THE REPUBLICAN. -m&sr CLEARF1KI.P, r ail M M I . R TIMI- Whin lilT, fclrill raw, torn. l. Mr iwM roaianiini, fcrijhl aud free, Thii fumtnrr div i Thm, 'mid wi.v lock a, oli lily, bloom, Votil tl.r atiowilrop .flly conif, And orowd tuny. l'ioo my Vioiotn, frarrint ru.!, Thy vilirt Iravr. their aharaii dliclote A flttinpr Si" "' l T mini! bo though thv hmnty llira, I will hot keip Ihr rirhrr dvi la niou-robc tlrcraril. Thou, too, rath api'lr-LloMora, Ii. I'poD my lap. aaal aoftlv die; I do H't care That Hummer into Autumn faciei. While all her upland jrorri and gladri Are I'uuug lair. Fine; from the maple hianrli. oh kird, The iwrrtrit lor wai erer heard ; For i"ngs 1 know. With rruiplioniri ai louil anil clear, Aro pieriouf to llod'i lovinf tar, That upward flow. Tbul, hy the river'a lapiiog brim, We linr our Hummer tivuiii, The I'lriii and I ; The lilv, roac, and apple bloom, l onlen'tcd each with our iwectdoom To live and die. FANCY WOODS. In the United Stulcs Uiore is a very large and thriving trade in fine funcy woods, both of foreign and domestic growth. Largo quantities of tho lat ter, Mich as cedur, maple, nnd blnck walnut, are annually cut in varioui aecliot.s of tho Union, to answer the rapidly increasing wants of our own manufacturers, and likewise to sup ply tho urgent demands of tho export traffic to Great Britain, France, and other countries. This waste, and the immense year ly requirements for lumber of every description, is not accompanied with any suitable effort at replacement. The enormous drain continually in creasing can only be mudo good by replanting. In Great Britain, Franco, and several other European nntiotm, the preservation and protection of forest lands form an important item in political economy. The Govern ment is entrusted with the caro and management of extensive tracts of land where wood is cultivated, and its growth hastened to meet the wants of futuro generations. In this coun. try very litllo thcught is given to the futuro fupply, but forest are decima ted, and the work goes rapidly on, while the visible supply is every day being materially lessened. Even now tho best black walnut is a rarity in the forests of our Eastern States, and can only be found in perfection in the extreme North, or dimant West In foreign fancy woods mahogany takes tho lead, becauso of the readi ness with which it may be used for various purposes. The countries that are most prolific in mahogany are St. Domingo, Honduras, Guatemala, and Central American Stales. Hon duras and Guatemala furnish the best variolies. There logs oro generally largo, fine-grained, and of superior quality. The smaller logs are from three to six feel in diameter, and nro mostly of an inferior growth. Very superior rosewood is obtained from, Buhai, and other South Ameri can countries. It brings a good price in the New York markets, and is ex tensively used in tho manufacture of rich and expensive furniture, pianos, doors for public and private buildings, and for many other useful purposes. Lignumvitcs is imported from St. I)oraingo, Mnnr.nnillo, and other parts of the West Indies, and Central America. From tho far East, we get supplies of sandal, satin, and tulip woods, and many other rare varieties which aro less extensively known iu tho Uuitcd States. Most of tho mahogany, rosewood, lignumvitcs, and other fancy woods arriving at this port, aro sold at nuc tion in Hanover Square, or that vi cinitv. Before tho war, tho usual credit given was four months, on nn proved indorsed notes. Oflateyenrs the accommodation is mostly ton fin cd to thirty days. y. Y. Mercantile Journal. Woeri the Monet Goes. In 1PO0 tho expenses of the National Govern ment wcro ahout sixty millions.; in 1870 Dear three hundred and sixty millions. In 1800 there rai a Democratic administration io 1ST0 a Uadical adniinintration. Thia acconntu for the vat increaoc. But where has tho money gone? The people have paid it into the hands of Radical collectors, and they liavc possihly paid it into the Treasury. From here it has gone to support thousands of idle, worthless negroes, who are fed and clothed out of tho Viorif narninirl .if tt,n wltttA mnt. , , ., . ,. I inorcly twcaune thfy vote the radical tirkct How lonff will this tiling be nunc tionrd hy the white claw of tho lund f Does the General (iovertimenl provide for them nrhooln,, vlntliinrr, and permit them to liro in luxury and idlene.s f Not ft bit of it. Tho only VPUfKm i they have white akinn, nnd that, in this dny, i in orTt'nee Radical im cannot tolerate. IlngcrMovtn (Md.) Free Ptcm. Josh CiHit,Ka .ay,-. 