HliPUHMCAN. CLEARFIELD, Ta. tDXESDAT M0RX1S0. AVOt'ST 10, lrO. Terms of Subscription. paid In nd.anc. or within ttirw. uinnlhf ...92 00 paid after three and before sir. months-... t &0 ' paid alter tbe einiratiun of m month. ... I 00 All article, to in. lint In.ertion in thil Aytr thonli b. bended In early un Tuenlay oramf. as we ffo to pres. At 12 o'clock, (noon.) Ri:i.i;iors vorici w. Methodist F-plsnrpnl Chtirrh Rer. 3 H. SVono, Pastor. Pu1io B.mcs trtrj Sabltatb, ( 10, A M.. end 74 P. M. CaMiath School at A. M. Pray.r Meetiot: .ry Thorsd... at T P. M.' Communion rieTrioa, first Sabbath of .eery -..nth. at lilt A. M. m. fraude' Chitreh Catholic Rre Mr. VBRiUflAf. Maaa at 101 o'clock A. M., on tha tond and fourth PnndaT. of turb month. felt. Andrew! Church lplaropalM.Rev. WaoRflB Uall. Publie Herein, tiundny mornine; M la o'clock, and at T P. M Kundav School at t P. M- Praj.r Meeting Wednssds. evening M 7 clock. Preebyterlan Chnrrh Rev. Mr. Bcet-en ablt. eterrioe trerj baubath, morning and even The School Directors of Woodward Diftnct, it will bo obnervort hy onr dvprlininp columns, will let the build ing of School Home on tho 27th. We notice that the workmen are engaged in rmbellinliiae; -the Shaw Houe in a very substantial m tinner, by placinir alone steps and platform t each front door. William Wise, of Ferguson town ship, bad a valuable horse, killed the other day, by lightning. The homo was standing near a tree in the pasture fleld, down which the electric streak passed, at the same time killing the animal. ' FiC-Xic. We understand that our Catholic friends contemplate holding a grand piu-nic at Osceola, on Mon- day, the 15th day of August. The proceeds are to be applied in finishing j a parsonage now being erected at that f place. A general turnout of the friends is expected. ; Thc Faie It will le noticed that i the officers of our Agricultural Society ' propose holding a Fair on tho 12th, 13th and 14tU of October, next. They are making gigantic arrangements for grand exhibition. It now be comes ihe duly of every Farmer and Mechanic to put his shoulder to the wheel and help to make it a success. The Erie Gnttttt ot the 4lh says: We are gratified to Irani that Mr. D. Livingston, United Slates Internal Revenue Assessor, who has been spondiiig a few weeks in our city, has greatly improved both in health and spirits by his visit. He will remain aotue time longer in the city and we bops that Le will be still further ben efitted. "Wbatto Wiar and Uow to M.tr&i It" Is the title of a book of Infrac tions on dress and Jrcs-nmking, pub lished by Mint. Demorrst. at 15 cents. Dress makers snd ladies generally will find in this manual much useful infor mation, and complete instruction in every department of ladies' anii chil drcn'i dres. It is issued sctni an nually, and sent free of postnge. Address Mine. Dcniorest, &3S Broad way, New York. FoaTouso Mai ai Yoiso Wometj. The Young Fulks' Rural is the novel title of the new Rurnl and Literary Monthly being ixsued by H X. F Lewis, tho puhlibher f the IVrttrrn Rural, at Chicago. Vi iics are offered for stories and contributions on vari out suljects by voting writers, and fine premiums for clubs of subscribers. Terms, SI 00 per year. The first 5iK) ubscrioers are to be credited for two years. We think this paper must excite a great interest amnng the young men snd young women through out tho United States. Address II. X. F. Lewis, Publisher, Chicago. List of LtTTlnS remaining unclaim ed in the IVtofficc at Clearfield, Pa., August 1st, 1S70 Bwl, Jnecpbaa. Ilalbaret. Hemrj A. Connoll. Jnai. Cli Him Bmas. Coslidrc, W ilbnr. Chnet. C B. ftafffot, VaoVinjr)m. irmmry, Jaac C. I)nafrtk. Utm Ads. C-krraire, Johm 2. fckr. John J. rrcman. Jobn R. Fwran. Mt Ell. tirmlicf. Min Marj. Keller. Franalis. Kennede. J. W. lcMt. H illiaa. M roily, c. w. Carloey, John. M rracken. Mu ReebcL M ncan. Janca. Mdli. Sansnel. Sri K-niah E. 0 IMI. Jofa. Pie. Mra. Mary E. Parker, itea-fe T. Pceu, Joee,.h. fVthteon. SkBieet Silica. Tbotnaf T. trick'in, Jac. Stieneer. Jiaef.h M. Smite, Fruklis. Sunree, S. Weaton, Franklin. WhiMaker. AW I. 1ay, fteorr. U Call, Waitsa. Winter, lilaian rrTEB A. OAIL1.S, P. M. Tss enrnentert bare eninenoed work on nor eiitbbee Otsdlaniler t new buck residence. W o eler eibere be raieed tba "diogbnu lor Utat inr- .eet '" Jvwrwml. Fifteen year steady labor and conomy, with an rye eingle to onr present undertaking has enabled us to raise the "dingbats for that purpose." The ten lxur rule never would have 'got us out of thu woods," but fifteen boars and uicdium bralth, has driven the wolf from our door; and every man bss the same chance. The course is npen to all. And if our patrons pay ns what they owe, we can bui'.J another. What do you think of that, brother? Tm Cr.nssi s. The Census Uurran has issued orders to the Deputy Mar shals not to furt,ih the press nor in dividuals with any information on litis subject. Wo have however, gathered from other scur-es the fart that the population of our borough has neat'y doubled in the pat ten years and will be about 1,4 0. Wo notice that the cititens in fast town aro nnwilling to ew-pt the work of the ofiWrs as cor rect, because it fixes the population far below thei estimates. In towns where they rxpecU-d 2,('o0 population they have but 1,200, an J where they expected 3.000 they hve about 2,000, Me. Few towns exceed fif;y H'rcent. of increase since iMlfl, w bile Clearfield will be at least ninety