Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 22, 1870, Image 1

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'TLUWHtUJ Rtriniuw."
I HC till ISIII I) IK l'lt.
71:8 largost circulation of any Kowb
ppor iu North Central
13 of Subscription.
U yi: 1 in ft Italice, or within 3 lll'-mllll....?? 00
If . 1 ftr 3 nr. 1 !rf ire 8 month! 8 CO
1 psiJ afi.-r the expiration of 8 ni'iutlii... 3 Ol)
Rites of Alvrthing.
Tranren'. ft Iv -i-HiK-itu-nta, p-.-r fpiiro of 10 lineaor
3 tinri or lt-f? 1 JO
F.r cttuli laWim-nt .im-rOut. 60
A ImiuistratoiV and K itton' noticn 3 60
1 An li'on notiot'i, .,. 1 f,U
? CJtioni ami Ftryi 1 50
Pi.ulutiyii D'jlioui 2 00
Prof'jifionftl Card, 1 year 5 00
. Lonal notices, per line ..... 16
1 iquar 00 toluma $r.3 00
.' S iiiiri......w.U 00 1 oultunn 46 CO
' I iqtitrti... ?Q 03 1 Qw!uuia 80 00
. ; Job Work.
linjU quir $2 60 ) 6 quirei,pr.quirr,$l 76
qtirMrpr, quir, S 00 I Over 6, per quire, 1 60
9 sheet, J6 $2 00 i iboet, 26 or lu.& 00
i iheet, 23 or leu. S 00 J iliofft, 25 or leas.lO 00
Over 26 vf etch of above ai proportion tlo ratei.
K'littir and l'ropriftor.
Clearfield, P.
Le:ja.l lutim-aa of ail kiinU e'ttMidrd to
with protiijitnr. and fid'-litr. Offl,-e In n-aiil-nee
f William A. Wallace. Jmnl2:7
Clearfield, P,
V0(Ho la tlx Court llouae. deeS-ly
; Clrarfleld, Pa. 1
WILI.IK A. VvalLKI. J. 1L1KS Wll TICa.
Real Hitafe Ajfrntt in 4 Cunrrjanccri,
C UarflcM, Tcnn'a.
B.Itr?, Estate bought end tU, tltlm exam
loo'l, cunve ymiuri prrpanj. (hup p ii.l, and insu
rance lit! on. Otflci in utw tai-dinn, nenrljr
ppotite Cuuit Hoiim. jnnl,70
Cleardfld. Ta.
t-nif.n. in th Cart Hoax. (JjH-'"
Clrarfleld, Pa.
OGri Slarktt Ki , o.r llnrtfwlck A Irwlo'i
I)ni 8n.r.
' irPromnt atlrntio. girtn t tit. ir.Hng
at It'iutttv. Claim, Ac, and to all legal bastneat.
M.tro'S", IH17 ly.
Walltt(C(on, Clrarfleld County, Prnn'a.
eO.All VriI bti.'iiPi jironitlr Bltnidcd to,
Oa .a Second ft., Cle.rS.ll, fa. n ifjl.r
And Peal Ktriafe Arnt. f'larflf M,
Offfri nn Third street, bet. Ciierrr 4 W'alnnt.
jrKerrJ-f""y "If"" I'' nerviree la petling
and batyirx leudi ia Clearflcll and adjoining
tvntloa t and with aa eiperienee rnrer twenty
Ttare aa a eurTeyor. flatUre hiamelf that be ran
reader iatULteiio!,. fcb2,'3 tf
Clearfield. Pa.
aa oa Uarlcrt .troi! ona dooratof tlia Clfftf-
aM rauntj Dank. mijt. fil II. Or-U. C. T. Alriander.
Hrlli Icri'e. Pa. wjil J,'5.y
E. I. KIRK, M. D.,
Lulhcn-bur-, Pa.
.IBir-ATill attenJ promptly to all profr-.toniil
ll. miSl'ilypd
dr. a i Thorn ,
HAVIXfl loratrd at K.iWtown, flearfi-ld eo.
Pa., olTire hia pmfe Mmn:.! aervieea to tlw
ple of the aurrouiidinft country. (Sept. 2.'0i-y
Tlarinf: remnred to Aa".nitlf, Pa.. nlTrri hia
profeaiinaJ arrviwe to the people of thai p'aor
and the eurmouirs;. Ail ends promptly
tteoded to. Ito. 3 da pd.
J, H. KLINE, M. D.,
HAVIXti looted at! 1. Pa.. orTere !ii
proOwiunal vrvicpa to the pep'e of t! at
ptaeand a-irryunU.ii cvuntry. Ail c;l!" pr unplly
atten lr to. "t. 1-1 It.
T II Y S I C I A N A S V It G E (I N .
HAVlNfl locatfd at 0rela, Ta., effcrft hi. r.rtinri I. the peepi! vt tbat
blaa and pnrroumlinc e'lOiitrT.
' t.A.11 rftlli pronipfly altn-lcd to. OfT:r.
ad nai'lene. tor'.iu at., loriairljreer.ipi.-d
hj Ir. Kltne. " U ly
I.ete Sorzron of tv.e v:M I'.ez mnt. Ptnnn Ifnnia
Viduntcra, hMvinj returned frum tho Army.
ptTera hia prurerinal Hrvirca to ti e citiaeci
f Clrejrflcld e -onfy.
rrrufrfi inl ealla promptly atten U 1 tn.
DBce on Pec-jni ttrcct. formerly oenpled hy
pr. Wo3i. (j,rt,f,6 tl
P.ond Street, Clearfield. Pa,
TTi. .np pfrm-infTttly l-n'el, hf ivw pC-ti
hi nr"f'ci nal ervM-. ti ti.e ritii' in -f Cl'arfirld
and Tii inity, aid llie pu'.'ic g nrrally. All call
prorop'Ij' B''tnl'd to. rrtj:' y
F B. HEAD, M. D.,
; hjl.-rtouii. Pa.
- f-ffiTii bl. rrrvierl to the ellirent of
th. fturro.ndi.if ei.anlr,. aprlO am pd
Pit. A. M. II1I.I.3,
Pilrairei to lnftirm hil atri-n, ard the
f ullie ge.nerlly.rtit be bat anausiated w:th bits
a the pre". ire of DtM'ttry.
8. T. KIIAW, P. P. S,
IVktUi raluaU if the Philadelphia Prntat
( olltge.aLd llirrc.'tre haa the bifchrat attf.iu
lioat of profUnl ckill. All w.rb do la
the Ifim I will bold tntaolf peraorallf reaponai
ble for ttin dona ia (he eaael aaticfavelore aaaa.
pet m4 aicoeat order f the prefeaaioa.
Aa (ahiiahed pratiee of iwrnty.tws ye tire la
tfaia laee enablea aaa to apeak io ay patient
with confide aee.
KnfiHr- tnroU froen a diitaree ehoiitd be wade
by tetter a few dayi btfte the patient deefgai
ea-x. Jaae 4, )MI ly.
GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Proprietor.
