rill' RKPI1IH If M CLEARI'IELD, Pa. .NL.MY MOIlV'NO. A'Mt'h'T 3. 1 TO. Terms of Subscription. tld tti advance, or within thro,, innnlha ., ld after three and before eii mouths.... Aid aRer th cvuirntion of lit months., J? SI) . 1 60 , II till rhT All nrticlrt to iur.r inseilion in r tb'.uld be handed iu cji'y on Tu.'s,l;iy :ning, Al we ft'1 'u prvtl nt 1- o'rloclt, (1101,11.) ltl'.l.l:Ior NO I It I M. Rpltrnpnl Church Rer. J. II. Conn, Pittor. Public Bcrvioe every ulWlh, tll A M.. .nd 7, I'. M. Sabbath school et A. M. Prayer Meeting every Tlmrtdar, ( 7 P. M.' ttominnnion Service, flrit 6.ibbotu of every wlh. at lot A. M. M. Hrincls' Church Calltnllr.-.Rev. Mr. Heaviest. Mast at W) o'clock A. M., ou the oed unil f.mrth Hin1r.vs of eaeh month. it. Andrew! Church Kplnciipal Her. rutin Hill. Public Hervice Kun.biy morning 18 o'clock, and At 7 P. M. Sunday r-chnol at , P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening o'clock. trtbyterliit Clinreh Iter. Mr. llt-rnn. .alia ScrTioo ceovy Halibnlb, morning mil even- Mr. S. S. Liddell, Administratrix i rTliomas Liddcll, lato deceased, of r r i,)me valuable real ctate for sale, i t Joi JllU 1 0 VV lie.)) i Ausemblt CoxrcitENCE. The Con i.ree of lltiu Axsembly diHtriet w ill Riectjn the Court Iloin-e in ClejirCeld, t a WccTnesday the 17th day of Aug. Tlio UeurSeld wood cliop)cr'i axe II Oil lUlirV IIVW I, mi juni, iu Hid. nv i, rnJ suited exactly fir timber nniliern. Cull uud ee it, at II. F. Bigler k Co': iTIios in coed of a good worminj; Cook Stove can have the heated term (Stended by purchasing one of II. F. BtglcrACo' varieties til warranted. i ; H. F. Biglor A: Co have fruit cans bi tbo gross or bingto can, ma le out of charcoal tin, grooved and Foldered out and inside and warrauled. btltcr in market. t SroNC W Ann -Frederick Leitzingor, i will he noticcJ. offers to tho public a)l kinds of crocks, fruit jars und cans, flower pots, Ae. Mr. Leilzinger is a cipital workman and deserves patron age. ' Call and examine, his ware. t Painting tue Cntur IIoi'se. Hy consulting our advertising columns it will bo noticed that the Commission , ., , 00 , r proposal, until the .3d ol j ers iuviui iugnst, lor re painting tlio Court j Douse. ' Teacucrs' Ass .ciation.-TIio Pcnn ijlvania Slttte Teachers' Association will hold it seventeenth annual meet ing in the Court House in Lancaster, on the the Olh, 10th and 11th of Aug. Excursion tickets if sued over ull Rail roads. By referenco to un advertisement in this issue it will be seen that a fes tive pic nic will bo held near Peiin rille, on tlio Ulh instant. Ample or rangemcnts have been mado for hav ing a, gala day. The public is invited to "join in." t Miss Swan's school for girls will gin open on tho (th of September. This school is fast growing into popu lar favor under the very efficient in struction of Miss Swan. Its location make it one of tho most desirable in the place. Mnj. Loremo Lorain, formerly of Clearfield, Pa., but now of the 3d ! IT S ArilUerv 1ia boon rcliovt'd from ! dmv t lUe IT. S. Miliurr Acndemy, ... .r. i ' West Point, and will proceed to jn,,, ii. : t. -i.... H ... ..r,, .r I., his regiment in the department of the Boutii. TtscARoRA Acauemt Thn card of llessrs. Stone k Pa tier-ton, the pritci pals of this literary institution w ill be f.iund in this issue. It is suid to be ono of the best in the State. Tho With year begin on tho "lh of Sept. next. Send lor a circular mid obtain full particulars as to terms, Ac. SeBioi'si.T iNJint.D. On Monday lust Judge Leonard visited his farm, about two miles cast of the borough, where some carpenters wre repairing tho dwelling. He attempted to assii-t them by carrying omc sliingb up n Udder, and in coming down tine of .he ,' , ... ,. ... rounds broke, pitching htm to the ground on bis head and shoulders injuring him very seriously, though not fatally. His escape from death ws m.ractdons A not 11 1 a 1'inr The I'liilip-btirg save, '. "Tl' w "'i" ' j Mf,f A'inms A Johtaon, lo.-nlvJ about two miles fi-im this place, was burred, with all its content, on Sat urday morning When discovered nl about three o'clock, the fire had made fuel) hcpdwfty a to prevent tl.o re moval of tinvthim; or the saving of, - " -- - - ny portion of the mill. Foi lunal-Iy . f .''' fi d h i a i n g p a r a g ra p 1 1 , nnd, ' ' f 1 . .1 ! ..,i s lrnitig tho rounds ol the prers, he the fire was confined to Ihe tnnl and ; iUlI1, , w ,,!, ,,,,,.,1 prevented rtotn cxlonding lo ll.e piles j M(,V(,r ,lam, jn ,ri.a, r fate of i.f sawed lumber on the f-ri.uinls. . Sodom und Gomorrah : Tho los involved is about f ',"J'l "The Young Men's Chtisiian Assi parttHily insured." ', P. .hr,s lt, sorely 1 . e I tried to find s imclhtn; In do. J lie) .GosnFM Sl'SPAT SflP'iL At the had re"lvctl to vi-it tbe pi isotirrs iu (l.rc'of tho Goshen M. K Sunday ,..i i e,, . ic";i r..n. rvcnoni, o.m, .-. ", in.- r preamble and res,luli'.ns were unani - inously adopted : Ww-r. It h-e plrTei osr !!eaentv Fvthrr In th ejer.-ire of Hit wiee pro, i leuec ui remove fr o. o, nod-t ...n e.-n. ,..;ee ,M,d eo laoorrr Many B. 1 nr. who died on I ri.lny er.inns. .ini. -I n "' f"'l a-m-sn-e of a I oi'ii.l iiwwnetaipy : it,-re'.o. H.,vri, ll- In the dea'b -f sor rlst T M.n B Tier, we l-t as er,u,.d a-.d ver a't-nti eo W'.rle., the el,or.h a Uiihinl m-tnl.-r. and th- p.,n,ii.un,' a true f. n-l. tdfbat wh.le we I., w silli hni.,1.1. ,ib mpwioa to the afHie'in dispensation tht ha. taken nnr fc. ,.ved "is'er I rum ..ur n,. werrr.g A fonsllS niarslllll t" I "ii e V ruse In bet r.