a-eaw cjiublican. Gioiihi 11. UooKLANDim, Editor. CLEAKFIELD, TA. WEDNESDAY MOIIMXU, JI I.V LI, 1ST0. Democratic District Ticket. APSKMHLY: JOHN G. HALL, Of et.E COl'STT. Publeot to (lie action of the I'ulrlil Convention Democratic County Ticket. FIIKIIIKF: Jl'tTIK J. PIC, Or flINARD. COMMISSIONER: DAVID lll'CK, Or CXEARrtEl.n. DISTRICT ATTORNEY : A. W. WALTERS, or CLEAHrtCLD. Jl"RY COMMISSIONER i JACOB A. FAUST, Or Cl.EARriELn. AID1T0R: D. AARON WISB, or EMOE. CORONER : SAMUEL A. CALDWELL, or BHAnroitD. Notice. Tho Supremo Court on Friduy lust, uflirmcd tlio judgment of tut Court of Cumberland county in the eclebrnted Dr. Schoeppc cao. Tho Doctor must now bang, guilty or not guilty. HteiasEi. Judge Conynglinm, who prosidod over the Courts of Luzcrno county for over 25 years, bus resigned, and Gov. Geary bus appointed G. il. Harding, Esq., of Wilkes-liarro, bin successor. The Democrats will make s successor to Mr. Harding ncit October. In TfiE Harness Ao"aii. Wo find on our our table s uplcndid looking and uuly edited paper entitled the Williamjport Sun, Vol. 1. Ko. 1, JLievi L. Tuto, Editor And Proprietor. Tho Col. can no more subsist ouuidc of ft newspaper office than a fish can live out of wnler. Succcos to the enterprise. Let it shine for all. A Radical Joke. To hear a "loil" political quack, fifty years of age, proclaim himself "o life-long Uepubli can." When every body knows llmt he has been Whig, Know-Xolhinu and embraced every other accursed Ism that lias passed over tho land since bo was 21 years of age. And besides, the Republican party was only born in 1856, and is therefore only 14 years old. Massachusetts Philanthropy. The citizens of Ibis Stuto wero among the first to import African negroes, and sell them into slavery; and a hundred years after become crazy Abolitionists, nearly overturned the Government on their own heads, to free the poor slave. This done, they are now importing Chinese by the thousand to work in their factories at 30 cents a day and discharging the wbito luborcrs. What hypocrites! All Wnin. A small ring of the XVth Amendment fraternity assem bled in the Court Room on Friday last, and nominated a full County rfi:..l.. m, ... .. ... aickcv. x no national wards were cheated out of a pi aco--all Ibo noini- nees being white. Notwithstanding the ruet, that "tho colored troopt fongbt bravely" during tho rebellion, they are being wholly ignored up North. The Radical leaders of tho present day are tho fined specimens of hypocrites that bavo existed since Christ denounced them eighteen hun. dred years ago, on the plains of Judea. Radical Deviltry. The Supreme Court ol this State at their lato sitting in Philadelphia, issued an order to the effect that they would in tho future refuso to bear or grant Naturalization papers. Thoso foreigners, who lost full, voted for Williams so as to make that bench up of thrco Radicals and two Democrats, can now congratulate their unnaturalized friends upon this order. The majority advanco the miserable plea that they are pressed for time; but the mihlortuno of the foreigner is that bis skin is wbito, were it black, tho Court would have plonty of time to give it their alien lion. The "Government" Overthrown. Prctidcnl Grant, in common with the corruption ring, nflcr laboring for six months for the purchase of San Domingo, a South Sea Inland negro colony was opsot on tho SOlh ultimo, by tho U. S. Scnalo. Although be bad appointed Cameron's son in law to gclher with a largo number of sons and relatives of olher Senators to bij..i office, he could not bribe tho treaty through that body. The vote for the fraud shows that but 28 out of tho 7U Senators wero bribed. This defeat will go bard w ith tho "govern ment," but we bopo it will survive, and in the future attend to its high functions, and not make its bed with the corruption ring. Sworn lN.Ackcrman7Granfs rebel Major, ,as been sworn in as At torney General, and the ' bloody handed rebel met the "loir member, in Calunet council on Friday. What an awful bowl would havo Kono forth from the throats of the "loil millions of the North" bad "Andy" Johnson appointed tliiw, or any other rebel to a 'a,inet office. Two rebels" in tho . Cabinet how, Cresswcll and Acker man. And the 'poverumcnt" fishing and junketing half tbe time while Congress is in session. No other President could find time for sport. Zfo, wifnir w-r -x -ii..' " -aw! itnmitte of it'lt 9 Ho New Yoik H'"fff, In rutins it'll JiiIk ll'nck's id IV ii i s of i'tnnliih in the f.i.ify, introduce) the follow in at '"' i'linl : ' ' Nor is il nmlis to M.ito ll.o fai t nut generally known, but siiM-eptidle l pioof, that w brn, on the timl of Willi, Jiulo Onld, tho ('oiili'ilerate Cointnispinncr of F.xi'hniige, tamo lo Washington as a witnens under ami) pu'iia to prove the facta wo bavo uta led, Stanton sent him word Hint if be did not return homo at once bit pa rolo would l) determined. Ho went away, and Wire was bung! To which we would add the addi tional fuel, not generally known, that Gen. It. K l.co uud Gen. llowel Cobb wero aUo subpoenaed and ordered to Washington as witnesses for tho ac cused, but wero subsequently met en route by dispatches from '.lie Govern ment ordering them not to c-omo on. Gen. Cobb got lis far as Suvitmiiili, mid receiving bis dispatch, turned back. Tho prosecution bail both ol iheso gentlemen rejected as w itnesses on the ground that, having engaged in the rebellion, they wero personally infamous and not to bo believed on oath. Wo may ulso stntcasnn intercstinir fact in this connoct ion, that Gen. Cobb, who was in command at Macon, dur ing tho year ISO, bad bo been allow ed to reach Washington, would have testified that upon tho receipt of a very largo number of wounded Con- icuerotes irom a recent battle, more than could bu accommodated at Mac on, he wrote to Andersonvillo to huvo a quantity of lumber that bad been collected sent up immediately , to be used in the construction of temporary hospitals. Wirz refused to let it go. alleging that bo had been trying long and had procured it with cieut dilli- cully to shelter his prisoners. Wo had this circumstance from General Cobb's own lips. Thus it was that witnesses for ibo defence wero silenced by that bloodthirsty court, and poor Wirz, innocent though bo was, wus sent to his lust account. Stanton has gone to meet him before a higher tribunal, where no witnesses are wanted. &iirtinniA (Oa.) lie publican. This settles tho question. While the trial of Wirz was going on tho question was asked a million of times "why are not the "rebel" Commission er Ould, and Gen. Lee, Cobb and other leaders brought to testify as to what they knew." Tho demon Stan ton prevented thorn. No wonder ho cut his throat after he was made Judgo. History will yet place tho incarnate devils w ho stood at the head of alTuirs in those dark days in their true light, and thoso who bavo not been killed, or committed suicide,had better make tip to setllo their accounts, with God and man. Ed. Clearfield Reitdlican. Tue "Loil" Nominees. Tho negro phobians have placed beforo Ibo w hite voters of this county tho names of John Swan, of Jordan lp., for PlicriH"; James Glenn, of Ferguson, for Com. missioner; Duniel W. McCurdv, of Clearfield, for District Atlornev: Robert Mitchell, of Clearfield, for Jury Commissioner; James Hughes, of Morris, for Auditor, and Geo. L. Way, of Cui wensvillo, for Coroner. We understand that these gentlemen aro all in favor of negro sufTrii"e; although we have beard Mr. McCunly exprcss himself otherwise. 