Till. 1.S.1RFIELD BLTl BLICAX " IlTAUMHU CD IN Id IT. -j largest circulation of any Nows- paper in North Control Pennsylvaniai TeTms of Subscription. ai4 t evl?nnce. or within 3 ttontbi....9l2 OO eid after 3 and before tt moutbi 3 SO .a.d af.cr tbe ripiratiun of 0 moutlii... 3 OO Ratos of Advertising. AOiifot ailvortiiuniciiU, per equaroof 10 llnea or eu, 3 titnei or lura, $1 0 For each eubscqaent insertion 0 (sinlitratort and Ei tutors notice!.. I 50 litore' notices , S 50 itieni and E strays 1 10 solution not leca 1 00 foeiional Cards, 1 year , 6 00 ?. notiocs, per line 16 YEAULY ADVERTISEMENTS. nare ti 00 1 column $.13 00 uaree.. ..15 00 J column 45 00 tare... ..20 00 1 aoluuin 90 00 Job 'Work. BLANKS. --ile quire $2 60 I quires. nr. quire,?l 75 -. Aires, pr, quire, 2 00 Over 6, per ciuiro, 1 50 IIANPGILLS. iieet,2Jar Wee, $2 00 I i sheet, 5 ar lcsa,$5 00 i tliMl, 23 ar leu, 3 00 1 sheet, S5 or lcs,10 00 Or.r ti of ewoh of above at proportionate rate. GEO. H. noODLANDEll, Editor and 1'rnprtctor. ,! I - ----- Cards. willi as a. mici. raaii rn.iiso. WALLACE &, FIELDING, ATTORN EYS - AT - LAW, Clearfield, Pa. yasr-Legel business of all kinds attended to with promptnes and fidelity. Office in residence tl William A. W'eliaee. janl":70 A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. a.OISe la tlia Court House. fdeeSly H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY' - AT-LAYV. I.S0 Cleat field. Pa. ly William a. wallaci. J. ilas wiLitna. WALLACE &, WALTERS, Ileal Eitate Agrnti and Conryanevra. Clearfield, Peun'a. VSBnCaVI A.I131SJ UUUUI IIU aviii, iuiuf laed. oonrevanet'S prepared, taiea paid, and io'U roaeee taken. Office in new building nearly opposite Court lluuH. janl.ii ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. f-Oftee In the Court Home. jylL'tT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearrlrld, Pa. Oftee eo Market St., car llaruwick A Irwin', lr.iar Store. see-Prompt attentioa eirea to the securing f Bountr, Claims, Ac, and to all legal bunneu. Mareh U, 18(17 It- ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Wallarcton. learflrld ( eunty, Penn'a. VfL,A1l lefcal buiinerl promptlv attended to. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Odea Eeeond St., Clearteld, Pa. not5l, JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Real Itetats Aetut, Clearfield, Pa. Orn-eoD Third itreet. bet.Cberr A Walnut. 94TRepectfulljr olferf Lie eervlrea lo eelling aad buvina laada to CUarDelJ and adjntmr.i jantliia ; and with aa einerienee nf OTer twentf vtara a, a eurreror, Sattere biioielf that be enn reader ali.f.olic.a. foblsdl tf WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORN tV AT LAW, ClrarOrld. Pa. OSea oa Market street one door eait of the Clear field Cuunty Hank. oavl,'M Jebn 11. Orrie. C. T. Ale under. ORVIS &, ALEXANDER, ATTOI'NKYS AT LA It, llelleroute. Pa. (leplS.'dS.j E. I. KIRK, M, D., rUYSlC'lAN AND SUROEON I.ntbemhurw, la. JaaT-Will attend pronip'.'. to all profionl a'ite. atisl:l:pd DR. Al THORN, : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TTAVINO lo1" Kvlertown, ClwAHd eo Fa.. otTrra bis pntfenionai servirw to the aipl of the surroundinK country. S pL 21,'6B-y Da. J. F. WOODS, PHYSICIAN k 8UUOEON, 1 TlaTlnf ffmord to AnfinTtllt, ra.,ntTTa bis profeMtrional Mrricre to the pripla of that place and iha aurrouaio( country. All pmmptly svttenlvd to. lii.-e. s run pd, J. H. KLINE, M. D., rilYSICIAX SURGEON "ITAVINll located at Pcnnficld, Ta., offers his I I pmfeMiunal ereieee to the people of that plage and surrouadilif evuutry. All calls pmmptly atleo led to. Vol. 11 if- JEFFERSON LITZ, THY SI CI AN 4 SURGEON, HAVIKfl loeated at Orreola, Pa., offers his prnfeeelonsl -ereleee ta the peoptt of Ibat xiaee and eaerounding eenntry. tc. A II ealls rroniptly attended In. Off-ce ad reeldeaea oa CurliB at., foraaerly eeenpled say Dr. Kline. )! ly DR. J. P. BURCHFIELD, fjtl Suritua of the Urg tnpol, Peaniylraoia 4 V4untra, harinf raturai-d fruoa tha Army, bfTcra liia profane. ooal earricae io tha citieeos f 'lrflld euutj. Prf- atonal ealle praraptly atUnlrl to. Office as Seoead a tree t, furserly oe?ufied by Dr. Ve4a. (..r4f II DR. T. JEFFERSON BOYER, " rilVSIClAN ANDSniOKON, rVrfwd Ptnrt, ClrarflfM. Pa. Sfc,Wavim prrnanrntly Ifwttd, hf now oiTcra fci irfffiti)iia) Mrvtri lo Ihe PitiMn(tI t Irernrld and ririaiiT, and the public rfncrally. AM ealle prmoplly ftri.4 to. ortl'.' JT F. D. READ, M. D.f rUVSlCUN AN U bUKtiEOX, fteepertfullr rfire Ii let ervlcea to the ritlient of tba enrrwDnirf country. apr.ft Aia pd DEHTAL rAMKE!".SHIP. Da. A. Jt. HILLS, Ifi'e to Inform ble aatrnne, and the 4lly.t at he haieaaociated with hua lo the prctraof Dt-nt'etry, S. P. SHAW, D. D. S , Whales, rradaate of tba I'htldrlphia Pent I roUeea. ar.rt ihrrerore l.at tbo tie;nt attet. t1a tit i.rrtffMionet aklll. All -rk done in the office I will hold is? lf prenally rKnti Itle for heing done la tbe awt antirUFt.iry Bet and hifhert ordr of the mfeuioa. An MtaMuhed prartica of immj iw yaare in Ihli plat enable aoe to epeak to my potiente aeith ootsidenoo. K a r iiU froea di fiasco ahould ha anade by letror ft rtayi before the ptttcnt dreiv;ai f-tT- aai t, lell ly. jliiA GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor. VOL. 12-WII0LE N0.2172. G. H. HALL, RACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLKAnFIKLt), PEXN'A. .r-dc-Pumns alwnrs on hand ami mnde to order onshurt uutice. Pipes btiri'il on reasonable terin-i. All work warranted to render eatiilaotion, and delivered If desired. luy2.i:lypd GEORGE C. KIRK, Juitloe of the Pence, Purveyor and Conveyancer, LutlicrMburg, Pa All btiHnees intrufted to liim will be promptly attended ti. Prsrimin wi idling to employ a fur- voyor will do wall to give bint a e:.!l, u. If tint tern hiiuii-ir that be onn rvtider siiticfueiion. l-tV-rd uf conveyance, article of nwuiuetit, and all 1-rgiil pnper, promptly and ncutly cxwuUmI. niar.iujp HERD & Co., -AND AGENTS, PliiMpsborfj, Centre County, P. r-nel Kutnto of all kinds bou-'l.t and iold. Also, dialer in all kinds of Lumber. tni::i,T0 DAN I EL M. DO HERTY. BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, SECOND ETBKET, Jy!3 C L 1-1 A It r' I 1. 