ria Gioaoi B. Goodlamdxk. Editor. CLEARFIELD, TA. WEDNESDAY MuRMNO, Jl NI Jl. lira. Democratic District Ticket. ASSEMULYi JOHN C. HALL, or ilk cot-yrr. Babjaet t Ibt aetioa of tot Ulatriet Conrealioa. Democratic County Ticket. FIIKRIKKi Jl'RTIN J. PIE, Or OIBiBB. COMMISSIONER: DAVID IIL'CK. Or CLBAiriELO. DISTRICT ATTORNEY A. W. JITDK, or cLiAinrxu. JURY COMMISSIONER, JACOn A. I'ALKT, Al'DITORi D. AARON WISE, or Biol. CORONER : SAMUEL A. CALDWELL, or BtuDroim. Hlcrtotyptd Llet. Every month and wo liavo said tliifc same thine monthly ever tince Grant cams into office tlio official publications of the Treasury Deport ment hare pretended to show a re dilution of tho great national debt ; but it is a mere pretence, Tor the debt has not been reduced ; the 8ures lie ; the statements are frauds ; the Wash ington head of tho Financial Buroau is a knave and a scoundrel to thus hood wink, insult and cheat the poor duped taxpayers and wcalth-produo-era. The public debt, May 7, 1870, was 12,421,854,334. The publio dobt ot April 2, 180o, was 12,806,055,077, showing an increase in the fire vears of 154,809,257 1 But this is not all the increase When a debt, which calls for a paper dollar, is chanced in its character, and made to call for a Cold dollar, it is as much increased, dt facto, as the difference in value bo tweon the paper and tho gold. From .May 1, 1805, to May 1, 1870, thcro wore no less than 81,000,000,000 ol the paper dollar debt transformed In to the gold dollar debt, which increas ed the national obligation, the tax up on the sweat and toil of tho white tnan, thirteen cents on every dollar. And how much, oh I mathematical taxpnyer, did the weight upon your Dacm increase r How much was tho increase of the publio debt by this change t , No less than 1130,000,000 ! -one hundred and thirty millions of dollars was virtually added to the footings of the public debt by making 12,107,943,200 of the debt bear inter est in coin in l870,nguinsttl,002,SOl, 212, which bore Interest in coin in 1805. There were, therefore, 8130, 000,000 actually added to tho public debt in 1870, beside the addition of 154,809,257 In its growth from other causes, making in all, an incroaso in the publio dobt in the past fivo. years of $184,800,000! And yet the lying rascals who hold official place and power, and their venal and shameless echoes, are periodically declaring "the debt is being reduced monthly." People of the United States ! ore you never to protost against a condition of things at the sent of government which embarrasses you, shacklos you, impoverishes you, to a groator and greater degree yearly f Are yon sat isfied to be taxed to tho extent of 8350,000,000 per year, and get such fruits socially, politically and com mercially as you now do t Will you allow yourselves to bo thus duped, in eultod, deceived, and truly spitten tip. on year after year by your corrupt rulers, and thon continue to vote thorn Into oftlce again, as you have done? Look, peoplo of tho Vnitcd States, at the treatment you have received by the prcsont Congress, touching taxa tion. Your appeals for relief have been trampled upon ; your prayers ancored at; your supplications made merry ovor, by the heartloss gang of incapablcs, culling themselves Sena tors and ltepresentatives, disgracing not only the Council Chomhera of the nation, but doeply disgracing the people who sent them there. For ten long, weary years, commorrial pro. grass, the advance in national wcullh and refinement, the growth even of the common intelligence of this once great and progressive republic all havo been impede J, shackled, sJogged, by ignorance, corruplion, and politi cal vandalism in high places. The party in power is composed of the weaxesi intellects in the wholo body politic Narrow-minded, sordid, one idead, and basely wicked, under its rule the nation is being utterly ru ined. Will tho people awoke, and put on their strength, ere it is too later" The present government and administration is daily living lie, From its beginning it has been one Luge monstrous falsehood. Its fruiis are treachery, deceit, and foul vil lainy; the eoonor the people go to the ballot-box and transform this des tructive Mongrol despotism into a white and enlightened Democratic government, tho sooner shall wo reach the great and prosperous highway of truth and honey. White men, do your duty 1 J? r. Day Book. General Robert Anderson, of Fort Sampler fame ia in a dying erudition at Tours, Frmoo. tVrft-Mftnrfcs Itoouted .'atlnal Hank i'otrrr Huprtmr. Il is clour now, from the voting In the House of He prvseiitutlres ou the national currency question, that tho majority of the members are in fnvor of increasing the nntionnl bank cimi lution, and of pushing the legal toil ers out of existence. This was seen when Mr. Garfield's substitute for the Senate Currency bill was before the liouso recently w hen it was passed by a vote of 98 yeas to 81 nays. This bill aa it now stands authorities an additional issue of ninety tivo millions ol national bunk notes, and requires the cancellation of forty-five millions ol three per cent certificates, bevor al amendments were proposed to Mr. Gurfiold's bill, to issuoinoro Icirul tend ers and to make the entire circulation of thecountry a legal tender or green back one, and to withdraw the nation al bank currency. These were voted against by n lurgo majority, which hows that the national bank influorice is supreme in the House of Itepresen talivus. It is the same, no doubt, in the Senate. The next moment will be to withdraw altogether tho legul tenders, and to reive the wlmlo cireu. lation of the country to the banking oeiauons. Uno ot tho most sig nitjeant votes was that on tho propo sition of Mr. llttchnril. rnnnirinir nn. tionnl hunka to retain and keen in i.nin r , . """' cul cerunciitcs, as part of their reserve, tbo interest fulling .1... A .i.. i i. . . b .,..n auw uoiius ueposiicu as se curity for circulation until tho rescrvo required to bo kept shall consist whol ly of com and coin certificates. This proposition, which eontomnluted brimr. ing the hanks to specie payments or a specie oasis, was rejected, lit course, os wo have frequently said, tho nation al banks do not wunt and nover will want to return to a specie basis. Why should