TUB LE1BFIELD RCPIIILIC.11." 3 (TAB Lit II P I) IN ltf. i largest circulation of any Nows . paper in North Control Pennsylvania. Terms of Subscription. ilj In advance, or within S months. ...I'J K lid after I and beXor. t months 8 SO jti) after th. .iplratlon of ( month!.. . 3 OO Bates of Advertising. aslant advertisements, per squar. of 1 0 linna or ess, 8 Uuh or less ', $1 60 Tor .aca lubsequ.nt insertion , 60 alniitrkton' and Eieeutcrs' notloea. 1 60 'tors' notion t SO lUeal and Ealravs. 1 60 solation notice. 3 00 .ftisiuoal Cards, 1 year 6 00 ftal notion, per lino 16 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. arm... 00 ..16 00 M 00 , oolumn $33 00 i oolumn... 1 ooluian... 46 00 0 00 laara... Job Work. BLANKS. jh Q,ire )2 60 1 qnlrea, pr. qulr,$l 75 3 fclrol, pr, qatre, I 00 Oror 6, po r quire, 160 HANDBILLS, i bt,Saer less.t".' 00 I sheet, 55 or less,$5 00 i koot, IS or loai, S 00 I 1 alieet, 3i or less, 10 00 Oror 26 of oaoa of aboro at proportionate ratei. GEO. D. QOODLANDER, Editor and Proprietor. Cards. wim-am a. WiLLica. raAsi riaistsa. WALLACE 4. FIELDING, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. poT-Legal boainea. of all kindt attended to with promptness and fidelity. Offloa in residence of William A. Walloon. '.ul2:TQ A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. je,Ofoee In tho Conrt Honao. deej ly f H. W. SMITH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ' joJI - C'learflcld, Pa. ly villus a. WAM.AC. J. BLAB I WALTSRB. ! WALLACE &, WALTERS, I Real Bitato Agent, and Conveyancers, ,J Clearfield, Penn'a. I kTL.ReaI Eitata bought and sold, titles exam ined, eoaveyancea prepared, tas.es psid, and Insu rances ULou. 0oe in new building, nearly ppo.it. Court .llouae. juul,iO 1 ISRAEL TEST, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. pfOff.ct In tho Court Hoose. IJyll,'" JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Clearfield, Pa. CCsea Market St , o.r II arts Irk A Irwln'i , Drng Store. Star-Prompt attention given to the se curing f Boanty, Claims, e., and to all legal bustnoas. Marca IS, ISoT-ly. ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wallacetou, Clearfield County, Penn'a. ; Vs. A II legal bueinesa promptly attended to. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ea aa Second St., ClearOeld, Pa. no.JI,6 JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW -And Real Katate A (rent, Clearfield. Pa. OSoaaa Third street, bet. Cherry t Walnut. aT- Baspaetfully offers bis services In selling and buying lands In Clearfield and adjoining owaliea aad with aa oiperienca of over twenty rears aa a surveyor, flatten himself that ha can reai.r satisfaction. fobJa.'M tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. die. aa Market street on. door east of th. Ctear 1.14 County Bank. may VIII Joha II. Orris. C T. Aleiandrr. ORVIS 4V ALEXANDER, ATTOPNEYS A T LA IT. - Bcllef.inte, Pa. seplS,'6-y E. I. KIRK, M. D., mYSlClAK AND SURGEON, I.attiersburfr, Pa. - aTWil1 attend promptly to all profcional aaila. augll:lyrpd DR. Al THORN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TTAVIXO located at Kvlrrtown, Clearfield CO I J Pa., offers his professional services to the pl. of the surrounding oouotry. ibepizv, ov-y DR.. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN k SUIIUKON. Tfaviay; re win red to Ansnnrllle, Pa., offers his professional ervieea to the people of that ptwe ,q4 the aurrouning eountry. Ail culls promptly KUdd to. ll' 0. t 1 1 in pl J. H. KLINE, M. D., PnYSICIAN & SUIIUKON, nAVINa located at Pennfleld. Pa., offers bis profeasionat aerrieee to the people of that I aoo and surrounding eountry. Ail calls promptly "en, led In. ol"'i,'il JEFFERSON LITZ, I'HYSlCIANi SURGEON, HAVIVO located at Osceola, Pa., offers bis professional serrices to Ibe people of that i c and surrounding country. aj.All falls prou.ptly attended to. Offie. r-.i residence an Cartia St., formerly occupied .y Dr. Klin.. ""L'L- ORlTXpTb U R C H F I EL D, Hirffeoaoflha:d He mnt, Pennsylrania Voluateera, bavinjt returned from tbe Army, ffers his profess tonal services to tbe eitlteni f riearflnld enty a-Pr.r.ssional call, yromp I, alien leo tVUe, on Second str..U formerly occupied fcy r. Wood.. (Bpr,' t! DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SlltflKuN, Becond Street, Clearf eld. Ta. BT!nvinff permanently located, he new offers kispmfccsinnal sen ice to Ihe cillsen. or Clearfield aad riciaity, and Ibe pnblie fcnerally. All calls promptly aitendod to. octlf y F. B. READ, M. D., THYSICIAN AND SUnGEoK. K)'leriswa. Pa. espeelfally offer, bis services to tb. eltisen. of tb. sarr.adi .oanlry. apr?0 Sw fd DENTAL PARTNERSHIP. Da. A. M. HILLS, Deslrt I Inform bis natrons, and the B.Mic eaerally.'lat beb.s associated wtlb bla la Ik. practice ef Dentistry, 8. F. SHAW, I). I. 8., Wkotaa tradnaw t lb. Phlladclpbia D.nul Coll..., er.4 tbercfnr. baa lb. bigheil attcsta. Unas of nrofnei.aal skill. All work don. In Ike effle. t will bold ars.lf p.rennally raepoasl kt. fa. kia( doaa I. tbe atost satisfactory aaaa nr awd kiabMt order of tke profeestoa. Aa ..labltsbed praeAie. of Iweaty-lw. yaarsla tkks plae. enable. aM I. speak to tay patient. a.ik wonldea. Reirmffrweau from a distance sboald b. asad. V, bsttw few ayi k.f.r. Ik. patient desijos Miaf. IJaa. , 1T ly. u. GEO. B. G00DL1NDER, Proprietor. VOL43-WIIOLEN0.2180. (fanl.3. