SlufpubUran. (J rotten li. (joohlander, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY Mor.MNU. JTI.Y S?, lcTO. Democratic District Ticket. AS.SK.M1U.Y : JOHN V.. HALL, or km rorxTT. Sobjest to the action of tin Diatrlet Convention Democratic County Ticket. BIlKRlFFi JIIT1N J. PIE, OP OIHARD. COMMISSIONER! DAVID nLCK, or CI.KARFIKLD. DISTRICT ATTORNEY : A. W. W ALTERS, or ci tAitriti.0. Jt'RY COMMtSSTOVVW. AC Oil A. I'AIIT, Or CLKARriRLB. ACWTORi D. AARON Will, or mox. COKONER: SAMUEL A. CALDWELL, Or BRADFORD. . Happy Oay lomlns. Tlio Ititilical elements uro beinj; greatly dmlurbcd tlirouliout llie country. (! rant's administration, bo- Ing conducted on tlio "pd enterprise." plan, in breeding disscnuion, because pf the imbecility and rastulily of liis appointees. If lie. njipoinln an bonettt man to office, it is un accident, not I lie rule. The great majority of liia parly know and see line, and give Democrats but little trouble to convict the "loil" leaders of all manner of crime. In many localities wlioro Radicalism linn reigned supreme ever since its advent, the honest portion of the parly have met and nominated competent and Loncsl mcu for oflic-c, outside of the old ritijcs. Thij movement has pro duced a prodigious bowl from the throats of the "dogs in the manger," which however, augurs well for the country. To still further illustrate our posi tion, we re produce an article taken from a lulo number of that excellent and influential newspaper, the Pitts burg Commercial, which is working nobly to rescue ll.e Slnlo and Nation from a band of robbers and bufl'oons Wliilo lamenting over "our cause," the editor in question, while uttering many other noblo seniiments, nays: The Slnlo of New York li honrlrailv loet to the Republican came. In the country diatrirte of mat Male wlirro the KrpuUioane bad eti.OIIU majority five jcere ajo, ire aro to due in a minority. The party biu b?on murdered hr it. firetindrd frienile. A corrupt horde of politician, aittocd Ihrroaclvce or the ntal, of the party for tmrpoeca of public plunder ami turned out ita life blood. Fur all puq.u.ia nf pul iic uflinu the party ia New i ork li di-a.l. and the unanimour verdict of the Niw York Republican prraa ia, murdered by lobby ietr and public plunderer. Are we to have rnch a elate of arluira in P. nn Ijlvanin? Let candid and inlidliavnt Kcpublirane k thrmaelrei how far are we behind New York and lllinoia now. If we expert to carry Prnnavl vania we muat n-rrue the State from the thraldom Id which Cerncrnnieni and "rine;a" and lubbira have placed hor. Rrpnblicana will do longer nglil for a victory which nicana UDlituited liecuac to plunder the State. Republican, of Allrr;lirny county! Ynu hare DOW ao opportunity of rescuing your pnrtv from the damnation of a Ting." Timid men will la.'k to you and conjure up the pluintoin danger of divieion and defi-nt. Ring matrri and come honrrt DlrD too, will prattle git.licriali about boltrre" and reform ,'a the organiutioa ai if there were any "boltine;" or movement omttliit of the orgniiiiation. Remember that timiditv nrver relonncd aniline, and never will. K'eot the ticket at the bi-ad of our column and you will hare able, pure, incorrupt il.le men in office, who will do honor to the party and tlicmarlvre in their reported puhlie talioni. You will do a real practical arnica in th iiilcrtela of purity and reform. Will yon do it t Or, will you wait until the party in Pcniiavlvanla hai hern murdered a. It already haa hern in New York f Vi a do not dnuht your M aponae. The condition In lllinoia it not much better. Oovernor l'almrr dracrihra the l.rjri.latnrr nf laat Winter aa uttorlj il.moraliird Tha lohhr wa in oomplet. puetiieion of both houetn. dictating legielation at ita will, and robbing the State ot inilliona. The Etitrulire waa overhorne, and a plundering mob installed in the eapilol. The writer portrays tlio "loil" patriots most complete in this indict mcnt of his parly, and wo are satisfied that the voters next fall will find the wholo party guilty of high crimes and miBtfcmeaiiom, ami turn iit.m out of office and deliver tlio country into the bands or tlio old 'Union Savers." The Philadelphia Aye tiys: The Radicals hereuboiils have "gone back" on General Grant. His Immune sug gestion to ' have peace" wis con temptuously di-rcgarded on Tuesday and Wednesday, lllack eyes, broken beads, mid bloody i.oses, "wcro a plenty as blackberries." Rowdyism and blackguardism wcro universally rampant, and the peace and good order of tho cily were shamefully outraged by the political ruffians who were struggling to get possession of the public Treasury. A Rotal Rfirmr. Monsieur Pura. dol, French Minister Plenipotentiary, shot himself nt 'i,tl.i,.,,i.. 20th. Ho had iust l,Nn ,1nnin.l!!'ilillr::f ' V'" l:Tl:U.V7. "l " li lu i nu riiveu in iihnilon a neck Jircvious to cominitlinn the f.itnl d.-od. Enlinh, (uTimin, ntij French Court rirclen praino him highly an an att-ont- lihcd tiitmmnn und (,'eiitlemiin. cause is aligned for tho insh act. St ddf.n Kf.atil The tclegrn.h on HaturdHy announced the midden diuth, nt Creon, on Friday night, 0f Mr. n. C. Frain-ianin, ,.,.,., ntrolll f iiic rcnnnylvaniu lliiil l!ud. J!P. F .l ir ...... 1 nu ijuictiy Hint In, :ru M,,.I"'J' vuMiiuy una ... . . ulnar n. :.. ,i i... i i ...i ;""UI"8 uoaui onlil the awoke in tho morning, although ho Occupied tha antno bed ho did. UrAn. Gen. Wm. A. Leech, !eni. Icr of Wills or riiiladelphia, died in that cily on the 2CUI,, Hfn-r linKcrinK illness. The cily ha, lost ,n excellent t-fllecr, and tho Democratic party vwiu uri'iufr. Tht IV r lntnh'i IronMr. The fiillowing letter front J. W. Hmiili. the colored cadet at West Point, to his folks at home at Hart ford, Connecticut, certainly makes out pretty bard timet for that young pioneer: iif Pout, N. v.. June ft, i:a. Y'otil kind li Iter .bmil.l hate been an.wi rot long ere tli-., I.ul ttal'y I hne km t bana.M-d with eianiiiiaiion and the in.ulta and ill to alim-ot ot thi-.e cad- t tb:il 1 ciMild not write or do novlhil'ir ele Irari-i ly. 1 paiscd the riauinati'.n all rulil and gut in, but my companion, Howard, tailed and wiv r.-jected. 