Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 03, 1870, Image 1

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nir a ii un in .
The largest circulation of tiny News
paper in North Contral
i Pennnylvania.
Terms of Subscription.
V paid la adrance, or within 3 months... .91 CK
If Slid aflor I and before S months 3 50
If paid aA.r the aipiratlon of months... 3 00
Rates of Advertising.
Transient adrortlscaicnti, per square of 10 linei or
- seas, timss r ten $1 30
1 For aaeh subsequent insertion- 6(1
-Administrators' tail Eieeutors' Ballon. I SO
iuditors' Heat J So
Csutlens and Eltriys. I 50
Dissolution aatleei 1 00
Professional Cards, 1 year 6 OA
Laaal aotloei, per line IS
1 square...
i a-uar.s ..
4 searM..
..... oo
...15 00
,M5l) 00
i nlama, $.13 00
i eoluiun 45 00
1 eolumn.... 80 00
Job Work.
fciafl ejwtn tl 40 quires, pr. 75
1 qairM, pr, qulrs, 1 00 ! Over 0, per quire, 1 60
i shet,XSer baa, $2 00 ) sheet, JJ r ku.tb 00
.beat, lar bee, t j I sheet, J5 or fc-te,1 (I l
tear la af aaeh af above at proportionate ratei.
.'- '' " ' E.litor and Proprietor, i
llLllin i. iiuirl. rnxxK rir.i D:xg.
Clearfltld, Pa,
r JaTLacal builneat of all kinds attended to
aitb promptnets and fidelity. Ollioe in rrridfnee
William A. Wallace. jnli:70
Clearfleld, Pa,
sjuOffea la the Court House. dcell-l;
.i H. W. SMITH,
J.SO rieaiOelil, Pa. If
sraLlia 1. j. tuxki ttLTina
JUl Eatata Agcnti and Conreyar.cen,
Clearfield, Peitn'a.
V.Keal Ettata bought and told, titlei cxara
laad, eoprpyaneea prepared, tain paid, and ina
tm taken. Oilica in new building, nearly
ppogitt Court lluuio. janl.TU
Clearlield, Pa.
-oace In the Cuurt Ilr.uie. Jn.'(7
ClearAeld, Pa.
aa Market St , o'er llartsnlek k Ireln's
Dru Store.
09 Prompt attentioa irieea to tha eeeuring
f Boaatj, Claims, ae., and to all legal business.
March t, l7 ly.
WallaretoB, Clearfield reality. Penu'a.
sV.All legal holiness promptly attended to.
Ale. as Saeoad St., Clearfield, l'a. norlle
And Real Folate Affeiit. C'learfirld. Pa.
Oflra ob Tblrd ttreat, bet. Cherry A Walnnt.
9"Raiptfolljr offeri hli fervifti In pel I in f
ni bwylnf Undi la ClaarSald and aijirtin
oantiaa j and with aa aiperfenoa of ovar twenty
7ar aj a anrvayor, llattari bimielf that t ran
rair aatiifaetioa. febSH.'ltS tf
Clearfield. Pa.
OBea aa Harket street ana door east of tha Clear
laid County Bank. nays.'M
Jeha B. Orria. C. T. Aleiander.
Bellefoule, Pa. (rp1S,'5.y
E. I. KIRK, M. D.,
l.athersbarg. Pa.
. aT-Will attend promptly ta all professional
aalla. aunlftlrrpd
nAVIXO located at Kylertown, Clearfield ro
Pa., offert hit profeaionai arvir to the
poop la of tbt tarroandmg country. Srt. S9, W-y
Bavinc renoTed to AnKonvlll-, fa-, olTm Li
rofetaional Krvirea to tbe people of thai p1"
1 - . at II 11. .......,!.
ad ibo lurroonim country.
attaadaa to.
I.e. 3 Gta pi
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
HAVIXtl loeate.1 at Pennfleld, Pa., offrrt hi
wrafeMional nervieet ta the of that
plaoa and nrroaodinf eiinntrj. All cnlln promptly
ao.aded ra.
C i lie
n" AViSiO located al Osceola, fa., offers lis
profsssloaal s.rlees lo Ihs peopls of that
a I.e. and sarroandin aounlry.
' JjsjvAII aalla promptly attraded lo. Olfr.
and tI'Hi a Carta at., loraierly oeeuplid
a.. e. KM... aijlU-ly
T5R. J. P. BURCHFIELD, Be, Pennsyleania !
7e4walMra, ha.lnr returned from tb. Army,
titers his professional s.rtiess to lb. eitisens
f ClnrS.ld aoaaty.
ar-Professloaal calls promptly attea led ta.
ai. aa Saeoad street, formerly .emipied by
tr. Waada. apr4,' U
rOYaiClAX AND l-tOKiN.
Senond Street, CleaiBdd. l'a.
VaA-faelni permanenllv located, he now offers
faie aroleesMHU serein, i.iineeiun-ii. i vi.
wad Tlelaity. and the pal.lie jeiierally.
promptly attended to.
All -!!
F. B. READ, M. D.,
Kylrrtown, Pa.
Kaspwitrally offers his seniors ta Ih. elllsens of
eaka sarroaaaiag aoaatry. aprls Sea pd
Pa. a. m. hills,
i led res ta Inforra his pstrons, and Ih.
ablie eaerslly.'tal be bss associated with toss
la tbt praetiea of Pral'slry,
S. P. SHAW, D. I). S,
Whels a gradaal of tb. I'lilladelphia Denial
Ollere, and iltlitrrt ha biKbert alien..
.esn of profeeaional skill. All worn i ia
tha afte. I will bald .,sf !r personally responsi
Via for beinf doaa ta lb. ain.1 a.iisfel.y mea
ner aad bif host ord.r of lb. prnf.ftsinn.
Aa aetahli.b.d praetie. of twenty I.) years la
this plan eaablee mo I. apeak lo my palleau
r.l.s. Was. 4, ! ly.
GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor.
VOL. 13-WIIOLKN0.2178.
1 (Pardj.
tJM'uinpi talwnv on linrnl tml mmlo to order
on uliort nut ioc. l'iira bored nn rciuonitlile term.
All work warrnnti-d to render atiifai'tmn, fcn-l
dehrrretl it' tlnirril. mT2i:Wid
.TuKtior of ibf l'eaoc, Bunrcyor anil Cuuvtj&iieor,
I.uthcr.burg, Pa.
All but tnru lntru.teil to him wilt ht promptly
Attended In, PrQi- wishing to Pin lT rar
vevur will da well to fire tiitn a onll, at be flat turn
himiclf that be can rtn-liT nti.ifnrtlut.. 1wiii oi
oonve.vaaoe, arnrlet or nfrm-nirnt, and all li'iral
papers, prompt! and neatly exioutrd. ntarUp
HERD &. Co
Phlliphburg, reiitre County, Pa.