1, I A. pi CHARLES SCHAFER, AG Ell 1) EE It It HEW KB, Clearfield, Pa. bop.-s by strtet attention to liuiiuefw nnl tue uianufuctura of a auwrior artiule of JIt.t,ll to rrceiva the palruttasc of ull tlie old and many new cuntomcra. Aug. 23, tf. THOS. S. WASHBURN, SCALER OF LOGS, Glen Hope, Clearfield County, Pcnu'a. rpaE euberlb;r ba derotej mueh time and 1 attention to the MCAL1NU OK I.ODS. and tali re chit nielhi.d of olering bi eervleea lo tbue who merneed them. Anjr lurtber ioformetioa c.n be bad by addreeelng aa aboro. jell) If SURVEYOR. DWIU ItEAMS, I.uthcrtburK, leatliitu to., l'a., oflerl bie aerriere a hurTc,rir in the nt endortheeuiinly. All callewill be attended to promptly, and the chargea moderate. J:1'J:,0 SURVEYOR. rTIIIK under.iened offer, hie renieei a Fur X veyor, and amy be lound at hie reiidenee, in Uwrenee tuwnrhiv. Uturi will reach him di rected to Clciii lie! J, l'a. mat 7-lf. JASJLS Hi ii n .!.. THOS. W. MOORE, Land Surveyor and Conveyancer, rf AVISO recently located In tho bonmgb ot 1 Lnuiber titv, and re.uined the practice uf l..iud Survevina rejnectfullv tin.len hn prufi lonal lerricee to the ownere of and Fpeeulatori in I. nil. in Clearteld and ndu.iliiug re-untin. Ileede of oonvevinoe oeutly extcuti it. O.Tice and residence ono dour last of Kirk A Fpcnocr'e store. aprH:p.Uin. N. M. HOOVER, Wholesale A Retail Dealer ia Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT, Two dmtrs casl of the Poet Office, MARKET BTKKET, CLEARFIELD, PA. "fcA larirrascortincnt of Pipes, Cigar Cat's, Ac. alwaya on band. m iv-ij J. K. EOTTORF'S rilOTOGRAPU GALLERY Market Rtreet, Clearfield, Pa. ej-CBOMOS MADE A RPEt'IALTY.-SX IVTdATIVES made In elimdr, as well as in J 1 clear wenlh"r. Ci'nt-intlt on hand a pood a..itroent of FBAMK.-", 61 EI!i;oS ll'l.M and p'lEllEoSCtil'lO I1.S. Iraiuci, Iruta an, .ft le of moul lin?. made to order. an: 2i-tl REUBEN HACKMAN, Hou:o and Sign Painter and IMper Hanger, Clearfield, I'cnii'a. .Vill execute jol.s in bis line promptly and ia a woikmaiiiikc inntiuer. ajrl.tw THOMAS H. FORCEE, MAI.CB 11 GENERAL MERCIIANDlsr, CiltAIIAMTOS, Pa. Also, eitensire in.nufaetnrer and dealer in Fnuare Timber and r-uwed Lumber ot ail hiuue. r-Ordera aolicited and all tills peomptly tiled. U I am. albkiit orxiiY iLnrnr..- w. At bi:rt W. ALBERT & BRO JUnufacturere A extcn.ive iKalerrio Sawed Lumber, Sauare Timber, Lc. WOODLANIJ, I'fc.MV A JT-Ordcra solicited. Bills filled on short nolior and rraFiinsMc terms. Address Woodland P. )., Cleaif. ld Co., Pa. JeSi.ly V ALLLI'.T A UHH. FRANCIS COUTRIET, Mi'.UCHANT. I'rcnclivlllc, t learfleld County, Ta. Keeis constantly on hand a full a.-oi'nient of UrT Ooodf. Hardware, tlroserles, and everything usually kept in a retail store, whieh will I soid for ensb, as sheep as elsewhere in tbv eouuty. 1'renchv ille, June J7, IMo-lj, C, KRATZER & SONS, M E II CHANTS, nrALKiiB is Dry GcciIe, ClctLiif, Hatuvrare, Cutlery , Queeneetare. Grrvcctke, Prov Ulom ar J I tUiDgloe, Clcartlcld, renn'a. t-At trilr flewtitre rfM( ft a FrmtirJ ttri-et, near II. F. 1ixlor A Cu' ller.lurc -It jnU M0SHANN0N LAND 4k LUMBER CO., Ost'KOI.A IsTKAM JlII.Lf, SA.vi'fAnl nri LL'JIBEn, LATH, AND TICKETS II. II. Fllll.l.IXtU Ol'.II, rn-sid.nl, OfSce Fore-t riaee. Kn. 12.'. f. sill St.. Phil'a. JollX I.AWsllK. SlipelinlfP.lenl. Je(l'f,7 Osceola .Mills, I learbeld eouiiiy. Pa. SAMUEL I. SNIDES, Practical Watch Maker, OpitofitT tlic CVnrt Ili uir, f KroM) frTBKKT, ( LKAIiri l:M, PA. T-.!I kind of Watrhta, Clorke and J. wilt; promptly rt paired, and work narrautrd to civt Miitiiariion. - JAMES C. BARRETT, Justice of the I'eaee and Ll-ejid Com eyanosr, l.allirraburf;. Clrsrfli ld t o., Ps. rfl-follectioae A nmittajieee prorptly anade, and all kinds of leg! instrunieou execun-,1 on short notice. mayl.Tltl Hol'sl-.IIOI.P IP lops. Tnbs. Itrooni.. IV. -Ii llnMer.. t tinms. Ilulter lu.wl.. Coder Mill-. Ils u llii -k. Holland Paper and Murhn ltlin-t. t liihc. ll.-kt. Te. Trees, Ae.. al (Oppaeit the Jail.) C. K RATZHrt'S. S)or.s.1..,lee'end Cbildeen'e en.oen mde. I.aslirif Oaiters. K id and I'urpel Shprt-r.. Me rissro and t.tore Kid liattnnralr, t'hil liei,'. ''olored Sboe tery cheap, al C. KRAT7.KH S. ftipfinsil. Ibe Jail.) n.".'i-1itl rilrowara snd andnml.tal su pertere of ever, ti. l:e; Sturee-f BARl s i ICS A IS. IS. IT, ILU. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, TA. WKrtXESPAY MflllMN'd, JI XK 15. IST0. TIIU l'OOTHTl:P4 OK kixay. Oh! let the soul its sluiuliers bre'nU Arou.e its seimes, and awako To see how soon Life, iii itx ploriis, jrlides away. And the stern footsteps of dec:iy C'oues stc.ilii.j- on. And while wo view the rolling tide, lluwu nliieh O'lr f.owitij minutes glide A way eo find. Lot us the prcfciil hour employ, And deem eueb future dreutu a joy Aindy piil. I.