JHRJIKPUBMCAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. VfKPSBSDAV MORNIKfl. Jl Ng f. wo. Terms of Subscription. I'pid In advance, or within throe montba ...JJ 00 If paid after thre And before ti monthly, ,. I 60 If paid after tli pir.tion of lit month . S 00 All article to Itnur ineertion in thii pap.r mould bo banded in earl; on Tuceil.v looruiug, u a. gj to pre., at u o'clock, noon.") RELIGIOl'M NOTICES. Methftriiat F.placopal Churrhp.ee. J. I. WCoao, Ptor. Public Heme, .r.ry Babbath, i A 01., ana if r. .1. Bebbatb Bebool at A. M. Prayer Meeting .eery ThuradaT, at 7J P. M.' Communion ferric., (ret b.bbath of .Tory Month, ot lt A. M. ut. Prancia' t'uurrh CithnlirP.ee.Mr. O'Dluilo.l. Mui t HI, o'olork A. M, on the who n" winn CMinnaT of each month. U Andrew' Church I'.pl.copnlRsi. Oloaon Hatl. Public Service riundar morning at lb o'clock, and at T P. M Fuodey gohool at 1 P. M Prayer Meeting VYedueiday evening I T .'flock. ' Pro.bvterlaa Church Rer Mr. Brn . PjbUe Heme, er.ry N.bbath, morning and .ren ter. The Excurtton. Daring the pnttt week Railroad Licumion to Williumnport wan par ticipated in by a hrvo number of our cititcna. Tliig pleasure trip waa the result of Hjo roluntury tenderly the Pennsylvania fi. fi. Co. to thoso wbo aided in constructing tho Brunch to 'Cloarfield, of the facilities therefor. It waa carried out under the auBpices ' of Ex-Gov. liiglor. Senator Wullaco, llossri. Doynton, Gralium, Leonard, Weaver and Judge JIcEnully, who wero the Committee contracted with oy the 1'enncylvuniu fi. fi. Co., nnd to their ouperviaion, energy and fore thought, and that of their efficient Treasurer G. L. Rood, Esq., we are mainly indebted fur the road to our village. At their request, Geo. C. Wilkin, Esq , the courteous and effluent Super intendent of the Branches, at once placed at their disposal tho necessary ' train and motive power for the trip. Invitations were immediately extend ed to all those who had aided in pro riding the means to build the road ; to a number of other, citir.ens of our town and vicinity, and to many in the villages of Curwensville, Philipsburg, and Osceola; and on Thursday morn ing last Supt. Wilkins and his active aid D. D. Wood, Esq., appeared at the depot with a train of clean nnd bright paasenjror coaches, ready fur our re ception. Frompt to tho hour, about 140 iadice and pentlemon of Clearfield and Curwensville and their vicinity, accompanied by the Clearfield Cornet Band filled the cars; the whistle sounded and under the skillful guiding Land of Mr. Wilkin himself, a party "Pall f fan, of frolic and of glee," rped round the bluff and wero on "Their winding nay." At Wallaeetoii nnd at Philipsburg accessions to the party were received among whom the rotund corporation and shining countonanceof Ex-Sheriff Torks were brightly conspicuous. At .1:35 P M. Lock Haven was readied, and the party was handsomely dined at the Montour House and the Fallon House, and after dinner wore taken in charge by many of the genial and bospituble denizens of that thriving town. Carriages were placed at the disposal of tho ladies and leading citi aens and their fair ladies vied with each other in their efforts to entertain us. All Wero plcawd and nil enjoyed themselves, and when after a delight ful aftornoon "time was called" and we wore to move on, it was with most pleasant memories of Lock Haven and hor pcoplo, and with the earnest hope that very soon, Cleorfleld would be permitted to repay in kind the hospitality lavixhcd upon us there. May tho shadows of Mackey, Mayer, Tarsons, Cridirens, Jairctt, Xoycs, McClurc, Carskaddcn, Peale, ilcCor tnick and their jovial associates never grow less. At 6:45 under the care of Conductor Westfall, or the V. and fi. we moved eastward and tho evening rido of an hour and a quarter through a charm ing valley brought us to the Herdic House at Villi:import, at 8 P. M. This was our destination. We found the house alroady pretty well filled with those In ullendance upon tho Circuit and District Courts of the United States, there being held by Supreme Judge Strong, Circuit Judge MeKennan, and District Ju lgo Mc Candlcsa, and tho interests of the Government in the charge of our townsman H. Huehcr Swoope, Esq. Alack of tnccutive forco on the fiart of thoso running that very fine house caused some dissatisfaction with the accommodations put at our dis posal, and although tho curses were Hot rcry loud wc incline to the opinion that some of them were deep. Finally all were supplied with rooms and ob tained what was signified by the title of soppcr, and by 11 T. M. all were at rest. Friday morning found belter humor restored ; and carriages were Bought; the places of interest visited, and the really fine drive out tho main avenue with its Nicholson pavoment, the beautiful houses dotting it at intervals, and the evident thrift and energy surrounding the town, most of which it the result of "Pete" llerdic's energy, in some degree reconciled us to the indisputable fact that "his subs, can't keep a Hotel." The afternoon was passed by many in trying to keep cool, by others in visiting the trot at Herdic'a Park and in admiring the trout in (ha trout pond. The evening fount all assembled in the ball room where "the sawlng-aristoerary" had improvised a "hop" to air their graoes in the admiring glances of the Clearfield excursionists who had but now emerged from tho crysnlia exist ence of blissful ignorance and they did it. The fine grounds siirrnundinir . L TT-t . i- i , , . ,u. uoici erio jH-cununy en,oyaoic riming tho rool night that followed ) TWAM nVHI H1!BI.MIHH tho Intensely warm day, and