"Real Estate of all hinds bought and sold.
Also, dealers in all kinds uf Lumber. m:!.1,70
Clcarlield. Pa
TTAVINO tented Mr. Kntref' Brrwery be
-XX. bopes bj itriet attention to and
tliti inanufnetnre of a puperior article of HKKU
to receive the patronage of all tbe old and luan;
new cutiii(T8. Auj;. 2j, tf.
den Hope, C'leaiDtld County Pcim'a.
rilHE aubMriber ha dtrotcj tnuh He and
X att niiua to tbc HCAI.INU UK LOUS, and
ttikf t b i met h d of clTcriiig hti itrvic-n lo tbore
who ffir need thtm. Any luriher ioformniioo
an ba had by addre'ing as abor. jflttl tl
DWID nKAMS. Lutfaar'biirir, ClearColtl Co.,
Pa., offrri bit wmM'i an rurreyor in the
wvat end of tbe cunty. All oulia will te nttemlcd
to promptly, and tLa charge inodrrate. l;l.':7U
rllR undcrti(iird otTrn bii prrviccs an a Pur
J rryor, and may be louud at bit rrjuJnoa. in
Lawrence townoliip. Letter! will reach htiu di
rected to Clearfield, l'a.
may 7 if. JAMK.S MITCHELL.
Land Surveyor and Conveyancer,
IJAV1NU recently loeatcil In ttio borough of
i Lumber City, and returned the prnrttec of
Laod Pitrveyiii(. reftpvolfully tender bit prulVa.
ilonal fervice to the owner of nd pvula(ori in
Inniia in Drirficld and adjoining eounttrf.
heetli of convey .nee n-atly eiccuted. and reridenca one door rait of Kirk A
Senerr' itora. aprH :pl4in.
Wholesale A Retail Dealer in
Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff,
Two dour cat of the I'ot Office,
"S.-tuA larr iPiortinent of Piprf, Clar rnP-, Ac
alwayi on band. mylw-ly
P II OTOG 1J A P II (i A L h K II Y ,
Market Street, CI. "Celd, Pa.
"VTEI1ATIVKS made ia eloudy, aa veil aa in
X 1 elear nciithrr. t'"nnlmtU on hand a Rood
.....rtment of KR AMER. STI R EtlSI lll'ES and
STEKEOM'nNC VIEWS. Eramea, from any
style o( mouldins:. SBale t. order. apr2h-t(
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Penu'a.
..Ti11 execute jol.s in his line promptly and
in a workmanlike manner. a rs.oi
Alio, tttentira aianufaitoror and denier In Fquare
Timber and baaed Lumber of all kinda.
jrT"Ordcra lolicilcd and all bills prnmpity
61led. U)" y
Manufaetarers A rstetisive llealers ia
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, fltc,
ctT'Ordcra aollrltrd. Dills filled on short nntire
and reasonable terms.
Address Woodland P. O., CleatfeM To.. Ta. W ALDKKT A 1IKOA
I'reurhillle. lesrlUld County, Ta.
Kerps constantly on band a lull assortment ol
Ilry lliiods. llftr.lasre, Uroerrirs. and evervlhinf
iisiistlT ki-pt in a relsil store, wh.rh wilt le soltl,
lor essli. as i heap as el.ewhere in the county,
frrni-hville, June V, I SSI ly.
M E It C U A N T 8 ,
Dry Goodf, Clothirg:, Hardware,
Cutlery, Qurece.are, Groceries, Prorliloos ar.d
Fhlr g! e,
Clcuflcld, Penii'a.
tsrkt their . store Second street,
neei II. F.Higior Alo'a liar Uara itora. Usnll
II. II. tllll.l.IMlFOltD, Tresidrnt
OITiso Forert I'la-e. No. I2i . 4th st
, Phil a.
JOHN LAWSIIF.. Snpirinliiidint.
Osceola Mills, Clearhi'ld einioly. l'a.
Practical Walch Maker,
Oppi!"ile the Court Iloaeo,
t-LCOND bTRELT, t'LKAIiribl.D, TA.
r.T-All kind, of Wslclios. t'loc!,. sn-l Ji-wilry
proioplly rcpaiird, and wotk wsrranted to girt
satis. aoteoa. aiail id
Justice of the IVsce and Licensed Conveyancer,
l.ulliershurs, C lrarnrld Co.. Pa.
jr-sy-Colleclliin. A reoiittaaeea pron-ptly made
and a'l kinds or leg
short nut ice.
tiislrutneiilf oi'-'CH on
Inventor A Manufacturer of tha
I'r'.cbrnii'd Iron Frame Pianos,
Wareroorae, No. TM Arrh ft., Fhllsd.-lphla,
Hasreecieed Ibe Tiiie M. dal nf lb. W..i!d'r ileal
l,kili London. Kna. Tbe bibe.t 1'riaos
awarded .bra and .tterwver rihibilid.
(K.UIiiiswi-l l-M I )rl
i . iv .be hkm... hatic almanac omy
I I)
t.n. Kvsrf rater should lai. oa.. tf
JlrU Ciooils, d(. I
wo. j Fix i stoJ
Will Flphl II Out on This Lino!
william icb:i:i.
Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,
Notions and Trimming,
Hit t a and C'npr,
Ladies', Misses1 and Children's Shoes,
S,Tlie entire itotk on hand will le uld at a
reduction to prcj ut value, end I aill rrplenieh
tbe atock eery aixty dayt with ehoico ty) i of
tbe bett gviodi in tbe market.
Near (be Poituffice,
CLLA ltl'lELP, PEXN'A. 22
Spring Millinery Goods
, Jual Rret'ivcd at
I-L tha Ladies ia Town and the Country arc
inritt-d to call and see the Ppring FKlee in
mENCIl I I.OWLIl.a, Ac.
Wc haro to suit all ages and sites. We Intend
keeping our a'nek full at.d complele, so that all
ean ha aeoominodatid with Ih. test and ueweit
styles of each season, and at the lowest prices.
Atsn, new fndneements ufTored in the way of
MtKSS.MAKIN'n. in Ih. most ehganl and I
,1.1. wtrm n. lit liill fc
lUmmibcr the Dace:
Main Ftrect, opposite Missop's store,
CI.EAnFir.I.D, TA. marrj
.t.v ni)ii:i
ri I It IV. -ro . . .