- t no vnin ln.j.e deceive the mind, Nu buppier let uu hope lo lind To morrow linin to-diiy ; Our (.'il'lui dreae-.s of ywre were height, Like them the preeent eUnll delight Like thviu dueay. Our liven like lmsteninx streams must he That into ono oiif-iillinx sea Are doomid to lull The sen of hearh, wliunc wavrs roll on O ur kin and kinjc d-ini, cruwu aud throne, And swallows all. Alike the river's lordly tide, Alike lite huiulile rivulet's glide, Te flint end wave I Ileatli levels poverty aud pride, And rh-h and poor le'p side ly fide V, ithiu the grave. Our birth is but a starting place; Lii'e is the running ot the ruoc, Aud dealli Ibe goal : There all our glittering toys are brought T uat pt'h alone, ot nil unnuuht, 1, found ol all. Pee, then, l;ow poor and little worth Are nil those glittering toys of earth Ttult lure u here; Ilrejms of a sic. p th.vt death must break Ala.! Iiefure it bids us wake, We disappear. Iiong ere tho dump of earth ran blight, The olieeh's purr glow of red and while Ha pus.o'd away ; Youth siuikd, and all wns heavenly faro Ago came, and laid his finger then. And a here are they ? Where is the strength that spurned decay. The strp tlint roved so light and gr, '1 lie bean's bliihe lone F The strciig'h is gone, the step is slow, Aud jov glows wearisome, and woe! Yt lien age comes on. "EDWIN M. STANTON." tttply or Judge Black SENATORTWILS0N. Tho following is tho greater part of the tirticld ol'Judgo J. S. lilack, in tlio Galaxy 1'wr Juno : To (lie Ifnnornblc llfnry 11 i(on, Srn- atur from Miitsochutictts. In tho February number of tho "Atlantic) Monthly appeared an arti cle of yours entitled "i.dwin M. Stan- Ion. H contuiiiB some "iiinoiiicnn which nro very wonderful, if true; and il false, they ought to be corrected. I usk vou to review this production in tho light of certain facts which I now ahull lake tho liberty to mention. 51 V principal object is (o Kitisfy " I , ,, . i n .......I I,. 'Iilol i.l I in iirmt' 'II W 11 till I I Ajllitlll UUU UlUlltl JIH Ul'-iJUMIW HUH uuniVUWiliy KM illU w 111- 1 1 H 1 1 U 1 1 1 M is, cc.iiiiur i IIIV IIUS you Ibal you havo wholly tn.sunde,- Gc , nil n t h o I t w ' '; ,;,,,, , , f ,ri,vi.Jllfl d,culijll f others. !,eet, denounced in unmeasured terms stood tho character of 5fr. Stanton, o ' J 1 0 . ,,;,, Wll8 ,!li;j More 'a word J. S. BLACK. by a number of iho leading Iladical and grossly .njuri'd hu by what you ' x " ' " ',, 0 ! Jould bo said.' The nccuscrs knew . wn. suppesed a panegyric. Hut bcloio I South, u. 1 o ncyr r " ' V1.ry tt-t. ,1, it would not bear the Sw.;k..n.i CAitptis.-lf tho broom Ji is n fact worihy of remembrance, begin 1'u'i;r,ol?t' investigation. Mr. Sickles is wet in boiling suds o.tco a week, thai a member ol tbo opposition par ol' your crroit about other persons. V ii T . m m -t o u s, , , I o, mj id iesof'o.der") that they will become very tough, will i.otUy c.,.,i.l utter a sentiment in favor I your vituperative description of I ,n t niiso I. bo (li s i oi U i i.i ic , - u t.vilI,.m.c .li,,,,.,.. cut the carpel, last much longer, und f ihe abolition of obnoxious disnbilt tl, It. hniinii ni in n st.ratiuii. vou leated, lor notlitlig tiro CoulU liuxO; , .. , .. ,? ... ..i i:i, - I .- - .. . , . Iho Buchanan administration, you allege that "the President and 'his Attorney General i-urrcndcrcd tho Government's right of self preserva- lion" and "pronounced against Ha , sinewy mm couuen lul. ..,u.u power lo coerce n seceding State." recommend peace, nor offer your sup You refer manifestly to tho opinion of port to war. oa woulJ lake neither tbo Attorncy-liencral, dated the 2ft h tbo olive branch nor the sword, l ou of November, DUO, defining the duties refused to s.tlle, mid you inai.e no and powers of the I'residert and to preparation for the contest. Lutyoii 1 . .. .... t. , .,-1 ..I tel,ol tvn. t inn llin MCi'l'it tho public nctsol mo I 'resident which ....... .i...s i. b- ,i... o,l..i,. of Km liiMI .Hilt iiw i""r. v. . . w. . i-i Law Department mid soualed bis in defiance of law, mi l illnuit means, conduct accordingly. Upon this would de btro war on its own lespon ground mainly, if not entirely, you sibility. This would have been an denounce that administration as not expulsion of the Southern Stales from only weak mid unpatriotic, but wil- tho Union, for it would have placed fullv wicked und treasonable. I pro- all their people beyond the rotc- lioii pos'o to show that you have commilled of Federal law; they would r.ccessa it cardinal error, if not something j rily liso in self defense ; our little .... . . , , I u ..f It.-A t ,li-,.,l hi.... hoiiM nee. worse. 1 lie coarse way in wincn vou clniige the dead ns well us the living with the bighcnt crimes, would jtistily a reply in kinguugo much plainer than I "intend to use. Your mode of thinking and speak- ut! on stibiects of ihi kind nro . r ooso and inaccurate tnai u is neecs- sarv to liuiiisii ynu wiiii mi wca in certain elementary principles which) lo inopt oilier men uro too laminar, to talk about. 1. Tho fiV.r.TMir.cwf of the United f'.atcs it the CoiK.t'tittiun and lY-irs. 2. Tho j'ri'eYJ'i'iiitin. of tho Govern ment consists in viitiiitiiininy the supremacy ot tho Constitution and tbo laws. . 8. For Ibis purpose certain rormre p.iw crs m e delegated to the Executive, w hich he may use to defend the laws when Ihey aro resisted. 4. Put in Ibis country, n. in every other, except w hero iho Government is an uhsolttle despotism, the authority of tho I hicl .lini'istiiUo is luuilcil ami bis bands ar'o lied up by tho legal' i ... t I.;... f 1 H'nil H tiuii", t" pn tm in uii iminii restrictions, to pi physical force iigaiiiit Ihe life, liberty and properly ol bis fellow-cittitens, unless in certain prescribed ways and on proper occasions. b. lie is bound by Ins in.niftirul onill lo keep wilhin those he brcal tbo laws, lie it, limits- if lmy the Government ; bo cannot slab tbe Con stitution in the back becauso be is iilianl that somebody clso w ill strike , I in I lie. f nee 6. Tho Government of tho United 1:11111 "'"'" rolesions wo ptomotcu States, w ithin its proper sphere, is alhim in his liu tieas, and gave him rovcrriqn, ns much as the Stntes arc '"'. "onor "I'd Miiuiio. ism, nc sovereign within their sphere. Jtj cording to your account, bo was nil acts iwmnl.,il,hi upon the people and j "1 hoping (r tbe claims their d.rcvf obedience in its Gme when he could bcirsy iho Con-bm-a A a n Stnlo rnniiot mnkfl war ! stttlttion nnd Its fi lends 111 lbs , rtn-l tinon a cilv. county, or town, and put ull its inhabitants to tbo sword because some of them have uctcd or threatened to act illegally, so ihe General Government is ulso restrained from exterminating the w hole popula tion ol a Stalo for tho offences, actual ,r !,,lt,jlil rF ...in.