they desire such a vast amount of dead capital being locked np and unprofitable as lliore would be if they wero compelled to keep a reserve f coin orcoin certificates f This would tako away a largo amount of the profits on their currency circulation, and nobody goes so fur against his own interests. Tho national banks will never find it to their interest to return to specio payments, and, with the vast power they havo over Con gress and in the country, it will be very difficult to forco them to any meusuro to which they may bo op posed. With tho wholo circulation of tho ooanlry in their hands some six hundred millions or more they will have an annual profit of nearly forty millions in gold. Itightly all of this belongs to the peoplo and should go into the Treasury. But tho batiks havo got tho power and will keep it. Moro than half the members of Con gress, probably, are interested direct ly or indirectly in tho nntionnl banks and these so-culled representatives of me poopio are simply legislating tor themselves. A'. Y. Jler'uM. Goon Mil. Monorkl. Should the bill now before Congress to cnlorce tho fifteenth amendment become a l.iv, any nigger anywhere, offended at any one, fan swear him into the Pcn itontiary and 81,000 fino, by simply making oath, that his volo was tried to be influenced. If you havo a nig ger working for you, and you find him to bo worthless and turn him off, though it bo thrco months arter nn election, nil Mr. Nig has to do, is to make onth that you discharged him because ho wouldn't voto as vou de. sired him to, and the United States Court sends vou to prison for one v-onr,iiii hntone a Alio oil you Ot SOUU. no win be sale when tins ucvil-con- reived net becomes a law f Not you Mr. Mongrel, becauso for flvo hundred dollars, eight out of every ton niggers in mo country, wouia swear you into the Penitentiary in less time than vou could say "Juck ltobinson." Jlut go ahead if you think thero is no hell. Its your party tho mon you placed in power that are trying uj fusion incso outroges upon you, n nil if you can stand it, we "copperheads" can. It you want tho nigger on top, pick him up and put bitn thero. He ll look no bolter over us, than he will over you. Greentburj Democrat. -SI How is it ProN. Thero are now in llio Nutional House of Hoprcscntn livoe Sixty-four Democrats. Tho N. Y. Erprnt notos this fact and prcsonls the following explanation of llio limi ted array: "Willi bayonet power there has been thrust into the body from Ahibnmn, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Norlli Curolinn. South Carolina, Tennesson, Texas. Virginia and West Virginia forty nine of tho trno carpet bug and scalawag stripe. Willi a lair expression ot the popular will, it is safe to nflirm, thut full thirty fivo of that number would havo been true Conservative niemhors which would swell tho Democratic strength to ninoty-iiine. Monsrs. Green of Now York, and Heading and Fob. tcr, oi rcnnsyivanm, were mado to vacate their seats to minority contest, ants linre been admitted to seals. which had boen refused to Democrats legally elected, which mukos another dilferenco of six." By such moans tho Radicals have driven the Deinn. crsts from Congress, and they will perpetuate tncir power in a hko des jiotio manner, if tho poopio remain quiet under such a system. Aje. Kvinr-iex or its DKTr.KTAm.r.sr.8s. Tho Philadelphia Kerning HrraUl,, in referring to the Registration which was being made lust week by the nidi-1 (ills of Unit city, preparatory to the holding of their delegate elections. litis the following paragraph, showing . .. ft' 1 n iito ciluct llie nrosunffl ol the iu'ltohh i . n - ut HIVJ ri-lttiruilJll JfiUCUS IIUU UPOn White rntla; I ... . , . , , . , . " n vim) I Coil aAfral nl IIia uliicna C.xr . . , , " r -'v""n i ooper an i win-, by deed date. rejilStrutlOn yeatertlny down tOWll, ! January loth, Ho7, granted to U. (I. It.kf.ir,,,. and wo nuidt Btty thut a more fitiiiiif ; Arthur m-nrd in i, iu.kAr .Ii.,,!,., of lha condition of the KAX'iVXZZy.t Cnl )UI 13' in this City Could Hot hVO ! granle! to William r. Met i. (party hereto) refer- oeen mnde. herevcr mere were any naml-er of colored voter, in ll ni inity, llicre llie rogiol ration n in- dowa wore comulctclv aurniurnkd lth crowd, of tit. dark. , and, with 1 tho exception ol one or two hungry ollico Becker or rnmriiita, .cartel)- a . white porson could be Been, it Into men that ia drrent one. would hot niiiiilo nor parliiiimle. I.vcn ihecio ( or iwo wntiei i imun puico bcbiiipu , ... ..." i i . ' uh liii mod ot their proaeiife ami Imnff down tlieir hc.,1. Ilk, pipped l" . IIeavt Uh.nd KiiHBr.nr. linvid Sloan, of N.w Alexnndi-iii, llii, conn. ly, rcccnllr lnvr.ied IIU.UOU in tiuv- ertimcnt bond, which ho deposilcd in iiib ntitu. A luir unvi Biuurj im unu ocp.aion 10 Trail ma Mie, w nen lie . wo. ..tc.niBhed hy llio ppllmif dia- corery that hi. bond, were miiwinif. lit .eem. lo h.va no idra lo how lhy : wer. .piriwd .war, and rerlian. may j ..w....- v. lha whtreahonla of hi. trcaaara. OykrhoAkD. WhiUemoru, the un fortunate and nnlucky carpet bag Con gressman and cadet peddler, from South Carolina, coulrary to our most smiquiiie anticipation, is actually over board, refused his scat and sent back to his negro constituents in the firm district of tho Palmetto Stnto. Logan curried his point on Wednesday last,! only i'J VOllllg Hulllot. HI twnuiuuun refusing to admit tho applicant. Cess na and Kelly are tho only two radicals from Pennsylvania who could see nothing wrong in the culprit's crimo, whilo llio member from this district lacked tho nerve to pluce himself on the record either for or agninBt the resolution. All the democruls, to gether with some seventy radicals, making 124 in all, voted iu favor of exclusion. Can it be inferred from tins vote thul a spirit of reform has at last reached tho heurts of tho radicals of tho present Congress f Such death bed it pi-n ten co will amount to noth ing, hittemoro was no worse than many others. Ho only had the bad luck to be caught, and was not smart enough to wrigglo out ol the dirty scrape. He was seated near tho door of tho main entrance to tho Hull silent spectator of llio proceedings, aim when the volo wus taken, and the filtnl result announced lin ntm nnil I nrot-eeiied tn tlifl flunk rnnm ritnlxj ins purciiou lips wuu a glass of ice water and took his departure, no one speaking a word to him. But whut will his negro constitu ents sny f Will they not foci highly insulted f They could sco nothing wrong in Mr Whiltoinoro's specula tions und if they nio satisfied what business is it to Congress? Alt oona Sun. fttarrira. On Tuc.Lt, Juna 14, 1S!0, by Rot. II. H. Brt n, Mr. HOIIKKT A. MITCIIKLL, and Mira HAIIY A. MOOUKIIKAIl; all of llii. Borough. Tba happy eou.!a bare our lhaiika for their kind n-L;;ii,l,rauoe of tho Priutcra. On Mny22d, 1870, hy B, IliuBSBlia, K.q., Mr JAM.'