Tin: ki.i'um.hwn. CLKAliFIF.I.P, Ta. om: m mvi h day, t irnit fins. Wt hsJ found t plpinatit fowl path, Indmy ucl Into the wdlkI, Whrrr the vnkr lid mighty warriurt In their piant benuty Hood: VIit the paM.ri nt wu;m funliftht Fimnuml down in wnvvt 4 jultl Lighting rip ti tunc-It forcft. Like a pi.-ture quui.it iuJ olj. An-I f ful low-J all the win-linei (f tlint foot jmth 'ni'n'h the trixi, While ih emnttirr v tulr were ingiug, 'Mill the n-Hli'pi finning ltnvti, Still it icrim-ii to us thv nui'ie l'lonting through the n-uotlinnd dim, Slunt have c.iughl the holy vwietmm Of iDiiif grubJ cat hvdr.il 1m iun. 1 cn rethc brilliant dim!or H thai ginning iirinmT day, A if Doiora in rittt nl beauty Where the dreamy inMnwi lay, I run bear the music drilling Very PoflW 'wtd the tree, But my heart i keeping r nJ I'eartr, brighter dreamt than thai. I rnncinlW that yon gathfrril Oaken leare 1 and blnMoma rare, And we wore a wreath bttneni us, Which you plnriMl ujiun my hair, Saving words whim earn ml meaning had nt'VtT cuught bclui e, 'I hare loved you Inndly, darling; Alnv I love tou evtrioure ?" OUE SATURDAY NIGHT. Tliis is Luto Taylor in one of liis dreamy moods, wlicn llio keener ar rows of thought uro returned to the quiver, and the bow of the Mind in un strung for a brief senson of rest : Tho n)oment,hours, diiof a week, hare bocn gathered into aslicnfbythe Iiarvest-haiida of Time, and to-night they will ho bound up and ftored in tho granary of tho pant. Fifty-two ehcnvcg liko this, will sow tho fitld of a year from Hie field of Life. Well bo it for us, in sowing the mo ment that grow into weeks, wo hare selected ground in tho vineyard, and tended with careful hands, the bud ding and growing of theso preeious plants, that tho harvest may be ft golden ono for tho Great Reaper, who waits for tho appointed time. Will it bo to-night, or to morrow, that tho Bound of tho sicklo may be beard f Tho hours have como and gono,and tho gontlo lido of sleep begins to flow upon the cily, and erelong, thegrato ful "to-morrow" will rest upon the itlumberors who liavo a place, to lay their heads. Could wo look up to the great mul titudo of God's family in this act, what a picturo would rise before us; the curly head of youth just touching the silver locks of ago ; tho rosy checks of infancy pillowed on tho breast of maternity ; tho hard fuco of Want resting on tho calloused hand of Toil ; tho hand of tho rich reposing on down; tho hend of tho poor and homeless, with not even a stone to offer for a couch. And this is tho world of Saturday night. While tho hours aro wearing away, tho thoughts and fancies of years arc gathering, and passing like a ponora ma before our vision; and tho blind owy forms of bygono scenes crowd upon tho ennvas, and fill our Sanctum with imagery, and our hearts with strange emotions. From without, coino in imagina tion, tho moans and cries of Buffering, that swell up to Ileavon on every side; and whilo wo sit under tho gaslight, our henrts go out into the great world to all who lire in tho blmdo of life, and wo pray God speed tho time when they may como out into the sunny paths. Who of God's creatures are on the best sido of lifo this Saturday night. ? Few who started in tho great race, filled with hope and youth, in tho green spring limo of boyhood, have como thus far unscathed. Pitfalls of temptation have been sot for their feet, and they fell ; snares haro en trapped them, and they becamo con verts to error; but still tho raco goes on. And hero we aro on tho troubled stream of lifo, drifting between the 'Today' and 'Yesterday,' whilo bo- fore ns the only reality we can grasp stands tho Frcscnt just ready to drop into tho rust. Without, nil is hushed savo the gen tle rustling of tho wind, that brings tho summer in its trailing robes; or the lonely footfalls, sounding on the pavements below. Silcnco in tho slrects that yester day garo such tokens of lifo. Silence in tho darkened dwelling, with only here and thero a dimly burning lamp to guido tho prodigal to his heme. Si lence in tho newspaper office, whero tbo Saturday night is sinking down into tho Sabbuth on weary hands and heads. Silcnco for tho pen silence for tho clicking types, and the dim of machinery. Silence in tho hearts of those who sleep, to dream, perchance of shining rivers and singing birds. Silcnco in the chamber, wlicro the I mysleriour) messenger i p.-iscing the guard ol prayerful friends nnd watch ers, to hy his icy hands upon the form of somo loved ono. Silenco in tho Bhops and rstoios, w here tho week day trnflio h.tft been rarried on. 8i lcnec in tho (hit relies until tho Sab bath morn wnkes the belles and call to prayer tho weary laden. Silence along the buay walks of daily life. Silence on fields, nd bill nnd wooded ridgo. Silenco on tho dark river, that glides beneath its icy cover to the res. Silcnco in tho rooting pWo of those who have been called from among ns and now lio whero tho cold dews gather on atono and shrubs. Silence everywhere nnd ns wo look from our window out into the niht, (iod's jewels the stars aro silently rihin ing dow n ; and tlio aamo Ian; that holds them in tho blue above, leaches ns thai tbo Great Unler of tho Uni verse cares for all His children this Saturday Nigbt. .as wr-rv t -iwmwjun r . mf 'e.nr iawvi"s, ! 