Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 17, 1870, Image 2

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I ti
ti KllUl C B. (iooM.ANI.HH, Kdilor.
cli:ahfiki.i, r.v.
Democratic District Ticket.
AS.-'K.M Itl.V !
J O It S A.. II A 1-
or UK foi-t.
(Subject lo the aotion ..I tU Hialr..-t fiiTculion.
Democratio County Ticket.
op ci:: inn.
I) A V I l HUV II.
A. AV. H AlTtBI,
or ct-r.i"r;r.i.ti.
or cLtinriiL.
A A It O S W
KAMI 101. A. ( AI.1VEI.I,
or BiiAiironn.
Tlio di'f.'iit of tlio raraN in Nortl
Camliiui littx brotiglit out moro Donio
i rntie HooHtem llian we luivo ccn for
many year.
' Tlio Government" in Bcampcriiifr
llirmili tlio Vctcrn Stutco;
last lioanl of il was at Si. Louk
Grant it, tlicrc in jutst where it utartcl
I'liilip II. Mortr.,a ritt-lmru Uankor.
comniittfd uieiilo on Friday ; pl.oot
i tiff liimsi if tlironli tlio lionrt in hi
Imiikiiii; Iioiic. Mo I. d boon marrird
nhont four months. Financial troublo
boro him down.
Hciij. n. French, an old and dis
tinguished vil men of Washington,
died MiddiMily n Friday. Ho held
n. any place of trust, ai d Mood fin
the hilicet round on tho .Maninie hid
der, and was heller known to tiio fra
ternity throughout the county than
any o'.her member.
Conk TIio -lililo bell" tinker, 'ir
repressible corflict" Seward, la-t w eek
slat ted on a pleasure trip
lo China
and J ipan. llo will "Oti swing
around the circle. Last season ho
"done" Mexico a. d Souih America.
Previous 1 that he ai d H. J. Walker
"done up" Alaska in Washington,
vith $even milli'int In Gold, which he
is now scattering North, South, Fust
mid West.
Diieakkih Ahead. The "loil niil
lior.s" in tho Northwest aro falling
to piece. Congressman ScohelJ had
better look t i bis laurels. With two
Radical candidates Judge in the
Kric, Warren and Llk Judicial dis
t.ict, two of the stimo breed for Sena
tor in the F.iio and Crawford Sena
torial district nirely ought lo make
disturbance cough to give tho Con
gressman, Senator ami Judge lo the
I)emocrats. Tl.o rogue are falling
lilt, hence holiest men will get their
Tim KiRoiT.AN War. lp to Tues
day morning wo have no of
another conflict between lhe tonl.'nd
ing j.osis on the lihiue ; but a battle is
hourly expected. The late engage
nicnts have been far more severe than
wa anticipated. The loss hu been
very heavy on both sides. Hence
the delay in lenewing the contest
Tho whole French Cabinet has re
sigmd and new vigor i being infucd
into the Empire, and great will be
the slaughter w hen I ho French at
tempt to drive the rrusuian is vaders
from ll.eir soil.
IiAri'oiNTi.n. Tho Radical are
disconsolate aud w ill nm be comforted
since tho Kentucky, Tennessee) and
North Carolina election. They ex
pel ted a shower of Negro Votes in ll.e
former State, and the latter, with
(.rant and leu's bayonet and lie
croc to intimidate the whilo vote,
wa considered pop sure for tl.o ''loil
millions," by Ll.liuO mnjoriiy. The
shower in Kent inky was imt ninth of
ft slioner afler all Tho Democratic
mnjoriiy is over ftoliio, tnd by the
time another election comes around
there w ill not he found IO,(M0 nigger
and white in Xotlh Carolina mean
enough to vote lhe carpel bag ticket,
while Tennessee ia v. holly jj;ivcn over
to "lhe old Union Saver.."
"No Csr, Samiio." The l,..itisvilic
Cuurier Journal ihu sunnt iijiiiud cn
force lhe true nicuuin of lhe late
election in Kentucky : The Ileum
crutie mnjoriiy in Kentucky ill ex
cc d fi'ty lliotisjiiid 'l he K.idii .ils
l.nvc lo t (in ried a sickle cou. ty in
the St nle. Will, all ih ir cfToi l, ill.
the aid of l,e iu.cietiileiis, nilli llic
n"iiii-ition of the nei;ro vole, will, it
1'ci lcct o. i;iini.t.lioi. nrniyed it.'ain
a parly Imhe Mrei.ell. ha made il . t uroliiiu und meekly to he
wtak. at least in discipline, they have 'come a liindidale lor the Simile of
lieen aide In achieve nolhinjr They! that Stale. Whitleinore could not
hurl the career, iindevelup, d nHiirance (jet the nomination for I'eg lctcclivc
nf a new ho to in-piru them. ' in thc-c part except from the lie-
They hnd a hoily nf ceiisu. InkciB i
every iieif-lihorlioo 1 lo instruct litem.
Thry encountered a divided und itn
drille.l antagonist. The result ia
nn nvei whclinini' victory fur the
lleuuM-rntie parly. The ll idical will
IK'Vir l.HVf at ln'tlrP llmiHl'. J llty III nil rih( IiHImIt id Jt Illno n. aa a tltl Hrillinl ll-e Willi 1 1l0 ChflltV lllllil ' " "fl. Tk.l i tbrnlnra w t urtrnl N.wa, A., frtttw Ibr Frl of Stp'nrkrr, !
i,it.i,li i t, I,w7,Hiic j n,M.n i!,u tr?ar,r .Ir uui uV . fn.,n U,l.iH,.on to I,.,,, iM ..liati;.,!, lo 0,11! T l '.od
elcinenl, nml In et.lurcc I'ctno- uioi tpie where tl.o iiiurutnenl hn It Can be ccn every tine aUcriioon in df. New port. Lone Uiaiuh ml ctlier i -', h nmriaid ram. ine knn.ln- (i .ne a Mr,..i. e..h in
rrcir discipline. , en o,:ee dnlv,. B wr'n tmoii-g w.rn. tctrt, !.f ahoddv? j u"i " V '..own. JTwiU JIJL
. .
1.. .1.. l-H,nJ liliiirllt, 0110 1)1
. it . I Ill i.i.n .umii'il 111
tinnl'iul lU'l'lll'Hl .in ..
.,il.K-l.l.i.i. o tin.l l.o fulli.,K
iin.nik:il.loiirti.lrociiii.viiiitpri.'iii - C'
moil nlaee i:l Iho fdiloiia
1. I :,
' ' . . . . ... .. . :. I ..
It apeak plain irutn "
serve im a warning M lb-publican.
in, J ili eiicoiiracincnl to Pcrnodum .
I ink i ion mm:!
TIio North Carolina clerlioni an
other (i"iv ni itiotiit i n lothe It til
licun party that it call maintain
supremacy only I')' lir.Hiipl ly correct.
.1 ell. il loot too loll'? cherwhed
within il.!f. W 1 1 1 o tlio I
lies of live i
war wore undecided, pitriotic men n0 Bl.rvo, (,,r koimo timo as a vol
would clone their eye In corrupt ,,.,., in il,u military camp iitTl.nn
In inrninpctcnl nrotl.erwise unworthy ,n 1U tlH) ; the insuri-ce
caiiilutntcs.iinii in ui """"'" "'
isb leaders, and voto tlio icepiiiiliean
ticket to save tho country ; but now
llie war ha ,'.irncred tho falnes of
i!n harvest, mid honest citizen will
no hinder be made tho nipple tnoU of
eon uplioiKKt.
J-.very election i.tiu mi" year nns
been a fresh milieu to the llcpiiblicnn
leader that tho party must reti.rm it
Hell". .'oimecticut fipoiii'fl tho cam-
paiu'ii d" 1H70 with disaster, whereby
n lailblul and patriotic Governor vu
displaced by tWO majority. Oregon
tollowed, ni'id one of the nblc-t und
most blainclcsH of our l!eii.blican
Senator lost hi place. Washington
eily followed with nn open and cicei
sieo rebuke lo the political malinger
who claimed to bo the Kopulilicnii
partv. Ji'ow York, hitherto a debala
bio I State, nave nearly CM.OllO lemo
eratic miijority, when tho political
eoniilexion of "her court of last re
sort was involved. Kentucky gave
no substantial liepubliean gains, even
w illijier large colored vole polled for
iho first time Tennessee hat given
over her courts to tho Conservative,
tlm iirrendcrinir the last vcMiiro of
lb tuiblieaii power in lliat Htule, and
now conic North Carolina, in the
face of bayonet forced upon tho poo
pie by tho' ill advised cotiuseln of bad
lenders, with a Legislature two thirds
l)cinocralie, and but two lleiiulilican
in the entire Conjiressionai delega
tion. A Senator ia thus sacrificed, and
a long stride taken toward making
iho next Congress l)e:nocralic.