Ara aosr reesirinK. direct from Dalilmora, Kew
York, Bustoa, I'bilsdelphia and FilUlargh, aa
iumaDsa stock of
bribery find corruption, in the upper 1 1,;, ji0 bell'' to send his fellow
Doojht at lower prieei llaa lata leca mad. lo 1(),,,"nnd in I be lower, nml even w il h j ,.(, liiti vmen to prison for opposing
aay bouse la towa since iha ood old dsyt b. J IC ,cn, of tbe nntinii, go unpunished. I (, J conflict of arms. The Secretary
fore tha 1st. "unplea.antno."-a!l to ha die c;aj, n member of Congress: 'Aloftlie Tieasiuy under -Mr. Lincoln
tributad ta those wba Curwensrilla for carpet bagger receives f.'i'O, Jiajs it wi fit from a mere enemy to the ex
supplies, ia accordance with the great sacril
ile, '
at which they were bought.
Tha Ladles art particularly Ini it.d to call at
llartanrk Coodwlu'a t heap H:ora lo .s
amlna th. splendid sloik of PHKSS GOODS,
aew on exhibition.
Tliry Hi fy Competition I
Tartlee cannot da Ihcniseltei Ju-tic. ia buy
!rj tic neecsrsrl.s of life without calling on
Curwrnsvill., r nn'a. nijl 'io
NEAR I.t Tlll.llf l-l HO, PI NN A.
.'1 l,u
ANITACTI I.KS all lin ts of Lumber lor
ildmg puqosc Alwai a on hand
ri.A?Ti:i'.iMi lath,
I'Al.lNt:,", Ac., Ac.
His Flaslcring Lalh ate fret, It sawd and ol
different lengths, to suit pun-hneer. I the I'shHR.
arc four fct-t long and reedy polult.l.
All kinds of l.ntnW will he furni-lnd
loonier, and delivered if so di-ircd. rrlces will
liclil'ral, according to quality.
In eiihnr,-'
4q,AII kinds of UllUN tahcl
fur Luui'ier.
Lulhorsliurg P. 0., Jan. 10, 110.
Mill (I N,
la Ua.y's New li.illinr. (formerly occupied hy ; nine or nppoini to ino important 01
Mr. MHianpiie?.! I lico tf Seircliiry of the Navy any
FKt'OND PT., n.r.AHl IKI.P, PA. jpeton who had previously I,, sai'l
(10NfTANTt,Yonhati.laf'ncscii-ciii.n..rCA nomination or apooinlnu nl siibcrib
.,,'i.,',A'?.A,irL,?.';l,i:V:4:;led to.a f..n,l to a .iresen.eil it. cash,
served up to suit the la. tea of customers.
m, ..cntwl .lore.
eprsra tr l. P.. I t LI.ERTON.
(1 AH
I fn.
ARDI.N fvr.I'.im FRKSII A ;onD - the ll.ilslilphia liard. ns; aiio, the
. ccli-iiraiea luisti, ru i s l nr .-. ut rsic i iur
IlrugSioreof ssARTanieh A law in,
af:!!, pg.
-ina--sa-a- rr
i v--
Vla-V. '-
CLEAItriEI.P, rv.
WKIlXEHllAY JIOHMNlI, A t'(i C8T J. 'l v 0.
Tliiic wan a yonn p; ral lit
ho hud a liul lia'nt
Minuet iraeit Iip would do what hit mother forbid.
And one frontv dny
Jlii mother did miy,
"Sly child yciu niut ntuy in the burrow cIofc hid
''r I licnr the dn-nd m-kimln
Of huntftnen and hiMintlf,
Who are cnrrliui(( round fur rnlil'iti like yon.
Mm.uiu iny rt-r dim tout hul
They wniild toon ulioot yon dead,
And tbe dog would he oil with you with a boo
Tuf poor, foi.lMi bcintf,
W'lii-M no our wu I'lnir,
Lonkitig nut from hi burrow to tiike a uliort plliy,
Hi- noppcii bit nie pnimm
W ith in any a bound,
And look- d mouii l proudly aa if he would rniy,
lo t bt a man ?
Now entch me who nn !
Ho tli i a y'Miiiff rHn to a fine applc-trcf,
Where pnawinjf the l.nrk,
lie thoulit not to hfirk
The eoniinjr of huiitcru, w citri'li?s wim he.
Now, aa rlliti arc arootl.
When rouHtt'd or et-.!
A mau came aloiia; hunlin lubhitt for dinner;
lie mw III I If Hun
Tli raited hm hijf pun
And there be lay, dead, I he luolib younir tinner.
(t'orro.pondnie? of the Ntw York Hun.
The Small Thieves runislied j The
Lig 0ne3 Smelded.
Wasiiinoton, Juno 2" Inside po
litical circles of the Capilol uro ntoii
i 1 1 c (J that Ibo Vn nhould bo Ibo first
to Hlriko at certain Instances of brib
ery mid corruption in high circles.
Leading Congressmen fear tluil you
may aliniulaio, through a healthy
public opinion, no invc-ligalion w hich
will uncover llio Iraeks ol high ofiii ials
who have been diverting llio public
attention from gigantic frauds mid
jobs, slecped in rorruption und bribery.
1 ho manner ot divci'liiig piihltu critt-
sligalc picayune
ciidelsliips w inie
great leaders, who nro bartering cabi
net appointments, iinmciiso slices of
the public domain, mid even national
honor, go unjiiinir.lii'd and even tin
liiy by daj- the little members, like
Whitlcmoro, havo been probed and
their lilllo sina bavo been the holder
on which men deeper in corruption
havo raised lliemselvca to pitsiliou of
unsuspected parly. A md of ven
geance, tlina ten ing political ostracism,
Is held over these members, und they
dare mil i ehcl.
When the Military Committee first
Int'iikhiMlinir llnv dul uli I it 1
" . i
Sales, llies'J enrpet bag members held
a secret meet iiyr. 'I 'hey . rvs1ilYV.'J Jtol
investigation should begin ut the head
that is to say, nmong ibo leaders,
who nro making their hoiisands, nnd
not nmong a few powerless members,
who now nml then take f.'iUO with
which lo build a freedninn's school
house. At this meeting resolutions
di- i
wcro prepared. They were we
Igcslcd, und based on ubsnliilc fai ls in
i.e. 1 1 . 1 ... 1 1 .. I.;. I. uu i,. ,,.!... 1 1,
u,J(,i (,,(go to protect their ottn
corrupt jobs.
lholcaiJirs lieinl tlio resolutions.