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. "Pumps always on baud and mado to order on ibort notice. Pipes bored on reasonable terms. All work warranted to render oati.fnction, and delivered Ifdciired. niv2j:lypd GEORGE C. KIRK, Justine of tb Peace, Surveyor and Conveyancer, I.ullierburg, Ia. All burin! intrusted to him nil! he promptly attended to. Persons wubiiiK to employ far Tftor will do welt to f(iv biut a call, an lie (In (ten bitnifir that be can remler tatittluctiun. Vvd of eon Try Race, articles of BKrreniiit, and all leul paper, promptly and neatly en-tuted. marJUyp DANIEL M. DOHERTY. BAEBEE & HAIR DEESSER, BECOMD 8TRF.KT, jy2.1 CM-. All I I 1.1. V, PA. tf CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER R HEWER, ClcarUcld. Pa. HAVINO rented Jlr. Entrc.' Brrwerjr be hopes by strict atli-ntion to bseinc. anl the uiaiiufupturo of a aitpprior article of 11KKR to receive the patronage of all the old and many new euatomcra. Aug. 2S, tf. URVEYOFl. DAVID It KAMrt, Luihen-burK, ClrarfieM Co., P., oflcra hit aerrifcit a Survi vor in tin? wl( end of tlif flounly. All cull will bo ittpndrd to proojpily, and the cbarpn uioilcrnie. l:lf:70 SURVEYOR. rilHE underpignod offers his services as a Fur- reyor, and may b found at bia residenoe, In Lawrence township. Letters will reach bim di rected to Clearfield, 1'a. may T-lf. JAMES MITCHELL. THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, TTAVIXU recently located In the borough of 1 l Lumber City, and niirned the proetK-e of i Lund Surreviiig. reKccl Isllv tenders his profrs. , sional serl-iees In tire nwne-s of anrl Fpeeululors in Isnds in Clearlield and al,oining canities. Deeds of coliveyjiive neatly executed. OHico and residence Olio door east of Kirk A Ppeucer's store. uprH.p Hm. N. M. HOOVER, WholesnTe t Retail Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Tno doors ea.-t if tlie Tout OlFce, MARKET STREET, CLEAR l-'IKLD, PA. L.A lnrCTaMortnienliif Pipi-F, Cigar C', Ac. )wyi on hand. mylU-ly J. K. BOTTORF'S P II O T OG It A P U GALL K R Y , Market Street, Cleirflcld, Pa. r-CROMOS MADE A f PECIALTY.tS "'iJ'EOATIVES made in eloiidy, as well as in IN clear weather. Constantly on hand a good a-snrtment of FRAMES, BTERKOSCtlPES and STKIlEIISCdl'IC VIEWS. Frames, from any style of moulding, made to order. npr2-tf REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearlield, Peim'a. tk Will execute lobs in his line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. a( r4,67 THOMAS H. FORCEE, nBALea in GENERAL MKKCHAXDISE, t.K AIIAMTON. Pa. Also, eitensiv. manufacturer and dealer in Scjunre Timber and tiawrd Lumber of all kinds. Klr-Ordert solicited and all bills promptly filled. jyifl ly oro. ALnsnT nr.ssr ai-bert... w, ai.bkkt W. ALBERT 8l BROS., Manufacturers A extensive Dealers in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, die., WOODLAND, PENN'A. sTOrdrrs solicited. Bills filled no short notice and reasonable terms. Address Woodland P. 0 CleniSrld Co.. Pa. Je2,Vly W tl.llhllT k II I, OS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT. Frnirlivllle, Icai litld County, Pa. Keena ronstanllr on band a full assortment of Dry tlimds. Hardware, llroeeries, and everything usually kept in a retail store, which will b sold, for cash, as cheap as elsewhere in the county. Fronrhville, June 17, l07-ly. C. KRATZER & SONS, MERCHANTS, DRALKna in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery. Queeniwere, (1 metric, Provisions and (Shingles, C learfield, PtLii'a. jTtat At Ihelr newstoreroom.oa Peeond street, near II. V. liiffler A Co s Hardware store. janW M0SHANN0N LAND St LUMBER CO., OFCEOLA STEAM MILLS, masi rACTcnra LUMliKIl, 1.AT1I, AND PICKETS II. n. tSllILLINCFOrP, Prrsid.nt, OlSoe Fore.t Place. No. 1 25 8. 4lh St., Phil'a. JOHN l.A-in:, Superintendent. Iou'6" Osceola .Mills, Clearlield county, Pa. SAMUEL I. SNYDER, Practical Watch Maker, Opposite (he Ourt House, BKOOSD FTRELT, CLEARFIELD, PA. "AII tun. Is of Watrhes, Clwki an I Jewelry promptly rippurrt, ami work warrant-.) In (rive j Ht.iar. i'.n in nr.: i JAMES C. BARRETT, je, of ,, Peace and Licensed 1 'onvevancer. l,ulhcrbnrt. ( Icar(i( l.l t o., Vm, jrrt'ollcfiitin A remiitaoo'' pnnnpily ma le, and ail ttin-li of lcgl ii.firumrntc rsptn'H on I short ntu. rni.y4,iOtt CON HAD MEYEK, Intrntor A Mtmfi"torcr of the (Vlebrated Iron Trame Pianos, Wan-rooms, No. 721 Arch Pi., Philalrt.hia, lies rwt ivrd the Prise M-Mtl of the Wt.rlii'i (tral Klbihi'ton, Lotxi'-n, Lnf. 1 he hiyhrst Piixcs nwanlrd whrn and wherever eili-biud. (KslaMishnl lsSl. Je1$ m Xpw Cabinet ! f OSHANXOX LA M AND l.fMnf.n COM. AM HAXV otter for sale Town Lots in Ibe hor ousn of Osceola, Cleerttel.1 ciiunly. I'a.. and al.o lols 10 euil poreliasers ..afside the limits of said borough. Osceola is siln.led on the Moibannon Creek. In Ihe richest portion of Ibe cnunly nt ClearB.1.1, on tbe line of Ibe Tyrone A ClearSeld Itailroad, where the Moshannon and Itcoverton branch ro.it. talerseel. II is nl-n in the heart ol Ibe Mo-hannon cat hasin. and lartf. bodi.s of white pine, hemlock, oak, and other liraWr sur round it. One of tbe largest Inmb-r mannfactur ing establi.hnients in the State is located in the town, while there .re many other lumber and shingle mills around il. The town is but ee -en years old. and contains a popalation of one thoa eand inhabitants. jtatr Kr further information apply at Uie ofBc af the abor. company. JOHN UAWSIIB. aprl 4 BnM.rintwid.at, Jin) fmi$, d(. 1870. AIGIST. 