office within
lis gift.
Monro foucht airuinst the I ndinnn
fought aeninst tho Itritish, and car
ried to Iticlimnml the vols of Tenn
essee when she seceded. For Ibis be
lost hi pension
Longstreet fought to maintain the
institution of slavery, fought to sever
tho Sonih from the North fought t0
subli-li o Southern Confederacy.
For thi ho won a support from the
Union bv ailemjited to destroy.
It was a lladicnl President and a
Hailicnl Congress that lost Moore bis
It was a ruiicnl president and a I
iiaoieal l .ingress that imvo Long
street his oftW
To tho fl,li,oo i. -..
".."f i-iKia.i.i.omcol-ourfui.bioiifcble
li'l'raj lirt tWC.
wm g-Mn- rr frne
Volt. I.f !( IVrtrlntwiMoti.
We siv It with feitrrl nml shame
shilitie fiU'the good old Common wealth j
ihnt tl ever ft man seemed deter
mined to proclaim himself public ly a
foul; m, as Dogberrv ha it, "write I
himself down an It's, that individual
is to bo found ill tho person of Gen.
John S . Geary, Governor of the State
of Pennsylvania. This piiiasnnl and
renowned warrior, whose majestic
person, mounted on the back of his
coal black charger, frighl-d tho soul
of Stonu wall Jackson, seems as anxious
to make bimsell ns terrible in civil life
to evil doers us ho was in tho crash
and ciirnago of battle to tho confeder
ate battalions, that trembled and fled
at the sight of his shadow on tho field
of battlo.
Heretofore, whatever a man, vain
and unbalanced in mind, could buee
been reasonably expected to do to
render himself ridiculous bo has (lento.
Now he transcends himself. Geary
out-Gearys Geary, lly a proclama
tion which bo had no authority to
issue, and for which theru was not tho
slightest necessity apart from his desire
to render himself notorious, ho bus
capped the climax of absurdity, and
exhibited bimsell to an astonished and
humiliated people us tho most concen
trated lioce of vanity and presumption
to be lound within tho limits of the
Com monwcalth.
We scarcely know bow to treat this
Governor ol Pennsylvania. II in con
duct, since ill fortune placed him in
the Executive chair, bus been such
that, while we respect and would honor
tho office, We are compelled to despise
the man. In truth it strikes us thai
wo arc too courteous in trculing as a
nan ono who is almost entirely desti
tute of every genuine manly attribute.
It in liiiiu-lho people should bo made
acquainted with tho truo character of
tlio individual w ho disgraces the h.v
ecutivo chair of the State; that they
should liiiow thoroughly tho magis
trate whom a sel of interested politi
cians have placed over them to their
utter disgrace as intelligent and hon
orable, men. Those who have had in
tercourse w ith him will bear us out in
the assertion that his inordinate vani
ty, to which that of the frog in the
fable will bear no comparison, and his
fitful bursts of temper, have disgusted
all who were disposed to bo his tiuc
friends and alienated many of them.
Apparanlly ho siczes upon every op
portunity which presents itself to
make himself ns ridiculous as possi
ble ; and thus far he has so well suc
ceeded that ho bus becomo a theme
for jest and laughter among tho intel
ligent classes of our citizens. Kvery
body of brain in Hurrisburg knows
this, lie is spoken contemptuously
of by many of the best republicans in
tho city, ii nd Ihcrj aro none but of
ficio.! dependent, hangers on about
the capitol, and the low who yet ex
pect from him, that do him reverence..
Rut enough nf this. Wm had per
haps belter silently permit Gov. Geary
to purse his course of folly to the cud,
which is drawing nigh, and to say that
we have been led to write what we
have written by a Proclamation which
ho has jusl issued, under the "greut
seal of the Sluto" and bis own immor
tal iiumo, to the Commissioners and
Sheriff, of tho several counties of the
Commonwealth, enjoining upon them
thu duly of enforcing tho I'ifteeth
amendment and iho act of Congress
and of the Stato Legislature in rela
tion to it.
Tho alleged reason for issuing this
silly and uncalled for proclamation i
thul it has "come to the hnoicle.l jc" of
hi Excellency "that sundry assessors
and registers of voters havo relused,''
Ac , to perform their duties under the
amendment and tho acts of Congress
and the Stato legislature.
Now, giving to Governor Geary the
full weight of tho extraordinary repu
tation ho bears in this community for
"trulli anil veracity, we must be per
mitted to declare solemnly that we do
not believe a word of this. Tho whole
thing In our judgment, is cut out of
whole cloth in order to give bis Excel
lency an excuso for exhibiting himself
once more upon tlio singe ns n politi
cal harlequin, a character in which he
appears to delight, and in w hich wo j
think nature has qualified him to
Rut wcro it truo that "sundry ns
scsors 4c , have refused to perform
their duty it would not uller the case
in the leust. I hey nro amenable to
llie law for lion performance or vio
lation ol duties, anil they know it
and tho people know It, w ithout any
grnluitkous information from Gov.
Geary. Asregardsthe fifteenth amend
ment, and the act of Congress and act
of the legislature in relation to it, the
w hole, or such parts of each as are
necessary for the guidance of olllecr
affected by them havo already been
published in nil the papers of the Slate,
and will aain appear in the election
proclamation of the sheriff's without
any instruction from or Interference
on the part of tho Executive.
And so wo conclndo with a reilera
lion of tho eamo idea w ilh w hich we
sat out, that tho Proclamation is the
latest exhibition of tho vanilv and
seH-imporlaiice of a man who, for the
sake of notoriety, dot s not hesitate to
make himself ridiculous and contemn
tii-lu. In common with every other
citizen who prizes tho honor of the
Siale, we feci her degradation, and in
full sincerity of heart exclaim, "God
savo tho Commontveulih 1" Patriot.
Tho New York Times naj-n : "Jt
oprtainly unn a mont dinuinr fhet
Hint no oflii iiil reproni'iitiiiivo of the
(ioVfrnnioiit, tho itrmy, or tho navr,
nn. irrsmt at Ailminil l"urrne;iit'i(
funeral, hixl week Wo do not for n
niomoiit nioar ihnt any (lirriccl
t th mninnry of tho dcitil hero wan
iiitenileil. Thu most thnt run be miiil
i Hint I he autlioriliei nt Ihn Navy
Ii'ii:irtmriit pro mnlly tlclieiont iu
ifliciiilfourlpv. nml (but nfiill othni-a
the nlwi'tire nf A in i ritl 1'tirti-r, is to
tn rcj.'fflled.