per rnV niK 1'isns run lUrriMi The Clinton TVmocrnf f Ir1 week says: "We are pleased to announce that tho work of erecting piers for tho prolvction of rnfts stopping at I.ockport, nos from Lock Ilnven, Is proceeding with most commendable speed, two piers having been already erected. When the next flood conies raftsmen will find a harbor whero they can safely tio up. The prompt action taken hero has stirred up Ir. llerdic and his friends. It was doubtless thought that by holding buck public, notice of tho schemo to get the market moved from hero, tho arrangement could be perfected below before anything would be dono hero, and, at tho samo time, it could be offered as an excuse for the removal, Ihut they hud waited threo or four months and nothing had been dono. Tho promplitudo with which something was dono here is to guar antee enough that it would have been done eurlicr if the committee had obeyed the resolutions, and tho peo ple here been Informed of their do mandtt by having them published in Lock Haven papers ; but no, they held than buck, and when they wore published it was not in a paper, but in Clearfield. Evidently this bears tho impress of scheming to get tho market from hero. But it will be found difficult to accomplish it now that tho piers are to bo erected and due pro tection given. ''Tho action here hus occasioned Messrs. Uerdic, Fisher and Heading of Williams-port, to visit Clearfield, as last week's Heplblican informs ua , ., , . , "to consult wttb the appointed com- mittee," and, further, thut, "they of fered to fix up thc shore at that point ( Williamsport) in any manner the committee might advise, and thus se cure this important trade at that place." Before that committee make any arrangements below they should, if the- mean to do fairly towards this point, learn what is doing and what is contemplated beforo entering into rash promises about moving the square timber market to Williamsport and leading to preparations therefor at that point. If they do that they will be advised that we arc in earnest here and at work. If not, then the work will go on anyhow, and those gentlemen may find that they have a big thing on hand w hen they attempt to move the square timber market from Lock Haven to Williamsport." ai Tm Academy. This institution is cloeed during tbe warm weather, and BO doubt the racstion will be a relief (e teaebera ai wrtl aa acbolara. Tba Academy hie been in a eery fluur irhiog condition under tbe aarpicea of Profeesor Harrison, wbo U fully competent in all thc branchta of a firifbed education. True, thie inptitutioa t not patronifed aa it abould be. It ii moat beau tifully located on the banki of tbe Weet Branch of tbe SoRqot'hanna Rirer, with a beautiful and romantic ecenrry. in n moat healthy and pleasant portion of tba town of CltarflcJd. and. with an n?ootnplifhed and fully competent oorpae of tcarb era is aJl the bnuirhra, ni well aa ninie, the quce tion often arircs, YfLy have wc not more pupi'.p from a diitance? The fault, I an aaiiefn-d, ii not with thc Prjfeetor. He ia untiring in bia effortl to ioi.art instruction to hit pupila. Our town la erttirx to be quite rrrpecUble in iiie; boarding hcuftc? are no longer ecaree, nnd all thc a4Tantgt-i prreented elerwhere can be obtained bcre ; then why ip it that inptrnd of 50 to 75 pupils there are not three timee tbe number on thc lirt. and they of tbe more adraneed branches' Thc trnitcct. With proper elcrtiona, could certainly make tbia achvol on that not only tbe town but our county would look upon with pride, and the grateful tbanka of those wbo graduate will eon atantly go out to warm the hcarti of trnsteer, teachers and friends. Then why not mnkc a suffi cient effort? Must not the rising generation soon take the places of those wlio are now oecnpying thc most responsible positions in society? Is out this community tutrrcsted in baring aide and effi cient ofheert of reery g-ade and class ? E iucnt ion is essential in every position and condition in lite. W bat is society without refinement, and whnt is refinement without education ? A GRove Meeting Wo are re quested to state that s Uroee Meeting conducted by Slresiab's Church, will be btld in the grove scar Kylertown. commencing on tho 1st day of pL neat, and continue one week. Elders Ptiip man nnd Catter, wilt be present. A eordial invi tation is extcttlrd to all well disposed persons ta bs present, 2t Wo are informed, that on Friday morning last, Mr. H'ra. Condo, of Cur wensville, met with an accident under the following circumstances : Ho was at Schwem'i Hotel, Lulhcrsbtirg, and on getting up at an early hour, he fell from the head of the stairs into the hail below, and was considerably bruised; thungh not dangerous. CaoQt ET,(iia Presbyterian billiards a game played with long handled mallets and half round hoops sharped so as to bo driven in the ground not the twenty. four spriiig duplex-t liptie and w ooden balls, of the sizo of a big goose egg, hy young men and women of both sexes principally of the female gender, in somebody's back vard. late in the afternoon about sun down may be we've got the thing a little mixed. Iho g.imo liowever, is quite popular in these parts. Won der, if it tskes its name from the inventor? Wonder, again, if the fa mous Davy Crocket. was lhe inventor f If so, how aro you. l'avc ? . From I lie Mononpnlirlu Rrpuiiliran of tlie I'th tilt., we learn tlint on the 2r.ih. a new liotie in llmt I'luoe, t w liit Ii a