1S70. RECONSTRUCTION! M ill I klit it Out on This Line! 1VII.LiIA7I KEEI, MARKET FTBEET, ci.i.Aitiu.i.i), pi xx'a. DreES Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions' and Trimmings, LADIES' AND CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, iiatn and Caps, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, AT POPI LAR PRICES. fcTlie entire itock on liand will Ic io!J at a reduction lo prewnt value, and I will n-plroili the ito.k every sixly djs witb clioice itylcs of the beet gotttli in the biarlu'L Near tho PusIimTilc, CLEARFIELD, I'ENN'A. 2.1 THE FIRST ARRIVAL! Spring Millinery Goods JiHt Received at Mrs. WATSON'S. VLT. the Ladies lo Town and the Connfry ere invited to cull and tec the .Spring Styles iu DON SETS, HATS', FRENCH FI.OWEn?, We have lo suit all srcs and sixes. We intend keeping our stock full and complete, so that all can be accommodated with Ibe best and newecl styles of eftch season, and at tho lowest prioes. AIfo, new Inducements offered in tho way of DBES3-MAKINO, In the most elegant and fash ionable style., oa Ibe shortest notice possible. Iletnrmbcr the Place : Main Street, opposite Mossnp's store, CLEAKF1KLD, PA. maris IS tew iiorsr.t NEW GOODS!! NEW miCES!!! HARTS0CK & GOODWIN, CLT.Wl'NSYILLK, TA., Are now receiving, direct from Baltimore, Kew York, UostoD, Philadelphia anj TltUhurh, an lutnenae stock of DRY OO0D3, CLOTHING, GENT'S Fl'RNTg.lINa GOODS, JIAT3 A CAPS, BOOTS A SIIOE. CHINA, GLASS A Ql'ERN&W ARB, II ARDWAKD, GR0CKRIE3, ie.T Bought at tower priree than bare been made to any bouse In town since ibe food old days be fore the late "onpleasantneea" all to be die tributed to those who visit Carwensvilte for supplies, Id aecorilsnce with the great sacrifice at which the were bongbt. The Ladles are particularly in. led to eatl at HartNork At C.oodu lu'a C heap Mlore to ex mine the splendid stock of DRESS OOODS, TRIMMIXOS, SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS, le., new on rxhlbiih-n. They Defy Coniprtlllou I Partiei catinot do theniselvei justice In buy Ing the neecMarlei of life without catling on HARTS0CK Si GOODWIN, Curwensrille, I'.nn'a. mjtlm DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, NKAii n.Tiu;nFiti no, tlnx a. AXl FACTCIILS all binds of Liimler for building purpr,S( s. Alwnvs on hand- LA11I FOR ItOolIXtl, l'LAMLUINU LATH, I'AI.INtiP, Ac, Ac II, Plastering Lalh sr. rvenlf sawed and different lengths, to suit purrhsscrs; the Palings arc four feet long and ready pointed. Alt kinds of Pnwed Lumb-r will be fnriii.hed to order, and delivered if so d'fired. Price, will be liberal, according to quality. fA.All kinds of C.n.WN taken In elcbangr for Lutnlicr. Luthcrsbnrg P. O., Jan. 19, 1S70. FULLERTON'3 RKSTAIR.WT & Kill 'RLMMEXT A I. nn N , In Lcavy's Kew Ttuil ling. (formerly occoiied by Mr. MeOanghey.) SKroXD T., CLKAIlKIKI.n, PA. tfONSTA NTt.T oa band a line selection of CAN- 1HKS, M Ts, ( IHAItS, TOHACI o, Ac. Al.o, IKKSII OVSTKilS received daily, and acrved np to suit the tastes of customers. 'twill I.I.I AH I) MAI,tHon second story. aprfliJO.tf 1). It. ITLLEBTON. 1)INK, WIIITBrKOArl I.ININtl HKISS dast rcccie.d and for sale by April M. I. T. II l II 10 Lb K A CO. tbe liKMOCKATIO ALMANAC. Only Mali, kverr eeler shaald kara ana. ''i m - PRINCIPLESi CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1870. THE ItEPUBLICAN. cleaiM'Ii;ld, ia. WEDNESItAY MORMXO. ACtJCPT 17, 1S70. I'd i i:it. Praver it tho toul'i ttnoere dt-iire. In uttered or unexpn-xHd, Tii motion of a hidden Are That trernhli'i in the Itrrent. Praver i the burden of a iigh, The fallinft of a tfarp The npwnrd ffliineiiijr, of in eye, W hi n none but Uod ia mar. Praver l the aiinpleat farm of rj-ewh Hint Infant tips can try; Prnver, the r.taitia J(UfLt'h' ' the AUjeity ou hiffh. Prnvi-r is the 4 'liriit inn'a vital hreith, The t'hriilimi'i native air ; Hi watchword at the Rates of death lie cnleri lUavcu by prayer. Prayer is the eontriir sinner's voice, Jt.-tuniing (rutn bia wns; Vhile eiiftvlri in their ihiiirh rejoice, And cry, "Rrhuld lie prays !" The paints in t raver apm-ar s one, In word and de'l ititl mind; While with the Fallicr end the Hou, Hwect fcIluWAhip they And. Ili're on the hills Hr feedx his herds. His flock on yonder pluiitf; Hi praise is wurhlrd hy the birds Oh. cuiild wo est eh their striiinn ! Oh. Thou ! by whom we come to (iod, The Life, the Truth, the Wny, The path of prayer Thy wit ha trod, L'-rd, traeb ui bow to pray. THE PEACE OF STANDING ARMIES; The Tax of Mood, AVIicn rumor tifler rumor rnmoft to us of warniul revolution in Europe; when nenrly every telegram nml every ninil liins us omo fieeh aetount of wrong nnJ outrage, until "Tlie ear is pined, the soul is sick With every day's report" of Mrucglinjr imtioiinlilics, protestitiff licmtlKiiieii, toilers driven to tlie l:it extremity of deFperolion dy li ter, friiudiiiir poverty, tliu most mitunil qiu'slion that 8pritif.'H to every lip in, 'Why eucli wretchedness amonij no many races? What causes nil this fearful trouhle?" Eilileen linndretl, and twenty three thoin-nnd ahle hoilied men now actually in array in lime of pence ; and, in nine of ene nil warfare, live millions of tho very flower of the youth of I-' ranee, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Greece- and Tur key in Europe, not to mention the IiiiIihIi Inland", not merely withdrawn from the productive, softening and humanizing arts of peace, hut drilled, I ruined and hy everything that ean inflame their greed u ml their amhition for the ferocious, soul hardening devil tries of war. What wonder t hut hu manity groans and writhes Lenealh so frightful a bt.rden ! Let us tako l'tance, essentially, in fact and hy tradition tho nlmoxl mili tary nation on the globe, n an exam ple of tlio workings of this organized anarchy, which has revoked her ptescnt Kmperor a hlood relulivo of tho lrreatest wart ior of modern times, nitdiihli us to no longer rce;nrd thorn and tho inheritor of bis glory that as unadvoidahlo accidents, but rather ho lias repeatedly proposed a (eneral ! list tho wicked acts of deliberate sui disarmiitnent lo his irreat military j cities, willful murderers, or irresponsi neihhots. What do wo find there ? i bio lunatics. A peace establishment of nearly half Within A very short time past we a million men, a framework rcunitine; have t lipped from our exchanges; Ibe a field forco of 0-17,1!" 