Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 03, 1870, Image 3

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    She Republican.
jiff ,. i,- -;rv- r
L A . .a. .
. o tt COflTT.
lokjMt U tin Mtion of llie Piltriot ConTitiou.
Dcmocratio County Ticket.
JUSTIN J. rtc,
07 CLILniLD.
Or CLKAItrilL.
" .'.AlSDlTOItl
D. AAHOSi Hill,
or eoi.
or iHiiiroiD.
foul or Vontmtrd l.lrcllon.
During Ihc first BfMion of the Forty
first Coi.grew, lately Hiljouritcd, seven
teen eontcsttd election fanes wero
disponed of, at an expense utout tJOO,
000 to the government. In every In
Unco taciept that of Swiuler, from
the Ninth l)itriit of Indiana, tl.u
conUR.snts wero radical., mid in all
the cjc tried except fivo, two from
Kcntncky, one from Texn., one from
Missouri und one from Indiunu, the
silling ineiiiters ncru ousted. Every
radical conleBtiint except Grafton, of
Texas, I3arne. of tl.o Kiylith and
Zeikjk-r of the Xinlli iJiftrict of Ken
tucky, was nuccessl'ul it, cither obtain
ing, or having declared vacant, the
scat' which he claimed. In mnht it.
stances the democrncts out-tod hud
been returned by largo majorities,
some of ihe Louisiana members by
seven thousand, vibt thousand, ten
thousand, Simpson, of South Cnrolina,
by nearly five thousand, while Colonel
Switxler, of Minsouri, was made the
contestant though the return from his
district showed his election by nearly
one llionnand. The ril tin i mcnihers
were of course entitled to draw pay
and mileage during their time of cor-
vice. But the llnuso voted to pay to
the coi'testuuts, also, s hether success
ful or not. The peoplu of the United
Hj.XpijamtU-.ruuit fur tun roll
which these contests were brought.
To seventeen gentlemen who have
been declared not entitled to seats
tho sum of $52,300 has been puid in
aiary ana mileage. 1 lio procc.
seems to havo been to throw out the
dotnocra's who.o seat, wero contest
ed, pay them for tho timo tiny had
served, and admit tho contestant,
who of course draw full pay from the
begiiini'tg of tho term. Jn addition
to tho duplicated pay and mileage
drawn from the treasury in theno con
tested election., muH lo considered
tho cost of collecting the evidence.
reporting iho proceedings for publicn
tion and printing ,Uj,0 volumes in
which tho hii-tory of tho cases i. laid
before Congicss. A careful estimate
places this expense til f 150,000 for the
cases tried tit the lato session of Con
gress, making mi ngaregato of about
1200,000 at the cost to tho people of
tho nixeralle farce by which ll.o radi
cal, havo succeeded in keeping n
thcirtwo thirds majority in the House.
In other words, it cost, tho country
. just t 1,703 for every rudicul foisted
into I lie seal of a democratic member
of such tricksters as Covode, Cessna
ti Co. A number of case, tire yet tin-
disposed or, which will he decided al
tho next te.if.ion. and which will fur
nihh further opportunity (o tl.o con
gressinnal leeches to bleed the treasn.
ry. Nothing but tho return of n clear
working majority of democrats to the
next Congress, will put un end to
Vieso robberies vT the government un
der the guise of contested elections.
If the democrats succeed in organis
ing the next IIouso of K.pieseiilii
lives, a commilteo on rloctions will
appointed before which contestants
who rest their i-nn.o on tho frivohm.
and contemptible claims on which (,c
Louisiana radicals, Wallace of Sotiti.
Carolina, and other defeated (audi
dates made their respective contexts,1
will not dure to sho'v their face.. On
the other hand, should the next Iloiifc
contain a radical majority, nothing
eUe nocd be expected than that scores
..r i ,.. , i
"""csiiy tiecieJ represcnlativrs
will again bo swindled out of their
seat, at cost of hundreds .f tl,u
sands of dollars to (ho government.
Harrisbury fiitriut.
Hip Doinocriitic National I'ioontiv
Coioniiltfo, nt Vusl.inKion, .l.-firo to
olitin Iho rmme nm ).(it-(.(ni-e ml
dronk.of every lKn.otr.ttio nooiioce
for ConKrc, 0VPrj. lh:,Wmnn ,if
Dcmotiatio County Ci.n.miitee
I IIIPKinn ..T
..,. , rnuinr f.,.,n. ,, .
I.oulj ai onco
to inn .Mitioi.i.l l omitiutco. All coin
munitaliona to the conimilter? should
bo addressed lo Hon. S.J. Kaiidnll, M.
C, Wmhington, D. C.
Greeley cusea both Mn. Sinn
ton and Susan 13. Anthony of wearing
leatbcr Mo. king.. Jju, ,,en ,.,,,,
tho question : How dooi tho virluoua
Greclenj liDott
I'.M ! ''J uI .": ..?. YJ rcn, man nig iiieumi-....! -r;-: . I"""',' '.,".., .. i I milts in tho Smith nramnua in
V&S.&iXVfi-.Mi V H-n rHy, mul lite l-rnltlo cml S,, .MD, ... thi- city, .car I i. " ,.,.. '1 hce is not a
,-wtil' tfr-:'i -"i 'a. r." i . c ami ceituill. J itscoril hiihmi i a at noiiirni in n ii'-i . " ... ... , - - ,., , ,,
- ' . ... . .7 i.u, i.. H. ...... I li....,- .1,,..,. onl i.l il,. llnrenii tun.lH lium ll.o rum t.f 1 etuicsse. by tl
lUMor: ii. (;.,iz:,no,,),,,.,-.-i .with a.. .nnib...
" . . ! " . , I.mii, Thin I,u,l. f ilnnir fl W un.l i!vo tlu'su l'avm. lii.l ll.o tr,alm,nt ol . rK
' ;.; .;rV'..t.....1Ull..rAHU.M.l U,K, iM',ay to II.. Jl,,Wa. onpHtho i-hnrnx n I n,
..v.. ....ov.v.i ...-...sT I ....... f.. fi:.i lino I..M.I I-niviTHlv. Al'out tl.o .jiino time, to dchs. 1 li Male im
UmnrVntlA llomnT I TfilTOT. I ,H D 1! M 1 1 1 1 1 1' II L IIIU P"! "'V II IVII i:.ti .hj.-, u.. ...
i 771' I'fift) ff Ihr Hour,
I Ti'ii x cm lift the I'' I'"'
I ty !ii" in power. "'Hi to hnimn. up-'prarnm-o
lirpri-cnnMo. 1 1"'
tivo, l-ojit-lilivo nrnl .linlit-inl .Icparl
in on in 1. 1 llie (icivi'i-iinii'iil, were lH
IVn.oi-riitie. liul ninb.lh.ii nnd limitl
iciin, (i ll s ints Hi' lull, C'iI.mImUiI !
miller mi l bred d.s.ord mining I'l-eu
ilmro iinolher at
inridgo, both forgetting, in their mud
ncm, the Ilemoc.atie principle. loug
las sleeps beneath the earth at Chi
cago, anil isrecltiiiriiigo tioove me
earth in Kentucky, but the cmocral-
ic priiiciilc lives still, thai. us bo to
Ours has been a severe leson ; hut,
ol us act ll.o part of wUdom by failh
ully uttending to its instructioti. Let
us cast cut these mischievous, villain
ous devils; disenrd all hero worship
and follow tho Democratic principle
for It. own sake, uniting all our ener-
rioB to Hie il ascendency, mid a tier
maneni control ... our pinna- una. ic.
. . ; . I .. n' : .. .
I hero is linmcUiutu unil most press
inr necessity lor llemocratic success.
Theso past ten rears of Itepublican
rule, from a decado of blood letting,
robbery, corrtnilion, vctialitv, avc, of ;
evcry enmo in tl.o cslciiuar, uluo-'i
unexampled in tho history of mi.ti ;
and, out of tlio depths of tho people's
Buttering., there comes up a heart-Celt
cry for change, relief, and reform.
.'Aid it Freemen, .i'l it cu 1
Anl it bogicl uf liutust lm-n,
A. it 11 inier. si'J it tltic !
Aid it tur tbe liuur 1, iiii',
And oar c&rnent tnuflt Dot fluckru
ln.o j,ly ;
Mro of thouplif, and dic.i of action,
Clear .he w.v."
Bucyrus (0-) 1'urum.
l)r.ATit or ruoitssoit SrotvtB
Professor Jlartin Luther Stoever, L.