iiuiiiIhT of prroiptm were t P tier wt.tk, n niriit k I'V liirlttninje. One JJ,""".'"" -yourU miin, Mr. A'tlt y C'otcr. a ! pniiirnhurf; I'tiintt-r, w ho Ifliling n lttihier f'r ! steinen' hie I'artner to ntaml on w hile l'"'"''''! JJ!.j. ihr pttl'le rnil nf the httie. w an killeil .w,n, .,""!!! the liyhtnini; running dnwn tlie lad 8o iv Ri le-. tier. The man on I lie lttihlt r w on unin- M'tnniit itired exeit thut he e knot ked oft , .,''..'"""'' and fell to the priiutid, rutting liin head M-rerely. Serentl other srrnin er more or lesg sltini.ed rv the (X Ic. I We ... it announced that tha ed i itor of a Yniiiiientiiw-n (O.) :ier lte- , lv went tip in a Balloon, in pursuit of nome o. hi. 4W,a7.ef fulrr,t.rr,. A j ?!? m pom ry uci that lie hn j Inkon Iho Ktnng roo,i. nnch chp nlwH VP go in t lie other direction. 'r i t'liriMinn rhurity inducfti us to hone it 'r' j In irtiriii); Imm llie lirolution, Sunn B. Anilmtiy my ltw feci, a L'retil, rnlm idiif!i. sn h n mother tif! in I'iiiiling ot.t a cliild flic cannut npjsnrl ArAnof tlnnnrtm JVoifwr Sthools, srten j avrragr time, four hionlhs tetitlieis, seven; males six, at an avet ngn of I III id) ; li iiinles one, nt f Jo per month ; pupils -".17; males 111'), average 1:10 j leintiles I.!., average loll; per cottage 1 3 Finunces, tax levied S 1 , 1 MO ; unseated hind tax mid appropriation iilH ,r0. Toachei'N' wages ?l,!ii M ; fuel, fees ol Collector. Ac, 11:1-1; building nnd re pairing $1 ,0SJ ; baluiico on hund SI,. Wl Jill no ullowunco niitdo lor exon erations. Covimjton. Schools, five; average time, four months; teachers, live; mules three, ot an a vera go of eoH fit); females two, at un average of f:i5 per month ; pupils, 1!(I(J ; males 1U2, aver age li!) ; females lut, nveruge 7(1; per centago 03. Finances, tux levied $ii"0 7( ; unscnted land tax, appropri ation ttnd balance on hand from last year t .")77. Teachers' w nges 8712 ; itiel, fees of Collector, ie., tlUIl.i; balance, on hand 84112 W.i no allow ance mado for exonerations. dumber City Schools, ono; ovcr ngo time, four months; one mule teacher at $f0 per inonlh ; pupils, 75; males, 3d, uvorago, 2H; females, 40, average, 80 ; per centago, H0. Finan ces, tax levied, 8203 23; appropria tion and halatico on hand tn in last year, $72 (S8. Teachers' wages 8200 ; fuel, lees of Collector, exonerations, &.C., t.)'6 22 ; balance on hand, $17 lit). Lawrence. Schools, eleven ; aver age time, four months; teachers, ulovnn; mules eiht, ut ail average of $40 U0 ; females three, at an average, of $10 per month; pupils 425; males 2:i.'l, averttgo 15(5; females 102, average 120; per centago 72. Utirnxitle. Schools, nine, average time, lour months teachers, nine.; mules two, at an ovcyage of $:J2 60 ; femules seven; at an average of 83 42 l" month; pupils, 832; males 174, averttgo loO ; females 158, average 120; L,,r Finances, lax levied per centago 75. Finances, tux levied $2, 100 ; appropriation and balunce on hand from last year $000 50. Teach ers' wages 1,105 76 ; fuel, fees of Col lector Ac, $443 05 ; building, Ac , $11. 50; balance on hand $1 09. Ml. Schools nine; avorage lime, four months ; teachers nine ; ono male ami eight females, at an average, of $2o per month ; pupils zi'J; males 137, average b3 ; females 142, averago 05 ; er centago 05. Finances, tux levied $1,285 4S; appropriation and balance on hand from last, year $500 30. Teachers' wages $900: fuel, fees of Collector, exonerations, 4c., 820H 70 ; purchasing ground, repairing and debt duo per last report since paid $120; balance on hand $115 00. Ouelkk. Schools five; average time, four months; teachers five; males three, at an averago of $35 ; fe males two, at an average of $34 per month ; pnpils 100 ; males 81, average G2 ; females 70, averago 00; percen tage 70. Finances, tax levied $s:i8 00 ; balance on hand from last year and appropriation $4'JH 20. Teachers' wages 8705 ; fuel, fees of Collector,1 Ac, 8225.0'.) ; balance on hand $107 00. Sew Washington. Schools one ; av erage time, month; pupils 50; males 2. average 22 ; females 2, average 17; percentage 78. Finances, tux levied $104 70 ; appropriation and bal ance on hand front last year $11 02. Teachers' wages $130; fuel, fees of Collector Ac , $32 bt ; balance on hand $07 53. All schools, now in session, will he visited during the lulter part of Au gust, and the first of September if notified at once by Secretary. Geo. W. S.nvher, Sup't. iHarrirfl. On Pundsy, August 7, 1s;0, by Il.Ilrrivi.rn, F.q.. Mr. JOSEPH P. Li ROCK to Miss 1)1:110 RAH C. JOHNSON ; both of I'uion township. pica. Id Liwrrne township, tn Auguit 21, 1 370, LILLY MAY, dao-hicr of J. B. And R acrcl Shaw i bltJ 1 Tfir, i month mad 17 Anv. IHarfcfts. Clearfield Markets. CoTTtrfrrJ wrrMy I f KnHHI Monp, Whl-'ft.c ft ml Ketml Itt-aW-r in Iry tim., (irtnwriti (-. itiuDt, Ac, Market utrvrt, C'ltarlicld, Pa. Ci.KAiiriri.il, I'a Ang. 9, H70. Applr.Krn.00i'j( I IS M 'fft, drcrHiftl Jtrivi. V th UM grrro Apj.k bmi-r.Vtr-l, I ,(l !Umt 0f hutler W$ S" ShwulJrrt ""'itD l.rntn k4t S if Si.lrn . (H'( Hurkirhfiit 1 Ji Lurtl Iturkwhrat floor lb, Href, drird b Mrss pork W bbl.. 37 Aft JA Oars HA l? Onions 1 ?S lterf, freh H'flj Hnar.ts. M 1? 