Siimiicl J v. Williiimn, nt irrt-nt a
nriii-l iei mr r. t-ui,.t .. h :.. trill:
I S "',l ill i 1 1 1 111 IIIHH1I I
ami formerly a barber at I.uninMor,
niiult. n ajH-oeh rerpnilv nt a neirro
nipptins ,n the inner i-it j-, in whipli
ho mid: "llrimblicnii pnndiihitea
will havo to too tho mnrlc, and will
not diirti lo go bnrk on their libMle-es
ol univeranl, otiitl and educational
Tlipro U onu parnrntili in tho Tar
iff bill devotfMl to -aiik, rubber and
hemp." If it WHafnimcd by a llmli
oal, bo accidentally phmnjri -n.hxl hi
puny to Iho lant. 'decrco of arlmlic
perlection. Silk iHirlrnvn thior ainin
derived from public plunder, the rub.
her their conm-icnoo, anj ,0 IOiiip
their liltimato end.
Hon. Ilt'nry Ji'linwn, of Lvonmintr,
lina bfi'fi iitiiiiiniilcil un tho 'liriitililj.
can ciinlitlulc fur 8lalt Si nn t (ir in t lm
J.) coniiiii;, L niun nnj SnytliT dm- "'" I"'""" in pr..r-ri, .ihemir,r,, ,r ,
Irirl, after a froirattp.! tv.n.o.l, j'T t, ,er,ri:K'llVdi,,.:tU,;w..
- t - -
Thf ri ttmrtift Share.
A tnn repotted in Smith Cnrolliit,
iltustl ales bow odii ials employed In
protect it Interest prey upon the
government. Sin packages of ioimI
were recel.tly seized in Charleston
miller tho revenue laws, and sold by
order of the United Slates Court.
Tho proceed of the sale ninoniilcd to
just f. I UH, f which the Disiiii t At
tornev took ?.n, tlio tern s'.l t:, ami
the Marshal Vi, leaving tho remain
der, sixteen cents, to he "turned over
to the United Stale Treasury to aid
in payingolf the national debt." The
unsophisticated can understand from
this example what proportion of the
enormous amount of money annually
collected Irom the people, directly uud
indirectly, reaches the public treasury,
ll i sale to say that one half of the
money paid in taxes and bounties is
swallowed up by those who bundle it,
k suy nothing of the sum stolen out
right by all tho various persons cn
i,ie,td in collecting and paying out
llie public funds. This statement
may seem extravagant, but it is horno
out by Ihoso competent to judgo by
men who havo occupied position
under tho radical administration at
Washington, in a department which
gave access to nil thu facts.
We hear much boasting as to how
much thu present administration bus
paid on the national debt, but not. ono
word is spoken to intimate bow little
of all tho money that is collected find
its way to the public treasury. Wr
havo given an example of w hat its
cost to collect the sum of $ !f. Mr.
Dawks, radical Congressman' from
Massachusetts, charges this adminis
tration with being more profuse in its
expenditures thun tho one w hich pro
ceded it; tbut it squanders and wastes
tho public money without stint. The
charge is well supported by facts.
Wayne Icrald.
An invcslitrulion is being made into
tho n flairs of the lute Philip B. Melz,
the banker who committed suicide at
Pittsburgh. His liabilities, according
to the latest reports, add up S!).",000,
and the available cash assets 82tl,f!)0.
Tin strangest part of tlio investiga
tion thusliir is tho disappearance ot
ff20,000 in bonds of recent purchase
una deposit.
During a luto thunderstorm in
Washington county, lightning that
passed through a mow full of bay,
struck ad killed a borso in the stable
below, whilo a man w ho was leaning
on the hurso at the timo was unin
Grant writes from Newport, R. I ,
to Dent, "I do not know w hen 1' will
be in Washington again." Wo sup
pose it makes but little difference
whether he goes back at all for all be
is worth when there.
And now it transpires that Jim Fisk
paid the 1.000 that our noblo Presi
dent subscribed toward tho fund for
the family of Paw lins. That Fisk is
a necessary evil.
itw (U'crtisfmrnts.
SherilT's Sale.
"IT rlrlueof aundry wrilaof I .l.n.,' FrVmn.
) laaued out ol the Court of Cnarmoa HI, f
t'leiirfield euuule, and lo ma direciad. theru wil!
ba expoaed to puhlie aale, at iba Cnurt llonan
In lha homnch of Clearlteld, on Monday, tbt
!lllb day nf hcpirmher. IK70, at 1 'olnrh. p a.,
lb following deaetibed Real Katata. to wit :
Four eerlain Iracla of land ailuate aa fnJlnwi.:
No. I fitnute in Uradford townahip, t'lcarficld
eiiunlr, I'a., hcrinning at a black oak on the
hank vt Puannehinna hirer; IhenoeHouth tit) de.
grcra, weal 22'2 percbea tu a pnat ou tha nrlvinal
line nf eurvcy j Ihrnrc north 22 deffree. weal IL'P
pcr.ihea to pilch pine enrtter on Ihe hank of aaid
river : throne down aaid river, by ilaaereral e'lurri-e
and diatoncea. almtil .tl.'l perchea to the place ul
bcginninr; c-mtainiiig 1 02 acrca and alluwance.
and hnvinft thereon ere:-tcd a amall Injt hnucand
bam, and about iS acrca nf cleared land. No. 1
aitiinle in aame townahip, county, a., lutj-inninir
at a ciicumlier on the So-qu. hniiu Itoer, then -a
oorl Ii OS deffrera, weal 611 pcrehca to a poat ; tlicnee
oulh eaat oil perchea to n po-t : thence north eiat
58 perchea to Ihe river thence alnnir raid river,
by ita eourica ami diat-incc, to Ihe place of beirin-
nina; r containinir aViut 211 acn a. moee or lera, all
cb-ared. No. 9 aitnate in Kailbuua lownti;p.
Ch-wrlield eounly, I'a., hounded eaat hy the Clin,
ton county line, norlh by land of II t-li M lioni
(l, weal by John M(iiini;al and aoulh by land
of Jareoiiab Oaina ; ennlaining aimut .U acrea,
and baring Ihareon rrrcled a Inrire Iwn alory
frame houae, a frame lank burn, loji-tb r wilh a
good hearing orrlmrd. and all elraied an I under
a g'.ou alaleol tultivalum. No. 4 alluaiu in Kar
thaua lowiuhip, Clenrt old, I'a., coulinning
about ,'lt acrea. adjoining Ibe above id a.irea, and
bring all cleared. Ketted, taken into i iccutun
and Ki be aold ar the properly of I-eao l,m..
