Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 15, 1870, Image 2

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    Che Republican.
r- .1', &
.1 : a, -.- - r zm
vr jut'. .
Giottof B. Gooulanukb, Editor.
Grant and Cuinrron are now Rolling
on the Sinnomalinnin.
Cliarlu DkkoiiH tle d is-tingu iulied
English novolint is dcnJ.
The 12ntlionls do not seem to com
prehend whnt 88,000 IlemoeriUio ma
jority means in New York. Wu do.
TrAD. The Uullefonto Xational,
the organ of the nriHluci-utie wing of
the Radical party of Cunt ro county,
rxpired in great agony a few ago.
Jlcst quid cat in peace.
In Trouble. Our Cambria noigh
bora are in much trouble over llio re
moval of the county seat from Kbens
harg to Johnotown. Tho Democrat
who loans himself to the agitation,
isccrtaiuly moresolflnh than patriotic,
because the ablution will destroy the
harmony of the parly in the majority.
'while the removal would not lessen
the taxes ono dollar.
McFarland ; tho murderer, is being
linnizod in Cincinnati, lie registered
himself -as I). Mack, and il look the
curiosity seekers several days to find
litm out. Bdlefonte Jtcpublican.
What has your party done with
Daniel E. Sickles, tho murderer?
Sent him as Minister Plenipotentiary
to Spain, When you introduced tho
murder question, why not mention
the fact that thero is another Daniel
''lionized" and honored f
A Chkat. The Radical committee
in Washington hnJ employed several
negro stumpers to enlighten their
"colored brothorn" on the subject of
voting previous to the Into election
one of whom was choked off after
his first speech because ho attributed
the freedom of his race to God and
their own energy, and not to whito
men as many claimed. Having ig
nored the loyal dogma that Lincoln
& Co., was their Saviour. Mr. Darks
cpeocu making was cut short for
teaching hcresey. Too "pet lambs"
must quit cheating their Judical
employers, or tho employee will bo
came as disreputablo as tlio employer.
IsniosANT. Tho itadieal news
papers and politicians up Xorlh nrc
jrjrcntly ejerciserl over iho fnct. thai
the South Carolina niggers havo ro
clccted Brother Whitlcnioro to Con
grcss after being expcl!cd as an un
worthy member. Were we a South
Carolina nigger we would tell those
meddlesome fellows to dry np and
mind their own business, because
brother Whitlcmoro, is tho equal in
talent and morals of three fourths of
the members of that body, and that
we niggers in South Carolina, like the
"white trash" in Massachusetts regu
late our Stato affairs to suit ourselves.
And if those Northern mombcrs don't
like to occupy scuts in the same ball
with our members, they can retire
to Boston, and thereby save the
Treasury much money.
as though it could not quit thundering,
since the "thundering applauae" oo
currcd in tho Now York Radical Con
vention, when tho negro delegate
voted. It has thundered away out in
Oregon, and under the very nose of the
'government." The eleclion in Ore
gon last week resulted in a glorious
majority for tho Democrats, electing
thoir Governor, Congressman, and a
majority in the Legislature, thus so
curing a Democratic U. S. Senator
in the room ol tho Iladicul, Williams,
who persists in misrepresenting his
constituents. Grant candidate,,
(Bowen,) for Mayor of Washington,
who wits elected ono year ago by
4,800 majority, was defeated last week
by 8,120. MonsicurCongressinan givo
us more nigger, reconstruction and
amendments, and wo will carry every
State next full, except Massachusetts
and Vermont, which wo do not want.
Aw HoyESTaCoKrr.ssioN. Tho edi
tor of the Journal to seldom blunders
on the truth, that like an accident wo
of course notice him when it occurs.
Last week in bis agony on learning
that his "colored brethcrn" in South
Carolina bad re-elected tho Rev. Scitl-
lawag Whittemoro to Congress by a
mnjority tbreo times that of his for
mer election, he exclaimed : "Il is to
bo regretted that his constituency did
not select a more honorable gentlemen
to fill bis place Though tho repub
lican party cannot bo held responsi
ble, sinco a Republican majority once
promptly condemned him, yet it is
discreditable to the country that such
a man should be re elected."
Hold on neighbor. Tho Republican
parly dare not "condemn him"
again. Ho will l.nve his sent, or your
party must send him "hush moliey"
enough to make him comfurlul.lo for
life. One or the other be is sure t-f get
ting. ' Mark the prediction. Sui-I, are
the fruits of ton year's loyal cultiva
tion. And yet, we are asked not to
hold tho Republican party respnnsiblo !
Why the South Carolina niggers them
wives aro not Impertinent cnoiiirh to
k this Brother, "sla, tl up Id th
rack fmlder or no liiddxr,'' or like an
honest man help us to rid the country
cf Its plundering aud corrupt officials.
,V,ttftl bj Ifxir m-H Hnt.
While teadinjj "'r ll-t Hftl rx(hfn
. 1 II.. ...t a ..........i. in
trii kin editor, but th. y are the cxn
linn, lint the rule. Their bniiiin hove
become so muddled by loyalty, nnd the
intercuts of "our colored brethren,"
tlnil they hiivo vendered llH-n.srlvr
ineiipiiblo of seeing their own, or
country's interest. They weep over
negroes and become eulogistic iitul
putriotiu while describing tho prevail
ing wrongs in other nations. Those
loyal editors have for sumo timo past
expended a lurgo amount of classic
philanthropy on a neighboring nation
(Mexico) and whilo reading their
statements of tho niUuries which af
flict that people ono would suppose
"all is well" at home, when in fact
tho 6amo need is being sown in their
own garden. Wo tnko the following
extract from tho Journal of last week,
which in substance embraces what
others have detailed at grout length
and shows exactly what tho blending
and eipuility of the races has dono for
Mexico. Jiead what the editor eays :
The,nulitcil rvt.lrnce from kit j.rt of
Mxiis rrvruli. the oint'lilion of tlmt rtiun.ry u it.
rvvrv mm rirf.lora.ile. F.n.inrlnlly,
wiiilly drmtintliii'd, ami nlilically iliMruin-.l.
Ihrre in .rotcelii.i, lu-illior lor ntii.rly rtur r
'. Trial br jury tl fl,irmli-i and ,.ocial
taxpi ro 1,'vird hv mere titivrrnori of HtAtr.
Ilrival.ilitffi-. il a favorilf oc.M.ftlion of iliaatitir.l .
citicr-oi and di-fialc-d politicianit. Con,rn ir
vithout authority and the 1'reeidcnt
power, n o had nopet, Drarcr anu wiacr itnneB
trow Ihia prsiple alUT the r.vpiiliiioli of the French,
and we reiuetantly eonftaa to pvave diitppuinl
meut al witrijin,( tbia rrr-ult of rcpuMioun ratl
in that unlortuoutc country."
What a horrible state of affairs for a
Republic to bo in '. Tho editor says : ,
"W'o reluetlunlly confess to grave !
tru :.. i
name ihen do you not warn your own
' J
,1 11, ll,U,nil!
kindred and countrymen against 1
similar fate. If tho mixing ot t"e
wbito and black races produces this !
horrible state of affair, in Mecico j
bat is to prevent a similar fitto of
overtaking our beloved hind, if tho
doctrines and policy of tho Radical
parly continuo to remain in tho ascen
dant? If Mexico lias been ruined by
Mongrclism, w hat will snvo us from
a similar fate should a majority of tho
white people adopt tho hellish dogma
that a ncgio is llio equal of the white
man. Mexico has practiced for forty
years just what tho Radicals are now
preaching in this country, and if they
are not hypocrites they will delivor to
their children an inheritance of bank
ruptcy and brigandngo similar to that
of Mexico. Turn your "grave disap
pointment" into alarm and call upon
those of your aiders and abettors who
havo been laboring to produeo n Mex
ico within the bounds of the United
States, to help you undo your ungodly
work, and savo your offspring from
becoming brigands and heathens. A
mongrel ruco can no more produce
or sustain a government than a mule
can givo birlh to a foul. God's curso
rests upon every violation of His law,
and tho ingenuity ofull tho advocates
of Monrrrelism in tho world, cannot
circumvent nor defeat His decree
'Wo reluctantly confess" is good.
So is an emetic if administered at
tho proper time.
In the IIarskss Again. W. II. II.
