Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 01, 1870, Image 2

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    Of .qni Illicit n.
Geohok H. (iooni.ANDKR, Editor.
Wednesday MoKNi.vfl. jrsK i.
A State Convention or Democratic
editors will ncet in Altoona on Tubs
dny, the 2Sth tiny of Juno. Let there
to a full turn out.
AnnESTEt). Tho loyal C!rtict-tm;
Post-muster nnu liia tlopuly at Alex
andria, Virginia, have both been nr
rested mid imprisoned by the l'ost
MuHtcr Goneral, fr opening other
lieoplu's letters and robbing lliem of
their contonts. They liavo been in
tho business for several years.
Rather Fast. John Cessna, Radi
cal Congressman from the Bedford
district, is a candidate for Speaker of
the next Congress. John had better
wait and too whether he is reelected.
If wo do not mistake the signs of the
times very much, be will be elected to
tay at horn next fall, together with
many othor Radical Congressmen.
Trig Right Man. Tho Democrats
of Bodford county, last week, nomi
nated B. F. Myers, Esq., ono of the
proprietors of the Ilunibburg Patriot,
for Congress. Mr. Myers is the prop
er man for the people of that district
to send, if they widli their interests
proporly represented and prefer
etaiesinau 10 a ranting uiibi.iuiuiuuo
Viit Compare ? A "loil" exchango
nays: "In Russia royalty costs $8,
600,000 a your ; in Franco, $7,000,000;
in Turkey, $0,000,000. Other European
nations alio their sovcrigns smullcr
amounts." Why compare European
royalty wlieu American loyalty costs
five times as much? Grant & Co.,
-charge, five times more to govern forty
millions than tho docs to control
seventy millions.
Stranoe Democracy. The Elk
Democrat, or other Democratic jour
nals, must be hard up for putronogo
when it comes down so low ns to ad
vertise Harper's Weekly, one of the
vilest sheets in tho country. It is
qonstautly libeling tho Democratic
party and doing its best to destroy
the institutions of this country. Why
a Democratic newspaper should so fur
forgot its duty to tho country and its
party as to puff melt lalntiic publica
tions, is beyond our conception.
A Decided Faim're. Peter Her
die, Lord Mayor of tho city of Yil
liamsport, who owns Governor Geary
and a majority of tho Pennsylvania
Legislature, bud an act passed last
winter submitting the question of free
bridges to a vote of the people of Ly
coming county. Tho election came
off last week. Tho voto stood "for
free bridges," 1,017; "against free
bridges," 5,351. Ilerdic is us badly
Fold in this last act as ho was in his
Judicial District bill.
Is Tbovbi.e. Grant's Post-Master
General, Crcsswell, bni been "inter
viewed" by a CopgrcFsional commit
tee for several weeks past. Tho frauds
practiced in bis Department could not
bo whitewashed thick enough to cover
them from the view of tho public;
but the committee have abrogated ali
liis paper and stationary contracts,
nnd invite new bids. No ono but nn
original rebel, turned KaJieul, would
remain one hour in office after being
rented In eot-li manner. The De
partment at Washington, instead of
licing in tho hands of statesmen, are
really controlled by a set of mcro po
litical blacklegs.
A Mens. Grant has had a fight
with his pet, Gen. Pile, of Missouri,
whom lie mmle Governor of Xew
Mexico a short timo ago. Tho Presi
dent requested his excellency to sp
point some member of the Giant fmni
y to a fut piwition. This he refused,
slating that ho had somo relations of
his own to whom be had promised the
place. Thereupon tho "government"
at oneo decided to remove tho rebel
lious Pile ; but it coming to the curs
of some of the members of tho kitchen
('ubinct, tho matter has been quashed
for the time being ; but Pile must go.
The "government" will not bo fooled
with. So look out General.
"TnriNorRS or Ati-lai'sk." The
negro delegato who crcaled such a
loud noise in the Radical Stato Con
vention in New York a month ago,
seems to bo thundering yet. Wo last
week stated the Democratic majority
in that State to be 70,000, but tho of
ficial returns make it neatly 00,000.
To partially illustrate how tho "thun
ders of applause" worked, wo will
give tho result of the vote in Oi leans
county, whore Hon. Sunford E.
Church, the Dcmocnilio bomineo for
Chief Justice, resides. Two years
ngo Grat.t had a majority .of 1,504 ;
last full the "loil" Stato ticket had
over 1,000; yet, Mr. Church carried
it by iS(: Jl is aiipposol that if
there had been another negro dole
irate in tho lUdicnl Convention he
would havo received all the white
vot, in the conntv and carried the
... . , . , ,
f-Uts by not less than a qnnrtcr of a
Million. The Hi:lbnt-''"n !(ri-ln-!'
The Radical imiKii, , , llWr,
aod ''Virtue, Lilivrty and It, J opon
dence" anj whito nan iU taivMirue
their f roper p!ac.
I ht . .Vtfi'r-flfitnMnti mil.
Coiigrc", having as it supposes, ar
ranged lh Constitution and the elec
tion laws, so as to seen re the negro vole,
has gone, to wni kon the naturaliration
laws, In order to disfranchise the white
fiireignrr. Mr. Conkling, from the
Judiciary Committee, hist week ro
ported in tho Senate a substitute fur
(ho bill regulating and making uni
form tho system of naturalization.
Tho bill deserves the litlo rather of
"A bill to discourago naturalization."
H takes tho power of naturaliiation
out of tho hands of the Stale courts
and puts it in the hands of the United
States Judicial authorities. This will
havo the effect of discouraging emi
grants from taking out their papers.
In tho country United Slates courts
aro few and far between, and tho for
eigners will find theso proviaions so
many difficulties thrown in their way.
in fai t Congress baa for fivo years
pist, exhausted all its talents in on
deavoiing to enfranchise tho negro
race, now however, it has taken a new
departure and is laboring just as zeal
ously to disfranchise, the white raco,
whoso votes and labor aro likely to
come in competition with the "gentle
man from Africa," and Radicalism in
particular. Tho white man must bo a
fool, or blind, who cannot see the
drill of Radicalism nt this day. Their
object is as visible as tho sun at noon.