1, and a grand , follow ing cases.dind liavo passed over total of l,:i.ri0,000 soldiers liablo to be sttmnionid into servico at any mo ment. Tho cost of maintaining the peaco quoin is 340,0011,1100 francs, (li nearly fT0,(i0O,nti0 pel an tm m, while tho war budget is almost f l:l(l,(iUO,no(l per annum. Of 3-'2,O00 young men who every twelvo month reach the ago of twenty, no less than (iO.OOtl are taken for tho Gardo Mobile alone. Look at Iho figures: In 6vo years t:;f0,nil(l,0(iO, with interest, drained from the effective capital of tho nation, and 300,(1(10 pairs of sturdy arms and sets of active brains withdrawn from its laboring strength. Now, il is the merest folly to point lo tho consump tion made hy t heso uniformed idlers at homo. Tho soldier is tho minimum consumer in tho useful direction. As on artesian, or even as an agricultural , ..:!. 1 11 i: I loner, lie w onm use moiu v.-uiiiiinmii iv-s in quantity and better 111 quality ly fur t ! 11 ti he does as the slave of roiiline and diciplino, while at the same ti'.no ,,t,-, ho would be beau'il'ving the count , nnd miiltiiilvitiL' its material wealth. Moreover, such upo of goods as the: A daughter of Thomas Nicholson, poor nameless privuto in tho ranks of Put Jervis, II years of age, was can nuiko is simply waste, resulting attempting to make a fire in the slove, in absolulnly nothing bul additional ' ui IVrosi tie to facilitate tho w ork, impoverishment to himself nnd his j when the flame communicated to the compatriots, of the total of 100,0o0 j can, vhich exploded, scattering tho men required annually to keep the contents over tho girl, burning hor army ranks full, KO.UUO belong to thcihiensl nml arms badly, so ihat it is agricultural this and poor families ' frnrcj she w ill not recover. Her in tho cities. Of these) .il,(i.)H at least I cloll t wero nearly nil burned from nro farmer boy '1 his, in the seven years' term ol service imposed by law, anitiiints to 20,000 men, or seven' threo iiiiece fir every cominiino in Franco for thnt whole lapo of lime. Thus, ns tho ablest Froith slalisti chin estimate, an average of JiiO.OOO families liavo to look elsewhere for tho nid in their field woik which would have been rendered 113 tho son of tho house. Tbe substitute has not ! 1.. 1 r...l I.... .....I ,,.. iu to '" - another drain upon tho feeblo resour ces of the poor farmer. What misery, what th privation, w hat "hopn defer- of,r,,, ,l,lt mnkt'lll 1 1 10 heart sick" must these wretched people endure in nil the long period of their boy's absence ! Why, it is agnin computed that one hundred thousand families are kept in positive penury ley this terrible bur den. Al lust Iho son returns, expect ing, it mn3 be, to find tho old hearth stone, tho little field and garden plot, tho lowly cabin, endeared timid all their humbleness to his childhood. In loo mnn3' instances, alas! ho finds thorn in other blinds: toil, infii niil v. despair, too well seconded by the lax gatherer nmt tlie liailill, liavo swept away bis homo and consigned bis ..........t. if i,r.w ot.ll in lender mercies, the straw indict, the ack bread and gruel of tho parish And this is the gallant soldiers' reward for seven years' faithful service I This it the nation's and tho individual's glory ! How much moro snd the stor3 when Ihe returning soldier comes toileting back feeblo with dis raso and only half cured wounds? Keen should tho hospital receive him if. he has llie misrrnblo consciousness NOT MEN. tluit liu is still a burden, helping lo Im poverish and jirostrato other strug gling families, and bo perpetuate tho reign of miocry. In nil tho nbovo wo have not touch ed tlio still deeper and sadder su fieri ng of desolato homes and broken ties tho aged father, tho young sinter ltd'l w ithout a protector ttio nmulcn seo. j head and hotly. Jler clothing was itig tho hopo in life depart for an tin- entirely destroyed, and lior injuries certain absenco the schemes of hum- nro of a serious nature, bio happiness crushed out forever. Mrs. Jnnn, of Gttleshnrg, lift w.hile "The short ond simple annals of the trying to light hor ftro will) kerosene poor" find litllo sympathy in tho iron oil, was so badly burned that sho ox heart, of military rule. Those men pired tho same ovoning. who play tho dark game of war and A coul oil lumpoxplodod a few days ainlnliorCwlioso dice oro human hones, ago, in Portsmouth, Va , and besides liavo little pity for thoir instruments. severely burning several persons an'd It is to the eternal honor, tlion of 1 destroying several thousand dollars iiTtrUinpcror Ntipoleoti 1 1 1 ,'t ha t seek-1 worth of property, to interesting lit ing tho prosperity of his people and tin boys, aged, respectively, eleven inspired w ith lofty feelings of human ity, ho has, time