Rrainerd, Esq , Into Editor of tho
licllefonto yational, has becomo tho
Editor of a now paper in that p.laeo,
ontitled Plain Words. Its typographi
cal appenrunco is good, but in politics
it is as black as midnight. Tho Edi
tor bus ono redeeming featuro how-
ever. 110 IS telling llio irutll oooui
the Rudiciil Congressman (A rmstrong)
from t lint Jistrict. Thin is a feat few
l.udieul editors over necomjiliitli.
Ilenco IJrainerJ is cntiltleJ to liberal
support on moral grounds, if not po
litically, rtain Words pnrporl to
sustain tl.o interest of tho working
classes, wliilo llio Xational wus dedi
tuted lo aristocraej'. Quito a sum
mersault; but still callous lo democ
racy. Geary lifts been warning t!,o people
of tliis Stale, In a fpeciul Message,
against corruption. This is a little
liko Satan rebuking hihhts. Tho
greatest villain invnriably turns Slates
cvideneo when caught.
Somo of Grants Indiana relations
visited at tho White House last
week. They complain that liisj Qua
ker ngents nro cheating them. The
corruption ring seems to bo as potent
with tho brond brims as other people.
Gfarv on Facts Tho Clinton
Democrat says: "Governor Genry
has written a letter to Admiral Porter
on Mho decline of A mcrican commerce.'
Ho introduces the subject egotistically
by saying that 'I take great pleasure
in expressing my views upon a subject
of such vast importance, to the honor
nnd prosperity of our nation.' This
may awaken a spirit of levity. Such
is not our object. Wo wish lo put
the Governor-1 testimony, extracted
from this letter, in support of charges
nrrainst tho present administration
that we havo previously- matlo. Wc
wish to strengthen our position by
,.ir..i..i line, , ,,,c,r w incases nt'a i sl
them. Jlenr him." Ho Mrs:
-. o
Then, an tni.i..n anil .Ir.thiic. f..r tntlnn.
a. wi ll a. f'.r iii'tiu.luala. The mi'.inn fur onr
nanun ,.. I Iril.t. that ot mwri 1. del in v ll,n,
of,,, II,. human rwc l,r .iiraa lin; bai.,,1.
nc.. I.roa.llv within tli. nach nf tlic va-1 nn.kin - Ihia, rowimcrc I, Ihr rr.,1 mean.,
w lli-n ,r ,. actir. tndilMtrv Ihrtvc.i Mien wi. w-r
iim.i.c id. lint when ,1 i. hil., inm l. nii-l
ac"iv. Iiinrl. rarn n-.t tticlr full ri-wnil.: thr tivo lltllllftion peritllllilllllte.l tho tie
w..rainj,n.n wk T.inlr for rmt.l..wn.rnt ilcic. I ,)ur ,,.,, l( ,r.,ve tllO flfrktl 10 lln
In.n lake til. lilacol li,,inc.., mi l Hi. nation ', , , ., . ,
i. clucked in it. nnwar.l conr.c. I. . IHt It lul thltttliey tT0 fSpOtlod to
prt ...I FOari'ti'.a n our rowafra. VtltO fur lioWon, lllld thllt lllty delill.
At on lionet conlesMon is onid to
bo good for tho soul, wo Itopo Geary's
will find some rent for awhile.
Wo see it t li:iriri'd that tho II tdienl
Postmnster (ieiteriil has nllowed the
irovcrnment lo l,o robhetl out of from
two to fntir htindrod thotisaud dollar
in in envolopo tontrncl, hy wnrdinr;
it lo Iho hiuhfril instead of tho lowet
l.i.hl.-r. Olcoiirao lie will bo whilo-
nnlied by Congrenaionul cotu in it
ten. II costs thirty dollar to refuse to
answer llio quoHtiona of a census
taker Mind that olJ maid, hen
flioJ yur aS-
,r :, .-- rr -.
-;,.. .fn.T l"f Im'M '
i'miilr i.iiiif'iiifi I
Yc arc inilc' ! In M I ' II a vrn
A Unit In r, rhihidclpl 1'n . the " ' 11
known Hankers mid ctliiieMt Auents
of the I'ni.m I'm ill' Il.iilron.l, fur the
follow ing nrlii lo from the
II, roll of May U.Mr,:
The Western Minos of tho Km ky
Monnt.iin I'oal and Iron Company l"lW'""r """ "
miles rrnm Kvanntnn, Million on the, read .l Unlcs ,,t tho
I'lion Taclio liailroad, built ,y the 1 brlore beeonntry and am dnv-
ky Mountain Coal and Iron Com-!", to the .,,llo ,ng concliMons ,o
1 1 l,o purposes nl the parly now in
'1 heso mines were discovered bv ono ; l"'n t': , , . .
of ,1,0 ,c...Ik. of this Company i,. 11'" the sovere,gty of
,l,o fall or ICC J, but were no! ex.on j th" Mates, and to centralis ll.e pow
Hivcly worked until iho the ! 'r of the government. J his, of c mrsc,
I'nion I'uiilic Kuilruud was completed ' '"c:om Joiiurchy.
to Kvaiwlun. in Oct. InW. 2- !'" "I""1 " l,oI'tll'ul a,ul
Tho branch Uailroad to tho mines1 ""'' 'piality mill iho negro ra-o.-wns
completed in November, 1 KW, j 1 ake tl.o present situation l,,r nu ox
since which time cars have been loaded "'"l- " "!n
at th mines .,n,l forwarde.l to all . "' I do not under.tand n-Uons
points on tho Union l'ueitie liailroad. ! whi. l, speak louder iban words.
These mines are nine hundred una ! .SuHtaini.ig a ol U;c1ck.h
fifty W,VI, mil,., , vest of Oinnlm, nine i
. " . .. ..
' hundred and litty-fivo miles east
San Krancisco, and seventy miles cast !
of Salt Lake (Ugden.) I
Thn ,.,,,,1 is f,,?,d in nearlv a l.o.i-
The coal is found in nearly a l.o.i-
7.ntal position, and extends along
ll.e face of tho Uoav l iver mountain,,, '
north and south, lor about one and ,
a half miles H is reat lo tl bv tunnels
iron the main railroad track. The ;
rin or seam of coal vai ies ill thick-
at tho tunnels now open ,,
v six to fortv two feet and has
' . . . , .
twent V-six to forty
, .. . ' .l l. , l,l,u, I i-rnn I
been traced by tho blossoms and crop-
i.lnizn RIIIV l,,IVl o
.... . . . ., i
Hi e (inanity 01 ino coat , utj
peeulsar being between the anthracite
olid bituminous, .semi bituminous,) 1
..,- f, fVnm nil tract of sulid.ur. i
, wiihdul smell or smoke, ,1, v I
its but a email ninount of white ash .
(... on, I ,..i,i . in.,, fi.,,1 .1 it
Il" oi... uv-i-..t.. i- -..v.
conluius but twoand one half per cent.
.t-ni..B n. r...tini.anli' in h..r.nt l.
,,. 1M.r'oent. of rarrVin, uIho rrom I
twen t y to twenty two per cent, cf
vohttilo or influininuhle mutter. j
The coal is used in tho locomotives ;
ol toe union riicine, ceturni j itciue,
and I'lnli liailrontlri. ami makes (on
tho passenger locomotives) upwards trillion of the government, and Jet
of ninutv miles run per t..n of coal. I while this St. Joseph looks fur over
It is entirely free from clinker, does the continent to pi. k out a few fanal
not burn out tho firo-boxes or grates, ies to punish, under his Senatorial
and is universally conceded by the nose tho must abominable extntvit
railroatl master mechanics mid cngin- L'mico and corruption go on unrebuk
cers to be tho best and most ceononii- cd. Thieves and swindlers, pimps
cul coitl for steam purposes in America, j "iitl lewd women, swarm oboul the
Somo hundred and filly tons per lobbies and hurry through tho corri
day aro mined ut this timo, but the dors like .Norway rats nhout a grann-
mines aro opened for tho delivery of ,
lour iHiliorcu ions uuuy, which ran
bo increased to twelve hundred tons
whenever tho demand shall require il.
Jorth of llio coal mines, and coiilm
, In them, is tho iron tironcrlv of
the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron 'ido down and crush out the niechun
Company. This is tt mountain of, ic, farmer and laborer,
iron, which assays, from tho snrfnei, I l'ledgcs of iho Republican pnrty !
thirty to thirty iivo per cent, of oxide j I liko that. To sil in the gullet ies
ol iron, thirty to thirty two per cent, j d Iho House anil listen lo Iho quur
of curbonutc of limo, untl is entirely I 'els and abuse below sounds liko pi
free from sulphur or phosphorus 'rules over their plunder.