Alao, two ecrtain Iraetanf land ailitalr in Mecca
ria town-hip, Clearfield county, I'a., b.. in let aa
i wa: Ilea inning on Ihe aoulh weat corner of
ppruce alrei-t; Ihrnce norlh In Mrti a'reei, 2f..S
leel; thence eaat on rine elroet IMl feet : thence
aouin-eaat to Kprur alreet. "Ill Trot ; th. uce weal
on Spruce Mrral l.'iO feel, to the place, i f hi fin
ning; and having two atnall dwelling hou-ra. More
rooin and atable thereon. And one nlhv lot of
grounu annate in the 1 illage of Illen Hop-, Clear
nebl rnunty, I'a., hounded and dcerrilul aa lol
lowa: llcginning al a pn't al the north r irner of
S. C. I'al. lnn lot, on Ihe weat aide of I He l,.
Hope and II. 1.1 Kagle Turnpike, and running
norlh Sl'.J difreea, weal 211 perchea to Conner
avenue, to el. on the corner of Walnut aired;
thence aoulli (,.-,) degn ea. weat 27 per, be- to i.o.l
on line aaid tleeet and I'atchin a line; thei.- anulb
nine ib-creea, writ 27 perchea along anid line In
po.t; thence ai.nlh .11) degreea, ea.l ls perrlir.
lo poat nn corner of Spruce rlrccl. .r..
aaid alreet and between the lola of S. Iliudlnan
and J. I. Inwalt, and bounded on aaid alreet on
Ihewe.t; Ihr ore north i.'.j ib-ircea, eau, along
aaid atreet, II perchea to pol at the corner of ihe
achool houae lot ; thence :il d'-frcce. weat Itij
lo po.l; tuciioc north degrtva, eii.l I t feel lo
poat ; thence aoulh .11! degreea, eaat Ina f.H I.. Ibe
alreel ; thence along Spriu-e alrert In corner nl lot
r......,- ii. n , . jvieia : inenee north 34 degreea,
weal 1C) perchea to poal I thence norlh III di gicca
eaal 11 p.rrheatn line or S. ('. IVchin a lit; thence
north (l.'i degreea, eaat 10 perchea along auid lot to
place) of beginning; enulnininff four acre. .n.i
ale.ul one a.-re elenrcd Ihereoa. Sciac.l. taken In
elocution and to be aold aa the properly-.,! a, c.
A lao. a certain tract nf land ailuitr in fl',wl
ward lownahin, Cli-arlli-lil ennnlr, I'a., Imuuileil
enat hy lot ot .1. eih.itT, weal hy' Ch-.ifleld en-ek
and north hy townahip road, containing nne-lialf
an aere, wilh a two-atnrv tavern houae, Iwn-ad-rv
anloon and warerooni, with two elnre. rnoma and
a ahle erected Ihcroon. One other lot in the til
lane nf Madera, Woodwaid town. hip, honnord
eaat hy lot of Hamilol Milrhell, aoulh hy lloh VI
Alexander, we.t hy C. J. Mi.ifl .ml north hy toaa
hip road, containing nne -fourth acre, wilh lo
dwrllitir houaia Ihceeon. Alan, .Inn f. f haik
iii ttn.iind on clcarlirld rieil, at Madera. A ..
one other trail of land -ilnnle in W onilnnrd lo.n
.hip. hounded ea-l h, W. II. All vniid-r, ,, ,y
.lamea Alcvnndar, and north hv Oeoiie llock n
iK-ry.and w.. hy Wni. H. Al-k.n.lcr, e..nte .ng
I.' acrea, II:: pen hca: (In acrea cleared, and lin
ing frame hooe and log harn erected u,
"oc niner iraol n an. In Howar, p en-
...., ..,.,., oorin ny j.niallian lloi nlon, ii.l
1 mizeriv, aoum liv Ctina, Mo.d,
o wanica niex.nin r. eiulnining nhout ,(
ing one acre clenrej and a log h, ,nl npI
harn rreeled thereon. Alao, one lot of ground
annate in the village of Amceville. in Hoo.levH
townahip. Clearlii-ld county. I'a.. ronlainmg alml
Iwo aerea. and having a frame Ii e ami fmc
l.arn em-led therein. Melted, taken in etecut an
and to he aold aa llie propel!) of C. J. Mif,
Aln. a certain trnot u, in Kaill naa
townahip, Cleartield eonntv. P... hound.-il aa
Iowa, In wit : ll the ,..h ,,4 ,,
(lam., on the we.t hy lend of John M.-llmm-al
, "" """" "' """ Ol J. -UHlonigal. e-
.....,. -.-. eii-an-ii and hmldinga
Ihercm. he I, tmkvn in exeeullon ,nd , fc.
" fi'-periy oi el imam lli-arlield.
, . " -in iaae nne that S ,,n.
nr the pareha.e monrr tnn.t he .h,, ihe
prop,,,, ,cl,t(1 . j( '
again f'.ra.l,. CYI1KMI S n -
fiianur a Oi-rii r, Ki.l'ig
riearll, Id. I'.., tiept. 7, IdTl.J " ""'
A VI' "" " , .iiinC)i.iM
il a hereh. given llitl ietlera of
a-ruj.i... .in L
' 'alala of JAIIlH .IMMI.IL d,eaa.-,l
lale nf lira Ir lonnal.m. l'l.-. J '....: '
baring haen diilr granli-.l lo Ihe nnderaigred all
peraona imlehleil lo aaid ratale a. ill ,,, , ',,,
pa. mini, and Iboar hating elalina r H.mamla
Jtru' A tl i' r r t i s r in m f 0 .
i: M O V A Ii
IV Ol ,I rrpNiFtitlr tnfitrm ibt m"tweri
tit 4 Ihr ulitir fnvrmyf tht t
Removed my Millinery and Fancy Store
To lti tale rc.l I mire ot Vt, IlartmU-k,
Ql'f'iiHITK tit it mi,
And Iiuvp Attn, tip a rn'iin well uilrl U pupplv
my trifle in llm mM i1fimirn itvlr, ami I wuM
lure hit outnni r ! miil vrl v laar in mind I hut
I am ilrtrrmiiiiHi tint tu be rurjituatd iu
Low Fricos of my Goods 1
Ami will tnnke It a pcinlty to all perMHi waul
ing C'MiJi in my linf t p In the mod I Droiit
allc wnv t" ttii'in. ami will Rft wrrVlv from the
Bfdnr- of Ills id'iiI lir-nilllful ami I'lefrsnt Mvlfi of
new Kill Itoiuii'ls, Itita ami Krt-nrh Flowt-rs.
Alio, ,a-0 Collars, lilovca, hilk Lacrp, An.
l'lruM call KliJ ire llirm.
rli'iirltilJ, Brpli'iiilior 7, l.':;o.
"rIIEIIK8, Hon. C. A. ltMYKR.