and again, invited a conference of his brother monarchs to end this sad chnpler of Buffering, and . reduce to its least proportions tl tax of blood. Tlio sumo influences are working with him now, and in this hour of his renewed triumph the voice of his bright boy whom ho seeks to j placo upon tlio throne that he has just consolidated, and of tho gifted and beautiful lady who has been his good genius in many a trial and tho inter cessor for tho peoplo in many a crici, will, undoubtedly, bo united to strengthen bis resolvo and second his efforts for a general trtico. Toaccotn-1 plixli such a mission would ho, imb ed, lo "crown the edifice." It would be the signal for another glorious onward fcp iu tho progress of Into civiliza tion a forerunner of that period for which tho henrt of Christendom, ro membering tho voico of its divine exemplar, incessantly yearns Whrn fit. war drum throbs no longer, And the battle flnjr are furled, in tho presence of an international tribunal of justice ami truth. Apply thrcc-fourlhs of tho capital, tho energy, the skill, tho ingenuity mutually worse than wasted in Europe to its highways, its railroads, its canals, its telegraphs, its lighthouses, its harbors; to education, lo charity, to tho belter tiurttiro of children to tho euro of tho sick, tho nged, the infirm ; to tho redemption of wasto lands, to colonization, to the spread of the Gospel, t lie friendly intercourse ol man Willi man ami nation wiui . nation, nnd what have till tho a-hievo-1 ments of tho past been in comparison with such tho higher nnd purer glorv of a work and such an epoch ? A Y. Herald. MurJor Arson Suicide. Scarcely a day passes that wo arc not called upon to reoord sotno horri ble death and destruction of property caused by criminal recklessness in tho use ol kerosene The Irequeney of these terrible occurrences tho intolerable sulfei inirs, nnd the dreadful loss of lile and property occasioned by them ad- without notice .1 crenl ninnv more Sirs, Henry Work, residing near Mechanics Grove, Lancaster county, was burned lo death in attempting to fill a coal oil lump wuVi- liijhtcil. .She mlVcicd tho most excruciating agony. Sa ah Heeler, of Wheeling, Vu , lit temping to fill n lamp iclulf it iras burn tig. Tho lamp exploded, enve loped her in flames, and she died in agony a few hours afterwards. Sirs. Longacrc, of Chester county, tried to expedite the kindling of a tiro ly pouring coal oil upon it. As might have been expected, iho nil-can exph ded, enveloped Mrs. Lonacre in flam s, and burnt her to denlh. Sl;ty SI. Miller, a beautiful and in tere ting girl of Heading, a few days ago wHlcnvorcd to kindlo a firo in tho kilclt n stove by pouring cmil niton the wnoi., and then set the lamp down on the rlove. An explosion that souiid- el li te the discharge ofaeannon took piuc ttnu-tiiry vasourne.i to a i-nT 1 1 I ..,1 nfie I In mn. ,lili n, ' i""";'" ; ! 1 lieat l-rendinir suffering, hi't hiui V Slias Pridinger, of Hagcrstown, Sid., having considerable trouble in start ing a 'tire, picked up ,1 coal oil rnu M'liich wns near at band, and com !irn7 pouring the oil upon the tire, 1 nd the consequence was, an explo sion immediately ensued, Ihe ignited lOntents flying iu every direction, set- jug her clothes on lire, anil envelop tig her ill names. AHer oli.luring ";' - ' , r, . l..o I,., lie. fit thnlmivl PYrrtM-Olllliir 1 join , sue ex neu. t!-.:.i 1 i. .... ..,..:.!.. .-,' i an of ubiml 1 1 years ol ago, was en- il avorniL' to kindle a I110, und to In citato combustion, be Mocurcd the nil ran and commenced pouring tho I' lid on tho wood. Tho result w as 1 ,c ignition of tho kerosene and tho immediate explosion of the canister, t c liquid flamo completely envelop ing the unfortunate youth. Ho ling ered in groat ngony until next morn ing, w hen deatii ended his suffering. Near Tarboro, N. t'., while Sir I lird wus engaged in filling a lamp iluit Was, liuhled. it explotled ami - 1 knocked him down and set firo to ihe tliess in ins who s nurse, 110 was out - rving a new born infant. 'Ibe nurse l',v dow n tho infant lo rxliiiouisli the j fl.mics. Mr. Dillard iu tho nieunlimo r.esvoriiig 1 rum too sum o nun n - ci ived, wont to tho assistance of tho nurse, nnd seeing tho bundle of clothes ..n tho table in a blar.e, seized them and threw them out of tho door, not knowing their prt ciott contents. On boing taken up tbe inlnnl was lountl dead. Hut its death by tho fall wus no doubt sent in mert'3. as ils body ws found to bo burned in several TV 3 NEW pluoes, which would, in all probabili ty, liavo only prolonged its sufferings for a few hours. Mrs. Ann Shortor, of Philadelphia, aged 45 years, was filling tho lamp close by tho gas light when it explod ed, throwing tho blazing oil over her, burning her severely in tho bands, and thirteen, children of Mr. llurvey llarncs, perished in tho flames before llity could bo rescued. As soon as tho premises wero suflieicntly cooled, tho firemen went in among tho ruins, ond brought out the charred ond shapeless remains ol the two children, which wero sewed up in chillies and their bodies banded over to the afflict ed friends for interment. In Cincinnati, Miss liickford tried lo light a tiro with coal oil An ex plosion was tlio result. Sho was al most instantly enveloped, in flames, and rushed into tho street and fell into , the gutter, but was fatally burned bo fore any assistance could be rendered. Ieath ensued in nbottt an hour. A I Xeliionville. Ohio, a girl aged fifteen attempted to light o firo in a stovo by pouring coal oil upon tho kindlings. The can of oil exploded nnd tho girl was enveloped in flumes from bead to foot. After lingering in great agony for several hours she was released from her sufferings by death. Mrs. James Tyarlc, residing in Heading, Pa., used coal oil from a lamp to kindlo a fire. Tho lamp ex ploded, with a report that startled tho neighborhood, and tho flames rushed out of tho low chimney to a great height, completely Lilling tho foliage on otio sido of a treo near by. For tunately Mrs. Tyark wfs not injured, and no serious damage resulted from the fire. Now which of tho foregoing disas ters ean bo justly regarded as an Oc cident? In every caso mentioned, t,0 pnrtion wore ..