It is inexhaustible in quantity. The And what makes tho mailer moro
iron exists in tho form of mixed cur- aggravating is that every piecoof ras
bonate ami oxide. t-'ility is sugar coaled itlt tho nasty
This Company propose during the I cunt of religion and morality. When
ensuing summer lo erect a blast fur-1 "-'ver a Solon rises to his feet and snys
nnco of Hit v tons cunacitv ner dnv for lcinnly, "In Iho nanio of God
Iho mnnufucturo of pig iron.
Owing to tho proximity of tho coal
to tho iron ore, it is believed that pig
iron can be manufactured at less cost
I. if fl.i tli.te. n, n n ,.li,rn In
I'ennsylvnnia or Ohio; being silunle
iiiiilwny between Omnhii and San
FrnnciefO, tho iron acquires additional
valuo from the great savins in trans
It is exlremelv forli::ia(0 Ar the
eotintrv that these ureal beds of ronl
nfo found along tho lino of the Pueitic
Railroad, ns wood for steam purposes
is scaroo ontl expensive, and will he
entirely exhausted in a lew years,
whilo by the development of tho coal
fields of Wyoming Territory, the Pa
cific llailroads arc enabled to procure
ftii.l fnp tin. in Incmnnl ivra fit no liit'lipr
. , ,,, ,.. ,.;,, .. ,lf
; (jbio and Illinois by the railroads of
tho Western Slates.
How it was Ionf. A correspon
dent of tho New York .S'ttn, at Flor
ence, S. C, writes :
Tho disreputable Whittemoro is
very busy i ,iiing the negroes in their
cabins, eating and drinking with
them, and othern iso successfully con
ducting tho political campaign, which
will probably terminate with bis r-
election to Congress. Mrs. Whitto -
moro is nlso nctivo. Slamling at d
' eiirnnnlirliiiiir Imr blialmttil nn llie
plalttirnt of tho railroad station in
Pnrlinglon, sho kisses tho negro
wcnelies wliom sho meets there, and
tho dramatic effect is powerful. The
wenches aro very irratelul, and nu t li
ly balance Iho condescension of Airs,
Whilteinoro by reciprocating the fa- ' groes to an equality with themselves
vor in kind. This lip servito also j in cliiii't bes, schools, Ibealres and bo
helps Airs. Whittemoro school ultiiig, lets. Where bo found any audit rily
where sho generously leaches the ! in the Coiftitution of Iho l'i ited
young negroes for Uo cents a head ' Slates it is hard to say, but (he eun
per month. Tho pupils tiro very nu-j tempt of his party fur tho Constitu.
mcroiis, and Iho ineoino which sho tim, is so great tiiat this will l-j no
accumulates is highly advantiigeuiis bindniiico to the Senator. Wo were
to herself and husband. l"ld that putting the negro on a po
Al tins rato clcctoiiccring in the
South must be delightfully odorifer-
(HIS. lllllCllKIIC S
nitijonty whn
Many of llio IJ.iiliciil journals deny
llio riicriiiticnneo of tlio lnlo C'onscrvit
liro vit-tory in Wiisliini'lon, nod uUo
contrnilifl tho report Unit (.ion. Urn til
nctod openly for llowen nnd linnd
of corrnptionists. Hut tho New York
Sun puts n dill'ircr.l fnco on llio nut
: ler, and says
"Jlio ml in i it irt rat ton
put forth lis utmost exertions to m-
" ' ' j..h. . n.
. . . ...
I'resulent took n Bpeeuil interest in !
hi ("tUTt-K", for Howell Imd tit: tired
i aclivcly
pmycH n conspieiioiH
- i - .... J . i - i . . ,.
' " ' " " "" ,
IU lilltl-liunu in
I UK" lamoll". lioiiao M l, 11 1, 1)11(1 I.Oen
.rivet, If, (ienernl l.rnnt. til liiu ititmir.
er. Tho t niiHHnrit'tt of llio nilinlitit-
! 1 '"" U'l'l the IlltllcheD of tho Kxct'll-
(iit'nty in (hit crisis wogl.l be viailetl
w itl, miro displrn'iiro by iho leiulera
of tlio liepiiblicnii parly nt iho (.'npi
tol." V hen thoae fnctn nrc t-onsider-rd
(iencral Grunt biri udiuiniH
It tit nut was ('oiiilemiie.l ns well nit
liowen by llio roiilt on Monday last
in tho National Capitol.
It is announced that President
Grunt hits declared that bo will not
re nppoinl Hevenuo ('otiimissioner
Wells to the oflico he now hnltU. Wc
uro not dihatii.ointi'd. TI.m ..liln nmt
honohl report of Jl r. M olls havo not
recommended him to the appoiiiliiij!
power, f.-r iho a i.trmionhu. uZ I
work for .uch olliiiuls lo do.
' - : " " ' " ' ' -"
rirH(l.f f'flt n I I'm f,. !
CnirtW, l.nmy, i Ihi-.iiiith!
,. ,V,,, f ,-.', in:.l,.-. the f.d
n r reii'inciiili'in "I the llejuil !i.-nn
j tt i ty, and declares hini-cll manfully
us "I . tin l"i th a I'cmorriit."
II iving bi in a i baiter liuiiil.r-r of
I he liepnhlieiin parly
I coiim.lir it
dae to ll.e .iilhu o pre;ni ,ew
Lovcriiineni i.miers ca. eu,
u'l.r. 1.1'm .i.lltn On I tin HU':il. Ill
H lb..rniK I";'"." "-. 1"
Hl'( " lt""' Ul" ,"-,r,t.
I'foteeh.m to monopol.e
nicer, for example,
i roteeir, , 10 mo, op n,e, turner
i "' u " " "I""'"'
l"ul tho consent ol ' !'
' l" ,"" kn"" , '"' V1'"
consumer ol goods pays 1,11 tho larill.
W the consumers
-n. tjua, lu.tai.u,,, ,c i. u.,
'jnst, ami lends lo establish a money-
' landed arisloeraey, such as in-;
i ... nil iiion.iri l.i, ill trnvcronieilts. I
ls il, all IllOlllirchical gnvel linieilts. I
h i ... .,1 i .,,...., !
- i .i i , . .
in 1.1 t : Lt nitistn ol tho An.' o Saxon
? . ... .
, - - n
' f '' ""t'T "
present disgraceful political hraldom,
1 ' r !'' K identitied with them in
this noble enterprise, and am lliere-
heiice.orlli a democrat
or mr
KKi-i'Ml-irAitt I'AitTV.-Hut this polyg
amy is a fcitrlul thing. Jl is n tin
relic ol Lurbarisin, and the llepubli
can party is pledged io a good deal
". . u,ii,,sn.-,.. i m ,un-.
to an economical and lionesl utliniins-
ry, cncli bent upon tilling Ins maw
with tho bard earnings of an over
taxed people. Tho accumulated ca p
itul ol tho country, in Iho hands of
unprincipled monopolists, has turned
""r government into a machino lo
I ninen," yon may bet your inner green
back that ho has lud iinilcr his coal
tail some infernal swindle.
Tub Yaskhh Saint Ilownn.
Every possiblo obstruction has been
thrown it, the way of Hon. Fernando
Wood, wi,o has been investigating
tho conduct of t.'en. Howard, in his
management of tho Ereodtncn's liu
rcuii, but every now nml then somo
startling evidences of the corruption
( of the Yankee Saint aro brought to
lii(l,(. There is proof to show that
Howard out of tho bureau funds some
e.luy'U'J lo .." American jnssionary
Society j ub.uit J!l,0W in rations
wero sent lo I'lorids, 1 1, r rations sold
and tho money pocketed by the
agents of the bureau. The Li iled
Stales Marshal forS.mlli Carolina and
ono of tho 1'nited States Senator
I from shat Mnlo wero hroiiht n, to
prove that about Sl!0,(llll) of tho cdu
icational f.nH of tho bureau wero used
for the ptircliase of rations, tlio ma
joi ity ol which wero sold lo the no-
groes ol N,uth Carolina, on lime, for
' the purpose of securing tho election
, of Govern or Seott, who is a friend of
Whilteinoro. With such an exltibit
against him, it will ho scarcely posiiblc
; lor the l'udicitl majority of the loin
f mitt eo so to whitewash the dunnged
1 sanctity of this specious liypocnlo,
! that it shall pass current hereul,f.