15ut, not being posesscd of tho backbone a certain other Daniel had, ho will doubtless accept tho XVth Amend mcnt rather than bo tilled into a den of "loil" lions, nnd devoured. Those voters who think themselves no better than negroes will of courso voto for men who swear by the XVth Amend mcnt, while thoso who still regard the distinctions inado by tho Creator of some importance, so far as tho welfare of tho two races uro concerned, will of courso voto for candidates who repudiate this infamous heresy. A Sao Story. Tho Seranlon Re publican tells the following mournful sioryoi a casually thai occurred on the Lackawanu and llloomsburg liailroud, on mo evening ol tho SStli of Juno A Mrs. Gaven. with three children two litllo hoys nged five nnd eleven yenrs, ana a babe, was at the depot at iwm.iii n uiftu auuiii. roie pill licr two litllo boys in a ear and then re- tured to tho station for her babe. .Meanwhilo tho train started. The station-master signalled tho condue tar to stop, and the littlo boys scream cd at being carried away from their mother. Hut it seems that tho train neither slopped nor was any care Ink en of tho children. Tlio mother tele graphed to put them offal Seranlon. Nothing further was known of them until they were found on tl.o railway track about two o'clock Sunday morn. ing tho youngest one killed, and the oilier lying insensible, with his arm ctitolleloso to tho shoulder. The poor littlo wanderers had been run down by a train in a deep cut; but how or why they were oil' the train no one knows. We bavo rarely lead a more distressing storv. Tut AMrmcAN Oun Fm.low cIokui il Ninlli Volmno witli tho iemio lor current monili. l itis j ,0 ol.,i nnd loroodid lo Lo tho best U.ld VjI low iulilirnlion in rxiMlcncr. Wo no lice in its ull rnttivo contciilH numer ous- uitcrr-Minir titid inntruclivo nrli clc. l'rinciiiil coiitrilnitiiin : conclii (Jinn chitlci-s of tlio "jilcndid oriiiinl "dial, "t'oiiscicr.co inoiicy ;" Li tter" from Franco nnd Germany ; Scientific and C uiiou Fuel; Lodjo liencfita; iiiiinoraol lliu I'nyj History of Odd Fi'llowniitn ; Dignify of Manual lubor: Ladies' Olio; Youtlt'a lcmi linenl ; Tlio licbikult L'ejjrec; llomislie F.conomy; CorrcHimnrleneo j Miwel iHny; Clioieo roelry, cte.elc. Fub. liahcd by John V, dim, Ko. W, San au Wrect, New York, f 1 25 jier Toltimo. Let nil subscribo w ho arc ablo lo afford il. Tlio Democratic pnjiers aro abusing vjiiuiis iorei);n policy. 1 hut la pnyinj; Grant altogether loo much atlenlion, for lio in totally incnpuble of any policy w hatever, llo Inn to tfo it blind, uh Fisli and other mcmlirra of Ins cabinet tliclalo. Tho IIVM makes fun of Grant's grain mar ,bnt it is Fieh's grammar. Grant writes nothing. A incssiifro in bis lingo would make) liorso laugh. Our farmers arc busily cnirngcd in barvcrilinir their crops of gitiin ' und grass, both of which aro good. e.rrir wam.aj.ew -i .--J- rx.nrt; ;,-..wnsawr .ri.t)wo.4iw'.M6-kj!.: Htmk li. IITifff. 1 he I'ilii cnlh Amendment l on e bill pised by the present l'ongrcs, is intended to raise the tu-gr'es above white men, so fur as the pinlei tion T the government is coihm rued. Among tlio provisions of that bill nru tho (ol lowing M wbii h the attention of tbe while laboring men are directed : If any prrai.n linll I rri. ,,1. binder, control or Intimt.Ule. or .hall allrin.t to prevent, hinder, control or intimidate mit HT, Ir.iiR cicri'i.ino: ll, rijrU of .uftiMjr to li..,n llie rii lit of .ufliaicc i. at eun-d or guaranteed liv ll,r Eill,-,lh Ain-iitl-niilit lo tlir Coii.llllilit.u ( lite I mtr.l Stalii, Iy inckii. f Lril'iTV, Ilin-nU, ur thrrnt. f it.-jim- Itlg .U-Il pri.on Of (-IU.iVUlF!lt lr IK-I-U.l4tii.il. ur ul tji--titiK lut-h it'rvu fniio riili-l ln,ui, Iau.Ih, ur otlu-r roj.rity, or ljr threats of rHo.ing to r in m li ire, ur ninliA. I, f.ir Ul,ur, ur liv IlirrtU of violiiice to liiiu.rlf, or fsiiiilv, pin-h (ifrron .o ol nn.liny rlmll b il-rmi.,l giuilv uf iin..trrriMOiitr, iij rhll. on fxinvirtiuii tlii-rciif. I,c tliii-il not L p ii..a tivc huujrrj 4..i!iror be impri. m. j i,u llic Couit. ...... - -mi, vi mm, m lUO UIBCniflUn Ul Hero is the most amplo protection for negroes. They aro not even to bo advised by w hile men us to how they should exercise tho elective f ran ch iso. If a negro has n ballot which ho cannot reud, and a wbito man ex plains to him tho impolicy of polling thai ticket, bo can be arrested for at tempting to "control" the froo and In. dependent voter, nnd sent to prison. Sambo is lo bo sacred from all inter ference, llo is not to bo bindered,coii trolled or intimidated in tho most ro moto degree in tho Hint lor of Toting. Hut look at the oilier hide of the pic ture. While tlio Itadicals ore thus bodging the negro with stringent le gal provisions, and opening thudoor of the penitentiary to ull white mon who even attempt lo control him for bis good, they aro acting in a totally dif ferent manlier in relation to while men. They are compelled lo voto as their liadicnl masters command, on pain of discharge from oflieo or ex pulsion from places whero they are earning a living for themselves ai d families. To prove tiiis fact wo need only givo a few illustrations. A reg- ular system of inliniidution was put in ioico over mo employee ot tho government departments at tho lato election in Washington, liowen, tho liatlical canuidato lur .Mayor, the man wiio tiunuciorcd JU,UU0 into tho Prcs- meiii s pocKti in a transaction in aslnngton real estate, was permit ted to distribute a circular through tho various government offices, say ing, among oilier llimg, tins: t ir diUrrnimil In i,ot Hi. trailori, ruJ in onli-r to -r.ni.liu tint, i-nrni-.tl- anil on evrry pi-rRon who fiM-rivr. tin. rirr-iilur to rrliort to tlir oBii-o of the Ilai'f tViii; Jumrmat the nsiim of irrun. m me Ui iiamniMit., And pla?, uf ft.,. ui .i, ,ui-u , .hah rol. ur woD'hlre Agiiin.t uw uvular ni'imi'iK-an IH-KI'I. (Itignnl.) J. lion fur Major. Placards were also scattered throtp'h the departments conveying in no very obscure manner, bints as to bow tho clerks and others in government em- ploy must vote if they would retain their places. Thcso wero white men. and tho Jiiidical