-iiluT nttcm.ting to f, co;l oil lamps whilo lighted, or to kindle fires with coal oil nets which none but criminals or idiots would think of doing, as an explosion must result almost as certainly nsif a spark wero applied to a powder magazine. Kvery one of tho above disasters migtil have been prevented had tho ( him, hoping in tho struggle to deal principals in each caso exercised as him a deulli-hlow. Getting on his much judgment as a ten year old child ; knees, and firmly grasping his crutch, ordinarily possesses. ' Ilemcry yelled al tho dog. Tlio ani- Perhaps ono reason why people will j mal, slid tearing round tho room, and persist in recklessly endangering their ' clashing his jsws together, suddenly own and neighbors' lives by carelessly stopped, glaring on Ibe man, and then handling kcroscno, is tho fuel that the made a furious spring for iho bed. manufacturers of tho various kinds , With suro aim, Detnery's crutch do of lump fluids, confidently assure the scended on the dog's bead, and felled public that their particular stylo of , him to tho floor. Threo limes tlio lamp or theirsupcrior brand of illumi- ( infuriated brute returnd to thecliurgo, nated oil will not rxplwle. Tbero is i and thieo times was repulsed. At tlie not to day in tho country a kerosene foulh time bo fell stunned and bleed lamp but contninswithin itafiro fiend j ing, and after breaking tho crutch ready al any momen, lo burst forth I ovor his head, tho man finished him and envelope its votaries in flumes of! torment. Let those who must use tho villainous compound cxerciso the greatest po.siblo care in doing so. llamllo it a earefullj' a 3'ou would nitrnglyeoiino. Never for a moment think of filling a lamp that is lit, or in the vicinity of a fire, or a mulch, or even gas light ; nnd least of all never think of kindling a firo with il unless 3'ou nre read3' to experience a foretaste of peidition, to bo speedily followed hy a realization of perdition itself. Exchange. A Goon Kl i.e A man who is very rich now was very poor when a boy When asked how he got his riches, ho," rr.nlii.il "Sly father taught me never to play ,,iii ,!, . ft,,;. i,,i ,! ,.. to spend my money till I had earned it. If 1 had but an hours' work in a day 1 must do that tho first thing, and in an hour, and after thnt I was ; j , , , u , I I J ' ' , J. I with much more pleasure than it 1 had tho thou eh t of an 111. finished task upon 1113 niind. I early formed the huhit of doing everything in lime, und it soon became perfectly cas3" to me. And it is to this I owo in' pros pcrily." As P.KoAM as it is Losn. A Ger man statistical writer remuiks tlinl the intention of the sewing machine has enabled ono woman lo sow ss much as a hundred could sow 113 hand a century ago; out no continues .one w.Mnannowdemandsasmutd, cloth - 111 Ol H IIUIllllL.I OIU N UIIUIIJ Mfi" ... . 1...1 ...ti,. ,,.l, . I, I after all M , "(i KNTl.bMKN of tho jury," said 0 1.1,, st..,;.., . .I..,,-,,.,,- ; a ooit ni.ont n ........ .... ....j... n - t of I,,,,.. , i:..i,il tnen of tho iury, , ,i,.,r0 tt...ra .1.;,.,.. ,oim in that I . - t un.ve; piease rem oiio.t ma, ... v- r.,,,i th rty-six iol's : just exact y tnrre , ' """"' " ...-"'. ...... ... . . K ' '.. ... .;di il,. . I.nn,irl f Art- coril. j jury IOK KOI,icm(.n." Tho attorney I u"111 1 K,n ,no ca" Smith sometimes si ays those things aid. Hear him : which ought not bo sun! "People who work hardest, and bare tho most need of rest, nro tho ones who cannot afford tho lnxtir3 of n visit to a mountain or seaside. Those who take lifo easy, and do not perform luminal labor, can afford to tako a summer vacation." , Ills given, ns on important item j frl)m Washington, ilia'. Grunt nttends , .,c uioalro every ingni. i.ineoin used to attend Iho theatre in the same ' u-.iv an,! would no doubt, be dolnir ' j,,t) ,t for an nnfortiinato change .ol programme, wnerony n moiirniui . tragedy was substituted for lively comedy. A San Francisco printer offors to , do the Govermcnt printing n ith Chi- 1 noso la hor for ball tho present ccst. Be cautious in speech, but prompt in action. TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance. SEItIliS - V0L.il, NO. 5. TIHIl;fc: MOWKNTX. Th' n It was written in the sky, And in the stars aboro, Thnt but Ibnsi momruts should be gi.fn To me for life ami love. One moment for us lo meet. And one to part, and then One moment fur a rainbow drean, To melt in tears auin. Yes, thus 'twas written In the shy, 'Twas thus the stars decreed, 'And wo, far parted, wandered on To melt In tears agmn. Hut Ibere's a happy, distant land, Whero the bonds of fate are rireli, And there we too shnll meet again, Beyond the starry heaven. A Fearful Struggle with a Eabid Dog. A crippled man, Mr. Ilcmrry, shut in a room fn DccNsi with mud dun, has