Tbnt Sennlnr from Massacliu-ftts
who has been moro ullliclcd with ne
gro on the brain" than on)' man in
tho 1'nited Slates, recently intrc-luo
ed n proposition into tlio Stat, lo
j compel white persons to admit no
litir:il ct)tii,liiy with n l,ito mon wtiuM
not luing n hunt soeial ninalily. Wo
enn now noo tlint S'lfinl oijuiility is
ton lly tho aim of iho li.idirul. It it,
it litlln Rtirpritiinrr (lint tlio Senator
did not pnlttrcro hia proposition nnd
iiiiuiv il ,iiiii n.'iuti mr wiuie ifr
foil to jirohiliit colt, rod mon nnd wo
tnen from nillini; nt their tlinnor In
hle. nnd cntorin;r tliplrdomii'ila. Thi-
, a . . .. .
inny ho kept in rescrro for tho ncx "
lli'cclier aceepted n present tif n
cnt from nil Indiana bny,and piihlihc.l
llie Doy h letter lo linn. I lint win t
mont recklt-M tliinr? Hentr ever .li.i
fur now there lire, in dilfi-rent t.nni
l the country, over ri.dit thoiiM
. . ' . - -
ooj n pivpitnilir lo SetlU Clltw IO lieeeh
er, to rri t their names in iho papers
A liiblle t.(rini( factory in tho hnat
merit of Plymouth church will probn
hly bo the next "dead lliini'' the eel
eluatej divine will havo on liit hand
Tho notorious nnd infamous Iliok
lluslecil, is Kill floiiiiHhiu us a I'ni
led States Judj;o in Alabntnn. Jl,.
has junt been indicted or j,el, an. I
a negro cotiKlulilo was tte,nl,-i
serve the wnrraiit, but Iho Judi;,
evitded it by drivinir rapidly out of
Moiiliromeiy in a close cnrrinrp,
When will iho rulltires ami canion
crows who have ilocl.ed from t.
North lo feed upon iho people ol the
South bo sent to their own place!
V i 1 1 i m tn II. Vniiderliilt, Yico I'renj.
dent, nnd some directors of tlio .Now
i ork Ccitlial Jtailrond.rnn an cxprcM
Irniii recently from li.ielieater to Syr-
,i;,; 0 'Zo "t ime V'isT
ever made in America ' '
-- : .- - .- r r- -t-y
, I 'll I'.: .(,':a r IhIIlm S I'n., . N i. in
S ..eli Ti.;.'l c.., ri,.' .i l.i, Jm.f II.
f, . i.f -H Il'l ll"l
r,2 til H2
I. (,! mi imi
-f,, ma mi
f,.B.w n:l
(i:,i,rw imi m
.. 'Si in
" 10 )ir
X. H 3" Vir t per rnl. Currmcv IH1 IHi f iti oun.l tntirol N.tii 19
H..I.1 i is 1 mi
Silrrr 1'8 HD
( I'm-ifl" It. R. 1I Jlrl. ll..ti.W. S70 l0
Criitr.l IVifl,' It. tl n
t nion I'lu-ifl.' I.i.i.l D .ihI. 'SS
ilnr tlvfrtiofinriits.
' IMIIIW corofottnt.'t nnnH IIOI SH,
Iih iii.1 .., a nir. of town, to r. t.
li Apply lu J. I . '.. .iTso:..
I "I'M A .! 'TFoin art l)C7' liv 'a.itio.ird
f.itr. Ii.,-iii;j or 11, a iv Ha,, li.t'd Unix
Willi ts.i l.l.i. k l.i.t f n-l li.irm-. fur p'ow. onp a.i.l o:.(. a iin, m.w in th.1 t.iM'f"n of
l;..l,rll It.OM. a (lir cHllin liclnliX to Ulr, and arc
h'll ailll li.m .i l "in olily.
J.iu I.., ls;o I. JollX F. ItEKI).
1 l: All poraoni are hcnl.y warned i
W aaliiM iru in.p mr or nimnjr a crriaiu sitnv
Itui-n I.v .no to I., li. llrubaKcr, of I town-
Inp, callmjr lor aixly-llve it..Uiirn, rti.le.1 fci.rua- I
rv inn, IH'1,1, due aix month! after ditto. a 1 am
d'-trrui'iicd uot to t.ay the antur unlcKi. roll. polled
I; !:,. JAC'lll III M. MIL, Jr.
lirady towii,!.ip, Junu l.ri, ISTO-.Ttpd.
To larperitcrs and Contractors.
g u rtwlr , , ie
hV ,......., ,. ,. ,.ir
die is.,id dv of .Inly, lor the ert-et.ou of three ,
the e....i.d dy of .Inly, lor ll.e crtet.ou of three ,
s. ho.,i n..-.. ,-oc ,., b. built ., or -car the I
t'roi.kf I Hun H ll.iu.c: one nt or the
Mt. .ion N hool lloii.e, and one at or near John
0. li von a. I'ljiia and apccilicatiotia can be le. u
1. y calling on the i-'etrri-tury.
l!y order of I he IlofiH.
Jclj.1t L. C., Secretary.
luvt-nlur tl Itunuiueturrr of the
I Hi a . V H V9
incurairu iron t ramp nanus,
Warerootm, Nu. 722 Arcb St., Philadelphia,
lln. received the Prize at.-dat of the World. (Ireat
K&li.liiiion, l.oudi.,1. Kok The highcat Triiea
awnrdcd when ai-d when vcr tjihihit. d. j
i:.lahli.hrd Is2:t.j jeli Hia
Vy Ai.i Aiti.t: I'l iii.iCAiiox i
The Itlrn who Atlrrrll."- A book of two
hunihctt ai.d Slly larca pnaea, oonlaininf
nn account of iie-e..lul a.lvertl.i'r.t together will,
Iniiti on the method of a.lurti.iiiir. and advoea
tin( tt.e New.iaK'r M the only legitimate adver
ti.itiK mediuin.
American Xcw,pper Kate-laHik."
Conlit'nilix the adverll.llig rale, of leaililllC Auier
ienn arrniiR. d with ao itidi X lor tlic
oonvenienee of
Anierlrtn Newaper Dlrertorj" For
1870. Coiitni.iing accurate li.:a of all Ilia Kewa
j.aicri and I'erioiical. in the I'litled htaltaand
I'.-rritorie., an-l ltoiuitiion of t'anad.i, to-ther
with a dcmTiptiun of the Tuwua and C.t.ea In
whi.-h tliey are pl.lihed. '
All co.nliined in one hire octavo rolurue of S72
Cijf a. printed on fine tinted hook pnper, and
.iimImhui ly houn 1 in el .th. Now ready. Sub
scription price, s.i I'll. Ad lr.-..
tii-.uKiiK I', howki.l k ro
j. 1.. lin 0 I'ark How, New Vnrk.
Auditors' Slalcmcnl.
f IHK Hiitrr icitr of Lawi-enro ti.n-iitlii., Clcar
I fit-'.I r.nitiir, IN., in imootiiit with K aj uml
lor lw(ll', n porl ' m foiltiwn!
T niiriunt (r tnt Rf-Mf-ai'tJ f I ,"19 47
Tn un-i-ntt (1 Inn 1 tm KttO I II
To balauc-c tine tnwiif liiji ltr Kiijm r tmtr II ?
Cll r.HITItn.
rT amount of wink mi ruitla...$l,ft?H
Hv rMHitTitl.unii Irt "0
Hy per pftttatrr 10 j V7
'.y n mount I. for lunkins 4u
ilt-(e A mi lilinx at fuiiU, 13 l0
Ky oinontil jul. on making ui'W
nA.. 421 fi3
Itr aniimnt 1 fur britl-f inn
malrrml 41 17
fly atiiiinl - 1 Tr U n 4 ())
Vy nmt.unt jiH;i for nurrryilij 2 M
lly ftvn psiitl I'mllmrutniv 1 i
iiy miiiuto bnk att
Total f 21 2,'2: tV
Towttnliip iitl Ittriliit k maliiiK nrw nia,l I
t'athulic (VimtorT road, near rburlM I, fi 2-
ttn alorij t'lrartl. 1 1 ( rrt k. (bal) 611 00
Alpti, nn l in iipprr ciid uf tNitiliit,
nut vt r nnpl tt-J.