-ieov..l a loud an. I I" ai h.,li i.loall; l,l(.a il,l there is a Woman ill llar o he also ready: aai as memWrs of lt.e a,::..l ii,l,in licit coiltllv D'7 Years I, wl-b ehe h-l-.nred. to work while . mav 'n""y t'wnlnp, I n.ll tniliny t i j with inepea-e.ldli.n-efr (lie re,.ni.....ned the i Old. SIlOWU Cligllgeil in llOping shi L.tpn-ats of the rwl.i.l, and e mow -.,,,,(1 , I...., I,n ka.. I,i.r. .Iv.ill i,r, the Ureal b, ad ol Ib3 H 'IsjI and I fc,.r'l.. ,.'.'l.olWe.toUk.bSr.l. ill - Ti a' ac ilw-pl irm(i ,, wiin me io "e! t.l iimilv tti sttir .it. mr-i w rn ra thai our llfii'f Fa4lrr but g'trt tbrtw ) SrlMflATIMl i)ml Tli Post - ' w.t ieou-ut,,n- a. I tia u be.p u-- to;ina,trr uowrnI l.aa tiocIaixJ Tj rone, ! lliow hoc as the lollaWAd I brtoa. v rr r dih-Thet a sp w rtw..rwHntta he gi.r. 'a f a t0 S cart illfr nr!l' li om o tbe family isf oat eV-jsei aistes. and that ibsy I ..n,t g , r allow the rostlnnstcfl r.- I..-..I .. '"'-;,M7!7i, ,.v O...I r..MVM.M. -A-n.n!...;r ,., S 1 1 1 1 1 1 n y Si !i ii I (,i i n v I i oil ik i In (lie irvnvo ni'I'Miiiihj 1 lm f ) i tt i M I'. Ui-iirli, .Nilunliiv, July I W'l. Tli.t nr-riuliliii i'I,'i;iitiii:it nl' I ni l mi l young iVtiin nil :ii Ih of tin- iinuil j'uvn iLiUvi'iiij; proU'. t. Is lor it si.tTt'saful ( 'onvenl mil. At J) J A. .M.tlie itii-rtinir wa iiilloil (o ordiT hy tlio I'lvunlicr in cluiro, ntul I ho ilorotioiuil oxiTciHOBfoiiilmtrd liv llio Hi-v. Tlioin.'i llaili'V, of Clips. to r ciiunly, l.y siiiin Unit iu- j iiiFjiiriiiX liyimi "O, fur a tli.iutauj tuiwiirf I., lug" Ro titling a part of tlio 1 kit tliniitii-; of St. Julin, uiul nrayor. An or:ittiz:il ion was thon efliTteil liy llio clot tiiiii of Ellin Irwin, ol Lii k Unit, I'l't'siilfiil ; AiiliibalJ Sliaw, ISr. uiul (it'orno Hall, Vico l'rt'itiilonlH ; (Jen. W. Hhooitl ami l.otiii I. Irwin, lpirctiii ic. Written report h by Hie Suin: rintcii- tlfiitH of Mount Jny, Liik Kim find tJodhcn nehools were then reatl lvthoiu"d ColIeL'iato departnicnt'i. 'J'hei Sccretarits. The ISiipcriiitoiiiloiits of, !"' "'!, fpci.-ial departments (or all Centre, Wolf lttin mid tihawsvillu i tbo oriiamciilal branches, riicIi uh cIiooIh verbally reported the contii-1 Vocal and IitMriimciilal Muif, lraw lion of their bchoolu. All the retjnrta ! d l'liintiii, .N'eedlowork, Wax- were inlerontiim mid insli uctivo, s j well as encouraging to nil mtpi'eblcd i earn, l lie en nr.-o nt study in lull, in tho promotion of tlio intf rout of ' i,,K' l',u nielltod-j of teachi'tg thor this most iir,)ortant branch of the I olln''i us i iibunJnntly evidenced chrislian church. Tho first question I Cllt''' 3'ei"" by (bo examination, which for discussion was then taUen up : ! conducted mnrc vr Unit by teacher "To what caune is to bo traced the present loiinncHS of tho Sunday School work, and what tho niont cHi-rUml reineily?'' The disetitision wtiNparlici puled in by Rov. W. A. Cliipinf(er uiul Rev. Thomas Rally, when the fnllowini; resolution was oll'ered und jm.jj Ri:iini.Tk.D. Ibat wo adjourn for dinuer, and 1'iat the diavuiuou of tlio qu'ntiin now under ciueidiruti.iii, Le a'iii remiiinil niter ilinner. l'oxoliigy I'lincdiction by Rev. W. A Clippinger. A few itiinuteN (ipent in happy greetings mid bo. ial conversation, mid our ttitenlion was called to n repiiKt l festivities that really t-poko well of the "hospitable ladies of the coinniuiiily." A ruslio table SO feet iu length, actually seemed I to bo groaning tinder its burthen of 'luxuries, from end to end it was with bweetineals, pio und i cako of various shades of coloring, I from Minwy wlnteness to the richest i;oldrn yellow ; tho turkey, thicken, i k?., adding worth to beauty tnii.lo it i inileeJ "beautiful to behold." Rut , lino must, oeautnui scene its i ci io , lie illivvsctl, in seeing tij ol our biiils i f iirouiiKe ' on branches of . religious education, as they surrounded this tiisl table, und seetnt d no hugely giHlifii d In satisfying l lie demands of nature from tho bounty of nature's '...I I .' l l l I , llltT Ull IIIA'.-"!-!!! III1U Ul-Vll l.iln.rt' , wy onu'inniieu me lonvtTiviwn " lu,l (,lT ,lt 2 M t,y ,,c ihainnan The devotiouul cxer- cisc xvcte conducted hy (J. W. Rhecm, by singing "ll .eli of ac i eteft fr me" Reading tho latter part oflhe chapter j mini us iiuii'iiiii" esson. uiul nravrr Tho diseussinn ol ll.u former (lu. sliou was then resumed; (J. W. Rhccm, j I.o uis I. Irwin und T. 11. Mitrrnv, I Rsnrs. participutinz i" tho debate. Tbo children's meeting was then made the tinier of the programme, when the children wero addtcsscd by Rev. Daily, Messrs. Murray, Uhccra ntul others. This Hireling was one of instruction and profit, and wo hope by tho Id ;s bing of (iod tho words spoken may result in greut rood, i.i.t to tho littiu cliildn n only but to thoso who are of riper yetirs. The last question was then up: "Is it not advisable to continue our Sunday Schools durtmr the winter i A...I ... el.K- .lisciiRsed hv ' ' " ' a number of speakers w ho lorciMt ' . ... n I argued tho iircestitil and tlutu of con tiiiuing the schools all the 3 cur round. Tho question was then submitted to the children who decided by an uhnost unanimous voice," Open during winter. ThcSupoi iiilcnilrnia nearly nil n greed t tine tla ir iuflueiiuc lo kovu the ",!),oU Iun 11,0 L 3"car f,,?"J- A VOlel I ,1 . 1. ! .... l,,.tp.fl In ll.niSl Ml l iiiirt" h nikii tii.ut j ,ie M,ifen i 1 . . . J . . , to All en;; e-ed iti sitiL-it'" lo doxoloirv "d '0 were dismissed by the benediction by Rev. T. l!ui!y. All the exercises ol the convention were interspersed with charming Sunday School music by llio children, led l,y 1. 