17 Gkoboi B. GooULANDtR, Editor. CLE A It FIELD, PA. WEbSfciliAY MORNITifl. AC 01' ST I. t:0 Democratic District Ticket. J OH N O. II All, ". . or tLi eorsTT. plakjMt U thi M.lon of th Iliatriai CoBf en.ittn. Democratic County Ticket. SHERIFF i JVaTlN J. PIE, or e:nff. COiimetloNTRi DAVID DICK, Or ClEasriEL.. PIHTUICT ATTORNEY i A. W. WAITKII, Or CLEARFIELD. . JVRY COMMIBIOXER! (ICOn A. FAI'IT, or cLEinriELh ''.AUDITOR i AARON Will, OF EFOI. D. ColiO.NtRi AMt'EI. A. CALDWELL, TIF BIlAHFOnD. Coal of Vonltuttd Elections, During the fli nt acFtuun of tho Forty first Conrena, lately adjourned, seven teen contented election casea wero disposed of, at an expense about $-'00,-000 to tho government. In every in alaiiu) except thut of Switzler, from the Ninth District of Indiana, the contestants were radicals, and in all tho wos tried except fivo, two from Kentucky, one from Texns, one from Missouri and one from Indiana, tho sitting members wore ousted. Every rudicn) contestant except Grafton, of Texas, Barnes of tho Eighth and Zciglcr of the Ninth (Jistrict of Ken tucky, wus successful in either obtain ing, or having declared vacant, the cat which lie claimed. In most in stances the democrncls ousted had been returned by largo majorities, aome of iho Louisiana men, hers by aeven thousand, eight thousand, ten thousand, Simpson, of South Carolina, by nearly five Ihousund, while Colonel Bwiuler, of .Missouri, wus made tho contestant though the return from his district showed his election by nearly one Ihousund. Tho silling members wero of course entitled to draw pay and mileage during their lime of ser vice. Bui the House voted to pay to the coiitestunts, also, a hethcr success ful or not. Tho people of the United States have virtually paid for two rep rcscnlalivca for the districts front which theso contests wore brought. To seventeen gentlemen who huvo been declared not entitled to scuts tho sum of t,'ij,3'j0 has been paid in aalary and mileage. Tho process aoems to have been to throw out the domocra'a whoso seals wero contest, ed, pity them for tho timo tln-y had served, and admit tho contestant, who of course draw full pay from the beginning of tho term. In addition to the duplicated pay and milonge drawn from the treasury in these con tested elections, muH bo considered tho cost of collecting the eilcnco, reporting the proceedings for publica tion and printing thu huge volumes in Which tho history of Iho cases Is laid beforo Congtcss. A careful estimate places this cxpenso at f 150,000 for the cases tried at the Into session of Con gress, making nit ngi;regato of about 1200,000 at tho cost to tho people of the mt'eruble farce by which iho raili cats nuvo auccccdctl In Keeping up thctrlwo thirds mnjcriiy in the House. In oilier words. It costs tho country . just $11,703 for every rudicul foisted into the seal of a democratic member of such tricksters as Covode, Cessna A Co. A n timber of cases are yet un disposed of, which will be decided til tho next pc.-sion, nod which will fur tiish further opportunity to tho eon grossinunl leeches to bleed Iho treasu ry. Nothing but Iho return of clear working majority of demncruts to the next Congress, will put an end In lieso robberies of the government un der the guise of contested elections. If tho di mocrals succeed in orgiinii ing the next llouso of Hi picsentn tivos, a coinmilleo on eloctions will e appointed beforo which eontoslanls who rest their ennsc on Iho frivolous nd contemptible claims on which the Louisiana radicals, Wullaco of South Carolina, and other difented candi dalea made their respeolive contests, will not dure to sIiot ll.cir fitces. On the other hnnd,sho-ihl the next Ilnii'o eontain a radical maturity. 'ni'i'i; . else nocd La I'xnri i.,l II on il . I . - J , v .,, vnni lllllvi'S will sgnin bo ss indli-d out of tlicir rsts M coat of litinilrcds ..f thou ssnrla of dullsrs 10 tlio government. flarritburg futriol. TlirI)"moc-riiticXBtionnlKicctiliv('lllc"1'-v" '"' lii".L''1 l,'n Ihnnsiiiiil ! Comntill.-o. ut W.sl.int.ion. .Io.If.. to I , . . - . "inmn mo nnm sml ponl-office nd-1 n,m ",IU I'"l-""i' nrt- drosl. uf tvrrf IX nioirulic nniiiinep lur t oncrcss. r,d rvrrv Imir.nar, ..r Demixralio Cour.lv Con.niiiion i County rounlv f'lisiniirn of v'.iniiiiit n p I should l oneo forw.rd Ihetr .dtlrcss to th Nittionsl Cominiiteo. Allium- j ..... . , ,,- v.nini.iin saiinulal bo dd.-easeil ... II.,.. M I D...1..11 u C Whi.,u. I. . " q., WMltiitglon,!). L. .. Oreeley mcuses both Jlrj. Stan- ton ndSusA,.,r..,v..r .-,,.'.. I...I " " . ,!. o "'.n i-otncs ut.t then comes ,1 , t r,rJl.. L-. . I The Vuty of Ihe Hour, Ton ) ears ago tlio IK'iiwcruiic par ty rnt in .irnvcr, uiid to nil human ap- H'&mnCO ll!lii l"j;iiuiiiu. J tiw uuiiu- tire, Lcnihlutive d JuiliiinI di'port-tnr-nts ot tits Cuvoriiment, weii) all ltcrnoi'mlio. Hut nmbitiun and lii.isl-it-ium, loll spirits of hull, Cohabited tr. gclbcraud brud discord umunir lirntli ren, Making llio siu-cess til' llio Ki'pt.b-Ik-an party, and tho tcrriblo civil war, from which 'o ire Butti-rinp, Iiussiblc and cerlain. Discord smu.ij; iretlireii, that greatest loo to tho sue cei.s ( all (ir(:inication, political, or ivliirinu. wits the course of tho Don) ocratic imrlv in lKOO. This leader was lor Paul, iindlhul lor A polios, tindiiiL-H und nroncitv lo llm Howard ' bolh forirot Chiisl. Hero ono bent to womhip at iho shriuo of Douglas, there, another at Ihe shriuo ol ire k inridge, both forgetting, in their mad ness, tho Democialie principle. Doug las sleeps heneuth Iho ettrlh nt Chi cago, and treckinridgo above the earlh in Kentucky, but tho Democrat ic principle lives still, thanks bo to God! (Jura has been a severe lesson j b'lt, let us net tho part of wisdom hy faith fully unending to its instruction. Let us cast out these mischievous, villain ous devils; discard all hero worship and follow tho Democrutio principle for its own sake, uniting ull our ener gies to giie it ascendency, nnd a per tnanent control in our public affairs, Thero is immediatu and most press ing ncccssiiy for Democratic success. I 1 heso past ten years ol Jteiiublican rule, from a decade of blood letting, ! robbery, corruption, venality, aye, ol ' every crimo in tho caleiidur, ulino-t j unexampled 111 the history ol man ; ; and, out of the depths of the people's sulk-rings, ihere comes up ft liearMcIl cry lor change, relief, and reform. "Aid il rwmrn. sia it Jiou ! Ai l il hi.ci uf lionitt