Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 10, 1870, Image 2

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    She UpubUran,
WKDNKPPAT IKinSlSO. Al'tH'PT 10. 1S70.
Democratio District Ticket.
.Oil N V. HALL,
or all COI-!fTT.
Bubjaal to tha action of the Diitriet Coonntion.
Deinocratio County Ticket.
or atRARD.
or CI RlRrilLD.
or KROX.
or ana promt.
Attorney-General Ackerman favors
an election io Georgia, tliio full, and a
coolness li as already aprung up be
tween bin) and (lie President on this
point. General Grant works in tlie
Bullock team, and cannot slip the
The wbito boya at Wcat Point have
been reprimanded for abusing the
negro baby at that institution. We
presume tbia includes Geary and
Grant's sons. Well, let their duds
teach them bow to behave towards
Cared. lion. Joseph Segnr, cx
Congrcnainan from Virginia, gave lion
W. 8. Lincoln, ex member from New
York, severe caning on rennsylva
nia avenue, Waeliinlon, on Thursday.
Lincoln is severely injured. They
are both loyal lobbyists, and quarreled
about plunder.
JiErREb'ENTATI YE. TIlO It'udicals of
this Legislative district met at Ridg
way on the 3d instant, and nominated
AVm. E. Lathy, Esq., of Tionesta, as
their canaidiite for Assembly. We
learn he is a strong advocate of negro
suffrage; otherwise he is a gentleman
in every particular.
Cokobibmohal CoNrta!ca. Erie,
Cameron, Elk, Warren and Clearfield
have agreed to hold the next Confer
ence at Ridgway.on the 12th of Sept.
Jefferson compluins it being Court
week with them but we hope three
active and intelligent gentlemen will
be granted a furlough to attend, and
atill not break up their Court.
Vert IIappt Forney's Vr and
othor Radical sheets rejoice muchly
over the fact llinl by the aid of the
negroes, the Rudical vote was largely
increased in Kentucky, at the late
election, while the large Democratic
majority was of course reduced. We
will allow every man to render him
self socially and politically happy who
can do so by caressing and fondling
negroes, for all such are inevitably
approaching the las', ditch.
Appointed. Gov. Geary has jut
appointed J. Alexander Simpson, Reg
ister of Wills for Philadelphia, to fill
the unexpired term of Gen. Leech,
ded'd. The fact that Geary has
refused to appoint Bunn, the Radical
nominee for the same offico, is a valu
able consideration to the people.
Simpson and Runn are both notorious
blacklegs, and the only question yet
unsealed is, which of the twain is the
greatest villain f The former cheated
the Stale out of $S0,000 while Treas
urer of Philadelphia, and the latter
heads the Philadelphia branch of the
Uarrisburg corruption ring.
Exceeiunolt Goplt. Since
commencement of the bloody
betweon France and Prussia,
clergy and cilisens generally have
become very jiiou. Prayers are
hourly ascending to God on both sides
of the Rhine for victory. There is so
much blaephcmy in this thing thai the
christians should vciftlicir fares, while
the open advocates of war, should go
and commit moral suicide. The idea of
two individuals, or two nations under
taking to murder rath otiier, ni.d then
call npon the Author of IVneo., for
help, to our mind, is nnparnh lied
wickedness. And yet it is the fusion
of tho day. Will wars ever cease
while christians thus behave them
selves? lit XoMiNATi.n Hon. Glenni V.
Scoficld, was, on Thursday last, re
nominated by the Kadlcal Conference
al Ridgway, for Congress. II 0 carries
the radical party in this di-tric t in h
jiot.pi. Ho lius tilituinrd for mn-1 efts
every rivnl out of llic field by geltiiig
tliem irj,.1i.llcJ lo Mme o(y,(.0 Up
promiaed boll. Vo.lrnfTand SouiIict.
the Jiidirocliip wlii.-l, tl.rv arc fiuluin,.
oror, wliile Glenni l,na nccurcd In-
nominntion nnin fur CoKTv,K ,,j!sai.i t.r I-and
will ullovr tlicne I wo wonliiea to ''figlu
ilouton tlmt lino" if it takpt tli. m ull
full. Our tViCjrrrsomnii is cuntiinu;.
lie tiutitfic Inn rival, with to and
tlireo lliouannd dollar aiipoiiitmeiiu
liile he rjrrljIHco )lp , fire thousand
dollar mlary, and from ten to fifteen
tboua.nd io plunder mUruad, bauk
tnc a. miy.
Ttit IVrnrft-IVmslrtM H'ltr.
The bloody conflict in l'iimi has
opened In earnest. Considerable, slur
mishing bus been going on between
Ibe contending armies for the yaA
two weeks, but no real engagement
until Saturday Inst, when llio two
armies encounleu'd emli other at
Wcissenburir. Tho Kremli forces
were led by ien. Mu Mahoi, and the
Prussians by King William, in person.
Tho former confesses n defeat, while
tho latter claims a brilliant but bloody
victory. Tho Prussians captured over
4.W)U prisoners, including 1H ollicers.
Tho number killed and wounded in
the engagement us given by the
Telegraph nro so contradictory that
it is not worth while to cnuimcnco,
as it is impossible, for cither isiile to
:iil.iN, August C. Tho prisoners
from Weisscnburg are passing through
this city on their way to tho fortiiied
prison of Spanduu. Tho police author
ities have issued a notice culling on
the citizens to be dignified in their he
havior towards and generous in tho
treatment of prisoners, though ene
mies. Weisscnburg is a smull French town
on the right bank of the Lautcr.thirty
four miles from Strasbourg, and about
fifteen miles above (lie junction of the
l.n uter with tho Rhine. In history
it is famous for the "Weisscnburg
Line" of defences, built by Marshall
Villars during thu war of the Spanish
succession, and extending from this
town along tho Lauter to Lautcrburg
on tho Rhino. They were abandoned
in 1M)7, but have never boon destroy
ed. Tho town itself is fortified with
walls and towers.
The Prince Royal, Frederick Wil
liam, commanding tho South German
army, has issued tho following procla
mation : Suldiers of the Third Vurjis ;
Appointed to command you by the
King, 1 greet you soldiers of Prussia,
Wurtemberg and Ruden. United un
der my command, your courage, ilis
cipline and pcrseverenec fill me with
pride, joy and confidence. In true
fraternity continue to snrcad your flag
over new victories, victories wlneli.
God aiding us, will insure honor and
peace to United Germany.
Paris, August 0. The Journal OM-
eiel raya: The French troops, who num
bered only seven or eight thousand,
that w ero engaged in tho affair before
Weisscnburg bnd to contend with two
Prussian army corps, including tho
picked troops of the Prussian Guard,
and adds, in spito of tho inferiority of
their numbers our regiments resisted
the assault of tho enemy for several
hours with admirable heorism when
they wero forced to give way. Tho
loss of tho enemy was so severe that
he did not dare to pursue us. At Suar
bruck we have broken tho Prussian
lines whilo our own remain intact.
Another prominent French paper
says that General MaeMuhon moved
yesteiduy towards Weisscnburg. lie
was liul a short distance Irom thai
point, and his men marched at quick
step. Ho has between sixty and sev
enty thousand men. today there
will be about ono hundred unci filly
thousand men concentrated near
Weisscnburg The loss of the Pius
sia' s in the recent engagement reach
ten thousand firo hundred in killed,
wounded and prisoners. The French
forces defending the town wero but
eight or ten thousand, while the at
tucking force numbered fully forty
thousand. The enemy wassosevercly
crippled that he could not follow the
French w hen they retired.