The time and talents of tho leaders in
Congress and tho Stato Legislatures
in which they havo a majority, is
wholly consumed in the interest of the
negro and for tho benefit of their own
pockots, and aguinst tho interests of
tho while man and the country. Children. An exchnngc
informs us that tho "Stato Historian
Department," at Harrisburg, has given
birth to another child, and its name
is Andrew Jackson monks, of Punx
BDtawney, rust-Masier In ibt Oetiulo
last winter, and who was defeated for
County Commissioner lust full. What
a bright historian ho will make. He
is as full of bigotry as a dog is of fleas
at this season of tho year. This
"Stato Historian Department" is noth
ing more nor less than a nest of pub
lic robbers. If the thing is not wound
up by the Legislature next winter it
will havo cost the taxpayers of the
State not less than half a million of
dollars. It is worso than Bergncr's
Legislative Record. That child of sin
has only had its namo changed, and
Monks is tho first-born under the new
Not Much Difference. A heavy
controversy has been going on be
tween Loneoln's old law partner and
his luto private Secretary, as to
whether "tho luto lamented" was a
Christian or an Infidel. We do not
suppose that it makes much difference
now which he was, as his uccount has
been settled. Wo know there was a
great deal of praying dono for him by
tho "loil millions" while ho was per
petrating his smutty jokes in Wash
ington, but the fact that he died in a
Thentro on Good Friday should put a
quietus on his Christianity. J-'cw
christians dio in such places.
Devilish. At the Radical meeting
on Saturday evening last, Dr. Bnync,
the colored orutor, thanked God for
the great calamity that killed about
seventy-five persons, and wounded
doublo that number in Richmond
threo weeks ago. Rayne regarded
this awful and appalling accident as a
visitation of Providence upon the
white raco in Virginia. Theso senti
ments wero warmly and loudly ap
plauded by tho mass of sablo listeners,
and etrango to say, there were whites
who acquiesced in Baync's sentiment
and in the applause which followed
its utterance, without attempting to
correct or reprove this worso than
cannibal feeling, which gloated over
the destruction ortlic lives ot so many
humau boings. Xorfotk( Va.)Journal
There is considerable commotion in
South Carolina in consequence of
great increase of the expenses of tho
government of that Stale and conse
quent burthonsomo taxation. Tho
general expenses of tho Stnto govern
ment in 1H70 wero $ill,S!0, against
154,80(1, in 1M',7, and the amount paid
for salaries has risen in that time from
6S0.O00 to $1(57.000, and tho Stale
debt from $0,000,000 in 1XGS to $14,
000,000 in 1870. A mass meeting
was lutcly held, which was attended
by whiles and blacks, Republicans und
Democrats, rebels and loyalists, for
the purpose of demanding retrench
ment and reform, and to appoint del
egates to a Mate Convention.
Tiir Man anii Rrotiikr. Pom-
eroy's New York Democrat of Wednes
day last contains a history of tue l!ev-
cis lumity. U is interesting. There
were Tour brothers three of them
preachers and one a doctor and one
sister. Ono of the brothers is now the
colored Senator of tho United States
from Mississippi, and the sister is an
inmnto and pauper in one of the asy
lums in New York. On his recent
lecture to that rily tho Senator paid
the sister a visit, and mado her the
miii.ifieent nrescnt of fiflv cents!
Who, now, will deny that ho at least
is a man and a brother V Alinn
The recent registration of voters in
f!i( hmond,Viri;iiiiB.showcd a maiorilv
of over six hundred w hilo men. A t
tho former rcgixtrntion the negroes
were in the ascendency. This fact
shows thut whilo men in tho South at
lust rccognir.c the necessity of putting
forth their whole strcrgth nl tho polls
in order to rule tho land in an intelli
gent, proper manner.
The addition of almost three bun-
drcd and fitly negroes to the Ifadicnl
voters of (uincy, Illinois, did not ena
ble I haul to curry tho elections in
that city, on tho I'.lih ultimo. In
I spile of (his accession Mr. liowland.
Democralio candidate for Mayor,
I" l,-'cd by a majority of 15(1
' Tkk't'l "l lhrr VB,!,1li,,,,t0S on
mo lu kct by larger majorities.
, ,
The nnminntion of General Itndesn
" Consul to London leaves only four
l "tuii.i vu uunce attendance at the
line House, nnd
tTO thnrllitnrf I. if
Mm Uranl MmHy, Donl, Babcoili,
Poitcr nd Jlicbltr.
llotr the .1 nitr if '
Thi I'uhlif Hemrd, the new penny
.i;iT In Philadelphia, while main
taining complete independence of
parties, deals some telling blows at
existing abuses. 1'nder tho above
caption it has tho following editorial
Somo French Minister, Ilichelieii, if
we ren, ember right, used to give di
rections to his tux gatherers, when
they went out among tho people I"
gather llio revenues, "riot piucn me
gooso so closely as to make It squeak."
Apparently thero is no American fi
nancier, who has senso enough, or, if
ho has sense, w ho has strength enough,
to enforce such instructions on ourtux
gatherers. That patient goose, our
good public, does "squeak" most
plaintively under its taxes, and with
out relief. Yet, it is not so much the
closeness of the plucking as the man
ner of it, that makes tho American
public dissatisfied with tho operation
of tho revenue system. Wo have a
great debt, contracted in a long and
despcrato wnr. The people aro con
tent to pay that debt in any just and
proper way, and will maUo reasonable
sacrifices to that end ; but when they
soo, as they have seen for yeain, an
expensive machinery for the collection
on tho ono hand, nnd a multitude of
"itching palms," in those who run tho
machinery, on tho other hand, it is no
wonder that tho people complain.
Tho cuso may bo likened to somo of
thoso foreign charitable societies,
whose purposo is highly commendu
bio, and whose money, it' it over reach
es the beneficiaries, does a great deal
of good, but who yet lose in tho trans
mission so great a part of tho charity
through the percentages and salaries
of agents as to make the affair u doub
ly expensive one to Ihe charitable
givors. Nor is this all. Oilier ele
ments besides expensive muchinery
come in to diminish tho amount of
tho taxes wrung out of tho hard earn
ings of the people If any class of
officers should bo not only above the
charge of corruption, but above sus
picion of it, surely it should bo those
who assess and collect tho revenues.
Even the judicial olllccrs of tho gov
ernment ought not to bo more up
right, or incapublo of dishonesty.
And yet we habitually find revenuo
o nicer s distributed as the spoils or
party triumph to men whoso chi
recommendation is their past party
service. If our readers think wo over
state the evil, they havo only to
glance through the following official
table of moneys duo from a few of the '
ex collectors of the single Stato of
ew ioik. i ne lauio is tuKcn irnm
tho slatcment of the Secretary of the
Treasury, made pursuant to tho
House resolution demanding a return
ol tho amounts duo from collectors of
internal revenuo not now in office :
A. M. Wood
C. K. I'ratt
T. ('. C'allicoti...
II. Mi'Laughlin lacting)
J. F. Ilailry
Joarpb llmie
lwn J. Kirk
M. B. Field
M. II. lll.kf lllrl Irrm)
William lloanlmanH ,
Alrxantlrr Sjiftuldmg..