0(al4 0" ISitatoea ($ Ti t rorn.shelled. I z r-arns, urteti m.. Corn.emr tf Plaster, V bbl 4 for, meal, V-wek. 1 bu Rye....... 1 2J Chop, cwtj J'(3 1 Hrs, V ' Clovrreeed- 9 i Silt, y rk 2 p rherpe.......... Shinges.l ;n. j4fJ M , rherries, th. Iff 14 Hhinirs.Zft inlttfo, 1 1 Mi Ch.ckens, drsd, m, lb T.mnthy see-d 7 M" T.zz Talbw 12) I Klatsf-rd- I WheL...MMM. 1 t I iionr n "' c " woi p IIhv m m'i l . otn. f mm i" rEWSYLYAM A RAIL - ROAD. TYRONE k CLEAHFIELI) BRANCH. ON and after MondsT. MAY Sth, 1S70, two Pain(rr Train, will run d.ilj tesrept Sun daysj betwetn Trron. and Clearfield, a. lullows: t l.KARHKI.f) MAI!.. LEAVE fOlTil. LEAVE NORTH. riearfield. I 0. e n Tvrone ( DO. a n. Phili.l.urf...S 4(1, " ' Owila Kilt.'.," o.re..la t on. I Phihp.burg ...II .00. " Terone t , Lrimrtteld IS.OJ.fMi. ri.KM:Mi:i.i) At ctmi)iATi'i'. LKAVE P'H'TII. l.KAVE KOItTII. riern-M f l) . n. Ternne ll p. a. Philipshurf . 9 4(1 i lnterseetion ...1 D " Osreola ln J " ' ftveota J l " Interaction-.. 1." r. n. I'hittp-t.w-si ...-1 SA " Trr-nr 1 J0 " ; le.,. I.I .nr.. '" " " 1A1!E A N iTdISTA NC23 inoM ci.EAnriEi.p.i rm'M tvronk. K at Z 5 ' Ft.tiens. Z- I i fi ? ? .. I 1" lnterseetion 4 H .. tt ?(i Vin-MTnr T ?0 .. 5 ' OfiHner S'1 .11 MS Jit. Pleasant.... II t' ,.tJ 4" Pnn.mil 14 S It HO -anHt Mi.lcr...U ( ..It fi. Pnwill'nn 17 4S ..n t.K tsoeeoln 1n) f,S tt . I'lioUr ?l (to ..t'4 S'ttTirr'. .'S f.s . .?n H' llilllplinr)( HI 1 ..?7 US lllor Poll V l (ill . al(i-,-tin TO f 5 ..s.t Ii in I'ijirr :n d ..SI 1 no Woodland ll 00 . 7 1 f. Leonard ' 1 If 41 I tit lenrlietd 411 811 :OM ( I.EAI!F1KLI, TO jM.il lletown 5M I 70 j Marietta ft bf II Ml , l.anea.ier I Elation. Le'inerd ! Woodland.. i Varsenroe. , luereeetion.. Tt rone.. p.Hefnote, Pa . !,..- Karen... W illislnsporl Hnntinr lon I " t il I I A .L Ll'H I A , l,,i...n on it,,na I is "7. . i ii"" i nZ'iZ I i o in--, n (wnn(V.tHlM Twfnw witK n, ,nd V rt r ihs Vtm 1. ine, and at W illisms. 1 pn f..r p-int North rd Ks-t. I ers Ira.inr ClesrPeM ot f. m.. j reah W iH,ir-rt ike -wms day, and pe-amfrrs la ring williantrport at .v9 a. m., reaeh t lear ftrM al (t no p m. I'a'srngt-rs ftr war stations on the Main Line between 1 ynnr and Ilarmharg. lea re Trrtme at S 41 p. m. CEORrtE C. WII.KINS. fpj-lf f fN-teTin'md-n. JWitnbold'i Column. 1 i ii r. k I n n i: i i Thf Kltlnfj-i Hi two in mimlfr llufttrrj it thr uppT purl of the loin, iiirniurj lrf. hy Ut, and entiiiiitiiif of three rta, via ; tho Antrrtur, thu Intrriur, and Ilia Kitt-ilur, Tb anti-rior aboorhf. Intrrlor eimnit-U of uii or ven, which arrva ai a d'-fxtxit fir the urine and convey It to the eitcrior. Thp rxtrrior 1 a oonduclor atm, fruiinatiit In a ingle tu'-e, and pallwl (tie I'nrter. Tbe oretcnare connected with the bUdder, The bladder ii oompflMd of various coveringi or tiiiufi, divided into purta, rit; the 1'pper, the Lower, the Nervnui, nd the Muroui. The upper expels, the lower rtUii.i. Many liara a dtriire to urinate without the ability; other urinate with out the abltily to retnio, Tliii frrxjucotrj occur, in children. To cure thrte atTcottoni, wa muot bring into action the muiclef, whiih are engaged in their various functions. If tbey are nrglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that how- rer slight may be the attack, it is sure ta affect the bodily health aud menial powers, us our fleeb and blood are supported from these sources. GOUT, OU 1MEU.MATI.SSI. Paiu occurring in the loins is indicatire of the above disraaca. they occur to persons dispoird to aoiU stomach and chalky eoneretions. THE GRAVEL. Tha grarel ensues from neglect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water is not expelled from tbe bladdrr, bat Allowed to remain; it becomes fererisb, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed, and grarel ensues. DROPSY. Dropny is a eolleetitm of water in some parts of the body, and bears different tames, aeeordiug to the parts affected, fit; when generally diffused prer Ihe body, It Is called Anasarca, whea of the abdomen, Ascites; when of the chest, Uydrotborai. TREATMENT. llrlmbold's highly concentrated eon. pound Ex tract Bucba is decidedly one of the best rrmtdir for diseases of tbe bladder, kidneys, grarel, drop sical swellings, rhenmatiem, and goiily affections, t'nder this bead we bare arrangt'd Pyuria, or difficulty and pain in pasing water, Scanty Secre tion, or small and frequent disthargfs of water: Strangury, or stopping of water; lirmtturia, or bloody rine; (lout and Rhenmatism of tbs kid neys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was always highly recommended by the lata Dr. Physick. ia three affections. This medicine increases tbe power of digestion, and exiitrs the ahsorbrnts into healthy exercise by whih the wattry or calcareous depositions, and ail unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and to fin mat ion, are reduced, and it is tsken by men, wnmrn and children. Directions for use and diet accompany. Pnit AnRi.rntA, Pa., Feb. it IS ft 7. II. T. Ildiubold, Drnggiit: Pn Sir I hare been suffering, for upward of twenty years, with grarel, bladder and kidney sffeetionr, daring whirb time I bare ased various medital preparations, and been wnder lhe treat ment of the mort eminent physicians, ripcrienring but little relif f. Having swea your prepsrmtions extensirely aJ-Terti.