Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 10, 1870, Image 4
TI1K UKPUHUCAN. clearfielp, r- WItIrAT MnBMMI. '" fT t. 1T0. now it) m:ri.rMn the t hi n n Till. AM 111. Let Annie hur on rlhlma le, el M And Fnni :i "n rin I M Grace aerilb' ' chanre of ilrrse, !i0 IM On. ark and fancy trm;. I 0" Let Julia from her neit new euit, On laee-trlmmed ruffle apare ; 3 AO Tli time required on mirh to flute, Let it be apcnt in prayer. Ilkniiig'jr Invaluable.) Let Meedamee A. B. C. and D. Their himaehiild watch with care, And nT. from wult I theft I one ounce of tea. On needleee luxury epere. I JO cent per week-4. ' Let Kate nd Roee each lke her turn, With their wiee ma'e enneetit, Eeh for one week, three dollar eirn, (A Bridget loft in lenl). Let MarT one with June forego Their plraaant rerrinirc driie, Inure 1 :M And help der lialer Alibi new, earn $i.0") Tbui uve and double live. 10 00 Let 8rh wateh the "Sunny Fide," That make her hueliaml free. And when he join next groom and bride Receive and give the lee. 6 00 Let Ruaie aave her fun with enre, To eerve next winter'! oold, And guard her dree from Main and tenr That be mar give her golil. 20 00 Let Linie ilop and think again, Ere she ounclndei to buy ; "Tin diamond' cost micht aave lout men! I'll fie it price and try." 600 00 (tn08 00 OLD TIMES AND NEW. It will be remembered by most of our gray-haired readers that prices of farm produce were very low from 1825 to 1830. There was little mon ey in tho country, and that vca main ly kept out of general circulation. The following statement of tho prices of slock and produce, as well as the rates of wages, is believed to be bo low rather than above tho general average. In the spring of each of these years, good working oxen, from four to six years old, wore sold from forty-fivo to fifty-five dollars a pair; if they wcro older, forty dollars was conmdercd a large price. The 6amo cutllo would have sold iu the spring of 1809 for from $200 to $250 a pair. At the same time, cows of tho best quality were worth about eighteen dollars, while ordinary animals bro't from twelve to fourteen ; and, taking them together, the native cows were quite as pood as tho name erndo of cows now. In the full, tho same qual ity wero Bold for eight and ten dol lars. In 18f9, theso cows would have sold in the spring for sixty and eevontv dollars, and in the fall for at least fifty nearly five times as much now as then. Good ox -beef sold in the fall or 1829 for three dollars and twenty-five cents a hundred, dressed, and common cow or small steer beef for two and a half and threo dollars. The same ani mals now would havo sold respective ly for fourteen nnd say ten dollars. Calves in tho spring of these years, could be bought fur two and two and a half dollars a head, and at the bcighth of the season veal sold for two cents a pound for the fore, nnd throe fur the hind quarters. Calfskins wero thon but six cents a pound. Lambs would weigh olivo fifty lbs., and from that np to seventy, wcro sold by the season for one dollar i bead. Lulter, the very best, went to fiim ilios for a JCcw England shilling a lb., and in Juno, when feed was flush, it brought ten to twelve cents. Cheese, in 1829, sold for five cents a pound ; pork, at the same figures; nnd eggs not tar from ten cents a Potatoes sold for twelve and a half cents a bushel; corn, at fifty cents; oats, not over twenty-five ; cider at the mill, about fifty cents a barrel and good winter apples at twenty-five cents a bushel. . 1. -. I I i i i . ju me uinor nana, good help was hired for six, seven, and eight dollars a month and board men who would do a quarter more work than those who nsk and get twenty-two and twenty five dollars and board now. The day began at sunrise, and lasted till sundown and generally the cows were milked before sunrise at thnt Good women to do honse-work could then bo hired for fifty cents a week girls thnt would do as much in one day as at least three wish to do now, besides being trusty and hon est. Lady school teachers, well cdn catcd, taught during the summer for the same price, and men teachers in the winter at from five to six dollars a month for beginning, and from eight 10 twelve dollars thereafter, and not onfrcqnently they had from seventy five to eighty scholars osth ; and, in addition to instruction given in the various branehos then langhl, they not unfrequently ruled the homo rundc writing books, and always niado the goose-quill pen, besido setting the copies, that numbered sometimes fifty each day.Ifi-arih and Jlnme How to oft Bin Crops. .As a rnlo farmers are much moro ambitious to get big prices than big crops. There are few farms whoso average produc tion could not be doubled in a very short time by moro capital than labor. It is snfer to use capital in fanning than in nlmost any other business. The credit of tho plough is quite ns good as that of tho loom and anvil ; and tho capital will come, if it is called for. Use more manure, and get thirty bushels of wheat where yon now nly get fifteen, and eighty