Shf Republican. mm Gi)RO H. (jooiM.ANHKB, Kditor. ' " CLEAUF1F.LD, l'A. WEDNESDAY MORXIXO, AViUTT 1. 1. Demoorat'o District Ticket. ASSE.MUI.T: JOHN C. II ALL, or 11 1 coriaf. Democratic Connly Ticket. Jl'ITIW PIC, OF OIKASD. COMMISSIONER: DAVID BUCK, or CAaaariELD. DISTRICT ATTOItXET: A. W. B AITERS, or ctxinriiLD. JTRY COMMISSIONER: aCOIl A. I'AIIIT, Or CLEAKrilLB. D. AARON HUE, or ksox. CORONER: AMU EL A. CALDWELL, or BHAnroi'D. Cfn. I'hilip Sluridait. Littlo riiil ! So little llml lie nctu ally refused rcpecuillo funeral er vice and llic unlumn rite of proccNsion to a former dibtiniruislied (ieniTiil Slieridun, ibo tniiTHuder and robber of the Shcnnandouh Vullry ; Slieridnn, the plunderer and burner of del lings; Sheridan, (lie fjnul twenty-mill' ridor, bus reached Europo, and with instructions, at we are told, from Grant, (issued at Long Branch imme diately after the races,) to do some tiling, but what that soniuthin is no one seems to know or euro. If bis instructions should bo to behave him self like a christian and try to learn omething about tho art of civilized and christian warfare; (if ihcro is such a thing;) if we could only hope this in view uf tho fact that no one needs the lesson more than this same little, riiil, our giief at bis alienee would be much nvdificd. Wo hope that ho will bo allowed to approach near, very near, to the armies of either Frussia or France. We hope he will remain tliiro for somo time; if be chooses, fur all lime; and learn all that he pos.-ibly can of civilized war fare, if this bo possible. And then, should his gieul heart tako the iiihpi ration, let him have leave to join the army of whatever side he chooses ; let him, liko a true patriot, enter the ranks; and, should the war continue as long as our 'onplnassnl noW did ho has our sincere good wishes for bis promotion to a corroralsliiii, which we believe his superior talents would entitle him to in any ono of the Euro pean armies in n few years. What oceans of astonish me tit and disgust niut crowd upon tho great mind of I'bil n bo follows tho wako of tho armies of Europe, to find barns, mills, houses, stables, pijj styes, dog kennel, chicken coop, rat traps and marten boxes all remaining in tho rear of nn advancing and victorious army! How supremely will he pity the ignorance of the military chieftain whose stupidity overlooks all these great eiragetio advantages of a great commander; and imagine the chuck lings and winkings of Sliermun ami Logan, and lligginon and Brownlow, te , over the thick headed Dutch and llnaled, stupid French, who "I'lin't ace" in helpless females and suckling babes, and non combatants generally, tho great danger to an organized, equipped and drilled army, that has no other protection besides mitrail leuse, needle gun and cbapsnpol! We have quite a number of military commanders on this side of the ocean who might learn a triflo of decent christian cirilizatinn in a few months' prospecting eviih the armies of France and Trussia. Send them by all means. Bend them as Sheridan was sent. Give them instructions of some kind to some of our minister abroad, so Hint the government (which of course means the tax payers,) can have the privilege of paying the expenes, n it docs in Sheridan's case. This will give our blood stained and warworn heroes such a delightful summer trip, mch a nice big excursion. We know of nothing a grateful people would rather do, or which would more hand somely recognize the gnat services of our union savers "in a born." Send Nckles, Nicnnun, Logan, H Vinson, Howard, rope, etc. '', he country can spare them all. CoNrrnrviK Jhnixn. Our Dem ocratic friends will please bear in mind, that the Congressional CnC r encemcelsat Ki.lgway on .Monday. FeplcmLcr the Uii,, i nmniiuito a candidate for Congress. Willi M strong man the ScohVhi mrinpiinn ring tan be broken, and something mors than corrupt insiriimciit tent to Washington from Ibis district. The Conferees are lien. Win Ibis. Hartshorn, E. A. lligler and L li LIngle. Cool The While r.icm, nt in Onr Midst," . the subjeet ., u (ol orrd lecturer in liidianap,,!',, the other day. We suppose the colored el. ment" will siH.n (-..tlio to the cnrln ion that tho "Wbilo (dement" should be removed from tin ir midst, especial ly in sections where tho "cnloicd cle ment" outnumbers tbe"wbito trash " The German residents of Paris Lave been ordered to let the mij. lire t.trnl Hrrnrtnn. The past f.-i might has brought t' thft surface two f,.-il Statesmen. We allude to Orr, nf'Smi'li Carolina, ami Mcflure, of this Slate. Tho former has nUnvs been a Democrat. Late ly, however, liko all mercenary rebels, ie ha joined the l!ailical,anu cnispru bands with tlio negroes ami carpel baggers of tlu.t S'.ato. llo admits that his beloved Commonwealth has been rendered bankrupt by cot rup lionista and moral villains, and pio poses to savo what bo can of the wreck by falling in with the robbers, lie calls loudly on ull good men to follow his example, and in this man ner they w ill soon root out all the bail men w ho now bold ollicc. We presume ho will instruct fann ers now to destroy the cockle and cheat in their wheat. Not by pulling them up and destroying vhcin ; but to sow more good seed and thereby choke the tares. What a theory fura States man sixty years of age ! ilcl'lure is about as fooliuh He ad mits that Congress und our State Legislatures uro controlled by bad men who take bribes on nil occasions, and that Legislation is done in the lobbies and laws enacted by men not elected by tlio people. This stato of things appear lo mistl.y htui,iiUbuuSn lie nas uccu u u-ucuur in our loyal Is rael these many years. In fuct the evils ho deprecates, only commenced at ubout the limo ho stood at the head of tho "lull millions" in tho State Legislature. Liko a reformed harlot, be has nu merous remedies at hand to cxturini unto the evils of tho Slate, chief of which is, by amending the Stato Con stilulion lo ibo ellucl lhal every Sen ator and Member of tho Legislature be compelled to tako an oath that lie will nut give or lake a bribo while in o Hi