Kentvckt Klution. Tho Louis
vi Mo, Kentucky, Courier-Journal, of
the 'Jd inst., thus alludes to the elec
tion in that city, which occurred on
tho previous day. It must bo remem
bered that this was tho first political
contest in Kentucky, in which the ne
groes participated- "Ths returns
shov a smaller vote than was expect
en. This is owing to the fact that
the voting places during the forenoon
were almost blockaded by the crowds
of negroes that surrounded them.
Many person were thus deterred
from voting. Rut the entire Demo
eralic ticket is elected by handsome
majorities; and.Considcring I lie peace
ful n ess and fairness of tho election
its freedom from bullying and dis
turbanco of every sort Democrats
have reason to congratulato them
selves. Whilst tho result
gratifies us, it does not surprise us.
We have not, at any time, entertain
ed a doubt of tho success of t ho entire
Democratic ticket. Rut the majori
ties might havo been much greater
had the party been thoroughly organ
ized, and had it polled its full strength.
It is the opinion of tho best judges
bad our precincts been doubled, we j
snouiu nave increased our majorities
by at least 3,000 votes. Rut we luck
ed both voting places and organiza
tion, whilst tho Radicals Wero admi
rably organized, and voted the no
grocs, like clock-work, early and of
Tnr. pioneer cadet peddler, Juhn Co
vode, Mimrr.oni the liadical State Cen
tral Committee to meet him at Altoons
on the Kith of Angnwt. Tho pnrty of j
moral ideas could not have a better
leader. If the liadicslsof .South Caro
lina have their Whittcnioro, of Tennes
see, their linllcr, of North Carolina,
their I)ewecse, of Georgia, their
Whimpy, the Peiinav Ivania JUdicals
rejoice in their Covoile.
Tlir removal ofthe summer cuoital
of I ho Hi public to Long Iiranch plays
the deuce with the prosperity of the
winter capital. Until the nceissiiui
f (ion. (Mant, our Presidents never
forsook tho national capital excepting
to spend a short time within the vicin
ity of Washington,
President Grant is about to visit St.
Louis. The radical party is sick out
there and needs doctoring, lint il
Hoc-tor (iratit urn-tors the radicals of
.'iis,un no i.cltcr tlian ho did the
roiled Suites Senate on tho San I).,,
niuigo job there will be a funeral
out tliers sure.
Gruve fmra nre rnlorlBinod tlitil
llio lo nn-oiio I'driri'M cif tlio lino
sue tiliihfl mil not int'ft in tin- f,.in,.r
s it lius l.t-on nliown tlmt inslriimoiila
tiNfU ill clt'terniiiiinn; tlie direction nf
tlie liorea Intvo teen undoubtedly
HlTi t led by tha minerals found in the
rHION rAt-I X I!Afl.ROAD.-lMMr.N.r.
The nrurpirato anle
ol I mon 1'iicific liailroitd biliilt lor
Ibe ye-nr tr.tlinrj July L'liih, 170, Wiia
SIMi,.1!:;! ; averuire price, $4 011 fer
Bi-ni I In l..l. ll. I. II... - .
.... . ,, ...ui, inu ri-i-eiiii inr i
Hlu of land were uiiwards of Il'O.Wmj
for tliut day.
An ordor liua bn rornirrrl in
T ... . I . -----
a jtm in nr i.a-.a . a. .... . . ..ria
rnminahi M.AH.....:t
for the French aiuhuriii
.....vf.nni nun
. ..... l '
V' m nwr ?r ' rrnvh nrvnv. f
Thr Pirrf of I.HtiOmhmtnt.
All over the 1'iiion, In every chan
nel of municipal and State nut hot it v,
we It ml daily tlevelopitiglbc new liiuii
eal theory of government tho theory
of inlei i'erenco every w hero by the
Federal power. In New Orleans the
Federal Courts inlei lero in the rei'il-
if;.. ,,r .i. ..if,- ..,,. I,., i. i 'i i. i
as though tho shiners of Philadelphia
should get the Federal government to
reinstate, them in the use of tho streets
of which they havo been deprived by
our City Councils and Slate. Legisla
ture. Judo IMihlo, of the State Court
of Louisiana, w hoso jurisdiction has
been invaded, asserts it manlully ; nl
though wo are told by tho 1'res that
ho lost a leg in fighting iiijiiinxt State
Kights. lint this is tho tress way
of putting it. To us it seems that a
truo soldier of tho Union and the
Constitution fought as much far
Stulo rights in their sphere, as ho did
for Federal rights in their sphere.
ror t lie Constitution ot tho United
Suites was not framed by ignorant
liadical speculators, und their tit allies
tho ignorant negroes. Tho danger of
the consolidation ol powor in the
lands of the Federal government was
so evident to the grout statesmen and
thinkers of our Revolutionary era,
that tho whole Constitution is devo
ted to a just discrimination between
tho powers granted to tho Federal
government and those wholly with
held from it. In the language of that
instrument. "The powers not dele
gated to the United States by tho
Constitution, nor prohibited to it by
the Stales, are reserved to tho States
respectively or to tho people." This
wise mistrust was shown when a
Washington filled the Presidential
chuir and mon of patriotism and char
acter wero elected to Congress by in
dependent and intelligent constituen
cies. Now, whut is this Federal gov
eminent whose arm the Radical w ire
workers are thrusting or insinuating
into every State ballot box, every do
meslii: and local interest f Is it pure,
disinterested, free from taint or sus
picion ? No ; there is no foreign job,
no local conspiracy in which money
can be made that high oflicials have
not dabbled in it. A lareo number of
Congressmen represent only their
own pockets, liadical election com
mittees have, in every contest, admit
ted tho mun fur whom tho people
would not vote. Totho Whittemore's
and Covode's, whose patronage is sold
in open market, aro added self ap
H)inted Brigadier-Generals, like Ames,
and tho crcuturcs they put into office,
including a regro, w ho, for tho mere
purpose of degrading tho Senate of
the United States, was thrust into it
by military power long before the Fif
teenth Amendment gave to the ne
gro a pretenco of a right to hold any
office. Is tiiis a condition of thinis
in which intelligent men would wish
to give over all their local interests
to the control of Congress J No ; it
is tho public plunderers, greedy to ex
tend tho sphere of their depredations,
w ho are al tho bottom of tho scheme.
In ourei'y, a rasa flagiant as
that in New Orleans, has jut occur
red. The Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has attempted to a-suine jur
i-ibc-tinn over the Register of Wills of
this city and county, and of course
over every other Register in the Uni
ted States! The instruction ho un
derlook to issue wero in ridiculous,
flagrant violation of every principle
of law on tho subject, as recognized
in every State of the Union." The
hegister of Vt ills of Philadelphia was
ordered to exact from an executor
certain charges due on the real estate
of the decedent ! . Everybody, wo
presume, knows that the administra
tor or executor has, by virtue of his
offico, nothing at all to do with the
real estate. Ho is tho custodian only
of the personal properly. When tho
Federal official thas attempted by his
sp cial edict to alter tho la as it has
existed in IVnnsylvaniu and Kngland
for centuries, there was liiiiinily
l)emocratij I!egiler of Wills bero. j
Cicnrral illiam A. Ieech, like J ud"e
Ih'bblo, has fought for llio Conslilu
lion, and not. us the Press says,
"iigainst Statu liights." In order to
vinilicalo them temperately, wisely
and legally he called to his aid, as he
is entitled to do under an act of As
sembly, thecmincnl Democratic jurist,
Judge Ludlow. Al a lormul liegis
ter's Court, held by them, the follow
ing judgment was entered, by which,
without any parade or even direct
mention of the fact, the arbitrary and
illegal pretension of tho Federal oft!