-ed, I consulted with oiy family phrt-kdan in regard to ving your Extrnrt Uurbs. I did this because I bad uped atl kind of adrer tised remedirs, and bad lound I hem worthless, and some quite injurious ; in fart, I drepaired of ever getting welt, and determined to use no reinedin herraftrr nnlrss I knew of tlie ingrnlients. It w,f (Lil lh,t m,,, t0 Qee your remedy. ' 1 ' ' .t decrt.srd that it was eompo.;d of burhu. ruM s, and Juniper berries, it occurred to me and mr phvsician as an eifvllent comM nation, and, wiik hip fcdice, after an examination of the arti- ..... . , M- """'ng again w.th the druggist, I coa- rludrd to try it. I oommrnccd its use about eight months agt, at whirb time 1 was confined to my room. Knm the first bottle I was aMnnished and grafiffid at the beneficial rffret, nnd after nsing It three weeks, was able to wa!k ont. I felt mub like writing yon a full statement of my ease at the . time, but thought my improrttnent might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing thro it would be of greater value to you, and more satisfartory to ma. 1 am now able to report that a cure is effected after using tbe remedy fur Art months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well in all reepeets as I ever did. " " Tour Purho bring devoid of any anpTeiemiit tents and odor, a iiiee t'nie and Inrignratntuf the system, I do ant mean to be without it whenever oecerion may require its ne in surh afWlmne. M. M. MfCi'K.Vtl K. Shoulj any doubt Mr. Merormick's ststrmcnt, be irfcrt to the following gentlemen i H"n, Wa. Bti.i.rn,ri flovern'-r, PenniyUania. Hon. Tn'. H. FLonicM-K, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Kkox, JuSpt, Philadelphia, llt.o. J. 8. Pi-A' i, Jutlk-i, Philsdi Iphia. lion. ll. R. p..Trn.e.U(.vrmor, 'Pennsylvania. H"n. Et i.is Lr. wis, Judre, Philadrlphta. Hon. R. C. (imtlt, Judge, I niled Plates C'urt. Hon. U. W. Wnntiviiii, Juitpn, Pliiladriphia. Hn. W. A . Ponrra, City Roliriior, Pfaila U Iphia, Hon Jon fliQi-Rru ex Governor, California, Hon. E. Pair, An litor iif n., Washington, It.C. And mtvnv oihero. if neeessaiT. fre?!,! I hy PmtrxistsanJ tfa!rr.feervnhrre. Iti warenfcountrrfi its. Ai-k lot UrlmWM a. 7ake no nttirr. PRICE: tl.2.r -r Hotllo, or C liotllc for f d.iiO. Irlirrrel li nny aJJrrsa. Iesrribe sTirtoms tn all enntmnnitinns. A"Jlrrs. II. T. II ELM HOLD, Iiruf an4 ( hrmi-nl Warehnose, b9 Ilmednar. Nr Turk. VON s- in ON E AI1K OEM IXF, VS'l.F.SD n; rr i Meel enr-wreil wrsppsr, w'tk fae simile nf wit Cni mi -al Wareli.usli. and nifned Jr''; H. T BK1 MHOIP. isHiiniiniiBwuwa mn'lt mi i Thrdnnrf, tjlnunrf, flt THE IH0NSIDE3 TIN & STOVE STORE! G. S. FLIX3AL, nxllipetarg-, Coatro Comity, Pa. fflllH nnder.litned respertfullj nnncunee. In 1 lb, poblle that ho has on nana n oars, fully. selected and well assorted stock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON W A R E ! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE ! His stock of Cooking Stoves eunttits of 7IJE CKLEBRATED IHOXSIDES, Which bar neeer failed to bring fMei and prosperity into faint iei where ll is used, Diswnnd State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California Cook kSuiva. Kpears' Anti-Dust, Uas burning Cooking Kto-s. Victor, Helisnce and I niun Unit es( tf peart' ( oolting Hangust Ao., tre. fc,Ths Tin and Sheet Iron war girenwitb the Moth is mado of tho heav'est and best material, and warranted to fire porfeet aalis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, b-tter and eheapor than orer before ibibtted to the public consisting of 8pears Remlving Light Illuminating Store. Spears' Anti I't-i Oas Burning I arlr Si.iea, Spears' Orblcntar (Jas Burning Far I or Mura, Hpears' Uas-Bur, irg I'arlur 6Ure, Uoqurf, Pearl. Urm, Ida, Sua, Inipio. Kerada, kc Ac, Vulcan. Elm and Victor Heaters, F peers' Rs Tolrlng Light 11 eaters. He Is alto prepared to famish a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, etc, Wholesale or retail, man a factored neatly and with tbe sole view to service, frua tbe best ma trrlel in tba market. PLOWS PLOW POINTS. COPPER, BRASS, PORCBLAIX, TIN LINED, SPIN A COMMON IKON KETTLES, Of every drscrlptton constantly on hind. ORPEItS FUR SrOUTINO, ROOFINU And other work belonging to his business wit) be promptly filled by eiperieoeed and skill lu I workmen MUSS, COrrER. OM) METAL, RAGS AND CAMI Taken la eicbange for goods. ITIe enperiiMy Invites the sttentlon, of Merrbanta tubing to purchase at wholnsate. as tbey will find it to their advantare to asamine Lis stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Lookout for the Rig Pign ppoito the resi dence of Mrs. l)r. Fwatrr. All ticoia Wiaaa-iTcn as Riritsemiii. I I H. AI,. augfi t Philipsburg, June 8, 1970. II. F. BIG L Ell & CO., Ot Alt t?l IH II It I W A It K , Also, Manofactorersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. C I. E A R I I E L I, PA. Y LOT OK SA1DLKS, lilUDLKS, Harness, Cellars, ete., fr sale by II F. niOl.EH A CO. p.vLMF.nS r.VTENT UNLOAD- Inf n.t Forks, for sals hf ll. F. lUfil.KR A CO. q i.V r in t, ri'ii'v, I "glass, j Kails, ate., fir sals bj ! II F. niOLF.R I CO. jj.iKN KSS "TIMM MINGS A SllOE IFIndlnj., for sal, tj n. F. ntni-FR co. Q C N ii,V is'l'OLS, "S W O K I) CAN ICS Tot sals hj 11. F. BIOLER 1 CO. gTOVES, Ol" ALL SOHTS AND I Fire., for sal. ky ' II F. MGLF.R A CO. jkon IKON! IKON! ikon: For sale bj 11 F. BIOI.F.R A CO. II OKSE SHOES k 1IOKSE SHOE KAIL9, r..r .al. hj II. F lilOLKR A CO pUI.LET I? LOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, fur sals be i II. F. WO l.F.R A CO. HIMBLE SKEINS AND DIPE BOXKS, f w.ale by II. F. hiolf.r A m. lODDEK Cl'TTEKS for ;ilo ly l at. Il.lil 70 II. F. H I C. I.F.R A CO. . . . tt. ivis i set j. noi l un si s HOLLOWBUSH & CAKIT, r.OOKSKLLLlIS, Wank Rook Manufarfurrrs, AMI 8TAT10XE11?, .Vml.rl SI., Vhilatlftphia. fcnk.rer.er Flmir farVs .ml Hscs. Feelif.. Utter, 