'Tharo ix noth ing in a mnn that woman admires mora than hit rcddymn k itbiliiy tu emftah nijuther phcllow, 4, it jiKl ' with hen. When i rualer got liik ed tho hena awl march oph with the other roster, if he ain't haff so big i bundsum." Twelve thousand five hundred dol. lara have been appropriated by Con gresa for a negro college in Chester county, this State. Ho who pretends lo be everybody' particular friend is nobody' L1UHT HKF.ARINU in viva POLITICAL EGYPT. There scrms to be some light break ing in one of the darkest spots of the Southern I'.gvpt. of the brightest champions of the Mongrel pat ty of I.ouUiuna, Thomas J. minim. no aigns i f a conscience, if not of return. in" reason nnd sliiiuio. in a leuei duled June 22, 1870, written to J. S. Soiiile, ho speaks as follows of tho Mongrel leaders in the Stale : I.. .n lnle "i.arntion frc'lll the OlMloiK-n m. - it i -. (,.nt mm WHO nutv ruuu I1HW lSf'l . And sinco tho dato of thii letter, tho "Mongrel State Central Commit- teo" have issued an address, from which wo cut tho following extract : -Ciliieni end Kopuhlicsni! After an experi ence of two jTre. under the IMHIer-nip "i moil diihonrit and corrupt ret ol pi.lincnin mm have ever diffrncecl the political hiidory of any of the Statu of tlm gloriunl I'nion, you are now called upon to ror.-uc the rUale from the of the political edvc ntiirrri who have brought it on the verge of bankruptcy I" This, then, is tho confessed result of tho fatal experiment of a mixed black and whito rnlo in Louisiana. It is tho bitter confession of the Mon grel Stato Central Committee itself. It is a "confession of judgment" en tered by tho parties' own motion. This snmo party has brought not only every other Southern Stuto to the verge 'of bankruptcy, but it has brought tho United States to that verge also. It is kept out of bank ruptcy ouly by tho most stupendous plundering or tho people from year to year. And, as there must, by-and-by, come an end of this plunder, through the ubsoluto inubility of the people to yield tho sums now forced from them, bankruptcy is certain to overtake the Federal government at no distant period, unless thcro is an end of tho administration of the party now in power. Either that party must come to an end, or tho govern ment must, through a grand financial break down. The government can not prey upon tho pcoplo when they have been robbed of their last dollar. What the mixed whito and black rule has done fur Louisiana, we repeat, it has done for every other Southern I Stato, and is doing for the whole Union. It did the samo thing lor Ja maica, and did it so thoroughly that tho British Government becamo bo disgusted with the experiment of ne gro suffrago that it took it away. It is truo, that the madmen and fools of Exoter Hall had influence enough with tho government to drive it to the disgraceful deed of sweeping w'.iite suflVarre away also in that Island. That 18. nlthouirh ncciO SumaO hud : .....!. r S.T.r.r.v-rll,in., 1 lin Island and overthrowing its civiliza tions, yet, lo pacify the crazy Aboli tionists of Exeter Hall, tho whito men of Jamaica vroro treated like ncprocs, and tho government of the Island transferred to distant whito men in Kngland. What a confession of the fully and tho crimo of negro suffrage ! And the confession of tho "Mongrel Central Committee" of Louisiana is not much behind it. Hut sad experi ence will at last nail the conviction to the ekulls of all tho whito men in the Unilcd Stales, that negro sulTragc is a devil which must Lo completely laid low before peace, harmony, prosperity, and an improving civilization can be restored lo this country. Certainly, w horevcr the negroes arc any thing liko a dominant clement in sufl'rugo, they and tho basest aort of white wretches will rule. Ar.d this stato of things cannot exist long in ono por tion of tho Union without tho intel lectual, sociul, and political rot ex tending to all parts. Negro RuflVagfl any w here is an ulcer, which must ul timately taint and destroy the whole body of our country. It is almost enough lo drive a sensiblo man crazy lo witness the stupidity and delusion of our politicians nn this subject. Not more than two in ten, even of the Democratic politicians, seem to pos sess any correct information on this subject. Drifting down on tho tide of that monstrous idea, that all the types of men are ono raco, and can thcrrforo bo assimilated in a common civilization, they are already whirling around in the fatal malttrom which hus swallowed up every aueh attempt, in a record of more than five thousand years. Tho terrible lesson of history, and tho irrefutablo demonstrations of science, all arc nothing with tho igno ramus w ho imagines that while men, negroes, Indians, Chinese, Ac, 4c, may be amalgamated on a plane of eijnality. Tho "Mongrel Central Com mittee" will call for reform in long as the nigger remains a part of the political machinery of Ihcir State. They have launched their State and the country on tho broad way to the devil, through the curse of negro fran chise, and they must got out of it, and ' rottirn to the old paths of ronipU'tc j .... . ' ' . Whito Siiprcmury, or nil must lund in hell at Inst. V hut they are now ex periencing is only purgatory. Hell is jtil beyond. And there is nopoisihle salvation but in turning straight round nnd going all tho way back to the first point of our departure from the paths of our fulhrrs. If thcro is a sneak or a coward in llio Ic mofrnt Ic parly, ho will say ho cannot get Lack f Jiul no true and