uu-n, Alii It pflfcr. sid tt t ! Aid it tur tbr buur U iiti' Ami our csrnc.t muat cut 1ikIiiu Into Uv iit-a of tliouplii, siiil DiFii of sftion, I'lpsr tlir way." Bucyrur (O ) I'uruM. DfATit or I'uorMsoR Srotvtrt Pro lessor Martin Luther Sioever, L. Ij D.. of Ihe I'etinsy lv:itii:i Collego.at Gettysburg, died suddenly 111 l'liilu dclpliia, on Friday last, of nervous prostration and congestion of the brain, from long continued lubor. The I'liihidelphia LeJijct of Saturday last says, it is but a few days since hu paid us a visit, bearing every appear ance of full health. Jlia kindly und chuerl'ul disposition wui in lull play, uud his genial conversation, brim ining over ilh good will to ull his fellow men, und und not the slightest shadow of'lbrcbodiug in u single word A life long knowledge of his many os tiiuublo qualities enables us to say that ho was a good man, in ovury sense of llio word His whole man hood has been devoted to his proles siou us teacher. Thirty-ono years of his lite was spent in the 1'eniisj lvaiiia College nt Gettysburg, the Institution tit which ho graduated in 1H, in his nineteenth year, first in his clas.i. At iho time of his death, ho wus IVo Icssor ol the Latin Language und I.it cr..turo, but in his long service us I'ro lessor ut Gettysburg ho had filled nearly all the chairs Professor St'io vcrwasa most enthusiastic devotee of his country and its institutions. I bis s ua a marked trait in a charac ter repKlo with good fenlurcs. He was lor several years editor of the Kvuiigclit-iil Jfuviuw, und jiiiblif-lu-il Iwo memoirs, one of Dr. Henry Mel choir Muhlenberg, and Iho other of Iho Hev. Dr. Meyer, of this city. Dr. Stocvcr was born at Gormuulnwn, in Ibis city, February 17, ISJ0; and in that place, we beliuvo, his remains are to Und their lust resting placo. Do TlltY U.MltllsTASI) ? Do the American people understand thai, In lltu absenco of Mr. Fish from Wash ington, John Dancrolt Davis is now the Acling Secretary of Slate? Do they understand that this man Davis was proclaimed four months ago hy Iho Legislature of Massachu setts to he guilty of receiving a bribe ill ttkU'OO lo defraud llio F.rio Hail way Company, of ttliith ho was a Di rector ? Do lliey understand that ihis guilt of bi ibcry wus branded on his face after an ciab'irate investiga tion by tho Legislature? Do they understand that Duvis has tacitly confessed it. and has never dared even j lo attempt a deuiul ol his corruption ? Is this what tho American people expel led when they chose Gen Grant Tic'sidcM? Did tliey suppose that lliey ucru putting nt the head of their Slate Department a man nolo riously und undeniably guilty of tak ing bribes? Did they supposo (hey were installing avowed and shameless corruption in the highest and most honorable places in ihe Govern inent t Do iho American people understand that Gen. Grunt's Administration pays honor (o bribery and elevates fraud nnd Corruption to high station? John limicrolt Davis, Acting Secreta ry ol Stale I 2i, Y. .Vim. Tur Nkw Tax Bill By tho new Turilf ami Tux law all the so called sici in! laxes imposed hy tho 7!Hlt fee lion of Iho act of lMiil, and its suhso queirt ametidineiila are repealed, save the tax 011 brewers, ami on distilled spirits nml tobacco. This diica away with the long list of lif-enscs forvari ous occupulions, bunkers' luxes, ncenls. uuetiiiiK-cis, Ac ; but this docs not lako effect until M117 I, 171, so thai present yearly terms of payment then expire. 1 no taxes on sales, c , re pealed as heretofore noted, uro payn blo monthly, and Ibis repeal lakes ef fect October 1. Tho slump tux on checks and drnfts is not repealed j 1110 exemption applies only lo luxes illl'S on iriiiiiisi.i v ii nt ib for Icfs ill, hi i k . , c ...-r. v - ... ; "- j i mi- t ut .iii-iii ui hiij- ui ui ; ," .,, , ..in, . u.-t. , uir-r 1,11 i-u lll-l he frrc frnin stumps nftrr iho lirst of OUhIkt. I'hila. Inhjer. A land owner in ttliin offi rs lo rent ii s Ivtt.i jjlmid to jiii-nic )iirtin nnd MiiitittV siiiiiiii cxt iireiiins, on whti-li "mn" VW '"Brs.iukrs. 1111 VI srarra.tt thill tlnvo limes ni n)i,ny r. niain on the inicrostin.. n,l inn ot. clisnning Tito first B-.ig cvi-r nimlo of Ami-ri eun silk Iihh hi en sent tu Wnsliiniitnu i r.ini I ; . .,. : i: . ....... . t Iho ( npitol U i, n ctuhknt of Ihe rane of our products mid tho ver- J TI,.cl,n.pionj,.inperorAme.-',c.i.jnnU,iv of three tl,o.,, dollurs ' U,i., f Jncksonvillo, Illinois I irotn tiie college or which the (icier" 'Hits ir. Ins score: Sinirlo jump, 1.1 is 1're-iilciil. (iiiuil thinks l.eo must I l ""1 " hes -, tlireo juntrs, 4HI L'elliiiB errsv. i 'tt: l.'nj..mps, 111) tect. I b ! . 1 - EJw .nl. nn.i c.,n. o. 1 1 ' Edw.nl. und Collier liave .rfr-ed'v won VlllCI 1 ""7 " 2Tl,! of I The "Clirliliau totdier." Tho niinnri'.y nl the committee who would not co.Lnl to hilcnrahinK ' General Uoward, th. -el.ri.tian !-. dier"Civc. tho following -count i-f- snnnjot his traction,. They ,y : "The winni-litl IrunsfVr of Knvern- mont funds and i.roiieilv lo the How-1 menl lunus 111,11 iiroit.iii ioineiio Id L lllVCIlty duea not Slop here. A Iloivurd then, out ol the lllireau funds and with Kovcrnment lumber, buill co.linir H.SHO. and imvo tlicsu build-1 I.i.iv;-!H!V. At'ont Hie iMins tiim lo'ncss. 1 no oiiur n uuuunv.. t" wit, February, !IW, (juneral Howard 1 representation in Congress in liS,on with government funds, bought two ' tho rniilicatian of ihe Fourteenth olher pieces of land in thiscily .known Amendment by her legislature. Her as squares 1054 and 1055, at n eoH of representatives actually occupied ti&.nvU, mid upon tlteso squares he ' seats in Iho House and no man doubt erected, out of government money, j ed I hat iho Empire Ktaloof the South sevcniv six houses, each nt a cost ol i was again, even according to the rail 1,!!U0," making Iho expenditure o:t ieal doctrine, a member of tho Union. Iheso two sniiurcs nnd houses amount ! But Georgia sinned. Sho committed lo the sum of fl.'ij'.MIU. This prop-1 erly G. nerttl Howard has tinned over as a gill to Ihe Cnilccl Stairs to three nnu situen lo mni tno ciimo oi reject institutions Huward University, the ' ing Ike Fifteenth AmenJmcnt. I'res St AiiL'ii-lino Normal School, at liiihigli," North Carolina, and a school tit HiLhmond, Virginia. Theso lhreo institutions now hold, own and tent this property, by means of three Irus-1 ttH.s ntuioinied hv General Howard himsclt, Senamr I'omcroy, und John i K. lilvuns. The houses thus creeled upon these three squares are now oc- copied by ii.W negro families as ten-: nun ul nominal rent. It must bo ro-! mnnbered that the cost of theso : squares und buildings, atnnuiiling lo face r J no bill ileciai ing llio Mate SKIO.iiUd, is not included in Ihe $.'iilS,-1 entitled to representation is so mil lion proved to bo given lo Howard : hignous as to leave in doubt Die qurs Uuivisily. General Howard makes ' lion hethcr un election Is lo ho held no mention or explanation of these ex-! liiis year or not. This ambiguity was poudiuircs in his answer to cither of ' inlciilionnl on the part of Congress. tl.n Virions .'linr.rnfl 1'lw.t m n . .1 1 1 H S II t llOCS PVI'Cllt llint in CllSO tllO bo juslilied or exceed l,y any law or j Stule adhere, to il. de.nocr.tie an.o-1 flt.M "tZ T, by even any pretended authority. Il cedents, an excuso will bo found in I iuh,.l o,,n..i.i 1 1.