'Since he wrnt away I haw breo lonely in-li-cl, an 1 now thcao I. Ilowa niiprnr to be trjinj; tlinr ntt t to run me off, and I they will tn-i'fd if they ootiliiiue aa they have begun. We went into camp yealcrday, and not a inoioi'itt but pa.acd aiucc Ihi-n tut loine one ol tbeiD baa bvtu ciiratng and abumn me. All night ttiry were around my tent, and rwearing at me io that I did uot eleep two noiire all night. It ia juat the eame at the table, and what 1 get to rat I mini match for like a dog. 1 don't aih to reeigu if I can get along at all t but I don't think it will he beet lor mo tu itay and take all tha and iiiaiilt. thut are heaped upon nic. The examination was very hard llna year harder thtiu ever hvl'ore and emtio I have been iuecra.ful in getting in I will rtar aa long ae 1 poaaiblv can. One ot the cadetf reluat'd tu drill theaound ticcauac I waa in it, and thev reduced bun from euriioral to a private for Uieobclitnce of urdera, nnd they are all mad about that. T he una who drilla the quad uow ia the lucalicat aiiecimi-R of humanity ever aaw. After marching ua out to the drill ground thin morning he intd lutne, "Stand oil one aide from the line, you d d black eon of a b h. You are too uear that white man. I want you to remember that VwU are not on an equal footing with the white n:cn in your claaa, ami what you learn here you will have to pick up, for 1 won'i teach you a d d tiling." And thua he kept me atanding until the enptain came around iuapecting, when he pretended that he put me there tu tench me a movement which 1 had never practiced be fore Acd I eool.l r n.ol.lni, n, !! or 1 W....I-I liuve becu locked up lor diaobedience of ordure or diarerpeet io "auperior onicera. If it ever haj peua again I ahall deny it to hia face and then reaign. Ii I complain of their conduct to the command aut I muet prove the chargea or nothing can be uone; ana Wlicre am I to nnd one liom ao many to teatify in my beliull f If thia attaruoon 'a dull ia eonducted aa thia morning'a wua. you net-d not be aatoniabed at bearing that I have resigned. 1 hare borne inault upon inault until I am com pletely worn out. 1 have wiitten a plenty of bad orwa. and 1 wikh I bad eouic good newa for you, but alaa! it arems to lie getting worae and worae. I forgot to tell you that out nf ninety-une ap pointee, five failed phyaically, forty-avien failed mentally, Uavingtbirty-uincadmittcd. Tlicy had prepared it to tix the eolored candidatca, but it proved moat diaaatroua to tha ahitea. i. W. SMITH. Why don't tho 'government" attend to those "nasty" white boys? Grant and Gcury, each have a Bon there. Why do they not enjoin them to associato with this nii'ircr baby ar.d keep it quiet T As the "pet lamb" makes no distinction, we suspect that Grant and Geary's boys are as bad as the rest of tho "while trash." Let the "govern inert" set the example, and make its own son nicrs and sleep with the "national ward." Practice what you preach, ye hypocrites. Sambo's Soi l in Danumi. We havo already shown by statistics that the attendance of the colored population in tha South at church had shown an alarming decrcuso since tho war. A correspondent jn Virginia, formerly a slave owner, endeavors to explain tho cause for this, lieforo the war. Sam bo, by tho proceeds of bis labor, con tributed to the support of religious communities, and churches vied with each other in efforts to snvo his soul in other words, caring for hisrcligi ous and moral training. Sinco tho war Sambo finds that instead of pay ing for religion culture in luhor, he bus to pay lor it in cash ; and as that is tho caso ho prefers paying it to preachers of his own color, or, as it happens in too many instances, not Io pay nnylliinu; ol ull lli nce it in that ho is growing careless and indif ferent about religious mailers, and un less somelbinir bo soon don? by his Northern friends and sympathizers to rescue him, there is danger that ho will eventually relapso into bis or'gi nal condition of barbarism and von dooistn. Hero is nn upportunily for sumo ol tho self sail ilieing, strong minded school-inarms, and others philuiilhropieally inclined in New England, to lend a band to save the perishing soul of poor Sambo croil sinks into darkness and oblivion for ever. y. V. Jit-rald Nt.w Emii.and All the Time In tho interest of tho cotton manufactur ers of .New Kniland tho Radicals in Congress, whilu voting to take the duly off coal a Pennsylvania produc tion, and while reducing the duty on iron, unollicr J ennsylvunia produc tion, raised the duty on cotton fabrics. The bill which passed the llnuso on Monday of last week provides that lor excry yard of unbleached cotton imported 5 cents per yard shall be paid, and 10 per cent, ad valorem ; and on till colored, stained or printed col tons, 5 conn per yard and -'0 per cent, an valorem. 1 hesc duties which uro to bo levied on foreign cottons to create monopoly fur tho New England innnufiiciurers, amount to the full retail prico of cotton before tho war I .Such protection as this is nothing but robbery of Pennsylvania for tho beiiclil of New Knglan dSlatcs. It is un outrage Xrtnlo Oitick-!ioi,iii:h. A white woman, tlio wi(o of a ducuiiKud nolilifr, linn livi-n turiiid mt if tho Kourtli Auditor'K Uflici' of tlio V. S. Troaniiry, Io ni nkc room for Kale V. Ji'tmiiij;, a mulatto, wIhiko fallior h reported to luivo j;ri'at iiifluiMifo with negro voters of Vnnliinjrtou City. Tliin ia tlio fit-Kt n i ii t iittMi t of mi African lemule uiiuiiifj tlio lady c-leiks in tlio Treasury leiartmeiil. It ii uttli a concession to tlio inrro voto n the UudicnU w ill he compelled to make if tlicy expect to liold it. Thai they aro ready to iiuiko tho sacrifices do mantled of I hem their conduct bhows. IllTAtXATKix.-Tlio llloonislmrg Co lumbian lent lis that A. 1'. Kowlv-r, Ticumiier nf tho Tuck Holiin Iron Win kg if 1mii ille, und formerly Cat-liicr of the Firnt Xalionnl liaiik of that place, is a defaulter to a laivc iiniotiiit, and liasnliseoiided. The lin- m i til in m AdsctlH lint ktmwii, hut wo tlliili-IK'.miil thut it in clnimi d Ihry w ill .ny Bcvcn'y live per cent, nf liieir indclitediieK". No iiifiirnmtinn lnm tn-en received a to t!ie w heieiihinilH nf Kowler. Kruno Eyr ai itv. Kvtinaville, July 11. Jtt-tico Jitnie T. W'nlker him dcchired l l.o Sluto Inn n ninii.iiiia; the iiiterninrriii";o of iierocd nnd whiten to he contrary to the Civil liiirhtH act of Cnimrotia). l'eler Vandei made, a llollnnder, nnd Lucy Ann Union, n niululto, whit weio uirtsted on Sulur- i.l,,.. r. ...,i i their ninrthitfe declared lawful. A newsiinoer iiai'ni?rntih un llmi Grniil t Ill-catena, t0 cut olf the head of every friend of Stimncr holding oflice under him. Good and while ho i ahiiut it, why not cut oft .Stimiier'a beai ile !' livod too long already. The New Yora .Standard, the organ of lien. Puller ami Him,.n i CMresan answer to this : "Haa the Republican President a party?" Thf Taittf'on Sir I. The follow ing Letter explains itself most capitally. Tho