lirave man will say so X '. toy Hook. IOOKINO ATTIIt TIU Col.I.rcTOR The gypfics in tho Hop Garden in I'csth have a curious way of looking after the honesty of their money col lector. Tho person instrustcd with tho mission of taking the bat round among the crowd has a living fly put in hia left hand, while be holds tho plate with his right. When ho ro turns with tho funds hs must bring tho fly back alive, ns a sign that be haa not taken any money from common property, but if the fly the V" Wgn Ling, or CVcn dead, ho docs QOt gt bis share of tie monM flrij imU, Atomics, fU. ,,. . strut' a. a J.R GRAHAM & SONS, MARKET "TIIKET. CLUAKFI KL1, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceiies, ic. T.TE lubnerlheri hating entered Into parlner ahip for tha purpoaa of carrying on the kuilneii of, now offer good ind rare opportunity lo the, cltlieni of Clear- told and adjoining eonntlea to luy aloro goo l at wbolenW or retail prima, that will utonlih the unlnitructcd. Tholr goodl will be particu larly aetccted to lull thii market. Every lady will, therefore, call the attention of her bnsbnnd to thii fact, became thii branch of our htiilnm will reoeltre apodal attention, and everything needed In a well regulated bouieliold will t all tlmal be found in ouritore. DRY GOODS: Our itock of 1)11 V (illOIIH rhall not be lur pained, either In quality or price, and will am- brace, In part, Print! of avery atylo, Qinghami and Lawna of every quality, Mualina of every grade, D Lainel adapted to the lantea of the old and young ; and every article of any k Ind of goodl they aell la to bo at rrproacnted, and war ranted to give lallifaction. DRESS GOODS: Ai to .DKIXH C.OODM wa have a t plondid eijorlinent of Alpacai, black, whito, and in col on; Artnuret, MiKf, ana in coon an me newen itvlci in the market Wa dcvlro thii fact to become known to every person In the county With our new and extensive itock of IRESS GOODS, the Indie can all be auitod by Juit dropping In and getting a nice drcia pattern, lace ictt, kid gtoree or by doicg that which in better : give her a well filled purre, end she ulll 6nd good and pe;lnft Investments In embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household nece isltiei. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And in addition to what we have alrealy enumerated, we keep all kinds of C.IKTI.1 MUVH H i;AH-iuch s Cloths, Cassiinercs, Sitinetta. Hats. Boots and Shoes, ie., besides, a nice assortment of Made-up CLOTHINC for Wen and Boys, manufactured out of tha very best material, which wa will sell (or rath or exchange fur country produce at prices which will astonish everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: Wa are now largely en paired la buying and selling ill'Alti: TIIIII I It and manurae tared LI MBER, and will give this branch of business Sf eeial attention, and therefore make it sa object to every one who Las Lumber to sell to come and deal with vs. GROCERIES & HARDWARE: Wa fball alio keep conrtantly cw hand general aeeortmrnt of CROC 1 III I I'M and ! II Alt IW All U, which wa will aell a! eiceed. ingly Inw price.. Hi al0 keep a full lil'C ment of HX' EliXW W Alt I TL1. dcp.rlmcnt will be kept full and complete, and alt who contemplate houfekeepir;, will find it to (heir adrantage to eotne and trade with m ; became we are ao eituated, and, from long ciperience to tha busio.ta, ao well acquainted with tha want, ar.d necenaiiiea of tbia c-omanunitv, that wa fecj eatUfitd If .very mas woman and child cntjr nakea it a point ta bn their good, from ua, we ean pleaaa them both sj to quality and fries. Therefore, com. alonf and buj your HOOTS EIIOK3, II ATS CATS, EEADV MADE CLOTUINO, and verythine; Jon need torea dor youraelvee and familiea oomfurtable, from JAMES R. GRAHAM & SONS, oct cleaiifield, p. Po Ta la "For thy Stomach'B Sake and tliino other Infirmities." St. Taul. nit. 110 vi: its rt riK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vaafe. pure, plraaant and health-Riving Tonic atrictly vepetahle, and manulacturrd from the moit pure and choice material! ii not a epii it drink nor sul'Mitute for whieky, LQt a iciriittfic compound, for the protection of the lyilnn and the cure of di.caic, made from chemically pure ipiritl, entirely free from fuxil oil or other Irrita ting prripertir-a, aud will not diiagree or offend the molt delicate itntnacb. A long private experi ence ba altcptrd Ita Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Hitters at prrwnt offered to the puhlie contain, ao mch medicinal virtue, and yet ao anfi and plfntant to take. It'i nc ii to cure diiraie, and it will not ereate an appelite for rpiritunui liquor!, hut will cure the rftcrti of dinipation. To inrreaa. the Apprlite, VSE IT. To promote Iiigntion, VSE IT. To cure Pyrpcp.ia, t'p'K IT. To cure Fever and Ague, t'FK IT. To cure Uilliou.neea, I'hE IT. To cure ConMipation, t'.cE IT. To rare Chronic Iliarrha-a, t'FE IT. To cure Hoart burn, VSE IT. To cure Flatulenca, I FE IT. To cure Acid Einctiti ini, t .