Atl.M': L. F Il:V, Clrrk.
X JU't recrired nni for tU by
April 20 I 70.
Jl. . lUULE A A CO.
At Tltl.. Tlif pulllo I. ticrcht raullonr.l
"fainat .tirctiM.n or h, any nay tried llitia;
"ilti tl, ' 'lowing .r'.cr,r. now in tl.t. ,o.r-p.ion
of S.tmucl lu.t". , n: Oi. brown bor.c. on. j,lit tiotri, o.ia lay .-I', two lid an 1 while row.
ati.l tlir. Tonne cattl. s." Il " 'awe Lelnnf to me
anil arc on Ij Ictt with Ui.a an li.- ut.iect la my
or lcr. JUM V ClJ'.ltV, Sr.
June iu 1(1,(1 S p.t. TDK 1 t.l( l-Wherca., I..I-I
.. 1 '"'T"-l"."'t'.'-"l tl,e,f..ef WILLIAM
t,. 1K I N, la c ..f Ilia lowii.nip ol llon,.,.lc de
have I e. n rriitilt d to the
and all pcr.on. to .itiil eetale ape ni(oe.t
e.l to make iiuini iliale pavtnci.t, and tin.. haitir,
1aiin. aKain.l the .inn. will pn n.,,1 thciu, dul
uthinlicati.l, for aettl. it-nt.
JOHN L.-..-ON.
Way II, 1S70 S p.l Kii-eolora.
IX M l TltllS' M ) 1 1 1 I '. X ot iee I. here
1 i 'T ttiicn that Letter, 'la.tamoitary having
I..-. Rratitcl lo the, on the K.lale ol
THOMAS I! U FDIITV, ileeraae I, late of I'cnn
lownliip, t'l.-aiTn-l.l eounlv, I'eini.vlvania. nil
' " rr,t,""r" " !
'" -" i..." p., ,,if-in. .n,i iiiii.c naviniT
claim, a, ruin., the .itino will pn-at-nt Itiiutduly
authenlicaled for .vtllcuieiit.
JollX CLtllK,
Tcnn tp , Ky ?:., rO.C.-. Kecii!..r.
Ixi.t rrtnt-x M)ri( i-,xiic. i. her..
J hr Ki,cn Unit littrra te.tamrntarj liaiitiR
l...i u",!,,,,! In ,,c .,i'..crilier on III. r.tatr of
J.iSl:l'lt It. ll l V..liw.e,l, I.t, of Jor.lan
lowniiii)., t learlkl.1 rnnnlv, IVnn.ilt ania, all
,.cr.o,i. iti.liliicil tu .aiil ..tat. ar.,.! to
! m:ike iininr .liiii. i.atiiirnt, tb.i.. ha,ine
claim. aB-iin.t flaw ram. wilt n.cnt them duly
auttirntioateil for
I. W. WISE, i;ecutor.
An. nn, illc, Jim. I, 1 .70 r..
DMIMwTII TIlfl NflTK II Notice
hen-'.T aiven that letter, of a-lmini.lratinti
on tit, i .tulr nl ti ICoeti hliOSS, ilccraae.1, and
iVl in i m.tralnr. re b.
. ana nt, the e.tat. of j
.IOII.N Iiil. of Kiiiii towncliiii.
in t'learlit-lil eonntT. I't,iti.,l,nia. hav,,i( l,n
dnlv crantr.l in tli,'ncil, anil all ,wn,,a
.ii'.i ii-. w in iin a.e ninae i.avin.lH,
.ml thn,. t,, i,,r raim, , ,i,.,.nd. win pn-acn,
Ihem iroicrlr aiithenlicatcil for aetllcment.
Mllll .1 sl.'OS,
JA.MK4 ,I,M K,
mj 1' 7P:St:i. Aili.iini.tratiira.
"p:r maiikiti
J. E. Y KKiLKY k lillO ,
ltn inj nir.-h. d th, ,lini n,,,! Inline, f W, Tl.
..ic,-iicrwn. wniiiii tiiiorm the nnrer. or clear
ficlil nn I Ticinil r that titer ar. al all li, tt
pare.1 to fumOn
Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, ic, 4c,
aT T,,n l.oaE.T vjlh datkm.
A liLirnl .h.-irr of pul.Hc .atrn,iae i. re .;i,p,fullT
j:."-l'ah paiil for Cnlila, rhe,p and Ilor.-T.-(
flearflclil, Pa. J, S .70 -.iu;i-:ich i i ivmiiMi iv
Jt 1 It At 1 S nr. warrmnled ,,i, , ,r m,., , ,, ,,,, ,r nf ,H,,. ,,,,r,
Ther arw pr. pared fn.ra II,. fiu,, n.i will l ,, pnpc.l It. futni.h the "fTAI P o. I.I IK -nuiid
mnrh hclt.r limn man. ol thr KMrart. th.'J well a. PI ICS, t"AK !:.-, Ae, ..f rv.rv U.K-m'.
nr. ...I.I A-k .. Ilr-w nr lln,r-,.l fr Will, j ,, , ,nT nMi,v ., ,,, 1
hercr'. Kitrad.. IIAIII.OW H IX 1)1 10 III. I I-
I., wiihoitl ilonlit, Ih. I..i anicls In th. market
for hlueitiff .liilhe,. It will color ninr. water than
fonr tune, th. .tim. weight of iniiign, nn.1 rneh
mnr, than anr nlh"r wa.h l.!up in the re.rlct
The on', ffennin. 1 tl-at put np at Al
Wll.Tlll r.HIIll H Mil (1 s foil K. Nn. .;
Al I "It Kit
I North
Sec.iml ftrcet, Pliih.lclphia. Tli, ll.,l, hate
both Wjliherffer". an.) Parlow', nam, nw ,hn, all
nOier are ,..niilerleli. Kor .al. hv m-i,, tlroi-ei.
and Uml:;..!.. 11 1 1. 1 It I llli K It S I 1 1 1.1,1 1! I.t;
INK will beroiinil nn t-itl In h, a .npciior aiticl.
Atwar. on h.ti.l an 1 lor .ale at r.a.nnar.1, prieea.
Pur. , in. nml Spio,-., lieiunn, Mtdicinra, t i,,mn.
Skin., ftp Pearl, Sap; ., and all
arti.-t'-. in th. .Irnj l-iie. ,1
At. I II till Wtl.TI:i lli;i:n (! Mini STOKE,
r ;t",im Ki. ;'. J I.'urth f.x 't 1 !,, I'ltila.
jr-- ; t. r
t CtM fcr V.f.
Valuitblo Real Ectnto nt Trivalo Calo.
rp'IH nnl.r.i
,.. , .f.,'l4 In" of
vt Tivrr.ii i. !-. "
in IVnn li.Kii'l.',. I'karS.ld hhi.i.v, l'a .r-..iila,
li.K l.l'4 AfKi'.sl. land" of p.itil.k
ll.ilr, Ji.n.i II. ( lurk an I olheri. Tlif 'H'ln la
In a (t""d Mala of fiil.ii alion i .iod dorllms
limin., larfa lm. out k..n, onlird of rV.i"
fruit, and a ...d pprint; or ,n -rfr-lailing atir on
ll.e rr.niiai.. A . hool n witlnn ! milra.
I'jrl of Iho Iracl il lira r II. r 1 1 ,1, -r-l . nhilf tlif i un krlaid with a vrin of roal. wl.lch
in a lliurt tinif U a n.i.roe of jrrffll t.r.tlll.
No In tlrr inrr.l.nint eoi.M bt, and "
tract ol land in coumy until 6.-.v.
for making u.onry.
Pcrmna wllilii lf Irarn morn parliiulari in
ri f.ird I.. I.',ln. a..., -an rail on tlio prnni.r.. o
addrcsa Iho undtTii al Uranipiai, II.H !' 0.
Ppiii, Ip., March .10, 17" -imp 1.
in i.awm:xce TOWNSHIP.
rpMH iin-lrrniirnril, Ilxecutor of llie ruftttd of
X llutfti M 'Muilon, oilt'ii ut I'rivatv Hnio
A Farm Containing 100 Acres,
More or Ion, pilna's in l.nrrrnca town-hip, about
thn-o nnlcr Ir.Hn t n-ailiai.,, a'i.iiior mn n 01
Al.rabam Ogdcii, Joacpb Wa'mni, Orr, and olhcra
About 40 arrca ara utnlnr rtillivalioli, iritu a log
bounc. and a good orchurd Ibcreou.