V f ideni Jtirliro nf the Cmirl nf Comoinn Plea
of lh twentv fiftli Judiritil l)itrlct, ennirmieil of
UiA (-ountioa of ClenrnoM , C nlre ind Cttnlnn
nd lion. HAM1IKI, CI.VIlK mil Hon. .Ml Oil
W'll.llhLM. Axaocula Julti-iof ClrarltfM rn.,
Suva Ivraed their precept, to me directed, fur tl
holdinr of s Court of Cannon Plena, at llie
Court Houpe, at Clearfield, Id and for tho county
nf Clearfield, eotiimenrinr on the fiiur'h Slim
day, llie tititli iluy nf Kt'iitenibcr, Iwlo, and
Ut eonlinue 0K VKKK.
NOTH'K IS, tlit-ri-lore, herli.r fiven, In jurora
anl wilnesieii, in and for raid uountyof C'learfii-ld,
to he and appear in their proper peraoni, at In
o'clock, a- In., of riti.l duy, tu du Ihora thilige
ntiich In their behalf pertain to he done.
UIVt'N under my hand at flearCeld, tbia 7lfa
day of rlepr., iu tha year of our Lord, ooa
thuuiauU aigbt hundred and aerenty.
CYltKMUS 1IOWK, titerif.
Clearfield Gas Company.
'Vr0TI(,E ia hereby given that the etlhrcrihere
i- of tho atiK-k of the Clearfield tloa Company
will meet at tlio Arbitration Itoom. in the Court
lloiiaa. in Clearfield, on Saturday, 2 lib September,
171, at 4 p. in., to organise, aaid corporation ai 1
elect maiiugcra.
J. F. WMYni. W. A. WAI.I.Af K.
II. 1.. KKKII. i. II. MehNA l.l-Y.
Clearnel.l, SepleuilK-r 7, Ik; II.
To Delinquent Tax-Payers:
1fOTI'E ii knifdr frirm lo IhuM trrint who.
X 1 up to ttie HTDeut tune, lmv UiIihI to ftny
ilirir Cuuiitr. Ilounir and Kiato Iiih fr 1870,
that Trrflunr Klrp it berrlij ftilthorf to al
low thf niml dttcuuut ntilil and inrluitirif th
lit djr of Oelobur n?it, Triu, thf-n lore, hu
iU"irc to avMil tlirinntlvci of tho tvh unttipr nf a
itieTounl nf Bv prr criit , and avid lb irrnallT
of a timilar pirccniipr iitifKad (t tha Art of
Ann uiiiiv. am i rnu;ic ouua liimard and pa
ihrlr Uifi tiT that timp
()Tlin,I,0 PMFFT.
Commr'a. Office, Pcpt. ?-.'tL Cooiiniincrr'.
1 S7
Oaccola Coal Compani vi. A. J. dope, et aL
(I. !. .Morgan A Co. va. ramuel hhotf.
Fiih 'I llagerty'ar-iccunia va.Cyrua Jeflrtca.rt al.
Jamra Irwin ra. Konert l.mard.
P. (iallacher va. Jatnca Forr at.
J. II. D lluaa ra J. Ilargcr'a ea'.ate,.
I), (iliyder va It. Mitchell.
Iaaae Caldwell va. I'alriek Krrna.
H. Ilag'-rtv'a eiecutora va. Sitaanna Ileaml.
M Ili-rtlein va. Tliomaa While.
dnmea Henry va. Jaeoh lillger.
Hmip. Weaver i Co. ra. Joacph P.urrhf,eld. et al.
Jonatlian llovnton va. A. t pdcgrali. el at.
Chartet Larrimar va. Caper l.ripoldt.
W. W. Worrall, el al., vt. J. ('. Smder.
H, Lonnaherry ra. W. Allert A II rot her.
John Mel'ullough va. Alexander Mi-Culluugh.
K. Thomi ''on v, 11. Thiimf iin,
Thomai ililcT . Corndiua tlwcna.
Aoguntm Lw on i va, U. M. Condi iet.
of t'lrarHrld county. Ndttrr ii Kcr-'l.r firm
that the undertinTiM'!, citiwim of Ihe ('omuion-w-llh
nf l'mncvKania, hy pititioti ft If! ttic lath
day of June, ls;u, have nindr ail:raf urn tt 4md
Court fi-r a chnrtrr of inroi-jK.iiition nndrr the
name, ptylf and title of thr "W tugtvti lluildini;
and laan AaamMatinn," and if no HuHicicnt rratn
il phnwu to tho eimtrary Ihr iai'1 charter of inrnr-
firattftn will Ik- gran'rl at Hcitrinler trnu ot
o!d Conrt,
W. C. I.lini.fE. J. R. II MttRR.
Hawu Hinritwii. A H. It. KtutAnrM.
Jknrs W Ann. P.J. .Miiliwoi!.
Tikw. It. Hi.ahiv. Wit. maw Wat.
Join Mai Jam.. i'Anrrn,
Tiiowam M Kinux,
Pop?. 7-.1t. A. C, 1 ATK, IVoth-.nutii.ry.
1X 1TIO f) TP.4C III HW, will
jh held, aa f'M(.Wri. In ('lrarfi"M county : Kart
hmi and Cut- in ir inn, at ( nmn H hnnl himn, in
( nvintrfon t-iwn!iin, iS'-ji't.; (tiraid, at Con
rraa It ill. the Iflifi ; imahen. at hltawm lllr. thr
1 7 1 h ; irtRtur and 0w ..Ir, nt tu-.i. tip I Uth :
Woodward, at llu''T Valley, thr 20th; (
at .Unetnille, the 2Ut; Ihrcarin. nl dim H".t(f
??d ; .l"rdnn, at A n pi i lie, t he ? .id ; K imh , at
New Villi. ott, thr S.J.II : l.nmJ.T Citr. Keri:ii"n
and I'enn, at 1. .City. theSnth ; Hell, ai Caiiiiteirii
Chitreh, the 27th : New Wnahinffttln and Cheat, at
N. W aphintrton. the 2Mli ; liirii"ile, al Hurtitmlr.
the 2.Mh. Itireetont, and e-eeial.y Seeretariea. are
reqtieatMl to foe prenrnt. Kxnminatioa Iweinn at
9 o'clock, a. m. t)co. hrnea, Co tuyX
K A I. MM IKTV. The eihihitton f,f H,,
N.,eity for 7) will foe held at KrRAJTnN. ra
Tiiertdnr, Septeinher 27ih. Wrdnetday. Si tf euiltrr
U!th, Thmaday, Krttcmbfr 2l'ih, r'ridiy, hen.
temt-er .liith Tho rrnnndi are apaeioiia, the
huildinirfl nd aee"miii'dattona ample, and thr
irrtnmm li't liberal. There ir nn riiarfr f .r en
tnea eiwpt HoriM-a entered for apeed. Kntry
lloukt oo n Tneaday, HritemWr nth. F.-r cata
loguef or iiifiirniaiiitn, adilreaa nt Kcmntnn,
JiilliN C. M 1.1(1.4, I'niideiit.