-E IT. To pure Nrrvnui Itchilitr, 1"K IT. To cure Hypochondria, I'fE IT. To cure Palli.wnee" of Completion, t'FE IT. To cure I'implri and Mlntchea, I SE IT. For tlcneral lro.tration of lha rhv.ifal powcra, 1 r-E IT, and it will cure you. F.M everywhere, at I.S0 per bottle, Mam fctured en lu"ively by A. I. S II A XV, I'riiftsiit, CLEAIIFIELD. PA., Who offer! liberal tntlnrimciit. lo the trade. Oct. ST. ISBH-lf. TL. 11. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Nrar the Railroad !i"pc.t,) i.r.m-ir.i.i. ri.KK'A. FVPRACK thii method of Infnrmlne; the pnHlir, that 1 hare opened np a vard f.r the T nit of wood or foal -burnt 1,1 MK and Anthmftlr , " . " ""icii i . ifairprui, himi nRTr ntit.lrtul irnnwrnnili tifk k. . hirb will br di-rof d ol at reaeonal-ie rate., bx the tnn. fenrhel nr ear toad, to tuit purrhaeert. ! Thove at a difttanee ran aldrea m K It-Mri- aiorl ohtin all neroatary inftttBiation hT return mail. R. B. TAILOR. OearBtld Pa., Ftb. 14, 1M tf rtUsrclLmfOus. H. F. N AUQLE, (1()(K AM) WATCH MAKLR, orrosivi th ..& mnaaf iTnRRt 1C f&kL&rfVLKA Fl KM) 1IIR auhecrlhcr rerpecllullj Informl hie old natrium and the ul'llc ner 117. ina! ne bon hand, (and t ciinMennj reciting now additiena thereto,) a larfe itock of Clocks, Watdics mid Jowelry. keep Jewelry In all In forma and of diflficnl valine, either hy the piece or act. WATCHKS A full anuria cut of either (I..1.I orMlvir, mailo by the brat Airericnn and fcr elt-n uial.ulciuror, including a (ne lot of Hold and ailver hunting caae, lull Jeweled, Patent I.otera. CLOCKS Of all denize, eonditlng of eiitlit. day and thlrtt hour, of either weight, apriug or letcra, and both tlrika and alarm. RKPAIttlKU. AH klndi of Watcheil and Clocka ltcpaiicd, and warranted. In .,l,liil,,ntowhat I hnte enumerated, I keci, a full nunrtroont of MPKcr AtM.KS. colored and .i.i. .1.... Ai.n.oni.n 'i.N!i.,t ri'.suti.M. BP00N8. FORK, Ut'TTKIl KMVKS, and In f..i .v.rviliinir in lha Jewelry lino. If I lull to hnve on hand Juit wbnt a cujtuuier may need, I will ordor per But eiproni, wiinooi rn A liberal fhareol public patronngr Uiolirited Ma, 7, IB6S y H. F. NAUULE. READING FOR ALL! ! BOOKS it STATIOyERY. Market Ht., riearllelil. (at Hie Post Ofllre.) r pil bl underlined bej:a leave to announce to X tb. eltliona of ClearSold and Tloinlty, that he hat fitted up a room and bai jiitt returned from tha city with a lar((e amount of readine. matter, looeiating in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Dlank, Account and Pax Booki or avery do acription ; Paper and Envelope!, French preeied and plains Pona and Pencil! ; lllauk, Leial Ptpen, lleodi, llortgeRci j JuilkMncnt, Eicn.p tlon and Promiiory note! : White and I'aroh; ment Brief, Legal Cup. ltecord Cap. and iiill Cap, Sheet, Murle for either Piano, Flute or Violin comtantly on hand. Any boolu or itntlonerj dcnlrrd that I may not have on nana, wiu no or ordered by fint eiprau, and lold'at wholesale or retail to fruit euatomeri. 1 will alio keep periodical literature, inch as Mngailnei. Ncwi. papori, Ao. P. A. UAL'LlJi. Cl'urfield May J, 1 Sf.S-tf GREAT EXCITEMENT ON SECO-ND STREET, lleartltltl, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TT1E nmJertiptifd TeirPtfully liirit (hit t fntlnn of tha pal.lie KfDfmllj to tlifir t Undid KnanrtmeDt of merchDdn, which thfj Br bow teUiof AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their tttork coneifeti ii put of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such Prlntn, T TnlfiPP, Aifrrni, Merinos, Uirghamp.Mutlini.f hlt hed ttcd aDtiwcb- d,) lirtlltnjr-, Tiritinp, cotton and wool FlaunrU.Sxttnt ttf.Ciioitiirrrt, Cotmrisvdrii. Ladicii' hhawli, hub. a i Ilood, lUtmortU and J loop ttkirti, tie.. Alio, a fint a or tm en t of Mn'r Prawri and Shirli, IlaU A Cbi, Boot A bhoci. all of which WILL EE SOLD LOW FOU CA.SII Hardware, QucenBware, GlosBwaro, Groceries and Spices. :s shout a genekal assohtmest Of even thinf n.n.lly kept In a retail llore. all CIIKAP FOU CASH er approved country pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT i SONS. Clearfield, Nov. 7 , 1PB7. gOMI.TIIICi M:w At.AIM C. D. WATSON WiibM to inform hit old frian.i l1 tb puUic general! that be hi opened un ft orw T - P. f: L rrV 04 In bi otj itl and, oppoalte tb Court Houi, f IXOND FT, CLEAKFlliLD, TA. II is t"ck ir mil new, frc.k nd of tht vrj ! tjm.lilj.atid UI be told chtip for CAS It or pprorrd Country Prod net. If job wnt pvrt Prvjri and Patent &Iedic net. Oo to WATSON'S. If yo want CcnfcrttonHci, Canotd Fruit, I'lrktat nd J!iio, NoU, Ao., At., Go to WATSON'S. If job want tho btut Bnattrd CoITpo, KiMDoof Cofffo, F-lr of oil ktndi, cbrop, Oo to WATSON S. If yon wont Funrj 4 Tuttot Soont. Florortng Eatrorfi, Ac, Ae , bt turo lo Go to WATSON'S. j If jon wont Forrj Py Colon, Clirk'i bt-rl Vo obiDO Tbread. Pint. Nretllri A Kotiom, Oo to WATSON'S. CheFtri ond Emukfrt, if job want tbo bet la Ibo market. Buy at WATSON'S, whtro job no got Pipsi A Pipo Futort. If job want to ftl clear of )nur ptanpo, Cumt to WATSON'S. If job want to uprnd a few boon of an errninje Ub your fritndn, rnnia to WATSON'S