the Jarty assed a pleasant evening. Tlio day waa ono of pleasure ami enjoyment and it was heightened by meeting many of our Lock Haven friends who come down to join us and ulno in greeting a party from Lowisburg, among whom were lion. A. II. Diil and his accomplished lady. Saturday morning ut 8 o'clock, found ull aboard with our faces turned homoward and fun ran riot, vounir men and muidons, staid middle aged gentlemen nnd matrons, and thoso of still maturer ago seoincd imbued with the spirit of innocent gaiety, and all went ".Merry u a marriage Ull." Another pleasant hour was spent at Lock Haven, and then under tho euro of Conductor Stephens, of tho Buld Eaglo Valley train, wo soon found ourselves in tho gorgo made by Spring Creek, and tho engine shrieking its noisy greeting to "Tho eity of the beautiful fountain." - The host and hostess of tho liusli nouse and of tho Brokerhoff House, ail of whom wore old acquaintances with the majority of those on the train, had spared no pains in catering for our enjoyment, nnd the dimities and delicacies of the season were pre pared with skill and in abundance. In the presence of our hostess of the Bush House we seemed to bo with one of our own people, and in tho jolly countenance and oily form of mine host of the firokorhoff, every rallman found a well remembered face and form. Lew. IIouscul always could "keep a Hotel." It was our pleasure to meet with kindly greoting and cordial welcomo from many of tho estimable citizens of Bellofonto, and our flying visit will bo long regarded hy us as a friendly cull upon a much esteemed and worthy neighbor. May we hope that it will bo returned iu the same spirit. Four o'clock found us again moving homeward under the watchful care of D. D. Wood, Esq., and well ho deserves his first-class rcputulion as a safe and reliable railroad man. With "Yank" on the engino and Wood at the helm, when wo had tuado tho anglo at the "Intersection" and had to attain a high rnto of speed and encounter tho sharp curves and heavy gradients of our homeward line, we felt t hut all was right and so it proved, for soon tho whistle sounded for Philipsburg, and jollity received a shock in its parting three cheers for our Philips burg friends and Ed. Tcrks. A speech was demanded but EJ. had "nary" speech it wasn't in l.im. A single stop at Wallaceton to part with Esq. Holt and lady, and our homo was reached iu cntiro safety at 7:30 P. M. and with three hearty cheers for the employes of the Penn'a. fi. R. Com pany, we parted with tho causoof our assemblage and sought our respective home. In bringing together in social inter course many of our own people, in reaching for and commingling in the same way with rospectod citizens of adjoining villages, and in stretching forth tho band of fellowship and cor diality to the peoplo of tho three towns that we visited, wo hope and helievo that our excursion has had its mission, and that innocent mirth has had its votaries and friendly relations with those who live npon the banks of ourown bright river heon promotod thoreby, wo ai e most confident. THANKS. The Committee in charge of tbe recent exeur iun froio Clearfield to Will lam.port take ptraaurr to reoogniting the obligation f themarlte. and tlio-e thry rw'rciint, to The Pennsylvania R. R. Co., for in ginrwu conduct in tendering to na the. faeilitire lor tbe excuraion ; to Oco. c. Wilklnn, Eo.., the efficient Snperititrn I ant of tho Branehoe for the admirable arrange ment of eohedule, for tbe tine eoachea furtipit-l , (or hi watchful eara for our aafi'ty, and for hip prompt attention to every thing in the line of bia duty ( the eompany baa no morccortcoua gun tleman nor efticient officer in ila emptor t to I. I). WiKi-l. Kq., the prompt and'n-lieble aiatnot ta Mr. Wilkim lor aia rijriUtioe and akill in the performance of bi dntie in connection with our train, nod the enenfort and aatety with which the trip was conducted under bia auperria ion ; to The empluvea upon the train for reBiieotful di meaoor and unflttg-jing attention to their dutirn : The gentlemen and UdicB from aliacent xillairca who united with na in tbe effort to exteud the cir cle of our octal interoourfte, and tn Tbe Clearfield Cornet Hand for their eomrtanr. and their flnc mucin. In thir attcratil to renew and extend the hereto fore enntial relation! that bare existed with our friendi and neighloirftn thetownaol Lock llavrn. Uellefonte and V tlliamertnrt, we wore eonliallv mot and fraternally welcomed hy the eplimable eitirena of Ioek Haven and Reliefonte, and we thank them for their jual appreciation of the pnr poee of our xiiit and for their noble hoepiulity. llllam A. Wallace. Uolm F. W eaver. J. It. MeKnalW. .!mr T. Leonard. illiatn ltigler. IJoiiallian Uoynton. Janiea n. tirabatn. Frank Fielding. IS. P. Hhnw. A.hury W.,e. I Harry F, R gler. John P. Irvin. Committee, II. W. Met'nrdy. A. A. Graham. School Affairs Tho School Law requires each board of directors, to to publish .annually, a statement of the finances of thoir districts, hut having scon very low, if any, I hereby sub mit a synopsis of each, for tho infor mation of tho public, as tho reports come to hand. Osctnla. Schools, two; average time, five months; teat hers, two males, at an average of foil per month; pupils, 185 ; males, t-9, average, 01; females Oil, avcrngo 58 ; per contaje., PI. Finances, tax levied, KjjI l'!; Appropriation, fl 60; balnneo on hand and from oilier source., (Jill 49 ; teachers' wnces, f."i00 ; fuel, fees of Collector and repairing $IU0 85; cash in nana, z.t. Clearfield. Schools, three ; average lime, six months; teachers, three: ono male at 87ft, and two females, at an averngo of f I7 f)0 per month ;-pu- pns, ". ; unties i-ii, averngo iua ; lo rn si es 01, average 44. Finances, tax levied, I,8U'J 1U; appropriation, 1120 ftO; teachers' wages, J'.HItl; fuel, Col lector and Treasurer a fen, J-'St 20; purchasing ground, repairing Ac., 1, 815 60; debt duo hy the district, 1577. Ft rgvton. Schools, lour ; average time, lour months; teachers, four; one male and threo females, at an av iraifo of ih per month ; pupils loO, males 71, average 4S ; females SS, v. erage 67 ; per et-ntage, 0(1. Finances, tax levied, IrttKl 4.'; appropriation and unseated land tax, MI !!,r; teach ers' wages, li XI ; fuel, fee of Colleo- leiiButtr, vttl 1, , vusu en band, 211t H0. ' 0. W. SM'DER, Co Sup't. UPa.kJe Curat r.t.irre.PIN.ta.