THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKFIELD, FA. WD!IStAT MOKNINO, JILT H7. Damon and Pythias-True Friend ship Illustrated. About 400 yearn before Christ, lived Dmon nd Pythian, Pythagorean pbiloopbori, who had gone from Atbeoi to Sieilly, on a pressing invi tation of Dionytiua, called "tho ty rant of Syracuse," In order to teach tbe rods inhabitant of that fertilo is land the art and sciences. Falling under tbe displcusure of the tyrant, Damon was condemned to death, and tbe time for bis execution appointed. Anxious to see his wife and children Anns more before his execution, he asked tbe Kinir for permission to visit them. The King answered, "What assurance do you give that you will return ?" "I will give you my friend Pythias," said Damon, "for security." The King asked Pythias if he were willing to become the bondsman of Damon, and to die is his placo, pro Tided be did not return f "Yes," aid Pythias. ' I will stand for him, nd if he is not here on tho day np pointed, I will suffer death in his place !" "Well," says the King, "this ia strange, but Damon you aro at lib erty to go and visit your family, and if you do not return, as I suppose you will not,justice will not loss her vic tim." Damon hurried homo to embrace his familv. and to communicate to - rf , them the sad intelliceneo, that in a few days he must return to Syracuse, to suffer death. When bis wife learn ed tbe state of things, that he had violated no law, that bo was condemn ed by a racro whim of Dionysius, and that his friend Pythias had become his bondsman, abo insisted upon his not returning. She rensonod with him nd besought bim, by the affection he bore to ber and her children, not to return. But all her entreaties wcro vain. "Would you have me violate my aacred pledge of honor to my friend Pythias f" said be. 'o, no, I would dispise myself in that case but I shall return and relieve our friend and maintain my honor, even at tbe expenso of my ten life I" Da mon remained at home, as we may imagine, as long be could. Atlength, amidst the sobs and tears of his wife and children, be tore himself away from those be loved. The execution was to take place at noon, and as his progress was impeded by bad roads and high wttore, on the day appoint ed he was still twenty miles from Syracuse ; but as be rose early in the morning, and as tbe sun was approach ing the meridan, the spires oi the city were in view. Hastening on, he found a large multitude gathered in front of the prison. The tyrant was thero, seated on a platform, to wit ness tho novelty of one man dying for another I Tho hour for the execution bad nearly expired. "Ah," says the tyrant, "where is your friend Damon T Did I not toll you that he would not return f" "But," says Pythian, "he will return, if he is alive. I know ho will not disappoint me. I know him, and I know he would rather die than break his word. Tbe tyrant then looked at the sun diul, and it wu just noon. "Now," said he lo tho executioner, "proceed." Pythias laid his bead on tbe block, tho axo was raised, and the sharp edge glim mered in tho sunlight, when lo! tbcro ia a movement in tho crowd. "Stop," ays tbe tyrant, "till we fee what this means." There stood Damon, pant ing covered with dust. Ho had come in Urn. The tyrant was so much truck with this proof of friendship that he pardoned them both, and re quested permission to join their fra teroity. It is well known that a popular nd widoly extended society, the "Knights of Pythias," is founded on this beautiful incident. Lutheran Observer. A Thocoht bt the Wat. The path of iifo is like a winding lane, in which the traveler must be content with eeoing but fow steps before him, not knowing whether rounding the next curve he may meet with friend or foe. Thus it is in Iifo. Han can reckon only on tho present moment, unconscious of what tho next may bring forth ; but mutt walk on, trusting to the band that has brought him safely round eo many curves, feeling thankful that JiiGnito Wisdom has decreed the future should be hidden, lest on beholding all tho perils and dungcrs of the way at once, he should despair of ever surmount ing them. An Irishman made a sudden boll into a drug store, took from his pock et a BOda water bottle filled to the brim with some pur lienor, and hand ing across tho ooantcr, exclaimed : "There, doctor, snuff that, will you " The doctor did as he was directed, and pronounced tho liquor to he gen uine whisky. "Thank you, doctor," aaid the Irishman. "Hand it to me again, iryou please." The doctor did gain as directed, and asked whnt he meant. "Och, ibin," said Tat, "it yon will have it, tho priest told roe not to drink any of this unless I got It from the doctor. So here's your health, and the priest's hculth." Gen. Bndcnu hag tailed for London, Which port be bag boon 01t)tod j Conaul by tho Preaidetit Uo ia en- Imaged in writtng the life of Gcnernl Grant, and the frett inforqn at ho bat taken alt the matoriuls with bim. Tbe 'materiala" conaiat of lug com Kiaeion and twelve thotjuend a year M,.rit ma s l.ti N.rr.r i lie stone sV I" the desert rifnr una Pcnd is believed by ihe Mexican In dians to lo that of M'tnlciiimi., who will one day awaken from his long sleep. "So strong is this belief in some parts of Mexico," snys the Onr land Montlili, "thnt people who