co. This is indeed rich. Coming from a leader ol a party which has shown lor seven years past, less respect fot Constitutions und oaths thau for a five dollar greenback. V by tho men ilcClurc & Co. have been in tho habit of sending to tho legislature cannot be restrained from corrupt practices il our Constitution were made loiij; enough lo reach from tho Delaware ! tho Lakes, and an iron clad oath hitched ou every six inches. It is nut the Constitution that is wrong; but the evil consists in your sending a lot ol ragainullins tu tho hulls ol legislation w ho have no respect for themselves, oaths, or anything else. That's w hut's ibo matter. Send gentlemen, instead of blacklegs to llarrisbiirg, und ibo old Constitution will bo linmd good enough. The i:uro;jtnn War. Hio two great urinies have dono a great deal of lighting during tho past week, bul no great battle tamo off. Tho Prussians aro still moving on Paris, und may bo thero before the week closes. What they expect to gain by this is not so clear just now. It looks as though tho French wanted them lo go there, or they are so miserably helpless that they can not prevent them. Ifiho latter, the demoralization and internal strife must bo great. Dul if tho former, King William and his army will get un awful ihrn-hing beforo they get hack to Mctx or Ibo Illiine. There aro boundaries to equity and honor in war as well as in peace, and to ad vance beyond them must prove fatal to tho party violating. JlsT Like Thkm. Another ad vance toward practical miscegenation has been nebieved by the leading Itailicals of Indiana. Negroes and whites arc now indiscriminately mixed up in the Stato Normal School. in the language ol Ibo Terro lfaute Journal, 'iliry occupy the same class rooms, and route together in the saiiio chimes." In a short lime, some of tho colored brethren will fun oil with a white girl in the neighborhood, and tin t) hi r parents ''would I;l,i it pretty well.' Hut it is a part ol the Fiftcci.lh Amendment system. and the faithful must accept the situation. Indiana liadicalism is madu out ot at range stuff. Less than ten years ago it was a crime for a negro lo re side in that Slate, and mode such by Constitutional enactment. Now, they eat and sleep w ith them. If the do cent white people of thai Stale do not tako charge of nfTairs soon the denizens of that Stato Will bo "IIou siers" indeed. What tiir Nomina Want. In the lladical Convention of South Carolina which recently nominated a negro for l.ieiiti mint (ioverni.r, a colored man named Cain thus delivered himself: "Theie is a question that lies near my bean und near tho heart of every man of my race. It is the question ol equal lepi esenlation in tho halls ol Congress and in Slate afTairs. It has been charged upon mo and a di. lingiiished Iriend that w e have sought to raise a ticgin party. Let me just I' mil that question with my magic wand and transfer it, slid" I have done. All I ask is that tho colored voters slmll hiivo equal represent 'ion. I know that twny.-ars ago I thought it Was not judicious lo lhnil oarrlvcs forward in office. I took the ground thato bad better send while men lo Cmigrc-". and that col "fed LepiiMicnns could wail until ! after the election of Sevmour and lll.-iir. "We have colored men side by side with whitn men, bul fincctKf pr7.ortyc nf the fit'trnith amcmlmrut rrp lthi'rr iff so'u. tiil.r it ftt n Ititjhtr. tlnmn that we should have a ,, ot the tpuitf. l,vi u liuvu limo colored iy iurvv niiiltf r fiirfiilalivc!i m I ri , the ,prc an the sjU, and th UC tktlll It' MtttUii. Tin All'iiniKiNMi.NT. Tlie nrxt Ix-yUlnturf uf this Slato ill Imve I lie il I.'i;iliuive diiltii-ls, tlio flint fur tlio nvxi Ion veura. tiin arrimil fur ............. ... ..,.-.,,,i vsii. Bi.tli ,l tlic,c are now fixed liy Iho nuii.e I--j;ilntiir for the first tiinu aiui-r -j ,f Mme .i,we wii r..Ks.t.vai.. s tllnir oil Iftr I'pHliol HIlHnttoit. Frank Ululr, Sr., Is one of lbs old el, und l consi'h ivd by some the most Siii'ncioiis politician in Ibis conn ..... A Interviewer of Ibo .New y;,ik llmill has pumped him, with; Hie following resuli as l"tbo plallorm 'Correspondent Did ' understand you to say Ihut you thought the Dem ocratic party could win in thu next Presidential campaign ny oircei grumi in spilo nf tho ailcmpt lo employ mil itary intimidation over a portion of the country f Mr. lllair Yes, sir; I said so. I believe Unit, notwithstanding tho vusl power in the bands ol ibo Kcpuhliean party, too opposition, il given inu right diroction und guided by wise counsels, can w in. Correspondent In what wayf What platform would you suggest ? M r. lllair As to a platform, J think the Conititutinii us it hms would bo the best that could ho adopted. 1 moan tho old Constitution w ith slavery ex tinct. That is tho plallorm I would adviso. Our lathers made it, our country flourished and grow prosper ous under its provisions, mid il is still ample, in my judgment, for our Gov ernment and people. J hero is no doubt that when our fathers framed tlio old Constitution their wish was to prevent a centralization of power. Tho liepiiblicans havo disregarded that evident design They havo vio lateU tlio oiu constitution. Jinny ol their laws are in conflict with it, like those assuming to regulate tlio right ol suffrage, taking tlio subject away from tho Stales entirely. The right nf suffrage in a matter trhieh cleiir!ybe- Umia tu the State. Koeh State in en titled rurfc'i.f fur irAo fhall void within its own limits for tho President of tho United States. There never was a question on that point. Old Thud Stevens, the Leader vt the Jludi eal party, admitted it himself, and ae knouledied they had to go outside the Constitution. It was never intended Ihut tlio power should bo usurped by Congress. There can be no substitute for tho Constitution ; we can havo no tucci eleaneum for il. The Democratic or opposition parly ought to go for the restoration of the old Constitution, with some ono as a leader who bus a constitutional record us a Union man. In that way Ihey could win against (irant and all the military influence don't think there is weight ' charac ter enough in Grant or any other man to resist the mighty popular tivalanehe which would mceep oecr the country should the opposition party manage their campaign in the manner lejplam I told ihcm ibis truth long ago, and wanted to gel Grant to be their can didate. Uu was a Democrat. 