forco bill does not apply to their cases. Again tho Geor gia papers inform us that a few days ago, when tho employes of tho Wes tern and Atlantic Jioad, which is owned by tho Stato of Georgia and operated by the Ilullock "King," were paid ofT at Carlcrsvillo, each man found that bo had been charged with five dollars for subscription to tho Atlanta Yeir Era, Riid tho amount was deducted from bis pay. The pa per bad not ono bond Ji,lt subscriber among tho employes. The victims grumbled at being charged for a pa per they did not caro for, but the ul ternulivo was "pay your subscription or leave the road," and they had to submit This outrago was completod by n notico thut all tho employes of wus roau musi support tho Judical ticket at all elections or send in their resignations. These nrc cases coming eii-uny unuer mo provisions oj the forco bill, and yet as white men only uio iiijureii ine jiauicatB aro content rfinanrial. CLOMXtl I'KICES or DrIUru 1 Bno.,No.40 out Third St., Philadelphia, July , IS70: V. S. S'aor 'ti n, , " " 'J Ill, 111) " " '6 lllj 111) " " ' mi mi " " '65,aew no, 1 1 oj '117, new no) " " ' 1101 1 10 " S'a, 10 4(li. illsi 10s. V, 8. .10 Year t per rent. rrrenejr 114) 114) Duo Compound Intereat Notea IB OttlJ filler II 1121 IU7 lno Hit ..5 0110 910 t'oion I'aeitle It. R. I.t Murt. ISonja.. Central I'acillo It. B I ntnn TAeillo l.an l (Jrnnt Btintla !.! JU0 jtUa (Urftisrmritts. l TIO. All pereonaareherelireaiitioned arainal potrl,..,,,, or In but war meiMhnit with ft.or brtla and bruMing. thirteen 'el.aira. (o eoal att.eeaaiiil pipe. Iwo a.h Handa and nilurea ona nlr taMe, one ael of di.hee and bar room furniture and rWturre. now ia Iho )..,.,, f Mia. Catharine llolea. of (lira Hope, I'a., at the aame ltelon lo me, It-mr; pureha.ed al KheriH a aale on JuW f.lh, Ie7,l, and are loaned lo her ...I- jeel to mv order. w. H. UlrKEV. Ulon Hope, Julr IS, M70 .Hp -L Slumps I Slumps 1 1 'PHI! ondt r.iitned hal pnreha.etl the richt of 1 'liarf,eld eounljt for t.a a Fawaawiiars'i Mi ar KiTn.rT.ta, patrnlrd June 7ib, ls;il Tula ia diei.la ll.r the moat ennvemenl. m'o.t don hie, and boat ntoehine of the ilar. W et wraiher will not afleel it, the workina; part Iwinr til of iron. The niai hine la ea.tlr ai t op. and wtll work any p'a,-a that ean I plt.wtd. We will eell ma ehinea al a .mail pr.,1,1 on eoal, and will Irr to rnttke it lo the a.lti,lnCe offaimera lo hue lit", in. W e aolirit order, from lh,.e wanting marhtnea II. T. MRNMVOHTII, Clearfield, I'a J. II. tIAIllllSON. Cirw.n.iillo, I'a. Gro. II. Hai l, Agenl, Clearfield, Pa. j 13 I),. Lawrence School Fund. AIMI.I.IAM V. ItEAIl, Trea.urer. in aeetiiml M With the fund, of AAid di.ln.'t f... o... - ending June, A. II. 1S70. ln:.:mn. To ItAlAnee due lat BMIIrment fl.lltl 7 ii, wnoie amount ol duplieate lor lhTll, T o hlale Apttroprialion To uneeated tin ree"d of Co. Trrn.urrr. J.mi 1,1 2q ;,u Inn fm Vo S3 To caih of O.L. Iteed, (on rehnol houae, j rntliiTiia. Ily onlera redeemed 2.04S 42 tr eToneralioua fti no Ily Cttlleetor'a pereenlace as K2 I'.y Tn a.lirer'a per eentasre..., 4A so Ily Ital.duedi.lriet uneolleeted l.lt.'lj H Total.. f.t.M.tl 00 H.',6 00 TAY1.HR llflWI.KS, Preai.l.nf. Atteat : I.. C. Iltaoj, Keeretary, Jvl.l .'lt Borouqh Ordinance. VT a nterttnf ol the Town Coonril of lr lr. ooch of t learliild, held July 9 l:n Ii or.l.re.l that the It.ll.tw titg (I, dhiAuee tyr Itulili.l ,ed d.nl May It, lal.fl: 1 a. 1 Iiai no i.ereon ahall lw allowed to throw 1 eollit in a pile or bean on any BlreM nr ll itliin tbe liinita of the aaid Itoniurh an auiin or eoal a.hra, and every pi rmn ao otrmtliiic .hall tie oneo lor earn irarn.e in a mm nnl leaa titan one I .... ,r t ,.. ... or e.iieeieil aa olher I . a" itttr, it,, law rwnTrraiiie. 4. AH manure, and et.al a. he. ben aHrr found in any afreet or alley ahall be deemed the proiertr of the boeonrh, and it ia hrre' y made the duly nl the rdeeet t' mi.aiolier lo take aut h manurea anl eoal a. he. anil dirpoe of Ihe aame al piilt!ie or priiate aale. the peieeede of aaid aale to lie paid to the Uot-nugh J'reaaiirrr for art of Ihe bon.oph. e,e ir enaerra ana .ra-iinietf A. rAe feroeH onaf oiea (ttaarir nj lit, 6oroNi;4 nf f len,iVo la eta . .. .... nc,rf .nitiiNm o.,ASP. ti) nj le e. I hat from and a'ler Antii.t l.l A. U. T0. further burial, he nnihilnted in ih. ki rraneia Human Caihuhr Crmetery, aa now need by them. JON A. Hill. M ii Ilor,,. Artcatj A. W. l.ra, ( hark. JylJ 5t itriv Aili(Kl5fmfiit. TA it 1. 1 nr. l IfJSI. II. fill, .1 I'rnnliim, I'lhrr V"lpl, irlr4 nttr nil i-,,nit titiin, ! Mr, hAiiir.' Eiliil tlton, llnl"ll, Oilulii r, Si . TIIF. OIIIUIXAL ANII (1KNTINK SKLF-Il ECU LATINO, Wllot'dllT IIIOS. Ain TUiHT, CAs-coNsuimTa heatee, WITH rATrXTEB 1i iT FrnKK, Uaatr IUr Hkntii, Wnot cut Ihoh Hadi.itoh, ifp AiToiiATto llrariiroa, Fur Burning Anthracite or Bituminous Coal or Wood. IS iir.pl for brickwork, Slid 2 litei I'urtuLle. MArrACTt bk osi.r sr J. REYNOLDS &. SON, H W. corner l-1lh and Filbert Strceti, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Thrut Ifpntori tire mn'lo of Heavy Wnnijrlit Inm, rt rivctiHl loi tlier, ami aro warranted to hr nltoilutdy Un ami lmt Titrlil. Ihey are the only llt-iiff-ra thut are maitftfrrd without any data (rr, anl in which all kinds of luel can bo burneJ without alteration. Conking Itanrf, for Hotdp. H.-ntnnrftiils and FttUiiliej. AUo. a Flat Tup Heating Kango. Fiie Place Hiatera, Low Down Jtte, BUf MaiiH'ti, Kt'giatcra, Vcntilatora. Pauij.likta giving full derilion, arnt froc, to any aUtircaa. jl3'Tt-ly TUSCAEORA ACADEMY, A CADE MI A, I'A: rpiIK S.'.th m hool yrir will bi jin Kcptemhcr t. X AMk llic AttiMitiiin uf purt-iit And icuArJi ii. to A couiidcrAtiun of tho merit! of lliiA imti- luti.in. It, Lnealliui. Ilcultnrul. tlro-ti and In ovrry way ImvorAble for ,hyilcul UfTeltuuirut. lid. No Temptation. Urtnoxd from tlic Aatuoiis And loaftiig plucvi iuuideut to town!. 3d, ICduVstiolial Advstitifi-A. Kameit tcAc-licn And unrounding! fAvorAblo for fludy. lh. Lone; I'.Atuhllvlird.-It ha. bem In ruoern.ful opiTHliuo 24 Jrvartt and bat bad Itu-dt-utl from Hourly crt-ry rtiaio. 8th, Mural liitlueucca. The t.rct-ipti of the lliUc are daily laughL Ulh, f 'heap llatea.-Termi, ti'OO. .C-flfnd fur a Cirrutar. be made aoon. ApplloatiuD abould I). D. 8TOVK. A. M., J. J. FATTEUSO.N. A. M , July 13, 1870 Im. I'rinei.ala. 5-20'h niiil 18S1V. LOUUIIT, SOLD I EXCIIANUUD ON MOST LIUEBAL TEHM8. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Kates. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific E. R. Bonds Ecraglit and Sold. 4T-KTt( KM l.U")lt and Hold on nm hImIou only. CHICAGO, Dauvlllc and Vliieennea First Mortgage 7 P. C. Gold Bonds For tm'.t at tM) And accrued Intereat. "AooonnH received and Internal allowed e daily lalanoea, auljeet to cheek at rigbt. S.9:ty ,0 South Third Street, Fblladclphii 4 llIIMTlltTIIII'a KOTIC K.Ntlee l ia nerelir Kiren that lettera of a linini.lrAlii,. oil Hie eatale of etoLoMO.N l'VI.KS. deed. Iota f Pike townahin, CleArfield connlr. I'enn'a.. I,r. injt been duly jfrAnted lo the onder.irned, nil per at.,,, indebted lo raid eatate will pleaae make pny. oieut, and thoaa harinf elaima or detnanda will pre.eitl them pniperlj aulhcnlicated fumtllcuient and allowance without di lav, 1. 1. ItlrtKn. Atlrainlrtrator. Curwenarille, July n, Injo-Aipd. 4 OTIC I, A. C. Kinnrr. Ca.liier of ll,e Pir.l National Hank of Clearfield. harin( re.ifrm d al a meelinit of the Direel.tr. W illiam II. Hill wai eleeled Ca.lner. J0.1A. EUYN'T'i.V J,,lr 13 t. 1'rea. lent. SheriiTs Sale. 1 I Tiriua or a writ of Ltmri foeiia, la. 1 I Hied ont of the Court of Common I k... r i iearni m ei.uniy. anil to me direeled, lit re will W ejpomd to pul.lio aalo, at the Court II aiae in the bnntlinb of Cleartield. on Paturtlae Ike 21.1 day of July, 1711, at I o'ulork, p. m.l lit f jl lowmn deacribod Ileal E.late, to wit: , All thai eertnln trnel of land aituale in I rearia tiiwn.hip, Clearfield ei.unlv, l'a.,e..nlaininrlaerea and (Id perehra. nnd bountlad and deimriUfl a. fu. Inw. to wii : Beginning at a point on tho link of Clearfield Creek, on the north aide; turner north 2..) di jreea, weal V pi n he.. to a po.t ,,n a -ilteen fi-ot-wi.le alley llin.ro along aoulh ritlo .r aaitl alley (I I) d. gnra, eaat 7 per, hea. t.i a po.t ; Uienee a.iutb 41 di gree-a. ea.t II, perrhe,' lo p.t thenee north 71 degreea, eo.t i perebea. to to oet Ihenee 4I degree., eaat :if perehea, to a h ttliKik troei thenee north 7i degreia. rant Jf perrt , to a pine alumni theneo aoulh .10 tl,..rn.. m p...,..,...,,,,,,; menoc aoum 4 dr-ree. Iwe.l 1 pereh to a hi.lory atump; thrneo lowijaa ereek, Bftillh .",) d.trm. eaat 110 perehea to tltwoi.l. die or end Clearfield Crei k thenre aoulh t. de. greea, weal peeehea to a po.t ; thenee li.tti J"l di greea, we.t 671 pen hea, to the plaee of aWin ningi together wilh all and aingular the Saler prmlegra to the one half of the .. .l i i. .... , i Cm k. adjoining the right bank thereof, r-:mi at a po.t In the line of land of Ama.a Km ,. in the imtl lie of Clearfield Creek : thenee op lhrp,. die o, aaid ereek, the aereral eoureea llteret C I S3 perehea lo a p.t.l in the niltflleof .aid ereek (the partiea of the .eet.nd part lo hnee the pririlare of eroetmg a Imom in aaitl ereek ahine a rrtain hrideemeraaidcrei k in the VillKe ol lilen Hope;) It bemr part of a eerlain 210 aere.ao.l II ...it.... Iraet of land ahirh Jeremiah Cnopi.r ait wife granted and moneyed to John Cot.per on the let .lay ol Maren. A. II. Isfii; whieh e.,.1 eon,. reeor.l.d in Heed llok "W."rare llil J.'. .-.I whieh the aaid John Cooper, bt I,,, deed dtl.'d the tilth day of Angu.t, A. Ii. nr,s. ,r..j i. ....... to Untrue (I. Itakr.lraw and lll.n, II. i ... whieh the aaitl Elara ltnke.tr.. ..i ....... , ' hand and aeal. dated the Mb dar of Januarv k l IMl, eoniey and nleaae to aaid (leorge tl' ')(,',' etraw. party hereto, whirh aaid eonu rami. ,ad relenw ia ree,r.lel in lleed Hook "X "'l.aga b . . pieoonr trai'i of land an an tl i , rid o nan inirrrat in whieh the aaid (ienrre (I Hake elraw tltd inter alia grant and eonver I...I..I.. . Arthur, by hi. deed .Inled Ihe l.l day of Aiiru.l A. I. laflflj whirh aa,d deed i. reeorded In heo. Ilto.k ' V," pare 474. As.t all of whirl, -k.;. . title will more fully and al larire appear by refer me to the nine fur Ihe reeor.linr ol deetl.', .. , - 7 i'i i tiarneiii, al lite erven. p. r. mrnuonro. fllao, all that eeetam pieoe ol ttn.nnd aituale in lleeearia tnwnehip. eounly anil . .-. miuoiieu ana tlr.t-nl.r.l .a ftt'lowB to wit : HemninK at a po.t eorner of Itake.traw thenee by a aiil.n feef ,ll,.y. ,llth d,,,., weat H4 feel to hit ol II. II. ,. ,ee,l, aaid lot lo ClearBeld Crwki thenee down eai.t ateeam .100 feet, mure or leaa. to line of fl. u. HBfcr atraw ; thenee by aaid line to plaee of l,rrii,j, eontaiiiinj J j penhea, more or leaf ; heintr wh.l i mntatned in aaid hnundariea. Alwi, a pioe. ol ronnd aituale in lleerana loan. hip. eoouly n,l Stale arttre.aitl, boundvd and deaerilKil aa follow, to wit : Hrr.nii.itir al a f.-piail on the aoulh anle ot Clearfield Cm k : thenee he land oftl. W. Caldwell ...ul It 14 di-a-reea. eaat 4 perehea. to a peat ; thene. by land of 1 hotnaa finwim. north f. 1 ilr(free e.a' I" fTrhra. loa po.t : thenre north 0 .lejree, ,,i .HI pen hr. to a poal In Itokr.lrnw'a line; lhry,w north 22 di rreea, weat 4 pen hea, to en-ek ; t,rnr., aoulh ail djrn-., t 2 perehea. aoulh :t drer,,, weat 40 perrhea. to pl.re ot n..Kinuiniti e.nil.,ir, I aere.nd IJ perrh-.i if hei,,, .,,., n, , , teaet of land whieh John Cooper. ,,y hi. deed d,e.l r.epterol-r 4th. I -M. arant. d to Jeremiah 1 rrrt.r.lrd in le.d U whieh Jeremiah C, . pas. Ap.. I.er and m.i. I., j. . . J.... loil. I.e- ' ' : . . ".' ' "te1 ..... . .,, Kr.m(.a ,n lUkr.i. .ua J. vi . Amine, n rordr in taenl Hook "A A ! FlMfrta I7H An - - J l . 1. W.ArtbVn;.7t"r".";"'",.,,M,? '' J tre ,B, r.; and wb w And J franteil to ilh... r ... 7 ... 1 "''" ' . ..... . . , tnr ntfice at ( rarfii l.l l. . '.ij ... - . T I. II r. r..ll - "V"" m l"-hl i in exriiiii..B ... . .a . '.. '""ir am anitfiBf. . a c. mm ii pfpiriy of w ., i. . r lh. " "i '" nnnea tnat 15 percent. Property la knack. d d... .. i. .in . "i"" tmA aa, L .a "ai.f,M,.. tVKENICS liow P Fntatrra Orrna. I sh.,i Mt ' kmiwmr i'imwki t .iwwn ViU$r(tl.iufoii, NTW IIIMIU. -A nt. ..II ion ..rr , I'lieeS.V AildrsM I,. s l II ItlN'fl, INnr.,rJ O.) Hit I 10 srw .,1' I.. Ov s,i,.,ir. 11 11. Shaw, f"t A t s', A I r. I. Mv O t r.HMI'V Ni-nd f"r I'lrciil.ir. flr-l el... I 7 I'll. 1 si'., ind .li'A'ly rni f I" y in fii t, II.K.II'lll K 37 Areb Hln-i t, I'lnla li Iphia, 1 rrrlvllle 'I'll, nluslral arhnol. I'nltarl an ; nltn-nti-a Al ifnvt ra : Flflll a yi'ar Ui ioor ui'iiuiAf iii'Kin. Aurti1! 111. Ai)ly to A. A. I.IVKIIMOHK, MrAdville, I'a. CII'ltlOI'M, IKHV HVKAMM'-.l-Tlie .l.ir. J riVif .itiiVf' Vniie r.'.imifiNi'iiM eunlAilia the ili'.in-'t liit'iiriiiAlion. Hi-nt In-e fur plainp. Ad. drrii .MKS. II. SIKTli.tlt, Ihmuver, I'a. Tf. Mill. I'AV A(.l:NTM a wUrrof 1 1 li per week or allow a liirjw cuuiuiii.ioa tOKlluurui-w Ini-eiitioni. A.l.ln.t J. W. Kltt.NK CO., .Mar.hnll, Mich. rAXTKl. AliV.S TH.$;'a WaIiIi im riven erAli. to every live man wbu will art ai our Arut. llu.ine.s liirht and honniHl,l. j nnva f.lll p'T dnr. Addreaa It. JIOMIOli Kh.N- M. DUV A CO., I'itt.burKb, I'a. )IM)K A:r.TM WAri.l.'iL,f,. ! HAile .." f,,, oppuailion, Hliel em-ravinit". Uapid anlia. fur cir. ul.in a.l.lrr.. L:.S. I'ubli.bing Co., N. V., Cincinnati A l'liica. Qalcanirn Hauled in a pavinif Imainc.i. ti. O KEX.NEUY, 4IJ Cbcetuul 61., l'luludibia. 