h u I bl n i( ro in on wl Oi toi all At hfC htO floC tliit bed nee Ury lika like dnr' win ShcjtUpubliraw. Giokoi B. Goodlanper, Editor. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORMNO, JUNE . I70. Democratic District Ticket. ASSEMBLY i JOHN Ci. II ALL. or sls coiaiv. tSobject to the action of Ibe Dl.trlcl ConT.nlioa.1 Democratic County Ticket. SHERIFF! JUSTIN J. FIE, Or 61HAKD. COMMISSIONER: DAVID lltCk, Or CLKiltriBLD. DISTRICT ATTORNEY i A. W. WALTER. Or ClBARriELD. JURY COMMISSIONER: JACOB A. PAIIIT, or n.BAnriBL. AUDITOR : D. AARON W1IE, or (Hoi. CORONER: SAMUEL A. CALDWELL. or OHADrOKD. Htcrtotyptd Lira, Every month tnd wo have said tint same tiling monthly ever ince Grant came into office tho official publications of the Treasury Depart taunt have pretended to (how a ro duotion of the great national debt ; but it is mere protence, for the debt lias not been reduced ; the 6guret lie ; tlie statements are fraud ; the WukIi ington head of the Financial Bureau is knave and a ecoundrel to thus hood-wink, insult and cheat the poor duped taxpayer and wealth produe era. The public debt, May 7, 1S70, waa 12,420,804,331. The publio debt oi April 2, 1805, waa $2,306,055,077, showing an increase in the five years of $54,09,257! But this is not all the increase When a debt, which calls for a paper dollar, is changed in its character, and made to call fur a fold dollar, it is as much increased, it facto, as the difference in value bo tween the paper and the gold. From May 1, 1805, to May 1, 1870, there were no lees than $1,000,000,000 ol the paper dollar debt transformed In to the gold dollar debt, which increas ed the national obligation, the tax op on the sweat and toil of tho white nan, thirteen cents on every dollar, And how much, oh ! mathematical taxpayer, did the weight upon your backs increase f How much was the increase of th publio debt by this change! , No less than $130,000.0001 " dollars was virtually added to the footings of the public dclt by making $2,107,943,200 of the debt bear inter est in coin in 1S70, against $1,002,3G1, n t n l- i . , . . wnicu uore interest lu coin in 18C5. There wero, therefore, $130,. 000,000 actually added to the public debt in 1870, besido the addition of $54,809,257 in its growth from other causes, making in all, an incrcaso in the public debt in the past fivo. years of $181,800,000! And yet the lying rascals who hold official place and power, and their venal and shameless echoes, are periodically declaring "the debt is being reduced monthly." People of the United Slates ! are yon never to protest agninst a condition of things at the seat of government which embarrasses yon, sLackles you, impoverishes you, to a greater and greater degree yearly f Are you sat is8ed to be taxed to the extent of $350,000,000 per year, and get such fruits socially, politically and com mercially as you now do? Will you allow yourselves to bo thus duped, in sulted, deceived, and truly spitton np. on year after year by your corrupt rulers, and then continue to volo them into office again, as you have done! Look, people of the United Stales, at the treatment you have received by the present Congress, touching tnxa. lion. Tour appeals for relief have been trampled upon ; your prayers sneered at j your supplications made Merry over, by the henrtloss gang of incapable, calling themselves Sena tors and Kepresenlatives, disgracing wntmrT.- BfifTtAn, .'.'. "V - " - people) wh sent them there. For ten long, weary years, commercial pro. gress, the advance in national wcullh and refinement, the growth even of tho common intclligonco of this once Broi. Hnu progressive republic all havo been impeded, shackled, tlogged, by ignorance, corruption, and politi cal vandalism in high places. Tho party in power is composed of the weakest intellects in the whole body politic. .Narrow-minded, sordid, one idead, and basely wicked, under its rule the nation is being utterly ru Jned. Will tho Kennl. ...I,. put on their strength, ere it is loo Hte f The present government and dministration is a daily living lie From it beginning it has been one luge monstrous falsehood. Its fruits re treachery, deceit, and foul vil lainy; the sooner the people go to the ballot-box and transform this des tructive Mongrol despotism into a bite J enlightened Democratic government, tho sooner shall we reach thm.i.nrM.n.m..i.i... V. . . ' 1 K""y 01 . arum ana uoneity. In 1 a men, do yoor doty ! X Y. Day Book. General Ribet Anderson, ol Fort oompteF fame ia ia a dying condition t Tours, Froo. Hnnk I'oirrr mnprrmr. li l i li-ur n". IVom the voting In the House of llrptYsciiliillvr on the national currency question, thai tho majority of tlo members are in litvor of increasing the national bank circu lation, and ol pushing the legal mini- out ol existence. mis was seen when Mr. Garfield's substitute lor the Sotiulo Currency bill was before the llonn recently when it was iiushcu nj a vole of UK yeas to M nays. J Ins hill as it now stands autlionr.es an additional irwuoof ninety-five millions ot national bank notes, anil requires iho cancellation of tony-five millions of thrco per cent certificates. Sever al amendments were proposed to Mr. (Jurfiuld'a bill, to lasuomoro legal tenn ers and to mnko tho entire circulation of thecountry alogiil tenderor green hack ono, and to withdraw tho nation al bank currency. Those were voted against by n largo majority, which shows that the national bunk innuonce is supreme in the. House of Represen tatives. It is the samo, no doubt, in the Senulo. Tho next moment will be to withdraw altogether tho legal lenders, and to givo tho whole circu lation of the country to the banking associations. Ono of tho most sig nificant votes was that on tho propo sition of Mr. llnchard, requiring na tional bunks to retain and keep in coin or Treasury coin certificates, us part of their reserve, tho interest fulling dun upon the bonds deposited as se curity for circulation until the reserve required to bo kept shall consist whol ly of coin and coin certificates. This proposition, which coiitoniphited bring ing the banka to specie payments or a specie basis, was rejected. Of course, as we have frequently said, the nation