It. W. Prii rn. Iter. Sirretary.
KLaaitmt lMrCoaiirr. Cor. See'y. a7 ,1
i herel-y aiven that Intrra nf artnttnirtratMin
t-n tha i''ai (tf IIOOVKK, dortn-.l,
lata of Vik wnahin. Ctea field eoanlv. Pa.
haviitpT bean iul (ran led to lha wnderif Bad.
all paraona Indebted to aaid alula will leae
traka ltnmOtata payment, ind thnaa havini
e atwia nr demanda wilt preaeni tht m nr...arly
aotrenlirated tor aetttement without delay.
J. Itoss rtLitnM. Admi.iihir.tor.
Curwantrlllt. het. T ln" flt ie homia mom.
MSTIUTH' MlTK i;-Notirc
ia herrhy (turn that Mtermf a lminiaTraOi.D
on the eatnlr of J. I.1N.N I'OMVI H, dee d, late
nl I'tkr townahip, Clearfield aoatity, iVnn'a., har
itiR Ireen duly (tranted to the am derailed, all jer
awna indehtrd to anid ealiile Will iilen-e mike pm.
ment, and timer having rlnima or dentin. la will
preai nt them lroverlT authenticated for etllemenl
and allnwanee Wilhowt d. tar.
J. UOriS HI.imiM, A IminiMrator.
Curwenatille, Hej.t. 7, l7' et.
tvj W A M K I !- len Tmehera f.,r the arhmda or
Lawrence town-hip. Aihlreaa the Heerrlnry al
( nrwen'i ille. Fend r vr nf ei ri.r.i n
apply to I,. C. lll.OOM, beentarr.
t niwf naville, rrpi. 7, iSiO-lt.
MTIIKltflU lit), PA.
II ill attrnd pnifeaaionalealla p.-omptlr. auglH70
New Meat Market.
rPIIK ntMrr.ignrd haie a Mi Marki-I
1 in llie rio-m lnrtnrrl o-enp:e.l li Alrtanier
ii'in.i'a ai a i act atreet. I liai ln-li, la , a.ljoiiiing
Moaip', a here lln-jr int. nil lo brep a aupplr nl
All kinda of Mi at,
I'rnlt anal 1 (;clalilra,
An.l at "emrr. to m- t tor riura. Khi-p nill
he open ngulailv on Ttie In.r. Thiir.-la.T an,l Sat.
unlar. an.l meal ! liirn-d al anr point. A liare
of puhhe palmimge ia naprelliillt mlieilid.
H.' (I. llHnWV.
-Aiao r.nlinna to deal In all kimla of
inipnireil Agrietilttiral Implera -ota.
I li-orllrl-l. A iiiiiM SI, l;n If.
Ki j.-n ri. iti.rnlncn. Iluhholi'a, itenbr'a
lloufland a Herman, II oaletter'a and Oreene a
tiatgenalrd Hiltera i alao pro Llquara, of all
kind for tdic)nal narpnaea. for aale he
i hh Mrnir s miu ron
) ll Ihifl Sirs.
l VW HI Sllfl.s nf rrim rrTtUi
HKI II W'KT mull It Jiilit II. UIm
g-.M't llorf, Oli-n Hope.
Aii(iil :l, H;. A. W. I. KB.
IIU'IT ManifartsM frm lbs !
1 rliftn-nftl lis. grow! anil tolilrrfsl un sulfide
alnl wsrrniilritler Mir lT
:i ; li. V. II I U I. Kit t CO,
-"III IT CVNS AM) J 4 KM. Urge U of
I' TIN CA Nrt slid tll.AHS JAMS, i
t K llATZER'H,
(iptrMtf I ha Jail.
Aug'"! 'n. lx0 tn
1 y Iiinan'f Croo rut,
Mill, I'r.r inl
l irrulnr Saoii alio, lloyiilon Ligliliinif
Cruaa- ul haw
fur tale lr
aui(.f7(l II. F. 1IIHI.EK CO.
IMtK fh White head. Zinc, Palnl,
aoed O-l, Turptnlinn, ViirniMhea of all liinila,
Uolora iu Oil and trv I aint. Yarnib llrnahci,
mnvt IIAKTsWH K A lltWI.N.
SAI.dOV I'OII Kl;NT.-Th Ana new Si
loop oil Hied atroel, near the llnilroad llepot.
Now a lieenaed Hal'ton, hut unoceupled. Suitable
for 'tore room. Apply lo
(iKoltilK p. PASSMORE.
Clearfield, Annual 17, IK70 int.
AI'IOX. All puraona are hereby cautioned
J aa-ninat DurcliNaint or in anr war meddlinr.
witb a pair of porrcl HorHca, now in poaaeaaion of j
liavid Loiiur, in piurria lownnip. aa Ilia aauic
betnna; lo me, and are etilijeet to my nntcr.
(iraharalim, An. 31 Hi. T. II. KoltCKY.
(1 A I Tl. 'I li jiuhlic i hvn-hy eautionrd
t a 'n iul harliorin or trunttrn dit tlaiiclilrr,
K1.IA11KTI1 ANN. who nni buine wilhutit
any cauoc, or ftnptuvii.K hrr withoul my content,
a 1 will bnv no dt'bta ol hrr cont rutting.
Lwronoc tonofhlp, Auf :' M, l'M-flt,
r a(.on-imaki:m mioi vuh hi;t.
'1 in nhi.n laicly ueriipird lv William Miw
Knight, dtmm-d, nloat on tho a Mr? Iwtwtfn
Kctd and I'iim iitrrta, nrur It. R. I'tnot. Will
be renU-d on rraoimMr trrmn. Apjilv to
KO((Jr; C i'A.ilORE.
rirf.rC-1.1, Auunt 17, t7l.3m.
J affniiieit purrliaainir or in any way tnrddlinff
with tlie It.iUiwinjt periiual irrrty. bow iu the
jmiiricKnion of ISainucI Irwin, uf tlMui townnhip.
vin : Two oowh, two hop, ouo field of Horn and one
flrld of bur k wheat ; an (lie Miiif waf pnrehaM'd hy
me at Hlifiift'i Half, and ii left In hie pfrHrwoniyn
uiijwt to my order. J A C II IJJLt.KK.
t'urwtnvillf. AnjrM .11, l7 M.
IOR la 4 I, The aufoaerilwr nfferi the houae
and lot in which ahr reaidea In the Ilomut;b
ul t leartield, lor rale. Jt it fttuateo o Market
I net, in an etiicihle location for either a private
reaidence, or for founnrea purpoaef it corner
lot and worthy the attcniton ol thoaa wanting to
inveat In town property, and one aqnare from the
to nrt Houae. ror price, inoiure on the premiaea.