With all these admonition, the
n ti , i . t . .
prolcsou Jiepui.acaii icauer c.ose ,
lluir ear lo w.sdom. Inslead of,
iiiieting llic is-ue irai.Kiy, nou up
pealing to the intelligence of tho peo
ple, we are met iviili the startling
proposition that Georgia mux! not hold
nn rkcri'in, bi enure the Ji' publican can
not curry the State ! Thi reekles
suggestion to nullify the law and do
ly the people is made thi morning by
a lb-publican contemporary. If not
hold an election in Georgia, why hold
one in any other State f It i conceded
that the jlepubliran cannot gain Con
gressmrii, u lulu it I n.osi iiKciy inai
they must lose tome in most of the
Slates. Why not, therefore deride
that all tho Legislature, and all the, and all Iho Governors
shall bol l over until matter can be
arranged for lb .publican victories 1
Iho only re:ion lor not holdnne an
election is that Iho l.cpnhlicuns w.lli
be defeutod ; and the sanio rulo will .
apply w ill. equal if not increased n
tency in all in tier Mates, il triad lean .
ers hoist upon defying popular np.n-1
ion und insulting the intelligence and i
patriotism ol a peopio jiecunuriy jeai
tins nf popular lights.
JSorlh t urolin wa last, n were
most of Iho other States mcriliccd
thi year by clrish and blind lender
ship" Guv. Iloldeli nllo'ved the honor
mid credit of bis Stale to be destiny
cd by irresponsible adventurer wi'h
Hie hope ol sccurtig a seal in me
S. nale ; and. lo doiih.
ly sure, he undertook to forco point
cal result hy annul Ja) liaw ker.
who defied lhe law s, ignored justice,
and die regard the courts. The result
wa a chaiiiru fl '.'fiHHl lo i,whi
uifninsl the and the sur
render of hc Slate to Democracy lor
years to con.e.
In l ei. i. sylvan. a ll.e same mail poii
cy is uiiucd'at." 1 he Republican par
ly can succeed only l y deserving the
approval and conlideiice of the inlelli
p ut and patriotic people ol the Slate
its abuses, corruptions and siihordi
nation lo shiinnhs pretender like
t ameron, are justly apprt c.nteu l.v
nil sietiotiK, and unles lhe Rei..l li
can orgauir.alioii, a an orgai irat ion. show an earnest, determined
purpose lo relorin itself, and restore
the Stale lo faithful government, we
shall lose I. ii 1 1' a or more Con
gressini'ii, and Ossihly tho Legisla
ture. Sen.itois like Wilson and Cam
cron, who bowed lo tho Washington
lobby and continued tl.o inquisitorial
income lax to save eorporulion from
tax on gros receipts, tuny levy heavy
liibulo upon starving clerks to defray
election cx enei, but all lhe power
of money or patronage will lail tn
give the 1. cjiuuncaiui victory 11 me
iarly does m l cam 11 ty ueservinje it
Staooi iis Thkm
in.. .: -
1 no ,. 11. i" .nun e
victory in North Carolina l.a knt ck-
cd the "loil millions of the North" ofT
their jiin. The overthrow of Grant
and Ilolden und their ricro nlllc is the disunion hosts every
where. The doom nf fculaw (,', cur
icl liaj.'i ra, di iiHinjrucd and lnirr.c
is weiilcd. A iolilic;.l hell i yaw. .ill),'
for il ungodly hunt. The suicide,, Kinc; ami Sianton, ure wailing
lor tin ir con.railc in crime.
Il's So! The heal catii.aiol docu-
incut is n ioio'I political ucts.i.icr. As
il i dislriliulcd .criodically, and con
luiii the Ii.Hfl und pn.
end ri ailiiij; ll al interests every fain
ity, this medium of influent i n ij j.ulilic
o.iciiin lnuld commend itself tn till
lii'in.icrat ! You can do nmro will, u
i cniia cr n n cutnjiain document
Hi, hi will, nn- hin;; else. 'Therefore
siil.sciihe f .r lhe Clearfield Ii' publican.
Whittemoio, the cailcl hrokcr, nn
expelled and rejected liadicul nielli
Ikt ol ' Coiijjrc, l as wiilnlrawi. from
l l he Cniifii i ssiotial ct.nvt.sB in ouil.
p.thiii an.
Tut hill piisscd hy Cotiejre ul it.
last session I'ltvidi that afler (c
itil-tT 1-t no wtumn will (e rrmiiK'.J
up-n ri-(M't lor any mnouiii, nor
ChnilrA l.otii Napoleon H..nimHr
i ,. palace ol johna fueshndnw i
. . i. .. .
";'" ., , li.M ,,4tl,errm..fl1.v,..,il,lin Stair. F..r
' innrri. . . .t - . ,n w n. ,l0 rl,,, f ,p
..ran nil' Mill ll'UI"IM nun v - - i - -
l,,l.r.-f1cr,r-t Kmp. r..r Nnpnl"-
...! 1 1 ,,,., ,,(
: ; .!. ,.i f!
inraii .
l I.w. on tlii. MiorrN
.1 u ..r 1..I.-1. i
(iin.laiui-.' Ho .lipln v.-l n fancy lor Iro
pit'" ' n .'""
li'iKtory ami tlio cxai t hchmiiii, wiih
r.i.,1 iil nilil.'lir norl. ninl in Siiz-
i..,t,,..,i i... ii,riliii.'(l an iintitiidc lor
...,;,..,. .,-.,...
iiiimiiii rj
ijon ill tlio I'ulitiUl iI Main "ill! in
lin.llirr ; tlio lallur uV.I nt l'mli, nml
Louis wa dun-erously ill at Anco.ia, !
v .,.e..,i l.v lhe devoted uursiiiir !
ol hi mother. Ho ih'd from Ancoiia,
on the approach of tlio Austrian, to
Franco; wa expelled from France
I'V Louis I'liillipiie, went lo England
and theneo relumed to Sw itzei land.
I-i 1 s:;i the Crown of l'olnnd und
lhe command of the Polish legion
were ollered him. Tho death, in W
of lhe I Mike of lieiehsladt, tho only
win of Napoleon 1, opened iho future
lo hi ambitious hopes; from thai
time hi whole .life, speculative und
practical, wa devoted to Iho rculizu
lion ol w hut no becan.o hi "lixed
idea" that he was to become ov-
eiiiirn of France. In 1 s::G, he at
i iii.'il u mull tl'etat ul Strashourir,
I'l.illn... u.ul liiil.-il :
...i ;.,.,.,. ti! Puns, and i-x-1
iled lo America. Ho shortly returned
to Sw iUerlund, on account of Iho ill-
nes of his mother, w ho died October
2, is:;-.
lie went thence to Londun ; in
IK'J to Scotland ; in 1H4U ho made
another attempt al the throne ol
France, fuihvl, wa captured, brought
lo trial, and comluinned lo perpetual
imprisonment in tho fortress ol Hum.
Here bo did much literary work, und
finally escaped May 2-J, IS 10, by the
help of Mr Coniicau, in the disguise
of u workman, und gained the lielgiuu
frontier, w hence he returned to Kng
Tho revolution February, LS4S,
caused him to return to Fiance; he
lo u. llvV(licli
('if lhe ,Vovii,)lia (;v
led lo the view
eminent. He
w as. however, by lhe hitler, requested
to leave tho counlrv, und promised
to do so; but being elected deputy ol
for Talis und three other depart
ments, he took hi seat in the CoiiH'.i
talioual Assembly June Lith, 1HIS.
After a slormy debate he resigned his
seal tho 1'ilb of June and left France.
He w us called l Franco in Septem
ber, ls4C, by a quintuple election and
ngain at'icarcl ill tho Assembly, the
avowed candidate for the Presidency.