al banks do not want and never will want to return to a specie basis. Why should they desire such a vast amount of dead capital being locked up and unprofitable as there would bo it they .pro enmnelled lo keen a reserve f coin or coin certificaten ? Tliis woulJ take away a largo amount of the profits on tlicir currency circulation, and nobody goes so far against liis own interests. Tho national hanks will never Cud It to tlicir interest, to return to hpecio payments, and, with lbs vast power they liava over Con gress and in the country, it will bo very difficult to force tlicm to any nicusuro to which they may bo op posed. With tho wholo circulation of tho country in their bands somo six hundred millions or more they will havo an annual profit or nearly forty million in gold. Rightly all of this belong to tbo pcoplo and should go into tho Treafury. But tho banks have got the power ana win uccp u. Moro than half the members o( Con gress, probably, are interested direct ly or indirectly in tho national banks and these so-called representatives of the people are simply leitiilulirg tor themselves. A. lr. Jlcraltl. Go on Ma. Mn.NOKEL. Should the bill now before Congress to cnlorce the fifteenth amendment become a law, any nigger anywhere, offended at any one, can swear him into the Pen itentiary and 8l,UUU lino, ly simply making oath, that bis volo was tried lo be influenced. If you havo a nig ger working for you, and you find tii m to be worthless and turn him off, though it bo thrco months alter nn election, nil Mr. Nig lias to do, is to make oath that you discharged him because ho wouldn't voto as you do sired him to, and the United Stales jvu, ,ai iiu i in jhibvs u 11 uu on you tiiou. Who will be safe when this devil-conceived act becomes a law ? Not you Mr. Mongrel, becuuso for fivo hundred dollars, eight out of every ten niggers in the country, would swear you into the Penitentiary in less time tliun yon could say "Jack Robinson." Hut go ahead if you think there is no hell. Its your party tho mon yon placed in power that aro trying (O luster, U.C80 OUlmijeS Upon J'OU.ntld tp .1 . 11 can. iryou want Iho nijjer on top, nick him np and put him there. He'll look no belter over us, than he M ill over you. Greemburg lkmocrat. How is it Dome. Thero ore now in tho National House of representa tives Sixty-four Democrats. The X. Y. Express nolcs this fuct and presents the lollowing explanation of the limi ted array: "With bayonet power there has been thrust into the hotly from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia forty. nine Of UlO IrtIO Carpet bag nild Scalawag stripe. V nli s fiiir expression of tlie popular will, it is safo to affirm, that full thirty -fivo of that number would havo been true Conservative members which would swell tho Democratic strength to ninety-nine. Messrs. tirccn of New York, and Heading nnd Fos. ler, of Pennsylvania, were mado to vacate their seals to minority contest ants have been admitted tn a,.nU which had been refused to Democrats , , legally elected, which makes another ditrerenco of six." Hy such means tho Kadicals have driven tho Dctn'n. emu from Congress, and tlicy will purpctuaio tlicir power in liko don otic manner, if the penplo renmin quiet oniler such a system. Atje. KVII...SCK or ITS PETESTAnLEJiJUi,j mTrnwrnit to Iho i:e..iit, hi..i. was being mado last week by the radi - calsof that city, prepurMtorv lo the holding of their delegnle Motion., tho effect the presence of the uecroJJ at the registration pluces hud upon whito rmls " Wo visited several of tho pluces for rcKisiraunn yesierunj down town, mid wo rmisl gay ilmt a more fiiiiiti diilHw of the condition of tl,o I!adr. enl party In tl.i, cily could not hv uoimi iiinue. n ncrevcr llicro were any numher of colored voters in tlio vicinity, llicre tlie rt'nistratiun w in dows were comrilcteiv eurnmnileil with crowda of the dark: and. willi ll.o exertion of one or two hury oflit-e nceker or rumniits, scarcely n nuiiu ion.un cuum ue eccn. MllltC men thai is decent ones would not mingle nor parlicinitle. lA en tlie one or two w lutes at each uliieo o.,, 1 uMliamed of tlicir tireaeiK c ami liimff down tlicir heads like ' wln-ipcd dogs. UiAvr Bond lii.nnEur .David Sloan, of Xew AlexandtiM, this conn, ly, recently invcelod ClU.ObO in tinv. ernmcnt bonds which bo dcpi!iied in "" ,uw 1DU had occaaton to visit the sate, when sale, when lie was astonished hy the appalling dis envety that Ins bonds were miiwini; .o inmi 10 nava no idea to ho Ihev ! were ai.irit.H . ..i ; ' ever remain in hliufiil i-nncoc .Ir ' . : r ' y nm th. h.r,..K,uU of hi.Ptrc..r;. - l OvmiiiiAHU Whiltomoi'C, Iho nil fort nuale ami unlucky rsfpet bag t 'on grcisman and cadet peddb-r, I'min South Carolina, rontrary lu our most siuiqilino anlicipiition, Is actually over board, refused his sent and sent back to his negro constituents in the first district of the Palmetto Slnto. Logan carried his point on Wednesday last,' only 20 voting against his resolution refusing to admit t ho applicant. Cess na and Kelly arc tho only two radicals from reniiKVlvnniiv who could see nothing wrong in tho culprit's crime, whilo llio member Ironi this district lucked tho nerve to pluco himself on the record either for or against the resolution. All tho democrats, to gether with somo seventy rudicals, making 121 in nil, voted m favor of exclusion. Can it be inferred from this vote that a mint of reform has at luct reached tho hearts of tho radicals of tho present Congress r .Such denth bod repeiitcnco will umoiint to noth ing, hittcmcre was no worso tlmn many others. Ho only hud tho bad luck to bo caught, uud was not smart enough to wrigglo out of the dirty scrupu. lie was seated near tho door ol the main ontrunco to the Hull a silent spectator of tho proceedings, and when the volo was taken, uud tho fatul result announced horoso und proceeded to the clouk room, cooled . . .