5te, M ia-in(, I'nrtain eel M I'. per.. r.;4.T It.iI D REX EL & CO., n 31 fioulh Tlilrrl Slrrrl. ehlla lrlphla. And Dealers in Government Securities. Application n mail will reerive rmnit t alien lien, anil all ii'il.irmalinn rlii-erCulij fuim-lieil. Onlers selie.ted. nirll If ri Vn7aws .ini abdnnjihinl snft-rtrrs of ee.r, JL kind ef the lafst Impro'em-nta, fer si. m tas lrv ,,., HASTS'VI'-K I'IN. w. sons ntnTonoNs 'C'lirnprr than the ( lirap sir aoom at Ki-DrcKi) riiirKs jrit nsrriTto T A rnohl A Ilnrlsliorn, (Ons door west of Firrt Xattooal Rsnk,) ( i nn rsii.i.i', pa. n AVISO just returned from the ent with enmplste assortment of tloods suitable for Fpring and Hummer trade, we are now ready to furnUb all kinds of (foods 11 Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after thanking our eustomers fur their liberal patronage during the past year, we would most rea ectfully atk for a continuance of the same. Onr Ptock eonsts of a cnrup?e(e assortment of Pry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queenswsre, Willnnware, Uroeeiss, Itouts f- Pboes, Hats A Gaps, Ctt4tnj, Tohaeeos, Ae. Also. Fluur, Da eon, Salt. Fish, (irsin, eto. All of wbiifa will be sold on (be most reason able terms, and the bijfhest maiket price paid for 'Irain, Wool and all kinds uf Lumber and Country Product. ePiease give us a eal) before purchasing elsewhere. Pntisfactlon goaranteed as to price and quality. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Corner uf Main and Thompson Streets, apr20 CI'RWEIVSVILLK, PA. l. r. WIIVIB, t W. W. SETTS. WIMYKIX Jk I5KTTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tbe old stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, G ROCEM ES, BOOTS A 61I0ES, IIAT9 A CAPS, lMliLlH AHli, QVEENSTAHK, FLODB, FEED, SALT, &c, &c, At tbe most reasonable rates fur CASH or in e i change f'r Square Timber, Boards, Shingle!!, On COUNTRY PROUICK. ((iWlrAJvan',es made to these engad in grt ting out square limber on the most advantageous trrms, January S, ITfl, SUIT A It 13 TIMISKIt! K.A.IIIVIX&CO., trmi'r.iv.viM.t pa.. Bring sprrially engagrd in the business of Buying and Selling Squaro Timber, Would rrprrpetit lint they are now prepared to pnrrhase Timber delivered al either Curwrnsv ille, Lo-k Haren or Marirtta, (or will take il at any of three points,) aud aid) on oommiiiiun, muking surh advances as are necessary. Those enjrspd in fitting out TimW will find at our store in Curwrnst tlie, a erry large stork of STAPLE GOODS Of all Iseeeripliona. ALSO, I lour, .Jltal, nyr, Vain, Corn, And seertblns; neeessarr fnr use of Lnmnernarn. RAFT ROPE, Of all sites, kept on hand in large quantities, and sold at small adianee by thrcn.l. Also, Tultry BliKks, 8 in all lUpe, e. jMMFr. 11 IMr ( I MIT offered lo those manufarturing Square TimWr. H. A. IKVIM At C K Curwrnsi ille, Jitnnarv 12, Small Profits! Quick Sales! IIAKTMVICK k lUWlN Are eonstantlr replrniliin)E tlirir stiek of Pnips. M-.lirinrs, Ac. Minnl B..lta an l Si.li.HMiy-indiidinc Ihe 0,. Ij""il anj Nalinnal Fetlri of Healers. Also, T'll'aeeo nnl Cipar. nf tlie ItsI hran l", nt the hiwret prices, nit CAM. AMI 8I E. f.9 Slumps! Slumps 1 1 r1IIK nnd. r.icnr,l his pn . haee I the rirhl t I t'ieart.rlil county f.-r Kee n I A BP" "IITn' Mine KTn.rT"n, .atentrd June Vth. 1S7H Tins is ileei-li ill t the mt e.il: t nu nt. nn.st .Inra l.k. and heal nnehine or the dar. rt weather will not aftiet ll. Ihe wnrfcinr. art heinf all nf tnn. The ma. lime is easi:i s. t nr. nnd will wnrk at'. .la-e that ean ! j.hinid. e will si ll nta ehmes at a small profit on roat, nnd will IrT to ni'kr it In the ndiatitape nl fa mere tn hue tlietn. We .elicit nrdfre frir tl"ir n:itiling mieliinrs. II. T. I l:s mtril. t i.rri. id. I'n. J. II. liAllltlSON. t nrwenstille. 1'a. Grn. II lll l., Afint. I 'harfirld, I'n. jylSTia VPMIMTHATOK- Mlfll l.-N.I-rf is hi'rrliy fiven that tellers ( a'tln imstrat ion on Ihe esl.le .if Snl.nMilX IM.1S. di-e'd, lai. nf Pike tuwnshi. t'learfii ld rennty. IVnn'a.. har inf heen dalr giantetl In tbe undefined, all er S'n. indehtrd tn said estate will ilen-e make .ar. ment, nnd thiMe having claims or demand" will present then. )ini.,-rly au: limticateu foi seltleuiout and allnwanee n :thnut d. 1st. II. l. Rill I II, Administrater. r.areeee'ilb. Jn. !, la: l. SAVl KL ihsnl n... pt OIpoiIs, C.t wilri, sflr. BARGAINS! DARCAINSI V. Kit ATZE.lt, Market Street, Clearfield, renu'a., (Oj.poslt, tha Jail,) II1AVE now on hard flrsl el.s. stork nf jt.mds, suited 10 Ihe want, of the nnl lie Mv stock hi insr laree, ai.d lr e'-ns'sntle mnklny sddlltnna thereto, I am ahl. In aecno-motlate all whn may favor me hj rnllirg. I bav. I)UV GOODS, Merinna. fllnrhauts, rinths, IMnle. llelain..: Cas.itneres, 8ilks, Ki., Fatinets, Cashmeres. Twsrd.. fiiberv.. Alpaea.. M. h.lr, Lanrll ., Muslins, Flannels, llonnel. Kil.hnn', ri'ak.. flalii.oral Fklrt.. Hoop Fklrt.. fbawls, Pre.f Trlniminirs, 111 nd Neil, Cans Corsets, Gloves, Hearfs, Collars, Urenadine Vails, Table Coreri, i a. CLOTHING, Costs, Tanls, Veals, Oeer Cnats, Oent'a (hawlt, Fhlrls. Hats. Cap.. I'nder Shins and Drawers, Hunts and liboas, flum Sbues. Cravats, Socks, Ulova. aud CuiLra. GKOCEKIES, Ten. Coffea. Fucar, Molasses, P.lt, Candloi, Ki a. Floor, It aeon, Fi.k. T-.l,a-eo. Kaialns, entrants, hpieai, Crathers, Vinegar. Oils, Varniib, Pepper, Aloobol, Ac. household goods, Carpets. Oil elolh. Drocnet. riseka, Lnobinit Glasses, Churns, Buckets, Wnrhbnards, Tuba, Flat