pn ed through that country years ngn tell of somo localities where nro wcro kept burning constantly in an ticipation of Monteiumn's early ris ing. It looks ns lliotiijh tho stern face up there was just a little softened in its cxprcsin by tho deep slumber that holds the eyelids over the com ,,,, llmi pvp. nnd all naturo seems ...... -j hushed into doutli like stillness. Day after day, and year after year, centu ry after century, slumbers the man up thero on tho height, and life and vepotnlion sleep on the arid plains below blumber never disturbed a sleep never broken j for t'no hutllo cry of Yuma, Pimo and Mnricopo.tliat once rang at tho foot ol tho nionn tuins, did not reach tho car of Monto cuma ; and tho dying shrieks of the thildron of thoso who camo lur over the seas to rob him of his sceptre and crown, .-ill unheeded on therocUsand the deserts that guard his sleep." Maine has thirty-two hundred square miles of hike surface. SrtUsrrllanrou.. N T.W IifsOk Afcnta Kit 100 per week. Price J. Address h. KTEBMNK, Hartford, Ct. $25 A DAY t 40 new article for Ajrrnt. Samplea free. 11. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. SAI,IMi;V Bend for Circular, a iraf-elae lminriiii and ateadv employment. II. F. HOWE, 37 Arch Street, Philadelphia, I'a, Mcadvllle Theological f-rhooU Cnitnri an ; educate! IMinietera; (1 (10 a year to poor student! ; begin AucuM 21. Apply to A. A. LlYiLMORE, Mcadville, P. CUI.IOl'f., HOW PTKAM.Fl The Jnr rtVcf Lnditt J'ritat Companion eontaini ihe deeired information. Pent free for it am p. Ad drceaMKS. II. METZtJAR, Hanover, l'a. 1TR WILL PAY AGKXTff a Mlarj of y I .t5 per week or allow a inrgt oommitatoo to sell our new Intention. Addreii . J. W. HUNK A CO., Manhall, Mich. lVTAftTi;l. AC-KNTt.-!1 Wateb free, given grati lo evarj lite man who will act aa onr Agent. Uurineaa lijrht and honorable; par- f.10 per dae. Addreaa H. MOMtUK KEN- JiEIiY A CO., 1'ittaburgh, l'a. OOK Af.-KVTS VfAKTKD. lAe H'Aife 7mm." No opposition. .Steel eriffrartnfi. Kapid aalee. For circular, aiMreflt U. 8. Puhliibing Co., N. Y., Cincinnati k Chicago. Salreruen W anted in a paving barinrfi. 6. KENNEDY, 413 Chestnut" Hi., Philadelphia. PSTCHOMANCT, FASCINATION OR SOI L C II A H M 1 N U. 400 pftgei ; cloth. Tin i wnn dciful book hai full instruction! to ennMe the render to fieclnate either aex, or anr animal, ai will. Mepmeriam, flpi ritualism, and hundred of other cunnui experiment!. It can be obtained T ending adilreen, with 10 eenti pontage, to T. W. EVANS A Co., No. 41 Fo. Eighth tit., I'hiladetphia. S" TAH PPASGl.ED IUNM-II.-A Ure leroted to r'ketrlien, Foetrr, Wit, Humor, gtnuine fun, Nonnente (of a aeniil le kind), and to the ex poiareof Swindling, Ilunibugii, le. Only T.Seontu a year, and a ouperb engraring "Evangeline," HxSfeet, gratia, 3U,U()0 eireulatixn. Wuney re funded to all who uk it. It if wide awake, fcar leti, trntbrul. Try it now. 75 renta a year. Fprei. men! free. Addresa "11ANNKK," lliuadalo, N.H. PATENTS. INVENTORS whowiih to take out T,eth r Pat ent areadvired to eonniel with MtNN A CO.. editor of the Srimtiie Amrrimm, who have prope eutetl claim! before the Patent Office for over Twenty Year. Their American and European Patent Ageney ii the tnot ejtnxire in the world. i bargee Icm than any other reliable azenrr. A pamphlet ctintaining full inatmrtions to inventor! ll aent gratia. Ml N.N A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. yi:si it h tii i:i That the Bui Joapera the Tift imppeniht Pttl Slf Itnltrt to be found in the world are (he Orig inal and Reliable I'ut.le Motion A'.tum Ma rhlnea,nadeby the.f&TNA MAN'l.'FACTl'RIMJ CO., of 8alem. Ohio. end for Pamphlet contain ing particular!. millS III MA MA IHVNaw Bo7. X Free fur 6tamp. TAUKANT A CO., N. Y. PROMPT. HONORABLE. RELIABLE. V GENTS WANTED in every city, town and village for the 1 are" it and mont tHireMfil 1,LAII JIOI'SK in the country ONLY ONE endoracd by the lent ing Paper and KipreoR Co 'a of tbe Coiled rotate!. Our goodi giva universal itifaction, our premium! to Agent! cannot be eiccllcd, and our chreki are free. Hnrlng two houaea Roton and Chicago our facilities are unequaled, and oar bafinetn. excordn in amount all other eon corn in thia trade combined. ff-frSend for Circulars and free Club to 8. C. THOMPSON A CO., 1.16 Federal Street, Uo.ton, or l.H tute Street, Chicago. A MODEL HOUSE. BEING a cripple, I have made home planning a fpeeial One built lat aeaxoa haj proved a model of convenience, beauty and econo my. Deacriptire circular! of Piana, Viewa, etc., with general information of value to allf aent free. AddreM. (with Ptamp or aeript If convenient), (JEO. J. COLUY, Architect, WaterburT, Vermont. Newspaper Advertising. A Book of 12.S cloirly printed pngrs, lately ituicd enntain a IM of the best American A titer. tiding Medium, giving the name, circulation, and full particular concernine, the lending Iily and Weekly Political and Family Niwopepera. together with all thnae having large circulation. uMitM'd m the mtereM of Heligin. Agi Ifulture, .iteratnre. Ac. Ao. Kvery Advcrtiicr. and everv person who contemplates beeriming urh, will find tbit book of great value. Mailed free tn unt ed drci on re'(irt of fifteen cents (j EtllUiV, I ROU FI.L A CO., I'olilif hers. No. 46 I'ark Row, j is rw i ora. The iNttebnrg f Pa.) Letter, In