T. O'CallagtD
W. M.Hru
Jamm Ftirnvth
8. T. Hi-ha'np
T. R. Walker
It. II. Amy
Samuel P. Allen
J. II. Halilead
II. W. Ilairall
Miltnn Smith
. Kliook
jilting it
Ila.lllV ss
S2.73S t'j
j:i, s;
7si,so nn
44.IMI 2
42S.H61 05
SJ.SS4 Oil
Iil.'iK? 7
4:is,4.S4 311
7,S'.' 74
91 , Mis Ss
ion.::'- M
... 3.1.3 1 0 it
. U'.'.Ol'.l 07
?(1.7'.'.1 17
I27.IW7 49
Is.MJ s
.. 12.x(-l 90
1,042,303 71
Hero, then, wo have the amounts
still duo from gentlemen no longer in
office, in a singlo Slalo; and wo have
struck out, simply for llio purposo of
condensation and convenience, all
sums below $10,000, thus nintcrially
reducing tho size of fho list. In some
cu.'cs explanation is easy and satisfac
tory ; but, in muny others, tho gov
eminent will never see a dollar ol the
money wrunj,- out of tho people. Wo
nil know that Callicott is in tho Alba
ny Penitentiary strving out his term
for defrauding ihe government, nnd
that Huiley is a fugitive from justice.
Tho New York Sun, from whoe col
umns wo condense this list, adds :
"1 ho government has instituted le
gal proceedings against Collectors
Masten, llulstead and Van Voorhis,
for tho recovery of tho amounts set
opposite their names. Others have,
since their retirement from office, en
gaged in many unlucky speculations,
and therefore lost all their money."
Head tho whole sj-stcm of tax gather
ing in the light of theso official reve
lations, and snv it is any wonder that
tho taxed pullic complains of the
rough "plucking" it receives (mm tho
hands of tax-gatherers? Paying tax
es to decrenso the debt Is ono thing,
but paying taxes to lino tho pockets
of political adventurers is quite an
other. Ex Prf.ripfst Johnson and Fami
i.t A Republican paper at linox
villo, Tenn., referring to cx-Presidctit
Johnson says :
"Tho ex-President spends most of
his time in study. Ho writes a great
deal, and it is generally supposed that
no contempinies soon publishing a
bonk which shall be a defense of 'my
policy' and his administration. He
has somo visitors from a distance, and
during court sessions his house is
nearly filled from early morning till
night by his friends from tho com, try.
who think him tho greatest man of
tho age.
"Tho people of tho whole country
will bo interested in hearing some
thing of tho very estimnblo and pleas
ant Indies who did tho honors at the
White House with so much credit
during Mr. Johnson's administration.
Mrs. Stover, who made many friends
during her residence in Washington,
married a worthy merchant of Grcen
villo somo months ago. Sho is now
plain Mrs. Dromn, wife of tho village
merchant, but curries to her now
quiet home all tho modesty and dig
nity t lint graced tho Executive Man
sion. Mrs. Patterson is wilh her hus
band on the farm at Homo Station."
General Thomas, it is said, left on
estate valued at $10,000. If he hud
adopted Grant's plan of accepting all
Ihe presents that wero tendered him,
ho might have left a much larger es
tate. Hut ho preferred, (to his honor
bo it said) to let tho country know,
that he was not in Ihe "Gilt Enter
prise" business. Can't Grnnl do some
thing to insult tho relatives of Gcncr
ul Thomas on account of this pointed
rebuke ?
An Oliio nnmnn who killed horluis
buiiil lo vonrs Bjfo nn ss srnlcnc-oil
to nrisnn (iir life, snys slio is mlin
fii'(l slip did wronj;, nnd anU to roino
out. Rrsidon llml, she sayt it can'l do
lier Into liushnnd liny gi'wd to keep
her in there, nnd, lustly, ho tins got
anollicr clianee to MiAny.
A Wiseonfin luinhermnn lias teen
f xcilin llio entire Slnlo by urtlms
ing (5,000 bwl for bis n ilo.
Urn. Ittoltr "Jtr. fT.I.IU."
The King t Fran-a, W''h Ihoniaed B).a,
Mar-h.diiplhrhillendlhe n-wneg.ln.
Hut this v,it nothing to (Jf-rictiit
!...! J. II.
O'Neill's last invasion ol ('anuria. He
likewise marclud up the hill; but he
got into a fight, ttd while llm battle
was going on bo raino down on the
side ot tho hill, and, entering a house,
iierhans for some refreshment, was
claimed by the United States Mar
shal for tho District of Vermont us
his prisoner, tho Marshal nnd his dep
uty being on tho ground ami on tho
lookout for an overt act against our
neutrality laws. General George P.
Fosler, is tho namo of tho .Marshal.
"Sir, 1 shall resist your arrost," said
General O'Neill "It will be useless,
sir," said General Fosler. "But, air,
I am armed," said O'Neill. "So am I,"
said Foster. "John. open Ihntcarriuirn
door. Now, Mr. O'Neill (Mr. O'Neill
is good), get into that carriage or 1
will put yon in. I am going to take
you to St. Alhun right through the
midst of your men, and if you mko
tho slightest outcry I will shoot you
dead."" "Mr. O'Neill" snw that "tho
gamowasup," and so he aurrenderud,
obeyed Iho orders of his superior of
ficer, and was carried off, his unex
pected adventures at tho expenso of
tho United States culiiiinuling in the
Burlington jail.
Now, of ull tho practical jokes ever
played upon tho commander of any
army in tho crisis of u battle, this
joke upon O'Neill is tho funniest.
'That United States Marshal Foster
is not onlj- a trump, but ho is a wag ;
ho has not only tho coolness, tact a id
cou ru go of a first rato officer and ml
dicr, hut he has also a rein of wit and
humor thut would make him an tx
ccllent comedian. Tho rapture and
ubduction of "Mr. O'Neill" from his
army in the crisis of its first buttle,
bents any curious thing produced in
military soionco by Fox, of thoOlym
pin, or tho niggor minstrels. In point
of fun it beats tho surprise and flight
of Jack Falstutf from his highway
plunder. This remarkable capture,
however, of llio Fenian General cur
ries with it a good moral, and it is
this: when in command of an army
engaged in battlo on a hostilo frontier
outer no house for rest or refreshment
without first ascertaining who is in
side. ,V. Y. Herald.
What a Woman Thinks. There
is a woman out in Joliet wilh a few
emphatic ideas on tho topics which
agilutc tho bosoms of a portion of her
sex, and sho talks in this way : "1
f j t d t ' t believe in theso
jJllotionH. I ,,ro rai8t.d
now women
six boys
four of them voto now, and tho oth
ers will soon bo old enough. Then I
will have six voles. Now these good-for-nothing
women who have fooled
their timo away, nnd novcr raised a
single boy, come around and want
every woman to voto for herself. 1
uon i oenevo in aucn nonsense, I nave
i , . i ... . . , ,
raised my six boys, and 1 am enmg
to have overy ono vole for mo. Those
women who go lecturing around the
country instead of raising boys, have
no business to voto anyway. And
when they say that they are just as
good as I am, and have a right to vote
themselves, if they have no boys to
do so for them, it is not true. It they
aro as smart us I am, why did they
not raise somo boys to voto for them,
1 tell yon, I do not intend to bo cheat
ed out of tny six votes by any such
good-for-nothing folks. I guess that
tho world would coma to a pretty
pass, in going a mighty short timo, if
the women all took to going around
lecturing on wiinmiu's rights, instead
of raising boys."