1 know from his rteord that his tilings were on that tide until Congress passed the mil itary bill uhieh made hint military die tator over the South, and placed in his hands the power to make himself President. Then he went over lo tho Radicals. A Loil Patriot. President Grant appointed a man, tunned W. A. liril toii, I'nited States Marshal for the Western district of Arkansas. Thi lii illoti recently mado a speech al Fort Smith in that State, in w hich be pretty thoroughly exposed tho ras cully conduct id ono L. J. Scurle, a Judical carpet bug candidate lor Con grcss. Tho follow !ng paragraph will suftice as an indieatiini of tlis i-barae ler of this loyal patriot, Searlo : "In IS;ill, while this demented Searlo was Provosl Marshal at Fort Smith, he imprisono.j John II lieckcl, a Union man. and fori ed from him checks on the United States Treasury, New York city, amounting to six thousand ono hundred anJ eighty six dollars utnl seventy three cents, a receipt for which I hold in my hiiud. And I un derstand the clicrtiij have been paid, and tlio poor old man, who bad the checks in possession, is decrcpid, in waul and can't gi I his money back. This money so obtained has been useu by Searlo to buy a homestead in Illi nois." This Searlo is u "loyal" man, and will be sustained by Gen. (irant and all the lladical papers North and South. Ho is their candidate; the man to suit their purposes iiini do their work. And yet he is as infa mous in character und conduc t, as the vilest wretch now confined in any of the prisons in ibo country. How can people expect wise, honest laws will be passed by Congress, when such men are put in power ? Age Am KniTon in Tnorm.r:. Tho Dem ocrat ol Forest connly havo present ed P. (). Conver, F.-q.,the genial nnd wilty editor ol tho Press, us a candi date lor Congress. Tho opport unit v is loo good a ono for Pcto to lose, tind he thus philosophizes over tho mat ter : Demorrats of Forest county, w hat have we dono, bow have weoifended, of what crime aro we gu lly, that you should have unanimously, by acclama tion, in open Convention assembled, on Inst Tuesday, nominated us for Congress lioin this great IHth Dis trii 1 1 In 1 1 ti I Ii we ure lit a loss whether you mean to kill or exalt us. We have honestly and earesily en deavored 10 do our 'level best' fur all this people, in our humble way, labor-, mg ny night and oy day. since wo lit I 1 '"."..v : i nut ti e government anil down here among yon in our old blue ; People ol liiivari.t shall receive a full rivalry cat in tlio winter lime, over compensation in money .,r ihe pnUn ibreo years ago, w ben you sent f.,r n i losses which ibey havo sustained by lo represent you with a paper, which ! Iho w nr. . wo have endeavored lo do III tlio For-1 Fourthly: That Napoleon the est Press And now you wnnl us lo I 1 bird shall be deposed, and bis name, represent you iu Congress! This i ' family, and dynaiy severed from the a-king too mill Ii ! We can't tifTord ill throne of France and from all royal Haven't money enough ! Could never school our coiisi iciico in Iho short spare of two yeais to steal enough to repay for the dirty and expensive work iiccccssary to scctiic our elec tion. Seriously, we regret to say, the lime has arrived in America, when a man of moderate means cannot afford to tun lor an important nCii t." The New York St ir says that llor n c (irceley also b.ts been refused position in the Prussian nrmv. "Oh- jeet ion was taken on tho ground of his while coal and hut and awkward gait, all of which are dectaied bv King William lo bo not' only tinmili- lory bul certain to draw the foe ol "III - i - l. ..... i i . i K iihituI' I'rci.F.y, I nt Jin he wim not M,,f .M u(iln 1 i o TCARA Siro llm M.ilo !hl f.f i it r .k ..,. ...... . t . ' : .,,.. u,., f m-,.,tiiiil,.i , jnir r-iiit-c tlio irt cnt r.-connlnu led Klutc g'lvertiniriit fame ititu power, who aJviwu rather than lo ihoio who ii ii a of lnmoiif nr ,iiifioHuitr. We have retciicd a vny i lnbnialo nihlrets of tl lYople's I'nll.V," ill Lousiana, which, if we uiiilerslaiiil il eorrec lly, proposes In nbaiiilon nil hope oi 'cNpectalion of relief from the National Democracy, and to lot un S'ale, un! llius to attain good ami honest ndininist rat imis of tho Stale Government ! II il were not the sad dest il would bo tho most ludicrous sight to ho witnessed ntiywhuro on this earth, when Aniei n-ans are so u I terly submerged in I ho meshes of Satan iistoilreainof salvation through amalgamation with niggers. Think of it if Ibo niggers of Louisiana could bo isolated or left lo their own volition or freedom, filly years henco they would recover their natural aptitudes, and bo exactly as they aro now in the interior ol Africa, simple, useless, non producing "heathens," without a tru- lilion. though I., word or naino even that they havo now iinitiiled fioin tho I wbilo people. The while man, on Ibo I contra rv. perpetually advances Inward the indelinito perlectahiliiy that his nature craves for. and fifty years hence, in theso times, will find I hose of Louisiana, therefore, doubly nd vanced beyond tho present. And theso iwo w idely separated elements, ono necessarily marching back to Af ricanism, aid tho other iorwnrd lo a still higher civilization, tho ''People's Party" in Louisiana proposes to har monize or amalgamate in tho same i.., .,(... 