Its ioaue of May 29, IS70, sayi: 'The firm of ). V. Kwrl A fa., which iMnea this intereating and valuable book, ia the largest and beat Advertininir Agenry in the f nited Hint cp, and we can cheerfully it. '.m in end it to the attention of thoae who detire to advertise their tn-inrf. aclentiflcally and ayttematimllv in such away: that ia, ao a! to secure tbe lirgeit amount of publicity for the Icaat expenditure of money." LARGEST -- BEST - CHEAPEST I "INTKHPIIISK, Industry, Tact, Lil-ralilr, I i and the Hot Talent, have for orer Twenty sears been freely used npon Mnore'n Hural Kcw-Ynrkrr, And aa a rc.ull it i, now, pre eiainentlr, the Largest, Dr.t and Cheapest llluslnit.d jlnral, Literary and F.mlli IVnll, in ik. u .u i of thou-andsi.f wnlr ewke people, all oeerlh. Conlincnt, tske and admire the n I n a fr it, superior Ability, Value, illustrations, Sttle, Ac. THE Pill;.8 AND PK0PI.E PHAISE ITI For erample, an eirhange sirs: "Tnalti-nu. is the most elecanllr printed, edited, widely circnUted and hcartil v welcomed paper, a a whole, which now find, it. way among the People. -Vol. XXII begins Jul. j. Try it! Onlr gl.tU per rolume of i' numixra, or :l per year. Less to clubs. Snhserilte now ! AMress D- D. T. KK, (I Park how. N. T. K(l will per f, the X.T. WKKKI.Y tr IMlLLA K 8I N rrnm wow tn January 1.1 ; ONE MlLLAH will pay the KKM I t i-.KK l.V do. do. fill cents a month pars fr TIIK iILV BIN. AddrccM I. W. KNUI.AXll, Publisher, New York. 0 B MIM.IOW At'RI'.fa CHOICE IOWA LANDS fcailrcnd. ,rr.,, busit through Ihe Lands, and ITer.!' "t'l: itZVW r- pricey term, toeailoni tell, who should come west, what they sho.ld bring, what it will cost: gives plans and elev,i,nt , , illlmTlt , , ready-made hou-., which lb. On... f.rni.h at from tim to H.Ooo ready to eel nP. Maps seat if desired. Addre., W. Mi. H'ALKKn, Vice Prcident, Cedat K.pids, Iowa. J.J3 4t Jii-y D'.ooiU, tr.rowlri, (fu. ... W. ! J. B. GRAHAM & SONS, UATIKET FTI1KKT, CLHARFI RLP, Ta. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. rpiIR toWrlWi hTln ntreJ Into r.rtnr A (hip for lb porpoM of carrjlnn oa the builncii of Merchandising, Bow offer a irnoil anj rare oppnrlnnlly to Ihe elllien, of Clear. Held and adjoining eonntlei to tu; ttore good, at whole,al or retail prlccl, that will ailonUh the onlnitrncted. Their good, will he parllco- larly leieeted to roll thii market, Erery lady will, therefore, call the attention of her hnaliand to thle laet, became thie branoh of onr huilne,, will recti re epeclal attention, and OTcrylhlng needed In a well regulated hontehold will at all time, be fonnd in our ftore. DRY GOODS: Oar itork or PHY ;M)I)H .ball not be rar paued, either in quality or price, and will em brace, in part, Print! of eery ittle, Oingliam, and Lawn, of eeery quality, Mualinl of erery grade, De Lainee adapted to the taetei of the old aid young; and aeery article of any kind of good, they eell 1, to be a, represented, and war ranted to giro eatUfection. DRESS GOODS: Ai to DRi:SH (.M ! we have a aplandtd aaaortment of Alpaeac, black, white, and in col or!) .rroarea, Silki, and tn ihort all tbe nw!t itylei In tbe markeL Wa dcalra thia fact to beeoma known to overy peraon lo tho county. VTiih our new and eitemive stock of DRESS GOODS, tba ladicf can all be mited by jmt dropping In and getting a nice dreai pattern, lace aett, kid glove! or by doicg that which if better i gift her a well-filled purie, and ihe will find food and paying inveitmanti in cmbroid rlei, adgingf, ribbom, glovea, boaierj, or any other household noceifltioa. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: And In addition to what wa have alreaiy numerated, wt keep all kind! of GESTLU MEN'H HEAR-luch ai Cloth a, Canimerai, Eatinetta, Halt, BooU and 8 hoe a, Ac, beildei, a nice assortment of Made-up C'l-OTIIING for Men and Boys, manufactured out of tba very best material, which wa will sell for cash or exchange for country product at prices which will astonish every body. SQUARE TIMBER: Wa ere now largely engaged in buying and idling QUA Hi; TIMII1R and manufac tured LUMBER, and will girt this branch of business spatial attention, and therefore make It an object to every ono who has Lumber to sell to coma and deal with ns. GROCERIES k HARDWARE : We shall alio keep constantly on hand ft general assortment of C-HOC l-.It 1 1.8 and HARDWARE, which wa will sell at exceed ingly low prieesWe alio keep a full snort meat of UrtlEXSW AKIS. TtU department will bi kept full and complete, and all who contemplate housekeeping, will find It to their advantage to come and trade with at; because wa are so situated, and, from long experience lu tbe business, so well acquainted with the want and necessities of this community, that we feci satisfied If ever man woman nnd child cnlj makes It a point to buy their goods from as, we can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, come along and buy your BOOTS FHOE3, 11AT3 A CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and everything you need to ren der yourselves and families comfortable, from JAMES JJ. GRAHAM k SUNS, 'oct CLEARFIELD, P. J7 Sfflcdifal. P. T. I, "For thy Stomach's Saie aud thine othor Infirmities," St. Faul. lIt. ItOYKIfS riHB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. Vsafe, pure, pleaaant and health git ing Tonic