1)Vrll(IMAXCY. KAFCIXATIOXOIt SOI L I'll.Mt.MINll. AOtl pnKci; eloth. Tliiiwon. doifiil bunk ha. full in.lruclioni to enuMe I llo reader to lax inite eillur ai l, or Any animal, at will. Mxuiuriiui, SpiriluAliMn, and hundmli ul olber ouriuua experiiiienla. It can be oblained by tiding addreaa, Willi III eenta puitaxe. to T. W. KVANri I Co., No. 4 1 So. liigbtb 6t.,l'hiladilitiiA. QTAH KI'ANCI I II HA!,Xl;it.A l.rKe O fmt.v-eolomn pn,er, lrt,-r iie, illu.tralid. I'evoleil toSketrlic, I'oolry, Vit. lliiuinr, ornmue fun, Noiinmc (r , enille kind), and lo the ci. po.oreof B.indlmc lluiul,uir.Ae. O.ilj 7j-enl a year, and a luperb enj:raviii "KvaitcSinc," Hit foot, grain, 111,111111 eiroulalic.n. W.mey re funded t., all who aik it. It i wide awuke. fear Icaa, Iruthlul. Try it now. 7.4 eenta a year. Hnici. mem free. A,IUren"liA.!KIV Jliu.dale Nil PATENTS. T NVCNTOIIS wbu woh to take out Lettera Pat. 1 eut are adviaid to eounael with .MI N'.N A CO. editora of the SrintiJIr Aaieriiia,who bare prme-' ented claiuia bifura the Pnlent Office fur over Twenty Ycora. Their Aineriran And liurnpenn Fntenl Ai-cney ia tbo inoal eiteu.ive in tbe world. I'liArgea Icia than any other riliahle agencj. A pauipblct containing lull inatrncliona lo invenlora Hacntgratii. M f'NN A I'O., 37 PA. How, New York. vi:st it is Tmiii Thai the Bl J,.,rthe Be.t.,,p,r. he ?(,., ' linker, to be fuund in tbe world are the Orig inal and llcliahle Kt.uMe Motion A:iua Irla rlifneM, tnAilc by tbe.fcTNA M A N I FAl' I'l. ItiNU CO., ol rialem, Ohio, ckud for I'auiphltl ctintaiu ng particulara. r 1 1 ii i; in m'aTm a c'iii kZxZ. ii.7. X trea forStamp. TA hit A.N T A CO., X. X. PROMPT. HONORABLE. RELIABLE. 4 UKNTS WANTED in av.ry city, town and J. V village f..r the lorgcat and otu.l aneeea.lul liol.LAll HOI SE in lite eountrr ONLY ONE eniloraed by the leading Papcra alid Eipreaa Co 'a of the l ulled Htatra. Our guuda giro ui.iver..! aali.taction, our primiunn to AgeulA eannol he eloelled, and our rbicka aro free. Having two h.iueee lloaton and Chicago our farilti,,., n ...cMu.ie, aim our nu.mepa etoeeda In amount all olher cuncerna in thta trade eomliined. T-Send for Cireulara ami Froo Club lo R C THOMPSON A CO, l:i Federal Street, Uo.t(,B; or 1j8 State Utreet, Chicago. A MODEL HOUSE. HI.IXU a cripple, I hare ma le honae pUnning A rneeiAl alutlr. One litttll l..i ........ i. .. prove.1 a ino.lel of eonreni, nre. Liauly and eeono my. Ilearrlplive eireulnra of Plana, View,, etc.. wilh general information of value to all. .. ul fri Addreaa, (wilh atauip or aenpl if convenient). OtO. J. I Ol.llY, Area, tool, n aUrburr, YerroonL Newspaper Adverlisina. A Rook of i:5 eltiB.ty printed p,,gr,. 1,,., i.Btied r..nu,tt. a li.t or the t at Ainerie.a Atlrer tiatng Medium., giving the nam. a. eireul.liona, and full partii ulara eooei rning the lending lailr and Weekly Pol, Ileal and Family Nr.,.por: together will, all ihoM, having large cireulaliona, pultli.hrd in tha intereat of l.eligion, Agrit ulltire L.l.ralore, ae.. Ao. Every Adi erliaer, and eeery perat.a who ooiilemplalM heet.ming aorh, will fl, thi. h,,k of great value. Mailed Iree lo anv ad- KOW EI.L A CO., Puldi.bora, So. 40 I'.,k ltow, Aew 1 ork. ' The I'm. I, ore (P. ) .. .. ;.!.. . 29. ism VrC'"':;'.,.,v,:'"r .k 1 . 1 u. r. Howell t to., whieh ,,., Il. i,,.re.tig ..! valu.Me book, ' J "f"," nd """'" -Keney in ,h; , , ""'i ehwrlull, reooniajend it to the attention of il... a. . I... A...-. ... - j their hu.me.. at ienl.Ce.lly and ay.lematie.llr In ueb a wny, llttil (a, , ., lo ,urc ' amount of publicity for the leaat cupeaJiiur. of money. LARGEST - BEST - CHEAPEST I IMEHPIIISE, In.luatry, Tael, Eiber.lile, I A and tha Heat Talent. I,... I... . t leaia been froely naid upon Miwre'a Rural New-Yorker. And .. . 1 reaolt It la now, pee eminent,, the argi-at. Heat and Chraneat IHu.lr.t Literary and Family Weekly in the World. Tena r thoaaanda of wide awake People, all over Ih. Continent, Uk. and adinir. th. Iti.u. for it. upenor Ability, Value, Illu.tratu.na, Htrle, le T1IK ! It 13 AND ri:ul'I.K PIIAISB IT! Foreiamp!,, an ej, hange aaya : "Tar lira, 1. ia III. tooat elegantW pnnle.1, ably e.li.eil, widely eirenl.ied and he., I.ly ,el,..n, d paper, a. a whole", whieh now find. II. war among ie People i'frX"1, ?X" l"'i'"J"l.v2. Try it! Only Vl.aU per rolume of 70 numliera, or ri per year Leaa lo eliil.a riultaerilo. now ! Addreaa IT. "'OHE, 41 Park ltow. X. Y. l-.Mn will p rr tha X. Y. WEEKLY 'HI IIOI.I.AIt SIMri.ro ...! . ONE IHH. I.Alt will pay for the UK M I-W EKK I.Y do. do. .Ml eenta a un.ulh para for THE IMILY MA. AdJrteaa I. W. E.Nlil.AMl, Pul.li.her, New York. 0 SE 1I1 1.ION ACHI;- CHOICE IOWA LANDS For aale, at f.1 per nere and npwar.la. f.tr ca.h, or on ered.t, l,T ,,P UailriiBd Land Comitany. Ilatlroatl, alnady built llir..i,,h the Land., ami n all aitlea ol them. (Ireat indiieeme.,1. lo a t Hera, (.end Tor oar free l'tini.bl,t. It ri,,. iri.Ta lixttia, loealion; tell, who altould eome weat. what they ahonld brii.n-. what it will eo,t ivea plane and eleyations of I8 4iirrrent alylcaof "adv made hoa-a, ,h h the Company lurni.h at from 2i0 to t.too ready to aa . W. rent If derired. Addrr 1 1 W. W. MALKEli, Viee Present, Ce.lar Haytida. Iowa. j'2J tt The Lightning Tamer. 'PHI! underlined ar. th. attla A seel, In thl. I emnty for Hi. "North Amrriean tlalranitrd LI,IH1MN R.IDS." T ..a. .rath. ..".af. rod. now in .... and ara andoracd by all th. aelentifle men in Ih. oeantey. Vi hereby notify th. eitireni of th. eennly that w. will pat them np a better rod. and for lera money, than ia rharfrod b th. foreirn arenta who anneal ly trareraa th. et.unly and c.rry of our lull, taah, ney.r to return. ENCOUKAGK HOME LAlioa Thou wi.hlnr Llthlt,lnr Itoda .rwttd .a their buiUinga need but addreaa ua by leller, or eall In perron. will put them np any. her. in Ih.ouunty, and warrant them. Th. llodaaitd Mlturea can b. aeon at any time he rallina .... r, ,i,vjijt-1i 4 Jf Clearfield, March 3tl, k;o tt Democratic Almanan. fPIIIM InialuaMe pnltliralion I. Tor .ale al the I poetofliee. It .hould lo-in tbe hau l, of erery 1'emoerat. It oonlain. full elerlion relnrna from every county in the I nileil 8tnleai Itiridra. t,B number lor IW".fl eontaina a et.ninlt te It. 1 ,.f it,. name.ol all I be new..apera .oppre I and mohheil ..inr.,1,1 aaiiiiniiialralion: and that for IMIJ oiintiima the names of all llit.ee rtnltan. who were impriaoned ilurinr the aaiuo periml. Theae two li.la, for fulorw refereneo, art, worth more than the pnee n the pnltliralion. Th. numlier for IMS ib aIbi, mil of Tnliiablealali.lira. A nv one Bendiliff GO eenta lo Ihe Poat Maaler. will ee.i, 1.. ....... iy lor each rear, frneof nnelac.. l Ir?! il -- - -. V "-I'MMMKI No. I eighteen Inch fl M II IU f.. .1.- Lt . . I. I- ... ... 