-,K HA NY, and Ml.. SAIIAIIJ. LEWI;!; both of CIcarHcId oountj. On Juna bib, 1S70, by R. HitTsaBaso, Em., Mr. MATTHIAS llt'LAHAX, ,od Mi.. KMA LIN E Tl'DBS i both of Fcr,tu.nn towu.bip. Iii Uwitdcc (.wnh;p, on June J30. 1370, WILLIAM DANIKLD, Hr , 74 yrr. Al thurtfrniPntwof J.Ki'n W.Li li, In nrrarit township, on Juns 1, 1870, I.EWIH R. ZV.Y.K, tp-il 78 Tfr. fliinnfial. CI.OrllNU PHICKS or IiiIUvks A llso., No. 40 South Third St., Philadrlphia, Juna ii, IH70 : I'. S. S'aof U7 nil " " 'M 1101 1111 " " ' I1H ltd! " " 'OS lll'l una " " '6j, naw 1I2 !J " " 'S7,nw 1I2 l:t " " '8 112 1 1 3 " 'a, tO-40'a 107 (us U. B. 30 Year 6 per oent. Currenoy... 11.1 SJ Duo Compound lotrreat Nott-a 19 J Ill 111 Silver- pig nio, Cnion Paciflo R. It. Ill Mort. Honda... B70 S90 Central racifte R. R aso 010 Union tSeUo Land Orant Bonds IT.t 7110 Jlfiv difrtisfmrnts. SherifTs Sale. B T.rtu of writ of Ltrnri Fncint it iifd out of Uia Court of ('oninnn .'leaf of I'learfii'lil county, nd to me dirccttd, thrre mil Imeipoird to public in It, at Ike Court hw in tlio lHrtirh of DpRrflrlil, on w,.4-t, tori- tlnr r J..lr, , at I iiVli.ult. sb.. ak. I mi. lowing duicribed UhI tUtt, (o witi All that i-ortnin tract of Uih) hi. unto in larw-aria tnwnihin, I'lrarfidd rininlr. eomainiii. A and 6S pcbe, and twnii'lul ami drMriixil n f,- iowf, i wit ; iit-grinnhiK kI a point on the lank of HcarfteM Crevk, on ttiu north nlr; tlicnoe north 1.'4 dvirrwd, wt 9 pirchcF, u a pint on a nilrn-rrwt-(rido cllrt thfiir alonir niuth muim r a.i.i al.Vjf 644 drgrrrp, int 7 prrrliM, lo a poit i thrncw .ulli 44 l'-)(no-, ea.t lj jmrrhna, lo a thfnoe nurth 71 flirr(r, font i pervliiK, t a punt ; thftnev Hi dcifrcru, pant porclicn, in a hrmlitok trffi Ihrnoo orlh "4 dficrrr. rant 3J poretip, lo a pins luinpi Ihcne uth 3V ilcgrcru, 1(1 in-rohcp to a pi.rt ; tlicnre Niuth 4U t jrrorn, wnl I porch to a hlikurj Mump; Uiptico iliwn Faid nrevk.floiith 6i dvgrtr, oan ;ifl pcrfhra lolltrrniil dloot fit id ('Ifftrllrld Vmki thrnr iknlh 7rt dr rmc. W(Fl 9 pnrrliftf. to a pout; tlirnco north dixrcH, wpt 47J prn-licji, lo the pine or M.rin. ning; U((olbrr with all mid (iinitUr Iht- wntir privili to th onp linlf of th tB rf.pld t'rw k. aljoininx Ilif ri(rlit Unit lhi-ref, lf innmjt at a popt in th lin or land or Amaru hmilh, in the miiHIr of CIcarDHd Craafc i thma up llir nu-l-dlf of laid crock, tlir ntrrral coiirFPR tlirmtf, perchPB to a port in the middle nl id cre-k ; (the part it of tli etoiid purl to have the privile(tr of em-tinn a bonui in naid erwk ahnrn a errtain lindfreoteraaid mek in Ihe villare of lllrr. Uux:) il hemf pari -if a errtain 210 a-m- and 31 perchea Irarl ot laml which Jerrmiwh Conprr and wifr ftrnntrtl and aonre'ed lo John Cortwr on Ihe lM day of Marrh, A. It. IMfl.'., wliirk said eonreranee corded in I-ecd Hook "W." page 4tH. Ac; and ! "'" "o.er. ny uia (itot drtdHl the I .intb day of Aiigual, A. U. lfij. rranl. d inter alia "wrge m. Itake-traw and Klam llakeatraw; and whi'-h the aaid Ktnm MakcMraw did tinder his tinni and seal. cltl llie.'.th diy of JainmrT. A. II. iMftrt, convey and reh-me to aid Ororge U, Kuke atraw, parly hereto t whieh said convevanec and rvleaw la reor.ted In Deed Monk "X," paKc fi27, Ar.; and the aaine piee or Iraet of land an undi vided half Intercut In whieh tho aaid tteorge 11 llakealraw did inter alia grant and convey I... I., tin . Arthur, by hi deed dated l he. I at dny of Angiiat A. I. Moo; whieh aanl deed ia rec.r'ded in Heel Hook "V," page !U, Ae.j all nf whieh chain nf title will more folly and at larce appear by refer onee. lo the office for the recording ol deed a, Ac. in and Tor the county of (.'l.-aifl. ,, at Ihe several plnecs men tinned. Alan, nil thai certain piece of ground situate ia Ileerarie township, county and Slate aforesaid, Imnnded and deacrilM-d aa follows, to wit; beginning al a pna corn-rot l,nkrtra w ; thenee by a aixteen-fee alley, aonlh Bf decreet weal 2S feet lo lot of II. II. Wright , throat, alonj aaid lot lo ClearReld Crct-k ; thnee down said atream '.WO fet-t, more or leap, to line t,f (). o Hke. stmw; thenee by aaid line b place of Hrtrinning, eontainiiig 7j perchca, more or baa: being what ia contained in aaid boundaries. AIo, a piece of 'gro'ttv. ailuate in Hecearia townahip, county and rotate aroreaaid, bonnded and deacritied aa fi.llowa, to wit t Ilrginning at a p-int on the south aide of I'lwrllrMt'w'li j Itipora by land nfU. U', t laid well, aonlh I 4 degrees, eaat 4 perehea, to a pool Hu-nc by land of Thrnnaa 1 1 rnotn, north fll drgreer, ent lfi perches, to a Mial : thrnnc north 0 dejee. a", enal M perehea to a post In Itakealraw's line; ihenee north 22 degrees, went 4 pcrehea, to creek) thenee f-mi.r mi nt-nreea. wrii y perciica. aoulh A.i degrtea, weat4rtm-ri'bea. lo nlnceolhBfirinin., i . ... . , 1;,. , .. z" " ' -r-'- "ia pari oi larger M IT"1 '"" wni.ii Joltn I oiipef, l.y In ,1, .J..,! ',T,'"'h,r M,1f- granlH to Jerennaht'oopcr. noorded in lcel liook "V,"fian ftWH a. -.i , v . L . ' . "M". ae,, and ,T . " ' " w"" " """y m-ited ,n 'XXJX Z in neeatioa aud to u oi,i a. th. iin.nr or c-M'''- .,Z'iZ:t ITZIZ i.r,.,ertT i, knocked duo, or it .,11 h, P", " i 'or aala. ( UiE.sira iinwli, f ri.a.u .. . . T: I onarii. I; j X " Thi. 1. 1. ii,tnm, n, i 1 l.aa'T.nr. Kmn.hin Ik.i .1.- . lawrenee lownihip lhal thi .1 T. r...tk- ...L - T, frlhf ' , . .V.r aud ending June, ii;i.bas h.-n bi.1j T' ; t l ' IvUr.ana llial .f'.r lha . ar.lrahon ot (.,.. fir. ,.r . .,,1 b, ad.l'rrl .L M 'T"''' H . r.0rr th, !, 0r(ll. ri.cd ib iv. h.ad. of . Pi.,r (,,,, ' "! lljr orlrr of th. ll..arr. . TH,i'R ROYYLLM, PrH.l. b. .. ni.ooa, Frarrlary. J.2V 4t , .iv .... . , ," ' tlia aataia' of Hoiikrt ii av,it.i, " """p. ir.id mnat.. i'a., lZSZlfJ, IT"'? 