"1'innpi alwvi on ban I anl imiile to onler
on short uoiii'p. Piim-n lion-il m rt t'jnu'.ik trrin.
All work warran(pl to render tr.'.UiaMnn, ami
dflivrrt'd it' tl'Nir J. myH6:lvpd
Justice of the Pence, Surveyor nnJ Conveyancer,
Lult.crhburg, Pa
All biuincM intruiteil to him will lie promntly
a(tinit-d to. 1'ercurii Wiitliitij to emi-lny a f'ur
vyr wilt do well to rivu hint a call, u lie flit Hen
hilitstlf that he nun nti Ivr iatihlnclion. Ittnlsnf
conwyaare, artiirlre (' lirwim-nt, entl nil h'$nl
papem, prutnptly anJ wiy cK.-uutcl. uiarcyj)
HERD &, Co.,
rhUIifcburff, Crntre County, Tb.
rrRfftl Kolat of ell kintl bnulit and jM.
Aifo, tk'ukr i;t ail kinls ul LutnWr. ui-U,7U
jj! ti.UAni'iiJi.n. pa. ii
Clc.rUcld, Pa.
AVINQ nuU-d Mr. Kutres' Hrewery he
boiifi hy etrirt attention tu lutiuca ami
ihe manufacture oi superior article of lIKhll
to riMMjive the patrunau uf all thv uM au 1 tunny
new customer. Aug. 2-i, tf.
Glen Hope, Clearfield County, Pcun'a.
rilHB .uliifrllrr b. dcT.itpJ mofh llm ind
1. att-nlton to th (iCALINO O LOUS, .nd
liihi i ib uifihi'U of i'flrting hit itfrvirri to ttiitf.
wbo v:y btTil thptu. Ad; lurthflr Ulotmntlon
on l't bad lijr cMteiln( l ftbov.. yiu tt
DVII HKAMS, Lmberliuric, Clearfield Co..
Vs., fflt-ra bu rri-o mm tmrvvYtrr in tlio
wiKt end ot tlie e-.uniy. All cill will he (Uii1i-J
to promptly, an I Ihu cliar. uioJeruto. l ii'rlU
rillllj iintlerij;r.cil uiTrra b: arrvinss us a Pur-
Ti-yor, and uy he lnnd ot his rsi U nee. in
lttwri-iice ti.n.ilcp. LctUra will reach hiiu di
rected to CliaiCoiJ, Pa.
Land Surveyor aud Conveyancer,
IyAVI.N'd r-ofiil!y bteud in tlie Lorouirh f
Luuihrr City, nd r'':mti d llie practice uf
L.iul Surririg. rccp'-rtrully tn Icre hia pr-'h-n-
:ial acrvivn to the owner uf un I fprrulaf ra .n
land iu ClrBrf.f Id and ftM 'n il'ff cmititin.
Itecdi of ruovt-vmce Ot-iilly t xvcutcl.
OfTice and retidvuee one door cant of Kirk A
Fpcnccr'e iture. apr!4 pd4m.
N. M. HOOVER, A H!n;i iJualrr In
Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff,
Two (lotirt raft of the Poft OfficH
A larpeaorlintnt .f P'pfp,Ciar Caiep, c.
aUnya on b ind. uiylU-ly
J. K
P II O X 0(i K A 1 11 Cj A LL E U Y ,
Maria Ptreid, fVrntM, Pa.
TEdATlVES wade iu cloudy, well aa in
eloar wea'hi-r. Conttin1. on hand a good
eortmmt of Fit A M r'", 6 1 E H EoCt 'i;S an I
hTEUEOSCtU'lC VIEWS. Kranua, from any
tyle of moulding, made to order. aprL'b-tf
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clrarlivld. I'l-nn'a.
l,Will eTrpn(r in hia line promptly and
in a workmanlike oifttinT. a rl,C7
ttAttm in
f.nA!!AMT(, Ta.
Alao, eaienive m.mnfaturrr and dril"r in P nnre
TihiIkt and f-awed Luiuln:rol till kind".
IT-OOrderi aolitititl and all billa pr. u pMy
(lll. d. J il'i 1
ar.o. i LBr.nt nr5t:T w. At nrm
Slannfftrturerr A eaten iuvt IIihIiti in
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, ie,,
rOnli.i (nicitt-d. Hills T'li J on auirt notioc
anil reaixdiaiiic tcuna.
A'Mr Woo.llfttid P. O.. CkarAeld Co.. Pa.
Jr2.i l W ALBliliT A I)1U.
l-'rer.rlitlllc, (Itaitield County, Ta
Korpl cinnt.snllT on ImnJ a full aasorlmrnl o!
)i .lim-la, llnri!-r?. tlroserira. and evfrvlLin
u.unll le pt Iu a rlnil alcn-, al.i. h rill l-c M.a,
for eitnh, a. rlircp rr N.-wli-rr in tlie e.iun'7.
I'mirln ille, June J7, lsfl7 l.r.
ii e n C HANTS,
Dry Gcci'e, Clothirg, Hardware,
Cutlrrj! Quecciaare, flroecrloa, Proviaiooi atd
MrarficM, PcnuV
f-At their newetire mom. on Pernnd afreet,
near 11. P. Hurler A ( o's llarlwaro at re. .isnU i
fJftliOl.A flHAM MM.!.,
v vt rAi-Ti rra
i.ujinr.n, i.ath, and fickets
II. I!. FIIIl.l.IMiloI'n, l'.-erident,
os. r.iT.t pi.i k. n;. nh t.. piiii'a.
JOHN I.AW.'lli:, rnpirinleu..-l.l.
jed'f.7 O.'-roU .Mill', Cl.-nif.. Irl I'a.
Practical Watch Maker,
Pj p-.ile Ihe C. nrl ll-.nao.
JWf-A'l kind. f W'a'i-lir., t'lo.-ki n1 J.-wrl-T
prompll.T ppairt-.l, and wink Kr.-au'.-tl tn ivi
.,iliclii.n. mn. 2:70
Jurliee or thr IVaee and I.i.s"i.wd Ciu i-Tanerr,
l.ulhrrsbnrr;, t'leartlcld Co., Ta.
-r..llerti..e. A r. ,itun. ,.r..n.pilr I.-. lr.
mA .11 kin. , nf I " .1 in.trntnrula rveruli-d nn
herl noti-f.
mat l,i"lf
l.llol.P lioops, Ttilia. Ilr.",ni.. V'a- h
,w. . 11,. 1;,,,,,, i,. :,..( ni: m,ii..
in lirn k. ll .ii.nd Cai-r-r and Maalin lilm,!..
.11.M linak.i.. Tea Traja, Ae.. ai
(Oj,pr,ite the
Sllol.S.l.. lir-.'an.l ( In! Iren'a rii-lom m.Ss,
l..ii.,r u. nrr.. Knl and i arnet Hii.ra, M"
r.Mcsi and titnve h id llaltanraift. I Inldrn'a Colored !
hk.a. twry rheap. .1 C. kHAIXhH S.