Xtr For further particular call upon lite ,
d:ri2it.'d or addr- bin, at Ulccrlicld IV O.
AllltAllAM OlihKX.
April 27, ISrU 2in. Fus-ulor
, ., i f:,l. f)r V"l(' '
dlU.lJK IU ,11 r.M,tlP 10r 3..11 .
flHK uii'lcriiriictt. rci.lin in I tiion tonnrhip,
I t
le:irlic'l ntv.oll.r. In. Farm fur .ale. Il
ijoi.i. land, ol ll..:io-.i ter, and other., and
CONTAINS ONK l!l'M,!tl:l ACIU.rl
KiT'y-fivc of which are Improved and under (rood
cultivation, and the tmiaiicc ro.crcd with a hcovy
croath of I'iiic, O.ik mi l llcmln.-k umber. There
I i. erected thereon a fnnne dwell, lie; hou.e. a larjrc
hank barn and the other IJcceh.ary iHltl.inldililt..
Plenty of good .princ water on the preini.i . f or
further paiticnlai. et on the prcun'e. or addn-.a
th undersigned at Ko-.-kti-n !'. O.
Way 2.1'.u II. A. CH IITN KV.
norm: am) lot I'oii
The un.ler.irned will aell at IVivale SaTa
tiii ilmi-e uft nitiialo on l.tMnt tfrrrt, b-
twi--n l l.irrl mil 1 uurth itrrrtu, in I he lMrwifli
of Ch : fl.-M. Tli proprrf v n in jrmd n-pair. and
ic a fry irrnAv i.cniiuii fur a rcfiJriico. Will
lr anl'l at a bargain. Trnn ra-T.
maril rilAltl.KS I.ARHIMFR.
f Juil rcctiTd and for palp by
Ql.I K.IIH.-F .ur n'w eu-biuiicd HLKIt.llH
O fr ! vi' rX' baiifrr at
rOlIJ. Hilutt uiarkct pricr will hr fiveu
yy fur Wuil I' C. kUM'lUiti.
("pp'.-itr (B Jail.)
Sh iTI I'lowt Ircn and W fnd Fraiu for
ivd Fraiuf f
ala by
II. F. tl. Lliil 10.
bbiral Flo Illadea fr -! br
Jl. F. lUUlaER A CO.
rp lU'n.IMlHS! Nnila, (J!a, Oil.,
Ac, at rr.luci t pritfi. at
(j,.f,.iir. (be Jail.)
SV AMI' P A AC i : . Kenned;'! Mda1
Dinf.rrrr, HlrebnM'i Ilurhu, liakar't Cod
l.trer tlil, Jayne'f and Ayr'p mtdirlnrt of vary
ktud, furiala by JIAHTSWICK i IRWIN.
(1 HIi: Ki:i.l)-FRKS1I A (1O0D
X fnno thr I'tiiln lriptiia tiardcni; aln, itif
( U-hraiid ltOfK roriTt.KS. fr mIc at tbc
Hrug Mora of 1IAU16WH.K A IHWIX,
apr27 ric-nrli.-M, Fa.
IOR fel.lV Tho nndrrPljEnM ban n band
ami for pair a numW uf m-w H AHONS, pot
up and finixht-'l in the kt sty't. Will Im told
rt aiooalile. 1 al and m.
Clearfield, May 5.. ISO It,
The nndfrpitird and hia ,ff
i-h to pi
rnifaft an OOk at pom I.oe
h'liatity. Ilavinj rvi?rirtHae in that lino h ts
p"t to rrndfr M(inf.t?tion. Can W a Idrrnncil at
Wallnrrton, i'a
.May 2j .It J. W. M A fti IIA MTU.
""ttriCl-U lt,ivilij pnrchare.t ,he inlfrert of
i.1 J. A. lllittlcnlMTtfpr, lq , it, tha hu.inra.
heretofore rarrie.) on un.l. r llie Arm name of J. A.
lllaltenlaTKcr A Co., the aame will be eonilncli-.l
hrreancr nn.ler Ihe name of Mo.hanoon Land anil
I. nnit'cr Co,n,,ior. isiore.)
niv25tf l're.iilent. tlenrral Huji'l.
(UniOV-Whcrra.. mr wife, l.VPIA A,
J hna lilt mr he.l ami l.oaril without anj ju.t
can.e or provocation. I then lore hcrel.y wurn
all perrona airaln.t tr.t,pr lier on bit account,
a. I an, d. Ii rinine-l to par no dcl.t. of her eon.
trading aft,r this data iinii.e r...n,,el!f-d I.t law.
Wal!acrlon, June I, ISTO 1. 1.
( 1 AI'TIO. All person, are hcrel.j warned
V.' again. t purchasing nr in any ant (nid'liina.
with aeftain three ycar olillltUH X t'
i ,,,,-io of Nicbota. Iloimold, of fo in
, ,.,..,, , .m. belong to tna. ami i.
lr ,, ,,, nt, ,.,,,., , ,r , ,.r.
KICu 'l AS Kof.sSKLOT.
flirartl town.liip, June 1, to' 31.
J 4 It K. Kt) I.OMil .ltl
The nniler.itne.l lia. aeenred the .ol right to
manufacture and aril in llii eountv tha
t'ULi:nnATi;o watiir ritoiiF UArcu,
which I" fa.t auiiereedinff erertr other match now
ma le. May he anaae.1 in water fur .is month,
and wilt ignite a. rra.liiy tho.e k. I.t ill a .nte.
and are ju.t a. ehean a.anr ma Ic.
re ju.t a. chean a. anr ma-lc. Onlera .olie-
ttcd and promptly fiilcd. Alya l.lrra. il Lulhcra
bur t'l.ailicld in.uuij, Ta.
J'l 'tn )..! JAron w. rottp.
Furniture I Furniture!
IW III M) renpertfiilly inn.nn tlio puMie thiit I
Imveon liruid, at m Inrntture rm in W A L.
I.ArKn, a lnjrp Hub f Fiirniiure, r-uvU a?
CliaiM, B.-.l-t-n In, H tan. In, U Kiitj c'linim, Ac,
alm h I wi'l M il elienpit llian tin v eni le loii-ht
aiiywUere elw iu fUarliuld, ttive me a
M- lA iC IIIMliL.
Va!U(rtnn, Jan. 1?, ISTO It .
S.1MI0 nud Harncns Manufacturer,
l.utltcr.l'uri Clcarflt-IJ ronnlT, Pa.
rjHK ,iili.i-ril,cr n .pcetriillr tn:'i.iim Ihr rill
1 Bcn.uf llra-lv anil 1l .iirrmiiiiliiiff town-liiii.
tltat It, ia now prepared to fnrni.h ciei vtlniijr in
In, nn. at .ln.rt uotier anil in a Workman lik,
manner. He flutter, hiui.rlf that he run plen.c
bia rn.toniera in le. qua'itr an.l price. Call
and examine .lock piin-loi.itig i lF.whrrv.,rK, June I. M7U If.
Wool! Wool!!
JXf) 1'OlMif! OK Wool, WANTHli
"V,V'V'U at TIIOMPSllX CO.'K, where
run lancet tin- lieat pricit fur all, and
Hooil. nuip a. th. ihi trr.r hnu. In tli,
eountr. 1 hey don't ittfy ,iiiiip,tilinn, hut r
pn pared to meet II. Th. y are rnnr-tunllr reerir
ni( tii.,,,1. from Xrw Vnr'j,, Phila.lclplna anil
Pilt.liunrli. Call and ae, tln lr Ii inula ami price..
Curwi 11. 1 illr, Jun. 1, IR7H-II.
C. J. FlItiFF, rnfrietor.
IV'Ori.I rffpeell'ullr nnnminre to Hie old enn
tomerp of Mn.if Jt 1.1 lln tn, mid lln rttiwn ol
e.. la and vhiihI? in kini, ihul I lr Ue-
llacola, JamiarT II,
ft A I. OO K,
In Leavy't Kew Kuiltinr. (fiirmerlr orcnpl. J ,j
Mr. M cli aujrher.)
FITOxn ?T., fI.KAKi;tF.l.n, P.
COXHTAM l.ron.i,.lultil,.. lw,innf CAN
MKS. M:TS, ItilAliS, iollACiii a,
Al.o. HtKSII OYSTKHS r.-,,lvi,l j, ,d
M-rrml tip tn auit tl, taatcc nf euidiKiter..