L 1.. of tho Pennsylvania C'
Gettysburg, died suddenly in Phila
delphia, on Friday last, of nervous
prostration and congestion of tho
I. rain, from lonir continued labor
The Philadelphia Ledger of Saturday
lust says, it is but a few days since hv
paid us a visit, bearing every appear
ance of full health. His kindly and
cheerful disposition was in full play,
and his genial conversation, brim
tiling over ill, good will to ull his
fellow men, and bad not tlio slightest
shadow of foreboding in u single word
A life long knowledge of his many cs
tin, able qualities enables us to say
that he was a good man, in every
sense of iho word His wl.ulo man
hood has been devoted to bis profes
sion as teacher. Thirty ono years of
hi. life was spent in the Pennsylvania
College ot Gettysburg, the Institution
at which he graduated in 1S1M, it.
his nineteenth year, first in his class.
At tho lime of his death, ho was Pro
fessor ol the Latin Lunguagcand I. it
er. Jure, but in bis long service as Pro
lessor ul Gettysburg he bad filled
neatly all the chairs Professor St'io
ver was a most enlhusiastio devotee
of his country and its institutions.
I his was a marked trait in a charuc
tor rephlo with irood fealures. lit
I,ip ini'i'ml vpnrn editur of the
two memoirs, one of lr. Henry Mel-
choir Muhlenberg, and tl.u other of
llie Kcv. lr. ileyer, ol tins city. Dr.
Stoever was born at Germatilown, in
this city, February 17, 1S20; and in
that place, we believe, his remains are
lo tin d their lust resting place.
Do They Do the
American people understand thai, in
the uliHenco of M r. Fish from Wash
ington, John Lstncrolt Davis is now
tho Acting Secretary of State?
Do they understand that this man
Davis as proclaimed four months
ago by the Legislature of Massachu
setts to bo guilty of receiving a bribe
at to de.1 rand tho Lno Pail
way Company, of which bo was a Di
rector? Do they understand that
this guilt of btibery was branded on
his I. ice after ... . elaborate investiga
tion by the Legislature? Do they
understand that Davis has tacitly
conlcssod it, and has never dared even
lo titlcinpt a denial of his corruption t
is tins v nai mo American people
expected when tbry chose Gen .Grant
P.csidenl? Did tlicy suppose that
they were putting nt tho head of
their Department a man nolo
riously and und.-nii.hly guilty of tak
ing bribes? Did they suppose they
wore installing avowed and shameless
corruption in the highest and most
honorable place, in the Government ?
Do tho American people understand
that Gen. Grant's Administration
pays honor to bt ibery and elevates
fraud and corruption to liTirli station?
John IlKturolt Davis. Aclint? Seciv-tn.
ry of State ! X. Y. Sun.
Tur. Nkw Tax Hili.. 15- tho new
TurilT mid Tax law till the so called
spe. iul taxes imposed by tho TOtl, sec
tion of ) act of lsllC, mid its suhsc
qticifl amendments are ivpculcd, save
tho tax on brewers, and on distilled
spirit, un. I tobacco. This doc. away
with the long list of licenses for van
ousoei npalion., banker.' taxcB,Lrents.
am-tiiiii,-cr, Ao; ,ut ibis doe. not
tako cffeel until Haj 1, Isl, ..,,
' ' """
present yearly terms of payment then
V "n wii's, ae, re-j
pealed as heretofore noted, nro puya-
I.I......II.. - .
. . ,,...,,,, u , r.'jH'iii niKos tl
.nt I. il,o kiiiii,;. t,,x on
' ht'tkn nn.l tlrnltai if i,t , . pcAkd ;
Iho exemption applu-n only to luxe,
proiniDHoty linn s lor Ices !
tl' U ; on rem
(a fur llllV f II 111 (.1
money or the pnytm lit ol i.t.y debt;
it... I on ciitiiied li.-h ; these throe ileum
will he free from Mumpa niter the liit
of Ot tulier. Ihitu. Ledger.
.. - .
A land owner in Ohio offcra to rent
n inj Ivan irlmlf to pic nic jmi-i i b mul
Siiniliiy school excnrsioria, on which
lie snys I,,, I,,,, K i I ten HiouhiiiiiI
even liiindi'e.l an I eighty. fiiiirMinlic?.
He ttill wninii.t that threo times n
ninny reniiiin on the interesting nnd
1-linnning spot.
Tlio fust flao; ever liin.lo nf Am..r,.
ran silli Ims .,.n net . Vasliiiit;toi)
: .
,r"T '"Hortiit., t now iii.luilo,!
... vM,,,i.,,. a a in an i'n....i... nl
"".'.'"F"" o'lrproducu nrnl tho ver
sutiliiy of our industry.
,,,..,.. . . .
IS t III. (Hon lllinnnc.r A I. .
t. j i" "i un i'. ic is i
Tbi. i- l" J"lk""vill. Illinoiit
leet and ft inii R J 11 '
- i , - .....
Edward, in,, I r-..n.
In I i. "'" "il'iiu
v ,ji.i.i,u s-iiuil nl 1..R n. .1. A-.. ...
rbsr, , 8t Louis " 01
' ,o : wc : hi,, at tbo Hlitiuo of IKtuslan. L it, Fcl.r'uary, I.S, (i.,,,fal ll-wttnl,m. ...
1 lir "( fn I' IHn .'oifl'i ." I
' '1 In' n.ini'l I v "I l' '' ' "!" '
tt lio
!iil i!
I n "iil'l H"l I "li"' HI I" ;'"
'(iitl'Tal ll 'lll'l, ll'O hli-liilll
i .lu-r " fivm llu ln!linvini '
111 I I'l
mo i'l Ins li mh'.ii I ' l"'j f
'Tlii' iw.ini'tiil 1 1 n Hf IV l- of i'o'.chi
"nt li.t.iU iinil I'li'l'i ilv In ll.c li')"-
mil I'l.iversity ilui' nut rtophere. A
.i ..: ,.f i i i t,. '
Mill, 'I iiuin'ii iiiiiu in imntii, ,ni iu ,,
ns snuares 10SI and 1055. lit a eo-l of
' .
creeled, out of government money,
seventy six houses, each tit a cost of
$1,800, making tho expenditure on
those two sijuares and houses amount
to the 6i.rn of M25!,SOO. This; prop
erty (ieneral Howard has tin nod over
as a gill to the United Slates lo throo
institutions Howard University, the
St AuguMino Normal School, at
Ualoigh, North Carolina, and a school
at Kiehmond, Virginia. Theso three
institutions now hold, own and rent
this properly, by means of three trus
tees appointed by General Howard
himself, Senator Pomcroy, and John
li. Klvans. The houses thus creeled
upon these three squurcB are now oe-
etii.ied by lf.rS nei'i-o families a. teti-
atiH at tiomiiial rent
It must bo ro -
nicmbercd I hat tho cost of theso
squares and buildings, amounting to
?i;i0,;tHll, is not included in llie tooS.-
000 proved to bo civen lo Howard
I'liivesiitv. Genera I Howard makes
no mention or explanation of these ex-
pcndiiures in his answer lo cither of
'.ho various charges. They cannot
bo justified or excused by tiny law or
by even any pretended authority. It
is proper to observe in ,
that the students of the How ard Uni
versity I.u in her about throo hundred,
mostly negroes. 1 ho course ol study
prescribed for them is lhat prescribed
by our leading colleges und universi
ties. A medical und law dcpurlmc nl
is utlachod to tho institution. These
students mo furnished w ill, uniforms,
paid fur out of lie government funds
transferred to the university by Gen.
Howard as Commissioner of the I'll
lean and tiro organized and drilled vs
a military company. Not only is this
true, but part of their cxjienses of liv
ing has beet, paid for ,n tho same
way. Theso students are taught in
their Latin, and Greek, and medicine,
and luw, and military tactics by a
nil. l.ber of prof'esaors, whoso salaiies
in the aggregalo amount to SJ1.HU0.
One of theso persons, M. Lut.gston,
the colored professor of law in the
University, is thus paid u j early sal
ary of S'l, 000. He is Iho same man
who "worked up the South" iu istiS,
for General Howard fur tho Vice
lVcidoncy." Nevertheless the Radical Commit
tee whitewashed him, und tried to
tnako him white us snow. If a Dem
ocrat wero to co n. mil a tenth of the
rascalities proved againt this man he
would soon find his way to tho Petii-jury Fcrvice, and thero wero horse, as
tentiury, and very justly. Of all the; t. us men to be transported. The
frauds produced by ll.o war, there
are none greater than General How
e.W 1 o..rk,-J .IT 7.. I utT itvaa
yiteht race for the Oueot.'s i nn. now
held bv tho An:C.-ic: in uhicli thn.l
csu, tno v.a.iii,nii, j.auntioss, ftnp.