They were tliiown into intense ox- j
cueni.t,:. -j iw.y .nun not no in i ro-
Iticcil. Their introduction will iot
ibo political denlh Warrant of any
man who shall slanci up nun oiler
them. They will destroy llio l.epuh
licnn party." Such exclamation, with
threats of tho ostracism of any lie
publican introducing llio resolutions,
Miirlchrd them in the Ilotiso. They
bail no champion strong enough, and
so lilllo ten cent investigation hnve
linen rmimr rvn. nnitmiior slid occtlliv-1
ing the allenlion of the people, w bile i
great wrong and gigantic discs of i
over to litiiid house, i
nnd is debased from bis seat III tho
1 :
House, while llie I'i csiilciil I
Slli.tiini from A. T. Siowurt,
which '
contribiilion ci iibles him to niak
?:.'i(HMI frotn tho sale of n holts
winch belonged 10 .Mr. jiowen, unu .
Mr. Siewnrt is called to the Secretary
ship. It is d.ininahle it is unbear
able. Must we submit V
'J'bi so are the rcealnt ions prepnritl
by n room full of Southern 1111 utbus,
and w bicb was to bavo hi en utl'eivd
to tic ll"iice. In (but room
, I
Pock. I V, lloge, Lash, tilth r. Sin I
! don, Pewecse", Holes, Hays. Powen,
' Ccbb, I'ox, Niisbatn nnd Wbitteniore,
jon tbe evo of xpnlsion. Though
: squelched ill Wasliiiigton, Iho vn
now gives tho resolutions to the roun
' try, iiinl risk if time le in t sunn
I member slroiitfj cnmigh to clfer tin 11
i in the lloue:
I Vll'tl is. It i. ir. lilil'v ri'illi.l t!i:i seen 11
oSits of iltv I :::!"t Hlslcs Imiti i.uii III hull' luf
di'P'T'-d ol ,or ro"ni v riinsideralion. to l'n. n
..-tin. Ini ef riit'i'in ii..iitiiliiif atnl tin di li
tnent of the punple; then-tor'',
III Mil v n, Tlinl the Coiiiniitlic en Mili'e:
ATai--. I,, w iinmli .tit a tin' .nil- of cn't- l l'i
he and tl-c .nine is hirct.v aiilhmir' il and d:r-.-li"
l.i Inquire .li. tlitr st'ill.HiK ot llml crl Iiiih I ' t
d 'Or 1 itln-i l.v nil iiiIh'IH i.I I i njrr,. in l;-H' I le tl
iiiltio nre to pim-ure spfi'i'tenn M". or itMinli-r. ol
the c srciitlt c linitii ll ut till' In. 1 1 1 UTTI nt III l e
ulna ii ,r ti c r-onf, an t im-.I I i 11 uiille-- pha '
riceinllv i ii if ii . re-:
1 Whether Hie President of tin
United Slates did al any lime nppoinl
or nominate f f tbe oflieo of Sec-
pctar? of the Trciinitv ai'V per-'O
i . . . - I .
i ......;. ,.i,. ... ...o l ,,,.,i,,,i.
lion or nppoii.tineiil subst I ibctl inonel
lo ft lund lor Ibo belli iit of the Pre si
ilioil .mil leoorl lo this 1 1 oiise I he le
i i
suit of Mud iinpiity.
'!. Wbcl her Ibe President of the
United States did al any limn iiomi
i,r In lli-, Inis., ,,1' u Lniian ,,r .t 111
. . ' .
stilistanlial properly, tn he presei.te.i
I " . , ,: v . -n, ....
!l 'l,..ll.e nn.- .h.l ,.si.l
! erntion w as given oy ticn. iMiniei is.
;!(,., fu.,J SJ. SlIO I I insurer in
v. Y,,Pt- f.,. ,1, n,,. ii,,,,
I. ... n e.,.1.1
lioei", ao'J n ueiuei saiu iiuut 101 i- .
- w mw.miriwtn
( vv.
?' t
was or wiis mil i hn( t-u nieii I al in ruis
it'u n put'so or mini ol' money liir tlio
I'rcHiili-tit, it ltd ipport llio Kuino.
-I. Whether tlio Ilinttiel Atlornc':
fr tlio Southern jMsirict of Mciv I
Vni'k. JikIitp Pii'iTt'iKHil. did or di,J
not snbKcriliP S.'O.IKKt or oilier eoimiil.
'inlilii Mini to tinl llic tk'i-lion of tlio
1'i'iMiilcnt, iiiid if wi, tlio tniimicr in
wliich en id sum was ftiiroiiiiiletl.
WhftlitT liny imrly uiipointotl lo
ft Culiiiiot ollico ever fonltilnitetl
viiliialdo liDriiry or oilier valu.ililo
properly not cimli to tlio I'ri-Hidcnt
belciro 1 1 i k said nppoiiitmciit.
0. Woollier any members of Con
grchs nro Kiipplied with gas lit their
ri-M'denco in Wohbini'loii city hv tbo
.NT i .
Itias Company of mid oily Ireo of
i- (linrgc. nnd if no who. and bow uinnr.
-itid tho nninoa of said mtiukn of
CongieHs. Ininl atiu tieanliliil woods lire maiitpu-
7. Wboibernny member of oillier '"'cd very ninth in tbo canio way un
liitilieh of aro HoekboldeiH, ! I'10 billion, and me an wed out by
directly or indirectly, through any ''!ir macbine. 'J'bo bladi n of the
persotiH b trtiKieos or ngetilH, in uny ' ''"ives, und tbo steel portion of the
1'acilie or 01 her rnil road lo which Ibo . fork, fii-nt nssuines hhapo in the black
Uoverniiient of tha Uniled Stales lias t 1 i t Ii shop, nn imeiiHo room contain
graiiled eubsiilits of iublie lands, und '"n (""rges, ei;;bt or nine trip lianiinerH,
w hoso liondK havo boon endorsed, or"u lHO "'ws 01 urops, caeli 0110 nun
eaher; und it 80 tho natnen ol kiicIi
members, tlio amount of block owned
by lit iti or for him by others, or the
proportion of laud held by him or for
liim in the iiuiuo of others, or tho ng
gregiito vuluo of endorsed bonds, or
subsidy bonds held by bun or by
oilier lor Mm, und lo
pon the mime
to this House.