4 sv.v, , - -i-l'il so doiiiinato over the work of God, so corrupt, pervert, utterly debauch both white and negro, that they lost their natural instincts, or so calleU preju dices, und niiscegcnate, as in! and South America, they would ull rot out and die in a few generations,! and tliii Slato would bo abandoned to tho wild animals. Hut, however do graded titid lost individuals may be, masses can never reach this "harmony of races," and, therefore, Ihe "people's Parly ' of Louisiana, or any w here else where the attempt is made, aro aid ing, with all their might, to force white and negro to slaughter each other. God Almighty has given white and negro widely different nutures and widely different wants, and,firre 'ore, when forced into "imparlial fieo- dour by outward pressure, tliey only obey ihe will of the Almighty Creator when Ihey slanghter each other And sooner or later woo indeed to all, from Grant to Garrison, that brought about this awful sacrifice. V. 1'. Day look. .1 Big Vicht.tpplicationforan ImjuutHon. Almost every ono knows that the great Susquehanna Doom at Williams port lias been tho rauso ol nearly all the prosperity which has favored the young und tin illy city. Tho Sus quehanna lioom Company row under takes to light ull other booms olf the river, und yesterday morning in the United Slates Circuit Court, before Jiiilgn .Me(Miillcs, James U Gaiker, Ksq , instituted proceedings in equity in behalf of tlio Susquhuiinii llooin Company, of Williamsporl, against the West Lliaiicli Itoom Company, of Lock Haven. Tho hill is filed in ihe Mi mo of A. G. liichey, a citizen of Now Jersey, who is largely engaged in the It tuber business on the west branch of the Susquehanna. Tho complainant avers that tho charter im-orporating Ibo Lock Haven lloom expressly pro vides that Hie liiiom should nut extend Thr entirely a ross the river, nnd that the 1 1"1"-' the vacancy .-cn-i..ned by tl.r river shall bo kept tree and unnb- I! V' ,IU '"H Admiral rnrramit. structcd. Il further provides that nil! 11,0 " Admiral 1 orters new lumber, logs, tit:, int'ended for W.I- t'(lm""!'""1 " ' -ll l"M!'"t liamspiirt or oilier poinls below Loik , " " " "TT Haven shall be allowed lop.iss ihrougli , I ' """!"" I'3'- an annual income the boom iinohsiritcled, .,d f,.,,, '' 'lie, w i.houl expense lor insursnce, any expense of Ihe ow tier The coiiiplatiiaiit avers thai all these provisions have been violated by tho company respondent. That his saw logs and oilier timber aro detained at the I."' k Haven boom, and thai the boom is extended entirely across the l iver, in direct opposition lohia written notification to said coinpay, and to his serious loss und damngo. The complainant therefore asks tlio court lo grant a preliminary injunction, res training the respondents from catch ing and detaining bis log" in the future, and also to coiniiiand them to turn through, forthwith, all the logs and lumber belonging to him. tree ol charge and toll, and stu b oilier relief as lis) may bo entitled to receive II. T. iictirdsley, Ksrj , of Lock Ha ven, appeared lor ibo respondents. The limo for tho argument on ihe ap plication lias not yet been fixid l'ittsfmr,jh lost. Aug. '21. (IftlMANV's 1'KMANHs TIlO !er man demands, which will bo n tde both of Trance nnd Ibo surrouneing Towers for llio settlement ol the War, ure to the billow ing effect and pr-tty much in the language mid terms re ported underneath, vir. : First : That bis majesty King Wil liam of Prussia be declared Kinperor of l.ermany and universally acknowl edged as such. Secondly : Thnt tho territory of Alsace nnd Strasbourg, including the famous liiriress w hich now stands in the lallcr, known as tho 1 nitics ot Stiiisbisntg, he given lo and included ' government domain of Hideo, authority in that country. Fill lily : 1 bat n prime of the house nf Oi lcans shall bo placed on the Ibroiio nf Franco and the Orleans dy nasty restored. The feeling of the people of liernm ' nny is universally in lnvor oftbispro ' gramme and in support of the condi I lions which arc annexed to it. I KntToRMt I'.xci -RsloN.-Tlnotigli ihe ' kind nfliecs of lion James C. Clarke, i 'ate Sciinlor from liahimore 'titil . j ,IC Northern ( 'enlral llailmad hnv, ! lendend the Maryland Kdilnnal A ;Soeiation the tree use- of sp.i-nil car. i f"r xciir-ion lo Niagara Falls The trip will begin on Tuesday the f.,i, r s.., i ' I WiUinm iMfKuiltlfri, of cw CaMic. iday lMf n. lrit-1 U from tho ul ;lhcrourt!IoiiN!oi'.Ic. ( inthnuirlil that hi .u - i i.:- i .- s y in nhwii two y'ur. J I'f (,f ...if.-iilimL. ..,,1 TU ixntu! rurrcni v ill In- ilelaved r..rH.I i weeks, lv tho tiiirninit ul" tlm l,.L 1 r.liilili.hi.nt i,. V- v 1 ' ll.rro.and th finUhimr ;J iv. IVifnmli. A gentleman from limine Co , Vs., gives the psi liciilurs of a most hnarl rending cillamily lhal buppi'iii d lust week on Spring creek. In lhal connly. nnd by which one family was hercli ol fmir children, in less than un hour. A lady, w huso naino our liilonnalil had forgotten, residing Upon the above mimed creek, went down to II in thu morning for the purpose of doing "Ibo week's washing, ' Inking w ith her Ibo youngest chilli, an infant about a year iihl, leaving tho other three at the house. While engaged at her work she heard suppressed screams at the lioiiso, taking up her little child from tho so ld clothes on which il was sil liiiL', slio placed it in un emply wash- tub to keep il from crawling into tho creek during her ubsenco, and has toned to tho house, w here she met one of her children with its head fright fully disiigured and swollen She hastily gleaned from this ono that the lliree cliil Iren had craw led under the liouro in search of eggs; lln-l w hile under something hurl them, and that Ibo other two were still under the house. Tho nmllier, upon looking under the bouse, found them dead, with Beveral moccasin snakes (a very poisonous und deadly species) crawl ing around their bodies, ptesenting a frightful and sickening appearance. lly ibis time the elder one was n corpso. The mother in her despair and agony, had forgotten until now, her little one al tho creek, and upon going down to ihe creek lor It, it was only to nnd it Ills. 1 - ' ' ia sup. nosed the little child clnntied up in the luh. and was holding on to the lower edge of il when llio luh upset, oiling the child into tho water and drowning il. It is said tho mother's grief was so great that al lust accounts slio was a raxing maniac. Tiny Toi'dHT HiiAvn.v. On Thurs day last a despcralo light in Obinu