-i ul,, lit-n n.nrt.nr ' incm. i-.'llll, 01 iiiv 1111-11 nuiisiiiini'reil nail 7. Tbesn.ralledor,li.,anresofseces.fvorsonbis head. Ho had at b ast sion in l'iO-'Gl were the declarations of certain persons who made them that they ihlmttrd to difobry the laws . . , , of the United States. It was the duty . " if J PRINCIPLESi CLKA11FIKL1), PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1870. pal ajusjumuja uf Ciiniri'oas ittitl tlio l'ro-iilt'itt to o tlml fiireililu rcnihliitico lo tlio Iiiwh, wlit'ti ttttiiiilly iitntlo, hliotild bo itit'l ly ft couiitor-fiirco stilliciitct to put it down ; tut iit illiiT Coiiri'M nor tlio l'l-okUlunt lind iiutlmriiy to ilitltn'o war mid lie-in liost ili lion, liy nnticiia tiun, ituiitnl till tlio ii'tiilo at once, anil iiul llictii nil in Uiu itttitttdo of ittlilic ont'iiiieH williont rpejtii'J to their perwiiul nill or iniioixnio. Afmi t from tlio rvliioim obligation of liis out h, In loved tlio Conmitutioii of liirt conn try on liia own itcenttiit, ns tho Lest Government tlio world over saw. 1 tin not expect you to ayinpu lliize willi this Icelino; ; your till'celioits art! otlurwisu engtim il. Hut can you not niako Homo uliowuiivc for liin at tacltiiK'tit to tliat great ciniiact wliiclt was fi allied liy our furefat liers to no euro union, jtisliic, peace, Slato indo pendenco mid indiviJiinl lilieriy for outwlves mid our postotily ? Anotlierlliittc; : AM liie predecesor8 govorned their conduct by similar notiotihof tidelity to tlio (..oiintitulion. In peace mid in war, in prospeiity anil disinter, tlirotigh ull cliuiif,'ea, in Kpitoofull IhrentH utid provocalioiiH, tliey bad Uept their oaths and ui-hii-tiled no iinxninlcd power. It wan the muni iiufunil thino; in tlio wot Id for Mr. Ruihanmi to billow tho example of Htich men its Wanliinton, Madison ninl Jaelifon, ralhcr tlinii the piecepls of tl.oHO Miiitll but feiuciouH )olitlciatiH who tbotif;ht their own p:iM-ioiiH und interests u "higher law" than tho laws of tho country. Atiain: All his ndviMeru not I alone, but ail of ihem expressed tlio clear and unbeeitatiiig opinion that , bis view of the law on the subject of j coercing .Slates was right. His legal duty being fettled, not ono ainong 1 them ever breathed a suggestion that ' bo ought to violate it. Resides: Tbero was a question of natural justice, ns well us legal pro-1 priety, involved in innkinir war upon tho Slate at that timo. Nine tenths of the Southern people were thor-! . . , . .1 IT.'. ottgliiy uevoieu to mo L'liton, unu bad committed no sin against il even j in thought. Would il huvo been well to bring the visitation of tiro, sword, nnd famine tiion whulo eotiimiiiiilies ol innoeciit pei Miiis ? You will nruba- it bl j- atiewi r IhU in tlio unintuitive, j lou lliiiiK tnai no (ipportuniiy to bed the blood nod plunder the prop erly of men, women and children who live beyond tho Potomac ought ever lo bo lost. Mr. Utichanan might havo seized that occasion to imitate John Brown on a largo scale, und thus made himself a'dieroicchuructer' in your eyes. Hut you must be awnre that ho would have been regarded by tho mass ol men us a moral monster ; and tho uduiirution of yourself and ' have been' but a poor compensation j r,,o ilm ciii'i-inil wei, fbt of inlamv willi i ......I.. ;.. ai..Li.,.i1notia u-onni which tbo rest of tho world would havo loaded bis memory. Further sti till: You know that the . ..I ,i, i. ...i r.,. leated, lor noti.tng ciro comu nave resulted Iron, such a war as you now utilise Mr. Miciiauaii mr noi niiihiitg. J our party in v oi.giess, . u "", "" of votir heart that theiidtniiii-lralioii y i i.-h in a fortnight ; bclbro tlio fourth of Jiitreh tho ilidependeiicc of the South would be n seltled lact. 1 conic now to the mote important ..I ...... ;..i ti l.i, l. .l,e..,ilv coiiccriis Jlr. Stunlon. Your attacks I'illtl'. WOI ........ j ........ it, ...t. 'I' ,- no, I Tl,, in in. epo -.i........., ..-..v. - , , " "S"' "vr i nee, but Iho character of Stanton must utterly perish if it bo not defended against your raise. Yon givo us tho first information we ever bad that Mr Stanton, though acting, with tho Deiiiocialic parly, was nn iibolilioiiist lit heart almost from bis earliest youth. For this fuel you vouch bis dot titration t Judge Chase more than thirty yenrs ago, at Columbus, Ohio; and yon attempt to corroborate it by t iling hi" association lit Wushinglon with Dr. llailey und other nbolilionisls. If you tell tho lllllll, HO MIlB Hi" in'T-t iii.iniii'Bi impostor Ibal ever lived or died Amours us. bis political principles were . ..... i .i ,.., thorgl.l to be as wclUnovvn a ibis i nnnicund ocetipattoii. Ho never ul.ow- , . , ed Ids lidelily to bo doubled for one motnent. 1 1 w as pet lis lly uiiders'ood that bo had no ullinilies whatever with men of your schools in moralsor politics. His c i Hid ii.iui t i "ii of tbo lilioliliotnsts was unspni nig lor llieir n.vpocrisy, their corruption, tneir enmity in tlio t iiiisiiiiiiioii, ami uieir useii, mf, n tinconiradicU'd, It must lawless disregard for the lights ol , , nil to oilier misconceptions of liim. Slates mid individuals. Thus he won i '.pj,ca the offences against law, jus the confidetice of Democrat s. t'n the ; i se. btimattilv. nnd truth which on ; clutches ol their enemies. 1'or tins cold blooded and debberato treachery vnti ItiwopHlr tint n,lt..i rnl ion rtl t tin A merii an people You might its well . ..... - propose to cunonir.c J udus Iscm u.l. I maintain on the other band, that ho wns what he seemed tn he, a Found and sincere frier.d, political and per sonal, of tho men who showered their favors on bis head. Ho had nt b ast i ..r .1 - '...1 1 ...:. tbo sverngo amount of altachincnl for "the Constitution of tbe United .. . . . . , States, and for the pence, good order, and happiness cf the sr.tnc As "VV-i't.