'I'll K ' liil HINMI Nl " Shim .' il.-- J j The "trimly loil " bw Tl has been suh I ji'i'lcil Id a niniilii r i'l extra p.ilplla- tidiiK, icrently, bcciiite the stomach of "the government" wit sufleiieg tho ual cITVcts of having bocn ovit slriiwben icd. The berries were prob ably presented by some (me n'piriug to tho position of gaiilMier to "the government." The umounteousiinied by "tho government" at ono sitting is supposed to havo been a few ber ries short of four quarts. So small a quantity should not havo interfered with tho working capacity of tho stomach of tho bent government the sun ever Ac. Having previously taken an over gorge of negio tho berries would not mix with a sullicienl degreo of assimilation to cnnblo tho ducts of "tho government'" provender recep taclo to perforin with itB accustomed mysterioiisseienity. Mural: Present "the government'1 with any thing hut strawberries. J. G. Loiiioine, who was convicted about a year ago of robbing tho Coun ty National Dank of Clearfield, Ta., has sent a statement to St. Louis pur porting to ho a confession that he and two other parties blew open the safe of tho Sheriff of Franklin county, Mis souri, in Alarch, ISjC, and robbed it of eleven thousand dollars. Such a robbery was committed ut that time, and Lcnioine was arrested for the crimo, but acquitted. Ono of the par ties implicated by Lcmoino is Col. David Murphy, a highly respectable citizen of Washington, Frnnklin coun ty, and editor of a newspaper pub lished thero. Murphy is also well known in St. Louis, and ulthough Lo niui no's statement is sworn to and witnessed by tho Warden of tho Pen itentiary at Allegheny City, it will receive but little credence where Mur phy is known. Exchange. A Daring Lad. A five year old son of Mr. John Wcstbrook of this borough, performed a feat of daring on Wednesday last that but few boys of his ago would dure to do. Thelit- llo fellow, unobserved and unassisted by any one, climbed up the attic stairs to tho trap door, opened it, nnd ven tured upon tho roof, which is very sloping. Unconscious of his peril ho amused himself in climbing over tho roof, even going as fur as tho caves, and looking upon the pavement be low. A passer by happened to sec him, when ho climbed back Again, and nppeared to enjoy tho romance moro than tho spectators. Hunting don Globe. Forney vs. Wiiittf.moiie. Forney's Yvm is particularly severe in its con demnalion of tho re-election of Mr. Whittcmore, tho disgraced cadet seller, and expresses a strong hopo that Congress will decido adversely to his fiivorablo reception. Wo can not account for tho position taken by tho Press. Between Forney and Whittcmoro wo still tako Whitlo moro, notwithstanding bis crimes, to bo the decentest man of tho two. Whittemoro never entered tho grave yard and dug up, ghoul liko, the bones of tho man who took him from obscu rity and educated and raised him to oflieo of trust and profit. Mifllintou n Register. JiAnmi Fast Hiding. Ono hun dred and thirty two miles in throe hours is pretty fast traveling, equal ing ono mile in one miuulo nnd twen ty seconds for tho cntiro distance. This run was made with tho Pacific Express, between this place and liar risburg, on Saturday morning last. Un Tuesday morning, tho same train mado tho run from this place to Ilarrisburg in two hours nnd fifty eight minutes, and from Ilarrisburg to Philadelphia in two hours nnd twenty minutes, making tho whole distanco, 2.'!8 miles, in f.vo hours nnd eighteen minutes. Altomia Tribune. Detents Uridoes. The elephant "Tippoo Saib," on exhibition nt this place, on Monday last, appears to havo a creat aversion to crossing bridges. In coming here, ho would not trust tho bridge at N'orlhuniber laiid. Ho placed ono foot upon it, then shook his head and wheeled around. Ho was then taken to a landing at the river whero bo swam across both branches. In leaving this place, on Tuesday morning, bo swam the river opposite Market street, bis keeper accompanying him in a boat. The distance is about three fourths of a milo. Sunbury American. The Perry county Jltmocrat says 'On Sumluy morning, 22d of Ma-, the wife of Mr. Samuel McConncll, of To boyne township, this count-, gave birth to a child w ithout eyes. Our informant, a gentleman of veracity, ny that llicro is not even tlio rescni- bianco ( an eye in tlio jsliiro where the eyes ought to ho. OtlierwifO the child a boy is perfectly binned, sloul nnd health'. It is a wonderful freak of nature General Hanks is being nbtiscd by all the anrvilo orgnns of Gen. Griinl for his allusion to the Cuba mcusagp of tho latter. Hut that fuel will not tako from tho fureo of tho current which General Bunks has set running Against the present national adminis tration. General Grant find hi) friends nnd defenders must faco his own reo or J, and on Hint ho will be condemned by an nrotifcd nnlioriiil and patriotic sentiment. Mr. Morrell, Itadital, who rcprcccnlf tho Seventeenth CongrchMonnldiflticl in litis Slate, hns purchased ono third interest in tho Bessemer steel rail, fur J'ailroads, and is now using bis posi tion in Congress to get a high tnrifl put upon nil imported rails. Ttiis is what the Ilndicals cnll representing the "dear" people. flijt Cipptli, O'.iornlr'!, Clc I. B l. ft RAH R. W. (i nut AM.. A. A. GtUfMM J. IJ.fiKAIlAM&SONS, iuau'ET ftiii:i:t. C L V. A II I" I KM, Pa. Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, Dry Goods, Groceries, 4c. rrVtE itiW fritter! having imtcrr-d Into partner 1 ilifp fur the f urnnf, of earrvlnf on the huintM of Mcrhiimllir.frt nnw oflVr a fr""! and rare opportunity to the cltlncni of Clear flcltl and enjoining donntiee to uy store good at wholesale or retail price, that will aitonUh the unlnMructed. Thoir good will he particu larly lelreted to suit thia market. Krery lady wilt, therefore, eall the ottentton of herhnohnnd to thli faot, beeanse toil branch of our huine will reeeire perial attention, and everything noeded In a woll regulated hourehold wilt at all times be found in our etore. DRY GOODS: Our stork of DRV C.DODM shall not be sur passed, either In quality or price, end will m braco, in part, Print J of erery style, flinghinn , and Lawns of every quality, Muslins of fery grade, De Lalnes adapted (o the tastes of the old and young; and every article of any Mod of goods tbey sell is to be as represented, and war ranted to give iatifactiun. DRESS GOODS: As to Illl .OOlHwe bare a splendid assortment of Alpacas, black, white, and in col ors; rinurei, Silks, and In abort all the new oat stylet in (be market. We deslra this faot to become known to every person In the county With our new and extensive stuck of MlESS GOODS, the ladies can all be suited by just dropping In wild getting a nice dress pattern lace sett, kid gloves or by doing that which Is better t give her a well-filled purse, and she will find good and paying Investments in embroid eries, edgings, ribbons, gloves, hosiery, or any other household necessities. GENTLEMEN'S WEAK: And In addition to what wo have alreaty enumerated, we keep all kind of (:l:Sl l.l MEN'S Wr.AH ruch Cloth, Caulmerei, Satioetti, Hat, Boot nd Shoe, Ac., beside, nlre aiortment or Made-up I.OTI1INC; fur Men and Boy, manufactured oat of tho very Wat material, which we will tell lor rath or nchange for country produce at price which will astonish everybody. SQUARE TIMBER: - We ara now largely cn-evd in buying and ellinn fUllAltl: TIMHI.H and manufac tured LUMBER, and will (tire this branch ol business speelal attention, and therefore make il an object to every one who ha Lumber to sell to come and deal with u. GROCERIES & HARDWARE: We shall also keep constantly on hand a general assortment of .IU)t l.ltli: and II Rim AKi:, which we will sell at exceed ingly low prices. We also keep a full aMor: mcnt of ll IlENHU AKi:. TUs drpartraent will be kept full and eimplcte, and all Mho contemplate housekeeping, will find It to their advaotage to eome and trade with us; because we are so lituatod, and, front long experience lu the business, ao well acquainted with the wants nnd necessities of this community, (but we feel satisfied If every man woman and child only makes it a point to buy their goods from us, we can please them both as to quality and price. Therefore, come along and buy your UO0T5 SII0K3, HATS A CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and everything you need to ren dor yourselves and families comfortable, from JAMES Ji. GRAHAM, k SONS, oct CLKAKFIKLD, P . V jrtlfiitrnl. P. T. I. 'For thy Stomach's Sate and thino other Infirmities." St. Paul. Fl'IlB WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 safe, pnre, pleasant and hcolth-giTingTonic J. a. strictly Trjr.ctal.le, and manufactured from the most pure and choice material is not a spirit drink nor iilHlitttt fur whisky, hut a acicntific compound, for the protection of the system and the cure of disease, made from chemically pure spiilts, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disnffroe or offend the most dilicnte atomach. A long prUate cipcri rnce ha attested it Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No nitlcr at present offered to the pul.lic contains so much medicine. tirttie, and yet so safe and pleasant to tiike. It's use Is to cure disease, and it will not create an a. elite for spirituous liiiuors, but will cure the .fleet of dissipation. To Increase the Appetite, fpE IT. To promote Ingestion, THE IT. To cure Hjspfp.ia, I'SE IT. To cure Fever and Afrne, t'K IT. To cure Hilliousness, VSE IT. To cure Constipation, I'tE IT. To cure Chronio Diarrhoea, t"SE IT. To cure Heart turn, I'SE IT. To cure Flatulence, t'SK IT. To cure Acid Eructations, I'.E IT. To cure Ncrtous Di bility, I'SE IT. To cure Hypochondria, I'f-'E IT. To cure Fallownrss of Complexion, tE IT. To cur. Timplea and Dlnti liea, I KE IT. For fleneral Prostration of th. 1'hysie.l powers, I'FK IT, and It will cure yon. Fold erery where, at tl.On per hottle, Manu factured eat-liisirrly !y A. I. SUA W, HnijUist, CLEARFIELD, FA., Who oflrrs liheral inducTmrnts to the trade. O t. 17, IPr.Ortf. U. 15. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Irpot,) c i.r. ifu 1, pr.xx'A. TrMHHATR this method nf informlnir (he I -uMic, tlint t hnve op-rrH tip a yard fur the pile of wood or enal bnrnt I.I M K end Anthraritp COAL, tn the lioronph of rimrflrld, anil hare eomplrtrd annnffrmcnts with rartrn drulrrn hy which I rnn kj a full supply cnMnnllv on hand, whirh will ! diApid nf at rt n:.naM rslrs, h the tnn, btinhrl or ear Inad, lo suit pitrohniw. 1 hoe al a di-tane ran ellrf p wic hy iHlcr, nri ot'tsin all npwspary infurtnatinn )r r ft urn mntl t. B. TA VLuit. ' Clrarfleld V., Feb. J4, 10n9.tf VtH'..tcll.inr(Hi. H. F. N AUGLE, CLOCK AM) HATCH SIlkER, orr.imu ma HARRIET ITIIRKT POST orKICKii.'('IKAUFl!:Ll) r11lR sbcriler rerpeetlully Informs his nU I p..oH" and the puhlli genen Hy. Il at he fin hand, (arid is ennsianlly receiving uow additions therein,) a Urge it"ck of Clo(-ks, Watches and Jewelry, T-fr I kfrp Jewelry In all Its forms and of diflrrotit values, either by tho piece or set. WATCHES A full aMcrtnent of eUher flold or Pilver, mude by the bout Au vrican an i for eipn manufttciurers, Including a fine lot ol gold and silver bunting case, lull jeweled, latent Levers. CLOCKS Of all designs, eonsMIng of fight dy and thlrtv-hour, of either weight, spring or lovers, and both strike and alarm. KKPAl KINO. All kinds or Watches and Clocks Kopslrcd, and warranted. In addition to what I hnve enumerated, I keep a full assortment of riPKCTACLKd, cnlorel and plain glaa. Also, GOLD 1'KNSan.t PICNCiL-S, SPOONS, FOItKS, lllJTTKR KN1VKS, and in fact everything in the Jewelry line. If I fnil to hnve on hand just whut a cu turner may need, I will order per first eipress, without eitra charge. i. litters) xhare of public pntrunsgc Is solicited. May 1, 1M3 y Ji. P. NAUULK, READING FOR ALL! I HOOKS it STATIONERY. Market ttt., Clearfield, fat the PoatOflire.) rlliK undersigned begs leave to announce to JL the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted np a room and has just returnod from tho city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting tn part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Eooks, Blank, Account and Pass Books of every de scription ( P n per and Envelopes, Kronen pressed and plain; Pens and Pencils; Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages) Judgment, Kxeir.p tion and Promissory notos ; White and Parch, went ilriof, Legal Cup, ltecurd Cap, and Bill Cap , Sheet, Music lor either Piano, l-iate or Violin constantly on band. Any books or stationery denred that I may not have on hand, will be or ordcrod by flrrt express, and sold at wholesule or retail to suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, such as Mngasines, News pup or, Ao. J1. A. UAUL1M. Clrarfield May 7, 18f.8-tf GREAT EXcTlTEMENT OX SKCO-Nl) STREET, t lrarfiild, M'a. NEW GOODS AT LOW FEICES. fpiiH underpinned respectfully Inrlte (he at. 1 irntion or tn. tmblto ffencr.llr to the) splendid assortment of merchandise, which tbcj .re now leillng AT VERY LOW TRICES. Their tock consist in part of Dry QoodB of tho Best Quality, Such a Printa, Da I.slnrs, Alpaccat, Merinos, utnftnams.ivTiislinB.rijea'-lied and untlearn eJ,) Ilrillines, Tirklnrs, enitun and wool Flannf-ls.SRtinrtts.Cassitneres, C"ttnnaJes, l.adiea' Hhawls, Kuhias k Hoods, Italtnoral and Hoop Skirt, ic, Also, a fin. .ssortment of Men' Drawer and shirts, UaU taps, Uoota ehoet. all ol which WILL EE SOLD LOW FOR CASH Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Groceries and Spices. '.X SHORT A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ff sTerythlng nsunlly kept In a retail store, all CIIRAF FOKCASII or approred country pro ouce. A. K. WRIGHT & EONS Clearfield, Nov.7 , I8M. QOMtTlll(i m;w ac.aim C. I). WATSON Wishes to inform hi old friend and the r ihllc generally that h. has opened un a new Drug, Confectionery & Tobacco Store, In his old stand, opposite th. Court Mouse, EKC0ND ST , CLEARFIELD, TA. I His ftock is all new, fresh and of the Terr hest quality, and will b. told cheap fur CA II or approved Country Produc. If yon want pnre Drugs and Patent Med dnet, Go to WATSON'S. If yon want Confectioneries, Canned Fruits, ricklca and Jellies, Nut, Ao., Ac., Oo to WATSON'l. If yon want th. ht Roasted Coffee, Esse e of Coffee, Fplce of all kinds, cheap, Oo to WATSON'S. 11 you want rsncy a Toilet Foaps, Flatting Kitracls, Ac., Ae , hs sur. to Oo to WATSON'S. If yon wart Fancy Pje Color. Clark' bes Ma chine Thread, Pins, Needle A Notion, Oo to WATSON'S. Cbewer and Emokers, if you want th h it la the market. Bay at WATSON'S, I where you csn get Pipes A Pip. Flilur I. If you want to get eloar of your tami, Com. to WATSON'S. If you want to spend a few hour of an erenlng with your Mends, com. to WATEOMS old land, whar. you can crack nuts and .el Jokes until 9 o'clock, p. m. Arril IA, M70. JkKW BTOliK AND MiW GOODS. jus. siiaw &i so Hnre just openod a N'iw Sio, on Main St., CuisntLD, Ti i lately oceupicd hj Win. F. I It WIN, Their stock consist of LO LU 'O CE CD CO LED 23 Gko( i:n of the beat quality, Qu f.f.n swa re, Hoots nnd SIlOC.