-Ilolnw liKrou,,,:,,'. ()m.'K.-Below will be bofoundasyi1op.i,orihepiocl.t.,in,rn(i,dlhe number of IW.Is entered "i mo June jerm ol our Court. A large amount of business was disposed of during tho term, although but few cases wero submitted to tho jury, from tho fact that thorc was no merit in them except the terms, litigation, and deluy : gt'AllTER rlK.-t.sloSH. Inquisition on body of John 11. Hoover. Approved by Court. Inquisition ot) child in Knox town ship. Approved hv Court. t pon petition, John I'. Dale wus appointed Supervisor in Piko town ship. Upon petition, Jesse (ioss was ap pointed Constable in Decatur tp. Upon petition, Win. MalmtVey was appointed Constable in .Now Wash ington Borough. Upon petition, G. B. Mc.Mnstcrs wus appointed Supervisor iu Chest township. Upon petition, Henry Straw was appointed Suporvisor iu Furguson township. nOAD MATTERS, ETC. Petitions. For a road from near Mrs. M. Butler's to road from Clear field tp fiidgtvuy, ut or near M. Og den'e iu Lawrence townshiii. View- era, W. 1. Biglor, Jos. Owens, J. B. Shaw. For a road from JI. Walker's farm to near Bcnvor ltun bridgo, iii Deca tur township. Viewers, Titos. Hen derson, Jiicli. Hughes, S. F. McClosky. For a bridge across tho mouth of Mosquito cruolt, in Karlhaus town ship. Viewers, W. D. Bigler, J. B. Graham, L. Flood. For a private road from near Tenn field to Kndebuugh & Bowman's coal bunk, in Huston tp. Viewers, David lyler, II. Woodward, S. Conway. For a bridge across the Susquehan na river, in Bell tp. Viewers, Mr. Boiee, Amos Hiles, Joseph Mooro. For a review to vacate and supply road from forks at New Washington to Burnsido, in Burnsido tp. Viewers, S. F. McClosky, II. II. Hoads, Win. Owens. For a county bridge over Susquo hunna river oo public road from Cur wcnsvillo to Ansonville, at or near Bloom nnd Hiles' in Pike tp. View ers, T. W. Moore, Clark Brown, Jus. B. Grahura. For a road from near Othello Stnead'a gate to the road at Little Bunvor dam run, in Burnsido town ship. Viewers, Mr. Boico, J. M. Cuinmmgs, J. F. Lee. For a county bridgoover Clearfield creek, at Abr. Liu's, in Lawrcnco tp. Viewers, S F. McClosky, S. P. Wil son, Jacob Pcarco. For a public road from Jacob Camp bell's burn to river road near John I'owlcs, in Furguson tp. Viewers, S F. McClosky, Nelson Young.Jaines Wiley. To vacate part of road from Wol luceton to Crainmondulc, in Boggs tp. Viowors, Wilson Hoover, John Boisii, J. L. Cutllo. To vaeato public road from Bloom ington to Susquehanna river in Pike tp. Viewers, S. F. McClosky, Bishop Caldwell, John Owens. To vacate road from Curry farm to Win Price' line, in Pike tp. View ers, S. F. McClosky, David Brown, John Owens. To vacate road from Big Hun at James Leech's to Blo3tnington, Pike tp. Viowers, Daud Heams, Gainer Bloom, Bonj. Hartshorn. To vacate road from David Brown's to Forest's shanty in Piko tp. View ers, S. F. McClosky, David Brown, Harmon Howies. For a road from Snowshoo and Packersville turnpike to Grahamton and Kylortown road near Win. John ston's, in Graham and Morris town ships. Viewers, W, 1). Bigler, Con rad Kyler, M V. French. For a road from Rouben Hall' to mud near John Welch's in Piko tp. Viewers, Geo. Hall, Jacob Hoover, S. F. McClosky. Confirmkd Ansoi.tTr.t.T. fioad from J. M'Dowell and Hcitr.enrnther's lino to nenr Moses a orris', in I'iko township. Chango of town-hip line between Lawrence and Goshon, beginning ut A. B. Bend's cornor, except for school purposes. Tho annexing of Mrs. L. Bloom's farm to Lawrcnco township for school purposos. Independent school district at Bridgeport and vicinity. CoNFinvtn i St. aenting of road from Mill Slono school house to Benjamin Knepp's road in Hrndf'ord townnliip. Uoatl from James Johnston's saw mill to Lcwisvillo, in Bi ll (p. To vacato and supply road from David Forecy'a to Mill Slono school house, in Bradford township. To vacate and supply road from Win. Tate's lino to Win. Tato'a saw mill in Lawrence lp. A public or private road from P. Brady's coal mino to Clearfield bridge road, in Lawrcnco lp. Publio road from near Jacob Hum mcl's to near Hurtsfelt'i saw mill, in Brady tp. Township lino between Decatur and Hoggs. ' Independent school district in Pike township. To annex tho Geo. Ilnotman, Bar Lara .Snyder, Henry Franco, Charles Hight and Daniel Snyder tracts to Woodward school district. lioud from Jacob Ziintner's to rond between U. Zilliox and Geo. Ogdcn,in Brady tp. Township lino between Lawrence and Goshcu. except for school pur poscn. Koad from near Jacob II timolol's to Harwell's saw mill in Brudy tp. CIVIL LIST. John Campbell vs. E. Willinms and J. Koosor. Ejectment, Verdict for defendant. Cecil Bank vs. James White. Sum mons in assumpsit. Verdict for Plain tiff for II.Wi" 47. Elisha Elliot vs. Wesley Nivling Ejectment. Verdict for Plaintiff. Jos. Cullenawnrth, use, ts. Wm. Bell. -Siirr,m0n