bushels of corn where you now get forty. The quantity of grain per sere is mainly a question of manure and til. lago. A big compost heap iiinkcs a full grain bin. With high manuring the soil needs deeper stirring nnd a gradual bringing up of tho sub soil to the surface. Wilh the present horse harrows and cultivators, nearly all the cultivation can be done by hoi so pow r, at a great snving expenso and great increase of tho ctops. V HAYING IN THE AMU A pcculinrty ilnhgrrou" lindi- in the Alps Is thnt 'f the "wil.lhcurr," nv wild hay culler, who gains precari ous livelihood by cutting tho grass at nppnrenlly inaccessible spot", which seem only filled fur tho eyries of the englo and vulture At many of these spots the during innn cannot take, off his cramp Irons tho whulo day, fur he has to drive thcin into tho ground at every step. Sad to say, the dangers of nature aro nut all he bus to contend with, fur. ero now, many n wild hay cutter has had to wago desperate fights with rivals on tho very vergo of an abyss, whore nn unguarded step would plungo him into etornity. If tho weather bo favorable, each man may bring homo a hundred weight of bay a tiny, llo gains by this threo or four francs. If stormy weather occur, howovor, tho wind, which often howls furiously over tho heights, frequently carries off tho mow n swaths, scatter ing them far nnd wide,nr clso swollen rivulets wash them away. When the hay is cut, it has to bo removed to a moro convenient spot ; and this pin t of tho work is not ii whit less danger ous than mowing it. If tho wall of tho rock bo not too high, tho hay cut tor throws tho liny down in a not, and descends unburdened to gather it. Should tho rock, however, bo over grown wilh underwood or timber, ho hits to carry tho crop on bis shoul ders down puths which frequently scarce allow him to set one foot bo- fore tho other. His greatest peril is when his burden is caught in some projection of tho rock, and he is tup- pled over tho precipice. If ho descend in safety, he piles up tho buy in the open air, trusting to tho honesty of bis neighbors, and protects it by driv. ing poles weighted with largo stones into the ground. It only too often happens, though, that tho poor fellow, when he goes at winter timo to get in his stock, finds it moro than half de voured by the mountain hares. When tho paths are thickly coverod with snow, the wild haymaker ascends the mountains, with his sleigh, ties down the hay upon it, and thon starts homo ward over the frozen surfaco at light ning speed. Wondrous is tho skill with which be finds a way nlonir the ravines and beneath avalanches that threaten to crush him at any moment. Accidents constantly happen. In deed, such a man never leaves his cot tage without bidding his wife and children farewell forever. But in spite of this, the foolhardy fellows seem to court danger fur danger's sake, and think nothing of dashing homewards in a "bee-line" over preci- pices ana ravines, trusting to their good genius to save thera from the abysses which yawn to engulf them. , And all tin for the chance of e..rn.nff at ItlOSl, hail a Crown a day lor two months of the year! Do Farmers Study Enough? Tho Buhject of ngriculturo i one that demandx fully as much attention at the hands of tho rending puhlic as it pets. Indeed no llicino presents iteelfthat in fraught with more real import, so fur as ropards our pros perity, than tho wanls of tho agricul tural world. What wo mean hy attention, is a studious, cnrcful search for tho lent way of accomplishing certain desired results, not a superfi cial investigation of some theory merely for tho purpose of treating difTcreneo and provoking discussion. Tho day ha 8 happily passed when being a farmer in synonymous with being a blockhead. It requires some thing more than mere physical st renglh to keep up with tho advance of the ago in farming ns well as science. Many of tho systems of years ago arc no moro npplicahlo to tho demand of to-day than would bo an ox team to run an opposite freight lino across tho riiiins. Tho farmer who reads much, and reads that much with care, is the ono who stands in advanco in intelligence nnd prosperity. Rcienco can aid tho farmer in raising wheat or corn just as much ns it can aid tho miller in grinding it ; and the scienco to be applied in agriculture is nothing more than a study of the com position of soils nnd tho properties that nre grown from them by ccrtuin grains. A Thought rou A great mistako is frequently mado by many who, as soon as their wheat is har vested, turn in nil their stock nnd let them tramp nnd brouso till winter sets in, when tho clover has no top and next to no root, nnd is very likely lo bo winter killed. In tho spring the farmer takes a walk over his future meadow, and is surprised to find that the clover is nenrly all dead, and ho does not know what to do, ns "that field was pretty badly run, and need ed tho clover to bring it up." A bet ter pla.i than this, nnd ono that has almost always proved successful wilh tho writer, is to sow in the spring just as soon ns the old snow is cone, about fivo quarts (if the land of ol hers needs more, or six times more than this, bo sure nnd sow it without fail,) per acre, then immediately sow gyp sum ai tne rnicol one bushel per acre ; do not fail of sowing the gypsum un less you liavo proved thnt it does no good on your land. When the wheal is harvested, do not he in a hurry to turn in tho stock nnlil tho clover hns made a good growth, if it takes till tho next year. Inordinary will furnish considerable (all feet), and then lenve a good coat for winter pro toetion. A Wispnnsin jmper rlaitns that the u'nt.. .1.. .... J v., mo urnmnn Wvlla in tllO i town of Spnru in so clinrir.