-J 1 and every article neeraasirr for one's comfort. Call and exnmine our stock before pun chasing elwbfire. May 9, lSCG-lf, FAIRBANKS' FTANDAllD SCALES, or au. aim,. Pa-gag. narrows, Warihoueo Tracks, Copyt Prtsses, Improred Money Prnwcr, Ae. j roa a A Lit ar H. F. BIOLKU & CO., Dealer In llardtvare, mch.HhrO If Peeond Street, Clearfield, P 'pilEt'KLEIlltATKI) RK IIAHDKllX ttKiT 1 Jghl K'n fi 0l)i French hln.. I d. on. KHATZKK S. French f'slf (Opposite Jail. l Oif Tl TI( IN' As STAI.: Hp t V,'.!"! V'""l largo number of the' new H.K Illl.l,, and will on the receipt of twrntr- c e.nt, mil a jy t. ... addrtH, aeyil wtm timmm-wtf! ttrvmw-zi nmim,.vw oumli'U nnd 'ilUhliir Hop. 1. r. tnrt"i .tiro. a. u BOYNTON &. YOUNG, l'or.NDKItS & MACHINISTS Mnnurnffiirf n of TORTABLE 4 STATIONARY sTiui kn(;li:s Corner of Fourth and Tine direct, 1 l.l:AI!l H I D, PA. nAVIXfl enjnircd In the manufacture of Jrt eleu MACII1.NEIIY, we respectfully inform th. publlo that we are now prepared to III all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can bo done in any r tlie cltlc. Via manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills, Head ISIucks, Wafer Wheels, Fhrtiii Pulleys. Clifford's Injei-tnr, f-lrain Onues, Fleam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cops, Oil Cups, (lauKe Coeks, Air Coeks, tllnbe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron I ipes, Mean Tumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anil- Friction Metres, r-oup Htone J'arkisig. Ouni I'aek iiiR, and all kinds of MILL WOKK: iocether with Plow, filed Soles, COOK' AND PARLOR STO VES, and other CASIIXOS of all kind. jsrir-vruer aoncileil and filled at city price. All litter of inquiry with reference to toaeliinery 01 our manulacture promptly answered, ly addre. ng us at llcnrucld, Pa. d'" If DOVNTON A VOI NG planing ls. ?:F':er,!NOTICE. ' Win. Powell. W. W.U.tl. CLEAItFIELD PLANING 31 ILL ALL RIGHT! rpilE proprie tors respectfully Inform tbeciliscnt -A of Clearfield ei.unly, tlinl they havo entirely refitted thi establishment wilh the latest impnired wootl working machinery, and are now prepared to execute all order in their line of business. They will giro especial attention to II,. manufac. ture of material for houso building, u b a FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, viuicuets it .vori.in.rGs, OF ALL STYLES, We always hare on hand a large slock of DRY I.lMllr.R.and will psycash for all clear Lumber. One-and a-hulf inch panel stuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or exchanged, to suit eustororra. o.-fl..Ordcrs solicited, and Litmlier furnished on short notice and on reasonable terms. 0. L. ItLLD A CO, Cleai field, Not. 7. 1 SBT. Clothing. Hon- lo Knvc 7Ioiuy. TUB titties are hard; yuo'd like to know How yon may ears your dollars t The way to do it I will show, If yoa will read what follows, A man who llred not far frnm here, Hho worked bard at hi trade, - Bat had a household to support That squandered all he made. I met him onee. Buys he, "My friend, ! look thread bear and rongh j I're trird to net myself a suit, But can't ears np enough." Bays T, my friend, how much hart yon f I'll tell yoa where to go Tn fret a suit that's sonnd and cheap t To KKIZKNSIK1N A Co. He took what tittle he had eared, And went to HeirnnMcin A It rot hers', And there h got a handsome suit, For half be paid lo others. Kow he Is home, be looks so well, And their effect Is such, That when they take tbeir dtily meal, They don't eat half aa much. And now he finds on Saturday night, With al) their wants supplied, That he has money left to spend, And soma to lay aside. His frood sucresi, with cheerful smile. He gladly tells to all. If you'd rare money, go and buy Your elothes t HKIZENSTEIN'8 CLOTHIXO I1AI.L. Where the cheapest, flr.est and hest Clolhinf and good Furnishing Uoods caa be had to su't every Uste and in every style aprll, 70 SAVS! SAWS I SAWS1 ATTENTION', LU M BKIZM I . Ki-voLfTio.r t.r s.ttrsi EMERSON'S ' PATKNT PE It F ORATED Viet uu. vjiiuiiu cum jvug uun (ALL ODMMINa AVOIDED.) A LBO, Emerson's Patent Adjustable Swage, For Spreading, Sbsrpening, and Pbaping the Teeth of all Splitting Saw.. SABcnd for Deseriptir Circular and Trie List. II. F. IIIDLKR A CO, m-hlfl.TO General Agcnta Claarteld, Pa. I.Ivory Ktahle. flIIR undersigned begs leare In inform the pub JL lie that he is nw lutly prt-pan-d lo aceommo. dele all in the way of furni.hing llnrscs. Ilneuics, caoiiies aiifl Harness, on tlie shortest notice and on reasonalite terms. Rf-siclcnce on Locust street, bclween 'I bird and Fourlh. IIKD. W. DEAR II ART. Clearfield, April 11, IKB7. "0 MY 0W. HOOK " HAVlN'tl ptirrhne. the entire stork nf fwU at the nl.l sanl of Kith A hprncer, 1 i nt tn J In enntinoe the husine.is as heretofore. My motto is to sell "mnAr ron rAn. Thank inj our friend and rimli'mers fur i-ast patronage, solicit a ctitinuane nf the same. IfAAC klliK. Lumber City, Hcpt, JJ f. 1K)n AI.I-.VhiteLead. fine. Tatnl. I.in srrrt Oil, Turpcnttne, Varnishes of atl liimlt, Culore in Uil and Jtrv I aint. Verni-h Itniphm. :.V .Ua-J .1; p-J.JL : ..sWmwMS-l--lt. . ' TlriiijB & VUfrtldnrj. It i: 71 O V A li. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, I R UG (i I STS, .Vtnkrl Mini, tlrarllild, fa. beg leare to Inform our old and n.w 1 1 customer, that we have removed our as taUishnient to the spacious new biiPdinr lust erecira on maraew aireei, nearly s.ijniDtn(( the nitnsion Mouse on tne west, aod opposite Wctsra.taiiyoiir ilore i the neiirhhorhood. His slock aiinrtaaui m o"in iuro , wnrrn wo rriciiuiiy invna tne puuue 13 come ana ouy tneir Drugs, Cbomicals, Patent Medicines, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Our stock of Drops and Medirines consists of ererythms; used, selected with the greatest care, anu WAEANTED STRICTLY PUEE! Wt alio keep a full stock of Pyes, Perfumeries, Toilet articles, soa. Tooth Drnshs, lluir ltrushes, Whitewush U rushes, and rery other kiou iirusnes. n nave a large lot or WHITE I.KAI), TUItl'KNTIXK, Flieed Oil, Pslnts. and la fact .eerythinf tsea in th painting busineii, which w .tier at tity pnee to cash buyer. TOBACCO AND SEGA RS, Confectknery, Fpleas, and tho largest atock of rariette ever ottered In tin place, and warrant ee u u ot tb. best lb. Market affords J. O. HAHT-iWrrK, Nut. 20, ISS. JOHN F. IKWIN. Beale's Embrocalion, (late Powell's,) For all diseesfi fneident to Horses, Cattle, and Human vlesh, requiring the vm ol aa sternal application. This Embrocation was eiteniirely used by lav uoTernmeni aurinK tne war. For sale by (Jartawiek A Irwir, Clearfield, Joseph Jt. Irwin, Curwenaville. laniel Good Isndcr. Luthershurr tf yaosii.ixxox L.WD AD LIMBER COMPAH OIFLB BARS IX Is i: CIDIKMN -re purchasers of ChoiceGoods AT TI1KIR MAMMOTH STORE IX OSCEOLA, PA. PRICES REDUCED To suit tho timcsl 0cc.la. fy II, lr. Curwensville Marble Yard. DKIItOl't? of pfttrnilinK my hnsines. and annwinjr thtre ean ho no higher trihutr "I rrfpret to lite nirirmry nf the drorasrd end hurii-d fiii niN, tlmn to rrret orr their narrow homes a eM.litiirrd slah of enlnritis; tr.arhlr, that it'tint lorrt r tn the rvMinx plum nf lbse we love; i hr rvr to snr to nil ho wish to show their aflfrtinn for their departed fiiends and himlred, that they ran now hare an opportunity of tl.iinjr n, hy rnllir.fr a my Khop on Tlinmpsnn ttrel, Curwriisvitlo, 'm.t as I am ptrpared to ftirnif-h to order, MONniKXTS, CRAM.E& POX TOM US, HEAD PTOXKS, Ac, of any design or sire, at reasonable rates. N. If 1 keep on hand the brat t'orrin auA lomrtlr Mnrhlp. All work eieruled in the en.'sl skilltul manner. I will also deliver work lo any point in t hai fit-Id or adjuiliiiif counties, if ociii l. M M. II. COLlll KS. Curwensville, Oct. 20, lSl'H tf. J:AT ItlAllKITl J. E. WHIGI.EY A 13 RO., Having purchased the shop and fittures of W. It. MrPherson, would inform th. eitisen of Clear field and vicinity that they ar. al all limes pre pared lo furnish Fresh Bcof, Veal, Mutton, 4c., ic, AT Till toltltsT ( Asa Tr. A liberal share of public palronagc i respectfully 'lirlled. ,7Csh paid for Cattle, Sheep and Iloga.'V.X HiM ON MARKET FTUF.KT, cifsjficiii, p, j.fj.rn tliy Cioods, CiiorfiifS, (f (. CJICIMT IIAUJAI.N Store in .MulMiiiliuitf! In the rftn frmrly oocuj.icd hy V. T. Mi-ffarly, L. M. COUTUIKT IAKFf this method of Inf'-rwinfT theeititrns 1 of ('oviii)rt'in, Kt flinitk, tlirard and the sur rourifliin coiinlrr, that hr tin Jiift opftiol a lurjfe 1 hhiip.I in aii tkv l K it t l kt tiipa I'kit KlflfH HI 1I l M r II ItfllMlt Wiilsf HO II rli-lrr. the same quality of Ooods cun be purchased f-r Dry Goods of all Kinds, 6urb aa Fatinetts, Caimerrs, Muslins. Delaines, Ltuen, Unlliripn, Talieors, Triuiraings, Kihbons, Lace, UEADY-MADK CI-OTHINfl. HOOTS , fcllUEaS, MATS A CAPaS GROCEEIES OF ALL KINDS. CofTce, Tea, Suirar. ltice, Molntses, Fish, K.I Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Cartion Oil. Hardware, Queeneware, Tinware. Costings, Plows and Plow Castings, Nails, Spike, u vuio.n.urp., -iiir re.scs, auu all kind of Axe. VU-Mj Plow ar. of th. Curwensrllle and Centra county make, and are warranted to he of good quality. Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Vamih, Olajts, and a gen cm swunmeui 01 oiaitonery, GOOD F LOU It, Of different brands, always on hand, and will be aula at tne lowest possible figures. Liqtons, Euch as URANIA', WIRE, GIX A WHISKY none pounds of it oo! wanted for which the nighcat price will he paid. ci.ovi:r nr.i:i), On hand and for aal. at lb. lowest market price. Also, Agent for Vt'ilon' fitrattonvill TIIJ.ESIIINO MACHINES l-Call and see for yourselves. Ton will And very ttung usually kept in a retail store. 