just shown pluc K and piuioneo ol mind. On Friday last, his wife and child went oul leaving him in bed. Tho dog tried to go with them, but wus driven back. Uetnery lay read ing for uboul an hour, lien bo was aroused by tho actions of tho dog, which stood in the cenlre of tho room with glaring eyes, and bristling hair, and yelping hideously. On being spoken to, tho dog slunk under the bod and lay there howling with pain. A gust ol wind closed the door, utid Domcry and the dog were shut in the room together. In a cliort limo the animal sprang from u oiler tho bed, and begun a fu rious circuit of tlie room, Knapping his jaws, from w hich oozed a thick saliva that scented the room liko mu-k. Hound and round ho rushed, upsct ing chairs, bounding over tho stove und catching at everything in his wav. Ilemcry yelled ul tho dog, and bade bim lie down. Just then tho brute halted al tho door, and Demery raised himself on bis elbow and laid bold of his crutch, intending lo rise and open tho door. The dog enraged by iho movement, sprang ut him with a bowl, bul received n blow from the crutch which sent hi in rolling on the floor. Tho animal soon struggled up, however, and reoumud bis mad race around tho room, presenting a more frightful visage than beforo. Demery moved to the sido of tho bod next to the wall, und gripped big crutch ready lor defence. It suddenly occurred to him that his wife and child would soon return, and t hut tho dog, which he saw was rabid, would probably attack olio or bothoflhcm as they would unsus pectingly enter. This wus Iroin that moment tho one trrrihlo dread that filled his mind. He formed tin unse l fish resolvo, and at once acted upon it II o would exi ilo tho hruto to ullttck off with an axo. Demery then drag- god Hie body outside, nnd calmly wait ed for the return of his family. A. Y. Hun. Tiik Mkiucation of Natire. If one is not sick unto death, what more effectual medication can be found than tho sun, and tho south w ind, nnd tho all embracing Kurth ? Tho child ron of tho poor uro lioiiltli3-, because the' sprout oul of Iho very dirt Tho sun dispels humors, enriches the blood ; and the winds execute a sani tary commission for these neglected ones. The' live, because the' uro of tho earth, earthly. Tho experiment "-anting a race 01 oiicnuaieu ,er- j mryn to clean apron 1 dickeys, is a railuro. a he nud 1 lean to is a vast ! "u""t of post mortem doggerel that never would have been w ritten it the cneruns m.a o, maoe u ;, 1 , nnu 11, 1 , n."u '""'''J " ''IC'"' 11 ll culture, to court tho wilderness ami rinln iiinr.rv if uiriit'n lil'n. I.el one sleep on the groundin n mild climate. for three moulds, nnd even the man , '"t,r type eseliewe.l, extra lights 10 who reads Homer is content, often, to '"sod, so n lo disguise the fatal syinp sleep tbero tbe ret of bis lifo time loin- l!'it s g" and child come, then It is better to lame the savage rather another, and 3d another, and so tho ...... i;.,.l,- nn,lailliininnrer,,. f, ,v 1 S II :t I 1 1 lOtl li I V IIIOVC Oil US UpttCO, lIlO if be be eliminated wholly, tho best relations with Nature nro broken off. Kverinore c nre Hooking for some thing among books and pictures, and in tho babblt-gs ol polite society, that we do not lind. When the blood , .. ... ...... . - - - , n!, 1 r ,1! , , , , ,, 1 to tho clouds, ns balloons on no, and j n'K'' discourse ; while tho world, ' under our fort, teeming w ith its mvr- i'ol lives, pulsating even to tho sinal- ! lest tlnst. nnd nil clorifiod, if w-o will , ,-.11 1.:,. ; oenoui 11, is 1101 iiikco uuo u-oosm 1 speecli interpretcii, nor lis renuu- . 1 11 ir ami trouhleil liuminitv. 11 11ns , f. "' ' ; . . ." .( - ,.J w ill I.....I Ihn ninnt. rrnrd wound. In the day of our mortal burt we do bul , ::.. . : .: : : ,: ..; : " . on back lo Ihe earth, bclievinr- i,.,i in tho ages to eomo we shall go forth 1 again, eternally renewed. Omhm l Monthly. Al a recent wedding party in llhinebeek, a tho clergyman reached that part of tho ceremony, "I now pronounce yon " a fish peddler in the street shouted "bull heads! bull heads!" to tho amusement of some and the consternation of others present on the occasion. .Men's lives should be liko the day, moro beautiful in the evening or, , like the summer, aglow with promise; I . , 1 1, m. ., A .!... I. n, is n 1 n . r 1- w 10 uie uomi-o slionves, wnriT go-m uu u-vus have ripened on tho field. An sdverlisement wn sent to the Cleveland tlcrahi, in which occur the word, "Tho Christian's Prcnm : No Cross, No Crown." Tho compositor made it read : "The Christian's Dream : Vo Cc"J, .Vo Ohs .'" N1A0APA. fttioitr am i-Roi on x. It Villi tie rememlH'tf I tl.nt lh bia loiy of Nisgarn as ttti'leii by mnn, L'ova back baldly to t'i'iitiiiie. j al this lime I'm lor Hennepin, who ap pears to he Iho first whilo man who ever sa w or eveii hear I of the fulli, discovered them whilo on bis way from the St. I tiwrencoto Iho I'ppcr .Missieeippi. Ho has left an nccount of that " rroiliiMiuis I'ndeneo of Wa ters w hich fulls down of a surprising nnd astonishing tnnnner, insomuch thai tho I'tiiversn cannot n fi ord its parallel ; tho Waters," ho adds, "which fall from this horrible, Preci pice do foam mid boylo after tho iioisl hideous manner imaginable, making an outrageous Noyso mora terrible than that of Thunder." Tho good father rather exaggerates tho "dismal roarinir," for ho says tho In dians wero forced to ubtindoti tho neighborhood lest they should bo dentoned by tho uproar; and in tho curious picture which ho