in debt. VerdicCfor Plaintiff 1)2 62. Dan. Albert vs. J. Ilesser and J. Ilileman Summons in trespass. Ver dict for Plaintiff, 0 cents. J. Elliot Krntrer vs. Piko tp. Sup. Case upon promises. Verdict for plaintiff 2.r !,l. Jas. T. Leonard Vs. Fitch A Bovn ton. Caso upon promise. Venlicl for defendants. A. I j. and J. W. Hi. kot k vs. C. V. Bowles and D. P. Morrison. Capias Vordict for plaintiffs 144 00 damages. Dan. Wallace vs. Jared F. Irwin. Trespass on the case promises. Ver dict for plaintiffs fill 15. David Siniih vs. Jas. Irwin ot. al. hummons in debt. Verdict for plain- tiffSoGG S3. V.mX-W.JA .1.1 1 J f.ir tH.,.,.,1 I., n.i. ..in eo fur tho work ending Monday, May illUh, 1S71I, together with tho names of the grant ors and grantees, whero situated, and tho consideration : Meed of Newton l.igblner and II I. Heed lo II. Hendcrmn. for two Irn.-liuf land iu 11,11 tp., containing lltll and HIS acrei; f l.tl.itl. Heed of Lewta ritnith to A. Hi ll and J. Stephen aon. for four trnclr nf land In Hell tp.: Sit linn. Heed of Abrmn lion A ( u. tu John Lawjhe, for lot in ticrole : f ion. I'eed or Mohaunon Land and I.umWr Co. tn ftanley Miller, lor lot In IllceoU; SII'll. Heed of Havi.l Forcey to William, Ocorge nnd Henry Albert, for 60S acre In (lo-lion tp.: H,H0. Heed of Samuel ami lllecu lllina tu Auatin Hlic. for I acre in Hitnton tp.; $1. Heed of ratne to Arnold and John Lucore, fur 1 acre in Hindoo (p.; SI. Heed ol Samuel 1 g to Alfred Long, for 110 acre in Pike tp. ;t,ot0. Heed ol llr. H. Iluutx to Clara M. Atcer, for lot in Oeceoln ; :!,:i.ifl. Heed of name to Jauiea Ilalev, for lot iu llouta dale; 7;. Heed of John P. Ilnyt ot al. to Tbomaa llaflcrty, for ."IS acre in Petin tp.; Wi. Heed of W ui. Hebwciti In Jaoob Hrhwctn. for 10(1 acre in llrady tp.; .'!.(itlO. Heed or Hiwiel Hotili, Sf. I)., to Patrick Hon nelly, for lot in HoulrdHle; fi.i. 1 1 of anie tu lleujainin Charlton, for lot in HiiuUduIr; $611. Heed uf aanio to Richard Jav. for lot in Houti dale; foil. Heel of mine to William ('liarllon, for In in Houtidale; t ill. Heed of aatue to Charlra Charlton, for lot in lloutrilitle; roll. Heed of mine to George Charlton, for lot Iloutidnle: f jO. Heed of aame to Thomaa lloulldule; l. Iliioni. fur lot in Alao, tliose entered up to J une fl, '70: Itwrl of John Cooper to II. )J. Wright, fur lot iu Gift! Hope; ;0. Ucrd ul Philip"' Ei. to JhuB Comitock, for l.'tT fren in Htrmrin tp.; I'wtl of KliBntit'th Tbompnoti to O. H. l.yll? for lot in ('urwrnxviltf ; ld of H. 11. Lytic to K. A. llippltf, fur lut iu Curwcnuvillp $sot). lertl of H.racr- Tiitchin to h. MitclulJ, for 76 rrfi in Htirnitp tp.: ?if0. Itcd of H. Vp to Idum Fuiith, for lut in ttoffg ip.; Also, tliOHc entered tip to J uno 2070: of J'hilip Mullen to Kli (.'rick, for 13J ftcm in Lnwrennf titwiinlnp ; MhI, iwd of H hiii m l Mailu-n to Kiruon il 'FkirUlif, for men- iu Hcrcaria tp.: H.jiM., lit'd ol m. Kirk to Job. II. Kirk, for 28 mt in Brudy tp.; fuQ, i lwl of Paniil lloutR to Jt.lm Fuiiki, for U ! no. i.i in Miruir.'iait' : Him. Itwd of Od,fi,l Coal Co. to AuMin Krrnn, Tur lot No. hw in OhouoIb; $12n. I(h1 of C. IIuwcHhrntT, to S.l. lUunnrrBlKiirli for lot No. 7 in tlc(-ola; lccl of Henry Bi-jrer to fMiiol Ficitrr, for 71 acrf in lfrvAria tp.: IKtiJ of Win. aSi-hwrm to Joseph Linpi, fur JO 5on-f in llrtt'ly tp.; tl.mid. 1m-I of C.'lluwft, MirriT, to John M. Jordan, for !. in (Julich tp.; 2,.ii'0. li-fil of J..hn M. Jonlaa to Jubn Wiihcrow, rr l.'n wrrn in tinlirh tp.: fl.SMtt. Icd of Martin O. Hi irk to New Milli.ort ami DiitooiiiiKiua CLun b 1'ounril, for lot in New .Mill port ; $.sini. icrf of fci)r(liii1 I.uthprftn Churrh to Jhoc M. V. llafr. rt, I..r in New JI.Hp.jrt : $...'.. Ih of Uwi Ki.nl h tu Iavil M ilch. II, for 1W acrr in H. tl tp.; H.ilMl. Jiwd ol t. M . Dnvin to Hilwwa Dradv, fur IS arrr in (Jnlicli p.; !M.. Ird of . nry HimiW ti M. V. Frfnch. for TRI erv iu (irnham tp.; :;00. j Jtd of Tb.. Waddlr u. riig. M. Crane, for1 44.i apr in M'trri" tp.; fl'.iKto I I. 1 ... II ..... I L l ,it r . . I h. rnmptVH, f,r 6o n-rt n in Id II y:?.)MMt. bri d of John (1. Mih, K. t U . and I. Wood, for '2&J terrr in (hf t lp.; .'..'ttf. Irfd of Juhu M. '! to Juna. Walker, for 73 rrr in Knt (p.; $t.JiO. PoihI of W . II. .unnutut to Henry Yothors, for 74 wre in Kiirthau tp.: $MI0. 1m of Mniiltla Ki, hs i-ii to Milton Flojtpy, for 14 ai-rrp in iuon tp.; $70. I mI of lanitl li'njti to Jone iMpgons, for lot No. 1(1 in llouti.lnic; 100. Peed of J-nm li(fi;(iD to Wa-hmirtiin F-"an and Rnil.iiug Auoeiatioii, for lot No. 10 in IlnuUdai; lwd of J. A. Fa-tt, PhrrifT, to Juna. Kephart, for iO trrv in ( hert tp.; $oo. Iwl f Rilward tlcati l K Imund M. Joi.m. for l.i0 ftrroa in Morrin tp.; tU2. Id of J. R. Head, FlirnlT, to John I'atttn. for 214 art- in Chevi tp.; .nt). IoH f n. F. Copplin tn .1 bn I,. Onrhart. for 2 ivrw in Iterator tp.; JM). ImI of U. g. Hok1! J"bo Mi l.lltton, fur Z at?rpn io lVeatur tp.; ft.o. Hif.i of John I.oernto Thor. U. Mullen, for 110 arri in Itfaria tp.; atL'.OHi. lt.l of W'm. A. Wallnr to Wm. M. MtCuMtni.jh for lot No. 16 in Charfl. Id; 1,0. Iwd of H. Philip. Ft. to John HuphM, for 62 acrra in Pewit nr tp,; f'ftM, of J. II. KipUn-l to W. P. John it on, for iO arrr in tp.j IITA. IM of Wm. F. John'ton to John Fenti, for &0 i,Tfl in 1 ninn tp.; f 1ih1 of J. Milium to Hinui'l Irrin, fur 21 arri-n in I'ikf tp.; 1. lpfd of tleorc1 B. Iut to PamnH Irvin, for 2 nip in rur tp.: p.ii. Fd of Itnnii-1 Chamhrni, Atlnrnry to Hipplr and Fant. for 47 iotm in li)'Mm tp. A?.,(t. Peed of llipptc and Fiut lo Adaia W varar, for 47 lorrti In liloom tv : Iwd of Wm. A. Wallace to Itavid Wilhflrow, for 4.10 vrr in J.mlnn tp.; (l.t'oo. hrri of H. Wo.. Uar.l to J. (I. UoaJing, for 1 nf 14 arn-" in llnnt.