.no, aou many oi ino li.stest a most
anions ynohts will pmlieipato, was
today finally uxed lor August H. It
is reported that tho yacht Maria,
id, beat the America badly twenty
years ago, w ill also bo put in trim and
enter upon tho race. .Measures are to
bo taken fur tho relief of tho families
id the two men washed overboard from
Iho Dauntless.
Senator Wilson, with characteristic
dishonesty, has assorted that it is the
purpose of ll.o Southern planters to
import Chinese serfs for the purpose
of bringing down tho price of free la
bor. Vet tho first man who has
brought Chinese coolius east of tl.o
I.'uiky Mountains lo cunipeto will,
American Work men is n Massachusetts
man, a radical und a protectionist,
and a follower of Henry Wilson the
tirownlow's physicians, ufler deep
reflection nntl contemplative nursing
of their gold-headed canes, now come
out and sulci,,, ,ly declare that the
esteemed old patriot is liable to die
at any time. We are not an educated
physician, but could have said the
same thing if any bad n.
Ihe old ropr ibato is liko other men,
exctpt perhaps, nioro wicked than
most of men.
Jloforo Congress adjourned an up.
propnalton of $12,5ni was mado for
tl.o negro college at Oxford, Clu ster
County, and btrgn mm. to two or
three similar itistitutiot s. We have
net heard of Congress appropriating
nviticy to aid while rthools. There
ouwuiu i.u nu iiivuriiiMii in tins mailer.
In Chicago two weeks ago, when
tho telegraph minoiint ed War had
been declined by Franco against
Prussia, w bout advanced twenty five
rents on Iho bushel, and corn liltoen.
. ... r , ...
"" ai ostein gran, neuters appear
"jubilant over the prospect of n .,d
1 ho t ostei n cram de-ih i-s
foreign market for their produce,
. -- a. - -
A ntiinl't-r of prominent ('
li.-ivo invil.'.l I'mKulniKMnnt to nmlto '
i a to tl.i.t Wl.otlicr ho I
,n ill Ko or not tl.-pi'mln iilt...a,.i.r I
uiion iho iinliiccnii i.l. il.v .,(v. ,. n
(ll.l I.,- iinlii.-, ,! In ,l,i ,,1.,,..., ..... . I.
I.y iIiono ho know how to iipprom li j
linn. j
v M' , 1..I..1.
tiencri.l I' runr. Si'.-I was rim over j
.... in oviiy, it'W 1 ot li , 1 linrMliiy j l),v II i nri inirp, nod two of Lin
n nroii'iHav, jNt-w toil.-, 1 liiirsiliiy j
non t.roM'ii. il lev pliyaii-nii, di-cluro ;
no win recover in two wot k. Tlio 1
iit-ciil.'iit Was tin. result of last drivin".
The driver was jiromptly om-ti'd. "
(ient ral O'.Neill, ronvit led of vio
liiliii; tl.o iiciilrnlil v laws, nna
le.iccd Saturday, nt Wii.iNor. Vl . ,., 1
Iwo vers imni'isoiiinei.t
. . . - . '
and ten ;
. Ilrown i
di'llnrs fine. Colonel J. II.
was Hctilc need lo six mouths
oMn.'i.l mul one dollar line.
(.'ciiernl Kob. rl K l,. o hui declined
il r i.:. .. .. . ...
'"""".. "n n itv , Ail ret , ivii tin '
. . . .. .. .. . I
tin nun v oi tnreo (In un.
'from tl.o college of which the (m-i.c.iiI '
im resilient, t.iaiit thinks Leo n.iict I
.. as .a. as ' :
Miaipiiia, July iil. JefTerson Da.
via left yesterday, via tho Southern
na niiii'iu'runv, Vl tlio .Soul hi-m '
z: r'r L ,o Mn
.. - " i
' ' '
. t -v-,. .rir-VTi&
fh ', t li MM. I
I'v-r si. ii . Ihe I. it-il hour i'. w hh h
Al.lllPW Jnlllisl'll lli'l l'd"! Il"-' la.iinil
h.i'lcisl'V prciiniiiu: t'. .lcilare the!
S,i.u!,.rii'Slnli sivstoreil t' the I'liioii,
t'linirres. has hern e. waned in what, is j
railed. !.. the p'.i'lanco el tin, "Ironly .
loil," the "work of rei oust r. ill ion."
The history of the Cuiigressioiial i
govern. 1
10 I
ml in
Aincm incut t'V leL'isiaiiue. jut
- - - - - -
representatives actually occupiej
I ...a ii, tlwi Hmiihi. no man (h.uliL
1... . .
ed that tho Kinpiro Stalo of the South
was again, even according to tho rud
icul doctrine, a member of ll.o Union.
Hut Georgia sinned. Sho committed
tho grievous wrong of casting her
electoral vote for Seymour and lllair,
and added to that tho crime of reject
ing tho Fifteenth Amendment. Pres
to 1 she was kicked out of the Union,
and has not been permitted lo ro en
lor unto this day.
It is true that a bill has been passed
by Congress providing lor the admis
sion of Georgia at porno future day.
lint if her peoplo should send i Uetn
lot-ratio ik-li'L'iition to Corn'ross, what
I assurance is thero that she will not
a"iiin be denied representation, that
! some no pretext w.:t not, oe muim
; to slam the congressional oo or ... tier
liieo ? Tho bill del la. i.'g tho Slate
entitled to representation is so am-
i biiiunus as lo leave to dot.M tho quo.
- s -
tion whether lilt election Is to bo ho
j ibis year or not. This ambiguity was
I intentional on the pari of Congress.
Ds authors except ll.til in case li.c
State adheres to its dcmocratio ante
cedents, an excuse will bo found in
the uncertain character of this act for
the continued exclusion of ll.o Slate
from tho Union. liadieal Congress
men who voted for tho bill, dill'er
' among themselves as to il. meaning
Il may. llierelore, bo concluded that
Georgia is us far from being restored j
to the Union ns sho was Ichiro Con
gross assembled. The Stale is a mere ,
...... I..... ... 1 1... e , .11,.., I I. o.l, n n iibie.
tiling fur Putt-It Gup l.tltler, IIIihmI let-
... -. .
ting Chandler, Drunken
Dick Yules,
Vienna, mid
Dirty Work
I Logan. Havo not Ihcso coi.len.pli-
hi,, f.lioi' l.-.n,.d liino- ennU'Ml
with the people? Is it not about
timo that a Congress wero chosen
which would nt hast permanently fix
tho status of the Southern Slates.
.trier a liadieal roiicrf-ninn.
It. F. Patrick, laic Passenger Agent
of tho Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Railroad, is after Congress
man 1'arnsw nrlh, with a sharp stick.
He says that when Ftirnswnrlh was
Colonel of an Illinois cavalry regiment,
there was a good deal of competition
among ll.o railroads for the privilege
of transporting government troops to
und from the seal of war. Farns
wortl, S regiment was parlicularly de
sirable beeatise il belonged to thecav
! Mii-hi" an Southern Railroad offered
him a bonus of 82,000 if bo would seo
(hut his regiment tlinnld be taken
nrt iV try if or Viu V,v..'.li,tp.,o.ilt.U'i'!A
tbo Colonel and went 52,500 for tbo
job, which was accepted. Tho bag-
,c UII( ,()rscs were placed on board
,0 C:lNi llUt Vullc Farnswortl, of
Ul0 i!inoia CIlvlln. nd ..0,.
c.,t tnomber or Congres.,' refuse, to
llerlllil ,0 ,rtli,, lo ., Iimi i,
was paid the ?2,;i00. Tho sum hm
not been handed over nccording to
tho agreement. Tho ticket agent ac
cordingly tiiiid him ? 1 ,31'H all the
cash he bad with him nt tho tiui.'
and tit-ccj.tod u cash order fur Ihe oili
er 61,'20H, which was promptly paid
Iho next day. Those facts Mr. Pat
rick declare. wero cognizant to
Messrs II. 11. Payson, Joseph .Me
i'herson, Daniel W. Puss and George
W. Howard, :. n well as himself, und
that they can bo substantiated by tho
oaths of these gentlemen. Col Fai ns
worth is a loader of the Radical iur-
ly, and in the last canvass played llie I
rolo of honesty on all occasions -.1 je.