-, - ,. ' o ' NOT MEN. ncccb-ary oonseipitnco, lie drcatlcd the liiNhoncst liu.l dectructivo rule wlticli lio (iireHiiw that yon woultl lie Hiiro to s.Htitl)lir.h n h hooii itHynu could II ia (li'niocracy diil not cetifO when tlio war opened. In the Hummer ol 1 SOI , when your nnti coiiHlil titionnl jirint iplcH ln-f'tiii to he pritcl icn liy car ried i til. hy tho kidtiuppiii",H of inno cent rjti7e"nH, liy the HuppreHt-ion of f'reo epeeeh, lind hy tho eiieliiveinonl of tho prenH, ho iniprccatcd tlio veil tecniuo of (iod ninl tlio law upon the iuilly utitliotH of IIioho ('fillies with tin intieh encrpy us any Democrat in lit ; nation. Duly it nhort timo lief! .re bin nppiiititiiienl us iSeerelaiy of War lii lovo of liberly unci lej-al juotiee iin'clleil hint to cui'HO Mr. Lincoln 4iiiiWerf-tt h liittor otit'Hog. Ho culled liim by coiiteiiipluiiiir) names, mid willi timian. if not with ''Hwininli phiaso Kiiied hid iiddilion." I admit tlint ho (lutiij;eil tlieso HetilimcnlH uf terwaidH, but 1 deny that ho bad nd'opted your way of thihkiii"; while be pretended lo concur in ou is. Hie convert-ion was u real one, firnduced by w hat bo ri'nrtleJ us "jood and Hiillieient," mid it was accompanied, or immediately billowed by a corro Rpundirin clnitioe of his jitirty ullitudo. ile huh nut wliul you itiaUo liim out, a lucre fawning hypocrite. hat cargoes ol delainatory false hood he min-l huto consigned to your keeping! You do not break the foul bulk, but you give us some rumples which deserves some examination. lie denounced Mr. Toucey as falso to his country, inspired ilawcs rmolu lion iiaint-t him, lind expressed tho belief thut bo ought to be arrested. Let us look at this n moment, To Mr. Toucey 'h faco 51 r. Stanton hrenibed no cyilablo of ceiisuro upon his ('lib ial conduct as bead of the Navy Department. To tho President or Cabinet be expressed i.o doubt ol his wisdom, much less of bis honesty, He met him every day w itli it face of smiling ft icndidiip. Toucey cer tainly bud not tlio remotest idea thut .1 i' -. I.. - I .- I I I I ' iiuaiui w;i orianiitig niin ocniiiu ins back, or conspiring with ubolilionints to destroy his rcputution. Ho would ns soon huvu suspected him of an iu- tent to poison bis food or slab bun in 'his sleep. Clin il bo possible that Stanton was the author of the Lnwes resolution ? That resolution is found in the "Con gressional Globe," Second Session, Thirty sixth Congress, lMid-'Gl, part second, pp. 1 l-Il-lM. The proceeding u us begun, no doubt, in tho hopo ol finding; something on which tho charge could bo founded of scattering the navy lo prevent it from being used against the South. But thai failed miserably ; and the committee reported nothing worse than "a grave ertor oi i no Piccreinrv in acccinine: ; without delay or inquiry tbo resiguu-1 tion of certain navul ollicers. Even this bad no foumlalion in law or fact Its truth was denied and tho evidence vnlli'J for ; none was produced. Tin right to explain und defend was do only those who pronounce it." Jlr. i Toil' ey s reputation w as never injur- iouslv udecled by it in tho estimation ' of a )' lair minded man. Iiul you lish i'. up from iho oblivion to which 1 it bus been consigned, lind try to give ' il di vncy und dignity by saving that Slat: mi inspired it. You do not ap pear to perceive Ihe hideous depth to wbii i your assertion, if true, would . i t , "'.''I- " '" 11 is nol title ; the who. 4 business bears the inipless ol u dilfeittd mind. J 1 t jko il upon me to deny most cm phut rally that Jlr. Manton ever "w r that i bavi oral but oa full and detailed accoliiil of . tibinct scciio" by which ou can I he least hope uf being corrob I. I t an not prove a negative ; can show that your usscrliou is Mile. That ho should have cool, iled a letter, even though be sent it, filled with fook-h brags ,'' " ''''J'1 ; "' , men own prowess, w men nail a tlo.cn khen living could prove lo alsi was inconsistent cither with bis' I'll i luce, venit ity cr taste, liesules, . . ,n obn ipoko with mo ubottt the - , . i . ... . !.. e, -, i.nf thut c-rii.d nnd never ti my bearing UIU lie liiuiiiiesi u.c siigoi ..-I ,1 oiuKiiion tn inisiiiidcisland oi misivireseiit them. On the contrary, when n slalcinent Icsctiibles yours ul oiu the Cabinet scene was published in a Loudon paper, 1 suggested thai hit eight to contradict il ; mid ho re plied, explaining bow and by whom it i nd been labritated, but said it w as a worth n contradiction, for every i i : 1 1 1 of common intelligence would I .oiv it to lo a mere tissue of lies. Mm cannot destroy Stanton's charae- I ' lor senso und decency by citing i F ; own authority against himself r can you tutu any oilier prooi It sustain tho story. 11 is the weak i'lvcntioii of some scurvy politician, v I, o sought to u in tho patronage 1 i no ndiiiiiiislialioii by maligning un i tin r. S -io, hu-y and in.iiiiiatinit ropue, r -mr c"-;l'H'. e oi umg sluv e lo et stinie ofT.ee, II ul h di . iM ii this rial der. The lions chaructcrynu have given ! ilrManton is not merely unjust in ,vc emimi -nited and assigned to tutu ! ,.r his gloritiealion. he has been charg . I Willi others which, if established, must expose lii tii to universal rxeeru 1 on. For instance, il is asserted that 'i.i the winter of I SCI, when bo was a 1 t icml cr of the Cabinet, be t.'tivo to (.overnor Brown, ol .Mississippi the M,ost emphutio assnrance of bis con- I, , II. II.' ...r- .... ...... , .inl,..n n.,..,. ,n ua ri,,ni siiul urged l.jm to -goon ...... with it ; that in l"ii2. while bo was writing the ttio-t nffetlinntite letters to General McClellan, ho not only maligned him at Washington, but maliciously plot ted his dcfi al nnd the d est met ion of led I,;. .1..L.1 nn,l lite .1 1! met ion v., i, ,t. his army before Hi. hinord ; that he reft.. n ISC, I lo receive the a mi or- sonville p,isners when offered freely .. . 