0. (ianoc and I. Sliunkw iler. It is due to both chil dren and leaders lo say in this con nection, I hey conducted their pari wilhtreilit to themselves and great satisfaction to other. Tho order of llio day v i ill few exceptions was j.raiso worthy, and the gratifications expressed by visitors iri nerallv w as expressive of tho fact, j tht lite exercise of thn day bad met 1 their hiehcsl expectation. The uni- i Vl.rf:l p,j (V-eling jirevalent when I parting, seemed to speak liom every eiMintcnanco tho lunguaj;o ol ottr I t-liairman, ' I loci it w g' j fir nie to be hcie. Such was a ancial , ,.iy ; ,,e ,.y Krvc- jjji.lm.' own saiiclnaiy in cehlua ling the Memory of Him whose com- j mund was, "F.cJ my latnls" May. .its sot ial leatl.ings lo irtaitifd m tv,.ry n.einory, and ils spirit ur.l fruit in every beiirt ; and if tinder the provi-1 : ili-nt e 01 jo,i no sn.'ui'i in-. 11 an . meet ngi.iit in mu lt social capacity on j earl 11, my we all have nn abiindanl ,.i.ieni,r... ini 1 that nvi:i"i. n of ' Life and glory WI1-1. ,,!i, n t i er in,!.' A id u1'' ti.W RllF.tM,,, . L. I. I It V, IN, ) the j'i M'linii I, bill, w ben they uppln l lor on tt"ir mTciiiil errat tl, liny f'liti I tl.e jail w as empty. Tbtyj 1 (l,n ,TW,V, iu ,.ierc the distressed,! llitil, when they advertised for appli I n,mp f,n I licit charity, none re-pop led , .j0 j(1H n (,, a p .t.ulallim of 2, '" I. ,; ; ,inu n M it O'" . ', , iinkiiou it. and all tlie iiil.alnlaiils pre ei I her ( 'h r isi ia us or cii ti rch going pen! . , . : .,, . K.ii'Til'kine ' "P' Allir 11 ,S ' U , ihnt Warren hu grown SO lllllf III . I ... ,. .., Ii m l,i dreailitlHy IIHiral i lr J . ' I i, .,, .... . , i ,1.,.. It.ivi- I i. ' . 11 .in in in i.'i "; , v ....... . f., r,.r ar,.,, m for ,1, r.ral d 1'n iM't mi 1'i'iui ('(ii.i.niK , I tl.l- linn' H III Ii.iihI V. lu ll :i.'lin in,. I i 'mini'lil ili;; ,( (, ,; hiii iihJ lup III It Splliln!.. l,,f l', 1 1 , t . -I. r. ... I' . .. ! ' " ' ' 1 1 f- " 1 ' 1 l"l ll.r i m I year, wo (iiiiiiot j t'. t. ...... I I I . . . . I 1 nil-. .1 1 1 1 1-in fi im i ii r mi vi'-.. i i.ii ii i,v I'nUiii;; lln if u( lonl;i, In tlic fin ilir:'!! .mil mlviintinii' lulu i ill, I I y i Iu. 1'iiIh. biirtf I'VmnUt O'llfae. Jl jinx nil Die r.'iiiiito8 nl'ii foully ft i-Mt . iiinliiii tiiui. 'J'lio biiilJiii(5 in n Inrjii', airy, well lilitvil iiml vt nuliiti'il, it ml (itloil up in i-cniiy fiozunt wy If. r. ".vcrv lirivitln roum, itnJ hull, ami Kt lmul rouni in cnt-rfil wiili c:ii'ii'tfi anj inaitin; '1 lio Kaculiy timiti tiro in number lias been siltcto I with trroat ejtif, uiul e oiy icaclit'i' nan nail Inini livu In. twi'iily yearn' experience in tenching. Muio lli.'in tlio nun tut IT the number boanl in tlio d'Hrge, occupy places at the riamo tablos uiilt the n jii In, mi, I aid ilia l'reriile nl in the constant overnight of Iht'lr heallli, manners and nioralit. Tlio literary courso in divided into I'liniarv. i'reiutratorv work, Jve., with Kp. cial teachers for not connected with the Culleyt. Added to nil this, tho constant aim of those in I'liiii't-o of llie C'ollego in to initko it a Christian Home fur thoso comtnitled to their euro. Must heartily do we commend it to all w ho have daughter to educate, and who desiio fur them true culture of both brain and heart. In buildings, Faculty, patronage, and ull tho facilities for imparting a thor ough, solid and ornnmeiilul education it is eniphatieitllv tho (,'ui'eii C'ollego of tho West. Send to llio I'residont, Rev. I. C. I'ershing, V. I)., for a cat alogue. The Fall term w ill commence Sept. 0. J'ittsburg Chronic'e. An Immfnsk Contract. The must extensive contract over awarded in fl.irt Sl.itn u".fi unrrn' i ,tn,l in iM,;!.,. delphia on Friday list, between tho Central Improvement Company, (of which I'liilip Collins, lq , of this place, and his two brolhers, Thomas and l'eler, uto members), and the she- i nandoah Valley Railroad Companv, 1 fur tho completion of the Shenandoah nney i,.iur,,:i, iroin ,-iiiepiieru-lowii via L hat le.-tow n, rronl liuyal, J.ex ington. Ac, to the Virginia and Ten- nesseo Kailfonds. near Salem, a dis tance of I'.'J'J mles. The wholo lino, which will cost nearly $!l.ilUO.'KI0, is to bo completed mid ready for the A.. .... ...i.i.i i .i , , " J1""'",' V,' " Ur . ' "u Jlir U IIICIO Will II O II O lailUIC, I'llllt'I I 'm time ormruificr. on mo part ol n company composed of such men as tho Mcssis. Collins. Gtmbria Free- num. Fill; IT PHINTINU. When handomi! f'''& 's intended to bo shown at a fair " seni to u 11 lenu it will add SinnO- " H'" way ol novcliy to liavo ils name or that of the person pi inled ; mUeiiiiiy upon its sin laco. J l. is my I tie done l.y the lollow Itl,' met hoj : 1 Just before tho fruit bus Hltaincd iih matutily, cut from tough thin paper tl.o name propnscd, mid paste this on the side of the specimen most exposed to tho sun. That portion of the fruit covered by the paper will assume a dilferent culor from tho oilier, and when ripe, tho paper is removed, hav ing tlio nutno ilistinotly vittiolu. IiAiLUtnii Littino. Tho grading. ' masonry and bridging of tho part of Who Lewisliutg, Centre and Spruce Creek Railroad between Lewisburg "J M fllinhurg, Union county, is ad ..I . t. i i. i. ........ " u V . . ' 1 oil.l.i 1, 1,1,1. it in l.iiii ul.iiiit rti .ulna. siblo bidder, in Lewisluiig, on Satur day August 1.1, 1S70. Tliat looks like business. Why not have the construc tion of the whole road under contract by tho 1st of September next? A countryman in n lM.roit faclory I . . i - : .. .1 11 . I. ... I I 1 engineer a miliar i uni. no euuui l.U III" HV -V I II 1 I HUH lli'lil IL. lie seized it and was j.ieketl up on a pile of I OI ICKSOIIISI.I.MIIC tilllliliug. W illi a Will- I dow rash fur u neck-tia. - aw - an The Elk AJcwate noles that J. W. i Oyster, of Elk county, is Slocking a 1 trout potnl. i liis is lac first luno wo have beard of an oyster propagating trout. ydarrifd." On Jul; :b. 1 -T". In J ii ! Yk r r .1 1 . F.-q.. Mr. WILLIAM II. SN ITU to Mil. I'.KLLlTA J. SlI.M'I'EIl i of F,'n,n i,n lt."i,i,. On July S'.SIi. 1 by W11 1 ,11 L. Kmw, Kq.. Vr. W. A. W ALLACE t.. Mist l.l.MIA III M liM I.M.I1; both ol IlijJ.'.r.l l,,anl.ip. On li.e ruiue diy, by tl.e aiuii". Mr. JllllN T. lir M'i A rpN !:u t .m;. t IIAKII.I.A sill NK Wit.nt; bi;i of I! :,lu n li.nn.bip. I . e,.'i m. on .i.iiy ;;ih. is; a. wn.vrR r... '! if .Iaki'Ii aM Jam- S. n"i 11 1 n ; red 1 year. 9 inoiiO.. nnd 1 d.Tl "lltarhcts. Clearfield Markets. ;or.i '' t w 1.1; by r.n it, si. V..e,.r. Wh-,1. .-rtte and lt. t.i.1 l . .I. rm I'ry ti,..!., .i n "en. t. Pro-vili-.l.,, He., .".ilk. I sir. t, 1 I, r .1,1, Pa. CtKAiiriM.p, Pa., Ang. ?, IStS. i .,. -ri n.t't'(i(i 1 2 II., do ,d i . IW 'u 11 i In i,,l. V to I Ai.l.le l,u:l, r. (': !, 1 t il. I n..ler lll'l.t j II ml " t. t M' i llurkhh-al I 3. llur l.el, -at urll, j! l.-re.. is I !" i Laid ... M il p. -li.'il !.!.!., " Beef, diird Beef. frc.. I. 0 1' I ' It ,..,!- M 15 IIO'.i II I " I'ota .. 1 r:. ;u 7.'. ' I',.rn, sin lied ".. 1 i" I'ra-hit. -Met. IK.. I5 Corn, ear IU' ' , M l'i.i.le', V , 3 f..rl. meal. r sa'-k. I Pyc 1 -' I f. TJ rwli 5 ''' Bax. 'S iri,.,rel '" Sii.V-' "',' .(' .-liii.t..l-ii..!, lift. ' t'!,i.iii., t. 1 "I il 1. s'l.ui.'li r.,l" inll'ii I I t'O ! 1 n.i.ku.t, d..d. It, I T by ssd I r. T1TF ......... ......... " ' l laksird- 5 I"' V heal I . FlLUr o W"ol - IV Ill CO.. i.l. i III, W .-o I. V e.rd.... It .' j - lila'.U'Ull. (' I. II. I Mi !'l or llrlUvra A Boo.. No. 4" F .nl b Third St., PliilaJ Ipl. a,.'u'f J. l-;: j , . I l of 1 11.1) 11.! IIP, Hit j 1!' in.', IIS lll'J ICS 1"!H :m 11 uni io": nf.i i;i " t.:. vi v.;. " 'f, ... S. W ' f.T.l.rW I" "fS " I s, HI 10 s - I', fi. .Ill Year 6 per eenL Curntirt.. Pne C .n.p.nilid Interest Kolea Ill 1111 IS i!.'i ii"l 111 lla n:. sjs s:.i f:s ti ?: Silver. I II ion Paeifo- H. It. It Mort. Il..rd. P..if,e II B I'n..4i Pao.Ao Land tlrant ltotids.. T AM I III-A poinr,.itabV email ll'il SK.! bK-ated id a pl.asnt pnrt of leon, to rent. Ii Apply loj. K. ATMX. i UI.K (T ei'e t tbispmoa. )i.nk 'ii:Ttni.t:,ti kai.I'j for ;'lrhuliol(l u c'clamn. p. I t II I. h I I) N I. X I Tlii: Ki.litpyi At two In itnnili.r fttualrtl ol Iht U.(iir part of tlio loin, liirriiimle..l iij ft, on.! imnaifiliiift of lliriMt parti, vii: tlio Aotrrii.r, Ui Intertor, an,l the Kx'.eiijr. Til'1 ODleriur iibrrla. Iiit.-ilar c..iihi-lf of tii nui'i or viiim, ihiili ii'rve an a d, fur the urine an, I codvi.j it to tlie rxltriur. Tbo r.xlrri.-r i a D.iniltK'li.r alp.i, tiruuiintiiiir in a liliirlo InW, ) and calli'il the I' rater. 1 be urvteri are cuuntK'tt,) Willi Hie 1,1.1 1 1, r. Tl.o Ij'uM.t ii crni ijir I i,f vari.mi euveriiiH or tlipiii'i, ilivl.ti'il iitu parts, vii: tlio t'pprr, tl.e Lnwer, tlio Nervnim, anil Ilia Muii.iut. Tho upper expi In, tliu lower r'lni;.i. Many have a deeirc to itriiiaie without tbc ability; othera urinnto with out the al.ility to rotuin. Tliii frequently oooum in ohihtreu. T euro tlieao affeotii,n, we uiult bring into action tho muicle, which aro cngngeil in their raiioun funetioni. If tbey ore u.'gtectod, (I ravel or Umjiajr auj mmr. Tbo reader must alio be ninde awaro, Hint bow. aver alight may u tbe attack, It ia euro to affect tbo bodily beakb and uiontal powen, ae our il.'ib anil blood are tupporleil fri.ln theie aoureei. CO I'T, OU RHEUMATISM. iVin Ofcnrriojc in thn lia it indicatirf of the abuve diorci. they occur to perronf dijwetwd ti acid eftotnacti anU cbalkj eoncrctiutit. TUK (J It A V E h . The gravrl enmes nepteet or improper treatment of the kidiievi. Tb.ic urgane being wiuk, the wntvr ii not expelled from the bladdrr, but alluwid to runain; it Lecunioe f.verieb, and eediin. nt furtni. It 1 fruiu this dipurit tbal the stone ie firmed, and gravel cniuca. D norsY. I'r .j,jr (g a otitli-atioti of wilw in ion! pnrti of i tLe boilr, arnl hir ditT. r-nt unuirp, acrorJirj to j the irH afffrlwi, vii: bfn arcneraily dtfTutrd j " our tlif )(, it ii called Anatirra: whra of Hit,Aee;ieiiwhrl.ofthtebe.t,l!rdr:boral THE ATM KNT. 11,,'uiU-IJ'i bitbly eooeentrated sompound H- Oaot liueb. d..,ie.n.v one or the beet rem.d.e. f' diwaiee of the bladder, kidney., pravel. dr,,p. 1 "o". mecmatimi, ami r"'y u. 1 "'"'r ':"" we tare arrauceii l.reona. ar d tTnaliy and pain in paias wator, Seaoty Reere- Hurt, or until aud friqutnt diK-herjfi of water: Stritigur;, , or finpiiif f wat'r; Ilt-inataria, tr Wttdy ur:fic; (luut ai.d llhrumatinia of lh- kid nvii, wi;litu( anj change in quant if r, bat incrraw in clur. or dmk w.vtcr. It wai alwave hij;hljr ncoinnifiidt-d hj tho lata th. rbjfirk, ia lh-ar Ti,i aavdtrtn .ar-rraaoo tlio ptmrroi d.tiun . ... i ana tK.xi .u auror,.,. ,ai muj crrc. wtnru titu waitrr or pairareoun u roui'n. and all unnatitral culiTrmentx, a well at piio and if.flatnatiin, arrifduNl. ard It ii taken by wen, woiiirn and childrrn. Dirw.iori fur nar ai. i diet a-x-wnipfinj. rnilAl.i t i HiA, Pa., F.t'. 2.1, if:. II. T. IlrlmUM, llniFEirt : I ) r. a n Riu 1 bate Imn rureiisR. for upward of Iweulv veara, with gra.t-T, l,'a,,lir and kidn. v 1 RtT.