" J
Mr. Patrick will have to present a
I still stronger case before bo can lin k
'any impression on n Radical moniler
j of Congress. Tho charge agaiist
I Fariihwortli f hows him to havo betn
guilty of coritiplion and;
but Congressmen commit so mail-
worso offenses now a days, that
'ceiving a bnbo does not amount
.t (..
un 1,
i anything. Il is rather looked
as a virtiio than otherwise. A l.aduld
oflico holder is not a dishonest inun .i
I 1S70 unless ho violates tho whole t li
commandments in a body. NoVif
I tholes... it would bo well to have Fan
j worth committed.
j llev. .Mr. Frolhingham, who did l!.e
praying for Hoot he's ceremony in
; marrying Richardson to Mt-Parlund's
j w ife, says, in a recent sermon :
! The .aw, of mstiiin-wy al.i.uld l.e ro r(tn,..'l!rd
lh it the ho'liiiitd an 1 n.'le ee..l-l n.,t I- jrt,..
! of auothrr ao tl at the I'on.l ph.iul.l n: be
meiely a f atal one, but lh.' a rondiiion of in .r
, lin abould to a peruiii.pi. lt lo on, I. (o ael aa he
i .r li .li-.njc'il propi r, and al the d .-itt a of l.t
' feelifja and illeeli.tiia.
This is a rich specimen of tho "free
love doctrines
ol tl.aj y riliiitir a. horil
Wlmt n.iint wo think ol' wl. '
lul-n.l. .1 i u ,,
.....v ...... a.u; ,u .iini n. otll-. l. !
U in rem...... . .i ,,., I.l
- ..."ik, lllllll. j
" I'icm.'lit up to hulIi lot nit.-u tii,r
piiiionoph' r
"Tin: (iovr.HNMr.vT" Ssi-nnrn -A n.
,lrn V JllllllKlin lll'l... 0,,,..,,. . .1 n n
I, ...1.1,. . il
to poorlinmt in inorin Imh tuiximn
iiwr:io to I'on'itifH on tho lust ilm-
- . ...... ..- I, ., ,,,, ,1 i . ITI'I,
Ul lilt- Hl'MSII.II. I'.Vl'l-V plltlV Wllll.tti'l- his rnvoid now.
IIP l.ll.V I'.tlrii
lo lioiif; liriit.rli ml( amolio hi
at ti'ii.I t lio r:u. !. or (i 'lit dull
to lioni; lirnmli und am.
pupa ;
liobtitly i-nrm mt lio doo,
nnd he I
swilia to l.e in II
ui'py condition ol !
f..,eii,,r !, ... .. .... I....I.. .:... . , .'.
... ..... ....... ,,j ,,.ij i n inns utuiut '
ll III.
Two Hoiks count v lie-'roes
other llV hired n imir i.. ,...l....t.i. 1
bors. - a ,1 .1 . ... " I
country lit n feml'iil rate of spoed
which wits ended l,r I.....O...
- " . r tin
;droppit,ip dcnd'in the load. Tho ne
:s,-roes men run nwny nnd Imvo
ycl l.een raptured Erehnnne.
And so it will he t,; ir ,,
ever m.l I. ..1.1 ..r .1 . M J
-- f,. . ....... , i( ii,s o
foil in ry, tl
y would soon ride it to
c '' I;''
"K oi mo luiiiot to women would not
"mount to much ; for none of the
i.i.... ."
.. ..lllllil l l llini 1 in.. ....... ..
o :
ar','' 'rrtHi n'lji.ira
..-....ti..l.s ..ffei.-l in I
li. nt Hons.. d I!' p.-"i'l I j
I he fill
the t ".mi
t ives
few i
V Mr. Ivitim, (l. ni"( vat ) n
vs since were laid on tho lal h-
by tin. liudii al in ijorily t
Tim. Il.'rp -lin!! I- ." !' .Hv in t1
t lit mi. K" '' n' i' "
ill tlmt I'l I Ii.Ij
,ii n tli" i-iiii-! nf - Ii.
Tim. we ii-p'T'ivr nt Ihr i.u
fmiiitrjr ot l'lillH-,e t'lli'lui'lt.
M,tn.t l"lif nl w.r Willi U
ii'ii.mIIoii IiiIo tlii,
I t rai't.iili.!, Oir
p untn'T'Sltus I't
ji',-,ij li- wliu k our ti"it, . i-r'-nj-n ttj jirf r"ui
ut lwnr( snil .(ni,;ly . t.m l Iriinw.'l "I .'if
iuti'i.-.l 'T "iir i un ti.--? I - !!' ' l-'-'r i'f
liull'li'K'll t'l'll.s b;.i ml.l In. I tic til II. Ill "I
eai!iilit. Hip u.rn lliriiiMt.r, , m r"..'r-'l
kv III" c.'ii'i MVS lluit '." 1 til' III l( lliiir I k.
The ('iion n.sde of theso reso
lution., by tho lii.dicals of tl.o Con
necticut llo.i'o of licprcsontativcs,
is indieulivo of tho attitude of that
parly on tho Chinese question. 1 Ley
mean lo iiistain tl.o manufacturers in
carry. nu on tlio eool.o slave tratio
which they liavo lately tieguii.
The original traders of America
wore from Now Knglund. They stole
tho negroes from the African coast
and sold them to tl.u Virginia mul
Carolina planteis. 'll.o protectionist,
ol Massaehusotts have again embarked
in tho slave trade. They now trade
in Chinese coolies, will, whom they
propose to supplant the labor of their
own shoemaker.
'I lie first cobred juror wu summon
ed on Tuesday last al Qnincy Illinois
When he mado bis appcaraoco in the
Court, five jurors, already sworn in
1. I'l the box.
1MU IT CAN Mi.nnl'nrl.ire.l rrora Ihe l-,l
ehureoal tin, proved aoMered on outaide
und unrranled lur lute liv
aK:: 70 li. F. mm.Elt A CO.
: o i
AWN, l.isiuo'a Ccsl ent. Mill, fr2 and
Inr r'aw,; a:.o, linvuli'O'i LiThlnini
Croi'.-e'i. Sun fvr a.ile l-v
auBr;i) ii. r. uioLEii i to.
1 IMII t'TKIN.Ths nrliierliip liirvlo
1 f'
hotel buainciii iu l.utlierrlmrjr an. dniUoil by
.ti. ual eouai nt on Ihe lt dii.v of July Inat. Toe
iHioki, a'-eoiinta and jmpera are b ft in the baii'la
of Mr. Wallaee for Belt and eolli etion. whore
.bora knowitii; .hr.neulvca to have unarnled ac
count nil. cull and arrange nut. ten.
.1. W. W ALLACE.
I.uii(r,!.uri;, Aiignat X, 1ST.) tt.
D 11)1. 1 TIt). Tlio jiailiieri'liip berelo
foreol.stine between llie u.ideraigneil io the
n.e.ean.ile and Inuibi-r buaiovr al Thri-e ltunf,iu
Ivarthaua wna ,l:n!vfd I j .nutui.l
on the iolh Jul of Julv. All t!,e Ih,Iii,
aei-faunip anil loioerR 01 ine l.ui arc in ine oiiieia i
1 lr. l-ottr-r 1 'rail.l.ue.ita.idc.ll.c.ion. Thoae
Iniviof un.ett.ed aecouii.a nil!, the tint, are re
rpcctfolly invited lo call and elope up lite asms.
ISA 4.I.- 0 Met I.OSlitV.
J. W. 1'OriEK.
Three Rnna, Annual 3, ISTU-lip I.
1 AL'TION. All piraonl are betehy witrnri! I
J iKauiat purebaan.At or in any way .uedill'iin
with the following iieraona. property, vil : Two
borara and harneaa, one eow, tan ealvea, one two
borae wagon, iair twin ale-li, wind mill, a lot of
lawetl lumber and bill limber; alao, the hA,v,oaia,
eorn, buckwhriit and alien! on the preiniaea now
in poapi a.ion of L. V. t'oadriet, of tlirar,! iown
abip, aa the aante projierty wsl liitiehaiM d by ma
at 'a Snle and ia Kit witb hitn ou loan onl),
aulijict to my oriicr.