o'd land, wbero job ran crark ob(p and rat )rkei Bntil t oVIork, p. ns. Arril 13, 1470 JEW STOKE AND NEW (iOODS. JOS. SI I AW &: SON Have ju.t oprned a Niw Stori, oo alaio St., CLturitLti, Ta., Utelf occupied by Wm. F. IBH'I.V. Their itock cnnaiiti of GkO(ta'l nf the loi.t quality, QuEtNstvAr.E, Hoots nnd Sliocs, and rrrj article Decenary fur fitie'a comfiirt. Call anil examine our atnek befriro pur cliaing plfiwlicr. May !), 1 -f,f,- r. FAIRBANKS' T " FTASDAKD fJ SCALcS. Bap-ape nanxwn, Worthcue TntrLa, rnprirt Prrpuri, IirproTr'l M.nry TrKwrT, Ae. roB KALR KT II. F. niGLEll & CO., IValera In llarOwarr, eli3ll:T tf (Second KtrK.l, rira'idd, pa. "0 MX OWX HOOK." I f V t- II' VINT, pUTi bniied the entire tin k of prW't. Ht-enorr, 1 i ,uu,u- lo eo,,ln' ,h ne ai brrei..fore. .T notto it to tell "rnr.. ron rB. Tn.nL ;. . r..n i. , ; pit ron are, I tolicil a enniinaani' tf the iinr ItAAC K IKK I tnHtr Cltv. .rt tf. a. r. ,otTii.. ,.ro. a. to- BOYNTON & YOUNG, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mitnufi'turcri of TOIITABLE & STATIONARY STEAI ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Tine Rtrooti, m:ahi 11 1 1), pa. , fl.CJ-. ' ' ' ' nAVIXti enrnp:rd in the manufacture of flnl claal MACHINE 11 Y, we rerpccl fully inform til. public that w. are now prepared to fill all nrden ai cheaply and aa prouiptlyai can be done in any of the citiea. We manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head Elookl, Water Whccll, Shafting Pulley!, (Jifford'a Injector, 8leaui tiatijria, Hteam Wbiatlea, Oilers, Tullow Cupi, Oil C'upi, ttauge Cucki, Air Ciicki, Globe Valvci, Check 'alvei, wroupht iron Pipci, Rtrain Pump, Ooilcr Feed Putnpi, Anti l'riction alvtrci. Poop Ftonc Parking, (ium Pack-in-, and all kindi of MILL WUKK ; together with Plowi, tied Sulci, COOK AX I) TARLOU STOVES, and other CAf Tl.NCS of all klnda. JT-Ordcra eolicitrd and filled at city prir. All Utter! of iuquiry witb rvferciicc to mai-bincry of our manufacture promptly answered, by addroa ing ui at ClcarCcId, Pa. IrclO-tr BOVJfTOX I VOt'XO glauino otitis. 0. L. Iteed, J. F. Weaver, NOTICE.:; ell. lietla. .. i,. iti:i:i cv co. CLEARFIELD PLANING 3IILL ALL RIGHT! fJHE pnipi-ietorrrerportfullj iiifurn tbeeitiirni of ni-arttt-.d coutitjr, that they bavo rntirvlj rrttted tit is ettaMiMbnicnt with tbe Intest itrtprovrd wtHid -worLing nachiotrr, and aro now prepared to exrvutc all orJcr in tbtir line of botiueeB. Thrj will give mperial atlvntion to Ibo manufac ture of toatt rial for bouoe buiUing. such at FLOORING, WEATHER - DOAROING, SASH, DOOKS, BLINDS, nn.n hi:ts k .vol lhi.vcs, Or ALL STYLE ft, We .lwaya har. nn hand a large Itoelt of IlHV l.lOJl'tllt.anilwill payevb fur ail clear Luniher. One-and w-bair inch panel atuff prcfer.-rd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or rx"banjpdt to auit cuntooicra. 'WOMcrf toliciled, and Lnuibor furnished on vbort Bolicc and on ronaKlc tvrrna. O. L. HELD A CO. ClearfleM Nor. 7. ISf,7. (flothiuij. How to IHavc loney. TIIR art bard ; jun'd tfke to know How job wiaj nrt joar dollars Tbe way to do it I will fbow. If job will read what followa. A wan wbo lied not far frua bero, U ho workod bard at bit trade. Bat bad a boom-bold to tup port That aquandrred all bt auado. I met bin once. Baji be, '"Mr friend, I Itw.k thread bear and rough j I've tried to ret ffjeelf a toil. Bat can't ta.t np onougb. Sara T, Btj friend, bow Biofb bara yon f I'll tell job where to ftt To jrM a enii thai'i eond avnd cheap t To KKlZENiSIEIN A Co. lit took what little he bad tared. And went to Itriaf mtrto A Brtibert'( And there bt $ft a bandaoma tuit. For half far paid to otbera. Jfow be It home, be iooka ao well. And their e fleet it eoch, That when tbej take their dallj aseal, Thej don't rat half at Bach. And now bt fin dp ea Faturda? night, U iih all their waota tupplied, That tie hat monej left to tpend. And trnt to laj and. Hi pood aorrera, witb eheerful milt, lit f'-iW telle to all. If roo d tate monej, go and buy Year elotbea at KEIZKNSTEIS'S CLOTniNfl IIALU. Whera tbe ebeapett, ficnt and beat Clotblr and fnnd Farniabint Uoodt ran bt bad to mm every tatto and in over atjlo prll,'7 KDWAKD PE1IKS&C0.. Flour 3IniiufiuturcrH, And Irlrrt in GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rillLirPBl RQ, PA. t rt t.i. st ri-i.T nf ri.ot n. wheat, rOHN and (llnr ronitantly nn k.inrt. and lur aalt at rati-e n-uiarkablr li (1.1.4 II JOHN TKOUTM AN, riTHMTTTTDr TV A T TT5 Alaiket St., raat of tbe AHrphrii) lluut, i i:iti ii 1 1. p a. IK r.KP on band all fcmdr f unntnr. in tBitu or iij the airce artifle. 1 hn- in nr-'! nt ibt arlit-lrnf find it to th'-ir intrrrei to rM and eiamme nit . k. whi- h I will e-ll rrrv ) d.r rn-h or Mrhanf'' fr tuilaMe Iuu.Ik.-t. I Larlield, Pa., A ' r. t-.O if. 1) AUK ltd lOM.I HI MATCH E3 TO LIGHT THE WOIU.D ! Tbf undrrfipieil htu ermrr-d the mAr right to manufHrtiire and tell in tbtn eunlv tho CCI.I DI1ATKD WATl.K-PROuF MATCH, ah-rh i fmt puferrfding ei ery tber mat-h ow made, bier iw M'akrd in watrr f'r fil ntontha and will tjrnitc a rradity M tboae krpt in a nfe. and art- )uat a ehi ri a an niade. Urdrrt eolio-t-d and prn,r()j t Mvadirent it Luibrr burp. Clmrfii'lii n, P. jel-Sm 'd ,1 M'OTI W. CORP. N'wlTK I limine, ftunbafed tbe lnt'nnt of J. A. 1 . Inj I m I vorpflr, 1 in tbe biioiTtrne heretufore prri!