-ii.. nr. during abii'b time I bate need variou (.rec.ratione, and len ut.d.r the treat menlof the moil eminent pliii. in(,ep.-rieneisr hut 1. t'le relief. (a ieir seen )oor Pltentieely ad .rtiw,l, I roinu'led with my famili pbv.i Ian In n-prrl lo a-iiig your Eilrnrl Parhm. I did h-'e-AuM- I bad used all kind, of ad, er tieed n ineli, i, and had I.. und Ihrua wortl.lett, and aon.e quite ii.jurieut; in fail, I deepain-d of ever g.ttii.i will, and ditirminid lo utc no rcuiediet breuficr ut.Uti I kmw of tbo inr,r,'dionlt. It wet that prompted ear to one y.,ur riniedy. At you adrertited Ibat it Wat compusi d of bu.'htl. euV a, and Juniper lK"nira, it opeurred lo tneand my I hy.'irian at an ei,-ellent coml.iiiati..n, and, with h a advii-e, after an examination of the arti cle, and c.riMjWnr, a(:ain With the ilmp-irA. I e.,n- eludid to try it. I cminened itt ute about eittt ' trontl.a ago, at wbieb time I waa confined to my PM.m. From the Cml Imtile 1 wje a'tntitibed and gratin. d al the Imuefietal cff.-el, and after uaiiig it three wi eke. waa .1,1c I. wak out. I lilt roun like writing yon n full"iurnt of my cane at the time, but thi'ilbt my improvement miht only I ten,p...ary, and therefor concluded to def. r and pee if il would efli'-t a perf.-el cure, knowing then it would be of grra'cr ralue lo you, and more atisin.-t, ry to me. I am now able to rrp rl that a cure tl vr"ic'id arttr i.rii.g ll.c nioidy for fi,e moiitl.s. 1 bate n..t ued ai.y now for three months, and fie) ee well in ail respects as I ever did. Your r.nelta tin der..i 1 of any i:pp1,arifcrt tas'e and I dor, a nier ti.nie end in, ijroralor of llie s;.iln, 1 ill rot. mi an to be without it sbeliCTer O'ocrion a-sy rfqnirT its ne in sueh affeeti'ns. ! J!. MeCollMH K. rbi iildany dools Mr. W -ro iu ik't etatrOKii', be leferl to the f..,l,.a .og g'-nll' ir.x n : I!. ri. V a. B:i Lrn, si tlorem ,r, P, nni leania. Hun. Ta .a. P.. Fl-oui srE, Philadelphia, lion. J. C Kvat. JuJge, I'iiiiade'pbia. ll. n. J. S. El A, l, Ju l).-", PhiUd, I) !,,!. II. .n. II. It. P,,HTrn.ri-tl.reTnr,r,Pitiny!,ai.ia. II, n. Fi i , Lewis, Jii.I--, id. Ij.hia. l!.n. II. '. Han n, Ju lg, t'oitid fietce C.url. p,n. 0. W. V out, ask, Jii le, Pl,iU l, lp'.ua II, ,n. W A. Poltrra, Cily SVIu-iloi, Pbila lelj b,a II on Ji-its Itiirt.rt., ex tl'.reriK.r, t'aiii nuia. li.-n. It 11 has, A a l.tor li,n..Vash:t'g''.n, !. t. And many olbere, il ne-essery. '"" 7jke f. fe Sold i t Priir. j!ts and P. sVrs ever; , ileaaie of eoiin', rf, lis. A-k foi ilriiu'.. .1.1 s. no other. PRICK: n. ,, , i c -1 f I ...i Jicr I loll If. or tl lull I Its lor iJ.'iJ. Iieli, erod lo any sd lr in ail communications. ee. ll.'srTil.e syn.t.l..nis Address 1 II. T. II KLM HOLD, lrng and Ch mfra1 Wnn l-cnr, iri Bnmdwnt, Kew Y,.rk. oN K ABE Ii l:UNE I Nl,i:c JiriSE IT in tteel-cngrared wripp.r, with far elmile of my t brmi'al It aretouse, and tinned jy? ly II T Pl htH.I.P. 5 tvilu air, ffliiujtif, Cir. TE3 inOH5IDi:3 TIN & 8T0VK STOHK! G. S. FLKGAL, rhilipcdjurf, Cestro Couaty, Ta. rilMR ttt.dfrflirnfd renpeptfully annouonct to 1 ihe iubli that h baa oa band a w-lulij-ieiectoii and woll aaiorted tock v STOYK.S, IIKATKUS, Jt.NGKS, HOLLOW - WAKE! TIN, COPPER AND SUKKT-IKON WAKE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! II ii itock of Cooking Etorci ouDiiita of aiJE CELEnilATKD IKONfilDES, rtirh hare noror fulled to brinjr rear aiid Jjrrperitj icto tauiiii where it it med, Dirnnnnd Rtat, Farmr, HeraM. Chirui, Fpear' California Conk KtT, hpeur' Ami Duit, (iai ltu rning Cui.ktiie IStcvra, Violor, Jteliunoc and I niun Itan 01, ($eari' t'ouktntt Knngoi, io.( do. V-Tha Tid and Fbat Iron wiro g.eo with tho rtovoa Ii mad of tho hev'fU and bp it tnatrrial, and warraoud to givo erfct aiia faotitia. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Ii lorprr, bttr and ohriper than vr before eibibiud to tbo public-rt;Diiitin of SpMiV ncvKlnR I-ipht irtimlratinir Puto, JSj ari' A nil-ftvxt Ma itiirninr farlrtr h'toro, bp pari' Orhirular Uh tioruirj 1'arlor M'ito, 8ian' tltin ltur. inf 1'itrlur bU re. Hut) uet. Pearl. Urni, Ida. tun, 'lrj'!o, Nevadii, Le.f Ac. Valran. Kin an1 Virtor Ilrati-ri, Ffeari Re-Tohin- Light iioatera. Ha la aliwi proparcd to farnlih eon plate aftftortBODt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden acd Willow Ware, &c.y Wbftlfaalo r retail, anaofetnr4 aeitlj atd I with ifae aula view to aorvico, from tho beat ma j torial in tho mrkeC PLOWS A PLOW TOINTH, COPPBR, BRASS, HiIlCF.LAIS, TIS LINED, SPIN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every dtieripLluB cotitantly on bjnd. OKDKUS Full SfOCTlNO, ItOtiKIXci And other work bclorioK la bit baaiaeer will be promptly filled by eiperiecead aai abiilfol work me. CitASS, CO IT KM. Ol.I) METAL, KAfiS AM) CASII Taken in eiebange for f ooda. rrno rnpfria:iy Urltfl tho itttntr. f Mch.w ..hir, to parrhaw atwblrle. at tt-cT wilt find it t' their adrantaro to tuaino Uf iteck Mn l0rcbMini' Look oat for lb Itlr FipSeppo,ta the reei dtoce af Mra. lir. Fotler. ' All (ioom WaaaiSTrD at BErtcaraiEn. I I t (. VI . au( S8 Pbillpiburg, June , lSTf). ill. F. 1HGLER & CO., neaLcaa is II a 1: I XV A It E , AI, Mannfartarerinf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. C I. F. A R F I E L It, PA. Lu'f OF SADDLES, URIDLE.5, Uaraere, Collare, etc., fr tale by H K. Ill'iLUt i CO. p.VLMERS PATENT UNLOAD- log Iley Forkt, for aale by 11. k. rini.F.R i CO. (JIL.'rlXT,' PUTTY, CLASS, j Kailt, etc., for aale by j II F. ItlOLF.R I CO. jj.ti.N i:ss trimmings' a shoe j Fiudingt, for sale by 11. k. rioi.F.n co. , pits. PIS TULS. S WORD CANES i I 1 . t I For tale by II. F. MC.I.KR 4 CO. ilUVES, OF ALL SORTS AND . Situ, fur aale by I ii f. t co JRO': IRON! IRON! IRON! (' For tale by ii f. r.u;i.i:n co. IIORSE SHOES k HORSE SHOE 1 KAILP, fr eale by II. F lUC. A CO pi'LLEY flocks, all sizEsmall Profits! I And belt Macurarlure, for rale by . I ii. F. iiir.i.rn co. 11 1 MULE SKEINS AND PIPE 110XFS f .riale by II. V. I'.Kil.KU 4 (XI. VODI-ER Ct'TTEIW for sale by A .1il70 n. F. Pir.l.Ki: A co. New C,n!inrt ! w, I n.