Fr. n liil. AiikupI it, 1S71I .It.
jook srtivr. w:
H'.-yt 'EIIAXK.t, slPERIOR.
tlOV. I'ENN, 11 ED t LA Toil,
And ill kind, of Heating Slovre for anle by
WOOU-CMUri-tKb' A At I
)!a?iurii?.urpd tfjuol!!;
THE Cl.K.UiFllLD Tlt.ibE,
roR iali: ir
II. P. RIUI.ER k ( 0.
rptlK COI NTV of Cle.r
X fold counly propoa to re paint the Curl
Ilouae, and wi'l therefore receive SEAI.FP PRO
POSALS until
Tuesday, tbo 23J day of August,
Fordoing Ihe waik. Tho buildine to have Iwo
eoata, ar.d the aroint, atone and bri, k work to be
of the nine color aa originally. The Count)
propoaea lo furniili the material. Eaeh pro
p'aal will alatc the quantity of lend, oil, lur
pontine and paint neee.aary for Iwo coin. If
I ZZ T, . ' r , " T
."irne hy the contiaetor. The ir.irL n,H.,
! pletid by the nth day of s.p.e.u;.-r.
N. Il -Coiiiainlrattoaf ad Irtaaid lo the Coin
uti.pionera' Ofliec eontatDing propoaall abould br
j ao enduraed on tbe rnvelfpe.
l "' OrT..-e, I
Clearli. ld, I'a., Aujuat I, IS70. J
VIK m.diTMcnfd adiriiiiii-trtitiii of tbe f.ii..
'itnai Liil-tt'll, Intr if llie I'tirmili of
' M-arlifltl, drrrand, will i fli-r nt Tu'.lic P.U; at
tb Court Hiiiiis-f. in Mid tHruf:h, co
Saturday, tlio 27th of August, 1870,
At I o'clock p. in., the folinwluf Ileal L".:nlc:
All thit cer-ain Iraet of land pllu.ilc in Jo
in I
Titrnplnp, toarlitlrj coentv. I'a, U.uo.l.-d nod
driciilcd aa IoiImmi: llrijtrin nig at a bi.nlo.-k
th. nee. I.y land of I'lifi-v, au-.lh i.l d. rr.e., w.-al
l.s ..eie'itp, lo a -..a: t llu-rce, I,, Inn,; , f
..:e".,-e. r-nn : my w..: 17.1 p,-,rl;-a. In
a witrh hil l; thence, by la-t I of J, m 1. palter
on, norl b il decree, c-i.t ;j i,( rehaa. In a no,.
th.n.,e. t.v I.-.,... i.t a i.i' . .' :
tro... ea.t 171 pirch... , b, n,!n V. ...d p"ee of '
oeitinning eon. ni.iiiig 127 .rrra, 4lt iien-lxa and I
V'0'"1' -f . i.irr
'"."'."' nr name o. Joo.illiai. Juu,,.
Tl I'.MS: 0,- ,.f b,,l. an
........ .1
I tha repi.l
...... .urn..rr, aim Itir.'OM,
, K l-l ni.I'l.L. A.i.nli.i.i.atria.
leneilrld, I'a, Ail(rilt 3, Im:iI.U.
i'loin the t'lrt-timftirtire to the .'Hub,"
w ronirli la part, the tummrr ia nearly ended,
and the (.r.iKi or rvMynKM ia ut ban 1 !
4 LI. who would real from till ir Inline. ...,l f, ..I 1
I lite clii Memo. l.,n .
r ...nine .he cah.lmnlint rltept of g,.,.. ll.ii, ..
ho inner man. o. "bid dull can- av.oni ' .
no inner man
aapee-fn;!. in. I.e.! to li.r.ieii..l In . ..I.l...
j I 1-1 IV li I'H-.Mf, I.. l,o held ,., the ..eivr
I cnor. ii!e, o.i
nlinrc.riw tlm 11 fl. P a .ana
""'""'VI august, loU.
Anpnma or rvpen.c will be
to niiikc il
..... .... t.ii-o, incaea.on. I h" arianc menla lor
I'ASr.Mi will ho on a grand ae.ilc. I'r,.l.nn from
...e ..... n , pi.o,,rm ,, j,,.ura.
'i boar n. t !
oi-oiii 10 nance will fin.
ample mrana of enjor i-n tl.r. flue
awinffp. "rlvinir b.u.. ." ...
enH,uel. An caei-llcnl hand of r.m. c will he pro
n.le.1. Iirrrsni;i of all will bo lot
n ailed at the llrnve.
Ar,-n.iirouicua ha
1... ...... c. ..ti ... .
a Wheeling .Mi..,,. a Pool 1 a fin k" ,,., !' !
the evouiiiit, which will alford aomc rare fun.
Come out. ye pcalim l'nu.h !
Come, apend the day.
Ample slnhlinc will l.e provided, and In cn-c of
ra.n all nnl U. a..,uiiu...l..,i si Ihe hole's or
n. p. mrni., v
.lAJlKStLAIlV.Jr. Cou,,,,!,,-,.
m. r. Mini,, (
rir'.''V, g 'go.. .1, lae.
... . .
stom: ami iivRTiin-wvui;
Ol' I. I II V M. II 1 ITI'V !
I'Whrr'a r.tcut Airtight Bi-tf . Kr.llng
'ml! ('...
nt'TTKR crtO( K3, Willi lid",
ritEAM CltncKS, Ull-K CROCKS,
And a K. at oilier thlnt too niu.icrout to
nutitii'll, to bo hud At
Cj. uer ot Cterry and Third Ijlroeti, '
l. w. KALI ac jA.n ...r.
I utl.crbuig. I Icarliclii lo.. I'a.
rptllS well knowp and lena- s,tab!lrhed Ilo'el,
I formerly kept tj U. W, Mimre, and latta..
b.r W m., baa beco leaped for a term
ot Team lj tbe und. relnei, lo wbicb Iba atten
tion o the traeelinr fiuLtie i saw ealled, and a
l.ber... pbsrn of L-ulllc r-alretta.e ia aolieited.
Augr-u W ALLACK A aliLtS.
1)11 MS I It ATOII'st MITU Ii. Notice
tl bereby (rive., Iha. b of a-iiuittirtralion
on Ihe eala.e ol JOHN l.l'.ltill. br., dietand,
lute of llrnUiT'l low... bill, flearliiid couti.v, I'a.,
i bav..iF be. .1 .In I V Ki'Anli-d to tile undereined, all
iicrronr'li.ed lo Raul rstale sill jdcMae make
ivir.e.i., and tl.'iie; or litnati't,
will ir. .nt tlie.u )iroj,erlv hUllo-nln-Aled fur let
tl nnnl. I. tl. PAItliKR,
llr.iilf:rd tp., Aujr. 3 Ot. Adiatnlitrntor. '
sii'HAY. Slraved from tbe prrmlara of the
I J a
aubai-rilur, nliout the -del of July, a larire
torec yeimold white lit t.h, with red epo.a and
all irt Ikt.ii. A lilH-ral reward will bo p.lid lor
b.a rerover.r, and anr i.ifor.niition ooneer.ii.ta; bia
nuireuloutl Hill be tbaliktollv reer.v.-d.
Addrvra JAM KS OSIlfRN.
k:o r,.pd llo. Mil. a, J.-t!er..,n Co , I'a
1 ) II I M T It ATI H ' M ITI f l Not iee
il her; by given tlmt b-rtera of aitmiitiatrat.on
on the e.uia ,,f Kollr.ltr II. HANI, doceaaed,
lute of Itii.-Ti'i le tonnahip, t'lenrfieid eounfr, Pa.,
bavin been duly granted to lb" underpinned, all
. f "'' If"'
tid to au.d catuta will ttloaae Bake
pavuirut, and thoae bavtux c.uiuia ur iletnanda
will prerent Ibcm pn-j-erlr si.' henlieated for lel-
innniti. JU.-r.l 11 .VI. ItAI,
June 50, I ST0 tjipd.,
The Elliptic Senilis Machine!
flMIr, hrrl (lit!1t1c tbn ) nai-hiof n innr!
X Will !? Iii luttrr flmn iij ulbcr mtv birif
hu.stit il in likr ni it nrtcr nl duin thr name mngf
nf work. M bin' enn bo itro ( tlie it ore uf
Tin mp.... t Ctt , Turniviil-, r it thr rviiilcncc
oT tli uni!Ttirr,fl at li'w-tn'ii Itri'l)fc,
Mar 11. Sm. BLOOM.
" Private ; "Sale"!