-d withclrc-' lr!..ilv ll . I . I . t""""'"1 I tuiiij lllltl ICIfgrnjili irc insrilOtl in it neod no otber Mtcrv. WowOfW-l flitf CooiU, "i om If , fir. Ill ! t 1 J. H.0HAIIAM&S0NS, W.tnKr'T STREET, C L V. A 11 1" I K L 1, Pa. Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. ?K iil.crlWi hurlnff entered Into partner- hip for the fiirpnM of tarrying on tbe tiiinci of Mcrrbandiplng. now offor a jj'-od nnd rara opportunity to tha cittirm of Clrar field and adjnininc ennnHfti tn ny itnra goodi at whole W or retail prlcea, (bit will a'tnntih the uninitrurted. Thir good will be partiou Inrly teicctrd to luit thii market. Every lady will, therefore, rill the attention of ber hnahand to th la fact, befau tie thii branch of our buntneai will receiTe ppeolal attention, and everything needed Id a well regulated bouiehold will at all timet be found tn our itore. DRY GOODS: Our itoek of Pit Y f.OODK hatl not bo rur pnMed, either tn quality or price, and will em bnice, in part, Trlnti of every ttyle, Oinghemv and Lawns of every quality, tlunlini of every grade, De Lalnei adapted to the tantei of (be old and young; and every article of iny kind of good they eel I Ii to be at represented, and war ranted to give eatltfaotion, DRESS GOODS: Ai to Dn lM .OOI-we have a fplcndid assortment of Alpaear, black, white, and In col or; nnurep, Pllki, and tn ehort all the newest styles In the market W dtslr this fact to become krowo to every person In the county. With our new and extensive stock of DHES9 GOODS, the Indict ran all be tutted by just dropping In and getting a nice dress pattern, lace set!, kid gloves or by doing tbst which Is belter : give her a well-filled purse, and she will find good and pay in Investments In ambroid eriet, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosier, or any other household necessiiiea. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what w bar. alreelj enumerated, w, keep all kind of Cl:TI I MF.N'M ttr.AK-mrb Cloth. Cautmere,, 8atlnett, Tlau, Boot and Shoe. Ac. beilde, ale ueorlment ol Made up t I.IITIIING Tor Men and Boy, ntanufartnred out ot the eery beat material, which . will lell (or cub or exchange for eountry produe at prlcea which will aiionisb everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: Wa are now largely engaged in buying and filing MatUAKi; TIMKI H and menoftc tared Ll'Ml.ER, and will give tbli branch of bubinesi tpeelnl attention, and therefore make It an object to every one who has Lumber to sell to come and deal with ns. GROCERIES & HARDWARE: W. iball alio keep eonftantly on band a general anrtment of .HK :IU'.. and II AltlHVARI-:, which we will aell at exceed ingly low price. W alo keep a full aor: ment ol (U t tNU Rl- Tl I department will b kept full and complete, and ell wbo ooMemptate housekeeping, will God It tu their advantage to eome and trad with u; because w nr iuild. and, from tunf experience in ,l" ""'"". "ell acquainted with ih want "d """'" " "iiy, tb.t .. retUBed II every man woman and child inly mak u , point u huf .h,ir gvoit rom f ; can ile ibem both u to quality and pric. Therefor, enme along and buy your BOOTS .f shoes, hats a caps, ready-made CLOTHING, and trerything yom ooed to ren der journelrei and familUi eomfWUble, from JAM KS Jl. GRAHAM k SONS, net n.EAtFIELn, P. J SUrdlral. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thino other Infirmities." St. Paul. I1. I.OYi:tfS rrrtK WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Venfn. pure, plenMtit and health (jiving Tonie Hrietlr vegetable, and mnutrtitred from the mn.t pure and ehoiee wileril i not a fpiril drink nor aubMitue for wliitilj, but a eeientifie compound, for the protection of the Bvelrm and the rot of dioraee, male from ehrmirallr pure epirlt, entirely free from oil or other irrita ting properties and nill not di.agree or offend the moat delirnle atomach. A long private experi ence has altmted ill Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitter at present offered to the publir contain o much medirinal virtue, and yet eo FaTe and plearant to take. It' oic i to curr diwaFp, and It will not create an appetite for 'pirituoui lirpiftra, but will cure the etWta of diipntton. To incrraw tbe Appetite, I'SK IT. To promote Iigciiti.n, I'lSK IT. To cure ITtp"p-ia, VFE IT. To rtire Fever and Ague, FSK IT. To cure I.illif.nnri, VSK IT. T cure f onHipatiun, CfE IT. To cure Chronic MarrlWa, I'SE IT. To cure Heart burn, ICE IT. To cure FUtnlrtipfl, I'.E IT. T cure Anid Eructation, I'SE IT. To cure NrrrnuK tJi'bilitjr, 1E IT. To cure I!.Tpcbnnrlria, 1K IT. To cure hi w new. of Complexion, USE IT. Tn cure Pimplrn and l.ltiti'hm, I'SE IT. For tlcneral Prnt ration of the TriMM'-al power., I'SE IT, anj it will cure you. Pol 1 every whrre, t f 1 .00 per boltle, Mann fart u ml rxrlimivrly by A. I. SUA W, IlrnK-it, Cl.r.Ar.FlKl.I), PA., Who oftVr liWral inducement to the trade. O.