1INK, WHIT A ItOAN LININU 8KINS Ju.t rerrlred aad for aale h April :o. 1 Jt. 11 t. 1IIHLER A 1 CO. rVuaee and abdominal .npportcra of erary J. kind of lb. lateat Improrementt, for t.l. ai lha Drag Itortof U A MT.mr nii a lairiu - wntnvdn iUlsf(Uitnfcin. IMMI.III-1 ef.lal.le .tntl ll'tl'SK. VI I. eatrd in f,ha. m.l pmt Apply lo J. ,.f If.WL. I., re, K. W Alfi-X. J. I J "ill.IK r'TKKI, HINlll.R AND lllll'III.K li sh iret I'luwa In a and W'..d Keamea- fur ala l.y ii. r. iii'ii.KH to oo L1,l.ll KTKKl. FISill.R AND HOllll.K I hbirai Vivm Ulade- -lrr aale br II. K llllll.KK Co. N' TOTM'I'. All per,,n. ind, Med to the n,lir- rigne.l will plcaae call and aillle wilhoul lurllicr d.lav. T. II. foil! KY. Ilrahunotuo, June ti, 170 St. ("1 All I fro VAitin.N hi:i:imfhi:-! a hook oin the Philadelphia (lanlrna: al.n, the e, l,l,rali. IIOSK I'OTA n:-l. for anle at ll.a Kiug Kiorool UAKT.SW IL'K A IHHIN, api!7 Cliiirtlcld. Pa. IIIH HAI K (til II K NT I A Iwo-atory More ll'inae, with large one-atory warenmni in rrnr, and H. tlll u-i't ul ground, .iluate on Hcieiiiid .tn-,-1. Thil properly ia in g(ri..l repair, and well ailnuted for a buaiucKi stand. For lurllicr parlii-ulara iu 'lai"'"f i. O. N1YLINU. I'loarScliI, May 25, I70-2ra. (1AIITION. All peraoita aro hereby waraeil J awil.t piirchaaing or la any way inid.lling with two hay hnr.ea, nuw in tbo poaae.riuti ol rtiimuel rtlott, of Uopta town. hip, aa tbu aanic belong to u, and aro left with him on loan, aub ject to oar order. A. K. W KIU1IT A SONS. Ckarlicld, June SIM, I I. rOlfM Vl I (li. Notion i. here- J J by give given that littera te.tamenlarr bavin? he.-n rronled to the anhaeribcr on the ii.i ,.l JO.-KI'll II.II AtilCKTY.dcoeK.ed, lalo of Jordan lowmtiip, I Irarlleld oounly, I'ennaylvania, all persuua indcbled lo raid ealal are reiUeatcd to tunke iinuicdiuto payment, and thuao baring elaiina agiiinat the aaine will pre aent tbcin duly nulheiilicated fur aettlement. K. W. WISE, Eiocutor. Anaonrille. June 1, IK70 Ot. "JICIIfllANTH IIOTIiL. Corner of Third and BmitbOdd Strceti, I'lttkburp, Pa. 4:0 70 II. JOHNSTON A FON, Proprietora. giuiv ikii sr. Corner or klaiket and Front Stroeta, 1'lcarlirld, Pa. Thia Diagn'ificent Hotel ia antirele new plcte in all ita aMioiuluienla. and .unvMiit.,.! the Court Houae. A treat Oiuuihua ruua to and Iroin the U,pot ou the arrival and departure ol "'" ur.tj.ut J. (.01.111 UN, jApril 13. 1H70. Proprietor. ORCANS & PIANOS, ESTVS AND MASON ot HAMLIN'S, roa (ali r ft. J. HATES, Curenlla, Pa. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CI.EAIIFIEI.D, PA. ff-Shnp on Hoed Strt, near Pennavlrania Itailroail O.oU war l,'7ll:lf. To f arpenters and Contractors. OKAI.EII PH0P0UAI.S will b. reeeii.,1 by the J oeuKoi iMreeiora 01 l.awrenea tttwn.liip until Hie aeeond day of July, for the erection of 1 1, roe Sehool liouaea. One lo bo built at or near the Croi.ktd Itun R hool llt.oae; one at or near the ill. Zton Khool 1 1 'toe, and one at or near John vr. i'iiud a. t'lana and apecificatiooa cau bcleeu by calling on the Secretary. By order of the rtonrtl. Jr" " L. C. II LOOM, Secretary. THE OSCEOLA BAKERY! C. J. FHOFP, Proprietor. IWOfl.D re.peetfulty announe. to the olj eua. tomcre of Shofl A Oilrirn, and the eitiien. of Oaeeola and Tieinily in general, that I hare he. noma ade proprietor of I lo O.teoU llakerv, and am pnparad lo fiinu.b the 'TAFF OF LIFE " aa well aa PIES, t'AKES, Ae., of every deacni'i. lion, in any quautily and on abort uotiJa. O.reola, Jauuary 12, l&7tl. JOII.V TKOUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., eaat of the Allegheny Houae, C I I'AltHI.I I), pa. IKEETon hand all kindaof Furnituea, In mit. or by the ainele artiele. Tlmae in need or an. ar:ieleof Furnilure, will Dnd it to their intereat to call and examine mr atoek. whirh I will aril very low for eti.h or eat-hance f,r auitatde luu her. Clearfield. Pa., A-.-' - l-T.f. KDWAKI) PERKS & CO., Flour Haiiufiu'turer!., And Dealer in G It A 1 X OF ALL KINDS, PHILIPSBURO, PA. A rn.T, Frppi.Y of ri.nrn. w n k a t. rnltN and CIHiP oonitantly od hand, and lor aale at ratea rrmarkattlr low. (frb4t( A VA1.U AIII.I2 ITIll ICATKIM I he Men who Advrrtlir."- A K....W nf fM hundied a:.d fifty larf. ojlavo patea. ennlatiiin an arrounl or aueeraalul adverli.rra, tofeiber with hinla on the method of odvertiains. and advnr tinf the New.paper aa th. only legitimate adrcr. iiiin metiiutn. I'Amci lran rwapaprr Kate. Hook." Cttniainina Ihe advert). m.; rale, or leadtnr Aui.r iejin Kew.paiH-ra, armiiR. .! with an indel for the couveuienee of aiivrrtiaerB. "Aineriran Nrn. paper llireelorj" For ISrtl. Conlaininr areurale lieta of all lha Xewa paprra and Periodical, in the Cuited Ulalia and Terriloriea. and Iiominion of t'anada, L rtlltr, wilh a deBenplion of the Town, and Ciliea in whieh thry are puldirhcd. All eomliined ia one larfe octavo volume of 7J pijea, primed on fine lintel I k paper, and bautleoniely lound in clolh. Now ready. ub acription price. s till. A.I Irra. OLOKUK P. rttii ELL A CO , J'l '" 40 Tark ltow, New Vork. Auditors' Statement. f piIK Supcrviforri of Lawrence town-ln p. Tlrar 1 fifl.l mantr. V;. in aeeount Willi Rund Kund l.f lMi'.. n jHUi an folloirp: lentil. T, amount or tiit ffciI $1,119 47 To un-rt. IaihI tx w To balaiireduelMwnr-liifiliT Siierviira 119 Z Tir amount of wkiImd rtal...$ !,: Py exttnrrationi $ jo l-r per oentffe. 105 417 It? amount pd. for nintVine du- iliratei A auditing aowmiitu, 12 l0 U.v amount td.on tiiokmp n w B 421 3 P,V amount pntd for bridging nialerial 44 j P v atuouiit fmd for I00N 4 (ifl Pt amount j.nid fur pnrvfviup 2 Ml Ily in paid Prttlionutary 1 ?A Py tn uutc bonk 00 Tolal $?,C."tH 2V $2r.9 2 Town. hip intlehlcttneaa makiny new rua'la : Calholic t'cenelery n.etl. near Cjearfieltl, f?f.S 2.S (In. aont t'lenrlield Creek, I l.l I j;s (,a Al., a road in upper ciid of toirn.biit, not yet completed. A"r' ' h. F. IKWIV, flerk. "V'tlTIl lThi. ia to inform the taipaycraof 1 l.awrenre lown.hip tbat Ihe l'o.ltr,ie f.,r ... ....... ,n. i..r i ne year commencing June 1, 1S7I1 and en.linr June, ISLhaa been placed in the band, or M ilium P. Head. Tna.urcr of tivuool Fund, for imlliTtion. ami that hie per cent, will lie allowed on all laar. pti.d hetore the In or tie. loiter, and ll.al after the ei irlion ol rt ur att.ttllt. five per cent, will In. atl ltd and the llnpliraie placed in the hand, or a e. llerlor for rollirlion. Ily onlrr of ihe lloanl. TA l.dll lioVYLb'3, Prcaidrnt. L. C. Pl.ooM, (Secretary. jr2u 4t lltllMTltT)R (TIC l-Xolir, jt u henbl irnen thai lettera ol adminialrali.m ou the calal. of llul'.KKT II. I! AN V, decea.rd, lat of I'.urn.ide townihtp, t'learlield countr, 'a. hailntt boa duly granled to the nnderaittrled all I"" Indebted to aaid e.late will pleaac make pavmenl, and thoa. harinf elaima or ilemantla will prearnt them properly anihenlieated for act tlemrnt. Jn?KI'M ,M. H ANY June 20, 1S70 Otpd. Adminirtrator. A YEAR AM EXI'EXM:s To Hp-mi- to m.H ihe. i. i. Il.miN r'KW IMl M ivKj. T1 rhine in Ihe world. Flitrh alike on both .i.i tine ntarl.tne