- i.t d.iy ,,r juij lt. Tin is' proper to observe in lliisconneetioti, iho uncertain character of this act fori I"";1". siwunip nd .n,tm nn l.n in the hsn t thai the etudeiils of the Howard Uui- 'bo continued exclusion of tho Stale vcrsily iiiimher abouf llireo hundred, from Iho Union. Hadical Congress iiioslly negroes. The course of sludv j men who voted for the bill, dill'er prescribed lor Ihein is lhat presi-ribed ! among llietnselvcs as lo its meaning, iiy our leading colleges und universi- It may, therelore, bo concluded lhat lie.. A medical and law deparlment j Georgia is us liir from being restored is uttiii hid to Iho institution. These to the Union as sho was beforo Con Htiidei.ls are furnislieil w ith uniforms, ; gress assembled. The Slnle is a mere paid lor out of the government funds i loot bull ol the rudicul huders, a play Itansl'erred (o llio university by Gen. ' thing lor Dutch Gup I Sutler, lllood let Howarit ns Coiiiinishionrr of iho Hu. ting Chandler, Drunken Dick Yates, reau and are organized and drilled as Vienna Sihcnek, and Dirty-Work a military company. Not only is this ! Lognu. Dave not Ihcso contempti true, but part ol Iheir exjienses of liv-1 bio charlalnns trifled long enough ing ha. been paid for in thu same W'ilh Iho people? Is il not about wny. J Iii'nu tHiuiiciitu uro luu-'ht their Latin, and (iivtk, uml meiJicino, und luw, uitj military tactics by a number of proU'snor, w hoso Mil.iiicn in tho iixrivaio amount to S?Jl,Mt0. One (f tiuho jumbihin, M. J-nnsini( tlio folort'd prok-HKor of law in the I'nivopKity, lliiin )i;uil n yearly nnl- ary ul i,(.HU. lie is Iho mono man who -worlicJ ii the Soiitli iu lor lu iu rul llu.viii J lv,r tho icu riv-i(K-iuy." riM'tlK'U-Hi Ihe Hii'lical dnnniit tec -hi tuwuxlictl liim, mill t i-i 1 IlKltll) It, in Willie US SLOW. II II LK-m- oirat wito t cmiiiitt u trnlli of the riisrulilies proveil ntiii.i-t this tiiiiti ho wdiiIiI soon fi ml his way to the lVtii- tentmry, inn very justly. Of nil the f'ruuils iroiliieed hy Iho war, tlu-ro nri) none greater tlinn Ui iitral How ''"'i . . .... r.w oiik, .Inly Jll. I lie Kreai yiti hl l-aee for the Queen s . up, now held hy llio An enea, tit whieh Hint vessel, thu (.atnbnti, Ihiuiilless, K.tp. .ho, sod many ol tho digest and most iiiinnns J ni n.B will iiinu iialo, w as to day finally iixed for Aiiijiiht K. It' is ri'ioi leil that tho yni lit Maria, I w liielt heat the Anierita hinlly twenty I years qjfn, will nl-o l o nut in trim und enter it i .n tho rueo. Measures are lo be taluii f'ir tho n lief of tho families' of the two men washed overboard from Iho Dalit. tliss. Senator Wilson, with ihnraitet -istic di-honesty, has nssi-rted that it is ihe I 1 ; , c i- I nil use il mil .--tun I iiei-n iiiiinm-a lit' . , " , ' '. I "I" ol brii.King down Iho pneeol roe la- bor. H iho luvt man wh,. has : m.miii.iiiiiso eouniiM 1-i.sl o. iiio American workmen is a M.-issaehti.seUs mini, n railieal nml a protectionist, and a follower ol Henry WiUoit tho deniairo'-uo. Hr.iwiil.iw physicians, nflcr .leep1"")' i"'liws'on on n j.tulicnl mcmher reflection nnd conlemplalivo i.ursinif '"' l-''""'"- 'l'l' tliiirjro njinii.H of their g.Jd heitded canes, now come ! 'iirr..w(irth fhows him to havo be,-n out and siileiiinly deelaro lhat the ' I!'"'1)' f coriiiption mid fraul; esleemedohl paltiol is liable lo tlio 1,111 l'0"Kresiiien commit to many at any time. We are not an educated I w"rs0 ,tl' '""' now u Unys, that ro physii ian, but could havo sni.l (he i ",vin n hnho does not mmitiiit lo saino lhin il'sny liiuly had asked us. I Tho old ri pr ibalo is liko oilier men, except icrliniis inoru wicked liian I fc , most ol men. Hefnro ('oiir;'s ndjunriie.l nn np. I Iheless it would ho well to have l'ari.s proprialion of (I2,"iii''i was made f ir 1 worth coinmitted. Iho nero college nt Oxford, Cluster! ' ' County, and hirn sums lo two or' llev. Air. rrotliinhain, w ho did the llireo timilar iustiititint s. Wo have ' I'm) "X '"r Hcechcr's ccremnny in net hiiird of Congress nppropi ialinr; ; innrryiiij' llichardsoti to Mel'iirliiiid's money In aid while scliools. 'J'hri'p ' uifo, rats, in recent sermon: should bo no favoritism in this mat ler. ! Ill Chicnrrn two weeks aj'o, when Iho feliwiiiph iiiinniiiK ed war had been .leiliiii'd by l-'nitMo against I'riissiti, wheat advanced twenty tl ro j cents on Iho bushel, and corn filiccn. I Tho Western cruin deahrs apnear! jubilant over the pruapeet of a uood I lomn market for Iheir proJueo. i A mini I'M1 of proniitirnt ('alilornirnit Imvo invited I'ri'jMiJrnU.r.nil to mitlcr ' a vuit to that ttito. MhuIkt he I will cro or nol dfrmU itho. il,rr ' upon Iho imliicinii ula lliry of!i r. lie : , l. ...I.......I . .i.. i... . . . . . i ..,,,,, , a fiesif-i. anvinin oi tiiusu siiu unoiv iiow to iiiiiiriiii.li I, j " ! '-i'i am run over nn liriuidirtiv, New Vork, Tltiirnliiy i iiiiii uv n i-ni-r.iifrn, nml two ol Ins rihs hrolien. Ilia i,hi-aii-ian deehiro ' he will recover in two weeks. Tho ' . . ........ iiccidi.tit wus the result ofl'usi driv t eeiiietii was uit result oi ia.. lim ing. j ue uriver was promptly Hrreten. i (ioneml O'.Neill, ronvii led of vio- j Inline iho iieiilruliiy laws, . sen- tetiei-tl S.ifurilav. nt l ItilNor. t.. to , . -' ' . ' )'"" i"'i'"" nit dolisrs (Inc. Colonel J. II. Drown ; was senleiieed In six niotiths itnj.iiej- onine.it nd one dollar lino. - im I nnnril H..I.. rt V I .1 ...K 1 1 J .................. , ,r , oeeiitiei. j on Iho part of Ins tie. to rei . ive :- ' Jlr SI "J..FT.. tv. 1 .. " 1 . ": '". " , 1. vi.tenhiV ,!.. . ,nil r"u". f'T tu.o..e, to brio t'l llis The Uroi gln mil. 