Mm. MAHY I'rt FM'KlKi AST, or
uurM JOHN L. Cl'TTLK, Atty at Uw.
of Clearfield county. Pa.
lat Natl B k of Clearfield 1 No. 118. March Term,
tie-orge 1 . tShitntnel. j foreign Attarbneot.
Notice la hereby fir en tn thoaa in tern ted that
tha final account of the T mat era in tha afoura
elated eaae bat foeea duly filed in my hm,
aujt'll 3t A. C. TATK. I' rut ho notary.
The ropartrerabip bentolura eiia'inr foe-
twri'D John W. Kvam and William I. M ilhama,
in thr Wb'deaale Liquor biiaiueaa. andrr the Ban
of W ra. Williami A Co., Oacrota Milla. I'a., waa
diaaolved bv niutuaJ eonarut naj the l&tb dar
of Aiiruat. H7ti. All accounU due the firm will
he at tiled hy John W. Krana.
jo W. EVANS,
Oaceola Mill., Aha. 74tlpd.
OC lltMfl. TA Notice it herehy ptven that
3 tba rehol Jiireclora of Clewrftrld bomwuh
bare placed in the bnitdt of the K'hool Treaaurrr
a crrtiOed iluptieate of the Kt-bool tai for 1 ft? I.
and all pcrmna hall lie entitled to an abatement
of FIVK J'KH CKN T. vb their tai aa payment
of the name lo the Treaaurrr, at hit rraidenee, oa
or foe f i re the lith day of Novrmlier Beat. Br
particular to red the act of Aaarmbly at tha bot
tum ef the notice left at Tour retidenee.
Clearfield, Auf. 17, 1ST" 4t. Trraaurer.
llanufacturer of
Tin, Oopjjcr and Sheet -Iron Ware.
Binding, Spouting and job work done on
Flirtp on Market .St., nearly oppnaite the Jail,
IN TIIK UAT1I H of the taUle of Jnooh
Miller, decerd. At an Orphana' Court held
al Clearfield, for the county of Clearfield, an the
llth dar of Jan. A. I. Ix'ii, Ibe tirlitioa nf J.
fOake Walters, Kaq., wna preaentrd, aetlin); forth
that he waa a party in tnterrat in the Ileal KaUte
of anid Jacob Miller, dereaaed, and praying for a
apecifir perforin a nee of Contract. yna due fnw
aid'ralii.a the Ct urt ordered a ritatinn to laaur
m the hrira and lepal repreaentaiirea of Jamb
Miller, drccnaed, and all parttea in in terra t to
apM Ar In court on tho Brut day of rVpt, mlwr
Term, 1870, and almw ranae, if any, why apecifie
perfnrmance of contract to the petitioner ahall not
be deererd aecordma: in the intention and meaning
thereof, and thai notice, hy puidicatioB in out
new! ap!r in the ro;:n.y, lie given lor fnurci U-a-entixe
wrrka to all partita in iu (erect to aj'pear
at aama timo.' J'r the Court.
C, A. MAYICn, P. J.
Attiat : A. VC. Lke, Clerk O. C. augm 4t
Will 1m beld oa Ihe
and Friday,
12!li, 13th nnd 1 till
OCTOBER, 1870. .,.,.-... .... .
- a -ui . nr.Mli M l.iM I pnlili.neo IB paea.
A phlel form, and can he had hr applieatioa In
thr Peeretarr nf the Pnelely, either peraonaJtr nr
I.J Idler.
Family Tlrkrta, during Fair .0)
fliiRlr Tlrkrta, during Fair T
ilii;lr Admla.lnii Tlrkrta. ..
TIM-RSHAT l-Turae of kllMI to he trotted for.
FRIDAY ' rute of ISO lo be Irellod f.r.
For eomliliona, enlriea, de fee patnphleta.
Il ia lo W hoped thai Farmera aid take aa In
lereat in Una KahiMlion. Nnpainaaill he p a red I
nj me i.meere oi ll,e r-wielr lo make It a
aMr one.
er-Jn.lgea will ha annnuneed ra tbe aland
oa Wr-dneeilar.
Preralum. for Sloek and Cet. t.rain. !
4 II. I14RRICTT, Preaidenl.
A. a RlonTfiRAHAM. V-m.rr. ,tin
-out -r.i -- II
Hl4ff tlatif ous.
a r n i. Mm u isi i.
ll tiiM'Tltin, at Mfnhii'r' Ethi -it. op, f if h .
Or'nhor, M 9.
Trm onioiN AL i;km;m:
wuoroiiT ntori, Ain ti'iiit,
QAS-coiTSTTnura jtsateu,
ll'U rATIHTI:lt
Ii tT f""c atri, UrtxxE Hi" Urm,
Whoiuht In os Rahiatoh,
jan AtroMiTic Ruari atoi.
For Hurnlfi(
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or IVood.
10 i.M'i fir brirkwork, and 2 iik-i Poilal'Ie.
nArrACTri D oai t ir
N W. earner Utb and Filtci Hlree a,
riiiLAtnapiiiA, pa.
Thea llealera are made of lleavr We.nsht
Iron, well riveted loreiher, and are wirranted to
He ahaolulelr taa and Iluat Tich. They are the
nnlr llea'cea thai are manared withont anr dain-
pcra, and In nliirh all kinda of fuel can be t.urne-1
without alteration.
Cnokiujf Banry-a. for ITotela. Healanranta and
Kami Ilea. Alio, a Mai lop Ileal in j llao(e
File Place Ileale'a. Iw Knwn Oraler, Slnte
Manlrla, K jialeri, Ventilatora.
Pamphletj giving full deaeriplion, aent fre. to
any adilreaa. )yl.T7U-ly
5-SO'm ami ISSCm
At Market Italea.
Pacific E. E. Bonds Fought and Sold.
lrT(l('kl rwf;lit mu4 tti.ld an Cos.
UlaalttU ailtly.
DatiTille ana Vliictnnea
First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds
For aale at OO and accrurd intrreat.
Aocoanti received and In ten at allowed on
daily balance, to j et to check at eight.
Soula Third Ffrert,
Eighty .?! Thousand, Seven IJundred
and Eiyhty One Machines .Vtide
and Sdd the Pa ft Year.'!
Tbia aainber eeee. , rewNat. thr rale, e.f
any ntbrr Machine, aaa tba aeauaud la atlll
laertar tug !
Ara in being aaada aad aa'a!