Taiiiff. On tho subject ofTarriff
in tho west, tho St. Anthony's Falls
Democrat has tho following: "If ten
men wero to form a colony and settle
in Colorado; and somo wero rich and
some wero poor. If a tax was levied
on the property, then each man would
pay for tho support of tho govern
ment according to this means. But
if instead of laying a tax on the prop
erty. It were enacted that so many
cents should bo paid on every pound
of sugar, so many on evey vard of
cloth, so many ou every pound of salt;
then the workingman, who had not a
dollar in the world, would pay as
much os the man worth ten thousand.
So it is with the taiiff. It is a
schemo to get out of workingmcn
moro than their share of tho eeiiso
They must eat os well as Iho .rich.
They must be clothed. Hy taxing
articles of consumption instcid of
property, tho poor man is robbed
willioiit perceiving it. Undif the
plea of protection to homo industry,
tho operativo pays for tho fine road
over which tho manufacturer drives
his coach and four. When tho wnple
get their eyes open they will opm the
country to free trado.
Srnsiiii.s. Tho Sennto wmjt bill
prohibit ofllecr and olhurson t ie ac
tive nr retired list, from liol.linr civil
ofllcfl. We hope Unit t lie llnnsn maj
concur in this prohibition, t'n ll tlic
advent of Iladiciilism, I tic ilclnil iifj of
ollieers ol tho nrmy lor otlicnil civil
duty wiis Fcnrcely known in Ihe histo
ry of our povernnieiit. Kci "ihe
lute lamented" managed to pet along
without iiouig siirronncli'il iiy sipinj
ot mini's nnd Ktmps. It has hei'ii ro
served for the t-tolid (Irani to tnuke
innovntion on the honest prac tices of
hi predcceMr, employing a Jiriga
dier nnd one or two Coionila a Sco
returio nnd iislier, a Major to hirnil
bim a tiirnr, a Captain to light tfe
ume, a Lieutenant to carry out t ic
stumps, n Sergeant to band bim ljs
boots, ono Corporal to glove, bim, an
other to brush him, nnd A platoon of
the rnnk unit file, lo beur to Iho m1'
room some, of tho more cumhersono
receipt from the Croat Gift lCnkr
prise. For tho credit of tho nutii .
wo hnpo that this mililarj regime villi
bo nholished.
Iui! ion I lender any that negroe
shall not bo discharged from norviio.
hy Icniocrats, for ting tho Kiuli.itl
ticket. On the other hand, yet, th 'y
claim that Kaili'als have the rihl to
discharge w hito employee who vilo
tho leniocrntic tlTkct. l.alMiriiig rn 'n
will do well to mako a nolo of
"Allicrt niflinrdson Hopc-hor Cnlfitx,"
itccfinlinr ton World's C(irrpsp(iii,,M,'t,
is tho tiBiiio wliicli tho uiifiiriiiiuiio
son, recently born to tlio ci-SmiliT
Si'ltiij ler, is (loomed to wear through
lil'o. Wliylmvowo no law nnuimt
such licastly cruelly lo liclpless in
Cants f
In fiicelious ullusion to tlio manner
in which the money ws K"t Hint Imilt
the new house nr Omentl (Jarliclil
ail J Schenck, in Vshiiirtn u,0 one
is enllerl Tnnj;lefi.ot Tfrracfi and the
other Hot Gut I'iiI
Srimtor KovcIm (lisstiiminia Iho l
ort-ll ppotlte III I 10 lilSt. lis ian'l A
(mart rnoiKrh J '
Iht nMl,i l lnl'.mt.
Later returns from the Municipal
Elections In Virginia alter the munis
w,j, h wero first telegraphed some-
. .... .n.' .. . i
what. Ill llirlitnnnil ll.o Knilieuls
elect their Mayor by a majority of
three hundred, and the Conservatives
carry their Council Ticket ; this show s
a vast lulling oil in llio Ituilitai vote,
and a ureal Conservative train. Tho
Kniluals also carried the
Portsmouth anil Farnisvillo by small
majorities, whilo tho Conservatives
completely redeem Norfolk, Alexan
dria, Charlottesville, Danville, Staun
ton, Lynchburg and other prominent
cities and towns from negro rule.
That is suflicicnt to show that tho
Stuto ol Virginia is growing more
strongly Democralio every duy. Tho
Conservative majority at tho last
State election was huge but it will bo
vastly greater next timo. Again wo
say, count the whole South solidly
Democratic at all futuro elections;
because, it' such is the result in the
cities and large towns, where the
negroes have congregated, it will he
a very easy matter lor tho rural por
tions of the slalo to overwhelm Sam
bo and his carpet-bug ally at tho next
CoMlNO. The Philadelphia Age
says : "Tho Radiculs ol Now Orleans
aro endeavoring to forco negroes into
tho Public Schools of that city on a
full equality with whilo children, und
trouble, of a serious character, is an
ticipated. White men of this city
will soon havo to moet tho samo ques
tion faeo to face. Negroes will make
the demand, and" the politician will
submit in order to secure votes. If tho
Radicals ore continued in power, ne
gro equality, in its most offensive
form, will soon be established in our
It is snid that a Whilo Man's Par
ty is beini formed in Delaware, inde
pendent of the other two parties.
Many influential "republicans," un
willing to become the political part
ners of negroes, aro in tho movement.
An editor in Michigan offers a prcs
byterian Church and graveyard as a
premium to tho getter up of the larg
est club of subscribers for bis paper.
$iuv dwtisrmrntj.
KKTIHN MY H 4HM. Romeboify
brrntd a Mt of bamru from my ttalile
lam January, and If tbc part; it dona utitif tiifta
I will b obliged if tb' jLre rrhirnrxl.
ClearlVIr., June 1, INTO 3U
CAUTIOX,-Wherftai. mi wife, LVM A A ,
baa Irft nr twd and hoard without any juat
eauai or provocation. I thrrt-fnro herply warn
all persons atramtl (runtime heron bit aetMwnt,
ai 1 am d-tmnin4 to pnr no debit of her eon
tract .Of after tbtt data unlrM fnmpiMrd hr law.
Wallacrton, June 1, lfiJQ tpd.
CAI TIOK-AII peraont ara hereby warned
J agmnt purrhaxins; or In tny wt mfdilling
with a certain three vear-nld BHOW N VOW, now
in the pnaweatioB of Nirholan Hnnold.of Covinjr
ton town-hip, at tho Mine brlonr to me, and it
b-ft with bira on l"an onlr. antijeft to hit ordrr.
iliraril tnwmbip, June I, 11179 St.