He was elected by u vole of o,&li-,lCti
oat of 7,fi0 i,0UU votes. Ileeen.bcr
tli be look lhe oulh ol allegiance to
the Hepiibhc.
In ISl'J In enemies, wlio Uclievca
. - ,i,,.,,.,i . ,; ..- i,,i,.r(.si
all(,1. (liH1 ,0 lf ,h0 Ji.,.,,,, t, i
,hI1ll)-..j u ,,,.,, (,.,,Miin to his
. An Mi.arlii condition of
'(.( ,.,j, ,ll0j ul,ii K. i,t a sto. '
, .,, j. ,., i ,..,.,., I
(ii.r VikIiT the pressure of
iU flw ing this eop ' tnt.
he ; n ,.u.t.u.d IVesi.lent of lhe He-
publlo 1i. cci.iIh t ijil. and "1st, lor
ten j curs, aud invested willi all the
power bo demanded by 11.010 than
seven million suffrages.
A year afterward ho assumed the
title und prerogative of Liiiprror.thus
attaining the goal of hi curly ambi
tion. In lNi-i he tnuriied Fi. genie
Marie, ('entiles of Monlijo.u Spanish
lady of great beauty, by whom do ha
one child, the I'rineo, born
March 1(, lt.' 3.
SiRiKiMi Hack. Not u very re
spectulilo record is that of lhe secre
tary of the Itrpiil.liea.l Kxcctilive Con
gressional Co.uinitlee, which is
alleged to havo been sustained by
lestimonv at Washington. T he ileins
in thu record ure, dismissal In. .11 the j the service of the Coniederate Gov
an. iv lor cowardice. Iiiisui nroii: i.ilion lernmenl. und derives hi tillo as Col.
ol luiiu und col. tlm I uiiUecoming an
ollict r and geitllcii.ini. The tun of
the thing is that the charges Merc
bunted up and verified by the gov
ernment clerks whom ll.u secretary
has been mulcting ol 01.0 per cent, on
their salai le lor
the benelit of the
puny. Had ho
would probably have been lell in the
enjoyment of a good character. He
mus trying lo run his hound down
too cruelly, und, as in lhe ca-e ol Ac
Icon, they turned upon bin. and tore
him to piece. Served him light.
X 1'. Vcru..
MtsTAKLN Sot'i.. There are Re
piibliian editors who flatter them
selves thai the excitement consequent
njmn the war in Juroio will over
shailnw Abe negro sullrage and equal
ity (jiiesiii.n, and that liny will thus
escatie the rcslmnsibiliiv their imrtv
. . . . .
( nas iiiciiitcu 111 lorcing these evils uji-
on lhe country
Hut tin y w ill lie dm
imointcd. Kvent inav turn u they
w ill in loss tho witter, ll.e course of
ll.u ifadic d jiarty ha heen too in.
iiiiiiliuia lo he forgotten or lorivcii.
licmocralM, heiu und everywhere,
hold tlie J'ailiciil to their record !
Tliey have, Icy chicniicrv und fraud,
loreed tlie i.eru (in the level with the
white mat. 1 them to "lace
lhe music' and luke lhe coiiscnueti-
. er.. !' il. i n l lim air ill i ic ...en i
ill Kuropu draw your mind Ironi the
evils lh.diculisni hu inflicted upon our
country. The d.ll'civnce between
Lii'spntistii und Kadiculis.i. is not much.
The Wti'liinirtoii Juuniny Star i
decidedly liinny nn Ine Franco und
l'i ussnl (iiicslion : "Niipolecti nick al
' I loud und every lb in jf ul a stand still 1, this is let aiisluclory. j led two untie, nml l.oliert Way, lis
Gentlemen, emperors, kiliirs, Napole- J coir pet it or' best jam p wa twelve f. fl
oils, llisii al k jjrand utiiiics, til id till and seven inches. Seniles' jump is
the rest ol you, proceed wild ) our t the longest tundiiif jump on red rd
kIiuw. Co, I i ilo. explode, flosl. Ml.oitt in the w orld
n nd n low up thiiirf. l'roditec your m
iiecille f-inis, j inn t'lia-epnt and all Tllt:NewYoik Tun fx. in il n nun lis
lhe rest ol Jour infernal enginery. n I lie North Ciirolinu election, m-cni
I'isplny Jour L'..rc. our cracked noses in regret thut Ihcro were in. wccn.'
and broken heails." Ami in tlie of t iut and hlondshcd to indorse (i r
laiiiia-e ol Geiictal (irut.l, let us ernor llohleu'a rasi ally cutnl a l, mid
have peace it concluiles hy Miyiiij; there is a p.i-
e,., . , ,. " , . , I sihiltly (if maiiai'ili'' election inatler
Tho eslalilislimei.l of a tlalmnal lmK., "
ejolil dunk in Huston under the new m r
law i probably the .f a At n judicial election held in Men
number of oilier ihroultoiil the phi. 1 cum ssee, on llic- 4ll. itisinnt.
country It i consoling lo (eel in i,e liadicul were beaten by two th ai
ll.e establishment ol such bank lliai'sam) majiriiy. A Usual, (irai.l's
w e have reached won, el liiii"j tangible ' iiDicc holder ui'C hltutii.i- tip n(.e;roes
and permnuciit poinlinif ion urdn spe in swear Ihey were irliiuidatcd, wild
( ie paj niei.iw woinciiniivj n.'t loived,
! Hurininif riiHiiiiiitiiuuM;v imm
- Imr nhirit ul c-tttioi ii if ti lit-twrcti tlio
rniiiil-' f-nmumrnli
flrrnrWilrT '.
The ovei ahclminif (b' of t.'n.
Crime Administration In Ninth t'ttr
(Inwnlall in nil
- - .
win n
maltiT l .
nnnt i ai ilnl mil t
'llic nlil it iii i
o kimllv to (lie
from tlio mkti-m i.f mo I num. .inns
, . ,r. ....,,.
iim i ir mil hi .
. , , . . .
- u tlio Nor
Hi wan tno iiniiiriii ro i
nil : mill t n.l It fliollM '"'"K 111
Haiti a body of adventurer wa al
most a thing of course. Tho folly of
the lale insurgent in listening to the
advice of Andrew Join on, and r
raying lliemselve in political hostili
ty in Iho llepubliciin party and il
i, Ian of reeoiistrnctioli, gave those ad-
veiiturers ibu vantage ground from
tho very start, and m-oi. opene, ll.e
door lor the mors; iinser.ip...os
,e,n to become p.t.nd.ivr and rub- w
The fruit of lhe carpet-bag reign ry
of tl.o lust five vear are what might
in now i.
bo searcheil in vain mi ...u.-mn
mi lininoral, so shumelessly corrupt
mi hopelessly rotten, us ihose now pro
vailing in the South. I'olitiiatly they
may be changed; but this cannot cine
one oi the sorest of the evil ulready
inllieteil. These scamp have run tho
State they rule ruinously into debt
The Legislatures controlled by them
pledged the Stales to the dii liiir(:v
of pecuniary obligation of crushing
weight, to lhe future redemption "I
an eiior
mini uiuoiiritol lioiuls uuu lo
the iniiosiiioii
f enormous tuxe
thr.iiiL'li u series of year. 1'ln
Thi ha
been done in furtherance-ol .ill sort
ol selieincs wnervny inu uuiooi -
nr.,.. ii I wraith and auticiliule larger
gains in the immediate lultire. 1 lose
burdi lis have ulready seriously em
burrassed all of Ihcsc Slates, and well
iii.'h hniikrutited some of liiem ; and
lo save them from ruin, the rcijgn of
the carpel bag robheis must bo rpeidi
ly brought to u end.
There would seem to Lo no good
reason by lhe honest men in these
sorely plundered Stales should not
hand togribcr, irrespective of past
poliiicul difrerencc, and wrest
out of the hands of lhe thieves that
despoil them All tho issue which
made their advent even a pos-ilnliiy
have been settled. Let lhe better
t his of old cilizen accept the situa
tion in good faith, und iissuru lhe lie
groe thai there i no disposition to
deprive liiem of the new born privi
lege, and Ihere w ill ho an uprising of
the peo'.ile that will drive out those
ravenous villians, and restore lo the
States what they have not bad since
they plunged inlo rebellion nioeyeurs
ago, sluble, thrifty, lespeclublo gov
These corrupt carpel bag usurpa
tion are ll.e outlying support of
Con. Grant Administration, iliey
...1..... 1.;... I iii., i n.inu tnwl lwt
. . ,1 J 1 1 1 ', i M
ntiniiliniin the m !' lim liavni'l.