(, Ih. Jail.) a.Ji lot
rrtraaaea and abdoMlnal aapportera .f rrary
J. aiad .f tba lale., for aala Bl
ika fcrai Mral HAAItWICK !!.
vrrN-i:.-;i.Y muunixu, jine;:, ism,
1'1.0.TIG DOWN Ttili STHL:.H!
How di-nr ihe irwrry Hi
Thiit mi aud 1 Inn e Liiown,
Oiir happy, hnppy In-nrtt d phiyn,
Our ramlilfB a'l al"ne.
The hL'.t nrc lair and bluo,
Wl.crc pli 'ii-ani K.iU'ra (jlcom j
And oh! tlie joy we kinw,
in n fl'intinfj down the ttrcnui,
And oh I tl.e Joy a we knew,
W hen Hunting duivn the it ream,
pond eyrs, the blue, the hror-u,
Win. Id hlu no upon u" tii-n,
- Oh t nover, would theT frmm.
Yliy e-rutt-tl.t-v not Hgnwi 'f
And loving lip Wuuld ma t,
AVIiile loudly we would dnam;
And litV wac hom-v weet,
VIuti (touting down the tree to,
Oli! Ili'c tviii houfv kkwI,
Whf n flouting dwn tin- strcain.
Oh f day that arc no more,
Your trlioce faintly lull,
llw pure llie hope you bore.
Now goue beitiid recall ;
And yet your unui rie bright.
Within the heart td.ul! U:un,
Till wo, in dieuiiilc niplit,
'u Lloolaig UoWU tbo Mtreuiii.
Till wc, in driuutlo uiht,
(io flouting down the ulrcntn.
Hon. S. S. for, or.lYjp 1'orfc,
Oil the Itlil to l-.iifuree the Pirterntli
AmenilDieiit, Iu tlie lloue, May UT.
Mlt. Sl'F.AKEU : III (lio limu ulloltcJ
I havo not tho opportunity to go
through this hill und dissect it, section
hy section, as I could 1 can only
marvel ut the indiUcrc nco w ith which
gentlemen regard this nltcmpt to
tramp down with eleiihunliuo foot
all private lights and legal codes.
1 ou cannot thus intet lero by penal lies
with llie ballot without destroying the
virtno oi tlio latter, by attempting
rudely to uproot its u I. uses. Vou
would grasp ul polilicul power by
those undue statutory inenns; but you
will grap a shadow. You follow, like
Maciielh, the dangereous vision and
unlialloweU liopes ol ft bewilclicd am
Lit ion ! You w ill fail. You w ould
enforce a centralization with bayonet
und pu.'ff, Willi (jiio r,irrn't') and iifii
davit, but you will fail. Ccn'ralued
power, lilio lhat seized and wielded
by the present Napoleon, was won by
bolder iiKiins, and is being to-duv
gradually resigned, willi a wisdom
i nti in to compared with yours.
What is your conglomerate incon
gruity which you call u law f Let
mo euuuieruto somo of its beauties:
1. It is so full of penal clauses as to
be ridiculous tmd ineffectual.
2. H is so full of ppilo lis to Lo pro
motive of litigations and persecutions.
8. It is 60 general in iis terms lhat
no information or indictment could be
drawn upon its provisions, and there
fore il is a fraud upon the public und
tho accused.
1. 1 1 destroys jury trial.
5. Il is so partisan Unit it discrimi
nates iu favor of tho black against the
(1. It is so unmindful of llie. Consti
tution, thai il compels State olliccrs
to enforce Federal laws.
7. 1 1 is so Vengeful thai it would
fill jails and ciiniiilalo lints beyond
the capacity of masonry to i in in ore
the prisoners or Iho peojilo to pay the
8. Il creates a cla of paid govern
ment coum-el, furnishes lees for Ihein
from the pockets of our const iluenls,
and thus increases taxes, while it tills
(he nation w ith u horde ol dclcslubl
spies and informers.
!). It begets a conflict between Slate
und Federal nulhoi ilie, and by throw
ing the svvor.I im j tlio reJerul bal
ance, seeks hy mlli'.arv power to over
awe mid control the ekotions of the
Slates, and w hile aggrand power
in tho Federal government destroys
iho foi in, strut lure and genius of llie
reiieral ifovcmmctit.
It will Lo impossible to rluboralo
all fheso points. I will endeavor to
elucidate u lew of them.
I. Tho clauses. There are
twelve nclions of fini s and peiiullhs
out of tlie twenty-three in this bill!
Need I rehearse them!1 Imprison
ments mil lines, fines and impiison
mcnta, relieved only by civil sails
and ounsel lees : I Ins law is. mo cu
mulative wi'.h piiuilivo ihiiiscn us to
be a mon'troMi v. Most of these sec
tions punish with imprisonment and
lino for oil. -uses nlready amply provi
ded for in Slalo laws us t. election
frauds, alihough those Slalo laws do
not iillacli to ll.em such heavy penal
ties. 1 could jjo over Ihe sections of
the F:rialim, lo bhow the uncalled for
weigh! of those penalties; and then I
might in this presence bo permitted
to read Jeremy lleiilhan. on tho old
Imrsti Kv;li-h penal codes, to show
thai all excessive penal clauses over
leap themselves. 1 hey fail of their
aim. Will tho scholarly gentleman
Mr. I'.in jhatn who rejorled this bill
turn lu Ihe fourih ehaplerofllouring's
edition of Jeremy llenlham (vol. nine,
pngo "2.) on penal law ? The philoso
1 phcr considers what dividends may he
innilii fi-mu iho Oslo. I." i.l loin, ,111 l,,li.
jcilj by tliu penal codes. Wo know
, he was no advocate ol s it h I ' j 1 1 1 0 1 1 i .1 11
codes. Inthespiiit of our "Anglo
I American leprosenlative democrat y,"
lor in the ipiiit of its Constitution
ag.inst "coercive" punishments, lie
traces out nil such codes lo lawyer
! crafl ami liypocrisj". Ho finds sut h
I codes coiifoderato with fi aud, nnd
I subservient to lyrannj. lie finds their
syiiiiiivin in tho wm-J "visitation
, penal visitation." 'J o this same source
td civil disorder and turbulenco do I
. u , j j j , . ittu b
III what cases shall such severe
tieiiisliri,r.itu I,,, ntitilie.l ' In ulint
, ' , . .- e it ,1
I s what proportion f Palher,
i.t niniini usKS, in wnai suape or prn-
I portion t bid I it not l,o applied f He
answers, us I answt r for all the twelve
1 of this imhalivo enoclment, these pen-
(allies aro irroundlesa, needless, ineffl
caoious and unprofitable. In such
esses punishment, in tho language of
Iho quaint philosopher, is inapt and
the causes unmeet.