1XI.C'i:TOR'tt Notice it here-
J J hy (ivcn that letters teftamentary baunf
hf-f-n granted to the ttiliaerilrr nn the eatate of
J os K I' 11 11.11 A 1 E K T Y, doceatf d, late of Jordan
township, Clearfield county, Pi-tinryh ania, all
peraoni indebtrj to aaid Mtate are reque'trd to
make imtnediat paTmi-tit, and thre bar in
olaima acainM the autne will p it pent them duly
authenticated for tcttlmif ut.
T. W. WISH, Eiocufor.
AntonTille, June I, lHTt Ct.
The trmlcrei jned hat eecnnd the aole right to
maniifwtura and aid) in thit enunty the
wtiteh it fatt PupercediDg every other match now
made. May be toaked in water f"r tii moniht
and will ignite at readily at ib.we krpt in a tare,
and are jmt at cheap at any ma te. Orders t (-licit
cd and promptly failed. Aladdnat it Luthrre
burg. t'learflild nuntj. Pa.
Saddle and EarneBS Manufacturer,
Latheraliurg, ClearfielJ cnuntv, Pa.
rilllK iuKaeriher rp.eelfutty Inriirnia lb eiti
I sen of tlrthlT aiid (lie etirrniimliiif Inwimkipa
lliat be it now ,rriart-U to furoib rterylbinic m
bia line al .Imrt tt'tliee anl ia a Workman-like
oiannrr. lie fluttera biuiaelf llial he can ileaar
bia eualnmera ia ptvle, quality and iiie. Call
at atamina Blork liefure pureliaamg clacwbcra.
l.ullieml.u-f. June I, IS70 If.
aww at THOMPSON A CO8. where
too can grt the btUt prirea fur all Produce, and
Good at rnrf at the nf:Arc(T bouae in the
poontj. They don't defy competition, but are
prrpa.fd to meet If. Thf y are constantly reoeir-
tnjr. O oodl from New York, Philadelphia and
Piifbtirith. CaJI an1 ec their Ooodt and prieej.
Cnrwentritlc, June I, l70 4t.
Inlon Township (nrdina; Mill.
TUF. aubftrrittrr would Itiform tlia fuitWe that
he hna n titled and put In li rut rate ordrr hit
Fulling Mill, and will aiiare no tiaitta to d lint
plum work and aonmmodat fain runtninrra. Jlr
mil rafrfiTB and dftiv-r wcrLly all Wool Irft at
tha atorrt of Mrtura. Mnanti and V. Kratir. in
t'lrarlirM, AM lullinr. iln-fin- ara inidhing of
Clotlii, Flannrli and ltlankiti innri tlr dona.
;f"Nu Wool will h rardrd aflrr the fnt of
S ptrtnitrr. Cunt.. mm will .ti-a rbcar tliii In
mnd. I'rrinjr t ma1r a pfrialiy. For further
ih form turn a-ldrrt lha nndrraignrd at !tnatii
V. O., Clrarflrld etmnlv, I'a.
y-t insi:rn n. akoi,i.
a m ? i". it r v phi srt sr. i k
Manufaohinr of Hlnt k and t'ol-rrd .'riMinir anil
l.tthotrrni'hir Ink. -rnihra. An., (irtTi JrrT
aiid Tliirt v-triirtl alrort, ItotiiniHin'ii Quick
I'rmr Ink, lor Ncw-tara and l'n-tni. Ilot.k
and I'amphM work. Hill and teller Salii, l anla.
(. irrulart, Hill of ran. Ac.
From i'atrrptiurff, Va., Tndt T.
Rnt?an'a rRixTCa h.a. In our alvrttinit
eolnmna will le ft'iind a ntimltnr of rxtrnrfs from (omhmrntinp tdr Printing Ink man
nfnHurrl al thf Uray Fi rry Trintinf Ink Worka,
rhiladi-li'hia, C, K. llolxnasin, proprietor. We
hare twn uinj tl.p inh i;ia:.ufjrtu;,M Rt tlirw
work for a J"r p"t. and it lini alvrnvn provnl
aatiffactorr. Mr. HtiV'.r..m uVwrvr the nifMnir
acTDH-nt at) I -al.nniifri nt the prrw. and of print
r ircnrrnltv, lr thr full. .wing Km and -iilficifnt
rratmna, rii: r irnt. Ilt wa the ftrat lo put down
the prior of printing ink to a rraiM.nnt.lo flcure. Thin ink rquiiln, if It dore not aurpa-i in
fjoalitr, that nf any otlirr manuta'-tiirrr, while hi
prifM a it bp l"W an any olhrr. Third. Mr. IUh
inriio in nnr of the mt plrarnnt and ociin.inn
datinjr ntlcmcn to rt. al with that we bare -yer
mrt with. It. nli hm nrwpnprr ink-, be ati
mantifanMirr- thr mom mirri(r aiul tl airalleqiiRli
tiee of Ji.b ink. hi hut uualitiot Irrtng aneiiM'lled
hy any other niiiiniU.-tun'd anvwhrrc.
From the Pliil ti-l-iirgT, !.. Journal.
Thin .-en of th" .I'oirnal ia printed with Irk
from the tiray'e Ferry I'rinlmf Ink M orkn, I'hila
dclphia, ami KroNtlr to our nati-tantion. ft inrpaM
an wr hae heretofore urd, II depn en the high
encomiumi "howrivd upon It by tbe prr.
IIOB AI K OH BI-.siTI-A Iwo .tori Store
ll"iip. with lar(re onr-Rtorr warerootn in rear,
ami Ji?!'!! feol ol gniund, ailuateon Hopond elnt.
1 Ilia pn,,ertv ie in good repair, and well aitiiati-d
fur a tiUPllir. atand. Fitr furtlier partleolani in
S'nrenf II. II. Ml LIM).
I learllelil. Ma. J.'., 1 170 2tn.
AT AM-.l.The onili riirnej and hi. wire
T aih to rnpare a. t links at aoine Log
HhatilT. Having txperirne in that line he ei
peet. to reniler aalinlartioa. Can I aiblrraeed al
Vallaoeton, I'a,
M it i i Ct
IfOU I.FThe nnder.ijned hn on hand
and for aale a ntimlirr of new WAiillNH, gut
up and nniihed in th. In elite. Will he eold
rraaonatilo. t all anil are.
Cleardeld. Va; IS. Is, (I t.
"larLet pneewill h. gitm
" '"'-'' f. KiiArr.LitA
nt Cctnlf (or ?.ilf.
Valuable Real Entato at Private Sale,
I k.l FAIlM anl IIMIIKU, MM', iluale
ip Tens tii"h't I'learfleM eoutilr. I'a., enntain
in t.VI Af'NI .K, svli-ininst UmU of I'xrlrk
I. .una nf! I'allT. Jamea II. la,k and ollierr T'l. farm i.
towns (II,. ..r ...,,...i.n . ...A d.rllin.