.eir downfall will l.eruhl l is over-
lint let Ihose who inveke a
chuniro renudialo all idea of resort-
ing to violence. Il wa the threat of
the Tammany Pcsideniial Convention
or JS)H Unit their candidate, il' elect
cd. would break up llicso governmein
,v f.ncc. which muilo hi defeat both
a necessity and a certainty. The pen
pic w ill tolerate no such slogan now,
any more than then. Orderly jiro
cci'dili? through I ho ballot-box will
prove lo be the cfikient, a they are
lhe only tolerable, mode of i-llccling
this reform. JV. V. kun.
ANoTiuri Iti.iiFL Tho New Ymk
Sun say: Zealous Republican will
be interested in leuriiiug something
about the appoint ii.ent of Col. Am
brose ('. I1!.. Hi, of Virgini, to be Ii. tli
Consul General and .Marshal of the
Vnited Stale', at lluk.nladi, in Japan.
This double headed uppninlnici t was
smuggled through lhe .Senulo at the
eleventh hour, on tlm loth .f July,
the day of thu a.lj.iuruiuei.t- l he
I wo nfliccs are said to be worth jointly
f l.'i.O'JO a year.
Pun 11 was during tho whole war in
Ii'. 111 a commission be receivnl to
raise a regiment lor Jeff Davis. Since
the war be ba by some strange con
catenation been in ll.e service ol lhe
Internal Revenuo I'eparlinciit, first
as n storekeeper and all'Tw ard as As.
si-tanl Inspector in a Virginia lbs-
I them alone lmtricl. W liy shoulil den. (.met 11 i-
! point him lo two olliee worth $1:.
' HU a year f We leave lhe quest am In
those more skilllnl limn we in 1 .0 so
hit ion ol diflicull conundrums
TllR Jl'liirivt. CnMrr.UI.NT.-tTlio
liepubliean Judicial Conference fens
seuibled ut lrviiietnu on the lltl,Blid
ultcr two day ineflei liial balhling.
ll.e F.rie conferees w ithdrew, hen
ll.e Warren a d li'k Conferei-s innii
iiated L. D. We'more. .f Warr'ii.
Mr. WoodrulT, of Riic, will bo an in
depc. .. lent fundi. lale. Thi will, we
ihitik, render the (lection of a t'en.n
era I almost certain. Wo would here
snir.-st that the )emi ratic Confer-
nee I e held in Warren (in the Till of
Sciteuiher. The Bii.'cstinn (if lhe
Krie llcunuracy is iicccjiluhlo Ao far
n lhe date i concerned, hut Hot lis
lo the Jilacc. H!k Ilcnim-rat.
Peter Fcreust.n tried lo oncii a bo
, of i Urn cjl-icrilie in Jlcnver will, u
; etow har, Hint now it is h. lievcd hy hi.
j most intimate personal Irieii.l that he
, i.a cm lejrill eil lit t limn nui.i.uli a
piece nf underliitt und a neiktic
have been foiind. will, a m il
i toe nail, uhout forty mile nut
' of llenver. j
Edward Seniles, of Sin if Sine;, in tit
; j u m pin u mulch nt liinlniiiiloti. N. YJ.
; few (lavs l'o for lhe chiini.ionsl. I.
; if lhe Cniled State, jumped I hi He. Ii
a view ol contestnif ll.e clet ti.m.
Tlir. fii)lii(iiiiil!i clnircltoa tif Xcw
It inn I. 'a miii mt in Pumirr.
Thr polilii ln i.l liolli polllli nl pur
tin in CiiiiiIimIiiiiiI coimly liavo l hi
ti rnl'ly m-il tioMln r('iHrl for
tl.o iiominiilioii for tlm ri'nilivo
rllicr. On tlio Itinlii-nl Hiilo.onu nf tlio'liiti' for llu ulu rillally iiiunina
t ii m inn M'i;ro. ilio Vullti lno
mil Kivt " follow niTniinl nl'lil
,.,clioiiciTii.K vi-il to Mi cliiu.ii-I'iir :
"lliik Joliiimin. lilui k, iil'Cui'linliii a
in low n last week, A'ilioiliii; tlio wliitu
railiciild to niipj.oi I for tlie !(
iiiIiIiiiiii tioiiiiii'ilion lor
llichaid urged hi claiun among his
radical brethren with con-olerable
f.ireo. tJno old genii, ni iu oi ine ran-
ical peisuasion
we nro tout,
away from liirhard very much in
censed al iho 'nigger's' audacity, and
it is said, expressed himself in lan
guage more forcible than elegai.t.
1,'iehard wa aln well provided with
copies of tho Curlislo Herald wbb h
lie distiibuted quite freely .saying 'd it
" , ; ;
i-. . u." y
"I not, .,... ..., '
. do white trash' of llul radical
la i ill will not overlook Hick' claim.
We think the brightest, pair of radi
cal polil ician in Cumberland county
is black Dick John. on and the while
chap who run the Shipponshitrg
Afti J. They might to ho looped lo
gel her." Valley .Spirit.
Tiik Cahiit Mt-nciiAKT .Mr. J II-
i - i
.Hvnhcr ha been ro noiiiioaleil lor
Coiigre in Louisunu Whilleiiiore
would like lo run again in South Car
olina. Duller, of Tennessee, ul-o.
Theso men aro all cadet sellers, and
llutler ha added to hi fame by
sw indling pensioners, fenialo, a well
as lenle, and defrauding lhe i'emiit.u
Thc-o uto Ct representative of
Kadii alism and the liutunil fruit of
lhe reconstruct ion measure of Con
gross, pypher, who wa beaten in
the canvas by sou.c 1 1,00'J inajoiity,
which hi friend could not cut down
lower than lt),0Ud, was reported us
elected by the Committee on Elec
tions, and was actually voted into his
scat by the House, 'i'he country wa
savi d, however, fn-rn the disgrace of
hi membership of Congees ly a re
consideration of the volo which uc
lion led lo hi ivjeelinn. What are
bi chance (or an election, wo lire not
advised. Whitleinore will prolubly
tmt run again. A i. drew J - I . i . -t 1 1 has
been i.omiuuled by the iH'iimcTat in
Duller district, and the latter, if
nominated, may bo b-alen. It i to
be hoped that he w ill. Onu Hutler is
enough in the House. Sunday Mer
cury. TllK negro .Senator Hovel brought
with him to Washington a private
Secretary. Whether w bile or colored
: ne paper d not state, but it i now
announced that the sable Senator has
turned bis Secretary udrill and the
(V llow Hud liiiiitivll in a riratii
. . , , . , ... 7.,
Man. ..wiin. a inem.s, ..... -, arj re,.
ill hi KH'kct. A subscription has
been started ill his behalf, hcade I by
Senator Sumner, who subsciibes five
dollar. Tho impecunious Secretary
i in Washington where the black
Senator lell him, w hen he started out
to en lighten tl.o while Radicals ol
1 ankce land.
Tun carpet baggers who have been
preying upon the pc pleol the south,
and trying lo live by sei tiring unites
which would enable them lo steal, are
packing to n t in t. to their homes w i Lit
w hatever of sjuiil they managed to
gather together. The North urn
lina election sounds their do. on, and
ll.e w hole race will be sj.eedily con
signed to merited oblivion.
The old line w hig in Virginia, w ho
were disposed to kecji up a s. jiarate a conservative, have
al and on . I lhe iih a and uiiilecudially
with the Democrat in their cffori lo
save Ibe Slate from thu bund ol
t be jiurt iridc.
A Washington disp itch ays ' Grant
is not at l.nie to Mr. Sumner."
Wl.i-ri uj.on S.iaiiirr'sli iondsrcplv, that
"(rani is mil al home more hall
the limo to utiihody .Ise but horse
j'ckeyuud whiskey hummers."
Tin. di feai of Grant. Ilolden. Kirk,
and lhe liadicul pirty in Norlh Car..
lina, is desi ribed by the I'refs a "not
tntieh of a s!i iwer afirr al " Like M r
cutio'S wound, ho.vevor, it "will do"
for lhe Radical .H'ty aud for IIS.