'I he iill'iwiiif( lvsiiluttotis ollervd in Ever ainco tho fatal hour in which I the Connecticut . H...,.e of ll,-.vst. Andrew Johnson oilended tno radit,,!, ilvca by Mr. Eaton (Democra .) leader, hy .ru.nii. lo declare the: bnr s nee tr.ro I...U on the lahle Southern Sluti's restored to the lino., by Hie l.adical inajonlj : tWRrn- I... been cned in 'iZ IMSi eallcd, in Iho prhiiuo ot ho Hooljr. u c,ii...r e. 'oil." the "work ef r:ce:.s'.ruclioti. Thai ..iipF..Yeot the luiportailoit l.,io tt.u f ,,, K. .. ., .r ruim. bondmen. Ij enpi.sh.ta. tat ' " n from tho ruin of Tcnncssoo hy tho di innc-ii'iLi i ilroiin,u-, to tno euoju cation of Tonus l.v Iho petty tyrant Davis. Hut tho treatment of Gi't.rjriii caps tho climax of radical faithless- the grievous wrong of cnsling her electoral vote lor Seymour nntl lilair, ; to ! she was kicked out ol tliol uion, ! and has not been pormilted to lo en ,lcr unlit this day. I It is true that a hill has been passed by Congress providing lor tho iidmis sion of (ieorgiu nt some future day. Hut if her people should send a dem- ocratic uclegiilion to congress, wnui nssuranco is lliero lhat sho will not again ho denied representation, that some hot pretext will not be found to slam llio congressional noor in tier time tlitit a Corircf-s wero tlioscn wliicli notilil nt Icn-t tiormanenlly l!x llio bI;iIuh of llic Suuiliurn .States. fYfr a llait ir til tfOtlCrrtMllflll I , Y. Patrit k.latf raHMeniror A-tit I , ... n . ; of tho I'ltti-lmi'j'li, riirt iiyno mni C Ii ten srf liiulrnad, Is nlli-r l-ini ,.. runiHU orl ii. with h (tl.ain Htick JU-rhv thai when Kanir.wt.rih was I t'uloni-l nf tin Illinois e-tvulry ri'iimmt, 1 1I1010 was u frond k-til of ciitiiii-liiiiii )tiiiion. llic ritilrontls fur llio in-ivili'c ,,,,,1 r.-.illl tlm Mill III Wur. funis. worth s rcimriit wits ,itrlieuliirly do- nimble ln'i unso il bi'loii(;eil to thu eiiv- UPJ. Pcrviie, and lliero wero Iioim-s ns wi ll us men lo hu lritnsmrifd. The Mi;l,iK;irl Southern Kiiilrond offered ,im n hmuu of J'.'.l.lOU if ho would seo lhat his re;iitieiit eliould ho Ishen over their li-ai li. Hut Hie Pittshur;li, brt Wavno nml Ciili-.i.i i.s t,o 'i.lt.iiel nml went 8,600 for tho j,, ,vt,j(., -. M.eoiled. Tho bnij. 1'., unil l011. .cre .,,1CC( y, lhu c,.Ki lt c.l.mel l-'urnswortli of ,10 ICil.t It Illinois cnviilrv, nod ores- enl tiiomher ol Couirress, relused to periuil tho train to move,, until he was paid Ihe fJ.'iiH'. Tho sum hail not been handed over ncconlin to llio aroeinenl. Tho lii lu t njent ne- forilini.te tiniil l.im V I .'llltltl ll.o t.lls, , ,m wi,, ,iln t ,,0 ,ilm and nei'i ileil a eah order fur Ihe oili er (l,2Hil, which was promptly pi id Iho next ilav. Theso laets Mr. l'at riek declares wero roiriii.-uinl to i t. .Messrs. ji, it. rayson, Josei , Joseiih Jlo- rherson, Daniel W. lioss and (ieorire w . im.,.,, , . ,vcM , i.i,,,,,,,,; m 0M , CUM ,, li,Blmillll, , . ,ho 0111c these peiiilemeii. t'ol Funis woi-ih is u leader cl Iho J'ailieal t., n.nl li. ,l.n l..ui .1... 1.1. Jl rolo of honesty on all occasions. -A jc. Mr. I'alrick will have to present u still stronirer case before ho cuii innke aiiytliin. Jl is rallier lookeil iipnn I as u viriuo Ihtiii otherwise. A liadiiul "n"' noiiler is nol a ilisliotiest man in 1 ll70 unless ho violales tlio wholo l,n I ciiiiiir.anijtuents iu a Imily. NeVi r- Tire law. of matrimony should l ro ntnoiMnl It, il tlie hiiFl.nii,! an I n,le ei'.:l't n t Is. jeelin of one aiioihct' ao t!:at Ihe honil .hnuH not Is. meTeiy a l-asl one, l.ut Ilia' a con'Iin.in of insr iibt, ahould l a i.'mit.i' n l, on. li lo ai-t a. he "F "I" I' J1'' l'r .r. arl al the d.etal.t cf tlie ' ' , , This is a rich specimen of Iho 'froc ' lovo tlocl tines ol tits Triiume school What ntitiil w o think of parents w ho Ittko their daughters lo sueh 0 i hiirch ? W hat rr.tn'laMo man wottM in nrrr a 'r' l,nii;lit up to u.li fot -nii-u l iittr liiltiiiliy f ! "Tur f .nvr.tiNMr.xT" SM imrn An-1 orcw Johtimm nrvt'p rcct'ivtd n nmro ....i. i i i. ,i i. . . . mii;iiiui siiiiu ii n as uiiiiiiinsiori'U l hoot-iiriioi ill i'niirin liis iiiixiiiiif I o to I'litiri'fs on the hist ihiv! ' of the sesKion. livery puny wiii'.l,Y ' mill's ui" "ivoiu now. jiq uuiv reiiro to I.ntii; Uniiiili nnd sinoko his pipe, niteitii Hie raees. or liiit hull pupa; I fiolioilv i-arrs u hat he tinea mo, I l. : seems to he in tho hniipv (oii littnn uf . . . . . ' . . 1 " UI ...i e.-.rinXwi,al unylioily thinks uhout : i.iui. j Two llui k, tounty n errors thn i ..liter day hired n pair of valuahle ' hom.-a Htwl ,l.-nt-A il....n ..It v.,,,,,,), ,Mlr i - iiu.it rj- in n iintini rate or speed which wna onlv elided hy doth hnrse, drojipintr dcnifiii the mad Tho no ,;ro,'s then run nwny und havo nol Vt'l liOl'll (vitil ntn.l ..!. . . . 1 ... . nunijc. Ami SO It will he with the,,, ir t),ev ...1.1 ' ",nv ro,rv , "1 " , rein. ur TT' ' r" " - K,e e.n '., ;.N .e?, ' I'" '"' """Id i"t """'I'."1 "V"1' ,,r them Fiiiiouta lu inticii : .ir none u.., 1,11 nun mcy were.ii'leiioui'ii ' n vote until they ere loo old lo take! 3-'.' in'sefa. iri p't'-'l-p j to rt nnlil M ..1- . i. . . ,,rm win. at r Willi free iwmirralln by 10 earanfl uimrt-piiiun (bo .ielriinalil of Hie otfrrw tlm la Im r of M fut tlie Wnt tit of caHtiliilf, tho men HifDifttivri iiavinj no eouirui oter tltc cumraois mat uhki iumu iu uivir 'f l.o d.HpoMlion inHile of tlit'H6 tuho liitinns, by the ltittliniU of tlio Co li ne client Uouso of K.-pd'Hoiitativt's, in iiuliculivo of tho atliiudo of thut party on iho C'liiiifitc qtHmiion. Tlicy currviiiff on tlio coulio ulave trudo nliitli llicy Imvo lately begun. j Tlie orijfinul Irudors of Anu'iit'.il witc .ruin iuv j.niuiiti. i iii j mmu llio lu-rot' from tho African eont und Hold tin t n to iho ' Virginia nml Cncotiiiti ptiiittoiit. 'llio proleclionits olMiiHH;u-liiitirtif liuvp ia i ii enilmrltod in tho slave trndo. Tiny now Iradi1 in Cliiin'sc coolies, with whom I hey proposo to xiippliiiit tho labor ot'tln-ii-own bhocmiikor. The (list coljicd juror wnssummnn ed on Tuesday last at Quincy Illinois. When ho n-rdo his ttppctiranco in the ( ourt, ti vein tors, already eworn in left the box. licit' flmtisfinrnts. 1 Mil IT CASi .Mnnufortiiml from the l.cil ohnrtuisl (in, (rro'i-il null tui.iuri.-il on tnitnide sua ssrrsolEii lur isle tv sug.i ;o 11. F. nim.Eit 1 co. I A VH, llitnin'a 1'ic.l cut, Mill, Ilrsg slid Circulnr (few: lvutww i Li ri.lainx Crot.