wtthtnt m iney. For furl her partic ulara. adtlren 2i N, 0, a, jl, philadeli.hu. Pa. May ia-.'lm pd. l TU I.' 4k (WTAItl A'ttML let teata, mail a copy to tar a -id re n. iWal Cstatf for $t. READ I HEAD II ValuWo Picivl Estate at Trivft'o Sale. T IK ondiraignef h. ei.eli,d In Ixa UK VI al 1 IMIll.lt I.AVK. of Mlufttr in 1'ien tnnn-liit, I ltarft.11 eiiunlv, I'a., e.iiilain ing I. ft At lll K. a lj.tiniiif Uit.l. "f I'. In. k Kaily, Juniea II. ( lark and olliera. Tbe farm i. in a gooil alale of enltiia'iitn ; g.nd dwelling hoiiae, large ham, out htio.i-1, un bartl of eunicc rruit, ami a gootl apring of never fitilieg water ou tha prrmiaea, A si hotil bourwitlna Iwo anllea. Fart of the trat-l i. heavily liluliereil, while the whole ia undcilaid wilh a vein of coal, which moat in a abort time be a eource of great profit. No lutler Inve.lmi-nl could tee made, and no tiwt of land in the county offerf griuter laeililiea fur making monry. Ferrona wi.hing lo learn more particular! in ree-ard lo tenna, Ae., ean call no the prennaea, or addreaa Ilia uudcrtigned at tlrampian llilla P. O JOHN McINTYItB. Fcnn lp., Ilarcb 30, IS70 Zuipd. ADMIXISTRATOnS' SALE Ol' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Y virttipofnn orli-r ittd out of thnOrplunt' Court uf C'irartil(l count v, in tha ttt of i'ut.T Aflii'iililttr, iiri'd.( Uif- jf llriulr towncbip, il re tiitl b rxfiovcti t putthn anl at tSctiwein ' ll'.ui iu J.intirritiirt:. fn hATl HI'AV, July lttlli, INTO, at J o'clock, I'. .M-, the luliowmg valuahk rt-ul ctatr, iiiiiHli in Ilrn'lv lown-Iiin, ntarfipt.l oouniv. Vu.t 0rtlM(. Hi A IU.. and Wal priclioa, bouinJcl ami d.rnba w MIowr: Il- jfinuiiiif at a V"". a!iiuiJif landi of A. I't rjtl, br., Ilienoa lU:j 10 pvrclifK to a pout, thru cuith 2u:i-J'J ptrehea 0 a pot, tbtnc caat Kfi perch i aoa poet, thrm toulh lib perchra to a nmt, Ibfiior went ttl;i 10 pefetica to a poet, tlieuc oitrih 1 1 H pvrrht i to a putt, and the plaee of .H'Kinniiijr, unl hnvipjr (hvrtxia arcctrd a gooi dwiHiiiK houo, Urjte Lank haru, with all the occ marv out-tiujldiii;f rt-qtiind on a farm, a fine ort-hird will) a aru-tjr of huil trwi, nMd water, with almut 60 anrt clearrd ad IU a food flat of cultivation, Uto tha proptrty of Peter Aahrolplrr, now dtrcaffd. T.tHKi: One flit h enh at ulfl, one third at euutiriuatiou of male, and the halanoc in two equal annual pYmviiti, to be accumi b bond and iu on gage on tlir prftititei. KUJAU AFI1EXFEI.TER, Jun22, lHT0:.1t Admmwtrator. Valuable Real Estate for Sale! riM.E nn(lrrii;tiitl, refilling in t'oion townffain, J i U nrfii ld t'.unfy, ofltri lin Karm for tule. It K'ijotiia laiiiii of Uulloj.cter, Liufi aud o(hn, and CUaNTAIaVS ONE IR'MRED ACHE8 FiiT-fiv of winch r improvnl nnd under gwd cultivation, and tlte balance covered with a h a.y ffruvrfb of 1'iuf, Ottk and llrmlorl. (iiulr. Then it enxrttHl (btrrtoD a frame dwelhuj boute, a large hnuk bam and (lie oibcr urvamry outbuildingi. Plenty ol j.km uprinjr water od tbe premiiri. Fur furtbrr iarticu)un cult on tbe prvmiaei or ad drew tbe onlriipntd at Ko?ltton P. 0. May 25-2m JI. A. COt'RTXET. Farm for Sale I rilHK Parm of l,ho Hparkman, Ute of Girard X twtibi), drc.-aiud, euntiKling of about 172 j arB of j i.. faruiinc land, (tuni.t of winch la cleared.) and having (hereon erected a good bout no uam, wnn all tbe ufual convenience! of a pleasant Home. ur term and further trtica Ian, apply to T. II. WI RRAV, Attorney for the be Ira and pertuni lot raited unt HM, jerv-ti. TTIE AM) l.tIT MIR gAI.RI 1 1 Th. antler.iirned will nil at Frirata Fale Itt. llou.e and L, t, ailuaia on I.oro.l afreet, be tieeeo Third and Fourth atreela, io the borooirh of Cliaiflt Id. 1 ii. ptit,trrty ia in rood repair, and ia a very de.iral.le location for a n.tjtitc.. Will be aoltl at a bargain. Term. ea.r. " CIlAltLEb LA 11 RIMER. "lUisrrllanfous. PEWSYLVAMA RAIL - ROAD. TYIIONE .1 CLEAHF1KLD BI1AXCH U.a ana aner atonnay. UA Jtlth, 11,70, two Faaernzer Traina will run daily leinrnl Kun. Jaj.Jhelweio Tyrone and t'le.rltold, aa lollowa: I.EHKIEI.n MAIL. LEAVE rHU'TU. LEAVE A0RTII. ClearOeld. J.IIO, r Tvrona .(0,a.b Owola 10. 3A. Pbili.,..tirf...11.flMt t'lrartield lS.O&.P.M. 'hilinalturit 11.40. fleceola 4.00. Tyeon. a.:m. , JA H K 1 L IU A U M M o 1 1 A T I ( N . LCAVE SOI TU. LEAVE K0RT!l7 ClearfliM T 00 a. . Pbilil-urg. 0 40 Ofwola 10.. 'IS InterH'ction. p, u. Ttu 1 in Tyrone 0 00 p. u. liiterpectioB ...l.t'8 - Oceo!a 2 40 M Pliii;pl.nrg ,.,3.3i Clfarti'-ld, ar...A.'0 FARK AM) MSTA.NC-ES. FLOSI CLCAUIIEI.It.j moM TVH0XK. Station. Stations, 5 Leonard 'td!and.., Htjler. W allaeelnn .... .... li' Iiiterciion. 2" Vanaeoyoc 24 tjardner 34 tit. PleaaauL. 40 Summit P . 4 . 7 . .11 20 ! Mine Ball. .1.1 lllllpvburc 11 .14 SO Sandy Hi.i(re...l4 44 l'owelllon. 17 fo ('areola ii) 6.1 Ilunbar 21 74 Sieiner". 2.1 M l'llillihure l 4 Hln. Hall 2 Steinera 11 I'unl ar 20 Ox-eiiln. Powellton 24 Sandy Kidy.,.2fl Honimit 27 Ml. PlraaanL.. ia vo n.daeeton SO fardner S.1 fl (Id !ic,r .. ..1J anaooyiw J 1 00 Woodland... Itiler.erlion .'7 I l.S Uonard .. Tyrone. . 41 I tn f'lrarflrld ,.S l CO .; i in 41 I SO FAJiK FIJO.M CLEAKFIELD, , TO ..ti 0(1 Peltrfenfc. Pa $2 O't 1 Middtrtowa Iirk llayen.. 2 70l Marietta. a 40 1 40 : l.aneaater ri I 'O.PHILAHKLI'UIA 7 i 1 W Alloona I 04 4 40 . Jt-hnalown.. J Ml 4 fAU'lTTSllI Itil t 14 William. port. lluntin jon Lewiatown Miiry.viMe.. llAHKISIUlttl., t ON M:1 !(. t l.e connc-tiona matle at T.irone wilh train. a-aai .ou neat on tne wain Line, aud at tlli.ma port (or polntB North and Eaat. P.irn(rera liauitt Clearfield at I SO p. m., rearh W ilhamapnrt the aame day, and pa-i ncrra le.ving Williamapolt at 6.00 a m.. reach Clear Held at fio p. ra. Pa..enrera for way etatirna on th. Main Lin. between Tyrone and llrri.l,..r. I. r . 3.41 p.m. GEOKGE C. WILKIXS, 8upciiutcodcnL aijlO If THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES AIIKAI) 4)F ALL OTIIl:RS Eitjhly Six Thoutaml, Seven Hundred and Eitjhty-One Machine Made and Sold the Ui Year! I Thia aomhrr .rcecrf. hy tte.ao.n'a Ike ralea af o.oer Aiacmne, and the dcmantl Ii nil) Ineraailng ! THREE THOUSAND TEE WEEK Ara now bring tnad and THE EEASCSS WHY: APBIA tl m.k.l : . . . v..vli, rppt-nuai princij lM Hot found In any ether Machine t kecan.e ln-r.ll.t,H .e .. ' onoMrnction, taaa ol operation, '""' P"'1" actioi at any ipecd. and capacity for the g. r.t, 4 r,f of wotk, lint er ecaraa. Partie. wiahlng tepnrrkaae ako.ld not f, loeiamln. thia be.t of all Sewing Slaehin.a. I aara tat aeen.y for thia Warble. ..J :n keep a full .apply oa hand. t. 8. FI101ER8, ClearBeld, Pa. Way 4, 1ST0 tf. Furniture! Furnilure! I l LI re,l,eclf,IUitn,,l),B,,,r,H( 1 i "lyfueniiurcroom, In WAL- i'i u l".rt' 'hk mrh aa (hair. .Bcil.tr. I. 8....I.. Kck.ng eh.irs Ac h, h .,1 che.p ,1... w , a.,y-her. elee In ClearBeld c,.,v. tllrc me a ti . . . Ivc SIUMLL. W allacet..n, Jan. 12, s;o Bw. mjJIitd, fer)tk, llAKfritm AJUffiK. 