TllK (,' lieci r l ha found
..kii,. ,,(' il,
it is in i in- sniipe oi ii man win. relues
to luke a iicwepai cr for fear it inihl
"ean hi utlenliui. uway f'toni tlie
Wo ec il Muled lh it Mr freliiii
hiivscn will nol incept tlie Kolish
mission. Ilei.ijj a rispeclahle in a a he
lo. not care lo serve under un ml in in
istrutinn already di.e;raced.
I.adie n ho wear itiiich ihinon will
ho (h liirlitcd to learn that a serial pro
poitiun of the Lack huir now a .1.1 is
cut from lhe head of couvicl in the
penile til iarie.
Jltiv .iU(rtisr;uciits.
IDIt Mil'.- ,
filoVi;- Triulrl h,
r..,. W.. I Cntik'INtJ
N. at III Pr.yr'-
aut? itt
MAt HIM. N-arlr nwfor
Auenal IT St. WftllarMon. Vm.
OM.ooi foh iucx r.-n77nTVsr7.
(Tl loitn in Kd atreH, nar lb HarrtMtl )
Sua a li(n-w d aln, Lot unofruimd. FuitaliU
far a nt tre room. Aj tU to
u i;dri;k c. fassmore.
Cir fiIJ, Aupuit 17, 3m.
"r AC.ON.M (tvl ll Mltir
y I 1 hr h p ort(pi-d h U t.lin
Kn.hl, d.PMtrrd, tirnafr on thf h!I.t li'w-.n
llci-d an! Pmc utif-t", nr 11. H, I.' it. W'iil
be rrntid on rr.5tn,i iTina. Aj-j'le lo
i;l.K 0 rA.-Ai.iIlL.
C!( ri-M, Aupuirt 17, m.
YU( i: Ttt Tr.M'lll-:H.Tl,a ;bn
liirtfiura o( ' It-air'ifM Konn.h driir rm-
I'l-n 'iiii,;;K 1 :: n i n ,.rr (. irr pit nn.i
I wi af ic'anta - fr t br wii' r trrni "f r , ni-mt
s hoota to or.rn nn Iho J I Monday "f Si pirmtw".
Futlhrr ifilt-rmatMin ran It o'-lamrH by Hpp'vihg
ia i i r a - ti or In-- uc tS. urt r.nfd.
1. J !.M 1 I.I.mI, .'-rrr.'ary.
c:r?ffirH. A.i-tiM i;, lit; ;tt.
N tTI( I' 7ba pnr:nnbip lin-t..r.,n i-iial-it.
Wtwrrn ibr tiiidt rij-d in thr m-n an
lilr and Ininlerr bninrtiti, in Cwrwrfi't it!, wa
dif'oitrd I'T nni'ttal ri.tirnt n thr th dar o
AiiTu-t, N. ;. Arnold baui.g purrb . I
'ba Iitf ( Mi af Saniii'd Am.. 11 in H.n (; tn. Tur
biaint w.ll fx canli d an at tha H nd aa
b(!m!..rr. tiM V. 1. AltV'M.H.
W M. IIAl.T.-ilOKN.
Curwf'avi'Tc Aug 17. !'( .-1.
-In thr tnatli-r of tb ratl- of
liuii;iihdrr. latr ol I'ati.aiJa It.amli n.
.rtflt ! 1 coitl.ty, li'rini'tl :
At an tln bsn. C. n-t, brld it CtrarfrU, w Ibr
)Utv Artifili'-riiHiit.
Mit - in r. mi ri ti.
LiTo Insurance Company
N K W Y f ) II K .
JOHri'll lloMK
K. liH ttlllT ki:mai.i...
3. V. It. IIAI'Uf.N
re I'rrinlt'lit.
S.-i'i-' inr.r.
il I'.lKUiimr.
.... . ,n' i m f-' ana fiinti lil lv in me Hi
I " ' v. v,.,k .,,h n,.
f Ills in,. I.B.IHI -. '
..iriH o. jict nf en tun n liiMiluli in lli'l
tin ml. I Ilio'lii' "i Jin""". "
a lil.rinl. H..II1.I Bli'l Tlfi.rou l.llo l.iiursnn.
Cmiip'inv.siiil lil n.-liinf.l iuoc. ln-j-.ini llii
rx.rrnllnn of III nidst unKiiiue ir..j.m..r".
Tin1 A MICA 111. E .fld5tl lni."vf.l pljui nn.)' new I. iiluri'li ul hio.I.tii l.ils llMtirMiin.-.
nn. I diica mil lnil.l mil Mvini' or hnliicHiatri "
iIihI rsiiii'il lie f'"Ki-
Tlio A.MtrAlll.K line ilepositiJ huii.trid
I limit Rixl .l"l!lir ill I'lii.rll Milll-l biil.ll Willi III"
liiMir.i:ni- li..iiirlinriil "f Hie ft ale f V"rk.
a iliiEr.illlcc till. Ji liars- ol cvory iiu.linnti.iii.
AD ol-iime nc.i'usl I lie A M I CA III.K nri-prouii'l
an. I ilm-hnr ji-il : III t lie i i m i-mh
tin iiiH'.Hn' itf js.l're i fi'iiti " "'I iT'iA"' '"'.T
o,e.uclio a.cuesl or !' it l pnmimm:
All PulLiieiaro n.ui f.rMUl'le !
All Hiii.lenile tre nun fnrfcitab'o !
All I'lilioiee rt ini-ooin(nl.l!
Tliiity d.ije urace fur i.erraetit f iriiiiiiiiiii !
rrivilige lo travel llj la .d and t
r...nk .if llatii, CireuUre. mnilbr.l .piictttioa to III I'mutein ' Bi'iil.
WlI.t.IAM 1 l ( Kl'.H.
Ai'lit CU'erliv.iJ cuuutr.
C. It A It K K.TT,
timer! Agei.l f..r tl.mi.ilJ, tilitre, JtliVnuli,
CUr.uu and tlk cuiitai.
T. J. I:0VE!t, M. P..
Aitdiuiii Examii.r.
('Ir. firlJ. A.ifuil 17, 1 -70 3m
n t IIOOL TAX. Notice in litTfliy (itm thu
O ltreturi r ( learfu lii Lunjub
tiiii'-fl 111 liio liaiiJi ul in? rciMHii irennh
rrrtiliirJ I)iii. 'ir-iir of HtfcoiJ lx -or j
an. I n'l T,.-rv -its t all bo cntiiltd tu mi kUuinvnt
of HK rtR fc r. on lliir ii on pa.vmin.
of itiffi Huie to llic TrMurrr, t kin ridcin;r, on
or Wfore tho Ihih dy of Aorai'er next.
particuUr lo rnd flic cl of AMrtnnlT ftt tbc bot
twin of tLe notice li lt it T'ur rii'. nt,.
Clfarfirltl. Aug. 17, Ih;u 4t. Tnmcurer.
7I,ANK 0rABM:'?4 I A IT- FOP
I J i t Imp
11HI IT C AH-Mannfaeliireil frnm ibe b el
4 etiareual (in. (rrnve.1 and lulderetl 00 vutiUr
and warranted air aale br
am-vre 11. r. r.tiil.Kit A ro.
11HI 1 I I'tX AMI J A KM. Large U ol
' TIN CAN 6 and U LA" JAIts. al
Auruet in, 170 2m. O io,ite tlie .lail.
rj 4t .lli-tan'a Crcfa cut. Will, I'm and
tj Cirt-ulr hawe; aim. luutiDa Li) eul Saw lor sale br
1 111 IIM IS. 41. N. Nuiica ia b.-
i.e tif-n
I'r.i.i.iaaia tr tiutl.iinc a SCHOOL llol'sK
in Wurri, Inwn-hip will Isr ei-eeiied Dnlil An.;u-l
irth, IS7S, hy the bs.arl nf lliri-etore. For .l inp
and riecificali".ia r.-li-r to Ibe l'ei-i'lent or Siu'i-.
JAMKM I'OTTKIt, 1're.iJrnl.
Jr aaTHAM KuroiH. rsrretarv. al:3(
flMI III I if bereliy poeii
lliat Ills sk'tioul I.irieTnra of W'riri.lwie.l his.