- :.. ..I Ins parcneu lips wiiuagiu w r water and look his departure, no one speaking B word to him. But whut will his negro constitu ents sny r Will they not foci highly insulted? They could seo nothing wrong in Mr Whiltomoro s specula tions und if they nto satisfied what business is it to Congress iAltoona Sun. stttamril. On Tur.,ly, June 14, 1870, I.T Hnv. II. 8. Kl T- Lrn. Mr. KOllt.l'.T A. MITCHELL, and Min MAHY A. MOOKK1IKAI); .11 if thii Uurounh. Tb. happy oou.le hare our tlmiilti fur Ibeir kind rvLiiilfranoi) of til, Priutirr. On M.y 22,1, 1S70, I, E. IIilti4d, I'.rq., Mr JAMES ItAN Y, and Mi.t PAHAH J. LEM'IH ; bulb of Ck-arfltld oounty. On Junt 6Ui, 1H7U, hy K. UiLTrtRAxn, E.q., Mr. MATTHIAS 1ILLAUAN, aud Mi.. KMA LIXE Tl'BBS; buth of Kerfruin towu.bip. lit Lawirnee townnhlp, on June 170, WILLIAM HAMELS, Hr., aed74 yeara. At therefidenoeof Jiabi'B W.Li li in Beeearia townihip, on June 1, IK70, LEWLS R. ZVXK, aired 7R year. .financial. CLOSIXU PHICES or iPr.Hivr.l A lino., No. 40 Houlb Tbird ft., Pbilad.lribia, Juna 15, 170: r. S. S'iof "It 1171 1171 (IS 110J 111) (! lllll lid) -Oi llo linj " '(Si, new US I 1 121 " ';,n.w 1121 li:i 's 1 12) us " ', 10-(l' I(7J 10S L. S. 30 Ytar I pr ctnt. Currency.... 11.11 1UJ Doe Compound lutcrrft NuU-a- IB Oold IU 111 j Silver 1 OS () I'nion Tacinc R. It. Ill MurL llund... 870 8S0 Central Pacific R. R J0 I0 Cnli.n Parile Land Grant Bunda '.7'i 7110 iU! adi-frtisfmfntj. SherifFs Sale. TIY rirtua of ft writ of Lirari Farim. ia I aned out of the C turt of Common I'leai of i'learlielil county, and to tnt flireetrd, there wilt ho expoaed to tiaMie tnle, at the Court Hnnie in (tie Kniv.iiwh n-.--i. tA lowing dcicntad heal IiUti, to wit : All tli at certain tract of land aituata in tlmearia townlnp, Clearfield county, l'a.,ontainin(r aerea and here hen, and bouiiled and dearrilrd a fl- fwp, to wit: llejrinninj; at a point on the liank of ivrneiii vreea. on me north aide; thenoe onrtb 5 4 ilrrrrra, went 9 perehen, to a pot on a aitten-feet-witle aller l thenro aKrojt aouth lido of Raid nJ? 64 Hefiwa, oant 7 pereliea, lo a prist j Ihenrw aouth 44 d.rrre. cant 11 noreheM, to a ptmt ; thenea n-.rth 71 dfRreef, ewrt i perrhru, to a pnt ; thfnre 44f dea?reet. eaut perrhrn. to a hemlock trf; tbeoee ai.rlh 74 decree, rnjit 2J orcliea, tn lrrrh" to a ; tbrne auth 4y dr itrees, went ireea,,nth di'irree., ea.t ;t pert-he. tn the tniil- ,u,i ,j ( iMrru i-m.k, ,rnot ,, ;fl rtc. perrhe to a port; thence north jl'J ..-Krc, .r o.t prime.. io I o. place of lM-tin-ninir: together with all and rinr.tilar the water privilt-.. lo the one half of the .ait Clearfield Creek, adjoining the right hank thereof, beginning at a port in the line of land of Am... hmith, in the middle of Cl.arfleld Creek ; tbenee np the mid- aie oi .am creek, tue M.eral eon ree. thereof, . pen-he. to a pud in tbc middle ol aaid creek : (the panic, of the .econd part to bare the privilege of erecting a boom in .aid creek above a certain bridge oier .aid creek in the Tillage of lllen llnpe:) it being part of a certain lid a-n-e and .11 perchee tract of land which Jerenii.h Cooper and wife granted and .onrirM to John Coeper on the l.t da. of March, A. 11. IMS: which aaid eonrerance i. recoriiea in occa nook , "page49l. Ac.: and which the .aid John Cooper, by bi. deed dnled th joili d.r of Angu-t, A. I), lsci. granted inter alia to i.eo'ge ll. llakeMraw and Klam llakclraw ; and whifb the a:d Kl.ni llakclraw did under hi. and li:-h the.a:d Kl.m Itakc.l nmn ano .eai, n.lcil tlie .ilh tixy of Janunrr. A. It. . eoliTer and nice to aaii) llcorge l Kke. traw. party hento : which .aid eontevance and rolenc I. r.,r,led in Heed llmk "X." page 627. Ac; and the uine niece or tract of lund an nndi vided half intere.t in which the .i, lleorgr II. Ilakeetraw did inter alia grant and convey In John W .Arthur, by hi. deed dated the l.t .in. of Angn.t. A. II, BoA( which .aid deed I. recorded in heed ll-.k "1 ," page .174, Ac: all of whii-h chain of litla will more folly and at larre appear by refer ence to the office for the reeortlin. ol ,l.,ta' a i and for the county of Clcnrfi. l.l, at Ibe .cvrral ' l'l!u"!"- '"' "" ,h" "r,,i f I geound .itu.te la lleeearia town-hin eottnfe and kui .fore..,d. bounded and decriu-d TfM, : B-ginning at a po.t comer oi ii.k,.ir. I """rr.';T," iiccn-fcet alley, ,nlh r,sj Hegree.! " ' " " "' "ri,;iii; itience along .aid lot tn Clearfield Creek, j lh, nc. ,lwn .aid .ream .o-u icei. more or le.., to line of (1. 11. Knke rtmw ; thence by aaid line to place of beginning : eiwitaining 7i perehe., more or le.. : being what i. contained in .aid boundaries Al.o, a piece of ground nilnate in lleeearia town. hip, eoiinlr and Hate afore.aid, hounded and dccriU'd a. loilow. , .o.h n iv.Ti'r " i; 1 Uni 1 "". ""'b n d',',. '..,L1-"t.Jp"".'.lh.V"r n""h " '"'io-. n.t ..r.; ,rX:i t rnpf . 7?2 JOT? ,p lB"f1h"""""iti tnm. I ariraana I. inrrll..t I ln.ni. n.r. r . I - traM nllanil mhuh Jnlin finm.. .. ki.jjj.7j S-ftrmW, :h. WiS. g-,n, , jr.mh ,. r...r.M in liml hm,k V.-p.g. f, lr ,nd whirh Jiri-iniah l onnrr arnl u,. h. HJ.l..i .laniiar. Imh. I(17. rrantril lo II ii ill... i "", J-,v- Arthur. rmrtM in nd jik -Va"" ! fa," C a 7' 'li u-"'""raw ami j. "' T,l 'n J ".d to which aweralln-iM .lc,. " ..... . ..,..,, t rccorili'ft, .11 of which ;ll more full, and al l.r.c a,,,,c.r. H. ircl t,,,.n in evvilti-.n aud to l ...1,1 properly' f W. I will take oil.. tb.t S ,,, "1': Vn'Z.ToM, 1'' ; .ai for.ala. c HE.Ml s lidH k "r ! ,. ' Fr"'"' I (rb.riff '"""i .a., juna ax, I.i7(l. I VTH'i-v Thl. Ii 1 I ,-. ,1 . Umm lre..t.i. i . '"l'"m"t S hol T.. f....i... " 1 "l'"-le f,. 'iilihc.t, fr I ... . -I ; . .'""'comiiieneina; Jun 1. .-n "u "line, lil, ,., t ni., band, or William p. p.ca.1. Trca.urerTf ! Fund, for and .h'.! 17., I .! .. .n all t.,c p.id b.rr, ,h, 7 r n I..Ur, .d t!..i ,rr lh...i,iJ 7'. , !" "." nr. pc, cent. .,11 b, . i riaeeu la la, hand, of . collector for.l J . ." ' 1 j ...... . , (n, ,.,( TAYLOR HOWLLmI PnidcM. L. C. Ri.oOM, 8eeret.rr. Jc2 41 A V ia bcrrht gir,n th.i !,. Jf ,Jr1""' lh.e...t. of ROIIFRT . . v v "n " ora.id, to.n.b.n. ri..., '.' ain. be. d,.i. -'""."""r- peon. in.icbi . " "n0"""". n 1" -ie .,11 ui" .V.:" - - 1 P:.''-''"'' A.ans!t.ar, ?f(tt.lllfCU. NM IH Pnc. .i. ItOOk. -Agent, aril WO p"t week. Adlre. I,. M KIlllINf, Hartford. I'l. c". ir A II t t - IS srtii'im r..r rni. I 0 Samplrahee. IMI.hllAW.AIIn-.I.Mp.l SKI r.NMI'.. Scnl f'H Circular, a tr.l el ' iHi.liir, .l..lvrni.li'yn..nl. II. K.IIOW K, 3! An h Hlret-l, 1'lnU.li lilii. l'a. railt Hie Tlirnliiplral frlimil.rrl mi i riliirnn-a Mdii.tr. ; (ISO k y.