.iir Mum at.rwa.a)ai ynirauin.r
Tuliu tlio cnsi'B (if t!ii 1. 1 II, IVorn tin
fiilili) nttcinplH lo miso civil i . i in
the nttiTiipt lo jitinihli tlio laii'llnni
lur fullncliiiLr rent of tlio voting I.mi
mil uniliir u lino m l loss llmu ?."HU ;
from Uio it i !' (i in t o Kin-iir:icy nl tlx
liii;liiiv in (lii'i;iiii.t', willi lliu limit uf
J.'i.l'IIO lino unci i m n isoium-n I nr;t t-x-tctfdin
ton yenia, to tlio mill moiv
iinci'iliiiii iliisilcnic-innr of linliliiij;
(liifO ilK'ally iC'iiiiift tlio Im: ittrcn t li
i ii in I in c- n t , u nil or tlio prnaliy ol
$1H00 lino nml a yciiia' imtii-iriomnuiil,
or bolli, anil yon will ceo what lirnl
hum 'means when, Ly un a pr'mri
ecorn, ho tloridcH tui li n n j .h i !)-. 1 1 i
h tl d (.oiileniptiblo bi-lioinos un thia L!!l
in rrplrlo witliul.
JIi-iilliiiiii oviik'iilly forcHaw tiitics
w here the ovils appurteiiunt tr Jiuii-
inl.mcnl n i n- j;n ,l 11 1' lllllll lliu OVIle
to lo punished. Tho mindrcil, in
oilier word, ia not bo utrociouH as the
' Of tho sort of operation hy which
for tho exclusion of jrcaler evil in
piirpoHely produeed tho operation
eulled tiunilion id Imtono mode, r'or,
taken Ly itself, j;overnnient i.", in it
M.1T, iiiiu tot e il.''
What a foresight had this philoso
pher! llo loolied into tho heart of
thin latter day. Wherever, hy tho
evils of government, frrealer evil is
excluded, tho balance tuLcd the nature
and naino of j;oocl. In oilier cuws
whith ho exaiiiinoi, tlio puni.linieiit
is clllcaeious and unprolitahlo, because
to Iho undiuiiiii.-hed evil of lliu ol'.'ctise
is added Ihc evil of punishment. The
evil excllicd is nol i-o rcut na
introduced. Thus reasoning, this Con-
K'ess might perceivo why u wise
jiiognieni wouiu uciioiineo eueu atro
cious remedies as this hill provides
for wrongs not so gival us its execu
tion would induce.
1 puss from this uhsl ruot phinseolofry
and speak plainly when I denounce
tho interminable, general, excessive
and incomprehensible penalliesauiust
tho nlh'i?cd rogisl ration ami voting
frainls, North or Soul It, uf r.n intoler-
hie statutory iiui-uucu. 'j here i.- no !
cotnpensulR ii lor its existence ny any
possible good. It v. ill become a dead,
utics'.ent letter ou tho slalulo.
Courts, jurors anil witnesses will
laugh the law down. Fiibiie opinion
will despise it. The penalties may
now and then go to the soy ki d ia
firmer; I. ut li e nroad they buy will
choke those who eat it
L'. I pass li'hlly over the point as
to litigations mid per-ccutioits. This
bill begins uhcro il is the interest of
all there should be no end. to wit,
with litigation. Iho bill is a provis
ion for fees, counsel, spies, informers,
suits, et.! , to the end of this genera
tion, llolieo I am opposed lo it bu-
cause It is a bill ol spue. 11 hits no
spirit of amnesty. 1 1 is irrepressible
because It docs liO'.liin lo Heal
wounds. Il pours into them no balm
Il is a fruitful source of litigation.
At tho end of civil war there ought
to Lo Irampiiliiy. You aro five years
after its en I beginniu'r; n system of
proscription which wili have relalia
lion, and again retaliation. There
ia no end of this incessant system of ; my I faring, w hen iu the face ol this ; purposes in New l ork. Do you not
provocation but civil war again. audi, hce, yon nro called up on to givo know il not, I will tell you that
il. If any lawyer will examine the ' a vi diet that every man of you know the voting in New York city is our
clauses of tho bill ho will perceive by I Jd testimony of your own eyes 1 rie.l on in perfect peace ? All testily
how very general il is in its terms, to I I utterly and absolutely false ? I lo this who have been in New Yoik
Il is so general that I might apply to : spc. k not now of the publio procla-1 on election day. Il id eo quiet Vou
it tbo old I.u'.in maxim. DJti.i Idttt mat ill uf informers Willi u promise I wnul. I not know il to be election tinr.
in ijrui rtililiti.i fraud lies in geiioruli
tics. Head tho bill thioiigh und you
will hnd tlial there aro penalties lor
omisioii and commis.-ion. Tho legal
certainty on w hich tolmmoan indu-l
mcnl is not apparent. S.nno of the
sections punish a man if ho does not
comply "silh Iho bill." The ac used
has no ex it t definition of his defense.
If an ollieer refu-e or ''knowingly
omit to givo c.'iVrt to this section"
such arc ihe words, forsooth, on which,
lo draw an indictment! How can Ihe
astulc lawyer from Ohio, w ho w as one
genlleman Mr. Favis w ho distill-
gi.l-hed himself so much iu criminal
irat tico the oilier tl iy in Now York,
and w ho is now looking mo in the
face, flau-dtlcrl Low tould I hey or
cither of them w ith all their skill
draw nn indictmeiit under such
cial clau.-os?
4. This lill destroys the right of
trial by jury. This ij another point
1. 1 show the lawyer cralt, or unlawyer
liko craft of lliis bill. In Ihe third
section, whero u person oll'en ami
fails lo in llorm un act. ho is allowed
to vole; r.ud the of!ic. r who fails to j nml t'lilh, ai d the siipiemc arbiter of
give cfTect to h:s vole, on presentation ; both ' Huvo you not marked when
ol nn x ,ir'r ullhlavit of tho facts, is he cr.i rid how tho stormy wave of
liable lo t '.li) to tho aggrieved parly ! ' the nultit ud-. ; i tiled at his approach?
'l liis sum, no h s, is lo bo recovered llait J ou not marked Low tlio La
in the old common law notion on the mm hi art bowed to the supremacy ol
case. Coits and counsel fees nlso, j iis ,.i i or iu I he inbled homage
and and imprisonment! Now, ! .fJi It rot. tial horror ? How his glance
ns lo the civil action, one familiar with 1 i Ve Iho ligliliiing of lit nvt n, i-eeiiied
the Cons'.iluiion might infer that in 1 1 irivo the body of ihc accused, and
"suits nl cotuiMin law," bko uctiom. ' i ilil; il l-.r the grave, while Lis voice
iu case, "where tho value in eonlro- irrned the devoid wtcleli of woe
vtrsv skull exceed twenty dollars, the ' i ul death : n tle ith which no tin o-
right ol li nil hJ J.iry t-hould ho pre
served according lo tho seventh iirli
' cle of Uio Constitution ! Hal the pre
! lenliou-t w i-.iercs who Iramcl this
bill wish lo preserve Iho Cuiislituiinii
by brei.kii
it 1
s,t jury;
nf their 1
I trial lo Mini-h vrtt
s not
parly: Ly tho thntl section I lit y
consider, first, an ollei lo tlo as the net 1
tlolie : re-on,!. cit e el'.'eet lo the deed :!
and (hird, provide a i-iiil lemedj-,
based ou an .r j .irlc uflldavil of the
plain! i!f, and i ominand judge nml inrj
to find lit least .Yj;l damages. The
jurj- run (ind no h ss. Was there ever
suih blimlno s and idiot y? N this
preserving public liberty, or iln treat
talegtini.l ?