-d on uinlrr thr firm naajie l J. A. Illeltei lterf A Co.. the earnr will be nndiMtrU hrrraftrT nndt-r tbr n.mie of Moihannun lnd and Lumber Compinr. tStrnr.) 11. M. hlllLLiNi-FoKli, JOHN LAWS OK. 1'rrntdrnt. tlenerml Kuf-'L T HIECKI.I UKATLl) KICUAKDhON ROUTS, Lielit K .p f;. on. Fren-h bif ff French Calf 5 (XI. fp-tita Jail 9rf At C. KRAT7FR I. U -:l - 1 nn f1 ' ' ' - Jiniijj fi Wffllrlnfj. it n n O V A Ii. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, nUG(USTS, Market Htrrtl, fl far lit Id, Pa. WB beg leava to Inform our old and new eaitomeri. that wa hare removed our e tahli'liment to th. Ipacloui new building Juit erected on Karkeo lire. I, neatly adjoining th. Mamlon llonwon theweit, aodoppoit aieiiri. Oialiam Hum' atorei where wa reipeclfully intltt lha publie to coma and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our itock of Druri and Medlelnea eoniiili of everything uied, leleoted with the greateit caro, and WA71EAHTED STRICTLY PUKE! Wa ebo keep a full itock of rye, Perfumerln. Toilet artirlcl aoapi, Tooth llruihci, Hair Hruihei, Wbitewaih Hruihei, and every otter kind llruihea. Wa bate a large lot of WHITE LEAD, TUIU'EXTIXB, V'laieed Oil. Painti, and In fact everything urd in tha paioting buiinoei, which wa ofler at City pncea to eaau buyer!. TOBACCO AND SEGA US, Confeetknery, ftpleei, and the largait itock of varietiei ever oflereii in tbli place, and warrant ed lo ba of the belt the Market affonti. J. . IIAHTflWIfK, Kor. So. 18"8. JOHN F. IHWIS. Beale's Embrocation. (LATE POWELL'S,) For all diiaaiee incident to Ili.raoi, Cattle, and liutuao Flrih, requiring th. wee ol u axurnal antilicatlun. Thii Embrocation waa utenaively uied by the tinvarnmanl during the war. For lale by Hartiaick t lrwir, Clearfield. Joiepb H. Irwin, Curwenavllla. Uantol Uood lander. l,u:hariturw u nosiiAXXOx LAAD AXD LIMBER COMPAXY OFFER BARB IXDVCE3IEXTN TO Purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT TULIR MAMMOTH STORE -IX- OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! (Woia. v.v ii. is:n. Curwcnsville Marble Yard, j i lAKSIItoVS of eitrnding mt b ineee. and mi rt pot tn the mewinry of the ri-'rwDtd and huned Irirrnl, than in errrt nrrr thrir narmw ti 'tn r a trulturiHt alal nf en)nrtng wia-ll, tliat tiintf fi'triTr te tle rettii(f jilie f lhoe r ite: I Iff iVave tP t to all bo wifb to thow thrir iftH-imii fur thrir ri'-parted frtfttrit and tundred. that th-T ran now barf on nrnortun'ti ot ilumr en. hy ralltnif at WIV Hln.p on YhoBi'n trrct, CurnrTivillv I'a., at 1 an prvparrd to furinib tn ottiiT, WOXl'MKXTS, CRAHLE A rt)X TOM US, liKAD sroxr.s, Ac, of ant driFTt or ie, at rmonalde mtet. N. Il I t on band the lt Foreign and lonirtlr IHarblet. All work exrwtM in thr Biivi KtoHtiil mannrr. 1 ill alo dilnrr wttrk to anr i.tnut in ('IrorlUld oi ndiinmr oonntt.-a, if dr.ired. WM. 11. lULlil LV I urwen-rille. tVL ?0. ISf-W-tf. JI.AT MAKklTl A J. K WKHiLKY k Pral.t fl n iiif nrt brW'd Ibe rhop and f xtnren nf W. R. W'-Pbertiw, Wuuld ttie ritiK-np of Clrar fiel.l and vtrini'y that thej are at all timet pre parrd to furnifiv. Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, 4c, Stc, AT the MiwafT caa, aavKa. A lilirral .bar of r.ulllr vatronajrr ii rriplfiilli inltrilrd. C.ah iai4 fur Cattlr. Slirop tad"1W ltUOM UN MARKET FTI.1.ET, Clral. Ta. ). T Tjiy 0')00it, ttiornlcs, Ctf. Xcw Store In MulMmlmrR. In th( ronto foruiprly occupinl lj P. T. Mri.T. L. r. COUTIUKT fll KKV.& tlil method of Infitnnli'ff Ihf cilViif cf ('living! nn, K urtlmn-. (iirml and I he mir ruridll:ff pnnntr. ihul lir hnp J'it p"in-4 a l.irr Mf k f HI'MMMC tinojis. wlii. l. he i il u-r minrd to nil TKN WAX (. TNT I'll K A IT. It llntr. the inme quiil ity of (Jimi.U en be purt lmfrd fur in nn; t-t her dtoro to the ucight'OrhuoJ. Jin Hot-It ouniiiti of Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Such bp Palinetli, Cawilinerri, MiiiHn, Tt-Uinert Linen, Irilliiifft. (.'olieon, Triutiuini, llihboui, Iaco. READV-MATiE fITIUXfl. TIOOT.S I r H O KM, hats a cats. GEOCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. CuflVr, Tr, Pu?r. Kirr, Vol Men. Fih, Fait, Litifcrtl fcil, FiFh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinwaro. Cattintrt, Plow n IMow Caitinsi, Xullf, f3 pi Let, Corn t'ultivntoin, Citii-r I'ri-iici, aud It kindi of Axei. t-IL..Mr Plowi are of tho rurwnnville air Centre oounty make, aud are wurTuntcd to b of good quiilitj. Drugs and Medicines, Prfuncrr, Paint. Vaminh. fJUen, tJ a general wortiDCDt of (Stationery. GOOD FLOUR, Of diflVrrnt brandi", altrarfl on hanl, and m old at the loarit poitible tgitrvt. ill be Liqious, Such at fcRANDY. WISE, (JIN A WHISKY 60(,0 paunj of Wool wanltd fur wbtuh tbe b illicit prioe Bill be poiL c rovi:n mi:i:n, Oo hand and for tale avt tbo kwtst market price. Alto, Agent for Wilcon't Slralionvillo T II U E S II I If G MACHINES. Strait and aecfur y.uraelvea. Von will fin J evertLiny; uiually kept b a rrtnil .tore. L. M. COLinlET. Frencfarille P. 0., Jan. 1. loi.t. Down I Down 1 1 THE uSTSmiVAL AXD OF COi nSETHE CIIEATESTl A Proclamation against High Prices! ATE are now prrninjiip a lot of tbe beat and must aeaavmaMe hm1i and arre eer olVrrd in tbic uarkrt. attH at p-ir- that rrtir..d one of tb fKKj of J dayi t f hc.ip things. Tbte who ru k faiib up o tbi yntii, or dt-tui our aiie ftaont tu peril uout, ocd but Cornrr Front and Uaikrt atrei-ta. Wbtfe thry ean are. fetl, baraiid know fir tbrm elvra. To full andtrtatd what arrt'b.