8. Whether there is unv member ofinrc IC tempering, tbo nnnealing nnd
tlio family of tbo Secretary of Stale!
engaged liy any foreign (Jovernnicnt ' processes tiei e uro very ueiieutc, llie wlien llio pein e 4vns liroken. In u
ns ititoiiiey or'eoiinscl, to whom j8 I olu'les being dipped in oil before they word, their idea of selfgovcrnmeiit
paid a consideration, und whut ton uru plai'fd in tlio uiincaling furnace, I meant iho intervenlion of the con
sideration, if any, for tervites, and ""J r-'rt'ul l'i"if required lo keep stable. They sought lo b avo all the
what kind of services. the furnnce ulwuys ul tho proper do- j various nvocaiions nnd pursuits of bo
ll. Whether uny number of the i K,,,p ' '"'"t- omniiy li five individual clliirt, see-
Cubiuel has a partner, w ho has nlmn-
uuiicu ine jiosmon in uMsiaiu in nis
olliee to become uu altorney iu prose
cuting claims before bis department.
10. Whether any member of ('on
less ban bad employed us clerk in
any ol tlio depunmcnts any i nn lo
Khoso relations to him have erased lo
bo a matter of dutibl, und who is paid
her fees as mistiess by tlio salary of
her position.
11. Whether Iho .Mayor of Wash
itiglon, Silas J. I'ower., did or did not
purchase in a i'n title sale llie bouse
ol tbo 1 resident, now
(jen. .Sheimun,"bir Iho Mini of JllUtUtl,"1'', ''', , , ,, ,
prepaying the President $l,,illMoLi.,d jU "J'P ' ,ll0f f C( . ll",,,t, ,0
U' m!o i and the slid sale was sub-
. .. 1 .1 I -..1. I.
...,ilv m.,i I, ,. n... lv... .
and tho 'samo nroneHv sold to A. T
Stewart and others for ?o,0HI, to be
r,..,,i,ii,.i'nn i. u i ,.,i
I I -
j',,;. ,0 , , g.;.,m .,,,;.!
. ...' '
tiyilio l resilient was or was not pro
I teste! by .silns J. il
loiven, nnd whether
iho (pud settling said sale mid allow
ing tho Prcsidcnl (instead of himself)
to make 25,11111, somo political con
siderations in tho w ay of (jovet nmenl
patronage, district und Poet Ollico ap
pointments, etc.
1 Am Kr.aoivrn, That, in ordrr to inTr.tip ii,..
onimdlee tiae I Jl pow. r lo s nd lor perron's and '
niitlic rlriir. and r'prt upon tln.e nurdum., .aid
I "I"
The U. S. Girondibts.
It is vrry curious nnd instructive to
nn' ice bow many leaders of the Ke-
,ul.if:an puny have been shelved
Uin.o llie war and during llio war
.f,n,0 i,v .-oii.ldelc reiireineiit ami vx-
ji, I1H some by being slow ed uw ny
ill luces of respectability. These per
sols, once nieiuoi uhle, like the turoii
disH of the l'n lit. Ii Kevolulion, w ere,
wil ing enough to start und press the
irn pi es-iblo cniiRict, bill w hen llio
struggle came they either bad no bo
liel in real sti lie, or no tato for the!
cm lliet of arms. The Secretary of i
Sliite under Jlr. Lincoln passed speed
jy r,nni tbo del limit ion that there
, ,, , ,,n w nr, to the ringing of
teinon ol slavery, to 4 11111 neiievei-
in war lor llie rxtitici 01 slavery
ito Secretiny of War passed !
ft . fn a fierce Pro Slavery Iirmi crnt, '
l"eil tho Lincoln udi.iinistra-
tn ( one 01 tno iiereesi anvoiates
01 1110 j.nutini j'ui ushumhi.
The great disturbers of tbe pence, ' ( 1,0,1,0,1 ,ds of rooms nml iho (juiritial
however, were Mr. Seward nnd .M '' j .,n, their beauliliil giuilens and won
Cbase, and tin y served llio I!e iibli deiful colleelions of nit, and that
caiil.arly ti ii t i I they could serve it no j))M,.y in the former wild its 100,1100
hat. even ihotigii ihev 111111 now nere
1st to go. It w ns one of the w onileis
"',c.i.i U.e :ige lo see "ile.--is. und
t th e nnd llicir lew followers Lecome
C.msi rvalive, and il bus ulso been
siiiong Us inai vi Is lo see them power
less to control the pally liny treated.
I bey have done an iiinoiiut iliulbn
(ice government, which no time, iior
tiileiit. nor labor can remetly. !'
not the abolition ol slavery wo Icier
lo, b r that was tbo destiny of civil
war; nor llio ilelnoialir.alion of the
t country, lor thai is nu net uiciii 01
war: nor lov 1 hai r" "' political con-
I'nieiices and K ailei ships, Ii I' ill
. I .
history but n pints it-ill ; but the
git at ci ii, lor nu ii as jii inviv m
. . i .. : . . I - I it. in.
11(1 I 1 III CO , IS Oil V HI 11 J-"ll ll'l mil' ii
omv ol the Stales, Ibo I'idcrul inter-
position in liatii bise, the ctnieion in
tiiiiu ot peace ol local govci nun ins oy
military power, tbo selling as, do ol
the fundamental law til ihe land, the
disregard nf llie i iubl s of ninior -
tho ext liision Itom nu if scais in
sin b Seiiatois and lo pref cnliilives in
. . ... . . i , .. .1 u i 1 1.
I on. ! est us urn mil in ueconl Willi
the Administintioii, Iho iillempted
tonlrol ol the Supreme Coin I, and the
i u I i in iiliilion of justice. These and
, . . . , . . , -.
like evils will ciidnrc as long ns llic
(iovernmcnl exists. Tbo ciealors of
the liepublit an parly set Ibis ball iu
motion, and Messr. Seward and,
who probably never ilri amid of going
so fur. Mid who would have arrested
I the evil In Into ils meat culmination,
' must bp brhl luri-clv responsible for;
r I be 1 lotll 1 111' II I Olll t tllliCII
hen l v iiiem in
. i ' ..r ,1.. Il
in nieriii uismeii, w. ...v..i o. ...v ., .-
e. puniie, uml in iinm running mu i'
St II III till W I Ll f ISt L'll VO till I II 10 I lie
vio ei niiieoi.
1 ' ,
nenrv Jlix., oi iii"i", ....s
. Iiniw.- , l,io,l at BlJlVl
How Knives nndForks nro Mado.
N'rw liriliiin, Ciiiiiociirut, linn n
(Hlk'iy iiiiiniifiiclory, rijiinctl lust
finitiL'. In tlio Kiiiilord Cuurai't we
lit"l " veiy inloivslinir ilcRcriiplidii of
: ''""i wliicli wo lake llie following:
I'l iiH ipitl tiling tii;iiiiilii tnrc( in
' cntlury. Tlio vinlor ia firt la-
j kf to the More-room, wlicro lio rcc
, l''lesl oxi-ii'h Iioiur, brought liitlicr
n'lroin llio tlnnililor Iioiimh of
Voi U fily, 'l'lify mo fii-Nt aoukod and
boilod, iiinl tlititi wiwod out uikI slu)cd
by n hctit'H of iiijreiiiouii mailiine, go
ing tit litKt to llic l ivoling room wlicro
tliry uro fiiHloiu'd lo tlio blailo of tlio
kmlo or tlio hIiiiiiLis. ol t lie fork.