county, Tennessee, occurred between a parly ol negroes and the blienll s posse, who wero ntlenipling tu arrest ICdmiind Jackson, u negro, on a war ram for stealing and attempting to kill a planter named t harry Jackson. Some do7.en heavily armed attacked tho posse in tlio house whero they were preparing to go alter Jackson. During: the light live whiles were wounded, ono SI r. Harbison, severely, and four negroes. Meai ly all tho ne groes engaged in tho affair were cap lured and lodged in jail lhal night All the negro cabins iu the neighbor hood W ere bul lied. Why Tiikv Iiixunk Tho Cincin nati Commercial republican in senti ment avers it to bo true that the 'present republican majority in Con. gixss is direct ly responsible for the perpetual ion of toe odious burdens upon tho people which tho highest lai ilfevi r know n loour laws entails." That is probably tho reason why so many republicans decline to run the gauntlet of uiiother election. '1 be Western iooplo aro grow ing sick and tired of .New Knglaiid high protection and intolerance. GoVIRMiR (lt:ARY has appointed another negro n Notary I'ublic in I'liiladelphia. There wero several while appiiceiits for the place, among llicm inure than one maimed soldier, but the negro was selected. The black Cerberus must b led. Vice Admiral I'orler has been rip uiinted Admiral ill tha I'. 8. Navy, repairs or luxes. 5Uu: difrlisriiifnts. Tl. .ul.Iie in biirhy rautiiint-J j M ittt harlrfiriiiji ir trufl rjj bit (Uuc.itrr, t.l.IZAKhlll ANN, l.o hai Vlt witbont tir csitw, or .'Ut'l"Tiii her williout uit einttHDl, af I mil .ny no jt-bii ot lirr eon'mrf int:. W. t. Miu.nuy. LawrtDre tntrrii!i.p, Aujrunt is; It M. CM '1 HI All pfTtmn" rr h rclr caulnmml Renin! pntctiRiii)( or IB an? lufMlirt witb the fullnwin priitial pmpf-rtj, now in tbr t.f.'rT:nn ol rniuurl Irwio, tl lUiHitn tdwnntnp, vix : Twi pji, twu b-p. tiur f:tl. uf rom anri one tu I j of tiiirkwhrnt ; it, mttip pnrrhanrNil Ut ntr nt lii't ill aLd it lrf in hin pnsf-iua itil-jifl lo mv crhr. .I A' uH nU.i.lJK, CtirwrnilV. Aii-nt .11, 170 " tH I.IU -Thp nuh-orilrrr vffrrt the hnvrt 1 and lot in liirb fli ttiil'i in tl Itorouch ol I'karfirM. f-r nal. It ii vituairtj on larkH 9tm, in an Uratin for rilbir a privatr rtr nc, nr f'-r trihifp j nrj"f it a eorucr ltt and worthy thf tttrtiiitn of tKte wanting lo invent in . i-np"riT, and on tuat from ibc tvtirt lluut. Vor rr'.rr. inqn rr n ttt-nrrmttra. Vr WAHY rf'r NM HtiAT. or aurM JUS b. i TTI.K, Auv a) Uw. 1 Tin: curitT in- c ri i as uf rit-arfli-H cui lT, r. l-t Nafl Ii k ofCiiarsM ) N . U .Varcsi Trrw, . M;o. liorp V. ri.iitr.Qirl. j Furngn Attarhmrnt Kittiw if herrl.r &rrn to tbot intntid that tb final a con nt uf tb Truatrci in ttit alurr lahd rnur- bat lo du'y nld in my i atijr'' St A. C TAT K, .'rutt.unotary. I VAX1 I. It' NOT(( I.Vnlir hrrrl.T 1 gi"" "' thr fallowing auiiit hat bcf ii tkMtutnrd and pn'rrd hj mr. and irmatn fllrtl of rwirrj in t hi nflti for tha intirrtion of hira, lrrla, rrrditiTf. and alt o;hira in anvo(hr wt mi' rr if., and will Is prrwntt'd In th nrxt lr' fiitirt of (',ratnl. nunty, ti ! brld at tlir Court ll.tur, in th norou'h l t U arflrM, m. niPiiclrijr on tUv fourth M nn,Ur (bt-itig tbr itih iiT) ul ptptimlr, A. I. Pattial an! ilt:ril-Htt'tn mr.unt t-f J, A. L f"' r'. alinii i'n '..r t.f firjtnl, U; t.f liosifn ti.ntip. dManrd. final amount -f JoFband Fli ha litl, al aiiiuiiaioit of Jo?.!. iiait r.t Imif 1 1 b tuwn-d p, ipfi'ti .(. Fifal aofsiinf of Jnmi rVtrn'rvillf, adminUlra tor i.f 1-and bomirvill. lata i f t'limt township, d- nf d. I aT' t.iit of 1. C. W!-kcT, a lniini!ratr of nf I'ltr. btr f.f KriliT towntlnp, drc d. IVmat Iprounl nf M. . M't ulK, adian.iitra tor of ftat uf Jl a L. M t ulh, Ut Lt Uuli a towi uli p. i. aid. I iral aeo.inni ,,f fSfT Mn'Vn. irvTiT of tatniif TI.-mBa XI ull. n, lal of Hrf.-aria town lii). derrv.-d. Kinnl ac-".u:.t of William K. tVtia'-T, guardian ff K. It Mnfrr and J aloft II Mi in . minor rhll drtn of J.'tin tilrr( late of Urallurd townl. o. 1 llir iwnitit of A S Wil adnniMMratiirt of i -ta of V ilhain W .HiMn late of J. rdnn tnwnrip. ftive-MtM. I tnal iwmtit of J. Tifard and VarcarW Uriil, inior of rfm'o f J,,hn llri-l, lal ul ("ovmpl.-n towtiship, drcf..e. f inal awnnl o Jol.n I. W iUnn. admini-trl' of Hrtriwirk burk, lutr t.f Ilra-lmrd towufbip, d rd. f .rl ( o f MJrt H1 and Mvt HM, rtrutort of ii.p U will ard tfMami nt ot lr. A. H. Ktr-I. lair of ms-lwai ul tf.wnahip. drc ard. I Tal l r' ul l of t i;n i-ankr-T, a irnini'raltr. and Man Irwin, ad in tnnira'r.i, of Ht-ntj Itw.n, .at .ii.rt iKWiistnp, drmfrd lU .i-.Trn a t-rrn'K, I A. W. KK. Cirarhitd. I'a., Am. M, ls7B tc. ) Ugiir. DR. W. A. MEANS," I'll YSICIAN i SU Uii KON, Lt TllIil'.Mil til), r.. W'lll attend pmre.einnal sail. p.-enill.T. anjtln'7 Valuable Property for Sale. I M.v in l ni..n I. p. CliaiS.M eon il I a . enla'li,n Jim aere., Urn; it .-r,rl, anil Hie rena,nter m il limU-rH; rmq irame nnellnif nne. with m il nf nJ a "" P 'rrk : ,nm' lrn- "'" '- in '"' "r 1 '!'" er. ,tk in tb tillae. and Iram olark-mnh ahoo. with . 0.11 art wf l.lark-mitf: tmda. F ir trnnt, arid; lo i.aa 1.... I . -a . I , ... II' ...I- t i-r hi i.aurrrittrr. w?gl Hlt'HARL BrPFwT. JWtl' i1lflll'.flllfl!H. New Meal Market. tit V. sn.ii -rsifrnril hm f lt'l'i-il Mini Mi"l III the r""M li.tmi-tlj iM-i'iief'l n AH isli'isi I,, in. nn M.rfcsl .Irssl. I l,rl.lfl, I S , ij.nnin,, slisr llirT intend to k,p S U'i!j l All kllntl of Mrsl, 1 rult and Vriflsnlrs, Anil Hi "rsii-rs to teit ts ti " fh" lie ,iii'ii ngiilmlv mi TumiIhj, Tliur.cUjr sil l l urhii. sn l liirnl Ji loso-'l "I sny .oml. A slur iif nubile iislrulisg i" rir,sillnll.v nlii'ilr.l. r ' M, II. IlKOW'N. K. W. HlinWN $4-Al Jo rnlino In Jil In sll kiwis nf iitii.rurcl A(rii-ulmrl lmi!rttvnti. llirfH-ll, Auiut l, isril If. IN Till". MAT1'l-:il nf Oi lits of Joc.ti Millrr, rfcuenm-il. At sn O'phsiii' C"urt b.