1,. M. UUITHIKT. Franehtille P. 0., Jan. T, IKf.SI. Down I Down 1 1 TTIE T.AST A1?T?1VA T AJ.IOI ;V1V11 Ail AND OF C01T.SK THE CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I "lTK are now opening np a lot of the het and Tf auost aeaaonabl. UiHKla and Wane, aver unrrerl in Un market, and at price that remind one of the rood old day of ehenp thing. Thos. alio liu-k Taith upon this point, or deou our alio, gallon superfluous, need but Corner Front and Market streets, Where they ran see, feel, hear and know for theia- si Ives. To fully understand what are cheap goods, i nip m a i ne uuiie. n e ao not Urrm It nt-cessari to ennraenite and itemise our stock. It is enuug fur us to state tbU We have Everything that is Needed and consumed In this market, and at prices that swumini aviu via man Toimr. d JtiHhl'II PHAW 4 BOX ri.l!,FEEI AND PROVISION STORE, TIIK undersigned hare Jnat received at th.ir new stand in V allacelon, a full supply of Flour, Feed, Corn Meal, Bacon, tc, COAL OIL, (at reduced rates,) A good article of TOBACCO, CIGARS AND HIOklNQ TODACCO, constantly on hand. All of which will I sold at LOW RATES for CASH or given in nchange for SI1INULL3 and I.I MB I: II. We respectfully aak th. pul.lic to giv. a a trial bcrore purchasing elsewhere. J. It. READ A CO. lVallaeeton. April T, 1M. C. KRATZER & SONS AHE nrrKivixo a sn.Exnir) stock VP CA KPEI'S A . I) Ol L CLOTHS. WALL rArER.S-GILTrArER.rf-o. LACK CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES- COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS. LINEN TABLE CLOTIB t NAT-KINS. LADIES SILK COATS .t OVERSK I RT3. ELEOAXT SHAWLS A LACE T01NTS. UMF.S' it- CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS. DRESS GOODS ANDTRIJIMINGS. BEST KID GLOVES-LAMES' GFAV TLEMtN'S AND C1I II.lMi EN ,S. I1LACK AND FANCY SILKS. FINE ULACIC ALTACAS. UNFtJI'AI.LED STOCK LADIES' AND I'll ILDKEN'S SIIOFS d- OA ITERS. MKN S CALF f-FRENCH KIT BfXITS. HEAVV CALF BOOTS. $5. M EN-S A N I) DO VS' FI N BAND II EAVY eJIHIES. CASS1MERES VERY CHEAT. BEST STON E TEA SE TTS, $0. GROCERIES. FI.OITR ,( PROVISION'S A I LU H hST HATES. I.IP.KHAL DEDUCTION' TO TIIO!E BUYING IN QUANTITY. WOOL. MARK FTIXtl AND COUNTRY I'KilDUa WANTED. Clcarflrbl. Jnn. I. lar.o. Xew W ine and Liquor Store. I. L, R EIZE NSTEI N, WBotraiiB rr.ua i. WINES & LIQUORS, MARKET FT., CLEATFIKLD, TA. y..Fui1 sleek of Wine. Tlrandr. flln. Wbl.kr and Alcohol, alwave on hand. Fprrlal attention pvl l lo sernrief a pore article for Pacram.n'al and mclical purpoees. aprl l-79tf Miss E. A. P7RynderT Asiar roa Chirkerlng-. Ftelnwav' and Emerson' Piano: r-mllk's. Mason A Hamlin' and Peloabel Organ and Melodeon. and tirover A Baker'. Sewing Machine. ai.so tRArRK. or Tiann, Oaltar, Orran, Harmony aad Vocal Ma lic. No pupil .k,n ft , ,, , lrrm iff" 10 txnl KaUonal Bank. Clearfield, May 4, Isrff tf. ""l R I'KMOCIltTIC iUHVlc e. .'.e l"S;.e l I HIS. A,. ... p., Pnn I. rwm'mm'-im net tiwii Clearfield County Bank? ltd IniiiuM r 'i ' uf , ru'ri'TiriiT 'f i' rl.t s. , i i ii e" ono oe i n i' si a in o'l.ir. i s, Us, place, s private tlankera 0"lir the ... u ' '"'n.,., "i i"iie. near, , s...n.l l for lha debts ol lbs I'al.k. an I received and interest paid .hen oin-i i. ,tttm . Dicii nine, i-af-.r niacnunie'l al hx ,rr mm ii.rrM'iira "tr -,-runai ri (,n. I M . , v ple'lgi-d f-r all Dot ceils isccis, J M14 Luis, trans ctd. A continoiinc i.f i,e Ihi-i V. ... ...... - - ...,, . fp.cttully aolicited. A president, Ca.hier set ofhoerj of th. lata Clearfield County llai.k, require the note of laid liank to b pre.eiu lor reicmpnnn. JAS. T. LEONARD, EICHAIiD nAW WM. POHTEIt, . JAS. B. ORA1JAJI A. K. WKIUIIT. O. L. HEED, WM. A. WALLACK. Th. business of th. Dank will b ronducts kv John M. Adasas., q . Casht.r. juii';e,'i, J. II. M'lllrk. Edward I'.Iks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSI or McGirk & perks. Hueoessors to VubUt, Perks, A Co., Phllfpsbur. Centre luuuty. Pa. i ' ji r.ii r. au uie nusiness oi a nankin IIoih 1 f will oe trmnsneted promptly and upon tae most farornolr tvrms marl tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. THIS Bank la aow open and ready for basU n.s. Ofte. oa el.cond afreet, in th. baild. ing formerly occupied fay Leonard, Fiaa.y A C, niRBi.-Toc abd orricras. 7A. B. OHAHAM, KICIIAHD PHAW V. Jt. A. WALI.ACK, WM. PORTKH, A. K. WKIUIIT, GEO. L. II k:l. W. M. FHAW, JAS. T. LEONARD, Ju28,(IJ Casbi.r. areuleat. I5ogg.To iiNliip A wake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! rj'VERTBODT trying to get there flrrt, for fear j uf being arowdeA aait inu tb. ewld. It yoa want cood bboeinr doa. wo Lo Braaa. If yoe want your RleC ironed right, go to Btcat. If yoa want good Alill Irons, go to Bttaa, If yoa waat yoar wgoo ironed ia th.bt tyl. and workmanship, go to Bisaa. Bebr. makes the beat filonsa Maefcia. i. tb Slate, and doa all kind of BLACKSMITH INU a cheap a ean ba don. in tb. eoanty for Cask. My Port UfS.. audrei I Cl..rfl.ld Bridge THOMAS BEr.hr!. Borg Tp., D. 19, le7 tf. Southern Land & Emigration CflNPASr, WASHINGTON, D. C. aTiHOANIZEDandMUblishedforthePurchss. i , ..d Sal. of Faming and Miami La,,.,, and improved Kenl Estate in the Soutuara Suut. THOMAS It. FLORENCE, Prssid.nt. JO. SKVEKNS, Vie. Presidect. J. HENRY A.