-n lp.: 3.nnn. I)twJ of C .mmicni.iTiria to Jaoob Kunts, for 1.16 airi in Mm y tp ; f!. lfd of J, Kunti lo llippl and Fauat, for H.' acrfi in Itm.ly tp.; 9 ixi. I'fd of II,iil? an'l I ant to Franklin Ororotl. rnr Lift a"ri in liraily lp.; M.,SH. Ird of h. J. Cra'ii t. Lnprt and I'rw.llyn. for lot in Om wiMi-rt.h'i $d .it. Iwd of J. li. I'.va l, r hrriff, to I,. J. Cratis, fr lot in ('urwi'iiwriH-: $100, Ipcd of I,. J. Cran l Hrnry Krrn, lor lot in C.irwrnsvill.; $tmi. Icrd of Win. Imn to Miry Aun Komi, for lot in t'urwrnvillc: Iwd of I(( iri rt. h i 1 1 to Fnmncl M. lUihy, fur lufl arrwi in Hra.ly lp.; f ?.'(. Um of .Inna. llovnton to V.. Ann HainMi, for 70 arrea in WmMlwaV'l tp.: f rtl n. Iwd of Uria K. .Wt iilhnr-h to H'lrt ,w bead, for IN an-a in l.wr-n.' ttt.; f 1, KMI. lwd of llown, Hhnriff. to j'ua. Vtrl.rlia. for 2.1 ifni in Cftvinct.in tp.; fHl. AIottlioHet'nt('i i. d up to. Tune 27, '70: Itwd of l.iotirl W. Wold to Him.to M I u laml, for lota in ClaliwMc; fV.OiiO. lMf Altnm P. Itloom to El. Fwartxwarth. f.r M itn in I'ikf tp $tM. i"d of Jt.hn II. Klr tn tht Tntfr of lh M. K. Chnr.h. for lot in KVrton: t . Uml of John IIoovit to Hl.rt It mghcrtr. fr 1 a-rr in M'trri tp.; (1. " 1 !. of J..hn ir.lt I.. .Tn-. II. Orahoin, f.-r ll? a-ra in Hm...H tp.; ..imiII. ( lo-d of Ja. It. (irnhMin to A. P. G-Hlr irh, for i 1 1? artroa in 1trairrd tp.; ,fiofl. D.vd of llohfrl I,. t;artlry to Fhilnndn Hmitli, fur I a-re in New a'litnjrtun ; f.intl. i lined of l.n-nan . M , hl to W tn. K. W.irreli, for Ml Bern In tria tp.: JI7?. Id or Oliver P P-aw to U. Portrr MrPa-ldrti, ' for 1 arre in Cheol tp.; -it0. Iwd of H. Ua,iry to Mirhaid W.df, for T lotn No. 2i and '21 I in Oda ; hpr-d of Jotihna C..mt'i''k to J. Arthur, for 2.1 aorea io Hfrvnrta tp.j s,"0. leed of John It. Carr, A'lmr. to Ilonrj PluSrtl, for BA met in tiirard Ift.i i.Mift. l,-ed of Wm. I. liial.-r et at. tn .lhn W. Klrr for IK No. 112 1liKler Stotioa ; $jo. LADir.!! FCKTITAI.. Wo I.OVO I'CCD rorjucslcd lo announce thai tlicro w ill lie grand FeMivul held in Lumber City under tlio direction of lltw. M. L. Canoe, on Saturdiiy next, July 2d, 1870 nt wliicli a iuiriiluoii dinner will lo iroparrd, togt llier with the rcfreolimcntH of lite eaon to wliicli the public in invited. The proceeds will lio for the benefit of the M. F.. Chureh of that jtlaco. Let there be a general attendance. To School limwToiiB. The unnuul Keports and Certificates of Iiircctoro must bo on file, in tho ofllrc of tbe Co. Superintendent, on or before tho loth of July. Any litricl failing to report losses to the ''.Slate Appropriation." Eneh report immt bo accompanied by tba proper certificate. Coscr.iiT. Tho citir.onsof Curwcn villo and vicinity will again be favor ed with a Concert given by tho Jlusi cal Cls ol that place, on Saliirduy and Mondny evening. July 2d & 4ih. S-o poalora anil programme!, and don't fair to pui-chimo a ticket. There will bo no paper mncd from this ofllce nrxt wcfk. ifiHrtorf, fflnuurf, (. THE XH02T9ISS3 TIN & STOVE STORK! G. S. FLIXUL, rtilipsbtnp, Centre Coxmty, To. rIIR nnderiigned reaneetfully nnncunrei to -1. tbe public that ha baa on hand n cam tully.eleold and well aaaorted a lock of STOVES, IIEATEUS, fiAXGES, HOLLOW WAKE! TIN', COPPER AND SHEET IKON WAKE! WOOD AXI WILLOW WARE! Ilia itook of Cookiof Storoi eonilkU of 7 HE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES. Which hare nerer failed to brinf react and properitj ioto fauiliet where it ia uad, Diitmond State. Fanner, Herald. Charm, Pptara' California Cook More, (tpear' Antl-Duat, Oaa burning Cooking Ktovea, Victor. Kelianoe and I nioo han.ei. bfean' Cooking JUojrai, Ao.. dc. tfuTht Tin and Fheet Iron ware gWen with the Movoa ti made of tbe bear'eat and beat material, acd warranted to (irt perfect lalis faeiion. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Ii larger, Vtfr and cheaper tfctn erer before eiLibited to the public conai.tiDf of ?pan' ItnroWing Light Illaminatlng Store, fpnare' Antl Int ) Horn in p 1 arh-r rtofe, ii pea n' Orbicular (Jaa burning Parlor r-tote, Ppara' Oai-BurLing parlor fciU re. botuet. Pearl, Ueu, Ida. bun, Xropio, Nevada, Vulcan. Elm and Victor II eaten, F peart' Re Tolriog Light lleatera. lie ! aim prepared to faro lib a oonplete aitortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c.f Whnleaale or retail, manufactured neatly and who ma poie Tiew to aerviee, from the beet ma terial ia the market PLOWS A PLOW POINT.?, COPPER, fill A Sri, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, BP IN A C0MM0.V IR0H KETTLES, Of tTrrj dnorlptioi eoop-Uatly on hand. OUDEKS FilB SrOUTINO, KOOFINU And other work belonging to bit baalneee will bo prninptl filled bj eipenenoed and ekilllol worn men. CRASS, COITER. OLD METAL, HAGS AND CASH Taken In ei change for goo da. ne otpeelaMy lnrltei the attention of Mprrnanta wishing to parrhaie at wholeeale. ai thee will lad It to their ad rant a ee to examine til clock before parchaaing elaewbera.' Look out for the Dig Pign npnotlte tho reel dmc of Jdrt. r. Fotrr. All Ooom Wirkaktid as RBrKBsimtD. C IK TO. FI.i;c;ai.. .ugd:f.8 Pbi'ip.borir, Jun. I, II. F. BIGLER & CO., ntiLirta in II A It I Y A It E , Aluo, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CL EA n FI E L II, P A. Lot of saudlks, lijidles, naroe, Collarr, etc., fjr tal. by 1 H F. BI1 1.F.R A CO. pALMEUS FATL.NT UNLOAD- In, tier Fork a, for Bala h K. F. UIGI.EIi ai CO. IM1NT, rUTTY, GLASS, Kail, te., for r.l. tij II. F. PIOI.F.R A CO. J JiRNESS