Ui.-t will let (lie liuiblniK of a oew S.-houl ll..ii.e
al s'an..rB oa aluidav. Ilia 27th inal. I'.all.l re
and clllleiia aee r. .il-l'ed lo meet the b'.anl on
.be oer-aiiiiin. I'lani and i.eeiftcal inn can Waevn
by enlin-K nn the tiicri larv. who ean be arl
at Jellne. I'. O. .A ll C. llKVSKl.,
W omlwsrd ti.. Antf. 10 3ip. SeeretarT.
VIIMI MS. I 11 ATOIt's NO 1 1 1 Ii N..l,
ia b-.-retij irieen l!ial b tiers of a-linininlra: inn
.o (he e-tate of JOHN I.I ZIKK. Sr., dicia. d,
late of lira Ib.rd town, Lip. (?li-artield eounte, I'a.,
haviiif been u'T granted to the andi-reigni-d. all
K-ra..tia in l"b'ed to aaid estate will n.ake
paMilent. and tb.iM ba :n2 rUiina or .'t nau.te
j will prettD! them ir..j.eiljr aa.b.-nli'-ale. f.TMt 1
U. It A H 0 K K ,
llradfurd Ip
, Aug. S fit
1 O O K
FrEns cAi.onrnr,
F I' Q t l; 1 1 A N N A , fet TKKIOR,
GOV. 1'KNN, IlEdiLArult.
TMl'Mri!. rAULOK C0tKr.
AM) ImiI KLE nCATim.-,
And all kind of llcjtmc F'ovcn f,r fnlf I y
aiK.i;o II. F. I! hi I.Kit A CO
(1 Al'T.OS All pir-oiif arc btnhy wurnr.I
J naltinut i u rrha rit.C T in HJ Wav lit f I d 1 1 n f
wtib ID ii:1iiii. KTftinl injirtv. tit: I
hur and irii"ts. one rn, twti cnUr. our twn-h-tTfc
wacn, pair twin r' do, wind oilll, a )( ol
uwrd lu:nlr and t-ill tnn'i-r; at, tlit aitr.oa's.
ftirn, tiu.'lswlitat and whcit on th (r'-ou now
in "i h'ioii of l.. F. Cinnlrirl, of litrard t-wn
viiifi, a tut umc prnf)fr,T ui imrrhii hy tn
at ' itvrSi H?.d in It it at it It Litn rm I an on',
lul'Jtfl to my otitr,
PrfOi-nw-ill. A tip 'tut 1, s;(t .it.
T 1st
1 J trin
T 4F Jl llOlt M1AUN FOR fcfcl-
trinUcr TtTW, l?.fl.
ami jiaona.
ihm v.i-iiw. p ii i-f,n.. r....t - u't K...a..!'Frrf:An
,e..'i.e J urner .i"r"" I'aae nainee...
A. M. 11.11 lira (lord . K. It-aiiia...(iraliin
Hn. :n...llra ljr J... M't'ullouirli (lulieh
1 . tar. 1.1111'B '.... ai.iiQiiwrrnoe
Ib.D M.irna
.-tu,i. i;er-
! l au.l.d.rard.lov
" j St. 8. Ch.. man "
on lieo.ll. rnnniore...renn
! Tb-ima. Moore "
li'i.ii'ii , arei.u
J.Iioiifhrrtv jr.. ( :eaif d John il. ;..u-er... aion
Jiaec .sni.-a! liet-atur J no. M:hcra, Woodward
Tnavir.SK ji noi.s,
.T. .tin M'C.t ....Hee-sria: M..3. a 0wenp.. tbalnr
II .!. W .In " l.l.ll.F.'ejn.i.n. Feru'i.o
llenrv llumiuil....Il'.xirs t'raneia linear-. .. (J. ra. d
II. L. III,)! Itra.ltoid 1-aae Smiiti "
Iaid Krinrr Ilra'b
1 - At id t 'urb'Y..,(lri(;m
It intra Mraw Jimlr&n
i.. I. tStrunk .Knot
H"."?rt pAirtrr..l.awiriirr
T. M'Plirrtuii.. "
Junira Irwin...
lliiiinaa Kirk....
Ja'tir Nrlcon....
F. K. P-.rt.r
I.aitih AlH-iih'll
I,. L. hrt Irr
lnaa M IJrurT...
A. llumj IitTT- M
t.w. Mfrlitli'V. llurtnidi-.SartiUAH l.H,
William Kmc. " M- F. Mullin...
Juafph tt itrrrt'1 Cbrat J.l'ouirhrrlv.jr,
W ia. Miimm v i.l " ilt. huaMiirr..,..
Cult :n Si-trn..... -l. ii. rin....
J. M. llciii r...Civtnjflon, Philip llmkl...
F.tioroiAtitt, jr. j SiMttta Fa-nl (kr.'
K.Liviiitnnn.Curwrfni'T. Jainr M. W i'!ia....Prnn
.lninr A'iaum .Clcaitirld Hi. liitrd Frii'ii:iin...Pika
V. M .r-n. )r. j ltv, tmra
I-atid A la in a . n J. Caiai.n... Wwidwanl
John Mtera IVra'nr , J . A lraandrr '
U. F. i ort hn.... " I J . lU.UMt .... M
V II Y S I C I A N & S U l( g i: O X ,
inn in x, ji:i ri:n--oN co., r.A.
Wi'l a'lend reofi "lirtiial en'l. piMmplle. anrt,',7H
The Liliptic Sntins Miulunc!
U" l-r-t dou'ilc tl.n ad mi liinr nuw id iim !
X W ill I.r ml 1 I, Wtr than any otlirr ma.-bmr
Itni-bt d in I ki- mnnirr and iln.nj, thr ?aii.f ranj;r
f w.-ik. M . bio a cm I f md it tlr t o
Tie-mi n A C . Cnrw. i at illr. or it tbc n ai it tier
if 'br un-lt-ri-irntd al ltit.m'a Prolr.
Mnr M. s7 ;iw. I.K IS C. M.oeM.
Till-: rl-KAKKJl-LI) ,
Mana'arturrd rfprr;a'ly for
THE Cl.tARfltr.n TRAfir,
rna aire ir
n..i': il. r. niin.r.rt a ro.
( honpost Paprr In l!ip World !
30 CENTSI -S?r
-T . AININll I'oltTV-KttillT COI.I'MMI
V"f f
j i r it i.imi r. is i.
Il,li,.l CHre V I.I .. 1.1.1
,11 r..i...e0. si M .i-hsMf- l; II...I"!'.
Orlubri, I si .
Til T nnttilNAh h t:lM'lVK v.fiu i. a tim:,1:,;::;:
wiioniiiT llios. a nt t ' :"T.
- -1 MtM'M
i I
GAS-COH-UIXIhu i4.iiiti j
Itt t Pcnr (ltt-r Pa- Kr'ti.
fl'linff TIT T? IUPH'1
I'or Huftiird
Antliraciteor Bituminous Coal or Wood.
10 lilee for lul. kw.irk. and J il- I'orta'.lt.
MISI f.fell! nl T IT
L T I. W uwo w w 1
N W. eorner IJili n l PiU'i"! S'lree ,
Thr Ie-le- rr.s-le nf lli-n-e Wr,.u:i'
Iron, wll riveli-.l l..' l:er. n l ire in - r .i.t. -l I .
be i,....'u'.-ly in I llii-' T.h'. 1 I" me il"
un'y ll.-.i!'" Oi 0 lee ..leTnT'-l will".':' 'Hie 'bun
r..T. an. I In will. Ii all kimli ul' fi.el o.i.i be I unit' '
Willi. nit alleralii.n.
rfi.kinir tr.riri. f'.r lT..'e. rleifn-nMri an. I
Famili-l. Aim a Flat T.ii lli-vii.g Itai.g"
Fiie l"iee lli-sle-a. T,w lii.wn fl atee. (Uat.
Manleli. !! gist. r. Vi-iililotiirl.
rln lllrln g lnj t"ll dr-wril.tinri. aenl feee, 11.
ant ail.l.e.l. J''" .
5-2 aad ISSl's
Linr.llAL TEP.MS
Al Mi i Vet IU!r.a.
- , i n 11
I aClUC Ii. U i bUJl tU-U OUlU.
Ke-no( KS naugtit aud Mold on Com.
BllshloU vuly.
Daiivl'.lt and Vu.cci.aea
First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds
For 'c nt IK) ar.i aocrutd i;.tt;t.