U.-1I-, larra barn, mil h'Hiw-F, on-tiard or ehinee
fiuil, and a ul frill nf qrear-faillnn wali-r on
Ilia preniiaei. A limit nitliin Iwn inilei.
IVul nf llie trod li lieaiilr liinln-reil, nliile Ihe
vli'.le It nnderlnid Willi a Tito tif will, h niu.t
ia a itmrl lime ba aounx of srrnt prufiL
No lietlar lnelniei,t enoM tia made, and no
(rat-l of Und in Ihe count; oltert f roalor facihliea
fur making money,
I'araona wlthiug In learn mora narttrvlari Is
rejrard to lerma. Ao., van eall on the preintM-a, nr
addrtaa ll,a undertigncd at 11reniian Ililla P. O.
Tenn Ip., Mareh .10, 1S70 .'Imp I.
T) V virtuo of an order limed out of lb Orhani'
1 1 Curt of ClearMd emmi)', I'a , on Iht mtaie
ul Jtinri A.ltmtiel, Utc of Hr'ir town tup, dre'd.
trier will im! tMpoied to l'ublio tiaiV, at Hcbin'i
Hotel, in Lulhtnlmrg, on
Saturday, the 4th day of June, 1870,
At 2 oVIot-k, ft. to., the following Real KU1r, iilu
U in l.rd towtiRbip, Cltirt.rU oouuly, 1'., and
drx-rilicd mt fullowi:
Ucffinmng at a pot, thene south 130 porchf'
along In fid of Klin Kilil to a ; thrno, uv land
nf Ilrnry Ilrhrwino snt (Ml rrlir to t pout;
th men, ity Innd of 1 horna Carnon, north 1IU
rorrhei to Klk wood; tlicnc, hy land of Jtibo
'oltrr, no parched, to place of beginning ou
tain i uK 4A surs and altowano.
tf'l KIIM.1 Cah on confirmation f aale.
Ha; II, 14:0 4!. Adiuiniflrator.
rilMK unrlrrrinr-d, K two for of the eatatc of
X "ujh ilcMulk-u, oflert at Private iSala
A Farm Containing 100 Acres,
More or Irft, tituate in Lawrenoa tnwnhip, aVtout
three milct (rom Clearfield, adjoining land of
Abraham Og.lcn, Joicph Watton, Orr, and othcrt
About 40 acrra ar under rultiration, with a log
fauuie and a (rood orchard thereon.
f9"Vmr further partiralar call opon the an
deriigued or addreai bim at Clearfield P. O,
April 27, 2m. Kswotor.
Valuable Real Eslato for Sale!
TIIIIK undrritued. reaidint in Tnion lownahip
J. Clearfield eounty. offer hit Farm for Rale. It
adjoiot land of Uollj.eter, Linrt and othrrt, and
Riily Utc of whirh arc improved and under jfood
euiiivaimn. ana the balance eotered with a bravy
(niwth of Pine, Oak and UeinliK-k timlrer. There
it erected tbfrefm a frame dwelling bouae, large
tiana barn and the otlirr DeeeaiaTV oatliuildinr,
Plenty of f i-.. tpriug water oa the prfuiiwt. for
further particular! call on tbc preui.eea or addreM
me uiKierairnea ai nockton I . it.
May 25 in . A. COt RTNKV
XL The nndeotfrncd nil! aell at Privata Fait
bti HoTie and Eot, tituate on Kocwnt ttraet, be
tween Third and Fourth ftreeta, in the borough
of Clraiflctd. The property It in food repair, and
ia a very detiralde location fur a retidcuoo. W ill
be told at a bargain. Term eaty.
VT Juat racaivrd and for pal. bj
SI 1.1 .!!.-Fonr new eoi.hii.ned FLKIiills
for aala or al
T from
AKIII M I.I)FRl;sll A (mon
th, riiiladrltihia llardena: alio. Ihe
wlebrated III IS K I'OTATOKS. for aale at Iba
lira, hlora or UAKTSWKK k I1IWI.N',, I'a.
""Ol ICK HaTinf purrbaeeil the interrat of
XI J. A. Iltallenuarfir, heq., ia lha bnatneaa
beretufnre carrMt on nndrr Ibe firm niar of J. A.
fllattenherrer A Co.. the ittne will h rrinilueted
hereafter omlrr the name of MfithannoQ Land and
I. oml,er 'ompaiT. (Store.)
II. H. 8Hll.LI.NiKORl), Jimx i.Awsnn,
wvJlf Trepidenl. (Irneral 8up'l.
(KOII-; AU m:Tl'l.lrb7nnJe7a:ned.
J hartnn rHir.,1 from Die merranMa hamepa.
take. thi. met boil of informing hit ),atronn that be
will I f.iuml at Ilea rail atan.l, ready to eloae up
and arttlo. Thoe having nnaeltleif a)reiunta wi 1
aaae tt Ihia nolioa rv-iwlfnl aftentton.
Clearn.ld, War IS, ISTO-dl.
l arner of Third and FmilU. IJ ftie
PllUbarg. Pa.
4: TO I. JOHNSTOW A FO, Projiritlora.
gl,A,v Ooixi'.
Corner of llarket and Front Plrroti,
C Irarflrld, Pa.
Thi mairnilloenl Hol.1 anlirelr new. eom
plete in all ita arpointmentp, and eouvemrnt Ia
the Court llonee. A fre Omnihu, ran, to and
Irom the Ilrput an the arrirwl anl depurtnre of
e.rh train. (.KdKliK I KX,
April 13. 1ST0. Tropnetor.
Removal I
I rr.-yidillv inform the I.a.hi-a of this plaoe
and rioimlT ttml lliry bae rriuut-4 thor l'rt.t
makma fnun iht rmimi nrrr II art
wick A Irwin lruf tn to fhone aHioininff thr
lUkrrr. and it litMral ahara of airoaare.
1'lrarMd, I'a.. May 2,.. Is7 tf.
n.EAnnsLi. ta.
-Fhon on Ilrti Ptrwt, near rrnnftUania
Kailniad dfpnt. nay iK. ft tf.
Extrar'ted wilh tbe nee of Ktritor Own Gs,
and 1nrai. Ai rnmrau. (the only hartnlrea and
efficient Aaa-nlhrticn now in one,) iiy
S. J. HUES, Surgeon Dentist,
W ho would herehy mortwrpeftfiillr rrtnrn hi
thanks fr thr literal patmnafawf iho paet. and
infimn Ibe public that he hnn rrwiitTwd hit .fhv
to the enmer of Pinta and Loruxt aTirwta, (c.yet
Jenkinn' aiore.) whrr hf In preparrd to mrire
hit ruptooirri io newly fitted up room", and d"
I tbiir work in tbe mot nkilirul ani workmanlike
i aiannrr. All work done In the latent and annul
I approved ntylea, and guaranteed.