In tlio utore room, too, lio jiilcd of
cocoa, r-Dony orid rtihowood, lirouglit
1 irom tbo region of tlio ennntor. The
i .I.-... I f....i I,..,..
After these lingo msl i ninenU linve
given blades and forks their rough
foi ins, they ure sent to tho punching
room, w here I lie holes for tho rivets
ure niude. They then go to tin: hard
ening or tempering room, which cou
tuimi three funuiccs, in w hich u fierce
iieni i iiiiiouiiii iy iiiuiiiuiiiicu. lucre
1,10 case bardenii'g furnaces I be
1 hm annealing is, a is well known.n
most important, operation. Without
it our knives nnd forks would soon
I end and break and become useless.
From this room the blade next goto
tho grinding room, in which there arc
twenty eight grindstones w ith room
for a io7.en more
given to tbo bb
jierc me oilgo Is 1
In and tbo sharp ;
points to the fork. The grinding room
presents n curious sight. In front of
the rapidly whirling stones sit men,
many of them wearing goggle to
keep the fine panicles which fly i ll
in llio process of grinding from enter-
mv ri.imn, ii.i.-i,, r. v. I I IV .11,., IIIU IV
suit of the fiicu'on, nre evolved. The
"potion of a khife or fo. k grinder
one, the air of the room being filled
will, fine dust, which the grinders nro
olillirtwl In llilillli. n.wl ulili'li uoiiitnuli
obliged lo inhale, and w hich sciiously
atleclsllio lliroat. llio stones, too.
fot'll,'i:e,ynii'itoir uny iiucou'iiib omg
off with great violence, und in every
direction, prom tho grinding room
iho Mudes are transferred to Ibe shaft
ing room, w hero they ro joined to
the bandies of w ood or bone, w hich
wo have before mentioned. Hero a
clever piece of machinery turns out
I he rivets with illlinenso rapidity, nnd
w ill, them Iho bolsier or sl'oulder " ..Hi tho rtlicr. And to this usurp
fastened to tbo handle 1 lieso cd dos.,i.tir,ni all tbo rogues of
Mors are ol nickel and are patented j .,,uor through unjust leg-slauon.-by
Iho firm. 1 he knives being joined Jt ( . tlVllll.cll d he.
to their bundles, nre now taken l ; iioVcd l. law i-uii pass to tbe sig
tbo polishing and finishing room . )1Illllrc , ,,0 President '.11111 bus Hot,
wbeie they uro polished on wheels of L us0 fu , of ,,, obbe ..
cotton cloth or felt. in it."
rp! )i(i 5t-t.relnPy f ti,c Treasury,
Rome as Seen by an American, the Hon. Salmon P. ("base, informed
i n- iV i- . i i the country that in our hour of dis-
liotne is a oiiiicuii. sui'jeci n. "e.ii ,
with, so many books and letters have
, II,.
been written about il. It looks so dif
ferently scon through (I liferent specta
cles, nnd il is so dillieult lo discon
nect the present front tho past. Its
Mli.aiion ih not unpicas,, ,1 to tne rj o,
. , . . ., I
vi.i 1, uu ....... ....v.
lions, from whiih strclehcs off the
Ciimpiigini to distant mountains, and
w iilnn and otilsnie its waits nro gar-
th us and pupliu grounds of interest. ,
St. Peter's is a w omlerliil church, and
1 so is St. Paolo, with its immense j
' w bite marble floor glistening liko a
i sea of glass. The ruins of tho Colis-i
rum, liKc llie lint lis 01 1. uraeiiim, nna
,. ',, ,,f ,i, ii,,,,, i,,.n . i,,,;!,!;,,,-,
,,. ,, .n. i,,,,,,..,, ,,,,, ('..Hm,,;,, em.
HJ oli(i( 1(IJ iM),,H ,,(,,., ,-,8 w bicb
, . ni.ri,m,ib.iiii.r ever since:
the Palaeu of tbo alieiiti with Us
volutins adorned wilh pinnting
V:ise. nnJ the cixl'V g'fls of kings;,
iho Ctilaconil s. vbero lie bones ofi
the dead of so many ages, and iho I j
great memories mid religious ussocla-!
lions. Ann somo ol llio si reels 01
Ibo s il v those most li o' by 1 .
Urnng. rs-tboiigh generally without
sole walks, are on a ilry, cool, sunn)
my, not uupieasaiii. ,ui t un v .. ..s.
,, .r J,,,
d it 11111 not le ignoren tnai
Home has 11111 low streets and curly
smells, beggars and fleas, and potti,
Initial miasma. Cut of our pirly ft
1 si ven, It ve w el 0 sick ineie, iiiiu ',
" - . . . II I . 1
.nid ol tleaiiin (.! Urai'gfra nil aooiu,
, us scvon in ono hotel, und tbreo
oneiiimny. i am mini u nv
- - . . i ..til i .... i.l In
IvOUie , MIOUIll II1IV U I'tTII S",,j
j ,,,vc rvvn jt but lo seiik tbe Irtilh,
' must say, that coining fiom it to H'V
( .:ir, cool, invigoriiiing iiioiiiuiioi
ice s.-cmcd like
valley of the
i. rari'hly para -
on Iho i 'neat
, f tl,js beiiiitilul I loreuee
: passing out from the
: sihadow ol dealh intonti
,1BPi i was in l.ome on ino gieat
j,,.. r S carinvul, and agreo with
. I . . r . I. . I ..... I....
I lie col respondent of ibo London
Tutu , that il is llio human intellect
reduced to ils lowest M. G'tonji' T.
.!.; 7.
ojly dear," said the sentimental j
Mrs. Waddles, ''homo you know is al
ways llio dearest spot on earlh."
"Well, yes," said tbo practical Mr.1
Waddles, "il noes cost ino about twice
as much lis any oilier soot."
Tl .lltr.. I,... iLminlrc"
Iliimm,,,.,,.-,..,,,. , j
tn.lao.,!,.. ',.,.,,..,,!,,,...,!. , ,, il.o Clio
( , h... ' -
i'"- " v..v i....,i ;
Ill the Coroner's olliee, at San Krnn-
I . .... ., i.
iseo, a certificate of death re
. .-..., n -- -,
jOpied from rupture of tb head
TERMS-$2 per annum, in Advance.