-IJ St, Mr llio rnuiiir m i ii-biik-ki, " '- 1 1 tli its i'f A. U. 17", itio tiioimn in J. Illnkr VI slie r". Ii., a I'risii li'l, selling furlli thai lie wm imrty in liitrn't in ths lliiil t.Msll ol isi'l Juuuli AlilliT, ilircu.i-il. snJ rs.TinC fur .ncifie ,erlnriiiiip i'f cwitrael. I ,nn duo cin iilirslinn Ihs l uurt oriltre.1 "scilslinii lo issue In the hi-lrs sml Irs! rrprrsi-ntsliri-s of Jsenb Millrr, ilrccsinl. sn'i sll ,srliss in inlsrrst to sin-ar tn court on tlio first ilsy of ric,t.-iiiln'r 'Iron, 1S7H, Mini slum i-nnie. if sny, why sjiesilic prifrn)nro uf einitrscl lo Ills- pi'tiiionsrilmll nol be tleerei ! aneitriliiiK lo tlio intention sml iiK-iniiir tliorcuf, mid Ibst notice, ly iilili-stiun in one newsu-r in I lie, county, bo kivi-ii fur lour con flveulivo weeks to all jmrlies in intereht to appear at Mtuo liaio " l!y Hie Court. C. A. MAYER, P. 1. Allrst: A. W. CUrk o. C. aog:il ll (1 Al'TION'. All persons art hereby cautioned avniiitft imrelinsina- or in any way ined'Uinc wilh a pair of efrrel Horses, now in poMecaion of U.niil Collar, of Morris lown-hip, as l!i same Itolnn to me, and are rul-ject to my nnli-r. (Irshnralon. Au SI 31. T II. FOKCEY. a FEW IH SIIIT.S of rrimo I'ETt'SIAN A HE EI) WHEAT for sale al John U. Ills,. guw's iliire. I.len Hope. A. W I.F.E. itiSffUanfous. I..4K. 0'iTMU.t:';l SULlt Foil sale al this aftiee. I'M lit Hl.l- A rfoond - hand t'OOKINU A ri lOVE-Triumph, Nu. II at the Prenyls nan Parsonage. augl7-st SIUM.LI: M ACHIMO-Nenrlr new-for ..le l y JOHN IKli.T. August 17 -It. Wallaeeion, Pa. I Mil 'IT t'ANt Manafaeturrd from Ibc b.t charcoal I in, rroved and soldered on outudc and warrantod'lor sals by augavo li. F. lilul.Ert t CO. Iltl lT C4M Aill JAM H. Large lut of ' UN CAMS aud liLAHS J.MtS, at C. K It ATZErVS, A uplift 2m. Oppocite tbe Jail. Sys, 1 i ian't Croat nit, Milt, Prag and Circular tSawa; aim, llujiituu'a Liglitnini; tri-n rut rfaw for aalc hr aaK3 70 il. F. HI OLE It k CO. TKIV A ( KrTAIII.I FEI. I Wt e have print.! a lain nuuiWr uf tha nw FKE lilLL, and will on tii rewipt ol tWJiitv- Rv (nft. mail a ruyx 1m anv addrn. m ' SX AIM' PAA('!-..,Knned;'aMed ral Ditrovery, HelntntiiCg tlurba, baker'a Cud I irrr Oil. Jayne't and Ayr'a m'l:inia nf vary kiad, faraat by H A R W ICK A1KVI IN. I'iriTtora of ricarlii-td Iki rough druire to ein p..y Til It K K TEAl'lltRS on puncipal and two a-fittanta fr the wintrrt. ria of in tnonilia. r-chooli tn oprn on lh 2d Monday of hptrmixr. KiiTtlirr (nfortnatirm can I oMaint-d by npplying in pvrton or aiMrrninir ll on'lt riticd. T. J. AM I Ll.tH t.illt iStrctary., Au-u-t 17, l7fl 3t. I STIl V. Cam treFjiawinc on tht prrmiiii t j ot the aiiliK-rtbrr, rfidin)c at Mrliarvry H.t. l io tl townfhip. on tlir 2- i ul July luri, A UltlN i.K COW, itpprd lo Ik aloul 1 yeart old. Ilia owner it rrquct-d to come forward and prore hit proprrlv, pay ('hart and tak br awaT, or tue Will be dirpofrd of aa tb taw din eta. WM. Mcli AKYLY. Cl.--t tp. A nr. ?4:td. CM lirn-lsr pirin tbat lb I'irrrtora of 1 otiiigton i-lioo titatrii'l pn-p"tr to five out Iho liuil.liri(f of a FhHl lloiit at Mutusml arj, on Saturday tb nU day of Ki-plfinler n it, lluildrri and nt un p; up ratty ar nquntrd lo ! prtnenton tbe orratii'in. 1'lana and urM-ciCfallnnn ran l t-n hr railing on tb Strrvtarv, wliw I'. t. a l irrr it f'nntbrill. "j'lHN PICA H I, (IovtHtt, tp. Aff- t4:tt. JM. VJ1MI l A nK OTU lU-V.tirr it lirn lty f in-n ttia Ifttrrn of administration "M thr tat of JOHN 1,1 7.1 I K, rr. droffd. Utr of II ravlfurd townnliip. Clear titll roiinly, fs., having tn-i n duly Krant. d to tbe andrrtiicnrd, all p-rtMtna indt-Uird to taid lat will ila malt tavmnt, and thc having rlalmt or il:nand will ir m ot thctn proirly aotbrnltatd for trt II. m. nt. I. li. HAIttJ KR, l)rad;rd tp., Ang. X ot. Administrator. I)1; oi i rit or pari i:i(-iur.. Tb C"i'rtnrbtp hr-lotorB rxiating b- iMQ Jobn n. r.vant and H illiara I. w illiaraa, in lb WhoVsal Liquor biminrra, ndr tli nam" nf Wm. YYiMiatna A Co., Oola Milta, IV, wat d-.fl"tvd )t mutual ronut on tb 1 .St h dat nf Aiirul. 1 "ro. All awouQia doe the firm will be arttJcd by John W, Evant. J'HIN W. KVANH. WM. I). WILLIAMS. 0.r..U MiMt, Atjr Nr.'.fpd. SC HOOT TAX Noil it t.rnl.T girn Ih-M Ih tSchonl tirctora of Clratfitld boron )fb hav pla'f d in tb hand nf lb KrtuMil TmanM'r a ettifkd I'lipMcit of tb 8 bl tat for 1 w 7 . and aH tnall K entilltd to an abali-wu-iit of r'lVK 1'KK ( LNT. on their tm on painirut of th anm lo Mi TmaMirer. at ait n-fidi nor, on or rwf'irw th 1Mb day of ISiut rtnlier nt tt. IU purtirular to read the act of Ar-aemtiW at tbe bot tom of tbe notice l'-ft al rir rraidrnc. J. M. kKTTLtHAIU.FR. Clrarfl'M. Aog. 17, 1870 H. Tna-urar. c 1UI1K UTOVII Fi'F.n-.s CAi.oniKto, fil'sy Ifll ANN A, MTFUI0R. aov. m:nn. I!K(U Lator, KDlU.r. COOK, NATIONAL RANdK. TKIlMril, I A 111. OK COOKS, SIM'AUS ltFVOLVINt) LIGHTS AMI Dot !1LK HEATm And all kind of tlntting Stote for tale by uRVrw II. p. nitiLKIt A CO ISAAC IIII.LKU, SaJJIo and Harness Manufacturer, Lnthrrtbnrg, Clearfield nonaty, IV pilK awbrilwr ntpetfully in form t tb eiti 1 f nof Hr!yand tb nurn nndinn townbip lliat h' it now pi'-ptrrd tu furnish rrTtblHf in hi lm at hoit noli nd in a workman like manm-r. 11 r fluMer huiirif that be ran plrnar nit eutiumer id ttvtr. quality an4 prire. (.'all at il atnii nn a i-ei-.r purr-iatinf riM wliu l.utbfrtt'a'g June I. l;n tf. ST. SEKEDICTS' ACATS1IT. SI. .Tlrtrj.s, i.iu t o. I'a. -osnrcTs ar tn arwrncTun. aittTtas. OT. penrdirta It 1ffillr tltnated in nn k 7 rtrvnltd pnaition a phort dictanc frtm tbr iifpt, and ronnnand a onr virw of the tnrronn I ing nrawiiful eonniiy. An extrntiv huildti( hat "n crevted, nnd th Siftrrt ar now prepared to rr-'fvr a prrah r nunilxr ol pu;il than h rriufor. 1 h i-l.olanlip r whioh ruiiai. nf two he. r,uf o five month each, eoinmm- on the firt M-.ndtiT of S4pi'mbrr, and elwi in the lattr part of June neit. Trmn: Hoard and Tui'ion. pe.yal.Ie in advance, prr .m tin (to Latin, Herman, aud Funr-h. bung included in the e'.urr do in 1 l.irm ritra rltar. a. K-tr furl brr paitlfiilara applv to th M. Marya, A tic St Vm. Mil H'TfU PS. T03ACC0 AND CIGARS I Wlini.rsAI.E AND HLTAIL, At tha New ToKaeeo snii Cipar Flare nf it. ii. mi.tir, Twn doors Talt of the Poitofliee, Clearteld, Pa. Cms'nntlj nn lnd Una n.xTtmrnt nf Nary. Cirfrea.. Cahle. Fjinnroll, !ieliiran aed fentur.T Fine-e-nl Cbrninf TuUeeo. Ae. Alsi, a lac asd ell seleele.1 rtnek of Imfrted and I'nraeatieCitara. Fmoltlni T'lnarvoa, Meersetiaara and Ilri Pipes, Pipa lllarea, Tot'seea v Betea, CtKit Hollers, and srerTtnlnr; fensra!lt fimnd la a well rejrn'ated Tiar and Toaanoo Flora. r-Bemeraniir tbe alaea: Twn doors Kaal f V rot fares Oee.l4, pt. g, 4 A tyUsreUniueuj. r a n i I i 11. 