'k "J'V""' ? 1 -... - rtaim. ar n.mand rrBi tb.ra rrrrir .n:i,i,,, (,.r irt. SttijffUdttfOUjl. VrKW HOOK Agnnta sell 100 por week il rnroSJ. Adilrei. I,. I'BRIIIAS, H.rlford, CI. COC A DAY 1- 111 now article! forA;rrnl.. ?l Samploa freo. II. B. SHAW, Alfred, Mr. OAIICSMES- Hroil for Circular, a ur.t-la.. fc bu.incaianditeedY cranio Wat, If. P. 1! Arch 8lreet, Vh,l..l-lA.., Pa. UUWK, Meadvlllo Theological rliool..i;irarl 01 educates Uini.tera: (ISO B yarto poor aluilinlij begin. AtiBu.t III. Ainly t A. A. Ml iltllUUK, Headline, Fa. CHItini'H, HOW BTR A rrfirciTiertT nVn' Lniiiet' Vicar, t'oetjeaaie. oiinlaina lha deeired information. Hi-nt free for atarop. Ad dreu II IIS. II. M KTZll Alt, llauorcr, Pa. Alfl-fw ILL PAVAOUKTsTb aalary of 1 $15 par week or allow B large commi.aion to aell uur bt-w Inventione. Ail'lreea J. W. Hll.NK A CO., M.i. ball, Mich. w rA.TI;l), AUUNTSJ.-420 Wa'tob Irra, firm sralla to ararjr liva man obo will sol aa our Asrtil. iluiiuaia liKbt and bunoratile: par. f.Hl i.-r dar. Addreaa It. HOMIOE KE.N Nl:bV k CO., PiUabiirsh, Pa. IV! th Hi( Hvhm. Ao vppoFitinn. htcel eiij(rtiff. napiu lalca. rr uiroular. ailJraii U.8. 1'ublinhinjt Co., N. 1., '.'in ! Clnoaro. Salrt.mcn H aiitrd in a pyir huDineta. 8. kb.;.KDV,4i.l L'heatnut 8t., f hiladt-lphia. 1)SVrilOMANCV,FASrlNATUNORHOi;i. ClIAh.MlNt.. 400 p eloth. Thia won dtiful book ban full iimtruclioni to rna'-te the readt-r lo fiiaeinate either fi, or any animal, at will. M' Kiueriam, Kpiritualiam, and bundredfl of olher rurii'Ui eipe riim-ata. It can beoliliinrd iHiihiijr a'l.lrtM, with ltt nnU puvlaKe, Iu T. W. K VANtS 1 Co., No. 4 1 Ko. Eijchth Ht.t I'hiladclphia. STAR F.PAN.l .n HANMCIt.-A larfre fiirtjr -coin iu n paper, Ltdytr U, HuNtralvd. ltrvotfd lo ('kelrlieit, roctnr, "it. Humor, ptmninm fun, Niinnaiue (of a aenail Ic kind), ami to tha ex poiuraof dwindling, U u ui liuj;, A a, Onlr 7.rern'a a year, atid a aupi-rii cngrai in a; "KvBnjridiiit," 11x2 fvut, a;rati , 10,(1110 cirfuUlio. Muner r fundod to all who uk it. It ii wida-awake, fuar lei, truthful. Try it Bnw. 76 .tenta i year. Kprei mctia free. Addrcai "II ANN KK." J(m.Jo, N.. PATENTS. INVITOItlSwhowi-h tn tak oul LelteraPat enl aroadviftcd la eouuael with MI NN k CO., viitort of the Jriciifiir werir.ia, who have proitv euted claiim tcf.tra ihe 1'atrnt Oflice for orcr Twenty Vcan. Their American ami Kuropan rut ml A Kenny la tha moat rxt.nive in tho world, t har-a U-ai than any other n liable agi-nry. A pamphlet contaiuing lull iutnilioii to inrantort u nat Bralia. M INN k CO., 7 Ta.-k How, New Vrk. vi:i it m tiil'ki That IheIf Mown the Hal Omyptrt the Ii S'f linktn to hr found in the world arelha Orig inal anil Heliahle llnuMc-Motion JItliB Ma chiiiea.n.adebytheTNAMANrFACiL'ltiNtl CO., ol Halem, ,'Jhio. iScnd for Pamphlet contain ing particular!. fyV. lit MAN MArillNK.-N' , X Krec for fitauip. T Alt KANT 4 CO., N. V. PROMPT, HONORABLE. RELIABLE. UKN'TH WA.VTKU in arery oily, town and iV villa for the larg-eat and roii.l .orce..r IiiiM.AU lllll'fK lo ibe country ll.M.V (INK end,.r.e,l by ll IrBdiog l-spara and Hapre.. Co 'a of the t oiled Htetee. Our (oo.la giro nni.rr.al aati.fa,.lin, our prrmioma lo AkvuI. cannot be eioelle.1, and oar eherka are free. Harlot t. houaea-llo.ton and fliieano-our farililie. .re uneu.naled. and our liu.ine.. aic.rdi In amount all oil.er conrernp in tliia trade eorol.ined. -W-Sen. for Circular, an.l Ire, Cloli to S V TIIU.Ml'HlN A CO, LIS Ked.,.1 Street, llo.toa or liK time Street, Cbiciiro. A MODEL HOUSE. RIN) .cripple, I li,-em.lc lioo.e pUnnin, 1 1 a accial .ludy. Uno built lu.l aea.nn hn. prored a model ofconve. lence, heaulv and econo my, lleacripllre circular, of Plan.. View., etc., with Rencral information of value lo all, acnl free. Addn,., wilh .lamp or .cript If convenient) tll.O. J. COI.IIV, An-liitocl, W.lerbury, Vermont. Nevspapcr Adverlisina. A Book of 125 nlo.elv prloled jmgtn, lately i..ued cintaioa . Hat of llio beat American Adrer ti.iol Meilium., Kivina; the naBri. elrrolatino., aod roll partirolar. ooooeroioff the lea-ling Daily and Weekljt Pnlilleal anil tarollr New.p.per., t..K.lhw mth all Ihnaa baviuc la,,. Birrulalloaa. ..... .. ..........,, ,,., ,,U iV.ii'l-i i . i. i . v. ""ii"!! i . i s'uuiiaacrf, v. f I ark How, The PittsUrcfPa.) leader. In tta Isaac of U. 29, 1870, says: The firm of tj. P. Howell A Co., which iti iiea this Intcrcating and rsluahle book, ia tha largest and tent Advertising Agency in the l ulled ctate, and we can cheerfully recommend it ta the attention of thoae who denire to adverliae their buaineaa aclenliHcally and ayitrmatieally lu surhawav: Hint ia, ao aa to seenre the largeat amount of publicity for the Icaat expenditure of LARGEST - BEST - CHEAPEST I 1NTKIU'ltrsE. lorto.lrr, Taet, Mberalilr, t and tha lint Talent, have for out Iweuij w.rll nm, .... upon Moorfa Hural Nrw-VorVrr, Anil aa reault II la nnrj, pra rtolienllr, tin! I.arrr.1, lle.t and Clieape.t lllualraled iiui.l. I.llernri and Faioilr We.ilj In the World. T- na of thon.and. of oi.le aaake I'enple. all orer III. rontiuenl, uka and admire llie Hi BII. for iu uperior Al.ililv, Value, lllu.lraliona, Strle. if. Till! I'KKSS AMI I'Kdl'l.K 1MIAISK ITI Koreiaro.le, an earhanire earn "In trm. il tlia jno.t eli-Kanll.r printed, aldv edio-d, widely eireolatod and Iteanil.r wi-leotued paper. Beawholn, whielt now And. il. war anions llio IViple. w-iol. AMI li.il,,. Jul. J. Trvitl Onlr f 6,1 Polumeof 2(1 nuiniera, or . per year. "' """rioe ii'iw : A't-ir-Kl I). 1). T. MOOKK.41 Park Kov, N. V. K( I'KNTS will pay for the N. V. fUKKI.V )r iPOl.laAKKt NfromnowtoJannfvI "7 ONI. Iiul-I.AIt will pay forihcSKMI-KKKI.V do. do. Jill eenta a month pava fr Til SJ 1'AII.V HLN. Addreeas j. v. KM,M, Pul.li.ber, 'f York. QE MILLION At Rl:s or CHOICE IOWA I AKine i tor Bale, al .T .er ro-re anH nowarda. fn.e..h. nr ' on eredit, l.y I In- l.,a llailroad l..n.l lloninanr. I W ..lie al ratea remarkal.lr low. ilrh, Itailroa.l. already boill lliromth Ilia l.tnd.. Bil l ! ' on all .i.le. of them. Ureal in.liirem-al. lo a.-l- t V A I.D A 111.1; PI III.H ATION I tlera. Hend for our free lann.lilrt. It fireiiV riee., lernia, iealloni ttlla olio alould 001,1. "Tile Mrll ho Ail verllae."