atrictly regctaMe, and manufactured from tbe moft pore and choice material! in not a pp'u lt drink nor substitute for whinky, but a scientific compound, for the protection of the fTclrrn and the cure of diaeaie, made from chemically pure spirit, entirely free from fusil oil or olber irrita ting properties, and will not diaagree or offend the in out dclicalc stomach, A long private experi ence has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies, Ko Rittcra at preterit oflVrtii tn the put'lir contain, ao ranch nichrinal Tirtne, and j rt ,o ,.fv and 1'lra.ant to take. IT, m i, to cure fll.recr, and it will not create an ajietite fur rpirituou, liquora, but will cure the cflecls of dirpipalion. To incrraae the Appetite, VSK IT. To promote Digestion, IT. To cure Dyspepsia, VSE IT. To cure Fcrer and Ague, 1'E IT. To cure Billlousncs,, I'PE IT. To cure Constipation, I'PE IT. To enre Chrrnic Diarrhira, T 8K IT. To cure Heart burn, I'SK IT. To cure Flatulence, t'FE IT. To cure Acid Eructations, I'SK IT. To enre NVrtnue Dcbilily, I'K IT. To cure Hypochondria, l'8E IT. To cure Falloerness of Complexion, 1'HE IT. To eure Pimples and III itches, I'.E IT. For General Prostration of the rby.leal powers, VPK IT, and It will enre yon. Fold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottle, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. SUA W, Druggist, CLEARFIF.I.D, PA., It' he offer, liberal inducements to the trade, Oct. J7, lfSCtWf. II. B. TAYLOU'8 LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the It.ilroad Depot,) CM-tRI II I l, rKliVA. IEMnrtACE this method of ii.rormlog the pnMie, that I bare opened np a Tnrd for the s.le of wood ar anal-burnt MMK and Anthracite CHAL, la the borough of ( le.rr.el I. and have eomplelcd arrangements with eastern dealers br which I can keep a fullsnpply eonstanlly oa hand, whirh will be di'posed of at reasonable rate., hv the tnn, bushel or ear load, to suit pnrebasers. Those at a distanoa can address me by letter, and obtain all Deeessary information br return wail. K. B. TAYI.HR. Cleariald Pa., F.b. It, lff tf Ui--.rrUancou. H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AM) MATCH MAKf R, urroma ins post orricE - 'vl-flilLKAnrilLD riHIK nkatrlWr rerrerttutlj Inform, hi. aid I P,lroa, and the fullie rrncr.1 if. Ilia' b. h.-oo band. I.nd I. ...nelanll, re.ei.lag ... Uditien, Iherete,) a large an.rk of Clocks, Watches and Jcwolry. HMT-I ,.rp Jrwelre In all He form, and di,retit value either bj ta piece or let. - WATCHKS A full anortaent of either Cold or Filr.r, m.d. by the br,l Act erica and fcr eirnm.nufamorer,, includintta fine lot of ,ld and alitor bunting ea.e, lull jeweled, Pa.,nt LeTera. CL0CKS-.0f all dtnlrn,. eonilftlnf of alfht. day and tbirty-bour, of either velgbt, ,prin6 or leeera, and both itrike and alarm. RKPAIRINO. All kind, of Watcbea nd Clock, llepaired, and warranted. In addition to what I hare enumerated, I Wep a full eiiortment of Sl'KCTACl.KS, colored d nlainel,,,. AIo,tItll,I fKNHand PKNCIIJ. 1 . (i i-t--T L-l L-VIVL'll an.) In si'otms, rtpitr.'", in nr." fact everylhint; in Ihe Jewelry line. If 1 fail to hare on band Ju.t what a euMoraer may need, I will order per Bret eiprr,., without eitra ch,re. A liberal hre of publie petronaRf i, olirit.d. May T, 186 y 11. V. NAUULK. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS d- STATIONERY. Mnrkct St., Clearfield, (at lite Poet Ofllrc.) flMIK unilerfigned begte leaea to announce to I the cititen, of Clearneld and Ticlnlly, that ha ha, Utted up a room and baa Jnut returned from the city with a large amount of reading nailer, contiiting in part of I Bibles and Mincollancoas Books, nl.nk. Account and Par, Dook, of arery de- aenpiion i Paper and Eneelonea, French pre..d and plains Pen. and Pencil, i lllank. Legal PV'er.. Deed., Mortgage, ; Judgment, E.emp- tion and Promiaaory note, J While and Perch! tnent Drier, Legal Cap.Kecord Cap, and Bill Cap, cneei, nurie lor aimer iau, i .uv r . .o,,o pj g,nm Pomp, Bi pMd Pomp,, Antl eon.untly en hand. Any book, or atationery ' . ' ...., ' .,, desired that I may not have on hand, will be or ordered by first eipress, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, each as Magaiines, News papers, Jo. P. A. UAUL1M. Clearfield May 7, 1908. If GREAT EXCITEMENT OX SECOND STREKT, tltarflrld, fa. NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES. TnB undersigned respectfully Incite Ihe at tention of tbe puhllc generally to their splendid assortment of merchandise, which tbey ftre now aelllng AT VERY IOW PRICES. Tbolr itock consists In part of Dry Goods of the Best Quality, Such aa Prints, De L.lnrt, Alpaccae, Merinos, Uln;hBms.Muslins((lileacbed aad unbleach ed,) Drilling., Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels, Fatinc tt,,Cassimeres, Cottonades, Ladies' Hbawls, Kubias 4 Hoods, Dalmoral and Hoop ckirta, Ac., Alto, a Bna assortment of Men's Drawer! and Shirts, llatl k Cap,, BooU k Khoea. all of which WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queonsware, Glassware, Groceries aud Spices. iff SHOUT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OfererTthlng a.nally kept la a retail store, all CIIKAP FCRCAHJi or approred country pro duce. A. K. WRIGHT ol EONS. ClearBald, Nor. 7 , 1887. OtlMETIIlNG JEW AfJ.UXl C. 1). WATSON Wishes to inform his olj friends acd the piiklie generally lhat be baa opened uo a new ! Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In his old stand, opposite the Court IIoun), SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. I His stock is all now, fresh and of the very keel quality, and will ha lold eheap for CAcll er approred Country Troduca. If job want pore Drugs and Patent Medirines, Oo to WATSON'S. If joa want Confectioneries, Canoed Fr.lta, I'lcklel and Jellies, Nuts, Ac, Ac, Oo to WATSON'S If yoa want lbs betl Roaited C' (Tee, E..ei of Coffee, Fpieee of all kinds, cheap, Go ta WATSON'S. If yoa want Fancy k Toilet Soaps, Flare Extracts, Ac, Ac , b, sore to Oo to WATSON'B. If you want Fancy Dye Colors, Clstk'a best Ba- china Thread, Pins, Needles A Notions, Oo to WATSON'S. Chewers and Smokeis, If yoa want the best In tbe market, Buy at WATSON'S, j where yoa eaa get Pipes k Pips Fixtures! If yoa want to get elcar of ynnr stamps. Come to WATSON'S. If yoa want to spend a few hoars of aiuaTraing wl:h your Mends, come to WATFONI old stand, where yon can crack BuU and sat Jokes until o'clock, p. m. April IS, 110. i:V STOKU AND NEW (,'OUDS. JOS. SHAW & SON liars) jual opened a New Stom, on Main St.,Cuuiriit.n, IV, lalclf occupied y Wra. F. IRWIN. Tbcir alock consists of LOUUr OI CD CD 3D S3, GnoctR!!! of tlia lost quality, Queensware, Itoots nnd Shoes and every articla necessary Tor ono'a comfort. Call and txaiuino our stork before pur chasing elsswber. May 9, lSfiC-lf, FAIRBANKS' STANDAP.D Is l r a a i s- fVSr-i'tA - W M aaa bU O a rpilE nn.ler.lgned l-g. leave to Inform the pul-BC-T ' JL lie that he is now fully prepared to accommo- - - or ALL aiansi or ail nans; "sRSaRe Darrews, WarehoiiM Trucks, Cpjinr Tresses, Iniprored Money Ilrawer, Jo. ron salb ar II. F. HIOLER & CO., Dralrra In llnrdwarr, tneli.lO 70 If P,.,m.l Street. Clearl), Id, Ta. rPliEt KI.EIirtATKIl lilCIIAHKfON IliirvrT A ':'h,.,,:f Hit. ' rrenrh Kip French Calf (Opposite flf ( Ms. tm. At C. KKATZKH 8. . ,,l' N,'LKs. for which the,c.t priw . " . I. II UliTTS. llearllrlil Jnlj 21, l"v tf ottitdrp nnd Warhiitf flicp. a. r. ""- ..urn, a. tot ao BOYNTON Si YOUNG, FOUNDERS k MACIllN'ISTS MAttufacturtrs of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine HtrecL, ri.F.AHi'ir.i.i, pa. nAVTNO enirnfrcd in the manufacture of flret elaat MAClllNiniV, we raepectfully inform the pitblio that wa are now prepared to All all 0Tn ,, cheaply and a, promptly ea can be done )n of w mMuf,c(lre ,uJ dM, , Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, nr(1 moel, W(ktar Wheel,, Bhafting Pulley,, lhSu"1 Ijr. t". "m bi.tlc., Oiler,, Tallow t'upl, Oil Cupi, Ueugo Cock,, Air iCock,, Uloke Valvee, Check Valre,, wrought iron ing, and all kind, of HILL W OHK; together with Plow,, Bled Bole, COOK Ay D PARLOR STO VES, and other CASTINGS of all kiod.. jT-fT-Ordcrj anticltcd and filled at city prieea. All letter, of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly anewered, by addrea ing u at Clearfield, Pa. dcrio tf dovktox i Yoi;sn leaning "iHilb. J.I;:r;.N0TICE.i W m. Powell. W. W. Dette. ia. iti:i:i a o. CLEARFIELD PLANING 3I1LL ALL RIG HT! rpilE proprictomrrfptxlfunj Inform thr eitiir-m -A of CIvarQeM rountv, thnt ihoy hmvn eotirvl; rrfittrd thif Mtttllibuictit with (he Utrat improred wood working mawhinrrT, nd are now prrpaird to Mecote all or Jen in their line of Wirtoiu. Thej will gir FFpnria attention to tba naQufate tun of material fur buut building, tucb aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, n rackets siot int.rGs, OF ALL 8TTLEH, We alwtyg hare on hand a large etock of If RY Lt'AI REK, and will pay eaph for aJI elrar Lumber. Ooe and a half inch panel etuiT preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to anil cuitomcr. Order folicilcl, and Lumber furniihcd on ihnrt notice and on rvaitonaMe termn. ii. l. iLiii;n t co. rimrficM, Kor. 7. 1 Clothing. Hon lo Snvo lonej'. TIIK tlttiei are hard; yn'd likt to know How y niT hti your dollar! j Tbe way to do it I will ihnw. If yen will read what followa. A man who llred Dot far from here, V ho worked hard at hi trade, But had a bounehold to lupport That aquanderad all ha nada. I met him once. Bnye he. "My friend, I lonk thretd hear and rongh ( I'ra tried to get tnynelf a euit, Hat ean't aara Bp enoagh," Sere T, my friend, hew much hara jn f I'll tell yoa where to go To get a enit that'i eooad aod eheap i To KKIZENSTKIN k Co. He look what little ha had aaved. And wewt ta Keitrmtein k Hmtheri, And there hi got a handiome ait. For half he paid to othera. Kow ba U home, he Jofiki 10 well, And their fleet li eneh. That when they take their daily meal, Tbey don 'I eat half aa much. And now he findi en fiatarday night, With all their wante upiied. That ha hai money left to ppend, And coma to lay a tide. 111 gtrd eneeeei, with eheerful fioile, lie gladly telle to alt. If you'd ve money, go aad hoy Your clothee at IlEIZF.NSTEIN'S CLOTIIINO HA I.I. Where the eheapeit, flnret and hent Clothing and grind Furnishing tlood eaa ha bad tn entt every taata and in arery ityta aprll, 70 SAWS I SAWS! SAWS I ATTENTION, LUMBER MEN ! . nr.i'ott Tto.y i.r ,v.iii ,vf EMERSON'S TATKM PKRFORATKD Cross-Cut, Circular and Long Sits, (ALL GVMMINa AVOIt'fcl).) A L80, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Fpreadioit, fifasrpeninjt, and Shaping Iba Teeth efall S.liiting Eswa. V.Fend for a Deseriptlra Cirrnlar and Trlre LI.U II. F. IHOLKR k CO, fleneral Areata, ClearOeld, Pa. Ijivcry iStahlo. Lie. . ih. ..nrr,ir.,.l.,n. ll,.Pu. It......... S.ddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reasonable lemis. Kceiilenoeon Locust street, between Ihird and Foarth. tJKil. W. GEARIIAItT. Tleerfteld, April 11, lsr.7. "fl MY 0.V HOOK." HAVIVli pnrt Imped (he entire ttorh of good at the old Mnnt of Kirk A Sfifiioer, I iniviid to eontinue the buPinrp an heretlnre, motto ie to erll "vnr.xr roa cAnn." Tbanking onr frientle and rtintomrr for piat patrunage, I i-it a enntinuanrr o( tbe mmr. I.SAAC KI;K. I.omVier City, Pfpt. 12 tf. 1()R lI.Ka.