7 hiladftiiliiii tlirrtisfttS ISAAC K. CTALTrJ (v:;hvAT(iu;sAVjKvtlJ K'o. I4t K oi If ,-. i , Corner of Wuairy I'll 1 1. A M eln e..orllnenl t alelie. J.wPtr. , Pl1-d W ant ron-lmillt on hir l Krpairinf of WaU iirt ao Jiwi-lr t attended to. 4. oi.i.onat i , 4.n HOLLOWBDSH & CAREY JiOOKSELLKIiS, ' Blank Book Manufa(iu, AND STATION E US 21H .TIttrktt AI., rhltadttpd fcrpr rl'ur Hkvk atid I) Uttir, l'ipri, Not?, Wrappiug, Curiam tr,j DREXEL & CO., Ko. 34 Houth Third Hired, ruia.ie; ii.i.ruriis, And Dealers in Government Sccur Applleatlon by rnail will reoeive tKniLbi, tion, anil all uilorinatiun chirfuilj tvlb. Order aoliciU'd. ai.rl IwUaut Hailors. FIJAXK K. SMITU, MERCHANT TAILOPj Market Mlreet, Clearfield, l'i, T WOULD rerpaelfully Inform th. tii;H, A (.laaru.ld eouoty that navinf pnral,ue4 tntarvatand ailuatlon of K. H. L. Btourbttt, am now nrcparad to aaaaa np, in ha taoat fa, ionabla wanner, aad out of Ih. boat natr. all kinda of Cloth injt tbat cualomara may ae. a aara aiwaya on nana Cloths, CocEkins and Cassiaerei From which enatoai.ra ean makatbair Hl.tll.J Ona door aaat af tha PoauSac. Cla.rt.ld, April 20, 1S70 tf. n. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR (Stora one door aaat of Claarlald Hjumj Market Mreet. Clearfield, p.. ' T.EKPS oa hand a full aaaortaienta of n.. JV Furniabinr Oooda, tack aa tifalru, Lite ana nool.n indereblrta, iirawara and oei nera ttea, rocAel llandkercbl.il, Uloeei, H Imhrollat, Ar., ia iraat rari.tr. Of f, uooa. no a.ept ua Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colon,' Back a. Black Doeakln of tka e.ry bait a it, Fancy C.itm.re, in (raat rarietj , ala, fraai CoaUne. Bear.r, Pilot, Chinchilla, and trie. .rcoatirK. All of whieh will b. told cheat I, Ca.h. and mada ap according to tka lateit it.. by axparienead workman. Alao, Arent for Clr Ariel d eoanty for I. k fioaar a lo a. eeienratia Bawinf Uaobin.B. Nor. I. 1804-tf. u. UKIDUI. ? durational. MISS H. S. SWAP'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. 'tin riAJttll 1 r. K 34 of twenty-two w..kt, a. ti eommeuco AionuAy, aaay a, ia;a. a rnmary aepartueot will ba added ta tka Pebool tkia fall : for whieh lb. aeriirei of a aoa. potent tnetructor kava barn anrafed. And a .llort will ba .pared to randar thia dapanmiat .iiiiiiii.uu loeirariire. TEr.JIS OF TCITI0.V. Reading. Orthography, Writing, Ohject Ui aonl, Primary Arithinetia and Primary Ueoirraphy, -per half term, (of elerrn .i.iory, irai ana aeacriptira Ucoeraphy w,,u map irrawing, ura amar, Jt.nial and t rittea Arithmetic 14 Algebra and tha r-ciencca ...M I 44 In.traetioa la InatrumaaLal maaia.. ta aa Oil painting M j. a. .... w ... a . f or full particular. Bond for Cirealax. Clearfield, Aag. 24, l-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. Rev. P. LHarrison. A. M., Principal. 'piIE FIR8 SESSION of tka ..it ach-la.... A. year of tbia Iaatllulton will -. J.UMIAY. tka 4th day of 6aptemhrr. ls;. runilicaa .nt.rai it.. ek.. .n l. eb.rjt.d ,i,n tti, ftom ,h, ta, a ,&,r tka .lo.a of tka S.Hlen. 1 ba eouraa af tnitraetioa ambraeai ar.ry tbtcf Included ia (koroah, practical aad aecoaa pll.had .duration for both eeiaa. Tha Principal, karing had Ihe ad ran tare al mack tiperieace ia kn profeaaioa, aaasraa pa rent! aad euard aa. that kia antita ahilite .ti "'I'" "ill ba d.youd lo tka moral and m.a. uai uAtntng ot tbe you I a placed and.r kil chart., H UM, OK 11 lllov Orlkotrrapky, Reading, WriUng. and Primary Arlthm.tir, pr Sratioa ( II oecka) . 14 41 Grammar, Geography, Arilhmetii, and . Hi'tory 44 Alg.bra, Geometry, Tri tonometry, M.a. aoration, 9arrayig, Philoaophy, PhyaU loyy.Cbemiatry, book Kaaping, Botany and Phyaical tiwigrapby . . f 1 01 Latla, Greek and French, witk any af the ahora Hranebee .... gt) n Ml'SIO Piano (0 leaioaa) . . .lull Na dedaetioa witl ha made for abeear... jfdfttt further p. rtieul.r. tnaaira of B.C. P. L. IIAKKISON. A. M., Fek. 1. l:o tf. Principal. TEETH I cg TEETH I EXTRACTED FOR 5 CESTS. Eitrartcd with tha nar of Ktraot a Oirt Gaa. And Lot al Aaarerat aiA. (lha only karml.ai aad amcient Anailbelie. now in nee.) by S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dontist, OF CI RWENSVILLE. TA., Who wontd herehy moat rc.poctfullr retnra Li. thanki for the lilvral palror.r. of the p. ill and Inform the public that be baa rem. red bi. off., to th. corner of Slot, aad Locual .treeta, (orcr Jenkina' alore.) where br ia prepared to receive hi. cuatoraera in newly fitted ap room., and de their work in the mo.l akilllal and workmanhka manner. All work dun. in the lateat and moat approved at.ilea, and guaranteed. Dr. tlivra will ha rnrared la kia office from th. let to Ih. 21d of each moa'h. Th. balance af eaich month he will .peed in tllca Hopa, Harnnda and I.ulheral org, alternately. Panic, rending at a dialance aht.uld write to ol prceiooa of lh.it coming, olrte. koar. Prom 0 lo 12 e'elnek. a. m., and from 1 ta e cloik, p. m. Va aa. non. kut the Terr heat material, aad defy competition for Itcaaly, chcapaeit and dura bility, t.tic aa a eall. Curwin.iilla, Pa., Vae 25, !:. irilTRIIK.1.1111 KLAV4.KIJ.Ci H. J 1 HA( TS are warranted equal to any mada Thry are rtreparrd from the fruit., aad will be ootid much better than mar.r ot the Kilreci. that .it ...,o. A-a your Hroeer or I'ruer,,i fr wilt. herree'B Enraeli. IIAH1.0H S l.VUI-iO HI. I I ia, wilhoul doubt, the be.t arn, I. m tbe markM for l.lueini! eloihea. Il will color more water than fnnr time, the aame weight of indipo, nnd mack more than any other na.h blae ia the market The onlygena.nc ia that pot np at Al.lHhla ILTlllmiLK s DR I'll Front!. No. Ms North Scceid Ktrect. Philadelphia. The lalele hare boih itlitcrrer'a and Parlow'a ..... . .k. .n olhera arc m.unlerfeit. t ,.lr , ()mr. and hmiri.ta. W 11.TIII Hi; k h-k I v l.l l I lit a INK will he touhd on trial to be a aupenor arlirla. AIwavb oa hand and lor aale at rcaennaltle prnwa. Pure ii round Spieea, Uenome Medinnea. ( hameia Fklna. fpongea. Tapioca Pearl, t-ago, and all arlirlea in the dm lia, .t AIHIKD il.Ti.l IKtf'rVJt Mini STorf. je:l Ko. 1.-.J i, fwnd SI, Phim. Xotlcc lo the rublic! 1IT E, the nnderaignrd Rl.rk.rcitrip of Ihe be-. ouch of Clearfield, kereby adopt the fal lowing tale. f,.r work and roll." with regard te eeuetng pay , our labora. and we each pledge oar honor aa aim and meebaniea to adhere to and eofnroe the aame flora and after May 1, 1070. All work done at ehocing borer, nil-! 1h paid for whra Ihe work i. done, at th. following ralatt (citing New Shoe- 40 nta. lie ectimg ftbiw.. it Centa. No credit lo be girro for a longer period than three aat.nlh.. M. P. I'ASSMOKE. C.O EX AMOS KFNNARI). TllllM AS RFILLT. J.MU'NKVYILKN. t). It. I.ANKU. OKllHtlB C. PASSMOKg. Clearfield. I'a., April 20, 1S;0 Sm. 1 ' KKf";'i!w5BirrrtVfTtu L Tank att reeeirad and rr aal. be B r ILF i to. i