-ai fHrln, tbn mucl le done, W tio nut derm it nrnvHiarv to enntiirrate anil ttemiu ear tlwek. It it enough fur ut to atate that We Lave EverytJifcg that is Reeded and eoncamed in tbia j.arkt, and at jiricrt I bat 'ttmittn Din ota ana vim?. dewJO Jbril PUAW A FOX. SEff ii.ri5,n:i:i AND PROVISION STORE, TIIE andrr'ijrnfd bait jmet reevied at ibeir new atand in Hailarrton, a full tuppW of rn T 3 n iriT XlOUf. XCCQ. tOTIl AlCll, caCOD. UC. COAL OIL, (at reducd ratta.) A ra& artlrle.or' roiJACCO, CIi.AKS AM SVIUKING TOBACCO, eonntautlj oa band. All of ubich will W eold at LOW RATES fur f API! or givrB ia cirhane for flJINtiLLS and LI hi BE It, We nsectfu:ij ak ibe rullio to giro bi a trial before pnrrfaating ebewbere. J. R. READ A CO. WaUaoeton, Aj-ril 7, 19. cT kuatzerTsoxs A It K KWKIVISG ASPI.EXM tSTtrR UK CAltPtlS A. I) OIL CI. tM'US. WALL rATEIIS-GILT TAt EU. rfo. LACE CVKTAISS, W INDOW MHPES- COl'XTERPASES AXD QVILT3. L1XEX TABLE CLOTHS A XATKISS LAM ES SILK COATS A-0 V E T.SK 1 KT3. ELEtiAXT .IIAWLS A LACE IMINTS LAMES' A ClllLMLX'S TKIUV.EI' 11 A 13. PRE-SS CWhS AM) TKIUM INGS. BFT Kir GI.OVE0-I.HMFS' GEX TLEiltN'S ANDUIlL!iiKXS. BLACK AXD FANCY PILKS. FIXE CLACK A LTACAS. rXFgrAl.I.rD STOCK LAMES' AXI C'lULMiEN's MK'KSa - UAlTEK. MKN'S CALFif- FRESCH KIT EKTS HEAVY CALF in KITS. U FX-S AND BOYS' FIX E AXD II E A V V SHOES. CASSI MERES VERY CHEAP. BEST STONE TEA SETTS, 8. (iRorrmrs, Fl.orR A- TRuVIIOXS AT LO WEST RATS. LinrnM, rrM'rrioN to the BVY1X0 IX vUAXTITY. WOiL MARKFTINT AXD CMCXTRY I'linIlK WANTED. ( l.-arfirl,). Jim. Ifi, Hi,,. m ti tat acw Hinc niul Liquor Store. . I. L. R E Z F IMRTFI W not rti. b urtiri in WINES & LIQUORS, MARKKT FT CLFAT FlilLr, PA. V,Fn etor-k of Wine. Pranlr, Oin, H' and A lnho, ala a nn baml. H-tnl alt-ntn ti paid lo ernrini a pnre anirle f..r Pt-rf.m'-n'm' ahd wteHiral pnrpnart. apMI T'f Miss E. A. P. Ryndcr, CbirVerlm'a. Fteinwav anj Kmerfn't rianf ; tfmltb'a. Mae"0 A flawiHn't tr loohe a Orcrant and Mdodrnna. and Orwrtr A Ilaker'i Fewing klarbinea, ALIO TB 4TB1B Of Piane. Oaiiar. Orpan. Herwton? and Voewl Ma li. No tabn lee than baif a tm. ,tfHi' imi dnnr tn Fint 5attnt al Itank. riearleld. May 5, lr,a ,f. T 111K MMornTIO ALMANAC lor l'f., IK; anil for aal. at th. Ton Ollirr fn JH mn. MaiVH . a.t aavw. 'J.ii X' ?.an1;5. Clearfield Counly Bank. tut (iiwlltutb'ft (in fntit, nut f fllitci,fr fc. tin' mtrt-n'tT of ,r ctnilir, on W? lj All ltd ll'iik U twp4 hy th .il.irf ,!,., bj mil f.intitio tht fUtikiiK btiwihrnt i it; (luff, fi l I'iiikt ri, UTidtr th ftrfB lll6( ol the "(IrirtlfM fou'itjf lUnfc.M Wr r( ."ti.M f'r tl. 'I. l.ta ut tl ltnrtlf . an 1 .; ; ,, iif riitt-tt on tt tiit" mI a () coin (vr. Ii. j. . rirrlvi 1 ntnl lotfrft i when nv.nfy Ii p(i.f lin.i. l'n or d'fOfuntctl kt lii f. r rtjrn nn h-rft-.f.-ia Our trMinul j, (let.-il f r hll o:ti rrr. hf.i fcH(t l,u.iM ImM rl-l. A ri tititiuiioco of the hbi i-iij ; ri'imi: f t i'i-lnc rr.n of the tr,uiu j, ffc .p.-ctiuHv pultricil. At rrf"l(int, Ca.hirr ir v.fircr of tto latd Cliaifield County hai.k, . ti quirt thf nUi of laid itank to b prticnti4 fur ro''ti!''bn, j ah. t. rvoNAHD. lacmnD HH AW, WM I'OHTKK. J AH. B. t H AllAM, A. K. WllItiHT, . U H VAil)t W M. h. W ALLACK. Th riiiflnfi' of tho Pank will foriWt-J Ji.ho M- AilNBiw,, Ifq.. aa Canbier, jiirilh,4 ,1. V. M'tiiik. Klwanl IVrk. BAKKIN6 & COLLECTION HOUSE ricCIRK "i PERKS. tMwciiiitjrii to FostiT, Perku, A Cn., rhllipbur, Ceittre t ounty, i, Ar I! I'l( I' -l tl" buninrjiii of a Ilankit llu f n il1 oe trnnHa'ieJ promptly aod u n 1,4 moxi fiivoimrle tciun lunuT if County National Bank, CI.KAnFIF.LD, TA. rrirjl. Dar.k ii now nprn and ready fur loi. t ncn. Office on Herund itrect, in the huila itij; fuitucrly occupied by Leonard, kinneyi C. limrcvoaa amp orriraaa. IA.. U. ft HA HAM, rllCUAKD fillAW WM. A. tt ALI.AtE, W.M. POUTKH, A. K. WMiillT, CLO. L. HEEb. W. M. F1UW, JAS. T. LEONAT.D. jJuL', 11) Caibier. Frei deal. KoggsTonnship Awake GI;EAT EXCITEMKKT AT THOMAS BEEES'S! JVEBTUOIjV trj ir.g to Ret tbero firtt, for fcaf j of bung rrovdrd out into tbo eold. 1 1 job want Kuod hhof iny done, go to Rtitt, If oo want )vut hleHt ironed right, go to Mcr.ti. If job wnl good Mill Ironi, fco lo Baca., If joa want jtnir wrgon ironed intbobiit trtle and worknanthip. go to Brim. lUttut niaket the beat hiovn Morbine in L State, anddcea all kiodaof HLAChAllTlil.ti aa rhep aa ran be done in the eoontj for Cata. Alj Poet Ofiioe addrea It Cleardeld Cndj:. THOMAS feKthi, P Cf Tp Iee. 111. I8R7-tf. Soutlurii Land & Emigration IIIHPAK V, WASUINGTOX, D. C. 0 IIGAXIZF.n and mtal.litlii-d for tLr TuruliaM anl hair of K-irnniiff arid Minvral lnar. anj imj.rovrd I'.ral Krtute iu Ibe Foutbern buin. TUOH AS IJ. ninnNCE. Prvudrnt. J(l. VKUNK, Vir. PrcudnL J. llt .VMY A.'KIS. Trramr.i, Prtaidrbl Founa National Bna f l'bildvl.hia. JullN MIlKhlS, rVrnlarj. THUS. C. M.U'IMW LLL, Ai'.ornry and Connicll.r. Officr : Wa-'hir..n Puil.liliff. Corner S.rrr.r, St., and l'ini.i liania Arruar, Uaihinftoa, li. C am aws.vrca : C. jt. Jhr T. II..Ciuan, All.anv, X. T. l-: l...v. Wm. l:ifl.r, IrarfiilJ, Pa. li'.v. T. T. Ilali.l.