Ir. lUyrn will be rnsijr d in bin office frnm
i the Inl to Ihe 2.1 d of each mnn'h. The balanor of
! each month he will npend in (Urn Dopa, Itumnidr
j and I.ulticrnt.urK, allernatily, I'artiva rnnuimg
1 at a dtntanre hiiild write to an pn-vioun of thnr
j romina;. tifllee bourn. From to 12 o'clock, a.
m and fnun 1 to b u'clock, p. m.
Wi ne none 1u( tba rery beat ajatrrial, and
: defy eonipmtion for Heauly, rheapneaa aad dura-
uinir. (live an a can.
Carwennville, J'a., Kay 2 I PT.
A I. O O N ,
la Loavy'a Jfew lluililing. (formerly oofupied h
Mr. Mitlaube.,)
J Dl KS. M TS. t'MAHS, Tl ill Afl'O, e,
A I. n, M1KS1I inSTKHS rroeiveil il.ilv, and
eerred up to pnit th. taate. of ruatoaiera.
HI l.l.l AHH HAUHlVon aeoondatnrr.
I" Ta tf D. K. Ft LI.KRTON.
Comer ol heeond and Market Streola,
t'l.l'.AKKII'.l.ll, VA.
rjTIH old aad pomnodloaa Hotel baa. dnrlng
I Ihe pait yeer, been tnlergad ta double In
former eapaeitj for tba entertainmett nf atraa
gera and gneita. Tba bl. ballJlng hat aoaa
reforniihed, and the proprietor will .pare an
palm u render bit gueata oomlortable while
eleylng with klaa.
tr- The "Mnnalwa Tlnaa." Oninlbna rnaa to
and from the DafMM g ae).l end departure
01 eeen ireia. VUli.M rorOHBBTT,
apre 70 U PrwawiMat
H. F. BKiIiKIl & CO.,
Alan. Manufartarnrinr
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
riiAiriiLn, r A.
llaraoi, Collari, !., for aala hj
II F. niOI.KU -
lef Haj Forki, for lala b
II. K. Blfil.EIl 4
Kalli, sic., for nl by
Findinga, for lala bj
II. F. BIOl.F.R t CO.
For lala by
Biiai, for aala by
For aala bj
KAILS, for aala j
And baat Uanvfaetora, for ami, b
BOXES, for aala bj
RODDER CUTTERS for sale by
bcbMTO n. F. BIGLER 4 CO.
quimi;tiiing xew agaixi
Wlihaa to inform bia old Iriendi atd Iba pnblle
lanarallr that fa, baa ofaoad u B Bf
Drug, Confectionerj &, Tobacco Store,
la bia old itand, oppottla tba Coart llooaa,
Hit itotk 1. all new, frerb and of tba rery baat
oualltr, and will ba told abaa for CA.' II or
approved Coonfrj Frodaeo.
If n wanl pora frofi tad Uedlciata,
Oo lo WATSON'r).
If job want Ccnfartioaeriaa, Canned Fraita,
I'lrkl.a and JaMiaa, Nuu. Ao., ia.,
If Toa want tba beat Itoaalad C ffea, Eeuneo af
Coffaa, Fplea, of all binda, rb.ap,
If too wanl Kaner A Toilet S.apt, Flaroriog
Eitrarta, le., it , be tore to
If job want Fanej Dra Colore, Clark a beat Mt
ebino Thread, Tim, vedlra A Kotiona,
Cbeweri and Eaaobera, If Jon want the baat la
tbe aaarket.
Day at W ATSON'S,
where 70a oaa get Fipaa 4 Pipe Futorea.
If job went lo get eleer of toar ataaipa,
Coae ta WATSON'S.
If tob waai ao epead a few hoar, of bb eveniaf
wllb joar frienda, en me ta WATFON'S old
eland, wbero yoa eaa erark Bala and oat jokoa
aatil 9 o'olork, a ai. April 11. HT0
Eighty Six Thousand, .Si ren Hundred
and Kighty-One Machines Made
and Sold the rast Year! I
Thil a an, bar wWi hy faemmnit tht calai of
any other Machine, and tba demand ia still
tacraailBg !
Are bow being naUa aad laid !
Beceaee It eaibndire eeeantial nrlneiplea not
foand la nor other Iferbine; beoaaae of ita
lie ilirit of ooBMrartioa, eaaa of rperation,
nniforBitj of prociaa aetloa at anj fpeed, and
eafiaeilj for tba froatoet range aad tarletr of
wotk, flaa or eraraa.
Partlre wltblog to non-hare aboald not f.ll
to alanine Ibia beat of all Sewing Starbinee.
I bare Ui agenaj for tbie Maeblna, aad will
keen a fall inpi'lj oa baad.
J. 8. FnOTEBS,
Wa. d, Uro tf. riearbaid, Pa.
H A It It 1. 1: WOltliS,
ATI ALL end aoc Hie new MARBLE WORKS,
on Market ttrwl, opp.fite the Jail.
of new and beautiful deiigna.
All of which will be eold at city price, ar !.' per
ernt. Irat than any other eMahli.hmrnt la thit
county. Patitfactioa guaranteed ia all run.
1 1. 1 i r ,i . . . . .
: ,k . ' promptly
in tbc heal workman like manner.
Jr K. Waraos, Agent. mrll l
KlVAi;i) PERKS k CO.,
Flour laiiiifiiHurcrH,
And Dealer, ia
riiiLirsni Ro, pa.
Fi l l. MTPI.T of FLO! R. WilKiT
COII N and CIHIP oomtanCr oa band anil
lor aale at raleo remaikalilr low. Ifiht-tt
, J. IIAVKS, Carwaa.Tllla, Pa.
I A H 1 R ON E X F A Ml I N H C I LT I V A TO H.V.
At Juat roeaired aad ror rale ho
1 ' l. P. BlULkB 4 CO.
Vhilad(lihla lXdvrrltsrmrtt
S I:'AA0 K, STADrru
f0vAT(ni;s & nun
W a No. 141 Korlh ee -)nw
Ctner of Quiirr P II I f, M t: ;t
An enment of Watf lie. Jt we'rt, s,;t,
I'l.ted ara eoniisiilJy on band. 1
Hepairii g of W an hn and Ji ,hj ,t
all' l lo.
H. rilberman. - II. Riumger. . ll.iy
IMI'ORTi ail 110 JflfeHKHI or
13 .fori A t'ourlh Street,
mylt PIIII.AI)l:l PIIIA. ,
W. W. rACLe.M W..D. I (
hi nvn 01 si:,
tii Market ft. 4 a It Conmerca "t aUre Su
i. noLLowai'iH b. airier, (
Blank Book Manufacture
3m Jiarkrt SI., Philadelphia
feavrnjior Flour Raeka and Tlagi. Tx, .