-cilt Has fur le 1'V ut'7 II. F. UIULEK A CO. T lMl UTIOX.-Ths nirltiorship In rrt.i of Mr. Wallnn- (or icttl.-mcnt ninl colli ptinn, wtir thup knowing tlifimulvri to bate oiucUlcd o cuui.:i nill culi Bint arrange mutter. .f. W. W A I.T. APE. T M. SI1AW. Lu'hiTKurff, AiiR;iit 8, tsriMl. DISM)l.l'TIX.-Tli j.artnfrTi.i! bc-rt-to-fiirw amtliiic liolwcrn I lie uiiti. rigtidl in I lie tiif ituntilri tiitil luuiljcr liu?iD' E at Tlinv llimn, in Knrtliani to ,t ,i.iiji, wnn ,1 i tl y inntuiil tvit MM.t on the aiil. -li.y of July. All 0," l,kt, at'-KUiilw ami .'ter of I lie Lrm art) in the luiniti ul Ir. I'uttt'r I -r tt tcli iac.it and fi.lltf linn, Tlicu linviiift unsettled account miii thu ijiiii an- ro-pi-utfu!ly in vi ltd tu call nnd rln up (lie nini. JSAAi; 0 M. l l.OrfKLV. j. n. t'oi iKU. Three Huntt, AiiRut 3, l$;u-4;pl. (1 AL'TMIM. All (urona ar liPtt-hy wurncd J inuut purt bttcii.(( or in any way lucddlttiir Willi Hie T'lllusinu K-rin.al inijrt.T, via : Two ii' ""h aii'i iinriiF., am- ens, tn caivr., one Iwo , li.irri; watfim, ,air tain ile-la, winj mill, a lut of SNWril llllilhrr all.l 1.111 timl.pr, !. I ). I,.,,- ,! corn. I.urkwhi-.l an. I nl,pnt on tt, pn-mif.. now '"" T'n nit: . n . flit .hi at Ai,r,;n . sni. .1. L. K. I ir.i4riit, of liirnr.l lown- .aine n'l,-rtv wna inntliuHitl I'V 1MB Snlc ami i. lilt with Liiu ou Iuud onlv. aul.jict lo my onkr. KRANrlR COl'MlllIT. Frrn.'hTille. Aititu.t .1, ls;o .tt. j.iok mi'uvi:i n i:ns I'Ai.oitii-tc, ft!l!t lillANN.l, riri'MilOR. mini i.a roii. Mllll.K COOK, N.lTIoXAI, RAX.IK, Tllll'MI'll, 1'AKl.Oll COOKS, erii.iag kkvolvino miiiit.-i AM) Itot Bl U IIIMTKII", Anil all kinils of Ili-Btinff tlovpf for rale l,y siij TO II. F. IIIIII.KR A CO. TUE CI.HAKK1KLD WOOD-CHOPPEHS' AXE! Manufactured rrpiciallj' fur THE Cl.KMlFIVLD TRADE, aiiir70 ii. v. nnii.Kii t co. PROPOSALSI I rilllK COl'NTY CUMMI.-.'ioSKIlS of Clar -4- f.nt.l county ir.-ji,i.o to re .aint Hie Courl llonre, anil will tiiernfurp rciriir SEAI.KD l'UO l'OSAl.8 unlit Tunfrlav. flin 23,1 iW nf Inirimi J , . V AALltjUOL, l or,i..i:ig IliaVfirV. Tlie buliaiiis lo have (wo i-itata. ard the aor..!, itnnc and hrii-k work lo be of the aauia color aa orijtiiiatlr. Tlio Coiinlr 'i-oinra to iurnifh the liuiteriul. Ewh nto i ial will alato the quantity uf l,.n,l, oil, tiir- ' r"'"' npor-Firj tor two com. ir more ia rri,uirril than .pcpilli'd tlio roit Diuat lie home hy the cnnt.ai-tor. The w.irk mmt hepoto-.leli-il t.y the 24lh ilar of 8Y,lt-,ii(r. ITIIl:l.l.O KMKKO, fi.t in: el li. shah xi:n, BAMl'KL II. IIINbllAN, ComiBiivioiirrl. D Coiiin:un:ra!iiu ad.lrc.aiii to the IVin ml.fioneri' Ofliee eontaioiiijr proioaala ahouli hr so etiiloraeil on II. e invrl(.,e. C"mnil'.onetV OfTn.p, 1 f'leartii'l.l, I'n., Auttat 11. IS70. I ruiii.ic sai.k or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE f PUK tiiidrrMnnrd adminirtrnti il r tbe fnnr I of Tlii.inai 1. id, bit, lute t,f H, boroiub o! t .i-nrfild, drcraw .1, will cftiT nt I'ltUic f.iK, al tbe Ct'iut iloiiFt, in phh borii,;b, va Saturday, iho 27th of August, 1870, At I oolurk p. iu.. the following Unil n..!iU'! Ail lint r-r!ain trat of Innd ilu.tle In Jt.rl.in ' ttwnclnp, Cltartltld emnlv, I'a, l,.mn. d nnd ; t'ctCril-Td a follow! : ilfj;inniin nt a biial.vk I tin nor. by Innd of I'lcv, 8o:.!b i.t di ne, w.it I 12A (.frrbf., to a p'.:, ldviice.lv Imi-. : f T1)lf ! SVb'T, n-nli ;!-.ref w.t 17.1 i.ttH; , to I a witch liait.'l; Iboir, l,y la:t I of J. .(pli I'altrr enn, norib H dr,rixei.,oit l'.':i pen be, to a poit : Ih.ncr, hy f J PrWB- cn-i l'i torrh. I'M J.l l.n .t, piMlth sU d to lit in !ot kt. and iarr- of Itmiiirif ooiilttiniiiff 127 irm. 4(1 i,,.r,.-r ... i i.ll..nu-e of fiii p i i-t m. Il.-un pnrt of n liur tra-t aurirvt l in the name of Jun.ilbnu Jt.un, TKIiMS: One half In bninl, and tbe rcciilue In tie ear tbrfrrtfr. mfh In ten M. S. h. I-IIUUTI,. Admini.lratrii. UearDilJ. I'a , AuK,it 3, ISO It. li IS i D FESTIVE rir-Mf , " 1 v 1 1 . 'rom mo l irctinta-iclire to llic 'IIii!)," wt tome: I Tw f llartct ir r.l, the f nn.airr In nrail, enleH. and the Muso or fijufsevt 1, at band ! t I.l. who wool. I re.t from il ir ut. a V10 '' ''"""s " Hoenee of a ..kui. m.p." roah.e the iili.la, ai.n ell.i ..f -....I ,1 .k. isner roan. .. -i,,.! dn r. , rn.pee'i:i, in,,i,.,i , r,arti..i,.arff ( . uhami Ul""""''' "' TlarEday. the lltb of AuTU?t. 1370 ' ,WI I'aio. or rti.rnie a, l t-e .Br .,l t., m..L. 1, t:if Tie Ni? ol Ihe eea-.n. Th'-ananfr-inrni. for "'r" he on a cran.l .le. I'r....vi i, n from ll.e .111, n Ihe .lall,,rm ia li,.ur,l. 'Iho.enit ol.li.ey Ir, ilnn. will flnl amf,le tnrana of enjor 1. ml ... the Sue ..ii,,.. ,s I .,- r r"e.. An eoelr,, ,., f nii. e w.ll Ik- pro-riili-d. liFpnra.isr.STa of an bind, will U for nniieil a. tiie tlrovr. Armnr.-iiifittr. bn,clar,.n m(lr fr "II tnt a Wlihnir Mit.b. a K...t nt. I a "rV H.n, jH' tlie evi-iiiiiK, which will afford antne rare fun. Conte nut. yp ntl.e Vunlh 1 t ome, upend i)i d,r. Atiipte etAbhng will le pn..i,.l. and in ert-e tr rm.n all wtj he a'vouiiui"tatfd al t'e h.'!t!e or n. r Mrtu.. JA!KS t'l.AHV, Jr. tainiltr. " M. V, l!i.HI r.s.lV. rgn- .1, ?ei Urn- '3 iko'tisf incuts. ST0E AD E.VUTIIE'-WARE; OF EYMIY DlirHRll'TlO.V! " I CROCKS ! POTSI CROCKS! ' Pa.CLtt Alrll-ht 8clfflcaliug Fruit Canst Ill'TTKB CROCKS, with lid., CI1KAM CHOCKS, llll.K CHOCKS, Al'1'I.B- Bl'TTKIt CHOCKS, FICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER TOTS, PIE DISHES, stew row. And a grist msnv nihsr Ihlna loo nttuijroai lo aiutiua, lu be tiiid st FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - AVAItE POTTERY, Corner ot t ncrry mi Tliird iroti, CLKAItFI!:i.D, PA. aK3 J, W. W ALI.ACI t AM fit MII.KR THE AMERICAN HOUSE, 1 utlicrburg, Clrirlk-ld to.. riniS wil! known ril tf-ntr rrlabMithod Iiotil, j fiirmfrly hipt by H. HT, Moor, ant lIUtlj by Win, Sfbwsjm, tr., bat been I fur ft trrtu of jciiri bji lli until rniitnri, to which tht ftOrn Ili'D o lite travt-linir ml.lie It now rallrrl, and I libpr.it hsrt f luitlio ffttrcnftno voHi'Hnl. ug!7t toALLACH A MILES. A" tirrvliy liven (lint It lift of iwliiiioii-tTtioo iu I lit- (;- of JOHN ,17,IKIl, (Sr., diccMj, lute tif Hrnili.rd tu'riiHliiii, ( Jt-arliilJ rounlv, 1'., i luvin l,rt" .,ul un.JrriKni.ij, all J fiiiilu i.Uufc umkii .tvii:eiit, mi l lli'tMi tuning cliiiut vr titnnui will, jir .?( thfia jir"erl i.Uibrntictt'i for ll-iiii-iit. 1. 0. FMM.KH, Ura.tfc T.! tp., Aiiff. 