-ar to poor I.,i,. Aiirii"! Ani.ty l. A. A. I.IVKIIMORK, Miad illo, CI'IHOIM, HOW nrilAM.UI- Tl.iJ.ir J rird l.ntlirt' Printl CuminiiivH eontailit Ihe l-airr.l liifiirmnlion. Srnl fr'-o fur Xninp. AJ Ir.M J1HS. II. MKTZHAIl, llnuoviT, I'.. ri'i i'wil.l. I'AV Ail'.SiT ..l.rrof $:ij ifr wci'k or ullow 11 Inro commiii.ion to 1(11 our ih'W Invpiilloin. AiMrt'il J. W. HUNK A CO., AUnlinll, MU-h. rA!tn:i, ah knt. fc'o wth irep, irlvin Kritli. lo over; live ointi wuo will ftct our Auriil. lluiiii li"l bonomMP l .v. f:iu nr dnr. A.lri II. MoNHoK Kli.N NKDV A CO., 1'llliliurgli, I'u. tht White Hunt. o tt'(oBltitrn. htfpl U.H. l'ul)iitiiifc Co., N. Y., Ciooiuiiati k C'lucsito. Salrftinm Vaiit'd In pnyitiK huinrM, S. KKNNKUY, 41.1 Choaluut Hi., rtiilnh-lpbik. 1)SVrihMANCY( FAHt'INATlOX OK SOl'L ( II A H M 1 N U. 400 imKi'R ; olotb. Thin wun- iluifiil Imtik hriN full iiiiirut'iioim lu rim Me Ibn reader to lunuinute vltht-r v x, or anv nniuial, at will. AitKiiirrmn, Sjiiritualiaui, and bundm. of olbi'reiirioiiB vxipriitit'iiii. It can heulitainrd hy Rftnliiif: adilrtax, with in ornla poaiai', to T. W. K 'ANri 4 Co., So.il Ho. Lililli St.,rbiladHjbia. STAR KPAM.!.i:n HANKH.-A linr ftirty-eolumn puj'ftr, Ltttyr illuntratnl. hrvotcd lo SkeMie, I'ovlrv, V it, llunmr, pen nine fun, Ni!iiinap (of a acnail le kind), and to ttit x .uiurcui SwindliiiR, Uumliuit, Ac. Onlr 7.'ornta a yar, and a aiirr fmrravin "Evitii((flint" Hk2 l t, frratin, ti,000 cirrulali-D. Monrr re fu tided Ui all who ask it. It it widt-awake, fear trutliful. Trr it now. 75 nn(i a year. Kprri. uicna fret'. AddrvM "HA NN KH," iliimdale, N.U. PATENTS. INVI'NTOItrl l,o wi.h tn Uk.oul Lellen Pat ent are alviMd lo counsel wilb 1 I NN A CO., eiilliira of the Scitntifie American, who bare uroaa- euled vlniiii. bffur the Palenl Ofliee for orer Twenty Yeara. TUeir Atueriuan aud European l atenl AKener il tb. nioM exb'n.ive 111 tue world. 1'barfrea leu. tban an. nlhrr n liable aenrr. A pampblet eontaiuing lull in.trnelion. to iiir.ntora i. lint giatit. MI NN i CO., (7 l'a. a How, New Yurk. VUSI IT IS Till K I That Hie Dm llt wtnx, flfl Orpert-Ar B1 S'f ittikm to be found in the world are tl, Orlj. iual and Reliable llon!,e-Mutton Itlia Sla. rallies, madobvlhe.:TN AM AN I'FAl'U'ltiNO CO., of tSalem, Ohio, riend for Paniphlot contain. ing partieulara. rpin: J. Frei Ill MAN MA( IIIMU-Nrw Ilooc. ree for f tauip. TAli RANT A CO., N. Y. PROMPT. HONORABLE. RELIABLE. VUKNTH WANTKD in erery eity, town and t iliac fr the larireit and munt ptifpen'fiil liul.LAi; HOI SK in the countryONI.Y ONK endorsed y the leading I'apera and KipreM Va ' of tho Tailed Htatea. Our fwiili g'w nnircnal sati'fnrttun, our premiumi lo Agenta eannot be eicelled, and oar ehtrki aro free. llarlnK two bouaea lloaton and Clueajro our faoihliea are unequaled, and our tuiiie eteeedi in amount all oiher eonternn in una trade romhim-j. )T-i-Hnd fur Cireulnrr and Free C'luli to 8. C. THOMPSON A CO , l.lfi Fedtral Street, iot')B, or 11 State fitreet, Cbicngo. A MODEL HOUSE. 1 EINtl a eriiple, 1 hare male honae pltnnir J) a rjieeial rlndy. trtie built laet aranoa hm pro veil a ntndel of cdnrenirnee, beauty and econo my. Peaeriptive eirrulara of Plena, irwa, etc.. with general information of mine to all, sent free. Addnm, (with atamp or aeript if runrrntent), tlKO. J. COLHV, Architect, Waterbury, Vermont. Newspaper Advertising. A Hook of 125 eloaely printed page, latelr trailed cmlaint a list of the beat Aineriean Adver tiaing Mediums, giving the uatnra. cireulatinni, and full partienlara otmcerning the leading Daily and Weekly political and ramily Aewanapen, together with all thoae having large eirrulntUni. nulilt'brtf ht t K t1mtjbf, LhmuaA'Mlai4lut prraon who eontrmplatea lieemiog aueh.will find this book of great value. Mailed free to any ad dress on receipt of fifteen centi tlKOHtlKP KOWKLL A CU., Publiherf( No. 40 Park Kow, New Yrk. Tbe Pittahnrg (Pa.) .ener, In tt Issue of May 2. 187D, taya: "The firm of il, P. Howrll A Co., which iaauea this intcretling and valuable book, ia the largest and bet Adverliaing Agrney in the I'nited Mate, aud wa ran cheerfully reemnend it te the attention of those who desire to advertise their husinesa scientifically and systematically in sueb a way: tbnt is, ao aa to See ure the largest amount of puhlkity for the least expenditure of LARGEST - BEST - CHEAPEST ! I.VTI.III'IUSK, Initu.lrj-, Taol, Ulralilr, i and Hi. 11, .1 Talent, hara fur oi,T-lij .art bcao fiwljr n..d upnn IHnore'a Hural Nrw-Vorlrr, And at a rr-.ult It I. now, pra rmlientlr, lb. l.argml, lid and I brapi-it lllualr.ixl Kuul. l.il.mrj and Faniljr WrrLl; in tb. Wi tld. T. n. of Ihoarand. if aid. aaika ln.l, all orrrtlit Ciinlin.nl, uke nd .Hi.iim Ilia III an. fur III ..riur Anility, Value, lllu.tratiun., Slrlr, Ac. Till! PRKSS ANH l'KOl'1.8 NtAt. K IT! Kir n.m,l., an .xch.ng "Tn Hi mi il tlia jnoit alig.nll. primal, aMjr a lmil, Wi lli; iirrul.t.d and hrarliljr wi li-oturil aii-r.a.a wbiil., abirh now fln.l. it. way aiming thn l'r.le. TVol. XXII h.ini. July J. Tn il! Onlr It.aO i r rolumr of 20 nmnlirri, or . prr Jear. Lr.l to rluli.. Hn ril now Aij'Ir.M 1). I). T. MlKIKK, II Park llor. N. T. Z( I'KKTA will paT for the N. Y. t KKK LY tr luiLLAHHI N from nw to JfinnM.lv: ONK IMJLLAII a ill pav f-r the SKM I - 1, K K l,Y do. do. AO centi a month pava for Till) 1MILY Hl'.N. Addrecsi 1. V. FNtlLCNO, Puldisbrr, .w York. Q12 MIIMt AC'KI'9 CHOICE IOWA LANDS For aalc, at ?.T per acre and upwards, fn'caah, or on credit, hy the Iowa Kailroad Land dutnpany. Hailmads alrrady built tlinmuh the Linda, and on all sides of them, (treat indoeenfltf to (. tiers. Hend for oitr free Pamphlet. It givei prices, terms location i telle who sltnld eoint west, wbrit they should bring. wht il will coat rive, plane and elevalinni "t 1 K d (Ii rtnt .l.lc. o ......,c nuiipr-, nirn in. lomptiir turni.n at from lo H.dno read)' to eel p. Mnpi lent if di'iirol. A.lilri . i II II1 U'll f cn . .. . . t.jj ii ' " iii.hi.ii. iif. nriiiirni, i ' .iii. l"W.. fay lour Taxes I , I TX accordance wiih an Act nf the llencr.1,.. .cmMj ul tin. t'oiinnonwc.lth. annrn.cj 