tun IT humbug is pretty thoroughly ventilulcd : PliTsni iiiiii, Juno .'hi, 1"70. fort. Ihmcin I'lirl.i, M. ".; HiarSir: I havo just road tho letter of P. It. Ilninot, Kst .addressed to ynu on llie subject ol 'limit on steel. It wits addressed to you in tho inter ests of the consumers of steel. Tho number of direct consumeri of this valuable product in this country amount to obniil 200,0(10. This largo number is made up of tho maniilac turers of saws, chisels, augers, axes, trowels, knives ,swords pistols, skates, pens, Ac , in u word, of tho makers of all kinds of tools used by our muchan ics und skilled laborers. Cheap steel, therefore, is a necessity for this quar ter of a million. Hut tho number interested in cheap tools is fur greater than tho number nf those who mako und use them. Cheap .tee! makes cheap tools, and cheap tools meun cheap food, cheap houses, cheap fuel, cheap travel and cheap clothing, und those interested in theso things arc counted by the million. Now, Mr. Brnnnt proposes to cheap en steel by maintaining tho present tariff (45 per cent.) if possible by in creasing it. This ho would do by a specific, instead of un ad valorem duty in the interest of tho revenue, to pro vent fraudulent issuing. Ho far as he 'recommend a specific, for an ad vulo- rem lariil, ull lovers of justice, hones- y a.iu patriotism will go with Intn, out. so tar us increasing tno duty on i voiiceriicil, wo uro not so itv to RW mwvri whether right or and all, in the spirit of heart cxamiiiu clear. Jlr. JJrunot kindly volunteers wrung, is plainly observable. Ho husl tion, prayer, and faith, and uid in -' sv..-....,.-,n. HUl IV may bo ttsked, don't tho consumers know their own interests well enough io spear. lor inemselvcs J Is it likely that a producer has moro sympathy for tho consumer, lliau tho consumer has for himscll T 1 urn a small consumer of steel, bat I hove never yet been ublo to sec how adding forty-five per cent, to its prico made it cheaper. I know, to be sure, that steel makers have been able "to seo it," und have told tis over and over that it was bo, but our bills for steel, and for sleei tools ull show that adding tho tarifl loan article increas es tho prico of it. If it wcro not so, w hy is a tariff necessary ? It j tlio American mechanic lying down so that by standing on him our steel ma kers may be as tall an tbo Fnglioh and German steel makers. However, Mr. Ilrunot rrocs on In show that the tariff creates competi tion and so lowers prices. This is ull truo enough, and never denied bv uny sane man. vt by put up a man of straw, merely to knock him down ? This is the question : Who pays for getting up the competition f The steel iminutaclurcr says I want to compete with England ; now if you (tho con sinner) will give mo fifty per cent to begin with, I'll try and compete with JMiiilh in the pio business, but he's utiuid, und so Ii says to Hi-own. if - -ii ... tu' you will give mo fifty per cent, on my pies to begin with I'll try and compete will. Smith. Now, there is qtiestion that Jones can compete with I Smith if lirown is wtllitu' to liack him with lilty per cent. Dm the qtieftion is will it pay lirown to do it J Smith ssyg it will, and Smith thinks ho sees it 1 This, then is clear : A tnrift creates competition. Jlut iho consumer, and not tho producer, pays tho laiilT.aiid so ho takes all tho risks, and tho pro ducer takes tho prollits. Again, it is equally clear that competition loners prices. Hut heie, aain, it is tho con sumer and not the producer that pays for the getting and kccpiiiij upol the competition. lint I wish to nk another question connected with this idea of competi. tion lowering of prices. Admitting that tho tariff does both creates Competition and lowers prices to whom does the money go ? To steel tniinnfaclurcrs. They told tin thev could not compete unless they had "a protective tariirof forty five percent, ad valorem, und tho consumers gave it to them. ' Now, let us see how much wo have given these pauper steel makers that they might compclo with tho pauper moor ot r.tirope, ami liero 1 quote .Mr. ju-iiinii a ngurcs: i no revenue re ceived hy Iho United Stules from dun on steel, in ls(i!i, v-as f l,lS(i,:,;i4 in gold." Nearly one million and a hnlf in currency. This represents what the consumers of steel uniJ into tho Ircusury in order to help our man ufaclurers to compete with foreign manufacturers, and yet Air. Ilrunot innocently adds : "This hum is the annual trihulo paid ly tlio foreign manufacturer for the privilogesof The American market." Hut this is not all that tho consum crpnys; this is what ho pays tho government. Now, let us see what he pays tho slcel makers, nnd I quote again from Mr. Ilrunot : "Wo nmde twenty fivo thousand tons of Heel last year; on this the consumer paid f 1,00,(1011 into tho pockets of the steel makers. Adding together the sums paid into tho t'nited Slates Treasury, and into tho steel manufac turers' pocket and you havo a little over three millions of dollars paid hv the slcel consumers for tho benefit of threo thoUMind five hundred steel makers. In conclusion, sir, let mc sny, when "the best interests of the consumers" deninnd n higher tariff on Heel, it is quito as iiKcly Hint they will find it out, us it is that anybody else will; nnd Holiin, that the inifliTi'd mid j Fi.nm-u iiti.iri; ui me meci maKiTa la apt lo create a litlle suspicion ol their ...i..:..- r.i . . disintcresteilnesn. ConinieiiiliniT these few thinirs to your fnvortihlc notice, I niihserihu niv- sell, J. Ilnnr " Covi-LMifNTAiiT The (.'rcenshur Icmnerat coiifrruliihites the Kndi ol that district lis follows: "The lie ptililicans on Tuesiliiy nominated A. W. Taylor, Eq., of Indiana, ns their candidate for Congress, in thin Dis trict. Wc congratulate them. They havo now a niun who speaks and writes English ; who uses a pocket handkerchief, and who if ho does gel drunk will not cry aVinut it. A gen tloninn niii'hl ussocinto w ilh Mr. Tar. lor without finding himself he I tod i!f lerwards Wo hope, if elected .Mr T. w ill not plnv Scullion for his uniiv. and will not sell endetships." Covode is the present nicniher. The Democrats of 1 llinoin siieceeded in the Into elect inn in that Stuto in electing a majority of the Supreme Judges. The Supreme Hench of lllin. ois now stands four liemocrals to threo Ilmlicnln. Oliver, lately nominated as judge of the supremo court of the Dintnu of Colo m bin, was until lately a ding, gist io Michigan. I'l-OHIt fHdt IVlfSSefl. Tho belligeret.ts :ill reserve their fire, i,n doubt with the intention of dealing