- A book of two wr.l, obiit llo-.r 'hoiil.l briiiK-Mlil it will oot llmoilied at.d Ml? larea oelarn ria,,-., eonlaliiin. Rive, plana and ,-levatiiini ot IHiMTcrlnl .trie. 01 1 on aeenuol of atieee..lnl alverli.,-r., Incvthrr witb ready-made hon.e.. hleh the ('nmnaiT furniab hmla on llie Method of adterti.iOB. and adroea at rrnro 2ill lo 04,0.10 ready lo ael m. M a-i lio tl.e Ne.ia..t a tho oolv le.uimBta adror feat t di-.ired. A-I.lr. -B tlijC tneillom. w. IV. WALKKIt, Vlee Pre.l.lrnt, l "Amerlran NoM-apaprr llato. IIolt." ' ''"''' Wl"'a. I'ai f.mlaioinit till-adierlLinj rate, of lea.lmr Ainer- " 1 I; iron Ne.i.er., arrao(.d Kill, a. Indtl for Ihe Pay Your Taxes I i " "American Mew -paper l)lrpr(nrt Pnr I M aeenHanea ai'h an Act of th drn-tal 1 n-n.My ot iiia Commonwealth, aproed -lie Mi day of Wareh, A. K 17, "relating t . !. 10, "relating u 'he collection of laca hi the county of 1 .rarfi-Hi ; u. .- . - 'r.. "M ri ,n" """' nme.i, u, 'u 'wnty Treaorer, in a"enrdanee with the attend section of said Act, will attend at the pla nf noiiimg the boroUKh anil township eleciion,t the following named days, for llio pumnaMof reer iring the titMT. lt'.unty and State liesd Militia, Finaa saaeaacd for 1h;i For New W ashington, on Thurdat, Jtin.t0ttl For Clipat, nn Fiidny, the lM of Julr. I For Frrguaon, on Katurday, the Jd nt Jute. ' Parties ran alao pay tin ir tales at the TrraMir er'a offlf at any time fpua this forward, la-n all tinea paid on and prerioue to the duvs d ig nitld lbn will I a redirtton nf fin Hr ern'. LliVKH ll.KiiA, Trrsanfer a fifflfe, l Trras-wr. ClearRt Id, I'a., April 12, 1 ft 70 I Democralic Almanac. I i il i lri""l"",:"n if fnr j ' ire nantia o eerT 1 Kemorrat, II eontain. ftillelenion n-tiirna ft'in I ' ". rmir. j i..no, ,na wV".r. ?"" a..i. li-t ..( ih. ! . ","?,,",l'"l,'''itrr'tnitmnifii PmJ ra., ....... ..arm. ;, m. .ri,H. hr , X " ' ' '" I . r "'t Baora laa " I"1-".?' ,,,. Tl n.mS., r.,r IT " ,V: ,. ";." lullof.alual.lo .i.iuii.. " ' oat Mi., r..rm ... , j mail ajopr for aaoa T..r, lro.,,1 j,,j:if j 1, HIIIMILKS, t.,,.1,,,1, lh, h K, , ClMrflrM Jul? 51, 1fci;,.,r 1 )1XK, WRITB HOA l.-NIMirsKINf-X. ..J",'.r"'"1' aa for .al. h, April It. 1 IB. u ...I,) LI! RAM. T'aTaf'.".'. M-"" l l-". ...r, .a r, ?. ,U"' 'r' for -al. al , .f Pra- Fltml HA(IliriC t UWiy. fcUiflctUanroas. tl rANTl:l)l-A oomforUlila .n.all HnlHK. 1 IoobIoU in s pleaaanl pari of towo, to rant, joli Apply to i. K. WATtjON. SOLID 8TGKL BING1.K AND IIOIIUI.1E Hboral Plows Iron and Wood PrBmaitor aala J II. P. tllULUH 4 CO. DOUULB O Bbaral Plow Ulsdei-lor aala by II. P. IIIul.KR A CO. "TOTU: I-:. All pcrauua lodebtod to Ilia nndar airoffd will plraaa call nd arltla wilhoul lurlher daisy. T. II. fOIICKY. Urahaulon, June t2, 1870 Jt. (i ahm:n Ni:i-:im-FRKsii a (idud- from tlie I'liilath-lplila llardena; alio, the r.luhrated lUrfflj OTAtOKS, fur aale at tho l)ruf Ktoroof JJAHTHU'lLK 1KW1N. mpr27 Clearfield. J'a. IlOH HAI.r.OH KlONTt A two rtory Htora Unlike, with lartct onn-ilorv wairrooiu in rear, and 2rx'!iit ftet of ((round, ailualeon Hwottd trcH.-l. Thka propnrljr ii iu good irpair, and well nintu'.vd for a bumnctd atatid. For lurtbur particular iu Mnire of 1). (J. MVLIMJ. Clear Grid. 11 T tb, lh;02n. ClAL'TltlMt Ail person an hcn-Sy warned J agninst pure ham tig or iu at y wty unddling with two Itay borrra, iiuw in lha poaaeaHoa ol Samuel Hlutt, of ili.ei townfthip, at tho aatne belong to ua, aud arv Jolt with 1.1m on loan, aub-je-t to our order. A. K. U it lull t 4 uNn. Clearfield, June 22J, X I. (ACTION'. Alt pi'raotia are hereby cautioned J again! pure haaiug or in any way tnrddling with two black huraca and harne, one plow, one harrow and one wagon, now in tho p mention of lioiien iioan, . tiiu 181110 belong to me, auu are left wilh bim on bian only. Juna 15, IS7u.3tpd. J'tUN P. ItF.KI). CK aga Tl(. -All peraoiia art hereby warnrd gat nut trading for or buying a certain Note gnen by ma to !. Ii. Ilrubokcr. of I'nion town. abip, calling for aixty-flve doHnrF, tin tad Februa ry Vlli, 1S7D, due aix taonthi after date, aa I am determined not to puj the nmr nnleaa compelled by law. JAColl HI MM1,L, Jr. Brady towmhip, Juae Ii, IHJU-Stp. "IXKCl'TtlH Miril i;-Notice here J J by given that Ivttera teatameiitary bavinf t-es'ii granted to the ultaeriher un the en tat of JUM.1'11 II. if AUKKTk, deceaaed. late of Jordan townahip, Cfearttvld ritunty, J'ennaylvauia, all peraoni indebted lo id aatate aia reuavtcd to ihiiko iiDuiftnaie par men i, ami mote Having olaiina agHioat tbo mi too will preaout them duly authenticated for ictt lenient. I. W. Vfl$E, Executor. Anannrlllo, June I, 1K7Q 01. IXKC't'TOKM' KOTH i;.Notlcefaherc. J by given that U-ttera Tei-taincntary having be.n granted tn the no burn W, ou the Estate of HUMAN ha re KUTY, d.iioaaed, Jute of l'enn biwnabip, Clear Held eountv, I'ennavlrania. all perron a indebted to laid liatatc are requeated lo make immediate paymout, and Ihoa baring maims agMiiiii i ne in me win prcicut them duly amueniicaieu ior Miucmcni. J. Tl. RAFI'EUTV, John clakk, Ponn Ip , Miiy 25, '70:ot:pd Exeeuton, JK.IK HANTS lltTi:i.. Corner of Third and SmilhRild St reals, Plttftbuig, Pa. D. JOHNSTON A 80JJ, Proprietors. gllAW IKILMI. Corner of Market aud Front Street', Clearfield. Pa. This mngniucent Hotel entire! new. com plete In all ita appointiiicnla, and convenient to meioiirt (louse. A tree Oiumltus runs to and Iron, the Jjrpol ou the arriviil an t li-onrture of each train. tihulitit: .N. Col.lJl ltN, April la, l.s)0. Proprietor. ORGANS & PIANOS, ESTY'S AND MASOX .C- HAMLIN'S, roR BALI BT 8. J. HAYES, Cnrwan.illl., Pa. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE & STONE YARD, CLKARFIKLD, PA. -ff-Hhop on Iteatl Htreet, near rrtin.rlrani. uaiiroau uepoi. may l-H.'70:ir. To Carpenters and t'onlrartors, Wtf ' 1-l I'HOPlMAI.H will be received hrthe Sebool Uirwtt.n of Lawrence lownshin until ln.nn J.y 0f j , b , f ' ruoHi'fi mm Kennel Hi ll.ll.e, nne ... ...... .. l-ui.oi iiuu.e, and una at or near John II. Ui ioo'a. plana and .peoiOeBlioo. can be .ecu nr oallin en the Kerrctarr. Dj order or the Board. J'1 " I- C. 111. HUM, 8.,-r.tarr. THE OSCEOLA IJAKEKYI C. J. 6II0PF, Proprietor. T Won,!) reapeetfully annonnee to the old eu. J. tomera of HhoR A O'llnen, and the rititeiia of uFceoia ami vicinity in rt-tifral. that I h...k. come sole proprietor of Ihe Oaccola Hakery, and am prt'pnre.i to lurniPh llie"M Ar0K I.It K" well as PIUS, CAKKS, Ac, of every deschp Hon, in any quantity and on abort notice. Oaeeoln, Jannary 12, 1879. JOHN TliOUTMAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market 8t.,eaal or I tie Allegheny Home, Cf.KARPIftl.n. PA. T KFKPon hand all kinds of Furniture, In anil aitich - of Furniture, will Und it to their Interest A or hy the single artiele. Those in need of anr lo call and examine my iliMk, which I will sell very low for eaah or exchange for Suitable lumber. CUarneld. Pa., A ' ' l"?0.f. i:dvaiii)Pi:kk.s&co., Flour ?Iaiiiiraeturcri, And llealera la GIUIN OK ALL KINDS, miMi'SBi'ito, rA. t rt i.i, ri pply of FLorn. wheat. 1 ('OIlN anil rllllP nnn.,...n. i 1 . IS7 - ' "rate liata of all Ibe Nwa. VHVV" m me i mteil Malt nnd " ""vti"' i"Hnion 01 t ana ln. t-jri ther mi a nearriiiion oi utn luwtia and til tea in which they mn puldirbed. All eonildned In one In-gc nctnvn t-oliirne of (T2 Cngea, printeil on Art tinted hook proper, an 'I anilaomrl.T Itttiind In rlnlb. Now rea.1. hub aeriptinn prife. oft. A'Hr ui.innii; r. iiowrll A ro.. Jel j.lm it IVrk Itnw, New VorV. Auditors' Slalement. field eomilT. !'.. in aeeoout ilb R.-ad Fund (or lMii'. Pport at fuMnwij nt-aroa. To in unit l of tni aramil tl,.1ia To anaeated landtai 0(, To balance dun townahip hy Kupertiaoii g H2 f aKitiioN. Pt awnnt of work on roil...JM.fl2 Aft lly oxoneraliona ir. .'11 Hy p'"r eeiitar". 10s v: "mount p'l. Ir.r making dit pitcaiea a aufiunig nn'ouiila, lly amount pd.ua making now 4!l 112 O Jl t HI 1 Ml I ii I KH lh ' ..i.i l..r lj., material.. n.r amoiiiit (.aid for tool. Mr amf.nnl i.anl for ..rr.rlnc Hr loo. 'n.tlioni.iarr H.r nuniila bo.k T"11 H'.JM JHM.2.H Jd Town.liir. in'l.Mrilna niahinf now nia.l. ; I Blhotir t'.iailer. roa.l. noar I'loarlt.-hl, .r.a "oa alont I k., a. 1,1 t rr. ,. ,1,.!, il m Alao. roMl ia appot anil of lo.n.liii., not y.t eom,k'lcd. I.. F. IIIIVIN, rkrk. CVAIM..l,,7B.K..n.d,..,.-1,, Llrar 0,1, J.,,,r a,,.-, ,n.d,rlnr. of 'Bd, for a.1. kf HA.lrlitlcK lltIN. "I1AR JIIOH EXPAXDINO ri l.TIVATOrlS. H. f. HIHIKR 1 fo. READ I READ!! Valuable Real.Et.tat6 at Private Sale. frill K ttmlerfigned In rnneluded to dlipoae of 1 bii f'A KM and II MM Kit 1.ANU8, aituata In l'enn townahip. ''learfleld ooiilv, I'a., eon (aid ing 13'al ACItl.M, adjoining laudi of 1'atrk-k Uaily, Jainea II. Clark and utheri. The farm ia in a good aiate of cultivation t good dwelling houae, large barn, out houaea, orchard of choiua fruit, and a good aprlng of never-failing water on tbc prrmiaea. A acboul houae within two wiilea. Part of the tract la heavily timbered, while Mm whole ia underlaid with a vein of coal, which mnit in a abort time be a source of great profit. No better Invcalment could be made, and no tract of land in the eoauly oflen great ur lKilitka for making money. rerfoni wiihing tn learn more particular! In r-gnrd to t Tiii i, Ac, can call on the premiaea, or addreaa lie uoduraiguud al (Jrainpian llilla P. 0. JOHN UclKTYRB. Penn Ip., March 30, 1T0 3mpd. riUVATK SALE OF. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN LAWAKNCK TOff.NBHIP. ' rilHK under (.fned, Eieeutor of the eatate of X Hugh McMulien. onurt at rrirate owie A Farm Containing 100 Acros, More or less, altuate In Lnwrvuee townahip, fthoot three mi tea from Clearfletd, aljliiing landa of Attrahnnt Ogden, Josnph Wa'aon, Orr, and others. About 4 acres are under cultivation, with a log houae and a good orchard thereon. f4t-For further particulars call upon tha bd der.ignvd or aiMrcea him at lllearfielil 1. 0. AUKAHAM liilliKN, April 27, 1H71.. Jin. Kaeeutor. ADMIMSTHATOIiS' SALE OF Valuable Real Estate 1 ) Y virtue of ao order laaued out of the Orphan! 1 Court uf Clearllcld eouiity, in the cat ale of I'uler Aiiheiilt'ltcr, doe'd., Utc ,if Itratly township, there will he eipoaed to pnMtc ale at Si'hwctn'a Hotel in I.utheriburg.onHATl'ltlfAY.Julj ICth, 1-70. at 2 o'clock, 1'. M., the following valuiilile rent eatate, aitnnte in Hrtidv tnwnahip, Clearflrld eountr. IV, l' TAl M SU l i t At KIW, and 1'' pcrrhea, bounded and d earn bed aa followa: llt-ginning al a pit, adjoining landa of A. l'enti, ht., tbo nee 6lt:i 10 pereboa to a pint, thenee north 2li:i-ltl perehea to a pot, tbenoe east pt-rehoa ao a poat, thenee aonlh Mb perchea to a lioat. Ihenee Went 146:6-111 iierehea to a noil. thence north I IH perehta to a poat, and the place ! oi neginning, anu Having tuereon en-cled a gixid dwelling houae, I urge batik bnrn, with all Ihe ucoeaaarjr uut-buildmga reuind un a farm, a line orchard with a variety of fruit treea, good wnter, wilh about 6tl aerra cleared Btxt in a good alale uf euliivKtioD, lute the property of feter Afhenfrlter, now deecaaed. Tcrmh: One Rlth cui-h at iaIo, one third at confirmation of aale, and the Ulmiee in two efpitl atinin.1 piiviiienta, lo h n-oun:d by bond and iiiort age on the p rem i sea. KUJAU ASIIKNFKI-TKn, June 22, Adunniitraior. Valuable Ileal Estate Hir Sale! rilllK underaigned, realdiitg in I'nion townahip. I Ciearlield county, ofl. ra hla Farm fur aale. It aujoiua landa of UoMoptter, l.inen and utliera, and CONTAINS O.NK IIL'ffhltKD ACRBHI SilT-tlve of which tr Improved and under good outtirKlion, and the balaure. covered with a heavy growth of I'ine, Oak mid Hemlock timber. Tliere ia erected thereon a frame dwelling houae, a large hunk burn ami the other niTeaarv oulhnildmgN. I'lenty of gmd epring water on the proumea. f'or further particular call on the premise or addrtaa the utidcraigniHl at Itookton I. O. May 2.' 