1.. UJ il.Tnf M.,,1, 1 11 ,,. il , V. ' "ri"""! Ii ihe 1 .""iinnion ot I anx a, t.ci lliir eoLetmnof taica in the roiinlj, f ,,,,,, wv lb a dc,c,,pl, f ,he I.u, .,, " ' nonce 11 therclnre hcrchj, given lo th, ,,,! which Ihcv are pul.li.hrd. ":n;;v':.:,";rdiir::c:,rd.';: "-t; a" nmU?i ,n on-Ur" - f .ionof ,.,d AcL , ;. rjni re7' rr:n,r'1 ". "n w. h m the Wri.u.h , 'I'll! ''"i"fL"" "" 1 I" -imh. Now rci-ly. tub- Ilia fnllowin. n.mc.1 . . r ." P ''"'""i"" "pl' pr. ., nn. ..,r. recrlrln, Ibe Cnl,. It,,,' , " ., " '"T'- " Milin. Fin.. ......id for ic;(", l " ' nn Thr.d.T, June .1,1 J Fur t licit, on Fiul.v.th. l.t r Jr J I or t crrulon, on halur.l... the U f'ju I I art.,., ran alio p., th, ir u ,h t' , . LI.VKIl n.KlUa Clf.rfl..i,i I.. ..... .V Trrasunr. "rr" t 1 " n. ) Democral 'PIUS invalu.,,, r.Ml . , alL I poiioinc. ii.i1,1,Mu,iB,h.h....!.': I'ctnrtrrtit. It .. . r'riy ever. eni. 1. ... n-iurn. t-mn , ' . I n.tid State,, bc., ,l n.me.of.ll,l....:. "'"P"" hit olthc durm. I i,,. . I. . , ' r"nITreiml ami mol wd l.l .. . ''" ' "'""ni.lr.lii.n , ,, , f. . pin..,,.. ,l ., r . ,hiM " "U,.r M inipn.i.ncd durin. ik , . M " i liili, ii... . " "'c irioti. for futiir. rrfcrence. Hi.. Ibe price of ih. are worth tn.r. m U'lllCNlinn TI.. 1 . . . . ai. run of ,. .,,, ."" v--""rii.r i-a 0 cent, to Ih. l'o.i 11... ' ,', """" lead s . . . ...i, win receive I,. OlearLld Jul, ;,. Mt lt )IXK, WHIT A KOAN L!XIN,r skinkI April 10. ! M.f.bltlLKetACO. rty ;. r . rr. fle,( HAH? STICK i'jVVll?. trVkwm yiUrtltanfCiJ. II AM I III -A mmforUMf ."'l Ml'l HK. IikHiiI In !.Miil ixrl ol li n. lo mil. jrlj A'''y to J- r'.. AT oN. Sot.il) TKKU SINlll.K A Nt IKirBI.K1 SHiftl I'lowi Ins Mil Frirtt-lot ,.1.1,, II. r. IiMILKK I'll. SOI.II) PTEKI. SIN'II.K A N II DOfULB ShoTtl I'low Ut.J.r l.,r .! hy II. F. IH'II-KR k CO. N T OTIC I'V-All lirr.oii. in.lpl.lrH lo Ihr vmlrr- I mil ,lm mil mi, I III" wilhout turtliT iMv. T. II. J-'uKl fcV. (irklmislon, Juuti 23, !K7o at. (i ah I in hi;i:ih-fhksii A JUUI J frmii llin Miili'M.hi larlfni; mpo, (he (MU-hmtMl i;n.-t ruiA lui.s, fur nis i tut liru Ktoreof liAlti.SWKK A lltWIN, ,it27 ('I.Brd'M. I 'ft. IIOH HAI F.OU HUM 1-A two Hory Hture II dti hp, willi IrirnpiinP-ntiirT wurprouiu in rtar, mid 2jiL,iHI fret of (trtmn'l, lilusicon Sonti itrwi. Tliii ruKirty ii in khk1 n-mir, Bud Wfll siiiuictl for a buxinriis iland. Fur turtlit-r nrlifulNrn in qnlrPi.f D. O. MYLINU. CloiirlirM, Ut 2.'., K70-2ia. (CAUTION. All pprtont aro hmhy wnraed J ajTHinnt jiuri'tmttiiiK or lu any wuy um ddlinjf with two Imy hornet, imw in the pnteiiiin ot Hmiiurl Hlclt, of lioK tiwiiKliii, lit tlia ihiiiu belong ! Uf, uud arc luft nilb I. tin on burn, tub-jui-t to utir orbr. A. K. UHIOHT A MONiS. Cl'arliold, Juno 22.1, t. Al'TION. All ptTioni are hreby cautionrd J aifniiMt ptirrhmitig or in any way mrddlinfr with two bUi'k horai'i und harm', otic filow, on barrow and our wukoii, now ia u tuMuim of Kobvrl Hum, at tbu naino bvlutig to me, aud are le It with ii nn nn Idin only. June li, ISVl) JOHN F. UEKI). CAI'I'ION All jiertona are fanrpby warned araiuit traclinp for or buying a certain Not given by ma to If. II. Hrubakrr, of I'nion town bip, culling for tixty-tive dolhirf, datad Felirua rr Wlh, hti. due til nontha after Utet ai 1 am determined Dot to jmy tif mm nnlpp eoinilled by law. JA;H 1M MM1.L, Jr. Jtrady lownthip, Juar la, lJ -Stpa. 17XIXI'TOH, MUM K-Notiof iber- J j by given that lettera teataauentarj liaviiia; le-n (Trull ted to tlie ftilnerihtT on the enlato of JOSKI'll Ii- II At KKT V, deceaH-d, late of Jordan towoaliip, Cleartield eounty, )'ennylvaiiia, all pereoua indebted to aaid ealate ara requartcd to inake iiuuiedtato payiuent, and tboa) havitii; elm ma agin nit tbu mi tue will prtacnt thuu duly aulhcntinated for aetileuirnt. IK W. WI.E, Executor. AnaonvilJc, June 1, 1H70 6t. IXKCrTOIlX' KOTU'K. Noticrlabero J by given that Let tart lf taoneotarv having !" n granted to the nubaerilrer, on the Katnta ol THOMAS HAKKKKTV, drcoaned, late of l'enn tnwnnbip, ( leartidd county, I'ennnTlvaoia, all perron i indebted to aaid Katate ara requeated to make immediate payment, and tboM baring elaimi againnt the aatne willprcaent them duly authenticated for acttlemcnt. J. It. RAFFKRTV, Juil.N CLARK, Peon tp , May 23, '70-t:id Eierutori. t.ltt IIANTM IIOTi:!.. Corntr of Third and Smill.r.ild Klrr.ll, rillnburg. Pa. 4: 7 B. JOHNSTON A 80X, ProprUlorl. giiAw uoimr. Corner of liarket and Front Streets, Clearfield, pa. This magnificent Hotel la entirety new, com plete in all Ht appointments, and convenient to the Court House. A fne Omnil ui rune to and Irom the Depot ou the arriml uni d-pnrture of each train. dEoltUL N. COl.lil HN, April l.t, l 'TO. Proprietor. o RATisT & plXnos ESTY'S AND MASON t- HAMLIN'S. rua aaL. ar I1AYE9, Cirwan.tllla, Pa. B. J. MRS. S. S. LIDDELL'S MARBLE STONE YARD, rLi..Muu:i,n, rA. irFhon an fti-.d Hlre.1, hw r.nn.ylrania l-ailroaa urpui. iu:ii. Tofarprntcrs and foutrartors. ri.i i v p PIIOPOSA I will ba rrprlrail li In. kJ N-liunI liirtrmri ul l.awrrnra town. bip unlil llii i uronil day of July, (r Ihr rrroln.n o tbrr Mcbool II.Hin.. tin. to b built at or Dear tbe I rookod Hun K.-kool llouw) on. at or Boar llir f.-. r.ion rcnooi llcu.r. and 011a at or n.ar John . Ilnon'i. Plan, and rptciuratiun. eaa be . by c.llmj an th. tVerotary. Dy or.ler of the Hoard. Jfl 3' L. C. IILdUM, Pecratary. THE OSCEOLA 1UKKRYI C. J. PIIOFF, Prrpritior. I WOULD repectftillr announce to the old eus. tomers of Miofl A O'llrien. and the nliiftn t,f j Unceola and Tieinity in general, that I baie be come B"i prnpnetorof lli OsretrU ltkery, and am prepared. lo furnish the "hi AKF OF LI FK," as wdl aa PIKS, TAKKS, ie.. of every d.acrin tton. In any quantity and on short nulic. Oseeola, Jauuary 12, 1879. JOHN TKOUT.MAX, FURNITURE DEALER Market St., ea.l of tbe All. ghrny Houa., t i.i'.Aiii'ii.r u, pa. IKERP on band all kind, of Fumilnra. in anil" or hy tb. .ingle article. Th.ia. ia nei-d of any aili"l. of Karuilure, will dud it lo Ihnr Inl.ml to eall and etamin. my iliw.k, which I will m1I ery low for r..b nrrirhaiig. for mil. lilt lumlxr. I'liartiel.l, Pa.. A " ' l;o-if. KDWAItl) ri.RKSi CO., I'M our yianufarf nrri'. And I'calers in 0 It At X OF ALL KINDS, PHILIPSBl IIU, PA. A FI LL dl PPl.Y of Fl.nt.