5. This bill discriminates in favor
uf tht link nguinsl the white
The f.fteenth nuieliii
eiiilineiit is under-
e. The power lo
untlei-atoo 1. What
sloo.l hy Iho House
"enforce" il it also un
is "nppiopriulo legislation' fi.r its
enforceinenl it not so well understood
Il you turn to suction five of this
bill you will see that il allows bin-
drancp. control and itilltniibit ion nf a
wliito voter, but it mukes il a crime
to hinder, control, or intimidate a
black eitiaen. Asido from the gureral
and loose words of this penal statute,
it is not strange that strain in Iho
twenty. third section thoro is a similar
provision! In snita of ibn fifteenth
nui aanuij
i-aiiii v-TKi.i.mpftea
amculinont tu tho Col
iliilion against i
dieciiininatioii this bill does di-ciiuii-nrile
and iu favor of the black und tho white. This alonu is
i noi!(li to ciiiideinu (lie bill. lint as
I his ias been elaboinlod by my friend
Mr. lloi k.l I pass to tho
sjiUh point on tho bill. I refer tu
tli lu ii so which compels Btato olliccrs
lo'ciforco Federal laws.
6. In Iho second section theso State
o-lic-irs arc compelled to act us Federal
ugci.ts, and n penalty fixed for their
non-performance. This is a section
milling from tho old fugilivo slave
Itwfi, and iu defiance of tho decisions
i tho courts.
j 7. I pass to iho other points, as I
cin not go over all of the enormities
otvtR bill in tlie short liuiu allotted
lo m.i 1 would culi iilleiilion to li.c
fact reWred to Ly Iho ueiillnmitn
from lnduiiafMr. Kerrl lhat this bill '
provides all through lor luwycrs !ers and interesled parties who, in
shyiitirs, ho designated them jietli- firmed by zealotry, uvarico and ran.
Coggers, w ho get counsel fees at pleas. cor, w ill bo enabled by this hill to go
lire out ol t Ii c J reusnry lor bunting
no these cases. It tuxes' Our people
for this despicable business, ul tho
pleasure of tho ruling gowers. Hut in their elections. who tho other dny gave all thoir
ibis is not its worst feuture. 'J ht Will tho genlleinun from New York voles in the New York legislature I'm
crowning odium of tho bill is that il I Mr. Favis if still unbelieving, read J Iho new character, to impeach Ihe
provides (or spies and informers ; and ;
this is tho odium of history. Inform-
ers aro the rut unci class of men ever
put under the microscope for rational '
I have iaid that lha informer is the i
udiuni of history. So ho has been in !
ill litres. This bill is to bo vitalized
willi his leprous presence. The leui n
cd genllciuun Mr. liingham is lit
miliar w ith the character ; its portrait
has been drawn by master hands.
Tho informer appeared in many n
piece hefoio bo was presented in this
bill. Il" bus assailed with his lueia
live neriury many un innocent man
,n other lands; lie is us old us me sumption ot gum nun uieii ine iienji
"inclai.clioly scenes and murderous ing. in a cowardly way, of the mine
plots of the meal-tub und Iho J.'yo . iroLiintti on the defendant to show
House ;" as old us Titus (Jules, Ihe that he is in not -cut.
"fornmon voucher of base accusation." i I pass that and oilier enormities
His th -testable character was depicted !
h,7 the great Irish oriiinr. 'I have
braid," said Curran iu Finney's case,
'ul assasMiialion by sword, by pn.'.ol,!
and by dagger; but here is a wretch
who would dip tho evangelists in
hloo.1 il hu thinks hu has not sworn
his victim to death, without mercy
and will, out end ;" and thi n bursting
into un indignant flame til invective
he makes this picture of the hateful,
tlriiiKitix j'ir.-uuir of this bill ; it i la
miliar to the school-boy in bis dechi-
mitions, but il Is lit to bo hero repro- ( Yolk und using tho power of federal
duceil ! government to rcgulalo elections thire
lint the learned genlleman is fur-, in their interest, and against the pop
thcr pleased to say that tho traverser, ulur will, as they Iinvo in tho South,
has charged the government w illi the I do l ot know und I cannot my how
Mifot.rnt;.'iii-i.t of informer. This, : such assaults upon the freedom of lhat
g. ndenien, is another small fact that great city will be repelled. I only
you cro lo deny at the harard of your ; know thai in some bold,, manly way
eouN, und upon tho solemnity ol jour betillin'r a greal people they will be
oaths. You are upon your oaths to repelled. -Make sure of that, gentlo
say to the sister country, lhat the men. You cannot safely intrench up
(lovt niment of Ireland Uses no r-uch t ii tho freedom of the ballot. You
khomiuahlu inst mint nts of tleslriic- have tlebased its moilo of exercise
tion : . inloriners Let mo if-k you ' hero nml in lbs South, bul you cannot
honestly, n hat do j ou feel, w hen in control it by Federal force lor liadical
of s s iesy and of extravagant re-
wai 1; I rpcak Hot of the' f..lo of
thos 'horrid wiotchcs who have lucn tier Iho ot w hisky, brilies,, ano eoii.oi.ig nis lousy wool, in
so o an li aiisferred from the laUo to vice, Vc. Now, the simple lact is that the placo ouco tilled hy tho hero, pa
the leek, nod from the doik Io the ! in or about Iho room where the polls triot and statesman, Jefferson Davis,
pill, i- ; I speak of what your own
1 r ' . .. . ,
eyes kuvo i
seen iiuy atler day, during
the tier
rrc il II., s commission irom
the 1 ix where jou are now sitling;
tho lumber of horrid miscreants who
I upon their oulhs lhat they
had il ino Irom Iho very scut of gov-
ei ni
i t Irom tho cesile
where they,
by four ol
. had ii en wmked upon
to g io evidence against their Ii Hows
, that jhc mild and w holesome councils
ol t s governnieiit uio lio'.Ien over
thcr wulucombs of living death, w here
, iho tretcli that is buried a man li
, till 'i- heal t has time to fester and
h e, and is then du U I.T w it-
this fancy, r is it fail? Have I
llavc I
you .1 seen 1. im, alter Ins resurree- ,
tion from thut tomb, nllcr having
hecr uig out of ll.o region of death 1
and erruntioii. niako his appc.irance ,
, upon die la! lo 1 1. o hvin
(d Hie
if-lee can c.-c.ipe,
li'oo Ivt-'st, 10
I'ri e was nn amid
-Flit even tlu.l
no art elude, no
ti nl i tit it 0 prevent ;
lie a juror's oath
adamantine chain
t";t i lv of a man to
I dt bound the
I t' tlo'or.e of iteinal iustice is solved
1 .d inellctl in ihe hrealli that issues
I Im U:0 ml inner s moutn; coiifci -
1 f e ut ings (Vein her mo-.ri .gr1, 111. 1
I nplialieJ i.nd aili ijl.lod iuior con-
pnor con-
s I. is own nafctj ni tho surrender
.V iy;if so'.i' ij-.i '- :nr f.'.-ii. !it
, i a :.. ri e.i o'lioiieenr. r."i tut, r. "
ft ml yet, 'lr. Speaker, in the line
t ins pi, ; tu e and inst in v, tins inn is
t l this most atrocious, infernal
Mom of inhir iinn.'. Ihe bill, in
del, is the roducl of Laj tr
fir. Pavw. If my colleague will
, i I'W me, I would u-k him in wl at
e fi'oii ol ibis bill there is tiny pro-
' I " n 'or inloriners r
I 1 r. Cox. If Ihe rrei tletnr.n wil!
rA' mo lime I will to. I him. True,
j ' " re is no suth word as 'informers."