-l! INNON LAND AND LI M PI'l! COM ,'1 PIVY i li r l-r Kilo Town I. .ts in tl.e t.,.r .,. I I Osreola. Clearliebl eounty. Pa . and nlsa ' p.', o snll porehasees oatsi'le the limits eif Saul 1 1 .roneh. tiMMsda ie ituali-d on the llosbannna l r.-ek. in the nibeat portion of the county ol i t .aid. 1,1. on the hue i.f tbe A Cl.arti.l.l ll.ilmad. where the No-bann-a and llenverton I b .nnh S4ds iolrrsei-t. it ts al-o in Ihe heart ol (. ,!., r,l h..:n. and laif I- lies ot I al'.te pine, bemho-k. .ok, end other l.oil-er tur- r..ond it One of the tnsre.t lan,s-r n autetue. jC .elabb.bmente .n the Slale te loealel ia Ihe iii, while ll.ree arc wi.ioy o'her lumloir anj .h.ngle nulls ermir.d il. The but ee en Bis ..1,1. and contains a population of one thou- ,end iotMhii.nts. I ' W"l'or further Informalion aj ply al me omee ..1 the above eon pai.y. JOHN LAWSIIK. Fiipenolcndent. nprll 11 It YY AM I.I'. Tho wndersirned will par the hiphe.t r ASM PK.t K lor ail kinds ,l Fl P.S and l.KbR FK1.SS. rti.e see a -all rta-.H, Pe SI. 1.1, SJUIBMIBJI' ii'U o.poth, fiictHfs, tftf. . at. ASul p.. 'Thcr.prr than the C.ira..rst." GOODS AT RF.DIH'F.D PRICE3 itief sirnrts ar Arnold A Ifnrfsliorii, (One door weit of Firit National Bank,) CTR r.NSVlI.l.l'., PA. HAVINO Jutl returned from the emt with a aomplete afiartment of tiuode euitabU for Kprinr and Hiinnaer trade, wa are now ready to furniib all kindi of Ooodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest I" And after tbanllng our euitomere for tbelr liberal patronage during the pant year, we wuuld moil ree ectfully aik for s continuance of tbe eame. Our Floek cniirlt of a eonipVta aeiortment of I'ry floodr, Nollone, Hardware, Quceheware, Willowware, Groeailee, tloote 4- Hboee, Hate A Cape, Clothing, Tobaeeoe, Ao. Alio, Flour, Baeo. fall, Piib, drain, ets. All of wbi.h will be lold on tbe moil reaion able termi. and tbe bijfbeet ma, ket prire paid f. r Drain, Wool and all kiodaof Lumber and Country Produce. Please give ue a eall before purchasing alee here. Satisfaction guaranteed at to price and quail!;.-!, AKN0LD A HARTSHORN, Corner ftl Alain and Thotnpeoa Blraata, aprSS CL'RWLNBVILLE, PA. i. r. WEivr.n.. ..W. W. BETTt. WKAYEU cV KKTTW CLEARFIELD, PA., Arc offering; at tbc old it and of 0. L. Hf(l A Co., tbt if itock of gooti., eooaitticg of- DKY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 6H0ES, BATS A CATS, HAI'.PWARB, (JfEENSTARE, FLODE, FEED, SA1T, &c, &c, At tbo moat rcaaoaalilo rateo fur CAB II or in e urban pa fur Stjuare Timber, BoardB, ShLngles, OR t'OVNTRT rRODt'CE. .Advaneea made to tboee engiged in get ting out equar timber on tbe moat advantageiMie ternia. January 5, IS70. E.A.inyiN&co., trKIVI-.SVII.LU. PA Bving rpeeially engaged in the buriacrs of Euying and Selling Square Timber, WuulJ irprrarnt that lbtT arc nuw prrpired to pan ha Timber dlircrfJ al tithrr Cat wrnsTillr, Ltx-k Hivro or Marittta, (or will taka it at anv of Ukk Mtutfr) ami it 11 on ciaiuiiiiion, making ucli aJvanc-s M art nccriarj. Thow etigngrd ia (riling owl Tinihcr will find at oar rtore in Curwrn il a rj large ttock of STAPLE GOODS Of all Iseaeriptioat. ALSO, flour, .Vral, Oats, Corn. And fvrrylhirg nccsary f.r use of Lanibermrn RAFT ROPE, Of all pim, kq t on hand in large qnantitir, and old al amall adtanrt ihe eiL AIo, TulWy BWW, 5tuaU r.(,p, ie. to thnur mannfrturit g Frjiara Timber. P. A. I M M V H rrwrnF ille, Jat.imry 12, lTfl. Quick Sales! IIAKTisWICK k 1UW1N Are soe-tnntly repleuisbing their stook of Drag. Medicines, Ac.. Sb,s.l P .iks and F.sti'.nrry Including tbe Oe g,K.d and Series of lleedert. Also, T.ihaeen CO 1 Cigsr, of the best brands, at tbe tower! prices, nil CALL AM) FFK. t I) IttK Kt) l.llM.l.lll MATCHES TH LKillT TUB WOHI.tM The or.deric"e? has seeu-ed tbe sole right lo menntaeinre and sell in this county the t hl.l.nriATI.Ii WA1I.R PltiMiF MAriH. wbieh is fast .opereedmf cecey alher mttrh I male. Mst I soaked la water for en mon-,s r,, a, i(,,,e as readily as those k'pl in a aa'e. , ,.,) B,P j, ehesp as aov made. Urdere anlio- , tied end peemplly Llli-d. Illy address ie Lu'hers l,nrc. ( , .r. Id eeunty, Fa. j,.lm pd JACOB W. COK T. t I - -eTC f.lls, leg pneebawl tbe Interest of , j piaileol-'f-er. F" . in the ,n.incee ) earned ow noder the Seen name of J. A .inlrer Co . tbe sosep will be endoeted hereafter under the ssene of Moshaanon Ijind and I. amhr t'n,psee. 