1 1 1 a k.'. I Premium. Silli r W -1,1, SWSftel ,et all"liO"n, al Meplimile.' El lii'.it i'UI, P'"l"n. Optolwr, I si. THE oniOtXAI, AMI III-: MM Ml SELF-It EOT LATINO, W ItOIUIIT lltoM, A I II TIHIIT, OAS-COlTSOTIalTa HEATEXl, WITS rTi STCS DiatFcsrrn, ninTr. Ita IIihts, IVboiiist I in lUnn-on, in Ai Toiiattc Hsoi'i atos, Tor Hunting Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 siiei for briekwoik, anil 2 lin-i I' piJI SACTCSSB OSIT ST J. REYNOLDS &, GO N, K W. eoriier l.".lh nnd I'illierl Slrec s, PII!I.ADi:i.I'ltIA, l'A. Theso Hellers sre made of Heavy WrnujrM Iron, well riven d and tire W'irninle.l I" I. a1 oluti-ly (Ins and Hul Tifli'. Tiny are Ihe on'y lleieeri lleil nre man-iged will I any dam per's, and In whieh all kind, of I'uol can be burned without alteration. rooking Hany-s. for llolelr, lletsn'anls and Famlliea. Also, a Flat Top lli.-eit.g Itat.gc. Flie Plnea Heaters, Low Inwn Ornlis, Elate Mnnlels, lt sister, Ventilators. Pamphlets g.ting full description, sen! fees, lo any address. jyi3 7Ul v BOt'OIlT, K01.I) A EXCHANGED OX MOST L111L11AL TEltMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Mcrket Ilslcs. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. P.. Ponds Tocght and Sold. (OT-rSTOCKM lluu(lit and 8uld ou Com niihsltiU uuiy. CHICAGO, Damllle and Vlitrrintri First Martgago 7 P. C. Gold Bonds Fur talc at UO and aceruid interrtt. 9Aroounit reci'rd and Intrrat allowed on daily l.alaticci, tu'jict to cbt-c'i at viglt. 40 .outh TbirJ .Strrttt I'liilad- Iphia THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES AIICAIi Ol" All. OTIll.Kx: Eighty Sijp Thousand Srven Hundred and r.iijhty One Machines Made and Sold the Tat-t Year!! This iimhrr tfftt ilrsmirf. tie sales i ans othrr Maehiue. aud lis deu.arid Is still incrsailng t THREE THOUSAND PEE WEEK Are bo being tsadt and to d ! Til E n EA S CXS WII Y : preaut It eoitmd'e taaenitat prlnrtptrt n foand In an atb-r Marhinei be cant f It tit pHelty of eontrweliofi, t ot peraiion. uniformity nf prreire action at any tpred, anl eapaeily fur tha grtatett ran aud fariery l work, tot or evart. Tartlri wtrhlna to ptircbas ahutd not tall ta etMuine Uii beet uf all Hewii-g ta-biDi. I kar tn aeny for thil Uacbln. and il kp a full tupply hand. Mar 4. 170 tf Clearna'd, Pa. AMICAIIMO Ml Tt Al. Life Insurance Company N E W YORK. .io?i:rn iioxik rnaid.n. K. ItWUJMT KI-NI'ALL Vu-e TntiUri J. F. K. IIAM-LN Secretary II O. I'll-FA HI.. M. 1) Mcln-al Liawiini W M. TWEED, Jr- Cubmk. rplIK All( All! ; w.i fonndrd l y tom ot 1 Iht b al I uili-it men ol Ne w ork, with the expr-at o'ject of c.-vn'ita n iPa'ituli-n th ! honld eoninand the ennl-.'iracc ol tbr pu he. at a litural. t m nd and vitoeoot Life li ennnce I iiutp nv. and hit at hirved a tnc. at ta-yond tlx -lptctatint of ,tt n;.t tai'gume pr-jet-lort. The AVIt'.M'LK offtTt a!l improved p-ana and ditiratile new f-atnret of wiod rn Lle Ititurancr. and dora not hold out pmiuitt t ur iuduortut n mat cannot oe male rv 1. Th AMICABLE haa deptitrd rne hundred Ihonaand dol ari in I'nilid rilfttea lion. la with th Ii "Hraiirt- Ih-partiiM nt of ihe Stale o Ni-w a guarantee iJt the d.t.-ha:gf of erery obi.aliuu All el aim (i nrt lb AMICATLE are nrmnpflr and bonornl.h di'barr.t : in the rvrnt ot oaaik tkt watoanf noficy . f.J t'a fmt wk:mt rwHrrton va tiro.Hl oy r rttj r,f p etai HMt. AH Poli-irtart? non rrfriiatle! All Iitridrndt are non forfeitable I All lotirirt ar inennti ataM ! Thirty day gene for payment f prriuiumt Pritilrge to ttavrl by la. d and tea! sWritooii of Fa'ea, rircidart. Ar.. fumiahtd opon rppitcatinn to thr (nmpn a a Kin l a. WILLI TlrKKR, Agnl .ir ( Ii artu d county, C PAltltETT. fitr-ers! Afen for C1rf.rld, Ccnlre, Jrreon i (anon auti hln count m a. T. J. H0 Fit, M. P.. Md:el E&ainiutr, Clratfitld. Auputt 17, l:o ; m THE I'LKAKFl KLI WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manara-turil eieeia'lj fur THE CLEAR Firm Tli A HE, cer'ft h r. nitn.rn a co, . ar. a-iLi ira i..iibs sit r THE AMERICAN HOUSE, mlirrvbiirg, I'lrarHi ld I',... !. spill! veil kiim and .., e.ih'r.rd lll I (.irmerly as,.t ,t n W. .r,1, a. CehwesSl. sr. has beea lea.eH fur a leni. "I )sars h. the aeiritrnane I. ii l,i,li i,r au. n il.'B a ,e tr.-.r. Iiri rml.lie Is e.lleej. ami a hlieral shara ef ahltr aln nare I. n,. I WAl.LAl K 4 Ml I. Km ORGANS & PIANOS. KTY AM) XlASi X llAXH.IV.v a aiu t 8. J. IMVKS. Ta. Tlielllipllc Soflins Marlifno. spilK ke. ll.rra.1 ain, . j, . I Hill be i.,ld l..rr Ih.n an ..llier ma. Inne ku .hes) in like m.tisff and Ih . e.f wrk. M, kiln I eaa h. aee .i .1.. ... Th Bi..a ( . Carwenitlll,, t the re;4. af Iha anderslf nerl al lllm.n i llr,, t li, isjs tm. LKWIP C. ULCK'M. VtUuhinl ? nil oi i. I'l'AMvK SM 1 1 IT, MEHCH ANT TAILOR ,1'aikrt surral, I li ai fi r : d , p,. 1" nt I II reet.e. Hulls lh'..rm lit, eli,Wl I l.erflriil ei-Mf tj tlat r,v,i' Mtsl,u.4 i "r-.lMti'l .tlitatl h i'l K H I.. Si..i, , ai w .ii ,iit in n.sss up In -hi ianti.a' )... i, a iitaiti,, r. ami .al of Ilia lt. it a,.,,. a I ul l'lnihln( lhal audi Bin () I mil bisiib ,i.i nil.. Plnllie. Tlrw.RlfltiR nnrl raRimo... ' "'"-I ----- - FriilB mi. h cullumsrseaB otaks tlnir illu Ons doer sasl uf tba PwitulTcs. ('I...6.IJ, April it), IS70 if ii. nuii) o e. MERCHANT TAILOR (Hum- une dtior raft of Clcarfu-ld Houh, Alitrkel elicit, Ciearllcld, Vt. m f I l j ... - f..ll . farrptbing tlmida, rurb mt Milrti, L,h 4 mi Uoln Ludrr-hirt-, lerwrii and rvk tut, I 'or hi I II iiKlkfrdiio'a, UiuTri, k l uil-r. Iltit, A"., in grat variety. Of fi, i..Mi b ii pt tb Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors, ui'h i' inn-k ioe-Kiit of inv very i.m mil, kauri Caaiinrt . Ill irrat varii tV. alo. Fs-. t't-atitiif. Itfarrr, I 1 1 t. Chinchilla, and Pr tvi rroKiiMf. All ul whii h will b told cbnf. Carh. and mad up according tu lb lataititt. AUu, Avnt lur i!wr,i(j county for J, K inter m ' t. eelt-hratrd iSawitiv Mnrhinr. Nn? I. 15. tt II Ii It I bUL tfduraticaa!. MISS II. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLKAhl lLLD, PA. rpiIK FALL TEUM or twenty-two weeki i A Primary dtparluunt wilt be added ta U reboot thu fa' I : wliirb tbe tt-rricetof a or pi V lit innlructur imve beeu tund Aud r Coil will be tparnl to rentier luia utjart t attractiva and in.tructiie. TEH MS OF TL'ITIOX. Heading. Ottlioraphy. Writing, 01 Jt Lu eon?, rnuiary Ariiiiuictie and J rimary tt-u;!, per half term, (of alevtn -w., - I.' Ir Mitfory. Lh.-mI and descriptive (irorrajliy witn i,ip lira wing, urauiinar. Mental and Wr.tlen Arilhinettc I Algi hrn and tbr Scicnw I f isr ructii'a id inatr iuientnl m juip It Ir il i-aiLlinc H 1! ff W work I M For full particular aend lor Circular. Cliarlul i, A ig. 2J, IHCU-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L Harrison, A, M.t Principal. 'pitE HHnf KSI0N of tbe ntit tdnluiU X ruf tbit luftuuiioB will comment i vM)Al , lb 6th day ot repiembrr. fuput on oter at any ttu.. TbtyailiU aiLalaioal Irmaaa .ha lima tha aiiiaau (tie Ciuv of tb . on. 1 be eourre ul tti.truciioo ainbracei at try luc.udvd in a tboroufch, practical and ace. pllbta adulation tor both eia lb Pribviial fcaving haw tha ftdrantartt' uiucb vsperieuCe m hia pruteraioD, attar ci pi rem. a iid ttard ant that bn eotlr ability tti eiitriet will ! tievotcd t" tha moral acd mtt. t' iritiii.g i.f tb youth plr-d under bit tbarjt. I I l-l tll I t l urti.i fcr)hy, Hearting, w nut.g. and rrinm Aiii h tut lie, per it atioa (1 1 wtM-ks) $Ml Urn miliar. lieoFrtiliy, A rub nidi e, aod Hit-r till Algehm, Ocmeiry, Trfonoiaeiry, Mm. turn lion, t-urrrig, rb.l'apny, Phm tdoy. theu ittry, liook keeping, Uwlany and Phyl'' if gratby - - . tt II Latin, firtji k ai d r rtorb, with any af tb abov Itrni-chea - . . . . fit f Mir Sli' Piano (SO lettopt) . - . tit tl g No d Huetion will he frade for abnan. fAf- ft r further part ieularn Inquire af K. P. L. 11 A KMSON, A. feh. J 1S70 tl Prineiptl. ACIDEMIA, PA. 1'iiK 350 MVT yar wirrwpTn pepumnat i. Ml ak the altmtion f panu't and ruardi- ati to a cuufidt riitiun of tba merit uf thit :utin. It, l.oca'lon. Ilrn'thful, attractlre and li viry way for phytii&l drvaipmcnt. Su Temp'tltuu Kemovrd from tkt alouiit aud loal.tiK plct. incident to twtit. 3d. tMttrMloual Advautaf;ra. Earaait r.'acuert ani i-nrruui ding laoraiit for Hudy. 4.h. I oii ltiib Uhcd. It bat been ft luectFt-lui 0-ition .t4 yeara, aud baa bad dmtt trout us. tirly errry St at t a. fllh. Moral liiflar nrca, Tba pre, p't af tkt itil.Ie are 4i y taught Cih. Cheap ltatra.Trrnii, firao. ".n i fur a C.rcular. Applicatiea tbttul le nia-J town. D. n. FTNE, A. M., J. J. I'AT ILUSON. A. M . alu'y l!t, lh7 2ui. Princiiali. GRANITE bTATE Military nxd Colic iale LiEtilutc, l:.,,lsl,rt. V II UI,..l,.ir..l...rilRIL It L e . b a. IiOWLLL, Pilocii al. A aitt V t: lUtiad location, ) ct taiy vt vutt; Ni aral' wt., r plncwt of idia retort; Fill corp wi ii'Mciuti; luuriuti liifiruciion, a. Pupllt htvitti at am tuo cei.d lor Cirealtr. July 2", 170 2m. DUKiSMix fi:iAnv, n ii.LiAki.-Pfnl, PA., tut Botm fun. ii . W. I kk .ioTii.oot', k'. I).. Prtrident, will a luil and ex pern ncid e.jfp. ul tearbert. Chirffl um.ii rate. llua(Hn dfsibiiul. Ihe extern ft ouiid.iitt ar tving tlmiooglny rt-pa rt-d. lit istst linn l-t g-ii a Anguat i7V. For fnMliff iirioruiaiion a.dnt tlie Pri.d.nt, or tend (era cjtaloyuu. j.l'O Ujrrlbcrcus. TEETH! TEETH I KSTUACTKD 1011 tS CENTS. Kstraeted m'h the use r.f NiTitors Oxts fl.s. and Kuril. A jS-.tii i a! , Ilia on'y baivlrll las i Hk Lit! Antrstl.rlics new in ae.) I j S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, OF tTRVKNPVlU.E. PA., W'ha would Iifreby moat rrpect fully rotors k'l hank. Ir ihe hkem! patrnnng ot tb pt, a4 mloim th put. lie ibal he hfta remisVrd bit eifr lo tb conn r i f Mate and LiH ut ttieta, (m leiiknit' ttorr.) abrre li it pnpnred to ef:,' hit eut mert in maty f.itid up rnn,, and da auik in thr m-l k : Usui an 1 wnrkniJii w nn nor. All rk d -lie in the latent aud. votl -vppiutcd tt lit, and gunianued. Dr llarra will 1-e enyngrd in hit off, trm tl.r It in tlie 3".d "t m eh iim.,i h. The btanetf arh imm h hr Will tspm.t in t) lea Hop, l!urnilt and l.utlt. rrl Mrp, alu- int ly. i nrtirt rrfi iirC at a diHatirc I i w.itr tu n previouP of tlait eonnir. t'lii.-e b'M.ra. Prom P to 1 2 a'clork, a. tn., ami fr.-in I to k tVlm a, p. m. We ue none bat tb tt ry I rat tvaierial, ari d-l eon pitutbt tr Iteuuiy, threpnett an ! du.--( ility nt a ra l. 4 urwrYiIlr, Pa., V.y t 1 T0. yy 1 il Al T tn' warranti'd rqnal to any m'l Tb pn i and (iota tbe ft ml, and will onrd much l-. tirr ihan tiiany of t !ie K tract thai ar ao'd. Ak l our tinker or Prucci! f"r ''' n'rivr Foei, liAHLOW'S IM'I Hi M M it, wt'b-iut don't, the t-t arln-1 in lb nt-fcrt for t-lMi infj eloth. a. It w ill eolor more a a lei ihtl four lifmti lb Mn( i ight of ihh;rt, and n ufk m.tro llian anToilur wah l!r iu tbr ti'fl.rt. Trf nn'r r i.iiii.e ia that put tip at Al Hl-P w u.i i;i:iuii;n s mi Hi 8 1 our. n0. N"k Second Srr-et. Phialflphla. Tb lalf't '-.ih H iltUrpt r ai tt I arlow't nam oa Ib'm.all oiht am c-iunt- rt u. K"r ta'e bt niml tinvet and liiHKgitt. W ll.Tlil IM.I.U ti 1NPF1.IM INK i! te loitnd n trial to be a tupeiior ante' Alwai on hand and for tale at rrwaonabk pnre. Pur Ground Spii-et, lltnumr !drini t, tbnj Sklna, Pp.iico.. Taprnea Pearl, Sajn, and t'1 anicl In tV d'tir tin at Ai.pia:i w in;pn rnro stom. JeSrlMiw No North ad iSl- 1 ' Farm Tor Sale! rilllR Fa n of !obn packman, late f Oira 4 ownhip, dt era d, connit(iny of alsout Kl .-, of e.o farmitiff land, (tnuat of whieh cVerel. I and hm irf tberrnn erected a food hfta and t'orn, with all the uaital mh rtnenret af plrant home. For term and fn-rher parttc lart. applT to T. . MI KRAY. A toroey for th beirt aad part a i iatrtit4. Jnwa t? lTt f. 1