-t. V. lsCP lf. It. 1$. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near tbe Hail mud Depot,) C I I.Utl II I I, M NS'A. IrVIUtACr thin a.fthnd of Infom'tr,,? thr piMie, thnt 1 buve opened np a yard for the Hie of wood or ennl-ttiirnl I IMKnnd Anthracite I'll I 1 a. ..a- ai . a completed rrfmjrrnieht with eastern dealer by 1 inn nnriiiirn ii 1 irano in, nnn nate - I eTn aw i. luit .tii.tlr ecn.tnnllton han id ' wbirh will l.e di.non-d ol ai re.ann.l.le r.le. I.. J!T '"' ' ' "' r '""H' "'" r"p"l'""'r" Thn.e al a li.lanee e.n aildre.. nr by letter, and obtain all neeeaaary inlormalinn he ri-ti.rn mail. nttM r i , vunt. H. F. N AUQLE, CLOCK AM) MATCH MKLR, errtrs ins POST OFFiei; UAfimau MMIR uhrrtber rerpectlully Infurmi bli oU I pHtrnni and the f ublic genera Hy. that he La on hend, (and Ii e.atanll y rereivinf new addllUm tbervto.) t larfte itoek ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, -cT I keep Jewelry In all Iti forme and of diiicrcnt valuee, either by the piece or set. WATCIIKS A full a-iortu ent of either tlold or Silver, made hy the hnt Anerlcao and for eign menuiaeiuren, includinfr a fine lot of (fold and eilver buollnf caie, lull Jeweled. Patent Leren. CldOCKB Of all deitfrni, eooiitin( ofelftbt day and thirtT-hour, of either weight, epriog or lever, and both itrike and alarm. ItEPAIRINO. All kinde of Watcbei and Clock! Hepaited, and warranted. In addition to what I heve enumerated, I keep a full aeiortioentof hPKOrACLtH, colored and plain frlain. A lo, (101,1) PKNS end PENCILS. SPOOLS, FOUK. BU ITKIl KNIVES, and In fact eTerythinfr tn the Jewelry line. If I fail to here on hend iuit what a euMomer may need, 1 will order per first eiprei, wlthouteitra charge. A libenil Fhnre of puhlic patronnpr t anliritud. May 7, iSfttt-y ii. V. NALULE. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS ( STATIONERY. Market Mt., Clearfield, (at the Toat Oftire.) fMIB underpinned befci leave to announce to X tbe citiicne of Clearfield and vicinity, that he bat fitted up a room and bai Just returned from the eity with a Urge amount of reading metier, roniiating in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Hooks, Blank, Account and Pan Book of every de irrintion i Pnper and Envilope, French prened and plaint Pen and Pencil ; Blank, Leffal Pipen, Uoedi. Mortppe; .ludfcinent, Eiemp tlon and Promiesory notei While and Parch; ment Brief, Lfal Cap.Hecord Cap, and Bill Cap, bheot, Muiie for either Piano, Pluto or Violin eoninntlyn hand. Any books or itatlnnery deiired that I may not have on hand, will be or- ordered hy flret exprese, and iold at wholesale or rvtail to uit eutouicrt. I will also keep periodical literature, luob a Mifitnet. ow piper, Ao. P. A. UAL'LIJI. Clearfield May 1, IfloS tf GREAT EXCrTEMENT OX SECOMJ STREKT, Clear f.( Id, Pa. NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICES, PTinE anderelsned rerneetfullT Inrlt lb el X tenlion of the rnllie itenerallj to their plendid anrtoant of merehandite, which thee ,rc now aetiinf aT vehy low rmcEs. Their atoek eonaliU tn part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such a Trim, I lilcr. Alraeca. Merino, Ulnfrnaoi,mitlina.thlea'bed and nnbleacb ed.) I)rl I lir r, Tirklnr. cotton and wool Flannel. Fattnr tie, Cae.imerea, Cottonade, l.adie' Hhawla, Nubia flood., Balmoral and Hoop Mtirt. Ac., AIbo. a fine apnrtoient of Men' H rawer and Snirt, UaU Cap, Boot It boe. all ol which SOLD LOW FOK WILL BE Cash Hardware, QueenEware, GlasEware, Groceries and SpiceB. !N SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of eeerTtblnr nnllj hepl In a retail itore, all CHEAP FOBCAHU or approfed eonntrj pre duee. A. K. WRIGHT ei tOSS. Clearfield, Not.t , 18(17. fMI-:TlllKG M: At.AII C. D. WATSON Wiehe to inform bia old friend and tbe public grnerallr that he baa orened un a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In Li old aland, oppoaile th Court Hint FKCOND ST., CLEARFIKLD, PA. His atork I all new, fre.b and of the rer beat qnalltj, and will be ld cb.ip for CASH 01 approved Conntrj Troduee. If yon want pore Inifend Patent Medicine, Goto WATSON'S. If yon want Ccnrertloncrlri, Canned Frnlta, Ticklel and Jelliea, 'nta, Ae.,Ae., Go lo WATSON'S. If yon want th beat R nailed Ci ffre, Ea.tnce ef Coffee, Ppicea of all kinda, cheap, Go 10 WATSON'S. j If yon want Taney A Toilet Sopa, Flarlnj Eatraet, Ae., le , b aure to Go to WATSON'S. If yon want Farcy Dye Color, Clark' be chine Thread, Tina, Needle t Notiot Go to W ATSON'S. fhew.r