Irons, Pant, Window B.inds, Wall Paper, Con! fli! Lamps, Drdeords, I'mtr.llss, Knires, Fork., 8poona, Crock., Elorss nnd Slot. Illaeklnf . UAKD WARE, Quernsware, Tinware, Qtasiware, Wooden ware Copper are, books. Stationery, Vut.eal Quads, Trunki, tkates, lo. 9" h 11 of which will be sold on the snort rea souaMe terms, and t a hiybtvt market price paid for Grain, Wot I and all kinds of coo o try produce REMEMBER THE PIACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Oppo.ita lbs Jail.) CI-EAHF El P. PEXX'A. j:o SI 0.00(1 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Eicels all other Lead! 1st- Forjra Inriraltd Mbitenrsa. Id. For its I'nrqualad Purahilit). Sd. Fr its t'nrurpossed Covering Property. Lastly, fur Its Eronumy, p-4r ll routa It-ss to paint with Tifl'k T.ad thin any other W bite Lead ciUnl The same wiicht eoerrs snore surface, 1 nor durbbie an J makes wblier work. Ill ( k 1 i:l fs tbf Chsapest and Best $10,000 CUAKAXTEE. BUCK ZINC Eicels all oilier Zincs ! 1st. For Its I'oequalrd hurabiiiiy. 2d. For Its I'nrivalrd Uhttrnesa, Sd. Fur its I'nsurpss.ed Corerinf Property. LaMly. fur Ms tlreat Eeonoay. Bfinjr ihe Cheapest, I1andsnmtf t and moat Di rable K bile Paint in the Wuild. Buy oi.ly Bl'CK LEAD AND BUCK. ZINC Try it and be Convinced, feititfirtioa tluarantoed by ihe M -nofaf turers. lU'CK COTTAGE CO LOUS, Pn-pared eiprepoly lur Painting Colt acre. (lu'brfiMincs of eeery de er!ptlon, Fenees Ae. Thtrt Bra different rnlora. Ia rable Cheep, I'nilorm.and Heautiful Shadr. Ksmple eards erut bt mail if araired lral era Ord-rs will be promptly eavcuud by tbe wanufeinrea. FRFNCn, FICIMRliS 4- Co., K. W Cor. T- th A Mertirt streets. Philsd'a. F)rsate by A I. H haw and II artw if k A Ire in, teab-rs In Irus;s, Mrdicines, Paints, Oils. Ac. Clesrfl'ld, Pa aprl:i:7o:tt TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AND HKTAIU At the Nrw T.iI'spco and Cigar 5fere uf r. .rr. uooi f:rt Two denn F.nst of the PostofRc, Cleartldd, Ta. Constantly rm band a fine assortmrnt of Nary, Concresf, Cnvendish, Cable, fpnnrotl, Mlchiirnn and Century Fine-ent Chrwing Tobacro, Ar. A)s, a mtf mm 4 )) vrtwtrd stork of Imported and I-omeHir Ci(rnrs. Smi'Vsinf Tobarroa, aleersehsom and P-riar Pipes, Pipe filturrs, Tobsrro I.uirs, Cijfar HoUrrs, and eerythin)( (rrnerallj found In a wi ll rrjru'afrd Cignr atid TobarreO Store. T-Hrmenibrr the place : Two doors F.ast of the Postoffif, Clearflrld. Pa. decl NEW Miitni.i: woitiis, CI.KAI! FIELD, TENX A. C1U.L and s.-e the new MAIiTI.E WOUKS 1 nn Mark-t street, e.p..itr Ihe .Tail. M(iM MI'nTS. lil.KCIAN Ti'Ml f, riii'scii cm riir. T.M'.LK 101'.-, MANTI.IIS. il.UtlT.N FTAT1 AliV, Tl.l.nA (11 TA V A li K, 11KAII t l tniT fthM:;5. nf nrn and hratilifnl drs'uns. All of wliii ll will be sold nt Pity priors, nr p-r eenl. Itss than anj nllier rslal'ltrl'tm nt In llii e'Hintv. 8a'i.fnti"n punrantretl in rll eases. Older, thankfully ne.lied and piouipllj fill'd in the bst woikmnu-like niannrr. f. A. C.Ili'HS. J.via I'.. W.Tan. cnt. trrll ly 11-TK I '!TAIU I .! I-PI'.S. We h ie printed a lare nunilxT nf the new I I. K HI I.I.. aed will on the rreript nf twentr. f re eent. nt" il a enpt tn anr ai'lrs. m ? SnIM' P UK. Kennedy's .Ved eal . l'isn very, llelrrhold. Ituehn, Halter's Cod ' I. leer Oil, Javne's and A .er's me.tipii.es nf eeery bind, f.r ..l.'br HAtl' IIK. une. wmiw J is ''Wtrsr.sye.TMnw-. ) win sjaWu THE SMITH HOUSEi If ts Ihf Pftaat-rff I 'I ..(.I i CIMIE nnd.r i 4iii ii i n. r. gnt d. Is. it (. I lhi brn far I i mi el t r, is r a ir lo rtiiertanf trsn w. i and Irsvi l rs f . tirrslty, and lhrr (ore Soth i' r..j trn'rs tu K ie lnu.sr-11. His TaMe will he phd nnt, ih, Ih m thr u ark t afl- i-t, and I if l'nt ill cot t'lto llif r hiiic. wi o n inri and liq'toii I li l.-ii,f , Inni'iurr. and ddinc are ftiltre'y r.t W.Kli.tl, ni.. ni. t" thr rum .in o trsn Iris, liilc li.r stn lnf allai bril is h ra; and routa i iii-t riiiti d lur t aitif'' i. Clii j s mod'-rais. Jan4 I" W 11 1.1AM H. KltAIl,i:T. TH E LEON A RD 0USeT (Near ttiv lUilroud I'i po.) kekh ftki:i;t, ci.i:ahfiki.i, pX. c;. I). (.(M)lii I 1 lorY, Proprietors VNKW f,r.-.r;iM ll.,ttl in a very respsct ou. fortiavlilr rim m n hII ihr modrru iuiprora f he Ut o ,gi OIt prouipt attend ance, and rensonatile ebiiri-s. '1 tm patronage ot 'he pulilic is rvMHfliuily Solicit d. Ti-amsiers will plense lake notice thai a lar)( barn his just '.een erectrd tor lhe slitlti-rinjf of hoist ", ladtd waifiitis and cm rriBjjrs having a eouiuiodious yarif tij o tjiu tu the Freight atd l'usrnger depot. jrJl THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MAItKET Kt., CLEAKFIELD, Pa. rI1IIIS Isrjre anl eonimodinm ncrr hvlff bal 1 icn iipcn.d tr the at'crmrh(idiitidri nf the pultlic, where tbe proprietor will be glad to meet rite old In mhI . Mnd reerive a share ul public pat ri)i,;i. Kv strirt personal attention to tbe de ails ol his huniness. he hopes to he able to render atilartio.i to his pittruns. The TAHI-E will always be boontilully supplied with thr best (hat 'an he procurt d in the msrkit. end the BAR will com n m a fullstockol LIQlOltH, BKKlt, At liood stabling atlorhid. CAPPER LEIPOI.DT, Clearfield, March 3, ly Ptoprietar. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIN ST., CrKWENKVILLE, PA- HA VI NO leased frf a term of years the bore veil known and popular hotel, (kept fonitrrly by Mr. Mason, and lately by Mr. Fonts.) the present, proprietor has itted it with the objtet of render nf his guests eotnfort a tils' while s jt.urnins; with him. A line, largfl tabl and Yard U atterhed, for the care and protection of horses, carriages and wacons. M liberal ?har of puMic parr-'tiai-e Is solicited. mr4 7ttf A.J lHAUt KFR, Propr. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of hreond and 11 ar kct StieetS, cm;ahhi:i.I). pa. TTTT4 old and eommodlons Hotel has. during the pa ft year, been nlared to double iU ft'ioier capacity for the entertainment of itran fcr mui ac's. The wbde botl.iinf has been rcfurnliibed. and tha proprirtvr will spare no pains to rrndcr fail guests comfortable wbiltf -tsyiof 'with bim. jp-fr-lbe ''Mnnptnn Rouse" Omnibus runs to and from tbe Deputoft 'he arrival end departure of earh train. JOHN UUUUHEKIY, apr6 T0 tf Proprietor; THE AMERICAN HOUSE, urweuavlllr. ClearUeld couuty, Pti fy H 8 nndersiffned has leaed to is old and Ions; 1 established hotel, (formerly kept by Major Uac bionta.) situate in a ecnf rl portion of tbf tnwn.end has entirely re-fitted and re fnmisbe4 it d re-modeled the sta.dhg. so a to make il so t'jct, faarafier. for tbe travel in a; poblle ea patroL'sc tkii lare antf commodious bins. Jan. l v, 70-tf. T.Jtrr. uiAfu-ji. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, 4 nrweiifcillle i lea i held county. Fa. rTHI old and well e-tabli-hed Iloiel, beautf X lo" situated on the baiks ot the Sutque iiaiina. in the boroiph ut Curwen Title, ba bt-em i-ivd for a term of y.ars by the ondTiened li bap bet-tt entirely reft tied, )d is now open fd the public verier ify and the traielling eommn mty in parieoiar. No pains will be spartd to r-ndrr .OcpIs Contf-rta hla while tarrying at thil hno e. Ample tStsbhnu rooi f.-r tbe aovomnso dati'in f tt-ams. Chars;"- wdt-rate. Jan. I, ? if WM. M. JEFFRIES.- THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, 111 MIM.lmV PAt rfllTS eld er-teMii-bment faatiff been leased 1 be J. MoHKlON, fttrmerly prjprietr of Uie "Mnmstin ll'-usc, has been thoroughly ren Tated and refumtuhed. and supplied with all tbe wiodcHi tsnpTovcmcntp and cunrenie nces ue eeary to a firat rlat llot I. Tne diri ir fnocf has i ecn removed to the first floor, end is row fmeious and ai:y. I be chambers srre well een i tat d, ard the proprietor will endeavor to make his frueu perfectly at h me. J, 24 - J. MOhRTPON. Proprietef; THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main m 1'iiiLiisnL'na. r.. rIIR wndersifrned keep, einstant?r nn handt J. the be.t f Liquors, lit. tahl. ia alw.ja .uplted with tbe beet th. market affnrda. Iba traerhn, iublio will du well tn frire bint a ealL nnel.'ni. KOIIKUT LLOYD. glUH IlillflV Corner nf llatket and Front Street. riiarlleld. Pa. This macnifteent lintel is entirelv new, nom ilete in all its a pointtiiirits. and envenient tff ihe Court llttise. A free fintniluis runs tn and Iron, tlie Ie.ot nn the erri.al au'i ilen.rtnreof earh train. t. Bt'IiUr. N. I'Ol.llf R.N, April 13. IRTtl. Pr..prietir; l litH.STsi lltri:l, ('orner of TttirJ and Finithfiild Streets, ntti-burc. Paw I t Tfl P. JnllVSToX A SUN', rreprietors. Ioots and hors. DANIEL CONSELt.t, Ooot and Shoe jlaiiufnr.urrr, CLGAKFlEI.il, I'A. ir just reerlved a bna f Frenci CAL "Kt.N'S. and Is nnw prewerell (n vsnnfae v erervthing in ht line at tn. luwest Deores. II. will warrant Ms nnrk to be aa rrpresehleas II. respeetln'lv si'llrlts a rail, at hts shop od Vl.rfcet sireet.setnnd d' nr west nf the po't.tiee, wher. be will d" all In his power tn render salt,' faction, home tin. Usiler tops nn hand. mjv.dT IMMfcL CUNhELLf. PEACE rECrLAlHEDa THE WAR 0VEB IN ClAfifIl0. KNOX TOWNsJIir QUIET. Xeart)t oil the Contrahandn (ffiing bark to their old (fl.ifir; hut 'nary one going to old Maswchuwtts, ichcr thrjf ircrt loved to long and to veil. IN eonseqarnee of the abate faffts. F. PROsff t of thn I'M "Sho r-hoe bhop," would an a .ii tn bis namerous patrons, end the people o I'lfarfidd county at (art-, thai be ha now a flrpt rate lo,it rood material Jut reeeivtid fmm the haft, and is pri-pared nnsnorl notice tv make and mend Hhu snd Shoes, at bis new shop tn tJra ham's mw. He ia satisfied thsi he ean picas all. a 'less it miirhi hpinnc intearely los stay t home pMtiots. ) He is rreparrd to srli low for rah nr Country Produce. Int fot(rt th rtp ncit dr Showers A (im ham's store, n klarkci ftri-ri, iM'arhld, I'a,. aod kft-t by a tt Hnw cmrn'miy ealied 1,2 n y 'PU(.KTT.' KDWAlio MACK, Cen. MAIIKKT A n Pts.. Cl.EAllPIEl. ti. rpilT rr- pel-tr has entrrrd Into the ItOOTtf SIIUK buvmeps at the above stand, and I it trrmincd not I be o"tin eiiber in qtial- ttr or prcc fr bis work, hpeeiat atfrnhnn will be paid manofariorins: Sew d WOTk Ha hp on band a Inrc b of Krfrb Kip end Calf PVtws. of tbe ery bc-l qoelity. The cttl irwp of OWw-rnoM and rtrinlir are respectfully malted to rive hi-n a trial. Ho chars; for ealls. !. a if MW HOOT AM) SHOE SlltlP. I CI r:WII.I.I'. rpilK .nhserili.'r havln lately started anew 1 llont and Sho. sbp in Cnrwrn.rll'e, nw Main ttreel. eppo.lte J.H-ei b K Irwin's P'n ".'re, eeiprettully annennre. to tbe publie thai hr is prrpaied In wiana'at-tnre all .trleenf l'onta and Shoes, and ireruhit.e in hi. line. en .hort nottr. He alsn k.epsnn band a for d neeiirt nisnt nf r.-. Ir wm.le work, whi-k be will sail ebeep for eash nr emnlry pre-nee. nett: if I1M l.nwi.' T. INK, HI TR HIMX l.'SlXfl ?KINI I Jo.t reeeirrd and for sale ky dprll Tn. I tl. II r VIUI M 0
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