: ( it is not used : but
-r. Fuvis. And I assort Hint there
"o provisoiis lor inloriners in this
i bill.
Mr. Cox. I will show tho gentlo -
man whero il is. The second, third
I and fourth sections make such pro-
visions. Thosn scctiuns do not ca il
jar x1.
theni "informer
but they are in ef- i
feet informers, because money is given i o.xpoi ieiicu is, I lour, usrociulcd w ith
lo nil wliri "'.roseetile. In tho second j lliu aouicu ot these alandurs and clam
section tin ro is a forfeit of ?.VIl) to ois. 1 think I huvo put this plainly
Iho Hggiievcd : is there not? There enough, but I will ivpeut tho Ktute-
is an uelion on tho case ; is there not ?
Full costs and counsels fees; ate '
.1 -..i t. .1- a. . . I
1 1 it .re ii in i ti iu is 114 niiL liu vilien I, LO j
the prosecutor and ns inducement to, w hat Is ?
What does tho learned gentleinan
from New York Mr. Davis mean by
an informer? lines lio mean what 1
moan ? The man who gives informa
tion and prosecutes for money, lor
lillhy Inert that man, I say, is an iu
former. Tin. I Is whut is meanl by an
informer under our revenue laws; ia
it not? That is the definition given
bv the courts ; is il . nol 'I Hut the
inlurmcrs umier toe internal revenue
law are saints in heaven compared
willi the horde of hungry ollice seek
Niulli and .virlti, ana piny tlio put t
of Federal police-spies und informer
to stifle tho free voico of the people
tho llnrd section r J Hero, loo, is a
penalty of g.VJO to the aggrieved and
mi action and costs and counsel fjes. I
So in the fourth section. j
1 could also show lhat by lawyer
craft or somo other craft no provision
is mado in this bill to puni-li tho in-
former for bearing lulso witness,
which this hill instigates and pays
for, against his neighbor. Is this an
oversight ? If so. it is too late to cor
reel il. We must take Iho w hole bill
or none.
1 might show also hero tho odious
provision of the twentieth section us
to presumptive cvideneo; I no pro
and deformities lo speak of the lust
liy this bil. us I havo shown, you
propose, to call iu tho army uiul the
militia as a pot v conu't.itan to assist in
t arrying out your plans of c iiipier
ing the free ballot. 1 perceivo in
these plans a conlliet of jurisdiction
lhat will inevitably como between the
Federal government nml the Slates if
this hill becomes a law. Sir, I mean
I y this no Ih real. Hut when getillo
men talk glibly about goil g to New
(Jenllemen talk Lero about elect ions
in New Yoi k lis if they were held un -
nro held you sec no ciowds and no
' . .
rows, as vou do in I iimois, in unm, or
in Jtiv l.ngl.uid. J here is nn druiiK-
einiess ; you seo ono or two policemen
there to prevent n possible trouble.
i prevent n possible trouble.
Tho ballots are n laced in tho various
glass boxes. Any ono can sec his bal
lot full like (he poetical "snow Hake."
If there have been frauds heretofore
in the chy of New York, the Kepub-
In an police, which has hnd the super
visory function over the registration,
had us ninth to do with it as uny one
of any party. Aril such fiatids to
souii) extent uro incidental to till great
citics ol diverse interests, hero men
aro absorbed in tho Lurried j.uisuits
of wealth nod luxury.
In conclusion, 1 r.peal that laws
like lliis w nl uo inopt raltvo and inel-
feet tial. It may j-rnvoko, as it is in -
tended, trouble, collision, riot niul
blootlshed. but Us penalties w ill be
'This will be tho caso in 1
New Yoi
!. city, upon whit h wo vere
this Lill was intended to
tho registration i!atio es
Nor will il aid ILidlcals to enny
elections. Tho clumps of tho Pepub
hcan party ut Alhanj- have been lixed
1111 that city by Statu legislation and
cilj" loinniissioiis for jours. Fvcrj'
year I ronght fresh dissatisfaction
with this system ol government un
lit llie revolution td last tear. Al
though the Hepublieati parly had the
police ol New link city; uilluugli
liny l a 1 nil the power to con'.rol, nr.
rest find punish rep. lil ions It 11 tl fraud
itlei.t voting, vet a large inaiority has
be-'n rolled up there against tl
niihlienn l imy wiLh every year. No
intelligent mun, whatever lie nil. v
( think ol somo : 1110 sores tn ine onny
piiluie, nml of some of the incidents
' insopnrablo from a rival city, but
i w ill believe tlnit New York is heeom
ing more mid mote 1 Vim erst ie every
day, and thai this hill ill slid further
; ud-1 lo its lVmoerat if strength.
j Therefore, il ought to be cutiilc.1 "a
inn to secure tao supreuiio y in ine
j Ileinot ratio party nnd Ihe increase of
jits votes in New link city.
Mr. Allison. Why d.d you not
vole, then, for this bill ?
II I Mr. Cox. 1 do not vote here to in-
t crease or aggrandi.o party. I lu.po
thai nij" Iriond Irom lowu voles on a
j l.ighcr plano than that. He is so se-
rem', kind, und handsome. Laugh -
1 know full well w hence emanate
all the slanders aguinat ll.e liemocru -
cy ol .New l o;k. 1 liey are Irom Iho
' same source as that whith clamors
j for iho nnluruliitHtiou bill of my col -
' league Mr. Fuvis 1 do not wonder
i that my coilesgue nnd 1 desiro to
speak of him with nil respect thinks
, rather roor'v of New 1 oi k nlv after
V ' '
TEEMS Z2 per rrnum, in Advance.