and Baokera, If yoi want the Hat la tbe market, I Tluy at WATSON'S, where yon can get Pipe, A Pipe Futaru. If yon want to jret clear of your tan, Come to WATSON'S. If yon wanl to pend few hour of an evening with yonr friend, come to WATSONS old tand, where yon can crack not and eat Joke ntil o'clock, p. an. April 1J,S; JEW STOIiE AND NEW GOOIH5. JOS. SHAW & SON Ilnve jut ojicnoil a Ni Ptoh, oo Main St.. Ct.tARnti.n, Ti, lalrly orruplrd lij Wro. F. Hi WIN. Thpiralotk conauli of Lt3 LLi T OaCDCDLDS, GkncrRiri nT lie boet quality, Qukf-nswahf., Hoots nnd Shoe- nd frcry nrlicle tircer for one'i comfnrt. Call and examine pur alock before rur- rl;hcre. May lfifi-lf. FAIRBANKS' FTAMIAIID ftd SCALPS nir(te Parrtwa, Warebntiee Truekn, Ctinyltig Prceari, Iinprored Money Itrawer, Ae. ron Lr. nr II. F. 15 1 0 L E U & CO., lralcrn In llarrlnare. tnrli.KI TO tf Peconil SlrecL riM.r..n l. "0 MV (MX HOOK." AVIXd pnrilin.ed tbe entire .f u-tt of wonil. al the old etand of Kirk A s. 1 II h. hi eooun:ie mo nu.ine. aa lier.lor,,re. My motto I. to aell "rttnAp ron rn.H Thank injr nnr Mend and en.lomee. for t.n.t n.trnnnse, I aolirll a eeutiiiuance .,i ,hr ,,, Lumber r..r,S,P..! ,r. k"iK' j oimrttii nnd '-Otii (hint f hop. . 9. am. t. t'n ai DOYNTON &, YOUNG, l'Ot'NDKIJS k MACHINISTS Miinufarturrri of TORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin Strode, (M'.AKI ll l.n, PA. nAVIN'O enirneed In the tnnnufarture of flrt cla MACII INKKY, we repeelfully inform lb public that we are now prrparrd to fill all order aa cheaply and a prouiptlyas can b. done In any of tbe citie. We manufacture and deal in Mulny and Circular Saw-Hills, Head Block., Water Wheel., Bhiiftin; Pulley. Gilford' Injector, Hteam Gauge. Steam Whiitlo, Oilera, Tnllow Cup., Oil Cop, U.uje Cock, Air Cock., Globe Valve, Check Valve, wrouxht iron Pipe, Hiram Pump, Boiler Feed Pump, Antl Frietion Metre, Sop Hlono Paekinjr. Gum Pack ing, and all kind of MILL WOliK; together wilh Plow, Sled Sole, COOK AX D PA liLOIi STO I'L'S, and other CASTINGS of all kind. r-Ordera aoliriud and filled at city price. All letter of inquiry wilh reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly aniwered, by addrca inf a at Clearfield, Pa. dci tr nov.vTON a vorso planing a. 1.. R.i. J. f. Wearer, NOTICE. wrV Powell. But. cj. iu iti:i:i a, co. CLEARFIKLD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! 'T'llE proprietor re,ectfullriufonn tbe -a- of ClearlirM county, that they bare entirely refitted Ibia eatauli.hucnt wilh the laleal iinprorvd wood working narbinery, and are now prepared to eiecute all order, in their line of huiiorea. Tbey will fir repeeial attention lo the menufao ture of material for houee building, rarb aa FLOORING, WEATHER-BOAR jING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OF ALL STYLUS, TTe alwiyi hare oo hand a large rtnek of MIT H'.MIlKR.ind will ny ra-h for all clear Laubrr. One-an da -half inch panel Huff prefrnrd. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to euit euilomera. L-Ordin aulicltcd, and Lumlwr furniilied 01 ihort notice and on naaonaMe tr-raii. o. l. iu;i;d a co riearflfld. Not. t, fi7. Clothing. IIom" lo Navo Ionry. TUP tine are hard ; yim'd like to know How yoa niy aare your dollar i The my tn do it I will ihnw, if yoi will read what followa. A man who lired not far ! here, W ho worked bard at fail traria. Ihit bad a hnuifhold to euppnrt That iquaitdered all be made. I wet bin once, fiiye ha, "My friend, I nk thread bear and roifh ( I've tried to get mytwlf a mil, Hat can't lata up enough." Say T, my friend, bow much bare yon 1 I'll tell yoa where tn go To get a mit that' aoand and cbeap i To HKii'.KNMLIN A Co. He tnik whal little he bad tared. And went to Heitenitein A Broth en', And thrre be got a handiome euit. For half he paid to otber. Xnw be Ii home, be innki ao well. ttid their effect I turn, That when they take their dttily noal, They don't eat half ae aiacb. And now be find na Fatartley night. With all their wnt euppiied. That he hat wtnney left to apond, And ome to lay and. Ilii good eaeceia, with cheerful smile. He gladly telli to all. If you'd pare money, go and buy Yoar clothe at hKIZE.VSTKIK'8 CLOTniXQ BALL. Where th rhcapeit, flnem and bent Clnihini and good Faminhing (loodi nan be bad to rait erery taate and in erery ityle aprll, (' EDWAlil) l'KKKS& C0., Flour IniiiiriieturrrM, And lealer i. GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, rnmpf-iii'nrj, ta. i rn.L si rri v or Fi.nrn. WIET, U ( till. and ( lltil' oon.i lor .aJe at rate rcmnrkablr lo nl, and febt tl JOHN TKOl'TMAN, FURNITURE DEALER Markat 8t., eaut of the Allefrhfn.T lluia. ( XI.AKI IU II. PA. IK EE P nn hand all kind of Eurnitnre, In paid or hy the uncle article. Th in nMMl ot urn atliclr of Furniliirr, Will find it to their i'rrrt In rail and et amine my ftnek, wlii- h I will m II vert low fur eneh or exchange tor iinltlr luutWr. t harlj. l.l, pa,, A '; ' r ifl-H, KK M) rIN(.l 111 MATCHES TO LIGHT THE WORLD 1 The uti.lcr.ipniMl ha eecurrd the alc ri(;lit to menufar!ure mid et ll in thia cottntr the ci:i.i:iii;ati:I) atf.r rnour match, which i ft itierrliii( etery mhi r mat. h n-w nia.le. Mav be enakeil in water fnr an moiiiha anil will ipnlie aa remlilr a. thuw kept in a ar, and are ju.t a. clin-p a. anr nia'tc. tr.lcr. .i.lic lled and prempltr Hl-d M, a. I, In n i. l.u lr. lure. t'li-nrtirld cunl, Ta. Jel Jm pd JACOII . CnriP. "'1 U 'k. Marinf pnrrha-e.l the liilrn-M of XI . lui.ueniMTerr. r... In the l.ii.n,, ,. lieretfire rarried ua I r Ihe firm name n) J. A. ) iM..irni- i(iT " . ice Will he cin'tiietefl lieretler under the n.wie of Muahanaim Land and I. nniher l''eipiuv. 