rial was repelled in tho name and by
the authority of the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. Tho intrusion of
the Federal ollicer in t lie mailer was
in fact, as little warranted as intrnc
tions would be from (Jueen Victoria
to the Courts of Pennsylvania us to
tho naturalization of emigrants from
Great llritain :
'In the mitter of tbe appliratmn for trttert te,.
lanun'arT npoa tbe laet aid of flrbeera M. Mc
Murtrie. drtrned :
"And no, M i.e. ,11. 1S70. at a nVri.'rt'i Conrt,
held tbi. d:ir, appliration o made tor letter tea.
lamriitary upon Ilie la't Kill of ll.leea M. Mo
Murtrie, ib-eean-d. upon tbe Kireulor tnkir,r the
yeual na'h ff.r the perrnrmanee of hi. dutiai
and bie oftirma to bi I'niteil Htatee Itrremie
""I "V" tei.menirr. in
7,' .V
f'rth Ibat the ee'ate and efleet. for or in re.i,rf
of ahirh the .aid probata and letter, ti-etametita
rr are apph'-d for do not eieeed the tnta of fire l dollar. f ..,"'(l.l
And il apprarini tbal In Ibe mid will the Ft
eeutor ha. no intrrr.t. tlm-et or indim-l in the
real estate of Ibe i. ontrrrd and dr
cree,! !, the C.mrt that Irttrr. tr.tamentary upon
eaid anil I irraiilrl io ani l Ket-nlor upon etaoip.
neinr alllxed aerontilif to Ibe value of the eatate
and ellr, l. paapitig Io or uuder tbe eootrol of tbe
'-.Ir II. l.tMoa-.
' . A. Laai a."
This action, in appearance quilo or
dinary and formal, is. in fact, of great
significance; il is a distinct retnal to
bend the mandate of a Federal ofliciiil
hcyond the sjiliere of Federal aullioi i-
1 bus was nplii ld ,y our able and
intelligent public ofliecrs, the true
lieni'M-ratie tl'cl nne. but no. we will
not oa
it so : it is tho true CnuMilii
tional tloilrine, onco cherished by
ever- American freeman worthy
tlif I ttlllP. Illtillnh fintv it iNtlflltiuilCTll
nic jiliMlliin; IIIC" tlVtri lllllW (.1 lire
CiiVfrninpiil, nnd tlie niiliMitutmn of a
luinliird "ImiM-ralism" in lnmil.lo in.
vil al ion of llio cntmoliiluied Kretieb
Kinpiro. Tliin i tbe inatio on wli.c-h
Ibe 1 lemneracy Htntnl up every ivlicre
fur tbo fiee (.'onatiliil innal jrnrorn
nienl of our c-nutilry, an.l alc every
eitir.en wlin bna not f.irnoHen tbe
rewrc-nee for it in winch be vn rear
ed, to iniiintain il now nirninai Signer-
itn and Imtteralitnn whicli make nn
. m m j
1 1 1 ' 1 : 'Un t
t'u i.isimi. ,d inn tiinn imir of 1
me mom nine repuiiiicnn represent
tivea in t'oiiireaa Iron. I II, I,. ,... .....
I . . , ..
ilively drt lined i
rrnnm I nation. Now
Il 1 rather llllrrentilire to know ,
wnclhtT their drclinallima Weill im. I i
iM - iiru iv a uraii'n io iti nut t.r 1,4
. . ..
" . o
l,ir.n net niu rwrtnin.
"Tiik Wah iutwmi mr Si tm,
ITS ("Al'SIS, I 'll AH ACT! H, CnMHi T AND
lilsl I IS ' Hv Ho. A. ll.Nlr.rllr.Ka.
Three j ears ago ibo nnnoiiiiceinent
by Ibe National Publishing Company
of Philadelphia, of the speedy publi
cation of this great win k, created a
profound sensation throughout tho
country. The press of both sections
hailed "the uppearunco of tho hook
with delight, lor it was admitted by all
that the task of transmitting' to pos
terity tho Southern version ol the his
tory of our great civil win- could not
havo been confided to an abler pen
than that of Mr. Stephens, tho great
est living statesman of tho South.
Tho colleague and Iriend ol Clay, Cal
houn and Webster, he is a connecting
link between tho present and the glo-
rioiiH past, und us Vice President of
Ibo Into Southern Confederacy, ho is
peculiarly lilted for the task, by his op
portunities of knowing the most secret
details of tho history of the War
Ahovo all, his high character us a
man, which has always won him the
respect of his political enemies, ouu
nbles us to rely upon his statements
with an absolute certainty. In the
first volume of his work, Mr. Stephens
confined himself exclusively to the
causes of tho War, reserving the nnr
rati vo of the actual struggle for the
second and concluding volume. The
success of the former volume was ex
traordinary, reaching a sale of over
till, 000 copies. 4
If then that portion of the work
which of nocessiiy was tho dry est
if any part of this magnificent pro
duction can bo culled dry has met
with such a wonderful and rapid sale,
what are wn not warranted in pre
dicting for tho second, in which tho
thrilling story of the most terrible and
desructivo war of modern times, is
told with all tho fascination of ro
miinee and ull the sublimity of truth.
Mr. Stephens slights no feature ofthe
War, and his work reveals a particu
larly interesting and fascinating por
tion of its history, which has never
been made public until now. He goes
to the bottom of tho secession move
ment, und gives the confidential his
tory of tho Convention w hich formed
the Confederacy. Tho vexed ques
tion of the non-exchange of prisoners
of war has much new light shed upon
ii, unu tnis aioue ougni io comment!
the book to every one who saw the
inside of a Northern or Southern pris-
What will strike the practiced read
er most fuvoriihly, however, is the fact
that Mr. Stephens' narrative is free,
from bitterness and st-ctioiiai feeling.
lie writes Willi that calm dignity
which is always the liinturian's must
elTeclivo wciikiii, weighing facts ac
cording to their merits, and arriving
at coiicluHions with a cleurneHs of
judgment which is, to sity the leant,
reinuiKalilu in one wlio was linimclf
so important an actor in tho event
narrated. It is this fact tlntl will
make his hook so wulcumo to those
who aro seeking suhstaniiul inliirma-
linn npon tho nulijet ts treated of, and
who prelcr clear m.d slruighl-forward
etatt inents of what was done, to fine
theories ah 13 what michl have been
acconipliidii'd. Having been eoniiH-lled
hy il. health, since the war, to remain
uiiiiunv vuiii-uiy in privacy ot his
homo, and to take no part in the
questions of the clay. Mr. Stephens
has been enuhled to look lack over
his long and honorable career with
the eulmneas of one wlioae recxiril i
completed, and to produce, an his mint
valuable service to tho country the
magnificent hiatnry which lies beforo
ui. Tho hook is sold by sulmeription
only, and agents are wanted in every
kecpaie, August 3. The Conimittee
apioiiited by Congress to invcitigatc
tho charges ngainsl certain catlets at
West, I'uinl fur treutiii! colored cadets
'" " ufgenileiniinly manner have con
liclucfetl tliuir lubora and sentenced the
founding cadets Iu be reprimanded
VJ 1,10 uuu'oniies
'In ordinary limes," remarked
Gold win Smith, "tho income tax
is a tax on honesty, a premium on
dishonesty, a coiruplor of national,
nd especially of commercial, hmior."