2ia If. A. ClH'RTNKY. Farm for Sale I riHIK Farm of John Hpaekinan, late of fiirard J. lownxhip, deoeanetl, coiiviatitig of nliout 17! aeraa of good fanning laudj (moat of which U el cared.) and having thereon erected a gimd houae nd barn, with all the uaual con t emencn of a Meftfant home, ror term and further purlieu lara, apply to T. II. Ml KIIAY, Aihum j for the heiri and perauna intoroated. June if I'd, l70-tf. TTtlllUlKI) I.ftT I'OH M.U.KI 1 1 i he underaigned wf II aell nt J m mi. (' liia lloiiae and Lot, aitoate on l.ocut at reel, be tween Third and Fourth itreeta, in the borough l t'leaiflt-hl. The pioperly la in good repair, and ia a very deairable locution for a rvaidvneo. Will ua aohl at a bargain. Term eay, " CIIAKLKS I.AnitlMKR. THE SINGER, SEWING MACHINES AHEAD OP ALL OTIIKRgf Eiijhty-Six Thousand, Srrrn Hundred and Eighty-One Machine Made and Sold the rast Year!! This lumbar rtttdt Ay tkomtaniii (ko rales of any othar Maohins, and tho demand Is still Inonasing ! THBEE THOUSAND PEE WEEK Ar. sow beinf niBda and i.ld ! THE HEASOXS WHY: Dacania It atuljodi.. a.atlal Drlneltlaa a.i found Id bbj .tbrr M.chlD. b.r.a.a 0f Ita llltpllellr of OOB.trQrtloo, aa.a of p,ratlo. BBlformllj of praal.. anion at an. anaad. and raracll, fr th. jr.alr.t 0f, n ,.r,tJ of "i.p or cc-ar... Partlaa talahlni to purrhaa. aloold Hal Mil lo eiamlno 11,1. bo.l of all Sawing Macblnaa. I bara lb. Birn-t for Ihla Marhlaa. ..J .111 ! aa., b mil tup! it B hand. . S. SHOWERS, Clearfli'd, Pa. May i, IRTO.lf. NEW CLEAHFIRLD, PKNN'A. CULL mil see llio new MARI1LR WORKS, , on Market atreat oi.n..i.. .k. n Hartal ilrral, orpa.it. tha Jail. MOM 'MKNTrt, 01IK1IAX TtlSIIlS. FIlKSril miTIIKrl, TAII1.R TOPS, MAXTI.ES. I1AI1HKX 8TAT1 AHY, TKllltA CfTTA AHK, 1IKAII A FOOT FTONK.'1, of orrr ami Waiiliful lr.itna. All of l,i,h .ill b. aoM .1 cil, P,ir, or IS par rani. lo.. than anj oil,., l.l,,h,r, , ,,, "ioIj. S,.ll,ra-lion r'laranlrod In all ra.ra Ordir. Ihanlfuli, ,,, ,cJ In tha bell woikman-lika manner. s. a. umsox. ISAAC llllXKR, Soddlo nnd Harness Manufacturer, I.illhor.l.urj, Clo.rr,..,l fot, ft MtllK .nl..l,,r rr.porlf,,!!, nr; I a... Br..lvBJ II:, .o,,, ,,; " hat ho I. now ,,r.,.r.d lo lri,h o.....,"" ' t.i. Ii.. ... ' . .- - r.pryitln , . . " "-'ii uini nn fa Ina enalomera In at.. le. .i,r . ran plouo ..u;:;:irtK Furniiurel Furnilurel t'all I hoVoo, k H " ""'" PMir thai I t'h.ir., IM.toail. 1, "oh a rail. . MM" mi a Wallarrton, J.B.1I. l8;n im."V ""'1 1 h-.ii b d i...,,.r in' "n ' ' "ba. I. I,k. maooV. ' 'hI. na-Hna M...h..r. . " 'tn' ranre Innniiiir.. & i ... 7" the it.it. oi i .. - " - ' nrwfni, , .'"dcDm Dl.trfiM. 1870. JIXL 1870. RECONSTRUCTION! Will Fight II Out on This Line! iviLLi.171 iti:i;B. MAiiKti 6tri:i;t, CLEAItFIELD, PUKN'A. Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Notiona and Trimmiags, LADIES' AND OE.NT'H FURNISHING GOODS, ilatt and Caps, Ladies', Misses1 and Children's Shoes, AT POPULAR PRICES, &.The entire itock on band will b fold at a reduction to preMot value, and I will rrplcnlab tha atoek tvary lizty dayt with ekoiot itylei of the beat goudt in tbo market. Kear the Poitoffloe, CLEAIIFIEI.D, PFNN'A. 2; THE FIRST ARRIVAL! Spring Millinery Goods Jutl Recti ted at Mrs. WATSON'S. A 1L tbt Lad tea to Town and tho Country ire J- Invited to call and tea the Spring Style to DOKKETS, HATS. FRENCH FLOWERS, Ao. W hire to luit all igea and altct. Wa lEtend keeping our stock full and ompleta, m that all cm be accommodated with tha beat and oewoal tyloa of each nmoo, and at tha lowest prices. Alao, new Indueementi offered to lha way of )REH3MAK1NU, In the moit elegant and faih iouable itlti, od the ahorteit notice potiiblt. Remember the Plaoo i lain Street, oppoaite Muaaop'i itora, CLKAI1FIKI.D, PA. mirSS y nt)Lo:i NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! HARTS0CK & GOODWIN, CURWEXSXILLE, TA.( An bow roetlrlng, direct from Battlmori, Naw York, Bostoa, rbitsdslpbia Bod PltUburgb, ao imasnsa stock of I'HT GOODS, CLOTHING, GENT'S FUKNISIIINQ G0OD9, I1AT3 A CAPS, COOTS SIIOES, CHINA, OLASS A QTEENsWARIt, nAUDWARD, 0R0CLRIK3, Ao., Bought at lowsr prices thia haro been toads to ny bouso tn town aloca tbo good old days bo fore tho lata "oap1taiantoM"all to bi dls j trlbutcd to thosa who flsit CurweniTllls for supplies, in Meordsneo with tho gnat lacrlfios at nbleb they win boaght. Tho Ladles an particularly lnitd to eat) at II art sock A Goodnlh'a Cheap Mtore to ii- ami d tho splendid stork of DRESS O00DS, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, FANCT 000D3, 4e aiw oa iiblbitloo, Tbey Defy Competitloo I Parties raoaot do thoaisikca juitles la buy- Ing tbo nteesrariai of lift without sailing on HARTS0CK 4 GOODWIN, Curwantrlll., Vian't. a:lm DAVID REAMS' LUMBER MANUFACTORY, KHAR LlIIIKRiiUlRa, PKN.VA. MAXi rAfTi ni-S all kin.la af LumSar for bullJinf pur,oia. Alrraj-a on hand LATH FOR ROOflNO, PLASTERINO tATII, PALIXUrJ, c, Ao. llii Pla.tcriug Lath ar. avrnlv laarrd and of dilforant IrnKlha, lo auit purrhaarrt lha Pallnfa ara four fcrt lung and rrtdr pointed. All klnda of Sawed l.umborwill b. furniahrd to onlar, and drlirrrrd If to dtrlird. Prlcai trill bo liual, Bcoording lo qnalllr. AII kind, of OH.IIN l.krn In Mthang for Lnmler. I-ulhor-eurj- p. 0., Jin. 19, Isrt), FULLEETON'S RESTAIRATA ittlRLSIIME.VT A I.OII N, In Uary'l Kew Dall.lia.. (fortnarlr ooanplad l.y Mt. Mrtlaugbrv.) FKt'ONn ST., I'l.KAKFIKLD, PA. CloXSTANTI.VonliarilBoiia a.lroil,.n.,f CAN J IHKS, MTH. I'lilARS. TOIIACrn A. Al.o, ri!i;.S UYKTKIIS rooolvrd daily, rarvrd up to aait lha laalai of cu.tgimri. VtV llll I.IAI1I) Il.tloNoo aand.lory. Pr,,':" . R. FULI.KKTON. MAllKliTI J, K. WIUGM-Y litiO.. Harlog pnrrha.nl Ih. .hop and flilumof W. R. )l.l,liri..,a. would InforiB Ih. citiarr.a of rr. . '"' '"'T ' Hla pro- pared ta fumiah Fresh Beef, Voal, Mutton, 4c, 4c, it tub tnaot raa. .tbb. A libaral .h.r. of put.lln p.lronag. I. raapwlfully aolii'ii.d -ra.h paid for Calllo, Fhorp an, I l,.g..-.?v n"u.w u.i at a it h STRlKT, ClaarfirlJ. p.. j,.f.,n JhHW TUT MIKIPI FltKD. S.VCIvETT, MartnlVturer nr Tin, Copycr and Shoot -Iron Ware. tooling, fponling and job work anaoa Shop oa Markal Si, araily appotlt. th. Jail, i.-Lt'.r.riFLP pa ghilailrliihia dvfrHsfm,, yiK ISAAC K. STAUFTZB WATCHES & JEWELii, No. la Korth Second Sin, Corner of Quarry IH ILAI-ELPn;4 ;' Aa aortment of Watches, Jrwelrr, fiitf u. Dated Ware eonitantly on hand. m liepaiiirg of Watobtl aud Jtwtlry pn-., atlended to. jjii.j' p J. aoLLOWtl'IN I. MVItiutt . -: E0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS. Blank Book Manufacturer; AND STATIONERS, 218 Market PhiladelphU, fcU Paper Flour Paekl and Raga. FoeW Iattor, Jwta, Wrapping, Curttiu tn. w. Papers. fb2a7-WM DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, PliUadtlkfc And Dealers in Government Securhin Application by mail will recti re prompt stici t tlon, and all Information cheerfully tun,ik I Orders solieitad. ai-rll.tf I Wfrrhant failors. FRAXK K. SMITU, ! MERCHANT TAILOR, j Market HI reel, Clearfletd, Pi, , rWOITI.D rffpetfally It. for the eit!iu Clearfield eounly that hiring parebaa4 ti loterettand ahuation of E. R. t- Stougbtm, am now prepared to tain an. In .bo moat faai. fonahls snanner, ind oul of Ida beat Hturm, all kinds of Clothing that euitomcn nay satin I bat always oa bacd Cloths, Doeskins and Cassimerei, From whioh castonirsean Bskotbtlrsslsslitu Ons doer out of tho PustoSc. Clsarfiold, April ft), 1870-tf. II. BHIDGK. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Star ant door oast of Cltarfleld Iloa,) Market Mteet, Clearfield, p. LKKPS an hand a full assortments af Oiatr' W Furnisbing Uoods, sveb aa tSbirta. I ,u and Woolen Underabtrta, Uiawers and fc'neii Neek ties, Pocket Haadkonhiafs, tiloree, H.u, Umbrellss, Ae., la gnat tafia ty. Of fiata' uooas bo ftospf tni j Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,' j Pueh as Blaek Doaakla of tbi very beat m.it ; Faney Caaaiuiara, in gnat virtety , alao, Presn Coating. UaaTir. Pilot. Chinchilla, and Frieat OTsrooating. All of which will be sold cheap (aj Oaab, and msdo np aeaordiog lo thi latist ilylai by oipariineod work nan. Alao, Agent for Clearfield eonnty for I. at Stngar A Co'a. coUbratad tiowiig Mieblnea. Nor. I, lN5 tf. H. UHIUUI. (Tduratioual. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CUUIla-lKUr, PA. riMIK Sl'MMKR TKHM of tweoty-two waki, X will comtnenea Monday, May 9, A I'rimarr department will be added ta Ua School thia fall : for wbich Ihe ieripf of auaj. patent iiialructor hart been engaged. And ia effort will be apared to render thia deparlatit attraatira and inatructira. TKK.MS OK TL'ITIO.V. Read i n r, Orlhoarai.hT. WHtinaT. Ot.leet Laa. (na, Primary Arithmetia aud frlmary Ueoirrapfay, per half term, (of altTea waaln. f lliatory, Looal and deaeripllrt OeoRraphy wilh Map Drawing. tJrammar, Menial and Written Aritliinetia III At)fbra and tbe Koieneea f InatrartloB to initriimintal miule II tl "il paiptirif f Wat work..., '...'..'... Ill For full partieiilara tend for CmmIm. Ciearlield, Aug. loBH-pd. C LEARFI RACJlDEMy! Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal. qtllE FOURTH SRSSIOKof Ibopraaanlatba. i la. tic roar of thia InalitalloB Kill comaiaata MWMiAY. th. lith da, of April, I.7.. ruliilae.n antarat an. tlm. T... .l. u ohargad with toitloa fror. Ua Una ibar aal.t la lhaaloa. .f h. Kaa,ioB. lha oouna of Inatraatloa amhrsaaa aaf ltl. IBeludrd la B IboroBk. nH.,il.l .. om.b. Vli.h.B .daoatlon for hoik aai.a. iha rriBcibal. havin. had Ih. BdaaaUa. .f ataih aiporianc. ia hia profaaaioa, aaaaraa pa tn and guard aa. thai bil aatlr. Bhllit; and an.rgiaa Bill b. daaatad lo lha anoral and man. tal Uaiainf of tha yowth placrd anriar bla aharaa. 1 t.HMn ttlf 11 llltiN. Orthography, Kaadlng, Wrillng. and Prtaarj Ailtbnalic, par Hraaioa (II waakaj . g O Orammar, U.ographr, Arllhai.il., BBd Oi.torw Alg.l-ra, Qaotnalry, Trigonoaiatr, Mra. auratlon, rurraylag, Hhllaaoph, Phral. ology, Chamiatry, Book Kaaptng, D0UB7 and Phr.teal tiaographj . . f II Latin, Ura.k a.J Fraacb, Bllb BB7 .f tba .hor. Ilranobaa - . . . g MliSltl 1'iana (10 Ir.aon.) . . . , aw-No drdnrtioa will ba mada for abaaaea. aaT't'cr furlbar partlaalara inqulr. of H.r. p. L. HAHHlfluN, A. U., F.K 1. IH7U. If. Prlnrlpal. TEETH! GSy$ TEETH I EXTRACTED FOK SA CENTS. " Ellrarlrd with tha naa of Ktrdora Olr. and I. oi.i. AMatirnrata, (lha only karralaia and .(Erlrnt Anmaibatic. now in uaa.J by S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentist, OF Cl'RWEXSVILLE, TA., Who would horoby moat ra.paetfully rtnrB hli lhatiki for lha linaral patronng. nf lha pan and Ind.roj lha pnhlio ibal br baa rrraorad hi, olira to the oornrr uf Si. la and Locuit alrala, (t,rar Jrnkina' alora.l whrr. I,. I, prepared to m.laa hia eualoroera in nrwly Attrd up rootaa, and da lb.ir work in the mo.l .killful anl workraaalik. manner. All work done In II, a lal.it and moat approved atylra, and guarantaa. Dr. Ilarr. will U engagad In hla offli-a frem Ih. lat ta tho Jld of eeeh moo'h. The balanrr af each month hu will ppand in Ulen Hope, Iturn.ide and l.aihar.l.Brg. all.rnakly. Partiaa miding at a di.tance ahould writ, to ua prarloaa of Ikatr coming, lull,, houra. From I lo II o'.loak a in., and from 1 to I oVIorb, p. aa. ' We ... none t, the rery l,..t m.i.rlal. aa d-fj eomprtilion for beam,, elraapnrn and d.ra biliiy. llii. ua a call. Carwaaitill., I'a., May J5, ml, AlT-li.TiO'-.H;i:irg Vl.AViliT(rFi. I I TH AI TS are warranted equal lo an. mad.. Thrr ara prepared from Ihe frnlla, and will U oimd mucli bi.tterthanmanrofthaKitran.il,.. ara .old. A.h your tiroeer or flruari.t for Wilt brrg.r. Kitiao'a. HAHlflH e IXIlI 10 PI, I K ia, without doubt, the U.t arlirl. In Ihe market forUiirlnge'olU li will color more water than four time, ihe aame weight of Indigo, and moah moie than any other wa.h klac In lha market in. oni grnuine I. thai put up at AI.KKKD VYll.TIIKItHKIt K PH1U SIOHK. No. 1?H North econd Clreel, Philadelphia. The labeli ha. a both Hililrgcr'i and r.irlnw'a name oa Ihrra, all othciearcei.utncrf.il. For .ale tie mo.t tlroo.ra anil 1 marl. ir. V 1I.TIIKI1II F R S 1NPFLII1 1 INK will be found on tiial lo be a Itiperlor article. Alwav. on hand and for .ale at rearoneMr price. Pure tirnind Spicci, Ucnuiuc Mcdiciuca. Ch.moil Skin., h'poogo.. Tapioca, Pearl, Sago, aud all arlicl.a in the ,liug line, at AI.FREII W ll.TIII.IHIKR " PRI-0 BfORI!. Ja:liim No. Mn Nona "-e nd St.. Phila. otlcc lo Hip rubllc! WE. an.lr.ifne.1 .U-kfrnilhi of tbe lo onirh vt flearfleld, h -reSy ad.'pt tbe tot lowinf ratea for work and rulra" with rrrtd lo eeurmg pay for our labor, and we each plr Jj our rnai-r man ant weetiani" to adtir to tuJ eoforoe the. tame fro ia and after May 1, lirt). All Work done at aboeinf hnraea n.at bf paid for when the work Ii d'Mie, a tbe fbllowjna; ratea i (fltuig New Shot tnt. He ret ting Hhoe 1 Cent. No err tin to be girtn for a lunger pariud lLaa tliree niin(.L.a. f. rassMonK.' c. owen's. AM" Ki:AKI. THOMAS RCIUT. j. Kill NK II.KH, 0. I 1.ANICU. UKoHtiK C fAi"Miihi. Clrtrfeld, I'a., April 20. I7l) 3m. ")UM? wcitkw is r k kU TiTt iV A I Xi R Ttrlh Jaat rtired and fr-r aala hw U r.i 'i.):i; i iv