ein h other a falsi blow. The Philadelphia A-jr properly mys : There nio always two sides I t a quar rel, I an old bill Hue saying. This is especially the case when tu lions di vide ami appeal to tho sword as su preme at britralion in tho controversy. Ambition rulers shape their Interest ed purpose, und views, and diploma cy shutlows forth the inleres a of one nihil or family, rather than tbo good of the whole people. Tho Emperor of Franco is an ambitious man. He is iuloxiculcd w ith the nunneries and deed of his "august undo." lie re members tho glories of his reign, und longs to place Franco in tho same con dition uguin, and leave iho r ch lega cy to bis son. For this he lib toiled, struggled, nnd schemed. An I partial success has crowned his effort. At Sebuslopol Itussia received a check, und Austria was compelled it take her hands from I ho throat of Italy at iSoll'eriuo. Hut Prussia, in the mean while, was steadily growing in power and military renown, and tho Jght ut Sadowa raised her at onto toai equal of Franco. Then caino tho intrigues of Napoleon to obtain tbo ttd'uiilago of Prussia. Whorever a blow could bo struck ul tho advance, of Prussia, it was done, until, at last, the wholo ttll'air culminated ut Madrid, when tho proposition to place a Iliiheiizotlurn upon tho throne of Sptiin was declar ed by France to bo such an attack upon licr interests us to justiiy a war. t1(.B0 n,.t8 t!10 ambilion of Nu .,icim llla been apparent, his propen Been only franco, lieard only tlio! voice oi tno past calling on lnm to re- dress tho past grievances of his fami ly, and mako tho future resplendent wiin uoueu glories. This is oiio sido of tbo picture What of tho other? Aroall the fuults on tho shoulders of Franco and Na poleon J Has ho ulono been ambi tious, crafty and disrcgardful of llie rights of others f Has Franco stotd separate from all other nations in her desire for territorial enlargcmei.t f Has Prussia no record of like oddites tofiieo? If Napoleon lias shown un ambitious spirit, und pursued a toitu ous path, are Prussia nnd her rulers clear ol hko limits; 1 ha whole poll cy of riismarck sinco 1i0 bus k-en a cheat and a deception, intended to deceive oilier nations, while 1 russia was preparing for her latter efforts to ootain coiiccntrateil power. In the first mentioned year bo announced the doctrino that the mission of Prus sin w as to subordinate herself to A us tria. Ten years afterwards he warn ed Austria that sho must finally aban don iier old position in (jcrmany. In 1HG4 Prussia led Austria into the war against Denmark, and managed to adsorb ull tho advantages of the en terprise, nnd in lMiO liisinarck open ly charged his lh'iO programme and Klilior.linol.wl Anulri,. I.i P.iiu.;. I . ' ..n .i...-- it: i . i nor-vj av i (.'no, aosnmivM currieu a dollM meaning. Ho cheated the iu,)lic with profession, while at he ' llm;mo i, ' linUll.rri, . . weening ambilion of Prussia, . - , ... nil, a a I n icri r n real designs of Prussia can be gather ed from her action sinco tho treaty of l rague, in lMiti. i hnl war w as de clared to be for Gorman unity, pot tho aii unili.uiiiuiii of unu man or ono nation. Hut 1'russia has pocket ed ull tbo fruits w hich fell from tho tree, when tbo war of IStiO ended, tho territory of l'russiu measured ono hundred nnd eight thousand sqtiaro miles. .Now it measures one hundred and thirty seven thousand squaro miles. All this has been taken from other provinces by forco appro priated, stolen. Hanover wag annex ed to Prussia without even a decent excuse, nnd even tho private proper ty of the reigning l'lincc put into the public, treasury of l'russiu. This is the way in w hich Bismarck carried out his ideas of a united (iermni y. At tho sumo time, tho population of Prussia has been augmented fully ono third sinco tho trealv of Prague. Small Slates, w hich before that lime hail certain rights, have been trampled under tho iron heel of a niililarv des polism, nnd tho people turned into subjects of Prussia. In regard to the Seblesw ig llolstein provinces they are still lieiii in suiijeclion to rrussia, al though tho hitler tuition is bound by tho Treaty of Prague to allow the people ol that part of liormnnv to chooso their own ruler. Tho career of Prussia sinco ls.'it) has been n silk ed by tho utmost duplicity, w hile Iier plundering propensities rank i(h those of any nation in ancient or Mod ern history. This does not excuso Nnpolcon 'for g'ng r.iiiopc in n war upon a s leer pretext. This docs not tuk f'ioin llie banner of France tho stains pl.ii cd there by ambition, craft and crucly. This tloes not transfer nil tho right to iho credit of France, lint it docs vindicate that Iho trulli of history. It does put each nation upon a proper and truthful platform, and enable fair men to view tho Mrugglo in ils real light, and that is what tho American people sboulj do. Union Paciiic IIaii.hoaii. p.y means of the lines of rail which resell from ocean to ocean, and as the direct lcsult of thegieat routo which stretch es across llie Continent, from Otmihn to.-Min rrancisco, a freigbl lino has been established which comnhtU- eclipsesnny other enterprise ot the ki,,(1 cv"r nltotniod. T,0 line ferred to extends from China and Ja- pan to 1'liiladcipliia, New York and Havre. Shipments aro made direct from the former to tho latter places, Iho lima lo New York being from' forty to forty five days, and lo Havre from forty five to filly lice days. The rnfes of freight arc us follows: TO NKW YOltK. In gold to Sail Francisco; in cur rency Snn FrnncNco lo New York. l!aw silk, h tenls per pound ; lens, "' l'(,r pon tin ; liiney goods, Kan Francisco to New York, (ij cents. The uhovo rates include nil cxpen scs i.r transhipping at San Fi anciseo. ATrs of inm'ranck nr this lokohamatoNew York, tens and Otliot mvt.l. 1 -:n. ... ...... h-.,., , , rK , ,a(,. ll'tntr KontTittid v.ntnn ,.,. .1": mm otner gooiis, H; raw silk in hai I I.t... .. -j. rMiangiiae, teas am) other 3 j rnw silk in hales, 2J. TO HAVRK IN OOI.n nlk, HI) conlaiM-rtiiiunil Silk ' ,rm t.r. 1 1 . " I wtirrn i-pra, 25 ccm. 1(,r ,linj ,, ..oir.n 'f I.HSlRAKl-r WW Tl LINK. ' "."iiiiuin to nmrc taw will, ii. 'ill! wormw,, j. Hm,,, Hon.:.,,,) tumor. Winers, rnw ..ilk, l ,jk worm ppirA, ij. SUntflme, r.w rk, 1 1 ; pi Ik worm rrrpi. j Sliipinonta upon the uliovr rout. . ill v. 1. .1 cotiinioin f. initiH'di.'itcli-.anil ii ,n .:,i. e.... .I....I . ' - .HI- -ui U..UIH,, iirovo Mich i nurrotm M ,b- ni"nitntla.r, thunt1rtahie, ''.i.,,riff.i !. irrnnrA fnciji .lirltitf. This meeting will bo held on tbo grounds of tbo A inl Ion, on Me I'.lliiillnn linn, near Wnyno Sliui"ii, Philadelphia, and Flio railroad, coin incm iiig August 111. and t losing An gnsl L'i. 