Theso aro ordinary limes.
t'nder the new eanearr sy.tim adopted ta flla,-
ed. wiVae dutr it in to v it'll and inn! root th mrer 1
elaaaea a to eli-anlm nf emw. uf ebil irra, of '
fow. roonana. a Man ol "irmale rt. intra iaraipl
aim noneef ; and to girv Irewma. if ne I be. in
arwinj. raed wiaku
domcaiio la t ton.
f, eli'tbea mending, wn i other
CLOSINO I'KICK.Jor lirlt.vtj a Brio.. Vo. 40
Fontb Third Ft., Tbiladi Ipbia, Aa. , IIT0:
r. s. or !
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IT. 6. .1(1 Year 6 per eent Currenej...
Due Compound Intrreft Noli i..
tlold .
in Hi
I'niot, I'arine R. R. 1I Mort. Dond
rentral Pacific R. R
t'nloa TaciOr Land Clrant Bond.
5lnt- (lffitisfiuriitj.
'"I IT AM) Jama..
1 1N CANS and ULASS 1 Ki
lo at
C. KI1AT.KR 8,
Aoiu.l ft, K im.,i, the Jail.
I) HUlt ."K,1P. i,",.r,i,rB"irr", ;,
l' f.,r bnll.lirr a FCIIIHll, llnK
io M..rM. t..irn.iip mil he reeeirrd until Aiij i
J7lh. IHTS, br the b".rd nf llireetor.. rl: a.
and lieeibcalion. rrlrr to tbe 1're.ilent or en 1
JAMKS l-OTTKIl, l're.,denl l'
J"aATita;n. riecrotarr. m t
rir ik ji iKHiit
J temler Term. I;il.
MIAWN lull 0:
cnap ii noa.
A I'm. Neelinr .. Ilecearia P. 11. W.l:.r
Miehael Hr.o.fT ;llp II ...... . rrc-Jn
lleore Timer It .rc. I.aar Haii.rt "
M- "'" Ilra..,r,l . 1:. Renin'.... lira' .ln
Va'ban l:rilira...lliad :im. M''ulbiach liii '.-b
l lark I. hi.-. I (j n .., i .
Clentee l.nrn Cbeal Hillon. XI..,,..
r?""'.")."'"? " !S ""h.Tman....' -
J .llonchenj jr.. t'lrarf.l II t I,,.. Mneal 1 leeatur . J u... Mat her.. U ,,J, ud
TaAt in.n it nona. M'CoT TUvaiia M.e tla-en. Ileeii'ar
,.l'i .on
mmi. i.
HrnrT llonin.el r..jnr"
II I. 11.11 Ilra ll.., I
l.i id k riner Ilra-li
1 home, kirk
.lame. Neleon o
r V.. I'..rter
Klijah Akbenlclter "
I,. 1.. hitler
.l II.Kertiiaoa. fg
I ranei. lloit...t,irrd
l-aa hniiih
tidt.rkt t.rahaa, j (
L 7" ," J"r'1'" I
n..t..-rt p,.,i'"i7 ;
T. M'Phrrana.
lame. Iraia...
A. llun.hnryM
i-amut-ll 11. '
I. K. Wulbn...
t'e. Meehtir
i.aae m ll.-nr.
" ""I iWlia
.lw.h Worra'l
K. hafner.
" 'I- I. win...
m. .-nrnmen ille
J M Keller
01 inrtoni I'bilin ll.i lu w..l. '
r n If. Uim.ti. tt-..j . '
Kt . .in ia
.l.irtOtr.t,.n m.. I I .... ; I
'.'m Alain., t lirn.l.ll ll.-i,.. a- "' ., 1
W"",".Jr. lUrlHIoi... .
v.d A.tauaa.
John Nrer. Dccatar J Aleaanncr'.
I'. F. lopelm.... - Id. llainea...
(K (lifillsfmfiils
Klfi II Til
OP Tint
Wilt t held on tin
and Friday,
ISlh, 13th nnd Mill
OCTOBER, 1870.
rpili; ritKMil M LIST il (m'.li.Ltd in p.m
A. ,hlot Turin, and omi be bsd bj application io
tbe StrrrUrj of Ibe Sooietj, ettber pcraonallj or
bj letter.
family Tickets, during Fair '1.(M
Magic Tirketa, during Fair 7S
(tingle Admlasiou Tickets 25
TIH'RHDAY : PurMi of HX to be trotted for.
FRIDAY Purw of $.10 to be trotted for.
For eonditioui. eutriti, lo., tee pamphlet.
Il U to be bopet that Farmer will take an in
tcreit iu tbi Exhibition. Ko paiu will be aparrd
bj the officer of the Society to make it a credit
able one.
.T-eWodge will be aiinouncod from tbe ftaiid
no Wrdneeday.
umfl for 8tock and Cereal 0 rain, bare
been largely incren.fd.
C. It. II .4 R It ETT, PreaidraL
A. WRIGHT GRAHAM, Seeretary. an 10
Cheapest Paper in the World!
3r 30 CENTSI 'IO?
J of mailer, I'uhlical, l.ilerarr, Arrirultural.
C uridit New., ir.. from tbe lir.l of iptemher,
l;tl, until Ibe Firrt of Jana.rv, l7t. lor Filly
t.'enti to aingle tuberilera, f l..',0 to elubi of ten.
I.H.OO o elnl.a of taentr, and (:tli Oil In plut.i of
'i" """dred (io one addre.n. r.b In ad
C O.,
opnalor llarri.bnrjf, Ta.
1)10 RI X, JKl FKr.SOX CO, TA.
Will attend prof, efonal ealta p.mpllj. aunld'Ttl
' 1 1 1 ) II I 1 1. 1 1 1 ; It siT-N .neTia lHeV"7ril
X tbal the Sebool liirreton or W,a,r l Hu
ll. .t will r( H bq,ding of a new rVhool IIouk
at hanl.or oa Saturday, ll.e 17tb fnal. lluild'rf
and rilitena are nquteted Io uieel the board oo
the ueraiion. Man. and peeincalion. can bemn
bjr raltinn on the frar. Hrr. ahoean be ad Irraud
al Je'nea P. O. Ija lb l 1IKNSFI.,
Woodward lp., Auj. 10 3lp. tereurr.
1 f Tied BDan preferred
Aoolt to
T. I'. FOhTKY. tirahamlon. Pa
AU.IiiaiMn Oom put, Xiil,
Circular 8aw; altto, Ituvniua
T-raa; and
C rut -rut haw fur ale r
F. UIijLEK k CO.
1fTM AY. Strainl from the prTmle nf (lie
j vuhofhlbrr. al.out (he I at of Juljr, a lurgv
tbn-a-jear old wbile IU !.!, witb rrd '.o i Bnd
hurt b'trn. A litsrral reward will . f.aid for
hii rreorerj, and hit mfferuialioa enrerninf bif
wliertalou?s will f IhanklullT rrrt irrd.
Addrtaa J.MKS 0in'RN,
j79 Stpd I.rkda!e Milli, Jt-flcravB Co.. !'a.
id bcrrK (fiven that . tte-ra nf ad.nioirtration
a the mtate of JOHN LI .II K. Ir., d.-wasj.
late nl lintel r..rtj townliir.. i lrrft Id M.nntv. P
ll!lvinH bew UiiIt ftrantrd Io lite under i)iied, all
P"rfc,n indrttled to aatd rttate will .lrt inahr
i'"eni, inn inoa naniijr rlaim or rieinandr
ill preirnl Ihen nroperli autbmlicati-d tor eel
tlemenl. I. y. HAKHFR,
lltadlord tp., Au. U. Adlnini.lralor.