11 IIR iilirribrr otTrti fur F!f, mi mit trtnf.
a U'tl Sf. AM) LOT, nihiate in thr (louriih
iii j b'.ruiifh itf (jtccxla. Tli pr-.tmrtT ia wll
ftiM-iic-il, tit niraMv lorxlcl. nnl fittfd u for f Itbrr
a bvirinn r dfiiiist. Fir truin. Ac. njtjitjr on
tlif rci))pi ur aiJilrtr-f tl.o uiiilrn ior .1.
O'ccola M.lla. Vi, Jul ?7, 170 4.
r bali r
HAVES, Curwenrrilla, Pa.
S. J.
rl-p'mp on Itted direct, nrrr Pen.iai trania
llailioal depot. mat is. rititf.
1 t.f I leaihild countr, I'a.
W. W. Shaw nnd K luiund haw,
a.lut'raof Mtaw, die d,
KJaard Hill and Abraham tioaa.
K". 1 1 . March
T., "0.
Veu. La.
The t.n'leraij?.ie. Auditor, haein(( lm-n appoint
ed to lltnke dil i ...u.inn ot Ihr ..loin J from
Ihe aula or Ihe mil epla'a of K I ward 11,11 on trie
atone writ, b. rel.j- r;iiea m.lieo Hint he will attend
." the dilliei of h.. ap.oin.i..enl, at Ihe office ol
J. II. Mi Luallr, t'.q , in Clni.ti, hi. on Thniadur
Si p.euiber , A. II. 1,711, , in nVUnk A M , wbvn
and where at. iiart.ra inters.. ed mar att.n'l.
Jyl'Mt II. .MeCl UliV. Auditor.
Military and Collrpjata Inrtilntf,
Ileed'a Icrrv.N II ,on Xa.hua A Cuneoid
It.r. S. N. llOWLLL.
antepe It'tirc.l location, ret tear of ar-
cea! No SAloona. or place, of llie report: 1 u!l
e ..i, of lenehira. u:h iu-lrm li..n. Ac.
l'npi:a ncitic.1 at ana tinn. fiet,l for Cin-ular
Ju!j 2.1, ISO-Ira,
, SherilT's Sale.
rlrlue ol randr wr IB .r 'ii fria;
I ) i.lued oul of Ihe Court of Common I'l... f
i;ielifle d coo.itr. ind to w.e ititee.ed. .her.
II be rApoprd to PI 111. Ifl FAI.K. it the Court
ilouae ia
me nor. iiitu ot .. learn. Id. on M. od.r,
litj of Aiitiii.t. l.lTO, at 1 uViiek, f. m'.
intt Rcul K.tate, to wit .
the L'J'I: i
the follow
A certain trnet of land situate in Itradr tow..
ah p. Clrarltc'd eoiini.i, I'a., b-.unde I and d aeribrd
aa h.ll.ina : Itonnd. d on the wrat I t land or rimi
lev a heirp. nor.S I t llogla and euat he J.
L.v.uia. and l.m h hv llnirce II .rn, an I conlaiiiinc
ill aero, mere or Km. mill a (rood on-hard and
l.i li-'it-e at d errct' d (hrn-.m; ct'ialcr par.
ol .aid bind lo inr rlcarr.1. rViao l. taken In exe
cution and to be ml I a? ttip proji.-.'v of Alexan
der IUmlnp.
Alro. a e Main Ini't of il.ite in Trade
l..wnhl;i, ClearSebl c.itn.v. Pa, hound, d and
lea -ii W.I aa I. II .wr, lo writ: Krtnnii.? at a while j
ojli c.trnrr, thence w.-t 111. icrtua lo a lout
,-.,,vi .., ,1.,,., r..,i m iioocit t ! p.....
norlh l.'i 2 ...ri'liea to a : thineo .. .',5
perrtna to a poat : Ihrn-c B -nlU ti) peiTh-atoa
l.o.l; ll.en.-c ea. T l er-h. a to a i,.,.' l., ,.,.
a.u!li I i 2 narel... . tl.. i- - .r..-I- . ...
. , --. . .... .i.i; :
un ..... ...A .... . ,r
- '" ui re ; U, . a a. .1111 n.e .
3T.a elesre.l. wi.b a lare ...
Iw.lli.'S boii..a.aloro..mand frnutc l.arn.'reet. ,
c. n.en on. hctaeil. taken in cae. alio and k. I
! ,'.' "' l,",P"' ' 'Wd and W. C.
lucre will a:e be ao 1,1. l. . i : 1 ,,. l . . .; . r
f'.eii at,.,,, al t liri .Ja.l'i St, an. .Villa, iu tirade I
...oii.oi., on .on..av, tnc tiih or Aoii-iia.. l r ii 1
Ihe follow inc. dea.'riU ,1 proper, r, mail:
All tlic white pine ti.nWr of the Ilefendant. on
.he following .'.e.erii.e.l trnet of land, annate in
llradv towi.ali;.., ClrarlivM conn. v. I' . km... ..
Ibe Ll.iah AfIi. nlelier lot, b.iitii, , on ll.c aoull.
I. r 11 .. atcrf,.r. A 7 u.i, -h:,,iii Tun..ikr and
II. nrv lli.o Hinder, on the neat lor lands of Alar,
u. an I. timer, n.i tl,,. , .r ' Ii by liu,,lM,f lucoh I'e.i.a,
on .he ei,l l.v a rood lendinir from llmrr tim..l'
l iii.l. r'a to Hi ar.ngir's, remaining ol-.-ut
"ll ae.T. ; the timber t.. W re.norrd within Iwnily
venraf.m. lice. ...Wr 1 1, I sf, j , lb. Panic i,,e
loon ac.Tii.rid by Helen, I. ., l,r coi.hact dared
II. I. I.. ,-, in isf..,, wilh t.lijsh A.lo i.r.-lier. and
nc,.r,li , , Miaoellaneoo. Il,.,.kel. nace tr.u Al...
a'l the while pine lii,.l.,r of il,,h,i,ia on Ihe
I. ..ion .li
S I'd of Inn I, ailuale in tbe toon, hip
I. k.n.wn aa Ihr Peter A. I.. ..I. I... l,
a!or. - pa
b..iin.b I on the norlh I.y cloa-e. land of ,ai.l Peter"
I A.lienfi Iter. cna. I.y l,n. nf li.,, A.I.erfel.-r
i aoiith bv land of Kli.i. llialiH ,,.! J, '.,, ,
; wrt I., Initdol A..H-iirel..raiil.tsl,lv,F,
irintaining alKiul SI arn a: li...l-er to be rcinnve.1
a if Inn Iwenlr year. Tnon the IL'tb,, U 0.';
I aa'.l limber baling I.i-n a.ipm.l 1 ..Jn.,.u
j l y crira-i wilh I'et. r A.henf: iter dal. J l?.h I.c
.citn.Kr. Isel.'i, re.nrdrd In .Mi.c II.,,,., ,,. la.wl.e
pace i'l.l, c. a loo, all II
bite tin,!. ..r
K. I.i. In .... c .. , -
'"t"lri I t.,e l..i.l,cr Ihcrton nl former l.anta'.'e or ion aiun; Hi,, a.inclvii.g ailoate in the '
town.hip alorraaid. and c..ulaiiil.iV almu. a.-nw 1
and e.iil.ra.-.nj I'.-... a a old mw null and and" '
IU acres scat; Ihr '
inter..! of .,.,1 .,.f..ndanla hnii.i, b, , acquired -
lyrinfi.-t .1.1,-1 ITtll Nnvrmls r. Is.s.S. ....I !
J""nl"1 '. Mircellaneona lleeket, J.,f
lea.eof aai 1 wntrr privilege and mill -,t locM.r.d
... ..e,,T le.ra imm oaic n aai.1 lease. Kriicd.
,ne.- , -..-,, on nn. ,o ne sol., ai the
ol li. . 1 s.illcl.l, W. C. rmltb and W
. 1.. I orrr,
J-er-niddera will lake anile, tint IJ
earn, oi tne t urehaia a oner mi... b. raid '
lb. property .a knocked ,1.,., , ,
,. again fo- ,... CV MEN' I l i HOW K, P I
Fnao.rr'i Orr.ep. , a,,,-
n ni.'iiiw.w""!"'1
V.tiicril.iiuciiJ. I
S r A II 1. 1 M t O I ft I.
th.s." r .
i I-I nyl r
ii, IlulluU.
. . tt k ( . 1.1
er, I"' .
fi K I. V . U V. fi IJ L A T 1 IN ti.
vnornnT inr.v. aik thjmt,
QAs-coitsuKi-ira nnATE?.,
wfH run HTID
lu it HcKKrs. OwiTi Hi Ukti,
Who i out Iai !.Ant.oii,
For ft urn I nf
Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood.