AwnnnfP fjlreil in4 InlpfTr-f Uwtd on
.lui)j l a'incci, lu'jA-ct to tbeck : i.ght.
l-8:Iy .loutb Tkiri Stntt, rbitatl' )j W.ti
AllliAl) OK All. BTHI H"l
Eighty Six Tliraitan'l. .S'lv Ilun'lre'l
anil Eighty-Onr Machine Made
and Sold the l'at War'.!
hdt ttitirr Marhn, ai d tbv dru a t i i'
iccrraili'g !
Art now belt: nadn and a d !
Preaacr it emrtud ri- rntial nrine-tjil"
fmi rid In mm aid r VarMn. te.iio f it
fin .1irity tf fiO'trortiiin. mt 1 rii.i..
u-f- rtfaity nf rteia art nn at any rri. and
-a ar-ity fr tho (rttt rana m I vari'; l
wurk, Cot of crane.
Part if Wiblnr arr! fffcnM nt !
t" lutaiiic I .tit b-st of at) Stwii g Mfhiirt
I haf tn afm'j 'or ibif 3kl.irt.ti t ar,d w-1
kfp a fall to ( .1 btt-d-
MT 4, UT tf. C.aiB'd, I'a.
Mm uliu-'u'fr of
Tin, Cccr aud Sheet -Iron Ware.
Ilool.:', S.futiiig aud jh w-nk dnt tn
ao!iLK traaa.
Fb"p on .Market St., Bal o.i.-ii tbc Jail,
4 7B Cl.F I. RFIVI.D. PK.
Sti JIo and IlarECBd Il..Tiu Tict uref,
Liitlierabur. Clearfield ei.wiit... I'a.
, rP'IE enr..ilr r..peetfiill In.nrm. lhe rill
i m .... - R
i ln.t tie il now prept'e.l In tiirm.h ev.-rritnrc n.
li tin at b-.rl noiiee ai.. In a wnramii i
m-'.-nir. He flaller. h-iiis. 'I Ibal lie ran -l.aa
lua rnt..mer. In e'vle. qonlitT and p-ipe. t .
ai d namine at e-K tw.oie uiel,iii, .ln whrre.
1 l.uib. ral nrf. June 1. I sill If.
I j. w. a Li.f i J twr r
I iithcr-burR. I uarLtld CuM a.
l UlS Writ ul a hd i -tab'lrhrAl li(.t t
g f..nnt.rly krpt hy It W. ,Mr. m.d tnltnl.t.
h 'iB. rbwrnl. ffr ha b.-n 1 1 .-! fur a t rn
I trara by thr adt rfig-n I, ti bit b ibr aura
n tha IraTrlinr fM' lir in . i-aMt d. ard
liU rnl irt "f I uhur tr..o r P'iMi-i trd.
uk ,70 A A l.LAt K A XUi ts
tHNOlJ TIO TV piitnr-.l. p brrtto.
ffriiin t.ftwHn 'h Bt"l -i-ifil in in-
ianti'r and IimhIht I n-mi a' T ir r bwi.a. ii
K art baua towiilit. wa niaolt rd I t ntMtuai rn
I rnt na lh day of July. All tSr U-;
: B"-mtn.. an j tprr of thr diw in thr han-l
' l lr. P.ttrr f r t'blrri.t an-i o.!l rli.t. Tli..
i hnvii'i tlird urAtinnf k w lb tbr ti: in air r -,
.ptdlylly latilnJ tt rm'l mni rKif- i.r ih- nnr.
IS-tAl C M, I.ttSK LV.
Thrrr Kuna, Au-ut S. I7i- 4 pd.
ci.i; vhFii:i.ii. I .
T?!i"p on llctd Siffvt,
Itai!r-d dipt.
. Ul.W
KTY AND MA' , ,r Ma vi.iss
a a. li it
P. J. 11 A l t S, fuiwee.,! I, fa
II A YKS. fiiiwee.,1 I,
Mule Sale !
!'. n
L a llul mv Mi l .T.
iiita'r tn tin G
t- 4 b.irotij.1 i.r O I. 1 nt. .rot rtlT i
flnthi d. ii ir'.iy rird, wit I fjtti d cp tot
a pbr-irinn or d ntivl. Fi.r t U. t a r ii
Mb r 1
It no 1
ine n iimhami or aiiiTa tlif
0.(Ar,U N-H, fa, lttt J7. ITO 4
Ol I TIO.-7hr pr'i,rftiip
mi briW " n tnr nn t- r'C"t'l In Hit
li-.tfl ) viiitr ill l-U'l'i r'-nrjj w .-i.itt-. I t,
) nitt'iiii (sortarpi on in t iitt.T .i ti a' 1 11
, t.o lit. nfr"iit.' n'l pup.--- ar If f bt'. U
.f Mr. W.lla't for. tt. tn nt ii'tr '. t h. r,
btr kowtn( 1 1.A-tnr . a to batr utiat tfl, A ai
Ctiunta will rail and irani' n Mf, -
.1. w w m rv..
T V p 11 V.
I.a'brrt' nrjt. t-pt-' S. a (r.
Ut .'i
nt. lanmiitcti Vn rll a It fcr'a
rt-t llfrman. ll'.atrtTfr' and i
lr..t f
f tf ail
U l ralAd Hitt.ra; alao purr I ina-
k .a.1. fa aar.J.A...a.l . - V... I a -
II i h TWI' W JI IH W tv
1 1,1 T Thitr t.rtd, P-lnl, t, n
A "wr-H " . lut-i-r-rttmr. i" of vl liinda,
I in Oil aad Drr 1 m -p,,..v,..,
rl NTVrK A 111 IF.
'Ufuti'iit JflilOtS.
il-kH fclrrtl. t IrtrffK, Pi.
ol'I.I) tfip'f 'fu'lt l.f-ri Itn rliUK,
I. -id- ''I rm r I. Nt hin( 'irr,t,.j A
oi.ll I. ..I K M I.. l..nti,., ,
. ,tr I t.t in Hie Mil in Mn in,,,, flfc
m i in -I mi u. n
c:....Pi Dijsljbs ar.J Ca&iiincru
r lu al. i i rbiiKiLirtiriin utrikt l!.ir iclretibi,
4 la-li. id Afril .0 I hTO if
II. It Ii I DC K.
UtTV Uhr ..nor PMI t'l ClfillllfM ilDtf )
1Uikl rtievl, l lcarlicid, fa.
Kl l'" "ii i'iMi-1 1 Tiill rtineoit uf Qa).
!li.JI Unt.ll, rtlcb ft! hhilll, Lfj,,
Mrk,.i II in.ikrrfiiii. U:u.. n..
I'lidT' 4'., tn varietr. Of ft
li .i.rlti hr km iP U'
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'
m liln- k l i.rnkin nf tht very hurt
i.MHi,if ll-HVt r., l liHichillft, aiid ttm
w fc. 'tit II ul lii-"li UI ht 10 Id cheijtfi
'hp'i, k rl mnl" u rrr'iiog to ttt Uteit itjit
H..'ri--nr"i fTMruini-n
A '..i, Airi'iit fr rii-nrflclj t-rmntf fori.
UiKt-r 4 ''"'f ! Iimti il tStwinx Mufhirfi
S r t. thus. tt H HhllKil.
MK3 H. S. SWAK'3
ri.K.Ai.nLi-U, i'A.
r1 IF. TWA. Ti:il of (wftity two wr-ki
VAiiHry i p ir'iti'fit will l fcilJA-d t ti.
-'ti'-u tl'm ln J ; ir which the Tticof i
D'-ti'tit i ruot ir b it l.ern ci(;iffcd. ArJ u to rentier tim dpjr;ait
ltmctit and ninlruclne.
tei:ms of TriTto.x.
lii-n lirtr. Or i l,.yni hy. Writing, O- jt-ct Lt
H'n, I'rimtirr Aitllimrtic and Primary
im. -tii , er balf trrin. (of alcvil
wrtkn.l . H
Hiff-rv, l,ttl ari'l Jtri'iir Urie,rayhr
tilt Mnp lirawtny, ( rt to mar. Mmtal
ii1 Written Aritbuti-tio I H
mxl th ri-icr.c- 9 M
In- rcti 'ft In in-tr itomtal II H
Ml fuint.i g ., 13
Vi .,rk I M
t'ur full partif-ulnm at nd tor Circular. .