'Store.) II. H Sllll.l.lMIFtlKP. JnllK LIWSBrt. my?tf Prpsidenl. C.eneral Sop't. cirwwsea nnd nMwnalnnl eupp-rfiert of every I hiad oflhe latest tespeoeeeo-nte. fee -ale n. ma Ping Storraf EAkTrtWK'E IRVIN. liij Cunt', ftipin'u, Clr. DAHCAINSI DARGAINSI V. KIMTZFaR, Marlct Stroet, ClearCulJ, Tcnn'a., (Opposite lh Jell,) IIIAVR now ow band Ire! cites clock al f lodt, euitid lo tbe wente of tbe put lie Hy efocb beiog large, end by eoneteatly making additione thereto, I am able lo accommodate all who may favor me by calling. I hay DRY GOODS, Merinoa, filnghame, Clothe, Prints. Drlalaee, Ceatimerei, Filkt, Rept, Fatinrlt, Cashmerea, Tweedt, Coberge, Alpacas. Mohair, Lanell a, Mutlins, Flannels, Pxinneta, Ribbons, Cloaks, llsln.orsl Fkirtt, Hoop Fklrtt, Sbawli, Prsit Trimmlngt, Riad Kete, Cepe, Cortett, Olnrre, Searfa, Collara, Ortnadine Vtilt, Table Covert, ate. CLOTHING, CoaU, Panlt, Vtste, Over Coau, Ocnl't'thtwlt, Sbltte, litis, Cape, Under f bins and ttrawete, Boole and Eboet, dan Fboee, Crarats, Bocks, Uloeee and ColUri. GB0CER1ES, Tee, Coffee.. Soger. Molettet, Celt, Candles, 111 , Floor, bacon. Fish, Tobacco. Raitint, Curranti, Spl-ei, Creekere, Vinegar, Oile, Varnish, Pspper, AleuboLAa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpi u. Oil cloth. Drugget, Clocks, Looking Glaaect, Charna, Bueketa. Wasbboarda, Tube, Flat Iroat, Pant, Window D.lndt, Wall Paper, Con'. Oil Lens pa, Bedcordt, I'tilrrlUi. Kniree, Forka, r-pooaa, Crocka, Fuittt and Slots Blacking. 11ARDWABE, Qeerniwere, Tlewere. Glasiwar. Woodeaware, Copperware. Bookt, glatiocery, blaiieal Ooede, Trunks, fkatee, A. VAll af which will be told on tbe most rea eonable terms, and I' e highest market price paid fur Grain, Wot I and all kinds of country produce REMEMBER TUB PLACE: C. K RATZER'S, (Opposite the Jail.) CLKAItF Ft P. PEXV A. .$10,000 GUARANTEE, BUCK LEAD Excels all other Lead I 1st torlte t'rrtvalsd Wbllenese. Id. Ferite t'neqoiled parabilltj. Sd. For Itt t'Btarpatied Covering Property. Lastly, for lie Economy. -It coeta leu to palnl with Ba-k Lead thsa any other Wkitw Lead aitant. Tbe Berne weight coccre more enrfeca, 1 more datable aao makee wbilar work. HI Chi l.l.AU it the Cheapen and BctL $10,000 GUAl'ANTEE. EUCE ZINC Excels all other Zincs I 1st For ite fnrqualed Ilarability. Id. For Iu I nilvaled Whilrscea. Id. For Its Unturpet.ed Corering Property. Lattly, for Itt Urcat Eeonoay. Being tbe Cheapest, Handsomest and most pa labia White Paint in the World. Buy only RUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC Try it and fca Ctarlwoad, Satliftftiow Gatranteed hj tba H-iafartarrr. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, rrrfri1 rtrerilv for Pa i at iti f (Vtitairea, Octhaildipfi of ?ery aafaripllnw. Fenen Ac. Iiirif ira rftflrewt rlc.ra. Ua ralcla Thaap. raitora., and lleaatifal Phtdca. tamala card pent bi anail if aepirfd llial era' Ordert will ba BrtMsiitlv txecuted hi tor ataiiuUetare'i. FRENCH, Ilicn AP.D5 4 Ca K. W for. Tn td k Market trett. Philid'a. Foraala by A I. (Haw and Harttwtrk f Irwta, lralfr In Iirug. MwdieiDas, Faint-, Dili, sic ( laaraild, I'a aprl-l Tu.l TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WUOLEaALE AND F.ETAIL, At tha New Tohaecv and Cigar Star af Twodaort Eait of tha ro-t Pit, CltarfirM, Ti Cnavtantlj ow hand a flat aaxortmewt nf Nary. Confrrrs Carrndih, CaMa, F pun roll. Michigan and Cantary Fmc-at Cbewlnj T-Icw, le, Ateta. a larira and veil twiWted ttk mt Iaffwte4 and Ir.aeflcCara. 5nioki(t Tobaceoi, Nearanhaawi and Briar Fipct. 1'ipa fixtarea. Tolaecw Goiea, Cifar lloldera. and arfrythltif fenara-ll; foand ia a wall rcpa'a'ftd Cigar and TohaetM 6torw. -Rmewilsar tbe flar: Tww d'-ara EaM al tba PoMoffipfv Clrarweld, Ta. ifl NEW CLEARFIELD, TENN A. c: oa Maik etrcet, opj esite the Jail. MO NT ME NTS, IILFI'HS TOMPfi, rr.LNCll cnVCJICS, TABLE T0P, MANTLES, HAPPEN FTATt ART, TEIiRA CVTTA WARE, HEAP. A FOOT FTOXF.?, f new and hpaatifal det gna. All of wbi h will be n.ld at city pri.-ea. ur ti per cenL lesa than arv other cptohlishmewt in this poua.T. Falisfaetien guaeaoleed In all onset Oideie Ibankfully reeiived nnd promptly tiled in tbe h.-wl waikman like manner. S. A. 01BON. E. YVaram. Ag'nl. myllly ll sTU IS' t'tlYSfArll fEIOa. tl Vie have printed a large number of tbc new I PR BILL, and wilt on the reecipt of twpnty B,e cents, mvil a en.e to are address. w,vM SV IM' PAYI B,(-K.Keoedt-tMd ral Plss-ssre, HelmSold's Raehn. fleberV Cod l.leer Oil.'t and Avep'. af orery kind fat anle hy lt&TEIC( A JI. "rut SMITH HOUSE, (Itj.j .It I. if. 'li("T loAtJ C I I.AHIII II. PA. rMIK iin lMiimed, r -tMr1 lhl haw fat X orin of eate If read lo atntertala ftra f-ra aad trarrlm wtnrnll.r. therKra anlteta fji arwaft ta piva Ihw a wail. Mu Tab will k lplted aUk tba beat tba aaarkat affurda, and Lla , Har will contain tbawbniaaat of wiari aai lrt. ' 1 hitku'iN, farnitnre, Wdf and bedding araanUralv new.whiok atwarnadd totbaewnifoiiof lewralaii) Mv tit tattlii.i; aitachrd i largo and raai'; juf tiitlJ (or ttaiiittrra. Cmrgrt aiodeYat. lank 70 BKADLET. , THE LEONARD HOUSE (Noar Ilia Kailmad Drmt,) HEED f TI1KET, C1.KAHFIKLD, PA. G. D. f.OODri'l.l OW, Proprietor. VXEW flrtllaM lintel in rtry raapaot otiiitforfuble nHMn nil the modern imprava u.iuti tka ot LIUUKti pruoipt attand tuce, and reaunaMe clmr((H. Tha pitranagt at ilia puMic id reirotfutly Helted. Teamstm will pirate tnkc nutica that largo barn baa juat been rrfftrd for the iheltertng uf borict. loaded atgAniand carriage! baring a oaairdioai ara djanant to tbo Freight and i'ajacogr depot. JaW THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARKET St., CLEAHFIEED, Pa. THIS large and eomtnodiopa new boteJ kaa bem openel fur tho aocomraodation of tbo pii hi in, altera tha proprietor will bo glad to moot bn old friend, and receiva a ihare of public pat ronage, lir atriet personal attention to tba oa laid ol hi basinei, be farpi to be able to rtndar wilnfaction to hit patrons. Tbo TABLE will alwavi be boontilullr applied with tbo bctt that oan ha procured in the market, and tho BAH will contain afullitoekof LIQIOKS, BEER, Wood lUbling attacbrd. CAPPER LEIP0EDT, Clearfield, Waeeb I, j PropHator. THE