SE1UES - Y01, 10, NO. IS,
his leeeitt e:;pcrielice there. l!ul thai
mcnl lor my colleague 1 say that all :
these klumlets on the New York J'e-
I....... .!... k' ...I. '
itiiii-i .it tuiiiu iiiiiii inn 4iij.v l ot u
Tntu,u; most of the editors ol which
hvo outside u cly and Lave no ,,ll.sgc,,ui,ie love to Uod,
sympathy w ul, iu masaes and no , Jhh u,,U,uto e,ii.eeri ty of heart,
votes in the If 1 were disposed , ,,ur ,, , d work mu8t ,iava
I., enter more lully on tho defonso ; nf,t a of ostentation about
New oik lod; .f 1 couh U n nlUHl ba oniformal
shield her from his legislation Ini(, volunlary duties, like
would do so-1 could ehow that r;le.t irn? . n.urat bo pevformod from only
has a cheaper und a hotter govern- tho " t m(li,VCH . t,ero must bo
mcnl, in w hich there is less (mud t han ,,lUll in 0oJ in provi.
in your Chicago ( Hicinniilis or ( ,li(,0 wliU(J Mmrin for hig cllU(tei
i'liiliidclphiasor Kochcsters, und -. 8Ilj w0 mt,st bo sincerely wn.'.ums.
crime ol a different and Icai hulofiil
grade und kind than lloston.
Air. r-leveiiMin. Tho genlloman
will do well if ho can du lhat.
Air. Cox. There is one thing more
on which 1 desiru lo remark. It will
not do for genllemen of tho Jicpuhli-
can p:n ty, at least in Now York S! ate,
cnuractcroi inav nunorcu unij gion
ous Slalo with its ninety-one
thou -
sand Ilemocralio majority, lhat lie-
mocrncy huvo overcome many trials
i and dangers. J cir niouoo, nuo inui
of their Stato "Lxccl.sioi'. " W hen j
... i -i- .... i . t
new inns Ul pains mi 1 eou es re
pressed ou them by Fadtcul bi-olry
and malice, wnen mis system oi i'ie
and Uilormcrs is uuuea io ii.o ro
slricliona already heaped upon their
eomincrco and llieir iudualry, when
to Federal taxation,, internal and ex
ternal, with its inquisitions, seizures,
annoyances, burdens and frauds, is
superadded tho cspionuge, litigations,
prosecutions, indicuuenis, mid penal -
lies, fostered Ly a hordo of l'ederal
ueiccnvcs ano ponce, lome awc nen
Irce sunrarc anu control ineir local
government, they wi.l prepare nml
nerve themselves for the con'lict.
They huvo by State supremacy nl Al
bany broken your joke of wood;
and, with (rod's help, they will Lroiik
tho yi kes of iron now forging; for
them in this Federal capital!
Llkso'iri Gaucisioa on the Situation.
inei..mor o. u o Lexington l-'i'
i-. .--.. T ' ,t.r
soul i) c d I. 'r.siui utmost gives np
Hi's nn ir. lie commenis in a strain oi
indignuiit forrow that would be laugha
ble if il w cro not so true. Unhappily,
however, he docs not exaggerate
Thus :
"Fow n! I'own ! Fown ! !'. Puring,
Ihe win lo nine years of radical rule
the proudest, lieest, most cnlighicn-
e.i, prosperous ana nappy nation on,
the globein lliiU.
1 lie lowest, bases!.
poorest, most utterly brulalixed and
ilislaved, inlv70! Cotton-field nig
gers legislating for Iho decendunu of
ihu Washiiigtons, l;audo!i!is, Hamp
tons, and Fees ! A Pennsylvania nig
ger bcfoulinj' the seat of Pickens and
Pickncy on iho Supreme Pencil of
South Carolina. A nigger barber
sprawling his X mulks to the legisla
tive en.'ii tiiii-n t of Louisiana, as Lieu
tenant Ctuvei uor and President of tho
Stale Senate! A iiiggur cabin boy
sinciiig iho commissions of congress.
men.ehci iils, and circuit judges, as
Socrt lary ol Ihe Mute ol Jl tssisippi l
1 A nd a thievish nigger ). readier, grin
in (he L'niud States Senate, so called.
i-1 -t . i . . i . t.
' nn--t ie irons, uieeiiu
usi a leprous, itieetateu oetiaior
anu ex uom ruor coiigtaunaies ins as-
j sociato black g'.iards aii'J tlio country
on llie change!
on Ihe chaii
I God ol the ruined and
uod oi ine ruined anu desolate .
Was u prop!? so fallen Lelorc ? Men
of tho North? Men of the South!
4 : . I-- . 1. o
.tuie.tcatis. vo.ii.iMtiie.i. enow
slaves; Awake. Arise! shake oil
your lethargy, and face tho truth!
. ,
uio mini
.ver wrought
o lunger lease
(live tho hellions wlme
the hoi rid change a lilt I
of pow er, and no (ial,; iel in all tho
wide nniveise, thoip-h he should split
1 Ins mighty loolcr, can ever sound n
blast poer(ul enough Io resurrect us
from the tenfold political death and
iLimnation to whu h we aro doomed!
j t eusc j our n.-ist utiiv uucit.iug aim
! yielding to the il-alh deserving con-
spiriittus who have itsu! pod Ihe gov-
ernnielil. I ease your liitatiions loin
.oiizini;, your cringing and I.iivimi .
et jour lace,
, against ihcm a
,ke stubborn, steel,
mid ail their
their nccuriud !
Ilemember that they aro jour
enemies I be enemies ol tho 1
lie enemies of Iho Constilnlion removed, but the light infineiice ti(
sworn foes ot Liberty foe ofliod,''1 example slill remain ; nnd the
and common humaiiiiv ! Lneourag-, """ elements of this world will lung
inglhem. "conciiialing" them is tamp-i show tl.J traces of their vigor h,.4
ernigwitli your own desti uelion ! ! purity ; just us tho western sky, afltf
They must bo overthrown, unnihihl- '"" IH l t betrays tho glow-
tod, or cu, we, and our country arc
I eternally undone!"
i f).r. or ins
' w ho has passe A genllomnn
il some Ohio unioiig
iho Cossacks ol iho Ukraine, tells of
; somo strange rusioms still prevalent
lln re, otic of w Inch iiniy pt ilnips in
terest our fair readers. W hen a j oung
woman in the Ukraine (eels a tender
1 passion for a Joung man, slio goes ill
! once to the house ol his parents, and
silts lo Ii i in , ' I Vmaigal bog, win. Ii
means, ' bo you blessed ol Uod." Tho
join.,; won. an then sils down and
talks to Iho objet t of her choice, as
! lollows: "Tlio goodness I sro written
I ill ym;r couiiteiiance is a sufficient
assurance to mo that j-ou aro capable
of ruling and loving n wife, and your
exetlieiit qualities encourage nu lo
j hope thai jmi will make n good bus-
jbaiid. It in in this belief that I havo
! taken the resolution to como and beg
you, will, ail due humility, lo sect pi,
mo for your spouse." Sl.o then ml !
j dresses La father and mother, ami
J solicits their approval of, and consent
. to, the nurriagw. Il sho unci with j
' a itlusal, sl.o refuses lo leave tlio
house, ami sum conduct is usually
, crowned with success, '"he parents
. of the young man never put the young
' maidens away if lliey still peraist in
j their sis v, believing l.j- doing so they
would bring down the vcii;car.ce of
heaven upon their Leads.