TKIMMINGS k SHOE Flndinf., for aal. hj II. F. r.IOl.EK A CO. rJ iLNS, PISTOLS, SWOI5I) CAN ES i For aa!. hj It. F. tiini.F.R A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AND i Eiaaa, for tai. hy II. F. niOLER A CO. JliON! IKON! iifo i iifnv For aal. hy i It. F. BIGLER A CO. U OliSli SIIOKS A H01.SK SllOK NAILS, fur .ale hy II. F IUOLKR I A CO plLLLY BLOCKS, ALL S17.LS Aod bet Maanrartnr., for ral. by II. F. tlliH.FR A CO. '11 1 MULE SKl'.INS AND I'lPK liOXL.', f-r rale Ij j It. F. lUOI.KU i CO. RODDER CUTTE.RS-ror mtlo by tMTO .11. F. r.ICI.ER A CO. i i MOPIUNNOX T.AM AND H MRI'R COM l'ANY nfier fr ealc Town Lota in the bor p i it of tlaoeolft, Cloa.rti-l'l rmiolr. Pa., and b1m t lo mi) purrhiioera tigtfule the limit of aaid (fttngh. Oarrln i ail unlet, on lb Mrhannn t'rk. in the rir heat pt-rtion tf Ihe rmintr ( tQi M. nn tb line nf the Trrone A Clrarfield Ktilroal, mhrrr the Mii-bennin amd Reavrrt ii h'tHh roada interafet. It ia aim in the hrarl of tl M"liannon enal banio, and large Itoiliee ( wilte pine, beu!"kt oak, end other tiinlier tar valid it, (hie of (lie larffM lonitvr nianufartur t Pla)lihmenli in the ftate i lorated in the ((n. while there are many other lambrr and rtiingle milla around it. 'J he town ia but en ifra ali), and eontaiu a popalaitun of oa liwa aand nl.altiianta. rYnt further infonnntion iply at the offloe of the aloe ooniianr. JOHN LAWPIIK. aprl 4 Hnprielendent, IlfRtw U A Tl.n.The nnderMimed will pr tlm hirheet TASI! PRICK for all kinda of Ft Hfl and I fc I R fh IN. ire me a eaM Cltarft.ld, Det 1- 1 I PFUENHHK. fill (OooitJ, (V.rtmlfs, rtr. Ml ri ARNOLD W. 01 AnrNHoRl, 'Chrnpcr limn Ihe ( hniiicstr GOODS AT IIEDUt'ED PIIICES Jlir RBCHVI0 T Arnold A Hartshorn, (One door wait of Flrot National Bank,) (Minr.NHVIM.R. PA. T T A VIXO Juit returned from the et with Ai eoraplete aiiortment of Goode luiuhla for Spring and Hummer trade, we aro now read to furniih all klodi of Ooodi "Cheaper than the Cheapest!" And after thanking our euitomera for their iibernl patroaago during the pait year, we would moat rctootfullj a.k for ft oonlinaa of tho time. Our Rloek eon.i.t. nf a cnnii?,t. .ifortn.nt of Dry Mooill, Nutiotil, Hardware, (Juaanawar., Willowwaro, Uroe.ilel, loot. ghoai, Ilata t Cap.. Clulblnir, Tobaeeoa. Ao. Alio, Flunr, Bacon, Bali, Flub, drain, .to. , All of arhiih will b. .old on tb. moat ren.on able term, and Ik. hipheit n.iket prlre paid fer Grain, Woi.l and all kind, of Lumber and Countrv Produea. tfriea. (It. u. . eall befor. pnreb.aln. al.ewber.. 6atif.otion guaraotacd a io prioo and qualit).-5, -ARNOLD A HARTCHORN, Corner of Main and Thompaon Etr..u, .prU CUflWENSVILLE, PA. j. r. ncAV.it..... w. .LTT. WIIAVKIt & IJETTK CLE A RI'I KLI), VA., Are olTering, at the old it and of O. L. Heed A Co., their itook of good, conaiiting of DRY - GOODS, CROCEPJES, BOOTS A 6110E.-I, HATS A CATS, ItAUbWARE, Ql EEXSWAUE, FLODE, FEED, SALT, &c, &o., At the mott rraeonatle rate for CAHII or in exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles. OR rot'NTRT I'ROIHTE. IAdranreo nale to tboao tngagfd in grt ting out equaro timber on the naoat advautattroua ine. Januar 5, IfsTO. SlfciJAIlIJ Tin II Kilt E.A.IRVIN&CO., Bein, rpeeiallj engaged in the bu.inrw of BuyiDg and Selling Square Timber, Would repreeent tliat tber are now prepared to purrbaae Timlwr dclirered at either Corwenreille, lk llavrn or Marietta, (or will take it at an; of there point,,) and tell on eomni;.ioa, making ucb aJvaneoa ai are necea.ary. There engaged In gelling out Tiotlier will tuj at onr alor io Curwea.i ille, a very laige .tin-k of STAPL E GOODS Of all tteeeriptiona. AI..II, I'lOHf, .Heat, Ilyt, Oaln, i'oru, And trrr-thing nooeaarj for .rr of LuDibertnen. RAFT ROPE, Of .11 .irer, kept on hand in larpe qitantitie. and ulj at atnall adianee be the noiL Aire, rulle, . Illoeka, Hinall lt"pe, Ae. rrsPt'.C'UI. IMI CEMI.XT oiTerrd to tbote manufacturing Frjuare TimNr. .U A. 1 It I N 4i UK furwenaville, Junuar.T 12, IfTO. Small Profils! Quick Sales HAUTSWICK & 1KWIN Are oonptanltj- rf plftitfhing thrir itwk of Irug. Mrdirinra. If. 8chio Pooka and Rtatinnerr inrtuding the Of good and National Seriea of Header. Alfft, Tolmrco and Cipare of the heat Iranda, at the Inwi'nt prirr. ntt CAM, AM HI K. f.o IARki Ktl l.tX(.r.Hl MATCHES TO LIGHT THE WORLD! The nndereigned ha eeeueed the ole right to manufacture and aril in iht oouoty lb. t Kl.KBIlATFl) WATLll PIUmF MATCH, whtrh 1 fat eiipereedine; every other inalrh now made. May he aoaked in wali-r for an laorlli. aod will ip-nitr a readilj- a iboe kept ia a aaie, and are ju.t a rlieap a anr tna.le. irrlert anlie. tied and pmniptll tilled, ai v addre. I. Luther, bar,, i'luarfleld eonntj, la. j.,,.1n.pd JACOn W. CORP. TOTIl K. Hating pim-haied the Intrreet of i J. A. Illattenhergi.r. F.l , la th. biliine heretofore earned on under the firm name uf J. A. Illattenherger A Co., the ram. Fill be e .n.luetcd hereafter under thr t:arne o( atoaUauoua lud and I, omt.er tVtnpane. (St ,e ) II. H. CIIILLINUItiMIi,' JOHN HWS11E. jf IT l'reo lrnt. liereral (iiip'l. fOgp KXPASMNH riLTIVTORS 1 T Juat reeelred ar,d fn ale H. f. Llt.LtK A CO. I Jirp ooils, rremln, rtf. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! v. iiitATzr.t:, Market Street, Clearfield, Penn'a., (Orroilt th. Jail,) T HAVE now on band a flrtt-elaee itock of X goodti, eaited to tho wanta of the nuVlie My itoek being large, and by eonatantly making addition! thereto, I an able to nooonBodaW all who may faror me by ealling. I bare DRY GOODS, ftleriooo, Ginghami, Clothi, Print, Irlainoi, Cafiimerei, Bilkr. Hrpi, Hatinete, Caahmerea, Tireedi, Co berg a, Atpaeai. Mohair, Lanell-ta, Mailioe, FlinnoU, Bonneti, Hibboni, Cloaki, flal moral Hkirli, Hoop f kirtf, Sbawli, DreFi Trimming!, Head hell. Cape, Conete, Glorea, Fcarfa. Col I arm, (J re Dad i no Veil. Table Corera, are. CLOTUIXG. Coat, rami, Vecta, Orer Coate, Gent'aMiawlr, fihliti. IJati, Cape, t'nder-Rbirti and lraweie. Boot and 6bsea. Qua tShoei, Cravat, Bock, Ulorea and ColUn. GKOCEIUES, Tea, Coffee, f ugar, Alolneee, Bait, CandKi, Hi, Flour, Baooa, Fih, Tobacco, ftaiim, Curranti, Bpifloe, Cracker. Vinegar, Oil. Varnish, Pepper, Alcohol, Ae. household goods, Carpet, Oil-cloth, Drugget, Clocks, Looking Glaeea, Charni, Bucket. Wahboarlt Tub, Flat Irani, Pant, Window B.indi, Wall Piper, Coal Oil Lamp, Bedoorda, rmtrelUi, Knire, Fork, Spoon , Crock, BtoTta nnd Stot Blacking. HARDWARE, Quemawaro, Tinware, O tan ware. VToodenware, Coiprwaie, Book. Ftatloner, Murieal Qoedi, Trunkr, Bkates, Ao. A11 of which will beaold on the moat rea onable termi, nd t' a bigbeit market price paid for Grain, Woil and all kindi of country produce REMEMBER THE PLACE: C. KRATZER'S, (Oppotita th Jail,) clkarf:elp, pexx'a. t?o Vs ITF.U STATES ll O X I M BOIGUT, SOLD A EXCHAXOED ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD At Market Rate.. COUPONS CASHED. Pacific . R, Bonds Eouglit and Sold. e-STO( KS nought and Sold oa Cob, mUhlon ouly. -Aceounta reerired i,d Interrat allowed on Jail, balanera, aul.jeet to ob:k at .ieUL I lily 40 South Third Street, Philadilpb.i S 10,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK LEAD Excels all other Load! lit. For It. I nrlr.led Wbltn.a. !d. For Iu In equaled Durabdit). d. For IU Unaurpaiaed Covering Properly. La.Uy, for iu Economy. pVll eou rei to paint witb Burk Lead tl, in any other Hblt. Lead tilaaL Th. aaaae wrii-hl eerer nor. aurlace, i nor. durable, and naaea wbtt.r work. Hi t k LIOAI) i. tin rbeaprat and B.at. 610,0(10 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC Eicols all otter Zincs I lat For It Vneqnaled Purahiliiy. :d. For il I'nrivalrd W biteneas. id. For It I'oMirpaaaed Coreribg Property. La at I j, for !t Ureal Keonoatv. Being the CheaoMt. Ilandnmrat a4 . rable V bite Paint in th World. Hut onlj nut a ja-r.AU A.N'I) BUCK ZIXC Try it and b Conrineed, Satisfaction tiuaranteed by th Manafartttrer. BUCK COTTAGK COLOKS, rreparej expreafly for Painiing Cottngea, OLtt uilJitiea of every description, Frnrta de. Thirl? far dtfforerit rolra. lu. raole, ( heap, Uniform, and Heaatiful lhadfa. nlt earda ent by mail ii deaired lta. rs' Order will bo promptly eieruted by lb mannfaotarers. FRENCn. RlOfl ARtiS f Co., N W. Cor. Trt lh J Market atreeta. Phtlad'a. For aale by A- I. ha and Uartawirk A' Irwin, Dralrra in Drura. Medicine. Paint. Oil. le.. Clearfield. Tn aprl.i Tu:ly TOBACCO AND CIGARS I WHOLESALE AXI RETAIL, At the New Tot'aeeo and Cigar flore of .v. .ti. uoovrn, Two dort Eaet of tb. PortoDieev CK-arfield, Pa. Constantly on hand a tin aa.rtin(nt of Navy, Congmaa, Cavrndiah. Cable, Fpunroll, Michigan and Century Ftne-eut Chewing Tobaoeo, Ae. Alaa, a large and ll aelertod stock nf trrpnrted and l.ottiettr Cigara, Is rooking T"bacco, Mernirhanm and Rriar Pipoa, Pipe lalurea, TvKawo Poiea, Cigar Holder, and ererylhing generally fmand In a wll repiUted Cl(fir art.1 Tobaoon Flore. Jr0-Rrmember the ple: Two door Fat of th Potofnc Clewrf.eld. Pa. deel ()()() A TEAR AMI KXrr.NSKS ... ""' To.cent.lo e l, e el,hrated WILSON FrWIM. .MAt lilNKS. The heat n ehlne ia the world. Mil. b alike nn both ,.lr. On. mahin. without woneT. Kr furtlwr pertw nl. . ado. f.S N. thk PhiM.lpbra, I'a. Nat I Iw-pd. THE SMITH HOUSE, (IJf.p.t.iU Ihe I'aaeenf-r le,oL) l.l-.tNFII'.l.ll, PA. 'pi!E an.lrrtiirneil, haeln, leaaed Ibl. h.uM lor 1 a .rri.-a of tear, t reaile to enlftlaia fir... r i and tr.ieleta ,vnerallr, aid Iherelhe. ,olle.l, ') urncra I.. Kua liua . eaJI, alia Tal.le will h. M. l r,l .III, , l , u,,,,.! .ffurJ,, ..j , ll.ii tll ronlain the rhoieert ul vine, and liiinot. 1 In hi.ii.e. luniilure. Led. and heildiDjr are etilire'T if ".. 1,1,1, al iT..UI.t.,lliecomfortortrveleiai bile the .1.1,1,,,, ,ii.,l, j, iur(t, ,j Kumyl IM rull.d (r leamiter. rii.rrea nioderan. jut.i.70 I...,M 8. IlRAtlLEV. THE LEONARD HOUSE. (Near the Railroad iDc-pot,) IlEEIi BTIiEET, CLKAUriELB. PA. C. D. COOU1 LLI.OW , Proprietor. VKEW flret-elapfl Ii,t.) in erery reapont eomforlablr ro(.mall the modrrn tmprov menu the Utt of 1.1 Ul ftt8 nrumnt attend- an (in, anl iraaonadrr energa. The patronage ol i no puhhc la reiMrfully fM.licitcd. Teainatert will plraao taKe notice thdj a large barn hu jnat bwen erertfd for tbe ebtttf-ring of horee. loaded weirona and rarriarra having a cotnmoiiioua yard ailjasctit tu tiia Fright and Panaonger depot. Jt) THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THIS large and eoraraodtou new hotel ha been opened for the accommodation of th public, wher the proprietor will be glad to meet hie old frirnila, end receive a abare of public pat ronage. Hrairid pranal attention to the de tail ol hi kuainrae, be hone to l Me to render aatialaelton lo hip patron. The TABLE will eiwaw ie oountiiuliy eupplietl with the beat that nan be prucurt-d in the warkrt, and th BAH will contain a lull atot-W of Lly I. OILS, BELR, Ao Good tab 1 1 eg aliaubt d. CASPER LEIPOLBT, CI tar fl (Id, March 3, lft.y ly Pnpnetorr THE EAGLE HOTEL, WAIN ST., CILWLNSVILLK, I'A. n AVISO Irn.id for a tern of jeara th. boot, veil known .nd pnn.l.r botel. (kent luiinerlj hy Mr. Muoa, aod latelj Lj Mr. Foutr.) the pre.ent rroi.rieuir oaa ra fitted it wilb tbe eliject of randernt; bia gueat, eomfjru alle .bile aijoorning with bin. A una, larfr. sum. anil l aril ta att, tied, lor tb. ear. and penleotion of boeaee. .arriaf.a and wajona. A lilieral -hnrt of p.blie falrunere I aoliriled. J. mil A. i. KHALI KEK, Frop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornrr of Heeond and SI arket tStreeti, t i.i:Ani iri.n, pa. THIS old and commodious Hotel ha, during tb paat year, been inlarged lo double It fiu.er capacity for tbe entertainment of at ran. gen ri gueet. Th wbole boilJing ha boen rcfurntbed, and tho proprietor will epnro no pain to render hi gutat eomfortallo while iteyint with him. r-ar fh "Manaio Hon' Omnikui rvna to and troro tb If e pot on th arrival and departure of earli train. JOHN 10LGHERTV, aprn-70 tf Propriotor. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, l urvrcnavUle, ClearfJeld couuty. Ia. THE andorelji-ned hai leased tbi old and long etUlluhed hotel, (formerly kept by Kaior 1. ac lii'.nm.) aituate io a eentral portion of th town, and hi entirely re-fitted andra fnrniahed it, a-.d re raudcled tbe atiuling, ao aito make it a oj-ft, heroafter, fer th traveling publio to patron i tt-i largo and ooMamiioai bona. J.O. iy. 7U-tf. T. JEFF. LLOOM. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, t urnetinillo. t.leartleld county, I'a. rpniSoldand will e.takli.hed Houl, beauti X lull., ailnated on lb b.sk ol tb. buqu haona, tn tb. boroagb of Corwenjvilla, baa been leaaed for a leraa of y-ara by tb. andrraigned It b.a been entirely refitted, .nd ia now open to th public generally and In. traralling ouaimn ity in particular. Ko p.in. will be .pared to render .eat. eonfnrtabl. while tarrying at tbi. kon-.. Anpl. Bubling rooji for tb. aooomao dation af tean. Cbarge rouderat. da. I, ttn-ir WM. M. JEFFRIES. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, lit vriM.ixix, PA. fTII IS old eta).Iithn.3t baring been leaaal 1 he J. MllKKISOX, formerly proprietor of th. "Morruo. Uooi,' baa been thoroughly r... orated and refumi.bed, and aupplied witk all th. modern improTeaienu nnd eonr.niencoi n eeawry to a (rat elaia Hotel. Ta. dining room ... oeon remor.a to tn. nrt floor, and ib now inarln.a aud airy. Tb. ebanber. ar wall en til.ted, .rd tb. proprietor will .ndaaror to aak hia gua.u perleetly .t bt me. Jo" J- Al'JKBISOJT. Proprietor. J. w. illci rnoi. . ui. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, l.iilhcrburg, t loartirld fo T. fpniS wall known and long atlab'.libed Ilo'!, X formerly kepi by H. W. Moor., and laturly oy tVm. Frbwem. ar ha been leaaed for a term of year by tbe anderrignej. to which th. una -lion ot th. trareling pul.lie i. now called, and a liberal ahar. of public patronag. ir aoltcited. aprl(l,'t'.8-ly.pd SHAW A WALLACE. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, main sr., ruiLirsBucc ta. rIllK nndrrr'gned keep eoneUntly on han4 1 tb beat or Liquor, lit tahle ia nlwev upp!ird with th beat th market affordn. Tho travelinc publie will do well to gire him a fall. KOUKRT Ll.OVI). .oots and id. DAMKL CONNELLY, Cool and Shop Slanufacturcr, CLEARFIELD, PA HAS jo-t reoeire.l a fine lot of Fretirh CALF Mi INS. and la now tirrpored to mannftvii. lure everything in hia line at tn loweat flgurv. He will warrant his work lo bo aa rrprvuple. lie reapecttull lirita a oall.at hi abop en Ktrket iireet.eoeond d or weal mf the nmitt.tUn: where ho will do ail in hi power to render ati faction. Sumo Bo Gaiter tnna on hand. my-Vfl: y DAMKL CUXNELIT. PEACE PROILAIMED. THE WAS 0VEE IS CIEAETIEtD. KNOX. TOWSUIP QUIET. AViirfy nil the Contrabands going lark to innr mnxirrt; but nary one. going to old fasFael,utr:tg, uhert thty uert lured to lung and to well. IKfrnnaequene. of th. abore fet. F. STIORT, of tK. eld "fbort bhn. Shop." would an. une. to hi. numerona ratron. and ih. n.m.1. of Clearfield county at large, that b. baa new a 6ral rat. lot of good material, jatt received front th I'.a.l, and ta prepared on rnort notice to mak. and Bead lloU end Sboe, at hia new ahop ta Hrahara'a Mt, lie la aalirCed Ibntheran plea. a .ll.laile It wilghl beeome inten.ely Ini.lrt.y. .1 how. patriot.) Kelt prepared to ril low for Ca.b or Knuntry Prodac. Iion't forgrt th. hepneii i. ,r to Fhowrre A (Irahan't it..r., on Market etreet, Clearteld, l'a and kept by a fellow common. y called J).'?J PBt'RTV." XEW K00T SHOE SIIOP. KDWAnD MACK, . Con. MARKKT A Rn Ft., CLEARFIELD, F. PHK proprietor ha entered tot th BOOT 1 SllOK b -Inert at tbe above aland, and ia determined wot to be ontdnoe eiibee la qwal. ity or prie for hi work, hpreial attrntlon will be paid to manufacturing: Sewed Work. Ho baa on hand n larar lot nf Kreneh Kip and Calf aatnn, of th very brat quality. The eit. ten of Clearfield and vlfiotty aro reapectfully Invited to give biaa n trial. No cbarg for oall. anv9.' tf XEW BOOT AD SHOE "SHOP, IM I I Ktl KKKVll.l.R. rpilB ul.eriher harirg lately rtarled anew 1 Boot and Kho. rbp tn Cnrwemrllle, on klain atreet. oppoail. J.pk K. liwi.'. Drag tore, reipeellully .n.oaneea to tb. public tb.l b. I. prepared to wia.u'aetur. all lyle of Foot, and Shoea. .ad everything in hia liua, on abort noliea. II. .M keep, on hand a g md a.eert nieni of ready. mad work, whirk be will Mil ,-heep for caah or eonnlry pre-tiiee. "ctlf If t Ml I.KWIS T. HOPS. Removal I fpilK MTSSLS HkKXK A HATFIELD weald refpeetfiillv Intoren Ihe Ladie of Ibt plan, and rimnitr that thry have removed their Pre, aiakmg e.taMi.hnent froia the room otm Uana wo-h A Irwin' drng alor. to tho. adjoining lb. Habere, and olteil a litwral .l,re ol patronage. " t'learllelii. Pa.. Maj 1 Ixtt-tf. SLI-JLHeWFou new ea.htnuvd gLEltlll for eat. or eaehang al jaal LBAVV8 LrrTKTHTATllt