-'l'li. Tnnion. N. J. fca.-fi.-T. Wm. f, ftrkn, W.II,aai-ort, Pa. Si .l. 1, '( tf. ClH'ap luriiiluroe JOHN GfLICU VSlHKS to inf .rm bit old frienda and tut- totvert. tbaf ha. in a; enlarged bia ahon and ii.pmaa.1. 1, 1 fa. f 1 1 1 1 a f..r m.r.BIr-tHrili k. bow prepared to make to order Miefa Furniture tt auav be dtaired, in gocd atylo and at tbeap ratet fur CASH. Ho generally bat oa band, at hit t umiuire moan a, a varied atortaitnt of rtadj. tnade furs. turo, asonj which art iniEACS AND SIDE-BOARDS. and Hook-Canei; Centra, Fofa, ParJor, Urtakfaet ard Iininr Kitention Tablet: iob, French pot.Coita.f',JerBT Lir.d and other lieditetdi ; S fat of all kind. Work land. lUt-rarka, Wab unl ; Hocking nnd Atai- Chairt ; eptinr-eet. rant bottom, pr!ort eoai- l"rid other t'bairrj bMkinx-t-laaM of tverv rri...i on band; nnd now rleet for old frfne, whirb will be put In on very reaeoaabit terra, on ehurtt-tt not ire. lie alto keeft on band or furnifhea to order. Corn-buak, 11 air and Cot ton ton MaUrettea. Coffins or Evert Kisd Made lo order, and fun fruit attended witb a llrtrae wkenever dnired. Alto, Ilowa Fainiing done to order- Tbe tobahber aleo Biaaufar tarre, at d baa eonntanilT on band, Clemetit't j I'aient Wahinit Machine, tbo boat bow ii nee! I aort Bung iota aaacnise verer neoa no wite oat clean rbi'bes! He aUe baa Flyer't Patent Chum, a cupetior article. A family wtiog tk.i Cbum never need be without butter 1 All tbo abort and aiany other artictet art fur airbed to cBftoniert rfcean lor Cab or axchangrd tor t'trTtd ei'untrj prvtiJuce, Cherry, la!e, rfur, Linwuod and M?er Lumber tollable for Cai iavt wiik. taken in Scbangt for furuitnpt fir Rrnwmler tbe tbup It oa Marker ttreet, rirarfifld, Pa and nxarlj oppotite theOld Jew Stra." JOHN OCLICU. Koveaabtr 2A, mi f The Lightning Tamer. riVlft andfT'icned aro tbe tolt A pent in tbit 4 e"untT for the "North A merit a Galranited l.lullTMNO huDa." T'jtee aro tkeetlf taft rodt nw in wee. ind aro eadorttd by ail Ut arirniifie wiea ta the euntry. Mo brrrlj notiff tbo citnent r tbt eonrtf that we wtll put them np a better rod, and tcr Iret nioney, than It rbarprd by tbo foreira a emu who annually trntere tht ooanty and oorry off oar lititt rab, never to return. EXCOUItAC.K HOME LABOIt. Tliopo wihirg lipbtnlnr Kodt orerted on Ibeir baiidirca nd r-ut addreat nt by letter, or ouH in erM-w. Vi will put them up any here in thrc uHj, and a arrant them. Tht Kd ar.d itiurf a ran bt teeB nt any time bv ctlhrc at ovrrtrre. II F. BIULLR A CO- Clearflt-ld, Marrb S", i:0 tt DAVID YOUNG, Stcnc-f utter and Stone-Mason. w ILL eteente all work in bit lino at a.d rnie pmca and in FlHiST-t LASS ttjle. ArcLitectural Ornameiits Tb ALL FTVLF?. Ftt TreiFing of tvary AacriT'rto, nd all binJ of maeea work eea troeir! fr io or oat of the eowBty. Aaj perttta wuhinf i have rrperttlo anaaoB work and atone ratline done, will find it to Ibeir intereU to call up n mo I would aim to form the nub lie that 1 ean dolner any quantity wr laaa f H uei derired, bi I am tha owner of t lllST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Oidm for work cai v. addrw.ira Hi 1AVIIi YI'I Nfl. ar:3.: ClrartrU la. Clearfield Nursery. r.xruvKAoi: home indlstrt. T UK Bndor-irnrti, bovine eetabliabed t X". ter i. a tbe Pke, nhut ball iai Mwee I "pri fig ana i prerarea re ' - ' ' n t.... r ninr TMKs.i.ti...tairi I deirl.l Vrrreen. Shf-wr-hery, t.raf-o V.nee, j Uitohfrrift, la too I la r. hurrv, tlrwt-irTV. ' and hawtrrt Vine. A !. Sitfriaa Crab Tree. 1 Vninee. ond ear r uiet bhuUrb, Aa. Ordert ' nromrtiv at!enlea to. Ad'irt-e. J. V. Hit- Ml. eerifl I-t T Lime for Salel rHK nndirairned, rrei-lnie nir tbo dpt bt 1 nat rnmplrle nrrmncewienta with Lime I M'-nrr ra- f tLr aunatn, e"tirrrlT he if eoo I'.rj to ke p r-n?:ant'aT on barul a larpr uaatitt of r u u e 1. 1 m e : wbtrh be .flrea to farmrt-e and baildf nt a trtw at- e pf"t. 1 L-ae in he J -t ih art trie Wf iM t wrM t pi' e me a mil. rr a I lira tne hi tetter. a-e f-re pe-'tiaiiiifl their liw 1-1 .-rt C. rASSMuRB. Clwneld. Pa.. June 9. iM-tb Ijlrerj- fitablc. fIPK J.-r'rr b-- ixt to irfnrn tbe paH if bl ht i ti"w fnVr trrj to ar-omaie-Hm'r all in thr wax f tumiiiine llor, Pupfiea, Saiiiil.-e ard Hart, rto tht ph-Mri ntifr and t. tanrt. HeidenccB Lorutt rtreel. betwe-n 1 Utrd and Feuh. t.l.i. W. GSAKHART. lNr-!L Apnl ;i, ir.