1 n. . fi, ., . 1 . mini ra US Mil . i-sen II n lie, ei .,, - a equivalent, though be Ui.tw that IBP left there Ihey must perish miserably for want of tho mediciuo and food which iheir enptorshad not I lie means to givo them. These neciisntionH, ynu uro aware, havo often been made, with horrible aggravations which 1 need not repeat. His friends bave denied and discredited them mainly on the ground tlml his elm meter was wholly ttbovo Htieh iinpututiiins. Rut you havo dono your full best to make this defence worthless. If bo wore tlio clonk of constitutional Democra cy willi us, and nut on tho livery of abolitionism wild you, why should bo not assume tho gurb of u secessionist with men of ihu Sou ill 7 If be tried to gel his friend Toucey kidnapped, what moral priii'ililo could binder him from contriving tlio ruin of bis friend 51 cl'lcl Ian t If ha craftily cx erted himself at your end of the uvo n no to bring on a bloody civil war, which, uccorditig to his own doclarti tiling al our end was unlaw ful aud causeless, what crime against human lite wns be not eupable ol comuiillili II bo willuily lilt our prisoners to certain starvulion, and then managed falsely to throw tho odium i-f tlieir deutli upon the political enemies of tho pm ly in power, and thus coiitri billed very largely to tbo enslavement of the Southern States, was not thai an net of ''intense and uhounding pa triotism," us well worthy of your praise us some others for which you have bestowed it ? Those w ho givo credit lo you will find il perfectly logi cal to believe the Worst that baa ever been said of liim. When men like these aro found to have committed a fault, il is well that history should deal with it tenderly. And, sad aa angela for the good innn'e sin, Weep lo record and blush Ui givu it in. Iiul the loyally thut tramples on law tho fidelity which stabs the lib erties it ought lo protect the public Heal w hich expends iisclf in gralily ing tlio vindictive or mercenary pas sions of one party by tho unjust op pression of another llii:i kind of pa Iriolism lias less claim to tho admira tion of tbo world. It is a cbeiip thing, readily supplied lo any faction unprincipled enough to pay for il. It is entirely too "intense and abound ing," und its intensity and abundance mo al way greatest in the worst linns. It docs not sanctify evil deeds. II it bo not a sin in iiselt, il certainly do serves to bo ranked umoug what Dr. Johnson calls "the rascally virtues." 51 r. Slanton's reputation is just now in a critical condition. Ho look no cure of it while be lived, and ho died, like Dacon, leaving a vulnerable name 'to moii s charitable speeches. Ho iii-. iU ii nior.i dlaeri-iiiiiiiiiiiir oiiburist 1 than you, mid a far better delenco j ihun 1 in ablo to nisko. I have not i iiucmiiicu io iioru -iiv ins coon ouaii- ties ; 1 intended only to protest against your shameless Pat ado of vices to , w hieh bu was not addicted, and crimes w hich ho never committed ; and this I havo done, not only becauso il is just lo hi in but necessary for tbo vin always sweep liko a new broom. A uusiy carpet may no cietined oy setting a pail ol cold water out ut tho door, wet ino tirooin in ii, Knocit it io get oil' ull drops, sweep a yard or so, then wash Iho broom its before and swee drops on tlio broom, und not to sweep far at a time. If dono with euro it I will clean tl carpet very nicely, and ' you w ill bo sin prised at iho quantity i ' i i:. i .t. ... ti Ul ull l in me: ntiiei. a lie n lul l lo.iy need t banging onto or twice if the carpet is very dusty. Snow sprinkled over u carpet iimi swept off before it has timo lo melt nnd dissolve, is ulso inco for renovating a soiled carpet Moistened 1 niliaii meal Is Used with good tiled by sotno housekeepers. The "(ialnxy"is lo havo n Depart ment of Agriculture, by Jlatk Tw ain. Ho will, be says, insert a reaping IIUUIV IMill Plllllt t'Ml'lll lll-V HIV I tiPtj ,einiiU will piutiia treo wnosoiragraiieoi shall slake the hunger cf tho l.aUe.l .... i .. i 1...1 i.. .. ..,.1.., .i... unu " """ " .nmn. r,,,. retch abroad until they wash the ...,., ,l. I loo, la i, f I io Kin ill hln .n I'ouiuiosi lands oi mo eat in Ho also I. he knows nothing about , but finds that the less ho j r..j - - ! agricullur hmws about anylbing the better sal . islacttun no sues. While Hichard Cobden was in the United Slates, ho visited an Illinois I farmer w ho owned twenty thousand acres, who told the eminent English statesman, while entertaining him w ith some fine peach brandy, that be nan ki i.i awtiy two nuiiuicii carrcm of il for his old age. "Certainly," as the great advocate of frco trade -- " ""st extraordinary provision lor 11180101111111 j em o. A Baltimore man oll'crd lo bet mon ey that be could fill a lighted kerosene lump, lio filled Iho lamp and a r'x loot cofiin. and now the man bo net with wuiils tho widow lo pay the debt. Of course tho w idow cannot bo held responsible for acts commit 1 i0j ,y ,cr husband, w hen insane, as a man must bu to commit sum un act. Bad company is liko a nail driven into a post, which, 11 Her tho Grsl or second blow, may be drawn out w ith little difficulty ; bat, being onco driv en up to the bead, tbo pinchers can not t.iko hold to draw il out, but which can only be dono by iho des truction td Ihe wood. The New- York SlmJ,tr I still ad vertises for a leader f r tho Badical i.,,i.e Will dot Bnmntio.K volunteer .j.,,., --.j , ! in head this rotten old concern and pilot il into some saTo creek, where intensely b.tld head explains tho uh the w orthless hulk can ml nndisturb- j senco of his hair by saying that ho ed ? Who bids for the leadership ? uf A nious old t'liaker ladv. nfler list- -- , -- - - - .j ; ening to tho cxlravagn.it talk of ist.opKeepcr as long as ner pi would allow, said to him : 'T riend, , ,,..v .. ... , . . . r