3 Ot. Adtniotitratur. "tKTKA V. Stravivl frfm tbr frrmlm f tb 1 j ulitrrilitr, nlitiut tl'e Jot of Jnlj- I ti.rtc-vt-:rr-o!d wliito lll l.K, wild red fpuli and li irt burnt. A lilnrstl rrwnrd will bu paid ft-r hi rtr'DirrT, and anr infuruiatlnn twinr? ruing bil itlurral.outf will U tlmnkfuHr rwt'ivil, Ad.lrcfn JAM KS OSHt'R.V, J.Ca:"TM lttK-kdnlc Willi, J.-ncr(n Ct.. To. I)MItTnATOH' MTK K Notice ii ln-rr-ny (riven tlint lertcru of mlmitilntratioii u.i tin' .'rl.tte of ItOllKKT II. ItANV, dveeaved, Ulo ol" Hu.ui Ic touimliip, Cli-nrfmld countr, I'd., bar in u lirrn dntr grnnteil ti llm urtHrre ignrj, all p reona iitdt-titrd to laid tfttite will pittas in,.kr pfivinrtit, nnd llnino bnviiiK olniiiiB ur demamtr will present t lie in pn'jii'rlr nuthi'iillfRtcil for Kt-tl'tn-i.t. JO.?Kl'il M. HAW, June 21, isrfl fltpd. Administratar. TlioElIipUc Sowing llacliine! r'pilK beft double thread ma.-hino How In ue! X 'ill bo icild lower thttn any otl.cr iua-ltinr hinnlir.l in like mmincr und doinj; the name raugr of W'uk. Mj'-binfi enn be n.t-n at tbe More of Tti"inpon A -' , 'urweinvi!lef or at (bo residence or iliti und.T-lirfK-d at lll"m Urolitf. My II. IV713 3u. l.RWI.SC. BLOO.M. I'rhalp Sale! fpilR n'..eribr oPVrn for m, tin ear term. 1 a IttMlSfi AMI ,i)T, Htuaic In tbe (tourinh. intf I'lruiifb of Uccl. Tlie proprrty ia wll fini-licd, dtftirably lorNtrd. nml fitted up furtdtbrr a prty(irinn or dentin!, l-'or term. Ac applj on tlu-1 rem Idea orMiiilrc l!.p uuderi-ifrned. t:. KLINK, Osceola Mill, Fa , Jui ?7, lftTft-4'. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MA SUN iHIAMLIN'8, FoS BALI ST 1IAVE3, rorwen.rlll,, S. J. Pa. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MAKI5LK & STONK YARD, CI.K.lltl'MM.I), PA. Sr-.'iot' on Ileeil Plreol, nrrr IVnit.rlranla llailioal ili-i"t. niat ls.'7ll:lf. 151 THU C .lliHT l' COM1KIM 1-I.F.AM of ClL-aititlJ counlr, I'a. . W. Rliaw ntnl K tuiunil Shaw, 1 ,,. . ailni'r.of J,,l,i, Si,.. ..I.e'd. N"- 1IV fsrck T., 1S0. vir.ua I-'iward Hill anil Ahrabam Ooli. Veu. hx. The nn'lrr.iane,I Alntitor. harin. been aonolnt ril lo lunke 'li.tiiliulion ot lln- iiiom F ariiiirt from Ihe .ale of III,- n-ul e.ta'a of K Iwanl Hill on Ihe ab.ne aril, to rrl.) Rivei nolieo lli.it be will altem to Ihe iheiea of hi. n .,,i nrinen I . at the oftVr ot J. 11. Hr-Kiisll.F, I'.q . in Clrmli, 1,1, on Thllre.iiit, l-,,i, iiil,or s. A. 1). I;n, at III uVliiik A M , whn ami where ail ,artira iiiler. Meil mnr atliniL J.vin ,t l). f. jieiTKliV, AuJitor. GltAMTK STATE Military and Collrgiato Institute, Pivil', I'rrry. N 11 ,en Na.liua A Cnneoiil II. II. II. r. S. N. ItllH'lM.L. Prineipal. AJiantfipe.; Itetirel liK-alinn. yet enie of ae oe.: No S.ilf.n, or i!aem of l-lle re.ut-t i t oll l-or of li'Orhirs; Tlion.u,-h li.tin,-lion. Ae. riijiila ncineil nt an time Heinl u, Cin-nlar. July 211, ls;u.2,u. Sheriffs Sale. IV virtue ol fwndry wr II of I'ttri ftfint, irfned out of the Court uf (amnion Pleai of tii-aifle d county, and In wie ditevled, there will be exposed In 1M ltl.lt? r-AI.K. at the Cnnrl Home iw ihe tnroitcb of L lertittld. on Monday, the aitib diiy of AotfiKl, IH70, nt I o'clt'ck, p. tu., tbe following He tl Klate, to wit : A eerlitin trnet of Innd ii twite In rtmdT town uli p.Cicardcl.lr.ninty.l'rt., bioindc I ami d'i.'riK. d l.-llonn : !..i;i,.n .-n tlio wrt It tu:id of Hmi lvy' lieir-s norih by and l.iille, e.it by J, I.yonp, and n.n'h by t.corjfr' lli.rn, an 1 c r.t-ji.n g it) aorc", innre or It , nub n ftond nrrbrd and .IT ltn,ic hi d b:iin t rrrt. d tin n-..n ; jtrtHter purl i.l mid l.i nd bring reared. Prur l, lukvn in ose rution nnd to be tuM ts Ihe proji.r'y of Alma diT I'milap. Aim, it rtaln lntf?t of l.uid ltuate in PraHy tnwifhi;, Clrnrtittd cnmfr, " , Im.jmI. J nil d. riti.-d ni t II .we, to nit : l.iyitiniri:; at n wl;ir oik corner, Huner nil pt-rhiri lo a pout, eoinor -f li:ml nil lo ltubort I'nl'oni tl.enee north I. .2 pvrcbra to a pi.pt : tb. nee faM 6.1 perch. lo a p..nt : tliwi-c i"U(lj ii) prirb ' tn n p.'fl; ll.rncc m-t 7 p-r.-!n i to a lf,, thenee miuMi 112 iereb ia 0, --. - , . ()ft. tAininft SO arm end all.-w mi i lia.i.ig about nc ! nrfi i knred, with a tarjp a'cam eaw mill, tno ! dwvllinn lnuici, Ptoie romn and fruinc barn i rert ed llunon. tit ird, LiVrn in exr, ntmn and to bp td m tbe pit.perty oftl. W. Cuiirti Id and W. 0. ' i it. till. Tb.re wi'.l ula. be Fold, b, ririn, 0f a writ of t'to'i; al Micrnlan St. am Mill, In Hrndy tc.vnM.ii., on M..ndn, llic li;h .,r Anuii, l-;o. tht Ml.. win deK-nlM-l pr,.p.rlr, to wtt: A!l fV wliite pine timl-cr of tbr Iri-rt-ndantt nn Ibo riillowtiiK tb.rilnd trwt oj land, filtmlo in Hritdy tewi.-liit.. CicarfM Id cmhit. I'.i.. bti..n Hip l.l.jnh Anli. tili ltsr I .l, t-nitnird nn il-c muih Iiy t!,c Unl.tli.r J .1 .''iin.ii. biniiin 'i'lirnpike and Hniry Uit llihdfr. on tbewiet by iuit of Alle u.ftn Kiimifrr, nn IbciKtrlb by inii-ldt-f .(ucob IVnti, oil the .nnl by a roml lMi1iny frtira Hmry ti.ittd-1-uidiYt tn .Mirdinel lt wmi r, pcnlaming al.iit anrc; Hip timLrr It. Ik- rcimivcd witbin Iw.nfr .veamfi.mi hw hiIkt 1 1,' sr.j ib rMlt! ,axtnK tvw-n ariiiiind by Drltmlitnt bT eontract da:el Dili Iictnili.r. I'f.j.wnh Cl.jdb Fli.ni,.lu.r.eiid noiirdt-d in MicUHNiu' I -k-t. pnffc JfQ, Al.., II Ibe wbilc pine tim!.r of lMmditnt nn liir f.'ibiwinj 'nt of Inn I, riitntp in (be tfmtinhip !;.rcMid, kn..wn a the IVtrr A-h.nM(rr ,t, on tin- north by rb-a-l land of nam lUt A-b.-nMtvr. r,f .y :in. f H.,t ,, A-lrrnf llr eotitli by laud of Kin-l:ilir. ni:, J,,bti I'mtrr, and w-t l. Inad ol Arii-nMt. ran l.lR.Hb P. nit, e .Rlaitiin il-ml v m-rrw ; tti'il.or tu bp rcmntrs) wit Inn twtniy year from the IVtti titv.-n.Ur. 1 .tid limbor b,,.ii.2 U-n arrpiirrd I.t li.-tF-t,Hrnt. by en tr-i wilb IVt. r A-brnlt ,.r dut.-,, I ?i h Dp- I Iv'., p,-onli'd in iie"t!ii,f.,u- lii.rkri i if I'fil, lo, Alft, all v wlnlp i'in limlerr f I i l.'i.'ia ,4iM in tin- irmr nf tlie f. .miriit n r Innd and nil (lip liicb.-r llicrtnti (it for nit r Uri.il'.V luinl.. r r loll .lufi : lb.- Minn b.-hig oiintite in t1,r towtislnt, frri.l, and foniaitiintr abottl a,Trti, nnd r.iil.ra-iitX V,tis old PkW m.ll anr ,R, ati.i Itlarretiul ;r.(tittd riiiniomdinj id mill jtrI ; the int-n Mof -nid I-f-ndaule but mfi Imn nuiuirvil t v n nt-v-t dated JTib Ncvrmb-r. isns. Ktlt fP. cord'd in Wi.