EAGLE HOTEL, MAIX ET., Cl'KWENBVILLE, PA. nAVINO laaaed for a Urn of yaara tba aboro wall known and popular botal, kept for in. rly hy Mr. kfaaon, and larely by Mr. Fate,) tha proatni proirfet4ir baa ro-ftttad it with the ohjff of rendar'ng bii gwefia aoaifon-abl-whila jnarning wilb bito. A ft n, largo Stahla and Yard ti attached, for tba eara and prnteptinn of horaef, earriagea and wagoaa. A liberal ebaro of pablio patrnaga it aolieiti4. mji 70tf A.J IHAU EER. Prup'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Heeondand Market Btraeta. t I.r:AItFILM, PA. TIIH ld aad aowiniodioaa Ilutal bai. daring tha pat yonr. bavn tnlargad lo iabla Iu -uiaaar eapawity for tbo entertaina-act af atraav ert and gaeaia. Tba wbola bailJing haa baaa rfurmhed. and tbo prupriotar will para so patna to rendrr bit gutiu ooa-fortahla wbiia iU)tog with bia. V-fha Maaeiow Boaaa" Omnlbot raaa U and fro ia tba lrpotoa tba arrival and depanar f aaeh traia. J011M I0 UOJlbHTY, aprfl ro tf Prapriaur. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, C wrwrnavlllF. Clearfield county. Fa. THE anderaigned hit leased tbta old and long OBtabli.bad boiol. f furuaarly kapt by Major Uac Bioam.) vltoata la aoeairal portion of tba towa- and bai eatiraty re fitted andra fore tab ad b a d rt -m-jdeled tha Hili"g. ro ato naka 11 a object, her. 'arttr, far tba Irarating pablio ta pa-rtkniae twit largo tax? tamou'dioi hooea. Jan. IV, 70-tf. T. JEFF. BLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, t urweuoTillas, t learllcld comity. Pa TH I- old nnd well aMahliahad Hotel, baaatU lolly aitaatad ow tbo ba ika tka Bneajwo t.1 nn a, ia iba broifk ut Carwan till, bat beaa -eavd for a tarwiof yara by tba and-rairnad It baa baaa an tire I y raattod, and It aaw ope a to he pvMie generally aad tha trarelling e omnia., atty la parw alar. No paint will ba tvarvd to rtttder wat eonforiahla whtla urrylng at tbia hnno. Ami la r-hlinj roo a fr tka aeooBBO if alii af teanit. Ckargea mod-raft. Jt.. I, 'ftl if W M. M. JEFFRIES. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, 1IL IIM..W.V I'A, fplllf tld aetahiirhmant having beta leaoad A. hy J. onm-u, lorneriy proprietor or Lhm "Mnrrtiton lloun-,' ba been thurnuibly rea stated and refarwi-hrd, and awpplled wttb ol! tho wodern ini protester, tt and eoartnfaneaa ao -iaary to a Imt rltn HM, Tnt room Haa ten re mured to tbo ft rat ftoer. aad ta now peHoat and aiy. fha rharnbtri ara well taa ilatrd. ad tht proprietor will aodtaror to wjaka bi goeiiU per Ite Liy at b wie. 4. Mtmnizvx, proprietor. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, MAIX ST. PHILUMlL'ItO. PA. rTIIK aadartignad keep eaaiantly oa band 1 the bart of Liuaora. Hta labia to alwaya ,btlied with tha beat tba anarket affurda. Tka (rattling pabho will do wall tn girt bln a ealL not 1, ft. KUUfenT LLUa V. gHAYV Ht.tSI. ( entrr or Ilarket and rronl Streets, Clearfield. Pa. This munificent Hotel it eattrdy new. eom. plete ineli itt at pointmenta, nad euneeoient to tbe Court lloute. A Ire. Omaihue rnaa t. nnd rota tba Depot on tbe eerieat and departure of each train. IsEOKUK S. COI.Bl K.N, April IJ. 1ST. Proprietor. Uttll AMTS llt)TL:L. Cwrncr of Third and Smithdeld Strecte, Pltfaburg, Ta. 1.6 r D. JOHNSTON A FON, Proprielnra. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLKAHFIELD, PA. nAS josi repaired a Una lot of French CALF skl.N'S. and is now prepared to maeafaa ui.v everything in hit line Bl tSe lowest Sgarwa. Ha will warrant tie work to a. aa repreoenw. It. respeetfally aolieits n eall, nt hie chop Market eTreet.spf ond eb or west of Ihe posteSc, whert be will do all in bie power to rend.raslla fartion. 8oae Boa Uaiter ,.pe on band. my.,67 y DAMKL CONNELLY. THE WAR OVER IN CLEAKFIELD. KNOX TOWSUIP QUJET. .Vriry all the Contrabands going back to tht tr oi'i ma?rrr$ ; out narg one going to old MfUttiehvtetts, vhert thfy trcre iowd so tvny and so vclL 1!f fonteqaene al tba abn a faett. F. SHORT, of lb .Id "Shot ha'va rib..," woi4 aa- assanee tn eti flawirrno. patron, and tba peopla ot Clearweld aawntr at targe, that ha bat wow a Artt rata Mul gHid mairnai. jat rooitad frwai the Ka-t,and ta prrpared nnanurt aotlrt tn aaaka and twend HU ana Hh'-ta, al bi aao tbp ia Urahaia rw. He if faht?d tbal be eaa plraaa ii.i ifii it rrlghi he aowe lMenelv lo)a nay. t b-iwit pKiriista.) Ut ie pre-arrd lo aelt low for Cah or Cttantry ProdMee. Ittm't forget tha Sb.paeit r to faw-r d 1rmbaiw'a ttora, ta Market trrt. Clearfltld, Pa,, aad kapt by g fellow owa.ii aalltg jyl. 7 y nnORTT. lY LOOT AM) SHOE SHOP. EDWARD aMACK, Con. MARKET A 3o Sti., CLEARFIELD, Pi.' rpilE rmpribtoT ba anttrrd fr.ta tht BOOT A X HtoK btt)ne at the abota need, aad i ilaternined not to ba outdao titkar ia aaaU tty or prlca f-r bi aork, h pee ial atteotina will ba ti to rannnfadariag 8ed work Ho bar on band a Urge lot of Erenrh Kip aad ' felf Hklnt, of the lerr beat quality. The tilt- . . . lent tf Ciearfle'd awd tlciaity aro retpeetfally inviied ! g'te biw a trial. No obarge for oaltot lb .- 9 ' a t f sFwR0QT AD SHOE SHOP. I Tnt, tnb.eriber having lately alerted near Bet nr.d Shoe shp In rwrwontrllle, Mam atpset. ppnoelte Joeh K. Irwm'e Drag o:ore, cerpprttally aaaonneet to tbe public tbal he I. prepnied e maaa'netare all ttylee nf Bowt and Sboea. aad ev.ritb.of In hie line, on short not tee He alaw k'ep. w kend a gd aseorl mewl of r.adv made work, which he mill Mil cheep for cash or enaatry eMIT If l lt I RtsTI ?. BOSS1. 1)tNK. Wlliri 1 ROAH LINIXII SKINS a .osv reoeivea aoo r'-r e..r j AprU I I T. U F tit.L PO.