-R, WHEAT, CHUN and I'llOP o..nt.ntlT on h.n.l ..! ur .il. at rale, rrm.rkal.lr low. I frba i A V AI I AIII K ri II1K ATKIM -in men no Advrrtlw."- A book of two linndied ai.d btlt Lira nrl.ro mi,., c.mi.i,,!,,. an accnant of urcc..l,il alvcrti.rn, !( Ihcr with inni. on mc m.iniKi 01 adirrli.ing. and adrora 1 1. Nra'paprT a tbe oulj Ir.iliiaate adrer ti.inn uinliaui. . "mrrirau cn.p.per Hale. It,ik." I oiilnininc the advcm.injr rale, of le.Hina Alncr i.n Kew.pni.era, arrann.d with aa indi x l..r the I HI! IIICI., ! ,( ! , ,-,,).,.... PPr llrrflnrv,For """"" acrur.lc n.l. of all II,. Xrw.. Il.tHTI and P.rlmlin.. i !.. ... . Ir....i,.... 'I I. ".".'' emu. anil .... 1. , . ,nn, r.l.u A t (I , J,,i lm Park ll .w, hew VorV. Auditors' Slalempnf. rpilli Siipcn lM.r. of Uarcnce t.iwn.hip. Clear C.11..11V, r... m account wilh ll. ad I unil h.r IMIJ, report IU f:ii,.; To amonnt of ten a..i iic.l To ui...-itcl Und la 1 To balance due towu.hip br Sup . fl..11" 4: nn k' .er nor. . amcnnl or work on n.ali, llv aioncrahnn, tl.fi? .. ID 111 li IS 01) :i 62 ri J? 4 en 1 Ml I ih I III) IT pel oeil(Nc Il)- ainonnt p.. I..r ninkini du. phcHlel A .lldil itip.ee. iim Hi amount p.l. on uialnn. new n.a.l lit amount paid f,,r bri.lfina material Pt amount paid for tool. " It. amount p.., fr irveriii)t Ht Ire. paid l'roih.,n..larr Ir wiinnle book Total fc.l.is Sf M.2:m iv T.. .... ...... , , T 'nii.nie.lnr.. m.k.ii, new r..li ! ' " ' I'e'n. tcrT r...d. nea, t'learficlil, C 5 '..e alon, t ,rfl,.,, ,,.,, 6J, ' ppet end of townihip, not ret cmplrlvd. A"",, L. F. IRWIN, rierk. L?,.e rrr- U."-b!','' -. Ua.er'a Cod kind ' AT""' "! f 'Terr kiatf, foraal. h, HAaiHMli K alllWIN BAR IRON BXPAXUINtl CfLTIVATORT. Jml ree.lT.d a.d r,r ,al b. II. F. RI'UER A C, . lfal itiUMt lor ,alf. HEAD I READ!! Valuable Boal Etato at Private Sale. 'I 118 HlrrtifheA bl rmnAi-A lt dl.nM of bit FAUM and TIM Ml; II l.AM?. fituttp i nn lowh'Mti. "lrftrflfld emiitv, l'a., entahi . ..a.J . i.' - I I. ..t U.i.l. L In I itij IJ4 ai;t'inutB: llsiily, Jamrt H. ( lark and ulbeisi. Ill" frm ! m i iiuil alata of culm alien: good dwelling home., large barn, mil bouea, orchard of eboii- fruit, and a gi"d uprtiiK of nerrr tuning water nn Ibt irennea. A x honl boune within twi ttiilea. Tart of the trft-'t U ht avitt timbrred. wbi! the whole ii un lerlaid witbaviin of coal, wbit-h tuuit in a th'irt time bt a tource ol great profit. No hetlr invextment could be made, and no traet of land in the county o fieri greater latilitiei for making money. l'erfont wiahing to learn more particular! in ngnrJ to term, Ae., ran rail on the firetiuaei, or addict tht undorngntd at llraitipiati Killt 1'. 0. JOHN McIKTVRE. iVnn tp., Wareh 30, IS7-3inpd. riUVATE SALK OF. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN LAWRK.VC13 TOWNHHIK fflllR andernliinid, Kitutor of t!i eatate of 1 Hugh McMullcn, otl.ia at Private ?:it A Farm Containing 100 Acres, More or leu, aituate in Lawrence townidiip, nhout three mi !- frui Clearfield, a tjoiuing Inndi of Abraham Ogden, Joar-ph WaiiuD, Orr, aud othera. Abuut 40 aerea are under eultiration, with a leg h unite and a good orchard thereon. f4T-Vr further partieulara eall upon the nn deraigncd or adJrtea biui at Cleartielil 1'. O, AltltAUAM (M1DKV, April 27, 1870 ?in. Kxeeutor. ADMIMSTKATOJiaS SALE OF Valuable Real Estate "I V rtrtue of an order iud out of the Orphan' J) Court of ('learfit'ld enmity, in the entitle of I'vts-r Aithrtitelter, dce'd., late uf Hranlr tuwitihip, therr Will te ejiowd to publie nle at Krhwrtu'e Hotel in Luthersburg.onKATntDAV.July ICth, lK;tl, at 2 o'rl.H-k, J. W., the fallowing valunble real eatate, aitua'e in Itra-lv tntrnnliip, Clt-arfn-ld eimniy. l'a.. CONTAIMNC; fit A Hl, aiitl I 'i'l It IT lie a, bounded and dvac-nbed aa followa: beginning aU a poel, adjoining Inn da of A. l'enti, rrM the,c Ot-:J lu perchee to a pual, tbenee north iti;6-10 perehea to a poat. tuenoc eaat Ml (H-rchee ao a pont,thenee atiulh U i perehea to a ioat, thentw) weal Hf;j-l0 perehea lo a poat, thenoe north 1 IK prrclira to plt, and the plae uf beginning, and having thereon errctM a gxid dwelling bouMs, large bank barn, with all the neoeaaary out-buildmga reuirtd on a farm, a fine on-liard with a tariety of fruit tree, good water, with aout 6 are eleareit and in a a-fod aute of eollivation, late the property uf Peter Ahenfelter, nw deceased. Termn: One fifth ch at talc, one third at eonUrmatiun of tale, and the balanee in two Hjual annual payment, to he aeured by bond and mortgage on the pretniae. M.1JAU Allfc-M-tLlhll, June 32, lM7fl ;it Admintatrator. Valuable Real Lstalc for Sale! rilllK anderaigned, residing in I'nion townihip, I (.'leartifld county, oflt-rs his Fartn fur tale, it aoins lands ol llollopter, Lines and othera, aod CONTAINS ONK IIl'NDRKD ACRES! Hiity-fire of which are imprure-J awd nnder good eultivatiun. and the balance eorered wiin brvy growth of Pine. Oak aud Hemlock timber. There is erected thereon a frame dwelling buftc, a large hnnk barn and the other neceaoary oulhuilliti. Plenty of g'od spring water on the prenitse. For furthir particulars eall on the pn uaiBca ur addrtsa the uiidiTMtrned at Hock ton P. O. May tb 2m II. A. COl'RTNKY. Farm for Sale I riIIK Farm of John fpat-kman, late of (iirard X township, deeeasf-d, eonisting of alout 172 acres of good fanning land Iniuat of which ia cleared,) and having thereon erected a good house and barn, with all the usual conveniences f ft 1leasant home. For terms and farther purlieu ars, apply to T. il. M T Hit AY, Animu s t tti htira and persona interested June 22d. IttTtl-tf. T Totals AM l.t)T eVOH ffAI.Kt XI. The ntiderpigned will aell ai I'mnieP! his ilouce and Lxt, aituate on UocufI atreet, be tween Third and Fourth atreet, in the Ixmmgh f Clia,tt. The proerty is in good repair, and ia a very desirable location for a residence. Will be eold at a bargain. Term er. " CUAKLKrt "LARRIMER. yiisrcUaurous. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINES AHEAD OF AI L OTHERS I Kiyhty-Six ThovtanJ, Srren Hundred and Eijhty One Machines Made and Sold the. fast Ycar.'t TbU lamber trrrttit ty lio.xi.o'. Ike rale, of any other Machine, and th. demand ii itill Ineraailng ! THEEE THOUSAND TEB WEEK Ara lit beln made end i.ld I THE HEASCX8 lrjiY; Bteania It anbodiei ...enti.l prluclptu nat found la an .thrr Macbinei b.c.aie of it. liapllcliy of eonstrnetlon, east of operation, DifornitT of preeir actio, at any .peed, and earacltj for the gre.tr, t range and T.rlat. of wnrk, Cn or ecar.a. Partiee wiihlng to porch... .tool! not f,n le ei.Blne Ihii bait of all Sewing Macbinee. I bT. H apm-y for thla alaehlna, and will keep . full luppl. rn hand. J. 8 FIIOWKRS, Mar 4. tcTH If. ClearHe'd. Pa. NEW MA It 11X1. WORKS, CLKAK FIELD, PENX'A. 1AI.L and act the new MAP.P.LK W0HK3, on Market ttreat, oppa.ite the Jail. MOX1MKNTS, OHKl'IAX TiHIIlS. FHENTII rKI CIln,-', TAin.n Tors, jiaxti.es, CAnilKX KTATVARY, TKHItA CfTTA IVAKK, IlKAt) A FOdT FTONE3, of new and keanliriil dcint. All of which will be .old at eitr price., or IS tier cent. Ic. than aur other e.tal.ll.linirnl in thin eounlj. S.-itiif-tion rran(red in all raw.. Order. Iliaulfullj. reerl.ed and proinpll. tiled in ma ocn woikuian like manner. S. A. OIBSO.V. Jam It. YVat.o, Aff.nl. Hi.thlr ISAAC 11II.LKK, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer. I.iilhcrfhurn, Clc.rlicl.l rniinte, pa. rpilK rtiWrlher rcii.e.lf,illr nr..i'm. tb, r;,. I "mnf Prniirand Ibe irn.iii.,li,.( twn.,,, thai he ii now prepared lo liirni.h c.ervthiii, in 01. no. ai .n..rt noli.-e and In a r. oi liman hke io-iikc I ..mn.M-r. .ic mnen nilmH-n tti.t i,. i... ... . ... ,. . .. ... . uu.iii.T and pric I'.H .. .. ....in. ...k-. oeiorr purerinnrig et'ewherr Lulbcr.l.urg, June I, 170 If. Furniture I Furniture I IWlll l,I T.peeirull.T inform the public that I have on ,nnd. al a t furniture toimn in W M,. i'k V. , . "' iirnilre. inch ai .....i.(,, riRu,, itoeking chain, A, which 1 will .. II rhepef ihan Ibi r e.n lie boueh't' anvwhera elM In l lcarneld rounlT. tilr, m, , i ti . . ... ''III.MKU allaccton, Jan. II, ism tm. The Elliptic sew InS Machine! h. fim,,I lhrfrl n.l.i ... U' ... . . .. . . " '""e onw in it.e r,;..kIi .Tk ' " "Iher m,-hine r,ni,hcd In hke manner and doing the ..m, B)R. :.""'' W;hinca ran be aeea .1 the unreal Tbomp.oo A Co.. C.,.,.,,111. ..... " " " of tb. und,r.irH a. nio..nV.l,r ",' """"" M.T UKCONSTKUCTION! M ill Fiht It Out on This Line! W IIjIjI A 51 IS E E fl, MARKET ETRUiT, C LIiAllFlL l.l), PEN X'A. Drees QoocIb, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trimmings, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Mini I and Caps, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, AT POPLLAB PRICES. &The entire itock on band will be told at a reduction to present Taint, and I will repleniih the atoek erery liity day a with choioe atylea of the beat gooda in tbe narkeL Near the Poatoffice. CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. 2 J THE FIRST ARRIVAL! Spring Millinery Goods Juat Received at Mrs. WATSON'S. VLL th I .a diet in Town and tbe Country are invited to eall and see the Spring tylce in BONNETS. HATS, FRENCH FLOWERS, le. YYc hare to anit all agea and liiea. We intend keeping our atoek full and tosnplete, ao that all ean be accommodated with the best and newest styles of each eeteoo, and at the lowest prices. Also, new Inducements offered la the way of DRESS MAKING. In the most elegant and faah- iouatle Italia, on Ue shortest notice postioie. Hem ember the Place : Vain Street, oppoaite Mossop's store, CLEAHFIKLD, PA. marSS eiv iior st;: NEW GOODS!! NEW TRICES!!! HAhTSOCK &. GOODWIN, CURWEXSVILLE, VA., Arm low m.lrln(, direct from D.lllmore, Raw York, Bolton. Philadelphia and Pituburh, aa imaaanaa atoek of IiriT GOODS, CLOTIIINO, GENTS rCRKISUINO GOODS, 1IAT3 A CAPS, BOOTS SDOKS. CniXA, GLASS A QIEEXSWAKK, BAr.DWARD, GROCERIES, At,., BoDgbt at lower frier, thai bar. been mad. to ' anj hoa.a la low. .Inc. tb food old day. be fore tba lata "onpleauntnea." .11 to be dii IrlUled t. Iho. who Tl.il Carweni.lll. for luppMci, in a. cord. nr. with th, great i.criGc. .1 which the war boajht. The Lad ice ara parllcolarljt ia.it.d to eall at llartawk .olnlua C heap Hlorc I. ai. amine the tpl.adiil atoek of DKKSS GOODS, TRI.MMINOS,SHAWLS, FANCT GOODS, te, new .ihibiilon. They Defy Compclltioa I Parlia, eaD.ot do tbeuaelvca ja.liec Id bar- I in tL Bf""ies of lift wilbout ealllsg an HARTSOCK & GOODWIN, Curwen.Tlll., Pioa'a. aajl Jui DAVID REAMS LUMBER MANUFACTORY, K K.t It Ll'THERSUl'RG, PKXSA, MAXl'FACTinLS all kind, of Lam bee for buildinj puq.o., a. Alwari on hand LATH FOR ROOFtXO, PLASTEH1XO LATH, palings, io., a0. llii Pl.ilcring Lath ara evenlr aawrj and of different lenath., lo auil p.irolii..,n ; the Palinr. ara fo.r feel long and readjr point, ,L All kind, of Pawed Lumber will b. furni.hrd lo onler, and dilireird if ao dulnd. Prleei will be liberal, according lo quali'j, S9AI1 kind, of on.MX l.kra la ekehang, for Lumber, I.uthoraburn P- 0., Jan. 19, IST0, FULLERTON'S KKSTAIRAM& UEFRESiniEM ... e- .. ll aj , Io Lear,', New n.il.lin,. (formerly ocenpied hr Air. al .i;u..ak- 1 FECOXD ST.. CI.KARFIRLD, PA. COSSTAXTI.V on hnnda f.no l,.cii,,r CA J I'IKS. NI TS, t l.lAHM, Tl'Ktrco ie Alio, Ml l;si llYSTKltS received d.ilv'. . Vft. nil .1.1 ABU 8.U.OOX., a,.rn : tf I. R. Ft'LI.ERTOX. MAHKI.T1 j. i i KluLKY Jt BRO.. "' ing pnr. ha.cl ibe ,l,op f J w SlePhriana. Won l.t i..f... '.k. .! a. 1 1 ... .,' ciii.cnioi i lev pared to rumi.h' Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, 4c, &c. T THB LO bit TllR 4Tft. Mtlioilr ' ' -ft-Ca.h p.ld for C.l.le. bheep ,, .,., ROOM OX MARKET STREET ' V jcg ? IvW TlX ttlloPI KREI). S.CIvETT, Xtannfaclurer of Tin, Copper and Sheet -Iron Ware. Kooling, Sp,ig jk ,mk AioAni.i Tram.' Bhep ,. M.rkat St, ., ,pM)tltt Jil(i ' CLE '.r.FIFLr p i VhllaflrlphU (lifrtlsfmf,., J ISAAC K. STAUrrtt Y'vV WAN HLS A JEW ELK 'o. Ill Seilli frm,i Corn of Qu.rr. I'lULO tLHi An nMorlin.nt of W.l.li.,, J.w.lr, CItI I i.irq . .r. .on., pin i j n.in. Lrli.ll II of W tlvlitl Mil Ji llimleil lu. lj!t . i. not lo" ai m a. Mtu,Ul H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, niank liook Manufacturer AND STATIONERS, 21H Jlarkrt SI., Philndtlphul . rnriir Flour Hack, and D.gi, Fuol.J l.aitcr, nvi., n r.ipinji vun.ia .ni i'ap.ra. f.l.2l,;u. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 fftouth Third street, PhllaitlJ And Dealers in Government SecurMe ApplioMtion by mail will reeeire promnt uu-l tton ani an iniormauon cueonuiiy mraiibl Orden aolieited. I'KANK K. SMITU, MERCHANT TAILOR, Market street, Clearfield, Pi. T WOULD rerpectfully inforn tbe altiunil X Clearfield eounty that baring parched uJ interest and aituaturn of K. H. L. etuusbtot ; ana now prepared to Baft np. In .be moat Jul ton able manner, and out of ibt beat Ktural all ktnda of Clothing that ena torn era nay duknl i nave aiwayi on oata Cloths, DoeEkina and Cossimerei, Fron wbieh ea.totntra ean ejaketbtiraeleilHal On, dbcr aaat f tba PoitoCee. Cl.art.ld, April 10, 1870-tf. II. BRIDGE. MERCHANT TAILOR, (Store one door aaat of Clearfield Unss,) Market Mrect, Clearfield, Pa. TrEF.P8 an band a full asaorttnente f 0nt I JV Famishing Goods, sack as Shirts, Lta:! and woolen tadersntrta, urawere and t't( I Neck-ties, Pocket Haadkercbis'a, Glovei, kiU I atbrellae, Ac., la great variety. Of tml Goods ba keeps the Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors, Fueh aa Black Doa.kia of rba very bait utk Fane Ca.aimer., in rra&t rarletf, alio. Pnat Coatinc. Baarar, Pilot, CblBcbilla. and Irm o.aroutinf. All of wbicb will b. aold ebe.il. I Cub, .ad tnada v, aeeordiof I. tb, Ulan nr. I dv eip.rteneea woraaaan. AIki, Ar.nt for Claaro.ld axiantj for II SinKar Ca a. eal.br.tad fiawiag MaeblnM. Nor. I, ll tf. U. bHJbGt ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmn (-durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA.- rptlB SUMMER TKRM of twrotj two week. 1 X. win eommence Monaar, jssj v, jt.s. A Primary departaarnt will be added la ia School tbis fall : fur wbirb the service) of s bob I pcient inxtrurtor bare been ensued- Aa.al effort will be spared to render tbis dspwism I aiuaeuve ana initruetire. TERMS OP TUITIOX. Reading. OrtbosjraphT. Writins;,OlJeet Les sons, Primary Aritbmetie and Primary Geography, per half tern, (of elevva wrka. ti (. I History, lioeal and deechptiva Oeoftrapby with Map Drawing, Gramoaar, Meatal and w ruicri Aritbeartie M h I A!sTbra and tbe Potenooe ft. I Inarrwctlofi in tnstrunental uasie II s I Oil palatine w A en wora.... For full partioalara send for CimmU Clearfield, Aug. J., lbfiy-pd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY Rev. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principal r"PHK FOURTH SKSSI0Naftb.pr.ae.tw4 J. la. lie rear of tbia laiUl.tiot willecmaw I oa MOMMY, tb. llh daj ml April, lt;i. PuLilaeaa aot.rat aa? tin.. Tba, Wit en.rj.d with tuition from th. tiaia Lhaj awJ .".'"ii ai in. fi.a.ioa. 1 ba aour.a of lailrwclloa awihrae.i ..an tl i Ueluded la . thorough, practical aad aeaul li.iina. auaoatioa for both uiu. .. Tba Pri.cipal. b.wiaa bad th.ad.aaur.il I much aipcrieoe. I. hie peofeiiioa, .Mara. l reou an. fuara a.a that kia (.lira .bllitj .1 enrrgiei will ba d.T.ted lo th. ajoral and an Ul ItaiuiDf of the yowtk placed ander hi, chart I U.H"" tie until). Orthorr.fhy, Raadinc, Wrilinf. and Priwi-I Aiitbamic, par Seaaioa ( II waeka) S "1 iir.ma.ar, Uavgrapbj, AritaB.lie, .ad Uhtory lt Ailceiira, ueometrr, Trtr0.0r.etr7, Nea. auration, 8urr.Ti.r, PbiloaAphy, Ph.val. .lo,;, Cbemiitrr, book K.e,iD, Bokaar ad t'hTitrat Uerrapkr - II I'l Latin, Greek .ad Frv.ch, wilh aaj .f th. I aboT. llraaeba. . . III ll all Mir nana (it le.eon.l . . . (is ,1 r-S deduetloa will b. raada for abi.n l JmTttl n.rlber p.rtical.r. iaquir. of K.t. p. L. IIAKKISUN, A. at, F.K t. turt) if. Prineik.l. TEETH! TEETH EXTRACTED FOR Sa CF.SIS. ' Eitracted wilh tba uae of Nimora OlTS C and Local AM.iTar.u. (th. .air harm)., ai effiitenl A aval belie, now ia are.) hj S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dentif OF CURWEXSVILLE. TA, Who would hereby wi. at re-pectfullr return ....n.i n.r me nnarai patron. g. or the put . Inform the publio ahal he ha. rcaored hi. of to the corner of Stale and Locuit etreela, i. Jenain. .lora.l where I,, ia prepared to reeei' ... cu....nirr. m nrwir tineii up rooMa,and lh ir work in the moil .killful an I worksaai manner. All work done la tin l.ieit and approved .Ijlea, and guaranteed. Dr. IIatit. will W ng.ged In hi. nllic. frii '" ' 'e in oi ..en moo b. Tba balance. cacn monia br will .pend tn lllen Hop, Pumi and l.aihenl..ra. allernatttv. P.pi.m m...i at a di.taiic ihonld write to'n. i,mina. t ih. comms : I'lbc, kour.. From to li .'.loa... ...u irum I t. . o clack, p. m. We an none hot II.. k... . . . . . mi ..criai. .1 dcr, competition for kaaulj, abnpneai aad d.r. ' c.u . Carwaaivill,, p,., klaj Jj, V?j"i l 1, 8 '"M-imisTFi ?' ll,UT,rw'rTantedequ.lloanTw.. The I COII. I In .n m..k i. rrei.arrd iron. Iha rr,.i. .... .....o ..... onier m.n m.n.r or the Eitract.il. ara .old. A.k Tour (inw.r Prur..t far ,! brrgeri Kttrac. BAKl.OW'S IN HI lo HI I. ', without dcuM. the be.t .rriclw 1. tba miHi for I. hieing e'othe.. It , i,,, Bor, w rour time, the ..me weight nf lad.ni. and rani, than anyoiher w..h h'wc in th, rr.rirt Il.Tlll.UtiKII S UIU () MOIIK, No. .-JXu Second eilreel, Philadelphia. Tha 1.1.'. hi" boih illlrKer'. and Trirl,..'. name c thr.: olheia are eounterf. It. Per be rnn-t ll- and lirnggiit,. Wlt.TRERUEH'8 lNPEHi '.! INK will W found on trial to be a mperlor in AIw.ti ba h.n.l and r..r .ale al rea.on.Mr pi 1 ore tl round Spice., Uenuiue Mrdirinra. Ch klni, Kponge,, Tapioca, 1'earL Sag ., an. " article, in ll,. ,1m, Ima al ALFRED WIl.TIIKRtir.R S PRfO STrtKt. jaMrltiai No. l.U Kr,b R,,,,d St., r..a Notice to Hie rubllc! WE, th. andenign..! Rl.ckfnith. of the h onrh of Clcaittcl l. k reht ad -pt tte ' 'owing ram for work and rule' with rrcW " eecuiing par for our lakor,, .d w. each pl.Jf oor honor ai man aad enechanio toadbe-eniM eaforca tha i.ui. froM aad after alar I, It'e. All work done at .hoeing horae. mnM U fa Tor wbe. th. work I. dope, al the Wowing r.ie Setting N.w Show. n teeta K. artting Shoe o ice". Xo credit to he giria fr a longer paikd U Ibr. aiiintb.. El. P. PASSVORE.' C. OWEN'S. AVJIX KIAVARIl, THOMAS REILlt, J. clll NKM1I.KR, 0. l. LANKU. OKuR.iJ C. PA.-Mnht. Cl.arfeld, IV. April If, :o 3. 1) UK.N T CMiWKKTTmiVAC T.rth Jart raeairad aad for rale br n t. I'l'iixr. a '