Ittrr, Nou, Wrappiug, Cartaio arid I,
Sic 31 Houtb Third Htreel, PUIIaJelpb.
a 1 r 1 r ...
Ana ueaiers in uovernmeni secunt-eij
At'tiHcation by mail will rrceiye prompt ttf j
tion, and a!) information turn.ih I
Unlrri aulicited. prll u
No. 17 N. Fifth 6L and did Coraoiene,
' And Commission Merchants,
roa tea bilb or
Wool. Otoaaag, Far Skina, Foatbera, Leitb,
Flal Saod. lined Fraita, Cloaor Head. ko,iu,
Dear rkint. Bauer, Beeiwai, gbeep
bkioa, Evgi, ie a., Ae.
Waeklj Prieoeorrent forwarded oa reoutn.
Jaaa II. Ira It pd
tUrrrhant Tailoi5.
Market sitrrct, Clearfield. Pa.
IWOrt.D ra.poolfallr Uforaa law oHitrm .
Clearfield eoanty that baring awrebae.d ti
lotareat and ellnatioa of E. R. L. ua'btn. :
arc bow prepared 10 asaao op. b ba noat fi,i
lonable ananner. aad awl of tba beat on.teru
all kinde af Clothing lb at eattoBera Ba ieur
I hare alwaji oa katd
Cbths, Doc&kini and Cassimeres,
From wbK-b tartoBtenraa Bake Ibeiraalectib&i
One doer eait of tbe PottoSea.
Clearfield, April ta, l7i If.
(Store one door oaat of Clearfield Biaae,)
Market Mreet, Clearfield, Pa.
KEEPS oa band a full areortaeate of Gaat
Faralihlng Oooda. aaek aa Kkiraa, Lian
and Wooloa laderabirta, Irrewere aad Soei,
Ne-k.tiae, Poeket Hendkerfbi.fe, Olorea. Ilau
I aibnllee, Ae., ia groat aenetj. Of Pieei
Qooda be keepa too
Best Cloths of all "Shades and Colors,'
?arb aa Clark of tbe rtry beet aiake
Faoejr Caeaitaera, la groat ranelt, alao. Free -I
Coaling. Bearer. Pilot. Cbinrbilla, and Fneot
orarroating. All of wbicb will ba eold ehe.f for
laab, and nada ap aeeordiag ta tba laleat aljloa
by eiporieaeed workajea.
Alao, Agent for Clearfield eoanty for I. VI
i-mirer u a. eeieoratea Rawing Marbinea
No. 1
(? durational.
fpill STUMER TKRM ot twrnla two wtela.
O. win onwimeano alo.1aj, Mar , isrn.
A IViniarr drpartmrat will no added lo Iba
School tbia fall : for abirk Ibe aerrieoeofe eota
JM't.nt InatraiMor bare been engaged. And na
effort will be .pared to render tbia dcpartaieBt
ii ..Live inn inmrooore.
Rrading. OrlbograpbT, Writing. Ol.jt hn.
anna, Primarr Arithmetie and Frimarr
HeograpbT, frt balf term, (of elerea
IS t
iiiaifirr, iwal and rtrerriptire tieograph.
witb Map Drawing, (inuaaiar, ktenlal
ant Written Anlbaiftie. , g
Alcebra and the Srrare. a a
In.trociioa la iaatruaieBtai maeir if as
oil painting M , u aa
Wat wnrk g tH
ror mil partirulari mnd for Circular.
ClrarSild, Aug. I., ledtl-pd.
Rev. P. L Harrison. A. M., Principal.
rI111K FOl Rfll crccinr.,,!,..,...,..!,
X laiVr ve.rof tbie laatilotioa willpowaeaea
oa MuNDAV, Ibe I..tb da; of April. ls;.
Popilaraa enteral an. time. Ibe. will bo
eborged witb toitioa rroai Iba time Ibej aaier ta
tbe cluae af the Peeaioa.
1 be enure, of Inelmrtioa embraceo aaeti iblrg
Included la a iborou-h. practical aad Boecaa
ph.bed education for both eeiae.
Tba Priaripal. having had tba ad.aatage af
mark eap.riace la bia prof.aaioa, aaaurea pa
rent, and guard ana thai bit entire ahllitt aad
vn.rire wu, oe nevote to tie moral aad araa
tal training of Ihe youth placed under bia charge,
1IH (lr II llltiai
Ortbognph., Reading. Writing, and Primary
Alitbmetic, par r-rteion ( II wooki) . lift
uraanaiar, brngrapr.;, Aritlmrtit, aad
Hi-turj . - . . . . t It
Algebra, OeometrT. Trigonometry, afrB
auraiion, 8ar.eyieg. Philaaophy. Fhtal.
ology. Chetvi.try, Hook keeping. Botany
and Pbyriral Ueography . . . $ (
Latin. (Jreek and F reach, wllb Bay of tbe
above llranrree . .je gg
MI'SIC Piaao ( le.aona) . . .!
s-No drductioa ail! ka made for ab.eoco.
plzt further partirulara Inquire of
Ree. p. L. UAKMlStlN. A. M.,
Feb. I. ISTO. if. Principal.
3Tew rntttnrt !
Jl i"i ""or lor aale Town Loli ia tbe bor-
,lk , ,.. nrl.,j ,,,, p. . ,
b ia t,. anil purcliaacr. outeol. tha lioiit. f ...A
jborouph. l.ccola ia uluatrd on th. MunI.enBi-n
.7rk: "" 'th portloa of tbe eo.nir of
I IcarBeW. on Ibe line of the Tyrone A Clearfield
II ailrnad, where Ihe Morhannoa and Beererton
branch made interject. It alao In the hit ot
the Mn.hannou coal baain. and large loil,ea of
while pine, hemlock, oak. and olher limber ear.
round it One of Ihe large.t l.n,h-e manatactur.
ing o.tatl,bm.nta ,a Iba State ta located ta tho
town, whilo there arc many other lumber and
ubinjtle mill, around iu The Iowa ia bul ee -ca
year. old. and ooataiai a population of one lion,
.and inhabitant.,
s"For further Infonuatioa apply at the emcB
ol ihe abort eoaipetiv.
John lawshr.
apt 14 Huparinteudent.
Al AKTI'.n One good M.ACKSM1TII an
M one man to work in woodmaetng flledu,
Wagowa, Slump Maihinre. Aa. Single men ar
men wita-.mall famihei. AppW to
analStf Jrfr.raon Line, CWneld eownty. Pa
U I m. Ilomlncw. Hahhell'a. Draae'e
lloofland'a Hernia. Ho.tetter'a and tlrocnew
Oiyrenatod Riit.ra i alao para l.iou.ra, af ail
klado for icadioiaol rornoM.. for aala h.