10 lisri for lirlckworh, ami I iiici I'orUtlt.
myrrAcrrirn osi.f r
N W. corner l.ttla and Filbert Flraeii,
Tbeae Ilea. era are rnada of Heave W'ronslil
Iron, well rire.e.1 ioae.her, and are wrran.e. to
be aUolutolv flaa and l.uat 1iht. TheT are llie
only lle.i.erl lint are u.anaced ilbnot an? 'Inn.
prra. and in whieh all kiada of fuel eaa be burned
without alteration.
Conkioft Ttau(ea, for llolr'r, lleataorantB and
Fauiilica. Alio, a i'lat Top Healing llango.
Kite Plnee llea'eri, Iw flown Qratea, 8latr
Mantrll, Itegiattra, Vcnlllaton.
Pamphleta firing full dcaerlption, lent free, to
any a.l.treai. JtI.T7(I l.r
rilHK li n-honl yr will hrin Rtptruihrr 7.
X We the BHr-Mioti of fmrrntp ani iruarili
aim to a cuntulrratioD of Ihe neriii of thit imti
lit, Ixratlu.l. HfaHliTal. aitraot.Ta and hi
tvery way Uforablr fr pbyneaJ drralvjimwl.
2d. Ka Tcoi)'a1iuiia heninvi d frrnn Ihr
raiiHim and luttlii.j plarM-i irteidrot to towai.
3d, r..luratlonaI Advaiitapn. Eimwt
tcHi-beri aud aurruutidiiiff iauruLi!t fur ituJy.
I ill. I oup ratab'Uhed. It liaa Ld In
ruootuful ojmtioa ;'4 y ear t, and Uai had rtu-di-titi
trtiw uiorly trtry fiiatc.
f tli. Moral InDneiicca-The (irtr pti of the
Hilile arc daily taiijbt
Vlh, C Leap Ha tea.- Terati, t2C0.
frtid fur a Circular. Application iboa'd
be uiadc t 'Kin.
D. 1. FTOXE. A. M.f
J. J. l'ATTKHHoN. A. M.,
July U, H7D 2m. Princifalf.
5-20m nnd IHHVh
At Market llatea.
Pacific E. E. Eonds Ponght and Sold.
rr-TO('K Hauht aud Sold on t orn
mU.loti uuly.
Danville and Vii.rri.tiea
First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds
For lata at OO aod aeeroed interval.
rrAeronntB received and loto-eat allowed on
dailr balancaa, tubject to check at light.
S.o.Ij 40 puljh Third Street, Philadelphia
Eighty-Six Thousand, Srren Hundred
and Eighty-One M.iehinet Made
and Sold the rast Ywrl!
...s s.l '..' .-iiLsssA tie al c:
anr other Machine, and tbi doaand li Hill
incraailnc !
Arc now being anada and ,a:d 1
77 ff liEASCSS WHY:
Bocbubc II embodiea ea.enti.l principle! am
found In anr ath-r Maeklaa: leeaaaa nf It.
in pllrilj of contraction, caac af rparatlon.
nlforailtr of preeiaa ictioa al anr apced. aad
capacity for the ranga and Tarle.j of
wo.l, fine or rcaraa.
Partlcl wlahinc In porrhasa alould ant fill
to alanine Ibil Wat of all Stwi.ig Varlloea.
I lava tha acenar 'or thii Machine, aad wll'
keep a full aupplr oa kjed.
War 4, 1S7 if. ClearSe'd. Pa.
Maptifhrtutrr of
Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iroa Ware.
nanilng, Fj outing and job wm denf aq
! a (.( ail b rrrai,
Phop on Virket St., arurly oppoylit iImi Jail,
4 tt.71
ri.rKnri.n. t.k.
ISAAC niLLrr..
.nd IIaruCB8 Manu
Saodk End HimfUS Manilf.lTtnr
. . '
Lntl.erat.nrg, ClearRell eonat.. pa.
I'lMIK BulipciWr r, ,..ei(.ilii inloruia the eill
.A aenaol llrarty anj llie aurroonding lown.bit.!
- n.e ,.rr., ... .urei.n everr.n.oc in
,,1h"rt """ ln " "orktnan l.he
-:-' '- b.i...i mar oc can
bia euptomeiB in atvle, qnalitr and price. Call
and ernnine al..ek clerwhrre.
Latbrrrfcarg. June I. is:'.! :f.
j. noi.inaa. aa . ,T
Blank Hook Manufacturrrs,
ais sr., VhitadetpUa.
t -ik P.wacaa tl . . a ar.
r, noitf, n rapping ,
artati and n all lipd
So. .11 rVmth Third Strtrl. Itiltdrlrhla.
And Dealers in Government Securities.
ni'pilnntion t'T wail will rreeire
lion, and a). iiilritt..inn i,...r..ii. .. .
Ordcra enlici.ed . . . 1.
Firm Trir Cdlrtl
D . v' JO.U I
I "f ,"nn (Ir'tn'.n. late of filmed
1 ''"""b.p. dieeaaed. of .I,,,,,, ;j
," frn,i" 'and. Int.... of which is
cleared. . and h.i ing .herc. creeled a good L-nar
''am.wuh all the ,-st... I com enowc . .. .
neapanl home, for terms and for..,.. .........
tare, apply to T. II. M I II u y
1 1 tui: a it i.oif koh V iTl
C a 1 e Un.lrrsurned w l. m. U .. I... .
.... ., ..... ' " . rivarc sa e
ti .j V ..' """" "wnat auc.i, -
It cLltV "t! ,n " ,'"'-
. a rer "d, air. u.'."'-'," "
"V.1 utn:'" f"' m,d.n". ill
"' ' nri-r-i"1 ir-nTm
-i'tli'iili.iut nil iMt.
mi:iu:hant tailor,
krl Street, I InrflrlS, ',,
IS Ol'l.t. ni,!lr IS In,,,
rlR.ncl4 priH.'.r thsl Siht b.rtkttoi il.
. ' ";".,."? '
tt.nw ,'rr,
au imw 'fparr.i mniw on in 'ni mmt fc
t.x.h H,tii. r mJ ai ft iht fc.'t Battru
i ht) d ! ('l.iflH(r ttiai cailoatri m) imt
I bmt alnayv vo bar.
Clotb, DocBkijifl aud Casimeru,
Kruui wlit' Ii cuitamtrafan maka tliairtiUailtat,
Ooa cmi of ilia Poitof at,
CWaiMd, April :0, 1670-tf.
tHtura ono door cait of Clearfield Houbp,)
Market Mieel, Clearnll, Pa.
K F HPS oa hand a full aaaornaonta af Sta
Purnii't.riir tliKola, aueb aa Sbiru, Libia
and Woolen L'nderahirt, l.rawara and rWki
Nn-k tra, Pook.l II todkerrhia'a. Ultra,, Htu,
luihrelUi, Ae., Id great rarlatjr. Of PtaH
OiNid. he aaepl Uto
Best Clcttis of aN "Shades and Colors
Su.'h a- Mia. k D ie. kin of the rj bail at,,,
Kar.ey Ca.ain.ere, In ureal variel , alio, rraaa
dual. on, Hearer, Pilot. Chinchilla. d Pnaat
on rouxiri. All ol wblrh will be mid f.
Caab, and toada np aroordinf (o Iba lataal Blah '
by aipanenred worhraen.
Al..., Areni for Cl.ardeld lonntjr far I, U.
-.incer A Co'i. celebrated Hewing Uaeblnaa.
N..r. I. H UK I Dili. '
'p iK FALL TKHM of ttranty lwa waafci U1
X. cu lumen cc lUunday. h itoibcr itt,j8;.
A I rimnry d partwi ttt will ba added ta la
Scliool tbn fall : fir whirli thr arrTioaauf a toa
pUnt ii.Rtnictur Lara 4eu tntctd Abdaa
.Hurt Kill b Fimn d tu ren'lcr thu dpartaut
attractive and inclructira,
Hcaiinjr, Ortbojcraphr, Writing, (MJet Laa
aonn, I'riinary Ari'huidie and Primary
(ii-ni-aphv, par barf tens, (of alevta
"ck..; 1 H
lliitorv, Lfa1 and doffriptirt Geography
nu .imp I'nwinf, ttraaioar, nthtai
and Written Arithivrtic I II
Alrr.ra and the HcirncrM I M
I nf rti0ti m lo laitruuwaiatl mMiic ) H
il paibtiti ....a IS
Wat ork I If
For full part icu law arnd lur iiraular.
tk-articld, Aug. !'-Cl-pd.
Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal.
rpilE I'lRs'fFESf IONofiL. Mk.lania
X roarol itatc Inatitutioi will roroaaeaea ea
-oUAV, tb. Irfk da; ol renieasker,
ruAiilicaa enter at anr lima. Thar will It
charg.a win .anion Iroaa tka tiaac Uaj aanrt.
tbo cluia of the eenioai.
1 be ouur.aof tnatrtictloB erabraeei .vary lkfa
tueiwded is a .boron,;!, nraeiieal and aaeeai
ptiilicd cduratiao Inr tiotb aaiai.
Iba Principal, laving bad the adraaUf. af
aivck caper.euca . k.a profeaalon, lawroi pa
rent, and a-aard anr that kia cntlra ability aad
eua.icieB will be nproted to tha moral and aa.a
lal troininf of tte youth placed under bia cbar(.,
II KM- ttf 11 1 1 KIN.
0rthotri.b). rlaading. Writing, and friaaarr
AtilbuiAlic. per Keraion 1 1 1 waekaj fat!
tiritttniar, Uaographj, Aritbmel.s, and
Ill-tore - . II tt
Alel-ra, Oc-aaetrj, TrtgonoaaetrY, Meat.-
uration. horeiag, Philoftpbr, Pb.ii-
ol.-rr. Cbeaaiatrj, il.rok ato.,i..g, Butaaj
and Pl.j.ieal (la- grapb - tl
Latin, (lreh aad Prracb, with anj of lla
akova Prancbea .... 1 f
MChll' Piano (X0 leiforr) . . . ao
aa-N.. d.doeil.m will b. aaada far ataaeiea.
CLaV C. . rurlb.r n.rliewl.M iaa.i,,
Her. P. L. IIAHtllBON, A. M.,
Peri. J. !:. . Principal.
Fitraeicd wi'l tbe aa. of Xi-aori Oira Gai,
and Lo. ai. Aacarntait. Itl.a orjlT baraalcia aad
clTicieot Anvithttici now in nee.) by
S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist,
Who w .ull hrrcl.r ntoat re-prclfall? re.ara kta
luioka lor Ihe hlM-ral patronage ol tka tiaet, aad
mlorin the pul lic tlul be baa retnorad bia oS.a
in the cataii of tat aad Locuat a. reel a. (or.r
le.ikina' itora.) wliero be il prepared to rrarira
hie ruet'.utcrs in nrwlr Cll.-d Ul. ra.. and m
h ir work in the mo. I ak.lliul ant workmanlike
manner. All work d'-ue in tha laleat and raoal
Appro. ed a. and guaranteed.
Ir. Han i will be en-aged la hit office frcea
the lal to ihe 2Jd of ctct. moo h. Tha halaaae c
wrh iiian k be will rpend in tilea Hone, Uarniida
and I.u.b-rpt org, a.lernat. l.r. panic. rcridir.g
t a d ah. ml I wri.r lo na pre.i,,, 0f 0,
coining. Ofh.-e hocra. Froaa $ to J a'aloek, a.
n... ai d fr rn I lo A o'clock, p. m.
Wr nar none I n. ibe T.rj Ual aaa. trial, aad
'! Tr r..u n for heiuty, clieapnrra aad darw (live wa a ra'l.
arwrnat ill.. Pa., J!aj 55, lf7.
t 1 hAt TS arc warrant.1 equal to any made,
lh.-r aro ,.r,-parrd f.oai the fio'la. and will a
fuel. Wltrrltiaa aaany ol Ihe Ealractatkat
arc o!d. Ak roar llwt ar llrnniel for Will,
bercer'l Ctmcla. llAKLOH Mj 10 Pl.t I
.a, wi'bont donl-l. tbe beat arlirla in it. a market
lor t.loeing elo.bea. It will color no ore water I baa
lour ti.o.a .he lama Weight of tnd.go, and aaaek
mure than any othtr aaaU blac in Ike market.
The only genuine ie that put tp at A I.U. i ll
11.1 llt.huKII S I.Nl .) KiOllb' .. Jxa
Second Street, Phtladrli.hia. Tb. b...
bo.h ' ill lore I a and Pa.low'e n.n. o. ih.n .1.
o hera are com. rl. il. I r aaJe l.j ntoat tlreoera
i d ll.urgia.a. WlLTLKHliKR'ri I.MiELIIll I
lh will l.c found on trial to he a anperior art.ela.
Alwara on hand and for fair al rraeonable nncel.
I'urc .irourid Spicee. t.moinc kledicincl, Cbaaioil
Sktna. cl'Tifra. Taniooa Pearl. K.en .nJ ..I
artiel, in tin- d-ug line, at t
Al.l l:KU 11.1 l; Hi; Kit S Ml to fTom.
J :' VE1 Xonh l. nd St.,
Democratic Almanac.
fpillS invaiuAhia pul lirstion Ir for tale at Ike
X foe1 ode. 1. abon'd b. in Ike handa a ewrrw
t'rni'arrat. Il eontama full election retwrna froaa
ecerr ennnty in the 1 ailed States: bm.lra, Ibe
n..Bt.erlor IKtrl contain a complete Hat of the
nan.e...r! 'V'raioiawt, """" :'Ui
dnring Lt.ico.n'a ad.olnia.ra.ion : and Ibst for Uff the nemci of all those eirtlianl wba wee
Impriaoncl during the la roe rwriod. Tfteaa tw
li.ti, for future rcfcTcn,.. arc wank am Iks a
the price of the publication. The nnrcber r. lsf
p aw foil ..f vM..t-M- a.aiirtice. Anvonearndiaf
" centa to the Poal Mi,,.,r, will reccire by r. a -a
wiail a copy fi each rear, friwcf aoa'arr.'l J.ri
Stumps I Slumps 1 1
1VIF. anders.gnrd baa j nrcbaae l lies rigkt of
llr.rb.ld counly f, i:,.w . lA,woaiwa
M.wr l.irsA.To. rii.rnl.'d Jane 7ih. ls;(l.
Ib.a .a dccid.dly the un a. convrn.ent. njoit dnra.
ble, and I eat machine of the dec. Wet wea'her
will not il, .he working p.rt l-emg all of
Iron Tbe machine ia eaeiiy pel and will worb
a..y plaec can W plowed. K c will aell ma
dunce al a small pcf l an cost, and will Ir? to
make il t. Ihr advantage of f.. nicer to bur th-aa.
.. e eoi.e.t netters trom .bow a
i wantii-c ttuAiMa.
II. T. KtRNi
WOHTll.Clc.rfiel.1, Ta.
.. H. OAHKISUV. ( ...,,,,. ...
11 Ha.i. Agent, ciiarficld. Pa. Ji I5:aa
DMIxTsTU Ttl-S Mint lc-Notice
' " keraliy riern tka i tellers .. a-luiuilatralios
on lbs mate of 8il.oVl.i.N l'V Lltt. wee d, ll?c
ol Pile low. iphin, Clca-fi, ',1 cnontr P.'. k.r.
.nt ln daly grunted to thr nndrtaitncl. all ier lndib.r.1 tt said estate will alcase uakc par.
ment, and those bai ig clam.. r drasania will
present Ihim projo-rlv anlkcwooated for re..
and alrowance wllhout delay.
1 l. HIT! Kit. Adrniniitrat
Corwenijlllc, July ) J, 1,17,1 f.
I l hi NTlNi"7,,7V,,TI r
I I " II 1.1AM' Pour, PA.. Ko. Ram Heirs.
Ii.-v. w . I.aa Sr-otrswoon,
a lull and CAoerienrrd ce.pp
' I'. Preai.lcrt, witb
f Ic-her. rhireri
Mlns'io. .elicl.lInU Tbe, r.
bai'dinga are kelog thor.ii.ghlv rep. red, lno
wen t.-r.a b'gina Angns. In. I;. far fwrlkcr
irloreaaliosi a.idrvaa lb. Prcaidrnt. cr r nd for
eaulogoe. I.JO.Sra
Tl llfenli tr. as. II W. I.1.miaI
WIl.PON Fl.wtv,, M fl I N PS. The beet wa
chine In Ihe w. il.l. f;,itr, ..,, wfc ,Hrp
nwlune wi.hont wo-nrT. For fnrth.r tenia
alara. adt-cn Si S. y,. r,iW.w
Vr Tt yd,