-ellnrifot;. It.cfc,-f .l. Irfurof I watrr irh ikge and mill m tllT.,tmd r 'wruir Trir iron) lilp ot n, ri b..t. .alien in e-nlloa ao,l to he ei,l aa the sre-w-rt,' of II. W. Ua.M, W. C. Firilh ,.4 W. I i ,. Ii fmdanta, 'ill UVe aoiica tUt 13 ..... - r ' .p.s.info..,la. (VlttNMilTiiiK f , T. FsaeiFr'a rieeir. . as... a. 1. . , . .1 .... I "aenf. attisrrllancous. 1ST ADLtlSII ftU 1831. Hik-Wt Prfwilum. Fllrer Mf tt. anr.t"t nrrr nil c"iopp'ln5'i. UocbAuitt ta.liiti.Ui., UuitvU, Otttulsor, t8( V. THE ORIOIN'AL AND JESCIXE SELP-UEGULATING, " WROrOHT inOV, AIR TlrtHT,' WITH fATI'HTKD Drir Pcbii", Oktb Tla UrTi, ' lVitotoar Ittflx RAniATon, , au Arromnc Riotlator, For Bunilrif Anthracite or Bituminous Coat or Wood. 10 iliPi fur brickwork, and t aitea 1'wrUblt, naJfrTActritrn m. ir J. REYNOLDS 4. SON, N W. corner 13th and Filbert Ftreta, PHILADELPHIA, FA. Tbr nratera ar tnadt nf Ilearv Wrooffb' Inin. wrll rivrtwl nrMbr, and at wnrnts lo hv al.c.tiuldy flu and Duit TUbf. Tht-T arc flic unlr llcatpri tti it are inannrd ithout any dmn prr, an.) In whU-h aJl kiodi of fuel eaa bt burned without ftttetntion, , Cooking ttanava. tvr Hiitrla, Ffffanranti Dd F stmt lie a. Alsu, Flat Tup Heating Kange. Fiie Plnre llra'pra, I.nw Down Ornte, Stt.li" Miiiitct, Rejiitiri, Ventilatory Pampblct giflng full dcicrlplion, pent frre, to auy addreM. jyI3TH I5 TUSCAH0HA AC A3 si:?, ACADEMIA, PA. aHIK 3.Mh cbonl yar will begin Srptfnibrr 7. We ak 1 lie RtCfiitiun of i.vtiU mid jtuardi hii to a coniiderafion of Ihe luerils of thi imti tuttun. I at, Iieatlun naltlifut, ftttraJtira and In every way Uvrabte for phyaicai dervlwpmenU 9d. No Trmpiatlulia. rtr-ranrf d from the valiMiua and luittiiig place ineident to town. 3d, I'.dumtloiiBl Advautara. Enmcat teat-brri aud aurrtundiiigK favurnli!p for HuJr, 4ih. Long I'tiab'lblicd Ft hu been In ruooi ialul ii.ertift .14 year, and baa hai tin denti tnini ut-arl trtrj flute, filh. Moral li.flnrtitct.-Tbe pripti of the Uiblf Are dtilj- Ungtit. Cltli, C tieap ltatea,-Tcruii, J200. ff-ff-end fur a Circular. Application fboutd be uiadc Kiun. n. D. PTOVR, A. M., J. J. PATTKIISON. A. M., July 13, mo 2m. Piincipala. 5-20"m nnd ISNI'sj BOIUIIT, 01. D t rXCUAXUBl) OS 0ST LIIII:R.IL TK1.M3. GOLD EOUGHT AND SOLD At Market ITatei COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. E. Eonrls Fonght and Sold. r-Ti( Ks ll.u .nil (told on l orn. mls.liin uitly. CHICAGO, Danville and Vliirriinei First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds For tale at OO and accrued ItitcreaL rfr-Acrnunti reerired and Inter it allowed un daily bwlaneet, lulgvct to check at light i R iwl. W S H I, it S.mth Thi.a Street, Pttiladelphi. THE SINGER. SEWING MACHINES aiii:aii oi' a i.l. Tiii:itni EiMy fix Thouitantl, Seven flu nil ml ami Eiyhty Onc Machine Ma,le and Sold Ihe Past Yoirl! Thta ostnber areeei. a rtea.oaa'a tke aslea of ana other Merbine, st,d lb, di-u.sDil ia atill iner,ailitg ! THEEE THOUSAND PER WEEK Art bow being made and Id ! Ttts nEAscss nvr. Itoean It emhod'ea eneMlil prlnrtplea ant found (n any thr Maehlnej betiania nf lt a pllelty of ooitrwellon, aa of f perat.on, Mniforniltj of preeina aetioa at any apeed. atad capacity for the (rtattit range and variety of wotk, floe or eraroa. farllci wUMnf tn pnrehai .ould ant fill to tzanitie tbil berlof ! Sawing Machine. I have the agent 'or this Macblaa. and will keep full tupply vu bund. i. s Fiton ers, May 4. IP TO if. ClearDed, Pa. J-I.W TIN KllfiPI FHED. SACKETT, Maenfa;titrer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iroa Ware. Roofing, sweating and job troik 'lone nn rEASiaaLS Tanaa. fhop on llarhet St., searlj otipoaii. tla Jail, ci.KAni'iri.n, rn. isaac niu.r.n. Saddle and IlarneM Manuf.uctn:;;, Lntherihurg, PleardelJ eonst.v, Ta, Fllllb' ruhrenlwr r'ajK-elfullt Inlorni, th. ettl .1 am Ilr.t.iy and ll.e rurroundnie t.wnsbtp L , I Y iJl lto 'Ur.m'h "y""K manlier, lie flutter litm at If that be enn pb nar bi em-ionicr! in elyle, qia!ite and price. t's.M and e-niiinc rtV lieforp purehaiing cltrwbere. I.uihrrKiirg, Jnne I, isftl tf. J. BOl.LOVI.rM R. tiaria rAHlT. HOLLOWEDSH & CAREY, 1100KSELLKI5S, Blank Book Manufaclurrn, AND STATlONEIta, HIS .nttrket SI., I'hllatlelphla. .reer Florir Pa.ba snt Paga, Foola-ap, l-etn-r, ot., Wra-jing. ( artain anil Wall K- la..?..)0 fa ,,d DREXEL & CO., tso. ai sjiiuth Thlral mreet, ritll.tlnhl.. ll.f.lKI.H.V, And Dealers in Government Securities. Aj',li,-etion hv mail .ill reeeiee iiroiotii alien. J all iuloriaatioti cVerriiilT larnirhe,! "rdiTf rotifilrtl. girl I tr Farm for Sale I f PUB Fa-m of lohn Fpnrkman. tfe nf llirard I lowi.tbip. diee-d, cotiaitttrtu of al-out 171 ere f fwd rnrining laud. .ni.i uf which ia eli-arM,, .nd hai ine; tbprrnn circltnl gnn l-,tf an ) barn, with all the t-,tnl rnn rtii.tei e pirn ant b.me. Yr term and furibpr p'-.tK-a. lare, apply M 7. II. Mi KIlAY. Aitnrrey far the heir ai.d prrautia iniareeted Jnne 2! I, 1570 tf. Hot r. nn lot FtR il Ttie nnilrrvmd wi! Piirat ftu 1 M'-r nri i.i, anraie na lnrl iiimI. U ,. V'W " "f"' I r .'."." ,vc,r .'. .a;o ne ,em at a i arrau. Tern,, en... FJMMv li. SMITH. MERCHANT TAILOR. Market Ktrcct. t trarfielo, F. I WOULD mipectfully It form tbe eitii.a r ClearSrld eountj that having aarahaatA tB9 tMlereat and eiluailn uf K- B. L. 6tvaa;iU, its now prepared to ma it up. (o the uat fua, tonahia tnaiiiti-r, and ai of the bat laaterUt, all a I nd t ClutalnK that cutienera aay c4ir, I have alwaja wB kmvi Cloths. DoeskiiiB and Ctiflbinierei, Fruit wb lob cuitoiaara caa tnaketbairaaUaUeaa Out dutr eat 4 tba Puitoffat, Clearflt-ld, April .0, 1670-tf. , II, BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (fit ore one duur eaat nf Clearfield Hjuw,) ' Mat fcetMreef, t'lftrttel1. Pa. KFHIM on band a full ateorttaeot af Qeata Kurniabing tittoda, tuck ae hbirta, Litiaa anil U'outen Dnderehirt, I'rawen aad Svrki, IW t-ra, fuehet lloikerebieff, Glerat, Mala. I'mbrfllai. aeM iu great varltl;. Of fleet (loud be aeepa tb Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors Kueh a Hla. k Doeakln of the eery bait nekf Kat.ey ('loaimere, in Rrrtvl variety , alio, : Caling, Heaver, Pilot. Chinchilla, mi tnl overcoating. All of wblek w-lt beaold cheap fw. Oaeb. and taade np aeeurding U tbt latait ftylat ' by eaperieneed workmen Al. Aent for CUar field toonty far I. M. Intrs-r A t'o'a. celebrated Sewing Maehtnea. Nov I. IhrtS.it H hHUHil. ' (fdurational. MISS H. S. SW'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpiTE FALL THHM of twanly lwo wa.ki U X 0oiuii:cncc lUuiiUay. St puwber ith. It.;. . A Primary d- partioi nt will be added to the School Ibii fall : tor wairb the aerrieea of a aoai-pclt-nt itialructor buve boeu euted And aa vtlort will be ajian d to re n -let totf denarlaual altractivt and tnflructiro. TLI. MS PP TflTIOS..; : ' v't Ucadine, Orthotraphy. WHtiag.OI ieet Lat ton, Primary Aiilhmetie and Vritnary Utoit-m br, par half terta, (of olevea week..) t M Iliitnry, I. .seal and deioripliee (leograpby wilb Mnp lrawinf. J ran. mar, Menial " and Writ tin Arithmetic If Alet-ra and the Hcjpncee t Inairaetioa in tnitr-iuatal motir ,... It M ' oil pwintii.g , )1 Wat wotk M For full particular aend fur Clreular. Clearfield. Aug. !. ll-f.U- d. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal, rilK Fin.sTFKSPIONof (le n.t aebilaetla X. yar ol tbil InitiluliB will comaieBta aa -alAY, lb ith day ot feptraaber, l;t. Pupilteaa enter at any time. They will ba obarKa witi tauioo irowi tbe tim ilaj- aatar la iuclwatuf the fievaiwa. 1 be euuri-e uf inatrurlloa enhraeef every thlag iuc.wded tn a tbornnh, praetiral aad aeweai pitat.ed education fnr both aexea, Ihe Prineipal. baving had the ad van tag af Biucb etperteuee id faia prufeeiion, aamroa pa rvnia end pnard an thai hit en lire ability aai eueiciei will be .tevoted to iht naral and anea. tai trdiaiiig i f xYt youib ptnr-d under bii charge, I I KM- OK lUlllotv. Ortho(ruh), Heading, Writing, and Primary Atithmttic, pr Krraion ( 1 1 aeeka) 9 ff (iraniniar, iieugraj by, Aritbatclii, and Hi.tory l Alarelre, fle"ptryt Trivi'itnaeirr, Mra- juration, turveyine, I'hilueopby, Phyai. nlcsy, rhetuiatrj. U.iuk Keeii.g, Butany and I'byoiral tlvjtrapby - . . $f Let in, Or k aAd Frraek, wilb any af ike ah.iv l-rnnrbea . tf II M l ir Piant. (Sfl leainne) ... $ t)f B No drduelion will he aiade far abeeae. traTetr fUriht-r partiealare ieqwir of Hev. P. L. HAKhlrJt'N.A at., Ph. t. OtTO tf. Prineipal. TEETH! 5sg TEETH! KXTI.ACTED FOR 93 CFNT8. Filrarted wi'h the aae of Ntrneri Oiea flat, and Lot at. AMXrni- tu, (tbe only barn lea aad cdkn-ul Antrtibrlioi now iu uat.) by s. J. HAYES, Sureeon Dontist. OF crnWEXSVII.LE, PA., Who w-.ulJ herrly moM rerprclfulty ret era bit lumkr for the :l.rral pautmge n ib pael, and inlorm Ihe pu'-lie lliut be baa removed bi, offiao n tlie eorm-r f Mate aad Lurutt elreeia, (i.ver Iciikina' atom,) wliero ba ia prepared to rrerWa Ina rual'iim-rv in n.wly filttd up re.a, and de ib.ir wuik in tbe must kk'iliul euf workmanlike manner. All wotk dne in lie Utert and e4 ..pproifd rl.i-a, and giiairaidt'od. Ir IUvi i will lie encraired la bii offie from tbe lat to tlie 2.1.1 or encli in on . Th hataae of mrb ntnn'h be wjl vprtid in (lira Hope, llnrnaifko and l.utbcrs't urp, aili'Tnaii lr. I'artlei rrtidmg et a bilan- ah.o'l I wnlf tu Hf preeioae of their cnining. Ht)i.-e Uoura. Fma 9 to IX o'clock, a. to., and fr 'in 1 lu A oVl-uk, p. tn. W'r uee non but (be very beat material, aad d' fy et.ii'pftiticn for beauty, cbaj.orit tad dar Ml.iy. Uivr nn a rail. uii tp ill, I'a., May 31, UTI. ATT,I.TIM Ht.I li M I LAVllirjU. 1! 'i'K At Tfi are warranted rqual to any mada, Ih.y aro l-npared fiuaa tbe friMla. aad will bo oui.d rtmcb bt-tter tbno wany ot Ihe Kuraete that aro ld. A-k yoor tif.eer r Ilrninttt for Wilt, '.eravr'a Kxtratia. JIAHI.OWX IMjUQ to 1,1 1 , wi'bout dont t. tbe bet artffl In ihe wiark fr l.lufing eli-ibra. It will lolor more water Ibaa lour iimi a the aatiie wrijrlit t( tadign, and naek inure than any other with bin in tbe market. Tbe oiiIt (f-nuiin ie I lint put up Al.FliKH WII.IltKHOLH S HU I il HlOltK. No. Ui Norlh Mcrond tStn-ef, Plnlaili-lpbta. Tb lal-eta ha IkhIi 'ilti,t'i-(rtr'l and f mlt.w'a nam oa then., all o her, are eouuti rh it. For aa'c bv mM tfri-oere aid Drupniaff. W 1 1, fl! K It li KUrf IMiKLIIII.I IN K will lr found on trial tv rte a anpinr arliela, Atwayf on hand nnd for aate at rraaoiialilr ftrieei. Pure tlround fpu-re. tlcnuiof Metlieine, Chan, oil Shin,, Hp ti rr a. Tni-iooa Pearl, fact., and all artti-l". in tb drf hne. nt A I.l l:tU W1LI lil.ltuKR S PRffl FTOtli. Jef.H'io Nu 21J Nunh H e td Ut., 1'k.la, Democratic Almanac. ; fllllh (naluAoio puliicatit.n I, for aale at tb J. pu' tCii.-e. li t-biio'd e in tbf hnnda M every I'euciernt. Il eontnina full election retnrna fnaa evtTT eTinty in the tailed Hialre, bf-aidra, tb a -tnbrr lor IKt eontaiie a complete Hat of tno naiu..r;!! rew.ir siist( ikZZlt during t.iiirrln'a adtntniairnlioi. ; and Oml fuf IIAf eontnina Ibe nainea nf all iboee eiiiliant wha rei -liitpriaotied durinaj the latne period. Tbioo t liatt, fwr fntnre retVrrnoe. are worth moeo Ibaa tbe priee of ib--mildieailen. The number for la (a al fnM of vahtaMe Haliatia, AnyoneOradinff rtii c-nl to Ihr Poal M;iaffr, wilt rerrire by rtra mnil a eepyf..reaeh T-ar, freefif anataff. D3tit Stumps! Slumps! I FIVIK nnd riKnrd hu j uhaard lire ripbt of X Clparfi. Id tMiimly f..r Kmi ii Frxiw.wiH,a Mi bp KiTttuTnn. pttrnttd Jwoo ?ib, l;0. 1 bi, ii deeidi dly tbr uiat eotm nien. ojoal dnr-a tile, and brat mapbine of the dar. W t-l weather will not aft.! it. ihe workiu pari beinr H ( iron Tbe machine ii.y mi ap. and will wr. any l.lae that enn br nloni il. U will all n. cbint-falneint.il prof t nn eoa, and will try to ntfiit II ! Ue advantage r fa-mrre In buy th-ai. W lolifit ordtre Irtim tr-oap wanting utrtdimfO, II. T. HrtV(lHTH.(rfild, r. J. B. UAKHIStiN. (Vweetavilla, !' tiro. II i Ant. t barfit-ld, Pa. jj H-.tm IMI INT II A TOIt'H MtTH'K.1 Notiea ia btnl.: fivrn that Irttrre-r adiiiii.latratioo .in the ratate nf 6'H,.,Mt'. HUii. iee d, lata nt TlVr lowi.ahin, ( l.-n-fi- !, fii.nT. Penn'.. bar. iitf Ifiii iti rt-MTilinl to ihr nndetaifnitl. all pf. as.na lnd btrl tn emd eatatr will pte lat be pay. inent, and Ihoae hattne; elain.t or dtaianla anJ prearnt lhm prr-iftly attlbt-nHealed for eetlbraaonl and alkiwanif olthotit d Irv. Ii II. II 111 :n. AdmiBiftrator. ratwenvjMlr, July 11, ISM f.-pd. Dumn-ox ir.ii a ny WM .MAM Pnnr. FA., Yum P.rn furt. I.w. tt. I nr SruTTonn, h. h., I'rraider.t, wilb a toll and rxnrirn-rJ nip .f lfa.-h.-ra. Char re rwdrntte. Hifns.'i'aa dH f 1. 1 lul. The etten, to lwi!dince iw Wlnf thriinlil rep rtii, Tho nrit IrrMl b r" Anfnet 1... Far fart bar ief..rmeiinn ldrt-oa the Pretidtnt, or end (t a onUlffM.. Jt20 3r R" 000 A YrR ANT kppk- w ' T. nrt-n'a i rTI tbr. -Ur.m-d 'lime Intl.- ..ill. Piiteb a'ile sr. W. al sn svh .Mm. - .. iib-tt tn- ner. per further tiartl li N. 9th St Pi.ta lelt aia. I'a. slara, ,.H- Vra tt f . ' ' . Br Finn... 1 asaiflif p