'Stnne.) II. II. tillll.l.lMH iiltl), .Kills I.WlsllK, eI-''lf rrreident. tleneral Kup'l. rpilKCKI.r.nll lll('HA1:t?nX MhhTS, .1 1 - arlal Kip ., on. Frfneli K ip f, uo. French Call A Oft. (Opjioeiie Al C. kllATH:K S. t u n a A Vtnllrinf. it i: M o v a le. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, i) n u (; i I s t s , .Vnrkil Stmt, tltarflild, . IVR hff Uava to Inform nar oM and nw I f rvrl'-mrri. that w havt rt oiovrd our lultlirlimrnt lo tha Fprinui naw hniMinK jnt frfftrti nn Marked airrf-t, naarlv adjoininf thv Mrlon Hfiie on tha mwK, and opponlla Mrr. (Jrnham t Honi' iiora; whara rfpactfully InTlta (he pullie tt (Mima and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OILS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our itoek of Pruy and Mfidlrlnoi eonniit of vfrything uted, acleotfd with tba' greatest ear, and W AIR ANTED STRICTLY PURE! Wa alo lt-p a full Btork of Dyrt, rarfumerlea, T-iilM artielfi tap. Tooib Hravhfi, Jlair ttruKh!. Whitewnnh llruihei, and a vary otber kind Hruhir. c hara a larpe lot of WHITE LEAD, TURPENTINE, Flailed Oil, Paint, and In fart ererythinir ird ir the paintinK buiineii, which wa ellor at City prlcei to oah buyari. Ton A CCO AND SEOARS, Confeelknery, Ppln, and tho intent itoek of rarletifi arer offi-red in thii rlan. and warrant ed to be of tbe bait tba Market afford J. ii, HAKTSWfCK, N-ir. M, 188. JOHN F. IKWIN. Beale's Embrocation, (late Powell's,) For all dieai Incident tn Honor, Cattle, and Human Fifth, requiring the oia ot bd eiiarnal application. Thia Emhrraiion wai aitamircly mod by the oarr naot rtoKng tbe war. Fur eale hy Hartiwick A Irwlr, Clearftetd. Joivpb K. Irwin. Curwanivilla. laniel Mood tanrfttr. Lo:tiribura if LAXD AXD LIMBER COMPAW OFFER EASE INDUCE M EXTS TO Purchasers of ChoiceCoods AT TflEIR MAMMOTH STORE -IN OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho timesl nc,la. mt 11. ITn. Curwensville Marble Yard. D l!S MUM S of extruding my lUHne. nd knowing there te no hij:inr tribute ot re pre! to t-l1irr of llie rirrMfrd nnd tinned fini.tli, thrin to rrrt orer Ihnr narrw home a ernlpturrd lah of enduring ma lilf., ibv point )iirrrr to the rrnhlig plare nf thone we hive; 1 heg lrnve to av to all who wi-h to pViow their an-iion fur their dcpnrtrd triendti and kiKdrrd. Hint the ern now hnre an onportwnilv ot d'niig n, hy enlhng at mv Sh p nn Tiiompi'in treet, Curwf-nM illn, 'a., aa 1 am reparvi to fiirni-h lo or-b-r. MON V Ml'. NTS, C'llA I'LE k POX TOM Its, liKAI) STONKS, Ac, of any denicn or iie, at mr. N. H I t-ep n Imnd ihe I orrlcn mid Itimra1lr Hlarbll. All n-a rxef-ntrnl in the Pt kMtnl niNi ner. I will alo d liver wr-fc tn an point in Cli-arfu Id or a.ljointne cnnntic. if dcre l. W M. II. I HX. ( uwenr ille, Oct. n, mcu tf. JI'.T MAHhl'.TI J. E. WliHJLEY r.KO., ttnrtng ptirchaaed the ahnp and f. ttur. nf W R Mel'her"). would tnlr.rm the cil in nr of Clear flrlil and Tifiinly that thry rt kl 1 imir pr f-nrrH tn furnmh Fresh Beef, Voal, Mutton, 4; at Tit i.naarr ra aarr. A lilieral nf piiMIr p.trnnare i reapeetfnllT ."Mcifed -Cah paid f..r Cltle. Sheep aad 1!....- ROOM OX MARKET FTRLET. teaea.ld Pa, .a .? tJltlMT ltllKJAIArS cw More In MHlsonliiiig! tn tb riM-ra fnrmtrly o.Tupitd hy P. T. Hgtrty. L. M. COUTMET TPAKKM tliii mrth'.d of informing the rilirem 1 tif t'ovinjrii-n, Kariliini, f d ard 1 1 ur ri.uiMlniff conntfT. thsl hf hai Juki tiprncrt a tarjrc nIc.. ot KIM M K It C."l.I-t, wln-h he . (Mer minrd ti, nil 1 KN (1ST ( II KAIKK than the Mine quality of .mhhIi can In ptirclinc fir in anyiiilirr ituro In tbe ncijjlihorbood. Jli itutk comiiti uf Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such m Raiinetli, fai imrrf. Mnilin, IMainoi, Linen, Drilling, ( ahem , Triiuutingi. Kihhom, Lat-e, READY-MADE rLOTHiyO. HOOTS & MIOKS, HATS & VMS, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Puifr. II ice, Mulinei, Fih, Sail, Linteed Oil, Full Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quecnsware, Tinware. Caitinp. Plow and Plow Caatins;., Nail., Fiikea, Corn (Cultivator, Cidi-r Preaaei, and all kinda of Axea. YH. M.T Plowa are of the Curweniville atit Centre roimiy make, and are warranted to be of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paint. Varnl.b, (lla., and a grnenil aaxortuicnl of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand. , alwara on band, and will lie aold at tb. loweat potble fifurea. Ltqtons, BIUNTiY, WINE, OIX 1 I!I.