-White 1,-nd. fine, Paint. arted (l, Turpentine, Vamiitheo of all kin da, I .dore tn Oil and lrr I aint, Vamih Pnt-bfit, y fcA RT5WU'K k IHWIN. 0ia:l - ' . i .iiikil i n Jlruos A VlffllrlnrJ. It V. n O V A li. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, il!t'(i(JISTS, .WirArl Slrffl, ilcarflrM, l'a. TE beg lenee to Inform ofr old and new ce.tomer,. that we baee removed onr e. talill.hmenl to the ,paclou new building Joel erectfd on Marked itrevt, nearly adjoining tba Man. ion Home on the we, t. andoppo.ite Manre. (Iralum Knn,' etore ! where we re.pectfully invite the publie to eome and buy their Drugs, Chemicals, Patont Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Our ,tock of Prug and Medicine, eon.1,1, of eeerything uied, telacted with the greateat earo, and WARRANTED STRICTLY PTJRE! W. alio keen a full etock of Dye,, Perfumeriei, Toilet article,. foap,. Tooth llru.he,, Hair llruihea, Whltewa.h Ilrualie,, and arery other kind Uruahea. a bare a large lot or AVniTE LEAD, TUBl'EXTIXB, Flaiaeed Oil, Palnta, and In fact (Terrthing teed in the painting bnaineia, wblcb we efler at City price, to cub buyer,. a TOBACCO AND SEOARS, Confeotlcnery, Bplcee, and the Urgent 'itock of rarietiee erer offered tn this place, and warrant ed to ba of tba best the Market afford,. J. tl. HAKISWrCK, Nor. 2(1, 1818. JOHN V. IHWIN. Beale's Embrocalion, (LATE TOW ELL' 8,) For sll diseases Incident to Ilorsea, Cattle, aad Human Flesb, requiring the nsa ol an asternal application. This Embroealioa was eitenslretj a led j th. Uovarament durlof' tba war. For aals br llaruwieh di Irwir, Clearfield. Jossph H. Irwin, Carwensrills. Daniel Good- lander. La'.harsbar 1 UD AD LIMBER COMPAW OFFLR RARE I 3f I II C K 31 13 XTN TO Purchasers of ChoiceCoods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -I.N OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit the times! Osreola, M.ij II, 1ST0. Curwensviile Marble Yard. DF.SIH(l'S of extriitling my iiiinf, and knowing thi-re eaa le no hiphrr tribute I ronprrt to the mrnmrT of the flooeaed and bnrted frlrndt, then to errrt orrr their narrow btnMi a eruliturrd el eh of enduring raarMr. that points ftirrver to the renting piece of thoee We love; I -g Irave to enr tn all who WiPh to hiw their afl'i'ttnn for tlirir rtperted frii-nd and kindred, that ther ren now lure aa opportunity nf doirg nt, by ellinr et my tn on 1 Imniptmn ntrrft, t'lirwrtiFMlle, Pa.( ai 1 atn prrperxd to furnih to orilrr, MOXfMKXTS, CKADLK k T.OX TOM Its, HEAD STOXKS, Ac, of anr ilrsiirn or sise, at resinshle rates. X. H. 1 keep en hand the best l-'orrlin and IKimratlr Marhlc All wrk execntet in the most skillful manner. I will also deliver wurk tn anr point in t'lt-erflcld or a-ljtinint: eonntic, if l"irel. M. II. I t' LIU UN. t'orwcnsville, Oct. in, Iflr.tJ ir. JIUT MAHKI.T1 J. E. WniGLET & lino., Hating rnrrhar-ed Ihe eht.p and fixture- of W. It. MePhfrnon, wonld Infirm the eititeneof riear Beld and vicinity that they are at all timer pre pared to fummb Fresh Beer, Veal, Mutton, &c, 4c, Ar tii lower rasa Trs. A lilieral share of poMIr patronage Is respeetfnllr solicited. .'"Cash psid fur Cattle, Fhecp and lings. K"OM ON MARKET STREET. Clearlleld Ta. jef ro Put tr.oods, fwuut, ctr. CJIII'MT HAItUAIAN om Store In Mulsonliurg! In the riKjra f..rmnlr oeenj lecl Ij P. T. Ilegartj. L. M. COUTH1KT fpAKKS thii ttirthml r informing the ettirenf 1 of (.'ovinftoh, hartbaupi, tiir.ird and tbe ur roun ling roHtilrT, tlil b" ha jiit njn-ned a tnrj tM-k ol Bt M.MI.K (.niJlP, w rili' n n in nnr- nned toeedl TKN I'FIt i . N T CHI. AM U than the eeine quality of 1mm1h cn be fiurrbaet-ri fr in any'ther ature io tba nrifibborbood. ilii Heck contieta of Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Burn as Fetmetts, rasslmrrrs, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Lirillinr., Calicoes, Triintnings, Ribbons, Ldee, HEADV-MAPE CIiTHINO. BOOTS 4 f IJUtS, UATS 4 CAl'S, GE0CEEIIS OF ALL KINDS. Cuffec. Tea, fiurrar. Hire, Mnlaeree. Fifti, Salt, L 1 1. feed Oil, Fub Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardworo, QuoeiiBwarc, Tinware. Cettlnp, Plow and Plow Caetinre, Naili, Fpikei, Corn Cultiratom. Cilr Preeeei, and all kin di of Aiee. .jlMt Piowe are of tba Curwenevlfle and Centre county Bake, and are warranted to be of good quelity. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Painto, Yaroi'ti, Gmu, end a generxl atnortuicnt of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwayi on hand, and will be aotd at tbe loweit ooiiible flgurea. Ltqrons, Such aa BBANDT, WIKE, OIK k Willi KY frO()0 ponnde of Wool Wanted for which the higbeat price will be paid. ci.ovi:r isci.d, On band and for aale at the loweit an ark el price. Alao, Agent for Wilton'i fitrattonvilla TIIJtKSHING MACHINES. .TO, Cell and see fur rnnraetres. Ton will find everything usually kent in a retail store. L. M. COLir.IET. Franehrille P. 0., Jan. ?, IBCV. Down I Dovn 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AM) OF C0LHSE THE CIIEAFESTI A Proclamation against High Prices I are now opening up a lot of the brat and t f tnoft raninaMe (iimhIi and W'irfi erer ofli-rrd in thie market, and at priree that remind one of thr trofsti eld dnye of ehp thing. Trinee wbo lark faith upon tbii point, or down our alle gations aii) icr flu out, need but cfsiaf, afr ovn sTont:t Corner Trout and Market atreetn, Where thry ean are, feel, bear and know for them rlvre. Tu fully undrrtend what are cheap g'xlf, thre mart le don. Wo do not deem it inreeiary to enumerate and itemice oar itock. It ia enough for uk lo itt? that We have Everything that is Needed anil ennsnmed In thie market, and at prices that a.t"nih both old and rminr. dc-CK j'u.-tl'Il PnAW k FOX. XKW FKiOITII, VISED AND TROVISION STORE, TII E amler'igned bare jnst repaired at their new stand ia Uallartton, a full supply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, 4c., COAL OIL, (at reduced rates,) A rood article af TOItACCO, CIGARS A VP FJIOKINU TOBACCO, eonstantlr on hand. All of which will he sold at LOW HATES fr.r CASH or given in eachange fur FUINULES and LV Mil Kit. Wa rc.peetfullr ask he iahlie to give ns a trial before parrbasing elsewhere. j. n. head k co. Walleretnn. April 7, 1P09. C. KRATZER & SONS AT?E RKCF.IVIN'O ASFI.EXPID STOC K OFCAlll'ElS AMUIL CLOTHS. WALL rATEHS-OILT TAPER, ef-o. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHAPES- COVSTEKTANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTHS A N ATKINS LADIES SILK COATS .f OVERSKIRTS. FLEGANT SHAWLS 4 LACE TOINTS. I. A II KS" & CHILDREN'S TRIMMED II ATS. DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. BEST KID GM)VE-T.ADIES' GEN. TI.EMEN S AM) CHILDREN'S. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE BLACK ALTACAS. UNEQUAL!. FO ST'OCK I.ADIE'?' AND CHILDKEN'S SHOES OAlTERS. MEN'S CALF FRENCH KIT BOOTS HEAVY CALF BOOTS. $5, MEN'S AND BOYS' FIN E AND HEAVY fclloliS. CASS1MERES VERY CIIEAr. BEST STON E TEA SETTS, $. GROCERIES FLOUR .f- rROVIMOXS AT LOH tSr KAILS. i.iRrnu, rF.rt'CTirv to Tirrr BUYING IN QUANTITY. WOOL. M A R K FTI Vfl AND COUNTRY I'lillDLVK WANTED. Clrarllcld. June in, . acw Mlnp and Lhiuor Store i'i'iivi "'Hi I. L. R EIZE NSTEI N, wnoirsAla ITAirn i WINES &. LIQUORS, NAKKET FT., CLEAr.FIEJ.rt, TA. X!.FT1 "..I of Wine. Ttrandr. din, Whl.Vr and Alenhol, always on hand. Fneelal attention paid to a pitra article fur p'ner.nH-ntal raiMiipsi purposes. aprll-70lf Miss E. A."p.Rynderr aour ron Chlekerlnd's. ftelnwer's and Emerson's rienoii bmith s, Mason k Hamlin's and Peloubel s Otfrans and Jlclodeene. and Grnrer Ilaher's 8ewin Machines. Piano, flnltnr. Orffan. H.rmonr nnd Voeial Mn. sic. ISo popil t.k.n for lee. th.n half . form. .Vi'.T"..""1 Fir" N'Uonal Dank. C'leardeld. May i, 1m; tf. I and 1 (, (. om rnee senlo. Mailed ta any .1 Ir,... -J;j Clearfield County Bank. 'I 'III! n.aid.M Cnaaly llaak as aa l-..r,. I ted liLiitall'-n has S'.ns eat ef esui.,... . tt. sitrreniter of lie .barter, Mar IJ. t a. All Its slink Is owned he tti. suWrnl.rr,. will eontlnwa Ih. flanking aw.lne.s b it.. ,,a, plaea, as fetra. Itanksrs, nnitsr thefriaasa, ol ihe "Clear6.ld l-'ormtr Baok." . ... snonsihl. for the dehts ol the Malik, ar, I i, j,, its not. s on dsmand at lbs sninter. I1. p.,,, reci ired snd interest paid when winner ii l,ftfw a ftied time, r.rer discounted at sis prr .M as herel'f'ira. Our personal res ilii, pledged fir all Iinr"''" reccleed end he.ina trans'cted. A cnntlnnanea of Ihe liberal ,4. ron. ire of lha business men of the er.urM iir. specllulle solirl'ed. As President Ca.hi.. u officers of ira lata Ckarfleld t'onatr Kant. ., require the notes of laid Jlank to he for roHemptlon. JH. T. I.KONARD, KICnARD BIIAW, WM. 1'ORTKR, JAS. B. URAIIM, A. K. WBItlHT. O. I. RKKU, WM. A. WAI.LA' B. Tba business of tno Bank will b eonducHi, John M. Adams., Ksq.. as Cashier. Lsi.:t, vt J. I). M llirk. Edward I'.rkJ B AKKING & COLLECTION HOUSE a m MiMtr A nPPllT t mtuinix ul 1 l.iuj, Buff i-iBort to F inter, Perki, k Co., Ttillfpbairfc. Centre County, l'a. . 'TJIKKK all the bunineae of a flanking lWt wil oe tranoaeted prompt. and uj m t Diaet favoiale terma Wierl-tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bank la no open and ready for 1 oil aara. Off re on Haeond atreet, la the build, ing formerly occupied by Leonard, Fisne; k U mnrrToaa ian orrtraa. JAB. B. OK A HA M, Kf CHARD FIT AW WM. A. WALLACB, WM. FORTBH, A. Ii. WRIUUT. OBO. L. RKKI. W. M PHAW, JA8.T. LEONARD, Ju2K, efi) Ceibier. PrandeiL IohTouiihIiIAm aLe GREAT EXCITEMEXT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! IVERTRODT trying to gat there flrat, kxUti j of being erowdrd out into tba eold. It yoa want good Shoeing dona, go to ft (tie. If oo want your filer! iroaed right, go to Rraat. If yoa want good Mill Ironi, go to Reiki. If yoa want yoar wegoa iroaed in tba beat etylt and worktaanihip, go to Bsiii. baaaa nakea tbe beat