gives, tho spectators nro represented as holding liieir hands to their cars io shut out tho roaring of tho catami l. lint this picture, and the description which ho gives, show us tho appearance of tho fulls in his days. The main fall now lbs "Horseshoe" then ran in neatly a straight line from Goal Island to Tublo Hock. This rock jutted far out into the main stream, and was termi nated by a til u IV, which turned a purl of tho witter dirccth- back, forming a lesser "cutarnot, which full directly facing tlio maiii fall. A century utter this bind' had fallen away, as Tublo liock has dono within a few years, I ut its silo was plainly discernttblu. But Niagara's own rock engraved record of itself goes back into uges compared with which the two centu ries of its human history nro but n day. Wo can tell the precise appear ance or the fulls at almost any epoch since when, initio otl.OIIO 3 ears ago tho water plunged over Iho edgo of the bind", just itbovo Lewislon-n, six miles below tho present place. lint this descent of three hundred und fil ly feet was not accomplished ul It single lea); tlicra must liavo been three falls of different hcighls. separa ted by inlorvi ning rapids. The high est single fall, tit Miiy period, was some 211,000 years ago, w hen tho cata ract was at tho w hirlpool, four miles below tho present falls. The fall was then two hundred and forty feet high, the wholo body of water descending in a single sheet. And as the fall re cedes u little less than a foot a 3'ear about a milu in 3,0(10 years by ex amining the t liaiactcr of the rocks and dip of the strain, we can predict the appearance which Niagra will pro sent lor two bundled centuries, pro viuing that in tho meantime no chaiigo takes place in the present order of na ture. Thus, in o.UiiJ years tho main fall will bo a little ubovo tho bead of Goat Island ; the American fall will have disappeared, and Goal l,-i;ind will bo an Island no longer. Tho height of the full will then bo twenty feel less than il now is. Another ,r,f liiij years und tlio height of the fall w ill bo reduced by forty more feet. In 10,(100 more years tho gorge will have lengthened back to tho bead of ! tho rapids, and all thai constitutes I Iho present Niagara will have disap 1 poured. Tbero will be no great rata Iract: bul in its place a rapid, with a descent of two hundred and lift 3' feet in four miles. lr. A. II. GucrnMy, in JIumc Journal. Tho Fooling of Growing Old. There is a mystery in the feeling of growing old. Try as we mny , wo cannot quite tleflno tho strango seitsi-bilit3- that slowly creeps over tho heurl liko a distant foicruiu or of Iho last it'3' coldness. ' Do 3 0U feel your ane?" wo ask of rninu octogenarian, making our self solicit ude in a pathetic, sfyle ol politeness. Hut the answer seldom throws any light on tho won der wo are vainly striving to muster. Then wo endeavor to proho our ow n emotion; and here, loo, we nre baf fled. Why should Christmas come around so soon? Why should years crowd so fast on each other? And even space familiar space why should it contract itself so marvelous, ly? The old farm, tlio encircling hills, tho remote mountain tops, tho ver3- heavens 110110 nro as large as they once were, and yet for il till no reason ! Tho first shock of surprise with which advancing lifo announces itself is a very difinilo experience. It is a deep cut notch, and tiie buck of life's treo never grows over il. And then sets in the nopliistry of devices, of till dextrous concoils, of pertinacious logic, to persuade, ourselves that we nro not quite so old us iho calendar 1 .... 1 1 l!..a A u,tii..v .,C fiiiili.ri iril-ca a , ........ - ;.'" . "d . n , w,,'. 1 ! lashi .nablo ntliro assumed. HiJIH manners ruitivaieti, nnvs mm 1 g;rls patronized, email print resisted, thin veneering ruhs off, mid t'ie con- 1 elusion is pltimply mot thai nro get ting old. And l hero is 11 touch of 1 pathos in it., something that vivifies !onc to one's soil', something that em p. I lies the meimity very su l lenly into consciousness, something that V the immense contents I of the small word Lile. Not that tlio si niggle is nil over. The resislanco to tho thought of ui:o is nol doled, il is on!3 itilel'iuitted ; and back it comes 011 fine brac ing days, in: festal occasions, and when enterprises ol pi ill and moment chul lonoo our tilnt k. if wo chance with ,.derlv individuals, men that ate tcrv , - 1 bald, women that nro Very fat, tho weakness irols upponnou again, ami asserts itself with charming bttoyan- i oy, verging on 11 little deceit veeoi,,,. on iitn deceit. ut at '" H l''o nur" '' "v'-r , ts lost ground. '1 he gut tering time of the harvest is ul baud; soon tho beautiful fruits are ours ; and then np. j pear one by one the sweet eompensa I lions tor w h til has been taken awnv from us. Slowly, too, a new insight j is granted to our inward being, nnd 1 this touches the heart with strange i tenderness. A drop quietness per I vados ns. We do n it need our ma lignant passions to quicken our intel lects, lor wo can bo slropg wiibotit anger, firm w ithout obstinacy, decid ed without dogmulisni, and earnest without fanaticism. If our senses have decayed, ha not ihe soul gained thereby ? Tho outer world has nar rowed ; bow small is its horiion, nnd how few friends slsnd in its fading light! Il is all very sad, but the world within has gloriously enlarged ; its horizon was w idened into a shin ing space, and ils renith is far higher, ami its lofty sky burns w ith sorcne luat re.