Hreaaaa ll aaikodiri raaanllat yrlaeiilei ant
found ia anr alb-r WaeKlea; batiaaaa i.f It-
ia r'leil.T of ron.lraetlna, rare at peralloa.
aaiforaitjr af tiraeiaa aetiua al anr aperd. aad
eaparily for tba (reateat ranja and rarlelj ol
aotk, Sao or oearaa.
Partlet ariibltig akoald ant (all
In oiaatiao Ibii boat of all Sawing tlarbiora.
bara th. arena, for ibii Maeblot. aad ail
keep a fall tu' lj oa band
1. 8 FlinarER.a,
Var 4. Ian if. riearte'd. Pa.
aWIt AHI.i: Ml'TVAB.
Life Insurance Company
josrrn iioxik
E. IiWIOHT KK Ml A Llb...
...........rn ai t. at.
Viec Preaidenl.
Medieal F.Iaatim-r.
TVIK AMITARI I', waa f.-on-led hf naanl
tlie h. al I o.ine.a men of Kew York. itb thr
ri(.r-aa otijfl nf erra'ittg aa Inatitonea thnt
ahniild eninniand tbe ennnileaer of tbe l.ul.lie. aa
a lilieral. amind and vtguruae Life Inaaraner
Conipanv. and baa aebirved a aneoi-aa iM-rnad Ibe
Mpvelalinnp nf ita moat aanguinr iri)e4lura,
Tbe A VIl AI11.K offer all plana and
d'-airalilr ne fealurna nf aimlern Life Ineuranor.
and diiea not bnld nol premier ur iadueeaaeaia
Ibal cannot be aiade gioL
Tha aVIrAfll.r baa depnalted ear bun. I red
Ihnnaand eli.llaea in I'nild Slalea h-.e.l. anb tb
inanranee Department of the State nl Neat Yorb
a guarantee lut the diarhaigr ol e.erj oliligalion
All el.ien. aga-net Ihe A M ITA BI.F are pentnptlv
and hnnoralilt diaebargrd: In thr erenl aleaib
lie .... I y fHtl.ej . fm,4 f.l) .( ,
orooerii'a oa orroool uj foona or atar eoaf aoiaoa.
All rnlieielaea ann-fnrrritahlel
All Ii.tilrnda are nna forfeitable !
All I'olieie are ineontealaMr !
Tlilrtjr dara graee for pavmral nf prrajiana
I'rivilegt lo travel hy lad aad rra!
Wil of Batea, rirralaea. e.. farnlahrd
opoa applnalioa to Ik. Tnaipaat a agent.
grr-l for n. ar. id ronnlr.
r. harrktt
inerai Agent Clearfeld, (ruler. JrCeraoa
. .... ( r.ia rnonilea.
T. J. HOYKR. M. t
Medieal Kaaminrr.
Clearteld. Angnat K, le-n Ja
r ..... . I-!..
Manufactured tepecla'lr for
the tha nr.
''f't'i n. f. mr.i.rn a ro.
J. w. aaLl.tra. j,.aa r.
I allirraknra;, Irartlrld It,, ra.
mn .j . . . ...
1'n it- wen ana i.g e.iah'iaeied Hi. -el
fornaerlr bord kr K. W. M ,ltwi,
bj Waj. ebra. re., baa beea Iced for a tern
nl rear, by Ihe aedrr.ignrl. lo ableb the attea
tloa a tk learellnr put.lir ia aa celled, and a
liberal 'her eJ ehltc palronage la r Melted
aug.rra ALLAt'B A MII.Kii.
R. J. I1AYKS, rane.n.rllla. Pa.
1a-"JV VTr""" lmap. gr, ,e7reaiiM
i ot Ihe auhwrihor. roaiding.t Mnl...., P n
D. - f ZVS
la rMMOU . , - .
peorr h.a propcrtr. p., ch.rge,
.,, ..r weoi.poa.-i, or a. II,. I,. ,i Jaiien,
rnssK k pmitii
nil rl ninri. I liait.tK p,
I I l r. . r -li. ll H, lk,
I a,,,. ., .... , .... "a..-,,.,,,,!
' ' w. a,
.. aw uteparnd .a aaaio ap la ..
I."., o niai"er. in. vol ma fcrel k 1
.11 .1. A . ... f'l.-.l.l .i... ..... !
Ik.,..l..,...l '""
Cloths, Doeekiris and Cm'a.t
Kr.'W ii...b eaatwaitriaaa aaakathirMUi
tluo J it a. a-, or tba Puttult,.
Claaitald, April 21, I ST If
i iSturr uie ilntir raai f Clearfield U
Haiktl ttert, t tcarfield, Pa.
T (CKMi ob band a full aaaortutaoti at
arniahing taiMtda, ncb aa rbirti
od n onion unaerfUirt, urawtra u
Neea tiea. Poabat llaitdkercbiafa, Uiortf
ruibrrllaa, A., fa great varitty. 01
(roda ba kaapf tna
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Co'
Sack a- Hlaek Doe akin of tha rary bait
ranry ( aapiuien, in grj.t rartrty, alia
Coating. Bearer, riiut. Lbli.ctiilla, ibd
tivarcuif urid. All ol whirh will be aold tit.
Caah, wi.rt male ap according la tki latan
bv riprrieBeed Worawrn
Alao. A ut for CI earfi aid eonntv fa
-tnifrr A Co 'a. eaUbraiad fttwiaj; Maekiiti
.v.a. I. iMna-tt H bHlh-
1 .... mmmmmm
Til?. F.U.L TKHM orfuurtcen wttki.jL
inrfict Mosdaj. tSipieiuucr ith, 1 7i.
A f ntaarv li'uartuient will ba added u
.Tbirl this fail : for which lha aervicaiwra J
pi-(eut iitrtructor Bava bean iLl
(Dort will be apared to render thu dajjtrl
Meadlni;. Orthography. Wrilinj-, 01 j-ct Lt.
atna, Prttnar Arithanatto and Fnmarj
Iliftorv. Local and drecriptire Geoa;ra.iiT
ifb Map Irawmff. tiraauBiar, MfstiJ
and lVritlen Aritliwirtic
Alg'rhi-a and the Pcief-ct-a..... .,
Ir.iiraoth'B In iwatr jaaantal anaaie
il patating, 14 laaoBa.....mHH....H
tta otk
Fur full particular aend for Cirvular.
C i-ld, Sryi. 1, 16T0 l pd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principa
rPHK FIRST rKStlOKof tbi aril k
X ear ot tbia laatttolioa aill coaaaieac.