DI!H'TH The p.rlnerhip hereto,
rorerii.lini betweo the audi reigned in the
hotel bu.ine. in Lulber.bara a dienleed b.T
mutual content on the lit da of Julv Let. The
. n. mwT ii ib ine naoni i
of Mr. Wallace for aettlrmrnt and eolleelioa.a here
liooaa, account, and p.pere are b ft in Ibe haioli
Ihoaa hnnmnir thcinieleii to bate nnretthd ae
count nil) call and arrange lualtrr..
i. W. WAI.l.AfE.
T M. Ml AW.
I.athrr.VarE, Auguit S,
41 TICI. All ncrenna ara ben he warned
fain.t purrba.ini; or in any war ineddtint:
Ilie f. 'b-aiof peraonal immertT. tib : Two
with Ibr I
noocp aixl liitrnc.i, one cow. two eel ecu, one I wo.
boree waEnn, pair lain ilcdi, wi;.I t:.M, a b, o.
aaweil lumber and bill limber; alio, tbe her. oa'i,
corn, burkwbrat and wheat oa the prrni.e. tea
in pri., Mion of L. F. C oudriel, of tiirard loan
.hip. a. tbe intne property wa. pnrchawd by me
at Mierifl'. Sale and i. It-It with Lim on !. !
.ul.ject to my oriier.
Frcnt-hTitle. Annual a, INTO .'11.
inik Tiivi:i
OI'EAn-8 CALoIlinc.
Fi'.-gi kiiANXA, FiTrninit.
cov., r.rtii i.ATon.
TltllXPII, PAtlLon COOK.t,
AND liol lll.K IlEATEIt.t,
And all kind, nf Ue.tiiig Stoie. f.,r .ale bj
ii. F. piiu:ii Co
Manafarlured eipeeia I,, fur
TUK Cl.r.AltniU) THA OE,
..R iai r it
r"";o ii. r. ntrs i rn t co.
flHK andrrignM adtnlniatratni of the evtatr
...rfleld. dewraaed. will r.fl.-r l..l.l.- ?t !
the Conrt llonac. in aaid h..r..nj!b. oa
Satunhv. tlin 27fri nf Anmiet 137(1
Al t o'eba-k p. a., the fallowing Heal I'.tale;
All Ih.l eer ain tract nr l.nd in Jordan
tnan.l.. p, I learn-ld roonlt, Pa, bonedr and
lerilrd a. follow. : lieaiuaina at a hrm!.H-k -
thence, bt land of Pneey, enuib 41' dogee, w.M
I Uf M-ei b. .. lo a fo.l : lince. h, l.n. of T bona.
Mrlih-e. north 3( defrera. weal 171 n-irbea. lo
witrh h.Fel ; I. lar-f of d.ri h l'.i..-r
ana. tnHh &l A. .... i., . . .
i... pniun, i. . nn,i
k.u ... I I ... I .
rim. ...I III I . . , J
bicmnin. - eoni.inine I:; acrra, 46 pen-he. and j
"''" "I ' per rent. Hem I..-I of a larr-r
.... . . u. . . . t-m ! .,lr nam m jui.amaa Jonra.
Tr.h"!: tine half in band, and tha reciJa ia
one raar Ibrreaher, with
R. 0. l.limri.l. AdtnlnietratrK.
(;.mn n;sTivi; rii-Mn
I'mm Ilie t'lrrumfrrrnre to the Hub,"
t tonic 1 1
Tbe llarveftl if fll, Ibe Summer ie nrail ended,
and Ibe ar.AwiN or rjfriir.iT ia at band!
Ui who w.hiM rr( fnun tlu ir Inlmrn, mn l (Wl
c.r ri'tillie thr rtliilamting rf1--t nf (fnul llnriirn uq
the inner man, ftit " Iml ilitll ruiv nvnuiii," rr
tvp'-ciliiliv timfril In )friicimte in a (Jit. AM
KKiSm K I'll' NH U. bz lu-W in tncllnvut'r
iVitimillc, on
Thursday, the 11th of August, 1870.
No fmina or fxpenac will It tpRrcl to mmke tl
TIIK 1'ic Nir of Hie prHHun. The rrarj(ein,Hi for
luNCJXi. wilt lie un (rraml nettle. J'rotcciioji from
(lie pud oil tint Jill t form is iniured. Thus uot
wittiing Io rinnra will find aniplv mrmu of enjoy
ment on llitj flim whik, "(..ving borai," or at
croquet. An excel.Mit bttnfi ol murie will be pro
vided. Itr-mmm: of all kiudi will be fur
uifhed at tbe (J rove.
Armnirrnn'nti have Ihm-b made for a "Honn" trot,
a Wliwhiiji: Mntrh, a Font and a "Hack" H&ce, iu
the evening, which will afford lome rare fuu.
Coma out, Te fVattve Youth !
(.'omtt, upend the day.
Ample ittttding will he providrd, and In eate of
rain all will be accommodated at the buU-li or
B. P. MF.IIL, )
JAM K ei.ART, Jr. Committee.
reanifille. Ano-t 3, IH70.
FUher'a Patcut Airtight Belf . Healing
Fruit C'aual
Bt'TTER CROCKS, witb lide,
And a freat many other thintra too nnmeroat to
rnentlon, to be bad at
Corner ol Cherry and Third Streita,
A flc-ld county jinpoie to re paint tlie Court
llutiae, and will then for receive PEALED PH0
POSA L8 until
Tuesday, the 23d day of August,
Fordoing tbe work. The building to bare two
coat, a ud tbe wood, stone and brick wurk to be
of tlx fame color a original!. Tha Count 5
protioioa to furn ib tba material. Each pro
nnal will state tbe quantity of lead, oil, tor
rntine and paint n err nary for (wo eoats. If
more Is required than 'prettied the oust tnuat be
bi.rne hj tbe contractor. The wirk muit bccoia
pletcd hy the 54th day of rVptemWr.
S. B Comniuniratiun adlreard to tha Coia
mivtioner' Offic-e containing pmpoial should be
so endorsed oa the tnrelope.
rniai!f inner' Office, 1
Clearfield, Ta., August I, liCt.
SherilT's Sale.
11T lrtna of twadrv wr ta of 'irf nrt,
1 1 iaed oat of the Cuiirt of Common Plea ot
Ciraifie d eounty, and to wi directed, there
will be eij-orfd iu JMIilir HA IK, at the Couit
lloaae ia the borough nf Clearfield, oa Muwdar.
lh :."h datof AiifO-t. IS70, at 1 o'clork, p. ui.,
lb ftdiowiug Real Kiate, to wit :
A certain trawl of land itoate in tirade town
h p. Clcarfif Id eonn'T, IV, branded and di arih-d
a follows : Huwnded un the wrat hr land of Smi
ley' hnra. north ly It.inla and Liille, eaM bv J.'na, and eoulh hy (ieorfe Horn, and containing
ii acrec, mure nr lera, with a ajnud orrbard ai:d
log bioe ard harn ererlrd lh'm)n j greater part
ol aid land being eVarrd. tv-ind, taken in eie
rut ion and to be uU a the prvjurtT uf Alrian
der I'unlap.