ti-.Kt.ai-,, -... d-a-.it, ..late. 11. if II P(C ary to thy hsppi:ics. BUCAN. TERU3-I2 per nnnum, ia Advance NEWSERIES-VOLIO.NO. 17. ewjeaeAWwvienaiejgaPVPT ui.nni i) in. i vs. MfM r wivrn, T'i"V til' our Im.' Witii little Hem and l.om-y ! . They ltfi-'f lnn-k, A ml mend our I'lt kn, Hut dm. I lby fjtpn J our inouty f V lien we are ni'-k Tiny h-al lit quick Thai if, if Ihry love ui Il not, wo die, And yt-t lli'-y erv, With jut .nic ry, And miik Hit utlit-r n a fly, At nnt yfiunff ninn Bitovf uh. Senator Ferry and Political Disa bilities. Tbo following is tin extract from a recent speech delivered by Mr. Ferry a Unit' d States Senator Iroin Con- ncclicul in reply to mo prosenpr.vc policy urged by tlio vindictive 51or I ton lie) in Indiana : Iiul, says the Senntorftom Indiana, history is against tbo Senutor from Connecticut ; history shows that you can do dotliiii; by conciliating a van (iiished Jieojile. Does it sir ? W hat liltle 1 know of statesmanship I have leurn.d Irom history. 1 believe it to ho God's handw riling on the faco ot this earth of ours ; and what does il tell lis? In tbo first place what does international luw tell us is tho first duty of the victor und tbo solo right yes sir, the right of the vanquished ? Clemency. What does history t -ach us of the effect uf disabilities und test acts in other countries with whose story we uro familiar? Why, sir, we ought all lo be fuiniliur willi 1'iat old Eit.'lislt slorv. It baa como down to I na reoin tin. I ooks of our boyhood. What lias England gained by five hundred years of disabilities and lest- oaths for tho people of Ireland ? Has it created or raiscil up llicro u loyal gencniliun lovingthe crown und ready to rail- around Hie union jacK f .mi, sir. Ireland tells the story to-day of the effect of disabilities and test oaths. What havo they dono for England herself ? They were tried idler the revolution of lCf-'8. Go look at the statute-book ol the reign of W illiam 111. On every other page is a disabil ity bill or a test act ; und tho throne of William and Anno and tho Georges tottert J year by year i:iou its foun dation Hit- two generations, and twice the eruption broke forth in 1715 and 174". Cannot wo learn something from history ? W hat did Austria make Ly tier pains and penalties and disabilities in Hungary'. Nothing but smothered rebellion; nothing ;Ut outbreaking revolution. At last she gave Hunga ry a tree Constitution ami ireo icpro- seiilalioii. and peace l'eii'ns throti'di out the land. 1 might go on, sir, but such u inonalioua pui-vcndon of liieto i.i s "' tlio senator from Indiana seems lo mo to need no fill liter I'clutation. On account of these historical cita lions, and tho advocacy of a more pa- cifiu policy than ilia, adopted by the prosciipliotiists, Senator Ferry has been denounced in unmeasured terms I ties in favor of any measure t ab ula- i i0,i t0 restore friendly relations bo tween tho two sections of the country i -n ithout being pounced upon by 1 ray. Uhicho and Swcatheart. und worried eep I l,y ul tl,0 jojr8 jVoni tho liadical ken the nel. Jlr. Ferry, and nil who think with him, should lake courage from there flection, that by incurring tho pres ent displeasure ol unrelenting bigots ihey will secure tlio lasting respect und gratitude of the just. Th at's 51 e. Wo heard a good sto rj" of a "pert" youngster, w hoso exis tence on bis portion of tho moral vine )uid would extend over tho pcri sl ol five long years. 11 is mother expecting to receive company, had fixed him up so sweetly, arranging bis hair anil nl tire only as a mother can. As a sort ()f-finishing toIu., K,,pn,,klcd on his I clothing and handkerchief a few drops ..iol.k,.v VUl, gri.atv l0 the youngster's delight. Ho went around pulling and snulliitg like a wild deer when the hunter approaches him j The visitors arriving bo was confined lo the care of a servant, but managed to ceape and bounced into Iho parlor proud of bis perfume. Ho went through the regular amount of kissing mid petting liko a hero, but lo his as tonishment no one seemed to notice 'the "Jockey Club," though bo waved bin handkerchief that their noses might catch tho frngratice Human natitro fivo years old couldn't stund , v ou know.so lie broke out w iin : Folks, if any of you smells a smell, ttiat's inc.' " Pittsburgh has a real nieo pion old lady under arrest for stealing a large illustrated Bible. She said hers Was too line print, and she couldn't get ...... ...,..u...,tiot. .tut 111 iL. She) Wllllt- Lli, rn,,l if 1 hern wns uiivthitii' in il about gin und milk, as il was printed later than hers, with all iho laid im provements. The n al lack in all systems of re ligion, based upon naluro or reason. I mi honest and legitimate flair, tour as opposed to revelatiot-, like the an j consort, w ill only bo Iho buccaneer cienl Hellenic paganism, is their utter : of society. It costs money, for though failure to afford comfort and strength ! tbo I uifer may not cam a dollar or to mankind in tho hour of weaki. ess, ! have one for months, the time lost trial, and sorrow. I might havo produced much money if -- .1,1 ..voted lo industry instead of lulli. A wointtn in Jiissouri hung herself i., t..j health, vigor, comfort all because" her husband went to Culifor- .,-lle pleasures id living, honor, nocio nia. The next weeic a dozen more j ,v . -eru.,. ul,d iho respect of started but their wives wouldn't hang j ,', pH, living, and, 6uolly, U worth a cent, nnd the poor disconso-1 , t hcn Jt,l(1 Into devils iiuve all relumed uroKen hearted . A r-rnlleiiinn who is ashamed of his was born poor, and was compelled lo scratch hi w ay through l.fo. 1 ii- it-- a Tunes are ,-srd , u iscopam "" thrco teeth extracted. He dtdi. t ett. i n.e ilsu 11,1- ..ill . . si in i - i , v - , - . . , t there l,e hr thowia" s-iim. r.iipnili cf Mr. Irah, lb low we publish ft con ei Ii tl rpoi of I he) speech of tbo