NEWSE1UES-V0L 11, NO. 3.
1 i I h i it 1 : r ,iims.
Some miirmfr wh n the .hr Is eliar
And wliollv bright In view,
If one .mail i.) a of dnrk appear
In llirir irn.l lirnvrti of blue;
And some with I l.a.inful l..te arc flllidf
It' bill one strak of lirht.
One rae of Moil's grttui merer s;iM
T he Uniknt-ss ot uilit.
In palaees are hrarts tlntt ask,
In ilt.iiittiit and prhii',
M ini.. ht. is sii'-h a drrary tack,
I rid all pond tt.itijrs di iiiid;
And lii-flrls, in poonot boln, atlniire,
llt, hive bus, in llifir id,
(1. ne I tint not ever srrins to tire,)
fcyuob rich provision uiade.
ArvkliUtifp Trmmrh.
Appalling Corruption of the Bepub-
1? TV . 4
ncan i any.
He publican W Itucaa ou the HI and.
fienernl Pon Piatt lias one of Mb
strong iirtich s in llic Cincinnati Com
merrial, in reply lo General Coinley,
tlio Postmaster editor of tho Coltiin.
btia Journal. Aliir erasing dome
things from the Idler that uro rather
personal und bitter, wo muko room
for the following telling extracts, and
commend them to the ulteiition of all
honest liepublicans:
W AMiiNOTos, June 27.
Let us eo. It wan the desfgn of
tho fal hers lo I'rumo a iivel nnieiit
that its powers should be few, und its
duties fiin pie. Jlecogniziog the great
j truth, thai the object of tbo liotern
mem wiiH 10 Keep i no peace, tlicy
, sought to so franio its organie law us
to have the powers intervene only
iog only that ihu strong should not
impose upon tbe weak, lolhe Slates
lliey gave tbe care ol the locul affairs,
to the General (iovetnmeiit all the
duties requisite to our protection as u
It seems, a wasto of time to repeal
1 ,iese truisms, yet w ho recogmxes
or believes in them ? And lurniinr our
backs on snch great truths, w here are
wc f At the I irk of a tiresome rejM'
Ittion ot all Hint I havo been writing
lor a year past, lei mo say in brief :
Under our present system tho local
governments have lostull significance.
Throughout the South, Under one so
called uels of reconstruction, Ibo law
of bate, Iho Legislatures havo come
to bo Congressional di pendencies,
tvhero ignorant negroes, under the
control of unprincipled demagogues,
ore mado to steal and plunder, until
the law maker and tbo law-breaker
differ only in name. In the Southern
States mils in the Sepu'c are put un
highest moneyed bidder, and into this
Senate are gradually gathering, thro'
usurpation, all the political powers of
Iho liovernment.
To tbo Government thus central
ir.ed come all the business interests of
tho people, save those of Iho fanner
n ud tbo laborer, each striving to so
......a l .u-a l.t u'lll iitiol,!., il In ni'ur.
- .. , ,, ...,!
lll-B.IIIVJ in V ..,r.,wi..
peril ho was lorced to pur
chase iho bankers of iho I nited
Slules. And to get theso capitalists
inlcrested in tho (.ovcrnmeiit that
protected them, ho bad to make most
extraordinary terms I will nol ,ay
i, l( m:ncd (ic lWnM. llkti
1 1 n1 1 111
. .1.. .. 1 . u-orn an
1 treated by llio eminent tiiumcicr who
1 eras then al tho head of the Trensti
I ry, and they accepted tho terms and
j tbo character. 1 1 is no exaggeration
I to say that br the purpose of enrich
I ingand stistuining these money-chang
ers we pay nioio thnn our JNalionai
Govern meiit cost ns. Any nltetnpl
1 to amend, rev ise, or repeal these terms
I considered n w ar necessity nnd tcm
Iporary is met by tbo violent opposi
tion ol eighty PHlioital bunkers on
the floor ol the House, and enough in
tho Senate lo givo tho leeches a ma
jority. All the coi partitions, firms and per
sons interested in the iron business
nro openly organized into an associa
tion, and pry into a common treasury
a mini that may lc caned a corrup-
lion fund, lor it is used lo influence
....I. lull..,. I.m filll.V Wlll'll
m( nil,n,H,rs ..j.i,, 'j Washington,
. ... i....,,i..i., i .i.,.i.
i I ....,, 1. .I l,,v,Un,.lv in
i .. ,1V ,.1I1K, ,.. 1c PU of tho salt
I(1I,(,r,.. ,,tH.,, the samo may be i
, fM f ,.Very inlcresl that has money
,.,. ... .... n,i t.mll V cnutigli
(Q j,
(;,.(,rnl v yoll,. ,cni,cr of Congress ,
1(ns n",iiilir through whom bis
"u ""'eels Ik 1,1. r, bused.
1 ..fito is nun based. Somel lines organ
. .,,;,, rxlfi therein Is. Ii. twenlV or
il.i. t.. .irn T-etiliisenti d bv ntifi
n..,.nt who si Us out lv the
. is ' .
Jot llic ciiicus the enlire pin full.
We hnve a corrupt Congress, a sla-
pid l.xccutiVe, ami tho only arm
the (Jovvrniiieni that remains pre i ,,,,, ,1IVt w,;i t-j,n i.t-intf In Hot
! l!ie il"-i,"' '',ll"'t. nd that a I real j H,(,...,ll ,, (,,v .,v ,ut
!ll"1 ""'s'111 to T"1 k v,v-1 Juptter.snd bow ii.g low, tbu-.a.idn
l'i'- wn, und the Senate', (,0 J ,t 1. roi). 1 idol : "Sir, if i
strive lo destroy.
1 say, then, iu all soberness, that il
wo are to accept tho liepiiblic us il
now stands, self goVel i.nielil is a fail
ure. And to tbo philosophical stu
dent it would appear us if ihese were
llio net results of our boasted institu
tions, ll may bo there is a saving
power yet held by ibo people, and
itiiiLwbeii the worst comes lo Ibo
worst. Ibis w ill be brought to bear
upon llie money changers in the tem
ple, and drive them out. Put I do
not see ll.
Ylhilo liipuiilican Ctlitors
nuecia lang.i -s . , . ...,
. iio- rmic editors
iirelend to lind
salvation in the
rceloralioii of their
pnrly to power.
inn iruo reiorm
lies in ignoring
' line, nml iiitiiriiiiiii lini.i..l mi'll
nest men
i. , ,. . . . . ., ....
(to office I feel tale in this I doubt
Wei'thcr Stl hirteal fiSri, tspsbl
rnniipli to hultl hIHop, en fs a prolre.