-KI.N. Treasurer. President Fourth National Bank of I'hildelphia. .suiia Mimmr, secretary. THUS. C. MACDOVY ELL, Attorney and Coansellar. Office: Tashinaioa Buildioe. Corner Seventh St., and Pennsylvania Aveuiw, Washington, D. C. arreaBarra : Oor. John T. Hoffman. Albany, K. T. Ea-dov. Wm. Bigler, Clearnel'd. Pa. Got. T. F. Randolph, Trenlnn, N. J. Ei-Oor. Was. F. Parker, WiUiamsport, Pa. Sept. I, '-tf. Clienp Furniture. JOHN GULICH D WIRES to inform hi old friends t.i cos. tomers, that baring enlarged hi thoa and incr..ad hi faoilitie. for manufactoring. h. ia aow prepared to anak. to order inch Furniture s. may b. desired, ia good ityl. and at .heap rate for CASH. II. generally haa oa baad. at hi Fnrnilur. room, a varied aaaortm.nt of raadr. aoad. faraitura, aaaoag which ar. BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobe and Book-Case; C.atr., Bofa, Parlor, Brr.kfaat and Dining Kiunsioa Tabl.i: Cobs- mon, French-post, Cottage, Jenny-Lind and otbsr Hedita.d t rWaa of all kind, Work-itands, ilat-rack. Wah-uadt Hocking and Arm- Chair f pr!ng-sat. can. -bottom, parlor, eooi mon and other Chair; Lookina-UlaMM .f .v.rr deveriptioa oa hand i and n.w glass. for old frame, which will k-e put In oa very reasonable term oa ahortaet aotioa. II. alio k.ep.oa hand or farnishra to order, Corn husk, Hair aid Cot ton -top Mattr.aaea. Coffius or Evert Kind Mad. to order, and fua.ral attead.d with a Hears, whenever desired. Also, House Painting doaa to order. Th. nbseriber alra maaufae. lures, and ha cntstaally aa haad, Clm4Bt'l Pat.nt Washing Maehina, the hest aow la us. t Tho. .sing this macbia. aever need ba with out clean clothes! Hs also ha Flyer's Patent Chum, a superior artirl.. A family using thi Chura nevor arad b. without botur I All th. abora aed many other articles ar fur nished to custom. r eh ap for Casa ar .xch.nged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Llnwood and olaer L.rober tuitabl. for Cabiaet work, uk.a la nchang. for fornit.-e f-Itememb.r th. hop W oa Marker trl, Cle.rteld, Pa, aal aoarly opposite th. "Old Jew stor.." John oilicu. K.T.mher it, 18A1 f The Lightning Tamer. rpHE andersigaed ar. the .ol. Agents la thi X tonatr for th. "North Am.rlc.a U.lvaaited LlllIIIMND Rnps." T iese are tke only sals rod now la ase. and ar. endorsed by all tk. scientific men la th. ..antry. Wa hereby antlfy th. eitlarn ef th. aonnty that w. will pat them ap a batter rod. and for less money, than fa charted br the foraira agrate who annnally traverse th. count; and carry off our lull, cash, aever to retura. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tho wishina Liahtaina Rods .retA their building need but addre a by Utter, or call la person. W. will pat them p anywhar. In Ih.counly, and warrant them. Tha Hods end Kiituras.aa b. aeea at any lima be celling al carrier.. II. T. BlfJLEH A CO. Cle.rteld, March S, I8T0 tf DAVID YOUNG, Stone-cutter nnd Stone-Mason, XtTILL cieeot. all work In hi line at mod. .rat. jricei and la FIRST-CLASS rtyle. Architectural Ornamenta la ALL STYLUS, Sten. Pressing of .r.ry deserlptioB, aad .11 kinds of mason work eoa trarled for la or out of the coaaty. Any peraoi waning m asrs rrsprct.M. mason work and stone catting done, will ind it I. their interest to eall upoa ma I would alra Inform the pub lic that I can deliver any quantity ar elass it stone desired, aa I am lb. owaer ef a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Orders for work caa be addressed to DAVID TlU'Srt. ar:s,ri Clrar.eld I'a. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE undersigned, baring established a Km aery oa lha 'Pike, ahoui hair b.iea Clearfield aad Corwensellle, Is prepared t far alsh all hinds of FR I IT TR LKS, ( standard aed dwarf.) Kvcrgrene. Shrubbery, drape Vines, (leo.eberrlee, l.awtoa Black berry. Strawberry, and Reaherry Vinea. Also, Siberian Crab Tree.. Quince, and early e vlel Rhubarb. Aa. Order promptly attended to. Address, J. I. WKIUIIT. cpl H-y Curwensvill.. T Lime for Sale! IMin nn lerslgncd, nsiding near the drpot hs mad. cnroplet. Brrangi-inents wilh Lima llurnerr rasl of the mountain, whereby he I. en b!cd to kcp coaslantly on hand a large qnanlilj of ri'KE LI M EI which he offer, to farmrri and builder at a tr fl. abov. cost. Thoe. ia need nf Ihc article would do well lo give me a eall, or address m. br letter, be for. Beg 'Hating tlie-.r lime. UKtV C. rASMORI. Clcardcld, Tn., June , kk. AIT A NTI'.O One good RI.ACKSMITn ae 1 I one man to work ia wood making Sled. Wacen., Smn-p Meebinea. Ae. Siigle mfs ar men with saiali famiiie. Apple to Hui'Hl A lit .VDABCKR, angl.f JefTeraoa Line, Cleiu-ncld eounrr. Pa, ft. Itnanltiro. Iluhbell'a Iirake' HooDaad' U.ranaa, Hosteller and tlrwen.'t Otygrnaici in.e ; i.so pur. Liqusr., of all kiad for edi.inal for aale be !HKTIWK A IRWH fnts. Mailed t. any .44r.ra. jjeU i