-"EY SHHO ponnd of Wool wanted for wbicb tbe biglicet price will be puid. c I.oviin ki;i.i. On band and for ale al tbe loweet market price. AIo, Agent for Wilon'a Slratlonville TIIRESUING MACHINES. t-fall and eeefor Tnnreelrc. Ton will Cnd errrjlbing asuallr kepi in a retail .tore. L. M. t'OlTKIET. Frencbrille P. 0., Jan. J, 1 Still. Down ! Down I ! THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COi riSK THE CIIF.APEST ! A Proclamation against High Prices! "VIE are now opening np a lot of the beat aod Vf mot aeattjuatile (ji-odi and V area rm offered in thia marki-t, and at prief that remind one of the ffKd old dnyi of cheap tl.iiift. Thoe wlio tn-k faiib apun I bin point, or derm our alte faliout iucrfluout need but Corner Front and .Market atreets, Where they ran aee, feel, bear and know for them aelvea. To full) NndwLand what areebeap ptji, tlni taunt le done. He do ot dMm it nect-eearv to onnmerate and iteaiie our atwk. It ii enough fnr tie to tatc tiiat We have Everything that is Needed end eoieutned in thia market, and at nriooe tbal aetnni.h bulb olil and rnur.t;. d"J0 J'l.-EI'H FIIAW A FfiN. 3 121V FIOVIS FfjTIII AND PROVISION STORE, TI1F otidrr.icned hare ju.t received at llieir new etand in Uatlaecton, a full euii'r tf Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, &c, COAL Oil, (at reduced rate,) A fond article of TOBACCO, CIGARS AND FMOKINU TOBACCO, o.o.t.ntlr oo hud. All of wkicli will Iw auld at I.01V RATTP ftir CAFI1 or (t:ven io eacliatige f.,r FllIXtll.ES and UhVV.R. We reepectfull. ark the ol.lie to fire aa a trial Mure p.rrhatiug rlaewliere. J. R. KHAD t CO. Wnllacetun, April ?, 1 f.0. C. KKATZER & SONS ark nv.i'Ki vi xq a sri.F.rirTiK K Vt L A Ii ft 1 S A .- I) Ol L 1 1 o I Us. WALL rATEHS-GlLT TATES, ,(c. lace ithtains, wixriw shade.- COU XTEKr AXES AND Ql'lLTS. L1XEX TABLE CLOTHS NAPKINS LAMES SILK COATS .fOVERisKlRTS ELE'lAXT SHAWLS k LACE PnlXTS I AMES' rf- CHILDRIN'S TLIMMFD 11 A IS. DRESS GOODS AXD TRIMMINGS. BFST Kin G U iVFS-LADIES' REN TLF.MtN'.S AM) I II ILDii EN'S. PLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE PLACK A LTaCAS. rx FQI" A t.t.r D STOCK I.ADIFS' AND CIIILDKLN'M SIKi-Jta- UAITCUs. M tN'S CA LF rf- FKEXC'U KIT P.i rOTS HEAVY CALF P(H)TS. f5. M EN'S A N D HOYS' FIN E AN D II E A V Y MIOKS. CASS1NF.KES VERY CHEAT. PEST STON E TEA SF. TTS. ti. GROCFKIES. n.orR .r- r RATES. rr.OVIMONS AT LO H E LIPFSU. DFrmov TO THOSE 1'I YINU IN" yt AXni Y. WOOL M A Ii K ITI XI AXD CorXTRY riioDl' K WANTED. rie.rnel.1. June 1(1. 1R.10.. Aow Wine nnd Liquor S.orr. I. L. FIEIZENSTEI N, oi.raia m i ra ia WINES & LIQUORS. alAliKET FT, CI.EAI FU.Lli, Tl. .Fiill t.-k of Wiee. Uranr. Oin, H' A 'ebl. elw v. nn hand. Kpecial attention paid le corin, a pure article fur Scr.mcnll .no ..cieai purpnera. aprll 7.ll Miss E. A. P.Rynder7 aoaar row ChickeHnc'.. Rtemw., ', .n I Pn.ermn Pianna sn.ith a. M.... A Haatlia'a and , ' and Meodrnn.. and flrnr.r A rtekcr'e Sewin, Maebinee. ato rtarara or Pioaa. O.ll.,. Ort... . Vw) Vb aie. .p.pil h,,., , , ,,B k;rt trr ( learlMd, May 4, l-tt tf. THF I'KMOCR ATlV" "aT.M Zn". I'm. 73 note. Ma Mad to oe et ibe P new p litHn. f,i? U Clearfield County Dank 'pilK i'l..r.ld ronnt, l.n ,ti ( 1 ltd ln.iilil"n baa ran eat t .l,rhv Hie lutr.tiderof It rbarler, on M,, ,, ' All It tloek I owned br II:. .it.., , 1,1 will continue th llenklng betlnea at ij' 1 tlc,ae pieete Ranker, eerter tl .tJ1 ol the "Clearlleld t'ouhtf ll.nk." Vt..111 apnn.lble fur the debt of th ltrk, ar.J H it pot on nemani a the counter. , '' 1 recelred and Inleretl paid when mi.n" i, .a h.reti.f.... Our ..nnml ....... . 1 pledged t"t all null . tram rt d. A continuance of ih ir.... ... . .,, t, t . mnign of th but! nee men of tht rfut i a I fpet-tially nlieied. Ae rreident, I a.- ....uar.a. v U. I, I J fl, require the note of tatd Bank to b priw,' fof-eedewiptton. ' JAB. T. LKONAHD, RICHARD 8I!a WM mRTKK. JA8. B. OltAliu 1 If U'UtllHT II !. Dbli. 1 y M. A. WALLACK.' ' The bulni.a of tha Bank will te cod duty I Jono M. Aditni., eq., a taibier. jUB I J. I. M'liirk. Edward lVrk, BANKING & COLLECTION EOCd McGirk & perks. iKuccciftori to Fofter, Perki, A C'., riillipiibiir, Outre Coanty, p. "11 111; UK all ton hueineei of a Bafekin; HI f ml' ve tranraata promptly aiiJ u in out farorn-ile terma tiitr'j County National Bank. ' CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Dank la now open and ready fBr 1.1 nen. Office on Hecond itreet, in the li.i, ifig fnruierlT occupied by Leonard. Finn; i ol niRarruRe aan ofpicbrb. IAR. f! OH A HAM, HICIIAKD ElUf WM A H'ALI.AL'K. WM. FORTHS, A. K WHIUIIT, OHO. L. HEb'U. W. M. F1IAW. JAS. T. LEONARD ju28,(lj C.abier. Pte.4,,1 ISoMTowiiNliiiAnatJ GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! pVFKTnODY trying to (at thr rt, f.r It I j j ol being crowded out into tne eold. It yo. wanl good r-hoeinf done, )ro to Flu, If you want your Hlec ironed right, go to bin If yo. want good Mill Iron, go to fciii I If yon want your wagon iroaed in tbebiat I etyle and workmanabin, go to Bait. I