'I ho temporal nfT.iiisof the meeting w ill homiumgcd by the olllceis of the Association, but the religious ser vices w ill be under lliedirei-t control of tbo Presiding I'.ldi-r of Williiitti'port district, lixcui'.iion tickets w ill bo is sued by tho railroads leading to tho camp to all person nl (ending the meeting. The ollicei of tho Associa tion havo requested tho Philadelphia and Frio railroad company to tif run tin extra train to tho camp on the .Sabbath. I hereby request ull per sons w ho may havo heard a contrary report, to accept this statement, and deny that false and damaging allega tion. All cllectivo traveling minis ter who attend tlio meeting with their familcs will bcHtipplied with tents free of charge. Tho AsMiciiition are now complet ing a largo pavilion, with shingle roof and galleries, for tlio ace oinmndulion of Iho congregation in inclement weather, nnd us u place for extra preaching when the multitude is great. ITtey uro also building additional prayer meeting tenls, und making other improvement lor tho accomino dulion ol the people. Price of tents, 1'xllifeet, ?tiUUon tho first floor, and 8i 00 on tho second floor. Tho lu ice of boarding is fi 'iil for the term.jl 00 per day or 60 cents for a single meal. All minister and members of our own and adjoining districts are most cordially invited to utteod ; come one making our camp meeting a glorious religious success. jAMr.S CfltNS, P. K. Tiik Oi.iikkt Living Tho oldest living Congressman is Hon Andrew Stew art, of Faycllo county, this Stale. He was u colleague of c. Picsident lSuchaiian. fifty years ago, and is the solo survivor, w o believe, of all his co temporaries. He is about cighly years old, but is still in good health and quite active. He paid a visit to Wellington City last week, w hero be was welcomed by many numbers of Congress, und regarded us a venera ble reliu of tho past. Ho was first elected to Congress fifty years ago, und served several successive terms willi great credit to himself and con stiluency. A New Jersey editor snys that in ...r-,,, meou; nio si reel tno oilier night he overheard a Fifteenth Amend ment singing, with a force sullicient to burst his head, a song, only one verso of w hich ho can remember, as follows : It ia a ain to at al a A crime to rut a throat Hot a darnel eiirlit hinrr to atop a n'pger Krom intlitif in hia voir. lril' tUflliSflKftltS. I 1111. .ir.V(sl frum Hit pr.-n.lari of 1. M s ..r. , annul uik iai r Juiv. I,,-.. atii.rt h .rna. A lilnil r. art will I. f,,r .... . . . iiii.,rinaiion r.iticerniliir bla lirnaWuta sill he llianklullv rm-rlvnl. A.l.lrvaa J AUKS OsIU RS jy59 3ipil Rm k.lulc .Villa, Jilt, rn.ii Co.. Pa. Prhntc Sale! rpilF anWriWr i,ff,ra for aaU, on raav 1 s llol k AM, .t .i,,,,,. ,!.... lux liomnsH of (l.or.ila. Tho pr.ii.fnT ia siiiarasn, l-watril. an ! Sto ol up fr riihrr - , ... w u rur i. tin,, t applj on tlir pmiilaM or ad Irt-.a the uuJeraijrnH Oacrola Mills, I'a , Julj ;, 170 V'.K' K 1 si tiii; rot iit iv t MMi ri.i A oi f Clrarfit'M cs.iintv, I f. Shaw an.l lMinuml Shaw, auiin'raur J,.m sliaw.Jic'J, vrr na EJwarcl II ill nn J Aliral.atn Coaa. -No. 115. Marvh T., is;ii. Vrn. Li. The nn.l, r.n, l, liaviiif bren appoint s.l tiuialr.l..lrii.iili.,n Ihr i, T .ri.,,,, r the ralr or llir n al r-t .l. of IM.a.J Hill on tin, above writ, h. irl.v irivfa notior that he mil nttrnil Io Ihr iliili,a of l.. appointm.-.,!, at 1 1,, ofli-r of J. II. W. Knallv. l:-o . mi C'lraiA. Id. on Tliura.iav tioplrmlarr S, A. i. U7ll,, lllo'tl.K-, A x ami arliprt- all paitira inirri.tdt niar ntlrno! ! . WcCntUV, GKAXITE STATE Military ard Collegiate Inetiluto, RifJ'a Ftrrv. N II . on N'a.lius A Coiieord It. K. R.r. F. X. IKHVLI.L, I'rinrij.U AJalil,c...pi, IK.,,iB- y, . of M reaai No hal.Hina, or I.r... of I lk rcort .- Full e.irj.a of Ira.-lirrr: Thor.-u.-h in.lru. tion, Ae. I'upi.a riniit-.l at am time. kj rl',1TUr Julj hlll Tin. Sheriffs Salo. "IV tlflna ol .uoiI.t nr It of fieri r.tri, 1 I laanrd ont or the Court of Common I'loaa ol llrailie d eonnlT, and to n.e dirirlrd, itirre lll be rx.oard lo FfllLIC the Cou.t llouae in the bor.iuph of I Irnrfield. on Mon.lav 1 tin liih day of Auru.t. :n. at I o'clock, p. m'.' the following Real hatale, to wit : ' A rertuin trai l of land aitnalo in Itmilv lotrn- ! ah p I Larfirld c.unir. I'a., boun.lrd Mlollowt; llonn.l. d on (l.e wial l.v land ol h-i. 1-1 'a lu-ira, north bt ll.,tl,,nd Lei In. rail bv J Lyotia. nnd aouih t.v U.,.e ll.nn.nn.l c.nia,,',,,,, 51 wr "r Ic.a. n.ih a iod or.haid a... I K'lT ni'iiar ai.ll l am en-rti-d ,, ol raid la r d l.rintr cli arrl. rre.iler a.nii fM'iEC 1. Iitl..-w in cnuon a i,ii io or toll as pr,,.r.r f Aleian dcr Iiun!p. '-. s c.r;;n tn-t of aB. ,ii. j. nr,i. lown-hi;., Cleaiheld cntil;-. I'a. I.oaind. d and 1 oak earn,, l,,;. .:.. ',, 7 co;, er of land a..,,. , RoW,', ,., . .i,.,'. north 1..J perclii, , . ,,. pevhe. to . i.k , .,h ,,, ,, , , p... I l,e. ;.r pen l. a , . ,.., . ,rcr ! afri i Irnritl, t ' tint in tr aiHaiii m,. r - niiiji nnii-H-P, Piure MH.Di and Iramc hai -hi the property of u. M . fantt-1.1 and v l-mitu. Thp e will alao l.e aol.l t. .1..- r , . .... roe..,., ai i-ri.r.ncn a Mille, in llradv town.hip, on the nl ove named dav, ibe folli.wiai deacnU d propeitr, to wil: All the while i.tne timhrr f lb. tir..j . . . ."''.... a wru oi !tbe f" d, r,l-d irael of l.,l. ',.,. j llradr town. Inn. I I,.,, irl, ,,, ... t he l.h.ah A.hil.lclier lot. I.oiin.i.-d on Ibe ...nth I T the Mnwlord Siia.,u.liai,iia ar.d, lleniv llnodlamter. on the w. .1 l,v lend, of Alio I man Ellinjcr. on llie norlh bT Inn.l.i.r .lnr..h IVoll, I on the cii-l l.v n road lead, n, from llctirr ll,.,. I ' lander', lo M-.. P, .,,., ,,, j , Vt" "'.V y,U'Cr '"""ti.ui ve.r, fmn, Pcciinher 11, Ml.'.. ,!. ,' xn ncq,r,, ,v i.f,,l,ta bv eoolr.ct da'cl llth I'l-nilcr, Hf,.,, with Elijah Aahenbl er and r-.-or ,eil in Mi.c llnrie..,!. i,.,ri. ,,atr ji-,1 ,.n i nil the while p,i,e t,ml , ( ., ,,.,),, ' ,; rllowitia. I..I ol land, in the town.lni. al"re.,, kno.n aa Hie Peler A hciiti Iter I..I I honn.le.l on the north li cleared land of aa I I',t, r ' Aabenli llor. eaat be land of li.,.J i.i.. . I aonlh l land of I;i i, ,. ' wcl I,, land of M,,, A.,,rl., , .','' ............UK 'MU! .! .1 iw. o v ii-ara irom llir U'lh l., , v(i , . ?ir.r,rrlr,,h Ari"ii.iirr..t i.-,, in,. ..h.,i-b iH-en n.-iiiiin-il l. 1 1. t. ...i..... l-j. rcc...,.., in !,., l... i pare . 