Alan, a erriain trael of land situate in Ura-ly
luwnbtp, Clrarnrld rooniT. Ta., bonnded and
drp-rilrd A ("lit wf, to wit t Rrcinninr ut a w hit.
oak cornrr, thenoe ami 11(1 ptx-hr to a pout,
comer of land mdJ to ltoljcrt l'attoo; ttirner
north l.'X iereie io a pat : thmce eaat
prrrbt to a pot : thi n. anh Stl prrrhf to a
post: thence rnt 47 pcrrb-a to a pott: tbenee
awuth 1 1t percbe to the plaee of Weinninc: eia-
taiait g K acrt-a and allaure; ha ing ltul ne
acrra rleorfd. with a la re trata mi mill, two
llwrllili kcillso I'nre ruiim till frattna wr,
ed thereon. In iatd, taki-n in -niton and to be
Id as the propertT of tl W. Caofirld and W. C. I
tSmlth. I
Tbera wilt alM ba enld. br virtue of a writ of
F tri "acf.. at Sbehdan'a Sti.a Mill., in Hr.rl,
. , . . ..... -
,"n.biI..oa .li., Iha lilh of A,,l, M(l,
tut tollowinc ueacrilitd prxpertr, to wit
All the white pine limber of the Ii frndanta on
tha ftdiowinc drarnlH'd trart nf land, mtuate in
llrad lownotiip, Ckarfuld euBtitr, '., known a
the rilgah Almif Itor l"t, bt.unlVl on the auth
bT thf W atrrtnrd A Hnucbaniia Turnpike and
llrnrr tiimc'Iandrr, on tl.r ant It land of A lie
man Kilmrr.on thr north hy lan.ltxrf Jawnb Pratt,
on Ihr eat be a mad Iradmf from Hi nnr tl(Kd
tandrr' to Michael Hi minprr a, ei.nta'nin; atmnt
loacrcai the timln-rttt tc nmiMed willno twi ntt
)rar inim iicniirr 1 1. imo : ine a:c ha ing
lren acquired bt b. U t. '.aL.' ' - f .:;'rr: da'i-d
11th heeemlr. iih Kiuah A. hi nl, her ai.d :
norded in Mieellaneou l.ace ill. Al.o I
II the while nine timbtr of lt-l iitlaMit tin tht-
fnlhiwing lot of land, aitufite in tbe township
aforraml. known a the prt-r A-hrtift Itrr l.l.
bounded oa tbe north bt eh-ared land of aaid IVtrr
Ah-nlrlter. eat br land of Iad A brultltt-r,
aiuih by land ot Kda Itiohrl and John IN.ttor. nnd
wrat bt land( Klijah Afhenfrlter and Jaeub IVnta.
eontaining alHut ft arrr: liinber lo Wnn:ord
within twentt tvara front the 12th I'fwmWr. -.j;
MHiii tiunhd-r havmr hrt. a?o,iiirid be li.'ndi.nt
br etntrH wilh I'eter Ah ntrlu-r dated ISlh I'e
wmiVr, ttS, in M iiwl)anenp ItiM-het,
face ?C, An, An, all the white pine timlrr of
ti-lrndanl in th Irane nf the followin p tree of
land and all Ihr limber themn fit f.r irrrt liantnl.le
Inml-er or l-ill ptutf ; tlie nr beir mtuate in the
township afi're.d. and eoniainint a Unit are.
and em(raring I'mti M w anil and dam and
lo arrea ot ymiind nirronntlmr fa d mill tea! : the
tnteri'at of na d iMt v Unf hTirmn lir n arjttired
Trunlratt d.rd L';:h 'i.vrnit-rr, 1 nd re-
eordid in Vtrrflianoita Iic. . t rair S.'.v : the
It a-r it en:il warr pririlepr and null m at to r tit nd t
for twrnT trti Irom date of a.-tol Imf. St ir l, '
tnkrn in etrntion nod to tie t.KI the
' ''"J'!"'.''
dW.K. tnrry.
of tl. . ( aiifirl.l. V . mith an
l-f( n lai.1.
JMT-Hiil.lfr will t-Vo notirft that IS per
eent. rr thf parrbae n onit wjb-1 be faid when
the property l knorked d-wn r it Will b pot
wp tf. f.- -rale. CVUKM VS !!" K.
f-aa-irr Orrtt a. I thrnff.
r'UaTfetd, fa., .tol f
J. w. a aLMra..
Java, an r.
I ulbrr-bure. I Irarlirld ( o. Pi.
ritllis well ln..a ard -Xf r l.b'i.bed llo'el. i
former It hert hj H- W, Mnr and taltctU i
". Krhwern. at- haa been leaed for a lerta
ot year, by tbe ardr.nrl. In abirh the ail. a
ii. a tbe traeelirf nnl lie i. now called, and a
liberal .bar nf al.lir alrnnace 1. loliHled.
ang.vra MAI.LAlE WILbS.
re esi.tina helwcn the Br.Hritnr.1 in tbe and l.intlr lin.iae.. at Throe Kan., in
( Karthan. fown'b.p. wa. di....lred br rjinttialcon-
M-nt on the Stitb d.T nf Jnlr. All tbe book.,
aonni and ..f Ibr firm are in tbe h.n.l.
of I'r. Potter for aclilenient and collection. Tho.
harint nnMtllcd accoant. with the Arm are ra-
f"Ctln!ll inntrd to call and el.oo. anihe
Ar C '"--btV.
J. '.
Thee, Rana. Anfa.t I, P
IHI IT I '.( Mannrarlored from the br.t
and warranted-,.., Mla br
r it i im i ii i.
lliflipal Prrmiiiin. Stlvrr t ,t. awnrdel oer
alt r'tinp'-li'inTi, al Merlmnica' Ktbtlil iin, ll-itlon,
Drinker, M .
Till! filtliitNAL AMI Ot St'lNK
Wlini'OIIT IltOS. AIR TKlllT,
DriT Fckikv. fl n at it IU Itrnra,
Wnorunr Iroji I. ahiatoh,
Actomatic Htot troit,
For D tinting
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood.
10 iliei for brickwork, and 2 $iv Portable,
n a!irr ArTi'aro om.r ?
K W. corner 1.1th and Fitltert Btn-e'i,
Thri Tlrntera are tnnile of Heavr Wmnirht
Iron, wt-lt rivrlrd torther. and are wurranled to
W al..'.lutelf lal and llu.t TiIH. They are III.
onl? Heater that are inannr'-d without nr ilwtn
pera, and in which all kinda of fuel can be burncJ
without alteration.
Cooking Han, for Hotel?, Ttetatiranta and
Famlliei. Alio, a Flat Top ll'itting lUnge.
Fiie Plaee Hraierf, I.w Pown Oiatci, Slate
Manteli, Itrgittrri, Ventilators.
Pnniphlala giving full deaoription. fen' fre1. In
any eddieti. JvS'7U l.v
5-20'n and I SSI 's
At Market Ilatta.
Facic B. . Bonds 1'ouglit and Sold.
a-aiTO'kg Ilwught Slid fluid on C om.
mtaalou only.
Danville sud Vltieeiinre
First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds
For sale at OO and acerurd interaat,
"Aeenontf recelred end Interns, allowed on
daily balances, fuljcct to check at light.
S S.lT 40 Soulb Tbird fitreet, Pbili.l. ! b.a
Alll-AI) OF All, OTill:ltI
Eighty Fix Th nut tin it, Srren IiiwIrrJ
and Ki,!ity One Marhinrt Mailt
and Sold the rust Year'!
Till number ar-eeerf. l-a t,.aoarft the ta'e. of
anT other Macbioe, and tba den.and if atill
Are stow being aoadt and !
Ciraate It ankodief ential rlntjile not
fonnd fn anr wth-r Machine j berante of It
fiwplicityof anatrnctlo, ol prti-iw,
aniformity f preci actui at any apead. and
eajarity for tba trrtatasl rang nnd variety of
wotk, to or crartt.
rartlet wishing to pnrrbara Lnld not fall
ta e i an ine tbia betof all Sewit-g Machine.