Ibinist, and na for lb tiisny ihrmri
of pliiutler Unit make moral niiaema
shoiil llic Nniiinial Capilol, hs must
turn bis tun k 11 pun tin 01, en bm as
he bn a good emotion In bis heart of
1 lnc'xs bnisa upon hi. check.
II Is nil eiy sell to sit Inn k in Hid
obi Issliioiieil arm chair of oflicn, and
luilgh al 1i hi l,iiiixoie, w bo go charg
ing up Btnl ilowu tbo world, mistak
ing w ind mills lor giiuits. t'ti'jiies
tioiiubly the I'og bank and Cuvo and
wind mills and they are John
liiinibilph said, tun hy wulur, but by
hisky, womun, rings nnd foul lob
bies. And uii'biubleilly 1 11111 a (ui xotio
ass for charging into them, when bra
different course 1 might now brj
swinging buck in an ofliciul chair,
laughing al the si lipid peoplo for be
ing so dainiiably imposed upon. Hut
Ibo world has lo bavo its ollleial phl
losophers else how could wo run
the post office nnd its Quixotic asses
elso no reform.
' m m -
Japanese Schoo!s.
Tho sc hools of Japan possess many
singularities, especially thoso for
young girls of fourteen or fifteen
years of age, denominated finishing
schools. n thoso establishments, all
masters pay for tbo privilege of teach
ito;, instead of (a is tbo cao with Vs)
being paid for their lessons. This
makes tho instruction a labor of love.
Then, again, to a certain extent, a
Japanese young lady is ullowcd c7u
siderablu freedom as to tho selection
of her instructors; she generally pre
fers the best looking, '
A lady principal of ono of our fin
ishing esliihli-htiien'.s for young Indies
Mould not boa I, tlio surprised if bin)
could bo siiddenlr transported to
Japan there to study tho peculiarities
of Japanese cuntoms.
Instead of our closc'r pent school
rooms, wilh tho girls silling bolt up
right upon an cdtieiilioual stool, sho
would find the girls in a delightful
garden, fragrant w ith lea and flowers.
She would see 11 11 u 111 1 cr ol lilllo suin-
mer-liousca, embowered in tho midst
of ihnso charming vegetable products
lor which Japan is so justly celebrated,
brought to perfection by the most
exquisite borticullure. 5he would
see bright eyed damsels, wilh cheeks
pink ns roses, moving around with
grnceliil steps, each bearing a amnlf
lacquer tray with tea nnd cukes. Sho
would See theo dumscls, with joyois
smile and modest meiu, wending cacti
their way to a summer house. In,
each of thoso summer house sho
would see a master or professor, either
wailing tbo return of ono of the re--freshiiient
bearing damsels, or clsd
sitting by the side of one who had
already come back. Japanese gii Is re
main in edueutiotial seminaries of this
kind until murriuge, and they inukw
excellent wives
New York and Pennsylvania.
The only real dalo we have on
which lo make, an rstimalo of the
growth of these two S.utes are to be)
louud in their votes nt tho Presiden
tial election of 1(S0 and 108 Ihd
interval covering cigbt years Of th1
decade. Here are the figures .'
Total Vote. New York. Feaasilrania.
Is 00
Increase tn S yean, Kl.lilo 1711,20
The iiier.'Hf nf roles In TT.-e, o.t
New Voik 11 was less than 20 per1
cent. Allowing lor corresponding
growth between 1S0S and 170, when
the ninth census is to tie taken, we
may estimate that from WiO to 1S70
tho iKipulation of Pennsylvania lias
increased at least -11 per cent, w hi let
lliul of .New York bis increased aboufc
'J.'.) per cent Tbo Presidential voto
of 1x00 represented in New lork,
according to tho eighth census, taken
I hat year, population of 3,80,727.
Add lo ibis 2!) per cent, and it will
give New York a population in 1S70
ol 5,010,1,17. The Vote of Pennsylva
niii 111 liio represented a population:
tif 2.1100,570. Add to this-ll percent,
and tho population of Pennsylvania
in lv70 will l 3.0(I7,''1 in" round
numbers, while New Y'ork lias 5,000,-
timl inhabitants, Peiinsy Ivamn has
4,100,000. Tho superior growth ot
Pennsylvania is owing lo the develop
ment of sources of wealth that do not
exist in New Y'ork ; coal, iron and oil
being tho principal.
When I was teaching in -
nary, 1 boarded with un old lady wlii
had an opinion on every subject, and
expiesscd il. Ono night a train ran
oil' l he track near by, und in eonse-1
qnenco ttiero Was a deal of w histling.
Next morning Iho old lady inquired
if wo bud beard Iho disturbance.
No;" 1 said, "my wife thoilgbt smoo
thing was the msltcr, but 1 heard
nothing " -'Well," said she, "I daid
presume there has been an accident,
for the cars have been wh. siting most
all tbo nit-hl: 1 hey w Infilled and
w histled 1 dare presume, for liulf un
hour. I didn't think il possible lor a
iiitin lo hold bis breath so long!"
"Why, mother," raid bet ilutiglitcr,
"it's "a steam wliistle." "La !" said i
Iho obi latly, "1 always thought that
it was tho engineer Unit whistled. "
Negroes are being imported Into
Louisiana finm llayti Hero Is
clianeo for litiltirali.utioii under llie1
bill recently passed by the Itadicals.'
The voters ure coming by tho ship
load. The Ibnlical purty no longer
expect tn bold power by iho votes of
white men, or even native born ne- -groes.
They mean to briin llio dirt
eaters nml siiaku-wofehippors from
llayti ami Afiicn, lo rulo America,
mould its laws, and fashion its bmruis.
This is an illustration ol ibe real mean
ing of the uiiieiidmenl to tlio Natural
ixation laws, lio do white tnen
liko the change .
A Sharp Lookoit. Smollett tells
nn niiectlolcol a Hull crnr.v iree-minxcr
should ever get your bend above),
staler again, I bopeyou will remember
that I treated you polllely in your
adversil v."
"What is tho sire of this placo ."
gravely asked a New Yorker of the
conductor, jut utter iho brukeinan
bud sung oufO-pe Ii kuy,"atu South
cm station, where not a house was
visible among tbo pines, except a
rambling shed called an "eating s
loon." "It's about as big as Now
York.'' was the ready answer, "but it
isn't built tip yet."
The Hon Freeman Clnrko, radical,
and ex comptroller of llio tressiiry,
Washington, says thnt the people pay
; ?9U0,OOil,0O0 taxes, only eiOO.000,000
1 of which ever roaches ibe treasury. '