1.1, Ac Ala,., all (he .hue ,.,. mUr , V A n '? "f "I"'"C pure of nnd and .11 Ihe I',Im., , ,, ..,,'.,,,,, 'rr "r "'f i 'I" . In-int eitunte inll.e ?i "u""t Pent, , m.t ,a. , .., H j a i.. . . -e- r ii'e an.'l nt.ll eeat : Hie o..rr- ,., ,., ,n.l. 11Bt ,,B . ir, liVeonlra .l o?.c v . . - ' ntf ill J .. and re- : ."tlPCTII.-inifllip I I.t,-Lal ... Ihe ! . ,. mfuJ (1M fllT IWftltV liein f . . J.. ... t . . lake, in i I V ""' '" i,, il, , , ,: "'" .hc na Ihe pno.ertv ?f II. W . t a.,6,1 1, W. C. Mnh and W. I. ,Vrr! Iii-fendanle. Ridden ill take eenl. nf the pureb. . , , ,id J Ihe proper!, I. knocked d.... , , -.1. y. , ap again for aale. IV HEM I fj Howie. ' ""trri vrriri, Fhrriir. u nearltlal, Tt., . fUisffllaiifous. K .' I MA I. II all L-le-.t Priiniiim. PHvrr V, -Int. awarded over nipriiiioii, at Mcchinioa' Ktlubition, llton. Orlobc Isi-.k, Till- nilltllSAI. AMI tirxi'INK S K j V - II KG IT Ii A T I N 0 , WIIOI'tlllT IHOtf, A 1 1t TIHIIT, GAS-COZTCITIIIITO HEATER, WITH rHTf:Trl lit ki Henri, fl b a tr Pah ItMin, Wciit ciiT Iho IUhmtor. 4111 Al'TOiMTIC HtUt'f.ATUIt, Fur Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. 10 niiPR f ir Irick wurlt, am 2 eirri I'tjrtuMc. HiM fA( Ti Rri) oai.r r J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. corner l.'Jth atid Filbert Strrcli, riliLAI)i;i,PHIAf PA. , ThM llfL'trm tiro nifi-lo of Hear? Wrftitrit Iritii, wi M rivctr.l to7 lln-r, rti I nrw wnrrnlril o bp ai.foliilrly (Ja ainl IUKt 'I'i-it. Tln-v are (lie on'y lit atrr thnt ore niHnajc '1 withrutt but dnm juTct, ami in tvliii-b all LidJb of fuel can bo burtie.l willioilt Bltrmliun. Co' lihiy l:ntifP, f'r Uotcln, Iti'Mniirftnti ind l;utnUiea. AUo, a Flat Top Hailing tango. Fii Pliteo Ilialrr. I,ow fuwD Oratci, gltle Minlcli, Kt giiirri, ViTiiilnt'iri. PitinphtetJ giving full Jeecrij.tioa, crnl frt, to any (Jilrcaa. jyi:i'7l iy TTJSCAEOEA ACADE1IY, ACADKMIA, I'A. riini'1 Sajih at-hoo! yar will bi-gin 8p(ruiWr 7. X W o atk tin altMilion of pun nla uml pnardi. aim to a co u si tJcrat iou ul tl.e tnt rita of tl.i iuiti tuliuo. iMt, 1 oraUfHi. M.nltiifitl. nMrartirc and in ertry my tavorubtv for jihrnicaJ (levlpment. 2u, TrmpfaMuitN. ntmoviii frrnn tLf f u hm n b and Ion tin j jjUf.-ti incitlvut to towns. 3d, IMuratloiittl Advanlafa. K;imeit teai'berf and RnrroundiD favural-lc for iluJy. 4(f). I otic I'-fctiibMsIifd. It hai l)"ro in mcf'ful on ration 'M xettrw, and haa hl atu dviiia frum nearly ever; ti'.utc. Alii. Moral liilluriirrt.. Tbr j.n ctpli of llie uiujc arc utitiy latignu IHh, ( licup Itatrs. Tcrma, $200. T'Scni for a Circular. Applirstioo abould be uiB'le nua. I). P. PTONT, A. M., J. J. PATl KJLSu.N. A. M.. July 13, lfiTO 2 w. PnncipaU. 5-2(V mid JHHVh COfCHT, FOLD 4 r.Xt'IIANor.D OX M0FI MISERAL TOMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Hates, COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. E. Bonds Pouglit and Sold. rvVSTOCKS nauKlit and Held on Com. Dllfcajoll Oltly. CHICAGO, Datitllle slid Vlureiiues First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds Tor rale si DO and acctnid intcrrat. jTW-Aroountl rrrrlvc'I and Ititrrrat allowed on dailjr babnera, lul.jict to rbeck nt aiglit. .vv U a .. ::ly 40 South Third Slrwt, rhila.1. Iphii Borough Ordinance. VX n mi-rlinj i the T. nn Council ol Ihr bnr onsh uf l lcarfirld, held July I), i7(i i , that Ihr foil, in u,g Ordinance he dali .l Mat II, I Ml : .1. 1 hai no prraon ahall lac allowed to llm.w or eolhcl in a pile or h.-ap un anr atr.-t or nllct within Ihc liunta of Ihr raid borough nor ninnnri. orcal n.hca, and evcrr p. n..n ro r.fl.-n.linar ahall he fined for I a.-h oft. 110 in a rum not l.-aa than one nor mora, than live ih.llara. lo be cllcctcd a other iHtrouirn niit-a n -e t.r law recover..!. le. 4. All niaiiur.-. and coal a.hi-a hrrcHDer f-.und in anj aim I or alh r aliall hedii-nu-d llie pniprrtvof the borough, and il ia herel.v made the (iut ol'lhe Mn-et t'oti.iinaaioncr lo tahe anch Bunurr. and coal n.hca and il,.p.i.e of the aanic at pnl.hc or private luOr. Il,c pr.KHTila of ani l aa'e to la paid to the h'.niinrh J ri-a.urcT for oce of the bocnirh. lit .1 'ancles' naif or..,,.. ( I,, ft, Hurym ama) r..ra C..r, nf ll,, tnro.a ..(' eoi ft. 1.1 im cna. eil o..,(,V.. muH it ,. .,,(,.( (, .ljne. oC lie Thai r,,n and aiter Au'irii.l I.i, A. ll. I.-.7H. further t.unt I pr..hil.itrd in the St. Imncia lloinan fatlmlie t'nitctrrv, aa now u.-,l 'J ,l"'1". J"N llo MoN, llurreaa. AtlrM : A. W. I.i r. I h tt. j, 3 .;, Lawrence School Fund. A 1" 1 1.1.1 AM J Tn-n-ttrrr. in nwoui.t " nh thr fun t t Paiil (tmtrirl I'.rllicTvar ci)s:ng Jtitip, A. 1. 170. I I'H.Htirr dtif lnl pi :t !.-iiirr,t tl.ftl T.1 iHie ntnoiitii in litij.iiftir iir ls,tt. To Slli Ai'pn-jirintii.n To nn prat til ii nr il of ('. Tnn-urrr, To thof ti.L. Itw'J, ;on ptImkiI liuiM',) !'v pr rrilrrtnrti f?.0;, J2 ! rx tnfniiniii 03 It? Ci.Mivii.r'p per -n(c F.t yj It Tr.-n-.urpr .?r wut (--.... 1 Mi Vy I al.ilur iltMut'l uno-.l'uMnl ; f S.iniJ M n .i to Ml mi Vj 2.1 f.V.'.f. 00 I.LS.-.D CO Ttvi.nn i:mm.::s, Pre.i.i.nt. Allcat : L. C. Itio.n, hivrelaiv. jil;i.::t Slumps I Slumps II rIHIR nnd.riii,,! haa the rich! of n ..'.-"'Mi n.imn l.a.n n Kara " r v,n,,, pr, J, , , ., ,rM ',, "'r Vr '"Vv" enZ ,, ., .,.c..k., 'in, ,T, 'f !.. 1 1 ,,.,, ; ,V.:,".n I . II ., p., . , r, , j. I a II ,, . n"iir 11 in Mii e ,i al;l,.re of In I ,L I .. e ro.i, ii m.irra Horn ll.,..e wal.tilie mnrhinca. II. T. FARNsHtiRTii. ( lurt'cld. Pa .1. II. ti.UtlllMlV I nrwii ,,ile. P.. ir.o. . inn, Ayeiil, Clearfield, J.v IJ din (1 t '1'IIIN. All piriona arc l.en I.r cautioned nram.t pnr. ba.ii e or in anr Wa'v n'i.l.lh,., nub l .ur hula nod In-ddmc. Iliirlecn cl.aira Iwo coal ali.i.a and pipe, two w.., H.i, :, and hxlurca. one cenlre one aet nl ci.h'a and bar-room fiirniliirr nnd fi Hurra, now in Ihe po-eeaaiun of lra. Co'hailne 11.. I. .. of ), H,.,,,, p,., , Mine l.elo.,, to ire. In ina; piin l.a., ,1 ,1 Sherid ', aale on Juli eih. I' 7u, nnd are l..aoe t her.ul. ji-ct to rnv order. U'. ti, JiU hT til.o Hope. Julr n, 1S7P ; pi. A ,)MINIiVATlfr7!VuTU ITNoiice i li her. I.t rn. n Hint letter. ..f a limn i, atin on the elate of rlll.tlMll.V py 1. 1 s. dec d late ol l ike lo.n.hip. Clear!.. Id rounlv. Pei n a .'hav. me been ilalj emn'ed to Ihc nndi iaicned all per a..i.a I...I. t i.-l lo .,,1.1 rami, mil ,,(,-,., nVr ' mint, and ll,ae hnvine elnin-e or demand. ,tl them pr...nli aut hcniicated n.ionaiii-e w iin.-ut ,, i e. 1'. I'. 11! 1 I Ml, A linini.lrator. I urwcn.Tille, ,tu!v U, p; ,-,.p,(. 