Hon. J Slued Hiooka, of New York, on Iho fraiidti h n: mlniission to a scut tho enrpst btiL'i'er fnmi South Csrolina, liaiiinil SimpKoii, w ho was defealctl by nearly nvo Ihoiis.iinl voles. Jlr. lirooKs justly chiinii terir.es the transaction s the most aliainelnl otitrago on the right of popular reprcaenlalion Which Iho radictiij have) yet dared to perpe trate. The speech was, indeed, loo Into, for il w as hi ought out by the discovery llial the eolloipiy among tho conspirators in an undertone al tbo clerk's desk, which was heard by bill themselves and the ollleiul repor ters of tbo House, bail resulted in the shameful fraud. The knavish work' could not bo utidouo. .Mr. Brook, of New York. 5fr. Speuker, I will avail myself of tbo three minutes remaining, not lo dis cuss ibis case, but lo slato the facts as presented be lore this House this morning On tho early assembling of the House und ulutost immediately alter tho rending of the Journal, when u quorum of iho House w as not pres ent, und without a moment's consid eration on tlio part of the members, tbo geiilleniaii from Pennsylvania Mr. t'essiia chairman of the sub committee of elections, availed him self of the contusion und disorder, lo smuggle u man into Ibis House us a member 1 usu the lungiiugo deliber ate;' aud to place us in cic.li a par liamentary position l ii u t it is impossi-' -hie, under the decision ol Iho Speuk er, to havo any discussion of tho case, or to retrace our steps That is the fact, and I wish that fact to go before iho country. No quorum, no order, in thin House, but general disorder and confusion. Without any uiidersta titling or discus sion whatsoever on this subject, u member is forced before this House to be sworn in by the Speaker, who has only 0,8(1" voles, against a democrat ic candidate who has 11,'J'JH votes. Don't talk lo nio hereafter, ns a mem ber from New York, of fraudulent elections ! Never, never in the worst wards of New Y'ork, amid the most depraved of its population, was u fraud perpetrated liko this House per pctrates ut its bar to-day to smuggle in lu re a man having only U.bUJ votes against a democrat having 14.000 votes. Let my colleague from New Yotk Mr. Da. is, who is now in uiy eve, licloro no attempts to correct frauds in Nevr Y'ork elections, let hi in correct the fraudulent elections hero in this House. Iiotii Kentucky, from Louisiana, from South Carolina and elsewhere. There is not a fraudulent poll in New Y'ork ; there is not a re pealer there ; there is not a scoundrel who defiles tbo law or tho Constitu tion of the country ; there is noth ing there, in tho way il is notr at tempted to defraud us, who aro in the minority here, by forcing upon this House iinolhcr member elected by nobody, nowhere, havim no con stituency, represent in; nothing what soever. Sir, I denounce these frauds from the Conimilleo of Elections before tbo country with ull tho vigor 1 utn capa ble ol. This is no longer a represen tative government. This House no longer represents tho people of this coutry. 1 1 is a packed Congress. D is a fraudulent House. Il is elected by device and cbcatery and coulri VHiice. sueb as Imvo boeti exhibited this very morning ut ti.e bar oi this House, here upon this floor u man with !l,0li0 votes against a democrat with 14,000 votes smuggled in here without a word of discussion. Attriuutes or Women. I havo ob served among all nations, that the women ornament themselves more than tho nun ; that w herever found, they are the same kind, civil, obliging, huiiiuno, lender beings; that they are ever inclined lo bo gay and cheerlul, timorous and modest. They do uot lie-itate, like men, to perform u hos pitable or generous uclion ; nor haughty, nor arrogant, nor stiprrcil- liotis, but full of courtesy, aud fond of ! society, iiuhist lions, economical, ingo nious; more liable In general lo err lliati man, but in general, also, more irtuous, and performing more good actions than be. 1 never addressed myself ill the language of decency und friendship lo a woman, w hether civil ir.ed or savago, without receiving decent nnd liiendly ant-wor. With mini il has often been olbcrwisc. In wandering over the barren plains of inhifpilable Denmark, through honest Sweden, frozen Lapland, rudo and chin lish Finland, unpt ii.cipled l.'ussia, and tbu widespread regions of tbo wandering Tartar, if hungry, dry, cold, wet, sick, woman has ever been fiiendly to me, and uniformly te add to this virtue, so wur. "y l" 11ppcllalu.11 ol uenev oience, so frco and kind a milliner that if I was dry, I drank ihe sweel draught, and, if hungry, ute tho coarse morsel with ti double relish. Ltijiird't Si lertan Journal. Cost or LoAFr.msM. Docs the young man who persists in being a loafer ever, reflect how much less it would ens l to bo a decent, respectable man! Docs ho imagine thai loafer ism is more economic! than gentili ty? Anybody can bo a gentleman, if ho chooses to he, Jjilhout much cost, but it is mighty cxpeiisivo being a loafer. It costs time, in tho first place days, weeks, months, of il in fact, about all the time ho has, lor no man can be a first-class loafer with out devoting nearly his entire alien lion to it. The occupation, well fol lowed, hardly affords time tor eating, sleeping, dri wo had utmost said drinking, but on reflection, wo will except that. Tbe loafer finds timo to drink when invited. It costs friends. Once fully embarked on Iho sea of loatcrism, mid yoti bid farewell tot - 1 every friendly sail that floats under Josh Billings on preaching : ''I al ways advise short sermons, especially on "a hoi Sunday. If a minister Lant strike ile in 4'i mitiutes. be has either got a poor gimlet, or olse ho is burin- in the w rong place Eve was the only woman who never threatened to go und live with her m inima ; nnd Adam was the first n.an w ho never tantalized his w ifo aboni th wsr mother mod to cook."