Clear:;. M, Aug 2'. I01-.4.
Rev. P. L Harrison. A. M., Principal,
IMlt tlH.r cKSFIONof ibanrxt arbtluiii
J mt t thi Inotituiiua fill eBiDita ai
.v.bA . thr tb 4m) ul M-lilroubrr. Ib'tU.
fytiii cat rutoi nt any lima. Ifaty will bi I
tfbaicri wtti tauit-.a iraaa tb tisa tttj aataru I
ti.-. eimr lb. rcorlA a
1 br cuurst- al ini-iriiritoa f nbrarft tf try t k ing
iiAc.iidttf tn a BoroBf.b, practical and actvav
f AUitd duea ut a h.r bulk araaa.
1 br I'rihi i a) baving bari tba adraaUtt!l
bark ri-f-rtr-e ia bi t'rt'lri-ffiow, aaauri at-
rviitr and -ar in thai bit emir ftbihty a4
it if it ill it rotrd ! tha taoral asd atta-ta-
triun $ t ih youth flaw 4 undrr bn ibarji.
t I-l III 11IIIO.
m tr.u-cr. i h . rtradn-K, Aritirg. anal friwarj I
Am ib iir. r h f-i.ta (llwarka) f II I
irt tir r rai K) , Ariibnrtit, and
Hi t rt II II
lltrlp. r aartry. TrifnBom-trT, in.
aurxttoi , ar.ltat, ihtui..byt
.!. t-y.t bin utrv, b-uk Ktie.t.g, Datany
id l't.-ir' II.- arn, hy . . . til
tttn, t.r. t k ai ! tr-orb. with any af ib
Ua l:rAt . Ill Ml
M -I fiaai.. (''t" ! rat.ra) - . . i i
r- v.. d"tfrti h llt h- m ada for abttftra.
t farihrr (-irtt. Blam Irqaira af
K. f I,. liAHhlrt-N, A M-.
rH t ti Frlrflral.
rp IK "5 b i ho-l y-ar wtll Ua a Srpfrn,WT T. !
i a-k 'h atii-ftt-ua of p tr- nia aiid gaardi j
.t in a coun h rativa of tbc merit ol tbia iuU
uti.tii. I. I or 4 li-n.-Uralilirul. aftrativ aad ia
vxy mv . trait 1 fur phyftcal drvaiaptstct.
2d. Temp a lituaw r. nrnvrj front tU
Nli-o.ia tin J !ii4-.i-g bteii.'' t trcisacnt to tuwai.
31. lUuralioiial Ada autafta tarnaat '
a- lM-:t U1 arrvuijrtingt lavoraltla for stady.
I h. Iot'J I tt .b I hrd. It ha Wn Ii
tMVfr.ii Oj t-iniioi ; 4 Tt-arti, and bai had ta
I nt tro n li.arty rrrry Stut.
Z'.U. M iral l;if.iiriirca. TLa j rrrrp;i nf
' nrc 1ji y lanjlit
C h. i heap liaita. Tvitna, ?25P,
,?'. n! for a C.ralar. Au'HcatuB aUaU
a- u ti. a
I. P. FTONf!, A. M ,
J. J I'ATU.I.iSuN. A. M ,
JuU 13, lTn 2m. Prinripalf.
Military and Collegiate Instilnte,
I'.it il , V r y, N II .on N.-boa A Conr?ord R. R
Y.,. S N. IHiM KM.. Principal.
A-l'M : p.Himl local inn. rrt may pf aiv
; No loin, or .!ci-e of idle rvvurt ; Fall
c p t! ItMi'b'ra; Th-t-t ah iut i art ;on, Jt
Puj i.a rAfvitrd m any ttmr Send furCifrV-f.
Jull ?, l70-?tB.
I w ii .l.i :
do. W . I tr. M'otHAWt.nn, 1. Prrftdrnt. at'k
in!! an I r; . ii d e!ip t f t' arhrra. Cha('l
in -ti mir. lli'a H-! i p Ii t f ul. Ihr fi'nMi
tii il i'a. an bitnjt h"rth'y rrja'trd. Tba
ixt I rm bi;iiia A njnnt l.t. If 70. For fanbtr
it 1 rratituu a d ta tlie PnaidiBl, or nd Ut I
rut J n-i:c. JiCO t
v.xi r. actio rcn cents.
Pvt-re-Hd Pb tbr aar of trani Oxtw hit,
a d lorat A)' ata. ithr nty b arm It aa aa
t itti'i. ni nivpi iii.c imaw ta hy
S. J. EAYES, Surgcou Dentist,
Wh.. I brrrt T arftt Tr-rttfwMy frtom .t
b tk I lb-- I U ra atToUMf mt tbr fn. artl
n'A.iwt th" pul tf ibal bt- h t rraaovrt.1 kia
uilif rutr ri'l Sflr and atntia, (Ar
n 'buia i-iorr.J at.trr r ia pnparad ta nrfira
)ia lav n rm in na'r littid up n aa. and da
b Ir ank in ib 1101 k II. ul anl Wiitaa' a
niannrr. AH Work dnr in tbr latrat and Biett
apptovrd njl'i, and fii'iranHti.
I- Hai ia will lr- rnrv rl in bi ffr t-f
b. 1 -I to ! r J i 1 1. rnrh tttoo h. Thr balatr af
at b ti)tit h b w ill -p n t in ti'rn H"pr, ItHrnti
m l lirh. -f '. aiti-rnattly. TartirB rr" I" It
i a d f'ti alonil I wiIa- to n ptrviouii ol lltnr
liliiU'C fi-T.-r hotr. From C lo II 'rl k, a.
111.. itii'l ir tn 1 to 5 o' !. I. p. m.
Wi u- r.-i r I ut le tin I rft ti a'-rial, acd
I i. ci. p. tiij..n . t Ii a y. tbntpuni ar J Jv:a
i'Hr l.ti tm a i I.
t tirwn,-ilU. IS., v.. 5 ., v7.
M il.Ail
i t. air pn
.0 d imirb
a, d A-V
Tl Fcm
wi ll, u .1 or
KM II I a HI I -
.- t-ri w ai taiin m a .ji a I lo aft ntaiir.
ami I' M. lb. f.ti.'. apd '! t
".r tiai. .,) ;lf Fll"ft '(
ton- lir-r 1-t !m r.,,t f. r H
;a '. It LOW'S IN I'l it Pl.t K
1. 'In Ifl ar'ittr in ibr it a.Wt
b. . Ii a i!l ro'ni irwr watrr tbai
or wi m'lt nf iifliC". and tr"'b
oth.r wh It'wr In thr arat-'t.
nor i fftft put vp at AlfbKP
..t r t . tb
".irr Can
11,. ot C I
ll.T I I It. I H
- MM ti S itHK, Nn J . Nrrlk
r .M hnr-. P ' 1. Ipbia. Tba lalrla baa
1 . ib ilt 1 it, r". a d Patl. w'a tiimr on thm. all
! oih -'a arr rt"in tfrtt. I tr at'r K annal tlro.fa
I ,ii ii.rsia. . u .1.1 lit UtiKR S INhFI.) PI K
j 1 N K t 't toun I on -il to In- atiprrlor artirla.
1 t miMi; bund arid r t.t al rraaonahlr prtvr.
t 1'itrt'i.r. un I Spii. I.rtiu t' ViilirTtt-a, 1 baara a
I Si .tj; .. Ivki, Sapo, ai.d all
ir.'.- i.i !,.. 1 ii.- t r. at
Al.l I I I' W M.U I l i.t Tt S Ml 10 !T0P.
) I nm rl .Niir-h S a ad St., Phil.
Farm for Sale I
fP V m , ,"hn r-pafbitian. U of irr
' w.tphtp. dtt. wa d, iainnt " al-oat Ul
il larni.t'C IIH1. iWli'Arl Ol wai.iib
I fl1"-'" 'ai.d I a rf in-1 arrrr1 a bonaa
j nn i ' an. '
ib H 'br uautl ronTrturof1 af a
- i p'f-iai' b-ir. For lrm an t fttt-thrr parttaa-
t i-a. -t -Ir lo 7 II. NI RRAY,
j 4 r. . tlTt ,,.4 parataa iaf.-a.wii.
rniOH lT