.. HI I. I.I A HI HAI.t,, .n,.rl.,eT. i. n. kvherton.
V.i',i,r'.'..,rfiiH. j
A III', it ' ,T,M
Eijhtjf Six Thriwiiiiil, Sri'fn Ilumlre.i
and Einhty On Marhinn Made
and ,tl the fast Year.'!
This somSfr ttrttJt k) tkifJt lk '
mnJ ,),, uchin, and iba dn,and It Hill
inertatlng !
Art sow belnf mada aud lold!
Berama II en.t..d;n manlial prlnrlplrl not
found In any olh-r Marbinaj brcauia of tin
aim pllelljr or nnilrurtlon, aae of cparalloa,
Bnifcrmtty of prteira tcllon al any apr-ad. and
capacity for tha (rraatait raoga sod rariaty of
work, Una or rcarea.
Parllra nl.Mnir to pttrchan ihoold sot f. II
tjan,ioc Ibia bolt of all oewii.f Machioaa.
1 bara tna afrny for Ihla Macblna, and will
keep full tupply on hand.
May 4, W9 If. Clesria'd, P.
C1ALL and are th. new MAKI1LE W0KK8,
J un Market trect, oj p.iite llie Ja,l.
ti:::ra ci'tta ware,
of new and beautiful dei-gna.
All of whi. Ii will b. aold at .ity price., or per
nenl. Uaa than any othir ratalililhinrnt io thi.
eounty. S.,:;.l'actiou guarantied in all eaa!.
OrOtra thankfully nt-tiicd pruu.ptly filled
in the h i! worLuian-likc manner.
B. A. 0ID5ON.
JlMra E. Vt'aTau, Agent n,)U:ly
Pay Ycur Taxes I
TM ooor.niift wi'li n Avt of (hr (jl-nn.1 At-
I rriii l v t lh:i 'mnM.nwi lth, iin.rcl tlif
KJJ diiT of Mimli, A. H. I7, nlniing lo tin
cutlrciiiin of Ihxvb io the cuinly of t'leurfitM,'
otihr ii tliirs-fore hn-hy gircn lo the ttAViT
rotiilinfT in Ihe di.tricii n uw umnr l, iL:it tbr
liDti'y Tnnpnrrr, iu fwr'irlc with Iho cetinl
fftion uf fun I At will a t lend at the ilncfl of
liol lm the bon.uzh nnd tuwtiflup elrcl.urif 011
tli ttdlDwin miuitl dnp. tor tho mrMic uf
rr-x-ti ins the I ount.r, tl'-anty r.Q blatr taxt-f anil
Mthti t inri aifHtfl for KtU:
Fr Wmi lwaril, on Tuf'!nr, ih Ilt of Jane.
Kor Ciilit-h. on Wmlnfn lxy, the 2M of June.
For Hfccfiria, on TlmrnrUr. the 2HI ot June.
For Jiinlan, on Iri liiv, (lie 2Mb tf Jui.f.
Fur K n"i, on 8'urdn,v. tlx i? jib of June.
Fur I: II. on 1 u f 'In t. llit 2Sth of Jnnr.
Fur Hmnt'!f, on Vidnc'tr, the t'Jth of June.
For Nrw Waflmtz'on. on 1 Lurfdny. Juuv 30lh.
Fur t'hft, on Fridny. the let ot July.
Fur Fi-rifiiion. on (aturduy, (hp 2d ol Ju!t.
( itiit no f l'- nn end F'Tntuiiod who find it mrnr
rnnvi-nnni lo nicct th Trfa-orcrat I.n-nhcr (.'iiy
thmi at lln ir ricclit-n boupcu. can at ail tliriiiff )i
uf that luivili'jr 1'nrtirf nn a!fu. pay their Inxrs
al the I n-nmrvt titue at any it me from tun tor
ward. l'i"n all latr pitd ou and pn'rioa l
the duTi di-eineted 1hrr will be t nduftiunof
five pr crnt. The helancc of the dittilcti will
be a initio are J in due time.
Tnaiiurr'i ORiop, I Trt-aaurer.
Oartlild, Fa., Aril 12, IP 7 B.J
Xolicc lo the Public!
1T E, th nndt rif ni-d Itlncl.tni:iit of the hor
yy oii)cH of Cltnitifld, h-n-t'y i li'.t the ftd
lowing ratre f r w -rlt ani ruin with r gard to
iruriiij pay lor our Lit or-, and we rorU pld'
our hn-ir as utnt nnd aict uantei- ! adhrr to and
en force the tame fiotn and alter May 1. 1"7U.
All work done al (dioring liariee oiut be paiJ
for aht'B the work it dui, a', the foll'-win j rU :
pVtlinj New Hlme M' (Vnte.
F.e Mitifj Kbue 2 Ccnta.
No crt'iiii to be siv.a for longer period thin
tlin-e tn.ntie.
KM. I. I'AK.-MOItK. C. OWEN.'.
J. rllt .K W 1 1,1 il. tl. . I.ANKU.
Clearflell, I'n., April 20, I KM .lut.
Inion Township Carding Mill
rpilK t bvrUtr wn!d Inform the i nMic that
X. he but rt tilted and put In Crat-rnte order hit
r ul I in Mill. ariJ will pi, are rt-t pint lo du firn
eUfif wurk and arronituodat hi enNtitineia. He
will retife and deliver weekly all Wod left at
I tie i ir' i of Mmri. Alowip and C. Kratir, in
Clei-rlli-ld. A'Hallintf. dn inR and fli itdnngol
f'lolhl, Flannel! and HUi.keU promptly uVne.
r-No ITol will lie ear I'd after the tSrft of
St l miter, ( atiuerc will plraM ba-nr thn tn
mind. I'veinp i made a fprvia!ty. For furlhrr
lit(,irnmli"n a'tdrros the nndi-rnigitcd at Itocktoa
P. (., Ch arfield eouutr, I'a.
jil 4t JfKI'I! II. AKXOl.D.
Matliot St.,ut of th. AllrgOvriT lumfC,
t'l.Ktlll'll'.l I), PA.
KT"ri.B hind all lh.d of Furniture, In unit
or Ii v i he i-injile article. Th.ii-e In nerd of anr
anitde of r'urni'ure, will find it to I h'-ir inerr t
to cil 1 and cxnmino idt r'wk, whi' h I will aell
rrv low f"reinh e halllr I t cuita'de lutrlrer.
Cltorfif 1 1, Pa., A -' 1 '-Tt-tf.
KDWAUI) ri-T.KS & CO.,
Flour JSnnufaeturerH,
And Iritert in
piiiLirsm no, pa.
Vrrt.i. Bt i'i-i -I
OIIN and l ilt
r nf i i.oi n. iviikat.
Ill P non.tantly on h.n.l. an-1
lor tnl at rate, low.
ri.EAnriKLP, pa.
,rn-Slinp nw P,cd Strwl, near P.nn.elrania
HailmaU depot. mar tf.
C J. HAYES, Cnrw.n.TiM.. Pa.
Jll Mill Ml .
Corner of Mark.l anj Front Strreti,
riesrllrld. Ps.
Thi ni.tnifcent r , ,tir,lr nrw. mm.
plele in all it. a poinlmrnt., ami r.'nv.nienl to
Ihe t onrt Hon.,. A Ire. tinimhua run. to and
Inn, Ih, l, .ot on th, arrii.l an i drp.rtnr, ol
,,eh irmn. I.RoKtiK X. llll.llt IN,
April IS. llJIl. Proprietor.
Corner of Thirl and 6mitli(iclJ Simla,
Plttburif, p..
-"l"-IlINi'TON PN' rrol'rll"r
posn; i..;TTI.Iv-Thr-l,r.isao,l.
V liiin rrlireil fn.n, th. trereantil. hit. inc..
Iak.1 1 ll,i. m.-l ll of in,.,rmi hi. patron, that b.
ill I f.mnd at the l, .,.,,,1. r,dr ,0 . Ioik-np
tidarltl.. Th.. h.M, anoounOw.ll
plea.. .tr thn not 11. n-'peolful altinlmn.
,., . ,, ,, i. u. mvuxo.
( hwrtrlil, XI. 1 ;j, l,;s.u.