fetotop Maeblne ie tb State, and doe all kindiof bLACaf-M IT IlLSiJ aa ebeip ai can ba dona ia tba county for Cub. 41 y i'uft Ofiioa addreaa li Clearfield Bridge. idua ad ncna. Bogga TpDee, 19, 867-tf. Southern Land & Emigration COMPAK Vt WASUINGTOX, D. C. ORGANIZED and eiUbliabed for tba Purrkaat and Pale of Farming and Mineral Landi, aad linprot-rd Real Kttate iu tba Souther biatet. THUMAS B. FLORKXCE, PrentknL JO. FEVKKNH, Vir I' ret, J. IltNHV ASKIN, Treaeam. Treeident Fourth NaiionaJ Buk of I'bildelpbik JOHN MORHI8, aSecrefary. THUS. C. MACDOWEU., Attorney and Ctranaaller. Offcre: itaehtngtoo Baildiog, Comer 6artBk Ft., and I'enniyhania Arenac, H'aihington, 1). C. arranrrre: Got. John T. llnflman. AH-anr, K. T. Ki-tlor. Wm. U i (t'er, U-arf.rtd, l'a. (ot. T. F. Rudolph, Trantnn. N. J. Kx-tJur. Wm. F. 1'acker, William.port, Fa. Sept. 1, 'f.tMf. !honp Furniture. JOITX CULTCn DVS1HES to inform hia old friend anl Pol tonera, that having enlarged faia ah op and inereaied bti favctlitiea for manulaetaring. be new prepared to naka toerder nieh Furniture it anay be dee ired, in good Style Mdatahaap rate, for CASH. Ha generally haa on hand, at bit Faro i lure room, a varied aeeortineat of reaiy. made furniture, among which ara BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrober-and Book-Caeea; Centra, Sofa. Parler, breakfast and Dining Eitanrton Tablet; Con. uton, Freaeh-paft,Coiugeenny-Lind and atker Ueditaidi; firfaa of all kindt, Work-atanda, lUt rark. Wuh-etandei Rooking and Arw Chain j epring-aat, eaoe bottom, parlor, nn mon and other Cbaire : Looking-Ulaaaat of aTtrv deerriptioa on bend ; and new glaevea for eld rrainee, wblen wtil na put in an vary reaeonable term i on eh or te ft notice, tie alao keepa on hied or furnuhee to order, Corn-huik, 11 air and Ctt t on -top Maitreaaea. CorriKs op Evert Kind Meda to order, and funeral attended wltk a Ilearee wbenerer del ired. Alao, Honea Painting dona lo order. Tht aabaeriber alea Banafae tarea, ar.d baa constantly on hand. Clantent'i Pi lent Waabieg Maehioa, lha boat now ia im I Thoaa niiog tbii narhina nerer need ba witk out clean clothe! He alto baa FlyerV Patent Chum, a enperior article, A family naing taia Chum nerer need ba wilhonl but tor 1 All the abore and many other article ara fur aiahed ta eurtomer ekaap for Caatt or axrhangf i for approred eon n try produce. Cherry, ilajile, Pnpiar, Lin wood and otaer Lumbar auitabie for Cabinet work, taken In txebange for fnroita-a jTRemember tba rhnp 1 aw Merker atreet, Clearfield, Pa and nearly oppoeiu tba Q14 Jw StAre." JOHN GCLICU. horeaher SS, im y The Lightning Tamer. fflllR nnderslned wra the sola Agents In this X eiantr for the "North Amertnaa (laleaniied LlllIITMNli RODS." T'jese are ike only m!s rode sew ia ns. and ar .adorned aj all Iks aeientifle nien In the eanntrj. Ws herehr notifr the citliens of the that wa will r-ai theni np a, batter rod. and fer less naoner, than is ebarsd br the fereifa aitenu who annnallj traeeree the roantj aid earrj of aar little cash, never to retara. EXCOniAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishlnt Llfhtnlnc Itads areeud aa their bandings need but address ns by letter, er rail la fereea. We will nt then np aa.whsre in theenuntr. and warrant them. The ludsaad Fixtures eaa ba seen at anj time br raliire at oareiore. II. P. UltJLkH k O. Clearfield. Mareh 50, 1570 U DAVID YOUNG, Stone-C utter and Stone-Msison, I1TILL eieeote all work la his Una at "d II arate prices and in riHST-t'LASS stria. Architectural Ornaments In ALL BTTLKS, Fiona Drerslcg of srery deaeription, and nil kinds of season wark eea Irarted for la ar oat of the eoantj. Any nrrsnrs wtebtea n b.eo rerpeelable aaaenn work and etone cutting dona, will Hud il lo their laterrst to rail npon Baa I wonld also in for us the pab. lie thai 1 eaa deliver any qnantlty or class ef sloe, drilled, as I am the owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE qUARKY. 0r4,rs for work can be addressed to .... PAVIIi Vol XiT. ar..t.7 Clearfield Pa. Clearfield Nursery. OURAGE HOME ISDVSTRT. rpnE indersiKned, harinf established a Sai A aery oa me Tike, skat half way between v.iearneld and Cnrw.nrelile, f prepared te fer. ;'' ',"" rFR, ,T THEKs.(.i.d.rd.r dw,rf.) Keerrreene, hhruhberr. Urai.e Vines, Ooe.eherries, Lawle ttlaehherrr. Slraehrrrr, and R. .berry Vlnea. Alio. Riberia Crab Trees, Vulnee, nnd early scarlet Khubarh, de. Orilrrr promptly attended to. Addren, J. I. WRIOIIT. !' ' 7 Curwensrills, Ta Lime lor Sale! TIIK nndrreipned, rreidiaf nrar tba dffet b meda eompreia arranavntenia wiih Uornree eart of the mnnntein, wharehv he ! bled tn keep eonetantlr a baad larjr quaaiity PURE L I M E 1 which he offrra to fhrniere and hniljera .1 a t';"a aheve cost. Those in need or the article weoit ile well tn (.ire me a call, or adilrees me by letter, he fore negotiating their lime. OKf. C. PASSMOR. riearCrld, Pa.. June , ist,o. T AKTI'.n One rood BLACKSMITH ard s I ono man to work la wwawi.kinc ..les, Wapon. Ptnmp Machines, de. Hirf'e msn er aita with small familie.. Anntr In BOOTH k BI MrtARiiEK. antl tf Jefferson Line, riearheld eoaetr. !'. Ki, M. Ilomliien llnbhell's. Prates Hoofland 's Oerman.ltn.lelter. and Ureeeiea tlsraanated Bitter, t alM Bora Lionets, of all hinds far ntedleinal purposes, for sale by HHITIWIrK k I1twi