IIH I 41 III Mi 1MK Hill V I IHIt,
tlrari "pi ill! Lanl '
Tl. f'-mh.rl n.-w lrwl I
T'll . -a 1 I'M. II U "I ia lore,
Ob! lii.p.r la J b'-arl.
Ww,r i f II. aad av-lf. and aio,
llelpl. aa, f.,r k.lp I et,
If Jr.i' hl',"d in ...k. m, eleaa,
Ou eleaeve tnt, or 1 die.
In vain I alrl.e airatnal air will,
In vain my will a-i.uld airlraj
. Tli. W'tiM-i'iuaneM of nN I fl
fly p.mrra ..t itrvulUi deptira.
Cm I. innr-l I Walt t ' , adgutaat fall J
Y.-t Al for tbu 1 i at
ll'-t. on my In-art a trk.r pall,
'I lie ti'iiai-i'ma lia I brar.
Oi. ! 1 ml me. If thon art the lij;tit I
.My titinliliuf lea... ei.nlrul)
fii.f to iiiiiin .y-a r.-fri'shing aiglit,
(iiu Lulling lu b.jr
lir-vi-ul the wonilroua aiht to m.,
T'.i S.m of tioil miikr known
Till ta.lh rinhr.nitia . I riri.t I aoe, -A
..-1 l.el uiy kuruea gone.
m, Holv ijlmrl. Hie romforlrr.
t-iuiii- Ilia where diath haa batn i
Fjin-uii thniub u- auul liimug bra,
An J u.ukv un ind ufaiu.
The sermon eivtho mount domands
,i , ,i i- . ,- , i .
, , . (. . " , , ,,or(orincil
Unit tho treasures which wo love aro
iu heaven, und our hearts must besot
supremely on them, und not oq earth-;
ly treasures ; for then only will the
mind bo undivided, und the coiiseienco
become assimilated to tho absolutely
divine. ' ' ' '
I)1:k::ttixu Sins. Although msn,
kind aro naturally propense lo evil,
they differ in relation to the particu
lar forms of evil to which they have kk ,
i-. ... .! 1 ', i r Mr.r. i ruli l-'uI n.i 1 ia ...npA
' .,-., J,' ,, ,..,;; ( ',.-
jlilin Kjn tM)n js Bnot her, and Iho sin
w,jt., no jrt m.t Ktron"ly inclined l(
I 1U,IIII V. U i' I. IV., illirrji vis h
i :., 'i'),,, bo,
setting sins of Christians ara those, -
j wliL, ,uvious
tl( wrt. mi)a
lo their eonvereioit
lisposed to comiiiit.
i si tliereforo indicates u moral weak,
ncss. it is caused oy kucii weuKncss,
und it causes weakness. Any person
is more iu danger ot yielding to a.
temptation by which he has been
previously overcome ; and if ho falls
I j. jnj
be is quite likely to lull uy mat very
of temptation. Accordingly i
1 lt,r lr;lsgressions aro reprodu, ,
, ;,( H ..r,e j u ,-ull,CB
ofl.,0 ,.,. jj, mor0 eKil!lci tl,ali ollt
Thoulit3 for Thp TvTn TMak.
The destinies of u nation depends.
' less on tho great ties of the few thai)
the virtues und vices ol tho many.
Eminent individuals cat further tho
features ol her glory or shame ; but lliu
realities of the weal or woe lio deep .
in the great mass.
1 l, oil ,.: u, " v. ...ii I ....v
t,0 ,.rL.t ( t,e ocean, but from its.
epths (lows the overflowing strenijlli
i of its (ides.
A lady of fashion will 60oner cx,
case u freedom flowing from udinira;
tion, than a slight, resulting Irom in
dill'ercnco. 1 ho first offence has the
plcasirg npology of her utlrat lions :
i tho last is bold and without allevia
tion. Hut the mode in which she dis-
, .,, ,,, ,aw.tioncJ
.. , ,, . ,' .,n ,.v.,,.,.i.
"J tut- J , '" i.""""i
limn of popularity till there sbull Lu
lies to centre than applaud inhuman
conduct. And w hen lliis is tho casu
iho millctiium w ill have dawned.
A young girl scarcely awake to tho,
mysteries f her nature, und flutter
ing over tho first demonstrations of
love, is liku q child sporting on lliu '
rippling sand on the shore when 14
high tide is about coming in.
A giant mind may be held in f-us.
penso but that suspense must bo oriel,
..-.I . i. ,. i.i.. I. - ill I. .
;.,,-,,,.,.;,,,, ,, ......r.roliu in conse--
qtieuce of that deleriuinalion ; just as,
a f-treain of water rushes ith grcalcf
force for a teinjorary destruction.
Say nothing about yourself cither
good, bad or indifferent : Nothing
good, for that is vanity ; nothing bud,
for lhat is affection ; milking iudi;l'ei'T
cut for lhat is silly.
A man of weak complying disposi
tion, w hom no ono fears, po ono wil
he nt the trouble to oppose; while
man of n strong nml fixed character
I w in no name to opposition, in lousi
fnim lhoM w ,m t
... ,i :
to derive :
it i mitt tu . ii. jmm i.tot-
ince Irom tlio
jjIf:llj,j. pf Oicir adversary. Hut lit)
,.ol,H, orcn t,is oppoailion inlet
. ... , ,,' ',. ;
Dlll'IS'l t Itlllt to til , JH.-l lilt M.M. I
ner obliges the wind lhat opposed bin)
to help him forward,
i Tho three or four most Lelples-a
things id the world are a ship in 4
dead calm, a whale thoroughly slianii
cd, a race horse with his w ind broken,
I an ) a politician in bad odor. Tbu
I devil himself would havo nothing to
1 do ith either, unless it were the last ;
he seldom utterly foisukes a political
1 rramo cock :
Pit' lte-p. him at the I altlr nr the drill,
Tnwii.l. b.s bisrlpr'k laiti-er u.iat-uit anil.
The influence of a good man ceases
not a tlenth, be is as tao visible ngviit,
! '"fl 1CC 01 l"0 departed orb.
Hound hats huvo almost entirely sti-
perccl. tl hounds w ith both j-oung sod
, old. I htyy lire very liigh, us a gentlo-
man expresses it, three stones high,
' w ith a cupulo nnd I'ukouy, and a flag
ul half must.
1 II matters not whut a man loses, if
; be save his soul ; but if lie loses his
st ill, it ina'lers not what ho saved.
- - w at
j One of the commonest proofs wo
have lhat man is made ol clay, id the
brick so often found in his hut.
Gossip mongers aro persons who
tear the bandages from ts.iul wounds
ind prevent their healing.
j m - -
j A (.ciitlcman whu bus recentlj' lost
an eyo begs to in I imnto Ihst he lias
now a "Vacancy for a pupil."
a ,
He careful how you promise; but
when vou bnve proinisej, bo juet ui
careful how you fulfill.
- ,
i A Coiifcctioner advertises broken
, hearts for six cents a pound.
Three things lo govern 'fcmjvr,
j tongue and conduct.
I Sure to Harrow Iho Soul Teg ends
inside rour boots