I hare (he agenry for this Machit. and wil
keep a full tuppl m hatd.
J. filinn-ERS,
Ma 4, lfi: If. ClrarEa'd. Ta.
Jlar.afatgrcr of
Tin, Coprcr aud Stect-Iron Ware.
Rooting, Spouting and job woik done ua
rtioaai k Trans.
F hi'p oa Market Ft., neatlr of poit the Jail,
4P;: ri.KAnriri.n. r..
IS..C 111LLKK.
Saddle &nd iLlTnrEB MinnfirttirPr.
... . . . '
l.amer'nrg. Liearnrld tmntv, l'a.
lIIB nil-briber rrapeetfulle in forma the eitl
i. if n nl Bra l and the unmnflMlii.; ti.nh i
u.t he is now pupated to furnuh eTT'hinf: in
hi line at hrt no ice m in a wotkman like
manner. He flutter hiinrlf that hv can p' aa
hia eiiotinicr in a'vle. quality and price. Call
ar.d etfltiuiie l'Kk tim-e purehnain tlftahcre.
I.athvraV'urg. June I. tu tf.
III'. (IU ItT Ot-' tIMMlIN 1-1 I. AH
W . W. hhaw and K linund b.w
adia're of hbait, dte d,
F. I ward Hill and AljTiibam flu.
X... IIS Martb
T., !:u.
Vca. K.
The on Ji r.ipned Au.litor. barii-j tarn aff.oint
i d In c 'kf ditll!-01in ol lb- toon, r arinr fr, m
'bR ea'e of rets'e of Klra-d ll.ll..nfbe
aKole aril. b. rel T t.i cf 0 li : ibst be Wli' a't
to the rluiirt of hi apHtiiitmenta ?t (he i5 -c v
4 It. M'-KnalW. F-q . in t't. stfi. Id. on Tba-vdnr
St-pi. tuber , A. X. -T, at 10 n'eh..k A M , w hi
and where all pa:tim inl-r trt ttht ntt ti-l.
Jt24I II. W. Mct'l KDY, Aaditor.
CI.K.Mtril.I.f, TA.
,Shrt on Fired 8trtft, oiir P-nnv1rnia
l.ailriMid de..,t. , ;u if.
fcSTV.S AX I) M A St X ,f HAMLIN ,s.
r. a aLtt ar
P. J. I1AYKS, Cot.en.ri la. Ta.
rrhate Sale !
'fr .nl-et.ber oR.,. fr..le.. ea.a term..
. .. s XI I..IT, .itn.t, ia tl.e ..ri.S.
t.,1 of tl.r.!.. lite i.r,prrlT 1. W.I!
fi.n-ln .1. d. .inl Ir .-ti I, an 1 fill. .1 up ..r riib- r
a In. .nun or .1 ,,i,.t. 1 ,.r .,i,... A,. n.j h on
ll.e :n-niire. or adlni tl.e e.
t. hl lNK.
O-cnla M il., Pa . Juli ?T, lT3 4 ,
Tlie riliplic Sewlns Msrhlnr!.
IIF! brst ihnit-lr thrra l mirLitie n. w in nnr1
Will hr ..Ut loser thtii an other ma-bme
fi Mhrd in t kt manner and drinj Ibr am'- raiiif.
of w..tJ, Mnfhiio-i ran be w at thr a ore l
1 B"',r,n rnrwrnntllr. ..r at the rraidrnre
of th mndrci'TTrd at
Mm II. :u
tEH l i m.ooM.
VIOI1 MTn ATcllt'ai MITIfrU Xoticr '
ta hcr.r.1 jiirn 'b," 1,1 tare nf a lm.r..rati..n I
on Ib" elate of liilllb I.T II. II ANT. a.cced. i
lite of !n-ni I- towmli.p. ClrN.fir d .v.uri'T. P..,
hai tot Ih, dnlr framed to the nn-ler, C"ed. all
ierM.n, indchtcd to ..i.l cta'e a. II plra
paimenl. a.,d iboae h.iiof claim or rlrmanrl,
will preacnt Ibrm pr-pc-lr a.iiben"lcale. f-.t,it-tlemt.
Juii. r. 1T( (.p1. A lmini.trnlor.
I ) I " " N INinlnca. Iluhhelra pnk
II"' Herman. II. ..letter , ard Oeaer,.'.
j n,Tceeaiei niltcra t alec par, Lior.r.. of all
, ama. lar maaieii-ai rare, V.
I miTwcn a mine
1 H A lVbi.e lead t',,. p.lnt" t n
l-Vloca 'n I',' ai d I'r- I .., X ,rh p,... Jallois.
IIIAMv k. smith"
Maikrt Hrret, ai llela, p,.
I WO! .n l,,f..roi IU
I'l- aril. Id rowMT leal h.fifie ('ir- '
I'Hrr.r and .Iniaii m of K H. I,. l-iti,fj.
an. n' if.mre.l to mane up. la 'ha ,
lt.av a niaittter. and ut of the b,.fi allf-
I Hi .1. ..I Clniblnf thai euttvuiri j,aJ
I baee alalta a bard
ni . 1 T 1 1 r .
iioms, toeBKiiis aim uaesimeru
t'na artr eaet ui tne fuitiao.
ci.utfi.u. April :o. m;o if.
II. nitlDGE.
ftlf VT) Cll A Tu'T TATTnr,
VA A V A A il A A A. XI 1 Xm4J
(Sturvone iloor iat of Ck-arfirld Hjom)
Market ttieet, ( learlield, a.
T KKPrt on band a full nortminn nr n
('urnnbinf (I.H..1., ,uco at M,lru, U,
.iiu Hwileb I nifr.nirl., itrawar. and
NeeK-tiea, foebel II 4fiulterehlefi, (Jlore u.
t mnri-iiai, -., in graai t aria t, fj a
timid ha keapa tba
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'
Sueh ae Rlai-k Doa.kin of tbe Terr beii auk.
raney i atliuiere, in (Treat earlelj , alee, f,n
Ooatinjr. beaear. Pilot, Chinchilla, and Frit.
oeereoallnc. All of whlrh will be told cheapf,
i.aao. ana man. up aororainf Ui UI lataiut,4
by eiparieorad irurkinan.
Al.o, Aitent for Clearfield eonntT for 1 II
. i . a c.1. i i a u . .. . '
Not. I. II liHIDCi'l
1 -M.
rp HE FALL TEKM of twenty-two wki ,
X coujuicuve Aluuday, Ktbttauber kih. If;.
rrimarr d parliocnt wtff b added t u,
School thta fall ; fr which the aerriceiuf tea
P'-ieui iii-irucior Uttva ieeu engaged. And i.
irirt will be ppimd to render this
aniiWUIir tliQ ITlf t THCI I r.
Heading, Ortbographr. Writing. O'Ji-ct Lai
"ii, I'riuiarv Aritlitiietie and j'rimert
(li-otfraphv, per halt' term, (of elerea
WIH-Lll.l . t. t.
MtKiorr. Local HbtJ dercnptire beographt
with Map rawmg. (iraitiaiar, MeLtal
and nrilicn Arithutelie -,.... I li
Algcl.ra and the Sciencea M f t
Ifi"rati'in io laatrutaeotal tauir ... ,
I painting , j )
'at work ; ,
ror lull particular aend for Circular.
ClcnrlU-ld, Aug. Jj, Uf.V-pd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal.