-UAUAI. ike tik da al fep..a.ber, Ik;.
rayiia oaa cni.r at aa? time. Tb.r
otteiKoa oltl- loihoa froai tb. tiaia tbt; aan
.o rioo oi ma ftraatoBj
1 bo oourrr ol iaetractloa raibranr arrrr
lac.atfrd ia a tbaroab, airarliral aad aeij
on.iira aaoeattol. Imr both ariea.
lbr Pribtipal baring bad tba adraatar.
aaark ra-erirure ta hta prvtraaloB, aaaara
rente ana gaar an tbat biaaatiro aeihlt
rnergio will h dorotod l tba raoral aad i
Ul UaiaiLf of tk yoolb plared andrr bia ckr
i i iaB hi 1 1 iiiii v
Ortbi.grrfc, Reading, Wrltieg. aad Friaif
Anma.tir. pet beoetoa (II antll . 1.
Uraaaaaar. Wawtrapbr, Arilbartia, aad
Hi-wrr - - . . - .11
Algrhro, OoanrreT. TrignaoairtrT, Mea.
urnlion, Harrering, Fkitoaopbr, Fbtai.
olngr.Cbeaatetrr, Biok Koopllif, BoUBJ
and Phreiral - . .a,
Latia. Greek and Frraca, with anj af tba
ahorr rraher-r. . . . a i;
Vi Vi' Pian.. ( leeaere) . . .
S. dedaetlna otll We aiadr far abm
p&tt funber partiealar Inqafrt af
Rrr. K L. HAKklSUK, A. J-,
Feb. t. a; l. Prieei.;
tuscaeozia acadei::,
IrlR 3ilh fbo.. rear will begin FrplrmW
la e aak Ihe atlliita of paren'a and gur.
an. tu a eonaideral ion of tbr merita of tbia ia
at. I oratlua. Healthful, attraetira aad
trry war laeorabio for pbaieal deral.paieat
d. Ka Taip(a1bnn.Ileaiored frea t
al-Hl and foaling place incidrat lo loan.
Sd. r-itaralloDkl Adtaalara. E.rf
eocnee ana aarrottLUiug. laaorauet lor alatl.
4lh. long; Mat l.hrd.-It ka km at
HCMfal o,Krattoa 34 rara,aad kaa bad rei
itni tnia aearlr rrery buta.
th. Moral InBarnrctw Tba preorpta ef uJ
nnxv nro aiij lauUi.
61 h. Cheap Ralra.-
Tcrma, J(MJ.
rr-rT-rAend for a C.rrular.
I anade aaa.
Apjilieatiaa alau
D. I. FTOE, A. il.,
i. J. I'AntH.-u.V A. M,
Jolt U, 1J(I Ja. Prineipala
Military and Collegiate IiiEtituU,
l!-d'i Ferry, N II ,..a Xarbua A Coacord K.l
Mir. 8 .V HOW r.LL, I'riacipaL
Advaliiagia: Itciirrd location, yrt ear ef
orae ; Ko ralmHia, or plaoea ot Ida rerort; f.
ourpr ol l.-aehei; Tkon ah innrartma. da.
I'upil nrvurd al an. tiuia haad lor Cirraar
July 3i, I !;..
M ll ART,
LIAM.-I tUil. I A, li.a Pa. a tin
H . l a M utT.,., li. 11 I'r.ridani
a lull aaaeicrieneed eiirpa of rrarlier. i barre
aiiMierata. lluatlla drlighllal. Tb. rite, o
naildiaga are being thorungblr repaired. Ti
Brat leroa legtua Auguet S, le7u. For fanbf
inlonnalioa aodiraa tuc Fnaidrat. or ama lata
eataliorae. H?e.;ai
Eitrarled wiih lbr aar of N'rrnor Cra tu
and Lik-il .aaj.Taiau. (th. onl; karnlaaj aa
elliciinl Aaarethctioe now ia aea.) b
S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist,
Who would berehr aaoal rrpcrtfa?lr rctar ka
ihanka lor the lihoral patmnagr of ,'be patl. a
inlorra Ihr pnl.I.e I hat be haa rraanred bi. 'Uei
to the comer of Stato and lenaa hn.ii ,.-rr
Jrnkine' aiore.l where h (a prepared lo reeiiei
hir raatoaacra ia rualr kited ap ro. aia. aea
their aotk in Ihr mit akilllal aal aotkmanht
manner. All voek door la th loteat and aiaat
ppro. rd at lea, aad gaaranlrod.
Pr. Ilarr will he mrared in biaofn-fea
th let In the 7 J.I of oarb Mon k. Tb halaaeraf
eneb mnnib be aid apead in (lien Hone, Here'
aad l.oiberal arg, V.nie.
at a dialaneo .h..ul. wnle to aa perrina ol ti
coming, dllire hoiira, Froai t lo It 'leea.o.
aa., and fruaa 1 lo k o'clm-k. a. at.
W Bar Mono lnl tho Veer hoi o..,e,al aad
d. fr F-inipeiiiioa f..r Irnal), cbrapnrae aad darn
l aeaenaiille. P.., k!.e tS, 1'Tlk
ArilTnutiim, II A YURI MM !
'I lKAa.-.n...-.,.., ,. .
Tb-r ara peeparee) froai thr ftuila. and mil b
oanai much Wner iban aaant nl Ihe Filrarirtba,
a-r n.,a. A.k i mo (ir,. or lr....u r... W ,11.
heracr-. e.,a. hARLOK 'n IMil-Jl. HI I I
ia. wi.hoa, d-.nki. ike Ivel artiere la Ih matlH
foe hlaeing rloihco. Il ml! color more water ibaa
foar lime. Ihe aaoie Weight of in.liro md o-erk
more lhaa aar olher waak hloe ia tbo mara.1
Thc nni reninnr ia that out nn a, 11 l ull
ll.1HFKt.KII -U Dm (I F-iORr!. X J.tJ Snrlk
Sceoa l r?,ret, Phi a telphi. Tlir l.l.el. ban
h"tk 'Mllhrrger'. aid Far, a araar oa tkeai.elj
othora am roant. rlt ll. For aale hr moot Urcee1
and llnaggi.le. W ll.THK Rl. F. K r INI'EI.II'H
IV K will ha- found on trial lo he a auperinr ntnav
A Iwara oa hand and fin- aale al reaeonahle
Pore Ornnnd Ppne.. Urnulne M, die, nr.. fhan-eia
Sklna. (tpongea. Tapioca Prail, Fain, arj aU
aritelc in Ihe dor line, al
jri luia No JJJ Norik 8. ad l k'-
Farm for Sale I
milR Fa-a nf loha Spaebman. lata of Oiraed
townahip. d-oeaM-d. CMiaielino of ahnal Kl
acre of wood farming land, laioat of wlneh al
nariegi hrrroe ere'e.l a rO" h'-aoi
... Mooie. r.r iern and lo-lher pariico-
ra. apple In T. II. MI'RRtY.
Allnrwf rVir L..M m.A . ,
Hp H . '