4 I. J ia IIMI N 1.1 It -a. lll ll Vi,lM " e ! Ol ll'MIMil II. lit. rf.,... late ot Pumi. It li.wnali.p. flea, rn- .1 e..t. i, ' haril.a; hn-nj dull . In ,.,!, .' ', .,'; (,,, tH,, I IM-r.'.n. iudel'ted lo a.i.l ral.t, ,,,... '.j,, ipaiwienl. ni.d th... I... ir. el.. , demand, I prrwnl Ihrni pr., .il,i,licaled l..r act- m. iuw Jniie:?. ftpj. Adniiiiiaie.,",,. l( klIIN M ll kit V, I " I l.l.l AMIMUtT. IM.. 1. .... ll . . . . ....a. I ... 11..- c ,', '. crorvnoon. i. l Preaidenl, mil, alo.l andevpeii.n.,dc.rpa of l,,rlc. , rcr, moderale. ,.... d.:,L-l,lt. n,f 1 ' ' l"'l' tli-roi-clilc rep, red. 1 net! tirm lcina Aiicnal I... lvrn -... a..,,i wuniviw me rna.l. nt, nr a, nd f, .i,".na. J.' V . ,Z tinner, t ..f l Nal.on.l Dank .,, u,r ,,, a' a menu,,, ol the .,rrel..c , . I, ,,, ' r.aluer. j,,..A. -...lV111v Jia'jr 1.1 l. ,' . ' a a ix 1. 1 1 1 1 1 .xi . ill 1 u 11 -.- a . j.,,.e,id.Vd,..;:.,,.,,,;A,l,H8- 11. r . ri'JLEH I CO, THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES aiu:m ok am. otiii imi Ki'jhtij Six Thousiim!, 8vrn IIunfrc l and F.itjhttj One Machines Made, and Sold the Patt Year!! Tbla nontbfr treet$ hy thovnI tht tmU nf any otbar Maubinr. aud tha deotand ! itilt iooraaaing ! THREE THOUSAND PER WEEK Art now being made and old! THE TxE A SCX S WJY: Became It etnbodiei raaftntial prlnlilei not found Id anT ath'r Marhtnet beeauae f itr loplicityof eoDftruction, aat of operillon, oniformify of preoif lotion at any iperd. tnd capacity for the greattit range and rariety of work, fine or ccarie. Fartire wUhiog to porch a afcould not ft 11 to examine tbii beat of all Sewing Machines. I bar the BCnry for (hit Machine, end will keep a full tup)y on band. J. 6. F HOVERS, May 4, 1R70 lf. CUarfie'd, Fa. KUWAUl) TEUKS&CO., V lour 31 a n i b Tnrt 11 r c r a, And I'calc-ra io GRAIN OF ALL KIXDS, rniLirscunc, ta. A rrt.i srrri.v of iLorn, wheat. COKN and CHOI oonatniitlv on bun'l. and lor aale nt rali-a rctnarkanlr loar. (fobl t( JOHN TliOUT.MAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., eaat of tbr Allrghrn; Home, 1 1 i.uti'ii:i ii, p.i. I Kf'FPon han.l all kindu nf Furniture. In luiff or by I tut pinaU' artic. Th-me in nrid oi aar article of I-'urnilurf, will find it to their intrrrit to all and rzaminv ray it or It. wlncb I will ael1 Tt-rr low fr pr.nb or cxi-hancr fr tuitaMv lumber. Cl.arliil.l. Ha., A ' 7 if. THE OSCEOLA BAKEI.Y! C. J. E II OFF, rruj.rictor. IWOt'LI) rpfirrtfullr announce to thenM cut tt.iucn of hiioff A U'Hnrn, ari l ttie ritiin of O.cola and Tintiity In pnrral, that I bate ku cme aole .rit i tor of llie i)w llnkerr, and am prf pared Io lurrmh tin- "M i W 1,1 1 K, ap Hrl! an I'IKS, TALKS lc, of errry d.rij, tion, in anv qiiantitv and on liort notice. U:ccola, Jaouarj 12, 167tt. FRED. SACKETT, Macufaclurrr of Tin, Coprer and Sheet -Iron Ware. Rooting, Spouting and job aroik done on fiEARoJaBLS Trnne. Fli ip on Mmlot St., niaily o poritn Ibe Jail, 48:70 CLEARFIELD. PA. ISAAC IIIU.KK, Saddle and Haraesa Manufacturer, Luther liurjr, Clrtrfivld cuuntr, I'a, iuV'twriWr rrPfii1fuUr in form tht cili- ,nif Urtttlv dJ Hi PurmumJiti; townpfain lliMt h ia nvw proai-cd (rt furnifh vcrvlbinn ia bit line st phurt nntire and in m workmaa-Iikr mnnDcr. lit flutter tnnw If that he ran plt-aa hit rtiatorarrf in ityle, quttlitT anj prire. t:, and ainnaiiif tUrk Wfi.r purcbannj clpt-vhcr. l.uthfrpburjr. June I, 70 tf. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CI.F.AKKIELD, TA. er-Shop on Itct-d Flroct, nenr rrnnavlrania Hailroad depot. may IV'l'itf. ORGANS & PIANOS. ESTY'S AND MASt'X f HAMLIN'S. S. J. HAYES, rnrwenatl'le. Pn. xv..m. T. - , . , ... ; ""'F' oev.iea o Ibe moral nnd an. j " Th a to irilorr. lSe t..p,,. , U ir.inif f ,h, T01lb pi0,0 ,,,),;, 1 Lawrence ...nrhip that the Hupncle f,.r , ,. .i , ,-, ""''' .ho..n,,,r.,,,h,.v,.r,,,,,ec:rsj,,el.l.n.o,tborr.,hv. Re.din.. Wrlli... .i Pel.r. ami rn-liti(t June. I-1"!. Iihp Imtq placrJ in the hanlp of V itliain H. It. a I, Trrapurrr of Sri tool Fund, fur collection, and that five per cent, will lie allowed on all Una paid before llie lal of tie 'olr, and that after Ihc rlplration of four uiuntbe (lie per cent, will be a I.I. d and the liiii.linatr placi-U in the handa of a collector forrolleclion. ItT order ol the Hoard. TAVL'ilt Kott l.L., Preaident. L. C Pi ooh, Fecntar. j. dt OILtW IHU MU Corner of Mmkct nnd Front Ftrecti, Irarlicld. Pa. Thia mafnlficent Motel ia entirely new, enm ( lile in nil ua a poinlinrn a. and conrrmrnt lo Ihc Court llou..'. A tree I'lniiil iia ru ia lo and Irom the l,pnt on the airiial atij d. pi'inre ol each train. UhMKUK N. CHl.Ill lt, April 1.1. lsro. Proprietor. "JI.IU tl tTM litlTDI. Com.r of Third and Pmit!if.-ld ftrrctf, ritlatiurj;, r. ..: I'. JOIlysTOS 1 F0N, Piopri.tora. :l,S'2 000 A A AM. KXPHSSES- v:il. I . T" at-n'a lo a-ll ll,. c-l, hrat. d ......... n...Mi jmi mm.. The l.iat ma chine in the woild. Mil.h nl.Le on l'lh ai.l.-a. t'nc ma-bine without mi.ncT. V .r p:,.-lic ula-a. a He. ;j y p, Phil, Irlphia. i'a. Ik "n. pd. C'1.H KIKK I. M.N ioit AN U l 0 1 b LK O rhivcl Plow llladea for t-le be II. F. P.Iill.'KR t Cf. 'prMaarn and ahdnmliial an'p..rtcra of ever) A. hind of the lateat Improvement., f-.r -ale a lb. l-rnj til.-ranf IIAKTStVH'K 4 I WIN. )INK. IIITH t H0X LixiNirMilNS X Ju.t reccirrd and fi r anle l.y Afr" ' 11 F Mill. Kit I Cft. cat (f-statt for atf. Vr.tu.iblp Eonl Mate Tor Sale! 'pilK nnl.raicne.l. In to ion lown.hin. 1 l.-.rf,-!, c.,,,,iv.,r, I,,. p, f, , , a.yo.n. land, of ll,.S.,p, er. l.inea and i.lhera and CONTAINS ONE 111 NPIU ll At HIS! Pivtv fveof whirb .er imprn.ed and nnder wood culti..tin. nnd Ihe balance c,ier,-d ai'b . b'a.v . . . ,,. .... .na nemio-k limber. lr,IIT I. ervcle.1 there, n a Irame dw.ll,,,, ,. , , bank Urn and the other new,.,, , ootl nil,!,,.. J. "V"" '" on Ihe pr. n , ,. I , I the nn.lera.rned at Rochlon P. tl laj ta l'm i. A.'cot I1TXFV. Farm for Sale I I , r,:m "I ' -l -lni.n. late of (iiraed 1 lown-hip, dre.aiu-,1 . e.'ii.i.u,,, f atn.ui ;j e,e. of r.d ,.,,. ,.,,, , f hiri .t cle.nd.l.nd ba.ipg ll reon . nrlcd a riH.d honv 'id b.rn wild . ,,, .,,, plea.anl hroe. pr ,,. ,,, ,rr ln.a,.rpl, to - i,, " Atlnen,, foe h, ,firt ,j j ' June r: t, ism if. Hoi Ann hit, tm., , i i . . . , r- -"' nil I lll;ri ' " I..I. eil,,.,, B ,u., wli To , "i! "" 1" lhebor....h . . 1 The piopectj I. in co.d rrp,ir... I aold al a barjaia. T,rn..r.., ""r" en mills i.arrimer. 1 11m mi k o Vi;t.i. ,;.,: 'w.m,,,,,,,,.''',. Vlit'.'rlplU,! AiHriiiitm,,,,! ft) W A ISAAC K. STAUrrn it'iTi iri'c t. h i. ... ii in n i.i i jr. ii i in A .- v . af Ko. W Noitl, Kr,,,, Xnt Corn'r of Qiurrr t II t L. If l:i et An a..'rlmnt nf Walcln-a, Jrwclrr, s,itI I'l it.