'PIIE rilis f BBSglON of iba ntil irbiluu,
X )''! tbia lu.tiiulioa nill eomniiit.
""'l . the 3th daf ol betilembrr. la;.
- can rnter .t an; tin,.. Ib.jnilll. in. taitiua from tba liuia U-aj aaiun
e oirn at m.truellon anbraeet trj
ll.cdrd ia a 'borough, praetiral and aeeea
a i . .
v.i.i.ra eau,-alli.l. tor n.itb win,
In. Itm.i.l taring had tba aJranu'
murh ai rneute in bie .r.,lr,,i ,n, tMarn aa
rent, anil f o.rd an. that hi. enure abilnj ut
an tgiea will ha .laroted t, iba moral and a.i
la' training of thr vobth placed under hia thartt
H UK 11 I IIO.
Orthi.rerbj, Readinr, ritir.g. and Primar.
Atiibaeiir. fer h...u.n ( II a.rai) . jH tieoiira).HT, Antbinatit, and
Mftei.ra, na- nieirr. 1 nronomelrj, Men.
aoretion, hurreyiait, HhiluabT, Phttf.
oloay . Chen-inrr. b.Kik Keaiiiiig, BoUna
ana i-tia .irai lie. nraf-l.v . . .fill, .r.f. at a rreoi-n, vim ana ,f lb.
anoia Itrenel a. . a)
m ' i" f -in leeaor.) . . ll (,
-S.. d'dortioB aill be wade far abiear).
pft t furiher ,.rlirnl.r Inouira of
Car. K L. IIAKI1IS0N. A. M.,
Feb. t lrn tl. Prineir.l.
r1:'K 5i b i bo-d Tear will U n Si .tembe t.
I. Ve ak tbe attention of narrnte and ruaidi.
an. lo a co.nij. raiion of the menu of tbii iiiiii
tuti.m. I at, l-oraHon.-Healthful, attraetira and ia
erery ..i laiorahle for .br.ical derailment.
8d. Trm.ia'bilia. Remorrd from it.
uliHinr and Inatiog .laeea incident to tonrja.
3d. Ilnratloiial Advantarea. EtmeK
traebera ana enrroutiitiiifr' fararal.le for atndy.
4'h. Ioiij I'.tab'l.lied.-It bai been ia
rneit.fut opitation ."4 ri-ara, and bai bad :a
dentt front neaily eeery rtata.
lh. Mural InOnrnrea-The rrecrjiti oftLa
Bible ara dai!r lacghL
Olh, t'lirap Katr. Tcimi, J;00.
-i nd for a C r.nlar. A) j.lieati jn ibou!.
made anon.
P. I). fTfNE. A. M ,
July 13. I7i Jm. PrmeinaU.
Military and Collegiate Institute,
Ree-d'a terry. X II ,u Na-bua a Concord B..R.
Rer. 8. X. IIOWrLL, rrinci, al.
A Jiantnir-arRitired loeaTion. yel ra.T of -ci'.i
No fal.-ona, or .lacea of Life rriK.rt; tail
c..r. ol tiarhita: Thor' tih inetrnrlinn. c.
l'o i:f net iied at an. time Rend b.r Circular.
July Jf, It-TO-Im.
DUklll HMItRV,
ll.l.lAM.-l'tillT. r.A., loa Bara Ftwt.
u. v. w. 1 re Pn.TTaoi n, i. Ii, I're.ident, nb
a toll and elpeii. need cort." of teacbrra. t tinrn
milerate. e.n..i..n drliclitlul. Ihertteii.ia
hoi'H.nt. ara hi-tt.g,le repa nd. Iha
net t.rm l-emi Aoruel l.i. Ie70. for fuitkar
ief .rmali..n a..draa Iha I'rea.di nt, or rnd for a
cat.l.jue. jilPJta
Ztfffv TEETH!
Ftrt(trd with the nae cf Nirnori Oiyw dI.
and tor i. mil, (tbe onlt hataaltai aad
j eftVt nl Anarfilirttc now in uae.) by
S, J. HAYES. Surgeon Dentist,
OF CtRWtNSVll.tE, TA.,
Who r.t hrrrUf inrvri T-pi-etfwMT TTtora
DiNt.k tor the lihent paimnir ot the paat. ard
intorra 'he i nl.lie t,Mt he t u rrm... k,. ..w
'ti-lhf fnm.r Stlr mud .
I !hma rtorp.i tti'it he a tni artrl in
nia eun. in a, wit blii j n n. anj da
'h. ir aoth in Ibe tr.-l ik.llml and wotkmanlila
manner. All w,.rk in tbe late.l and But
I'l" roved at; La. and guaratittad.
!r ll.rt, .,11 , ,,,,,,,! ( hi. oWcefraal
Ibe 1.1 lo Ibe t Id "f each mon b. The balance af
each i h be will ., nd In t.!en Hum., da
n. 1, rel arc. nil. ret. Ir. I'aMiti retidtrf
' a il,t.iice ,1 .did wine to u ,rc...n of ibeir
roaiinf. t' Irom 8 ta U a tl rk, a.
and fr. in 1 la i ..VI,. k. p. m.
Wr n-e n, re I nt lb, .err l,,t a aterial. aa4
d, (r c n .tut, n l..r brm,-j-. rhrq.t.en and data
1 1 ti - a tin c ii, a ra'l.
I urwm.i ill.-, pa., V.r Jr., tT.
ll 1 III
'I H A f
io m i if n aviihim; i -
Tn err w.rraoloit tioal loan m.,la.
Tl. T ar, .r. .n-,l fr. in the Itu.l., and will ba
'. a -H iroeb K. iter ib.i, mal.t ot Hi, bxlrac'. tl-at
a a A-k v,.nr tircr ..t I'rnrf.M for Wtlt.
l-r. t'. Ktttai-i.. IIAK1.0H s I Mil HI HI.! I
... d-.nit. tbe lr-t a.', l, in the matkel
f..rl.lweine'i."bea. It w ill ,,,lr w,ore waicr Ib.a
(. or t ' in.-, ihc un r mrfU f i,lr,, , ajnek
ere than an, other w..h bloc in the market.
The rn'r r.r'--tie i. It ,1 pol up at Al b l.i l
11.1 I I l:t. 1 ICS I'll! I) S I ('II f. Ko. .is Xorib
Second Sicti. Philadelphia. Th, lalela baa
l- th ' HVhrrrer'i ard I r..w', nam, oa ihr. .,1
'"I1-"" rr lor ', br n-...t nera
""' l"rtia. " I IT 111! : t. K II !t IN PCI. I III I
'N "' on tn.l to be a .nnerior arttrla.
n no n.r.1 ana lor r.le at rcew-nal.:e prieef.
i arc urounu cptcr,. t.ei.w:ne Mrdicinea, Cban.aia
kir,. Ft..i-vr. 1 ,i iea I",
'.-nrl, Cao, and all
-tie'e. ,n the d-i,c I na. at
A 1.1 bi ll II I IHuiKP f. Mll'll FTf'PI.
jr li-ro bo. J .N.irrb St, r,l Si., I'l,, la.
Farm for Sale I
1V1K Fa-ro f tt-arVwian. latent Ttirarl
ttiwnahip, ief aaa-d. eoniftin if ahont ITS
i, ire of t'i farwirt land, (wit of wb-ew
t flare. ) at-d barn f tbrreww erre'ed a food honaa
t an bam. with all the natrnt e"nrrenfe of
plea-ant hnm. "or tera aid fnrther pa tiea-
Atio-ner f-r the heir and rm-p iatai aeaV
Jma ir it