IIkkhb makee tbe boat btuonp Mecbin ie a I folate, and doe all kind of IlLACKr-.VIIIIlv I a cbe.p a eon be done ia the eownty for Cut I aly i-ual Uuie addreea I llearneld l;titr,. THOMAS BliKi Borg, Tp., Dee. It, 16f,7-tf. Southern Land & EmigratiQil COMPANY. WASHINGTON, D. C. "VnOAMZED and c1.l,lihed for tbeTor,,. and Kaie of Farming and Mineral Um I and improved Ileal EstaU in Uic Sovtbcr aiau. I THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Priei JO. FETEKNR. Vice l're.,. J. IIEKXY ASK IN, Ttcean I'recidrnt Fonrtb National Bank of Pbildelptiia. JIHIN KOhlllF. ferret. r. TIJOri. C. MAt'lJltVt ELU" A ttoroey and Counaelir. Ofbce: TV'arbinrto. Building, Corner beter St., and Penneyltaoia Arcnwe, Wa.bin('ea. b.t t Oar. Jobn T. Albany, S. T. El tifir. M m. ItitrlcT, Clearnrl'd. Pa. tioe. T. F. Ilandolpb. Trenton. X. 1. El-tior. Im, F. Packer, W ilhaoai.ort, ?a (Sc),!. I, f.U-lt Cheap Furniture. JOHN GCLICII rvVPlRTS to inform hia old friettd tr J eit 1 tomera. thaf having enlarged bia shop atx iiicreaaad hit (arilitie ftr manyiarrnrire . ! Bf,W rrrr,lT- ,,.tt,,k tootderwcli Pwrnitart a j '.' ""'"'i m mj iv wmi ( vQsp raw i iwtnea. na geaarany baa aa band, at fc Fumttura rooma, a raned ajwortjaaat af raadt ota it furntura, awiong which art HrREACS AND PIPE-nOARDS. Wardrobaaand Baoh-Caaea; Caetra, Sola, Parltt, nreaktan and Dining fcitasBio Tiblat; Cow ; on. Frencb-pot,Coiiaty,eenBy Ltnd and otar 0edrtadp ; Frfaa of all kinda, Work-ftaBdi Hat-raeka, Wah-tt4Uidi ; Rocluiif and Am Chairt ; aprtng-aat, raaa KoUo, parlor, row mnn and other Chair ; Lookmg-tilaaaat af avr deerriptioa m hand ; and mew ylaaaaa for ok frrniee, which will be pat in o Tery raaerrtab,t term on nborteat aotiea. He alio kaepi on hat. or forpifthoa to order, Corn-bask, Hair aad Cat-toa-inp Ma'treasea. Corrixg or Evert Ktnd Made tn order, and funarali atteodad with i Heiree whenever draired. A lea, Bouaa Paictief done to e-rder. The aubinriber alao mannfif larea, ard haa efetnily ca kaad, Ckment'i Pitent U ariing Marhiwa. the beM aow iw tn Tboee nig thia tnachma aerer need be witt nut c'.ean elothe! He alee haa Flyar'i Paten Cbara, a uphur artieka. A family tuin 1L.1 Churn aerer aed be without batter I All the a Itore at d many other ariiciet are far otbed teeuMomenehtaptnr Caaa orazcbanrei for approved etmntry pnntnra. C berry, aWii Pnptar, l.tnwnoei and otaer Ln ruber aaitabla fo. Cahmet work, takea ta irbange for faraaarr r.Mnember tba ahop it oa Market atreet ricarfirld. I'a, aad Boarlj opponite tbt'Old Jia John fimcH. IV i.veo, her 26, 1S2 f The Lightning Tamer. THE nndrr.icned are the ai l. Afenta ii tli( e-net. for the -North American Ualeamari tKIHTMSii KODS." Taeerare ut. rtida n- w ia oae. and are endoreed b ail tki eclentine cea to the centre. . herel j ai.tifr the citiirn, f the eoerl; that c will pot tueoi on a hetter rod. aad let Haa Einnee, tbaa la charred h the fereifa trot who aneaallr traeerwe tbe aoaetj aa carry oB our little raah, aee.r to retcra. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoee wi.hine Il:htr,iri Ttod .reeled et their k.ildin;, weed bat eddreae aa ? letter. eah i. iterrue. W'e will pot theea wperTwhn in therountr. end warrant thee. The Itedaer Mtturre eaa be eeea at any time be ellir ,t II F. ltIUL.EE A Cv. Clrarhrld. March S, 1Tt U DAVID YOUNG, StonKuIlfr and Stonc-Maspc. ILL eieeuie all work la hia lit at eid ? er.le pnr.i and ia FlHf-I-l LA.SS tlt. Arclitctural Ornaaieiito Ia Al.t fTYirS. Plena Trewlnf ef erer. Hearriftien. and all kinda of work eea eocte fir ia weat.r ihe enwnrr. Arrpeee-r. wi.hinn tn have resectable aaaeoa work at.d tone eultirr dene, will and it to their iaterr't to call upon at I woald are. tnfona the p. lie that I ran deliver any ejaantltT or elaa af atone de.irtd, a I aaa th. owoer of a FIRST-CLASS STONE yl'ARRT Order, for work eaa he addreeeed e KAVIP V1 K(J. ":'" Clearteld la. Clearfield Nursery. EXClrilA(tE HOME 1NM STRT. 'pilK andereirned. harlnc eatahli.hed a Kai 1 eerr oa the 'pile, elmst half way betweea 'earpeld and rarwcnaetlle. i. prepared tc fT. m.h all kinda of t PI IT TKK1..S, (.la.dard a-d daarl.) Kvrrpreen. Shrubbery, tjrape Vice.. Uim.ibetri!.. la.ti.n lilerkh.'rrr. 8lrwberi and Ka.berry Vine.. Al.o. t-ibenaa Crab T--tumco. and early .oriel hhabarh, do. Orcien proaiptlj alteaded to. Addren, j. n. trmflnT. eep.n Corwenariile. Tt Lime for Sale I HE nndrraicned. riiline Mar tb! bf de Pen I Vl. .rtan A.M.h. I ma l.iimer. ra.l of the wherebt he i. en bled l.. keep rmtanlly on hand a larfre oueolilt .1 r r n 1: l i m e : which he nffcra tc faTcc-T and builder at a tnfe Tbnee in aee-l nl Ihe article wcaio d. lo Bi,T Bie a rail, or addrx-M aie br teller, ke f"re orCiniaiine thnr lime. liVil C. rA.f MiiRf. Clearf.eld. Pa.. June . i,.o Ijivcr.y .Stable. T11F under. e Wr. (nTm the pub lic that he ia aow lulh pp.rnl all in ihe wai nl farni-hiu, llneeeo. tn-ies Se.l.llce and llirneaa. on lb. aaorteol aad on r--.enWr tenuis,.,n Loeaat elreel, between Third and Foo'ih til.i. IT. UEARIIART. "Moara.ld. April 11. n; J