-d ntlv on l.nn.l. It.paiiingnf Watil.ia ant Jmtlrj a'"""" ' io. . jJi I. nui l uMBI HI ! n,, HOLLOWBDSH & CAEEY, IJOOKSKLLEIiS, Ular.k Hook M ami fact nt AND BTATIOXEHA - - " - r fan A P.... VI..... mA r n . i.tnt-r. ivoie. ei rui4 i m. Lnriain ... . i upr.a. iai.l,,u DREXEL & CO., So. 31 Hotith Third HI reef, MilialeU And Dealers in Government SecuritV Ahidicutinn nr nail will reeeiro tiroiiim u.. tion, ami all Ordrri noliciti d. Vilfrrhaut Sailors. niAMi K. SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR Market Mrect, Clearfield, Pa. T WOT'LD renetrill li.form thm i;.... J. t. if ar n t m count- mat DaviDjr (iurehantd it, mterevtand vituaiiot of K. U. I.. 8 tuoebtM tc nw prepared Io oiaia up. In tha uuit fM. totmhlfl uiauiif-r. and out nf tha belt tuturu an aindt ot nothing thai culomtn ut; ditn I bare alnarff oo haLd Cloths, Doeskins and Cassimerei. tf 1. i ... . r row w ui cu cuFtuDin can naae mttr Mitttitu One doer ent of tbt PoatTe. CUarQeld, April 20, IfiTO-tf, II. BRIDGE. MLKliHAW 1 1 A1L.UR, A ft 1 T aM (M (St or one door cut of Clearfi)U IIoum,) Market Mreet, Clearfleid, Pa. T7"EEPS on band a full anaortoienta of 0u IV furmibing Oiw.Hi, aob ai hbirti. La,. ii J Woolen l iidtrbirt. Lrawert and Kurt. Neck tifi, Tockat Uaniikerchiafa, OIot, tl umoui na aaepi ina Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors.' fiuch an Plar-k Poetkin of the verv bait m, Fancy CaMimere, in great Tinny, alo, Ymt Cofcimg. lUarer, l'llou C'klnchilla, and Trm: ovrcotinfij- All of mhirk will beiold ebetpfi fakb, and made up according lo tbe lateit it; it y experienced workiaeo. AU, Acent for Clearfield eonntr for t. k mKr to . celrbratid &9miug Miebina. I OT. , BnJ-tl , H K I mil. tf-fluratlonal. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEAr.FIELI), PA. rpiIK Sr.MMER TERM of l.cntt-lw. WHlJl Jl win eonimenee Hondaj, a; , 187. A I'mnarT dparlinrnt will laa added te tha School Una fall : for which (he Mrrirei of en pctrnt itiatructor bare been eniraeU And a tflort will be to render thia deparlatal a.iinciiic sun luairuclire. TKltMS OF Tl'ITIOX. Ueadini;. Orthoernph r, W ritinir,, Oljcel Le ona, Triuiatj Aiilhinelie and Primnrr t!-onraphT, per half term, (of eleven wecl..J... M nmorv, l.ocnl and dcacnptiv Ueorrapbv with Map Urnwinir, tiramoiar, nttntnl nd mien Arithnielie ..... l Ala-rbra and the Scirneea n InaTrnction in tnatruiaienlavl nawaie II M Oil painting j ea Wat work g a For full parlirulara eend for Cirenlar. Clrarh.ld, Aug. J ., ISf.'J-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY! Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. 'IMIE riRH f SESSION nf the ncil eek.larle -S. J.aroi inia inaumtiot will an atMAV, the ilh dal ol erpleaber. I;t. Pui.ilt can enter at ... i,. Ti... m.M k. nbnred with tuition from tbe time Uej eataile ibe eloae ol the fea.L.n. 1 he eourat ol inalrnetlnaj embraen erer; laii Included in a Iboroub, practical nnd acoa- pli.bed education lor both a.m.. Tnn Principal. kaTina; had Ibe ndvenlafaal much ei erleure in hia prolraaioa, naanrei pa rent, and (uard sna thai hia enure enihtj aid "rralhv, Kendinr. W rltin. nnd Prlaaar? Ariihnelic, per riea.ion ( II weeke) . Oranmiar, Oeogrnphj, Arithtnetit, and Ul'f't II Alitel.rn, GcmetrT. Trironamelrj, Men. irration. rnrvevinir, "hiloeophr, Pkaai. nlorj.Cbeiriatry. Book Keeoina;, BuUbt and I'bvaicnl lie.'irraph . $ 91 Latin, Creek ard French, with an af the nbove Pranchea ... li I S I f Piano (SO leaeot.f) - . .$et rHo d.docllon will k made far ahaeare. JIT tit furlhrr parlirulara inquire af Her. P. L. 1IAKKISON, A. H., Feb. . mrti lf. Priaelpal. TEETH ! TEETH I ESTUACTF.D FOU SS CENTS. Extracted wi'h the nae nf ivnot a 0ir Oil, ami Local Ar.Tnia-. lib. nnlj harBleae a. a cCieient Anoratbrtice now ia aae.) by IS. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, OF CI'RWEXSVILLK. PA, Who wol, hrrehj tnn.t m.perlfnllT retnra ail ihankt fur Ihe l'heml alronare of Ihe peat, aad in!..rrn the pnl.tic Ih it be haa rrmoTed kia . ftea to !he cm r of S'ale and Loruat etreela, nar leiihii a' novel where l.e it prepared to receive hia ru.l.ncra in newlv Hi, dap ro.m.. and ee work in the mo.l V III .il an! workmanlike manner. A II w,.r, in the lalrat and ! apprnvrd alilia, and guaran-eed. Pr. Havre will W enfared in hiaeffref. tbe lal I.. Ibe J.llof enrhmon h. Tke balance ef each mon'h h will apen.l In tllen Hope, Bnrn.ide and I n'l..-rfl.arc. nllrrnat. tr. Parlira naidia at a di. lance ah, .old write to pre'io.i ( IkeB cominp;. nffce hniira. From J to 11 .elock a, and ft m 1 to S nVlc k, p. m. We .e p. re hnl Ih. vert heed Biatrrial. aal Ji-rt rompeliiioa for Waatt. ekeanneel aid bililr. (live aa a call. Cnrwenai.lle, Pa., JL'.ij J., , isn. AV IITIU Rf.l lfs KUViirim; r.j 1 It A t TS are ..".m.H 1 ... Ili'V are t.n-i.ared fion .1,. I n l. oui.d much lo-tlerlh.n tnwnj nl the Ftliaeiellial are aold. A.k Jour tiroeer or llrociiet Iwr lit bercrr a Extract.. HARLOW' SV iO 111 I I ia, wi'h..ul .tout t. the l e-t arli.le ia the markrl forldurmc e'..tlica. ll ill color mora a.lcr tkaa h or lime, the a. or xri ,tl, rf, ard rack than ai.voih.r wa.k bine la Ihe w.a.tK. The t'l oinr ia II ., p, . ., AIHIIP 11.1 PI ' lit; EH S lipl ii jt'ltiRK. No 1:5 North Sc.nd Mrect. Philadelphia, Tbe lalela have l'"lh " ilflrr,r'a and I .l...'.h.. ... .h.n .11 other, are Pop .! k. ainM Urorcre ao.i iirotei.t,. ILTIlLlli.KH'p' IMiKLIVI I INK will lie found on tn.l to be a mporiw arlicia lai. on hand ard fr aale at rraaonalle pricea. Pnirliround ripice. ticnnii e Medicinre, t hane Skin., Fp.ncca. Tap... a Prart, rngn, and all Mieli in Ihe d'u tine . AI I HUl V 11.1 I KI!i;KR IlRl tl PTOnl je Inn y, -.-.I North S. nd Si . I'k'" Democratic Almanac. rpilL- inva'oal 'e pnlliration la f. r aale al hV I po.i ofSi-c. It,t...u'.l bein Ihchandaof every I'rmnrnat. It cm, in. full election rrtwrna foal averv connlv in the I cited Stale.; be,, lee, lh lor lSf. pontnlna a rorrplete liet af th all ihe newap.pera .opprewd .nd lachbed at .inn t I ii,c.ln a..liii,n,.raiH.w.- andlh.lfer ht e oiUilia tt,e natnet of all Ih.w cmllana wh. wera iirpnaonel .'rint: ihe no e pen,-!. Thf at I'.l,, for future reference., arc worth en.or 'haa Ihc price of Ihe pn'-lionon. 1 he nnmhw for ia alMi roll .,f ..In.! te ai.i,iie,. An j one aendirg centa In Ihe Poal M.arer. will receive bt re'ara mail a ewptfoecch war. free nf po.iar. 'jr! 'f 1)xfKNT Ki RhWfirKKirCt LTIVxTOt T.eih-Jn.l rvreix.d ard r. r eae kr m r ,imnirt J"I.III -IhKI. nlN"iT.KAM' IMIIB1 av b .v.l riowa Irxa and Wood reaeaae-W ale ly II. f. H'lLtR T CO.