1 ' .'IV" "KST-A " "" for,
1 lion... with lanr,on...lorr warrroor, in roar
and f ,,,,, ,,,. in1
Ih.. f.r..pcrty ,. in ,k.. repair, and w, II ,i,ncd
Or a hu.n,,,, K.,. lr ,,.,,
T!7 , .. Ml UNO.
t liarCi'.l, Marts, l:rn In,
V,ii..'.Wt;,lil.i AdifitWriufnii,
r r aac ETAurrtC
( :)VATtIlLS & JEWELli,
t'' No. Its ISortli rtamrlrttrMt,
t o.iicof i., ry II, I I I run.
An a.."tfnn,t '( M.'el.e.. .1. wi try, aa
'.. .1 V a-c e.,t--l tl.tly on ban I.
II, p. nil jot a-,ha n.l Jewelry priwOj I to. 1
8. 8,Hr,nn. - O. Kltrieer. II. MUim
in Jforlfi fourth Mrttf,
,v2.) PIIII.AI1F.I.PIIIA. 71t
WM. W. PAUL & CO.,
iiMif: ii or si:,
S2.1 Market Kt. l Cooiraorc "t sko Sink,
rovlll FNII.AtlKI.PIIM.
. f uut,
niuiik Cook Manufaclurcn,
21S JIurkrt SI., Philadelphia.
to. Paper F'our Saekf and Baa. Poolaeaa,
I..,u-r, utr, Wrapping, Curlatu nd Vtalt
papera. I.M4-I.T.
No. 34 Mouth Third Hlrcet, PbUadelfhU
it.-K tiltS,
And Dealers in Government Securities,
Application by mail will reoeiv. prompt attaa
tion. and all ittforuiatioa eucerfull larni.tiW,
Order, aoltritrd. pr,l tl
No. 17 N Fifth St. and 4tt Cosana.r..,
And ConimiBsion Merchants,
r..t t al or
vr. ol. (lin. .or. For Skin. F.ath.ra, L.atkar,
Flat He.rl. Itrnd Fruita. Ciorer Hand. Hoota,
l).r Hkina. luttr, H.,wl, baa)
rkin.. Keg., Ac, 4.. A..
A'a.klj Prie curr.nt furward.d & r.qw.ti.
Jur,. II tl-r.8 ;:pd
iUrrrh;iut failors.
Market htreet, Clearfield, Pa.
TWO!'!.!) rfpeetfollr Inf-ria tha eltitaai f
riear&eld rount-r that having parebwad thi
ititereat aa-1 t-ituati'in of E. K. L. tStia(rbtoa,
atx O'-w I'repared lo (Mil ap. la ha oioit faih
inn mamifr. ind "Ql f tba ht uatarial,
alt kind 1 Clothinx that cuttuDtri doirt.
1 bate alwaji oa hLd
Cloths, Doeskins and Cassimereg,
Frew whi. h curtuuen caa anakt IbairMlaaiUaa.
Oo d.-tr aaPt vf tba Putiott .
CUarGald, April 20, IPTI tf.
(Stor on. door ra.t of Clrmrfi.ld Itjaa.,)
Market Mrett, Clearflelal, Pa.
KEFP1 ..n band full a.nrUn.nt. of GaaJ.'
Knrntabing Good., mcli aa rhirta, Lian
anil Woul.n l-Dilrr,b,rl., Dtawara anw Socka.
N,rk-ti,a, Pock, I llandkercbi.!,, Olo..., llata,
t nalirellai, A'., la fraal Tariatjr. Of Pl.M
ll h. ka.p Ih.
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'
uch a (Mark Doat-kia of tha vtrj batt aakt
Faney Ca" si me re, In (treu variet , alio. Fret at
Ci'Ntir)--. BeiTer, I'tlot. C'htnehilla, aad Frlaot.
r rrcintter. All of wklek vtH bt toltt ekaap fa,
Oa.h, and atad ap aecurdinf lo tba lattat ttfai
by ejperieoeed Worktaea
Affent for ClearfleU ttmnif for I. M.
inrer A t'o'a. Ubraied Sawing Maehtnca.
N.iv. I. mi tf U BR 11)0 1.
(? tin rational.
ci.nAUFiF.i.n, pa.
X ! eumiucA- ModiIrt, Mar tf 197.
A Prirt.arT d part tm nt will ha added ta tka
Srhmi thn tail : for whith Iba MrTtraaof a im
prtritt iti-tirsntor hava been onfngd. And aa
tPiirt will be nap-irrd to ratider tbia departwMat
nttraetiva and invtrnctive.
Tr.nxs of Trinox.
Heading. Orth .praph.T. Writinjr.Ot.)r-rt L.
pod. I'ritnary r it htnrti and I'rimary
(Irnj-rar.hv, per half term, (of elevta
rrki.) $i M
ILstoff, Lactvl and ilewiptira (lerapk-r
with Map rrxwii-i, tirsTsmir, Mtatal
and Written Arithmetic......
Alretira and the lriencrji t
lnnraeii.iB In ,nitntntal muie. 1 M
(ill painttnf . It H
'it work t II
For full parttenlar aend fit t'irralar.
. C'-aeld, Aa(. 1.., lfy pd.
Fbv. P. L. Harrison. A. M., Principaf.
'IM1E rol RCIl ?nSIONotlk.r.r..t,ck
oo alUMMY, Ih. 2.ith d.j of April, lfTt.
Pufll. ran .nt.r at anj tl an. Tb.r will bt
charged w ith initio, tmu. tk iih. th. awtar M
mr otoa. o, in. ?-,..
1 he eonr-e of Instrnetioa amhraeaa tttry thla
clvded in a iboronh, prariira) aad aeaai
iaa rrtbripal. baTinj bad tba advaaUgl tl
m T.TiiPnrr id niii proieMma, iHim pa
ret. i and -rurJ in thai bia tatira abllttj aad
nrtlet will ha davotad In tha atoral aad aaa
tal tmitiitig uf the y uiith plaeed aadar kit ebarct,
1 ft. Uw IlL- 1 lllllnal
ia w . - .ir.,
Ortbn-rriiph-f, Haadtrit, W ntinjr. aad Priatary
niituwi-iiv, pr c wii'i i ii wavaa aa
(Irvtnaiar, Orography. Aritkneui, and
III. lory . . . . . . $ f
Al-cehra, flemetrT( Trlirt-nanirtrf, Mr.
purniinn, r-nrTCTiv (r, I nnoaopny, rBYtl
o)nry, Chftpiftry, ltok Keapitif, Bctanr
flaw I'hV.toftl at a.
. . rW ' 1 J -
Litin, fJnrk and Frrmb, with any of tha
ahiv Itrfinrta .... fif $
Ml Sit' Piano lef-mf) . . $
w-Nn d'duetioi. will Wa wind a far abata!,
tOeir fiirihrrpartiealar inqaira af
He. p. L. 11ARK1S0N. K. U.x
FeK. J, U70.ll. Prlaripaty
Klrartrd wiib tli. ,r v..K... n..
and I. or,,. Aa .TWrail. ttha an,. lrUaa aal
rtnrir&t Anratltrlir. now in n, by
S. J. HAYES, Surgeon Dcnlisl,
Who would brrrh, aaoat rrprlfnll rMwra bll
tb.i.k, (or lb. Iilwrwl patronaa. of tba faat. an4
Inionn Ihr pnl.ti. Ibat br ha. rrm. aH bia .Sr.
io th. rorn.r of plat, and Wort trnti, (era,
.Iriikin.-iort.) wh.r. h. ia irrfard tr nmn
1". ru.l.mrr, in nrwlr Bltrd a. roi., and d. woik in tt, nn.. I . b -1 1 fu I ant workwianlik,
m.nnrr. AH work d .n. in Ih. Ulr.t and a,Mt
a j.rovr.1 ,li Ira, and gitarant..!.
Pr l!T,:a will W ,r,,.J la bia nr froa,
thr 1.1 lo Hi. 81,1 nf ...1, mon h. Tb. halanoraT
.a.-h mi.nili h. will rp.nd in tllrn llof. Burn,i4
and 1 nllirnl urj. allrrnat. It. Partir r.idiaf
at a di.lanr. ,b .iil,l writ. to o. (irrTioaa of that,
rotiing. HfTr. bi.ura. From I la II .'aloab, a,
to., od Iron, 1 to a u'.-lo-b, ft, n.
IV. no nonr bnt th. trrr Lmt tnt.rll, awl
d'fr .on flit ion for txanty, ehrara.a, aad ar
l.ihl. lit,, n, a rail.
('atwaatrllra, Pi.( H.t Jt( ,